"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 July 2009

23 July 09

23 July 09

Trinitite - What the Heck is this Stuff?

The Death Penalty for a Hate-Crime?

Big Pharma Bribes Doctors to Hook Your Kids on Drugs | Health and Wellness | AlterNet

The Associated Press: House passes measure to require 'pay-as-you-go'

Mayors, rabbis arrested in corruption probe - CNN.com

YouTube - Former Israeli Minister - "It's a Trick, We Always Use It, calling people anti Semitic"

Botched Surgery Costs Airman His Legs, Possibly His Job - Gallbladder Surgery, Botched Surgery, Colton Reed - KTXL

Kerry panel looks at climate change and national security - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com

YouTube - We Now Have A Total Gangster Government


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » How the banks have manipulated the price of gold Fannie and Freddie my lips are sealed

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul interview Bloomberg 21/07/09

Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens

Survivalism: How to Prepare for the Economic Collapse « Freedom Arizona

Watch Who You Call Extremist by Steven Greenhut

US Escalates War Plans In Latin America

The US Has No Business Being in the Murder Business by Eric Margolis

The Myth of Fed Independence by Ron Paul

*Gun Control – Past, Present, & Future : Federal Jack

How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis Medical Insurance that Worked — Until Government "Fixed" It

Rep. Kaptur Sticks An IED Inside Paulson And Then Presses 'BOOM' - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis

NEVER Believe Uncorroborated Police Testimony « LewRockwell.com Blog

Raw Story » Ron Paul: End wars to fund health care

Land Mine Left In Colorado Goodwill Donation Box - cbs4denver.com

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel to use Hitler shot for PR

Congressman Ron Klein: War remembrance conflicts with Rosh Hashanah

Fox News Alert: Captured U.S. Soldiers Should Be Killed, Because They Suck | Nonsense News

GAO: Pentagon tried to sway public opinion - Navy News, news from Iraq - Navy Times

25 Things About To Become Extinct : Schargel Consulting Group

Washington's Blog:Its Official: U.S. Trapped in an Extended Deflationary Cycle

Unarmed man in speedos shot dead by police - Telegraph


The Truth Will Set You Free: Goldman Sachs to start printing its own currency

More bodies go unclaimed as families can't afford funeral costs - Los Angeles Times

Bernanke Fights Audit Threat To The Fed - Forbes.com

Evidence Soto Hid Self-Incriminating Data From Senate

Doctors Warn Avoid Genetically Modified Food

YouTube - Florida congressman Alan Grayson laughs in Ben Bernanke's face - priceless!

FDA and Public Health Experts Warn About Electronic Cigarettes

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Meets With Governors To Discuss Emergency Preparedness

FBI Agent Talking About Bill Ayers. (video). - JoAnneMor's Blog - Blogster

David Icke Website - Flu Is Not The Biggest Danger ... It's The Vaccine

How Labour keeps the lower classes in their place - Telegraph

Cypriots angry over claims of wild sex orgies by tourists - Telegraph

YouTube - Salbuchi - How World Government Will Come About - Part 1

YouTube - Salbuchi - How World Government Will Come About - Part 2

Devvy Kidd -- Sotomayor's confirmation vote rescheduled - here's why

Senate Rejects "Radical" GOP Gun Bill

Barack Obama ratings fall as polls show honeymoon may be over - Telegraph

Barack Obama launches campaign urging Congress to pass healthcare reform | World news | guardian.co.uk

New Nasa chief wants men on Mars in his lifetime - Telegraph

Akiva Eldar / What Netanyahu wants from Obama's 'self-hating Jews' - Haaretz - Israel News

FTC supplement clamp-down targets both retailer and supplier

*Audit the Federal Reserve: HR 1207 and S 604 | Ron Paul .com

**Republican Sex Offenders

**Incomplete List of Democrat Criminals needs help

Judge accuses CIA officials of fraud, unseals secret files | McClatchy

Massive New Zealand quake moves country west - Yahoo! News

NORAD to Conduct Exercise Over D.C. Area|ABC 7 News

Z Street - The New Zionist Extremist Group

Of Conspiracies And Plots

Cryptomundo » Fayette Bigfoot: Investigative Photos

YouTube - Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know."

