"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 July 2009

Friday/ 10 July 09

10 July 09

Frail Kim Jong-il 'may only have months to live' - Telegraph

G8: Muammar Gaddafi demands return of Lockerbie bomber in first meeting with Gordon Brown | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cyber attacks enter new phase - Telegraph

Pelosi to Kirwan

MINA Breaking News - Russians order Flight Changes, after Massive Magnetic Shift downs Airliners...

Whole Foods Market seeks non-GMO seal

The Organic Monopoly and the Myth of “Natural” Foods: How Industry Giants Are Undermining the Organic Movement

Rasmussen Reports: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

TaxProf Blog: Senate Democrats to Propose Raising Taxes on Capital Gains, Dividends, and Interest to Fund Health Care Reform

Smoking Mirrors: The Government may be Big but it's not Your Brother.

Housing and Banking Deception: 23,000 to 28,000 Foreclosed Homes kept off the MLS or Public View in California each Month.

Raw Story » Lawmaker won’t deny secret CIA program was ‘Cheney assassination ring’

video news - Ron Paul demands audit of Fed | Video | Reuters.com

FED FOCUS-Bid to clip Fed's wings gains support in Congress | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

YouTube - Ron Paul questions Vice Chair of Federal Reserve Kohn on transparency 07/09/2009

U.S. Warns of Swine Flu Resurgence - NYTimes.com

Tim Geithner, Employee of Goldman Sachs? | The Big Picture

Shock: Obama Will Appoint Qualified Officials, Not Big Donors, To Key Ambassadorships

New Study Proves Thimerosal Induces Autism-like Neurotoxicity « Dprogram.net

Obama Warns Stronger Countries Not to Bully Weaker Ones - Political News - FOXNews.com

A Jet Even the Military Doesn't Want

YouTube - Gun Control Witness

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul questions Vice Chair of Federal Reserve Kohn on transparency 07/09/2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Michael Savage - Why We Need To Get Armed!

Dr. James Galbraith, Professional Fed Killer - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Turn in your Neighbor for $1000 - The War on Your Second Amendment Rigths in NJ

YouTube - Nano-thermite took down the WTC?

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Eugenicist

7 Reasons You Should Decline a Home with an HOA « Home On A Maple Grove Pond

White folks gonna riot and I'm gonna join 'em - Patriotic Resistance

>bt: NYS Legislators Fire Nearly 200 Workers Over Race

Raw Story » Exclusive: Robert McNamara deceived LBJ on Gulf of Tonkin, documents show

Former Teen Hacker’s Suicide Linked to TJX Probe | Threat Level | Wired.com

ONLY ON 4 - FBI Agent charged with illegally selling guns - El Paso/Las Cruces News, Weather, Sports and Entertainment - KDBC 4 - We are CBS! |

MichaelCrichton.com | Complexity Theory and Environmental Management

CorpWatch : The Prison Industry: Capitalist Punishment

Ed and Elaine Brown were convicted Thursday on all counts of plotting to kill federal agents during a nine-month standoff - Couple Gets Minimum 30 Years In Prison - 12.160Mhz

Washington's Blog: No One Could Have Planted Bombs in the World Trade Center Without Being Detected, Could They?

Foreign Policy In Focus | The Cost of the Global U.S. Military Presence

TaxProf Blog: Wells Fargo Redux: Sen. Grassley Accuses IRS of Overstepping its Authority in IR-2009-44

Raw Story » ‘Evangelistic’ scientist tapped to lead National Institute of Health

JINSA Visits Air Force Special Operations Command | JINSA Online

TARP Recipients Fighting To Keep Charging Exorbitant Credit Card Fees

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Criminal Rothschilds

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Rev. Ted Pike on Alex Jones Tv : Say NO to Senators on Hate Speech Bill

UNESCO: Invasion seriously harmed historic Babylon

Tax Evaders Guilty of Plot to Kill Feds

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

Obama Administration Resumes Funding of China’s Eugenics Programs

VIDEO: Keiser & Roberts: “Geithner Works For Goldman”

Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic

China to Switch Off Bubble-Blowing Machine?

