"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 July 2009

Friday - 24 July 09

**Geet Fuel Processor - Paul Pantone

Magnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse - Science, News - The Independent

The Moshe-Dayan-Method of Intimidation « Time to Think

52 percent of U.S. soldiers wounded in Iraq, Afghanistan diagnosed with TBI - The Mainichi Daily News

HOLY !@#!! Treasury Auction Schedule - The Market Ticker

Pfizer to Pay Tens of Millions for Deaths of Nigerian Children in Drug Trial Experiment

Ex-Lehman Trader Says Fuld Snubbed Warnings on Housing Bubble - Bloomberg.com

Raw Story » New US narco-strategy may pay Afghan farmers to grow nothing

Raw Story » Obama’s drug czar: Marijuana ‘has no medical benefit’

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Fed Friendly Economists In Panic Mode Over Ron Paul Audit Legislation

Raw Story » AP plans ‘registry’ to track, license online news content

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Serving Armies of The Standing Bankers.

Online Poll: Jon Stewart Is America's Most Trusted Newsman

Drug czar: Feds won't support legalized pot - Local - fresnobee.com

Secession Is the Future: Kirkpatrick Sale Talks To the Iranians About the Death of Empires

Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky - tech - 23 July 2009 - New Scientist

Obama, police group clash over black scholar's arrest | McClatchy

The Battle Begins: ATF vs the Constitution | Tenth Amendment Center

The man that brought you Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is now america's food safety czar - BlackListed News

t r u t h o u t | Reid: No Health Care Vote in Senate Until Fall

Blackwater Seeks Gag Order

YouTube - 'Culture of Corruption'

YouTube - Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government

Just Knowing Is Not Enough

3 NJ mayors, 5 rabbis arrested in corruption case - The Boston Globe

Obamacare Means an End to Liberty and Freedom « Dprogram.net

Mr. President, we have a problem

It's called Apophis. It's 390m wide. And it could hit Earth in 31 years' time | Science | The Guardian

List Of Names / PICS NJ Corruption Probe - 12.160Mhz

The Human Trafficking Project: Organ Trafficking: A Fast-Expanding Black Market

America’s ‘disappeared’: The homeless of the big cities

Freedom Watch 24 - REAL Health Care Solutions, Federal Reserve | bytestyle.tv

Credit Card Companies Placing Financial Landmines for American Consumers: How I lost my 4.99 Percent Fixed Rate and got it Back.

Virginia Tech Shooter's Psych Doctor Hid Mental Health Records for Seung-Hui Cho (correction) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Scams And Bailouts The Cause of World Depression - The International Forecaster

Global Warming or Global Cooling? A New Trend in Climate Alarmism | DoomDaily

Islamist Assault on the U.S. Constitution

foodconsumer.org - Which is worse? Germs in our Food or the Antibiotics that Kill Them?

World Prepares to Dump the Dollar | Columns | theTrumpet.com

cryptogon.com » Archives » EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile

BBC NEWS | Technology | Wireless power system shown off

Jeffrey Smith: You're Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It's Not So!

The Mystical 7 Secret Society: A History « Aftermath News

ASI presents: Hillary, Walter Cronkite and World Government | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Just Knowing Is Not Enough

Meet President 'Barry Soetoro'

Devvy Kidd -- Sotomayor's confirmation vote rescheduled - here's why

Chuck Baldwin -- The American Revolution Revisited

Hillary Clinton admits CFR control over Government Policy

Is Obama Loyal to the Hate Bill?

savethemales.ca - The "Cold War" -- $5 Trillion Illuminati Boondoggle

Savita Bhabhi: India Mourns The Death Of First Toon Porn Star

The Jews Behind Michael Jackson’s Life And Death | Real Zionist News

They Scrapped the F-22!;The remarkable vote to kill the F-22 and what it means for America's military future. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Protest launched over US state department nominee

Osama bin Laden son 'probably killed in US drone attack' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Goon Squad: That NSA Spy in your Wallet and Purse

Portable DNA testing machines will give results within an hour - Times Online

Can the police give up confrontation? | Emily Apple | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Florida congressman Alan Grayson laughs in Ben Bernanke's face - priceless!

YouTube - Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know."

