"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

02 July 2009

2 July

2 July 09

New Flu Strain Causing Worry Among Pet Owners - WDAF

Marines Launch Mission in Afghanistan's South Focused on Security and Governance - washingtonpost.com

Halt Endorses Rendlesham Forest UFO Film Script

Crop Circle at Below Milk Hill (3), nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 21st June 2009

savethemales.ca - Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence

The Enemy Within!

Enzyme Family Key to Future Treatments of High Cholesterol - News Room - University of Rochester Medical Center

Pirates Of The Mediterranean

US remains silent over McKinney arrest by Israel

The Economic Strategy Of Imperial America

North Koreans going hungry as funds dry up, UN agency warns | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Brussels / Business regulation - EU scientific authority says GM maize is safe

Religion and schools don't mix | Björn Ulvaeus | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Al-Qaeda threatens France with revenge over burka stance - Telegraph

Being a vegetarian can cut your risk of cancer by a half, claim scientists - Telegraph

Turin Shroud is face of Leonardo da Vinci - Telegraph

Passport details to be kept on ID register despite card U-turn | Politics | The Guardian

Police floated imposter theory over Ian Tomlinson's death at G20 protests | UK news | The Guardian

Sharia law and me | Zeinab Huq | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Michael Jackson: powerful anaesthetic drugs found at star's home - Telegraph

Mark Steel: The macabre details of Michael Jackson's death - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent

Edwards hit by new love-child allegations - Americas, World - The Independent

Obama tries to have it both ways with media - Americas, World - The Independent

The moment construction worker dangled from a crane to pluck drowning woman from river | Mail Online

Tribal Marxism For Dummies

If the canary is still singing, we’re okay

Summary Of Obama Financial Regulation Plan - WSJ.com

US Vice President in Iraq

Geller, Ex-Bodyguard Tell of Jackson Drug Abuse

Possible Michelangelo Self-Portrait Revealed

Mousavi: Islamic Regime Illegitimate

Rare Copy of Declaration of Independence Found

A Look at Poppy Production in Southern Afghanistan

More Missile Tests From Defiant N.K.

North Korea Fires Third Short-Range Missile: South

Vietnam Sees Alarming Rise in Boy Births Vs Girls

U.S. Marshals Begin Seizure of Madoff Property in NY

Gamer Steals From Virtual World to Pay Real Debts

United Computer Problems Cleared up at O'Hare

Jay Leno Wins Cybersquatting Case

EPA Allows TVA to Dump Spilled Coal Ash in Ala.

FBI Notes: Saddam Feared Iran More Than US Attack

Holder Having Surgery for Cracked Tooth

Families Visit Prison From Comfort of Their Homes

Bench Trial for Woman Accused in Daughters' Deaths

North Korea Fires Fourth Short-Range Missile: Report

For Born-Again Governor, Love Is a Matter of Faith

Fireworks Sellers Hope It's a 'Backyard' Fourth

Pastor Rick Warren to Address American Muslims

Hollywood Murder Case in Hands of California Jury

Sentencing Scheduled for Mo. Mom in MySpace Hoax

1 Dead, 4 Hurt in SoCal Dental Office Shooting

Hawaii's Cheapest Cruise Sails Into Sunset

Fattest State Weighs Its Options

Suicide Warnings for 2 Anti-Smoking Drugs

• No Vicodin? No Fear! Alternatives Exist

Gene clues to schizophrenia risk

Everyday Low Politics

New vaccine keeps E. coli inside cows

Letter: Tobacco tax works

Kennedy Seeks Public Health-Care Plan That Finances Itself

One in Seven Americans Had No Health Coverage in 2008

LA man convicted of defrauding Medicare for $7.7 million

Jackson Memorial Planned For Staples Tuesday

Chicago is the epicenter of another film credit

Hollywood's Most Beloved 'Public Enemies'

A Character Actor of Intensified Normalness

Oscar winning actor Karl Malden dies at 97

Who's Who in Michael Jackson's Bizarre World

Michael Jackson's Love for Diana Ross Continues Even in Death

Court begins weighing Jackson estate's fate

Jackson's Will Could Set Off Legal Struggle

Examiner Says Carradine Died from Asphyxiation, Not Suicide

Michael Jackson Left 'Dozens' Of Unreleased Songs, Tommy Mottola Says

Did Michael Jackson Get His Diprivan?

What Celebrity Deaths Teach Us About Surviving Our 50s

Ryan O'Neal: Redmond Showing Strength and Resolve

Prevent your search default from being changed

Why Facebook Wants to Open Your Data to The World Wide Web

New Facebook Privacy Controls Take On Twitter

Mozilla Rushing to Fix Firefox 3.5 Bugs

Shuttle to Launch July 11 After Successful Leak Test

Report Shows Greater Peril for World's Threatened Animals, Plants

869 species extinct, 17000 threatened with extinction

China will still require Green Dam Web filter program

Make big bucks rolling out broadband to unserved areas!