Fox to Guard Henhouse? Former Monsanto VP May Be Named To Head FDA Safety Working Group

Scientists discover Easter Island 'fountain of youth' drug

Buzz Aldrin On The Dark Times That Followed Apollo 11

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

Genocide in Darfur: Psyops Deconstruction

Russia-US summit: Quiet diplomacy

Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud

Inside Wall Street: Government Bets on Positive Spin to Save Failing Banks

New Wave of Disinformation: "Pigs at Risk" of Contracting the H1N1 Swine Flu

Straight Talk: Revealing the Real U.S.-Africa Policy

How the FBI and 9/11 Commission Suppressed Key Evidence about Hani Hanjour, alleged hijack pilot of AAL 77

Vice-Chairman of Rothschild: "Carbon trading must be globally regulated"

Russia to grant U.S. Afghan supply route

VIDEO: Top US commander: Military option against Iran on the table: “The clock is ticking”

Obama Economic Recovery Plan Doomed

David Kelly: UK weapons expert's death back in spotlight

Flashback: Emissions trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

video - Future City: Smart Dust

Alexis de Tocqueville's Observations on American Society

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you

Environment Agency sets up green police

New climate strategy:

MIT develops camera-like fabric

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

Layar: The first mobile augmented reality browser

Taibbi's Scream: Stop the Political System That Has Let Goldman Sachs Fleece Us for 90 Years | | AlterNet

Headed to National Socialism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Adjix - Tens of thousands of South Korean computers set to self-destruct on Friday

Senate Supporters of Obama's $787-Billion Stimulus Insist It's Working Despite Declining Economy, Rising Unemployment

Sotomayor Was Part of Legal Group that Argued Abortion is a ‘Fundamental Right’

D.C.'s Congressional Delegate Says Mexico Should Be 'Very, Very Angry at the Big Kahuna in the North' Over Gun Shipments

Justice Ginsburg Says She Originally Thought Roe v. Wade Was Designed to Limit 'Populations That We Don’t Want to Have Too Many Of'

How DNA Proves God Made All Creatures Great and Small

Democratic Leader Laughs at Idea That House Members Would Actually Read Health-Care Bill Before Voting On It

FCC Commissioner Circulates Document on ‘The State of Media Journalism’

Congressmen Who Vote for Government-Run Health Care Agency Should Be Its First Customers, Legislation Says

Federal Government Was Culprit in Housing and Economic Crisis, Says Congressional Report

Federal Agents Trace Guns Used by Mexican Drug Cartels Back to U.S. Buyers—But Won’t Say if They Obtain Warrants Before Visiting Buyers' Homes

Obama Visit to Slave Fort Steeped in Symbolism

Obama and Pope Hold Their First Meeting

Provision Allowing Internet Drug Purchases From Canada Included in Spending Bills

Health Care Overhaul Suffers Another Setback; Blue Dog Democrats Balk

Treasury Secretary Geithner Says Derivatives Blindsided the Government

‘Diplomats’ or IED-Supplying Terror Facilitators? U.S. Hands Over Detained Iranians

Actor to Live in See-Through Box for Charity

LAPD Will Investigate Michael Jackson's Drug History

Obama Launching $15-Billion Food Security Initiative at G-8

Pool Operators, Members Face Legal Action for Allegedly Turning Away Black Kids

Drunk Man Taken into Custody for Giving Away Thousands in Spanish Airport

It Can’t Happen Here

The Bankrupt Party of Porkulus

‘Stimulus’ Money: Men (Not) at Work

The Michael Jackson Whitewash

Hardworking Public Servants

Obama's Plan Is Doomed: Gerald Celente on Three Reasons His "Brilliant" Economic Advisors Get the Economy All Wrong

The Echoes of War: A Conversation With Doug Casey

McNamara's Other Debacle by James Bovard

It's Time for Libertarian Tolerance by Roger Young

The Progressive Promised Land

US employment: Back to the 20th century

Health care bill unveiling delayed

Tea Party Movement flexing its muscles

Did Senate Republicans cave too early on Sotomayor?

