"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

07 July 2009

7/7 - Tues.


**London Bombing 2005 - Archive Page*

Big box closures leave big blight across U.S. - Real estate- msnbc.com

World's Biggest Oil Reserves In S Dakota, E Montana

Joe Biden speech sparks fierce response from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - Times Online

Russia has little bargaining power in negotiations with Barack Obama - Telegraph

Barack Obama tells Russia to respect borders of Georgia and Ukraine - Telegraph

Nicholas Sarkozy condemns Iran - Telegraph

Cosmetic surgeries: What children will do to look 'normal' - USATODAY.com

Dems Try To Railroad Hate Bill Onto Defense Bill

Crop Circle at 2009

Exclusive 2: The truth behind Depleted Uranium (DU) Contamination and its usage

Strange Martial Law via Food Control: HR 2749 | Farm Wars

Offshore Gas Reserves - Stake Your Claim

The First Time I Heard Of Barack

Cryptomundo » John A. Keel Has Died

How Mandelson shrugged off his ermine to take control of the country | Julian Glover | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama hopes to push through G8 climate deal | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - The world must learn to live and farm sustainably

Barack Obama makes basic error over balance of power in Kremlin - Times Online

Obama and Medvedev offer to cut nuclear arsenals | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Global Economy - G8 shifts focus from food aid to farming

Russian spacecraft landed on moon hours before Americans - Telegraph

Do Not Bomb the Moon

Nasa experts scale back moon and Mars plans in face of Obama funding cut fears - Telegraph

YouTube - Nasa Topsecret Ufo Congres Santiago 2009

YouTube - NASA stage lunar landings Footage of Actors Mimicking Astronauts

Teenager killed in Honduras as soldiers fire on Zelaya supporters at airport - Times Online

FT.com / Americas / Society - Honduras protests continue despite shootings

Thinking cap that can help the brain learn moves a step closer - Telegraph

Michael Jackson's death: police question five doctors - Telegraph

YouTube - UFO RELEASES INTELLIGENT MOVING SPHERES!! First ever video footage!

VIDEO - Obamageddon is Coming! : Information Clearing House - ICH

First Nations pandemic teams bracing for fall flu carnage

World's oldest Bible published in full online - Telegraph

07-07-2009: Like JFK - Michael Jackson To Be Buried Without Brain

07-07-2009: Meteor lights up Mid-Atlantic area's skies

07-07-2009: U.S. warns of multiple al-Qaida plots

07-07-2009: Cap-and-Trade Hearing Starts With a Clash

07-07-2009: Nasa experts scale back moon and Mars plans in face of Obama funding cut fears

07-07-2009: Senate turns aside new attempt to scrutinize Fed

07-07-2009: Gore Compares Climate Change Battle With Struggle Against The Nazis

07-07-2009: Police Fear Far-Right Terror Attack

07-07-2009: Pope Calls For New Financial Order - Stronger UN

07-07-2009: UK: Patients Should Store Their Medical Records With Google Or Microsoft Says David Cameron

07-07-2009: Big Banks Don't Want California IOUs

07-06-2009: The NYPD Training Elite Group Of Officers To Fight Terrorism

07-06-2009: NSA To Spend $1.8 Billion on New Data Center

07-06-2009: Airline Considers Making Passengers Stand

Token Royalty? Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth

Obama Adviser Says U.S. Should Mull Second Stimulus

Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers

Computers may be able to ‘read’ thoughts

The PASS Act, S. 1261: Legislation which allows the majority of the Real ID Act to stay in place is moving toward a DHS Senate committee hearing

WEAPONS inspector David Kelly was writing a book exposing highly damaging government secrets before his ­mysterious death.

