"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

22 July 2009

22 July 09

22 JULY 09

The Minimum Wage is Subterfuge, Repeal It!

34 and 38 : How to legally dissolve the U.S. Federal Government

Government Gone Mad

ACLU sues Transportation Security Administration over Ron Paul staffer's detention

Revolution at your Fingertips!

Can the Schadenfreude, GOP

Feds issue guidelines to stay away from Vegas and Orlando for meetings

One Step Closer to Losing Your Right to Health Care

Is health care reform really in big trouble?

Obama: 'Shut up and pass health care'

Obama's top PR tricks

Democrats make it safe for illegal immigrants to use Obamacare

Mayo Clinic throws cold water on Obamacare

Obama's New Surgeon General: 'Fat with Hunger'?

Does Ted Kennedy deserve his extended cancer care?

Are Men Obsolete?

India and Global Warming

Universal Coverage, OK - Obamacare, Not OK

ObamaCare is a sick joke

The Ideological Fight of the Century

Racial Preferences in the Democrats' Health Care Bill

Recipe for Economic Stagnation

Doctors Warn Avoid Genetically Modified Food

FTC supplement clamp-down targets both retailer and supplier

Akiva Eldar / What Netanyahu wants from Obama's 'self-hating Jews' - Haaretz - Israel News

Audit the Federal Reserve: HR 1207 and S 604 | Ron Paul .com

**Incomplete List of Democrat Criminals needs help

"Dead Man Musings"The Great Utah Political Satanic Ritual Abuse "Cover-up"

European Court Ruling Ends Water Fluoridation

We Might Still Kill The Hate Bill

"Let It Come!"

YouTube - Mike Castle on PeeBo's Birthcertificate.

Population of older people set to surpass number of children, report finds | World news | The Guardian

'We didn't sleep a wink': escort releases recording of her night with Berlusconi | World news | The Guardian

Ali Khamenei warns of 'collapse' after Iran referendum calls | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / India - India’s thirst drives water to crisis level

US teen pregnancy and syphilis rates rose sharply during George Bush's presidency, Centres for Disease Control finds | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Decline and Fall of Hillary Clinton - Telegraph Blogs

Flesh-eating robots turn vegetarian | Technology | The Guardian

Council snoopers sift through rubbish bins to find out if you're wealthy or poor | Mail Online

Staff occupy Isle of Wight wind turbine plant in protest against closure

YouTube - Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the US

Racism: glorified hyperbole in America

Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11

YouTube - Dr. Orly Taitz and Major Cook.

Voices That Cannot Be Silenced

YouTube - The World's First Bionic Burger


Swine flu: shops selling out of thermometers - Telegraph

Starbucks to open 'stealth cafes' in rebranding move - Telegraph

Japanese fishing industry stung by plague of giant jellyfish - Times Online

Man bursts into flames after being hit by Taser - Telegraph

US Prepares Cuban Troops For American Duty As It Surrenders High Seas To Britain

The Associated Press: Democrats irked by Obama signing statement

Zardari asks world to prepare Marshal Plan for IDPs

Indian Maoists threaten to kill PM Singh, Sonia Gandhi | Reuters

U.S., Cuba quietly hold joint exercise at Gitmo

Chavez Attacks US Report Naming Venezuela a ‘Narcotics State’

The Associated Press: Chavez eyes handing radio stations to socialists

Asia swathed in darkness with the longest total eclipse of the century | World news | guardian.co.uk

"Imminent Erosion of USDollar Seawall" by Jim Willie, CB, FSU Editorial 07/16/2009

Biden Backs NATO Membership for Ukraine -- News from Antiwar.com

Israel orders Palestinians to cease building on own land

China urges responsible U.S. policy, stable dollar

Bernanke Fights Audit Threat To The Fed - Forbes.com

States Where the Unemployed Are Giving Up - US News and World Report

Raw Story » Feingold: Obama’s Afghanistan surge might backfire

Raw Story » Kucinich: ‘Is the Fed paying banks not to loan money?’

Goon Squad: That NSA Spy in your Wallet and Purse

White House declines to disclose visits by health industry executives - Los Angeles Times

Call Committee for Single-Payer Amendment Now! | AfterDowningStreet.org

Exposed: Qualifications for teachers in England are lowest in the developed world | Mail Online

Bernanke: “I Don’t Know” Which Foreign Banks Were Given Half a Trillion

*Republican Sex Offenders

Police given powers to enter homes and tear down anti-Olympics posters during Games | Mail Online

Big Brother state wants even more spy powers | Mail Online

Homeless stand in for lobbyists on Capitol Hill - CNN.com

Bottled water companies win fluoride battle - Local News - News - General - Bellingen Courier Sun

You Must Have Health Insurance, It's The LAW

Smoking Mirrors: Of Time Monks, Kairos and Benthic Zones.