Federal Tech Czar Unveils Tool to Follow Tax Dollars

Volume Of Michael Jackson-Related Internet Scams Rapidly Increasing

A Gidget, A Gadget, Another Cool Tool Site Hits The Web

Gizmodo, Engadget, and Now GDGT

Assaulted by someone you met online? Don't sue the website

Trustee to Reject Madoff's 'Lipstick' Office Lease

US Marshals seize Madoff penthouse property

ECB: Central Banks To Buy Bonds Rated AA Or Higher

United Air Computer Led to Delays at Chicago's O'Hare Airport

FDIC proposes tough private equity guidelines

Stocks slump on economic woes

Mortgage rates fall slightly

Dissenting bondholders argue against GM asset sale

Oil Falls, Gasoline Drops to 5-Week Low as US Payrolls Slip

US May Factory Orders Rise Most Since June 2008

Diplomats reach for solution to Honduras coup

Inquiry Finds French Flight Struck Ocean Intact

US operation aims to smooth road for Afghan elections

Marines Enter Afghan Opium Region to Strike Taliban

McKinney held in Israel, to be returned to US

Obama says Putin lives partly in past

Moscow ready for better US relations, Medvedev blogs

Gay sex ruling: Views from India

A look at North Korea's missile arsenal

Biden Lands in Baghdad, on Surprise Visit to Meet With Iraqi Officials

Russia objects to sanctions against Iran over protest crackdown

At Least One Killed in Rawalpindi Suicide Bombing

Pakistan seems ready to crack down on Taliban

Pakistan's Assault on Taliban May Not Meet US Goals

Plea for Sri Lanka Tamil refugees

Japan's Amano elected head of UN nuclear watchdog

Japanese Amano to replace ElBaradei at IAEA

Ban the Burqa

Sarkozy ignores debt warnings with new French loan

Africa: 13th African Union Summit Underway in Sirte, Libya

AU summit tackles divisions over 'African government'

Iraq brings forward second oil sale

EU President Sweden to lead by example on climate change

Sweden Takes Over European Union Presidency

Georgia to decide on Russian deserter's refugee status by fall

Georgia and Russia say Caucasus talks constructive

First bombing in Baghdad since US handover kills nine

Japanese PM condemns Pyongyang's latest missile test-firings

Post Publisher Cancels Plans for Off-the-Record 'Salons'

The Washington Post: Fastest Damage Control Ever

Sanford's vow to stay on growing stronger, friends say

Kennedy, Dodd health plan cost drops to $611 billion

New US Senate Health Proposal Carries Smaller Price Tag

California Starting to Pay With IOU's

Disappointing Jobs Data Intensify Fight Over Obama Agenda

Job losses turn up heat on Obama

White House salaries: Whose check is biggest?

Helen Thomas Slams Obama Administration for Controlling Media

Emotional 911 Call in Deadly Python Attack

Statue of Liberty gets her view back

Statue of Liberty Facts: July 4th Reopening and More

Ninth Circuit's Kozinski is Admonished, and He Apologizes

For an Insider, a Lonely Road to Senate Run

Bill Clinton to raise money for Maloneyc

The Sarah Palin Chronicles Mask Deeper GOP Troubles

Did Palin try to mislead McCain campaign?

Palin Vanity Fair Article Reignites Feud Among Former Campaign Aides

Rare Declaration of Independence copy found

A History of the 4th of July

Kids found in shed behind Texas daycare center

6 Children Found Locked in Shed with Insecticide, Gas & Lawn Equipment

Republicans to Bachmann: Fill Out the Census

Eye Opener: GOP to Bachmann: End Census Boycott

4 landfills in Tenn. approved for coal ash test

US flight diverted after naked man refuses to dress

Water referee says Neb. owes Kan. $10000

Smoking Mirrors: The FEMA Blogger Camps are not a Wi-Fi Zone.

Big Pay Packages Return to Wall Street - WSJ.com

Neda death 'staged': US blasts Iran over claim

Washington's Blog - The Fifth Reason the MSM Sucks

whatreallyhappened.com: Ethnic Cleansing as a State Policy

**The Raw Story » Rolling Stone expose: Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s


Hollywood madam charged celebrities £30,000 for girls - Telegraph

America's Effective Unemployment Rate at 18.7%? - The Washington Note

*Ban Blogs From Linking To Newspapers, Says Judge

SEC Investigator Raised Madoff Concerns Years Ago, Was Asked to Look Elsewhere - washingtonpost.com

The high cost of 'green jobs'

savethemales.ca - Madoff Ponzi Scheme Dwarfed by Illuminati Rubin's

The still-growing NPR "torture" controversy - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The sentencing of Bernard Madoff

whatreallyhappened.com: IS THE US CORPORATE MEDIA RACIST?

