"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

03 July 2009

3July - Friday

3 July 09


Dr.audio - Henry Niman's July 2 Special Report

audio - 25th Sinclair Interview

***Warmlist:A complete list of things caused by global warming

*Newsmax.com - British Government: We Didn't Consult U.S. on Michael Savage Exclusion

***Media coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage

CNSNews.com - Helen Thomas: Not Even Nixon Tried to Control the Media Like Obama

Barney Frank: Let's spend TARP profits before taxpayers can get them | Washington Examiner

Sotomayor advised critics of Bork - Washington Times

Obama health czar led companies in trouble - Health care- msnbc.com

TheHill.com - Gibbs: 'Stimulus plan is working' despite job losses

Another Example of U.S. Censorship of Mainstream Media

Comment Central - Times Online - WBLG: "Free Madoff" says Alec Baldwin

The sentencing of Bernard Madoff

savethemales.ca - Madoff Ponzi Scheme Dwarfed by Illuminati Rubin's

SEC Investigator Raised Madoff Concerns Years Ago, Was Asked to Look Elsewhere - washingtonpost.com

Smoking Mirrors: The FEMA Blogger Camps are not a Wi-Fi Zone.

Washington's Blog - The Fifth Reason the MSM Sucks

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you - Telegraph

Fake news gets real

“US to conduct unprecedented surveillance over Internet” | Top Stories from 2009-07-02 | RT

Blogs won't beat us: News chief

And Here It Is On CNBC: Manipulation -- Signs of the Times News

YouTube - George Carlin -"Who Really Controls America"

YouTube - Reporters Grill Gibbs Over Prepackaged Questions for Obama

***The Raw Story » Rolling Stone expose: Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s

whatreallyhappened.com: IS THE US CORPORATE MEDIA RACIST?

whatreallyhappened.com: Ethnic Cleansing as a State Policy

World Of Technology: How Martian clouds create snowfall

Ron Paul Strikes Gold | Reuters

Informed Comment: Cheney Worries about Wasting the Sacrifices made in Iraq on behalf of Big Oil

*Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Max Keiser - Goldman Sachs Economic False Flag Attack

***Bureaucrats Will Carry Out Mandatory Home Inspections Under Climate Bill

The New Homeowner Hallucination: "We'll Rent For A Year And Then Sell When The Market Comes Back"

Defend our Freedoms Foundation: Obama: The Emperor's Seven Signing Statements

The Confessions of Osama Bin Laden

EXCLUSIVE: Colombian prisoners strain D.C. Jail - Washington Times


Branding blunder gives Russia-Nigeria energy linkup a bad name | World news | guardian.co.uk

savethemales.ca - Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence

YouTube - **ALERT**Cap&Trade Bill-WHAT YOU MAY NOT KNOW-Call YOUR senators today!

ExxonMobil continuing to fund climate sceptic groups, records show | Environment | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama enters decisive phase of presidency

Giant naked goddess to be carved into hillside - Telegraph

***Should linking be illegal? | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Cynthia McKinney calls WBAIX from Israeli prison

Homeland Security and US Army Plan Invasion of States

Wierd Mutants Or Aliens Living In A Sewer_ | NowPublic Video Archives

***A List of Corporate Lobbying by Jill Richardson

YouTube - Roland Carnaby CIA agent killed, the man who knew too much

YouTube - Look Who's Pointing Fingers at Iran - A Brief Look at US Election Fraud, Featuring Noam Chomsky

savethemales.ca - We're all Anti-Semites Now

savethemales.ca - Sanford & Sons -- Service is a Higher Form of Love

OPEC Press Conference or Meeting of Note Takers?

UNRWA: 60 Anniversary of the Palestinian Misery

Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind! | Danger Room | Wired.com

Mystery widens in case of ‘CIA operative’ gunned down by police | TOP STORIES | KHOU.com | News for Houston, Texas


MINA Breaking News - Russians order Flight Changes, after Massive Magnetic Shift downs Airliners...

