"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

08 July 2009



Audio - Jeff Rense & David Icke

Obama, The Second Coming of Moses, Exodus Preparations « heshamtillawi

An Assault On The Eyes

Stan Cox: Biofuel's Drug Problem

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

Op-Ed Contributor - The One-State Solution - NYTimes.com

"Dead Man Musings"

Medical Mafia Book Author Provides The World The Smoking Gun Evidence Against The Swine Flu

America Closing Her Door To Freedom

True unemployment rate already at 20% - Top Stocks Blog - MSN Money

New Medical Research Show Rife Frequencies Kill Cancer

Devvy Kidd -- How Many More Lies?

Daily Express | UK News :: Kelly’s book of secrets

Nurses use maggots and honey to fend off hospital superbugs | Mail Online

Murderers and rapists among 1,000 criminals on the run - Times Online

Secret pay deals give top police thousands extra - Times Online

Tube still 'extremely vulnerable' to attack after 7/7, MPs warn | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Environment Agency sets up green police - Times Online

Preparing For Civil Unrest

savethemales.ca - Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence

YouTube - Poison Rains Infect Small Town

YouTube - Nasa Topsecret Ufo Congres Santiago 2009

YouTube - NASA stage lunar landings Footage of Actors Mimicking Astronauts

video - Obamageddon is Coming! : Information Clearing House - ICH

Defining nano: Size does matter

Argentina - Five More Cows Mutilated

Russia Warns US Of “Imminent Failure” Of World’s Ability To Feed Itself

China's Hu abandons G8 as ethnic unrest continues | International | Reuters

China, Russia to conduct joint anti-terror military exercise_English_Xinhua

SKorean Web sites hit by suspected cyber attack

The Associated Press: Government Web sites attacked; NKorea suspected

Merkel says G-8 is no longer enough

U.S. warns of multiple al-Qaida plots - wtop.com

Syria demands Golan on 'silver platter'

Brazil's Senate president accused of hiding huge property from Electoral Court_English_Xinhua

Pakistani PM Seeks US Aid for Massive Border Wall -- News from Antiwar.com

India boosts defence spending to 28.4 bln dollars

Prelate worships across an old Cuban divide - Religion & Values - MiamiHerald.com

Venezuela, China May Sign New Loan-for-Oil Accord, Chavez Says - Bloomberg.com

Latin American Herald Tribune - Venezuela Living Standards Fall as Inflation Surges

Anonymous e-mails reveal existence of secret network in TSK

Barack Obama tells Russia to respect borders of Georgia and Ukraine - Telegraph

Russia surprised by Biden's remarks on Iran

Obama Offers to Abandon Missile Shield for Russian Help With Iran -- News from Antiwar.com

President facing challenge with G-8 -- chicagotribune.com

Reid Slams Door on Second Stimulus, as Obama Leaves Options Open - Political News - FOXNews.com

Goldman, Morgan Stanley Threatened by CFTC Speculator Review - Bloomberg.com

Two Pentagon employees, four civilians indicted in bribery scheme in San Diego | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

AFP: US mortgage fraud soars in 2008, still growing: FBI

Some Surprised by Obama's Choice for U.K. Ambassador - WSJ.com

AFP: Leftist party reclaims political primacy in Mexico

Is Uncle Sam Manipulating the Equity Markets? | Sense on Cents

Is Uncle Sam Manipulating the Equity Markets?Part II | Sense on Cents

Is Uncle Sam Manipulating the Equity Markets?Part III | Sense on Cents

Oh Bummer: Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud

NYPD Finding Weapons Hidden Inside Cell Phones

Sen. Hatch suggests Justice Department look at BCS - USATODAY.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for fraud

Scientists create test-tube sperm - Science, News - The Independent

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente - “G8 is Weak”

Federal Eye - GAO: Major Security Flaws at Federal Buildings

Tales of Titans and Hobbits - Juliusz Jablecki - Mises Institute

Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings

Washington's Blog - Feeling Hopeless? Take Inspiration from the Hero of the American Revolution

Refreshing News: Robo-bats to be next eyes in the sky

Refreshing News: Scientists create 'artificial brain cell'

