"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

01 July 2009

1 July 09

-July 1 09-

Hardball: Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum Discusses His Recent Article on Sarah Palin

Francine Busby Fundraiser Raided By Police On False Complaint - Host Arrested, Guests Pepper Sprayed

Tortured Logic II: or How To Be Tortured To Death

Michael Scheuer on Fox: America's only hope is for another terrorist attack

The Alligator Gar Is One Ugly Fish, With Few Friends but New Fans - WSJ.com

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Dinosaur mummy yields its secrets

Climate change: Rising sea level to submerge Louisiana coastline by 2100, study warns | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Disorderly genius: How chaos drives the brain - life - 29 June 2009 - New Scientist

UFOMystic » Albert K. Bender Speech From 1967

Dreaming of Nonsense: The Evolutionary Enigma of Dream Content: Scientific American

No economic “green shoots” in world trade and transport

Latest study reveals larger-than-thought Chernobyl effects / MosNews.com

Energy bills 'too low' to combat climate change, Royal Society says | Environment | The Guardian

Opium crop haul just a hill of beans, admits MoD | World news | The Guardian

White House Prescription for Corporate Profits | AfterDowningStreet.org

The Ostroy Report: "That's Me, Al Franken"

Ex-CIA spy admits to kidnapping Muslim cleric

Murdoch CEO Labels Bloggers “Political Extremists”


Most complete Earth map published

Raw Story » Inflamed CNBC host calls bloggers ‘digital dickweeds’

World Of Technology: Being a vegetarian can cut your risk of cancer by a half, claim scientists

Truthdig - Reports - The Root of Madoff’s Evil

California's Empty Wallet: Turning Crisis into Opportunity

t r u t h o u t | Made of Lies

Five Minutes with Senator Norm Coleman (R-Minn.)

American's Journey: Jesse Ventura says CIA is Implanted in State Governments

Campaign For Liberty — The "American Clean Energy and Security" Rip-Off | by Peter Orvetti

Campaign For Liberty — Real ID: A Real Warning on the Danger of Government | by James Bovard

Michael Jackson gets more bizarre after death - Yahoo! Canada News

Lies, lies, lies! | Truth Spring

Paradise Valley Caught In $193k Ticket Fraud « CameraFRAUD.com – The Cameras are Coming Down

whatreallyhappened.com: No one is aware the propaganda machine is on

CIA mock-execution of Iran diplomat

Mr. Sunshine? Ron Paul Wins Support to Audit Fed Reserve - Political News - FOXNews.com

The "Magic Bomb" Theory

The reconstruction: 7/7 - What really happened? - Crime, UK - The Independent

The 7/7 London Bombings: al Qaeda's "Confession"

The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff on Cap & Trade Bill CNBC 26 June 2009

Scientists create first electronic quantum processor

Ahmadinejad Vows to Break Global Monopoly After Win Approved - Bloomberg.com

How To Build A Spy Bat - Forbes.com

The Raw Story | Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

Chilling echo of 1979 seizure - Times Online

States brace for shutdowns - Los Angeles Times

Climate Change Alarmist Claims Arrival of Summer Is Really Global Warming

The Truth Behind The Iraq “Sovereignty” Propaganda

Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic? - Science, News - The Independent

Let's Not Audit the Fed - Let's Give it MORE Power!

Oh Bummer: Memo to Hillary's science czar: organic ag isn't a 'myth'

YouTube - Audit the Fed Update

Beck guest Scheuer: "The only chance we have as a country right now is" for bin Laden to "detonate a major weapon" in U.S. | Media Matters for America

YouTube - Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009 (new clips with dates)

Russia Orders Flight Changes After “Magnetic Storm” Downs 2 Airliners, Leaves Nearly 400 Dead

US Reported In “Panic” After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria

Russia’s FSB Reports Pop Icon Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA

South Carolina Governor Appeals For Russian Help To Secede From United States

Population numbers bounce back in cities - USATODAY.com

FT.com / UK / Politics & policy - Policy retreat over identity cards

Ahmadinejad hails Iran vote, says enemy plots failed | International | Reuters

Calderon May Lose Mexico Congress in Mid-Tern Vote: Week Ahead - Bloomberg.com

Politics | Obama outmaneuvers Chávez over Honduras | Seattle Times Newspaper

China Manufacturing Expands a Fourth Month, PMI Shows - Bloomberg.com

The Betrayal » RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase

Cap and Trade Bill HR 2454 Will Lead to Capital Flight :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

Michael Jackson...A Human Being - Vid

Tribal Marxism For Dummies

YouTube - Gerald Celente speaks on Cap and Trade and other handicaps to the US economy

$2,000 for a Dead Afghan Child : Information Clearing House - ICH

If the canary is still singing, we’re okay

Social Security audit finds dead people getting checks | McClatchy

ECONOMY-US: Congress Pushing for Federal Reserve Audit

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - BP group wins Iraq oil contract

Summary Of Obama Financial Regulation Plan - WSJ.com

Saturate The Senate With Holder's Bungling!

Sotomayor Achilles' heel? Wrongly imprisoned man

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Occultic Wizard of Oz

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Fugate Meets Top Israeli Official To Discuss Emergency Management Issues

The Revolution That Killed Society

Mysterious circles shock locals in Russia’s South | SciTech from 2009-06-29 | RT

Iraq: the dirty “racket” of petro-politics > Iraq > Redress Information & Analysis

Goldman Sachs The Fourth Branch of the U.S. Government :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Bernanke is a Total Failure Unsuited for Role as Fed Chairman :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

The Great Bank Robbery: How the Federal Reserve is destroying America | Top Stories from 2009-06-30 | RT

'Deceit over cuts wil lead to riots', says David Cameron - Telegraph

Sharia Law in Britain | Denis MacEoin | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Mass school-shootings double in a decade, report shows - Telegraph

American gun lobby sets out to revive law of the Wild West saloon - Times Online

FT.com / US & Canada - Obama junks ‘global war on terror’ label

Nasa's Aster satellite map reveals 99% of Earth's land surface for first time | Mail Online

CIA has Distributed 400 Million Dollars Inside Iran to Evoke a Revolution « Pak Alert Press

EU threatens mass pullout of ambassadors from Tehran | World news | The Guardian

Stephen Hawking says 'disgraceful' EU tax ruling will hit the disabled - Telegraph

Email patterns can predict impending doom - tech - 22 June 2009 - New Scientist

Obama and Israel

Obama's withdrawal symptoms

Stossel on Socialized Medicine

Unbelievable: Obama asking states to lie when counting jobs 'saved or created' by stim bill

UN forms kangaroo court to investigate Israel

Socialized health care in Canada: "Free" for all, bad for all

Zbig: Amadinjehad is a 'Neocon'

Our Melting President

The ugly face of liberalism

Obama's True Colors Shine in Honduras

Islam's Victimization of Iran

The Squandered Emancipation of Iranian Women

Saving Democracy in the Honduran 'Coup'

Dancing to a new tune in Latin America

The GM Bankruptcy and the Supreme Court

Obama's Attraction to Human Rights Violators

Real vs. an authentic world

FDA and Acetaminophen

Reforming CalWorks SSI and Food Assistance Helps Everyone

Media Bias Continues

Socialism begets Authoritarianism

Francine Busby Fundraiser Raided By Police On False Complaint - Host Arrested, Guests Pepper Sprayed

Tortured Logic II: or How To Be Tortured To Death

Michael Scheuer on Fox: America's only hope is for another terrorist attack

Al Franken: I'm Ready to Work for All Minnesotans in the U.S. Senate

It's Not Your Imagination. It Really IS Much Harder to Get Hired During A Recession.

Rush Limbaugh compares Al Franken's win to the recount of Ahmadinejad votes in Iran

Shocker! Scalia Sides With the Court Liberals, Says States Can Enforce Own Banking Laws

Can we finally draw the curtain on Sarah Palin's mainstream GOP career? If only ...

