"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

28 July 2009

28 July 09

28 July 09

07-28-2009: CDC Panel to Recommend Who Should Get Swine Flu Shot

07-28-2009: Dollar Falls to 2009 Low as Economic View Reduces Safety Demand

*07-28-2009: Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate Is Real

07-27-2009: Bernanke On Publicity Campaign To Improve Image Of Federal Reserve

07-27-2009: Video: Robert Gibbs Fields UFO Question On C-Span

United States & UK Urge Taliban Integration

07-27-2009: Russian Navy Declassifies Cold War Close Encounters

07-27-2009: Big Brother Is Watching Your Blackberry

*07-27-2009: Gibbs: Birther issue 'nonsense'

07-27-2009: Lab Watches Web Surfers to See Which Ads Work

07-27-2009: Report Blasts FEMA On Formaldehyde In Trailers

07-27-2009: Police can use force to compel hurricane evacuation

Biowarfare Research: Lifting the Lid on America's "28 Days Later"

NGO Suggests Elderly Should Be the First to Go in a Pandemic

DARPA spying squirrels, dolphins helped inspire ‘G-Force’ guinea pig super hero movie

Iraq: $644 Million Stimulus Program Suspended, Money Siphoned to Insurgents

Leaders’ Summit on North American Relations Held in June

Rogue kidney brokers resell organs from poorest nations on black market

Panic in North Waziristan Over ‘Huge’ US Build-up Along Border

British GM crop trials start again in ’secret’

Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

Hundreds volunteer for SLU swine flu vaccine study

Military Weighs Broad Use of Mercenaries on Front Lines

Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine

Recalling the Downing Street Minutes

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi Scheme, an Inside Job’

Murdoch: A Cultural Chernobyl

Health Care Hypocrisy

How People are Manipulated by Fear and Propaganda

WeAreChange NYC & LA make John D. Rockefeller IV run for the hills

Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power

The Modern Man

The Merchants of Cool (PBS Documentary on the Culture Creation Industry)

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes

Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Iran: Whose side are you on?

Government Swine Flu Advisor On Vaccine Maker Payroll

VIDEO: Obama Adminstration preparing for mass H1NI vaccination across America

Propagating fairy tales for power and profit

Bribery and fraud at heart of defense contracting work in Iraq and Afghanistan

Which is worse, germs in our food or the antibiotics that kill them?

Economic talks with China not likely to accomplish much

As the capitalist economy crumbles, some are looking at socialism

The New Puritans: Calculating the trajectory of the Middle East conflict

Obama’s health care struggle -- Waterloo or water down?

The real tragedy: Who killed Arafat and why?

Healthcare double-talk from Obama

video :The Obama Deception

pdf:European Parliament: Human Enhancement

YouTube - Saturn to be exploded in 2010 creating a Symbolic second sun

Conditioning by Music, Part 1 | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Conditioning by Music, Part 2

'$20 Per Gallon' by Christopher Steiner - Los Angeles Times

Lost Value of Equities in U.S. State and Local Government Pension Plans: Now $1 Trillion -- Seeking Alpha

When Debtors Decide to Default - NYTimes.com

Ignorant America: Just How Stupid Are We? | | AlterNet

Dissident Voice : Fed up? Fed out!

Online gaming: Has Evony become the most despised game on the web? | Technology | The Guardian

Goon Squad: Ben Bernanke's 'Traveling Medicine Show'

OBAMA A RACIST? « Desertpeace

DoD concludes military failures caused death of Shaler Green Beret - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Anti-Obama Rally in Jerusalem - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Matthew Duss: Dershowitz's Anti-Palestinian Slander

Word of ex-Nazi guard to play crucial role in Demjanjuk trial - Page 2 - Cleveland.com

The Free Press -Today we all stand before Leonard Peltier’s Parole Board - Harvey Wasserman

Whistleblower tells of America's hidden nightmare for its sick poor | World news | The Observer

