"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 July 2009


Cheney Demanded To Use US Troops To Arrest US Citizens To Destroy The Constitution
Professor Gates held fundraiser for Obama
'Scofflaw' Obama has history with 'stupid' Cambridge police
Gates says it's time to 'move on' from his arrest - Yahoo! News
Black Harvard scholar accepts White House meeting offer with Mass. officer who arrested him
Gates lawyer was young Obama's mentor
Meet the man at center of Obama's race controversy
Why didn't 911 caller recognize Gates in broad daylight?
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009


The Chris Matthews Show: Media Decides It Was Right To Ask Obama About Gates' Arrest To Make White America Feel Better
Kent 'Co Opts" Conrad says Republican votes are needed to pass health care
Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'
Health-Insurer Tax May Help Break Senate Logjam Over Obama Plan - Bloomberg.com
Morocco challenges Mideast Holocaust mind-set - Israel News, Ynetnews
Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?
Civil Rights Case Judge approves trial for Muslims removed from US Airways flight - eTurboNews.com
Feds make San Jose arrest in connection with border agent's shooting - San Jose Mercury News
French president Nicolas Sarkozy 'taken ill' while exercising | Mail Online
Clinton: North Korea, Iran Faces International Opposition - Political News - FOXNews.com
Hillary Clinton: Iran's pursuit of nukes 'futile' - Mike Allen and Daniel Libit - POLITICO.com
Anti-Neocons • View topic - More ADL on YOUTUBE
Mass Layoffs: The Continuing Devastation
CIA 'put pressure on Britain to cover up its use of torture' | Mail Online
'Laundered US cash may be from Israel'
Atlas Vacant - The Commercial Real Estate Bust: Gearing up for a $3 Trillion Headache. Increase in Vacancy Rates and Higher Defaults.
Hemingway revealed as failed KGB spy | Books | guardian.co.uk
Doctor: Accused murderer delusional | HonoluluAdvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser
Distrust of government blunting Obama's pursuit of new programs - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com
New Biden Criticism Surprises Russia - NYTimes.com
The big New Jersey bust
Tax on 'gold-plated' health care plans gains ground - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com
Raw Story » Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Bob Chapman on Alex Jones TV:What’s in Your Vaccine?
A Constitution in FULL Crisis
Business Intelligence Middle East - Money printing, debt growth and deficits don't create prosperity, says Marc Faber
Refreshing News: Hacker Gary McKinnon will receive no pity, insists US
YouTube - "Hell on Earth"
The American Spectator : We've Figured Him Out
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff on CNBC 24 July 2009
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet
Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights
DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government | KnowTheLies.com - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...
YouTube - Major 9/11 Truth Breakthrough!!! KBDI Denver Airs 9/11 Press for Truth
POLITICO.com: Videos - Letterman Bids PalinTYop Ten Farewell
*Realpolitik: Savage on ban list to 'balance' Muslim extremists
Dead Sea Sinkholes Swallowing Up Unwary - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com
Angel’s face revealed at Turkish ex-mosque - Europe- msnbc.com
Babies Can Comprehend 'Canine' Language on Yahoo! Health
82-year-old shoots, kills robber; 3 women charged - The News Herald
Muslims refuse to use alcohol-based hand gels over religious beliefs | Mail Online
Saudi girl crowned Miss Moral Beauty - Yahoo! Canada News
Brother injured in San Francisco Zoo mauling arrested by SJSU police - San Jose Mercury News
Officials say Craigslist is still selling sex - San Jose Mercury News
Woman accused of pretending to be a 15-year-old boy with brain cancer found dead - San Jose Mercury News
PBS cuts back on 'Mister Rogers' again - Tuned In Journal - post-gazette.com
'Octomom' Nadya Suleman signs $250,000 reality television deal - Telegraph
3D Fujifilm digital camera to launch in UK this September | Mail Online
Big Bang machine hit with another delay
New artificial stem cells have their own ethical issues - Times Online
Researchers produce cells they say are identical to embryonic stem cells - Los Angeles Times
New Branch of Architecture: Grow Your Own Skyscraper - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Loophole for illegals in 'Obamacare'


*Passport seeker has no sympathy for Obama
On Television and Radio, Talk of Obama’s Citizenship - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com
Now you can watch eligibility story
'Shut up Lou Dobbs' campaign hits stride
Right Wing US conspiracists question Obama's birth certificate - Telegraph
CNN President Jon Klein declares Obama birther story 'dead' | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times
Media Mischief, the Obama Eligibility Issue and the “Dispositive Fact”
Constitutional crisis looming? | AugustForecast
Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge


Feds make San Jose arrest in connection with border agent's shooting - San Jose Mercury News
The NSA Is Still Listening To You
American Thinker: National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Preacher Tony Alamo convicted of 'marrying' girls for sex - Telegraph
Another Kosher Hoax Is Exposed
The Future Of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces
Bruno - A Glimpse Into Zionism?
Agent Orange Causes Media Blindness
Government by Goldman Sachs
Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed
WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda
WHO Will Be Killing You?
Where Is James Bond When You Need Him? « Alligator Farm
*Site - Alligator Farm
Hugo Chavez: Colombia is 'Israel of Latin America' - Telegraph
FT.com / China - China resists US call for curbs on Pyongyang
China begins lifting strict one-child policy - Telegraph
*Prisoner Train Cars - Halliburton Built - Ready In The US
WAR IS OVER! « As It Ought To Be
The CIA - Licensed To Kill
Does the Old Testament foster corruption?
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
CNN chief addresses Obama birth controversy - Los Angeles Times
American Minute for July 26th:William J Federer's American Minute
07-25-2009: Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man
07-25-2009: Will John Travolta Renounce The Church Of Scientology?
Texas May Reject National Health Care
07-25-2009: Air Force Drones: Are Fighter Pilots Obsolete?
07-25-2009: South Florida drivers to take part in mileage-tax test
Germany Calls Carbon Tariffs Eco-Imperalism
Rolling Stone: The Great American Bubble Machine
Private Prisons Turn a Handsome Profit
You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal
Honduras and the Three-Ring Circus
Majority in US Oppose Both Wars
The Modern Man
Don't let 'Orphan' give the wrong idea about foster kids, warn adoption advocates
The Merchants of Cool (PBS Documentary on the Culture Creation Industry)
The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!
Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes
Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu
Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
Healthcare double-talk from Obama
‘Union Now, the U.N. and World Government’
Bernanke: “I Don’t Know” Which Foreign Banks Were Given Half a Trillion
*pdf /European Parliament: Human Enhancement
"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident
Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'
Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?
Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government
"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid
Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency
World Wide Wiretap
Jay Rockefeller Can’t Deny His Connection to Modern Eugenics
Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights
Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye
Dream Society Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID
Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society
MIT develops camera-like fabric
Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough
Video: Nano, the next dimension
Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Almost Two to One in America, According to Washington Post Poll
House to Vote Friday on Amendment Stripping Planned Parenthood of Taxpayer Money
Iraqi Prime Minister Brings Largely Unnoticed Upbeat Message to White House: Successful 'Surge' Has Led to 'Stability' in Iraq
Another New Study Challenges Climate Change ‘Orthodoxy’
Israelis Unsure of Obama; Palestinians Prefer Osama
Higher Minimum Wage May Stifle Employment, Group Warns
Former AMA Head Warns of ‘Disaster in the Details’ of Obama Health Overhaul
Will ACORN Get Cash Earmarked in Health Care Bill for ‘National Network of Community-Based Organizations’?—Bill’s Author Says ‘I Don’t Know’
Swine Flu Could Strike Up to 40 Percent of Americans in Two Years
Geithner Defends Financial Oversight Reform
Obama Wants to Redistribute Health, Too
ObamaCare for Illegal Aliens
Anguish Across the Globe as Obama Rolls Back American Influence
Abandoned USDollar & Paradigm Shift
My Way News - Cuba's Revolution Day brings sobering celebration
4 Suspects Detained in Mexico in U.S. Border Agent's Death - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
EU considers billions for poor before climate talks | International | Reuters
Right Wing US conspiracists question Obama's birth certificate - Telegraph

US shock jock Savage targeted 'to balance least wanted list' | Mail Online
Realpolitik: Savage on ban list to 'balance' Muslim extremists
American Thinker Blog: Brit ban on Savage was pure politics
Washington Times:Only Queen Elizabeth II can fix this
Michael Savage Still Banned in England
Michael Savage: I'm still banned
Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind
Hot Air » Blog Archive » The obligatory “Michael Savage banned from Britain” post
AUDIO - Savage responds to his ban by the U.K.


