"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 July 2009

July 4th weekend review:

Saturday – 4th July’09

Sunday – 5 July

Monday – 6 July

And week review

North Korea Test-Fires Seven Missiles, Drawing Condemnation - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Colorado company offers banana coffins

Powerful sedative found in Michael Jackson's home

Iraq tells US not to interfere in internal political affairs

Biden Says Violence May Cause Disengagement From Iraq - Bloomberg.com

Property Tax Appeals Take Toll on Governments - NYTimes.com

Palin resigning as Alaska governor on July 26

Former NFL quarterback McNair killed in Tennessee

My Way News - SKorea says NKorean missiles can hit key targets

My Way News - Coroner: Teen 5th killed by apparent serial killer

My Way News - Colin Powell worries Obama tackling too much

Russia calls on U.S. to compromise on missile defense | Reuters

Marion man already driving around with Sarah Palin 2012 poster | GazetteOnline.com - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

Bridge Collapses In Merrillville Indiana After Fireworks Show - cbs2chicago.com

Honduran control tower warns off Zelaya plane | U.S. | Reuters

The Associated Press: Obama and networks: a symbiotic relationship

BBC NEWS | Americas | Zelaya's jet blocked in Honduras

US manned space flight in doubt 40 years after moon walk

Deadly Disney Crash Investigated - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

transcripts : Obama's Weekly Address: Independence Day

transcripts : Sen. McCain Delivers Weekly GOP Address

transcripts : Interview with Colin Powell

*transcripts : Guests: Adm. Mullen, Senators Schumer and Grassley

*transcripts : Guests: Lt. Gov. Parnell; Leaders Hoyer & Boehner

transcripts : Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

TheHill.com - Gibbs: 'Stimulus plan is working' despite job losses

Barney Frank: Let's spend TARP profits before taxpayers can get them | Washington Examiner

Newsmax.com - British Government: We Didn't Consult U.S. on Michael Savage Exclusion

My Way News - Biden: `We misread how bad the economy was'


Iranian hardliners poised for revenge on dissenters | U.S. | Reuters

Obama's trip: A mission to reshape US image

Islam investigator ejected from D.C. Muslim conference

Tea partiers counterattack 'bad guys on bad mission'




Bernard Madoff hires help to survive hard time - Times Online

Former Defense Secretary McNamara is dead - More politics- msnbc.com

Former D.C. Mayor Barry charged with stalking - Los Angeles Times

Analysis: Once Again, the Enigma That Is Sarah Palin Plays It by Her Rules - washingtonpost.com

Who Lincoln Was

Op-Ed Columnist - Chinese Fireworks Display - NYTimes.com

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Is Palin’s national political career over?

How Palin's Resignation Makes Her the True Frontrunner - The Daily Beast

The 2012 Campaign Begins

Harsanyi: Welcome to the "hope" economy - The Denver Post

Jobs Report Sign of Deeper Economic Trouble | The Progressive

The shining light of our national proposition - Los Angeles Times

Missing the "freedom agenda" on the Fourth of July By Kori Schake | Shadow Government

FT.com / Columnists / Christopher Caldwell - A test of legal logic for US civil rights

Sarah Palin resignation splits Republicans - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Sarah Palin's bizarre bombshell | James Antle | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

An '09 declaration of reasons for celebration | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

No holiday from taxes - BostonHerald.com

Palin's strange path

CQ Politics | Both Parties Try to Cash In on Passage of Climate Change Bill

Obama Urges Groups to Stop Attacks

Hospitals nearing a deal with White House - Carrie Budoff Brown and Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

The Fourth of July The Founders' vision meets a rowdy, freebooting spirit.

Palin decision mystifies some, thrills others: Gov. Sarah Palin | adn.com

Political Memo - If White House Is Her Goal, Palin’s Route Is Risky - NYTimes.com

The Last Culture Warrior - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - The New America

Healthy examples: Plenty of countries get healthcare right - The Boston Globe

The painful side effects of Obama's healthcare reform - Los Angeles Times

Washington Democrats try to bail out Chris Dodd - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Bernie Madoff Is No John Dillinger - NYTimes.com

Commentary » Blog Archive » Obama Has Gotten It Wrong for Twenty-Five Years

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - U.S.-Russia 'Reset' Won't Do Much

Iran's British stooges are staring right at you | Dominic Lawson - Times Online

RealClearPolitics - U.S. Needs to Sort Out Its Foreign Policy Priorities

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Bailout, Palin-Style

Obama saving the dinosaurs | obama, destruction, unions, government, new - Opinion - OCRegister.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Can I Clean Your Clock? - NYTimes.com

Green nonsense

'Sesame Street' holds key to health care - Salt Lake Tribune

Medicare’s Mixed Legacy - NYTimes.com


Healthier bill: New version of health care legislation costs less, covers more people | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Cap and trade or Smoot-Hawley? - The Denver Post

Reborn on the 4th of July: Statue of Liberty is open to the world once again

TheHill.com - Lt. Gov. Parnell defends Palin's resignation

On the Hill - Boehner Reaches Into Bag of Tricks to Disrupt Democrats - NYTimes.com

CQ Politics | Many Vulnerable Lawmakers Vote Independent Line in House

Flag Waving Is Not My Kind of Patriotism by Robert Higgs

Green Shoots and Greenbacks by Gary North

Should the Church Wave the Flag? by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Separating the State from the Church by Laurence M. Vance