The Associated Press: Obama consults experts on 1976 swine flu outbreak

'We're in the Middle of a Crash': Black Swan - Financials * Europe * News * Story - CNBC.com

US begins major offensive against Taliban in southern Afghanistan | World news | guardian.co.uk

Does the US back the Honduran coup? | Mark Weisbrot | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Felipe Gonzalez takes on Blair for EU presidency - Europe, World - The Independent

Halt Endorses Rendlesham Forest UFO Film Script

Duke Univ Pedophile Will Benefit From Hate Bill

Hungarian Lawmakers Reject Holocaust Denial Law

Andrew Cockburn: The Wall Street White House

archived - Makow - Illuminati Defector: 'Rothschilds Rule With Druid Witches'

archived - Makow - The Cabalist Plan to Enslave Humanity

archived - Makow - Was Victor Rothschild A 'Soviet Agent'?

archived - Makow - The Illuminati World Of 'Make Believe'

archived - Makow - The Satanist Banker Conspiracy

07-02-2009: NSA to monitor private networks for cyberattacks

07-02-2009: Arizona Looks to Outlaw Global Warming Legislation

07-02-2009: Stewart blasts former CIA analyst for rooting for bin Laden attack

07-02-2009: The American Clean Energy and Security Act = Government Energy Audit Required to Sell Your Home

07-01-2009: Lawsuit accuses Xe contractors of murder, kidnapping, child prostitution

Video: Pentagon’s Robo-Hummingbird Flies Like the Real Thing

5 Years After: Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results

Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion

It is Independence Day as We Become More Dependent

US suspends military activities with Honduras

Darpa’s Smart, Flat Camera Is Packed With Beady Eyes

Iraq: Troop Movements Are not a 'Withdrawal'

Report Projects Continued U.S. Military Presence in Iraq

Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show - July 1, 2009

"Monkeys fed 400 times the amount of BPA that the government assumes people ingest had lower levels in their blood than the average American."

US Government Poisoning Soldiers with Secret Vaccinations

Obama Admin Plan to REQUIRE Americans to get THREE Flu Shots

Obama Stabs Supporters In The Back, Breaks Promise Not To Issue Presidential Signing Statements

The Emperor's Seven Signing Statements

Media and The CIA Predict The Next American Revolution, Rebellion and Resistance by 2014

Jose Delgado And His Bull Story - Humans Are Next In Line (For The Brain Implants)

The Military Invades U.S. Schools: How Military Academies Are Being Used to Destroy Public Education

Cap and Trade Bill HR 2454 Will Lead to Capital Flight

Hamas’ Political Impasse: Between Principal and Necessity

Corrupt election campaign unfolds in US-occupied Afghanistan

"Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire"

Where is Bin Laden?

Battling Neoliberal Urbanism

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade: Economic collapse about to accelerate

100,000 Western Troops: US Shifts Counterinsurgency To Asia

Banks own the US government

VIDEO: Market continues to be propped up by government intervention and manipulation

Setback for Tony Blair's ambition to be president of Europe

Rockefeller launches initiative to boost health systems in Africa, Asia

Whistleblower Who Linked “Taliban” Leader To US Intelligence Is Assassinated

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade

video - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Navy Seeks Unblinking Eye for Battlefield Surveillance

Ron Paul: Democrats Who Opposed Climate Bill Voted For It Anyway

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Issue of Covering Abortions Will Not Impede Health-Care Reform Legislation, Says ‘Pro-Life' Democratic Sen. Bob Casey

U.N. Population Agency Receives $50 Million in Taxpayer Money, Despite Its Involvement in China Where Government's Population Control is Coercive

Pelosi Won't Give Public a Week to Review Text of Health-Care Bill Before House Votes on It

Harry Reid Won't Commit to Giving Public a Week to Read Health-Care Bill Before Senate Votes on It

Democrats’ Cap-and-Trade Bill Creates ‘Retrofit’ Policy for Homes and Businesses

CBO Ignores Economic Impact of Democrats’ Climate Bill

Pregnancy Prevention, Contraception Recommended for ‘Priority Attention and Funding’

Obama Administration Not Ruling Out Tax on Health Care Benefits

Last-Minute Amendment to Cap-and-Trade Bill Includes Indecipherable Provisions for ‘Cental Procurement States”

Gov. Crist Can't Reject All-White List of Appeals Court Nominees, State Supreme Court Says

Senate Dems Call for Government-Run Insurance Option; Want Fee on Companies Not Offering Insurance

Obama Downplays Affirmative Action As an Issue

White House Slams GOP Document Search on Sotomayor

European Union Calls on China, India to Cut Emissions

Justice Department: U.S. Border ‘Underprotected,’ ‘Easily Breached’

Who Railroaded the Amtrak Inspector General?