Darpa’s Handheld Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Artificial sweeteners can make you sick and fat

Untold Truths About the American Revolution


Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show - July 1, 2009

US Government Poisoning Soldiers with Secret Vaccinations

The death of Robert McNamara

NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11

European Central Banksters seek World Currency, Total Control

video - Future City: Smart Dust

Alexis de Tocqueville's Observations on American Society

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Pope calls for "world political authority"

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you

Environment Agency sets up green police

track the world's wealthiest

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade

Celebrities speak, sing in tribute to Jackson

Ahmadinejad hails 'free' election

Police arrest 36 at G-8 protest in Rome

Churchill Can't Reclaim Job After 9-11 Nazi Comparison

Slain Soldier's Aunt Decries Nonstop Jackson Coverage

Al Franken sworn in as US senator

Noriega asks court to block extradition

Sotomayor gets boost in bid for Senate approval

US may limit energy speculation

Ruth Madoff Free to Travel As Prosecutors Return Her Passport

Jefferson prosecutors play recordings

Jury sees videos of ex-La. congressman accepting cash

In Russia Speech, Obama Emphasizes Shared Interests

Running of the bulls kicks off in Pamplona; 4 hurt

IRS Suspends Some Small Business Fines

London Unveils Memorial to July 7 Victims

Town Exhales after Serial Killer Shot Dead

Obama's speech on U.S.-Russia relations

Herod's quarry unearthed

Jackson's golden coffin takes centre stage

US, Russia not destined to be adversaries

The Sovereign Nation of Biden

Obama agrees arms cuts, Afghan transit with Russia

US President Barack Obama showed his cards too early

State-run care has handicaps

Government issues stem cell research rules

Marijuana crosses the placenta

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accuses US of backing Honduras coup leaders

Palin: I'm No Quitter, All Options On the Table

Actor Alec Baldwin May Run Against Lieberman

Feds: Murtha-Linked Contractor Took Kickbacks

Slain SC Serial Killing Suspect Had Long Rap Sheet

Ex-D.C. Mayor Marion Barry Denies Stalking Charges

Republican Turmoil Hits Early Presidential States

Hoyer: U.S. Must Consider Second Stimulus

Economist: Subprime Borrowers Not At Fault

Medvedev-Obama Summit: Day One

Seeking Substance in Moscow

Theory of Stupidivity: Your Guarantee of Cybersecurity Failure

U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Drunk-Driving Fatalities Down Nearly 10%

New NASA Satellite Survey Reveals Dramatic Arctic Sea Ice Thinning

Grounded for Takeoff...The Future for Legacy Airlines

Knowing Yourself Can Improve Your Health and Happiness

NASA Research to Help Aircraft Avoid Ocean Storms, Turbulence

Census Bureau News Facts for Features Labor Day 2009: Sept. 7

Rahm to Public Option Supporters: Trust Us! This Isn't Bait and Switch, Honest

The Supreme Court is ready to undo the ban on corporate spending in elections for president and Congress

Former Members Of Congress, Staffers On Record-Setting Lobbying Jihad To Defeat Public Option

The Mystery Deepens. David Kelly Was Writing an Explosive Book at the Time of His 'Suicide'

Silent Partners: The Other Victims of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Massachusetts Adds Mental Health Parity to Health Plan; Insurers Complain About Cost

Buchanan and Brzezinski Play the Victim Card for Sarah Palin

Chuck Schumer: Made a Pedge There Will Be a Public Option in the Final Bill, Some Form of It

Rep. Pete King does the GOP outreach thing, calls Michael Jackson a 'lowlife,' a 'pervert' and a 'pedophile'

Ed Rollins on Sarah Palin quitting: It was a disaster and insulting

R.I.P. Robert McNamara, Former Secretary of Defense and Prime Architect of the Vietnam War

Big Brother is Watching You: Pervasive Surveillance Under Obama

VIDEO: Money Creation. The Role of the Rothchilds

VIDEO: Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in the USA

VIDEO: Former General of all American Intelligence: An Aircraft did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11

Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

Whose Country is it anyway? A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America


Obama: The Emperor's Seven Signing Statements

"Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire"

Where is Bin Laden?