Independence and Liberty by Anthony Gregory

Remarks to the WNY Tea Party on July 4th by James Ostrowski

Biden: U.S. will not block Israeli strike on Iran

Obama supports limiting presidents to 8 years

Holder 'conflict' cited in eligibility case

Islam investigator ejected from D.C. Muslim conference

Biden: U.S. will not block Israeli strike on Iran

The late great United States

Michael Jackson, Sidney Poitier and Judge Sotomayor

If you can keep it

Warning: American Gestapo ahead

The departure of 2 icons

When color trumps Christianity


Jihad sites hail vote to celebrate Islam in schools

U.S. 'partner' warns Mideast: Don't deal with Israel

Physician: Jackson demanded surgical sleeping gas

Texas trying to save 'NAFTA Superhighway'?

Americans United accused of covering tracks

Why a Bill of Rights?

The Big 60: Use it or lose it!

None dare call it Marxism

Why I'm having tea in Boiling Springs

Hands off Honduras!

Conservatism for dummies

North Korea threatens foreign Christians

Holder 'conflict' cited in eligibility case

It's witchcraft! Harry Potter pushing same-sex marriage

Private lawyers to defend California constitution

Holder: 'Gays' protected, ministers not

See how many support prez eligibility bill now

Holder flubs reasons 'hate crimes' needed

For 6th time, eBay 'birth certificate' seller erased

'Citizen grand jury' organizers deliver accusations

Al-Qaida-linked thugs now executing children

archive: American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse

Paying college tuition with credit card gets costlier - USATODAY.com

Make purchases without cash - Jun. 25, 2009

Moonwalking with Faber - Markets & Regulation - www.AsianInvestor.net - The network for Asian investment management in Asia Pacific

Washington Post cancels lobbyist event amid uproar - Mike Allen and Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

*'This Week' Transcript: EXCLUSIVE: Vice President Joe Biden - ABC News

RealClearPolitics - Video - "FOX News Sunday" Panel On Sarah Palin

RealClearPolitics - Video - "This Week" Roundtable On Sarah Palin's "Bombshell"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Politico's Allen: Palin's Decision Was Very "Erratic"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Kristol: Palin "Crazy Like a Fox"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Andrea Mitchell: Sources Say Palin "Has Had It" With Politics

RealClearPolitics - Video - Scarborough Analyzes Palin's Resignation

RealClearPolitics - Video - "Special Report" Panel On Palin's Resignation

07-05-2009: US lurching towards 'debt explosion' with long-term interest rates on course to double

07-05-2009: UK spy chief's family details posted on Facebook

07-05-2009: Calls grow to supplant dollar as global currency

07-05-2009: Bill banning forced identity-chip implants clears House

07-05-2009: Flood of Afghan heroin fuels drug plague in Russia

07-05-2009: Experts Call For Diversified Reserve Currency Prior To G8

07-05-2009: Ghost In The Machine

Victims Relatives Call For Proper 7/7 Bombing Inquiry

India Joins Russia And China In Questioning U.S. Dollar Dominance

07-04-2009: Georgia freemasons at loggerheads over admission of black man to lodge

07-04-2009: Items gone from Nat'l Archives; Irreplaceable historical documents, computerized records lost or stolen.

07-04-2009: Rising Debt Might Be Next Crisis

07-03-2009: Washington Post Abandons Offer To Sell Access To Obama Administration Officials

07-03-2009: Senate Bill Will Fine Those Refusing Health Coverage

07-03-2009: The Launching of U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM). Offensive Operations in Cyberspace

07-03-2009: WHO, Poor Countries Urge Global Access To Swine Flu Vaccine

North American Integration: Deep Rooted Agenda Continues

Rolling Stone Magazine: The Great American Bubble Machine

07-03-2009: Big Brother Is Watching - The Technologies That Keep Track Of You

07-03-2009: Alex Jones Proves Again That He Worships Federal Reserve Notes

Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F since Gore released 'An Inconvenient Truth'

China 2009 = America 2001 = Rome 11 BC?

US Paid Afghan Militants via the CIA for Attacks in Iraq (More False Flag Terror)

War Criminal And Vietnam War Architect Robert McNamara Passes Away AT 93

US Special Forces briefing to Congressman Miller exposes involvement in 19 Latin American countries during 2009 including Honduras

Honduras says Nicaragua has troops moving on border

McKinney released, returning to United States

Honduras Coup General Was Charged in 1993 Auto Theft Ring

Flash Back: Afghan Drug Trade: “Most of the government officials are involved.”

Related: U.S.-built bridge is windfall — for illegal Afghan drug trade

Related: Flood of Afghan Heroin Fuels Drug Plague in Russia

The Bigger Story Behind Michael Scheur's Wish for an Attack on America

Video: Pentagon’s Robo-Hummingbird Flies Like the Real Thing

The American Clean Energy and Security Act = Government Energy Audit Required to Sell Your Home

Iran: Much Ado About Nothing?

A Few Facts About the Honduran Military Coup

John Pilger on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the Corporate Media, Obama’s Wars and Resisting the American Empire

Its Not Just Our 21 Kidnapped Passengers

What if the Uighurs were Christian Rather than Muslim?