Obama’s One-World, America-Last Government

Ex-College Basketball Star on the Run After Bar Killings

Deadly helicopter crash in Pakistan

Russia to allow U.S. arms transit to Afghanistan

Statue of Liberty's Crown Reopens to Public July 4

In Naples, Ex-Convicts Keep a Close Eye on Tourists

Four Murders in Six Days in Rural South Carolina County

Forensic Expert: Amanda Knox Did Not Stage Break-In

Cheney discussed inquiries into CIA leak

Ruling disappoints MySpace victims mom

Biden Meets with Key U.S. Leaders in Iraq

Obama Stresses Green Jobs

New Sotomayor papers show opposition of Bork

Obama, Party Tout Lower Figure for Health Reform

LAPD Under Scrutiny After Jackson's Death

'Incredibly unethical': Federal probe finds problems in chelation study

Iranian cleric: British Embassy staff to be tried

Black Caucus Muzzled on Israeli Kidnapping of McKinney

Sessions Claims Sotomayor Tied To "Extreme" Group

How the Green Economy Can Promote Equal Opportunities for Women

How We Spend Our Money

Andy Borowitz: Madoff's Soul Turns Up on Craigslist

Rupert Murdoch: CNBC's On-Air Talent Not 'All That Good'

Obama Admin. Calls for Universal Abortion Access

Obama: Wright is Reason I Haven't Picked Church

Police Chiefs to Obama: We Need Immigration Help

Hacker May Have Outed Sanford, Mistress

GOP's Olson: Gay Marriage Going to Supreme Court

Rare Bust of George Washington to Be Auctioned

Rare Copy of Declaration of Independence Found

What's Driving Pyongyang?

America is Vulnerable to An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack - HUMAN EVENTS

Michael Cutler -- Our National Security Has Been Compromised

Republicans on Senate Committee Push to Exclude Abortion Services from Health Care Reform

Newsmax.com - White House Stalls on Sotomayor Documents as GOP Demands Disclosure

Newsmax.com - Gingrich: Obama ‘Disingenuous’ on Public Health Option

Newsmax.com - Obama Uses 'Letter' to Stop Illegals

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on Alex Jones TV

Western Governments Funding Taliban & Al-Qaeda To Kill U.S. Troops, Destabilize Countries

Boston Review — Evgeny Morozov: Cyber-Scare

*Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

The Bigger Story Behind Michael Scheuer’s Wish for an Attack on America

Will Obama’s “Clean Energy Corps” Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

George Hunt: UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population Reduction & Cap And Trade Scam)

Police crackdowns may encourage drug use - science-in-society - 03 July 2009 - New Scientist

Bill may force home energy audits

Juan Williams tries to be a Conservative and Bernie Goldberg has a plan on Affirmative Action: White Liberals, give up your jobs

The Alternative Protest to Teabag Day: Million Can March

Leading Candidate To Head Nat'l Young Republican Group OK With Racist Facebook Friend

Mark Levin compares Obama to Bernie Madoff: 'He is taking a wrecking ball to this society'

Washington Post Sells Access To Obama, Others To Lobbyists

Did you know that Red States lead in something? Guess what....

The Situation is Bleak. As Economy Still Bleeds Jobs, Experts Predict Another Jobless Recovery

How I helped drive Sarah Palin crazy by digging into her past

U.S. Launches Offense Against Taliban in Afghanistan; Pakistan Blocks Militants At Border

Bernie Sanders: The Democrats Need to Commit to Stopping a Filibuster on Health Care Reform

Framing the Public Option debate: It's oversight, baby!

