"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 July 2009


Sat,Sun,Mon,Tues. -----

Obama claims right to imprison combatants acquitted at

Soros funds infiltration of 9/11 truth, election protection, and “independent” journalism

Technology Review: Nanopillar Solar Cells

Ron Paul demands audit of Fed | Video | Reuters.com

YouTube - Ron Paul questions Vice Chair of Federal Reserve Kohn on transparency 07/09/2009

Smoking Mirrors: The Apocalypse for Dummies.

Does Senate FISA bill immunize FBI 'black-bag jobs'? | Politics and Law - CNET News

Military Grapples With Information Overload -- InformationWeek


Refreshing News: New procedure removes need for open heart surgery

Refreshing News: Herschel’s first insight into space reveals spectacular results

YouTube - CNN Uncovers America's Worst Environmental Disaster

Americans Swap Homes for Hotels as Recession Bites | CommonDreams.org

YouTube - Crude Impact: Oil, The Earth and Humanity

Refreshing News: Alcohol to power artificial muscles for robots, prosthetic limbs

30 Strangest Animal Mating Habits. - Neatorama

Tim White on the Columbine High Cover Up and Witness Intimidation

Bilderberger treason goes unpunished!

Hulu - 3D Sun - Watch the full feature film now.

Greater Transparency Needed in Development of U.S. Policy on Cyberattack

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

YouTube - The Fed Under Fire

kenny's sideshow: Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8

U.S. Military Links Karzai Brother to Drugs - The Blotter

ADHD Drugs Proven Absolutely Useless for Children – Plus, They Stunt Growth

Raw Story » Lawmaker won’t deny secret CIA program was ‘Cheney assassination ring’

To the Moon: How we built the technologies | Tech Broiler | ZDNet.com

JFK’s Murder by Howard Wolf

Nobody Knows What Nanoparticles Do -- Yet They Are in Your Food, Cosmetics, and Toys | | AlterNet

In personal terms, Obama hails Africa's promise - Yahoo! News

*AF Research Lab Doc Exposed* – Carpet Bombing people’s personal computers « Dprogram.net

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Rep. Bachmann questions Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

New Evidence that Bush Administration Impeded 3 Investigations into Alleged Massacre of Up to 2,000 Prisoners in Afghanistan - PR Newswire - fresnobee.com

Internet Attack Propaganda Increases as Cyber Bill Approaches « Dprogram.net

About Zionism « Time to Think

Global warming alarmism enriches Gore, bankrupts the rest of us - baltimoresun.com

Gore’s (Really) Inconvenient Timing – ‘Consensus’ On Man-Made Global Warming Collapses in 2008

PART 2: Gore’s (Really) Inconvenient Timing – ‘Consensus’ On Man-Made Global Warming Collapses in 2008

TaxProf Blog: IRS Not Pursuing 18% of Taxpayers Who Owe >$1m in Taxes

60 million stung in social networking rip-off - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Scoop: Kevin R. Ryan: Demolition access to the WTC Towers

Hundreds of Thousands of Workers Will Lose Unemployment Benefits Soon | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet

Judge Sonia Sotomayor Denied My Appeal and I Spent 16 Years in Prison For a Crime I Didn't Commit | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet

The Doomsday Report: More "Change" from the Obama Administration

Fraudonomics: The Fed Under Fire

Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case Murdered : Federal Jack

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Surveillance Society: 1984 Came 25 Years Late

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense 9 July 2009

YouTube - "Isn't That The Shah's Flag?"

4 Ways to Tell When a Real Recovery Has Begun - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Bush Personally Ordered Visit to Ashcroft’s Hospital Bed | The Washington Independent

Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case - CNN.com

Contractor KBR eyes Iraq oil opportunities - Telegraph

Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance' - BlackListed News

Climate change: The sun and the oceans do not lie - Telegraph

Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project - NYTimes.com

Breitbart.tv » ‘Horse Feathers!’: Iowa Congressman Gets Worked Up Over Economy Blame Game

Yoo Gave Bush White House Retroactive Legal Cover to Spy on Americans

Niels Harrit: Professor Pileni's Resignation as Editor-in-Chief of the Open Chemical Physics Journal | 911Blogger.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Secret NSA group used to pressure US Media and Distancing Washington from any involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

Switch away from dollar could bankrupt US economy - Celente | Politics from 2009-07-11 | RT

Beat The Chip: EFF's Wish List Doesn't Include PASS Act/Real ID

An Alarming Video! ZOMG!!!1! « Anonymous Arabist وين الناس

Ex-IBM Employee reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID Chips « Dprogram.net

John Quincy Adams on U.S. Foreign Policy (1821) : Information Clearing House - ICH

pdf - 8 pgs. : Al Gore’s Carbon Empire: Cashing in on Climate Change

Washington is Playing a Deeper Game with China

Local News | Immigrant drug informant goes public after his hopes of legal residency evaporate | Seattle Times Newspaper


The planet's future: Climate change 'will cause civilisation to collapse' - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Obama’s Unconstitutional Agenda - Plan For A New World Order

Lawmakers reject tax to pay for health reform | Reuters

Putin Did All the Talking : NO QUARTER

The Height Of Hypocrisy: Krugman's Housing Bubble Amnesia (Clip) - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: William F. Buckley and the CIA

American's Journey: Chomsky "SEE NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL"

If Obama’s New Czar Has His Way, This Could Be My Last Post… « Dprogram.net

Does Google Know Too Much About You? - PC World

Thought-police is here - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Difference Between a Patriot and a Terrorist

kenny's sideshow: Dick Holbrooke - The Zionist Agent in Obama's Viet Nam

YouTube - WACLA delivers scientific proof of TREASON to members of Congress and other D.C. players. DAY TWO

Consumerist - Your Credit Card Company Is Building A Psychological Profile Of You - Psychology

Cheney 'ran secret black ops unit inside the CIA for eight years' - Scotsman.com News

Reuters: Another Study Links Fluoride to Bone Cancer : Federal Jack

Researchers Find Caffeine Effective Alzheimer’s Treatment

Robert Fisk’s World: You won't find any lessons in unity in the Dead Sea Scrolls - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

'Inconvenient fact': Fielding courts climate change rebels - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Pharmaceutical (Drug) Industry Under Attack From Patients and Law | ENCOGNITIVE.COM

Political Affairs Magazine - CIA Organization Linked to Plot Against Evo Morales

New York News - The Alarming Record of the F.B.I.'s Informant in the Bronx Bomb Plot - page 1



Missouri Democrat: Poor Too Irresponsible to Exercise Second Amendment « Dprogram.net

Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Soy Diet for Illinois Prisoners

Crops, ponds destroyed in quest for food safety

Video: Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda - The Devastation, The Victims Who Took The Shots Back In 1976 - "WARNING" "WARNING" - 16 Min | Love for Life

Debt and Financial Scam's- Six Syllables to a Savage Truth :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Exposes Neo Conservatives A.K.A. NEOCONS

American's Journey: Videos: Intro to Nanotech + 911 Truth

Two Ways to Keep the Federal Reserve Running Scared & Get Our Audit (HR 1207 & S 604)

YouTube - Climate Change Chickenlittle

Obama Threatens to Veto His Own Defense Bill Over F-22 Funding - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Raw Story | US intelligence does not show Syrian nuclear weapons program, officials say

*Search Site :Startpage*

*Site - Ixquick - Search


p m carpenter's commentary: Paul Broun, Liz Cheney, and other subterranean sightings


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

*John F. Kennedy Jr.; Evidence Of A Cover up

CIA Vet: Agency Doesn't Need Secret Program To Target al Qaeda | TPMMuckraker

Sarah Palin - A 'Cap and Tax' Road to Economic Disaster - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - NSW Jewry goes ahead with Internet Censorship

Refreshing News: Microsoft takes on Google as Office moves to Web

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 7/13/09 Ron Paul: Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?

The very fabric of society is breaking down around us. What the hell is there left to believe in?

Akiva Eldar / How to apply PR spin to the settlement issue - Haaretz - Israel News

Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

CHRISTOPHER BOOKER: Wind farms will be a monument to an age when our leaders collectively went off their heads | Mail Online



British girl's heart heals itself after transplant - Yahoo! News

Headed to National Socialism

Gallery of shame.. the Jews that perped 911! - David Icke's Official Forums

Stand Firm | Justice Ginsberg On Abortion

savethemales.ca - Rock Music's Satanic Message

Korn's Thoughtless - Selling Satanism To Suburban Kids | The Vigilant Citizen

Good For Nothing Christians

Baseball: The Masonic Sport? | The Vigilant Citizen

YouTube - Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Gentile Folly: the Rothschild's

Zionist-Nazi Collaboration

Gentile Folly: the Rothschild's

YouTube - Madsen: 'Whistle blown on secret 9/11 unit'

The rise and rise of the vegetarian - News, Food & Drink - The Independent

Jackson 'murdered for his money'

New Research: Nitrates and Nitrites May Cause Alzheimer's, Diabetes and Parkinson's Disease

Global warming alarmism enriches Gore, bankrupts the rest of us - baltimoresun.com


Beware William Tell's Second Arrow by William Norman Grigg

US Presidents Murdered By Rothschild Banksters

Hackers' Next Target Your Brain

msnbc.com:A continent embraces Obama

"UFO over the Rocky Mountains" - The Denver Post

Journalist BioTerrorism Charges Vs WHO, UN Part 1 - Vid

MEAT. IT’S WHAT’S FOR MURDER. « Thomas Paine's Corner

YouTube - Dennis Ross: Threat to Peace

Nanotechnology - Good and Bad

Wikipedia says Obama born in Kenya

BBC NEWS | UK | Calls for fresh Dr Kelly inquiry

Doctors to challenge David Kelly suicide finding | Politics | The Guardian

Doctors demand inquest into death of Dr David Kelly - Telegraph

Doctors call for inquest into scientist's death - Home News, UK - The Independent

Fat women 'have fat daughters' - Telegraph

Joe Jackson 'wants Michael's children to tour as The Jackson Three' - Telegraph

Sonia Sotomayor faces confirmation battle to take seat in US Supreme Court - Telegraph

UFOs: Record number of sightings forecast for 2009 - Telegraph

Ebola found in pigs for first time raising fears it could mutate and threaten humans - Telegraph

David Cameron ‘could be a direct descendant of Moses’ - Times Online

***70 Years: Chart Illustrates the Dominance by the CFR, Trilaterals & Bilderbergers

Devvy Kidd -- The Kinsey Syndrome - Will your child be the next victim?

Needed: Strong Fathers Who Will Be Their Daughter's Guides - HUMAN EVENTS

The Real News Network - McNamara deceived LBJ on Vietnam

Karin Friedemann: Breast is Still Best

1918 and 2009 H1N1 Similarities Confirm Recombination

Total Emergency Alert Hate Bill Going Forward In Senate

Declassified Documents On 911 By UK & Saudis

Say 'Goodbye' To The Nice Health Care Reform, Kids!

Eligibility arguments to get court hearing

Soldier balks at deploying; says Obama isn’t president - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

**43pgs. :Unclassified Report on the President's Surveillance Program/pdf (application/pdf Object)

07-13-2009: Thought Police Is Here

07-13-2009: Pat Buchanan Advocates Murder

07-13-2009: Hate-Crime Legislation Would Backfire

07-13-2009: Sustainable population, minus the control

07-12-2009: Senate To Delay Climate Bill To September

07-12-2009: Re-Engineering The Earth

Greening The Internet

07-12-2009: Web site recreates Apollo 11 mission in real time

07-12-2009: Kohn warns Congress on meddling in Fed's affairs

07-12-2009: Barbara Boxer: Dire Results If Senate Doesn't Pass Climate Bill

07-12-2009: Chips In Official IDs Raise Privacy Fears

Obama Africa Frenzy - We Want Him To Rule All African Countries

Africans Treat Obama Like They He Is The Messiah

07-11-2009: Bill Gates Sets His Sights On Controlling The Weather

07-10-2009: Justice Ginsburg: Roe v Wade Decision Predicated On Population Reduction

07-10-2009: USDA To Regulate Snack Foods In Schools

07-10-2009: Hypocritical Alex Jones Does Debt Settlement Commercial Giving IRS Credibility

07-10-2009: UNESCO: Invasion seriously harmed historic Babylon

Buzz Aldrin On The Dark Times That Followed Apollo 11

07-09-2009: Barack Obama tells Africa to stop blaming colonialism for problems

07-09-2009: Microsoft CEO: In 10 Years Computers Will Be Able To Determine Your Intent

Fountain Of Youth Drug Can Extend Life By A Decade

07-08-2009: Al Gore Sued by Over 30,000 Scientists For Fraud

0 for 10: No one stops bombs in GAO tests

Council on Foreign Relations backs amnesty for illegals, opposes Arpaio-style raids


Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, Says: Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Needed to Save the Planet

Secret Program Fuels CIA-Congress Dispute

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

VIDEO: Keiser & Roberts: “Geithner Works For Goldman”

Obama Administration Resumes Funding of China’s Eugenics Programs

Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic

China to Switch Off Bubble-Blowing Machine?

Fox to Guard Henhouse? Former Monsanto VP May Be Named To Head FDA Safety Working Group

Modified invisibility cloak could make the ultimate illusion

Scientists create 'artificial brain cell'

"Myth America 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution"

THE CIA Assassination Program

The Israel Project’s Secret Hasbara Handbook Exposed

The Left and Islam

"We're The Counterfeiters Of The World"

Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

Blitz of "Cyber Attacks" as Rockefeller Bill Approaches

Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud

Death squads and US democracy

Japan's Weapons Industry

Obama: Demystifying Change in Foreign Policy

New reports of massive spying, criminality by US government

The Importance of Including Truth Emergency Inside the International Progressive Media Reform Movement

"Rogue Hacker" and Black Ops

Colonizing Iraq: The Obama Doctrine?

Destroying America's Family Farm: HR 2749. A Stealth Agribusiness Empowering Act

Blitz of “Cyber Attacks” as Rockefeller Bill Approaches

The CIA's Rogue Operation

America is now the world’s biggest debtor

Genocide in Darfur: Psyops Deconstruction

World Wide Wiretap

Straight Talk: Revealing the Real U.S.-Africa Policy

How the FBI and 9/11 Commission Suppressed Key Evidence about Hani Hanjour, alleged hijack pilot of AAL 77

VIDEO: CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto’s assassination?

Vice-Chairman of Rothschild: "Carbon trading must be globally regulated"

Was Dr. David Kelly killed because he knew too much?