Untold Truths About the American Revolution

Obama Takes Bush’s Plutocratic-Socialism to the Next Level

No Evidence Iran Seeks Nuclear Arms: New IAEA Head

Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show - July 1, 2009

US Government Poisoning Soldiers with Secret Vaccinations

Obama Stabs Supporters In The Back, Breaks Promise Not To Issue Presidential Signing Statements

The Emperor's Seven Signing Statements

Media and The CIA Predict The Next American Revolution, Rebellion and Resistance by 2014

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade

video - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Energy Bill Text Says It Will Cost Americans Money; Targets Help Only to Low-Income Families

Campaign Asks Congress to ‘Pledge to Read’ Bills Before Voting on Them

Unemployment Worse with Stimulus than Without

Homicide Victim Steve McNair Leaves Behind Wife and Four Sons

We Are the Authentic Representatives of the People, Says Honduras’ Interim Leader

Obama, Medvedev Agree to Pursue Nuclear Reduction

Bread and Circuses: America's Cult of Celebrity

Top Military Man Advises 'Measured' Approach to Policy on Homosexuals

‘Next Three Months Critical for Obama Presidency,' AP Says

VIDEO: Money Creation. The Role of the Rothchilds

VIDEO: Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in the USA

VIDEO: Former General of all American Intelligence: An Aircraft did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11

Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead


Whose Country is it anyway? A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America

"Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire"

Where is Bin Laden?

Battling Neoliberal Urbanism

Banks own the US government

Welcome to Obamacare Theater

Why Jerusalem? -- Israel’s hidden agenda

Venezuela & Iran: Whither the revolutions?

The big whorehouse on the Potomac

China says 140 dead in Xinjiang riot, blames separatists - Yahoo! News

New York Congressman Blasts Jackson as 'Pervert, Low-Life' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Secret agents force Spanish spy chief to quit | World news | guardian.co.uk

Who Rules The World? - Part 1

Strange Martial Law via Food Control: HR 2749 | Farm Wars

savethemales.ca - Was Michael Jackson another Illuminati Slave?

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough | Science | The Observer

How computers can harm your children's future... by damaging their brains | Mail Online

Conspiracy fever: As rumours swell that the government staged 7/7, victims' relatives call for a proper inquiry | Mail Online

Global blacklist plan to ground unsafe planes | World news | The Observer

Historian - ‘Did Hitler Have Reason To Hate The Jews?’ | Real Zionist News

CQ Politics | SpyTalk - AIPAC Spy Figure Larry Franklin Describes Mafia-Style Murder Threat

Tomgram: Dahr Jamail, A Secret History of Dissent in the All-Volunteer Military

MI6 chief blows his cover as wife's Facebook account reveals family holidays, showbiz friends and links to David Irving | Mail Online

The Radical Press » Blog Archive » The Seven Pillars Of Zionist Subterfuge by Arthur Topham

US manned space flight in doubt 40 years after moon walk

DEBKAfile - Israeli sub said armed with nuclear-capable torpedoes navigates Suez Canal

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you - Telegraph

Buzz Aldrin calls for manned flight to Mars to overcome global problems - Telegraph

Bugs! The critters eating America's forests - Americas, World - The Independent

Top 10 Greatest Explosions Ever | LiveScience

The children who survive plane crashes - Telegraph

video - Vaccine created illnesses

Major Outage at Seattle Data Center « Data Center Knowledge

YouTube - Poison Rains Infect Small Town

YouTube - huge explosions

YouTube - General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud!

YouTube - Sen. Inhofe On Global Warming: 'This Thing Is Phony'

savethemales.ca - Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence

Breaking News -- Homeland Security and US Army Plan Invasion of States

YouTube - Cynthia McKinney calls WBAIX from Israeli prison

The Associated Press: Obama consults experts on 1976 swine flu outbreak

A List of Corporate Lobbying by Jill Richardson


Mystery widens in case of ‘CIA operative’ gunned down by police | TOP STORIES | KHOU.com | News for Houston, Texas

Andrew Cockburn: The Wall Street White House

Make No Mistake - America Has Been SOLD By The NWO

The Great American Bubble Machine : Rolling Stone

Cap And Trade - Bad Medicine For A Sick Economy

Consumerist - Top 10 Ironic Ads From History - History

Under Cap and Trade you must "retrofit" your home or you can't sell (goodbye real estate market)

My Way News - Republican: Sotomayor had ties to extreme group

Challenger Revealed

Investigative reporter offers murder theory over death of Jörg Haider - Times Online

Whose Country is it anyway? A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America

Hepatitis C-Infected Hospital Worker Kristen Parker May Have Put 6,000 Patients At Risk - cbs4.com

Sex and the modern girl: Are we witnessing a new age of female sexual assertiveness? - Men & Women, Love & Sex - The Independent

It's All Illegal

Mythbusters Misrepresenting Destructive Power Of Thermite

"Does using a mobile phone send you mad?"