Burris won't seek full term

WH Press Corps joins an "Obama 4th' party

The Audacity of Conceit

The Slave Press

Protecting Their Own: The International Community Sides With Zelaya

US, Not Arab Countries, to Receive Palestinian Refugees from Iraq

Obama and the Bohemian Grove

Democrats Double Down on the Sotomayor Race Card

In Search of an Intelligent Energy Policy

A True Iranian Reformer, and His Movement?

AIG's So Nice, They're Doing It Twice! Yes, It's Another Round of Bonuses

The Rachel Maddow Show: Christian Conservatism's Shadowy Secret Society

O'Reilly vehemently insists 'God and Country' rally 'wasn't about religion' -- but organizers say it was

You can tax my health benefits too

Dennis Kucinich Pummels Right Wing Dr. On Canadian Healthcare System

Fox's Napolitano fears hate-crimes law hurts free speech -- but ignores explicit language of bill

Naming Someone Who Hates Public Schools to Head the State Ed Board? Gov. Perry, You Can't Be Serious!

John McCain's Twitter Bus Wheels Go Round and Round

Acquittal: What's the point?

Massachusetts To Challenge Constitutionality of DOMA

Conservatives Circulate Picture Of Obama With Bone Through His Nose

Panetta: CIA Misled Congress 'For a Number of Years." We Are Shocked!

Sen. Al Franken backs EFCA

Kilmeade does eugenics: Americans marry 'other species' so we don't have Swedes' 'pure genes'

Countdown: House Democrats on Intelligence Committee Say They Were Misled by CIA

Federal Regulators Considering A Smackdown on Oil Speculators

Sarah Palin's not just a quitter -- she's a professional quitter. And taxpayers get the tab

The Pap Attack- The Rise of Right Wing Hate

Politico Says Rove Deposed Yesterday by Judiciary Committee in U.S. Attorneys Firing

Hannity says Palin faced a double standard: 'Obama never got asked tough questions about his radical friends'

Blue America Alert: Blanche Lincoln now supports a quality, affordable public plan!

Obama's Poll Numbers Drop by 13 Points in Ohio. Is It A Trend?

Natural Health From A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas

When finances intersect with family ties - Jul. 9, 2009

Cancer Screening: Does It Really Save Lives?

Truthdig - Reports - McNamara’s Evil Lives On

75 Years of Housing Fascism - Dale Steinreich - Mises Institute

Ron Paul Stands Up to Goliath

Obama uses G8 debut to issue warning to Iran

Republicans Plan to Fault Judicial Empathy During Hearings

Americans divided on Sotomayor, expect fireworks

WH remains mum on Sotomayor diabetes

Lawmaker says CIA director ended secret program

A short Senate tenure for Illinois's Burris

Toxicology tests coming on 5 killed in Mich. car-train crash

Questions Swirl Around Payments to Family of Ensign's Mistress

Beyond the Palin

Sarah Palin vs. the GOP

Peggy Noonan Tries To Stick A Fork In Palin

Q+A: Obama's legislative agenda suffering setbacks

Man with Alamo ties pleads no contest in old case

Tony Alamo trial expected to last 2 weeks

Perry names Lowe chair of state education board

No Michael Jackson resolution in Congress

Crash that killed Steve Fossett blamed on winds

Downdrafts in Sierra Nevada mountains may have caused Fossett crash

California's IOU's and “Furlough Fridays”

ROTC cadet dies during night training at Fort Lewis

Did the WSJ Just Admit Global Warming Is Real?

YouTube - Barack Obama talks about Iran at G8 summit in L'Aquila

YouTube - What did CIA lie about?

YouTube - AP Source: Burris Won't Run for Full Senate Term

YouTube - Police: Five Killed As Train Hits Car

Pope gives Obama booklet on bioethics

Muslims pray for peace in border city of China's Xinjiang

Honduran Talks to Proceed Without Leaders

Harper on Berlusconi: I have weaknesses, but not like his

G-8 summit disappoints many, but not Berlusconi

Africa: The 'Change We Need'? - Obama in Ghana

Third soldier dies in Afghanistan

British student gored by bull in Pamplona

Senior Iranian cleric calls for revision of election laws

Rebekah Wade: News of the World owner to refute phone-hacking claims

Suu Kyi trial nears end in Myanmar

Hundreds injured in south China quake

Can China buck the dollar?