Mark Sanford reveals he met with his mistress 7 times and calls her his "soul mate"

Norm Coleman concedes

Franken Wins! Minnesota high court rules to end recount -- but leaves Pawlenty an out

Popcorn time: Beck calls out the dogs on GOP's "Cap and Traitors"

Peggy Noonan: The Luckiest Thing Long Term That Could Happen to Obama is He Gets a Republican Congress

U.S. Troops Finally Withdraw From Iraqi Cities, Turn Security Over to Iraqis

Is Huckleberry the new GOP answer?

New 'Pecora Commission' being formed: Help Democratic Leaders 'Name the new panel'

Rush Limbaugh Makes Psycho Talk for Suggesting Obama May Be Catalyst for Sanford's Affair

Lobbyists Buying Votes?: Special Interests' Impact on Health Care Reform

The Associated Press: Source: Suspected NKorean ship changes course

Suspected North Korea arms ship changes course | Reuters

My Way News - Honduran coup leader to AP: Zelaya won't return

Zelaya accused of drug ties - Yahoo! News

Iran's president says enemies' 'soft overthrow' failed - Los Angeles Times

Federal agents hunt for guns one house at a time | Front page | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Jackson wake planned for Neverland: reports

AP sources: Group sends Sotomayor docs to Senate - Yahoo! News

Pentagon mulls easing 'don't ask, don't tell' law: Gates

State-by-state list of obesity rates, rankings - Yahoo! Asia News

Qaeda warns France of revenge for burka stance

My Way News - States work to stave off government shutdowns

More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

Social Security audit finds dead people getting checks | McClatchy

Clinton urged Obama to talk tough on Iran - Washington Times

Fuel tax could be replaced with by-the-mile road tax | McClatchy

Rep. Kaptur gets $3.5 billion sweetener in climate bill - Washington Times

Troubled supermodel Karen Mulder arrested after 'threatening to attack plastic surgeon' | Mail Online

The Dog Flu Virus: Are You or Your Pet at Risk? - Consults Blog - NYTimes.com

07-01-2009: 1,500 National Guard Troops To Border

Aldrin Creates Buzz Opposing NASA Moon Plan

Color-code terror alerts remain in force

06-30-2009: Preparing for WWIII: British declassify the 'War Book', a secret doomsday planning manual

06-30-2009: Enforcing anti-hate laws more problematic in Internet age

06-30-2009: Oregon Legalizes Hemp

Stanford Team Re-Engineering Brain Cells to be Controlled by Lasers

Next Segment of the Housing Market to Crash: $1+ Million McMansions

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

The Emperor’s Seven Signing Statements

Debasing the Currency is Leading to Financial Collapse . . . Just As It Has for Thousands of Years

Iraq's "National Sovereignty Day" is U.S.-Style Hallmark Hype

The Rise, Repression and Uncertain Future of the Coup

Another US Destabilization Operation

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa on Global Capitalism

Propaganda in Children's TV: Arthur - 'FurMasons' Created and Control the 'Sock Market' to Steal Peoples 'Socks' so that Humans Must Work Endlessly To Buy More

Emergency Broadcast: New World Order Ahead

Flashback of Anti-NWO activism

DoD Terrorism Test, Can you Pass?

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Pentagon Rebrands Protest as "Low-Level Terrorism"

DoD Training Manual: Protests are "Low-Level Terrorism"

Color Revolutions, Old and New

Obama’s Czars “R” US!

Can credit default swaps be abolished?

US sends ammunition and guns to Somalia

No reason to favor private health insurers

Iraq war: Not another whitewash, please!

Illusory return to economic normalcy

Cap and trade or distance tariffs?

Gun control: What is the agenda?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

video - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

Obama Administration Not Ruling Out Tax on Health Care Benefits

ICE and ATF to Share Intelligence to Stem Flow of Guns and Drugs Between U.S. and Mexico

Last-Minute Amendment to Cap-and-Trade Bill Includes Indecipherable Provisions for ‘Cental Procurement States”

Democrats’ Cap-and-Trade Bill Creates ‘Retrofit’ Policy for Homes and Businesses

Iraqis Now Responsible for Their Own Security As U.S. Troops Pull Back

Planned Parenthood’s Animated Cartoon Advises Teens on Benefits of ‘Sex Play’ and ‘Outercourse’