YouTube - Human Rights Commission Horror Stories - Steven Boissoin

YouTube - Cynthia McKinney - Prisoner 88794 call Day 2 from Prison

YouTube - Joker Says, YOU ARE OUT OF TIME

YouTube - Roland Carnaby CIA agent killed, the man who knew too much

Goon Squad: A video dedicated to the world's two biggest terrorist states; Israel and her colony, the USA

Democratic Underground - An H2O 4th of July Picnic - Democratic Underground

Rare copy of United States Declaration of Independence found in Kew - Telegraph

CNSNews.com - Democrats’ Cap-and-Trade Bill Creates ‘Retrofit’ Policy for Homes and Businesses

**Four Years Ago: THE LONDON 7/7 BOMBINGS

**StumbleUpon WebToolbar - Password Recovery Speeds

North American Integration: Deep-Rooted Agenda Continues | Dana Gabriel

Russian spacecraft landed on moon hours before Americans - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » A compilation of Ben Bernake

Dick Cheney´s nuclear threat in 2003 « Time to Think

Nancy Levant -- Was America Sold?

Celebrate Independence Day by Donating to Adam Kokesh - Endorsed by Ron Paul & Guaranteed to Shake Things Up in Congress 2010, Ousting Ben Ray Lujan (Voted YES on Cap and Trade, NO on HR 1207) | bytestyle.tv

America's Birthday: Facts and Fallacies

***4th of July***

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The real Barack Obama at AIPAC

Salt water caverns may be 'beneath surface of Saturn moon - Telegraph

Former IDF Captain: Obama will act as a “slave” to Israel, AIPAC

Reflections in a Petri Dish: Zionism; a Psychopathic Cancer of the Soul.

A Carter déjà vu?

Hunting donkeys

10 items for health care legislation

Irrational finance

'Frankenstein' of all health care reforms

Christians plan assault on 'liberal stronghold'

Way to go, Sarah!

Ridiculous - Buzz Aldrin On Space Exploration And Rapping With Snoop Dogg

07-06-2009: Alex Jones' latest publicity stunt

07-06-2009: OAS Expels Honduras After Military Coup

07-06-2009: Series Of Triple Eclipses To Occur This Year

07-06-2009: More Than 140 Dead in Clashes in China's Xinjiang Province

07-06-2009: Oldest Bible Made Whole Again Online

Payrolls Fall More Than Forecast, Unemployment

Darpa’s Handheld Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Social Networking: Can't Live Without It

Understanding Legislative Corruption

Ditch the Liar's Law. Any Questions?

CONTROLLING medical nanorobots.

Health industry lobby buys 350 former government officials

Fox News Contributor Rips Into Palin: "The Woman Is Inarticulate, Undereducated" (VIDEO)

Eileen McMenamin: A VIP Seat to History: Photographer David Hume Kennerly

James M. Lynch: Complaining About Complaining

Slavery apology resolution passes U.S. Senate

The Fog of Robert McNamara

Revising the American Revolution

RIGHTS: Muslims Under Scrutiny Despite Waning of 'Terror War'

Italian Scientists Build Real Life "Wall-E"

Franken in Washington, says he's ready to work

Debbie Rowe confirmed to attend Jackson memorial

Man shot in robbery may be serial killer

LAPD Detective Pleads Not Guilty to 1986 Murder

China says 156 killed, 828 hurt in riots

Michael Jackson's Mother Loses Control of Estate

Cop: Suspect Laughed about Cat Murders

The Life of James W. Von Brunn

New Rules on Stem-Cell Research Announced

Judge: Jackson's lawyer to take over estate

Taliban Confirms Capture of U.S. Soldier

Same-sex unions a challenge for Census

Theory of Stupidivity: Your Guarantee of Cybersecurity Failure

News - World: 'Dark clouds of nuclear war' in North Korea

NKorean Rocket Capable of Hitting Half the U.S: Scientists

America is Vulnerable to An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack - HUMAN EVENTS

Homeland Security and U.S. Army Plan Invasion of States

Devil inside: Identifying the Demonic Archetype

Paul Proctor -- When "Gods" Die

New Radar Aims to Detect Illegal Tunnels on U.S. Border | LiveScience

What Is the Group of Eight?

My Way News - Palin takes to Web for hints of political future

Beverly Hills Courier: 65-Year-Old Woman Faces Jail Time For Feeding Cats

Capping and Trading Away Our Jobs

Cap and Trade: The Big Con

US Patriotism vs. Liberal Solidarity

Imagine a World without the Islamic Republic

A Cure for Racism in America: Seeing People as Individuals

The Fair Price of Civilization?

Obama's Demagoguery

Let's cap and trade oxygen!

Constitution apparently declared optional by Obama administration

Obama's security reduction mission to Russia

Obama: 'I am not naïve'

Obama. the Radical Son

Samuelson on Obama's health care plan: 'Naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest'

Keeping taxpayers in the dark about underfunded public pensions

Saudis OK Israeli Overflights?

Lawmakers Billing Taxpayers

Thoughts on Independence: Conservative and Libertarian

North American Integration: Deep-Rooted Agenda Continues

As 'Tea Parties' lose steam, fringe conspiracists step up to the fore

Fox News Sunday: Boehner Brags About Job Creation; Too Bad Facts Get In The Way

The End of An Era? New Finance Regulations Weighted Against 'Too Big to Fail'

Silence Isn't Golden: Keep Demanding Healthcare. Loudly.