G-8's Dominance Faces Challenge From China, India

Bottled Water Bans and Meat-Free Days

US –Russian Summit: Will the Results Match the Rhetoric?

Finding the Limits of US Power

Barack Obama and Dmitri Medvedev summit: views from the Russian press

South Korea Braces for More Cyber Damage

Was North Korea Behind the DDOS Attack?

Nigeria: Yar'Adua Orders Okah's Release

'No safety' for Pakistan returnees

Sri Lankan doctors recant reports of civilian deaths

YouTube - Sri Lankan doctors retract death claims - 10 Jul 09

YouTube - UN humanitarian chief 'fact-finds' in Pakistan - 10 Jul 09

YouTube - Hack Attack

YouTube - Is tap water safer than bottled?

YouTube - Massive damage from China quake - 10 Jul 09

YouTube - London's burning: Fire ravages Soho building

YouTube - Phone tapping: David Cameron on Andy Coulson

YouTube - Iran uprising

YouTube - Eyewitness to death in Pamplona bull run

YouTube - Ghana goes Obama-mad in preparation for president's visit

YouTube - G-8: Junior Meeting Group Photo

YouTube - Tensions in China over ethnic clashes

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Meets With Pope Benedict XVI

Health Buzz: Migraines Lower Breast Cancer Risk and Other Health News

US to vaccinate millions against swine flu

Cutting Calories Might Extend Life

Obama confident of passing healthcare reform

Concern over Ebola virus in pigs

Court Blocks 10 Percent Cut on Medi-Cal Payments

Nestlé Unit Restarts Cookie-Dough Facility

Can Stem Cells Become Sperm Cells?

Canadians favour their health care to American system: poll

How Canadians Feel About Their Health Care: Wait Times and Spending

Obesity causes supersized costs

Antibiotic Delayed Aging in Experiments With Mice

Administration Issues New Rules on Egg Safety

Mental Health - Development of Language Skills May Decrease Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease | Health News

Does Socialized Medicine Work? A Look at British Health Care

YouTube - Obama: Health Care Reform Is Highest Priority

YouTube - Breast cancer: 'Too much treatment,' says report

Neverland Ranch -- The Raid Photos

Michael Jackson's body stored in crypt

Report: Michael Jackson Rests in Berry Gordy's Crypt

Michael Jackson: LAPD weighs criminal investigation

From Michael Jackson's Mind to Your Wardrobe

Michael Jackson's health records are subpoenaed

Cemetery workers made $300K in gravedigging scheme

Michael Jackson's father suspects "foul play"

Jackson Family Attempted Drug Interventions

Levi Johnston says Palin stepped down for money, family

Hilton was 'a promotion machine'

Billy Mays returning to tempt you to buy tape

Billy Mays' Final TV Pitches Set To Air

The Story Behind the Skating Babies

YouTube - Raw Video: Jackson's Dermatologist

YouTube - Levi Johnston: Money Prompted Palin to Resign

YouTube - Raw Video: Hilton at Miami Courthouse

Old General Motors Versus New GM, By The Numbers

AIG passes bonus 'land mine' to government: report

US Stocks Slide On Earnings Fears, Sagging Consumer Confidence

JPMorgan wants US to auction its TARP warrants

Oil Prices Fall Below $60 a Barrel

Geithner says derivatives blindsided the gov't

As Imports Slow, Trade Deficit Narrows

US Economy: Consumer Confidence Falls, Trade Deficit Narrows

Bernanke very likely to get 2nd Fed term: poll

Lawmakers Call for Fed Probe

Hong Kong okays $468 million Disneyland expansion

SEC rules that IOUs should be treated as securities

Where Iron Is Bigger Than Oil or Gold

YouTube - Chinese Nationals Work For Rio Tinto - Bloomberg

YouTube - Geithner Urges Checks on Derivatives

YouTube - Warrants Undervalued - TARP Report - Bloomberg

YouTube - AIG Bonuses Are Back - Bloomberg

YouTube - GM To Emerge From Bankruptcy - Bloomberg

Does Google Chrome OS further fragment Linux landscape?