New Technology to Make Digital Data Self-Destruct

Investigator rules against Palin in ethics probe

American's Journey: If the IRS can audit US, why can't WE AUDIT THE FED??

Industry Cash Flowed To Drafters of Reform

Patriot Mark Yannone Found Dead In His AZ Home

Yannone: Staffing America's Hitler

Yannone: Obama who?

Yannone: Orly Taitz skewers Obama with JD Hayworth on KFYI

WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

250 Rabbis Sign Letter to Obama: Hands off Jerusalem - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Ron Paul: Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Calls To Audit The Fed

YouTube - The Federal Reserve Caused the Economic Crash and Bailout

Family Planning: "Totalitarians for God" Spread Poison Web

Top Epidemiologist Slams Swine Flu Fearmongering



New York Medicaid Fraud May Reach Into Billions


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Alan Grayson grills Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending 07/21/2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul questions Ben Bernanke on definition of inflation 07/21/2009

Business Owners Welcome Minimum Wage Increase

Lloyd Chapman: Congress Considers Two Bills to End Contracting Abuses

GOP Sen. Graham To Support Sotomayor

Another Use for WD-40

The Heisenberg Principle

Are You Ready for War with a Demonized Iran?

US Embassy In Baghdad Built By Bush Must Be Downsized: State Department

Failed States: What It Means Domestically, Internationally (AUDIO)

Senate Dems Deal NRA Rare Defeat

Taco Bell Dog Dead: Gidget Dies At 15

Laughter Yoga, It's Healthy For You

Deaths of US Troops Exceed 5,000 in Wars

Report Gives Sobering View Of Warming’s Impact on U.S.

Death and Taxes, the 2010 edition

NEVER Believe Uncorroborated Police Testimony

Larry Siems: Why We're Challenging the FAA

Michael Wolff: I Don't Get Health Care Reform -- and Neither Do You

Jennifer Brunner: No More Delays - Pass a Health Care Plan with a Public Option

Nathan Daschle: How The GOP Plans to Redistrict Its Way Back Into Power

Immigration and the States: When You're Broke, Fix It

Good argument for a new foreclosure plan.

Another Reason for Health Care Reform: Winning the War on Cancer

CPS Launches Investigation Into Elite School Enrollment

DEA Raids Michael Jackson's Doctor's Clinic

Organic Food Sales Remain Strong Despite Recession

Planned Parenthood and National Women's Law Center Applaud Governors for Urging Expansion of Medicaid Family Planning State Option in Health Care Reform | CommonDreams.org

***Guerrilla News Network:(gnn.tv/videos/)

Sociological Images » 1950s Beauty Pageant Judging Guidelines

DC Indymedia: Beyond Attica: The Untold Story of Women's Resistance Behind Bars

Volunteers Sought For Testing Swine Flu Shot

07-22-2009: Obama to Meet Mexican, Canadian Counterparts Next Month

07-22-2009: Russia to draft 320,000 conscripts in fall 2009

07-21-2009: 40 Years Later, Some Still Think Moon Landing was a Hoax

07-21-2009: Americans remember the moon landing by researching Apollo 11 hoax theories

Bodies Go Unclaimed As Families Can't Afford Funeral Costs

07-21-2009: New NASA boss: Astronauts on Mars in his lifetime

07-21-2009: EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile

07-21-2009: Bernanke says Fed can take on supercop role

07-21-2009: Israeli officials halt distribution of booklet alleging Vatican support for Hezbollah

07-21-2009: Drug Companies To Reap Swine-Flu Billions

Safety Of Swine Flu Vaccine To Face Tough Scrutiny - Yeah Right

07-21-2009: Bernanke Tells Congress That Fed Has Exit Strategy

07-20-2009: Goldman Sachs Executive Picked To Be Undersecretary For Economic, Energy And Agricultural Affairs

07-20-2009: Jim Rogers: America Bordering On Communism

07-20-2009: VIDEO: Congressman Stearns: Mr Paulson How Do You Have Any Credibility?

GM-free Britain develops GM crops for Africa

Gallup poll: Obama’s popularity even lower than George W Bush’s

Supreme Court Guts American System of Justice

WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius Guidelines

VIDEO: Alan Grayson grills Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending

Britain should grow its own fruit and veg to protect food supply, say MPs

Kremlin gives itself powers to spy on all Russian mail

Drone War Escalates; 365 Dead So Far in ‘09, Study Says

HHS Bilderberger Sebelius Faces Hostile Town Hall Over Obama Care

Obama Administration Takes Aim At Gun-Rights Revolt

"I Am Not A Citizen Of The World!"

