"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

25 July 2009

25 July 09 - Saturday

25 JULY 09

Obama Forces Smash Israeli Spy Ring Responsible For 9/11, Massive Theft

video - Common Purpose & the Fabians

President Hu calls for promotion of national defense construction_English_Xinhua

Bernanke: 25 mega-firms are systemically vital - MarketWatch

Oliver Stone: JFK and the Unspeakable

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

YouTube - How close are we to Martial Law in the US? ALERT!

UW Hospital says dozens of patients may have been expos - WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports

How the FBI used a rabbi's son to crack massive U.S. corruption case - Haaretz - Israel News

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity

Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

OpEdNews » The Great Tax Con Job

No Exit for Ben

Cable Network Denies Spy Reports

Obama’s drug czar: Marijuana ‘has no medical benefit’

Raw Story » Cheney pressed Bush to test Constitutional limits by using military force on US soil

Who Is Cyveillance And Why Should You Care? | Security And Privacy

video news :msnbc.com:What doesn’t the Fed want you to know?

video :The greed game

*** Site:freedocumentaries.org/***

OpEdNews » Recalling the Downing Street Minutes

YouTube - Trader on Bloomberg says markets are manipulated and volumes 'ficticious'.

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Eustace Mullins The only history of the federal reserve system bankers start war to create debit

Refreshing News: Nasa finds monster black hole sucking up gas, dust and stars at centre of galaxy

Don't Let Obama Put GMO Boosters in Charge of Food Safety!

Healthcare Is a Good, Not a Right by Ron Paul

Human Nature Is the Enemy of the State « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

*The "Truss Theory" - A Fantasy Concocted to Conceal a Demolition

Air Force Plans for All-Drone Future | Danger Room | Wired.com

Baking soda 'could help kidneys' - Yahoo! News UK

Exposed: Repair Shops Hack Your Laptops - Yahoo! News UK

Musician angry after BPI forces YouTube to pull his video (Updated) - Ars Technica

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » EXAMPLE OF US MEDIA HIDING POW INFO FROM PUBLIC

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv:The Worst is Yet to Come!!

Disturbing the Universe: Holocaust Denial, Revisionism, Religion, Censorship and War By Gary Corseri « Dandelion Salad

Red Dirt Report | RDR: Looking at the swine flu vaccine with a skeptical eye


*"Unusual Magnetic Forces" Should Not Have Caused the Twin Towers to Collapse

Unemployment Not Just a Problem in America ... Unemployment in Spain Forecast at 22% by Next Year

Emanuel: Changes To Health System Take Time : NPR

No Sheeples Here: Never Interrupt This President While He's Making A Mistake

The War on Terror is a Zionist racket « Pak Alert Press

YouTube - Florida congressman Alan Grayson laughs in Ben Bernanke's face - priceless!

Ex-Lehman Trader Says Fuld Snubbed Warnings on Housing Bubble - Bloomberg.com

Raw Story » New US narco-strategy may pay Afghan farmers to grow nothing

Raw Story » Obama’s drug czar: Marijuana ‘has no medical benefit’

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Serving Armies of The Standing Bankers.

Biden Says Weakened Russia Will Bend to U.S. - WSJ.com

History Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare

Wis. father on trial in girl's faith-healing death - Yahoo! News

Undercover Cop Arrested for Selling Drugs to an Undercover Cop | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)

Europe’s Muslim Factor | Cover Story | Jewish Journal

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Dr. Rand Paul on Alex Jones Tv: Real Change in 2010!

Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky - tech - 23 July 2009 - New Scientist

The Battle Begins: ATF vs the Constitution | Tenth Amendment Center

The man that brought you Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is now america's food safety czar - BlackListed News

t r u t h o u t | Reid: No Health Care Vote in Senate Until Fall

Blackwater Seeks Gag Order

YouTube - 'Culture of Corruption'

Moneynews - Pelosi: $350,000 Is the New Middle Class

BBC NEWS | Business | 'Customers pay' as banks rebuild

No Sheeples Here: Gates-aquiddick: A Frenzy Without End (At Least Not A Good One)

Lame Cherry: Henry Lewis Gates jr. dial 411

Major Civil Rights Group Demands CNN Remove Lou Dobbs From The Air

Obama's Leadership Style: Too much, too soon? -- Politics Daily

Farmed Fish Could Give Humans Mad Cow Disease

“Obama is pure, unadulterated Evil” | Politics from 2009-07-16 | RT

The Moonwalker Prophecy

Red Dirt Report | Watson: Manufactured crisis to rescue failing Obama agenda?