Huckabee: What's the Difference Between a Massacre and a Battle? Guns

Colin Powell: The GOP Still Has a Problem With Racism

Serial Killer in South Carolina

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Broder; Says Sanford Critics Should MYOB

Teachers Discover There's No Such Thing As A Recession-Proof Job

Krugman Says Al Franken's Big Secret Is: He's A Policy Wonk

Bill Kristol Defends His 'Heartthrob' Sarah Palin's Decision to Step Down

Fox News: Huckabee and Rove Admit Palin's Move Raises More Questions

Joe Biden: Israel Can Bomb Iran, We Can't Stop Them

After Calling Hillary Clinton a Whiner, Palin Blasts Media's "Different Standard"

Palin's Lawyer Threatens Bloggers, Media--UPDATED

CNN's Kurtz and Thompson Criticize The Amount of Michael Jackson Coverage

Obama 'Concerned' About DFHs Attacking Centrist Dems over Health Care Reform. Gee, I Wonder Why?

Red State: Palin Resignation Opens Door To The Left "Gang Raping" Conservative Politicians With Children

Matalin Thinks Palin is Brilliant--Rollins and Gergen Think She's Toast

Carl Bernstein Gets Chuck Todd's Knickers in a Wad

Taibbi: Impending Rule Change Means Goldman Sachs Stock Manipulations Can't Be Tracked

Andrea Mitchell: Sarah Palin is Out of Politics Period and Does Not Want to Run for Higher Office

Urban Study Group explains why a "Public Option" is needed

Sarah Palin's Media Stalker Greta Van Susteren is Stunned that Palin Quit

Limbaugh: Jackson 'Flourished' Under Reagan, 'Languished' Under Clinton and 'Died' Under Obama. What A Moron.

Glenn Beck gets all worked up about an obscure French book nobody's reading

Sean Hannity Has the New Republican Party Theme: The Party of the American Dream

Geithner Neuters FDIC's Sheila Bair in New Regulatory Overhaul. She Thinks Her Job is To Protect People, Not Banks.

BREAKING: Sarah Palin To Step Down As Governor Of Alaska

Krauthammer voices the Beltway view: Palin is 'not a serious candidate'

Fox Nation Ad -- Fox News "Great American" Pundits Champion Their "Core Principles"

Holiday Weekend News Dump: NSA To Monitor Private Networks

Hacker May Have Obtained E-Mails, Threatened Sanford And Mistress

flashback :JFK - Fourth of July 1962 | Newstalgia

Fattening the Beast

Op-Ed Columnist - HELP Is on the Way - NYTimes.com

Anne Applebaum - Sarah Palin, the Mainstream Media, Patriotism and Hypocrisy - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Palin and Her Enemies - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Maybe She Doesn't Want To Be President

Palin's Prospects

Show your 'burka pride'

TV and Obama: mutual love affair - Los Angeles Times

A budget hurricane -- chicagotribune.com

Make the Ask

Obama’s Health Plan Sparks Unease Among Nation’s Middle Class - Bloomberg.com

CQ Politics | Votes Mostly Go Obama’s Way

TheHill.com - Back in session: House readies more spending bills

Electronic Outreach Tests House Rules - WSJ.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - We do not need a second stimulus plan

California’s Nightmare Will Kill Obamanomics: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

The Media Equation - Only the Nosy Are Fixated on Steve Jobs’s Health - NYTimes.com

What's next: Inflation or deflation? - MSN Money

Say No To Paygo - Forbes.com

Why Does Ruth Madoff Inspire Such Vitriol? -- New York Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Inflation Versus Hyperinflation

The Madoff Victims Who Came Out Ahead The Daily Beast

Return of the Homeowner Walk-Away Myth - The Stash

Jobless rate is awful, but it's not a good stock market barometer - Los Angeles Times

The Work-Up - Insured but Unprotected, and Driven Bankrupt by Health Crises - Series - NYTimes.com

Finance Lobby Cut Spending as Feds Targeted Wall Street - WSJ.com

Small businesses vital to economic recovery go bankrupt - USATODAY.com

SPIEGEL Interview with Henry Kissinger: 'Obama Is Like a Chess Player' - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Obama knows the danger of a weak and wounded Bear - The National Newspaper

RealClearWorld - Ban Ki-moon's Hushed Power

Opinion: Toward a new security order in Northeast Asia - CNN.com

Obama and Putin's Russia - WSJ.com

Moscow summit: Pressing the wrong buttons | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

* Sustainable U.S. Policy Options to Address Climate Change : Highlights of the Debate - pdf

*James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy Rice University | Channels | fp | JanFeb08 | BEYOND SCIENCE: THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF RESPONDING TO CLIMATE CHANGE

The Taliban's Winning Strategy in Afghanistan - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Russian Public Wary of Obama - World Public Opinion

RealClearPolitics - Video - Vanity Fair's Purdum Reacts To Palin Resignation

RealClearPolitics - Video - Rove, Huckabee, Parnell On Sarah Palin

RealClearPolitics - Video - Mark McKinnon: Palin Like A "Moose On Roller Skates"

Cops: Kazemi bought gun found at scene of Steve McNair death

U.N. Council to meet Monday on North Korea | International | Reuters

NKorea has '10 insults a day' for Seoul leader

Medvedev, Obama discuss N. Korea and Iran at Moscow summit

World Net Daily Player - Marine prof: McNamara obstructed Vietnam campaign

World Net Daily Player - President's work on arms treaties analyzed

America soon to crumble to 'The Third Jihad'?