MSNBC Implies People Skeptical Of Government Are Psychologically Insane

*Obama Hawaii born, insist Isle officials | HonoluluAdvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser

*Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real - Yahoo! News

Citizens of the United States Welcome to Animal Farm 2009 :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US urges Iran reply by September

American Thinker: The Truth About Cops and Race

American Thinker Blog: Skip Gates corrects his foundation's filings

Obama administration ease on lobbyist restriction for stimulus money | Political Lore .com

Banned On Youtube - ONLY On 12.160 - 12.160Mhz

7 NC men charged with plotting 'violent jihad'

Paul Proctor -- What Constitutes Racial Profiling?

The Raw Story » Did ‘Blue Dog’ bash his liberal constituents as conspiracy nuts?

American's Journey: The FBI is AWOL on 911 Forensics

*Gibbs: Birth Certificate Controversy is “Made-Up Fictional Nonsense” - Political Punch

Hackers may slip through hole found in Adobe tools - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Americans rate Fed worst among 9 key agencies

The world's most deadly bubble | World news | The Observer

Censorship comes to America: AT&T blocks 4chan /b/

11 Suspicious Letters With White Powder Sent to N.J. Government Offices - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Prof says she told FBI about kidney trafficking | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How to Get a Job in the Obama Administration, If You Are Jewish

Neil Barofsky Says It's Possible Govt. Could Spend $23.7 Trillion to Fix Financial System - ABC News

Massive US Terrorism Simulation Involving Foreign Agencies Begins Today

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Daniel Estulin - The Bilderburg Group population and world government control

NJ Corruption: Corzine and Democrats "Culture of Corruption"

Washington's Blog:PhD Economist: The Feds are Worse than the Mafia E

*Government by Goldman Sachs


*Obama Birth Certificate Issue Activism Discussion | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Forget Aloof, Bernanke Goes Barnstorming

Page after Page of Reasons to Hate Obamacare

YouTube - Kucinich: the Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans to struggling Americans!


The Raw Story » Conyers calls for criminal investigation into Bush administration

Ebola in pigs 'new health threat' | hc2d.co.uk | Healthcare News | philippines | ebola | rebov | reston

savethemales.ca - Family Law: Men Are Getting Kicked in the Teeth

Karin Friedemann: Breastfeeding rates still low despite global education

How US Rabbis & Israel Traffic In Human Organs & Money Laundering | Real Zionist News

Evidence Soto Hid Self-Incriminating Data From Senate

Devvy Kidd -- Federal Judges Engage in Conspiracy to Cover up Income Tax Fraud, Part 1

Where is the Rage

Lucifer's Playground

Sinister Sites - National Memorial and Arboretum, U.K. | The Vigilant Citizen

"Dead Man Musings"Profiles in Illuminati Mind-Slaves II

Dr. James Howenstine -- Simple Cure For Tinnitus

Frosty Wooldridge -- Black America Devastated by Mass Immigration

Is America on the Verge of a Geriatric Crime Wave? | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet

What Really Causes Autism? Thousands of Parents Blame Vaccines, and Are Taking on the Medical Establishment | Health and Wellness | AlterNet

How Constant War Became the American Way of Life | World | AlterNet

Is Earth an 'Ill-Fated Planet'?

Jupiter with Wesley Debris Cloud

Jupiter/NASA image

Engdahl's 'Full Spectrum Dominance' Reviewed

CompuServe Search

Resistance Can Help Make Hate Law Unenforceable

Hacker Gary McKinnon will receive no pity, insists US - Telegraph

Obama faces long hot summer of damaging delay | World news | The Guardian

Mother says devil made her stab and decapitate her baby - Americas, World - The Independent

Climate change helped the Incas build civilisation - Telegraph

Nazi Strength Through Joy leisure programme to get museum in German far-Right proposals - Telegraph

Climate change to force 75 million Pacific Islanders from their homes - Telegraph