Conspiracy fever: As rumours swell that the government staged 7/7, victims' relatives call for a proper inquiry

Saudis would turn blind eye to Israeli jets en route to Iran: report

Banks own the US government

VIDEO: Market continues to be propped up by government intervention and manipulation

Jackson memorial performers announced as LA braces - Yahoo! News

Jackson's public memorial takes a spiritual turn

Michael Jackson to be buried without his brain - mirror.co.uk

As Health Care Deadline Looms, Congress Leaves Key Reform Details to Administration

Climate-Change Bill Could Lead to Increased Regulations on Fireworks

Kathleen Sebelius: Obama Backs Abortion Conscience-Clause Laws But Wants to Rescind Regulation Enforcing Them

As Iran Lashes Out Over Biden’s Remarks, Saudis Deny They Would Allow Israel Overflight

Hospitals, Democrats Near Deal on Paying for Obama’s Health Care Plan

Franken Eyes Role As 'People's Proxy' in Hearings

Energy Bill Text Says It Will Cost Americans Money; Targets Help Only to Low-Income Families

Need for Federal Insurance Czar Is Questioned

Investigators Do Not See Clear Motive in McNair Murder-Suicide

Government Tightening Food Safety Standards

Dumbing-Down the U.S. Navy

Something Troubling in the Air

Saying One Thing, Doing Another

Obama's Moral Clarity Deficit

Bread and Circuses: America's Cult of Celebrity

Coulter thinks Palin's resignation was a brilliant move: 'She is too big for the position now'

Blogger Threatened With Palin Lawsuit: Bring it on, Sarah

As 'Tea Parties' lose steam, fringe conspiracists step up to the fore

Fox News Sunday: Boehner Brags About Job Creation; Too Bad Facts Get In The Way

The End of An Era? New Finance Regulations Weighted Against 'Too Big to Fail'

Huckabee: What's the Difference Between a Massacre and a Battle? Guns

Suspected US missiles, Pakistan jets hit militants

'No US green light for attacking Iran'

New monkey discovered in Brazilian Amazon | Science | Reuters

Cap-and-Trade Website: Make Money by Going Green - TIME

The Pope on the World Economy: Prophets, Not Profits - TIME

Mortgage Defaults: Many Are Intentional, Study Finds - TIME

Why Sarah Palin Quit: The Five Best Explanations - TIME

TIME's Interview with Exiting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - TIME

Newsmax.com - Social Security Number Code Cracked, Study Claims

Microsoft Plans for Worst as U.S. Companies Show No End to Fear - Bloomberg.com

California’s Nightmare Will Kill Obamanomics: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

Newsmax.com - Supplement May Ease Hair-Pulling

Fresh tomato salad recipe

YouTube - Nasa Topsecret Ufo Congres Santiago 2009

*Phillip D. Collins -- From Religion to Revolution: The Occult Origins of Sociopolitical Utopianism, Part 1

*Phillip D. Collins -- From Religion to Revolution: The Occult Origins of Sociopolitical Utopianism, Part 2

*Phillip D. Collins -- From Religion to Revolution: The Occult Origins of Sociopolitical Utopianism, Part 3

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development?

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 2

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 3

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 4

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 5

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 6

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 7

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 8

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 9

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 9

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 11

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 12

Michael Shaw -- Liberty or Sustainable Development? - Part 13

Joan Veon -- World Globalization of the Banking and Regulatory Structure, Part 1

Joan Veon -- World Globalization of the Banking and Regulatory Structure, Part 2

R. Michael Castle -- The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth

Lynn Stuter -- NAIS, friend and foe

Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 1

Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 2

Tom DeWeese -- Government Gone Mad in a Total Surveillance Society

Byron J. Richards -- Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? Part 1

Byron J. Richards -- Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? Part 2

Michael Cutler -- Our National Security Has Been Compromised

Dave Daubenmire -- Death By Amusement

*Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Occultic Wizard of Oz

John Trinckes -- Cyber Warfare vs. Internet Censorship

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms - 6 July , 1775

NWV News - Jim Kouri -- Attorney General to Classify Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Americans as Terrorists

Cliff Kincaid -- A U.S./U.N. Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras

Chuck Baldwin -- The Age Of Despotism

Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland - Telegraph

Nancy Levant -- Was America Sold?