Is Rush Limbaugh trying to encourage a military coup against Obama? UPDATED

North Korea Ups the Ante With Latest Missile Launch

Sean Hannity goes Daffy Duck on President Obama

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - July 1st With Alan Watt

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - July 2nd With Daniel Miller

Even the Amish Fell for the Boom by William L. Anderson

A Message for Armchair Economists by Betsy Hansen

Real Change on Cuba by Jacob G. Hornberger

Ron Paul Strikes Gold: Why the oft-marginalized congressman is the greatest threat to Obama’s regulatory plan. | The Big Money

How to keep thieves out while you're away from home | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

Strip the Bank of England of its power | Jamie Whyte - Times Online

BBC - Earth News - Ant mega-colony takes over world

Natural Health from A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas

US Shifts Strategy on Illicit Work by Immigrants

Immigration Crackdown Shifts Focus to Employers

Tough Times For Mexican Immigrants

LA employers face immigration audits

US federal agents to widen crackdown on illegal immigrants

Big-City Police Chiefs Urge Overhaul of Immigration Policy

Police say feds should enforce immigration laws

Illegal immigration costly to nation

Solutions to the illegal immigration crisis

Deportation policies steer illegal immigrants to shadows

Key senator sketches US immigration reform plans

Red Card biometrics touted for immigration reform

Health insurance leeches bleeding America dry

California is closer to ending illegal "Anchor Baby" births

Op-Ed Columnist - Let the Usurpers Writhe - NYTimes.com

Barney Frank: Let's spend TARP profits before taxpayers can get them | Washington Examiner

Op-Ed Columnist - That ’30s Show - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Politics of Toughness

RealClearPolitics - Hands Off Honduras!

How Bold Is Barack?

RealClearPolitics - The EPA Silences a Climate Skeptic

Obama's future depends upon his nation's health | Martin Kettle | Comment is free | The Guardian

Democratic health care vs. democracy - THE WEEK

Making History - WSJ.com

A turning point in Afghanistan -Times Online

House Delays Web Posting of Expenses - WSJ.com

Obama Reaches Out Before Vatican Trip

America soon to crumble to 'The Third Jihad'?

Eligibility bill wins more co-sponsors

eBay seller claims certified Kenya birth certificate

Send Obama a birthday greeting

eBay founder's links to Obama unveiled

*article links /Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Texas trying to save 'NAFTA Superhighway'?

Obama not fully informed on Russia: Putin spokesman | Reuters

Donors Find a Home in Obama's Ambassador Corps - WSJ.com

NYC forced to honor Islam on Sept. 11?

NSA to help watch feds' civilian networks - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Holder: 'Gays' protected, ministers not

Private lawyers to defend California constitution

Americans United accused of covering tracks

The high cost of 'green jobs'

Scientists to Congress: 'Sky is not falling'

Obama tossing middle income earners to tax wolves

Obama Interview: I Support Abortion Conscience Clause, What Note Dame Scandal?

House support for Fed audit plan swells

Now they want Reagan's name off the airport | Washington Examiner

Obama health czar led companies in trouble - Health care- msnbc.com

Is the Turin Shroud really a self-portrait by Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci? | Mail Online

Ramat Gan man comes back to life after being declared dead - Haaretz - Israel News

News | Jackson may get Muslim burial: reports

What Breaking the Sound Barrier Looks Like - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Incredible shrinking sheep blamed on climate change - environment - 02 July 2009 - New Scientist

Jackson’s Death Provokes Memories of Elvis Conspiracy | Underwire | Wired.com

Inflatable Tower Promises Easy Access to Outer Space: Discovery News

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Moon probe returns first images

'Prosecute,' Gibbs advises

Rick Warren does it, again

Tens of Thousands in Honduras demonstrate in favor of military

Airline mulls installing 'standing seats'

Sotomayor and ACORN joined at the hip

How's that transparency in science coming, fellas?

Obama the Redeemer

Helen Thomas: Who do they think we are, puppets?