AFP: Obama presses Iraq troop withdrawal, promises help

The Associated Press: Intel chief: Computer attacker still a mystery

The Associated Press: Democrats irked by Obama signing statement

$1 billion in marijuana seized in California - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Air France plane makes emergency landing in Boston

Google, Baidu China Users Blocked From Reading News on Hu’s Son - Bloomberg.com

AFP: A 'range of options' if NKorea's Kim goes: US military

Germany's Steinbrueck sees dollar importance waning - Forbes.com

Middle East atomic conflict would kill tens of millions: report

Bin Laden Son Reported Killed In Pakistan : NPR

YouTube - Madsen: 'Swine flu virus began life in lab'

YouTube - Common Purpose & the Fabians - Michael Tsarion

*Illuminati Mind Control

Provo,Utah Illuminati Master

The Great Utah Political Satanic Ritual Abuse "Cover-up"

What's The Deal With The White House Press Corps?

07-23-2009: Video: Bernanke Says He Doesn't Know Where A Half A Trillion Dollars Went

07-23-2009: Russians Increase Purchases of Guns for Self-Defense

07-23-2009: FEMA Administrator Meets With Governors To Discuss Emergency Preparedness

In Pursuit Of Immortality: The Science Behind Life Extension

07-22-2009: India Makes Education Compulsory And Free

Report: The climate industry is costing taxpayers $79 billion and counting

NSA Using Cloud Model for Intelligence Sharing; Open Source Software; Commodity Hardware

07-22-2009: Allegations: U.S. Personnel Were Present To Afghanistan Massacre In 2001 Of Taliban prisoners who had surrendered

07-22-2009: Obama Goes Prime Time To Pitch Health Care

07-22-2009: Russian postal workers to let police open mail

07-22-2009: White House declines to disclose visits by health industry executives

07-22-2009: Is The Fed Paying Banks Not To Loan Money?

Morgan Stanley sets aside 72% of revenue to pay bonuses

VIDEO: 21st Century Traitors

US Escalates War Plans In Latin America

European Court Ruling spells an end to water fluoridation

Jay Rockefeller Can’t Deny His Connection to Modern Eugenics

GM-free Britain develops GM crops for Africa

VIDEO: Alan Grayson grills Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending

Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius Guidelines

US Will Take 'Crippling Action' if Iran Becomes Nuclear, says Clinton

The Coup and the U.S. Airbase in Honduras

Who's Behind Lanny Davis' Putsch Paycheck?

Obama, More Polished Than the Last Puppet

Wall Street's Love Affair with Ben Bernanke

The NSA Is still Listening to You

*The Hidden History of 9-11

Stealth Bull Market: Imminent Market Correction

Global Warming or Global Cooling? A New Trend in Climate Alarmism

Obama Lawyers Shield Cheney on Leak

What are the Origins of Swine Flu? Is the H1N1 Virus Endemic in Canada's Hog Farms?

History Too Long Denied: Japan’s Unresolved Colonial Past and Today’s North Korea Problem

WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

Can The Economy Recover?

Internet warfare team unveiled

The Rothschilds: A Continuing Saga

Foreign Embassies Urged to Stockpile Local Currencies

Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers

The enemies of America’s real healthcare reform

No real change in US foreign policy

Misused TARP funds shocker -- not

Economists’ pro-Fed petition discredits its signers

Brave new world for reticent fools

*video - 59:43/Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR

video - Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

"Dream Society" Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

The Globalist's Information Interlock

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

‘I Am Very Worried About Federal Spending,’ Obama Says in Defense of His Trillion-Dollar Health Care Overhaul

Obama Falsely Claims There Are 47 Million Uninsured Americans

Will ACORN Get Cash Earmarked in Health Care Bill for ‘National Network of Community-Based Organizations’?—Bill’s Author Says ‘I Don’t Know’

Some of Obama’s Health Care Claims Do Not Withstand A Fact Check

Former AMA Head Warns of ‘Disaster in the Details’ of Obama Health Overhaul

‘We've Got to Pass Financial Regulatory Reform,’ Obama Says

Q&A with Mark Levin: Obama’s Destructive Vision

AP Analysis: Obama Missteps Confuse Health Care Overhaul

Congresswoman Backs New Equal Rights Amendment; Points to Afghanistan, China as Models

Management Problems Prevent FDA From Keeping Up With Its Workload, Government Watchdog Says

Obama Says Cambridge Police ‘Acted Stupidly’ in Arrest of Black Harvard Scholar

Virginia Tech Gunman’s Mental Health Records Surface at Home of Former University Official