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct 'Interventions' in Private Homes

Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

Dirty Electricity - Rays of Rash

War hero Patton 'murdered by the CIA'

Justice Ginsburg Says She Originally Thought Roe v. Wade Was Designed to Limit 'Populations That We Don’t Want to Have Too Many Of'

Governors Discover Resisting the Fed Has Consequences

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Congress gives your money to T. Boone Pickens

Climate engineering research gets green light

Psychiatric care ordered for Obama protester

Exxon faces $1 billion fine for sabotaging Texas oil wells

Who’s afraid of billions of people?

Why we need population reduction

Cele Castillo (a man who exposed gov drug running) ordered to report to federal prison

Greening the Internet: How much CO2 does this article produce?

News Hounds: Classless Fox News “Asks” If Surgeon General Nominee Is “Too Fat” For The Job

Iraqi Military Blocks US Troops from Cities

US Will Take 'Crippling Action' if Iran Gets Nukes

What Did Seymour Hersh Say About Assassinations?

Justice Department Argues Against Releasing Cheney Interview

9/11 Victims' Families Claim Authority on Guantánamo

China Blames Separatists, Not Policies, for Riots

Somali Islamists Ignore Kenya's Border

Wall Street’s love affair with Ben Bernanke

The Marie Antoinettes of health care

Brave new world for reticent fools

Video - 59:43/Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR

video - Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

"Dream Society" Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Video: Nano, the next dimension

24 Trillion Reasons to Buy Gold -- Seeking Alpha

The Next Global Financial Crisis: Public Debt | Newgeography.com

Jul 20, 2009 Goldman Sachs: A Vampire on the Jugular of America Darryl Robert Schoon 321gold ...inc ...s

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Al Muhajiroun – Vigilantes of Islam

The Omega Letter - Re-Thinking Darwin Darwin Never Heard of DNA; In Defense of the Faith

Last Trumpet Newsletter - The Great Spiritual Separation! - July 2009

savethemales.ca - Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals

Nothing New Under the Sun: The Link between Native Spirituality and the Occult by Jenn Doucette | Food for the Soul

Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society

GlobalSecurity.org - SITREP Situation Report | The Media Landscape in Iran

CNSNews.com - Congresswoman Backs New Equal Rights Amendment; Points to Afghanistan, China as Models

CNSNews.com - Lawmakers Express Outrage at ‘Potential’ $23.7-Trillion Liability Bank Bailout Law Could Impose on Taxpayers

CNSNews.com - Treasury Has No Clear Rules for Bailed Out Banks Trying to Buy Their Stock Back from Government, Says GAO

CNSNews.com - Management Problems Prevent FDA From Keeping Up With Its Workload, Government Watchdog Says

CNSNews.com - Hoyer Says Abortion Funding in Health-Care Bill Splits House Democrats

CNSNews.com - ‘Blood Money to Kill Unborn’ in Health Care Bill Is Inexpressible, Republican Congressman Says

CNSNews.com - Clinton Declares the U.S. to be ‘Back’ in Asia; Signs Regional Non-Aggression Treaty

CNSNews.com - Chavez Maintains 'Pact' With Colombian Drug-Trafficking Guerillas, Venezuelan Government Officials Say

CNSNews.com - Hispanic Firefighter Says Sotomayor Judged Him on Race Rather Than Content of Character

CNSNews.com - Obama May Delay Report on Closing Guantanamo Until Congress Is Out of Session to Avoid Publicity and Scrutiny, Hoekstra Warns

CNSNews.com - Why Does Fed Deserve More Authority, Bernanke Asked

CNSNews.com - Poll Shows Majority of Americans Think Country Is Heading In Wrong Direction

CNSNews.com - Obama Stimulus Spending Includes Rental Cars, Outhouses, and ‘Sediment Removal’

CNSNews.com - ACORN Sues to Overturn Pennsylvania Voter-Soliciting Law

CNSNews.com - Ahmadinejad's Vice President Choice Rejected

CNSNews.com - $245-Billion Sweetener for Doctors Won’t Count in Health Care Bill’s Overall Cost

CNSNews.com - Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe

CNSNews.com - Obama May Have to Wait for Health Care Passage; ‘Pelosi Moving Too Fast,’ Rangel Says

CNSNews.com - Metro: 'Anomalies' Found, But DC Rail System Safe

CNSNews.com - World's Largest Telescope to Be Built in Hawaii

CNSNews.com - Pace of Reconciliation Tops Obama’s White House Meeting With Iraqi PM

Detroit: The Post-Apocalyptic Future of American Cities?