Perry raises possibility of states' rights showdown with White House over healthcare | Top Stories | Star-Telegram.com

Electropulse weapon fear spreads to UK politicos • The Register

All U.S. children should get seasonal flu shot: CDC | U.S. | Reuters

You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal - FOXNews.com

**Scientific Paper:Active Thermitic; 9/11/ World Trade Center

Congress to Fed: What’s in the bag?

52 percent of U.S. soldiers wounded in Iraq, Afghanistan diagnosed with TBI - The Mainichi Daily News

AFP: US prepares major terrorism readiness exercise

The Future Of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces

Bruno - A Glimpse Into Zionism?

CNN chief addresses Obama birth controversy - Los Angeles Times

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

"Dead Man Musings": Identifying Illuminati Mind Slaves: Case Study #1

American Thinker Blog: Hooker mystery solved?

American Thinker: National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama

Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations Coming?

The NSA Is Still Listening To You

Now you can watch eligibility story

Sonia Sotomayor: The Florida Homestead Exemption

The arrest that divided America - Americas, World - The Independent

News Corp subsidiary News America Marketing fined $300m in US court | Media | guardian.co.uk

New party tries to give Kurds their 'Orange revolution' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Chinese researchers clone Tiny the mouse from skin cells - Times Online

Class A drug use on the rise among young people | Society | guardian.co.uk

Queen guarded by illegal immigrant who joined Army under fake name - Telegraph

YouTube - Dobbs Tells Roland Martin To Pipe Down During Obama Birth Debate

YouTube - 21st century traitors

Islamist Assault on the U.S. Constitution

foodconsumer.org - Which is worse? Germs in our Food or the Antibiotics that Kill Them?

cryptogon.com » Archives » EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile

BBC NEWS | Technology | Wireless power system shown off

The Mystical 7 Secret Society: A History « Aftermath News

Meet President 'Barry Soetoro'

Devvy Kidd -- Sotomayor's confirmation vote rescheduled - here's why

Wayne County Star Traces Racist Posts to Homeland Security - NYTimes.com

Worst families in Britain will be put in 'sin bins' - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Technology | Plug-pulling ISP changes policy

Obama's Approval Rating Plummeting

07-24-2009: Swine flu screening at UK airports amid fear that NHS could be overwhelmed

07-24-2009: More Fearmongering - Swine flu could hit up to 40 percent in US Says Health Officials

07-24-2009: The man that brought you Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is now america's food safety czar

South Florida drivers to take part in mileage-tax test

DHS Coordinates National Level Exercise to Prevent Terrorist Attacks with Federal, State, Local Tribal, Private Sector, and International Partners

WEATHER WARS: Geoengineering To Mitigate Climate Change

1-Percenters Launch Attack On Health Care

VIDEO: 'Swine flu virus began life in lab'

Stealth Bull Market: Imminent Market Correction

Global Warming or Global Cooling? A New Trend in Climate Alarmism

Don't let 'Orphan' give the wrong idea about foster kids, warn adoption advocates

The Merchants of Cool (PBS Documentary on the Culture Creation Industry)

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes

Healthcare double-talk from Obama

‘Union Now, the U.N. and World Government’

Bernanke: “I Don’t Know” Which Foreign Banks Were Given Half a Trillion

"Dream Society" Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

The Globalist's Information Interlock

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Jay Rockefeller Can’t Deny His Connection to Modern Eugenics

Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

MIT develops camera-like fabric


Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Almost Two to One in America, According to Washington Post Poll

Obama: I Talked to Sgt. Crowley about Having Him and Gates to White House for Beer

Obama Now Says, ‘I Could’ve Calibrated Those Words Differently’ About Cambridge Police

Black Police Officer at Scene of Gates Arrest Says He Supports Arresting Officer's Actions ‘100 Percent’

Black Caucus Members Agree With President Obama's Criticism of Cambridge Police, Call Harvard Professor’s Arrest ‘Racial Profiling’

Higher Minimum Wage May Stifle Employment, Group Warns

Former AMA Head Warns of ‘Disaster in the Details’ of Obama Health Overhaul

Will ACORN Get Cash Earmarked in Health Care Bill for ‘National Network of Community-Based Organizations’?—Bill’s Author Says ‘I Don’t Know’

Another New Study Challenges Climate Change ‘Orthodoxy’

Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Pass Major Hurdle in Mice

Obama Wants to Redistribute Health, Too

ObamaCare for Illegal Aliens

Anguish Across the Globe as Obama Rolls Back American Influence

The Republican 10 Point Plan for Health Care

Keeping Track: Rep. James Clyburn joins the list: "postpone the August break until they pass a sweeping health care reform bill.