Refreshing News: Google to introduce PC operating system

The Honduras Coup: Is Obama Innocent? « Silver Lining

cryptogon.com » Archives » Federal Web Sites Knocked Out by Cyber Attack

Galloway: Robert McNamara shredded truth and distorted history | Opinions | Star-Telegram.com

God and Country organizers: Pentagon denied flyover Idaho Press-Tribune

YouTube - thanks for keeping secrets MSM love david rockefeller

YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

video - The Great Global Warming Swindle

Big Brother is Watching You: Pervasive Surveillance Under Obama

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Kurt Nimmo on Alex Jones Tv:California Checkpoints & Domestic Terrorism

YouTube - Letterman - Sacha Baron Cohen Interviews a Terrorist

Raw Story » White House: Acquitted detainees may not be released

Obama in Russia by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

911 Mystery Solved - Nano-thermite discovered in WTC remains

YouTube - A danish scientist Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust ( english subtitles )

Friends of Liberty - Congressman Larry McDonald Exposed the New World Order Tyranny

Friends of Liberty - The Assassination of Congressman Larry McDonald [Korean Airlines flight 007]

Al-Qaeda cell was preparing to attack pipeline

Former Lawmakers and Congressional Staffers Hired to Lobby on Health Care - washingtonpost.com

Conspiracy fever: As rumours swell that the government staged 7/7, victims' relatives call for a proper inquiry | Mail Online

Unmanned drones could be banned, says senior judge - Telegraph

Video: Pentagon’s Robo-Hummingbird Flies Like the Real Thing | Danger Room | Wired.com

Bankers Made War - How and Why International Bankers Make War

Randolph Bourne - "War is the Health of the State"

**Site Page - 1976- 2009 :Top 25 Censored Stories: Archive | Project Censored

*Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 | Project Censored

07-08-2009: G-8 Nations Fail To Agree On Climate Change

07-08-2009: Catholic Church Offers $100,000 Grant For Research Into Stem Cells

07-08-2009: Federal Prosecutor: Stolen Goldman Sachs Software Could be Used to Manipulate Markets In Unfair Ways

07-07-2009: Like JFK - Michael Jackson To Be Buried Without Brain

07-07-2009: U.S. warns of multiple al-Qaida plots

07-07-2009: Cap-and-Trade Hearing Starts With a Clash

VIDEO: Joe Scarborough apologizes for ‘irony’ in saying 9/11 truth activists should be tasered

Token Royalty? Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth

Computers may be able to ‘read’ thoughts

Bank Bail-Outs Promote "Deglobalization": WTO Chief

A Coup is Not a Coup. A Not-Coup is a Coup

How the FBI and 9/11 Commission Suppressed Key Evidence

Flashback: Emissions trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

Energy bills 'too low' to combat climate change, Royal Society says

Smokers face $20 cigarette packs

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Colours Ominous in Full Spectrum Dominance

Cyber-Scare: The exaggerated fears over digital warfare

Lawsuit now accuses Xe (a.k.a. Blackwater) contractors of murder, kidnapping

U.S.-built bridge is windfall — for illegal Afghan drug trade

Artificial sweeteners can make you sick and fat

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

The Global Warming Scam

Monsanto & Dole Team Up to Force-Feed Consumers Genetically Engineered Fruits & Veggies

Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show - July 1, 2009

US Government Poisoning Soldiers with Secret Vaccinations

"Charitable Hospitals" providing very little Charity

"Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent"

Bill Gives Attorney General Power To Designate Gun Owners, Tax Protesters As Terrorists

VIDEO: Money Creation. The Role of the Rothchilds

David Kelly: UK weapons expert's death back in spotlight

The Sun Has Spots, Finally

Bill banning forced identity-chip implants clears House

video - Future City: Smart Dust

Alexis de Tocqueville's Observations on American Society

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

Pope blesses U.N. flag, calls for "binding international rules"

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you

track the world's wealthiest

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Layar: The first mobile augmented reality browser

Federal Government Was Culprit in Housing and Economic Crisis, Says Congressional Report

Democratic Leader Laughs at Idea That House Members Would Actually Read Health-Care Bill Before Voting On It

Obama's Assistant Attorney General Tells Senate: Terrorists Captured on Battlefield Have Constitutional Rights

