"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 July 2009

16 July 09

Science Vs Religion Debate Comes To The NIH

Our misguided population growth paradigm: accelerating consequences

The Licensing of Tyranny in Dog Ownership - Animals C.L.U.B.- Freedom National Org. Inc. (Non-Profit)

Hate Bill Protest Batters Senate

Huge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities: Arctic Alaska | adn.com

California tax board: Legal pot could generate $1.4 billion | McClatchy

As Space Station Nears Completion, It Faces End of Mission - washingtonpost.com

Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

Evidence is revealed (DU Rods and Sabots survived the inferno at Camp Doha)

savethemales.ca - Sex & Romance: Detours on the Road of Life

ALIPAC - Immigration Enforcement Group Asks Senate to Slow Sotomayor Confirmation Process


Bogus Hate Crime Amendment Supports Pedophiles

Argentina - Cattle Mutilations On The Rise

Experts: Cyberstrikes originated from Britain, not North Korea | Technology | guardian.co.uk

ANDREW ALEXANDER: Seventy years on, can the Czechs save OUR freedom? | Mail Online

Gene scientist to create algae biofuel with Exxon Mobil | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Japanese scientists creating robot-insects - Telegraph

Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Moon landing anniversary: UFOs photographed by Apollo - Telegraph

NASA release unseen moon landing footage - Telegraph

World news Feed Article | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hemingway revealed as failed KGB spy | Books | guardian.co.uk

US gun debate fires up as states allow weapons in bars | World news | guardian.co.uk

Sarah Palin: Drill, baby, drill | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

McCain Rips 'Irrelevant' Hate Bill Amendment

A society of secret lists and snoopers - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Technology | Snooping through the power socket

You can't deport me, I'm a lesbian: Jamaican drug dealer makes human rights plea

Pictured: Inside the masked ball that turned into an 'orgy' at 17th century stately home

MPs given new evidence of tabloid phone hacking | Media | The Guardian

'Professional' squatter moves into mansion on Millionaire's Row

Middle-class couple posed as homebuyers before moving in as squatters and refusing to pay | Mail Online

Shocking suicide toll on combat veterans - Home News, UK - The Independent

Conservatives to force Commons vote on Gary McKinnon case | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Nobody Knows What Nanoparticles Do -- Yet They Are in Your Food, Cosmetics, and Toys | | AlterNet

There's Still Time to Kill the Hate Bill

About my being fired yesterday « Case about Bird Flu

Myth America - 10 Greatest Myths Of The Robber Class

Chuck Baldwin -- Romans Chapter 13 Revisited

1918 Pandenic H1N1 Human/Swine Recombination

Social Security Administration Spends $700,000 On Motivational Conference

07-16-2009: Residents Fear Sorcery At Freemasons Meeting

07-15-2009: International Space Station (ISS) To Be Decommissioned In 2016

Obama's Science Czar: Traditional Family Is Obsolete - Punish Large Families

07-15-2009: CIA death squads 'copied Mossad'

07-15-2009: London Telegraph Article On NASA's Release Of Remastered Moon Footage

07-15-2009: Video: David Icke On Swine Flu Vaccine

Private contractors replacing troops in Iraq, Afghanistan

US considers expanding army: Pentagon

Plantagon: Geodesic Dome Farm of the Future

Obama's science czar suggested compulsory abortion, sterilization | Washington Examiner

Japanese turn to communists in downturn

The Keynesian Revolution and the Neo-liberal Counter-revolution

The Secret Program CAN'T Be Foreign Assassinations, Because Congress Was Briefed on that in 2001 and the New York Times Wrote About it in 2002

Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears

Of Dick Cheney, Assassinations And A Flash Of Deja Vu

The Man Who Knew Cheney's Secret

The (Re)Making of a Petro-State

The "So and So is a Shill" Trap

To be governed...

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion

Blitz of "Cyber Attacks" as Rockefeller Bill Approaches

Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic

Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud

Ex-Monsanto VP hired as FDA adviser

NSA To Spend $1.8 Billion on New Data Center

IP Addresses Are Not 'Personally Identifiable' Information

The Democrats Abandon the Environment

"Sovereign Iraq" welcomes back the Foreign Oil Companies

From WW II To WW III: Global NATO And Remilitarized Germany

VIDEO: CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto’s assassination?

Public option versus unrestrained spending by health insurance companies

Cheney’s assassination squad run out of Pentagon; allegedly targeted Benazir Bhutto

Racism and bigotry on the rise

The Christian Mafia, Ensign, and Coburn

Was Dr. David Kelly killed because he knew too much?