Steve Quayle News Alerts - Under the All-seeing Eye the Illuminati Deals

US lurching towards 'debt explosion' with long-term interest rates on course to double - Telegraph

*The Great American Bubble Machine : Rolling Stone

Libertarian Today: Obama Takes Bush’s Plutocratic-Socialism to the Next Level

YouTube - DeMint amendment to audit the Federal Reserve blocked by Senate Leadership

NSA monitors millions of American e-mails

*Could Obama ‘Pull a JFK’ in Office? Kennedy-Obama Parallels Intriguing


Ron Paul’s Bill Would Put Fed on the Hot Seat

Mainstream Media Can't Admit Its Part of the Problem

Countries 'Wasting Money and Blood' in Afghanistan

NSA Shields Government Networks With More AT&T Secret Rooms

Vietnam War's Architect Couldn't Escape Its Shadow

In Mexican Vote, Nostalgia for Corruption of the Past

A Covenant With Death by William Norman Grigg

Oh No! by Glenn Jacobs

Pity the Poor Rich by Bill Bonner

**Fifty Things To Do NOW

Obama asks Russians to forge partnership with US

Islam investigator ejected from D.C. Muslim conference

Mainstream Media Can't Admit Its Part of the Problem

Special Report: Ideologically, Where Is the U.S. Moving?

New York Congressman Blasts Jackson as 'Pervert, Low-Life' - Political News - FOXNews.com

EDITORIAL: Return of the Black Panther - Washington Times

Men, women share U. of C. rooms :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education

Food Stocks Look Good -- Seeking Alpha


*Site - Middlebury Institute

Americans continue to arm themselves | SmallGovTimes.com

A coffee a day ensures the memory will stay - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Its Not Just That Global Warming Is Fake. What Matters Is Why This Fakery Is Being Promoted.

12 pg. - pdf :Environmen tal Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

Loan Losses Mount

Webcasters, Copyright Holders Reach Royalty Agreement

US may limit energy speculation

Code theft could cost Goldman millions, US says

SEC Accuses Provident Royalties in $485 Million Ponzi Scheme

Music Filesharing Mom Seeks New Trial

Gmail Finally Out of Beta!

Gmail, Google Docs, More Finally Lose 'beta' Tag

Social Security Numbers ID'd Using Public Data

Report: Microsoft, EU in talks over antitrust issues

Yahoo Gives Serious Searchers a Bag of Note-Taking Tricks

Need a Scratch Pad for Search? Yahoo Has One

So is Facebook for old people now or what?

Microsoft Hohm Beta Testers Fuming Over Glitches

Aldrin thinks US should set its sights on Mars

Michael Jackson memorial shared online

Photos From The Michael Jackson Public Memorial

What's Driving the Michael Jackson Mania?

Family honors Jackson in memorial service program

Michael Jackson's memorial: a review

Jackson's world fans mourn idol

Michael Jackson memorial live TV blog

Paris Katherine Jacksons Tearful Memorial Speech

Ex-Wife Rowe, Who May Fight for Couple's Children, Won't Be Attending

The Iconic Women Who Loved Michael Jackson

Fans and family remember Jackson

Lindsay Lohan sued for stealing formula for Sevin Nyne tanning spray

Bank-robber caper worth the time

Obama renews support for public health insurance plan

Obama supports new long-term care benefit

WHO will urge most countries to stop H1N1 testing

FDA cracks down on eggs to reduce illness

Health Buzz: Stem Cell Rules and Other Health News

Will Coffee Be the Next Alzheimer's Drug?