How to Reduce Healthcare Costs by 80% Overnight (Without Spending $2 Trillion)

World Of Technology: European rocket hoists biggest-ever telecoms satellite

World Of Technology: World failing to halt biodiversity decline

World Of Technology: Myanmar fossil may shed light on evolution

UN Backs Drug Decriminalization In World Drug Report

**Bureaucrats Will Carry Out Mandatory Home Inspections Under Climate Bill

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » If Torture Is Not Evil, Then Evil Has No Meaning

U.S. Launches South Afghan Offensive - WSJ.com

BBC NEWS | Technology | Innocents accused of net piracy

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Chimpanzees exchange meat for sex

The Decline of Thinking « LewRockwell.com Blog

Creepy, revealing quote from White House staffer - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Apollo 11: Less computing power than a washing machine | Science | The Guardian

The Raw Story | Most Americans believe Jackson coverage excessive

CIA Report on Interrogation Is Delayed Again - WSJ.com

Zionist Bullshit « Mantiq al-Tayr

Campaign For Liberty — Cap and Trade Equals Fraud and Tax | by Glenn Jacobs

Raw Story » Helen Thomas hits White House for lack of transparency

Waging War Upon Our Friends « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

Campaign For Liberty — Climate Change: The Other Side


You're Not the Boss of Me!

Independence Now And Forever by Chuck Baldwin

U.S.-built bridge is windfall for illegal Afghan drug trade


Demonising Iran Conveniently Hides Uncomfortable Truths For The West (from Sunday Herald)

Millennium-Ark: Pic of the Day


whatreallyhappened.com: The New McCarthyism

“ARE YOU A SUBVERSIVE?” « Desertpeace

Declaration of Indictment | AfterDowningStreet.org

We'll Need to Raise Taxes Soon - WSJ.com

Energy bills 'too low' to combat climate change, Royal Society says | Environment | The Guardian

YouTube - Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009 (new clips with dates)

YouTube - Global Temperatures - U.N. Models vs. Reality (Actual Temperatures) - Suppressed Report

YouTube - Joe Biden: Oct. 19, 2008 - Obama Will Be "Tested"

YouTube - Reporters Grill Gibbs Over Prepackaged Questions for Obama

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers - Gold Seek Radio Nugget - 06-30-09

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff answering your Reddit questions

*** Site - vintage films :FILMSCHATTEN***

FEMA Administrator Fugate Meets Top Israeli Official To Discuss Emergency Management Issues

07-01-2009: CDC: Private health care coverage at 50-year-low

States Work To Stave Off Government Shutdowns

07-01-2009: Bank Fees Rise as Lenders Try to Offset Losses

07-01-2009: Fannie, Freddie to Refinance Larger Underwater Loans

Thousands Deploy in Afghanistan's South in Crucial Test for Revised U.S. Strategy

07-01-2009: Rolling Stone expose: Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s

07-01-2009: Inflamed CNBC host calls bloggers "digital dickweeds"

Your Guide to Avoiding a Terrorist Attack

07-01-2009: Goldman Sachs The Fourth Branch of the U.S. Government

Lawsuit accuses Xe contractors of murder, kidnapping, child prostitution

Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion

US suspends military activities with Honduras

‘Largest Marine offensive since Vietnam’

Darpa’s Smart, Flat Camera Is Packed With Beady Eyes

Color Revolutions, Old and New

Federal Agents Conducting House by House Gun Checks

Fannie, Freddie to refinance for homeowners with 125% loan to value ratio. If this is not borderline criminal, nothing is.

VIDEO: Beck guest Scheuer: "The only chance we have as a country right now is" for bin Laden to "detonate a major weapon" in U.S.

Fuel tax could be replaced with by-the-mile road tax

The Military Invades U.S. Schools: How Military Academies Are Being Used to Destroy Public Education

Goldman Sachs: The Wall Street Bubble Mafia

NYSE Halts Transparency, Feels Goldman Program Trading Disclosure Is Unnecessary

Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

Preparing for WWIII: British declassify the 'War Book', a secret doomsday planning manual

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

The Emperor’s Seven Signing Statements

Iraq: Troop Movements Are not a 'Withdrawal'

Report Projects Continued U.S. Military Presence in Iraq

Demonising Iran Conveniently Hides Uncomfortable Truths for the West

UncoverTheNews.com » How Israel’s naval blockade denies Gazans food, aid

Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show - July 1, 2009

US Government Poisoning Soldiers with Secret Vaccinations

Obama Admin Plan to REQUIRE Americans to get THREE Flu Shots

Obama Stabs Supporters In The Back, Breaks Promise Not To Issue Presidential Signing Statements

Media and The CIA Predict The Next American Revolution, Rebellion and Resistance by 2014

Top Torture Lawyers Still in Government

Jose Delgado And His Bull Story - Humans Are Next In Line (For The Brain Implants)

Kevin Warwick encouraging a scared mother to chip her child

How To Save The Newspapers, Vol. XII: Outlaw Linking

Cap and Trade Bill HR 2454 Will Lead to Capital Flight

CNBC Host Flips Out When Bloggers Dare to Challenge His Assertion The Recession Is Over, Calls Bloggers

Isolated and Modernized Swiss

Voluminous Research Proves Vaccines are Deadly

New Antarctic Sea Ice Video -- Shows Cycles and Ice Growth

Propaganda in Children's TV: Arthur - 'FurMasons' Created and Control the 'Sock Market' to Steal Peoples 'Socks' so that Humans Must Work Endlessly To Buy More

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Talk About Their Awakening to The New World Order

Emergency Broadcast: New World Order Ahead

Battling Neoliberal Urbanism

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade: Economic collapse about to accelerate

US seeks deal between Honduran coup leaders and deposed president

Reporters Without Borders’ Lies about Cuba

America’s Third World Healthcare Plan

Italy to Declare Independence from US Military

Covering (up) the coup in Honduras - the BBC does its bit for the Empire

It is Independence Day as We Become More Dependent

The Truth Behind The Iraq “Sovereignty” Propaganda

The Launching of U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM).