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

video - Wayne Madsen: Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid


MIT develops camera-like fabric

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

Nurses Back Democrats’ Proposed Government-Run Health Care Plan

Tobacco Use—Not Promiscuity or Drug Abuse—Will Be Only Vice Legally Punishable by Higher Insurance Premiums Under Senate Health Care Bill

Black Leaders Join Push for Democrats’ Health Care Reform, Saying African Americans Are Particularly in Need of It

Bill Gives GM Incentives to Make Vehicles that Run on Natural Gas, Menendez Says

Sotomayor Sat on Board of Organization That Fought ‘Any Efforts’ to Oppose Abortion

Hoyer Says Small Businesses Don't Make $280,000 Per Year So They Won't Be Hurt by Democrats' Planned $540-Billion Tax Hike

Democrats' $540-Billion Tax Hike Will Force People into Government-Run Health Care, Congressman Says

Following Senate’s Lead, House Committee Prepares to Vote on Health Care Bill

Sotomayor Sidesteps Questions on Abortion, Guns at Confirmation Hearing

Obama’s Version of Cold War ‘Simply Untrue,’ Says Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese

Pentagon Won't Ban War-Zone Smoking, Despite Study

Police Shoot, Kill Armed Man Near U.S. Capitol

Democrats Introduce Health Care Bill To Cover 97 Percent of Americans - ABC News

Scientists Discover Light Force with 'Push' Power

The right's irrational view of race is on full display in Sotomayor hearings

Michael Steele welcomes all to GOP with "fried chicken and potato salad"? Actually, it's worse than that.

Countdown: Worst Persons July 14, 2009

Bernie Sanders: The VA is a Socialized Health Care System, Right Mr. McCain?

Right Wing Group Says Cabranes Cavorted With Terrorists

Pat Buchanan at it Again, Calls Sotomayor a "Militant Liberal Latina"

Karl Rove advocates breaking the law when it comes to the CIA and Congress

Paul Krugman on The Colbert Report

Matthews Acknowledges McCain's Temper While Discussing Republican Hypocrisy and Sex Scandals with Bill Maher

Crawford: Sotomayor Hearings Political Disaster For GOP

The Daily Show: Samantha Bee on Sarah Palin's quitting, errr..."She's not quitting -- and stop attacking her"

Senate Republicans Reveal More About Their Thinking And Biases Than Sotomayor's

audio - Please welcome Speaker Nancy Pelosi to C&L for a live chat about the new Health Care Reform Bill

Government Creates Human Suffering by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Should We Absolve the Fed? by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

The Big Picture by Bob Murphy

Empire in the Blood by Michael S. Rozeff

Bernie Madoff Was Only a Petty Crook Compared with Uncle Sam by Robert Higgs

The Fallacies of Another New Deal by William L. Anderson

Preparing for the New Economy by Bill Bonner

Another political assasination in Russia

Obama's Head Full of Academic Yada Yada

If you love the Internal Revenue Service ...

Monica Conyers, Shakedown Artist?

Inside Obama's freefall in the polls

Texas radio hosts suspended for 'ethnic slur'

If a Republican had said it...

Looks like the science of global warming isn't 'settled' at all

Albert -- the Not-So Great -- Gore

Sonia Sotomayor's Troubled Eyes

Enough Is Enough

Bias you can BET on

Changing Winds at the White House

Protecting Pelosi, not America

Why Europeans are turning against Obama

Hearing Black?

The Green Suicide of the G-8

IBDeditorials.com: It's Not An Option

Billboard Claiming Martin Luther King Was Republican Angers Black Activists in Houston - Political News - FOXNews.com

Sting nabs sticky-fingered JFK airport workers going through luggage

Poor in Colorado may get free phones - The Denver Post

Republicans don't believe Sotomayor's stories | Washington Examiner


Sotomayor debate isn't Ricci's first legal battle - Yahoo! News

Eighth Person Charged in Florida Couple's Murders - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

House Plans to Tax Millionaires to Fund Health Care

Obama Open to Partisan Vote on Health-Care Overhaul, Aides Say - Bloomberg.com

Socialized Medicine, By Any Other Name

The Nature of Censorship

Senatorial Theater of the Absurd

DTV - Since when did the Federal Government acquire the right to dictate what technology should be used?

Cap and Trade the Tax!

The biggest sex organ? Your brain - Sex Rx with Ian Kerner

Colostrum Functions Like Human Growth Hormone to Reverse the Aging Process

How to Get the Best Mileage...From Frequent Flier Miles - Travel - FOXNews.com

The blast of cold air that cures insomnia | Mail Online

4 Killed, At Least 8 Wounded In 6-Hour Bloodbath On South And West Sides - cbs2chicago.com

Obama Opposes House Plan to Protect Chrysler, GM Dealerships - Bloomberg.com

Clothesline bill hung out to dry : News-Record.com : Greensboro & the Triad's most trusted source for local news and analysis

Pepper-spray defence means South Africa robbers face loss of balance at cash machines | World news | guardian.co.uk

Foreclosures at record high in first half 2009 despite aid | Reuters

Ahmadinejad: Iran will strike enemies in the face | International | Reuters

Israeli warships rehearse for Iran attack in Red Sea - Telegraph

Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill

For Clinton, ’09 Campaign Is for Her Turf - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Senate Democrats Love Sotomayor