Evidence Soto Hid Self-Incriminating Data From Senate

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Meets With Governors To Discuss Emergency Preparedness

FBI Agent Talking About Bill Ayers. (video). - JoAnneMor's Blog - Blogster

David Icke Website - Flu Is Not The Biggest Danger ... It's The Vaccine

Ron Paul and Freemasonry « Aftermath News

12,000 U.S. Children To Be Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs

FEMA to Conduct Massive NLE 09 Martial Law Exercise Next Week

Think Tank Report: Obama Will “Press The Reset Button” On North American Union Agenda

Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

The FED: No Exit

The Gates Incident: Living in a Police State

Corporate Media Spotlights Distortion of Market by High Frequency Trading

‘Union Now, the U.N. and World Government’

UK Met Office and Dr. Phil Jones: “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”

Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

President European Commission Advocated World Government in 1992

Canadian Banks now using urine and hair samples to obtain mortgage?

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center

Download :Scientific Paper:(Active Thermitic Material Discovered)

9/11 and Cyberterrorism: Did the real “cyber 9/11″ happen on 9/11?

Alan Grayson grills Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending

Town Hall Confronts Congressman Over Obama Birth Certificate

Rockefeller Sidesteps WeAreChange Question on CFR, Bilderbergers

Is 'Cash for Clunkers' for Chumps? - ABC News

YouTube - Cash For Clunkers

U.S. 'on path' to normalization with Iraq - Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing - Roll Call

Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions - Political News - FOXNews.com

CNSNews.com - Sotomayor Would Not Concede a Right to Self-Defense

You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal - FOXNews.com

Take the red pill, Mr. President | Washington Examiner

Oliver Stone: JFK and the Unspeakable

Undermining Human Nature: Mass Media & Eugenics

The Carbon Cap: The Newest Form of Taxation

Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population Control Proposals

Holdren & Company: The Neo-Malthusian School

Obama’s Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families

Video: Holdren On Geoengineering

John Holdren, Ideological Environmentalist - Forbes.com

Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs gang are ’scum’ who have co-opted U.S. gov’t

Highlights of Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson before Congress

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force


$Billions in Medicare/Medicaid lost to fraud, abuse

TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT: All parents to sign 'behaviour contracts' - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

What's the deal with the White House press corps? - wtop.com

In Pursuit of Immortality: The science behind life extension - Family Health Guide

The man that brought you Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is now america's food safety czar

The International Banking Cartel is the New World Order

WEATHER WARS: Geoengineering To Mitigate Climate Change

Land mine "donated" to Good Will

Feds Bust Dozens in New Jersey Corruption Scandal; Mayors of Hoboken and Secaucus in Custody; “High-Volume International Money-Laundering Conspiracy”

$Billions in Medicare/Medicaid lost to fraud, abuse

VIDEO: 21st Century Traitors

US Escalates War Plans In Latin America

Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens

Its Official: U.S. Trapped in an Extended Deflationary Cycle

Jay Rockefeller Can’t Deny His Connection to Modern Eugenics

NSA Using Cloud Model for Intelligence Sharing; Open Source Software; Commodity Hardware

GM-free Britain develops GM crops for Africa

Supreme Court Guts American System of Justice

The NSA Is still Listening to You

The Hidden History of 9-11

The Merchants of Cool (PBS Documentary on the Culture Creation Industry)

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes

Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

War hero Patton 'murdered by the CIA'

Governors Discover Resisting the Fed Has Consequences

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Climate engineering research gets green light

Why we need population reduction

Greening the Internet: How much CO2 does this article produce?

VIDEO: 'Swine flu virus began life in lab'

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity

Global Warming or Global Cooling? A New Trend in Climate Alarmism

VIDEO: Obama Adminstration preparing for mass H1NI vaccination accross America

The Rothschilds: A Continuing Saga

Healthcare double-talk from Obama

The enemies of America’s real healthcare reform

"Dream Society" Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

The Globalist's Information Interlock

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda

Barack Obama ratings fall as polls show honeymoon may be over

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Midwives Would Be Paid the Same as Doctors Under Provision in Health Care Bill

House to Vote Friday on Amendment Stripping Planned Parenthood of Taxpayer Money

Black Caucus Members Agree With President Obama's Criticism of Cambridge Police, Call Harvard Professor’s Arrest ‘Racial Profiling’

Another New Study Challenges Climate Change ‘Orthodoxy’

Israelis Unsure of Obama; Palestinians Prefer Osama

Rising Casualties Raise Doubts Among U.S. Allies About Afghanistan War

Higher Minimum Wage May Stifle Employment, Group Warns

Despite Obama’s Primetime Press Conference, Senate Democrats Postpone Health Care Vote