The Great Bank Robbery: How the Federal Reserve is destroying America

Rockefeller launches initiative to boost health systems in Africa, Asia

UN team begins probe into Bhutto's killing

Rothschild and Freshfields founders linked to slavery

Iraq Vote Could Oust US Troops Early

Mousavi, Khatami Declare Iran Govt 'Illegitimate'

Obama's Latest Leap Toward Lawlessness

PNAC Revisited

Doctors boo Obama in Chicago

No reason to favor private health insurers

Bureaucrats Will Carry Out Mandatory Home Inspections Under Climate Bill

videos - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Medvedev upbeat on Obama summit

Saddam Hussein faked WMDs to fool Iran

Saddam told FBI he faked WMDs to bluff Iran'

Reassessing the Jackson-Vanik Amendment

How Out of Control Entitlement Spending Is Draining the Defense Budget

The Six-Party Talks on North Korea's Nuclear Program

A Shaky Iraq's Sovereign Step

New Chapter for U.S.-Korea Alliance

FBI Releases Details of 2004 Talks with Saddam Hussein

UncoverTheNews.com » Reporters Grill Gibbs Over Prepackaged Questions for Obama

UncoverTheNews.com » California is closer to ending illegal “Anchor Baby” births

UncoverTheNews.com » Ed & Dr. Elaine BROWN, Last Interview in Freedom

UncoverTheNews.com » Architect to Speak in D.C. on 9/11 World Trade Center Destruction

News - World: 'Dark clouds of nuclear war' in North Korea

America is Vulnerable to An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack - HUMAN EVENTS

OpEdNews » North Korea – Impending Missile Launch May Require US Military Action

Investigators: Air France Jet Broke Apart on Impact With Water

Memo outlines problems for wounded troops

John Bolton: Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran

A lesson in White House economic Kremlinology

The Madoff Scandal: Nothing Is Settled

Homeland Security and U.S. Army Plan Invasion of States

Michael Cutler -- Our National Security Has Been Compromised

Devil inside: Identifying the Demonic Archetype

New Radar Aims to Detect Illegal Tunnels on U.S. Border | LiveScience

Global Security is Unstable, According to Most Americans

NASA Astronaut Starts Agency's First Bilingual Twitter

Ten Years After Chicago Racial Killings, Brady Center Report Cites New Wave of Hate Shootings

Helen Thomas: Not Even Nixon Tried to Control the Media Like Obama

Obama’s First Major Military Operation Under Way in Afghanistan

White House Wary of Embracing Mousavi's New Rhetoric on Iran Election

Issue of Covering Abortions Will Not Impede Health-Care Reform Legislation, Says ‘Pro-Life' Democratic Sen. Bob Casey

U.N. Population Agency Receives $50 Million in Taxpayer Money, Despite Its Involvement in China Where Government's Population Control is Coercive

Pregnancy Prevention, Contraception Recommended for ‘Priority Attention and Funding’

Senate Dems Call for Government-Run Insurance Option; Want Fee on Companies Not Offering Insurance

Cancer Victim Who Told Sad Story to Obama Is Democrat Party Volunteer

Obama Administration Not Ruling Out Tax on Health Care Benefits

Last-Minute Amendment to Cap-and-Trade Bill Includes Indecipherable Provisions for ‘Cental Procurement States”

Obama Downplays Affirmative Action As an Issue

White House Slams GOP Document Search on Sotomayor

Congressman Rangel Says Drug Firms Have Been 'Stealing'

European Union Calls on China, India to Cut Emissions

DEA Joins Michael Jackson Death Probe

Justice Department: U.S. Border ‘Underprotected,’ ‘Easily Breached’

Who Railroaded the Amtrak Inspector General?

Obama’s One-World, America-Last Government

Taliban Capture U.S. Soldier in Afghanistan; Offensive Continues

U.S. Ready to Knock Down N. Korean Missile

Sanford Loses Book Contract on Conservatism

Shiller, Buffett: Recovery Could Evaporate

Documents: Sotomayor Led Charge Against Bork

Bloomberg Protests Muslim Holidays for Schools

Franken Says `I'm Not Going to Waste This Chance'

Watermelon, MAN: It Packs Viagra Ingredient

TV Stations Struggling With Viewer Loss on DTV

Printable Battery Could Give Bunny Run for Money

Joost Exits Consumer Online Video Business

Google Silences News Commentary Feature

Framing the Public Option debate: It's oversight, baby!

Is Rush Limbaugh trying to encourage a military coup against Obama?