Recent cyberattacks provide pretext for sweeping new Internet snooping powers by the government

Society, politics, and the overpopulation problem

Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

video - Wayne Madsen: Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Environment Agency sets up green police

New climate strategy:

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Clinton Says State Dept. Human Trafficking Report Will Pass Judgment on U.S. As If America Were Just Another Foreign Country

Sotomayor: ‘I Have Friends Who Hunt’

White House Dodges Question of Whether Obama Supports House Democrats' Plan for $540-Billion Income Tax Hike

Tax Increase on 'Rich' People Planned by House Democrats Would Strike More Than a Million U.S. Small Businesses

American Red Cross Petitions Public Schools to Teach Geneva Conventions

Climate-Change Bill Gives China Advantage Over U.S., Putting U.S. Industries and Jobs at Risk, Says Government Report

GOP Says Stimulus is ‘Dismal Failure,’ Only 1 Percent of Infrastructure Money Has Been Spent

Mikulski Refuses to Add Language to Health Care Bill to Ban Funding of Abortion

Gas Pipeline Designed to Break Russian Stranglehold Edges Ahead

Palin Calls Obama Energy Plan A Threat to Economy

India Challenges Non-Aligned Countries to Condemn Terrorism ‘Unequivocally’

Sotomayor ‘Clearly Rejected’ Impartiality, Kyl Says

Pelosi Says CBO Must Estimate Cost of Final Health Care Bill Before House Votes on It

Exxon Makes First Big Investment in Biofuels

Los Angeles Mayor Says City Will Pay Costs from Jackson Memorial Service

Liz Cheney Refuses to Discuss Her Father’s Role in Secret CIA Operation

Geithner Says Force of Global Recession Is Receding

Obama Wants Health Care Bill Passed Before August Recess

China Blames Violence in Its Muslim Western Region on Outsiders

Freed Iranians Get A Heroes’ Welcome Back Home As Iran Shakes A Fist at U.S.

NAACP’s Rapid Response System Helps People Report Alleged Police Misconduct

How to Handle Sonia

Americans Deserve American Laws

A 'Crisis' of Governors

Change: But in What Direction?

Rosalind Peterson -- Contrails & Man Made Clouds Change Climate, Harming Agriculture


David Cameron ‘could be a direct descendant of Moses’ - Times Online

Goldman Sachs Loses Grip on Its Doomsday Machine: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

Parting With Delusions

Pope presses Obama on abortion, stem cells - Yahoo! News

NHS tells school children of their "right" to "an orgasm a day" - Telegraph

New Curbs Set on Arrests of Illegal Immigrants - WSJ.com


EXCLUSIVE: Palin to stump for conservative Democrats - Washington Times

Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for first time

Exclusive: Michael Savage Banned From Great Britain: The Crime? Speaking His Mind

Children: Father didn't abuse us - Columbian.com

I argued about porn with my husband before expenses scandal, reveals former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith

Porn king's son held on murder charge

J'accuse England! J'accuse America!

TheHill.com - GOP, Holder battle over New Black Panthers

Failed charm offensive - Washington Times

Police: Nothing Ruled out in Ex-Boxing Champ Arturo Gatti's Hotel Death - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Police: Mom Leaves Kids Alone in Maggot-Filled Home, Smokes Pot - KTLA

CIA Had Secret Al Qaeda Plan - WSJ.com

Activists push ballot initiative to end state benefits for illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children - Los Angeles Times

CNBC Special Promotes Porn | NewsBusters.org

Fox News Notes Communist Past of the 'Green Jobs' Czar | NewsBusters.org

Obama Surgeon General Pick Regina Benjamin Wanted Docs to Learn Abortions

Officer deaths up in first half of '09 - USATODAY.com

Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds | LiveScience

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Zelaya Issues Ultimatum: 'Reinstate Me or Else' - The Americas - FOXNews.com


NPR: Former CIA Director: No One Told Me Not To Tell Congress

Minority Broadcasters Seek Federal Aid - WSJ.com

Robot Teaches Itself to Smile | Wired Science | Wired.com

Did the Vatican suppress hidden 'Galileo Cryptogram'? • The Register

Universe's first stars may have been twins - space - 10 July 2009 - New Scientist

BOO! Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman Says Octo-Home Haunted! | RadarOnline.com

Nasa's moon landing conspiracy smack-down (+video) - Technology - NZ Herald News

Was Jimi Hendrdix murdered?

Brothers live on wall - oddstuff | Stuff.co.nz

Easter Island compound extends lifespan of old mice

Britain’s biggest UFO mystery revealed by Air Force base chief

Pasco ghost hunters claim they taped voice of Civil War soldier - St. Petersburg Times

Special alloy sleeves urged to block hackers? - washingtonpost.com

Monsters, murders and myths: Canada's mysteries

Cyborg crickets could chirp at the smell of survivors - tech - 11 July 2009 - New Scientist

Alabama's 'ghost trail' may scare up tourism dollars | montgomeryadvertiser.com | Montgomery Advertiser

Massive Squid Washes Up on Beach in Quake Aftermath | NBC Bay Area

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Saudi 'genie' sued for harassment

Online Pranksters Wreak Havoc at Hotels, Restaurants Nationwide - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Psychics see magic in Michael Jackson's life - CNN.com

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, Cryptid and Extraterrestrial Events

Ten Things You Didn't Know About the Apollo 11 Moon Landing | Popular Science

Obama said he would, but now he won't

Zuckerman: It's worse than we think

Two bills worth close scrutiny

TOTUS injured

Palin makes the case against cap and tax

Censorship at the ALA Convention

Franken gaffes it up at Sotomayor hearings

Obama snubbed in Moscow? (video)

Will Dems allow Goldman to manipulate a cap-and-trade market?

Bon Voyage: Sarah's Departure Viewed From Alaska

Obama is Russia's New Useful Idiot

What's This? Praise for Malaise ?

Jackson Idolatry and the Conservative Response

Obama the Trickster

America sliding into a pit of foreign debt

Sarah Palin's Declaration of Independence

What Ricci Says About Sotomayor - and Obama

The 'Wise Latina' Faces the Senate

Obama's Failed Mission to Moscow

Anniversary of a Castroite Massacre

Obama Grovels to Russia

Who Wrote Audacity of Hope ?

A Lesson in Stupid Tax Policy

Alan Dershowitz, American Jews, and the Religion of Liberalism

Obamaville City Limits

Slurring Thomas Jefferson

Death of the Race Card?

The Audacity of Conceit

The Slave Press

US, Not Arab Countries, to Receive Palestinian Refugees from Iraq

Obama and the Bohemian Grove

Sotomayor finally gets a chance to respond to the 'wise Latina' attacks

O'Reilly, Carpenter deride Presente Action's defense of Sotomayor as a 'tentacle of MoveOn'

Glenn Beck jumps the gun, depicts welcoming remarks to Sotomayor as 'questioning'

After Vile Comments Posted on Malia Obama, Freeper Spouts BS About Left-Wing Blogs As a Smokescreen

Recap in video of Monday's Senate Confirmation Hearing of Judge Sonia Sotomayor

flashback:The Reagan Years - PATCO

Feinstein: CIA Concealment Outside of the Law, Should Never, Ever Happen Again

Jeff Sessions oblivious to the irony of calling Sotomayor 'prejudiced'

Pat Buchanan: Todd Palin Ought to Take Levi Down to the Creek and Hold his Head Underwater Until the Thrashing Stops

From The Memory Hole: Bush WH Statement Condemning Torture - After His Own Torture Program Began

Judge Sotomayor's Opening Statement

I wish Arnold would take a hint from Palin and just quit

Ingraham puts crosshairs on Planned Parenthood: What are these people at Fox thinking?

John McCain: Accountability For Torture is That People's Reputations Have Been Harmed Very Badly

Destroying the Furniture: This Week's roundtable gagglers gag on the possiblity of torture hearings

C&L endorses Presente Action and PCCC's action called 'DenunciaRush' against anti-Latino Republican attacks on Sonia Sotomayor

Eric Cantor Refuses to Say Ensign or Sanford Should Step Down

Bill Moyers Weighs in on the Washington Post's Pay to Play Scheme

Progressive Change Wants Your Input On Who To Target For Health Care Reform

Quote of the Day: Debbie Stabenow on the 'public option'

James Risen: No One Could Point to Counter-Terrorism Successes From Warrantless Wiretapping Program

Conservative UK Paper Calls Afghan War Lost

John McCain says he was surprised Palin left, she didn't quit and didn't promise voters to stay on when she was elected

Fox News Sunday: Juan Williams Accuses Panel Of Using "Scare Tactics" on Health Care

Media Matters' Karl Frisch Breaks Down the Obama Photo Smear

Palin Hints At Plans To Split Republican Party

Bill Moyers Journal: CIGNA Chief Admits: Michael Moore's SICKO "Hit The Nail On The Head"

Attorney General Eric Holder may probe Bush/Cheney torture regime

Sheriff Joe's rabid supporters spew hate: 'Kill any man, woman or child who comes across the border illegally'

Dennis Kucinich Schools Prominent Wingnut Doc at This Week's Single Payer Hearing

Why are Lebron James and NIKE confiscating the "dunk" video?

The New Face Of Townhall: Fired From UNC Newspaper For Anti-Arab Screed

Paul Craig Roberts: Geithner Works "for Goldman Sachs".

The militia extremists of the '90s are back, and organizing quietly in the woods

Naomi Klein Calls For Boycott of Israel Over Palestinian Violence

Administration May Lend Money to Small Businesses. Isn't This What The Banking Bailout Was Supposed to Do?

Newt Gingrich gets slapped by fisherman: "The water we are fishing in right now will be destroyed by his policies."

KS Republican's Plan To Repeal Federal Stimulus Funds Would Be Disaster For State

David Brooks Recounts GOP Senator Who "Had His Hand On My Inner Thigh" At Dinner Party

Newt Gingrich STILL thinks Palin might be on the GOP Ticket in 2012.

Hannity and Bachmann Telling More Lies About ACORN and Barney Frank

Roland Burris set to retire

Mirror Time: How Many Black Kids Are Swimming in Any of Our Pools?

Raising revenues is getting bogged down in health care

Nazis in the U.S. military: SPLC will ask Congress for action

The Rachel Maddow Show: Christian Conservatism's Shadowy Secret Society

Cap and Trade the Tax!

Climate Change and Keynesianism

Uncle Sam is a Subprime Deadbeat

Sotomayor - Ricci Decision Was Legally Sound

Is Resistance Really Futile?

US Government to Buy Empty Houses - For Demolition!

Ron Paul's Oscar Winning Performance

Rumors of California Prop. 187's Death Highly Exaggerated

"The Wreck of the Hesperus" and the Meltdown of the Global Monetary System

What Michael Jackson's Death Teaches Us About Politics and the Media

Lawmakers Billing Taxpayers

CAIR's good idea

History's engine and the great bear wave

Will Congress read the health bill?

A force of one: the Federal Reserve

Taxing to the last breath

Selling out Poland

Is he the royal president?

Pathway to hell

Let the dead bury Michael Jackson

Bill O'Reilly's lame excuse

Play ball! (And don't let 'em steal home)

Captain of the USS Titanic: A modern parable

Government control goes that extra mile

A Declaration of Dependence

Don't worry, be happy

Audacity of the unconventional

Sarah's strategery

The tyranny of transnationalism

Terrorists issue threat against 'Bruno' star

'Politburo' controlling U.S. policy

'Terrorist leader' threatens to sue 'Bruno' movie

'Peace partner' affirms right to 'resistance'

Hamas not even asked to recognize Israel

U.S.-trained forces in 'greatest' terrorist attacks

Eligibility arguments to get court hearing

JULY 11 , U.S. officer demands answer: Is Army 'corps of chattel slaves?'

Gore boasts: 'Global governance' coming with carbon tax

How to handle Sonia

It can't happen here

Free 'gay'-rape victim Steven Nary!

As the Hollywood machine abandons L.A., its supporting workers struggle - Los Angeles Times

Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up

Momentum builds toward possible end of this U.S. agency

Eligibility arguments to get court hearing

Opponents of Barack Obama's presidency claim small court victory | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

Obama's 'birth hospital' in astonishing cover-up

Wikipedia says Obama born in Kenya

Soldier balks at deploying; says Obama isn’t president - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

Americans go crazy for birth certificate postcards

Eligibility claims attracting high-level interest

2 more sign on to demand birth certificates

*article links : Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Meet the leader of the new opposition

Passengers hug Southwest pilot after landing - News- msnbc.com

'Politburo' controlling U.S. policy

A challenge to Congress on Fed

Google blocks blog exposing homosexual agenda

World Net Daily Player - Retired Navy officer praises Marines in Afghanistan

flashback/APRIL 12, 2009 - Will a 'red' help blacks go green?