Former AMA Head Warns of ‘Disaster in the Details’ of Obama Health Overhaul

Will ACORN Get Cash Earmarked in Health Care Bill for ‘National Network of Community-Based Organizations’?—Bill’s Author Says ‘I Don’t Know’

Obama Jumps From Health Care to Education Reform on Friday

Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Pass Major Hurdle in Mice

Obama Wants to Redistribute Health, Too

ObamaCare for Illegal Aliens

Anguish Across the Globe as Obama Rolls Back American Influence

Ghoulish Science Plus Obamacare Equals Health Hazard

The Next Chapter in Iraq

Electromagnetic Pulse Theatre: Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Time

*SITE -Optimum Population Trust

Abandoned USDollar & Paradigm Shift

Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius Guidelines


*SITE - The Forbidden Knowledge

Obama is rapidly turning this country into a totalitarian regime

TARP Watchdogs Criticize Treasury Over Transparency - WSJ.com

YouTube - FBI Agent Talking About Bill Ayers

BBC NEWS | Technology | Artificial brain '10 years away'

Darpa Searches for Next-Gen Nuke-Spotters | Danger Room | Wired.com

Elizabeth Edwards Shows How to Tell a Liar on Healthcare

Lou Dobbs: The "Left Wing Media" Has Attacked Me-- While He Continues His Birther Attack on Obama

The sickening hate of our new Surgeon General

Harold's Right. Blue Dogs Don't Believe In Doing What's Best for the Entire Nation, Only Their Own Political Careers.

Harry Reid wimps on Health Care: Demand that he "stays with no delays" in August until a bill is done

A Lou Point In American History - Dobbs And The Birthers

Hardball: G. Gordon Liddy, Leader of the Birther Movement?

Jon Stewart The New Cronkite? Time Poll Shows He's The Most Trusted Newscaster In America

GoOPer: We're Not Going To Cry "Emergency" Every Time There's An Emergency!

Bait and Switch on Public Option? No, The Sky Really Isn't Falling

Health Care the GOP Family Values Way

The Chasers visit America's favorite torturers

Democrat Nancy Boyda Heads Back To DC - This Time To The Pentagon

Mr. Noun, a Verb and 9-11 Giuliani Trying to Scare Americans on Health Care Reform

Dick Morris Fear Mongering on Health Care Reform: 'Obama's Plan is Gonna' Kill You'

Hardball: Joan Walsh on Liz Cheney Feeding the Birther Crazies

Pro-Life really means Anti-Contraception

Most Investors, Economists, and Policy Makers Are Blind to the Mountain of Malinvestments by Robert Higgs

What Would Asia Do Without America? by Joshua Snyder

The Record of the Federal Reserve by Erik Voorhees

The FED: No Exit by Michael S. Rozeff

Spending Money to Make Ends Meet by Richard Daughty

Obama stresses 'insurance reform' at 'health care' events

GOP Sen. Cornyn to vote against Sotomayor

Hatch to vote against Sotomayor's Supreme Court bid

Palin Ethics Investigator Closely Tied to Democratic Party

New Jersey scandal highlights cycle of ongoing corruption

White House Sees Healthcare Bill By Year's End

4 in Md. chopper crash had been at charity event

Obama to award first Medal of Honor

FBI 'Most Wanted' Fugitive Accused of Child Molestation Captured After 15 Years - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

NJ official resigns amid corruption probe

Report: FEMA mishandled toxins in trailers

Border Patrol agent shot to death in California

Kentucky Deputy Tasers Defendant After Courtroom Threat

Op-Ed Contributor The Cold War's Hot Kitchen

World opinion of US improves since Obama's election, poll finds

Union chief: Obama should apologize to Cambridge police - CNN.com


UN envoy says convinced Lebanon-Israel truce will hold

Former guerilla relies on popular appeal in bid to win Kurdistan

Karzai 'to review foreign forces'