Predictive Programming? Euthanasia, Sterilization in 1971 Movie

Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions - Political News - FOXNews.com

John McCain: The Stimulus is a Failure, But Don't Dare Ask Arizona to Give Any of the Money Back

Another C-Street Shoe Drops: Ensign Gave Wamp $5000 Campaign Donation After News of Affair Broke

19th Ethics Complaint Filed Against Sarah Palin - Investigator Believes Palin Used Power For Gifts

Insurers Insist We Really Don't Need A Public Plan. Sorry, Guys, We Don't Trust You.

Have Gun Will Travel II

Lawsuit claims taser used on teens without cause

Jimmy Carter Loses His Religion

Chris Matthews Takes On The Lunatic Birther Movement

Obama on Today Show: 'Health Care Shouldn't Be Political'

Have Gun, Will Travel

California leaders make deal to sink state into ocean

Jon Stewart to Brian Williams: 'How Does It Feel To Fall So Short?'

Big Business Says The Sky Is Falling Over Latest Increase in Minimum Wage. Did Greedy Burger Flippers Crash the Economy?

Blue Dog Dan Boren calls for "Bipartisan health care" Yehaaw!

Rachel Maddow Debunks Pat's Racist Statements Made on Her Show

Conservatives do their part to try and kill health care reform: A video collage

After (R) Mike Castle shoots down Birther, Lou Dobbs Raises Questions About Obama's Birth Certificate

Even Tom Arnold Can Out-Think Sean Hannity and Other Republicans

House GOP Promotes Tiahrt's Offensive Abortion Comment About President Obama's Mother

Glenn Beck says that Obama is one 'Dangerous guy' while Bolton remains optimistic about his failure

Bill Kristol imparts his advice to fellow Republicans on health care: 'Go for the Kill'

We're Beyond The Public Option

Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) Issues Challenge For Debate To Prove We're A Judeo-Christian Nation

In Second Life, From Predatory Lenders To Scam Artists

Orrin Hatch cries about the lack of bipartisanship while Rangel says God only knows what the Republicans are doing

Gupta and Blunt Lament the Insurance Industry Being Put Out of Business

McConnell: Americans Don't Go Without Health Care Because Doctors and Hospitals Are Sworn to Provide It

A Bill Moyers Essay on the Influence of Money on the Health Care Debate

Michele Norris is in Bizarro-Land when she talks about Health Care

FOX News Ralph Peters basically says the Taliban should excute our captured soldier

Obama may have to wait for health care passage

Prosecutors: American charged in NYC terror case

Clinton offers North Korea the carrot or the stick

Concealed arms reciprocity rejected by Senate

Va. Tech gunman's mental records found in home

Bernanke back on Capitol Hill - and hot seat

NFL looks into allegations against Roethlisberger

Investigators want more info from Jackson doc

Dead shark left in Miami street after failed sale

Solar eclipse shrouds Asia in daytime darkness

Pace of reconciliation tops Obama-al-Maliki talks

New ambush near world's largest gold mine; 2 dead

Analysis: Gates arrest a signpost on racial road

White House Expected to Announce Treasury Nominee

The Government's Approach on Abortion

Antiterror Campaign in Indonesia Comes Under Question

Clinton offers incentives to Myanmar

Clinton suggests 'defense umbrella' over Gulf allies

Worker Commits Suicide over Missing iPhone

Fighting Corruption, Russian Style

Clinton Issues Warnings on North Korea and Iran

Biden Calls on Ukrainians to Strengthen Ties to West

EU soft on polluters, greens say

In Health Care Fight, Defining Moment Nears for President

Army Seeks Answers in Case of Missing GI

Debate Ends With Massive Brawl in S. Korean Parliament

Israel Deletes 1948 'Catastrophe' From Arabic Textbooks

Obama to make prime-time healthcare appeal

Calls for Romania Mayor to Resign Over Nazi Uniform

Judge questions protecting Cheney notes

'Incredible' new scar is spreading on Jupiter

Yury Verlinsky dies at 65; pioneered genetic testing method

Individual Mandate Has Broad Support Among Health-Care Reformers

Full List - Conspiracy Theories - TIME

Manufactured Crisis To Rescue Failing Obama Agenda?

flashback/Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts - New York Times

NSA Whistleblower Gets Ignored by Everyone

Constitutional Tyranny

Bernanke Jabs Back at Fed's Critics In Congress - washingtonpost.com

A Practical Guide to Internet Technology for Political Activists in Repressive Regimes | Electronic Frontier Foundation

“Blogs Are Best at Debunking Myths That Can Slip Through a Lot of the Traditional Media Outlets”

9/11 decision allows judges to toss civil suits they disfavor

*42 pg - pdf /SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES:2008 ;opinion ...

In Pursuit of Immortality: The science behind life extension - Family Health Guide

When Atlas Shrugs: The Great Default by Gary North

Why Is Ralph Peters So Angry? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Blood and Treasure by J. L. Bryan

Will the Republicans Save Us? by Laurence M. Vance

Yes, We Can! by Michael Tennant

JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Making Billions in Profits by Bill Bonner

Pollsters, Put Ron Paul In - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Liberty – Charity? Humbug!