Water, Beer and the EPA!
Market Forces and Health Care Costs
Flu Pandemic: Mass Graves and Martial Law
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center
*Scientific Paper - Active Thermitic Material ;9/11: World Trade Center
Obama’s Soylent Green Health Care
History Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare
Swine flu could kill hundreds of thousands in U.S. if vaccine fails, CDC says - Los Angeles Times
Wayne County Star Traces Racist Posts to Homeland Security - NYTimes.com
Swine flu could kill hundreds of thousands in U.S. if vaccine fails, CDC says - Los Angeles Times
Racist Web Posts Traced to Homeland Security
Mass Layoffs: The Continuing Devastation
Swine Flu Plc: Cashing in on the pandemic - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent
City plans to use catacombs for swine flu victims
The distinguished gentleman and scholar, Henry Louis Gates, Jr
America's Descent Into Totalitarian Democracy
CNN's Sanchez: Fox News Hispanics have 'sold out'
Obama Gates gaffe opened some eyes
5 freedoms that will disappear under Obamacare
Second Opinion on Universal Health Care: Do No Harm
More ACORN angst: Tea partiers turnout dwarfs Obamabots
CBO again reveals that Obamacare is based on cooked numbers
Brit ban on Savage was pure politics
About that charity you run, Professor Gates
Indulging craziness
Useless Eaters
How to deal with cops
Forty Years After Landing on the Moon
Silent No More
The high cost of the simple life
MSNBC Chief: You're might be a racist if...
Who Will President Obama Drum Up Hate Against Next?
Obama on Afghanistan: victory is a four-letter word
Obama's a Racist
My Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Moment
Science Fiction, Global Warming & Universal Healthcare
Looking to the future through reviving the past
Obama's 'Recalibrated' Insult
Obama looks to rebound from tough week | Reuters
US shock jock Savage targeted 'to balance least wanted list' | Mail Online
White House eases stimulus lobbyist restrictions
All U.S. children should get seasonal flu shot: CDC | U.S. | Reuters
Man Bites Dog: U.S. Navy Commander Files Sex Complaint Against Female Miami Herald Journo - mediabistro.com: FishbowlDC
Diller Calls Free Web Content a ‘Myth, Joins Refrain - Bloomberg.com
Media moguls rethink Web advertising in downturn | Technology | Reuters
Sarah Palin picnic marks beginning of the end - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com
Both U.S. political parties offend Joe the Plumber | Politics | Reuters
China web users outnumber US population: report
'Family Guy' abortion episode unlikely to air on Fox--The Live Feed
New U.S. film shows pranksters battling companies | Reuters
Cheney Demanded To Use US Troops To Arrest US Citizens To Destroy The Constitution
The Chris Matthews Show: Media Decides It Was Right To Ask Obama About Gates' Arrest To Make White America Feel Better
Kent 'Co Opts" Conrad says Republican votes are needed to pass health care
More Evidence Found Of Goldman Sachs' Blood Funnel
Experts Criticise Healthcare Reform, Recommend A Solution That Sounds Just Like the Congressional Plan
Gov. Rick 'Great Hair' Perry Says Texas Will Secede from Government Health Care. Meanwhile, 1 in 4 Texans Lack Coverage.
Sirota: Obama Has to Beat The Three Armies Occupying D.C. If He Wins, We Get Healthcare Reform.
Ed Schultz's Recap of Republican Talking Points on Health Care
I AM APPALLED! Admiral Mullen After Viewing Classified Detainee Photos
Sources say Waxman kicked some Blue Dog tail
GOP 'Mother Bears' Warn of Long Lines If Just Anyone Can See The Doctor
Real Time: Remembering Ronald Reagan- 1961 Speaking Out Against Socialized Medicine
There's A National Crisis in Our Tattered Unemployment System, Victim of Tax Cut Mania
John Cornyn Thinks We're At War With India
The Republican 10 Point Plan for Health Care
Keeping Track: Rep. James Clyburn joins the list: "postpone the August break until they pass a sweeping health care reform bill.
Actual Facts About The Henry Louis Gates Case
Morning Joe: Rep Tom Price Cites "Non-Partisan" Study Group Funded By Health Insurance Company Panning Health Care Reform
Obama setting the priorities on immigration
Illegal Immigration from Mexico Hits Lowest Level in Decade
Arpaio, ICE at odds over changes to immigration enforcement
ObamaCare Set To Offer Illegal Aliens Health Benefits
Government E-Verify system may not detect ID fraud
Senate Democrat: Republican healthcare votes needed
Democrat says health overhaul needs GOP to pass
Resignation day arrives for Alaska Gov., Palin's future unclear
New mayor's corruption arrest is shocking, even in New Jersey
Former Florida Senate President King dies at 69
Ala. senator mum on his decision about Sotomayor
Two key GOP senators to oppose Sotomayor
Mexico police arrest 4 in death of US border agent
Man kills wife with ax, then confesses
Bone found in cemetery storage area leads to probe
CQ Transcript: White House Adviser Axelrod on CBS's 'Face the Nation'
Corruption Case a Blow to Corzine's Campaign
Obama has lifted global view of US
Quinn and Hynes exchange shots over state finances in primary preview
Quinn says he's going to run for governor
SCENARIOS-What next for Honduras 4 weeks after coup?
Mitchell in Israel: 'Discussions among friends'
Strong Showing Seen for Kurdish Challengers
India Launches Nuclear Powered Submarine for Trials
Clinton Speaks Out on North Korea, Iran
Clinton paints robust picture of US abroad
Iran lawmaker pronounces Cabinet sessions 'illegal'
Afghan vice-presidential candidate survives ambush
Protesters worldwide rally for Iranian opposition
Pakistan arrests influential pro-Taliban cleric
Myanmar criticizes Clinton following ASEAN meeting
Fatah says Hamas blocks lawmakers from leaving Gaza
Fatah, Hamas follow fingers' bite policy: looser whogives up
Passenger plane makes emergency landing in Tehran
Britain signals unease with Sri Lanka by abstaining on IMF loan vote
Harry Patch: 17 June 1898 to 25 July 2009
Five Die in Attack at Chechen Theater
UK's Afghan troops "never better equipped" - minister
Kyrgyzstan: At the Crossroad of Empires, a Mouse Struts
Coroner, Doc, Advisor Swept Up in Jackson Intrigue
'American Idol' auditioner Alexis Cohen dies in car accident
Octuplets' mum signs rich TV deal
How Do You Turn Walter Cronkite Into a Friend of Gay Rights? Zap Him.
Secrets behind wacky Web wedding aisle dance
Thousands see astronaut Buzz Aldrin on Hornet
Jupiter: Our Cosmic Protector?
Cell phones in cars - the danger and the denial
Clouds in climate 'vicious cycle'
Global warming skeptic: 'People adapt'
NASA patches air-purifying system on space station
NASA Captures an Eye in Space
Eye of cosmic storm blazes with black hole
Al-Braikan Dies in Likely Suicide, Official Says
Black Market Kidney Mafia Preys on Poor, Desperate
Flexibility Is Signaled on Financial Oversight
Twitter to pitch add-on tools to businesses
AP INVESTIGATION: Main Street's soaring sour loans
Warren Buffett to Teach Kids About Finance in Cartoon
After a one night stand, all I got was a Facebook request
Virus makers exploit 'friend' trust in social networks
Zakaria: Turmoil in Tehran | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek.com
David Frum: Canada, beacon of enterprise and limited government - Full Comment
Foreign policy: Do Obama's globe-trotters play? - Los Angeles Times
We all love Obama … but it’s time he made some enemies - The National Newspaper
Berlusconi's antics deserve our censure | editorial | Comment is free | The Observer
EDITORIAL: Obama the sanitizer - Washington Times
RealClearWorld - Hilary Clinton's Visit to India
Now What?
The Fed Can Lead on Financial Supervision - WSJ.com
The Truth Behind a "Recovery" in GDP - greenfaucet
Seven Reasons Not to Trust the Bull Market
Goldman Stakes Pays Off for Buffett. No Duh. | Banks | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com
Marijuana Legalization: Help for California Budget Woes? - TIME
Op-Ed Contributor - What You Might Not Know About the Recovery - NYTimes.com
Conrad Black: Obama's long six months - Full Comment
Health care bill boils down to August battle - Ben Smith and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com
The American Debate: Why Obama can't pull an LBJ | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/26/2009
The rich have never had it so good | Salon
White House using class warfare to sell health reform plan | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
RealClearPolitics - From President to Pundit
Having Barack Obama as president doesn't make America colour-blind
Why you never, ever get righteous on a street cop - The Globe and Mail
Shelby Steele -- Affirmative Action Doesn't Solve the Real Problem - washingtonpost.com
The L goes to Washington: White House becomes 51st Ward :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet
Sunday Forum: Eight years later, still waiting for justice
America’s New Nightmare
The Health-Care Sacrifice - washingtonpost.com
Editorial - Health Care Reform and You - NYTimes.com
Obama setting the priorities on immigration - Los Angeles Times
Bad Blood Over Health-Care Reform Spills Into Mailroom - washingtonpost.com
Bill Shows Earmarks Are Alive and Well - WSJ.com
Antitrust Chief Hits Resistance in Crackdown - NYTimes.com
Henry Louis Gates, professor of victimology, heads for Martha’s Vineyard to lick his wounds - Telegraph Blogs
On Television and Radio, Talk of Obama’s Citizenship - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com
**SITE - Peter Lance
promo page - "TRIPLE CROSS"
al Qaeda and OKC bombing
**Geet Fuel Processor - Paul Pantone
*SITE - Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
Read :Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
*SITE - Bare Naked Islam’s Weblog
DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL : Why Are Glenn Beck & Lou Dobbs Promoting A Hezbollah Supporter?
DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL: An Airhead Weighs In on “Racist Cop”: In Case You Were Wondering . . .
DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL: Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness” & “Tolerance”