Canada's Kent Urges Zelaya to Delay Return Until Accord Reached

Expert: US victory in Afghanistan hinges on locals

Sri Lanka to resettle 3000 war displaced families before election

Delayed offensive wears at Pakistan's antiterror credibility

Netanyahu praises Arab peace initiative

Austria Starts Probe Into Purchase Of Yachts, Cars For N Korea

Croatia train derails near tourist resort, 6 dead

Biden Offers Georgia Solidarity

Hamas Shifts From Rockets to Culture War

Silvio Berlusconi digs himself a bigger hole

News Analysis: Kyrgyz president wins reelection as expected

Indonesian police in massive manhunt a week after blasts

Iranian airliner skids off runway killing 17

Iran cleric warns over moves to harm Khamenei

Hardline Iranian Cleric Urges Ahmadinejad to Dismiss VP

Suu Kyi trial resumes as spotlight leaves Burma

Local Election in Britain Deal Blow to Ruling Labour Party

Death at an Apple Manufacturer in China

Astronauts slowly install batteries on spacewalk 4

No heavy breathing, NASA tells spacewalkers

Strange Eye-Shaped Galaxy Has Black-Hole Iris

Clouds in climate 'vicious cycle'

Compare-and-contrast reading on climate change

Back from the Moon, Apollo Astronauts Had to Go Through Customs

Apollo 11 Returns To Earth: Wake-Up Video

Groups demand privacy for Google Books

Waiters left out of latest minimum wage rise

Geithner Defends Plan for Financial Oversight

Twitter to pitch add-on tools to businesses

Government 'Cash For Clunkers' Program Begins

US Economy: Consumer Sentiment Falls on Concern Over Jobs

Buffett: Now is time to invest in stocks

Jackson's Time of Death in Question

Report: Michael Jackson's Prosthetic Nose Is Missing

At Cronkite funeral, a friend, sailor, newsman remembered

Phish staging Halloween festival at Coachella site

CNBC TRANSCRIPT: Warren Buffett's 'Secret Millionaire's Club' Live ...

Report: Chinese scientists create live mice from skin cells

Removal Of Cho's File Called Accidental

E-Cigarettes Pose a Health Hazard, FDA Warns

Denny's Sued Over High Sodium Content in Food

Does a child's IQ suffer if their mother is exposed to air pollution?

Experts debate proposed 'big brother' medical council

Democrats Spar Over Medicare

AIDS-like disease in chimps may be a 'missing link'

Study Finds Chimps Die From Simian AIDS, Dispelling Widely Held Belief

Arab states ban young, old and sick from hajj

Hospital warns patients of disease exposure

Woman found dead after fraud investigation

Political theater raises an unwanted question - ColumbiaTribune.com

TheHill.com - Rep. Paul — the reluctant leader of a still-energized grassroots movement

How big a gun do you need? by Massad Ayoob Issue #99

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Why the pirates are on the rise in Sweden

Could your tongue tell the real truth about your health? | Mail Online

YouTube - Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows

All U.S. children should get seasonal flu shot: CDC | U.S. | Reuters

Cambridge Police Unit Demands Apology From Obama for 'Stupidly' Remark - Political News - FOXNews.com

911, police tapes key in Gates case - BostonHerald.com

Union: Obama Should Apologize To Police For Comments on Gates - ABC News

Oldest boy in assault of girl to be tried as adult

Who's to blame in sex assault of girl? Father says nobody - Phoenix Arizona news, breaking news, local news, weather radar, traffic from ABC15 News | ABC15.com

Has Obama's luck run out?

WHO says pandemic gaining speed, sees winter risks | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

McCain Lawyers Investigated Obama Citizenship -- Taegan Goddard's Political Wire

Perry raises possibility of states' rights showdown with White House over healthcare | Top Stories | Star-Telegram.com

Lennon song from the grave?

Bodies stack up as California counts cost of funerals

Emanuel: Changes To Health System Take Time : NPR

Democrats threaten floor vote to break impasse

Pelosi: "I'm not afraid of August" - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Reid: No health care vote in Senate until fall

Sailor charged in Camp Pendleton shooting death of seaman

Amazon CEO apologizes for deleting Orwell books

Deposed Honduran leader prepares risky return

Skype singled out as threat to Russia's security | Technology | Reuters

Renee Ramsey, 77, Becomes The Oldest Ever Transgender Patient - cbs3.com

Gen Y Risks Becoming New 'Lost Generation'

The World's First Panda Cub Born From Artificial Insemination

Jurors convict evangelist on 10 sex-abuse counts

White House Memo: Obama Complains About the News Cycle but Dominates It, Worrying Some