World Net Daily Player - Doctor: Sotomayor strongly pro-abortion

video - Franken: 'Most experienced nominee in 100 years'

Will Republicans expose the two Sotomayors? | Washington Examiner

The Fix - Palin's PAC Raises $700,000+

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin rips President Obama's energy plan, says it's a threat to economy

How Obama's stimulus violates your constitutional rights

New school brings 'brick-and-mortar' home

Bible predicts: Israel to nab Russian, Iranian nukes

The only true emergency

How to fight Obama-enabled racism

Obama's failed foreign policy tests

Memo to libs: Normal folks don't think that way

How to handle Sonia

The 2nd Coming of Christ – in Anaheim (an allegory)

Why I came to Honduras

When basketball meets 'social justice'

Let’s rebuild America by smearing President Obama

The umpire's new position

A force of one: the Federal Reserve

Michael Jackson ‘had two gay lovers’, new book claims - Telegraph

Joe Jackson 'wants Michael's children to tour as The Jackson Three' - Telegraph

Carlson: Will Butter Michael Jackson be toast? Vote to decide | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register

President Barack Obama to join broadcast booth at All-Star Game - MLB - SI.com

Searchers shovel Northwest dirt seeking giant worm

Smashed guitar, YouTube song — United is listening now - Travel - LATimes.com

Klayman: UFOs an Obama issue | HeraldTribune.com | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida's Information Leader

Boca Raton UFO: Residents in a Boca Raton neighborhood say they looked up Monday night around 9 p.m. and saw a mysterious green light. - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Daily Express | Express Yourself :: The Nazi King

Liberals taking over book world? Good luck

Redemption: Rescuing street elephants

Dead Sea finalist in new 'Seven Natural Wonders of the World' - Haaretz - Israel News

BBC NEWS | Health | Swearing 'helps to reduce pain'

Porn king's son held on murder charge

Ex-Fort Worth teacher arrested on suspicion of having sex with teen | News | Star-Telegram.com

*The big list: Female teachers with students

8 ways the food industry tricks you to overeat - Chew On This- msnbc.com

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | 'Whistling' deer spark searches

How Nickelodeon's Spongebob Became an $8B Kid Franchise - Advertising Age - MediaWorks

Obama says unemployment will keep ticking up

Sotomayor hearings: The complete transcript, Part 1 | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama's teleprompter smashes

China stops shock therapy for Internet addicts - Yahoo! Finance

TheHill.com - With Pelosi’s blessing, Dems push ahead with probe of CIA

NHS helplines are swamped as swine flu panic rises but Health Secretary calls for calm | Mail Online

Joe Jackson Says Michael Jackson Wasn't Capable of Completing Tour - ABC News

Fliers get advice on Internet etiquette - USATODAY.com

Monkey Moves Robot Using Mind Control

Six end simulated Mars mission isolation | Science & Health | Reuters

Bloomberg Slams Clinton: She Stabbed NYC In Back - wcbstv.com

My Way News - Amtrak unveils first rail car funded by stimulus

Lavish Kennedy book to sell for $1k a copy

Passenger Recalls Southwest Flight With Hole In Roof - NewsChannel 5.com - Nashville, Tennessee -

Soldier balks at deploying; says Obama isn’t president - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

American Flag Burned Outside Dallas Home, Again - cbs11tv.com

Sotomayor denies bias in 'wise Latina' remark

Sonia Sotomayor: Comments meant to inspire - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Sotomayor calls abortion rights 'settled law'

North Dakota could have a huge new oil field

Voodoo became a fatal obsession | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/14/2009

US general says US ready for NKorean attack

My Way News - SKorean police: Hackers extracted data in attacks

Sotomayor hearings: The judge's own opening statement -- full text | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Sotomayor says the law, not beliefs, drove rulings

Mystery mechanism drove global warming 55 million years ago

Obama nominates Ala doctor as next surgeon general

Graham predicts Sotomayor OK 'barring meltdown'

Sotomayor vows 'fidelity to the law' - Washington Times

Leading Judiciary Republican calls Sonia Sotomayor 'outside the mainstream' of legal thinking.

Republicans contest Obama's Supreme Court choice | Reuters

Black-White Gap in Jobless Rate Widens in New York City - NYTimes.com

Parents of soldiers killed in Afghanistan lash out at Government - Telegraph

Republicans lambast Obama for backing Zelaya

How To Create a New World Reserve Currency by Gary North

Beware William Tell's Second Arrow by William Norman Grigg

JFK’s Murder by Howard Wolf

The Great Credit Contraction Cometh by Bill Bonner

Are There Really 47 Million Americans Who Can’t Afford Health Insurance? by Dom Armentano

Fortunes Made, Fortunes Lost by Ian Mathias

Is Military Service Honorable? by Fred Reed

What Is Justice? by Butler Shaffer

I Was Just Following Orders by Laurence M. Vance

Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity by Peter Schiff

The High Crimes of US Presidents by Jack D. Douglas

A Handbook for Deniers by Per Bylund

Cook to Save Money by Briggs Armstrong

10 Tips for Great Coffee

Kill the Monster by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Free the Blago Six! by William L. Anderson

Keynes, Crackpots, and Deflation by Gary North

What Presidential Legacy? by Wilton D. Alston

Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy? by Ron Paul

The Name that Depression Contest, Part II by Walter Block

Icy Smiles for Obama in Moscow by Eric Margolis

What Is Antipsychiatry? by Thomas Szasz

7 Berries You Should Eat Everyday | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

How the Mighty Have Fallen

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick | The Spectator

Tenth Amendment Center | Tenth Amendment Talking Points

Magazines (and Websites) About Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency * Get Rich Slowly

Why the left misjudges GOP sex scandals | csmonitor.com

The statistics that colleges hate to share - Money Features

New Evidence: Exercise Helps Heart Disease, Increases Survival Better than Angioplasty

Liquorice: A new role in battle to beat cancer | Mail Online

Tase Early, Tase Often - Column - Auto Reviews - Car and Driver

"It's Discrimination!" - Ben O'Neill - Mises Institute

Gold is ultimate store of value for a discredited dollar, says Peter Schiff

Momentum builds toward possible end of this U.S. agency

News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic

Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up

Obama's 'birth hospital' in astonishing cover-up

How Obama's stimulus violates your constitutional rights

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

U.S. hospitals 'wouldn't have to disclose Hitler'

Hawaiian Supremes asked to take 'action' on WND report

IRS tells pro-lifers to give up 1st Amendment

Government control goes that extra mile

Will Congress read the health bill?

How to fight Obama-enabled racism

Is he the royal president?

NAACP to governor: Declare martial law

Sotomayor Girds for a Showdown at Confirmation Hearings for Supreme Court Post - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Human Equation - NYTimes.com

The Balloon Deflates

Obama’s LBJ Moment

The cheap collateral damage of sex scandals - The Boston Globe

James R. Schlesinger: Why We Don't Want a Nuclear-Free World - WSJ.com

Burris will step aside with tarnished legacy :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Disillusioned Environmentalists Turn on Obama as Compromiser - NYTimes.com

Obama on the flying trapeze - The Globe and Mail

Meet The Sotomayors

RealClearPolitics - Sotomayor and the Second Amendment

The American Debate: Why GOP can't block Sotomayor | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/12/2009

Lawmakers, read the bills before you vote - The Boston Globe

Climate change: The sun and the oceans do not lie - Telegraph

A Sponsorship Scandal at The Post

Will Ghosts of Bush Era Derail Obama Plans? - ABC News

The Education of Sonia Sotomayor

Editorial - Not So Generous - NYTimes.com

N.C.'s Hagan to Obama: Let probes of Edwards, Easley go on | McClatchy

For 435 Lawmakers, 250 Caucuses to Choose From - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Consequences of Big Government

RealClearPolitics - Sotomayor Hearings Begin a New Judicial Era

RealClearPolitics - The Gotcha Question is a Waste of Time

RealClearPolitics - The Seinfeld Hearings

RealClearPolitics - The Real Court Radicals

RealClearPolitics - Is Obama Spread Too Thin?

RealClearPolitics - Krugman's Contradiction

RealClearPolitics - Sotomayor's Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee

The Seinfeld Hearings - WSJ.com

Barack Obama's Foreign Policy: The Five Pillars - TIME

Losers who pushed Palin still feuding :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views

A bipartisan blueprint for immigration reform - Los Angeles Times

Obama's Other Wife - The Daily Beast

Nominee Outlines Philosophy on Bench

The Caucus - Health Care Negotiator With Instinct for the Deal - NYTimes.com

More Healthcare Fantasy Land - Yuval Levin - The Corner on National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Chairman Leahy's Opening Statement at Sotomayor Hearing

RealClearPolitics - Ranking Member Sessions' Opening Statement at Sotomayor Hearing

RealClearPolitics - Schumer's Opening Statement at Sotomayor's Hearning

RealClearPolitics - Senator Hatch's Opening Statement at Sotomayor Hearing

Sarah Palin - A 'Cap and Tax' Road to Economic Disaster - washingtonpost.com

Another Phony Scandal by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Sotomayor and the Senate -- chicagotribune.com

Improve care, lower costs

EDITORIAL: Eat the rich - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Family ties may hold Harry Reid's son back - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - GOP, Holder battle over New Black Panthers

The Take: Republicans Walk Fine Line Questioning Sotomayor - washingtonpost.com

Will Republicans expose the two Sotomayors? | Washington Examiner

Reform health care without government takeover | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Palin won't be GOP nominee in 2012 - THE WEEK

In Sonia v. Sarah, GOP is doomed - The Globe and Mail

RealClearPolitics - Immigration Reform is Quietly Here

Will foreign affairs trap Obama? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Editorial: Obama's stimulus plan is not working | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Editorial - Questioning Judge Sotomayor - NYTimes.com

President Obama's Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor Deserves Deference in the Senate - washingtonpost.com

Democrats want to impose "surtax" to finance health care - WSJ.com

Obama Repeats Threat to Veto Bill Over F-22 Jet - NYTimes.com

Senate Clears Groves to Lead Census Bureau - WSJ.com

Congress Mulls Trading Curbs for Its Own - washingtonpost.com

RealClearMarkets - The Road to Economic Demoralization

Why creating jobs is so hard - MSN Money

McKinsey's Cracked Crystal Ball

Talking Business - From Treasury to Banks, an Ultimatum on Mortgage Relief - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Columnists / Lunch with the FT - Lunch with the FT: Larry Summers

All Roads Lead to Goldman - Barrons.com

RealClearMarkets - Why Obama's Economic Policies Are Failing

Rights And Wrongs Of Health Care Reform - Forbes.com

Peter J. Wallison - Elitist Protection Consumers Don't Need - washingtonpost.com

Everybody’s Business - Good Intentions Aside, Are We Killing the Patient? - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Church and State Link to Ban Capitalism

History suggests it could be decades before the dollar is dislodged - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - The Consequences of Big Government

The Real AIG Controversy at Emac’s Stock Watch | Fox Business

Wall Street 2015 by Luigi Zingales, City Journal 14 July 2009

Five for '09 Commentary: Lingering questions Wall Street needs to answer by year's end

Nine Reasons the Economy is Not Getting Better - US News and World Report

At What Cost?

Forbes.com: Make It About Ricci, Not Sotomayor

Preparing Today’s Workers for Tomorrow’s Jobs - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com

Chris Steiner: Priming For $20/Gallon Gas - Features and Interviews - Hard Assets Investor

China and the G-8 OrWhat to do When Your Banker Says No | FX Solutions

Microsoft plans free, online version of Office - Los Angeles Times

White House Projects Gains in Health, 'Green' Jobs - washingtonpost.com

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - China is now an empire in denial

Lowered Expectations

Afghanistan: Our troops are giving their lives to safeguard a rigged election - Telegraph

National Brotherhood Week

New rules of engagement - World - Macleans.ca

Why is Japan introverted? | The Japan Times Online

Murderers' Makeover - Forbes.com

RealClearWorld - Fold the G-8 into the G-20

The North Korean nuclear test: The Russian reaction | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

North Korea's dangerous game

*RealClearWorld - President Barack Obama's Speech in Ghana

N. Korean Leader Dying of Cancer, Report Says - NYTimes.com

Hunt for Iran’s most wanted man - The National Newspaper

Jackson Diehl - A Double Standard on Democracy in Latin America - washingtonpost.com

Medvedev Under Obama’s Charm

RealClearWorld - Can Euro-Vision Be More Than a Song Contest?

Obama Rewrites the Cold War - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - Why Barack Changed His Tune in Ghana

WPR Article | The Rise of the Center in Latin America

Madly off in all directions - The Globe and Mail

Asia Times Online - Taliban will let guns do their talking

RealClearWorld - The Obama Doctrine and Africa

Obama Frees Iranian Terror Masters by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Assessing the North Korean Threat | The New Ledger

Zoom in to this small tale that spells defeat | Matthew Parris - Times Online

The Caudillos v. the Elites: Honduras Coup Reveals Deep Divisions in Latin America - SPIEGEL ONLINE

RealClearWorld - Iran's Clash of Imans

Pro-Hate Bill Calls Flood Senate!

Notes From the American Southwest: Equality and the Death of Love

CIA drew up plans to assassinate al-Qaeda leaders - Telegraph

Sonia Sotomayor labelled "activist judge" at confirmation hearing - Telegraph

Now that's what I call a fly-past: US Navy F18 streaks past apartment block | Mail Online

Cut population by a third, say crowded Britons | Mail Online

'Obamanomics' The Inelegant Solution To Everything

Back Again Through The Hourglass Darkly

Sound effect: how cats exploit the human need to nurture | Science | The Guardian

Jeffrey Toobin: Sessions Says Only White Men Are Without Prejudice

Sotomayor finally gets a chance to respond to the 'wise Latina' attacks

O'Reilly, Carpenter deride Presente Action's defense of Sotomayor as a 'tentacle of MoveOn'

Glenn Beck jumps the gun, depicts welcoming remarks to Sotomayor as 'questioning'


*Transcripts: Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform

A New Moment of Promise in Africa

Obama's Weekly Address: The Stimulus is Working

Obama's Press Conference at the G-8

Brooks and Marcus on Health Care Reform

Interview with GM's Vice Chairman

Roundtable Debates Congress/CIA Dispute

Analysts on Simmering Tensions in Iran

Reps. Smith and Issa Debate CIA Allegations

Biden's Remarks on Health Care and Hospitals

Interview with Minority Leader McConnell

Analysts Debate Stimulus Package Effectiveness

Roundtable on Obama and Health Care


*Video:Record Revenues: Goldman Knocks Ball Out of Park

Ritholtz V. Siegel

Beware of Leveraged ETFs

Fidelity Drinking Up Starbucks

Do Stocks Really Outperform Bonds?

Krawcheck: Bank Supervison Needs Simplification

Whitney: 13% Unemployment Entirely Possible

Meredith Whitney's Outlook for Financials

What Would You Say to Goldman's Lloyd Blankfein?

Financials In Focus

Palm's Roger McNamee and Jon Rubinstein at D7

Economic Recovery Will Happen, But Painfully

Japan's Aso Calls for August Election

New UK-Russia Cold War?