*Politics;Video/Pelosi Not "Bound" By Obama's Deals With Health Care Execs
Full Interview: Rush Limbaugh Goes "On The Record"
Gibbs: Twitter Is Blocked On White House Computers
Obama "Doesn't Know All The Facts" About Harvard Professor Incident
Flashback: Obama "I Like To Know What I'm Talking About"
Clinton: Zelaya's Actions Are "Reckless"
Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Must Fail" For America to Succeed
Rahm Emanuel: House Will Vote On Health Care Before Recess
Emanuel: GOP Sees Health Care In "Political Terms"
Black Officer Supports Professor's Arrest
Hoyer: "Very Small" Chance Health Care Vote Next Week
Obama: Professor Gates Probably "Overreacted"
Gates: James Crowley a "Rogue Policeman"
CNN Anchor Calls News Conference "Incendiary"
Police Union: Obama Should Apologize For "Stupidly" Comment
Gingrich: Obama "Should Have Said Nothing" About Henry Gates
Rep. Compares Obama Picking A Puppy & Health Care Reform
Cop: Gates Told Him "I'll See Your Momma On The Porch"
Rep. Price: GOP "Will Slow Down" Health Care
WH Won't Reveal Name Of "Woman" Mentioned In Health Care Address
Obama: "Victory" Not Necessarily The "Goal" In Afghanistan
John Bolton On The "Mideast Chess Game"
Gov. Perry May Invoke State's Rights If Health Care Passes Congress
Coulter, Buchanan, Frum On Palin's Resignation
Letterman's "Top Ten Things Overheard At Sarah Palin's Farewell Party"
Rep. McMorris: Democratic Health Plan A "Disaster"
Sarah Palin: "Never Apologize For Our Country"
Obama's Weekly Address On Health Insurance Reform & Small Business
Rep. Conyers Reflects On The Demise Of The GOP
Zelaya Returns to Honduras, Briefly
Gibbs On Gates' Arrest, Stimulus, Health Care & Tonsils
Sens. Conrad, DeMint On Health Care Reform
McConnell Calls Stimulus Plan "A Big Mistake, A Failure"
Clinton: Iran's Nuclear Weapon Pursuit Is "Futile"
Axelrod On Henry Gates & President Obama, Health Care
Sen. Kyl On Health Care Reform, Sotomayor & Palin
"This Week" Roundtable On Health Care
Nancy Pelosi: "This Health Care Bill Will Win"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Gates' Arrest, Health Care