**Patriot Mark Yannone Found Dead In His AZ Home

**informationliberation - Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows

Democrats' New Worry: Their Own Rich Voters - WSJ.com

Health Care and Taxes, 10 Worst States for the Rich - ABC News

Hizb Ut-Tahrir: Shariah Takes Precedence over U.S. Constitution: Imam Promises to Fight "Until Islam Becomes Victorious or We Die in the Attempt" :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Protesters Gather Outside Islamic Conference Near Chicago - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons - Telegraph

Roger’s Rules » Unseemly haste, thy name is Obama

EXCLUSIVE: Inhofe weary of administration apologies - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Video - Man Tells Sebelius: "It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell Before He Socializes My Country"

Historic Day For Legislature As Seven Vetoes Are Overridden - Courant.com

Wounded veterans get a break on tax bills | Breaking News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Obama’s Sinking Approval Ratings Are Even Worse Than They Look - Peter Roff (usnews.com)

CNN Political Ticker:Senator: Democrats ‘baffled’ by president’s health care stance « - Blogs from CNN.com

Obama goes prime-time to pitch healthcare - UPI.com

Anti-Meat Group Sues, Says Hot Dogs Need Warnings

Land Mine Left in Colorado Goodwill Donation Box

Poll: Specter, Toomey Even in Pa. Senate Race

Reed Seeks Redemption After Political Exodus

Arabic Teacher at Clemson Faces Immigration Charge

Airman Lost Legs After Gallbladder Surgery

Ex-Fox News Producer Gets 10 Years for Child Porn

"I'm No Saint," Berlusconi Says After Sex Tapes

Thriving Rodeos Seem to Have Recession Roped, Tied

Miss Plastic Hungary Contest Seeking "New" Faces

China Suicide Puts Spotlight on Secretive Apple Culture

'Apprentice' Winner: Would Consider Lt. Gov. Gig

No "Cadillacs" in U.S. Healthcare Reform Proposals

Reports: Iran reactor to be switched on this year

CongressDaily - Dems Start To Push Back Hard To Prevent A 'Waterloo'

Article - WSJ.com

Conservative kiosk not allowed at mall | WCNC.com | Local News for Charlotte, North Carolina | Top Stories

The Gaggle : Romney on Obama's Push for Health-Care Reform: Slow Down

PETA video shows Ringling Bros. circus handlers beating elephants

Obama goes prime-time to pitch healthcare

Breitbart.tv » GOP Leader Mocks White House Claim That They ‘Rescued the Economy’

GM global sales fall 22 pct in first half of 2009

Government Meeting? Stay Away From Fun City - WSJ.com

CNN Political Ticker: Senator: Democrats 'baffled' by president's health care stance

Hoyer Says House May Leave Before Health-Care Vote

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama hits at healthcare ‘scare’ tactics

At 6ft6ins and 34stone, meet one of the largest and heaviest women on the planet - and she's still growing | Mail Online

My Way News - Clinton declares the US 'is back' in Asia

Ad Astra per Debitum: The Lunacy of the Space Race by William Norman Grigg

Student Loans: A Bitter Financial Lesson - BusinessWeek

Highway agency wanted total cell phone ban

Yahoo: "Most Significant" Change Fails to Wow

Google Wave Cresting For 100K Users This Fall

NASA's Charlie Bolden Gets Verklempt

Microsoft To Kill Soapbox, Its YouTube Competitor

FCC Chairman Reboots Commission's Site

Treasurys Down As Upcoming Debt Supply Overshadows Bernanke

Goldman Sachs Pays $1.1 Billion for Treasury Warrants - Bloomberg.com

Wells Fargo, SunTrust Lead US Banks in Boosting Loan Reserves

NYMEX-Crude dips, but above low on EIA crude draw

US Home Prices Have Smallest Decline in 10 Months

FDIC Approves GE Exit From Liquidity-Guarantee Program

Move to allow gun owners to take firearms over state lines is defeated

TBJ poll: Voters split on Sotomayor

President Obama Uses Magnetism, Political Capital to Push Health Care Bill - Political News - FOXNews.com

Gates considering lawsuit

Michelle Obama debuts new haircut at White House reception

Anti-Gym CEO Says President's Surgeon General Pick Is Too Fat for the Job - Neil Cavuto | Your World - FOXNews.com

USDA Sees House Climate Bill Yielding Long-Term Benefits for Agriculture - NYTimes.com

New York Governor appeals ruling blocking his Lt. Governor

Bloomberg On Thompson Audits: 'This Isn't A Political Game'

The Birthers...