North Korea Ups the Ante With Latest Missile Launch

Sean Hannity goes Daffy Duck on President Obama

Mike Allen: He Shut His Mouth and When You're Al Franken That's Not Easy to Do

Blue America's Campaign For Health Care Choice: Targeting Blanche Lincoln on the Public Option: Pick the Winner!

Compare and Contrast: A Woman With Pneumonia Goes to The Local Clinic

Wingnuts face up to the reality of Sen. Al Franken: Wailing, gnashing teeth, foaming mouths ensue

Cheney: Iraq Insurgency Not in Last Throes After All

Great News! Wal-Mart Announces Support for Employer Insurance Mandate

As a Californian I want to thank Arnold for "NOTHING"

'Cap and Traitors': Does Glenn Beck even remember what he said the day before?

DOJ Tells UBS They Must Release Names Of 52,000 U.S. Tax Cheats

Hardball: Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum Discusses His Recent Article on Sarah Palin

audio - flashback : National Healthcare Debate -Claude Pepper and Harold Stassen - 1950

audio - flashback :Ode to The Sacred Cow - Proposition 13 - 1978

audio - flashback :Theodore Sorensen CIA Confirmation Hearings - January 17, 1977

audio - flashback :History's Bitchslap - The U.S. Embassy in Tehran - November 1979

The Extraordinary Evil of Bernie Madoff by Bill Bonner

America's Praetorian Guard Is Slowly Crumbling by Jack D. Douglas

"Government or Anarchy?" revisited

The Affairs of State vs The Affairs of the Heart

FDA and Acetaminophen

Media Bias Continues

Socialism begets Authoritarianism

Obama condems Zelaya-like behavior

Japan's Amano selected to replace ElBaradei at IAEA

Obama's new poll low

US soldier captured in Afghanistan

Look who's distancing from Obama

Captive capitalists

How deep the fractures among Iran's rulers?

Why use reason, when emotion works so well?

Bolton calls it on Iran

When a newspaper blatantly commits incest

Obama's biggest character flaw

Honduran sovereignty: who has jurisdiction?

Cap-and-Trade Means Regulate and Subsidize

The ISNA Conference

We Could Cut Spending

Taking the hot air out of wind power

Our Melting President

The ugly face of liberalism

Obama's True Colors Shine in Honduras

Islam's Victimization of Iran

Skin Brushing Shown to have Amazing Benefits

China restricts 'virtual' economies - CNN.com

Auditing the Fed will Audit the State - George F. Smith - Mises Institute

The National Interest - A Revisionist’s Burden

News For Growing Christians - Ron Paul ...Will he rise again?

Is a college degree worthless? - MSN Money

PAUL: 'Fight them over there vs. over here' a false choice - Washington Times

Payrolls Fall More Than Forecast, Unemployment Rises

My Way News - Emotion, few details, in Obama's health care pitch

A Pitch on Health Care To Virginia And Beyond

Obama: Iran cannot be permitted to be nuke power

Obama downplays affirmative action as an issue

Court 'moving ball' on racial hiring, Obama says

Millionaires' springtime optimism wilts: survey | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters

Morgan Stanley May Post Loss After Paying Back U.S. Bloomberg.com

Washington Post cancels lobbyist event amid uproar - Mike Allen and Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Is Tougher Airport Screening Going Too Far?

My Way News - Which Al Franken will show up in Washington?

Japanese scientists to breed 'super tuna' - Telegraph

Congress's Travel Tab Swells - WSJ.com

Honduras resists pressure to allow Zelaya's return | Reuters

U.S. Nuns Facing Vatican Scrutiny - NYTimes.com

BBC - Earth News - Ant mega-colony takes over world

Arianespace launches largest commercial satellite | Industries | Technology, Media & Telecommunications | Reuters

George Hunt: UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population Reduction & Cap And Trade Scam)

Michael Scheuer and Glenn Beck: Terrorists

‘US trains Jundullah members’

Ron Paul On The Hate Crimes Bill

Helen Thomas hits White House for lack of transparency

Another paper showing evidence of a solar signature in temperature records

*Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 1/7:Eugenics Plan for America Underway & on Schedule

ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions

News - Spencer Pratt: 9/11 Was an "Inside Job" | Usmagazine.com

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China babies 'sold for adoption'

The CIA’s Swine Flu & Your Plastic FEMA Coffin

Fourth of July Checkpoints in California

South Africans Must Register Cell Phone SIM Cards

Media Grows a Spine, Grills Gibbs Over Prepackaged Questions for Obama

Europe Weighs Withdrawing Diplomats From Iran - NYTimes.com

DoD, DHS square off over border troops - UPI.com

Boston Review — Evgeny Morozov:Cyber-Scare The exaggerated fears over digital warfare

Victims of Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi scheme speak out - Haaretz - Israel News

Do Jews have a Jesus problem? - Haaretz - Israel News

*Newsmax.com - British Government: We Didn't Consult U.S. on Michael Savage Exclusion

Viva Honduras! Viva la revolucion!