New Weapon Emerges to Fight Kids' Cavities

Vegetables 'savoury' flavour lowers blood pressure

Preparing for civil unrest By Claire Wolfe 118

Reading (Too Much?) Into Palin's Resignation

Reid Says No Need for Another Stimulus

Democrats expand Senate control, yet splits remain

NRA raises 'very serious concerns' on Sotomayor

Talking Points

South Carolina GOP votes to censure Sanford

Obama Admin Urges Senate to Pass Energy, Climate Bill

Critique of US Action on Climate Expected at Summits

Obama Adviser: Deficit Likely Worse Than Planned

No job, no money for Ward Churchill

Police describe pair found with killer as transient siblings

US wants justice in journalist's killing in Russia

Who Killed Paul Klebnikov?

Alaskans Consider Palin's Legacy As She Prepares to Leave Office

Quinn changes mind on cuts, vetoes state budget instead

Are Americans Becoming More Conservative? They Think So, But... - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Mobs spread ethnic strife in western China

US backs fresh effort to end Honduran crisis

Ahead Of G-8, Berlusconi Dismisses Allegations As 'Lies'

Iran's President Praises Disputed Elections

On Robert S. McNamara

Israel pushes for major upgrade in relations with NATO

British soldier dies in helicopter crash

Prosecutors Urge ICC to Charge Bashir With Genocide

Four years on, 7/7 memorial unveiled

Ghana Hopes Obama Brings Tourism Boom

BullRunning.com helps you take the bull by the horns in Spain

US set for talks on boosting skorean missile range

G20 police authorised to use force minutes before Ian Tomlinson died

Jim Rogers Sells Dollars, Plans to Short Treasuries

YouTube - Could coffee prevent Alzheimer's?

YouTube - Exiled Uighur leader accused of stirring unrest - 07 Jul 09

YouTube - US-Russia business ties

YouTube - Former US defence secretary McNamara dies - 07 Jul 09

YouTube - British soldier killed in helicopter crash

YouTube - Obama Heads for African Visit

YouTube - Police tactics during G20 protests criticised in new report

Cap Taxes, Trade Congress

Liberals: Learning Nothing and Forgetting Nothing

The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care

The Mousy Squeaks of LAME

Just how naïve is President Obama?

Lunacy on Parade

Ex-Contractor with Ties to Murtha Indicted

Not Your Father's Recession

Why not negotiate from a position of strength?

Money for Nothing

Gallup sees Americans moving to the right

Obama explains why he backs Chavista thug Zelaya

Let's cap and trade oxygen!

Obama's Demagoguery

The Fair Price of Civilization?

Do Not Believe The Pundits On China’s Century

What Michael Jackson's Death Teaches Us About Politics and the Media

Lawmakers Billing Taxpayers

Jake Towne on "Regaining Our Individual Rights"

The World Organization of Liberty Factions, W.O.L.F.

Debt: Secured and Otherwise

Thoughts on Independence: Conservative and Libertarian

North American Integration: Deep-Rooted Agenda Continues

New climate strategy: track the world's wealthiest

Military Testing of Gelatinous Goo Story on Unsolved Mysteries

How the FBI and 9/11 Commission Suppressed Key Evidence about Hani Hanjour

Obama's Russia Gamble - The Plank

Arms Control Amnesia - WSJ.com

A Good Niebuhr Policy

RealClearWorld - Unresolved Issues Between Washington and Moscow

Arms Reduction Deal: Obama Strikes Right Chord in Russia - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Don't Abandon Russia's Democrats - WSJ.com

Obama Will Not Shake Medvedev’s Free Hand

Asia Times Online - Inside China's unquiet west

A good start on restarting U.S.-Russia engagement - Los Angeles Times

Summit cannot mask Russia's decline - Telegraph

School bullying, once a silent battle, now a crime : Schools : TCPalm

Ex-teacher convicted of sexual assault seeks commutation, admits guilt | Arkansas News

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Berlin to pardon 30,000 Germans branded 'traitors' by the Nazis | Mail Online

Russian pagans from ancient cult greet solstice

Reclaiming Biblical Jerusalem

News : Officer suspended after arrest (Montrose, CO)