What Would You Do if Google Web Services Stopped Being Free?

Endeavour in final full day of launch preparations

Americans see science as lagging here

Science Dims In American Public's View

Bing Leapfrogs Yahoo Search ? Again

New York sues social network Tagged for alleged email invite scam

Social-networking Site Tagged to Be Sued by New York

British royal family joins Twitter

T-Minus 10 Days 'Til Google Moon Map Liftoff

Google Earth event hints at moon mapping

Study: San Andreas Fault suffering ominous tremors

YouTube - Chrome Takes On Windows - Bloomberg

YouTube - Technology: Microsoft Bing - nytimes.com/video

Illegal immigrants again in the budget spotlight - Los Angeles Times


BBC NEWS | Middle East | US releases five Iranians in Iraq

The Associated Press: Schumer: Immigration bill to be ready by Labor Day

Gang members shot men for wearing red, cops say

China threatens death penalty for Xinjiang rioters - Telegraph

Egypt Says it Nabbed Al-Qaeda Plot Against Suez Canal - News Briefs - Israel National News

Miss Obama's peacenik T-shirt sends a message to G8 leaders | Mail Online

EPA Admits Cap-and-Trade Won’t Work » The Foundry

Ohio.com - Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

Tiburon may install license plate cameras

Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8

Lawmaker won’t deny secret CIA program was ‘Cheney assassination ring’

Death Of Free Speech: Ireland Makes Blasphemy Illegal

Obama threatens to veto law decreasing White House secrecy

How Politicians and the Media Change Our Minds

Drunken and Disturbed Children; The Failure Of Government, Police, Media and Parents

Headed to National Socialism

ADHD Drugs Proven Absolutely Useless for Children – Plus, They Stunt Growth

Russia renews threats over US missile shield

Homeowners shocked after PCSOs enter through open windows to show how easy it is for thieves | Mail Online

Internet Attack Propaganda Increases as Cyber Bill Approaches

Obama’s Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill – A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud


Holder Admits: No Equality Under Hate Bill

Ron Paul questions Metzger and Gailbrath on Fed Transparency

Iraq: ancient Babylon archaeological site damaged by military activity

Senate delays climate bill until September - Washington Times

Council on Foreign Relations backs amnesty for illegals, opposes Arpaio-style raids - Phoenix Business Journal:

Genome project leader is selected to head NIH - Los Angeles Times

One force of nature vs. another: Bill Gates tries to stop hurricanes - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News Source

video - Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Media Blackout on Real News!

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 9th With Larry Pratt

audio - The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 8th With Robert M. Bowman

Sears Starts Christmas Sales In July

My Way News - SKorea says attackers use IP address in 16 nations

PCs Could Be Hit Next in Web Attack: South Korea - ABC News

The Radio Equalizer: Al Franken's Former Talk Radio Colleagues Vocalize Disapproval ; FRANKEN-LY UNHAPPY

Joe Biden update: No 'private meetings,' just meetings closed to the press | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

GOP hits Pelosi for mouse funds - Washington Times

'Iran could build bomb within a year'

Michael Jackson cops can't rule out murder | The Sun |News

Microsoft CEO: Computers will figure you out - CharlotteObserver.com

Obama tells pope he wants to reduce abortions in U.S. | Politics | Reuters

Sarah Palin: Where Is the Political Outsider Going Next? - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Party of Franken, Party of Palin

RealClearPolitics - In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft

RealClearPolitics - The 10 Percent Unemployment Tripwire

RealClearPolitics - The Stimulus Excuses Begin

RealClearPolitics - Small Steps Toward a Nuke-Free World

Op-Ed Columnist - The Stimulus Trap - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Stimulus -- The Anatomy of a Failure

RealClearPolitics - What If Palin Were President?