SEC May Require TARP Firms to Let Shareholders Vote on Executive Pay

Defense Secretary Gates Seeking Ways to Get Around Law Barring Homosexuals in Military

Obama White House Will Not Appeal Transgender Ruling

Islamic Group Backs Tehran, Slams Foreign ‘Interference’

Justice Department: U.S. Border ‘Underprotected,’ ‘Easily Breached’

Administration Sends Congress Legislation Creating Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Protection Sought for Giant, Spitting Worms

Gov't Won't Fund GM after July 10, Official Says

Freddie Mac Gets Another $6.1B from Gov't

Arizona Senate OKs Immigration Enforcement Bill

Palin Says She’d Have ‘More Endurance’ in Run Against Obama

Husband and Wife Sentenced for Dealing Porn Depicting Rape, Murder

Jackson Begged for Powerful Sedative Days Before Death, Nurse Says

Teenage Girl Clung to Plane Wreckage for 13 Hours

Who Railroaded the Amtrak Inspector General?

Obama’s One-World, America-Last Government

The End Is Near

Bernie Madoff and the real crimes.

Dr. Tim Ball Discusses Climate Change on the Alex Jones Show 6/30/2009

Executive Compensation Transparency: SEC Unanimously Votes For New Rules

Government Cracking Down On Get-Rich-Quick Scams

Sears Tower Opens Glass Ledge On 103rd Floor

America's Matrix

CBS News Blows The Doors Off Of This 'Sex' Stuff We Keep Hearing About

Twitter "Uncomfortable With The Use Of The Word Tweet" In Third-Party Application

Organics Get Credibility with New Federal Standards

Dr. Bronner's Ups Ante in Lawsuit Against 'Organic' Personal Care Cheaters

EPA releases list of high-risk coal-ash sites

Getting to "Yes" in Iraq

New Chapter for U.S.-Korea Alliance

Rule Number One: Always Blame China, then Russia

The U.S. Military is Going Green

Devvy Kidd -- Cap and Trade rape passed -- What must be done NEXT

The Great Spiritual Separation! - Last Trumpet Newsletter - July 2009

Ethiopian church speaks out on Ark of the Covenant

1,500-Year-Old Hidden Record Of Christ's Words - Forbes.com

Schwarzenegger Administration Sued for Allowing Health Insurance Companies to Deny Autism Care

Attorney General Appoints New Chief Immigration Judge

'Sharing Miracles' Television Program to Feature Legendary Rapper and Popular Actor Ice-T

Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption's Wendy's Wonderful Kids Program Reaches 1,000 Adoptions

U.S. Diesel Supply Reaches 16-Year High as Goods Orders Slip: Chart of Day

Iran opposition leader calls election illegitimate

Jackson's will cuts out ex-wife Rowe

Iran frees all but 1 British Embassy detainee

Government moves to staunch massive Medicare fraud

Yemenia planes could see EU ban after Comoros crash

Police Identify One Gunman in Detroit Bus Stop Shooting

Faulty Highway Conditions Contribute to Half of Fatal Auto Accidents

Mousavi: Iran Election Illegitimate

Single black women choosing to adopt

Iranian election protesters refuse to give up but change tactics

NYPD: High-rises need better security

Missing Wash. Girl's Mom: She's Alive but Out of Area

French officials: Black boxes from Comoros crash not found

Child Dies After Being Strangled by Pet Python in Florida

Arms control tops U.S.-Russian agenda

Ousted Honduran President Plans Return But Future Is Unclear

Germany to ax Nazi treason convictions

Experts: Opposition movement in Iran not over

Iranian Opposition Candidates Deem New Government Illegitimate

Europe Weighs Withdrawing Ambassadors From Tehran

Bauer, Sanford's Lieutenant Governor in South Carolina, Draws New Attention

Exclusive: ABC News Sits Down With Honduras' New 'President'

About Al Franken

FEMA, Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command Partner for Martial Law

GOA Applauds Call to Action on Judge Sotomayor from NRA’s Past President

Voluminous Research Proves Vaccines are Deadly

Attack Helicopter “Flyover” On Fourth of July

‘The Conduit’ is latest video game to reference the ‘New World Order’

UK ID Card Scheme Has Not Been Defeated

Fox News : The Only Thing That Can Save America Now Is For Al Qaeda To Nuke Our Cities

BBC 7/7 “Documentary”: Just a hitpiece, or something more sinister?