Actual Facts About The Henry Louis Gates Case

Morning Joe: Rep Tom Price Cites "Non-Partisan" Study Group Funded By Health Insurance Company Panning Health Care Reform

Don't Let Up The Pressure Now, We Need to Remind Them We're Watching and Waiting

Dude, Where's My $500,000,000,000?

Dr. David McKalip -- Mr. Tea Party--forwards racist Obama pic

MSNBC Gets Called Out for their Lack of Journalistic Integrity

Ohio Republican Re-Introduces Bill Making Abortion Illegal Without Permission From A Man

Bill Frist: The True Face of the Pro-Life Anti-Contraception Movement

Elizabeth Edwards Shows How to Tell a Liar on Healthcare

Lou Dobbs: The "Left Wing Media" Has Attacked Me-- While He Continues His Birther Attack on Obama

The sickening hate of our new Surgeon General

Hillary's blunder with Pyongyang - The China Post

The President Takes a Hard Line on Israel - WSJ.com

WPR Article | Iran and the Military Option

The big lie of Afghanistan | Malalai Joya | Comment is free | The Guardian

'Dictaplomacy' - Forbes.com

RealClearWorld - Obama and Israel, Into the Abyss

Gray Menace;Why Japan's aging, shrinking population is bad for the United States - By Brad Glosserman & Tomoko Tsunoda | Foreign Policy

Mr. Biden's Diplomacy;The vice president pays important visits to Ukraine and Georgia. - washingtonpost.com

The Arab world: Waking from its sleep | The Economist

Editorial: A 'crisis' manipulated | Editorials | Jerusalem Post

RealClearWorld - Hilary Clinton's Visit to India

Memo to Clinton: US ain't top dog | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Axis of Weasels: The Perilous Myanmar-North Korea Alliance

Radovan Karadzic’s New-Age Adventure - NYTimes.com

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Israelis know why Obama means it on the settlements

Afghanistan War: U.S. Officials Lower Expectations - TIME

Now What?

The Fed Can Lead on Financial Supervision - WSJ.com

The Truth Behind a "Recovery" in GDP - greenfaucet

Seven Reasons Not to Trust the Bull Market

Marijuana Legalization: Help for California Budget Woes? - TIME

The Summer's One Must-Read Article - Forbes.com

Jobless Checks for Millions Delayed as States Struggle

Mortgage relief efforts are criticized - Los Angeles Times

Who Is Killing America's Millionaires?

Op-Ed Columnist - Costs and Compassion - NYTimes.com

You'll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama's health care plan - Jul. 24, 2009

In Defense of 'Socialized Medicine' - The Daily Beast

Steven Pearlstein - Time for the Blue Dogs to Show Their True Colors - washingtonpost.com

The 'Crude-ification' of Nat Gas | Market Features | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Health care hypocrisy

When is a hate crime not a hate crime?

Muslims help fund Scotish exhibit that encourages defacing of the Bible

Nearly All His Professors are Democrats

Obama a 'Know-Nothing' on economics - Barnes

Did Obama have a personal vendetta against Cambridge cops?

Obama: Gates affair the media's fault

Why no reporters on Obama's clinic tour in Cleveland?

Who Will President Obama Drum Up Hate Against Next?

Obama on Afghanistan: victory is a four-letter word

Obama's a Racist

Science Fiction, Global Warming & Universal Healthcare

Looking to the future through reviving the past

Obama's 'Recalibrated' Insult

Executive Exclusion of Empathy

National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama

Barack Obama counts the cost of his ambition | Tim Reid - Times Online

The Long Fight: John Dingell's 50-year struggle to pass universal-health-care legislation.