North Korea ready for talks over nuclear weapons | World news | guardian.co.uk

David Miliband says Taliban could be reintegrated into Afghanistan government - Telegraph

David Davis: Google is the last company I would trust with my personal data - Times Online

YouTube - Dr. John Cannell on vitamin D

Obama Mentor Member of Communist Party U.S.A. | Bob McCarty Writes

savethemales.ca - American Communism and the Rise of Feminism

This Is NOT What Built America

Dems Ensure Illegal Aliens Included in ObamaCare and Other Atrocities

*Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Quick, quiet genetic corn approval questioned

Commentary: Why be afraid of government? - CNN.com

RealClearMarkets - Translating ObamaCare Into Plain English

Outside the Box: Waxman-Markey Deserves to Die - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Hillary and the Health Care Debate

Martin Feldstein - Obama's Plan Isn't the Answer

Consensus Hard to Come by Without Key Players

Michael Tomasky:Raise your hand if you're shocked

Democrats search for villains on health care - Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Global warming worriers need to go nuclear - The Denver Post

World trade: After the fall | The Economist

Guantanamo on the mainland - The Boston Globe

CBO boosts Obama's health care plan - Washington Times

Dodd’s Uneasy Dance With Drug Lobbyists - NYTimes.com

President Obama refunds cash to Kenyan aunt, convicted murderer, lobbyists - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Francis Fukuyama:Iran, Islam and the Rule of Law

Op-Ed Contributor - Why Won’t Obama Talk to Israel? - NYTimes.com

Asia Times Online : Russia and Iran join hands

Challenge of a straight question | The Japan Times Online

America to the Rescue

Anne Applebaum - No Burqa For Clinton

World leadership deficit

Wealth of Nations : Foreign Troops Should Leave Somalia

Biden’s Russia Gaffe - WSJ.com

Warfare by Other Means -Times Online

President Obama's Agenda Needs Greater Focus on Global Development - Brookings Institution

Op-ed: Talk About China's Banks, Too

Islamist Militancy in Pakistan: A View from the Provinces - World Public Opinion

Hudson Institute > Is the U.S. Still a Dependable Ally?

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Animal spirits rarely stay down for long

Paul B. Farrell: Surviving the 'End of Civilization' 2050


Bashing Goldman Sachs Is Simply a Game for Fools: Michael Lewis - Bloomberg.com

The trade collapse - Washington Times

The West can’t spend. China won’t spend | Carl Mortished - Times Online

Capitalism, Jewish Achievement, and the Israel Test — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

IBDeditorials.com: - Unable To See Wind's Deficiencies For Forests Of Concrete And Steel

Suspend Mark-To-Market--Now - Forbes.com

Dethrone King Bernanke and Court to Keep Recovery: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

Ben Bernanke: Should he stay or should he go? - How the World Works - Salon.com

A Fed Inflation Hawk Speaks at Emac’s Stock Watch | Fox Business

RealClearMarkets - A Primer On Cap and Trade

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs - Forbes.com

Why private equity is stuck in a deep freeze - Jul. 27, 2009

Zero Hedge: The End Of The End Of The Recession

72 pg /pdf - The End of the End of the Recession

Slide in Home Prices Is Slowing Down, Index Shows

Foreclosures Are Often In Lenders' Best Interest - washingtonpost.com

Professional Investors Foresee Positive Returns in the Stock Market in the 12 Months Ahead | Value Expectations: Stock Research, Investment Newsletter, Global Equity Research

Did Deregulation Cause the Financial Crisis?