Jacko: Amazing fire footage

More News…

China’s Market Value Overtakes Japan as World’s No. 2 - Bloomberg.com

Judge throws out Trump lawsuit over his net worth - Yahoo! News

Best Buy calls Twitter a job qualification | NetworkWorld.com Community

'Contact lenses' for animals

The Associated Press: Damage eyed as shuttle heads toward space station

Iran Spurns Engagement on Nuclear Drive, Thwarting Obama Effort - Bloomberg.com

Police chief denounces 'cowardly' iPhone users monitoring speed traps | Washington Examiner

Ousted president calls for Honduras insurrection

Public Overwhelmingly Rejects Genetically Engineered Trees

Byron Williams: The Sotomayor Hearings and the Elusive Mainstream

Stuart Shapiro: Slashing Medicare to Pay For Healthcare Reform Is An Ugly Shell Game

Ben Carmichael: Half-Baked Alaska: Palin's Confused Vision of Energy & Environment

WE CAN HOPE: Will The Stars Align For Space-Based Solar Power?…

GOP senator: Some things you say 'bug the hell out of me'

Plans to Criminalize Generic Drugs May Hurt Poor

Health Care Competition

Prevent Cancer: Phase Out Toxics in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products

Ethanol Industry Can Stop Using Unnecessary Antibiotics

John Geyman: Societal Blind Spots As Barriers To Health Care Reform

KEN SILVERSTEIN—Senator Coburn, Sotomayor, and I Love Lucy

KEN SILVERSTEIN—Sotomayor and the Democrats

KEN SILVERSTEIN—Health Care Lobbyists: Awful people, even by the Hill’s standards

SCOTT HORTON—The Winger Media Shows Its Teeth

Sotomayor signals support for Supreme Court TV

Taliban threatens to kill captured US soldier

Obama to young: Aspire to surpass your role models

2 black boxes from Iranian plane crash recovered

8 suspects in custody in Fla. couple slayings

Senate confirms ex-astronaut Bolden to head NASA

9/11 defendants boycott Gitmo hearing

Abducted French Agents Turned Over to Insurgent Groups in Somalia

'Craigslist Killer' Suspect Loses Bid for Media Leak Probe

Mexico Vows Never to Cut Deals With Drug Lords

Witness: Pastor joked about underage bride

Denmark plans forces for Arctic

Wal-Mart, Best Buy Are Sued by Chinese Company Seeking to Block Knockoffs

Russian Tupolev, Workhorse Plane of Soviet Era, Has Eight Losses in Decade

He can wiggle fingers of his transplanted hands

Doughnuts to lift off, Apollo 11 launch was blast

10 Years Later: Remembering JFK Jr.

Taylor allowed enemy skulls at roadblocks

Sotomayor looks headed for confirmation

Dad Brings Kids to Drug Deal With Undercover Cop

American and China Pledge to Study Energy-Efficient Building Practices

Chechnya activist's murder sparks international outrage

EXCLUSIVE: Former CIA director Woolsey defends agency

Russian leader acccused over activist's death

Starbucks bombing blamed on 'Fight Club' fancy

Sotomayor learned ropes fighting NY underworld

Health Care Vote Illustrates Partisan Divide

EXCLUSIVE: Taliban uses Afghan fear to fight surge

Clinton to Taliban: Forsake al Qaeda

Pentagon Vows Not To Ban Tobacco, Yet

Sotomayor: Judges 'don't make policy choices'

Queries on Abortion and Guns Fail to Break Judges Stride

Va. Forensics Lab Moves to Prince William

Recession Worsens South Africa's Chronic Unemployment

Teen Guilty of Soliciting Father's Murder

Obama, Dems Continue Health Care Push

Study Shows Risk of Bypass Surgery Technique

Hypnosis, clowns, and video games may help relax children before a general anesthetic

Small Businesses Balk at Health Care Plan

Pot No Longer Focus of Anti-Drug Campaigns

7 Genes Key to Brain Cancer Survival ID'd

Could coffee reverse dementia?

Can Turmeric Relieve Pain? One Doctor's Opinion

Genes Linked to Cholesterol in Cells Are Identified HealthDay

Red Yeast Rice May Lower Cholesterol

On Healthcare, Americans Trust Physicians Over Politicians

Cholesterol and Cooking: Fats and Oils

Americans Consider Crossing Borders for Medical Care

Test Your Cholesterol IQ

Breitbart.tv » ‘God Awful’: Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Rips Sen. Boxer for ‘Condescending’ Racial Remarks

What You Talkin' Bout, Willis? Sears Tower Renamed

Watergate Hotel Could Be Auctioned off Next Week

House of Holes Aims to Plug Climate Change Gap

Former POWs Disappearing

U.S. Must Address High Minority Jobless Rates: Think-Tank

No Injuries as Small Plane Lands on Texas Highway

House Panel Starts Health-Care Bill Review

Q+A-Next steps in US Congress on healthcare

Symptoms Of Alzheimer's May Come In Your 50s

UnitedHealth unveils details of 'telehealth' network

Are We Taking the Wrong Approach to Curing Alzheimer's?