Pirates of the Mediterranean

Cap and Trade Equals Fraud and Tax

Inconvenient Truth: EPA Researcher Talks About Shelving of Report That Questioned Global Warming Science

U.N. team begins inquiry into Bhutto's killing - Yahoo! News UK

BBC NEWS | Africa | Rwanda denies sterilisation plans

US remains silent over McKinney arrest by Israel

*audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 29th With Emily Apple

*audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 30th With Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag

Colorado delegation needs to take up immigration reform

Call to action: Immigration reform must start this summer

Arizona House rejects immigration enforcement bill

Restaurant Chain Owner Pleads Guilty To Hiring Illegal Immigrants

ICE launches workplace immigration crackdown

California is closer to ending illegal "Anchor Baby" births

Feds: American Apparel Hires Illegal Workers

1800 American Apparel workers may be ineligible

Illegal immigration costly to nation

A sad day for Utah

Schumacher-Matos: Health reform must cover all Americans

The Obama Mess and the Way Out

Political Program for a New Third Party of the Political Right

Immigration and the job market

IMMIGRATION: Signature-gathering begins for birth certificate initiative : North County Times - Californian 07-01-2009

The FEC's Stifled Enforcement and the Immigration Courts' Backlog

Obama appears set to militarize US -Mexico border

New Republican group woos Latinos

President Obama's rigged Census--Part II

Hawaii senator helps bank he founded get aid - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Viva Honduras! Viva la revolucion!


SFGate: Politics Blog : Enemy of my enemy is my ... enemy?

'Go after ACORN,' judge says - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Tweens Starving for Perfection - The Early Show - CBS News

The Associated Press: AP source: Guard to seek volunteers for border

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Pensioner Batters Burglar In Oxfordshire: Gregory McCalium Jailed For Four And A Half Years | UK News | Sky News

Former lightweight champion, Managua mayor Alexis Arguello found dead at his home - Los Angeles Times

Al Franken (D-ACORN) Heads to the Senate

YouTube’s ‘How To’ on Citizen Journalism Filled With Lefty Media Types, No Conserv

ABC: The All-Barack Channel

“Domestic Terrorists” Gear Up For July 4th Tea Parties

Comradeship: Obama Adopts the Communist Party’s Position on Honduras

Obama: Becoming more and more like a Canadian

Obama Supports Honduran Dictator

Donald Trump: OPEC is ‘Sucking the blood out of the country’

Waxman-Markey’s chances in the Senate

Obama Reinvents The Lightbulb

Judge Urges Prosecutors to Pursue ACORN

A Prophetic Perspective From 1975

Domestic Terrorism: Sabotage and the Saboteur

Faith Based Business Goes Global During Recession and Finds Success on Facebook

Homeland Security: Report Released Regarding Infrastructure Protection

How ABC Stacked the Deck for Obama

A Secret History of Dissent in the All-Volunteer Military by Tom Engelhardt and Dahr Jamail

On Giving Goldman a Chance by Matt Taibbi

Krugman's Truth Treason by Stefan M.I. Karlsson

Meltdown Reveals Causes of Housing Bust by Bill Haynes

Obamageddon – 2012 by Gerald Celente

Packing & the Friendly Skies by Deviant Ollam

Shredding Your Safety Nets

Marc Faber: Inflation will come, but you still want to be in stocks -- GuruFocus.com


The Narcissism Revolution

10 Best Prison Breaks

YouTube - "'Charlie Rose' by Samuel Beckett"

Howard Hughes and the atomic bomb - Los Angeles Times

Missing Moon-Landing Videotapes May Have Been Found - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

World Net Daily Player - $71,000 energy tax coming for consumers

After Unexpected Death, What Will Be the Fate of Billy Mays' Ads? - Advertising Age - News

When Billy Mays shouted it, people believed - CNN.com

They, like Billy Mays, pitch, bewitch, sell scads of gadgets - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

We'll Need to Raise Taxes Soon - WSJ.com

New rules would stop short of CEO pay caps

Administration sends Congress consumer legislation - Yahoo! News

Central banks seek rankings for financial products - Yahoo! Finance

Obama's America-last government

The case against Sotomayor

Who's to blame? Passive pastors

Monster Mugabe's terror

Politics, money and sex

Why a Bill of Rights?