McDonald's rampage changed police operations

The four grossest kid health problems

Coroner: Couple Gave Baby Lethal Drug Overdose

Man, 93, to Wed Childhood Sweetheart After 85 Years Apart

FBI 'Most Wanted' Fugitive Captured After 15 Years

California Senate Passes Budget Plan

Texas Teen's Slay Unsolved 40 Years Later

U.S. to transfer $200 million to Palestinians

Sarah Palin's Hot Numbers Are Cooling Off

Relief for Workers at Bottom: Minimum Wage Goes Up

Hamas Shifts From Rockets to Culture War

Over a Barrel: The Truth About Oil

Angels face revealed at Turkish ex-mosque

Dire Predictions For Swine Flu's Future

Ralph F. Hirschmann dies at 87; pioneering chemist

A young American's journey into Al Qaeda

National Ombudsman Gains Stature in a Georgia Where Freedom, Repression Coexist

Officer Tells His Side of the Story in Arrest of Harvard Scholar

Researchers Create Cells That They Say May Be Equivalent to Embryonic Stem Cells

David Sirota: Attack of the One-Percenters: Land Rover Liberals, Corrupt Cowboys & the Millionaire Media

US: Treaty Signing Signals Policy Shift

Geithner Defends Financial Oversight Reform

Health Care's Private Bureaucrats

Why is Rep. Mike Ross Blocking Health Care Reform?

Will The Birthers Kill Health Care Reform?

The Attack of the 1-Percenters

Fed Plans Consumer-Friendly Mortgage Changes

Teachers Could Earn More Under Obama Plan

Jobless Checks for Millions Delayed as States Struggle

August Now Health Care Battlefield

United States Ratification of International Human Rights Treaties

Kerry And Boxer Challenge Palin To Debate

Candace Bushnell, More Magazine To Create New Web Series Called "The Broadroom"

Should Michael Jackson's Estate Go Public?

Left/Right agreement: Neither Obama's health care, nor congressional Republicans, are very good:

Report Card on Obama From a New Frontiersman

The Gates Police Report

Bruno: a Glimpse Into Zionism?

John Kenagy: My Healthcare Reform Fear - It's Not Who Pays, It's What We Get

Eric Boehlert: I Wish the GOP Noise Machine Would Make Up Its Mind About Identity Politics

Harry Moroz: If Not Health Care Reform...

Michael Seitzman: I Want My Country Back

YouTube - White House Press Secretary on C-SPAN's Washington Journal

Slaughter at McDonald's changed how police operate - CNN.com

Government Officials, Community Leaders Invited to Come Together to Examine the Rising Cost of Healthcare

Vietnam Veterans of America to VA: Don't Wait for Us to Die: Grant Association to Agent Orange Exposure for Parkinson's, Heart Disease, Hypertension

Cashing in on Your Clunker? Don't Forget Auto Financing Basics, Says AWARE

Rev. Peterson to Obama: 'Apologize to Cambridge Police!'

World's First Cardiac Adult Stem Cell Patient Receives Infusion

Gibbs: Media 'obsessions' prolonging Gates story

Japanese professor creates baseball-playing robots

'The Window War' - Coming Soon To A Window Near You

The Catholic Next to You Might Not Be Real

The Minimum Wage is Subterfuge, Repeal It!

34 and 38 : How to legally dissolve the U.S. Federal Government

World Net Daily Player - A price on your head

The criminal case against ACORN

ACORN files lawsuit on voter registration - Washington Times

Gates lawyer was young Obama's mentor

Obama Defends Cambridge Police Criticism in Henry Louis Gates Arrest - ABC News

Boston Globe Scrubs Henry Louis Gates Arrest Report From Website | NewsBusters.org

Bill Cosby ’shocked’ at Obama’s statement on Harvard prof’s arrest | csmonitor.com


Obama to schools: Change or miss out on cash - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Did Obama lie to Christians, Jews?

IDF mulls effects of possible US military aid freeze | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Hundreds planning Temple Mount ascent

Loophole for illegals in 'Obamacare'?

Emanuel: Changes To Health System Take Time : NPR

EXCLUSIVE: Price says Pelosi ready for 'power play' - Washington Times

Obama health-care claims disputed - Washington Times

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Did Michelle Obama start a patient-dumping program?

Why won't Congress enroll in gov't health care?