Tossing Out the Diet and Embracing the Fat

Colo. Hospital Worker Accused of Spreading Hepatitis Worked in NY, Too

Seeking Our Genetic Fate

Research is personal for patient

Pill camera not as effective as colonoscopy

Michael Jackson's Posthumous Global Record Sales Reach 9 Million

What the future holds for Michael Jackson's three kids.

DEA weighs new limits on drug eyed in Jackson case

Michael Jackson's record sales top 9 million since his death

Paulson didn't want BofA to exit deal

US Jobless Claims Slump on Timing of Auto Shutdowns

Geithner Sees 'Durable' Signs of Greater Confidence in Markets

Wal-Mart's Environmental Game-Changer

Mortgage rates continue to ease

Fed says it should keep consumer protection role

Fed's Lack of 'Conviction' on Outlook Signals Policy Stalemate

Apollo 11: Was This Trip Necessary?

Will Twitter Sue TechCrunch?

Are Microsoft's Laptop Hunter Ads Outdated?

Shuttle Astronauts Inspect Heat Shield

Facebook Has Serious Privacy Gaps, Canada Report Says

Can Bill Gates Control the Weather?

Ex-astronaut Bolden to lead Nasa

Steve Squyres: Robot Guy Says Humans Should Go To Mars

Human spaceflight Over the moon?

Three Ways Businesses Can Connect With Facebook's 250 Million Users

Spam: Still A Shopper's Paradise

German Chancellor Expresses Shock at Russian Activist Murder

Iran flight recorders 'damaged'

India and Pakistan Agree to Fight Terror Together

Afghan Taliban Threatens to Kill Captured US Soldier

Medvedev Casts Doubt on Nabucco as Merkel Defends Gas Pipeline

Obama marks NAACP's 100th anniversary

Somali prime minister reports speaking with French hostage

NAM summit closes after reaching consensus, approving documents

Honduras braces for protests ahead of talks

Britain backs call for Israeli settlement freeze

Pakistan likely to figure high in Clinton's first India visit

Two-Year-Old Boys Orphaned After Death of 'World's Oldest Mom'

Pressure builds on Japan PM; calls to quit may grow

Police to reinterview British backpacker Jamie Neale

Father denies claims backpacker faked ordeal in order to make money

UN staffer shot dead near Pakistan's Peshawar

North Korea prepares for the end with epic show on Kim Jong Il

Who Will Succeed Kim Jong Il?

Readers debate Iceland's EU bid

China to issue arrest warrants for Xinjiang riots

Iran's nuclear agency chief resigns

Nuclear Standoff with Iran

UK's Brown calls on Afghan army to pull its weight

Sotomayor Faces Sharp Questions on Bias Case

Sen. Coburn Questions Judge Sotomayor at Supreme Court Nomination Hearings - washingtonpost.com

Palin: Voters may not care she quit

Palin Showing Her 'Serious Side' With Obama Critique

A 2012 GOP Frontrunner? Not So Fast!

5 Police Officers Shot and 2 Suspects Killed in Jersey City Melee

With lawmaker on honeymoon, Senate limps along

Police have high hopes for new interviews in couple's killing

Authorities: Billings murder case grows more complex by the hour

California Approaches a Deal on Budget Cuts

Ex-Councilman Admits Fraud and Money Laundering

Poll: Will Obama visit help Corzine ?

Would a Second Stimulus Create Jobs?

Why Obama wants healthcare bill by August -- think 2010 elections

Obama on health care policy: 'No free lunch'

Sanford e-mails show him MIA in 2008

Knife-wielding woman fatally shot by police in Mira Mesa

Episcopal bishops back blessings of same-sex unions

Coast Guard urges boaters to check beacon numbers

Metro students White House bound

Federal judge dismisses reservist's suit questioning Obama's presidency - Big Breaking News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

'Birther' Stefan Cook vs. Obama

CIA was a long way from Jason Bourne

'Secret' CIA Program Reported in 2002

Caught On Tape: Serial Armed Robber Strikes Again

Ill. officials approve state budget built on debt

A state budget -- finally

Illinois: State Lawmakers Send Budget to Governor

Police searching for 3 boys missing overnight in Monroe

Gas leak suspected in Hazel Park blast that left 3 injured

News Video

YouTube - Raw Video: Gas Tanker Explodes Near Detroit

YouTube - Coast Guard Rescue New Bedford boat

YouTube - California Struggles To Agree On Budget - Bloomberg

YouTube - Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) on Judge Sotomayor's Confirmation Hearing

YouTube - Russia: Human rights activist kidnapped and killed

YouTube - Witness: Airliner in Iran 'Fell Out of the Sky'

YouTube - Afghanistan: life no better than under Taliban?