Sotomayor Supported Censoring Biblical Verse on Homosexuality from New York City Billboard

Treaty Limiting U.S. Nukes Should Not Also Limit Conventional Military Capabilities, Group Warns

Hugo Chavez Coordinated Ousted Honduran President’s Failed Attempt to Return Home

As Health Care Deadline Looms, Congress Leaves Key Reform Details to Administration

Pro-Marijuana Ad Pushes Pot As Fix for California’s Budget Deficit

Federal Government Boosts ‘Egg Safety’

Health Care Overhaul Racing Against the Clock

The Light Bulb Liars

Let’s Mourn the Real American Heroes

Obama's Moral Clarity Deficit

Medvedev-Obama Summit: Day One

Uighurs and China's Xinjiang Region

Seeking Substance in Moscow

Theory of Stupidivity: Your Guarantee of Cybersecurity Failure

Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital

Greg Evensen -- Diary From the Road: "Patriots Are Heeding the Call"

Modified invisibility cloak could make the ultimate illusion - tech - 07 July 2009 - New Scientist


Scientists create 'artificial brain cell' - Telegraph

Steve Quayle News Alerts - Under the All-seeing Eye the Illuminati Deals

**Nancy Levant -- Was America Sold?

Government Tightening Food Safety Standards - ABC News

British scientists grow sperm in laboratory | Metro.co.uk

??? - wtf :GovTrack: H. Res. 600: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House

California's IOU's

O'Reilly defends his pal Peter King by whitewashing his verbal assault on Michael Jackson

The Secret Holocaust

Obama, The Second Coming of Moses, Exodus Preparations « heshamtillawi

Economy In Turmoil Can’t Be Fixed With Farcical Regulation

U.S. Occupation of Iraq Continues Unabated

Kurt Nimmo on Alex Jones TV: Checkpoints & Domestic Terrorism

Military Testing of Gelatinous Goo Story on Unsolved Mysteries

Retired General / American Intelligence Official Says 911 was an Inside Job

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

O'Reilly defends his pal Peter King by whitewashing his verbal assault on Michael Jackson

Rahm Reassures Angry House Members that Obama Backs Public Plan, No Trigger

Harry Reid tells Max Baucus to stop trolling for GOP votes on Health Care

Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) Says Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Fox to Guard Henhouse? Former Monsanto VP May Be Named To Head FDA Safety Working Group

Dana Bash Centers Canadian Health Care Story Around Mitch McConnell Talking Point

Fox report suggests Pentagon policy nixing religious flyover is a sign Obama is anti-Christian

Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits

Republican John Boehner Backpedaling On Stimulus Lies

Bill O'Reilly gnashes teeth, laments Al Franken's ascension: 'This country is in deep trouble'

Here comes Rahm with a "Trigger" in his hand and Obama slaps it

Rahm to Public Option Supporters: Trust Us! This Isn't Bait and Switch, Honest

The Supreme Court is ready to undo the ban on corporate spending in elections for president and Congress

RealClearPolitics - Don't Add to Debt with Health Reform

Republican risks and Democratic wobbles - THE WEEK

Going Public, Quietly;Why Obama wants to be as vague as possible about health care reform. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Stimulus: Where's the $787 Billion? - BusinessWeek

Democrats stuck in stimulus jam - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

For Sarah Palin, rules have never applied - Matthew E. Berger - POLITICO.com

Obama's Style Trumps Substance, Again - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Op-Ed Contributor - McNamara in Context - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The McNamara Mentality

RealClearPolitics - Stage Is Set for Supreme Court Hearings

A court ritual worth watching - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Jeb Bush: The Future of the Republican Party

Talking shop -Times Online

Stimulus II? No way -- chicagotribune.com

McNamara's mess? He wasn't the only one to blame for Vietnam


Democrats Split on Stimulus as Job Losses Mount, Deficit Soars - Bloomberg.com

A Staggering Federal Deficit That Many Expect to Grow - NYTimes.com

Emotional Franken finally gets sworn in

CQ Politics | Gay Rights Groups Ask Congress to Step Up

RealClearWorld - The View from Russia's Dissidents

moscowtimes.ru - The Smell of War at Breakfast

Bin the soft words. Squeeze Iran sharply | Rosemary Righter - Times Online

Why China might turn on North Korea | csmonitor.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Beijing Always Wins - NYTimes.com