Movin' Out

Democrats at Odds Over Health Care Financing - NYTimes.com


RealClearPolitics - Can Democrats Get Re-Elected by Voting Against Obama?

RealClearPolitics - Our Foreign Policy Neophyte

National Journal Magazine - Obama's Global Audience

Recycling rubbish at the White House - The Boston Globe

Editorial - A Lesson on Warming - NYTimes.com

Editorial: Murtha's money | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/10/2009

Senate Resists Changes on Immigration - WSJ.com

Democrats Link Pope’s Economic Plea With Obama Agenda (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Firefighter to Testify Against Sotomayor - CBS News

This $17 Trillion Divorce Won’t Be a Pretty One: William Pesek - Bloomberg.com

RealClearMarkets - Peak Oil, Peak Water?

Bret Swanson - Maximum Entropy » Blog Archive » Biting the handsets that connect the world

Is Wal-Mart the new Target? - MSN Money - Extra

Both Obama and his critics are wrong about the stimulus package. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Google Plans a PC Operating System - NYTimes.com

Staggering Budget Gap and a Reluctance to Fill It

Cumberland Advisors -Interest Rates go Negative: Compare Riksbank (Sweden) with our Federal Reserve

Credit card firms try end run around new federal rules - Los Angeles Times

Follow the Herd? Or Reason? : Sustainable Wealth

The Health Benefits Tax Slaughterhouse – 24/7 Wall Street

California v Texas: America's future | The Economist

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » The econ chart that should worry David Axelrod and the Dems | Blogs |

Shipping flashes early warning signals again - Telegraph Blogs

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Central bankers return to gold and dollars

Honduras' non-coup - Los Angeles Times

Which Is A Better Ally, Russia Or China? - Forbes.com

moscowtimes.ru/Obama Surprises Russia

Wisdom of an Asia rising | The Japan Times Online

RealClearWorld - Is Obama Changing Arab Public Opinion?

Op-Ed Guest Columnist - Rebranding Africa - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Uighur riots show need for rethink by Beijing

RealClearWorld - Don't Be Cynical About Iran's Uprising

RealClearWorld - Is it Asia's Hour?

The new world is leaving old man Europe behind - The National Newspaper

EDITORIAL COMMENT | Expand The Circle - Editorial - Opinion - The Times of India

Hudson Institute > Journalism Of Intimidation

Asia Times Online - Obama takes small steps in Moscow

RealClearWorld - From Cairo Words to Action: Jobs for Youth

All Good Things Even at the Vatican, they love Obama.

We need a European defence plan | Menzies Campbell | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

King Canute at the G-8 - WSJ.com

World Net Daily Player - Rasmussen poll: 2 of 3 see no benefit from stimulus

World Net Daily Player - 1st stimulus called 'cover all our want list'

World Net Daily Player - Higher income families should 'consider themselves targeted'

World Net Daily Player - Marriage under attack in Massachusetts lawsuit

World Net Daily Player - Vitter: There are 'real doubts' about 'climate change'

World Net Daily Player - Congressman: Dems destroying CIA

How Obama's stimulus violates your constitutional rights

Hamas not even asked to recognize Israel

'Peace partner' affirms right to 'resistance'

Billions in aid go to areas that backed Obama in '08 - USATODAY.com

Is White House coordinating attack on DOMA? (OneNewsNow.com)

Planned Parenthood fraud case appealed

IRS tells pro-lifers to give up 1st Amendment

Ginsburg: I thought Roe was to rid undesirables

Obama, World Leaders Announce Climate Change Deal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama's drive for climate change bill hits delay

Cap-and-tax: Government vs. America

Democrats push claim that CIA misled Congress - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Independents begin to edge away from President Obama - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

NAACP to governor: Declare martial law

**article links : Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

The ad campaign that revived eligibility debate

2 more sign on to demand birth certificates

Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital

Hawaii upgrades 'certification of live birth'

News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic

Hawaiian Supremes asked to take 'action' on WND report

Eligibility claims attracting high-level interest

Obama 'smear' site vanishes from Web

U.S. hospitals 'wouldn't have to disclose Hitler'

Obama's birth letter: Is this thing for real?