More health care stumbling by Team Obama | KeithHennessey.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Welcome to the ‘Club’ - NYTimes.com

Promoting Racial Paranoia by Heather Mac Donald on National Review Online

Ezra Klein - Why Democrats Will, at the End of the Day, Pass Health-Care Reform

RealClearPolitics - Some Inconvenient Truths About Medicare and the New 'Public Plan'

What the CIA hid from Congress - Los Angeles Times

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Has Liberalism Jumped the Shark?

Palin exit sparks fierce Alaska debate - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

When Obama's Economic Chief Knew The Crisis Was Over -- Politics Daily

Has Global Warming Stopped? - Jim Manzi - The Corner on National Review Online

Presidential (beg) pardon: Obama was right to abandon ill-chosen words about black prof's arrest

CQ Politics | House Leaders Prepare Unemployment Fund Fix

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 24, 2009 - Geithner, Bernanke at odds on consumer protection

Latino Activists Seize on Texas Ruling to Boost Voting Power - WSJ.com

Changing relations with Iraq - The Boston Globe

Confidence in American liberty plunging

'Scofflaw' Obama has history with 'stupid' Cambridge police

Gates lawyer was young Obama's mentor

Meet the man at center of Obama's race controversy

Why didn't 911 caller recognize Gates in broad daylight?

Gates had earlier racial run-in - Race & ethnicity- msnbc.com

Obama Called Cambridge Police Officer James Crowley Who Arrested Henry Louis Gates - ABC News

NRA sets sights on senators backing Sotomayor - Washington Times

House panel axes DoD 'propaganda' - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

Gallery’s invitation to deface the Bible brings obscene response -Times Online

Police called to religion row

Daily Express | UK News :: Muslims could get own police

Did Obama lie to Christians, Jews?

Report: North Korea Publicly Executes Christian Woman for Distributing Bible - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Appeal launched for soldier who killed terrorist

Opposing rally has 'pridefest' fans enraged

Loophole for illegals in 'Obamacare'?

Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'

GOP Not Allowed to Say 'Government-Run Healthcare" - HUMAN EVENTS

Pawlenty blasts Obama plan - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com:House healthcare talks break down in anger

Black Caucus blasts Blue Dogs - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Obama's Health-Care Reform Expert Peter Orszag Gets Political - WSJ.com

Obama czar pick: 'Raving animal rights nut'

The criminal case against ACORN

Confidence in American liberty plunging

Not Even a Scratch - 'Good Morning America' Video | Morning Rush

Texas cleaning up oil blobs on South Padre Island - Yahoo! News

Market Forces and Health Care Costs


'Crime of honour' arrests | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Obama to schools: Change or miss out on cash - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Scientists produce live mice from stem cells - Washington Times

Harry Patch, last British survivor of First World War trenches, dies - Telegraph

The waterboarding of America

Abortion is 'health care'?

Protect our elderly from ObamaCare

Is there a co-pay with forced abortion?

Family Security Matters » Publications » Look Here to See What’s in the Health Care Bill: CHILLING!

Ready or not, judgment day is coming!

Green with envy

Unhappy 100th birthday, NAALCP

Unemployed? Swallow your pride and get to work!

Lying – an American epidemic

Which 'ism' on display at Harvard arrest?

Tim Tebow shouldn't be teased for his virginity, he should be lauded for practicing what he preaches - ESPN

U.S. Stocks Rise, Giving Dow Biggest Two-Week Gain Since 2000 - Bloomberg.com

Geithner, Bernanke at odds on consumer protection - Yahoo! News

Invasion of the robots: They're here to stay

t r u t h o u t | Waxman: Talks "Back From the Brink"

Palin Faces Questions as She Exits Alaska Politics

Smell of Smoke Forces Plane's Return to Boston

Black Scholar Accepts White House Meeting Offer

Brooklyn Man Accused of Buying, Selling Kidneys

Sheriff Probing Coroner's Employees

Police Arrest Man in Fatal Seattle Stabbing

Fla. Gov's Office Mistakenly Praises Nazi Film

Girl Shunned by Family After Rape Sparks Outcry

NJ's Corzine Picks State Senator as Running Mate

O.J. Simpson Wants Items Seized in Las Vegas

Judge: Terror Shield Law Doesn't Apply to Officers

Porn Mogul's Son Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

U.S. Army's farm program tackles Afghan rebuilding from the ground up

Obama Says Health Plan Benefits Small Business

Chicago store clerk foils armed robbery

Obama sells health care overhaul, citing study

Coffee at Home Is Money in the Bank

Hubble Snaps Photo of Jupiter Impact Site

Jackson advisor says he turned over $5.5 million

Clinton's 'defense umbrella' has murky history

Dodd may snub lobbyists, but not their cash

Dr Boyce Money: The NCAA Finally Gets Sued

Bruce Wilson: Ensign Church Head Endorsed Sex-With-Succubus Economic Theory

Greenwashing Extraordinaire: Wal-Mart Glass-House 'Sustainability Index' Strategy