Aftermath of Xinjiang Unrest

Obama in Ghana: Full Speech

Pakistani Refugees Return Home

David Cameron on Afghanistan

Interview with Lee Myung-bak

Maoist Ambush in India

Obama in Ghana

Marisa Cochrane on the Transition in Iraq

Clashes in Somalia

Defence Minister Ainsworth Addresses Commons

Charles Taylor's Brutal Rule

Al-Qaeda in Yemen

France Celebrates Bastille Day

Displaced Pakistanis Fear Returning Home

Cannabis Tour Guide on Amsterdam

New European Parliament Inauguration

Weekly Address: Recovery and the Jobs of the Future

Rep. Jan Schakowsky On "Rogue" CIA

Pope Gives Obama Doctrine On "Bioethical Questions"

Sen. Shelby, Gov. Rendell On Second Stimulus

Cantor Accuses Dems Of Reckless Spending And Borrowing

Sen. McCain Defends Palin: She Will "Play A Major Role"

Ann Coulter On Obama's Take On Stimulus

Sens. Cornyn, Feinstein On Sotomayor Confirmation

"This Week" Panel On Stimulus, Health Care, Cheney

Sarah Palin On The "Michael Dukes Show"

Liberal Talker Ed Schultz Takes Heat For Slamming Al Franken

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Stimulus, Health Care

Sens. Leahy, Sessions On Investigating Cheney, Sotomayor

Sen. Durbin Wants To Investigate "Secret Cheney Program"

Sen. Schumer On Stimulus' Long-Term Impact

Sebelius: All Health Care Reform Options Are On The Table

Cantor: Stimulus Has Been A "Flop"

Report: Cheney Ordered CIA To Hide Info From Congress

Obama Vows To Complete Health Care This Year

Obama's Teleprompter Crashes During Speech

"Special Report" Panel On Sotomayor's First Day

Senator Whitehouse on Cheney and the CIA

Sotomayor: Task Of Judge Is "To Apply The Law" Not "Make" Law

Watch Live: Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing

Day 1, Part 1 Of Sonia Sotomayor Hearings

O'Reilly On Race And The Supreme Court

MSNBC's Matthews Gets "Thrill" Over Sotomayor Hearing

Glenn Beck: "Guns Sales Up Because We Don't Trust Government"

Chairman Leahy on the First Hearing Day

Sen. Franken Delivers Opening Statement At Sotomayor Hearing

Sen. Bill Nelson on the CIA/Cheney Controversy

Sen. Schumer Gets Emotional Recounting Sotomayor's Childhood

Senator Graham on $1 Trillion Deficit

Protester Screams "What About Abortion?" At Sotomayor Hearing

Sen. Graham: Barring A Meltdown, Sotomayor Will Be Confirmed

Free Republic's Kristinn Taylor Spars With Shuster Over Malia Thread

Graham: Sotomayor "Can Be No Worse Than Souter"

Liz Cheney: Democrats "Uncomfortable" With Killing al-Qaeda

Durbin: "More Conservative Approach" Required For Health Care

Dem Congressman: Congress Taking On Too Much

Sessions: Sotomayor's Liberal Philosophy Will 'Flower' on Court

Gregory: White House Expects Hearing to be 'Low Key Affair'

Liz Cheney On Running For Office, Attacks On Her Father

Grassley: Gore Pushing Dems On Environment In "Religious Way"

Obama On All-Star Game: "I Want To Loosen Up My Arm"

Watch Live: Sotomayor Answers Questions At Hearing

Sen. Graham: Sotomayor Within The "Mainstream"

Man Yelling "Baby Killer" Removed From Sotomayor Hearing

Steele Courts Diverse Groups with Invitation: Y'all Come"

Gov. Rendell: State Workers Should "Put A Statue Of Me" On Their Mantel

Feinstein Gushes Over Sotomayor; Gives Her An "A++"

Sotomayor: "Experiences" Remark Was "Rhetorial Flourish That Fell Flat"

Sotomayor: Partial-Birth Abortion Case Is "Settled Law"

Jon Voight On Obama's Job Perfomance

Sotomayor Calls Abortion Rights "Settled Law"

Sen. Hatch On Day 2 Of Sotomayor Hearings

GOP Rep. Troubled Public Option Is "Cheaper" & Has "Clear Advantages"

Sotomayor Explains "Wise Latina" Remark

Sotomayor Explains Firefighter Decision: "Not About Quotas"

Alberto Gonzalez on Sotomayor

Liz Cheney Defends CIA Secrecy

Obama Interviewed About Afghanistan, Economy, Africa

Democrats want to impose "surtax" to finance health care - WSJ.com

Washington's Blog - “Nothing Will Change -- Nothing -- Until We Tear down the Sign [the Financial Elites Have] Placed on Government -- the One That Reads, ‘For Sale.’"

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: All Interstate Bank Barriers Coming Down

Refreshing News: Historic US Supreme Court pick faces critics

Brothel Offers Discount for Green Customers | CarnalNation


Nightmare in the Air | NBC Washington

Chicago water: In public reports, city silent over sex hormones and painkillers found in treated drinking water -- chicagotribune.com

Drug Company Greed, Dangerous Vaccines

Pro-Hate Bill Calls Flood Senate!

Hypershift War Book

YouTube - The Strangest Secret in the world - Earl Nightingale

YouTube - In 2009 USA will be hit with a nuclear bomb

Report: Female Sailor Found Dead at D.C. Military Base, Foul Play Expected - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Oil May Fall Below $45 on Weak U.S. Demand, BNP Says (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

News analysis: Killing of British soldiers, senior commander, rings alarm bells in London_English_Xinhua

Hamas Haneya ready to quit, if his resignation helps achieve reconciliation deal_English_Xinhua

AFP: Cuba, US to resume immigration talks at UN

AFP: SKorea, China bid to revive NKorea nuclear talks

IAF jets scrambled against civilian plane feared hijacked by terrorists - Haaretz

Obama tries to allay US Jews' concern - Jerusalem Post

Defeated Iran candidate: Islamic Republic may 'collapse' - Haaretz

Source: Russia won't agree to tougher Iran sanctions - Haaretz

Obama meets with US Jewish leaders on Israel, Iran - Jerusalem Post

Twelve Tortured Bodies Found in Mexico Drug War Hotbed - Fox

Momentum builds toward possible end of this U.S. agency - WND

Economic crisis far from over, WTO chief says - Reuters

Russian govt hopes to stabilise/ improve economic indicators in 2010 - TASS

Iran hangs 13 members of rebel Sunni Muslim group - Gulf News

A year on, Mediterranean Union has made little progress - Deutsche Welle

Al-Qaida threatens to target Chinese over Muslim deaths in Urumqi - Guardian

Review Planned for U.S. Terror Alert System - Fox

Chants of 'Death to Uighurs' Echo Around Urumqi- Der Spiegel

Questions Raised Over Influence of Obama 'Czars' - Fox

Sotomayor Faces Tough Questions From Senators - Fox

Obama Taps Alabama Doctor for Surgeon General - Fox

Police: 10% of youth use drugs- Ynet

A Bipartisan Blueprint For Immigration Reform - Jeb Bush, Thomas F. McLarty III and Edward Alden

Obama Frees Iranian Terror Masters - The release of the Irbil Five is a continuation of a shameful policy - Andrew C. McCarthy

Movin' Out - Sarah Palin on why she resigned and what it means for her future - Matthew Continetti

Bigger and Better Things for Sarah America - Larry Kudlow

Recruiting for jihad openly in Windy City suburb? - Steven Emerson

The Balloon Deflates - The American public remains resistant to big-government liberalism - William Kristol

Numbering The Days of Dictators - Caroline B. Glick

Avoiding Obama's ambush - Caroline B. Glick

Higher Taxes, Anyone? - George F. Will

Obama's Broken Promises: Higher Taxes, Massive Debt - NewsMax


www.discoverthenetworks.org/- CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY

American Daughter Media Center - Front Page » Blog Archive » The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part I: Manufactured Crisis

American Daughter Media Center - Front Page » Blog Archive » The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part II: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

American Daughter Media Center - Front Page » Blog Archive » The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part III: Conspiracy of the Lemmings

CHANDLER: The Cloward-Piven strategy - Washington Times

American Thinker: Cloward-Piven Crisis Care

American Thinker: The Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery

Newsmax.com – Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown

The American Spectator : ACORN's Food Stamp Mortgages

‘Reverend Pork Chop’ Jesse Lee Peterson: ‘Most black people today are racist’ | PoliticalArticles.NET

The dirty little secret about the 'N' word

YouTube - Jesse Lee Peterson: Obama elected by black racists and guilty white people

Preparing for Panic: ACORN, AIG, Cloward-Piven, and assorted coincidences (Updated) « RBO


video - Organizing Today

video - Saul Alinsky Takes the White House

video - The Democratic Promise: Saul Alinsky

video - Saul Alinsky and Barack Hussein Obama -

video - The Democratic Promise: Saul Alinsky

Democratic Promise - Saul Alinsky

Saul Alinsky and DNC Corruption

Who was Saul Alinsky? - HUMAN EVENTS

Rules for Radicals

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

BBC NEWS | Health | Swearing 'helps to reduce pain'

Man stung 1,000 times coming home; dog dies

Porn king's son held on murder charge

Ex-Fort Worth teacher arrested on suspicion of having sex with teen | News | Star-Telegram.com

*The big list: Female teachers with students

8 ways the food industry tricks you to overeat - Chew On This- msnbc.com

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | 'Whistling' deer spark searches

How Nickelodeon's Spongebob Became an $8B Kid Franchise - Advertising Age - MediaWorks

Obama says unemployment will keep ticking up

Sotomayor hearings: The complete transcript, Part 1 | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama's teleprompter smashes

China stops shock therapy for Internet addicts - Yahoo! Finance

TheHill.com - With Pelosi’s blessing, Dems push ahead with probe of CIA

NHS helplines are swamped as swine flu panic rises but Health Secretary calls for calm | Mail Online

Joe Jackson Says Michael Jackson Wasn't Capable of Completing Tour - ABC News

Fliers get advice on Internet etiquette - USATODAY.com

Monkey Moves Robot Using Mind Control

Six end simulated Mars mission isolation | Science & Health | Reuters

Bloomberg Slams Clinton: She Stabbed NYC In Back - wcbstv.com

My Way News - Amtrak unveils first rail car funded by stimulus

Lavish Kennedy book to sell for $1k a copy

Passenger Recalls Southwest Flight With Hole In Roof - NewsChannel 5.com - Nashville, Tennessee -

Soldier balks at deploying; says Obama isn’t president - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

American Flag Burned Outside Dallas Home, Again - cbs11tv.com

Sotomayor denies bias in 'wise Latina' remark

Sonia Sotomayor: Comments meant to inspire - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Sotomayor calls abortion rights 'settled law'

North Dakota could have a huge new oil field

Voodoo became a fatal obsession | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/14/2009

US general says US ready for NKorean attack

My Way News - SKorean police: Hackers extracted data in attacks

Sotomayor hearings: The judge's own opening statement -- full text | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Sotomayor says the law, not beliefs, drove rulings

Mystery mechanism drove global warming 55 million years ago

Obama nominates Ala doctor as next surgeon general

Graham predicts Sotomayor OK 'barring meltdown'

Sotomayor vows 'fidelity to the law' - Washington Times

Leading Judiciary Republican calls Sonia Sotomayor 'outside the mainstream' of legal thinking.

Republicans contest Obama's Supreme Court choice | Reuters

Black-White Gap in Jobless Rate Widens in New York City - NYTimes.com

Parents of soldiers killed in Afghanistan lash out at Government - Telegraph

Republicans lambast Obama for backing Zelaya

How To Create a New World Reserve Currency by Gary North

Beware William Tell's Second Arrow by William Norman Grigg

JFK’s Murder by Howard Wolf

The Great Credit Contraction Cometh by Bill Bonner

Are There Really 47 Million Americans Who Can’t Afford Health Insurance? by Dom Armentano

Fortunes Made, Fortunes Lost by Ian Mathias

Is Military Service Honorable? by Fred Reed

What Is Justice? by Butler Shaffer

I Was Just Following Orders by Laurence M. Vance

Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity by Peter Schiff

The High Crimes of US Presidents by Jack D. Douglas

A Handbook for Deniers by Per Bylund

Cook to Save Money by Briggs Armstrong

10 Tips for Great Coffee

Kill the Monster by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Free the Blago Six! by William L. Anderson

Keynes, Crackpots, and Deflation by Gary North

What Presidential Legacy? by Wilton D. Alston

Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy? by Ron Paul

The Name that Depression Contest, Part II by Walter Block

Icy Smiles for Obama in Moscow by Eric Margolis

What Is Antipsychiatry? by Thomas Szasz

7 Berries You Should Eat Everyday | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

How the Mighty Have Fallen

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick | The Spectator

Tenth Amendment Center | Tenth Amendment Talking Points

Magazines (and Websites) About Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency * Get Rich Slowly

Why the left misjudges GOP sex scandals | csmonitor.com

The statistics that colleges hate to share - Money Features

New Evidence: Exercise Helps Heart Disease, Increases Survival Better than Angioplasty

Liquorice: A new role in battle to beat cancer | Mail Online

How to shoot a handgun accurately by Massad Ayoob

Tase Early, Tase Often - Column - Auto Reviews - Car and Driver

"It's Discrimination!" - Ben O'Neill - Mises Institute

Gold is ultimate store of value for a discredited dollar, says Peter Schiff

Momentum builds toward possible end of this U.S. agency

News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic

Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up

Obama's 'birth hospital' in astonishing cover-up

How Obama's stimulus violates your constitutional rights

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

U.S. hospitals 'wouldn't have to disclose Hitler'

Hawaiian Supremes asked to take 'action' on WND report

IRS tells pro-lifers to give up 1st Amendment

Government control goes that extra mile

Will Congress read the health bill?

How to fight Obama-enabled racism

Is he the royal president?

NAACP to governor: Declare martial law

Sotomayor Girds for a Showdown at Confirmation Hearings for Supreme Court Post - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Human Equation - NYTimes.com

The Balloon Deflates

Obama’s LBJ Moment

The cheap collateral damage of sex scandals - The Boston Globe

James R. Schlesinger: Why We Don't Want a Nuclear-Free World - WSJ.com

Burris will step aside with tarnished legacy :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Disillusioned Environmentalists Turn on Obama as Compromiser - NYTimes.com

Obama on the flying trapeze - The Globe and Mail

Meet The Sotomayors

RealClearPolitics - Sotomayor and the Second Amendment

The American Debate: Why GOP can't block Sotomayor | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/12/2009

Lawmakers, read the bills before you vote - The Boston Globe

Climate change: The sun and the oceans do not lie - Telegraph

A Sponsorship Scandal at The Post

Will Ghosts of Bush Era Derail Obama Plans? - ABC News

The Education of Sonia Sotomayor

Editorial - Not So Generous - NYTimes.com

N.C.'s Hagan to Obama: Let probes of Edwards, Easley go on | McClatchy

For 435 Lawmakers, 250 Caucuses to Choose From - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Consequences of Big Government

RealClearPolitics - Sotomayor Hearings Begin a New Judicial Era

RealClearPolitics - The Gotcha Question is a Waste of Time

RealClearPolitics - The Seinfeld Hearings

RealClearPolitics - The Real Court Radicals

RealClearPolitics - Is Obama Spread Too Thin?