CNN Responds to Lou Dobbs Radio Waves About Barack Obama Birthplace

Arrest made in killing of NY motivational speaker

Millions Greet Solar Eclipse in Asia With Excitement, Religious Fervor

North Korea, counter-terrorism take ASEAN centre stage

Court Ruling on Sudanese Border Dispute Signals Compromise

Newspaper group sues Berlusconi

Antiterror Campaign in Indonesia Comes Under Question

Honduras crisis talks postponed

UN to Israel: Freeze 'natural settlement growth'

Pakistan demands US intelligence, ammunition

Mumbai Gunman Says 'Hang Me' After Shock Confession

Key Sri Lankan road is re-opened

Clinton Appeals for Release of Burmese Human Rights Activist Suu Kyi

Pakistani supreme court summons Pervez Musharraf

Britain's PM Defends Afghanistan Mission

Counter view: Frisking national icon outrageous

Airline apologises for frisking ex-Indian president

Iran: Supreme leader seeks top deputy's dismissal

Maliki to meet Obama, seek support for investment

Namibia Seeks 'Cooperation' From Hu's Son in Graft Probe

Japan ruling party warns voters against change

Records of Michael Jackson's Doctor Are Seized

Rock legends to perform Hall of Fame concerts

Michael Jackson Planned To Co-Direct Film About Orphan's Life Story

Michael Jackson Film To Hit Theaters This Halloween

Stephen Baldwin Files for Bankruptcy After Months of Financial Woes

Susan Boyle Interview Trumps President Obama's Prime-Time Address

Adios, Chihuahua! Taco Bell dog dead at 15

Emory University to test flu vaccines

Swine flu: how the numbers add up

Asheville women to hold "health care reform phone bank"

Senate Panel Takes Careful Approach to Crafting Health Bill

Chimpanzees Do Die From Simian AIDS, Study Finds

Human Genome Sciences scores second anthrax treatment order

Millions in US Can't Afford Health Insurance

Individual Mandate Has Broad Support Among Health-Care Reformers - washingtonpost.com

Studies Affirm Value of Healthy Lifestyle

Doctors Wage War Against Obama's Health Care Overhaul

AMA Report Finds Improvements in Claims Processing

Pollution reduces kids' IQ: Study

Govt calls for volunteers to test swine flu shots

Hannity falsely claimed Mayo Clinic "slam[med]" Obama's health proposal | Media Matters for America

World Net Daily Player - Critic says Obama's health care promises 'proven false'

Washington drops hammer on state gun plan

2 out of 3 Americans oppose Cap-and-Trade

AP-GfK Poll: Great hopes for Obama fade to reality

YouTube pulls plug on shocking abortion video

Napolitano pick raised funds for terror supporter

Industry cash flowed to health-reform senators - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Healthcare battle 'isn't about me': Obama

State House edits 'Jesus' from pastor's prayer - The York Daily Record

North American summit added to Obama's agenda

Drudge story on pork draws ire from President Obama's agriculture chief

Thousands trying to access naked footage of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews duped into downloading virus

The odd and the honorable

Justices set hearing date for cross arguments

Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger sacked by Nevada lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault

Republican delays U.S. nominees over Honduras policy | Politics | Reuters

Susan Collins says she supports Sonia Sotomayor - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Billionaire backs McDonnell - Washington Times

Scorpion on plane stings Indy-bound man | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star

NYT: Data shelved on distracted driver risk - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Congress does something right

Barney Frank: Patriot of the week

Obama's racist demagoguery

NPR: Goons for big government

YouTube serially aborts pro-life videos

The case against mortarboarding

Dumbing down at the Naval Academy

Symposium – Obama's universal death care

Obama turns deaf ear to martyrs' cries

President George W. Obama

Family court injustices to men

Holdren's Controversial Population Control Past | The American Prospect

When the wicked rule

The American Spectator : The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Maureen Dowd

WSJ.com: US Airlines Stung By Biz Travel Drop; More Cuts Coming

Bernanke says Fed can take on supercop role

Low-priced foreclosures incite bidding wars

As economy bites, White House delays budget review | Reuters

No jobs, no insurance: hard times for young adults

Parents can do more to teach kids finance: survey | Lifestyle | Reuters

Meltdown 101: Package sizes at the grocery store

My Way News - Yahoo jazzes up home page with major makeover

Who needs religion?