The Psychology of Trading--The Mind of the Market | FX Solutions

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Candidate Bernanke hits the campaign trail | Blogs |


*Transcripts;Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Interviews with Speaker Pelosi and Leader McConnell

Guests: Robert Gibbs and Senator Jon Kyl

Senators Kent Conrad and Jim DeMint Debate Health Care

Interview with David Axelrod

RealClearWorld - Remarks to U.S.-China Policy Meeting

RealClearWorld - How NATO Can Prevail in Afghanistan


*World ;Video/Secretary Clinton Taking Charge

Examining North Korea's Military Capabilities

Hillary Clinton on Iran

North Korea Wants Direct Talks with US

Uighur Protest at Chinese Embassy

Ehud Barak at the United Nations

Elections in Iraqi Kurdistan

Taliban Invited to Take Part in Afghan Elections

Sarkozy Leaves Paris Hospital

Special Envoy George Mitchell's Remarks in Tel Aviv

Exiled Zelaya Makes Appearance at Border

David Miliband on Afghanistan Strategy

Taliban Issues New Code of Conduct

Suu Kyi Trial in Burma Nears End

Guinea-Bissau Prepares for Round Two of Election

*Markets; Video/Time to Buy Healthcare Stocks?

AIG Keeps Profits, Taxpayers Wait

Chilton: Speculators Hiked Oil Prices

Santoli: Wall Street Wild Cards

Sen. DeMint: U.S. Sliding into Socialism?

An Off Balance Sheet Shell Game?

PayPal Will Be Bigger than eBay?

Obama Opens U.S.-China Talks

Weak Dollar Worries

China's Liquidity Trap

Lehman's Collapse: An Insider's Take

Shiller Defends Housing ETFs

Newsweek: Recession Is Over

Schwarzenegger Expected to Sign Budget Bills

Will Summer Break Kill Obama's Healthcare Plan?

*Politics; Video/MoveOn Targets "New Face" Palin Over Energy

Soldier Wants Sen. McCaskill To Apologize For Obamacare At Townhall

Frank: "Problem With Executive Compensation" Is "Perverse Incentives"

Cambridge Cop Says Obama Lost Her Vote

Vanden Heuvel: Blue Dogs Are Crippling "Real Health Care Reform"

Bill Maher: America Is "Stupid" If It Elects Sarah Palin

Barney Frank on Creating a Consumer Protection Agency

Howard Dean on the GOP's Efforts to Slow Health Care Reform

Congressman Introduces Resolution Calling On Obama To Apologize To Cop

O'Reilly On President Obama And The "Leadership Factor"

Sessions Voting Against Sotomayor Due To "Activist Mentality"

Coulter, Frum On Sarah Palin's Resignation

Obama 2004: Bush Rushed Legislation Without Allowing Time To Read, Debate

Rep. Conyers Sees No Point In Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill

MSNBC Host: Supporters Fascinated With Palin Because Of "Sexual Appeal"

Obama Urges "Cooperation, Not Confrontation" With China

911 Tape Reveals Caller Did Not Bring Up Race Of Gates

Pelosi: We Will Hold "Insurance Companies Accountable"

Howard Dean On Palin: "I Don't Think She Was Ready"

Bill Clinton On Health Care Debate: "Give Me A Break"

White House Calls Birther Movement "Fictional Nonsense"

MoveOn Ad: GOP Turned Health Care Into "Political Football"


US Senator Slams Washington Post Defense Of Fed Secrecy

North Carolina Terror Arrests Timed to Coincide with NLE 09

MSNBC Implies People Skeptical Of Government Are Psychologically Insane

IBM, UNISYS And Partner Corporations Push Supply Chain Eugenics

Ten Things You’re Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine

Carbon Trading Giants and Big Energy Are Both Trying to Steer the Global Warming Debate Away from REAL Solutions

Ten Things You're Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Did ‘Blue Dog’ bash his liberal constituents as conspiracy nuts?

Gladio-style terror in Istanbul, New York, Jakarta, Mumbai and London, linked to ‘Moslem’ militants and Israel?

Jakarta Hotel Bombs: Western Media Story Collapses?