RealClearPolitics - Krugman's Contradiction

RealClearPolitics - Sotomayor's Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee

The Seinfeld Hearings - WSJ.com

Barack Obama's Foreign Policy: The Five Pillars - TIME

Losers who pushed Palin still feuding :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views

A bipartisan blueprint for immigration reform - Los Angeles Times

Obama's Other Wife - The Daily Beast

Nominee Outlines Philosophy on Bench

The Caucus - Health Care Negotiator With Instinct for the Deal - NYTimes.com

More Healthcare Fantasy Land - Yuval Levin - The Corner on National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Chairman Leahy's Opening Statement at Sotomayor Hearing

RealClearPolitics - Ranking Member Sessions' Opening Statement at Sotomayor Hearing

RealClearPolitics - Schumer's Opening Statement at Sotomayor's Hearning

RealClearPolitics - Senator Hatch's Opening Statement at Sotomayor Hearing

Sarah Palin - A 'Cap and Tax' Road to Economic Disaster - washingtonpost.com

Another Phony Scandal by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Sotomayor and the Senate -- chicagotribune.com

Improve care, lower costs

EDITORIAL: Eat the rich - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Family ties may hold Harry Reid's son back - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - GOP, Holder battle over New Black Panthers

The Take: Republicans Walk Fine Line Questioning Sotomayor - washingtonpost.com

Will Republicans expose the two Sotomayors? | Washington Examiner

Reform health care without government takeover | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Palin won't be GOP nominee in 2012 - THE WEEK

In Sonia v. Sarah, GOP is doomed - The Globe and Mail

RealClearPolitics - Immigration Reform is Quietly Here

Will foreign affairs trap Obama? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Editorial: Obama's stimulus plan is not working | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Editorial - Questioning Judge Sotomayor - NYTimes.com

President Obama's Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor Deserves Deference in the Senate - washingtonpost.com

Democrats want to impose "surtax" to finance health care - WSJ.com

Obama Repeats Threat to Veto Bill Over F-22 Jet - NYTimes.com

Senate Clears Groves to Lead Census Bureau - WSJ.com

Congress Mulls Trading Curbs for Its Own - washingtonpost.com

RealClearMarkets - The Road to Economic Demoralization

Why creating jobs is so hard - MSN Money

McKinsey's Cracked Crystal Ball

Talking Business - From Treasury to Banks, an Ultimatum on Mortgage Relief - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Columnists / Lunch with the FT - Lunch with the FT: Larry Summers

All Roads Lead to Goldman - Barrons.com

RealClearMarkets - Why Obama's Economic Policies Are Failing

Rights And Wrongs Of Health Care Reform - Forbes.com

Peter J. Wallison - Elitist Protection Consumers Don't Need - washingtonpost.com

Everybody’s Business - Good Intentions Aside, Are We Killing the Patient? - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Church and State Link to Ban Capitalism

History suggests it could be decades before the dollar is dislodged - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - The Consequences of Big Government

The Real AIG Controversy at Emac’s Stock Watch | Fox Business

Wall Street 2015 by Luigi Zingales, City Journal 14 July 2009

Five for '09 Commentary: Lingering questions Wall Street needs to answer by year's end

Nine Reasons the Economy is Not Getting Better - US News and World Report

At What Cost?

Forbes.com: Make It About Ricci, Not Sotomayor

Preparing Today’s Workers for Tomorrow’s Jobs - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com

Chris Steiner: Priming For $20/Gallon Gas - Features and Interviews - Hard Assets Investor

China and the G-8 OrWhat to do When Your Banker Says No | FX Solutions

Microsoft plans free, online version of Office - Los Angeles Times

White House Projects Gains in Health, 'Green' Jobs - washingtonpost.com

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - China is now an empire in denial

Lowered Expectations

Afghanistan: Our troops are giving their lives to safeguard a rigged election - Telegraph

National Brotherhood Week

New rules of engagement - World - Macleans.ca

Why is Japan introverted? | The Japan Times Online

Murderers' Makeover - Forbes.com

RealClearWorld - Fold the G-8 into the G-20

The North Korean nuclear test: The Russian reaction | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

North Korea's dangerous game

*RealClearWorld - President Barack Obama's Speech in Ghana

N. Korean Leader Dying of Cancer, Report Says - NYTimes.com

Hunt for Iran’s most wanted man - The National Newspaper

Jackson Diehl - A Double Standard on Democracy in Latin America - washingtonpost.com

Medvedev Under Obama’s Charm

RealClearWorld - Can Euro-Vision Be More Than a Song Contest?

Obama Rewrites the Cold War - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - Why Barack Changed His Tune in Ghana

WPR Article | The Rise of the Center in Latin America

Madly off in all directions - The Globe and Mail

Asia Times Online - Taliban will let guns do their talking

RealClearWorld - The Obama Doctrine and Africa

Obama Frees Iranian Terror Masters by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Assessing the North Korean Threat | The New Ledger

Zoom in to this small tale that spells defeat | Matthew Parris - Times Online

The Caudillos v. the Elites: Honduras Coup Reveals Deep Divisions in Latin America - SPIEGEL ONLINE

RealClearWorld - Iran's Clash of Imans

Pro-Hate Bill Calls Flood Senate!

Notes From the American Southwest: Equality and the Death of Love

CIA drew up plans to assassinate al-Qaeda leaders - Telegraph

Sonia Sotomayor labelled "activist judge" at confirmation hearing - Telegraph

Now that's what I call a fly-past: US Navy F18 streaks past apartment block | Mail Online

Cut population by a third, say crowded Britons | Mail Online

'Obamanomics' The Inelegant Solution To Everything

Back Again Through The Hourglass Darkly

Sound effect: how cats exploit the human need to nurture | Science | The Guardian

Jeffrey Toobin: Sessions Says Only White Men Are Without Prejudice

Sotomayor finally gets a chance to respond to the 'wise Latina' attacks

O'Reilly, Carpenter deride Presente Action's defense of Sotomayor as a 'tentacle of MoveOn'

Glenn Beck jumps the gun, depicts welcoming remarks to Sotomayor as 'questioning'


*Transcripts: Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform

A New Moment of Promise in Africa

Obama's Weekly Address: The Stimulus is Working

Obama's Press Conference at the G-8

Brooks and Marcus on Health Care Reform

Interview with GM's Vice Chairman

Roundtable Debates Congress/CIA Dispute

Analysts on Simmering Tensions in Iran

Reps. Smith and Issa Debate CIA Allegations

Biden's Remarks on Health Care and Hospitals

Interview with Minority Leader McConnell

Analysts Debate Stimulus Package Effectiveness

Roundtable on Obama and Health Care


*Video:Record Revenues: Goldman Knocks Ball Out of Park

Ritholtz V. Siegel

Beware of Leveraged ETFs

Fidelity Drinking Up Starbucks

Do Stocks Really Outperform Bonds?

Krawcheck: Bank Supervison Needs Simplification

Whitney: 13% Unemployment Entirely Possible

Meredith Whitney's Outlook for Financials

What Would You Say to Goldman's Lloyd Blankfein?

Financials In Focus

Palm's Roger McNamee and Jon Rubinstein at D7

Economic Recovery Will Happen, But Painfully

Japan's Aso Calls for August Election

New UK-Russia Cold War?

Aftermath of Xinjiang Unrest

Obama in Ghana: Full Speech

Pakistani Refugees Return Home

David Cameron on Afghanistan

Interview with Lee Myung-bak

Maoist Ambush in India

Obama in Ghana

Marisa Cochrane on the Transition in Iraq

Clashes in Somalia

Defence Minister Ainsworth Addresses Commons

Charles Taylor's Brutal Rule

Al-Qaeda in Yemen

France Celebrates Bastille Day

Displaced Pakistanis Fear Returning Home

Cannabis Tour Guide on Amsterdam

New European Parliament Inauguration

Weekly Address: Recovery and the Jobs of the Future

Rep. Jan Schakowsky On "Rogue" CIA

Pope Gives Obama Doctrine On "Bioethical Questions"

Sen. Shelby, Gov. Rendell On Second Stimulus

Cantor Accuses Dems Of Reckless Spending And Borrowing

Sen. McCain Defends Palin: She Will "Play A Major Role"

Ann Coulter On Obama's Take On Stimulus

Sens. Cornyn, Feinstein On Sotomayor Confirmation

"This Week" Panel On Stimulus, Health Care, Cheney

Sarah Palin On The "Michael Dukes Show"

Liberal Talker Ed Schultz Takes Heat For Slamming Al Franken

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Stimulus, Health Care

Sens. Leahy, Sessions On Investigating Cheney, Sotomayor

Sen. Durbin Wants To Investigate "Secret Cheney Program"

Sen. Schumer On Stimulus' Long-Term Impact

Sebelius: All Health Care Reform Options Are On The Table

Cantor: Stimulus Has Been A "Flop"

Report: Cheney Ordered CIA To Hide Info From Congress

Obama Vows To Complete Health Care This Year

Obama's Teleprompter Crashes During Speech

"Special Report" Panel On Sotomayor's First Day

Senator Whitehouse on Cheney and the CIA

Sotomayor: Task Of Judge Is "To Apply The Law" Not "Make" Law

Watch Live: Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing

Day 1, Part 1 Of Sonia Sotomayor Hearings

O'Reilly On Race And The Supreme Court

MSNBC's Matthews Gets "Thrill" Over Sotomayor Hearing

Glenn Beck: "Guns Sales Up Because We Don't Trust Government"

Chairman Leahy on the First Hearing Day

Sen. Franken Delivers Opening Statement At Sotomayor Hearing

Sen. Bill Nelson on the CIA/Cheney Controversy

Sen. Schumer Gets Emotional Recounting Sotomayor's Childhood

Senator Graham on $1 Trillion Deficit

Protester Screams "What About Abortion?" At Sotomayor Hearing

Sen. Graham: Barring A Meltdown, Sotomayor Will Be Confirmed

Free Republic's Kristinn Taylor Spars With Shuster Over Malia Thread

Graham: Sotomayor "Can Be No Worse Than Souter"

Liz Cheney: Democrats "Uncomfortable" With Killing al-Qaeda

Durbin: "More Conservative Approach" Required For Health Care

Dem Congressman: Congress Taking On Too Much

Sessions: Sotomayor's Liberal Philosophy Will 'Flower' on Court

Gregory: White House Expects Hearing to be 'Low Key Affair'

Liz Cheney On Running For Office, Attacks On Her Father

Grassley: Gore Pushing Dems On Environment In "Religious Way"

Obama On All-Star Game: "I Want To Loosen Up My Arm"

Watch Live: Sotomayor Answers Questions At Hearing

Sen. Graham: Sotomayor Within The "Mainstream"

Man Yelling "Baby Killer" Removed From Sotomayor Hearing

Steele Courts Diverse Groups with Invitation: Y'all Come"

Gov. Rendell: State Workers Should "Put A Statue Of Me" On Their Mantel

Feinstein Gushes Over Sotomayor; Gives Her An "A++"

Sotomayor: "Experiences" Remark Was "Rhetorial Flourish That Fell Flat"

Sotomayor: Partial-Birth Abortion Case Is "Settled Law"

Jon Voight On Obama's Job Perfomance

Sotomayor Calls Abortion Rights "Settled Law"

Sen. Hatch On Day 2 Of Sotomayor Hearings

GOP Rep. Troubled Public Option Is "Cheaper" & Has "Clear Advantages"

Sotomayor Explains "Wise Latina" Remark

Sotomayor Explains Firefighter Decision: "Not About Quotas"

Alberto Gonzalez on Sotomayor

Liz Cheney Defends CIA Secrecy

Obama Interviewed About Afghanistan, Economy, Africa

Alex Jones: “World Elite in the Bohemian Club”

Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?

Is Obama bent on creating a race of thoroughbreds?

Pope’s New Encyclical Speaks Against, not for One-World Government and New World Order

Is John Holdren Obama’s Dr. Strangelove?

WACLA Delivers Scientific Proof of TREASON to Members of Congress and Other D.C. Players

The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

Justice Dept. wants UBS customer names - Business - MiamiHerald.com

**Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson: Obama Czar’s Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

House health plan to boost taxes on rich

Girl With Two Hearts Heals Spontaneously

Understanding Dementia And 'Wandering'

Go Ahead and Curse! It May Ease Your Pain

Details Emerge As House Democrats Plan To Release Health Bill

Walking, Biking to Work Pays Off

Fans gather in London where Michael Jackson was to perform

Ryan Seacrest signs $30-million 'American Idol' deal

Jackson Fans Stage Vigil on Comeback Night

Comcast offers HBO, Cinemax on the Web and on-demand

NASA Hopes For Wednesday Shuttle Launch

NASA Hints It's Found Missing Moon-Landing Videotapes

Mars flight simulation experiment ends in Moscow

The Best Internet Addresses Will Cost a Cool .Million

SpaceX scores a satellite success

Pandora Sings New Tune With Royalty Agreement, Funding

Madoff Sent to NC Prison to Begin 150-Year Sentence

FAA, NTSB probe hole in Southwest Airlines jet

Monsanto Revives Plans to Develop Wheat Seeds

Monsanto buys WestBred for $45 million

Facebook - 'The Accidental Billionaires'

War victims vilify 'lying' Taylor

Analysis: Income gaps, corruption fuel China riots

French Advisers Kidnapped in Somalia

Tribesmen Kill 23 Militants in Northwest Pakistan

Troops sent to tighten security for Afghanistan election may stay longer | UK news | guardian.co.uk

EU Parliament Elects Ex-Polish PM Buzek As Pres

Afghan leader heads to non-aligned summit in Egypt

Why US diplomats are visiting Israeli settlers

Despite Jewish Concerns, Obama Keeps Up Pressure on Israel

Six die in copter crash, Afghan war toll mounts

What makes this Bastille Day different?

US general says US ready for NKorean attack

US urges patience on Honduras crisis talks

Russia shrugs off Europe gas pipeline deal

Nigerian Rebel Group Now Ready for Talks After Release of Leader

N. Ireland marching violence was organised: police

Baghdad church bombings leave tiny Christian minority trembling

Russia says no Iran sanctions for START deal: report

Will Japan's next leader break free of the puppetmasters?