YouTube - Human rights activists murderers will be found-Medvedev

YouTube - Africa responds to Obamas tough love message

YouTube - French hostages split between rival insurgents

YouTube - Inside Story - The Non-Aligned Movement - 15 July 09

YouTube - Mrs Clinton: foreign policy address

YouTube - Backpacker's survival story

YouTube - UK troops need more helicopters, Defence Committee says

YouTube - Raw Video: Restored Video of Apollo 11 Moonwalk

YouTube - Shuttle Endeavour Launches

YouTube - Paulson Pressured BOA CEO

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Geithner's Economic Outlook - Bloomberg

YouTube - New Video Of Jackson Accident

YouTube - House considers tax increase


*JOBS: Site -The Fund for the Public Interest - Citizen Outreach Staff


'Deal could bring international support for strike on Iran' | Iran news | Jerusalem Post

CNSNews.com - Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

Washington's Blog: Scientists 1 | Martians 0




American's Journey: Assassination Teams and Convenient Deaths

Suppressed report raises questions about drug policy

J.K. Rowling Must Register as a Potential Pedophile | CarnalNation

YouTube - Jesse Ventura: They Spent 100 Million Dollars Investigating Clinton But Only 4 Million On 9/11!

*Site - Reinvestigate 9/11

Did MI5 kill Dr David Kelly? Another crazy conspiracy theory amid claims he wrote tell-all book that vanished after his death | Mail Online

Launching of Shuttle Is Marred by Falling Debris

The Democrats' Selective Amnesia on Assassination: Clinton Did It and Obama Does It Too

Making Their Bones: The American Elite's Bi-Partisan Murder Racket

Natalia Estemirova Killing The Latest In Attacks On Russian Activists

Kawther Salam : Zionists Looking for Collaborators?

9/11 truth still in a cloud of smoke?

Fed's Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman Missing Trillions of Taxpayers' Dollars

World Of Technology: Catching Spammers in the Act

Empire in the Blood by Michael S. Rozeff

The Raw Story » Ex-FBI Agent: Why I Support a New 9/11 Investigation

U.S. Senate Health Committee Passes Health Care Reform Bill that will Bankrupt America by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Bernie Madoff Was Only a Petty Crook Compared with Uncle Sam by Robert Higgs

Red Flag to crisscross skies above Nellis - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Fed Friendly Economists In Panic Mode Over Ron Paul Audit Legislation

video - Helicopter Surveillance Iraq (funny) - LiveVideo.com

These Are The People Who Do Not Want The Fed’s Veil Lifted « Dprogram.net

RFID passports: a tragedy waiting to happen | Storage Bits | ZDNet.com

Highly Critical Security Vulnerability Found in Firefox 3.5

The Foreign Ministry presents: talkbackers in the service of the State

bytestyle.tv - Two Ways to Keep the Federal Reserve Running Scared & Get Our Audit (HR 1207 & S 604)

Famous French Comic Bigard To Address Obama About 9/11

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » G. Edward Griffin on Alex Jones:The Illuminati’s Time is Running Out!!!

Obama's Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families | Washington Examiner

Vitamin D, curcumin may help clear amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer's disease

Anti-Neocons • View topic - 317 cars burned ahead of Bastille Day

The nuclear option - Pravda.Ru

Missing scientist never absented from duty, says former colleague

A death shrouded by war, mystery - The Boston Globe

For Police, It’s Not ‘Perjury’ - It’s a ‘Noble Lie’ « LewRockwell.com Blog

Update - HR 1207 - 270 Co-sponsors | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

DEMOCRATIC List of Shame - As of July 16, 2009 | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

REPUBLICAN List of Shame - As of July 16, 2009 | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Update: S604 "FRB Sunshine Act 2009" (companion to HR1207) has * 13 * co-sponsors | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

YouTube - Warmongers who sold you the Iraq war are pushing for a war with Iran.

*1:40:06 / video -Evidence of Revision (1 of 5) : The Assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald

*Reinvestigate 9/11 - documentary page

*The Herald : Features: MAIN FEATURES

*Interview: The untold story of September 11 (From The Argus)

Feature Video

Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause

YouTube - Climate change - Is CO2 the cause? - Pt 2 of 4

YouTube - Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause? - pt 3 of 4

YouTube - Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause?- pt 4 of 4

YouTube - Evidence CO2 does not cause dangerous Global warming


*Site - LiveVideo

World Net Daily Player - Judicial analyst: Sotomayor 'deceptive' to senators

World Net Daily Player - Rep. Kline: Price only part of bad health bill

How West Bank Jews are defying Obama!

Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez

Netanyahu mum on attacking Iran

Clinton: Iran Engagement Still in the Offering | 44 | washingtonpost.com

Dems sneaking 'hate crimes' through on soldiers' bill?