Politicized Capitalism

America's Federal Reserve: On the mend | The Economist

Bernanke’s Assurances - WSJ.com

Goldman Sachs Lack of Love Puts Profit at Risk: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Why Bash Goldman Sachs for Making Money? at SmartMoney.com

Challenge to Health Bill: Selling Reform

How Not To Pay For Health Care - Forbes.com

Three Myths about the Consumer Financial Product Agency « The Baseline Scenario

20 questions for the President’s press conference | KeithHennessey.com

Why the Democrats Can't Cut Costs - The Atlantic Business Channel

The Highest-Paying Counties - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com

More Disapprove Than Approve of Obama on Healthcare

Growth: Never More Needed, Never More Misunderstood - DELTA Global Advisors

Fed Aims to Hold Down Interest Rates

Bernanke's Non-Exit Strategy - Barrons.com

Bernanke saves the dollar - for now

Why the Obama Stimulus Plan Must Fail - Forbes.com

Cheers for King Henry -- world's greatest nudger Commentary: Goldman owes Paulson a $1 billion bonus

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Older societies will have to retire later

Health reform can pay for itself. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine

ObamaCare Ignores Incentives, Costs: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Rhetoric and reality in Iran | Massoumeh Torfeh | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearWorld - How Social Networking Shaped Iran's Protests

Conrad Black: The real tragedy of Vietnam - Full Comment

Why Kurds vs. Arabs Could Be Iraq's Next Civil War - TIME

Obama’s Foreign Non-Policy by Abe Greenwald on National Review Online


WPR Article | The Nixon Doctrine in the 21st Century

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Anti-colonialism, the Barack Obama way

RealClearWorld - America's Last Stab at Global Leadership

China anxiety in Muslim world - The China Post

RealClearWorld - Obama Means Business on Settlements

Protectionist trend on the rise | The Japan Times Online

Obama Ups Ante on Health - WSJ.com

Health care reform: 'This is going to happen' - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Arrogance

The Blue Dogs flunk obedience school | Salon News

RealClearPolitics - Health Care's Sensible Center

The American Spectator : Obama Is Delaying the Economic Recovery

Bloomberg.com:Cheney’s Hit-Squad Plan Shows Law Is for Sissies: Ann Woolner

News Analysis - For Holder, Inquiry on Interrogation Poses Tough Choice - NYTimes.com

Obama has the CIA's back -- in his sights - Washington Times

The Next Culture War - Forbes.com

Best of the Web Today: Mistaken Identity Politics - WSJ.com

IBDeditorials.com: Still Not An Option

White House declines to disclose visits by health industry executives - Los Angeles Times

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 22, 2009 - Senate to vote on concealed weapons measure

How many passes will vulnerable Democrats get? - Kathryn McGarr - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Perils of Obamacare: The Three Big Lies

RealClearPolitics - Like the Stimulus, ObamaCare is Reckless

RealClearPolitics - No Excuses -- Health Care Really Can't Wait

Hope, caught up in a sea of obstruction - The Boston Globe

Why Health Care Reform Will Pass - The Treatment

Politico Memo - Governors’ Races Offer Republicans an Opening - NYTimes.com


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Health Care and the F-22

Chairman Bernanke's Semiannual Report to Congress

Interview with President Obama

Interview with Hillary Clinton

Panel Discusses Obama's Health Care Fight

Senator Bill Nelson on the Space Program

Reps. Holt & Hoekstra Debate the CIA & Congress

Obama's Remarks at D.C. Children's Hospital

Secretary Clinton's Townhall Meeting in India

Media Briefing with Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen

Secretary Sebelius and Leader McConnell on Health Care

Director Orszag and Senator Gregg on the Cost of Care

Rep. Rangel and Sen. Hatch Discuss Health Care

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Congress


*Markets; Video/Chinese-Style Monetary Policy Is Dangerous

Dishonest Demagoguery on So-Called Tax Havens?

Bernanke's Opening Statement

Summers: 2010 Growth 'In Doubt,' Urges Banks to Lend More

CIT Surprise Rescue

Digging Deeper: Earnings vs. Revenues

Kudlow: What Kind of Recovery Is on the Way?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Test video

WTO Chief: Global Trade to Post 'Huge Drop'

Wall Street's Inflation Expectations

Titans: Morgan Stanley Vs. Goldman Sachs

Is Global Sentiment Turning Against Greenback?

A Golden Opportunity in Gold?

Budget Hawk on Costs of Healthcare Reform

Rep. Ron Paul on Ben Bernanke & the Fed

Avoid Oil ETFs, Buy Stocks

*World ;Video/Vice President Biden Visits Ukraine

Taliban's Message for the US

Honduras Talks Break Down

Closing Guantanamo Easier Said Than Done

ASEAN Summit Kicks Off

Displaced Families Amidst Fighting in Somalia

Jakarta Bombings and US Intelligence Linked?