Obama czar pick: 'Raving animal rights nut'

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

Obama Staffer Speaks at Planned Parenthood Event, Urges Pro-Abortion Lobbying

Kerry panel looks at climate change and national security - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

Rasmussen Reports:72% Don’t Want Feds Changing Their Light Bulbs

Democrats raise concerns about Barbara Boxer - Lisa Lerer and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

CNN Political Ticker: Poll: Majority don't approve of Palin

AP "news registry" to track online use by AFP: Yahoo! Tech

IRS officer indicted in alleged refi scam

Invasion of the robots: They're here to stay

ObamaCare harms low-income workers

Health care hellfire

Obama: Master magician

Health care looms, Congress goes fishing

Always the 'community organizer'

Which 'ism' on display at Harvard arrest?

American Thinker Blog: The President and the professor

Biden's stumble into veracity

We get the leadership we deserve

FrontPage Magazine - Jew-Hate at Jewish Film Festival

Political Affairs Magazine - Cost of Health Care Reform: Wails of Indignation from the Right

Obama to America: 'Who's your daddy?'

Barack Obama discovers socialist projects at home and a pro-Marxist foreign policy are making him unpopular - Telegraph Blogs

Naked girls plow fields for rain - Yahoo! News

Apollo 11 Spacesuits Gradually Disintegrating

The Macon Daily - EditorsCorner News provided by The Macon Daily!

As patient lay dying, doctor had a cookie - Canada - Canoe.ca

3 children found starved in hotel bathroom - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Merrick teacher pleads not guilty in rape of girl, 15 - Newsday

Sect leader gets 2 years for toilet corpse case - World - Canoe.ca

Video: Muslim woman in hiding after friend forced to drink acid in 'honour attack' - Times Online

Hugo Chavez targets Venezuela media - Los Angeles Times

PETA video shows Ringling Bros. circus handlers beating elephants

Fixies Hit Germany: New Bike Trend Could Be Deadly - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Twilight Language: July 21: Moon, Death, Masons and Golf

UFOMystic » The Name Game

A century later scientists still at odds on Tunguska Event explanation | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Students Build a Car the Blind Can Drive | Autopia | Wired.com

Ion engine could one day power 39-day trips to Mars - space - 22 July 2009 - New Scientist

INTANGIBLE MATERIALITY: A Shadow Amongst The Shadows

Jupiter collision a warning call to Earth | csmonitor.com

Widow uses dead husband's ashes for painting - Telegraph

Obama poll numbers take a dive

Hooker mystery solved?

What's an Obama promise worth?

IDF prepares for Life without US Defense Assistance

Wages? What Really Happens Today

Obama repeats lie that 'all economists' agreed stim bill was necessary

The glorious people's revolution wind farm

Obama laying the ground work for middle class tax hike

Where Obama's identity politics pays off

Lynn Sweet explains her question about Gates

The euphemistic White House

Hating Sarah Palin - and Us

Obama is the one who 'acted stupidly'

Executive Exclusion of Empathy

National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama

Palestinian Rights: A Warning

A Platform for Change

A Chemical Scare Campaign Is Good Business for Some

At the NAACP, Obama Removes His Mask of the Great Unifier

Healthcare Policy, Social Justice and Thugs

Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'

Has Obama's luck run out?

Obama: 'Victory' Not Necessarily Goal in Afghanistan - Political News - FOXNews.com

GOP Congressional Report Accuses ACORN of Political Corruption, Widespread Fraud - Political News - FOXNews.com

Florida Hospital Defends Deporting Brain-Injured Illegal Immigrant After Spending $1.5 Million on Man's Care - Neurology | Alzheimer's Disease | Stroke - FOXNews.com

Hillary's terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day - Yahoo! News

CongressDaily - Dems Start To Push Back Hard To Prevent A 'Waterloo'

RealClearPolitics - Video - Rahm Emanuel: House Will Vote On Health Care Before Recess

Daily Express | UK News :: Muslims could get own police

White House qualifies Obama remark about arrest

Officer at eye of storm says he won’t apologize - The Boston Globe

CNSNews.com - Another New Study Challenges Climate Change ‘Orthodoxy’


Op-Ed Columnist - The Health Care Sausage - NYTimes.com

The Hard Sell Begins | 44 | washingtonpost.com

Obama Needs a Move to the Middle

Bloomberg.com: Obama May Prove Best Friend Insurers Ever Had: Margaret Carlson

The American Spectator : Health Care Reform and the American Character

Officer Tells His Side of the Story in Arrest of Harvard Scholar - washingtonpost.com