The realities of Israel's history

Massachusetts: A model not to copy

Republican traitors bow for Obama's 30 pieces of silver

High court ignores the greater good :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson

America's money-grubbing, racial extortionists

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The Brevity Act: Time for a 28th Amendment

America's Biggest Megachurches - Forbes.com

Parties spar over how Obama's doing - Washington Times

Censorship of the web is futile, says Google CEO - Telegraph

The stunning new technology that allows parents to hold a life-size model of their unborn child | Mail Online

Would-be parents advised to have sex daily to improve sperm quality - Times Online

World Net Daily Player - Innocent man to senators: Ask Sotomayor about case

flashback - 24 June -EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

EPA May Have Suppressed Report Skeptical Of Global Warming - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

media - Farah on lost Ark, lost birth certificate

World Net Daily Player - Congressman: Iraqis ready to take off training wheels

He's back! Guess who's coming to tea parties

Rasmussen Reports: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

Obama tossing middle income earners to tax wolves

Some 9/11 hijackers would still get through - Telegraph

Jackson/Rowe Not the Biological Parents | TMZ.com

Jackson Left His Father Out of Most Recent Will - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Israeli government 'under assault' from U.S.

World Net Daily Player - Does firefighters case signal end of affirmative action?

World Net Daily Player - NAACP: Supremes don't get history of discrimination

'Not a single Jewish home without Obama's OK'

'Peace partner' boasts of more terrorism than Hamas

Who's to blame? Passive pastors

Conyers supported project linked to wife - Washington Times

Doctors rebel at government prayer limits

Planned Parenthood shuts doors on 7 clinics

House support for Fed audit plan swells

Tulsa World: Inhofe says climate change bill will be 'dead in the water' in Senate

Cap and trade Congress

eBay warns buyers off $1 mil 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Obama secrecy could prevent recognition of birthplace

Lawyer notifying president of lawsuit

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

What's the difference?

See how government 'fixed' hazards of infectious waste

Sarah Palin trashed by members of John McCain's campaign team in Vanity Fair

Judge to law enforcement: Go get ACORN

Obama lauds troop withdrawal - Washington Times

Nothing so shocking about this coup - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., Chairman, House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Becoming Post Racial

Op-Ed Columnist - Just Do It - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Let's Do Something -- Anything

No climate debate? Yes, there is - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - GOP: Stand Your Ground

The Fretting Over Health Care Reform | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - "Better" Health Care?

Health Care Deform

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Statist Ambitions

Obama's left flank - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Learn from France -- and consider banning the burka

Editorial - Climate in the Senate - NYTimes.com

TheHill.com - Another vote for card-check bill

John McCain, Russ Feingold reunite to block Barack Obama's FEC pick - Kenneth P. Vogel and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

GOP: EPA hid global warming memo - Washington Times

EPA lets state get tougher on new vehicles

GOP: EPA hid global warming memo - Washington Times

Conservative Ire Rains on 8 Republicans Who Voted for House Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

Chaos and arm-twisting gives Nancy Pelosi a major win - Patrick O'Connor and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

White House Pushes To Keep Visitor Logs Private : NPR

Iran's fading protests: The regime digs in | The Economist

The Wages of Chavismo - WSJ.com

Asia Times Online - Obama faces a Persian rebuff

RealClearWorld - Busting Myths in the Middle East

Very constitutional coup - Washington Times

North Korea’s Terror | The New Ledger

RealClearWorld - America Surrenders

Sovereign power -Times Online

Iraq presents U.S. with a paradox - The Globe and Mail

United front against North Korea | The Japan Times Online

Scenes from a Withdrawal - By Graeme Wood | Foreign Policy

Democrats' Senate Supermajority Not as Strong as Advertised

Call for Sanford resignation grows louder in South Carolina

Obama talking healthcare reform in Virginia

Rep. Henry Waxman hospitalized

Online Tool Will Track US Tech Spending

Palin Story Sparks GOP Family Feud

Commentary: Franken victory is not funny

Police Identify One Gunman in Detroit Bus Stop Shooting

As Law Expires, Bloomberg Moves to Keep Authority Over Schools

The Madness of Monica Conyers

Magazine Preview Who Can Possibly Govern California?