Examing Kasab's Sudden Confession

Millions Face Starvation in Horn of Africa

Concern Over Blogger Arrests in Azerbaijan

China Car Sales Rise Up to 48% in June

Brazil: Taking the Fight to the Drug Lords

Biden's Visit and US-Georgia Relations

Tibet's Struggle: 50 Years

Pressure Builds on Gordon Brown Over Afghanistan

Seth Jones on Afghanistan and Pakistan

Focus on a Waning Dollar

Settlements and Occupation: An Israeli Legal Perspective

Longest Eclipse Passes Across Asia

Ethnic Han and Uighurs Grow Further Apart

China Remains Vigilant on Containing H1N1

Bangladeshis Suffering in Aftermath of Cyclone

Black Market Organ Trade Thrives in Iraq

Mexico Repossesses Drug Kingpin's "Bling"

*Politics; Video/Obama: Health Care Shouldn't Be Political

Sens. Conrad and Hatch Discuss Health Care

Barney Frank on Cutting the F-22

DeMint On Health Care As A Turning Point For Obama

Obama On Health Care: "I Want To Keep The Pressure On"

O'Reilly On The Collapse Of Obama's Health Care Plan

Ann Coulter On Obama's Approval Rating

DNC Targets Limbaugh, GOP In New Web Ad

Sotomayor Confirmation Delayed For A Week

Congressman Explains "Obama Misery Index" On House Floor

Obama "Not Familiar" With Key Provision In Health Care Bill

Man Tells Sebelius: "It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell Before He Socializes My Country"

Dem Congressman Mocked At Health Care Townhall

NY Dem Nadler Won't Commit To Obama's Health Care Plan

Obama On Health Care: Rich Will Sacrifice To Help "Community"

McCain On Second Stimulus: "I Wonder What They've Been Smoking"

Obama: Falling Poll Numbers Means "What We're Doing Is Hard"

Sen. DeMint: Obama "Can't Back Up His Utopian Promises"

Gov. Sanford Won't Explain Missing Wedding Ring

CNN Anchor: "CNN Only One Still Doing Journalism"

Harkin: Dems Need To Continue To "Push" Health Care

Michael Steele on the GOP's Challenges

GOP's Shadegg: Steele Used "Pretty Strong Words"

Boehner Mocks Emanuel's "We Rescued The Economy" Remark

Glenn Beck Explains Outburst On Radio

Graham Will Vote To Confirm "Bold" And "Edgy" Sotomayor

Voinovich: GOP Opposition To Health Care Driven By Politics

Sen. Graham To Vote To Confirm "Well Qualified" Sotomayor

RNC Attacks Health Care Reform In Mock Prescription Ad

Pelosi: Health Care Reform Has 'Cap On Costs, No Cap On Benefits'

Schwarzenegger Wields Knife In Video About Cutting Budget

Biden Rejects Russian "Sphere Of Influence"

Rep. Pence: "Where Are The Jobs?"

Report: Obama Ordered CBO Chief To WH

DeMint: President's Promises Don't Match His Policies

Carville, Liz Cheney On Sarah Palin, Health Care, Sanford


YouTube - Best bits from the century's longest total solar eclipse

YouTube - Biden Rejects Russian 'Sphere of Influence'

YouTube - Court redefines borders of disputed Abyei region - 22 Jul 09

YouTube - Pressure on Gordon Brown over helicopters in Afghanistan

YouTube - Raw Video: Senate Rejects Concealed Arms Bill

YouTube - Obama Rallies Support For Health-Care Reform

YouTube - Harvard Prof. Cleared

YouTube - The Road To Recovery

YouTube - Yahoo Debuts New Home Page - Bloomberg

YouTube - Is the recession affecting HIV/AIDS treatment?

YouTube - Va. Tech Gunman's Mental Health Records Found


American Minute for July 22nd:William J Federer's American Minute


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

*Michael Savage: Banned in U.K. List*

*audio /flashback:Hear Savage respond to his ban by the U.K.

Michael Savage: I'm still banned

Michael Savage Still Banned in England

Jacqui Smith: I wasn't up to being Home Secretary - mirror.co.uk

Inside the Beltway: Savaging Savage ; Only Queen Elizabeth II can fix this - Washington Times

***Read coverage of Britain's ban of Michael Savage***

Audio -The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 21st With Kevin P. Miller

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 21st With Kevin P. Miller

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 17th With Bob Chapman

Audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 16th With Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

07/21 The Mark Levin Show

07/20 The Mark Levin Show


FLASHBACK:The Moon Landing - July 20, 1969 | Newstalgia

*1969: The Year That Changed America - FOXNews.com - Slide 2 of 5

To the Moon - with extreme engineering • The Register

Apollo 11 crew: Aldrin likes spotlight, 2 shun it

40 years later, moon still giant leap for mankind

Moon Landing - AOL News


*Article Links :Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Obama's online 'birth cert' misses 'proving' eligibility

Did radical Muslims help send Obama to Harvard?

Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'