New Service Lets People Tweet A Prayer to God

June Existing Home Sales Rise by 3.6 Percent

Source of July 4 Cyberattack Remains a Mystery, Intelligence Chief Says

DeMint Warns South Carolina TV Stations That Democrats’ New Attack Ad Is ‘Factually Untrue’

Obama Wants to Redistribute Health, Too

ObamaCare for Illegal Aliens

Anguish Across the Globe as Obama Rolls Back American Influence

The Phantom 46 Million Uninsured

The Next Chapter in Iraq

North Korea's Left Turn: Implications for Regime Stability

Electromagnetic Pulse Theatre: Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Time

The Media Landscape in Iran

The China-North Korea Relationship

Survival School ; Why more Americans are learning to pick locks, bust out of handcuffs, and avoid surveillance.

Asia Times Online :: Fiction upon fiction

Ten Things You Need to Know to Live on the Streets

When Ritalin Isn't Quite Right | h+ Magazine

On the Importance of Being a Cyborg Feminist | h+ Magazine

Dem divisions emerge as health care bill stalls

Clinton: NKorea running out of options on nukes

Non-embryonic stem cells pass major hurdle in mice

Obama turns health care focus to families, voters

Manufacturers brewing new swine flu vaccine

Drive-by shooting at Texas Southern wounds 6

"Satanic Ritual Abuse"

Nationalization: The New "Big Three"???

*Darwin, Racism And Genocide

One World Govt and Religion

The Two Temples of Solomon

*Modern Pirates:How to Plunder a Nation

1984: All Over Again?

Who Are These People? This is info from a trusted source: An actual Illuminati defector.

*Svali Speaks

"Satanic Ritual Abuse"

Despite Pledge to Cut Military Ties to Coup Regime, US Continues to Train Honduran Soldiers...

Media on ‘card check’ Wrong or just missing the point?

Unsafe Sodium Levels at Denny’s Prompt Class Action Lawsuit

Study: Abortion Doctors, Clinics "Routinely Targeted"

Obama's press conference

Cops And Pension

Obama Close To Naming Cybersecurity Coordinator

Green Shoots . . . from 1930

US Business Warns Congress of 'Green Trade War'

Bloomberg Poll Finds Obama Popular With Non-american Investors

Giles Slade: Geoengineering: Two Worlds for the Price of One

Jeffrey Feldman: On Healthcare, Obama Needs More Drama

Michael Wolff: Seriously, Do You Know What Obama's Birth Certificate Says? Have You Seen It?

Bosnian Serb Commanders Convicted of War Crimes

Sotomayor Wins Another One

Obama Boosts U.S. Image Throughout World, Except In Israel

Jim Wallis: How to Win a Culture War

Sandy Maisel: Obama Misses the Point on Health Care Debate

Lesley Stern: How To Live On $0 A Day: Creative Dentistry

What Doctors Actually Endorse For Healthcare Reform (Hint: It's Not In This Bill)

Message to Conservatives: Elections have Consequences

Time: Cheney and Bush Fight Over Pardoning Scooter Libby

Conservative kiosk not allowed at mall

Boxer's Boxing Bollixes Cap and Trade

More Obama brilliance

The President and the professor

Obama's presser - is anyone listening?

Obama bullies CBO chief the Chicago Way

Palestinian Rights: A Warning

A Platform for Change

A Chemical Scare Campaign Is Good Business for Some

At the NAACP, Obama Removes His Mask of the Great Unifier

Healthcare Policy, Social Justice and Thugs

Who's Out of Touch?

Does Ted Kennedy deserve his extended cancer care?

Are Men Obsolete?

India and Global Warming

Universal Coverage, OK - Obamacare, Not OK

The Ideological Fight of the Century

Racial Preferences in the Democrats' Health Care Bill

Recipe for Economic Stagnation

Take the red pill, Mr. President | Washington Examiner

Obama - 'stars are aligned' for healthcare reform | Reuters

N. Korea Escalates War of Words, Calls Clinton Vulgar, Unintelligent

Schwarzenegger defends knife-wielding Twitter video

Legacy Fight: Inside Bush and Cheney's Final Days - TIME


Autopsy: Blood loss from rat bites killed Westwego baby | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | Top Stories | News and Weather for New Orleans | wwltv.com

Dirty Jersey: Feds Bust Dozens in Corruption Scandal | NBC New York

N.J. officials, N.Y. rabbis caught in federal money laundering, corruption sweep - NJ.com

Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing - Roll Call

Pelosi Says She Has Votes to Pass House Health Plan (Update5) - Bloomberg.com

Leading Blue Dog Democrat: Pelosi Does Not Have the Votes for Health Care Reform - Political Punch

Journalist deaths rise in media 'bloodbath'

My Way News - National Mall in disrepair after years of neglect

Honduran regime rejects plan for president's return

Silvio Berlusconi 'sex tapes' released - Times Online

Mexican cartels target polygamist Mormon sect - Washington Post- msnbc.com

FACT CHECK: Obama's health care claims adrift? - Yahoo! News

Germany's Spies Refuted the 2007 NIE Report - WSJ.com

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons - Telegraph

Sergeant at eye of storm says he won't apologize

Japanese students moved by reconciliation trip | The News Tribune - Local | Seattle-Tacoma News, Weather, Sports, Jobs, Homes and Cars | South Puget Sound's Destination

Hardball: Joan Walsh on Liz Cheney Feeding the Birther Crazies

Pro-Life really means Anti-Contraception

The Senate Ruins Summer Travel, Says No to Gun-Toting Convenience

Bipartisan House Members Demand Fox News Apologize For Analyst's Attacks On Captured Soldier

Glenn Beck Defends His Radio Show Freakout: It Was Just Common Sense

Pakistan Unhappy About America Expanding War in Afghanistan

Why Are Blue Dogs Fighting Against Constituent Interests on Healthcare Reform? It's the Money, Honey.

Liz Cheney Defends The Birthers

Charges dropped against professor amid questions of racial profiling

Voinovich Admits GOP Opposes Health Care Reform For Political Reasons

Tell Congress to cancel their August recess if they try to stall the bill. Speaker Pelosi and Senator Wyden agrees with C&L

WSJ: Concentration of Wealth at the Top is Draining Social Security

Any public insurance option must include coverage for reproductive health

John McCain: The Stimulus is a Failure, But Don't Dare Ask Arizona to Give Any of the Money Back

Another C-Street Shoe Drops: Ensign Gave Wamp $5000 Campaign Donation After News of Affair Broke

19th Ethics Complaint Filed Against Sarah Palin - Investigator Believes Palin Used Power For Gifts

Insurers Insist We Really Don't Need A Public Plan. Sorry, Guys, We Don't Trust You.

Jimmy Carter Loses His Religion

Chris Matthews Takes On The Lunatic Birther Movement

Obama on Today Show: 'Health Care Shouldn't Be Political'

The Catholic Next to You Might Not Be Real

The Minimum Wage is Subterfuge, Repeal It!

34 and 38 : How to legally dissolve the U.S. Federal Government

U.S. missile defense test 'a failure'

Muslim activists blocked Jews from moving in

'Peace partner' boasts: We never recognized Israel

Rabbis to Obama: Stop pressing on capital

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

Meet the real Walter Cronkite

Catholic nurse ordered to help with abortion

Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'

Justices set hearing date for cross arguments

Now you see me, now you don't: The artist who turns himself into the Invisible Man | Mail Online

Chinese experts grow live mice from skin cells

Arab states ban young, old and sick from hajj

Study Finds Chimps Die From Simian AIDS, Dispelling Widely Held Belief

HIV in chimps: Study finds chimps aren't immune to AIDS as once thought -- chicagotribune.com

Va. Tech Shooter's Mental Files Turn Up

How Relationships Help Explain Obamanomics

Obama: Social Security, Medicare reform on agenda

Young adults unaware of vaccines needed to stay healthy

Stress May Cause Asthma in Kids

Obama Falsely Claims There Are 47 Million Uninsured Americans

Lettuce Recalled Over Salmonella Fears

Did Michael Jackson Have a Fourth Child?

Cronkite's funeral to be kept private

Shootings injure partygoers at Texas campus event

Michael Jackson's Death Certificate Improperly Viewed Hundreds Of Times - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Multiple Search Layers Come to Google Maps, Google Maps for Mobile

Dear Vista: It's Time to Part Ways

Yahoo Buys Xoopit Photo-Management Tool

Apollo 11 Moon Landing Delivered 40 Years Of Spin-Off Tech

Do You Have Brain Cells Devoted to Oprah?