Remembering What the Declaration of Independence is Not

Honduras and Iran: Obama Betrays Freedom Again

Capping and Trading Away Our Jobs

Cap and Trade: The Big Con

Journalists protest Global Warming spin cycle

Obama's biggest character flaw

Cap-and-Trade Means Regulate and Subsidize

The ISNA Conference

Taking the hot air out of wind power

North Korea nuclear test warning

My Way News - Missile experts see Soviet parts in NKorean rocket

U.S. 'ready' for N. Korean missile - Washington Times

GOP, White House at odds on Sotomayor documents

My Way News - Republican: Sotomayor had ties to extreme group

Russian PM calls on US to shelve missile shield-Ifax - Macroeconomic News, London South East

Bird's eye view: Pigeons are trained as fussy art critics | Mail Online

Don't look down: Terrifying view from glass box balcony jutting out from skyscraper's 103rd floor | Mail Online

Royal guards in a real Thriller

Amsterdam considering bank help for prostitutes | Lifestyle | Reuters

Turkish TV gameshow looks to convert atheists | Entertainment | Reuters

ARCHIVES, JUNE 12, 2008 - Obscenity trial halted after judge's porn site revealed

Judge faulted but cleared for putting sex content on site | News Bizarre | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

News : Hospital lures Mexican moms : Sierra Vista, AZ

Video: Controversial Taser shotgun weapon launched - Telegraph

Mistakenly released sex offenders back in custody | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Voight rebuts 'hate speech' tag - Washington Times

Teacher Gives Sex Tape to 5th Graders - CBS News

Middle East News | Ahmadinejad unwelcome in Egypt: lawyer

Hamas: Amnesty report accusing us of war crimes is 'unfair' - Haaretz - Israel News

Former Jordanian PM Calls Israel 'A Cancer' - News Briefs - Israel National News

Jordan's King Abdullah names teenage son as heir - Haaretz - Israel News

Living in Peru » Features : Opportunity knocks, again, in the Andes

U.S. Economy: Job Cuts in June Deeper Than Forecast- Bloomberg.com

China blasts US climate bill enabling penalties on trade partners

India Rejects Any Greenhouse-Gas Cuts Under New Climate Treaty - Bloomberg.com

None dare call it Marxism

A July 4th toast to Thomas Jefferson

Why I'm having tea in Boiling Springs

Rick Warren does it, again

Hands off Honduras!

Obama: Wrong again

Memo to prez: My 'old attitude' was pro-'gay'

The Big 60: Use it or lose it!

John R. Bolton - Time for an Israeli Strike? - washingtonpost.com

'... don't bother, they're here'

The curse of comfortable Christians

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Obamadinejad – Will You Still Dance With Me?

Totalitarian Rightists Put Orwellian Spin on Honduras Coup

Afghanistan 'surge' will test Obama's military muscle - Telegraph

RealClearWorld - Success and Failure in Iraq

Obama 'meddles' in Honduras -- and chooses the wrong side

Obama Should Walk in the Woods With Putin

The Coming Trade War With China - Forbes.com

RealClearWorld - Standing with Democracy in Honduras

The health care fix - World - Macleans.ca

America and Russia: Welcome to Moscow | The Economist

Obama's Summit in Russia: Which Side 'Blinks' First? - Council on Foreign Relations

RealClearWorld - A Trade Agenda for the G-8 Summit in Italy

The Dynamics of the "AfPak" Conflict: Metrics and Status Report | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Recent publications

Freedom, not money, is the capitalist dream - Telegraph

IBDeditorials.com: Stop The Madness That's Killing Jobs

Bowyer: Why Isn't America Hiring? - CNBC Guest Blog - CNBC.com

Can You Afford to Retire? - BusinessWeek

New Evidence on the Foreclosure Crisis - WSJ.com

Gimme Back My Nest Egg

The Work-Up - Insured but Unprotected, and Driven Bankrupt by Health Crises - Series - NYTimes.com

Finance Lobby Cut Spending as Feds Targeted Wall Street - WSJ.com

Small businesses vital to economic recovery go bankrupt - USATODAY.com

Revisions to Health Bill Are Unveiled by Democrats

The FDA and Painkillers: What's Safe Now?