Still no takers for $10,000 found on freeway | PressDemocrat.com | The Press Democrat | Santa Rosa, CA

Son tries to sell nude photos of mother online

Altoona officer forced to quit over MySpace photos | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register

Industry wants to ban Minn. woman from downloading

Ananova - Police arrest dog for chewing owner's money

Panhandlers have many strategies for getting people's sympathy in order to make money - St. Petersburg Times

Orleans man arrested in equine assault | CapeCodOnline.com

*16 pg./Sustainable U.S. Policy Options to Address Climate Change: Highlights of the Debate - pdf

9 phrases to ban from restaurant menus -- chicagotribune.com

Father makes sculptures from unwanted toys - Telegraph

Two Centuries On, a Cryptologist Cracks a Presidential Code - WSJ.com

'Worn arguments and old attitudes'

Dumbing-down the U.S. Navy

Rick Warren wore a tie?

All eyes on Honduras

Things Reagan taught me

King Barack?

Ailing Boston Globe unfair to Harvard

A tangled web

The level-pay utility option

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: It Always Has Been About Trig

Wildfires Are Linked to Global Warming -- But Media Obscure the Relationship | Environment | AlterNet

Lessons not learned

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Obama must be firm on foreign policy

Breitbart.tv - Daughter gives tearful farewell

World Net Daily Player - Obama position on Honduras questioned

video news - World's oldest bible reunited online | Video | Reuters.com

World Net Daily Player - President's work on arms treaties analyzed

World Net Daily Player - Media largely ignore tea parties

World Net Daily Player - Doctor says Obama headed down wrong road

World Net Daily Player - Prof says Palin could be hurt by quitting


Fans, Stars Pay Tribute to Michael Jackson at Memorial in Los Angeles - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Senate torpedoes Fed Reserve audit

Steve McNair: Killed by 2nd Amendment?

EXCLUSIVE: Israel declines to ask U.S. to OK Iran attack - Washington Times

Terrorists to descend on Jesus' birthplace

World's oldest Christian Bible digitized

Israeli archaeologists discover ancient quarry

IRS loosens grip on Christian church

White House mum on North America summit

FBI asked to investigate Muslim group

Tea partiers counterattack 'bad guys on bad mission'

Tea parties from sea to shining sea

The tea party coverage that wasn't

Museum to welcome Vietnam revelations author

Finally! A war story the state-run media hate to reveal

America soon to crumble to 'The Third Jihad'?

Obama’s Youth Shaped His Nuclear-Free Vision - NYTimes.com

*article links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

Netscape co-founder launches venture capital fund

Why we need cyber-warriors now

Online Ad Spending Overseas to Hit $25 Billion by 2013 - Advertising Age - Global News

Media players plot survival at Sun Valley confab | Technology | Reuters

Wine prices driven lower than water | Todays News Highlights | News.com.au

Operator of 56 Dunkin' Donuts files for bankruptcy | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters

National Journal Online - Palin's Move Is Unorthodox, Not Crazy

RealClearPolitics - A 'Victim' With a Constituency

Obama's Katrina

RealClearPolitics - Avoiding an American Ambush


RealClearPolitics - It's Settled: Palin is Unfit for Office

The sins of Sarah Palin - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Who Can Lead The Republicans?

Is a Stimulus Sequel in the Offing? - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - How's the Stimulus Working For You So Far?

Obama’s Only Economic Choice ShareThis

RealClearPolitics - Cap And Trade Vote Shows Promise, Peril For Both Parties

Good Enough, Smart Enough

RealClearPolitics - Like Hillary, Sarah Faces Media Sexism

RealClearPolitics - A Tangled Web

Stephens: From McNamara to Obama - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - McNamara's Complicated Legacy

Obama's mythography: An Orwellian disaster - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Op-Ed Columnist - After the War Was Over - NYTimes.com

Reversing Sotomayor

Commentary: The politics of self destruction - CNN.com

Facebook revenue to be billions in 5 years: board member | U.S. | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Chimpanzees learn from video demo

Material World - When Glass Acts Like Concrete and Steel - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Who is Neil Armstrong?