Myanmar opposition skeptical of government's amnesty claim

Zimbabwe Constitution Talks Resume After Chaos

Sotomayor on Sotomayor: Revises, extends her words

Sotomayor seeks to explain her wise Latina' comment

First Lady's Father Buried at Burr Oak Cemetery

In speech, Obama notes Michigan's 'hard truth'

2 more arrested in Florida couple's slaying; total of 6 in custody

Obama Says Jobless Rate Likely to Tick Up for Several Months

Palin slams Obama on energy plan

Clinton Seeks 'Enhanced' India Relationship in New Delhi Visit

The cia's kill teams were modeled on Israel's hit squads

Episcopal Church moves to mainstream gays and lesbians

Obama's surgeon general pick will be grilled on 'life issues'

Lawmakers say they're getting closer to budget deal

Search for Escaped Inmates Shifts From Michigan Town

Obama admin pushes US financial consumer watchdog

Review planned for terror alert system

Ohio executes trucker who went on killing spree

Bob McDonnell raises $1.8 million in June

Mayoral Control Talks Underway, Three Chapter Amendments Proposed

NYC councilman resigns amid slush fund probe

News Video

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Goldman Number Better Than Expected - Bloomberg

YouTube - Madoff Sent To Atlanta Prison - Bloomberg

YouTube - Southwest, Boeing Inspecting 737 Planes

YouTube - Cashing In On Facebook Stocks - Bloomberg

YouTube - Victims remember Taylor's brutal rule - 14 Jul 09

YouTube - Inside Story - Extended operation in Afghanistan ? - 13 July 09

YouTube - Strasbourg: New European Parliament Inauguration

YouTube - Israeli Mobile Phone Ad Upsets Palestinians

YouTube - interview - Lee Myung-bak, President of South Korea

YouTube - Nabucco go ahead brings rival for South Stream

YouTube - Several injured in Orange march clashes

YouTube - Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) on Cameras in the Court

YouTube - 7 People in Custody in Slaying of Fla. Couple

YouTube - CIA linked to Bhutto's murder?

YouTube - Obama Names Regina Benjamin as Surgeon General - Bloomberg

YouTube - Police scale back search for 2 escapees

YouTube - Senate Holds Hearing on Consumer Protection

YouTube - Top Senate staffers get hefty raises

YouTube - NASA's Endeavour launch postponed by bad weather

YouTube - Health Care Needs to Succeed

YouTube - Teenaged girl completely recovered after heart operation

CIA Assassination Program Revealed: Nothing New Under the Sun

Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening

**U.S. Military to Install Global Internet Architecture Giving a “God-like” View of Planet

Did nano-thermite take down the WTC?

Newt Gingrich: Sabotage Iran’s Oil Infrastructure

Debbie Schlussel : Most Famous "Right Wing Republican" Reality Stars Are 9/11 Truthers

Debbie Schlussel : Religion of Peace . . . and Flogging for Wearing Pants

Debbie Schlussel : The Audacity of Vandalism . . . & Hope: Famous Obama Artist Gets Sentenced

Debbie Schlussel : Hopeless GOP Hopes Only Half of Its 40 Senators Vote No on Sonia From the Block

Debbie Schlussel : VIDEO: Ladybugs Take Over Colorado City - Hajj for Red Insects to Colorado Mecca

Debbie Schlussel : Dying Major City's Brilliant Leadership Pinpoints Cause of its Doom: Lando Calrissian

Debbie Schlussel : No, the "Air" McNair Chick Was NOT a Muslima, But She Fled From Them; McNair the "Family Man"

Debbie Schlussel : Dying Major City's Brilliant Idea to Combat Violence: Recruit Muslim Black Supremacist Group

Debbie Schlussel : It Ain't Like James Bond: Some Top Spies' Spouses Are Dummies

Debbie Schlussel : "Dr. Butt Will See You Now": Muslim UK Dentist Is What We'll Get w/ ObamaCare

Debbie Schlussel : It's Official: "The JOOOOOS Killed Michael Jackson!"

Debbie Schlussel : But Wait, American Muslims Are Supposed to be "Moderates": 20 Minnesota Muslims Indicted for Al-Qaeda Terrorism (J-No Says "No Threat")

Debbie Schlussel : New Catch-22 of the Current Recession: Employers Who Are Hiring Prefer the Already Employed

Researchers: Attacks on U.S., Korea sites came from U.K. | Security - CNET News

Daily Express | World News :: War hero Patton 'murdered by the CIA'

Senate Democrats Attach Hate Crimes Law to Defense Bill - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Churches United gun surrender nets six firearms | Lynchburg News Advance

China may attack India by 2012

Mandatory Vaccinations: Precedent and Current Laws

Iraq: ancient Babylon archaeological site damaged by military activity

Council on Foreign Relations backs amnesty for illegals, opposes Arpaio-style raids - Phoenix Business Journal:


VIDEO:Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson: Obama Czar’s Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

AUDIO - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 10th With Webster Tarpley

AUDIO - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 13th With G. Edward Griffin

Talk Radio


07/13 The Mark Levin Show

07/10 The Mark Levin Show

07/09 The Mark Levin Show

07/08 The Mark Levin Show

The Money Matrix - Prelude (PART 1/15)

The Money Matrix - What is a Dollar Bill Worth? (PART 2/15)

The Money Matrix - What Makes Money Money? (PART 3/15)

The Money Matrix - What is Honest Money? (PART 4/15)

The Money Matrix on the Grand Deception of Seigniorage (PART 5/15)

The Money Matrix - How the FED Works (PART 6/15)


The Money Matrix - Who Owns the FED (UPDATED PART 7/15)

The Money Matrix on "Credetary" Inflation and Deflation (PART 9/15)

The Money Matrix - What the Heck Are Derivatives? (PART 10/15)

The Money Matrix - Bring Light to Dark Derivatives! (PART 11/15)

Unlocking the Money Matrix - The Real Interest Rate (PART 12/15)

Unlocking the Money Matrix - The Summers Gold Price Suppression Scheme (PART 13/15)

JULY 15 09

***Chart:House Democrats Health Plan/pdf

Paulson to Defend Banks' Merger

Unrest Tied to Labor Program

Obama prods Congress on healthcare, Senate panel acts

Spear, jungle stereotypes shock Africans in U.S.

Fla. Couple Killers Caught After Camera Wasn't Disarmed

9 Doctors Who Treated Jackson Under Investigation

Obama Push Comes toShove on Health Care

Sotomayor Dodges Abortion Questions

Pot No Longer Focus of Anti-Drug Campaigns

Obama 'hopeful' on health care bills

Concerns over superbugs in our food supply

Russian activist 'found murdered'

France Approves Divisive Bill Allowing Sunday Work

North Korea says no dialogue without respect for sovereignty

Air France wreckage arrives in France

Islamists Demand Revenge for China Riots

Al Qaeda to Pakistanis: Only Hope is Jihad

Witness: Iran jet's tail in flames before crash

Sotomayor: Ivy League was 'new to me'

Killing of 3-year-old a mystery five years later

Swindler Gets 2 More Years for Prison Skip-Out

Prison Coach: Madoff Was Not Afraid of Jail Sentence

Grandma's House: The New Summer Camp

8th person sought in Fla. couple's slaying

Sex-trial witness: Alamo cited Lord's wishes

It's Obama's Economy Now

Why Stimulus Hasn't Been Stimulating

End of the Recession? Not So Fast

Treasurys Stay Down After Fed Sees Slow Recovery

Credit card defaults up less than expected

Analysis: Obama takes ownership of economy

Wal-Mart plans green labels for products: WSJ

Americans looking to bonds to stash away savings

Pot-Bellied Dinosaur Skeleton Found in Utah

NASA Hints It's Found Missing Moon-Landing Videotapes

Google vs. Microsoft: What you need to know

Pentagon hacker fights extradition to U.S.

Six Men Endure 105-day Mars Flight Simulator

Bill Gates Puts Classic Feynman Lectures Online

Facebook hits a quarter billion users

Survey: Why do people respond to spam?

Webtops hoping for a brighter future

Tagging technology to track trash

Coppola's Hollywood family tree

Jackson's ex-wife denies giving up kids

Exclusive: Joanna Krupa on Bad Pick-Up Lines, Self-Spanking

Spouse Has Dementia? You're at Risk, Too

Pesticides May Raise Alzheimer's Risk

Energy drinks not 'magic potion'

Commentary: Health plans a prescription for pain

Video: Fast Food Diet Tips

Video: Cost of Extended Healthcare

Gas inhaling doctor can practise

Man caught in the buff at N. Indiana cemetery (AP)

Man arrested with panties hanging from pants (AP)

Man tries to fix airbed, blows up apartment

Gang leader charged in scheme to control punk rock

Strange allies: Swimmers and the sharks that bit them

Police: ATM card used to pop lock, then find kidnapper

Arrested men enjoyed a smoke in squad car

NASA Hints It's Found Missing Moon-Landing Videotapes - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

A Fine Time to Raise the Minimum Wage by Richard Daughty

BBC NEWS UK Magazine Giving up my iPod for a Walkman

Colleges seek to cut costs in tough economic times Antiwar Newswire

Commodities is the place to be, says Jim Rogers- Interviews-Opinion-The Economic Times

Disloyal Opposition Help, I'm trapped in the Smithsonian!

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

P.I.G. Tales by Doug French

Revealed Cutting calories could be the key to a longer life Mail Online

REVOLUTION Jersey Shore Street Secedes From Town - wcbstv.com

Stop Signs and Liberty by Jeffrey A. Tucker

The Antifederalists Were Right by Gary Galles

Why Gold's Price Rose in the Great Depression by Gary North

There's Still Time to Kill the Hate Bill

Jet makes landing with football-sized hole - CNN.com

India to issue all 1.2 billion citizens with biometric ID cards - Times Online

Myth America - 10 Greatest Myths Of The Robber Class

Chuck Baldwin -- Romans Chapter 13 Revisited

1918 Pandenic H1N1 Human/Swine Recombination

"Dead Man Musings" - The Heavy Price of Fighting Illuminati

Accountant For Harvard Hillel Arrested After Nearly $800,000 Disappears – Forward.com

Drug Company Greed, Dangerous Vaccines

Site - The National Prayer Network's Homepage



Sonia Sotomayor labelled "activist judge" at confirmation hearing - Telegraph

Barack Obama meets Jewish leaders over 'tough line' on Israel - Telegraph

Dick Cheney 'hid plans to kill al-Qaida operatives abroad' | World news | guardian.co.uk

CIA drew up plans to assassinate al-Qaeda leaders - Telegraph

NWV News - Sarah Foster -- Climate Bill Spells "Skyrocketing" Energy Rates, Unemployment, Less Freedom

FT.com / UK - McGraw-Hill might 'give away' Business Week for nominal $1

Notes From the American Southwest: Equality and the Death of Love

My Way News - Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears

Big broadcaster Sinclair in dire straits | Company Town | Los Angeles Times

Sting nabs sticky-fingered JFK airport workers going through luggage

Washington's Blog - Yes, the U.S. DID Carry Out Foreign Assassinations . . . And STILL DOES U

*List of Iraqi academics assassinated in Iraq during the US-led occupation

- Bilderberg Seeks Bank Centralization Agenda

Washington's Blog - The Secret Program CAN'T Be Foreign Assassinations, Because Congress Was Briefed on that in 2001 and the New York Times Wrote About it in 2002

Court knew man jailed for a year for non-support was not child's father | ajc.com

Iran could have atomic bomb within 6 months – report – Wake Up America! Your Government is Hijacked by Zionism

YouTube - ObamaHandshakeSnubbed

YouTube - Obama Snubbed In Saudi Arabia?

whatreallyhappened.com:KILLING THE FAMILY OF JESUS

Warnings to Precious Metal ETF Investors - Buyer Beware! - Mark Anthony -- Seeking Alpha

Washington set to buy Silverstein's WTC lease - Business News, Business - The Independent

Amsterdam.info - Amsterdam Tulip Museum

Did an Israeli anesthetic cause Michael Jackson's death? - Haaretz - Israel News

Smoking Mirrors: The Irish and The New World Order.

168 people feared dead in Iran plane crash - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff July 14 Vlog

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Michael Shedlock on The Alex Jones Show - Bernankes Big Scam

Ex-Clinton aides advising Honduran coup regime


Truthdig - Reports - ‘Government Sachs’ Strikes Gold ... Again

Refreshing News: Apollo 11 Moon landing: conspiracy theories debunked

YouTube - 2009 July David Icke on Swine flu (+updates) TIME2ACT against NWO Mafia Forced Vaccinations

kenny's sideshow: "9/11 Truth" and its role in the game

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: If A Revolution Comes, They're Going After Goldman First

American's Journey: FBI: Your Tax dollars at work Brainwashing Kids...

Asia Times Online - Taliban will let guns do their talking

Blacks and Joblessness: the Toll of Racism

The Fed Under Fire: The Federal Reserve Is The Black Hole In American Democracy (Phenomenal 8-Minute Short Film) - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis

Average length of unemployment highest since 1948. - WSJ.com

Al Gore and friends create climate of McCarthyism | The Australian

Al Gore rewrites history

Lack of Media Coverage of Pfc. LaVena Johnson's Murder and Army Cover-Up Our Shame

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » It’s Not Iran… It’s Obama’s Administration Here in America.

Private Rocket Successfully Puts Satellite In Orbit for the First Time - SpaceX - Gizmodo

Computer attack may not have originated in North Korea after all - Technology Live - USATODAY.com

Child psychiatrist Dr. William Ayres takes stand in molestation case - San Jose Mercury News

Why High Frequency Program Trading Smells | Sense on Cents

The Associated Press: US destroyer anchors off Georgia for exercises

The Raw Story » Ex-FBI Agent: Why I Support a New 9/11 Investigation

Obama says some auto jobs gone, defends economic plan | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Selfish Arabs:Might,Mindset & Misconduct. « Political Theatrics

The Catholic Church and Palestine « Time to Think

'The Select Few' Are Cashing in: Shocking Corruption at the Washington Post | Politics | AlterNet

**Gasoline tax information - California Gas Prices

Auto Czar Leaves Washington Amid Pay-to-Play Probe Involving Former Firm - Political News - FOXNews.com

revolution: british health care

Busted World: Neocon Rodeo

Democrats want to impose "surtax" to finance health care - WSJ.com

Modified sugarbeets stir controversy : County News : Boulder Daily Camera

Washington's Blog - “Nothing Will Change -- Nothing -- Until We Tear down the Sign [the Financial Elites Have] Placed on Government -- the One That Reads, ‘For Sale.’"