Peggy Noonan: Common Sense May Sink ObamaCare - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Costs and Compassion - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Rhetoric Meets Reality

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Isn't Governing From The Center

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Problem Isn't Socialism, It's Capitalism

Health-Care Reform Would Cost Seniors and Young People Plenty - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama is the One Who 'Acted Stupidly'

Lexington: The Obama cult | The Economist

Post-racial America looks pretty racial to me | ajc.com

Focus on the Fed

The deficit and health care: Falls the shadow | The Economist

The cost of good intentions: Obama's health care overhaul must rein in runaway expenses

IBDeditorials.com: This Is Post-Racial?

TheHill.com - Dems demand more coordination from leaders

Transportation Bill Not Likely to Pass Soon - WSJ.com

Lobbyists get power access via caucuses - USATODAY.com

Crowley's union predicts Obama will regret remarks - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

A Retreat From Global Banking

RealClearMarkets - Larry Summers On the Moon

Alan Blinder: economy has hit bottom - WSJ.com

Paying the price for Obama's lack of a trade policy - Los Angeles Times

Crisis of a House Inflated — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

RealClearMarkets - Why Doctors Don't Fear ObamaCare

Mandating Higher Unemployment - Forbes.com

Ten Myths about Subprime Mortgages :: Yuliya Demyanyk :: Economic Commentary :: 07.23.09 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » Goldman Sachs Pays Off Feds & Buffett

Sprott: We’re Now in Early Stages of a Depression

Republicans Can Do Financial Regulation Too - The Atlantic Business Channel

Medical Progress Today:The Healthcare Reform Debate

Bulls Trying To Take It Up A Notch- July 21, 2009 - Ciovacco Capital Management - ATLANTA

Existing Home Sales Higher for Third Straight Month

Cumberland Advisors : Dennis Gartman, Ben Bernanke & Congress

Jobless Checks for Millions Delayed as States Struggle

Hope Builds for the Economy, and Stock Market Surges - washingtonpost.com

Mortgage relief efforts are criticized - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - 21st century traitors

Stunning Rice Crop Art In Japan - Photos

Islamist Assault on the U.S. Constitution

A Meeting With The Board

foodconsumer.org - Which is worse? Germs in our Food or the Antibiotics that Kill Them?

The Mystical 7 Secret Society: A History « Aftermath News

Bill Frist: The True Face of the Pro-Life Anti-Contraception Movement

Elizabeth Edwards Shows How to Tell a Liar on Healthcare

Lou Dobbs: The "Left Wing Media" Has Attacked Me-- While He Continues His Birther Attack on Obama

The sickening hate of our new Surgeon General

Hamas Shifts From Rockets to Culture War - NYTimes.com

Will Asia's economic recovery lead the way? | The Japan Times Online

Jordan Times :A possible exit strategy?

RealClearWorld - Why Have Syria-Saudi Ties Improved Now?

The troops leave. And then the horrors begin | David Aaronovitch - Times Online

Is Mexico under attack by its military? - Los Angeles Times

Comment: It's No Game - Edit Page - OPINION - The Times of India

The Afghanistan Campaign: Can We Win? | Center for Strategic and International Studies


*Transcripts :Nightline's Interview with President Obama

Obama's Townhall in Shaker Heights, Ohio

Biden's Address to the Georgian Parliament

Obama's Prime Time Press Conference on Health Care

President Obama Interviewed About Health Care

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Supporting Sotomayor

Analysts Discuss the Health Care Push

Panel Previews Obama's Press Conference

Vice President Biden's Speech in Ukraine


*World; Video:UK Recession Worse than Feared

African Albinos Killed for Body Parts

Drought Causes Famine in Ethiopia

North Korea: Nuclear Talks "Over"

Russia Will Become Debtor for Decades

Displaced People Return to Swat Valley

Court Orders Sudan Boundary Change

Kyrgyz President Favored to Win Reelection

Hunger Strike for Iran

Foreign Affairs Hearing on Iran

Obama and Maliki at the White House

Change of Government Likely in Japan

The Connection: Burma and North Korea

Biden: U.S. Support for Georgia Will Continue

Hang Me, Says Kasab

Somalia: The Impact of Conflict on Daily Life

Hilary Clinton on North Korea

Adm. Timothy Keating on North Korea

The Security Situation in Iraq

*Markets; Video:Art Cashin on Dow 9000

Is Treasury Shortchanging Taxpayers?