The Cabinet's Road Trips Go Rural

Corzine campaign getting early visit from Obama

Wal-Mart's Health Scare

Pending home sales inch up in US, West

SEC to Propose Pay-Disclosure Rules

OIL FUTURES: Crude Sheds Gains After Products Stocks Grow

Fannie, Freddie to Refinance Larger Underwater Loans

American adults getting fatter

FDA May Restrict Acetaminophen

Human heart master cells identified

Advocates Press to Keep Health-Care Public Option Alive

Kennedy Seeks Public Health-Care Plan That Finances Itself

Bone Proteins Costly In Surgery, Study Says

Government moves to staunch massive Medicare fraud

Plane from Chicago makes emergency landing

Jackson's will leaves estate to family trust, kids to his mother

Could 'Public Enemies' be on Oscars' hit list?

David Cook Remembers Michael Jackson, The Global Icon

Michael Jackson will not be buried at Neverland ranch

Ryan O'Neal's Ring Finger Leaves Lingering Questions

Inside Story: How Billy Mays Became a Star

Paramount said to be in talks with Sony and Fox

Family discussing Jackson tribute show: promoter

Wilco's latest is a graceful note

Celebrity death rumors spread online

US government gives IT spending data some Flash

Microsoft's Bing Scratches Out 1% Market-Share Gain

Joost Unplugs Web TV Service, Concentrates on Selling Tech

NASA Tests Space Shuttle's Leaky Fuel Tank

Google: Spammers Regroup After ISP Takedowns

Solar orbiter Ulysses ends mission after 18 years

Dinosaur mummy yields organic molecules

Ousted Honduran President Travels to Panama

Iran's Reformist Leader Calls Election Illegitimate

Brown: Iran Using Britain as Scapegoat for Political Unrest

Iraq Rejects New Foreign Oil Bids

Iraqi politicians of all stripes laud US pullout

Pakistanis turn on Taliban, but resent US -poll

Croatia PM quits, hints at EU frustration

World Food Program Reports Difficulties in North Korea

Sweden kicks off EU presidency with focus on climate change

Freight Train Derailment and Explosion Kill 17 in Italy

Lula promises to help Africa achieve a 'green revolution'

France's Sarkozy laments 'totally inhuman' job

Russians cool towards Obama visit

Amnesty indicts both Israel and Hamas

How the Great Train Robbery unfolded

Cleric: Muslims should visit Jerusalem

Albania's ruling party claims election victory

North Korean 'weapons to Burma' ship tracked by US

Job Losses Lessen, but Recovery Remains Far Off - BusinessWeek

Pushing on a string

Jenkins: Too Bernanke To Fail? - WSJ.com

A China Stock Bubble? IPO Mania Dangerous in Recession - TIME

Don't get clobbered by inflation -- MSN Money

IBDeditorials.com: - Taxes Or Growth?


RealClearMarkets - Government Will Control Medical Costs?

What Ruth Madoff Didn’t Say at Emac’s Stock Watch | Fox Business

Madoff Victims, Get Over It - Executive Suite Blog - NYTimes.com

Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Can the Fed raise rates earlier than expected? | Blogs |

Trickle-Down Economics Fails to Deliver as Promised - Real Time Economics - WSJ


RealClearWorld - Speech to U.S. CENTCOM Gulf States Chiefs of Defense

RealClearWorld - Speech to the Permanent Representatives of the League of Arab States

RealClearWorld - Speech to George Washington University After Being Conferred Honorary Degree

RealClearWorld - Speech to Members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Obama's Remarks Recognizing LGBT Pride Month