The Real Story of the Uighur Riots - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - Israel Must Avoid an American Ambush

FT.com / Columnists / Martin Wolf - What India must do if it is to be an affluent country

Bolstering Japan-U.S. ties | The Japan Times Online

Asia Times Online - Indonesia votes for more of the same

Democracy may not always be satisfactory for societies - The China Post

The Guns of Sudan | The New Ledger

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Moscow is wary of Obama’s charms

The World from Berlin: 'China Is Acting on an Old Reflex in Urumqi' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The challenge for the G8 summit is for it to matter - Telegraph

EDITORIAL: America in Vietnam - Washington Times

Russian Public Wary of Obama - World Public Opinion

America Souring on Hope and Change

Obama presidential approval index slips to minus 5

Waxman: 'GOP rooting against USA'

The power of the Progressive Caucus

Are the airlines Obama's next target?

Were we under cyber attack from North Korea?

Corporate wellness programs opposed by unions

Palin and Sanford: A Tale of Two Governors

40 Acres and a President

When will White America be off the Hook for Sins of the Past?

Extreme Makeover, Conservative Edition

Will Netanyahu Change Israel Forever?

Has decency become passé?

Cap Taxes, Trade Congress

Obama reads Pushkin

Liberals: Learning Nothing and Forgetting Nothing

The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care

Obama in Russia

RealClearMarkets - Are the Good Times Really Back On Wall Street?

Wall Street’s Newest Product Is Tale of Denial: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Trading Strategies for an Uncertain Market at SmartMoney.com

Bank Shot

We’re the masters of the banking universe. | Vince Cable - Times Online

Value Driven: National health care may never happen - Jul. 7, 2009

Economic Scene - Health Reform’s Acid Test - Prostate Cancer - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Rich nations must act on free trade

Steven Pearlstein - Small Businesses Can Handle an Insurance Mandate - washingtonpost.com

Oil Prices Need Government Supervision - WSJ.com

Medicare's Mythical Administrative Cost Savings - Megan McArdle

How Facebook is killing MySpace - MSN Money

A “Less Bad” Economy and “Less Good” Risk Premiums - Morningstar - Glenmede Investment & Wealth Management

The Options Market, Then and Now - Barrons.com

The Employment Situation, June 2009 :: Yoonsoo Lee and Beth Mowry :: Economic Trends :: 07.03.09 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

McNamaranism Alive and Well by Karen Kwiatkowski

Oh No! by Glenn Jacobs

Bill Marina, R.I.P. by Gary North

The Anatomy of a Wrongful Conviction by William L. Anderson

Sell Gold, Then Buy It by Ian Mathias

Credit Expansion, Crisis, and the Myth of the Saving Glut by George Reisman

Island of Shame by Murray Polner

Are Afghan Lives Worth Anything? by Tom Engelhardt

World Net Daily Player - Obama position on Honduras questioned

World Net Daily Player - Bolton: Obama administration running out of time

Breitbart.tv :Daughter gives tearful farewell

World Net Daily Player - Killing embryos 'just 1 problem in Obama's guidelines'

America soon to crumble to 'The Third Jihad'?

The spirit of Thomas Jefferson lives!

Thin-looking Kim Jong Il makes rare appearance - Yahoo! News

Dozens die in strike on Taliban convoy - Pakistan - msnbc.com

China’s Military Tackles Mobs in 3rd Day of Ethnic Violence - Bloomberg.com

Two Americans in Mormon sect slain in Mexico | World | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Senate torpedoes Fed Reserve audit

Terrorists to descend on Jesus' birthplace

Israeli archaeologists discover ancient quarry

Bloomberg.com:Obama Lauds Putin’s ‘Extraordinary Work’ in Visit to Mend Ties

Palin Blasts Critics, Remains Mum on 2012 Bid - Political News - FOXNews.com

TIME's Interview with Exiting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - TIME

The new Billy Mays infomercial, and the deaths of other salesmen

Pickens calls off massive wind farm in Texas

SEC alleges oil-and-gas Ponzi scheme

U.S. House May Include Surtax on Wealthy in Health-Care Package - Bloomberg.com

Why we need cyber-warriors now

Let's cap all the hot air from D.C.