Scientists Develop Echolocation In Humans To Aid The Blind

Mysterious Book: Codex Gigas

SPACE.com -- Where Tomorrow's Stars Will Be Born

Police chief denounces 'cowardly' iPhone users monitoring speed traps | Washington Examiner

Market Skeptics: *****Understanding The US Treasury Market*****

The Lippard Blog: Arizona state senator Sylvia Allen thinks the earth is 6000 years old

YouTube - DeMint amendment to audit the Federal Reserve blocked by Senate Leadership

Solar Physicist Predicts Ice Age. What happened to global warming?

Goldman Trading-Code Investment Put at Risk by Theft - Bloomberg.com

archive :The "Magic Bomb" Theory

archive :The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy

video - 7/7 Ripple Effect

archive :interesting how all this stuff bypasses mi6 « Niqnaq

Refreshing News: Cambridge students' solar-powered racing car unveiled

Internet filter danger | The Courier-Mail

McKinney Returns to U.S. After Release From Israeli Jail - Political News - FOXNews.com

Was One "Rogue Banker" Really to Blame for Oil's Recent Spike? ~ Goldman Sachs Information, Comments, Opinions and Facts

CQ Politics | Eye on 2010 - Like His Father, Ron Paul's Kentucky Son Raises Cash Online

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Proof of the New World Order in under 11 minutes

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente - Predicts Panic ‘08

Operation Clean Slate 2010 - New Political Leadership in Congress | bytestyle.tv

Washington's Blog - The Powers-That-Be Don't Have Enough Money to Keep the Matrix Running

How the FBI and 9/11 Commission Suppressed Key Evidence about Hani Hanjour | 911Blogger.com

**YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Russell Mokhiber: Black Caucus Muzzled

Tribal Marxism for Dummies

Goldman Sachs angry at 'vampire squid' slur | Business | News.com.au

Erich Follath, “der Spiegel´s”secret chief and a very good friend of the Mossad « Time to Think

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul 7/6/09 “Independence Celebration Should Include The Determination To Fight For Liberty!”

YouTube - Fox News Attacking 9/11 Truth Again - Dprogram.net

Decoding Scheuer's Call for Osama to Kill Americans | The Corbett Report

Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

video - The Great Global Warming Swindle

Ocean temperatures: The new bluff in alarmism | JoNova

Reflections in a Petri Dish: Zionism; a Psychopathic Cancer of the Soul.

YouTube - Nasa Topsecret Ufo Congres Santiago 2009

Bill O'Reilly gnashes teeth, laments Al Franken's ascension: 'This country is in deep trouble'

Here comes Rahm with a "Trigger" in his hand and Obama slaps it

Rahm to Public Option Supporters: Trust Us! This Isn't Bait and Switch, Honest

The Supreme Court is ready to undo the ban on corporate spending in elections for president and Congress

Former Members Of Congress, Staffers On Record-Setting Lobbying Jihad To Defeat Public Option

White House Open to Deal on Public Health Plan

Antitrust Review of Wireless Carriers is Urged

Rep. King Wants More Transparent Rules Committee

Senate to Post Staff Salaries, Expenses on Web

Obama's Health Plan Sparks Middle Class Unease

Votes Mostly Go Obama's Way

Back in Session: House Readies More Spending Bills

Electronic Constituent Outreach Tests House Rules

American Minute

American Minute for July 7th:William J Federer's American Minute


Ezra Klein - An Interview With Henry Waxman

*RealClearWorld - Speech at the New Economic School in Russia

Majority Leader Reid Takes Questions

Senate GOP Leadership Takes Questions

Historians Debate McNamara's Legacy

July 6 State Department Briefing

Roundtable on Palin's Political Future

Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Guests: Lt. Gov. Parnell; Leaders Hoyer & Boehner

Guests: Adm. Mullen, Senators Schumer and Grassley

Interview with Colin Powell


video : Unrest in Xinjiang

Urumqi Riots Uncensored

Obama and Disarmament

Obama Goes to Russia

A Fresh Start for Russia and the US?