*Transcripts/Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Interview with David Axelrod
Obama's Remarks on the Gates/Crowley Controversy
Shields and Brooks on the Health Care Debate
Secretary Geithner Testifies on Regulatory Reform


YouTube - Hubble Telescope captures damage to Jupiter
YouTube - Astronaut suit problem halts third Endeavour spacewalk
YouTube - British soldier killed in bomb blast in Afghanistan
YouTube - British soldier killed in bomb blast in Afghanistan
YouTube - Great War veteran Harry Patch dies
YouTube - Sawa - West Bank settlers accused of hounding Palestinians
YouTube - Suu Kyi trial in Burma nears end
YouTube - Protesters Call for End to Iranian Rights Abuses
YouTube - Violence surges ahead of Afghan elections - 25 Jul 09
YouTube - Exiled Honduran Leader Makes 2nd Trip to Border
YouTube - French President Nicolas Sarkozy has health scare
YouTube - Henry Louis Gates Jr. Roundtable
YouTube - Kidney scandal exposed as Rabbis arrested over corruption
YouTube - National Guard helps patrol for drugs
YouTube - Octomom Inks Showbiz Deal for Tots
YouTube - Cartoon Warren Buffett on Investment - Bloomberg


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***
The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 24th With Dahr Jamail
The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 23rd With Rand Paul
The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 22nd With Gerald Celente

George Orwell - Animal Farm
George Orwell - 1984


*Site - The Online Books Page
*PDR ;Health