ARCHIVES, JULY 6, 2008 : Archaeologists debunk claim
of looting in S. Iraq war zone

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US criticised over Babylon damage

Ancient Temple Mount quarry found in Jerusalem

Lod Journal - Polishing a Lost Gem to Dazzle Tourists - NYTimes.com

Video: ‘Synthetic sperm’ from stem cells raises hope for male infertility - Times Online

AmeriCorps stonewalls questions of White House involvement in IG firing | Washington Examiner

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Firefighters to testify about Sotomayor

Obama taps genetics pioneer - Kansas City Star


Ohio.com - Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

Mysterious tremors detected on San Andreas Fault

Associated Baptist Press - Episcopal presiding bishop terms individualistic salvation 'heresy'

SEC may put California IOUs under fraud-protection rules | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times

Economist declares 'train wreck' - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Burger-King-Cheeseburger- -- chicagotribune.com

The level-pay utility option

Yuan Deposes Dollar on China Border in Sign of Future

Global Banking Economist Warned of Coming Crisis

The American Spectator : ACORN Sells Out the Poor

N.Y. Times creates mythical America

Mother Nature's Nuclear Strike - The Daily Beast

It can't happen here

Seeking honorable Hondurans for hire

Brown Manure, Not Green Shoots - Forbes.com

Read the fine print

Palin's choice: Duty or dereliction

'I quit, but I'm not a quitter'

Carrie Prejean's moment of truth

The myth of homosexual oppression

YON: Girl with no future - Washington Times

Nazis in the U.S. military: SPLC will ask Congress for action

AIG's So Nice, They're Doing It Twice! Yes, It's Another Round of Bonuses

The Rachel Maddow Show: Christian Conservatism's Shadowy Secret Society

Senate Democrats push back deadline on bill linked to Barack Obama's climate change agenda | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Can Barack Obama save us from hell? - Telegraph

News of the World phone hacking: More potential victims consult lawyers | Media | guardian.co.uk

Plant chemicals keep Alzheimer's at bay, study finds - Telegraph

Michael Jackson's death 'second biggest story of century' - Telegraph

Most Americans unconvinced humans responsible for climate change, study finds | Environment | guardian.co.uk

New York police search for cleaning woman missing inside Ground Zero skyscraper for two days | World news | guardian.co.uk

Stars may sue as Scotland Yard rejects phone tap inquiry - Telegraph

Frail Kim Jong-il 'may only have months to live' - Telegraph

Find an odd place and lie face down... Is this the most pointless internet craze yet? | Mail Online

A pill for longer life? : Nature News

Fewer calories equals a longer life -- At least in monkeys - CNN.com

Universe's first stars may have been twins - space - 10 July 2009 - New Scientist

Swarms of tremors could point to quake danger


Transcripts : July 9 White House Press Briefing

July 9 State Department Briefing

Biden's Remarks on Health Care and Hospitals

Interview with Minority Leader McConnell

Analysts Debate Stimulus Package Effectiveness

Roundtable on Obama and Health Care

White House Press Gaggle En Route to Rome

July 8 Pentagon News Briefing

July 8 State Department Briefing

Obama's Speech at the New Economic School

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions on Honduras & China

Majority Leader Reid Takes Questions

Senate GOP Leadership Takes Questions

Interview with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour

Analysts Discuss Riots in China

July 7 State Department Briefing

Historians Debate McNamara's Legacy

July 6 State Department Briefing

Roundtable on Palin's Political Future

Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Guests: Lt. Gov. Parnell; Leaders Hoyer & Boehner

Guests: Adm. Mullen, Senators Schumer and Grassley

Interview with Colin Powell


Rep. Murphy on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Sen. McConnell on a Second Stimulus

Berlusconi Attends G8 Amid Sex Scandal

Riots Force Chinese President To Leave G8

O'Reilly, Sharpton Debate Jackson Legacy

Sen. Kyl: Obama Not Concerned With Protecting United States

O'Reilly on Oil Speculators

Sen. Bond: Obama's Trip To Russia Like A "Pile Of Manure"