Hospital Employee May Have Infected Thousands With Hepatitis C

Wal-Mart Smiles on the White House

Skin cancer rate up for Canadians born in the 1990s

Simplicity cribs, inflatable floats pulled for safety hazards

Plant Disease Hits Eastern US Veggies Early, Hard

Companies recall products linked to milk processor

LA's Staples Center to House Jackson Memorial

Ex-wife's custody bid looms over Michael Jackson memorial

Michael Jackson was reportedly working on two albums at time of death

Report: Powerful Sedative Propofol Found at Michael Jackson's Mansion

Michael Jackson concert promoter AEG could still see a financial gain

Did Michael Jackson's Death Save His Reputation?

David Carradine likely died of asphyxia, expert says

Producer Quincy Jones says Jackson's death surreal

myspace victim's mom disappointed by ruling

Bing: Not Really Gaining on Google

Facebook criticised over privacy

Facebook undergoes drastic changes one more time

New Moon Orbiter Sends First Lunar Snapshots

Snowfall on Mars? NASA's Phoenix Lander recorded it

Crew at Space Station Takes Trip Around Orbital Outpost

US Probes Google's $125 Million Book-Scanning Settlement

Mortgage rates fall slightly

Marshals Arrive, Ruth Madoff Leaves as Manhattan Home Is Seized

State Distributes IOUs For Money It Owes

Iran to Try UK Embassy Staff Accused of Incitement

What The Hell Is Happening In Honduras?

UN Chief Asks Burmese Junta for Meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi

UN chief faces steep challenge in Burma

Putin urges Obama to scrap shield

Obama Prepares for Russia Summit, G8, Africa Visit

British Troops Expand Major Afghan Operation

Further N. Korean nuclear test possible - UK envoy

Analysis: Air France crash mystery deepens

Brazil: Senegal took control of doomed flight

India media hails gay sex ruling

Deadly military crash in Pakistan

Italian train crash toll up to 22

Colonel Is Most Senior Serviceman to Die In Afghanistan Since 2001

Mousavi and the Masses

Iran's Ahmadinejad faces diplomatic isolation

G8 should give positive message on economy-Berlusconi

Suspect Fit for Trial in Nazi Case, German Doctors Say

Israel mulling easing Gaza embargo, report says

Indonesia's Megawati defends VP pick on rights issue

Anti-US protesters denounce Biden visit to Iraq

US Vice President Encourages Reconciliation in Iraq

From T-Rex to Waltzing Matilda - three new dinosaurs found Down Under

Powell Expresses Concerns Over Obama's Packed Agenda

Powell airs doubts on Obama agenda

US government Internet traffic to be screened: report

US wants privacy in new cyber security system

Troubles Plague Cyberspy Defense

*Text of Obama's AP interview

Judge Alex Kozinski rebuked for explicit postings

Cook County schools office targeted by County Board for elimination

Standoff With Gunman Barricaded in Detroit Hotel Ends

Stalled State Senators Enter Unpaid Holiday Weekend

Obama Invites the Public's Ideas on Easing Secrecy

Obama begins July 4th celebration at Camp David

Obama prepares for two big birthdays

Chicago police fatally shoot 16-year-old boy

Arrest made in fatal shooting of teen mom

Four Deaths in Six Days in Rural South Carolina County, Police Say

Robber Nabbed After Leaving Cell Phone at Bank

New rail corridor between LA and Las Vegas could doom maglev project

Sheep Shrinking Each Generation Amid Global Warming

Sex and the 'Harry Potter' movies: Does anyone want this? | PopWatch Blog | EW.com

Cap and Trade is Obama’s Smoot-Hawley

"Government or Anarchy?" revisited

Nancy Talbott's Letter to National Geographic TV's Mr. Sydney Suissa

Outcry as Silvio Berlusconi dines with judges who will rule on his immunity from prosecution

video - The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam - Videos - Terrorism Awareness Project

FT.com / World - New masters hold key to Africa recovery

'I felt like I'd been electrocuted': Sole survivor of Airbus crash relives her ordeal as she is reunited with her father

Air France plane was intact when it hit the ocean | World news | The Guardian

Betrayal of a naive hacker: Why are our MPs doing nothing to help Asperger's victim Gary? | Mail Online

Barack Obama: Putin has one foot in the past | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Europe - US and Russia square up over missile shield