Refreshing News: Historic US Supreme Court pick faces critics

UK: School Children Given Sex Slave Lessons

Cut Population By A Third Say Crowded Britons

07-15-2009: New Hampshire Man Charged 23 Quadrillion Dollars For Pack Of Cigarettes

07-15-2009: UFOs: Record Number Of Sightings Expected In 2009

07-15-2009: New Military Robots Could Feed On Corpses

07-15-2009: Obama mulls rental option for some homeowners say sources

07-15-2009: Obama Group Airing Propaganda TV Ad Campaign Touting Health Care Plan

07-15-2009: Cyber Attacks May Have Come From Britain

07-15-2009: House bill would make health care a right

07-14-2009: US launches review of terror warning system

07-14-2009: George Patton Murdered By The CIA According To New Book

Does Google Know Too Much About You?


VIDEO: The Fed Under Fire

VIDEO: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper: “There Is Going To Have To Be Global Governance”

Hate-Crime Legislation Would Backfire

Senate delays climate bill until September

Council on Foreign Relations backs amnesty for illegals, opposes Arpaio-style raids

Worse Than Foreign Assasinations?

Is Obama Continuing the Bush/Cheney Assassination Program?

Investigative Reporter Seymour Hersh Describes 'Executive Assassination Ring'

Karl Rove: It's Dangerous to Give Congress Information

Freedom and Democracy in mid-2009

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

From WW II To WW III: Global NATO And Remilitarized Germany

The Keynesian Revolution and the Neo-liberal Counter-revolution

US State Sponsored Assassinations: Congress Objects to CIA Lies but not to Torture and Murder

Implanting Microchips into Insects. US Military Develops "Cybug Spies"

The World Food Crisis in Historical Perspective

Inflation, Deflation and "Got You" Prices

Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?

Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

video - Wayne Madsen: Special "Q Group" security wing inside US National Security Agency

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez

Scientists Discover Light Force with 'Push' Power

Hoyer Says Small Businesses Don't Make $280,000 Per Year So They Won't Be Hurt by Democrats' Planned $540-Billion Tax Hike

Democrats' $540-Billion Tax Hike Will Force People into Government-Run Health Care, Congressman Says

Senate Democratic Whip Pledges to Read Health Care Bill Before Voting On It

Obama Health Care Plan Will Provide Taxpayer-Funded Abortion on Demand, Congressmen Say

Pro-Life Group Disputes Sotomayor’s View that Roe v. Wade Is ‘Settled Law’

Senate Health Committee Passes Health Care Overhaul

Russia, Ignoring Obama, Continues Its Defiant Conduct in the Caucasus

Amid Islamic Anger, China Insists Violence in Xinjiang is Not Related to Ethnicity or Religion

Tax Increase on 'Rich' People Planned by House Democrats Would Strike More Than a Million U.S. Small Businesses

Climate-Change Bill Gives China Advantage Over U.S., Putting U.S. Industries and Jobs at Risk, Says Government Report

‘Eclipsed’ Hillary Clinton Aims to Retake Foreign Policy Center Stage

Democrats’ Health Care Plan Would Cost at Least $1 Trillion Over Ten Years, CBO Says

Bill Would Spend More to Make College Affordable

Homeland Security Chief to Promote Cheaper Secure Driver’s Licenses

U.S., China Announce Clean Energy Research Center

How Senator Mikulski Slipped an Abortion Mandate into the Health Care Bill

Two Scientists, Two Standards

The Real Litmus Tests Sotomayor Should Face

PBS and Health Care Hypocrites

The Democrats’ Selective Amnesia on Assassination: Clinton Did It and Obama Does It Too

Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population Control Proposals

Obama Open to Partisan Vote on Health-Care Overhaul, Aides Say - Bloomberg.com

The Secret Program CAN’T Be Foreign Assassinations, Because Congress Was Briefed on that in 2001 and the New York Times Wrote About it in 2002

Holdren & Company: The Neo-Malthusian School

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Sotomayor Hearings Serving as a Distraction for Tax Hikes?

Punks invade Williamsburg as heroin-addicted hobos set up shop in trendy Brooklyn neighborhood

Geithner urges Gulf countries to invest in US - Yahoo! News UK

The Associated Press: DC mom accused of killing 4 daughters cited demons


FACT CHECK: Don't quote Sotomayor on that, Senator

Republicans don't believe Sotomayor's stories | Washington Examiner

Obama breaks campaign promise (yawn) and throws the Constitution under the bus

Obama mulls 'rental option' for homeowners

Single-payer health care in action

From those who really know how the govt. operates

Why does Obama treat Africa and the Arab world differently?

Decline and fall

Protecting Pelosi, not America

Sarah Palin vs. the Marquis de Sade

Why Europeans are turning against Obama

Hearing Black?

The Green Suicide of the G-8

Judicial Politics and Gitmo

Will Dems allow Goldman to manipulate a cap-and-trade market?

Bon Voyage: Sarah's Departure Viewed From Alaska

Obama is Russia's New Useful Idiot

Jackson Idolatry and the Conservative Response

O'Reilly attacks 'far-left zealot' Rick Perlstein for Newsweek piece on the rabid right

Shorter Jon Kyl: because honestly, we need it.

Senate Republicans Block Own Amendments on Health Care Bill

Sessions Treats White Male Nominees Differently Than Female Latina Nominees

Rush Limbaugh lies about George Allen and says Sotomayor's comment much worse than "Macaca"

Liz Cheney as the GOP future: A big step up from Palin, at least

New CBS Poll: Most Americans feel that Sarah Palin is not qualified to be President

NRA lying in wait to ambush Sotomayor -- with popguns

Zach Wamp Complains About C-Street Coverage on the Rachel Maddow Show

What CIA program was Cheney trying to hide from Congress, you ask?

Jeffrey Toobin: Sessions Says Only White Men Are Without Prejudice

Sotomayor finally gets a chance to respond to the 'wise Latina' attacks

O'Reilly, Carpenter deride Presente Action's defense of Sotomayor as a 'tentacle of MoveOn'

Glenn Beck jumps the gun, depicts welcoming remarks to Sotomayor as 'questioning'

My Way News - House bill would make health care a right

House bill to hit millionaires with 5.4 pct surtax | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Obama group airing TV ad touting health overhaul - Yahoo! Finance

Breitbart.tv » ‘Cominskey Field’? President Obama Botches Name of Home of His Beloved White Sox

Past warming shows gaps in climate knowledge - study | World | Reuters

Big blobs of mystery goo floating off Alaska coast | McClatchy

Poor in Colorado may get free phones - The Denver Post

Gadhafi says Iran nuclear program to be supported - Yahoo! News

Special copies of Kennedy book to fetch $1,000 apiece - The Boston Globe

Monkey Moves Robot Using Mind Control

Exclusive: Photos of Michael Jackson Show Signs of Vitiligo and Needle Punctures

July is deadliest month for US-led forces - Yahoo! News

Bill Gates of Microsoft envisions fighting hurricanes by manipulating the sea - NOLA.com

Sotomayor denies bias in 'wise Latina' remark

Sonia Sotomayor contradicts Obama on judges - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Sotomayor calls abortion rights 'settled law'

Man killed when car plunges into Grand Canyon - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | Health | World's oldest mother dies at 69

Sunrise sheds new light on the missions

The UFO Iconoclast(s): Famous LIFE Photographers' Roswell Crash Revelation by Anthony Bragalia

BBC - Earth News - Longest insect migration revealed

Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up

Obama at All-Star Game: 'We're out of money'

World Net Daily Player - Sotomayor's 'feeble' response to 'wise Latina' criticism

World Net Daily Player - Democrat attacks on CIA 'irresponsible'

WND PLAYER :Texas congressman: Seniors die sooner under Dem plan

Homosexclamation! Christian student fights prof, wins big

'Documents' show Obama birthplace in Hawaii?

How little we know about Obama

Eligibility arguments to get court hearing

Obama's birthday is 19 days away

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Memo to Congress: Check this before voting for 2nd stimulus

Momentum builds to possible end of this U.S. entity

Congressman: Census 'Big Brother dossier'

Surgeon general pick: Train new doctors on abortions

Sotomayor: Obama didn't ask about abortion - White House- msnbc.com

Sotomayor on guns: 'I have friends who hunt'

Will Republicans expose the two Sotomayors? | Washington Examiner

Terrorists issue threat against 'Bruno' star

'Palestinian leader helped Israel kill Arafat'

The Associated Press: Lawsuit seeks to block 'In God We Trust' engraving

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin rips President Obama's energy plan, says it's a threat to economy

Senate health committee clears insurance overhaul

How Obama's stimulus violates your constitutional rights

Health reform would tax the rich, near-rich - Washington Times

Small Business Faces Big Bite - WSJ.com

It's now prison food for man who stole 91 lobster tails in Atlantic City - pressofAtlanticCity.com : Atlantic City

Michael Jackson ‘had two gay lovers’, new book claims - Telegraph

Joe Jackson 'wants Michael's children to tour as The Jackson Three' - Telegraph

Liberals taking over book world? Good luck

Klayman: UFOs an Obama issue | HeraldTribune.com | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida's Information Leader

Dead Sea finalist in new 'Seven Natural Wonders of the World' - Haaretz - Israel News

Litmus tests fit for a liar

'Common ground' vs. zodiac abortions

I'm mad as hell!

Why Obama's squirming over Honduras


How much cooling is enough?

Sarah Palin - A 'Cap and Tax' Road to Economic Disaster - washingtonpost.com

Remove government from health care

Obama's health care plan must be defeated

Mr. President: We are still torturing?

PRUDEN: Franken, a clown for all seasons, arrives in time - Washington Times

Movieguide: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment - It's Time to be Distressed!

Be caught with your pants up!

Nearly all my professors are Democrats. Isn't that a problem? | csmonitor.com

Paws up: All-pet airline hits skies

Cheney getting 'bum rap' on CIA program, ex-officials say - CNN.com

Bible Bashed: Kids Vow Good Book 'Irrelevant' In National Biblical Literacy Survey 2009 | UK News | Sky News

Ananova - Lotto winner gives money to beggar

Critics: ICE casting too wide a net in jail effort | Immigration | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Activists push ballot initiative to end state benefits for illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children - Los Angeles Times

Value of love is £163,424, study finds - Telegraph

Obama mulls rental option for some homeowners-sources | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

U.S. mulling mortgage aid for unemployed | U.S. | Reuters

Some economists warn Barack Obama's economic predictions too optimistic - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Bill O'Reilly's lame excuse

American Minute for July 15th:William J Federer's American Minute

Monsanto is Back - to Force Genetically Engineered Wheat Down Your Throat

Wrigley Field Vendor Ban About Protecting Business, Not Just Safety

ACLU Demands Disclosure of New Parameters for Flawed State and Local Immigration Enforcement Program

Fundraising Corruption at Human Rights Watch

NAACP Endorses Climate Change Legislation

Obama didn't ask abortion views, Sotomayor says

Obama: Health care reform essential to stability

Coroner's official seeks records from Jackson doc

Sotomayor Grilled on Abortion, Gun Rights

Another Person of Interest Sought in Fla. Couple's Killings

U.S. Slayings by Vets Linked to War Stress

DHS Chief: Bush-Proposed ID Card Won't Fly

Obama prods Congress on healthcare, Senate panel acts

U.S. industrial output appears on the mend

Death of Caylee Anthony still captivates

Governments trying to reel in 'ocean sprawl'

Sotomayor Defends Ruling in Firefighters Bias Case

Al Qaeda No. 2: U.S. a Grave Threat to Pakistan

'Most Wanted' Klan Suspect Captured in Israel

Liberia's Taylor: I Am No War Criminal

Frantic 911 call launched Caylee drama

GERGEN & VANOUREK: Predicting 'healthy aging'

Backpacker rescued in Australia after 12 days

12 killed in Mexico were federal officers

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. held Iranians as 'hostages,' officials say

Sotomayor: 'Every person has an equal opportunity' to be a good judge

Ill. Cemetery Owner Denies Involvement in Scheme

After Decades, Light-Rail Trains Run in Seattle

FTC, 23 States Act to Stop Sham Loan Consultants

Caylee Anthony Saga: One Year Later

Sheriff: Suspects Trained Before Fla. Couple Slain

Prison Coach: Madoff Was Not Afraid Ahead of Term

President Obama Goes Low With All-Star First Pitch

Pelosi Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation Passed Today by the Senate HELP Committee

Health Information Technology and Health Care Reform Must Be Well-Aligned to Improve Health and Lower Costs

USA Online Gambling Emphasizes That Online Gambling Remains Legal in Most States, Despite the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA)

Jackson Kids For Sale?

Islam in Xinjiang: an ancient rival for a young China

Head of British army calls for more coalition troops in Afghanistan

Iraq holds true: No calls for U.S. military's help

Blair in frame to become first EU president, says Glenys Kinnock

Test tube sperm an insight to fertility

New and improved Hall of Presidents attraction at Disney World embraces diversity

Sotomayor Leaves Passion Behind in Her Testimony

Senatorial Theater of the Absurd

DTV - Since when did the Federal Government acquire the right to dictate what technology should be used?

Cap and Trade the Tax!

Sotomayor: Judges look at specific cases, not broad policies

Republicans keep heat on Sotomayor

US Democrats name financial crisis investigators

Daughter of Slain Fla. Couple: 'This Is Unimaginable'

Iraq prime minister visiting Obama July 22

Obama May Rely on Partisan Vote for Health-Care Bill

Sen. Kaufman Questioning at Judge Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing

Sotomayor thrown a curve at confirmation hearing

Sotomayor hearings: Talking business is a bonus and a bore

US Senator temporarily drops bid to kill F-22 funds

Kerry Spars With Palin Over Climate

Cuomo Far Outpaces Paterson in Fund-Raising

Judy Chu: First Chinese American Woman in Congress

Clash over gay bishops, blessings ripples across the Atlantic

California Credit Rating Lowered Again as Budget Talks Progress

Burr Oak Cemetery scandal: Lawmakers target how cemeteries run

Sheriff: Burr Oak Cemetery files moldy, missing

Obama's day: Promoting health care

What Jimmy Carter had right

Obama Attacks on Economy and Seeks Billions for Community Colleges

Pitch Not-So-Perfect

Mays: So proud when Obama elected that he cried

Relative: Where is Nevaeh Buchanan's mother?