Suskind: Cheney wanted ’show of force’ on 9/11 anniversary

The Immorality of Taxpayer Funded Abortion

Major New Report: Human Influences, The Sun, Volcanic Activity and El Niño ALL Affect Climate

Afghan war questioned as more bodies flown home - Yahoo! News UK

$20m holiday home at Blue Heron Farm suits Barack Obama to a tee - Times Online

*Obama IS a U.S. citizen, says exasperated White House - Yahoo! News UK

Epoch Times - Computer Manufacturers in China Pre-installing Spyware

Terrorists could use internet to launch nuclear attack, says report | Technology | guardian.co.uk

The Citizen Legislature Act

Ignoring the Root Causes of Obesity and Other Major Health Problems

Obama, Gibbs, Gates and Fox News Sunday

My Way News - US, China have pointed questions in private

Bloomberg.com: U.S. Assures ‘Concerned’ China It Will Shrink Deficit

CongressDaily - Plastic Surgery Tax Eyed As Revenue Raiser

Nebraskans assert state sovereignty

Opposing view: A confirmation conversion - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Judiciary Committee OKs Sotomayor for high court

*Gibbs: Birther issue 'nonsense'

*Breitbart.tv » ‘Fictional Nonsense’: WH Spokesman Ridicules Birth Certificate Issue as ‘Made Up’

*State declares Obama birth certificate real, again

*Hawaii: Obama birth certificate is real - USATODAY.com

Federal agents descend on Michael Jackson's doctor

AP IMPACT: Dodd, Conrad told deals were sweetened

AP Sources: Senate group omitting Dem health goals - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Shocking Hypocrisy Audio found Obama didnt like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislation

Obama 2004: Bush Rushed Legislation Through Congress Without Allowing Time to Read Or Debate | NewsBusters.org

NYC Poll: Bloomberg Opponent Gains Ground - wcbstv.com

CDC Chief: Soda Tax Could Combat Obesity - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Tough love for fat people: Tax their food to pay for healthcare

Britain and US prepared to open talks with the Taliban | World news | The Guardian

Seventeen punished over Taiwan military sex video

China allows rare glimpse inside PLA base

Uptown Resident Sued By Apartment Management Company For 'Defamatory' Twitter Post - cbs2chicago.com

Nanny state knows best?

We welcome Syria, our new trading partner

Obama's Teachable Moment

The universal health care dogs that aren't barking

Now this is what I call 'Stimulus'

Sotomayor snubs the senate in written answers to questions

Voinovich: GOP has too many southerners

How Cops Should Do It?

Health care may already be dead

Watch the Dems spin new housing numbers

Skip Gates corrects his foundation's filings

Did the CIA 'Cook the Books' on Iran?

An Unraveling Presidency

Barack's 'Teachable Moment'

The Diplomacy of Jackals

Ayn Rand: 'Goddess of the Market'

In the Name of Global Warming

Obama Music Dropping On the Pop Charts

Just how smart is Obama?

The Truth About Cops and Race

Racism is a history lesson, not current events

As Racists Go, We are Rank Amateurs

The Small Business Solution

Impersonating a Victim

Hoven's Index: Obama's First Six Months

The L goes to Washington: White House becomes 51st Ward :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

BREITBART: Obama's accidental gift on race - Washington Times

American Thinker: Indulging craziness

Fla. doctor resigns from post over Obama image

4 Suspects Detained in Mexico in U.S. Border Agent's Death - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Robert J. Samuelson - Obama Reform Sidesteps Health Costs


Birther-Buster Amendment Passes House Unanimously

Tell Congress to pass Health Care legislation Now!

Baucus leaves America behind: Senate Finance Committee is dropping the "public option" from their bill

Did Homeland Security Build A Dangerously Vulnerable Research Facility in Tornado Alley Because of Politics?