Obama Seeks to Clarify 'Stupidly' Comment, Praises White Policeman - Political News - FOXNews.com

Mystery substance sickens La. cops; 18 quarantined

150 Dead Dogs Found In Michigan Man's Freezer - wcbstv.com

Has Obama's luck run out?

Peggy Noonan: Common Sense May Sink ObamaCare - WSJ.com

Diller Calls Free Web Content a ‘Myth, Joins Refrain - Bloomberg.com

All U.S. children should get seasonal flu shot: CDC | U.S. | Reuters

Palin picnic marks beginning of the end - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Emanuel: Changes To Health System Take Time : NPR

Skype singled out as threat to Russia's security | Technology | Reuters

911, police tapes key in Gates case - BostonHerald.com

China steps back from one child policy - Times Online

Cult-like gang gains power in Mexico drugs war | Reuters

Nation & World | Mexico's drug war engulfs breakaway sect of Mormon Church | Seattle Times Newspaper

BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkish police arrest 'Islamists'

Evangelist found guilty of kid-sex crimes - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Minister wins right to threaten judge with biblical curses - USATODAY.com

Blogger Files Suit Against Former Church - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Some strippers dancing without a licence - Canada - Canoe.ca

No Rhode Island Law Against Teen Strippers, Prostitution - ABC News

Mass Layoffs: The Continuing Devastation by Gary North

No Exit for Ben by Peter Schiff

Politicizing Crime by Daniel Coleman

Obstructing and Manipulating by Bill Sardi

Vaccine problems for seasonal flu

Obama's Ambition: Was His Strategy a Mistake?

Conference to address black women and HIV/AIDS

Report Sees Agent Orange Link to More Illnesses

Stem-Cell Breakthrough

Carcinogens and poisons found in electronic cigarettes

Correct Medicare Premium Takes Time to Establish

Health-Care Ads 'Go Over the Cliff' to Sway US on Obama Plan

Lessons learned from Mass. health care experiment

Toxic chemicals in e-cigs

Experts Dispute Some Points in Health Talk

Study linking pollution to lower IQ stokes fears among many, not all

AIDS-like disease in chimps may be a 'missing link'

How Do You Turn Walter Cronkite Into a Friend of Gay Rights? Zap Him.

Jackson Estate Recovers $5.5M From Ex-Advisor - ABC News

From the Shadows: More Encounters With Shadow People

New Era - Mysterious Beasts Torment Villagers - by Helvy Tueumuna

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Hot or Cold? Solar “Silence”, CO2 Emisions, and Climate Change

BBC - Earth News - People steal meat from wild lions

Jay Weidner - How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Lies. Alchemical Kubrick II

UFOMystic » The Name Game

Twilight Language: July 21: Moon, Death, Masons and Golf

A century later scientists still at odds on Tunguska Event explanation | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Students Build a Car the Blind Can Drive | Autopia | Wired.com

Twilight Language

Twilight Language: Soon In A Scottish Rite Hall Near You?

Facebook closes API loophole that let people see strangers' photos

Network Solutions Suffers Massive Data Breach

Get "Cash For Clunkers" -

Waiters left out of latest minimum wage rise

Oil, Stocks Rebound on Recovery Hopes

Flexibility Is Signaled on Financial Oversight

Regulators Spar for Turf in Financial Overhaul

Starbucks Goes Into Stealth Mode

Warren Buffett to Teach Kids About Finance in Cartoon

For Buffett, Goldman Deal Looks Like a Pot of Gold

AOL's New Focus: Content, Mapping

Crude rises for second week on weaker dollar, stocks' rally

Honduras chief's return scorned

Polls Close in Kurdish Parliamentary, Presidential Elections

Train crash in Iran leaves three dead

Mr Biden backed Ukraine's and Georgia's ambitions to join Nato

Private Harry Patch

Kyrgyz opposition cries fraud over vote

Britain signals unease with Sri Lanka by abstaining on IMF loan vote

British soldier killed in Afghanistan

In showdown, Ahmadinejad backs down on deputy pick

Clinton stresses US commitment at ASEAN forum

Iraq to send students to colleges in US, abroad

Gaza movie house owner becomes vegetable vendor

Indonesian police in massive manhunt a week after blasts

Iranian Opposition Leaders Call on Clerics, Launch New Charges

Gates' Liberal College Town No Stranger to Racial Dust-Ups

Political Memo Partisan or Not, a Tough Course on Health Care

Lobbyists the silver lining in health care storm?