White House Pushes To Keep Visitor Logs Private : NPR

Obama White House not appealing transgender ruling


More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

Conyers supported project linked to wife - Washington Times

Tulsa World: Inhofe says climate change bill will be 'dead in the water' in Senate

Rep. Kaptur gets $3.5 billion sweetener in climate bill - Washington Times

Some 9/11 hijackers would still get through - Telegraph

Mistakenly released sex offenders back in custody | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

TBO.com - Racketeering defendant's rap sheet dates from 1943

Barney Frank: Let's spend TARP profits before taxpayers can get them | Washington Examiner

NYC forced to honor Islam Sept. 11?

'Anti-Israel' adviser to be ambassador to Syria?

'Not a single Jewish home without Obama's OK'

U.S. House desire for eligibility proof grows

'Citizen grand jury' organizers deliver accusations

Al-Qaida-linked thugs now executing children

The latest on eBay's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Scientists to Congress: 'Sky is not falling'

Obama tossing middle income earners to tax wolves

Sotomayor Achilles' heel? Wrongly imprisoned man

For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Conservatism for dummies

World Net Daily Player - Obama taps 'gay' activist to lead 'safe' schools

World Net Daily Player - Innocent man to senators: Ask Sotomayor about case

World Net Daily Player - Sen. DeMint: My book warns against socialism

World Net Daily Player - Congressman: Public employees' pay unsustainable

News agencies gagging 'gay' factor in boy's rape


Joy Behar Pooh-Poohs Her Psychic 'View'

Doctors rebel at government prayer limits

CoE school pupil banned from wearing crucifix while Sikh pupils allowed to wear bangles | Mail Online

Obama health czar led companies in trouble - Health care- msnbc.com

Empowerment by manufactured crisis

The high cost of 'green jobs'

Saddam denied al Qaeda ties till the end - Washington Times

'Obama' Think-Tank: Israel Should Cede Jerusalem Sovereignty - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Sotomayor advised critics of Bork - Washington Times

Obama tossing middle income earners to tax wolves

House support for Fed audit plan swells

Judge to law enforcement: Go get ACORN

Joe the Plumber: God told me not to run for office - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

eBay founder's links to Obama unveiled

'Citizen grand jury' organizers deliver accusations

Orly Taitz questions Obama's citizenship in Jeff City; receives support from 5 state lawmakers | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

Al Qaeda vows 'dreadful revenge' on France over plans to ban the burkha | Mail Online

Will second crash in one month hurt Airbus image? | csmonitor.com

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

The ad campaign that revived eligibility debate

Check out latest eligibility billboard location

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

*article links /Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Planned Parenthood admits 'bending' rules

Scientists to Congress: 'Sky is not falling'

The latest on eBay's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

MINA Breaking News - Mile wide UFO seen by British pilots

Nut-Size Ancient Skull Explains Our Brains' Bigness?

Neuromancer at 25: What It Got Right, What It Got Wrong - PC World

Salamander Discovery Could Lead to Human Limb Regeneration | Wired Science | Wired.com

A Bank Run Teaches the 'Plain People' About the Risks of Modernity - WSJ.com

Scalia breaks ranks, slams Bush officials on bank regulation | McClatchy

Yemeni Crash Boosts Scrutiny of Air Safety in Emerging Nations - Bloomberg.com

Why we need cyber-warriors now

U.S. Economy: Manufacturing Shrank Least Since August

U.S. Diesel Supply Climbs as Goods Orders Slip: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

Multi-level operations: Good or bad?

First Europeans `ate children' - The Standard

Man uses nail clippers in DIY circumcision - Telegraph

Oscar-winning actor Karl Malden dead at 97 | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

What are they smoking?! When scenes call for pot or cocaine, Hollywood turns to stash of faux drugs

What Breaking the Sound Barrier Looks Like - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Empowerment by manufactured crisis

Putting a value on flatulence

Obama: The decisive destroyer

So much for wise Latinas

The curse of comfortable Christians

It's about G-O-D, not G-O-P

America has only 1 problem

ObamaCare absurdity

Gov. Schwarzenegger: Free Steven Nary!

'I Quit the Evangelical Movement in Disgust': Former Evangelist Fears Right-Wing Lunacy Will Lead to More Murder | | AlterNet

Who's to blame? Passive pastors

Americans for Truth » Obama Says Foes of Homosexuality Hold to ‘Worn Arguments and Old Attitudes’

Sarah Palin story sparks Republican family feud - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Border Patrol agent shoots suspected immigrant | National news | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle


Ex-teacher faces more sex charges - Featured Story - SunHerald.com

Father Who Ditched Nine Kids Via Safe Haven Law Has Twins on the Way - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Forgotten evolutionist lives in Darwin's shadow - washingtonpost.com

Israel unveils amazingly vivid 1,700-year-old mosaic

Ancient hunting site may rest under Lake Huron - JSOnline

A Road Map to Nowhere

Has Obama Turned on Israel? - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - Why Russians Love Putin

TOP ARTICLE | Courting The Dragon - Editorial - Opinion - The Times of India

Agreements must be honored - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Two States, Still One Exit | The American Prospect