Finally! A war story the state-run media hate to reveal

Tea partiers counterattack 'bad guys on bad mission'

The tea party coverage that wasn't

Fort Lauderdale Tea Party protest - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Sen. Cornyn booed at Capitol "tea party" | Postcards

Joe the Plumber joins Zilker 'tea party'

Islam investigator ejected from D.C. Muslim conference

U.S. 'partner' warns Mideast: Don't deal with Israel

Jihad sites hail vote to celebrate Islam in schools

Christians plan assault on 'liberal stronghold'

Physician: Jackson demanded surgical sleeping gas

NYC forced to honor Islam on Sept. 11?

Will 'legal jihad' silence online critics of Islam?

Muslims attack fleeing Christians with acid

Holder 'conflict' cited in eligibility case

eBay seller claims certified Kenya birth certificate

The Joplin Globe, Joplin, MO - Lamar lawmaker, House leader from Joplin at odds on matter

Obama to Avoid Father's Kenyan Homeland on Trip to Africa - Political News - FOXNews.com

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

What's the difference?

*article links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Palin hints at political future in Web posts, threatens legal action against bloggers, media - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Palin hammers media, hints at national ambitions - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

American Thinker Blog: Huffpo Writer: Palin to Run on Retardation Platform

Options Abound for Palin After Alaska Governorship - Political News - FOXNews.com

Palin's Resignation Has Many Asking, What Next? - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Palin's replacement wants full term

Wine prices driven lower than water | Todays News Highlights | News.com.au

Japan backs dollar as reserve currency - Jul. 3, 2009

Media players plot survival at Sun Valley confab | Technology | Reuters

My Way News - ALL BUSINESS: Cash is king for investors

Why we need cyber-warriors now

Germany's biggest bank hired detectives to spy on staff: report

Brazil wants C02 cuts based on historic emissions

Green-industrial complex gets rich from carbon laws | The Australian

Japan Considering THAAD Missile Defense

What Americans Need to Know About Missile Defense: We're Not There Yet

North Korea :On the War Path

Embryonic Stem Cell Research to Expand With New US Funding

Will health reform chase employers away?

Coffee could be viable treatment for Alzheimer's

UN chief: $1 billion needed against swine flu

Tobacco Stocks May Thrive Despite FDA Regulation

Healthcare lobby in full swing

Obese kids equals doomed health care

Jacksons 'plan private ceremony'

Debbie Rowe Won't Attend Michael Jackson Memorial - Debbie Rowe, Michael Jackson : People.com

Michael Jackson's Doctor Not Licensed to Prescribe Controlled Drugs in California - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Michael Jackson: Rev. Sharpton wants a commemorative stamp | TV, movie and music news | News | EW.com

Jackson's Concerts Highlight Risky Business - ABC News

Tough-guy Beatles manager, Allen Klein, dies

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Beatles 'shark' Klein dies at 77

'Frankenstein' of all health care reforms

10 items for health care legislation

Healthy examples: Plenty of countries get healthcare right - The Boston Globe

Warning: American Gestapo ahead

Language and logic

Obama saving the dinosaurs | obama, destruction, unions, government, new - Opinion - OCRegister.com

The women they left on planet Earth: 40 years after the moon landing, the tears and ecstasy of the Apollo families are shown in these amazing pictures | Mail Online

Two Centuries On, a Cryptologist Cracks a Presidential Code - WSJ.com

DIY on the Moon: how Buzz saved the launch back to Earth - Times Online

Harvesting successful books from a field of weeds

Blind man sees wife for first time after having a TOOTH implanted into his eye | Mail Online

Pachyderms outdo people in cross-species chow bout | The News Tribune - Weird | Seattle-Tacoma News, Weather, Sports, Jobs, Homes and Cars | South Puget Sound's Destination

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Chimpanzees learn from video demo

Berlin to pardon 30,000 Germans branded 'traitors' by the Nazis | Mail Online

Russian pagans from ancient cult greet solstice

Reclaiming Biblical Jerusalem

Pictured: UFO spotted over theme park in Virginia | Mail Online

Michael Jackson's family 'want him buried in concrete' to protect his grave - Telegraph

CANOE -- JAM! Music: KISS man calls for abuse accusers


Group Sotomayor Belonged to Sued Over Job Tests - Political News - FOXNews.com

Analysis: GOP struggles for anti-Sotomayor message

Former high school trainer pleads guilty to sex with teen boy | sexual, school, unlawful, high, male - News - OCRegister.com

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry Arrested - Political News - FOXNews.com

Metal comes to the rescue of revolutionary plane - tech - 03 July 2009 - New Scientist

THE WIDER VIEW: Taking shape, the new bridge at the Hoover Dam | Mail Online

Altoona officer forced to quit over MySpace photos | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register

British zoo evacuated after chimps escape

Majority of Eastern Germans Feel Life Better under Communism

Andreessen: Facebook revenues will top $500 million in '09

Google's Dark Day

Oldest known Bible goes online

The Revenge of the Bulb -- and the Tube

ABC Arrives on Hulu (Finally!)