Congressman warns of 'Big Brother dossier'

Free speech plan booted by House committee

State alleges educational neglect against mom

Surgeon general pick: Train new doctors on abortions

'Politburo' controlling U.S. policy

Memo to Congress: Check this before voting for 2nd stimulus

Obama Puts Arms Control at Core of New Strategy - WSJ.com

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Chavez: ‘Obama is biting off more than he can chew’

Could we be wrong about global warming? - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

Tribes: Turbine site is sacred | CapeCodOnline.com

Why Poor Countries Won't Curb Emissions - Forbes.com

Sotomayor Ducks Questions About Gun Rights - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

GOP envisions August Sotomayor vote - White House- msnbc.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Sen. Klobuchar Asks Sotomayor If She Watched All-Star Game

Democrats press for HMO fees to fund health reform | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill

Homosexclamation! Christian student fights prof, wins big

World Bank warns of deflation spiral - Telegraph

UNIFIL: Lebanese weapons cache serious ceasefire violation | Middle East | Jerusalem Post

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China tries to block Uighur film

Air France Airbus Jets Have Above-Average Crash Rate

BBC NEWS | Business | China's foreign reserves top $2tn

Funds drawn to China like 'moths to a flame' - Telegraph

Obama mulls rental option for some homeowners-sources | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Ex-Goldman analyst, others accused of inside trades | Reuters

BBC NEWS | Business | Food prices falling in US stores

*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

INDEPENDENT: Could Sardinia be the lost island of Atlantis?

Digging deeper: Archaeologists race to show Pompeii daily life - USATODAY.com

West Boca Raton pinball player tilts toward nostalgia, heads to championship near London

How anti-religion spoils everything

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Saudi 'genie' sued for harassment

It's now prison food for man who stole 91 lobster tails in Atlantic City - pressofAtlanticCity.com : Atlantic City

History's worst inventions listed - Telegraph

PoliTex: Bruno + Ron Paul + hotel room = comedy gold

Apollo 11 Moon landing: conspiracy theories debunked - Telegraph

Why the GOP elite despises Sarah Palin

What Obama meant by 'change'

Dems to GOP nominee: Will the defendant please rise?

Affirmative action president, affirmative action judge

The 'perpetual mediocrity' nominee

The 10 Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About the Sotomayor Hearings | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet

How Jamie Gorelick cashed in at Fannie Mae

How's the 'Crackberry'?

Science Fiction 'Czar': The disturbing intellectual record of Obama's science czar - Reason Magazine

How much cooling is enough?

Importing the Uninsured by James R. Edwards Jr. on National Review Online

Death of the world's greatest entertainer

Terrorists issue threat against 'Bruno' star

'Palestinian leader helped Israel kill Arafat'

'Politburo' controlling U.S. policy

'Obama policies fail to protect pristine lands'

Free speech plan booted by House committee

State alleges educational neglect against mom

Eligibility arguments to get court hearing

U.S. officer demands answer: Is Army 'corps of chattel slaves?'

Court knew man jailed for a year for non-support was not child's father | ajc.com

Former Teacher Charged With Having Sex With Student - LEX18 - Lexington, KY - News, Weather, Sports -

*The big list: Female teachers with students

WBBM 780 - Chicago's #1 source for local news, traffic and weather - School nurse guilty of sex with teen boy

Official says gun believed to have killed couple found - CNN.com

Man Dies After Being Tied To Bed For Days - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Authorities investigating theft of \"JESUS\" signs | jacksonsun.com |

Documents: State trooper on phone with girlfriend seconds before double-fatal crash - Crime & Controversy - Belleville News-Democrat

Orlando 3rd 'meanest' city for homeless, study finds - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Breitbart.tv » Politico’s Chief Political Correspondent Calls Palin a ‘Circus Act’

Meghan McCain: "Joe the Plumber --You Can Quote Me -- is a Dumbass" - The Plank

Continental divide separates Africans, African-Americans - CNN.com

Jimmy Carter's 'malaise' speech looks different today - TwinCities.com

Hearings Reflect Broader Struggle - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Socialized Medicine? Bring It On

Universal Health Care Isn't Worth Our Freedom - WSJ.com

Obama’s Economic Box — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Science Fiction 'Czar'

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » 9 reasons Pelosi’s healthcare surtax is disastrous | Blogs |

RealClearPolitics - CIA As Political Football

RealClearPolitics - Reflection No Longer An Option

John Yoo: Why We Endorsed Warrantless Wiretaps - WSJ.com

Why We Must Ration Health Care - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The 'Public Option' Health Care Scam

The White House strikes back - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Karl Rove: The President Moves the Economic Goalposts - WSJ.com

Kausfiles : Obama as Health Care Salesman: He Sucks!