Reid: Second Stimulus Not "Needed"

DNC Ad: Boehner Using "Baseless Facts" To Attack Stimulus

Letterman's Latest Attack On Palin: She Hopes To Be Next "Octomom"

Sen. Schumer: Sotomayor Not An Activist Judge

Gov. Pawlenty On Transparency Of Stimulus, Health Care

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin Has "Gone Fishin'"

Secretary Of Labor Solis On Economy: "It Is Bad Right Now"

Palin: Attacks Against Me Are "Bull Crap"

Rep. Cummings On Impact Of the Stimulus

Obama: U.S. Proud To Have A Friend In Italy

NRSC Targets Franken In New Ad "60"

Gingrich on the Stimulus Debate

Reps. Reyes & Thornberry Debate CIA Allegations

Carville Compares Gov't Liquor To Gov't Health Care

Photo Embarrassment For Obama

President Obama Speaks At G8 Summit In Italy

Biden To "Bomb" Throwing Stimulus Critics: "What Would You Have Done?"

Joe Sestak On What He's Hearing From Pennsylvanians

Pelosi: Dems' Success Is "Driving Republicans To Distraction"

O'Reilly On God, Global Warming And President Obama

GOP Ad Hits Obama For Claiming Stimulus Has "Done Its Job"

Carlson: Palin Good At "Stringing Words Together" That Make "No Sense"

Rep. Waxman Apologizes For Claiming GOP Roots "Against" US

Sen. Roland Burris Will Not Run In 2010

"Special Report" Panel On Obama's Job Approval

GOPer: Members Who Vote For Govt Run Health Care Plan Should Enroll In It

Rep. Hoekstra On Claim That CIA Misleads Congress

Maddow: CIA Officials Have Misled Congress Since 2001

Rep. King Stands By Michael Jackson Criticism

Buffett Backs Second Stimulus, Calls First One "Viagra And Candy"

Rep. Kingston On Requiring Czars To Be Confirmed

RNC Knocks Obama For "Failed Stimulus Plan"

DSCC Links Moderate GOP Senate Candidate To Bush

Video Clears Up Misleading Obama Photo

Obama: Criticism "Fair" Because Spending Occuring Under "My Watch"

CBS: Obama Not Checking Out Junior G8 Member

TARP Chair: Program "Not An Overhaul Process"

Rep. Bachmann: "Second Stimulus Would Be Insane"

Gingrich On Second Stimulus, Pelosi vs. CIA

Varney: Use Of Stimulus Money Is "Immoral"

Sen. Ensign's Family Gave "Gifts" To Mistress' Family

Levi Johnston: Money Prompted Palin To Resign

Interview with Hillary Clinton

Sen. Jim DeMint on Honduras

World Cup Stadium Construction Halted

Security Remains High in Xinjiang

Riz Khan on Obama in Africa

G8 Leaves Greens Disappointed

Inside Look at G8 Summit

Is the G8 still relevant?

Refugees in Sri Lanka Camps

GOP Speaks Up for Democracy in Honduras

Xinjiang Police Patrol Tense City after Riots

Massive Damage from Quake in China

China Blames al Qaeda for Violence

Renewed Iran Uprising

Ghana Goes Obama-Mad

Economists Say No to a Second Stimulus

The End of Dollar Hegemony?

Treasury Unveils Toxic-Asset Plan

Supply Glut Hits Energy Stocks

The Perfect Q2 Portfolio

Cliff Asness on Obama, Bailouts & Big Government

Bullish on Google?

talk radio

07/09 The Mark Levin Show

07/08 The Mark Levin Show

07/07 The Mark Levin Show

07/06 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

American Minute

American Minute for July 10th:William J Federer's American Minute

Featured Sites

**Site -Truth Attack**

** Site - Lie-Free Zone**


YouTube - Truth Attack - Income Tax - There Is No Law

Video /1:56:13 - The Truth Behind The Income Tax

video - It's Time To Learn The Truth About The Income Tax

video - Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}

Director's Cut - 1:51:16 - America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version