Most Iran Election Historical Analogies Are Misleading and Dangerous - US News and World Report

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Russia must re-focus with post-imperial eyes

Steven Edwards: Canada, U.S. join strange bedfellows in opposition to Honduran coup - Full Comment

Why the Pak Army is struggling against the Taliban: Rediff.com news

Colombia's chance for U.S. friendship - The China Post

On this day, grab a cold one and think pan-Arctic thoughts - The Globe and Mail

Editorial: Sarkozy's sideshow | Editorials | Jerusalem Post

: Africa votes | The Economist

China is the key to North Korea - Los Angeles Times

Obama's Summit in Russia: Which Side 'Blinks' First? - Council on Foreign Relations

RealClearWorld - A Trade Agenda for the G-8 Summit in Italy

Crisis Won’t End Until Balance Sheets Get Real: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

Dialing for Dollars

Fuel Standards Are Killing GM - WSJ.com

Does Bernanke Really Deserve a Second Term? — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

The Root of Madoff's Evil

FT.com / Columnists / John Gapper - Madoff’s sentence is necessary and rare

Long arm of the US taxman must be resisted - Times Online

IBDeditorials.com:Demands Are Only Growing Bigger For A Shrinking Base Of Taxpayers

More tax oppression - Washington Times

Dumbest Moments in Business 2009...midyear edition - GM partners with Segway (1) - FORTUNE

The John Batchelor Show :: Dubiously Waxman-Markey Sea Ice - De-Brief

Housing data really is encouraging | Free exchange | Economist.com

Why Crude Oil Traders Should Care About Wheat « (in)efficient frontiers

Inflation or Hyperinflation? - The Merk Mutual Funds

The Work-Up - Insured but Unprotected, and Driven Bankrupt by Health Crises - Series - NYTimes.com

Small businesses vital to economic recovery go bankrupt - USATODAY.com

Will The Global Warming Bill Cool The Global Economy? - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - U.S. Will Suffer So Dems Can 'Save the Planet'

RealClearPolitics - The Global Warming Lie Detector

The Supreme Court Says No To Quotas - WSJ.com

Iran and Honduras: For Obama, Two Challenges, Two Different Responses -- Politics Daily

Washington Diarist

RealClearPolitics - What Does 60 Votes Mean?

Jasaun Boone: He blazed a path Franken can follow

Obama's Top Five Health Care Lies - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - Do We Still Need Race-Conscious Remedies?

Sex, Fame Bring No Joy to Masters of Universe: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

American exceptionalism . . . - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Cap-and-Trade a Risk Worth Taking

Iraq & Iran offer President Obama the chance to tell a tale of two conflicts

RealClearPolitics - 'Reconciliation' to Pass Health Bill Won't Work

RealClearPolitics - Suddenly, a Trillion Is Too Much?

RealClearPolitics - Firefighter Case Shows Seamy Side of Racial Politics

Sex scandals are bipartisan | Salon News

RealClearPolitics - There Are No Permanent Majorities In America

Who Can Possibly Govern California? - NYTimes.com

To Catch a Tiger - The Atlantic (July 1, 2009)

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Trip to Russia

A Family's Valor, a Nation's Freedom - WSJ.com

The Contrarian

RealClearPolitics - Politics Takes Chunk Out of White House Payroll

Deserving of salute: U.S. troops mark a major landmark with the start of Iraq pullout

Editorial: Cap-and-trade bill not likely to deliver promised jobs | detnews.com | The Detroit News

The Republican Class of 1994 plagued with scandal - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

Obama administration touring competitive rural districts - Los Angeles Times

Credit Card Issuers Raising Rates, Fees Ahead of New Law - washingtonpost.com

Giant naked goddess to be carved into hillside - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama enters decisive phase of presidency

ExxonMobil continuing to fund climate sceptic groups, records show | Environment | guardian.co.uk

OAS gives Honduras three days to restore Manuel Zelaya to presidency - Telegraph

Does the US back the Honduran coup? | Mark Weisbrot | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Mir Hossein Mousavi calls Iranian government illegitimate | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - India court rejects same-sex ban

Felipe Gonzalez takes on Blair for EU presidency - Europe, World - The Independent

YouTube - **ALERT**Cap&Trade Bill-WHAT YOU MAY NOT KNOW-Call YOUR senators today!

Bernie Sanders: The Democrats Need to Commit to Stopping a Filibuster on Health Care Reform

Framing the Public Option debate: It's oversight, baby!