Retire the 'Ginsburg rule' - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - The Battle Will Continue

RealClearPolitics - Presidents Aren't What They Used to Be

Even in New York, the war on terror is over. And few feel it has left them safer | Comment is free | The Guardian

Time to Boldly Go Once More

RealClearPolitics - Al Gore and Friends Create Climate of McCarthyism

Big Pharma Gets Played - WSJ.com

Lawmakers shouldn't pay for healthcare reform with big taxes on the wealthy and businesses - Los Angeles Times

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- It's Not An Option

TheHill.com - Freshman Dems seeking action on the rising deficit

Democrats use hate crimes measure to counter F-22 veto threat - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Chamber of Commerce Pushes Increase in Gas Tax - WSJ.com

CQ Politics | GOP Escalates Effort to Link Health Bill, Abortion

The Time Bomb in Corporate Debt - BusinessWeek

'Government Sachs' Strikes Gold... Again

Just how did Goldman Sachs manage that? - Telegraph

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Orwellian accounting cannot damp economic cycles

RealClearMarkets - Las Vegas As a Lesson In Basic Economics

David Callaway: Out of the mouths of babes, market strategy - MarketWatch

When They Were Young — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Editorial - A Strong Health Reform Bill - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - A Very Unhealthy Health Bill

8 Questions for Hank Paulson - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Calculated Risk: Is the Recession Over?

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » Could the top tax rate hit 60%?

Bespoke Investment Group: 386,395 Reasons to Work For Goldman Sachs

What the Fed's Exit Strategy Will Mean for the Economy - DELTA Global Advisors

Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy :: Charles T. Carlstrom and Kyle Fee :: Economic Trends :: 07.14.09 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Cumberland Advisors - Viacialevitra in Reverse

Panel Named to Examine Financial Crisis - NYTimes.com

Foreclosures up: 1 in 84 homes affected in first half of year - USATODAY.com

Paulson Defends Role in Bank of America-Merrill Lynch Sale - washingtonpost.com

Sotomayor's stance on business is moderate - Los Angeles Times

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Sangow Bar Village by Michael Yon on National Review Online

Obama's Trash Talk

How Iran Might Beat Future Sanctions: The China Card - TIME

RealClearWorld - Niger, Honduras, and the Wrong Side of History

Adrian Hamilton: If terror is the problem, we won't solve it in Afghanistan - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

WPR Article | The End of Political Islam?

RealClearWorld - A Real Choice on Climate Change: Do Nothing

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Britain must work with Europeans on defence

Top Article: It Takes Two To Tango - Edit Page - OPINION - The Times of India

A nation-state in the making- KERÄ°M BALCI

A very Russian murder - Telegraph

A Glass Partly Full

Iran Simmers, America Moves On - WSJ.com

The Daily Star - Editorial - Consumers are entitled to protection by global standards on goods

Many Approve of ICC Indictment of Bashir: Poll of 7 Muslim and African Nations - World Public Opinion

Target the Drug Lords in Afghanistan, Not the Farmers - Brookings Institution

RealClearWorld - Iran, Elections, and Nuclear Weapons

*RealClearWorld - Foreign Policy Address to Council on Foreign Relations

FOX News: New Haven Firefighter Reminds Us All of Poor Joe the Plumber

Hit The Hate Bill Where It Hurts

The right's irrational view of race is on full display in Sotomayor hearings

Michael Steele welcomes all to GOP with "fried chicken and potato salad"? Actually, it's worse than that.

Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

Liberal Journalist Continues Parroting Debunked Smear on Alex Jones

Alex Jones Talks About Examples of How to Reach People

Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

*Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson: Obama Czar’s Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

Ex-Powell aide suggests CIA assassination program was actually active

Government Creates Human Suffering

The Surveillance State Threatens All of Us

U.S. Senate Health Committee Passes Health Care Reform Bill that will Bankrupt America

Sotomayor Hearings Serving as a Distraction for Tax Hikes?

John Holdren, Ideological Environmentalist - Forbes.com

Alex Jones

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 14th With Michael Shedlock

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 15th With Wayne Madsen


Can The Economy Recover?

NAM calls for new world order

Shills for the Fed

A Shot in the Arm, Whether You Like It or Not


Transcripts:Obama on Congress's Health Care Proposals

Obama Announces American Graduation Initiative

Panel on Sotomayor's Questions and Answers

Legal Analysts Discuss Sotomayor's Answers

July 14 White House Press Gaggle En Route to Michigan

July 14 Pentagon Press Briefing

July 14 State Department Briefing

Interview with President Barack Obama

Lindsey Graham on the $1 Trillion Deficit

Secretary Clinton's Townhall at USAID

Writers Discuss Cheney and the CIA

A New Vision for Urban Policy

July 13 White House Press Briefing

July 13 State Department Briefing

Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform

A New Moment of Promise in Africa

Obama's Weekly Address: The Stimulus is Working

American Minute

American Minute for July 16th:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk Radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/15 The Mark Levin Show