Florida ready to unleash 'python posse'

Manhattan teenager arrested in Memorial Day Starbucks bombing

Former DC mayor Marion Barry making news again

YouTube - Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word

YouTube - 7 People in Custody in Slaying of Fla. Couple

YouTube - Obama speaks at Macomb CC in Warren

YouTube - Nevaeh may have been buried alive

168 killed in Iran plane crash

Non-Aligned Movement Leaders Meet in Egypt

Israeli soldiers: 'No clear red lines' in Gaza war

Photo Captures Marine Escaping Afghan Blast That Killed His Comrades

Deposed Honduran president vows weekend 'activities'

Russian rights activist kidnapped, found dead

Russian activist 'found murdered'

Uighurs protest outside Chinese embassy in London

Clinton aims to retake foreign policy center stage

Oldest woman to give birth dies, leaving twins

'Pyongyang Paradise' in Beijing Casts North Korea in Soft Focus

More violence near Indonesia mine

British backpacker Jamie Neale found by chance as police scaled down search - Telegraph

Nigeria authorities welcome truce

Pakistan sees momentum in relations with India

Former Liberian Leader Denies Responsibility for War Crimes

Mexico's drug war: Cartel kills 12 federal officers

The storming of the Bastille - 100 years on

A Call For Action In Africa

Media ponder 'energy chess game'

YouTube - Witness: Airliner in Iran 'Fell Out of the Sky'

YouTube - Gordon Brown and David Cameron on Afghanistan troops

YouTube - Honduras cardinal urges Zelaya to stay away - 14 Jul 09

YouTube - Human rights activist kidnapped and killed in the Caucasus

YouTube - Secretary Clinton Heads to India

YouTube - Backpacker's dad delighted to see son alive

YouTube - Ex-Liberian Leader Testifies at War Crimes Trial

YouTube - Africa responds to Obamas tough love message

YouTube - Nabucco go ahead brings rival for South Stream

NASA fuels shuttle tank for sixth launch try

Bing Gains Some Search Share (From Yahoo)

AT&T Hangs Up On Google

Twitter Hacked, Secrets to be Revealed?

Amazon Faces Lawsuit Over Kindle Cracks

Microsoft Surprises with Free Office Apps

Even More Channels Added to Comcast's Online VOD

Could we be wrong about global warming?

5000-pound shark washes ashore on Long Island

Tasks graduates Gmail Labs; Google Calendar gets experimental

Google Creates Calendar Labs, Graduates Tasks

PC Sales to Suffer First Decline in Eight Years

Microsoft Windows Marketplace Fighting an Uphill Battle

Microsoft EU e-store collapses amid crush of Windows 7 pre-orders

Stocks Climb on Wall Street After Gains Overseas

Paulson: Bank of America had no basis to cancel Merrill deal

Wal-Mart to Rate Products' Impact on Environment

New Issue-Goldman Sachs sells $1 bln 3-yr global notes

Dr. Chu in China: Warnings, Money, Leapfrogs

US Stocks Rally on Intel Forecast, Manufacturing Improvement

NYMEX-Crude up on supply data, dollar, equities

Price of habit chokes US smoker

YouTube - Money Minute: Goldman, Retail, Energy

YouTube - Market Update 07/15/2009: Intel Lifts Global Tech Stocks

'Harry Potter' breaks midnight record

'Harry Potter' countdown: Midnight magic reigns as fans flock to theaters | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

Jackson probe not being treated as homicide

Assistant Coroner Visits Michael Jackson Dermatologist Arnold Klein

Debbie Rowe Threatens Legal Action over Child-Custody Emails

Who does the law favor in Jackson children custody case?

Katherine and Joe Jackson a unique team

Unauthorized Michael Jackson Bio Paints Grim Picture Of Final Months

New Charges Brought in Art Fraud Case

Robert De Niro victim of New York art scam

Jackson still king of album charts

YouTube - Tracing Harry Potter - Bloomberg

President Obama Delivers Remarks on Health-Care Reform

Hormone Therapy Raises Ovarian Cancer Risk

Eat Less Food and Play More Bridge

Eating less may be the key to living longer

Gene Network May Lead to Brain Cancer Breakthrough

Stem Cell Decision Opens New Doors, May Spur More Research

Understanding Dementia And 'Wandering'

Omega-3 no match for Alzheimer's, study finds

NRF asks members to oppose Wal-Mart on health care

Condoms Help Cut Risk of Genital Herpes

Congress considers banning antibiotics in livestock

YouTube - Republicans Unveil Rival Health-Care Plan

YouTube - Retail Federation vs. Wal Mart

The status of immigration reform today

Border Storm 3-The Minutemen Dissolution and Death

Democrats Address Immigration


Administration launches immigration crackdown

Another Bush, Another Push for Immigration Reform

With USA in a recession, rural Mexico feels the pain

US Immigration Policy

YouTube - Obama turns to immigration reform - 25 Jun 09

YouTube - Republicans Unveil Rival Health-Care Plan

Sen. Kaufman Questioning at Judge Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing

Sotomayor hearings: For guns or against?

FACT CHECK: Sotomayor tied abortion ban, slavery?

Sen. Cardin Questioning at Judge Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing

Sotomayor : Senators Begin Questioning, What to Expect Today

Sotomayor : White House Never Asked About Personal Views

Who interrupted Franken's statement on Sotomayor ?

Sotomayor's Larry Summers Defense

The Sotomayor Hearings, Day Three

More of the Same for Sotomayor

Steele: Democrats Should "Chill Out" on Sotomayor

Does Sotomayor Matter Politically?

At Small Firm, Sotomayor Was Immersed Business Law

Anchor babies: born in the USA--enormous taxpayer costs--Part II

Asia Times Online - Pipeline deal is sweet music for Iran

Human Rights Watch Goes to Saudi Arabia - WSJ.com

Ahmadinejad II

China's false monoculture | The Japan Times Online

Asia Times Online - Rich lessons in North Korea's playbook

Obama trip yields little - Washington Times

Should Obama talk to Ahmadinejad? | csmonitor.com

When China rules the world - Q&A The Interview Top05 - Macleans.ca

RealClearWorld - Al-Qaeda's Resurgence in Yemen

Japan’s choices -Times Online

A last gasp for the G8? | The Japan Times Online

American aid to Africa - Los Angeles Times

RealClearWorld - Fold the G-8 into the G-20

The North Korean nuclear test: The Russian reaction | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The recession is over! (Technically.) - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Jobless Recovery Would Call for Nuanced Investing - WSJ.com

Derivatives: Tim Geithner's latest headache - Jul. 14, 2009

Economist Vs. Economist - Forbes.com

The Bernanke Market - WSJ.com

More secret than sensible - Washington Times

Harold Meyerson - Will Wall Street Apologize Like McNamara Did? - washingtonpost.com

Obama’s Economic Box — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

FT.com / Columnists / Martin Wolf - After the storm comes a hard climb

The Depression Divide - Forbes.com

More than money at risk for Goldman Sachs bosses - Times Online

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd Do Banking Back Flip: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Will Iraq Be a Global Gas Pump?

Part-Time Workers Mask Unemployment Woes

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Top tax rate may soon exceed 50 percent

How to (Sort of) Predict Housing Prices - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com

Offshore Tax Evaders Deserve No Sympathy at SmartMoney.com

A $1 trillion bargain - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com

7 pgs. /So-Called Financial Reform: More Power to the Systemic Risk Generator

Significant Rise in PPI Driven by Surge in Gasoline Prices

Google - Our Insights Before Earnings | Value Expectations: Stock Research, Investment Newsletter, Global Equity Research

Morgan Stanley:Rising Saving Rate Does Not Signal Renewed Consumer Retrenchment

Stunning Profit at Goldman Revives Gilded Pay Packages - NYTimes.com

Health-Care Plan Would Add Surtax On Wealthy

U.S. toxic asset plan draws criticism - Los Angeles Times

Sonia Sotomayor contradicts Obama on judges - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

PostPartisan - Sotomayor's Unconvincing Backpedaling

Commentary: What the 'wise Latina' remark meant - CNN.com

World Affairs Journal - Obama’s Inheritance: Al-Qaeda in Retreat

Dick Cheney, Rogue Meister | The Progressive

At What Cost?

Hearings Reflect Broader Struggle - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - A 'Precedent' Worth Recalling

Sonia Sotomayor Senate Hearings: Cool on the Hot Seat - TIME

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » 9 reasons Pelosi’s healthcare surtax is disastrous | Blogs |

RealClearPolitics - Socialized Medicine? Bring It On

RealClearPolitics - Calling Dr. Obama to Save Health Care Reform

Universal Health Care Isn't Worth Our Freedom - WSJ.com

We'll Always Have Wasilla | The American Prospect

The American Spectator : 2010

Op-Ed Columnist - Goodbye Iraq, and Good Luck - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - An American Victory

Congress should pass a smart second stimulus - Harold Ford Jr. - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - What Gov. Palin Forgot

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Science Fiction 'Czar'

Op-Ed Contributor - Carter’s Speech Therapy - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Dykstra: Another Too-Good-To-Be-True Story

The Deep-Pockets Mirage

Checking Cheney's story - Los Angeles Times

Killer app: CIA was dead right in secretly plotting to assassinate Osama Bin Laden

A Tale of Two Bailouts - WSJ.com

Obama's Fiats Anger Lawmakers - WSJ.com

TheHill.com - Democrat Chu wins Labor secretary's seat

Aid for Auto Dealers Gains Traction on Hill

Goldman Sachs Pay Divides Lawmakers Amid Relief Over Profits - Bloomberg.com

Nobody Knows What Nanoparticles Do -- Yet They Are in Your Food, Cosmetics, and Toys | | AlterNet

Myth America - 10 Greatest Myths Of The Robber Class

Senate Republicans Reveal More About Their Thinking And Biases Than Sotomayor's

audio - Please welcome Speaker Nancy Pelosi to C&L for a live chat about the new Health Care Reform Bill

O'Reilly attacks 'far-left zealot' Rick Perlstein for Newsweek piece on the rabid right

Shorter Jon Kyl: because honestly, we need it.

Senate Republicans Block Own Amendments on Health Care Bill

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Talkin' Baseball: Ozzie vs. Rahm


*Transcripts:Interview with President Barack Obama

Lindsey Graham on the $1 Trillion Deficit

Secretary Clinton's Townhall at USAID

Writers Discuss Cheney and the CIA

A New Vision for Urban Policy

July 13 White House Press Briefing

July 13 State Department Briefing

Judiciary Chairman & Ranking Member on Sotomayor

Senator McCain Talks About Sarah Palin's Resignation

Senators Feinstein and Cornyn Discuss Sotomayor

Senators Durbin and Kyl Debate Health Care Reform


*Video:Defence Minister Ainsworth Addresses Commons

Charles Taylor's Brutal Rule

Displaced Pakistanis Fear Returning Home

Al-Qaeda in Yemen

New European Parliament Inauguration

France Celebrates Bastille Day

Cannabis Tour Guide on Amsterdam

Israeli Report Says It Broke Gaza Cease Fire

Bastille Day in Paris

New Audio from Ayman al-Zawahri

Europeans Support Uighurs in China

Obama Interview on Pakistan

Interview with Jerzy Buzek

China's Foreign Exchange Reserve Rises $2 Trillion

Rioters in Northern Ireland Attack Police

Geithner in the Middle East

Charles Taylor Testifies at UN War Crimes Tribunal

Nigerian Rebel Group to Continue Strikes

Record Revenues: Goldman Knocks Ball Out of Park

Beware of Leveraged ETFs

ExxonMobil Invests $600M in Algae

Ritholtz V. Siegel

Do Stocks Really Outperform Bonds?

Fidelity Drinking Up Starbucks

Krawcheck: Bank Supervison Needs Simplification

Intel: Impressive Results Offer Hope to Market

Eggs & Inflation

The Housing Baron of Detroit

Can Wall Street Catch Up to Goldman Sachs?

A Short Lived Recovery In Gold Prices?

Henry Kissinger on the Future of North Korea

Obama On All-Star Game: "I Want To Loosen Up My Arm"

Sen. Graham: Sotomayor Within The "Mainstream"

Las Vegas Reporter Jon Ralston Discusses Ensign Affair

Sotomayor: "Judges Can't Rely On What's In Their Heart"

Watch Live: Sotomayor Answers Questions At Hearing

Congressional TARP Oversight Chair on Goldman Sachs

Mike Huckabee on Palin's Op-Ed

Steele Courts Diverse Groups with Invitation: Y'all Come"

Gov. Rendell: State Workers Should "Put A Statue Of Me" On Their Mantel

Obama Throws First Pitch At All-Star Game

Bill O'Reilly On Cap-And-Trade "Corruption"

Sotomayor: Partial-Birth Abortion Case Is "Settled Law"

RNC Web Ad Attacks Sotomayor As Judicial Activist

Sotomayor: "Experiences" Remark Was "Rhetorial Flourish That Fell Flat"

Sotomayor: Constitution Is A "Timeless Document"

Sotomayor Explains "Wise Latina" Remark

Fred Thompson: Judicial Hearings a Waste of Time

Sotomayor Calls Abortion Rights "Settled Law"

Sotomayor Explains Firefighter Decision: "Not About Quotas"

Feinstein Gushes Over Sotomayor; Gives Her An "A++"

Alberto Gonzalez on Sotomayor

Obama Interviewed About Afghanistan, Economy, Africa

Sen. Hatch On Day 2 Of Sotomayor Hearings

Man Yelling "Baby Killer" Removed From Sotomayor Hearing

Jon Voight On Obama's Job Perfomance

Liz Cheney Defends CIA Secrecy

GOP Rep. Troubled Public Option Is "Cheaper" & Has "Clear Advantages"

Watch Live: Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings Continue

Dodd: Health Care Overhaul Becoming A Reality

Sotomayor Says Obama Didn't Ask About Abortion

Obama On Health Care: "We're Going To Get This Done"

Sessions: Sotomayor Testimony Has Been "Muddled" & "Unclear"

Specter: Sotomayor "Doing Very Well"

Sen. Klobuchar Asks Sotomayor If She Watched All-Star Game

Huckabee On Palin Staying Public

Dem. Senator: Health Care Reform Needed Due To Economy

Sotomayor On Second Amendment, Self-Defense

Sotomayor Refuses To Renounce "Wise Latina" Remark

Shadegg Unveils GOP Health Care Plan

Talk Radio

Bill Cunningham 7/12/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/12/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/12/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 7/5/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/5/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/5/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/21/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/21/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/21/09 Hour 3

07/14 The Mark Levin Show

07/13 The Mark Levin Show

07/10 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***


Video: Holdren On Geoengineering

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson: Obama Czar’s Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 14th With Michael Shedlock

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 13th With G. Edward Griffin

video - Evidence of Revision (1 of 5) : The Assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald