"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 July 2009

21 July 09

21 July 09

Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'

Col2v8: Channel 7 Sunrise program's half baked coverage of Obama's eligibility

Site - TRUTH2U

World Net Daily Player : Obama must sway voters 'without reason as his partner'

Palin to feds: Alaska is sovereign state

Obama's online 'birth cert' misses 'proving' eligibility

Birth records get murky when adoption involved

Most will carry Obama press conference; time shifted after NBC balked--The Live Feed

Anti-Tea Party Correspondent's Contract Not Renewed by CNN | NewsBusters.org

Author, radio host Alan Stang dies at 80

Journalist inviting friends to flogging

Couric: Like Cronkite, I Get 'Grief From Both Sides Of Aisle' | NewsBusters.org

Napolitano pick raised funds for terror supporter

Hamas sees Pickering meeting as 'important step'

Jerusalem Arab caught aiding city's takeover

North American summit added to Obama's agenda

Federal judge tosses lawsuit against Prop 8

Unemployment still 20% higher in Dem strongholds

My Way News - White House putting off release of budget update

Approval Ratings Drop for Obama on Health Care, Other Issues - washingtonpost.com

Rasmussen Reports: 2012 Match-ups: Obama, Romney Tied at 45%; Obama 48%, Palin 42%

Mayo Clinic calls House plan bad medicine - Washington Times

World Net Daily Player: Cato Institute's Tanner: Obama pushes to limit choices

World Net Daily Player:Obama health care 'unworkable'

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

* Article Links : Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Leader-Telegram Online:Housing complex owners vote to ban smoking

Industry cash flowed to health-reform senators - The New York Times- msnbc.com

RNC Chairman Rips Obama Health Care 'Cabal' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Healthcare battle 'isn't about me': Obama

‘The Cause of My Life’ Inside the fight for universal health care.

Mormon leader brings family records to Obama - Washington Times

Michael Savage: I'm still banned

Low-priced foreclosures incite bidding wars

As economy bites, White House delays budget review | Reuters

US financial market bailout tab hits $4.7 trillion

Examples of how tax increases could hit the rich

US commerce chief worried about firms' liquidity | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters

Washington doesn't feel the pinch of the recession - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Starbucks Goes Back to Its Roots With Cafe Concept - Advertising Age - News

Who needs religion?

Multi-level operations: Good or bad?

Cannibal now wants love on the menu | World News | News.com.au

The 10 Most Dangerous Foods to Eat While Driving | Autopia | Wired.com

Thousands trying to access naked footage of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews duped into downloading virus

40 years later, moon still giant leap for mankind

Apollo 11 crew: Aldrin likes spotlight, 2 shun it

Moon Landing - AOL News

NASA Pics Show Apollo Leftovers on Moon - CBS News

**Site - We Choose the Moon**

Ad -Make Herbal Medicines: Learn How To Make Powerful Herbal Medicines Secretly in Your Kitchen.

Obama's system of denial and death

'Health care' is not 'medical care'

More health care lies

Obama's radical, anti-American czars

Why no equity for evangelicals?

Steny Hoyer the Laughing Boy

Americans are beginning to understand the left

Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill

When the wicked rule

Obama's pandering NAACP speech

The Obama Agenda Bogs Down - WSJ.com

Some Perspective on Cronkite, Please | The Progressive

Atheists in the Capitol's foxhole

The curious case of the steadily shrinking Hillary Clinton

Teen duped airline bosses in real life 'Catch Me If You Can scam' - Telegraph

GAO: FDA can't estimate its own budget needs

Texas woman finds long-lost mother living homeless on the streets of Orlando - OrlandoSentinel.com

Man left child in car while he was drinking, police say

A better plan needed for 4-year-old panhandler

ksl.com - Scottish island's sacred Sunday under threat

Tallahassee's Bikini Bicyclist loves to ride, with little to hide - St. Petersburg Times

RealClearPolitics - US News - Jul 21, 2009 - Alamo: 'I'm going to testify' in sex crimes trial

RealClearPolitics - US News - Jul 21, 2009 - Alamo tells girl from jail: `I'm still in charge'

RealClearPolitics - US News - Jul 21, 2009 - Court hears jailhouse call between preacher, girl

RealClearPolitics - US News - Jul 21, 2009 - Ill. cemetery worker says threat led him to inform

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Obama pushes House on health care initiative

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Bernanke preps for hot seat on bailouts, recovery

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Obama defends August deadline for health care bill

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Senior Democrats call on Treasury to be more open

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Judiciary Republicans delay Sotomayor vote 1 week

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Bernanke tells Congress that Fed has exit strategy

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Senior Democrat says no consensus on health bill

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - White House seeks tighter rules for credit raters

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Democrats challenge Obama signing statement

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 21, 2009 - Bernanke says Fed can take on supercop role

Bernanke Op-ed in WSJ: The Fed’s Exit Strategy - WSJ.com

Make Them Pay!

IBDeditorials.com: A Schizophrenic Message On Success

Profits on Wall Street turn out to be evasive

Why the banking system won't be emerging from intensive care anytime soon

RealClearMarkets - Once Again, Paulson Misses the Point

Sen. Dodd Looks to Distance Himself From Financial Firms - washingtonpost.com

Stocks Are Far From Fair Value - Forbes.com

Obama’s Strategy to Reverse Manufacturing’s Fall

RealClearMarkets - Let's Face Reality, and Deregulate Sin

Waiting for the Mid-Session Budget Review - Megan McArdle

Is Financial Innovation Really So Bad? - The Stash

Robert Reich's Blog: Obamacare Is At War With Itself Over Future Costs

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » Bailout: $23 trillion and counting

The Hearing - Protecting Consumers Against Another Failure of Government

Government Dollar | FX Solutions

Bernanke to Congress: Fed Has Exit Strategy - washingtonpost.com

Big Estimate, Worth Little, on Bailout - NYTimes.com

Treasury, Fed criticized on TARP spending transparency - USATODAY.com

Many service businesses do relatively well in a recession - Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed Columnist - Iran’s Tragic Joke - NYTimes.com

'Never again' in North Korea? Think again - Los Angeles Times

Assassination: A Brief History | Foreign Policy

Looking Beyond the Reset

Silencing an Activist: Will Kremlin Really Investigate Natalya Estemirova's Murder? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

RealClearWorld - Jihad in Indonesia's Classroom

A temporary Mideast deal could break the stalemate - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - The NATO-ization of Finland?

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Why the world needs a United Nations army

Asia's weakness in global economy - The China Post

China v. Civil Society

A Tough Message to India on Climate Change, Non-proliferation - Brookings Institution

07-21-2009: Terahertz Transister Could Usher In Era Of Cheap Surveillance Cameras

07-21-2009: Company Wants To Carve Ads On The Moon

07-21-2009: The School With 100 Spy Cameras

07-20-2009: Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

07-20-2009: Apollo 11 astronauts call for mission to Mars

07-20-2009: Goldman Sachs Executive Picked To Be Undersecretary For Economic, Energy And Agricultural Affairs

07-20-2009: Jim Rogers: America Bordering On Communism

07-20-2009: VIDEO: Congressman Stearns: Mr Paulson How Do You Have Any Credibility?

07-20-2009: Town Hall Confronts Congressman Over Obama Birth Certificate

07-20-2009: Former NASA Administrator: We Can't Go To The Moon Anymore

07-20-2009: Congressman Proposes Rate Hike On Unsafe Sex

07-20-2009: U.S. Embassies Being Advised To Stock Up On Local Currencies

07-20-2009: Economic Crisis Spurs People To Work For Free

Why Are We Celebrating The Great Moon Hoax?

07-20-2009: Clinton Says 9/11 Leaders In Pakistan

07-20-2009: Sen. Gregg: Force The Poor To Buy Health Insurance

07-20-2009: Children Traumatised By War Of The Worlds Abduction Of Teacher

07-20-2009: High Fructose Diets Impair Memory

07-20-2009: Nikola Tesla Still Alive After Death

07-20-2009: White House Putting Off Release Of Budget Update

Obama Administration Takes Aim At Gun-Rights Revolt

President Barack Obama authorizes extended Secret Service guard for former VP Dick Cheney

Afghanistan: 'Britain is backing the Taleban'

Military Escalation: From Afghanistan To the Caspian Sea and Central Asia

Taste Sensation: Ads Work Better If All Senses Are Involved

U.S. to expand Army

Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

Big Pharma Bribes Doctors to Hook Your Kids on Drugs

Globalist Think Tank Trots Out Iran Attack Scenario

China adds special riot squad to arsenal

U.S. continues to train Honduran soldiers

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons

US Strategy Of Total Energy Control Over; The European Union And Eurasia

Obamacare: A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hospital Chains

DHS chief accused of using no-fly list for political payback

Walter Cronkite: Most Trusted Asset of Operation Mockingbird

Medical spy ware: How Russian KGB technology is being used to spot impending disease

Augmented Reality Gets Wallet-Sized

Your Brain Will Eventually Be Used Against You

9/11 and Cyberterrorism: Did the real “cyber 9/11″ happen on 9/11?

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government

Robots Could Replace Teachers

Afghanistan : Video of Captured US Occupation Force Soldier

CIA Claims of Cancelled Campaign are Hogwash

Canadian Health Care

How to make white web pages darker with firefox

The "So and So is a Shill" Trap

To be governed...

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System

WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

Can The Economy Recover?

US Bases and Empire: Global Perspectives on the Asia Pacific

Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers

Brave new world for reticent fools

Hillary Clinton moves State Department to the right of Condoleezza Rice

Managing price bubbles in crude oil markets

The sinister purpose behind the Bush administration’s lawlessness

House Dems’ placebo health care reform

Obama Stimulus Spending Includes Rental Cars, Outhouses, and ‘Sediment Removal’

Farm Groups Say Food Safety Bill Would Make it Tougher for Farmers to Produce Safe Food

Republicans Say Obama Has No Plan for Dealing With Guantanamo Bay Terrorists

White House: Obama Made Same Abortion Pledge to Pope That He Made to Planned Parenthood

Cracks Widen Within Iran’s Islamic Establishment

Health Care Bill Would Curb Job Growth by Encouraging Small Businesses to Remain Small

Health Care Bill Directs HHS Secretary to Develop 'Standards for Measuring Gender'--As Opposed to 'Male' and 'Female'

Black Scholar's Arrest Near Harvard University Raises Questions About Racial Profiling

Obama’s Auto Task Force Says Bill to Restore GM, Chrysler Dealerships Would Set ‘Dangerous Precedent’

Explosives Used in Hotel Bombing 'Identical' to Those Used in Bali

Clinton Accepts Blame for ‘Global Warming’ Role, Ponders Link Between Climate Change and Family Planning

Inside the Monstrous Obamacare Bureaucracy

How Senator Mikulski Slipped an Abortion Mandate into the Health Care Bill

The Audacity of Manipulation, Obama Style

Why No Evangelical Justice?

"Green" Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

video - Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

"Dream Society" Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID

The Globalist's Information Interlock


Better Vision, With a Telescope Inside the Eye

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Expansion Of Federal Death Penalty Counter To Furthering Civil Rights, Says ACLU

Report: Ex-Fox News producer gets 10 years for child porn

Making It In America: A Key Progressive Objective

U.S. Report On Terrorism Detainees Delayed 6 Months

Tancredo Tells Young Conservatives to Halt All Immigration

Christ's Teachings v. US Health Care

Progress and Challenges in India Trip

Middle East atomic conflict would kill tens of millions: report

Bible predicts: Israel to nab Russian, Iranian nukes

'A Whole 1:Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic'

'A Whole 2:Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic'

ATF to Montana: 'You will respect our authoritah!'

savethemales.ca - Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals

Nothing New Under the Sun: The Link between Native Spirituality and the Occult by Jenn Doucette | Food for the Soul

Tires made from trees -- better, cheaper, more fuel efficient

DNA of ancient lost barley could help modern crops cope with water stress

Obama: No time for delay on health care

Charges dropped against black Harvard scholar

Obama's health care push met with pushback

U.S. Worried Over Myanmar-N. Korea Arms Links

Clinton: U.S. Wary of Growing Burmese, North Korean Military Cooperation

Joe Jackson denies abusing Michael

Taliban suicide bombers kill 14 in Afghan cities

Summers Urges Banks to Lend More, Says Recovery Pace in Doubt'

In One Afghan Province, Votes for President Could Turn on Loss of Poppy Income

Venezuela's anti-drug efforts fall short, U.S. says

After (R) Mike Castle shoots down Birther, Lou Dobbs Raises Questions About Obama's Birth Certificate

Even Tom Arnold Can Out-Think Sean Hannity and Other Republicans

House GOP Promotes Tiahrt's Offensive Abortion Comment About President Obama's Mother

Glenn Beck says that Obama is one 'Dangerous guy' while Bolton remains optimistic about his failure

Bill Kristol imparts his advice to fellow Republicans on health care: 'Go for the Kill'

Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) Issues Challenge For Debate To Prove We're A Judeo-Christian Nation

In Second Life, From Predatory Lenders To Scam Artists

President Obama's Conference Call with Liberal Bloggers: John Amato asks Congress to work through the August recess

Orrin Hatch cries about the lack of bipartisanship while Rangel says God only knows what the Republicans are doing

Gupta and Blunt Lament the Insurance Industry Being Put Out of Business

McConnell: Americans Don't Go Without Health Care Because Doctors and Hospitals Are Sworn to Provide It

ESPN Reporter Secretly Videotaped Nude in Hotel

No Bidders for Watergate Hotel

Freddie Mac Names New Top Executive

Giant "Scar" on Jupiter Spotted by Amateur Stargazer

World's First Camel-Milk Chocolates Going Global

Harry Potter Actor Sentenced to Community Service

Only Rich Britons Can Get Professional Jobs: Report

A Bill Moyers Essay on the Influence of Money on the Health Care Debate

Talking heads ignore Friday's late night CBO score on the House bill

Michele Norris is in Bizarro-Land when she talks about Health Care

FOX News Ralph Peters basically says the Taliban should excute our captured soldier

Sen. Judd Gregg Claims There Are 20 Million Young People Making $75,000 Or More And Spending $ On Things Other Than Health Care

Racism: glorified hyperbole in America

Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11

Putin Rebukes Zionist America & Obama | Real Zionist News

Voices That Cannot Be Silenced


Devvy Kidd -- GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor's Criminal Activities

Cryptomundo » New Ogopogo Sighting

Akiva Eldar / What Netanyahu wants from Obama's 'self-hating Jews' - Haaretz - Israel News

*Mysterious Links between Socialism, Zionism and Satanism by Andre Garcia

Judge Sonia Sotomayor Denied My Appeal and I Spent 16 Years in Prison For a Crime I Didn't Commit | | AlterNet

Unite Against Hate Law Tyranny!

The great tea break - Asia, World - The Independent

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US agrees sales of weapons to India

Kelly¿s former Iraq aide joins call for inquiry | Mail Online

Doctor faces sack for refusing to back gay adoptions - Telegraph

Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

John Reid, Marxism, Abortion and The Fourth Commandment - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

I was abused by caretaker, says Galloway - Times Online

Paedophile wins damages in case that could cost taxpayers £20,000 | Mail Online

Gambling with peace: how US bingo dollars are funding Israeli settlements | World news | The Guardian

*[Video] Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs oligarchy

Why The Bankers Love The Left

*How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Lies. Alchemical Kubrick II

Retired general, lieutenant colonel join reservist’s lawsuit over Obama's birth status - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

Potential Neuropoison Could Be in Our Food | Wired Science | Wired.com

YouTube - The CIA and Dick Cheney

Woman charged with possession of child pornography for Taking photos of herself breastfeeding!

YouTube - The World's First Bionic Burger

YouTube - Dr. Orly Taitz and Major Cook.

Undermining Human Nature: Mass Media & Eugenics

*Highlights of Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson before Congress

The Carbon Cap: The Newest Form of Taxation

Flashback: Investigative Reporter Seymour Hersh Describes ‘Executive Assassination Ring'

Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population Control Proposals

Holdren & Company: The Neo-Malthusian School

Obama’s Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families

John Holdren, Ideological Environmentalist - Forbes.com

Video: Holdren On Geoengineering

CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto's assassination

Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs gang are ’scum’ who have co-opted U.S. gov’t

An Important Political Message From Peter Schiff

Bernanke says Fed audit would be 'takeover' by Congress, trigger economic collapse

The Democrats' Selective Amnesia on Assassination: Clinton Did It and Obama Does It Too

Obama's Fix-It Plans

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Government Gone Mad

Obama's Sotomayor: No "Lady Justice"

Revolution at your Fingertips!

5 Steps to Better Health Care

Socialized Medicine, By Any Other Name

The Nature of Censorship

Taking Liberty: Government, Political Activism, and the State of the Free State Project

Government 'counselors' on end of life treatment

Cynthia Tucker: Sotomayor opponents are racist

Is the Incredible Shrinking Economy Helping Obama?

Obama Care bill committee vote delayed

Obama's Full-figured Surgeon-General Pick Object of Media Scorn

Congressional Double Dribble

Khamenei warns opposition of their 'collapse'

Like a Wolf Overtaking His Prey - Radical Islam on Our Doorstep

Taxpayers: Eat your hearts out, suckers

Racial Preferences in the Democrats' Health Care Bill

For Mature Audiences Only

Recipe for Economic Stagnation

Not Obama's Czars but his Commissars

Hillary and Barack: Can this relationship be saved?

One-Way Free Speech

Ron Paul: Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Calls To Audit The Fed

Alex Jones: America is a nation of crack-whore, brain-damaged prostitutes – can we ever recover?

Audit Will Expose Fed

Czar 54, Who Are You?

Towards a Global Currency?

Bernanke: Fed Can Handle Expanded Role For Economy - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile

Police given powers to enter homes and tear down anti-Olympics posters during Games | Mail Online

“Blogs Are Best at Debunking Myths That Can Slip Through a Lot of the Traditional Media Outlets”

Obama Nominates Goldman Sachs Executive for State Department’s Undersecretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs

CAIR Seeks TSA Probe of 'Humiliating' Search of Muslim Traveler

A Drug-Dispensing Contact Lens

Abortion and Healthcare: Randall Terry, Director, Operation Rescue Insurrecta Nex. -- Which Catholics Will Refuse to Pay Taxes? Will the Words of John Paul II Be Heeded?

Feds Prepare To Tax Toilet Paper In Name Of Climate Change

1973 Document Outlines Blueprint for ‘Family Planning’ Propaganda

Obama To Attend North American Union Meeting

Kwiatkowski: “Operation in Afghanistan is rooted in Israel”

Rand Paul for Senate

CNSNews.com - Sotomayor Would Not Concede a Right to Self-Defense

Predictive Programming? Euthanasia, Sterilization in 1971 Movie

Agencies to set up mass swine flu vaccinations

Tighter border hurts economy, officials say | Spokesman.com | Jul 14, 2009

How They Lie About Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo

Capitalism as Drama by Jeffrey A. Tucker

The US Has No Business Being in the Murder Business by Eric Margolis

The Technique of a Coup d'État by John Laughland

Healthcare Is a Good, Not a Right by Ron Paul

The Face in the Mirror by Tom Engelhardt

Keep invested in commodities: Jim Rogers | 20 July 2009 | www.commodityonline.com

Ted Kennedy: Forty Years after Chappaquiddick - HUMAN EVENTS

Why we say yes to drugs | Salon Books

Why girls go in twos and boys hunt in packs - Times Online

Finding your own freedom by Claire Wolfe 93

**pdf :The Apollo Hoax Hoax

TheHill.com:Obama to lobby Energy and Commerce Dems

Senior Democrat says no consensus on health bill

Healthcare battle 'isn't about me': Obama

Store owner: Monkey caught on tape burglarizing business | ksdk.com | St. Louis, MO

This Ain't No Monkey Business!

Democrats challenge Obama signing statement

Critics Slam Overweight Surgeon General Pick, Regina Benjamin

Chinese Web sites close amid tightening controls - Yahoo! News

U.S. withheld data on risks of distracted driving

Phone rage leads to arrest here for Ohio man - STLtoday.com

Is this the world's most crowded swimming pool? Thousands try to escape China's scorching heatwave | Mail Online

Morning Bell: Obama Admits He’s “Not Familiar” With House Bill » The Foundry

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama "Not Familiar" With Key Provision In Health Care Bill

White House misses deadline on spending cuts report - CNN.com

RNC chairman: Obama's health care is socialism

FT.com / Companies / Pharmaceuticals - Drug groups to reap swine-flu billions

FT.com / US / Economy & Fed - US state budgets hit by shrinking tax take

Reuters AlertNet - Toilet back in service on crowded space station

CNN Political Ticker: Maloney apologizes for using N word « - Blogs from CNN.com

Israeli officials halt distribution of booklet alleging Vatican support for Hezbollah

Hamas, Fatah: US wants Palestinians to abandon right of return

Why is South Africa still helping apartheid Israel?

West ignores lessons of Soviet humiliation in Afghanistan - Times Online

US to Increase Army by 22,000 -- News from Antiwar.com

Clinton Rules Out Military Junta in Pakistan -- News from Antiwar.com


The Ostroy Report: Hey Republicans, Can You Answer These Questions Truthfully About the "Obama Economy?"

Congress' Wall Street Investigators Will Have Teeth But They Won't Investigate Congress


Bernie Madoff A Hero In Jail For Not Ratting Out Accomplices

Doctor's Orders ;Want Treatment? Just Sign This No-Complaint Contract . . .

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers Printing Money is not the Solution

kenny's sideshow: Banker/Government Theft Could Reach $23 Trillion?

First Lady Steps Into Policy Spotlight in Debate on Health Care | HeraldTribune.com | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida's Information Leader

Area Wide News - The Global Warming Hoax

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill

Jon Stewart Exposes The Goldman Bailout And Profit Mirage (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis

World Prout Assembly: The Shadow Money Lenders: The Real Significance of The Fed's Zero-Interest-Rate Policy (ZIRP): The Battle To Save The Fiat Money System Has Begun

RealClimate Now Ponders: Why No Warming? « PA Pundits – International

YouTube - The Muppet Show - Pigs in Space: The End of the Universe

Apollo 11 on the sea of tranquility - SINA English

UNObserver :Peltier Eligible for Parole

Moonwalkers; Reflections from Sterling, Diamandis and more

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Wanye Madsen: ‘Swine flu virus began life in lab’

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Dennis Kucinich: Can You Tell Me How The Secretary Of Treasury Can Ignore Illegal Acts?

Faked moon landings, creationists, and 9-11 truthers

Washington's Blog: Leading Journalist Confirms that Government Could Take Over the Power of Money-Creation for the Public Good

China's Manufacturing Jobs Surged As American Jobs Disappeared - Democratic Underground

Washington's Blog:Treasury: We Can't Tell You Where Bailout Money Went, Because "Money Given to a Bank is Like Water Poured into an Ocean"

*US CODE: Title 12,250. Independence of financial regulatory agencies

YouTube - Fox News Military Pundit Calls Bowe Bergdahl "A Liar"

Walter Cronkite: Definitional Journalist Saw Big Media's Flaws - Yahoo! News

1000 Page Healthcare Bill a Job Killer, Threat to Small Business - NO ONE wins! | bytestyle.tv

The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies - Times Online

Obamacare: A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hospital Chains

Obama Renews Health Care Push

US Senate votes to stop production of F-22 jet

California lawmakers start pitching deficit plan

Ailing Sen. Byrd Returns to the Senate

Sotomayor hearings: Perry Mason popular with other lawyers, too

Senate Democrats Confident Sotomayor Will Be Confirmed Soon

Panel delays Sotomayor vote as GOP support grows

'Political Intervention` Threatens Auto Revamp

Obama auto task force warns against dealer plan

McCain apologizes to Jackson Browne for using really old song

US releases new credit rating rules to curb power

US Treasury Proposes Tighter Oversight of Credit-Rating Firms

Chicago Cemetery Whistleblower: Job Was Threatened

House Panel Slows Timetable on Consumer Agency

Frank Postpones Mark Up of Consumer Agency Measure

Senate Democrats Battle Concealed Weapons Amendment

Does Thune amendment treat a right like a privilege?

Murder of Sleeping Seattle Women Leaves Neighborhood Shaken

Kirk's Senate bid a crusade against Illinois corruption

Sex Degrees of Separation: The Fight for Barack Obama's US Senate seat

Dick Cheney: the nation's best protected author

'Sarah Palin Is Stepping Down'

The Real Story Behind Palin's Bombshell

NJ police officer dies from shootout wounds

Georgia seeking US monitors on conflict lines

Europe raises pressure on Israel to stop settlements

Taliban claims responsibility for new wave of attacks in Afghanistan

China eagerly prepares for a rare total solar eclipse

Listening to India

Indonesia Tracks Bombers' Identities

Silvio Berlusconi sex scandal deepens with latest audio tape

New Silvio Berlusconi tape deepens scandal

Arrests at new Iranian protests

Japan PM urges voters to say no to change

Sri Lanka welcomes IMF bailout

ACLU, Republicans Slam President For Delayed Report On Guantanamo

Mumbai gunman describes indoctrination in Pakistan

Clinton leans harder on Honduran president

China to allow 2700 Muslims to visit Mecca: report

China Blames Separatists for Deadly Xinjiang Riots

UN experts offer Russia help in probing rights activist murder

Man Tasered by police bursts into flames in Australia

Treasurys Rally As Bernanke Signals To Keep Rates Low

Inside the Meltdown: Financial Ruin and the Race to Contain It

US STOCKS-Wall Street slides on caution, Bernanke testimony

Lawmakers Say Treasury Keeping Taxpayers in Dark on Bank Rescue

US Treasury Criticized Sharply On Watchdog Report

Yahoo's New Home Page Trumps My Yahoo, iGoogle Pages in Simplicity

10 Reasons Why Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was Awesome

Apollo 11: The Last Generation?

Astronomers study 'gargantuan' Jupiter impact

E-Readers Could Spell the End of Bookstores, or a New beginning

Space station astronauts use robot arm, go Twitter

EU Regulators Might Want A Piece of Google Too

Jackson Family Challenges 2002 Will, Denies Abuse Accusations

Talking Points

Does Paula Abdul help or hurt Emmy chances for 'American Idol'?

Deals Close on Michael Jackson's Concert Video, Custody of Children

Ryan O'Neal opens up about Fawcett's final hours

Obama Renews Health Care Push

NHS 'facing huge flu challenge'

FDA Approves Influenza Vaccine for 2009-2010 Season

Health Insurance Lobby Spins Data in Reform Battle

Embryonic-like cells repair damaged mouse hearts

VOA News - Human Rights Groups Give Cautious Backing to New ASEAN Rights Commission

In health care, agency on track for oversized role

'Do no harm' in healthcare costs

EXCLUSIVE: Inhofe weary of administration apologies - Washington Times

Michael Savage: I'm still banned

Alan Johnson ditches Jacqui Smith's least-wanted list as a 'blunder' | Mail Online

Jacqui Smith: I wasn't up to being Home Secretary - mirror.co.uk

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / India - India rebuffs US carbon demands

Commerce Secretary: Americans ‘Need to Pay’ for Chinese Emissions - Environmental Capital - WSJ

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind

Hizb Ut-Tahrir: Shariah Takes Precedence over U.S. Constitution: Imam Promises to Fight "Until Islam Becomes Victorious or We Die in the Attempt" :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

CNSNews.com - Okay for People With HIV and AIDS to Be Barbers, Cosmetologists, Home Health Care Aides

Health Care and Taxes, 10 Worst States for the Rich - ABC News

Protesters Gather Outside Islamic Conference Near Chicago - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Democrats' New Worry: Their Own Rich Voters - WSJ.com

Meet the real Walter Cronkite

Editorials: A different take on moon landing

Celebrity Culture vs. The Right Stuff

Strange New Air Force Facility Energizes Ionosphere, Fans Conspiracy Flames

Google Earth now brings you the moon

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, Cryptid and Extraterrestrial Events

Did great balls of fire form the planets? - space - 20 July 2009 - New Scientist

Is the Sun Missing Its Spots? - NYTimes.com

GAO: FDA Can't Determine How Much Money It Needs

Mosquito population increases

Smog lowers kids' IQs, even before they're born, shows New York study

News Video Highlights

YouTube - Health Care Reform Challenge

YouTube - California Reaches Budget Deal - Bloomberg

YouTube - Biden visit gives mixed signals?

YouTube - Another British soldier is killed in Afghanistan

YouTube - Record Solar Eclipse In India & China - Bloomberg

YouTube - Canada wildfires force thousands from their homes

YouTube - US move to close Guantanamo faces complications - 21 July 09

YouTube - Mumbai terror attack suspect confesses to 86 charges

YouTube - Provocation murder or murder by mistake?

YouTube - Bernanke Makes Opening Statements - Bloomberg

YouTube - CIT Bailout May Not Be Enough - Bloomberg

YouTube - Yahoo Debuts New Home Page - Bloomberg

YouTube - Magnificent Desolation Found on the Moon

YouTube - Raw Video: Space Station Gets a Porch

YouTube - Cronkite Anchors First Moonwalk

YouTube - Health Care Reform Challenge

YouTube - Chief Medical Officer on swine flu, schools and vaccination

YouTube - Stem cell heart treatment


*Transcripts:Secretary Sebelius and Leader McConnell on Health Care

Director Orszag and Senator Gregg on the Cost of Care

Rep. Rangel and Sen. Hatch Discuss Health Care

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Congress


*Politics; Video:Roland Martin Interviews President Obama

Sen. Hatch, Rep. Rangel On Paying For Health Care

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Health Care Reform

Orszag Argues Against Delaying Health Care

McConnell On Health Care, Stimulus, Taliban Video

Leahy Tells GOP "Stop The Racial Politics" On Sotomayor

Sebelius On Paying For Health Care

Secretary Clinton on Relations with India, North Korea

Rendell on Obama's Health Care Fight

Captured Solider Possibly A Deserter

CEO That Called Sen. Boxer "Racist" Explains Brawl On "O'Reilly"

NBC's Todd: Media Has "Created This Drama" Between Obama And Health Care

O'Reilly On Walter Cronkite And The Media

Obama Gaffe: Health Care Reform Would Bring "Inefficiencies" To System

Graham on Obama And Health Care: "I Think He'll Fail"

Whoopi Goldberg Entertains Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories

"Special Report" Panel On Clinton Apologizing For Global Warming

Obama Okay With Postponing Health Care Deadline By A "Few Days"

Gibbs: Obama's Approval Ratings "Pretty Darn Good"

Steele: Obama, Pelosi Want To Build "Colossal, Closed Health Care System"

Gingrich: Country Is On "Edge of Catastrophe"

Hillary: Indians Think Americans "Don't Wear Clothes" And "Fight"

Obama Responds To Health Care Criticism

Lieberman: Obama "Off To Good Start In Bad Times"

Steele: Obama's Plan Represents "Socialism"

RNC Launches Ad Campaign Trashing Obama's "Grand Experiment"

Clinton Likens North Korea To "Unruly Teenagers"

Clyburn On Health Care: "We Can Not Afford Not To Do This"

ABC's Tapper Explains Obama's Tanking Poll Numbers

Clinton "Satisfied" With Position At White House

Obama: "African Americans Are More Fundamentally Rooted In The American Experience"

Obama: Health Care Shouldn't Be Political

CNN Anchor: "CNN Only One Still Doing Journalism"

Man Tells Sebelius: "It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell Before He Socializes My Country"

Sotomayor Confirmation Delayed For A Week

Gov. Sanford Won't Explain Missing Wedding Ring

Obama On Health Care: Rich Will Sacrifice To Help "Community"

Sen. DeMint: Obama "Can't Back Up His Utopian Promises"

GOP's Shadegg: Steele Used "Pretty Strong Words"

Dem Congressman Mocked At Health Care Townhall

McCain On Second Stimulus: "I Wonder What They've Been Smoking"

Obama: Falling Poll Numbers Means "What We're Doing Is Hard"

Michael Steele on the GOP's Challenges

World ;Video:Captured U.S. Soldier Speaks

Hillary Clinton on India

Combating I.E.D.'s in Afghanistan

Riaz Muhammad Khan on American Foreign Policy

India, US Differ Over Climate Change

Georgian Aspirations for NATO Almost Dead

Jakarta Mourns Bomb Blast Victims

Gunman from Mumbai Attack Confesses

Clinton Finishes India Visit

Iran's Power Struggle

Vice President Biden Visits Ukraine

Taliban's Message for the US

Honduras Talks Break Down

Closing Guantanamo Easier Said Than Done

ASEAN Summit Kicks Off

Displaced Families Amidst Fighting in Somalia

Jakarta Bombings and US Intelligence Linked?

Examing Kasab's Sudden Confession

Millions Face Starvation in Horn of Africa

Concern Over Blogger Arrests in Azerbaijan

China Car Sales Rise Up to 48% in June

Brazil: Taking the Fight to the Drug Lords

Markets ;Video/Roubini: Economic Recovery is Going to Be Ugly

Should the Fed Begin Exit Strategy Now?

Fortress Investments Under Siege

The Rio Arrests: Poor Judgment by China?

They Still Grab Eyeballs...

Survey: U.S. Employers Against Obamacare

CIT's Deal With Bondholders

Yahoo, Microsoft Near Deal

Undervalued Financial Stocks

The Early Verdict on Ben Bernanke

Summers: 2010 Growth 'In Doubt,' Urges Banks to Lend More

Chinese-Style Monetary Policy Is Dangerous

CIT Surprise Rescue

Digging Deeper: Earnings vs. Revenues

Kudlow: What Kind of Recovery Is on the Way?

American Minute

American Minute for July 21st:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk Radio

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 17th With Bob Chapman

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 16th With Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 15th With Wayne Madsen

07/20 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***