Astronaut joins Tulsa's Space Shuttle Effort

crunchgear Founder Set To Launch 'Dirt Cheap' Tablet

Bing to lose beta tag in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, UK

Blair Says Saving Energy Is Faster Fix Than C02 Trade

Piecing Together an Immigrant's Life the US Refused to See

Obama to give jobs to illegal aliens

Voter fraud by illegal aliens ignored by government and media

American economy reversing immigration trend

652 businesses nationwide being served with audit notices today

US citizenship or a used car?


Foreign workers: Is it fair to give benefits to immigrants ?

The Big Fix: Obama's Rigged Census (Part Two)

Big Brother Technology

Selling Sotomayor: Ethnocentricity or Rule of Law?

Border agent Nacho Ramos shares his story on July 4th

As California goes…

Al Franken: From satirist to senator

Police: Man shot in North Carolina may be wanted serial killer

Misreading the economy, then and now

When the elected like Palin exit badly

Marion Barry: Facing Stalking Charges

GOP senator: Will race infect Sotomayor rulings?

Sessions Curious if Sotomayor is Too Racially Biased to Judge

Powell Defends Sotomayor; Expounds on Affirmative Action

Disney to reopen monorail after weekend death

LAPD detective pleads not guilty to 1986 murder

SC GOP ponders Sanford's future

Pinole police: Curtis Dean Anderson killed Amber Swartz-Garcia

US, Russia Agree on Framework for Arms Deal

China vows to crush unrest in Xinjiang

McNamara stuck to Vietnam War despite doubts

OAS 'must take lead' on Honduras

6 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Iran's Supreme Leader Blasts Alleged 'Western Meddling' in Iran

Calls grow within G8 to expel Italy as summit plans descend into chaos

Mexico elections to stall improved credit outlook

Bulgaria's Opposition Wins Parliamentary Poll

Israel deports foreign activists headed to Gaza

Indonesia's Presidential Candidates Cry Foul Over Voter Lists

Israeli FM praises Biden on Iran stand

Dalai Lama turns 74, says should live to 100

Brought to book

Expectations High in Ghana Before Obama Visit

UN to discuss N Korean missiles

US admiral lauds NKorean ship surveillance effort

Nigerian militants claim pipeline blast, tanker crew's seizure

Divers at Comoros crash site to hunt black boxes

Singapore not swayed by India gay sex ruling: minister

US services decline slows, but jobs still languish

Nigerian militants claim pipeline blast, tanker crew's seizure

Colorado wind farm to supply Tri-State power customers

At Least 25 Injured in Indiana Pedestrian Bridge Collapse - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Michael Jackson Adviser Breaks Silence - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Cops: Kazemi bought gun found at scene of Steve McNair death

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, Cryptid and Extraterrestrial Events

APOD: 2009 July 5 - Genesis Missions Hard Impact

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Chupacabras: A Blast from the Past

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Historic Bible pages put online

Emotional robots: Will we love them or hate them? - tech - 03 July 2009 - New Scientist

Brain-Controlled Wheelchair Is "95 Percent Accurate"

Michael Jackson to be buried at private ceremony, say LA officials | Music | guardian.co.uk

VOA News - US, Russia Agree on Framework for Arms Deal

Bill banning forced identity-chip implants clears House | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/02/2009

io9 - Did This Jellyfish Crop Circle Accurately Predict A Solar Storm? - crop circles

Is the Turin Shroud really a self-portrait by Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci? | Mail Online

Is there a ghost cat in Taranaki? - oddstuff | Stuff.co.nz

'I Know What I Saw' documentary exposes government UFO secrets

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | New dinosaurs found in Australia

Even Cockroaches Get Fat on Bad Food | LiveScience

LAPD detective pleads not guilty to murder charge | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

Oh No! by Glenn Jacobs

Doc Offers Cure for GOP

Travel Security: Proper Planning Prevents Travel Nightmares by Russell D. Longcore

A History of Labor Unions From Colonial Times to 2009 by Morgan Reynolds

Those Damned Derivative Thingies by Chris Clancy

Dems To Tax Health Benefits … Unless You Join a Union by Vin Suprynowicz

Vegetarians less likely to develop cancer than meat eaters, says study | Science | The Guardian

Post Right » Celebrate Secession!

Woods Tells the Story of the Meltdown - David Gordon - Mises Institute

A false dawn for the dollar | Top Stories from 2009-07-04 | RT

Blogger Threatened With Palin Lawsuit: Bring it on, Sarah


transcripts : Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Guests: Lt. Gov. Parnell; Leaders Hoyer & Boehner

Guests: Adm. Mullen, Senators Schumer and Grassley

Interview with Colin Powell

Obama's Weekly Address: Independence Day

Sen. McCain Delivers Weekly GOP Address

Governor Palin Announces Resignation

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell's Statement on Palin's Resignation