Lawmakers Approve Most Budget Measures

Betelgeuse BOOM - Calamitas Apocalyptica

Obama chides California for not using test scores to evaluate teachers

Sarah Palin Says Farewell to Alaska Governor's Office With Picnic Tour

Mayor's arrest puts spotlight on historic city

Bush advisers debated troops to nab US terror targets

Corruption Case a Blow to Corzine's Campaign

McDonnell Roads Plan Privatizes ABC Stores

First lady says children need exposure to arts

Judge declined to lock up Seattle stabbing suspect

In Obama's White House, Twitter is banned

Obama honors 'historic piece of civil rights legislation'

Plea for altered Mormon stance on gay rights grows

Ice Cream Vendor Jailed, Hours After Getting a Second Chance

*Archives ; The Lew Rockwell Show

John Cornyn Thinks We're At War With India

Who knows you on social networks? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Technology

The CIA, licensed to kill - Los Angeles Times

Rich Harvard, Poor Harvard: Vanity Fair | Vanity Fair

No Longer Alone, Ron Paul Fights the Fed - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Is the US Economy Close to Hitting Bottom? - Frank Shostak - Mises Institute

Money printing, debt growth and deficits don't create prosperity, says Marc Faber

Obama's health care plan will be 'incredibly expensive,' Ron Paul tells East Grand Rapids conservative luncheon - Grand Rapids News - The Latest News, Blogs, Photos & Videos – MLive.com


AOL poll: 82% want Obama to release it

On Television and Radio, Talk of Obama’s Citizenship - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace

CNN President Jon Klein declares Obama birther story 'dead' | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: New burst of attention for old doubts about Obama

On Television and Radio, Talk of Obama’s Citizenship - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

CNN chief addresses Obama birth controversy - Los Angeles Times

The offensive against eligibility questions

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

'Shut up Lou Dobbs' campaign hits stride

* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND being censored from search engines?


Only Queen Elizabeth II can fix this.

Michael Savage: I'm still banned

Michael Savage Still Banned in England

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind

Audio :Savage responds to his ban by the U.K.


YouTube - FDA: Electronic Cigarettes Contain Toxins

YouTube - Andy Rooney: Cronkite 'Was Such a Good Friend'

YouTube - Minimum Wage Hike Affects Businesses, Workers

YouTube - Cartoon Warren Buffett on Investment - Bloomberg

YouTube - Warren Buffett on CIT

YouTube - Ousted Honduras Leader Briefly Returns Home

YouTube - RIz Khan - Elections in Iraq's Kurdistan - 23 July 09 - Part 1

YouTube - Great War veteran Harry Patch dies

YouTube - British soldier killed in bomb blast in Afghanistan

YouTube - US And Asian Allies On High Alert - Bloomberg

YouTube - Iraqi PM admits US troops may stay - 23 Jul 09

YouTube - Sawa - West Bank settlers accused of hounding Palestinians

YouTube - Gates Arrest Still Scrutinized

YouTube - Raw Video: Palin Says Goodbye at Picnic

YouTube - Kidney scandal exposed as Rabbis arrested over corruption

YouTube - Feds: US Man Gave NYC Subway Info to Al-Qaida

YouTube - Ice cream vendor charged in drug case


American Minute for July 25th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Transcripts :Obama's Remarks on the Gates/Crowley Controversy