Is Rush Limbaugh trying to encourage a military coup against Obama?


transcripts :Franken Declares Victory in Minnesota Senate Race

Coleman Concedes Minnesota Senate Race

Secretary Gates Takes Questions on Iraq

Interview: NSA Jim Jones on Iraq

RNC Chairman Steele on Stopping the Climate Bill

Interview with Senator Amy Klobuchar

Obama's Speech on Community Solutions

Obama's Remarks Recognizing LGBT Pride Month

Press Conference with Secretary Clinton

Analysts Discuss the Ricci Decision

Interview with the New Haven Firefighters

Roundtable on the Situation in Honduras

Guests: David Axelrod; Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham

Guests: Sec. Sebelius, Sen. McConnell, Gen. Odierno

Guests: David Axelrod and Senator Grassley

Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill

Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill

President Obama on the Cap-and-Trade Bill

Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

Minority Leader Boehner's Weekly Press Conference

Analysts Debate Cap-and-Trade


videoMajor U.S. Operation in Helmand, Afghanistan Begins

video :Afghanistan Sees Number of Orphans Grow

UN Condemns Events in Honduras

EU Chiefs on Unemployment, Climate Change

Iran Frees 5 UK Embassy Staff

Charles Krauthammer on Honduras

Michael O'Hanlon on the Iraq Pullout

Pro-Democracy Protests in Hong Kong

King Abdullah II at the World Economic Forum

Sweden to Take Over EU Presidency

Fmr. Sen. Bob Graham on Cuba

The Somali Crisis and the AU

Taliban Funds its Illegal Activities

Russia Closes Casinos

Game Changer for Natural Gas?

Coup Leaves Honduras Deeply Polarized

Homosexuality in India Legalized

July 1st, Independence Day in Somalia

Activists Attempt to Break Gaza Blockade

Charts Show USD Could Resume Its Downtrend

Wal-Mart Supporting Obama Healthcare Plan

GM Plans for $130 a Barrel Oil

ADP: Private Sector Shed 473,000 Jobs in June

Cuggino: Long Term Investors Will Be Rewarded

Gross: Economy to Stay Weak 'For a Number of Years'

Yearning for Earnings? Hang in There

Taleb: Black Swan Author's Economic Outlook

Time to Buy eBay?

Liz Cheney on Obama, Clinton, and Iran

Frank Luntz on the Public's Opinion of Health Care

Sen. Sanders On How To Pass Health Care In The Senate

Sen. Klobuchar: There Will Be A Public Health Care Option

"Special Report" Panel On GOP In 2012

Sanford Calls His Affair A Forbidden "Love Story"

Lieberman: "Public Option" A No Go In Senate

Rep. Rangel Accuses Drug Firms of Stealing

Newt Gingrich On Health Care Reform

U.S. Ambassador Won't Comment On Legitimacy Of Iran Gov't

Steele Defends Palin, Criticizes Sanford

CBS, Helen Thomas Challenge Gibbs On "Controlled" Town Hall Meeting

Ad Takes On Obama Administration's "Inexcusable Conduct"

Gov. Mark Sanford Calls Mistress His Soul Mate

Palin Challenges Obama To Race In "Runner's World" Interview

Obama On Health Care: "We Are At A Defining Moment"

Rev. Sharpton Tells Dancing Woman To "Turn It Around" At Apollo

MoveOn Hits Sen. Landrieu For Opposing Public Health Care

Radio Host John Ziegler Takes On Mike Allen For Palin Bashing

Senator-Elect Franken On The "Today" Show

Obama: Affirmation Action Should Be Less Of An Issue Than It's Made Out To Be

Gibbs: "Less Negative Trends" Seen In Unemployment

Franken Takes Clown Comment As A "Compliment"

SC GOP Members Call On Gov. Sanford To Resign

Romer Explains June's Job Losses, Unemployment Rate

Liz Cheney On Hillary Clinton Pushing Obama On Iran

Mark Levin On Obama's Use Of "Tyranny"

YouTube - California is a bankrupt

YouTube - Officials: Escaped Pet Python Strangled Child

YouTube - Naked passenger disrupts US Airways flight

YouTube - Pressure on Honduras to reinstate Zelaya - 01 Jul 09

YouTube - Major Military Operation Starts in Afghanistan

YouTube - Activists to break Gaza blockade

YouTube - 'Consensual sex among adults is legal'

YouTube - North Korea launches short-range missiles

YouTube - Swedish EU Presidency Team + EU Commission (Raw Video)

YouTube - Russian soldier flees to Georgia

YouTube - Reshuffles On Japan's Cabinet Member - Bloomberg

YouTube - Plan to Bury Jackson at Neverland Fizzles

YouTube - Wal-Mart Urges Government Health-Care Reform

YouTube - Gerald Celente speaks on Cap and Trade and other handicaps to the US economy

YouTube - **ALERT**Cap&Trade Bill-WHAT YOU MAY NOT KNOW-Call YOUR senators today!

Feature Site

*Site - CER- Centre for European Reform

*Site Page - www.cer.org.uk / Media - researchers

pdf - Obama, Russia and Europe

pdf - NARROWING THE ATLANTIC The way forward for EU-US trade and investment

pdf - The EU’s approach to Israel and the Palestinians: A move in the right direction

pdf - The EU finally opens up the European defence market

pdf - Multilateralism light: The rise of informal international governance

***Tea Party News***

****Official Tax Day TEA Party, July 4th, 2009****

American Minute

American Minute for July 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk Rdio

Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/01 The Mark Levin Show

06/30 The Mark Levin Show

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - July 1st With Alan Watt

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 30th With Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 29th With Emily Apple