07/14 The Mark Levin Show

07/13 The Mark Levin Show


Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population Control Proposals

The Democrats' Selective Amnesia on Assassination: Clinton Did It and Obama Does It Too

Obama’s Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families

CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto's assassination

Flashback: Investigative Reporter Seymour Hersh Describes ‘Executive Assassination Ring'

Ex-Powell aide suggests CIA assassination program was actually active

Liz Cheney: Special prosecutor for torture would be ’shameful’

Holdren & Company: The Neo-Malthusian School

*How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Bill Gates of Microsoft envisions fighting hurricanes by manipulating the sea

WeAreChangeLA questions Ron Paul about the IMF as well as 9-11 Truth

Video: Holdren On Geoengineering

John Holdren, Ideological Environmentalist - Forbes.com

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists - NYTimes.com

The Obama Youth Corps and The Wave

Bernanke says Fed audit would be 'takeover' by Congress, trigger economic collapse

And The Winner Is... Goldman Sachs

African Media: Obama Returned To “Continent Of His Birth”

Obama's Fix-It Plans

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

The Raw Story | Developing world calls for 'new world order'

New flu unstoppable, WHO says, calls for vaccine | Reuters

Raw Story » Military’s new cyber command now online

CIA death squads 'copied Mossad'


Video:Sens. Whitehouse & Bond on Cheney Allegations

Rep. Hoyer on the Health Care Bill in the House

Kyl on How to Spend the Stimulus

Dodd: Health Care Overhaul Becoming A Reality

GOP Rep.: Gov't Plan Would Let Seniors Die

O'Reilly on "Evil White Men" and Maureen Dowd

Rep. Issa: Paulson Testimony Will Be Received "Rather Cruelly"

Huckabee On Palin Staying Public

Sotomayor On Judicial Activism: "I Don't Use That Term"

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin "Factually Challenged"

Watch Live: Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings Continue

Sotomayor On Second Amendment, Self-Defense

Sen. Franken Jokes About Perry Mason At Sotomayor Hearing

Clinton Talks Tough On Iran

Sen. Klobuchar Asks Sotomayor If She Watched All-Star Game

Liberal Talker Questions Legitmacy Of Obama's Birth Certificate: "He's Lying"

Specter: Sotomayor "Doing Very Well"

Shadegg Unveils GOP Health Care Plan

Dem. Senator: Health Care Reform Needed Due To Economy

Sotomayor Says Obama Didn't Ask About Abortion

Sotomayor Refuses To Renounce "Wise Latina" Remark

Sessions: Sotomayor Testimony Has Been "Muddled" & "Unclear"

Obama On Health Care: "We're Going To Get This Done"

White Flag? Grassley Slips And Calls Sotomayor "Justice"

Obama: Taxing High Earners to Fund Health Reform a "Good Idea"

Sotomayor Regrets "Wise Latina Woman" Remark

Watch Live: Day 4 Of Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings

Hoekstra: Government-Run Health Care Will Be Only Choice

Rep. Harman Calls For Bush Administration Investigations

Olbermann: Republican's "Hearing Voices" At Sotomayor Hearing

Coburn: Gov't Health Care Will "Absolutely" Kill More Than It Saves

J.C. Watts On Nationalized Health Care

Jesse Ventura: Sarah Palin Is A "Quitter"

Sens. Whitehouse, Bond On Cheney Breaking The Law

Intel: Impressive Results Offer Hope to Market

Eggs & Inflation

The Housing Baron of Detroit

Can Wall Street Catch Up to Goldman Sachs?

A Short Lived Recovery In Gold Prices?

JPMorgan Q2 Profit Jumps 36%; Beats Forecasts

Against the Grain: Sell Citigroup...

CIT: Not Too Big To Fail

Is the Stock Market Rally for Real?

Markets Weigh Good Banks Vs Bad Banks

Strong Growth in China

Goldman's Compensation Gamble

Israeli Report Says It Broke Gaza Cease Fire

New Audio from Ayman al-Zawahri

Blair Jockeys for EU's Top Spot

China's Foreign Exchange Reserve Rises $2 Trillion

Obama Interview on Pakistan

Europeans Support Uighurs in China

Interview with Jerzy Buzek

Bastille Day in Paris

Rioters in Northern Ireland Attack Police

Geithner in the Middle East

Charles Taylor Testifies at UN War Crimes Tribunal

Nigerian Rebel Group to Continue Strikes

Violence in Tajikistan: Aberration or Emerging Trend?

Gordon Brown Q&A Session

Sec. Clinton on Iran Policy

Russian Activist Murdered in Chechnya

168 Dead as Passenger Jet Crashes in Iran

Honoring Natalia Estemirova

Christopher Hitchens on Iran

Amnesty Offer for Zelaya

India-Pakistan Meeting

UN Says Lashkar Plans to Attack India

Charles Taylor Takes the Stand

French Officials Abducted in Somalia