A Jobless Recovery?

Insider's Look at High Frequency Trading

JP Morgan Joins Peers Boosting Bankers' Salaries

Obama's 'Emperor with No Clothes' Moment?

Macau: A Better Bet Than Las Vegas?

The Porsche Saga Continues

The New, New Thing Is Old, Old People

Gabelli on Healthcare, Autos and Retail

The Challenge of Containing Systemic Risk

Andreessen's Tech Outliers

*Politics; Video:Full Interview: Rush Limbaugh Goes "On The Record"

Gibbs: Twitter Is Blocked On White House Computers

Obama "Doesn't Know All The Facts" About Harvard Professor Incident

Flashback: Obama "I Like To Know What I'm Talking About"

Pelosi Not "Bound" By Obama's Deals With Health Care Execs

CNN Anchor Calls News Conference "Incendiary"

Emanuel: GOP Sees Health Care In "Political Terms"

Police Union: Obama Should Apologize For "Stupidly" Comment

Rep. Price: GOP "Will Slow Down" Health Care

Gingrich: Obama "Should Have Said Nothing" About Henry Gates

Cop: Gates Told Him "I'll See Your Momma On The Porch"

Gates: James Crowley a "Rogue Policeman"

Obama: "Victory" Not Necessarily The "Goal" In Afghanistan

WH Won't Reveal Name Of "Woman" Mentioned In Health Care Address

Obama Vows Health Care Reform At Press Conference

Clinton: North Korea Has "No Friends"

Reid Says Senate Health Care Vote In September

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted "Stupidly"

Rush On Obama: "He's Angry At This Country, He's Not Proud Of It"

Rasmussen Explains Health Care Poll Numbers

Obama: I'm "Praying" For "Guidance" All The Time Now

Pelosi "More Confident Than Ever" About Health Care Vote

MSNBC Host: "I Was Rooting For The President To Hit A Home Run"

Obama: GOP Should Have "Shame" For "Creating" Fiscal Mess

DNC Attacks DeMint Over "Waterloo" Comment

Obama Defends "Stupidly" Comment: "Cooler Heads Should Have Prevailed"

Dem: "My Constituents Would Love To Wait In Line For Medical Care"

Harvard Professor: Arrest Shows Black Men Are "Vulnerable"

Jindal Criticizes Health Care Plan, Axelrod Defends

Cantor, Dodd React To Obama Presser

Cop Who Arrested Harvard Professor Not Sorry


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/23 The Mark Levin Show

07/22 The Mark Levin Show

07/21 The Mark Levin Show

07/20 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio : The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 23rd With Rand Paul

*Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 22nd With Gerald Celente

*Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 21st With Kevin P. Miller


Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'

Mr. President, we have a problem

Who Are the Birthers? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

New burst of attention for old doubts about Obama

Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace

YouTube - Dobbs Tells Roland Martin To Pipe Down During Obama Birth Debate

*Article Links :Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Now you can watch eligibility story


American Minute for July 24th:William J Federer's American Minute


American Statement of Grievance on Government & Judiciary (Part I of 4)

American Statement of Grievance on Government & Judiciary (Part 2 of 4)

American Statement of Grievance on Government & Judiciary (Part 3 of 4)

American Statement of Grievance on Government & Judiciary (Part 4 of 4)

News Video Highlights

YouTube - Officer Not Backing Down

YouTube - NJ Residents 'Disappointed' in Corruption Probe

YouTube - Pres. Obama on Transparent Health Care Negotiations and C-SPAN

YouTube - Four Dead in Md. Helicopter Crash

YouTube - Defendant Tasered in Court

YouTube - RIz Khan - Elections in Iraq's Kurdistan - 23 July 09 - Part 1

YouTube - Biden Expresses Willingness to Support Georgia

YouTube - New Tory MP Chloe Smith on Norwich North victory

YouTube - Astronaut suit problem halts third Endeavour spacewalk

YouTube - Minimum Wage Increases to $7.25

YouTube - Cash For Clunkers

YouTube - Manslaughter Investigation Targets Jackson Doc

YouTube - Andy Rooney: Cronkite 'Was Such a Good Friend'

YouTube - Buffett Becomes Cartoon - Bloomberg

YouTube - FDA: Electronic Cigarettes Contain Toxins