A tangled web, Part II

Are we ready for a post-racial society?

Respect the office? Hooey!

Congress full of Michael Jackson wannabes

J'acusse England! J'acusse America!

The feminists demand and receive

Senate slavery apology

Desperate conservatives fooled by Palin?

FrontPage Magazine - Islam’s Hatred of a Woman’s Laugh

Good Enough, Smart Enough

All eyes on Honduras

From McNamara to Obama - WSJ.com

Obama grilled about Honduran prez drug links

Feds: Exec with Murtha ties took kickbacks - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

CNN Political Ticker: - Alec Baldwin interested in congressional run « - Blogs from CNN.com

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Obama calls Jakarta his 'old hometown'

Finally, some insight into Obama's past

Why is Obama avoiding Kenya?

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital

article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Recession keeping Wichita pawn shops busy | Wichita News - Kansas News | Wichita Eagle

Teacher regrets mock 'wedding'

Sex, lies and Lutheran pastor: Stripper accused of extortion

Researchers study 'personality traits' of cars

Sotomayor critics step up rhetoric before hearing

Worker Who Spoke to Media About Funeral Home Is Fired - washingtonpost.com

Men, women share U. of C. rooms :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education

Ananova - Exam students can 'phone a friend'

RealClearPolitics - Video - Reid: Second Stimulus Not "Needed"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Palin: Attacks Against Me Are "Bull Crap"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Howard Dean On Sen. Al Franken

RealClearPolitics - Video - O'Reilly On Michael Jackson

RealClearPolitics - Video - Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin Has "Gone Fishin'"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Haley Barbour Discusses 2012 On "Hannity"

Tabasco - Her Majesty’s hot favourite - Times Online

Activists on both the left and the right spotlight a broken federal government by Claire Wolfe 97

Tales of Titans and Hobbits - Juliusz Jablecki - Mises Institute


Standing against the architects of USSA

Patriotic people, unite!

Unsung TV Pitchmen

Pirates 'smuggling al-Qaeda fighters' into Somalia - Telegraph

Counterterrorism Blog: A Chilling Look at Central American Gangs and Why They Are a Threat

TheHill.com - Dems to reveal how they'll pay for healthcare

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Time to ditch climate policies'

California's IOU's

O'Reilly defends his pal Peter King by whitewashing his verbal assault on Michael Jackson

The Secret Holocaust

Obama, The Second Coming of Moses, Exodus Preparations « heshamtillawi

Muslim extremists jailed for arson attack on Mohammed book publisher's home

Wis. store yanks fireworks offensive to Muslims - WXOW News 19 La Crosse, WI – News, Weather and Sports |

In Russia, Obama’s Star Power Does Not Translate - NYTimes.com

£6m drive to cut teen pregnancies sees them DOUBLE | Mail Online

Do Not Believe The Pundits On China’s Century

What Michael Jackson's Death Teaches Us About Politics and the Media

Lawmakers Billing Taxpayers

Jake Towne on "Regaining Our Individual Rights"

'Memorial like a macabre circus'

Can Palin ever come back? | Salon

Phoenix Woman Hangs Self on Webcam, Survives

L.A. Targets Cannabis Clubs - WSJ.com

Saudi religious squad beefs up anti-vice patrols - swissinfo

Metrorail Operator Caught Texting on Job | NBC Washington

US demands UBS comply in tax evasion case

Craigslist Robberies On The Rise In Philly

TSA: Tyrannical, Silly Agency

New 7/7 Bombing Photo Contradicts Official Story

U.S. Funded Terrorist Group Behind China Riots?

Sarah Palin still popular, says poll, despite quitting as Alaska ...