New NASA administrator optimistic about reviews

NASA Replans Spacewalks for Shuttle Astronauts

Lack Of Cybersecurity Talent Could Leave US Vulnerable: Study

US existing home sales rise in sign housing healing

Honduras resists pressure to let Zelaya return

Biden Urges Russian Troops to Exit Georgian Territory

Judge accepts Mumbai gunman's confession

Iran opposition unveils new group

Mousavi's Brother-in-law Detained in Iran's Election Crackdown

Catastrophe? Israel bans 'nakba' from Arab textbook.

US Overlooks Kyrgyzstan Rights Abuses

Tamil Tiger supporters to bring war crimes case against Sri Lanka

ANC Condemns Looting After South African Protests

Afghanistan war in interests of UK and US, says Joe Biden

Iraqi premier: Kurdish-Arab dispute must be solved

Clinton stresses US commitment at ASEAN forum

Iceland Hopes For Fair EU Fish Deal

Kalam made to walk in search of his car

Silvio Berlusconi 'sex tapes' released

China welcomes Sudan's acceptance on int'l arbitration over Abyei

3 NJ mayors, lawmakers arrested in corruption case

Cambridge Police Officer To Obama: Butt Out of My Arrest

Obama open to surtax to pay for health care

Last of 3 Ind. State Prison escaped inmates caught

Republican Gap Over Sotomayor Widens

NRA steps up Sotomayor fight as Chamber backs her

US citizen captured in Pakistan gives window into Al Qaeda's world

Obama improving US image in other countries

Maybe Consumers Shouldn't Always Be Confident

Senate Panel Backs DNI In Turf Battle With CIA

Police: 3-year-old apparently shot self, died

Dodd Still Trails Simmons In 2010 US Senate Race, New Poll Shows

Army: No indication Texas soldier was kidnapped

Soldier's kidnapping story an apparent hoax

Senate Narrowly Defeats Conceal-Carry Measure

Palin's resignation hardly a curtain call

News Highlights :Video

YouTube - Senate Blocks Concealed Weapons Measure

YouTube - Missing Soldier

YouTube - Feds: US Man Gave NYC Subway Info to Al-Qaida

YouTube - GOP Sen. Graham to Support Sotomayor

YouTube - Escapee found sleeping at mother's home

YouTube - Obama's Health Care - Bloomberg

YouTube - The Buzz: Obama's comments on Gates' arrest

YouTube - N. Korea Says Nuclear Talks Are 'Over'

YouTube - Biden Expresses Willingness to Support Georgia

YouTube - Hang me, says Kasab

YouTube - Illegal Israeli outposts expand in West Bank - 23 July 09

YouTube - Kyrgyz president favored to win reelection

YouTube - Iraq's Full Transition

YouTube - Berlusconi: 'I'm No Saint'

YouTube - 6 Hurt in Shooting on Texas College Campus

YouTube - Cronkite Funeral Arrangements

YouTube - Lawyer: Police Seek Jackson Manslaughter Link

YouTube - FDA: Electronic Cigarettes Contain Toxins

YouTube - Va. Tech Gunman's Mental Health Records Found


**Jackie Mason:Why destroy the health care system?

more news:

Take 2 aspirin and call me when your cancer is stage 4

The doctor will kill you now

Why Obama's Public Option Is Defective, and Why We Need Single-Payer. | The Progressive

What jilted GOP must do to win back voters

Obama to America: 'Who's your daddy?'

Obama's insidious war on the middle class

Invasion of the robots: They're here to stay

HWB – Home While Black

Adieu to a tough broad

Barney Frank: Patriot of the week

ACORN Involvement Undermines Confidence in Census - HUMAN EVENTS

Endowment Losses From Harvard to Yale Force Cuts (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Student Loans: A Bitter Financial Lesson - BusinessWeek

Airlines cut flights in tax-hike protest - Business News, Business - The Independent

WSJ.com:US Airlines Stung By Biz Travel Drop; More Cuts Coming

Prayer dispute settled: Woodbury Walmart rehires fired Muslim worker

Children to be baptised as their parents are married -Times Online

'I had an unbelievable view': Female medical student murdered two elderly women so she could study death

Lesbian sex assault alleged on pupil at City of London School for Girls - Times Online

*The big list: Female teachers with students


Imam at Windy City Islamist confab: We'll fight til ‘Islam Becomes Victorious or We Die in the Attempt’

Mexican immigration to U.S. off 40 percent, study finds - CNN.com

Report Federal Pork, Win a Kindle | Epicenter | Wired.com

Conservationists 'killing' threatened Indian tiger - Telegraph

Israel's other Israel: the Tel Aviv 'bubble' | csmonitor.com

World Net Daily Player - President wants 'leftists' to help with health care

World Net Daily Player - Afghan experts: Nation's instability still trouble

ARCHIVES, JULY 11:Obama science czar Holdren called for forced abortions

Obama Science Advisor Denies He Backs Forced Abortion, Population Control

Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'

Why won't Congress enroll in gov't health care?

CongressDaily - Dems Start To Push Back Hard To Prevent A 'Waterloo'

Obama pegs health reform to nation's future - Washington Times

After lawsuit, Obama releases info on health talks - White House- msnbc.com

Obama may have to wait for health care passage | ajc.com

Washington drops hammer on state gun plan

Judges 'stealth plan' promotes same-sex marriage

Justices set hearing date for cross arguments

Shield Law Overturns Warrant for Student Photographer | Raw File | Wired.com

Podcast Interview with Inspector General for TARP: Treasury Department Is Not Being Transparent - Political Punch

Doctors missing consciousness in vegetative patients - health - 21 July 2009 - New Scientist

Lawmaker: 40 Democrats Oppose Health Care Bill Without Abortion Ban

Work toward creating a new consumer agency hits snag - Jul. 22, 2009

Republicans Assail President Obama Meeting with Congressional Budget Office Director As Inappropriate - Political Punch

Police set up special unit ahead of mass outpost evacuation - Haaretz - Israel News

NBC Wades Into 'Spreading Lies about President Obama's...U.S. Citizenship' | NewsBusters.org

CNN Holds Up Copy of Obama Birth Certificate | The FOX Nation

'Hardball' on President Obama's birthplace - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'

Obama's online 'birth cert' misses 'proving' eligibility

Mr. President, we have a problem

Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace

The ABCs of eligibility

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

ACORN files lawsuit on voter registration - Washington Times

**Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Left-wing Firebrand Lynn Samuels Questions Obama's True Place Of Birth

**Site - StopTheAbortionMandate.com**

Jupiter collision a warning call to Earth | csmonitor.com

Widow uses dead husband's ashes for painting - Telegraph

Almost extinct Galapagos tortoise mates at 90 | Oddly Enough | Reuters

INTANGIBLE MATERIALITY: A Shadow Amongst The Shadows

Ion engine could one day power 39-day trips to Mars - space - 22 July 2009 - New Scientist

Anderson Cooper 360: A steep climb for Obama

The Collapse of the President's Health Care Plan - Bill O'Reilly | The O'Reilly Factor - FOXNews.com

Obama's suicide march - Clive Crook

How health reform helps Americans | detnews.com | The Detroit News


TheHill.com - False choice pits economy against the environment

RealClearPolitics - Gloomy Days for Obama's Health Plan

RealClearPolitics - Why Health Care Will Pass

At big moment, President Obama goes small - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Karl Rove: ObamaCare in Trouble - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Health Reform Mustn't Hinge On Deadlines

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Mythology

RealClearPolitics - Blue Dog Math

Americans Concerned About Gov’t. Spending, Expansion

RealClearPolitics - Big Government Medicine

RealClearPolitics - Behind the CIA's Assassination Program

RealClearPolitics - Cold Shoulder to Climate 'Urgency'

RealClearMarkets - Is Bernanke Wise Enough to Exit?

Dana Milbank - Gun-Shy

Consider this before crying ‘racial profiling’

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Public Support Cracking at 6 Months

On Reforming Health Care / The nation's No. 1 priority


Our view on war on terror: House probes CIA program, but where's the scandal?

EDITORIAL: Budget numbers? What budget numbers? - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Obama Open to Bank Fees for Risks, Surtax for Health-Care Plan - Bloomberg.com

TheHill.com - GOP says Obama is working CBO ‘ump’

Murtha, 12 Colleagues Back a Murky $160 Million Request

In Vote Fraud Case, Acorn Challenges a Law as Unconstitutional

RealClearWorld - Fears of a Nuclear Burma

Why Kurds vs. Arabs Could Be Iraq's Next Civil War - TIME

Obama’s Foreign Non-Policy by Abe Greenwald on National Review Online

WPR Article | The Nixon Doctrine in the 21st Century

Don't Worry So Much About Iran's Nukes - TIME

FT.com / Columnists / David Pilling - Japan shrinks from the American embrace

Thanks for the umbrella, but it’s not raining yet - The National Newspaper

Working on their relationship - Haaretz - Israel News

WPR Article | The Powell Doctrine's Enduring Relevance

Op-Ed Columnist - Terror Creeps Into the Heartland - NYTimes.com

Religious Cleansing in Iran by J. K. Choksy & Nina Shea on National Review Online

The National Interest - Bush’s Third Term

America's Russian romance - The Globe and Mail

Afghanistan: Dangerous illusions | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Afghanistan Campaign: Can We Win? | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Can Japan Avoid Another Lost Decade? - Forbes.com

The Week Magazine :Obama follows Bush's passage to India

Arabs and the US empire: love it, hate it, but you can’t do both - The National Newspaper

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Anti-colonialism, the Barack Obama way

Kass: Slow Down, You Move Too Fast | Financial Adviser Update | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

An Anthropologist on What's Wrong with Wall Street

Goldman Sachs Alum Decries Second Banking Crisis: John F. Wasik - Bloomberg.com

Don't give Ben another term

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke's Monetarism Is a Logical Impossibility

FT.com / Markets / Insight - Insight: Long road back to normality


RealClearMarkets - 'Rich' Taxes Cripple Small Towns

Boskin: Obama Should Embrace a Centrist Agenda - WSJ.com

A 'Pay-Go' Full of Loopholes

Why you won't like the recovery - MSN Money

Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Annals of rank hubris, Larry Summers edition | Blogs |

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » 4 reasons why a second stimulus is a bad idea | Blogs |

Goldman Sachs Makes Us All Rich - The Atlantic Business Channel

The Tax Foundation - Pelosi Says $350,000 is Middle Class

Seeing Perils Yet to Come, Fed Aims to Hold Down Rates - NYTimes.com

Fed’s Exit Strategy – A Deft and Fortunate Fed?

Consumption and Assets Will Probably Both Rise Together From a Lower Base

Of Conspiracies And Plots

Dick Morris Fear Mongering on Health Care Reform: 'Obama's Plan is Gonna' Kill You'

Hardball: Joan Walsh on Liz Cheney Feeding the Birther Crazies

Pro-Life really means Anti-Contraception

The Senate Ruins Summer Travel, Says No to Gun-Toting Convenience

Bipartisan House Members Demand Fox News Apologize For Analyst's Attacks On Captured Soldier

Glenn Beck Defends His Radio Show Freakout: It Was Just Common Sense

Pakistan Unhappy About America Expanding War in Afghanistan

Why Are Blue Dogs Fighting Against Constituent Interests on Healthcare Reform? It's the Money, Honey.

'Hitler' gnome acquitted : News24: World: News

Hundreds to try Tisha Be'Av Temple Mt. ascent | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Uncle Sam’s Dirty Little Secret Is Revealed | Sense on Cents


Why Kurds vs. Arabs Could Be Iraq's Next Civil War - Yahoo! News

Obama Escalates Afghanistan Quagmire

Debbie Schlussel:What Happened to Soldier Colton Read?: A Scary Preview of ObamaCare

Debbie Schlussel:Stay Out of Local Law Enforcement, Mr. President: "Racist" Cop Also Tried to Save Black Athlete's Life

Debbie Schlussel:Obama-Style Granola State Justice: Release 27,000 Criminals onto the Streets, Limit Bullets to 50/Per Civilian

Debbie Schlussel:ObamaCare Priceless Video of the Day

Debbie Schlussel:Irony: Famous Apollo 11 Truther/Moon Landing Doubter is Voice of Space Program Flick

Debbie Schlussel:Why Is Anyone Surprised that Wal-Mart Caved to Muslims . . . Again ?

Debbie Schlussel:More on Historic Apollo 11 Lunar Landing: A Reader Once in the Space Program Speaks Out

Repossesses Drug Kingpin's "Bling"

Debbie Schlussel:Bitter Feminist USA Today Sports Columnist: Erin Andrews Deserved It (the Peeping Tom Video)


American Minute for July 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute


*Transcripts :President Obama Interviewed About Health Care

Vice President Biden's Speech in Ukraine

Obama's Remarks on Health Care and the F-22

Chairman Bernanke's Semiannual Report to Congress

Dodd, Alexander, Cooper & Ryan on Health Care

Panel on Slowing the Health Care Bill

Senator DeMint on Stopping Obama's Health Care Plan

Interview with President Obama

Interview with Hillary Clinton

Panel Discusses Obama's Health Care Fight

Senator Bill Nelson on the Space Program

Reps. Holt & Hoekstra Debate the CIA & Congress

Obama's Remarks at D.C. Children's Hospital

Secretary Clinton's Townhall Meeting in India

Media Briefing with Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen


*Markets; Video/Markets & Macroeconomics with Keith McCullough

Wall Street's Inflation Expectations

Titans: Morgan Stanley Vs. Goldman Sachs

WTO Chief: Global Trade to Post 'Huge Drop'

Is Global Sentiment Turning Against Greenback?

A Golden Opportunity in Gold?

Budget Hawk on Costs of Healthcare Reform

Rep. Ron Paul on Ben Bernanke & the Fed

Avoid Oil ETFs, Buy Stocks

Obama's 'Emperor with No Clothes' Moment?

The New, New Thing Is Old, Old People

Andreessen's Tech Outliers

Macau: A Better Bet Than Las Vegas?

The Porsche Saga Continues

Gabelli on Healthcare, Autos and Retail

The Challenge of Containing Systemic Risk

*World ;Video/Displaced People Return to Swat Valley

Court Orders Sudan Boundary Change

Kyrgyz President Favored to Win Reelection

Hunger Strike for Iran

Foreign Affairs Hearing on Iran

Obama and Maliki at the White House

Change of Government Likely in Japan

The Connection: Burma and North Korea

Biden: U.S. Support for Georgia Will Continue

Hang Me, Says Kasab

Somalia: The Impact of Conflict on Daily Life

Hilary Clinton on North Korea

Adm. Timothy Keating on North Korea

The Security Situation in Iraq

Tibet's Struggle: 50 Years

Maliki: Iraq Building a 'Strategic Friendship' with America

Pressure Builds on Gordon Brown Over Afghanistan

Seth Jones on Afghanistan and Pakistan

Focus on a Waning Dollar

Settlements and Occupation: An Israeli Legal Perspective

Longest Eclipse Passes Across Asia

Biden's Visit and US-Georgia Relations

Ethnic Han and Uighurs Grow Further Apart

China Remains Vigilant on Containing H1N1

Bangladeshis Suffering in Aftermath of Cyclone

Black Market Organ Trade Thrives in Iraq

Mexico*Politics; Video:Elizabeth Edwards Discusses Obama's Health Care Push

Boehner Mocks Emanuel's "We Rescued The Economy" Remark

Axelrod: Obama's Health Care Plan "Has To Pay For Itself"

President Obama's Press Conference On Health Care

Michael Steele Reacts to Obama's Press Conference

Glenn Beck Explains Outburst On Radio

Obama: Doctors Taking Tonsils Out For Money Instead Of Diagnosing It As Allergies

Rendell On Obama's Press Conference

Graham Will Vote To Confirm "Bold" And "Edgy" Sotomayor

Sen. Graham To Vote To Confirm "Well Qualified" Sotomayor

Schwarzenegger Wields Knife In Video About Cutting Budget

O'Reilly On Obama's Heath Care Press Conference

Report: Obama Ordered CBO Chief To WH

Obama Insists White House Is Transparent

Carville, Liz Cheney On Sarah Palin, Health Care, Sanford

RNC Attacks Health Care Reform In Mock Prescription Ad

DeMint: President's Promises Don't Match His Policies

Pelosi: Health Care Reform Has 'Cap On Costs, No Cap On Benefits'

Voinovich: GOP Opposition To Health Care Driven By Politics

Biden Rejects Russian "Sphere Of Influence"

Rep. Pence: "Where Are The Jobs?"

Obama Vows Health Care Reform At Press Conference

Cop Who Arrested Harvard Professor Not Sorry

Harvard Professor: Arrest Shows Black Men Are "Vulnerable"

Pelosi "More Confident Than Ever" About Health Care Vote

Cantor, Dodd React To Obama Presser

Jindal Criticizes Health Care Plan, Axelrod Defends

MSNBC Host: "I Was Rooting For The President To Hit A Home Run"

Obama on Gates' Arrest: The Police Acted "Stupidly"


**Obama July 22, 2009 press conference. Transcript - Lynn Sweet**

**Video/DemConWatch:: Obama's Speech on Health Care - 22 July 2009**

talk radio

07/22 The Mark Levin Show

07/21 The Mark Levin Show

07/20 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

**Transcript - Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings, Day 2 - Text - NYTimes.com

**Transcript - Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings, Day 3 - Text - NYTimes.com

**Transcript - Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings, Day 4 - Text - NYTimes.com