Fox & Friends crew frighten elderly viewers: health-care reform is 'a subtle form of euthanasia'

And the racism continues: Grand Prairie officers forced to take leave over racist emails

Lou Dobbs and the Birthers: Mainstreaming fringe ideas for ratings eventually will catch up with you

Sen. Merkley agrees: He's willing to give up the August recess to get a health-care bill done

John Conyers calls for a probe into the Bush Administration

Lucky Enough to Have Health Insurance? Odds Are Good That You Don't Have Enough

Stephen Colbert Spanks Chuck Todd

I Shouldn't Read the News. I Really Shouldn't. by Fred Reed

Romulus, Remus, Stimulus: A Brief History of Monetary Madness by Bill Bonner

The Mark-to-Market Accounting Issue Is a Scapegoat! by Betsy Hansen

The Immorality of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion by Ron Paul

National Security by Spreading Democracy? by Michael S. Rozeff

Inspiration From Stupid People by Harry Goslin

Empire's Paranoia About the Pashtuns by Tom Engelhardt and Juan Cole

Eleanor Clift Shoots Down Rich Lowry's Talking Points on Health Care Reform

Congressman Rick Steves?

Reality Check on Shona Holmes: Holmes' "Brain Tumour" was Actually a Rathke's Cleft Cyst on Her Pituitary Gland

Britain Has Swine Flu Program in Place. What's Going to Happen Here?

Administration's Anti-Trust Chief Gets Pushback From... The Administration.

NY Post sinks to new low by publishing ESPN's Erin Andrews nude photos

Does the Fed Need an Exit Strategy? - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute

Pass the Java: The Healthy Side of Coffee

Questions for Arlo Guthrie - Just Folk - Interview - NYTimes.com

Bill Kristol condemns lying for political ends: Seriously - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

MSNBC’s Matthews: Truthers, Birthers Are Insane

CFR-Associate: Plan for World Government Stalled

Minnesota Rep. Afraid of Constituents Over 9/11

Obama’s Soylent Green Health Care

Ehud Barak warns Iran of possible Israeli strike on nuclear facilities - Times Online

AFP: No end to violence in blood-soaked Mexican state

Flu shots on tap for health care workers - Crain's New York Business

Ron Paul comments on Federal Reserve while in Grand Rapids | wzzm13.com | Grand Rapids, MI

About That New Jersey Organ Scandal

Casualties of War, Part I: The hell of war comes home

*GOP headache: The birther issue - Lisa Lerer and Daniel Libit - POLITICO.com

Big Brother Is Watching Your Blackberry

You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal - FOXNews.com

Elderly Should Be Low Priority For Antivirals Says Scientist (from The Herald )

David Farrier to embark on hunt for Mongolian death worm

SPACE.com -- Total Amateurs Discover 'Green Pea' Galaxies

Cryptomundo » Bigfoot, Big Man and Walking Sam

Blue Food Dye Treats Spine Injury in Rats | Wired Science | Wired.com

The Spear of Destiny

**BBC NEWS | Technology | Barcode replacement shown off

World Net Daily Player - Report: Government health care failed in Tennessee

Obama slammed as 'racist' at Jerusalem rally

Legendary Christian coach canned after student converts

Pastor's conviction for preaching challenged

Shock video: Professor Gates goes on N-word rant

Did White House plant Gates question?


Breitbart.tv » Cambridge Cop on Obama: ‘I Voted for Him. I Will Not Again’

The Associated Press: AP source: Gates and Crowley going to White House

Stimulus funds equip police with Tasers


McCotter to introduce resolution for Obama apology - Washington Times

Author: Biden helped 'seal fate' of Vietnamese

Biden's gaffes undercut Obama - Washington Times

Nancy Pelosi on being unpopular: 'I don't care' - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Bernstein: Palin 'Ignorant Demagogue, Flake' | NewsBusters.org

As Cash for Clunkers Program Starts, Dealers Hope to Clear Lots - TIME

Diller Calls Free Web Content a ‘Myth, Joins Refrain - Bloomberg.com

Citroen 2CV crossed with Ferrari to create 180mph hybrid - Telegraph

House Democrats struggle on health care - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