Press Conference with Secretary Clinton

Analysts Discuss the Ricci Decision

Interview with the New Haven Firefighters

Roundtable on the Situation in Honduras

Guests: David Axelrod; Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham

Guests: Sec. Sebelius, Sen. McConnell, Gen. Odierno

Guests: David Axelrod and Senator Grassley

Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill

Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill


Analyst Defends Report on Global Warming

Franken Declared Winner In Minnesota Senate Race

Sen. Klobuchar on Franken's Victory

Former McCain Aides, Vanity Fair Trash Palin As "Ignorant"

Limbaugh Warns Of Third Obama Term

Dem Congressman Moran: Iran Won The Iraq War

Gibbs On Obama's "Approach" To Honduras Over Iran

Norm Coleman Concedes MN Senate Race

"Special Report" Panel On Franken

Obama: "Iraq's Future Is In The Hands Of Its Own People"

Hume On Franken Being Declared Winner: It Was "Inevitable"

Democrat: Moment Of Silence For Jackson Made Me "Nauseated"

Sen. Klobuchar Reacts To Franken's Win

Ahmadinejad Flees From University Students Chanting "Death To The Dictator"

Steele: Sanford Scandal "A Problem Of Leadership"

Sandy Berger On US Withdrawal From Iraq

Honduras' Zelaya Addresses UN; UN Demands Restoration

Olbermann, Rev. On GOP Hypocrisy Over Sanford Affair

Obama Asks Gays To Be Patient, Promises More Rights

Rev. Sharpton Tells Dancing Woman To "Turn It Around" At Apollo

Sanford Calls His Affair A Forbidden "Love Story"

Palin Challenges Obama To Race In "Runner's World" Interview

CBS, Helen Thomas Challenge Gibbs On "Controlled" Town Hall Meeting

Lieberman: "Public Option" A No Go In Senate

Sen. Klobuchar: There Will Be A Public Health Care Option

Newt Gingrich On Health Care Reform

Ad Takes On Obama Administration's "Inexcusable Conduct"

MoveOn Hits Sen. Landrieu For Opposing Public Health Care

Steele Defends Palin, Criticizes Sanford

Gov. Mark Sanford Calls Mistress His Soul Mate

Roach: Asia Won't Be the New Engine of Growth

Bear Case: Microsoft, Google, Amazon

Ballmer: Economy Has Reset

China Can't Save The World

Dow 10,000 Deja Vu?

ADP: Private Sector Shed 473,000 Jobs in June

Charts Show USD Could Resume Its Downtrend

GM Plans for $130 a Barrel Oil

Cuggino: Long Term Investors Will Be Rewarded

Afghanistan Sees Number of Orphans Grow

UN Condemns Events in Honduras

EU Chiefs on Unemployment, Climate Change

Iran Frees 5 UK Embassy Staff

Charles Krauthammer on Honduras

Michael O'Hanlon on the Iraq Pullout

Pro-Democracy Protests in Hong Kong

King Abdullah II at the World Economic Forum

Sweden to Take Over EU Presidency

Fmr. Sen. Bob Graham on Cuba

The Somali Crisis and the AU

Taliban Funds its Illegal Activities

Russia Closes Casinos

YouTube - Michael Jackson Fans Flock to Neverland Ranch

YouTube - FDA Panel Calls for Smaller Doses of Painkillers

YouTube - Norm Coleman Concedes Minnesota Senate Race

YouTube - The Buzz: Should Gov. Sanford resign?

YouTube - Police: 7 Teens Shot Near Detroit School

YouTube - UN condemns Honduras coup

YouTube - Baghdad Quiet As Iraqis Take the Reins

YouTube - Swedish EU Presidency Team + EU Commission (Raw Video)

YouTube - Russian Casinos to Cash in Their Chips

YouTube - Inside Story - Collateral damage? - 30 June 09

American Minute

American Minute for July 1st:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk Radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

06/30 The Mark Levin Show

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

Feature Videos

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 1

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 2

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 3

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 4

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 5

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 6

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 7

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 8

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 9

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 10

The Nation's Deathbed - Part 11

Architects of Control : Program One - Mass Control and Future of Mankind


The Occult History of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy part 1of 2

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy part 2of 2

Secrets of the CIA