Madigan to seek re-election as attorney general

Madigan says no to Senate, Gov bid

Greenpeace Unfurls Banner Next to Mount Rushmore

Report: Probe found weaknesses in federal security

Sanford impeachment unlikely, state legislators say

Vice President Remarks on Health-Care Reform

Obama not talking about second stimulus: official

Frank to Introduce Consumer-Protection Bill

The Place of Women on the Court

Sotomayor spin cycle in overdrive – a week early

American Bar Association gives Sonia Sotomayor its highest rating

New York Senate Group Sets Deadline to Resolve Partisan Dispute

Senate race could still be a crowded one

Biden to visit Shen

Boehner Accuses White House Of Lying About Stimulus

Blagojevich aide pleads guilty in corruption case

Attorney: Blagojevich aide to plead guilty

Voters unhappy in Ohio. It's Biden to the rescue.

Congress mum on Rove testimony

Former Bush aide testifies on prosecutor firings

Al Gore likens global warming to Nazi threat

Groups Sue US Over Energy-Transmission Corridors on Public Lands

Near Tents and Ruins, G-8 Summit Meeting Opens

VOA News - Demonstrators in Washington Protest Chinese Police Action Against Uighurs

Obama talks spur rights call by Russian activists

President Obama Reaches Out to Russian Opposition

US Gen: Afghan Forces Needed To Help Marines Against Taliban

More British troops will die in Afghanistan – defence secretary

Two degrees a benchmark for climate talks: Barroso

Major polluters water down climate targets

Clinton to meet with deposed Honduran leader

Vatican replaces cardinal in Holocaust controversy

Indonesian president says election goes well

NKorea's Kim pays homage to late father

Drone Strikes Kill 45 in Pakistan

Khamenei's son takes control of Iran's anti-protest militia

'No green light' for Iran attack

Israel to allow 24-hour West Bank crossing

Nigerian Militants Claim Pipeline Strikes

Ghana: Obama Visits a Hopeful Nation on a Troubled Continent

Africans prepare to welcome Obama

G8: Merkel: Econ Crisis Not Over,But Worst Has Passed

What's in Your Bottled Water?

Five Reasons Google Chrome OS Will Fail

Internet Radio Saved for Now, But is the Deal Fair?

Gmail Finally Out of Beta!

State of the Art Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better

Report: Microsoft and EU looking to settle antitrust issues

Facebook Flight? No, Graduation Season

Chris Anderson introduces 'Free' book

Arctic Ocean's Ice Layer Thins 'Dramatically,' Study Concludes

Social Security Numbers Not as Safe as We Thought?

Near Tents and Ruins, G-8 Summit Meeting Opens

High Fuel Costs, Recession Ease Traffic Congestion - Study

US seeks 145-year sentence for NY lawyer

Pickens's pullback could signal shift in the wind

Big pharma 'delaying' cheaper drugs

Six Sky Capital Executives, Brokers Charged in Fraud

Private Equity At Risk

Biden to visit Shen

Mariah Carey Worries She 'Let Everybody Down' At Jackson Memorial

Gary residents view Jackson's death with mixed feelings

Michael Jackson's Dermatologist: 'I Am Not the Father'

Was Michael Jackson cheated at the Grammys?

Neverland - More Michael Jackson?

Jermaine Jackson Brings 'Smile,' Tears To Michael Jackson Memorial

Rev. Al Sharpton: Paris Jackson's Speech Wasn't Scripted

"Rev Al is a Racist" a Topic of Concern

Nine Inch Nails Grow a Little Longer

Bill O'Reilly Says Jackson is No Black Icon

Black or white?

In Retooled Health-Care System, Who Will Say No?

Transplant drug helps mice live longer

Overhaul of Food Safety Rules in the Works

Q&A: What is the bottom line on taking acetaminophen?

Travel more than doubles risk of blood clots: study

Blacks With Equal Care Still More Likely to Die of Some Cancers

More Americans than ever are obese: CDC

Medicare's Mythical Administrative Cost Savings

Will national health care reduce costs?

Vegetable Amino Acid Lowers Blood Pressure

Glutamic Acid May Lower Blood Pressure

Mosquito numbers are down, but it's early

Video News

YouTube - Palin: Resignation Was 'The Right Thing'

YouTube - "Yes, we camp!"