Secretary Geithner Testifies on Regulatory Reform

Nightline's Interview with President Obama

Interview with Rush Limbaugh

Biden's Address to the Georgian Parliament

Analysts Discuss Clinton's Trip to Asia

Panel Reacts to Obama's Press Conference

Obama's Townhall in Shaker Heights, Ohio

Obama's Prime Time Press Conference on Health Care

President Obama Interviewed About Health Care

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Supporting Sotomayor

Analysts Discuss the Health Care Push

Panel Previews Obama's Press Conference

Vice President Biden's Speech in Ukraine

Obama's Remarks on Health Care and the F-22

Chairman Bernanke's Semiannual Report to Congress

Dodd, Alexander, Cooper & Ryan on Health Care

Panel on Slowing the Health Care Bill

Senator DeMint on Stopping Obama's Health Care Plan

Interview with President Obama

Interview with Hillary Clinton

Panel Discusses Obama's Health Care Fight

Reps. Holt & Hoekstra Debate the CIA & Congress

Obama's Remarks at D.C. Children's Hospital

Secretary Clinton's Townhall Meeting in India

Media Briefing with Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen

Secretary Sebelius and Leader McConnell on Health Care

Director Orszag and Senator Gregg on the Cost of Care

Rep. Rangel and Sen. Hatch Discuss Health Care


*Market;Video/Buffett: Invest in Stocks, Even At Dow 9000

A Jobless Recovery?

Dicker's Top-5 Natural Gas Plays

Insider's Look at High Frequency Trading

Is Treasury Shortchanging Taxpayers?

JP Morgan Joins Peers Boosting Bankers' Salaries

Art Cashin on Dow 9000

*World;Video/Zelaya Returns to Honduras, Briefly

*Politics; Video/Obama Vows Health Care Reform At Press Conference

Clinton: North Korea Has "No Friends"

Reid Says Senate Health Care Vote In September

Obama: GOP Should Have "Shame" For "Creating" Fiscal Mess

Rasmussen Explains Health Care Poll Numbers

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted "Stupidly"

Dem: "My Constituents Would Love To Wait In Line For Medical Care"

Pelosi "More Confident Than Ever" About Health Care Vote

Rush On Obama: "He's Angry At This Country, He's Not Proud Of It"

MSNBC Host: "I Was Rooting For The President To Hit A Home Run"

Obama: I'm "Praying" For "Guidance" All The Time Now

DNC Attacks DeMint Over "Waterloo" Comment

Obama Defends "Stupidly" Comment: "Cooler Heads Should Have Prevailed"

Harvard Professor: Arrest Shows Black Men Are "Vulnerable"

Jindal Criticizes Health Care Plan, Axelrod Defends

Cantor, Dodd React To Obama Presser

Cop Who Arrested Harvard Professor Not Sorry

Obama: Professor Gates Probably "Overreacted"

Gibbs: Twitter Is Blocked On White House Computers

Obama "Doesn't Know All The Facts" About Harvard Professor Incident

Flashback: Obama "I Like To Know What I'm Talking About"

Pelosi Not "Bound" By Obama's Deals With Health Care Execs

Full Interview: Rush Limbaugh Goes "On The Record"

Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Must Fail" for America to Succeed

Clinton: Zelaya's Actions Are "Reckless"

Emanuel: GOP Sees Health Care In "Political Terms"

Black Officer Supports Professor's Arrest

Police Union: Obama Should Apologize For "Stupidly" Comment

Rahm Emanuel: House Will Vote On Health Care Before Recess

Rep. Price: GOP "Will Slow Down" Health Care

Hoyer: "Very Small" Chance Health Care Vote Next Week

Gates: James Crowley a "Rogue Policeman"

Rep. Compares Obama Picking A Puppy & Health Care Reform

CNN Anchor Calls News Conference "Incendiary"

Gingrich: Obama "Should Have Said Nothing" About Henry Gates

Cop: Gates Told Him "I'll See Your Momma On The Porch"

Obama: "Victory" Not Necessarily The "Goal" In Afghanistan

WH Won't Reveal Name Of "Woman" Mentioned In Health Care Address


07/24 The Mark Levin Show

07/23 The Mark Levin Show

07/22 The Mark Levin Show

07/21 The Mark Levin Show

07/20 The Mark Levin Show

07/17 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

World Net Daily Player - Critic says president behaved stupidly

World Net Daily Player - Analyst says Obama will change healthcare plan

World Net Daily Player - Congressman say Obamacare 'will be the only option'

Audio :The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 24th With Dahr Jamail

Audio :The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 23rd With Rand Paul

Audio :The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 22nd With Gerald Celente


YouTube - Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine PT.1 of 5

YouTube - Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine PT.2 of 5

YouTube - Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine PT.3 of 5

YouTube - Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine PT.4 of 5

YouTube - Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine PT.5 of 5