Sheilds and Gerson on Palin and Franken News

Analysts on the Situation in Honduras

President Obama's Townhall on Health Care

Interview with General Odierno

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Health Care

Roundtable on the GOP's 2012 Contenders

Franken Declares Victory in Minnesota Senate Race

Coleman Concedes Minnesota Senate Race

Secretary Gates Takes Questions on Iraq

Interview: NSA Jim Jones on Iraq

Roundtable on the Franken/Coleman Race

RNC Chairman Steele on Stopping the Climate Bill

Interview with Senator Amy Klobuchar

Obama's Speech on Community Solutions

Obama's Remarks Recognizing LGBT Pride Month

Press Conference with Secretary Clinton

Analysts Discuss the Ricci Decision

Interview with the New Haven Firefighters

Roundtable on the Situation in Honduras

Guests: David Axelrod; Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham

Guests: Sec. Sebelius, Sen. McConnell, Gen. Odierno

Guests: David Axelrod and Senator Grassley

Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill

Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill

President Obama on the Cap-and-Trade Bill

Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

Minority Leader Boehner's Weekly Press Conference

Bernanke's Testimony on the BoA/Merrill Deal

Analysts Debate Cap-and-Trade


YouTube - Obama and Medvedev "Reset" U.S.-Russian Relations - Bloomberg

YouTube - Emotional Eddie George Remembers Steve McNair

YouTube - Obama and Medvedev "Reset" U.S.-Russian Relations - Bloomberg

YouTube - XL Report: Defense or threat

YouTube - Bridge Collapse

YouTube - Winners Get Word on MJ Memorial Tickets

YouTube - Worker Dead in Disney World Monorail Collision

YouTube - Obama and Medvedev "Reset" U.S.-Russian Relations - Bloomberg

YouTube - Scores killed in Xinjiang riots

YouTube - Ousted Honduran President Blocked From Landing

YouTube - MI6 chief's private information caught on Facebook website

YouTube - Obama Heads for African Visit

YouTube - North Korea Fires 7 Missiles Off Coast

YouTube - The right to be gay

Statue Of Liberty Crown Reopens

"Special Report" Panel On Palin's Resignation

Sarah Palin Won't Seek Second Term, Will Resign Mid-Term

Politico's Allen: Palin's Decision Was Very "Erratic"

Spokeswoman: Palin Wants To Act "Outside of Government"

Colin Powell "Concerned" With Obama's Spending

Andrea Mitchell: Sources Say Palin "Has Had It" With Politics

Palin Has Considered Getting Out Of Politics Due To Attacks

John Bolton On North Korea Missile Test

Scarborough Analyzes Palin's Resignation

Sen. Grassley: If You Want Good Health Care, "Work For The Federal Government"

CNN's Sanchez: "Is Sarah Palin Quitting Because She Is Pregnant Again?"

Santorum: Liberal Justices Dissented In Firefighter Case To "Protect" Sotomayor

Kristol: Palin "Crazy Like a Fox"

Biden In Iraq: "This Is The Moment"

McCain Stumbles Giving Opinion Of Sheriff Arpaio

Palin's Brother: "Negative Media" Has "Weighed On Her For a Long Time"

MSNBC's Shuster: Palin's Political Future Is "Done"

Biden: Palin Not A Victim Of Political Attacks

Obama's Weekly Address Focuses On 4th Of July

Limbaugh: Rumblings About Palin's Future Are "All Speculation"

Biden Admits Administration "Misread The Economy"

Rove, Huckabee, Parnell On Sarah Palin

"This Week" Roundtable On Sarah Palin's "Bombshell"

Sens. Grassley, Schumer On Health Care

Hoyer, Boehner On Health Care Reform, Economy

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Sarah Palin

Powell Attacks Critics Of Sotomayor, "Worries" About Obama

U.S., Russia Agree On Nuclear Arms Limits

Obama: U.S. And Russia Have Much In Common

Sen. Reid Introduces Franken To Washington

Rep. Waxman Laughs At Man Suffering From Restless Leg Syndrome

Mark McKinnon: Palin Like A "Moose On Roller Skates"

Watch Live: Obama, Medvedev Hold Joint Press Conference

Sen. Sessions On Next Week's Sotomayor Hearings

Sen. Reed On Russia, U.S. Economy

Coulter: Sarah Palin Is Too "Big" To Be Alaska's Governor

Sen. Cornyn Booed, Called A "Traitor" At Texas Tea Party

Lugar On Obama's Mission In Russia

Vanity Fair's Purdum Reacts To Palin Resignation

GOP's Bartlett On Palin Resignation

Friends Discuss How Jenny Sanford Is Coping

Unrest in Xinjiang

Urumqi Riots Uncensored

Obama and Disarmament

Obama Goes to Russia

A Fresh Start for Russia and the US?

Riots in Urumqi

David Miliband on Iran

Zakaria on Ayatollah Sistani

China Clamps Down on Uighurs

Interview with US Admiral Mullen

Zelaya Blocked from Entering Honduras

Iranian Clergy Question Election

Iran Targets Embassy Workers

Assad Invites Obama to Syria

Sri Lanka Rejects Refugee Camp Allegations

Lehman CEO: Firm Deserved Bailout or 'Wind Down'

Russia, The U.S. Dollar & Obama's Trip

An Interview with Marc Andreessen

Hulbert's Stock Market Outlook

Hennessy: Top Recovery Stocks

The G8's New Guest List

Oil Trading at Five-Week Low

Talk Radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/03 The Mark Levin Show

07/02 The Mark Levin Show

07/01 The Mark Levin Show

06/30 The Mark Levin Show

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

Bill Cunningham 7/5/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/5/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/5/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 3



American Minute

American Minute for July 4th:William J Federer's American Minute

American Minute for July 5th:William J Federer's American Minute

American Minute for July 6th:William J Federer's American Minute


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLIHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government