YouTube - China's changing approach to reporting Xinjiang - 08 Jul 09

YouTube - Obamas piece of cake

YouTube - Clinton Announces Mediator in Honduras Crisis

YouTube - North Korea celebrates its founder

YouTube - Former US defence secretary McNamara dies - 07 Jul 09

YouTube - Obama Heads for African Visit

YouTube - Traffic study

YouTube - Pickens Calls Off Massive Wind Farm in Texas

YouTube - Raw Video: Rowe a No-show at Jackson Memorial

YouTube - Raw Video: Motown Founder Hails Michael Jackson

YouTube - Raw Video: Jermaine Jackson Musical Tribute

YouTube - Biden Announces White House Deal With Hospitals

YouTube - AustinHealth: Blood clot risk

YouTube - Trapping and testing for West Nile


The Reset Summit

Exiled Uighur Leader on Riots in China

Obama Speaks at New Economic School, Moscow

Hondurans Mourn Dead Protestors

Biden on the US and Israel

Pickering on Iran

Obama Heads for Africa Visit

Election in Indonesia Faces Problems

Clinton Announces Mediator in Honduras Crisis

In the Spotlight: Mir Hossein Mousavi

The Burqa Debate in France

Sen. Martinez on Honduras

Rachel Maddow on Robert McNamara

Conversations with History: Robert S. McNamara

Boone Pickens' Plan: One Year Later

Unemployment Numbers Stoke Stimulus Debate

Stovall: Outlook for Q2 Earnings

Job Losses Sink Oil Prices

Minimum Wage Debate: Moore V. Boykin

Art Cashin: What's Ahead for the Stock Market

Barclays: A Slow and Hesitant Recovery

Sowell: Is Rep. Frank Encouraging Second Housing Crisis?

Klobuchar Reacts To Franken's Swearing-In

Obama Slips: Calls Putin "President" Several Times During Interview

Obama Gaffe: President Claims He Met Michelle At School

Steele: Palin "Off The Table" In 2012

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Promotes Bill At Jackson's Memorial

Bill Kristol On Palin's 2012 Ambitions

Biden And Obama On Israel Attacking Iran

Mika To Eugene Robinson's Criticisms Of Palin: "You're Wrong"

Palin Tells NBC: "One Term Was Enough"

Obama: US, Russia Not Destined To Be Adversaries

Franken Officially Sworn In As A Senator

Obama On Economy: "There's Nothing That We Would Have Done Differently"

Democratic AK State Senator French On Palin Stepping Down

Obama Makes Swipe At Bush Over Russian Relations

Berlusconi Attends G8 Amid Sex Scandal

Letterman's Latest Attack On Palin: She Hopes To Be Next "Octomom"

Riots Force Chinese President To Leave G8

DNC Ad: Boehner Using "Baseless Facts" To Attack Stimulus

NRSC Targets Franken In New Ad "60"

Gov. Pawlenty On Transparency Of Stimulus, Health Care

Rep. Cummings On Impact Of the Stimulus

Obama: U.S. Proud To Have A Friend In Italy


RealClearWorld - Speech at the New Economic School in Russia

Majority Leader Reid Takes Questions

Senate GOP Leadership Takes Questions

Historians Debate McNamara's Legacy

July 6 State Department Briefing

Roundtable on Palin's Political Future

Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Guests: Lt. Gov. Parnell; Leaders Hoyer & Boehner

Guests: Adm. Mullen, Senators Schumer and Grassley

Interview with Colin Powell

Obama's Weekly Address: Independence Day

Sen. McCain Delivers Weekly GOP Address

American Minute

American Minute for July 8th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Media Blackout on Real News!

Talk Radio

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 7th With John Rhys-Davies

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 6th: Open Lines

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 3rd With Bill Federer

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/07 The Mark Levin Show

07/06 The Mark Levin Show


24 pg . pdf - Trading Emissions

17 pg - pdf - Infotainment Society: Junk Food News and News Abuse for 2008/2009

35 pg. - pdf - Deconstructing Deceit: 9/11, the Media, and Myth Information

25 pg. - pdf - The Global Dominance Group: 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context

18 pg. - pdf - Corporate Media Is Corporate America

4 pg. - pdf - This is Our Water Future!

3 pg - pdf - Solar storm could cause planetary disaster at any time, warn scientists

17 pg. - pdf - ATM Thefts

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