Police: Woman accused of killing newborn ate brain

Brain Food: Bill Clinton Chows on Double Burger, Onion Rings, French Fries, Milkshake on Eve of Obesity Conference - The Note

Veteran immigration agent faces prison in kickback scheme

Is Illinois the most corrupt state? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Amelia Earhart Mystery Solved? 'Investigation Junkies' to Launch New Expedition

Red wine increases women's sexual desire - Telegraph

Sikhs, Hindus dread Taliban tax in Pakistan - Yahoo! News

New artificial stem cells have their own ethical issues - Times Online

Researchers produce cells they say are identical to embryonic stem cells - Los Angeles Times

Scientists produce live mice from stem cells - Washington Times

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

The Play-by-Play on Health Care

House Democrats Gather for Health Care 101

Swine flu vaccine: Pregnant women to the head of the line

Americans have tools to reverse obesity trend, conference told

US Children Likely Worse Off Due to Recession

Refusing a C-Section, Losing Custody of a Baby

Shortfall of Cardiothoracic Surgeons Predicted

Medical marijuana dispensaries thrive in Colo.

San Diego Faces a Medical Marijuana Industry

'Cadillac' Plans: Why Taxing Pricey Insurance Is No Health-Care Cure

Economists Krugman, Butler On Funding Health Care

Rally To Support Health Care Reform

Summary of Key Medicare Provisions in H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - Kaiser Family Foundation

Police search Las Vegas home of Michael Jackson's doctor

Home of Jackson doctor searched

Hulk Hogan & Linda Bollea's Divorce Settled

Madonna's Ex Puts Love Letters, Audio Recordings Up for Auction

Octomom's kids need financial watchdog, judge rules

'Idol' hopeful Alexis Cohen killed by driver fleeing police, cops say

Home prices up for 1st time in 3 years

The consumer confidence fake out

Congress sets sights on commodity speculators

Dealers say 'clunker' rebates drawing in buyers

Treasury Two-Year Notes Decline After Record Sale of Securities

Branson's Space Venture Raises Funding From Abu Dhabi

Texting while driving increases crash risk 23-fold

Apple Blocking Google Voice App

Shuttle Endeavour Departs Space Station

British government tells civil servants to tweet

Goverment seeks cybersecurity whiz kids

Space plane makes debut

Nine killed as UN urges Taliban not to scupper Afghan vote

US and China sign memorandum on climate change

Iranian infighting leaves Mahmoud Ahmadinejad isolated

Analysis: Israel-Palestinian calm could ease talks

Nigerian forces shell sect leader's home

Court Hears Final Arguments in Suu Kyi Trial

US sets up task force to stem flow of foreign funds to Taliban

Nearly all British troops pulling out of Iraq

Call girl in Berlusconi scandal stars at Paris club party

New protests in South Africa as thousands strike

Philippines President Arroyo Orders Drug Price Controls

Kashmir leader quits over sex scandal claims

Search for Survivors of Haitian Boat

Obama: US, China to work on halting nuclear spread

Japan: Activist visit won't affect ties with China

UN, humanitarian agencies warn of education setback in Gaza

Hamas launches 'virtue campaign' in Gaza

Taser: New stun gun to address concerns

Israeli defense minister: all options viable against Iran

Report: Rare whale hit by Princess cruise ship may have been sick

AP NewsBreak: Feds: NC terror suspect sought

Senate Panel Votes 13-6 in Favor of Sotomayor

Gates, Crowley meeting at White House set for 6 pm Thursday

Local colleges achieve national rankings

US Sen. Kerry sees bipartisan Senate deal on healthcare

US to provide $1 billion to hire cops

Decapitated baby's mother had psychosis diagnosis

White House Clears Up Twitter Mystery

*Obama and the 'birthers' - a never-ending battle?