School tells girl to remove cross despite allowing Sikh bangles - Telegraph

Juan Williams tries to be a Conservative and Bernie Goldberg has a plan on Affirmative Action: White Liberals, give up your jobs


Transcripts : President Obama's Townhall on Health Care

Interview with General Odierno

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Health Care

Roundtable on the GOP's 2012 Contenders

Franken Declares Victory in Minnesota Senate Race

Coleman Concedes Minnesota Senate Race

Secretary Gates Takes Questions on Iraq

Interview: NSA Jim Jones on Iraq

Roundtable on the Franken/Coleman Race

RNC Chairman Steele on Stopping the Climate Bill

Interview with Senator Amy Klobuchar

Obama's Speech on Community Solutions

Obama's Remarks Recognizing LGBT Pride Month

Press Conference with Secretary Clinton

Analysts Discuss the Ricci Decision

Interview with the New Haven Firefighters

Roundtable on the Situation in Honduras

Guests: David Axelrod; Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham

Guests: Sec. Sebelius, Sen. McConnell, Gen. Odierno

Guests: David Axelrod and Senator Grassley

Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill


YouTube - Obama: New Energy Will Help Right Economy

YouTube - Paterson tries to break stalemate

YouTube - Cops arrest teen murder suspect

YouTube - AP Interview: Obama on Iran's Nuclear Program

YouTube - Ban Ki-moon speaks in Burma

YouTube - Obama Girls Prepare to Take on Moscow

YouTube - US Marines capture Afghan district in major anti-Taliban offensive

YouTube - North Korea launches short-range missiles

YouTube - Legalising gay sex: Yes, no, may be...

YouTube - Train Derails in Italy, More Than a Dozen Dead

YouTube - Feds Seize Madoff Penthouse, Wife Leaves

YouTube - Myspace Conviction Thrown Out

YouTube - Lawyer: Rowe Deciding Whether to Seek Custody

YouTube - Wal-Mart Urges Government Health-Care Reform

Senator-Elect Franken On The "Today" Show

Gibbs: "Less Negative Trends" Seen In Unemployment

Dick Morris On White House Staging Town Halls

Liz Cheney On Hillary Clinton Pushing Obama On Iran

Ron Reagan Implies Limbaugh Abused His Wives

Mark Levin On Obama's Use Of "Tyranny"

Romer Explains June's Job Losses, Unemployment Rate

GOP Searches For Stimulus Jobs In New Ad

SC GOP Members Call On Gov. Sanford To Resign

Karl Rove On Impact Of Democrats' Supermajority

Raw Video: Vice President Biden In Iraq

Obama: Affirmation Action Should Be Less Of An Issue Than It's Made Out To Be

Franken Takes Clown Comment As A "Compliment"

Sen. Grassley: If You Want Good Health Care, "Work For The Federal Government"

Colin Powell "Concerned" With Obama's Spending

John Bolton On North Korea Missile Test

Biden In Iraq: "This Is The Moment"

Gross: Economy to Stay Weak 'For a Number of Years'

Yearning for Earnings? Hang in There

Taleb: Black Swan Author's Economic Outlook

Time to Buy eBay?

Major U.S. Operation in Helmand, Afghanistan Begins

Game Changer for Natural Gas?

Coup Leaves Honduras Deeply Polarized

Homosexuality in India Legalized

July 1st, Independence Day in Somalia

Activists Attempt to Break Gaza Blockade

WHO Holds Swine Flu Conference

Pakistan Taking Back Swat Valley

Gazprom Pitches South Stream to Turks

Obama and Uribe of Colombia Speak to Press

Obama on a Nuclear Iran

Ban Ki-Moon on Burma Talks

Afghanistan: Advancing Women's Rights


***CNSNews.com - The Declaration of Independence***

Talk Radio

07/02 The Mark Levin Show

07/01 The Mark Levin Show

06/30 The Mark Levin Show

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

Audio - Michael Savage - vintage:archive


World Net Daily Player - Congressman confirms 'buy votes' effort on 'cap-and-trade'

World Net Daily Player - Congressman says stimulus costing U.S. jobs

World Net Daily Player - Retired general: Soldier probably kidnapped for money

World Net Daily Player - 'Maybe every state doesn't need 2 senators'