Riots in Urumqi

David Miliband on Iran

Zakaria on Ayatollah Sistani

China Clamps Down on Uighurs

Interview with US Admiral Mullen

Zelaya Blocked from Entering Honduras

Iranian Clergy Question Election

Iran Targets Embassy Workers

Assad Invites Obama to Syria

Sri Lanka Rejects Refugee Camp Allegations

The Reset Summit

Exiled Uighur Leader on Riots in China

Obama Speaks at New Economic School, Moscow

Hondurans Mourn Dead Protestors

Biden on the US and Israel

Pickering on Iran

Limbaugh: Rumblings About Palin's Future Are "All Speculation"

Biden Admits Administration "Misread The Economy"

Rove, Huckabee, Parnell On Sarah Palin

"This Week" Roundtable On Sarah Palin's "Bombshell"

Sens. Grassley, Schumer On Health Care

Hoyer, Boehner On Health Care Reform, Economy

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Sarah Palin

Powell Attacks Critics Of Sotomayor, "Worries" About Obama

Vanity Fair's Purdum Discusses Palin's Resignation

Alaska State Sen. on Palin's Resignation

Coulter Responds To Palin's Critics, Calls Her A "Huge Star"

John Ziegler On Sarah Palin Resigning

Watch Live: Obama, Medvedev Hold Joint Press Conference

Sanders: Health Care Companies Should Be "Afraid" Of Gov't

Karl Rove On Sarah Palin, Russia

Krauthammer: Obama's Weapon Deal With Russia Is "Useless"

Rep. Waxman Laughs At Man Suffering From Restless Leg Syndrome

Sen. Reid Introduces Franken To Washington

Coulter: Sarah Palin Is Too "Big" To Be Alaska's Governor

GOP's Bartlett On Palin Resignation

Friends Discuss How Jenny Sanford Is Coping

Mark McKinnon: Palin Like A "Moose On Roller Skates"

Sen. Sessions On Next Week's Sotomayor Hearings

Rendell Accuses Palin Of "Abandoning" Alaska

Obama: U.S. And Russia Have Much In Common

Sen. Reed On Russia, U.S. Economy

U.S., Russia Agree On Nuclear Arms Limits

Lugar On Obama's Mission In Russia

Sen. Cornyn Booed, Called A "Traitor" At Texas Tea Party

Vanity Fair's Purdum Reacts To Palin Resignation

Obama Slips: Calls Putin "President" Several Times During Interview

Palin Tells NBC: "One Term Was Enough"

Obama Gaffe: President Claims He Met Michelle At School

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Promotes Bill At Jackson's Memorial

Franken Officially Sworn In As A Senator

Steele: Palin "Off The Table" In 2012

Biden And Obama On Israel Attacking Iran

Obama Makes Swipe At Bush Over Russian Relations

Obama On Economy: "There's Nothing That We Would Have Done Differently"

Obama: US, Russia Not Destined To Be Adversaries

Bill Kristol On Palin's 2012 Ambitions

Mika To Eugene Robinson's Criticisms Of Palin: "You're Wrong"

Democratic AK State Senator French On Palin Stepping Down

Lehman CEO: Firm Deserved Bailout or 'Wind Down'

Russia, The U.S. Dollar & Obama's Trip

An Interview with Marc Andreessen

Hulbert's Stock Market Outlook

Hennessy: Top Recovery Stocks

The G8's New Guest List

Boone Pickens' Plan: One Year Later

Unemployment Numbers Stoke Stimulus Debate

Stovall: Outlook for Q2 Earnings

Job Losses Sink Oil Prices

Minimum Wage Debate: Moore V. Boykin

Talk Radio

07/06 The Mark Levin Show

07/03 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 2nd With Daniel Miller

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 3rd With Bill Federer

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 6th: Open Lines