Schwarzenegger likely to veto social programs

Nixon, seven other governors join for high-speed light rail

Lawmaker Seeks Air-Alliance Curbs

Official: Senators knew about 'VIP' mortgages

Preflight transcript reveals ailing co-pilot

Kentucky Senator Won't Run in '10

1 million more Americans volunteered in 2008

Bing: Detroit to make 'every effort' to recoup federal monitor money


YouTube - Divorce Health Risks

YouTube - Tacking U.S. Obesity

YouTube - Kids used to test flu vaccine?

YouTube - The Cause of M.J.'s Death

YouTube - Judge Orders Guardian for Octuplets' Finances

YouTube - Shiller Housing Index - Bloomberg

YouTube - Cash for Clunker confusion

YouTube - Virgin Galactic space plane unveiled

YouTube - UK minister proposes talks with Taliban - 27 Jul 09

YouTube - Geithner Tell China US Will Shrink Deficit - Bloomberg

YouTube - Dozens killed in violence in northern Nigeria - 27 Jul 09

YouTube - Private Sin in a Public Life

YouTube - North Korea Wants Face-to-face Talks With U.S.

YouTube - Raw Video: Uighur Protest at Chinese Embassy

YouTube - Israel indicates a military strike on Iran is possible

YouTube - Raw Video: Judiciary Panel Approves Sotomayor

YouTube - Cambridge Mayor Calls Gates Arrest 'unfortunate'

YouTube - Texas Mom Decapitated, Cannibalized Her Baby

YouTube - White House Press Secretary on Health Care Deliberations

YouTube - Dodd deals with VIP deal allegations


American Minute for July 28th:William J Federer's American Minute


Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 27th With Rev. James David Manning

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 24th With Dahr Jamail

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 23rd With Rand Paul


**Gibbs: 10,000 more important issues than eligibility

White House stonewalling on 'birth letter'

Why eligibility story is still alive

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Slams "Birther" Story Defends Lou Dobbs's Free-Speech Rights

Radio talkers canned for Farah interview

Soldier's case against Obama to be class-action?

Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace

Hawaii health official: Trust me

Hawaii's statement on Obama birth record breaks law?

Tell Obama the meaning of the term 'birth certificate'

CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

***Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?***

Michael Savage: Banned in U.K.

**Article Links:Coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage**

US shock jock Savage targeted 'to balance least wanted list' | Mail Online

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind

Inside the Beltway - Only Queen Elizabeth II can fix this. - Washington Times


*Site -Katherine Albrecht*

**Site - spychips.com - how RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom**


***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

07/27 The Mark Levin Show

07/24 The Mark Levin Show


*Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 1*

*Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 2*

Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 6

PROPHECY UPDATE RADIO Hosted by Bill Salus: ONE WORLD Banking – ONE WORLD Order – ONE WORLD Leader

SETI Chief Astronomer: "Humans Predicted to Make Contact with an Extraterrestrial Civilization Within Two Decades"--A Galaxy Classic

2012 may bring the perfect storm solar flares, systems collapse

NASA - Deep Solar Minimum

'2012: Science or Superstition' - OhmyNews International

Neuroscientists propose project to comprehensively map mammalian brain circuits

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Earth population 'exceeds limits'

Robot Madness: Will Cyborgs Compromise Privacy? | LiveScience

Honda, ATR and Shimadzu Jointly Develop Brain-Machine Interface Technology Enabling Control of a Robot by Human Thought Alone

International Artificial-Intelligence Team Builds Human Brain on a Silicon Chip

NeuroSky to Launch Brainwave-Based Technology for Stereo Headsets for Personal Computers

Thomas Horn -- Did Ancient Biotechnology Create "Nephilim?"

Are We On the Brink of Finding a Second Earth? NASA/Harvard Teams Say "It Could Happen Anytime Now"

World Renowned Canadian Novelist Michael O'Brien Warns about Globalization and New World Order

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government