"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

30 June 2009

30 June 09

-30 June 09-

Russia Orders Flight Changes After “Magnetic Storm” Downs 2 Airliners, Leaves Nearly 400 Dead

US Reported In “Panic” After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria

video - Architects of Control : Program One - Mass Control and Future of Mankind

Housing in Peril as Obama Fails to Get Breakthrough

States gain more power over banks - Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: High court won't block remote storage DVR system

Daily Kos: State of the Nation - Top Torture Lawyers Still in Government Employ

Blind Hacker Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison | Threat Level | Wired.com

Malaysia-Today.net - Britain has 85 sharia courts: The astonishing spread of the Islamic justice behind closed doors

Barak heads to U.S. in bid to end settlements row - Haaretz - Israel News

Poll: Hamas popularity falls in both West Bank and Gaza - Haaretz - Israel News

Iran Council confirms Ahmadinejad election victory | Reuters

US forces to free Iranian diplomats

Mexican president calls for strengthened fight against drug trafficking_English_Xinhua

MEXICO UNDER SIEGE: Mexico moves quietly to decriminalize minor drug use - Los Angeles Times

Cuba condemns Honduras coup as criminal, brutal | Reuters

CIA to blame, says Chavez

Airbus with 153 on board crashes into Indian Ocean - Times Online

Child found alive after plane crashes in sea - CNN.com

Netanyahu to Putin: Stop selling missiles to Iran - Haaretz - Israel News

Vladimir Putin to shut down gambling in Russia | The Australian

China "gravely concerned" about U.S. investigation of its steel products_English_Xinhua

China Allows Trade Settlement in Yuan in Hong Kong - Bloomberg.com

The Daily Star - Business Articles - UN official warns 'missing link' in global financial system growing more critical

The Real Cost of Our 'Disease Care' System | LiveScience

The Betrayal » RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase

Excite News - World tells Honduras to reinstate ousted president

YouTube - "Emergency Containment Area"... Possible Martial Law Indicator?

More Apollo 11 Tapes Found By NASA

TotallyJewish.com - Religious Slaughter Safeguarded by EU

Animal fats linked to pancreatic cancer: Study

Celente - 'Obamageddon - 2012'

Enforcing anti-hate laws more problematic in Internet age

A Few Thoughts on the Coup in Honduras : Information Clearing House - ICH

Fireworks over Baghdad as Iraqis take over cities - MSNBC Articles

Campaign For Liberty — The "American Clean Energy and Security" Rip-Off | by Peter Orvetti

Russia begins war games near Georgia

UFO alert over cylinder in the sky : Express & Star

Mom claims Jackson kids aren’t Michael’s - BostonHerald.com

The Obama/Soros Plan To Destroy America | Real Zionist News

Devvy Kidd -- Cap and Trade rape passed -- What must be done NEXT

Excite News - Study finds widening generation gap in US

New Video - Holder Admits No Equality Under Hate Bill

Comics artist Mark Sable detained for Unthinkable acts - SFScope - Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

Coup d'Etat Underway in Honduras: OBAMA’S FIRST COUP D’ETAT

ISS - Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.

Sotomayor Firefighter Ruling Reversed by High Court - Bloomberg.com


Jobs Returns to Work as Apple CEO After Medical Leave - Bloomberg.com

Color Revolutions, Old and New

Pay Attention At Walmart - Price Switching?

Ireland commissioner says most EU countries would reject Lisbon Treaty - Telegraph

Ukraine coalition 'close to collapse' - Telegraph

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - North Korean ‘bright leader’ visits China

Iraqis to mark US army exit with holiday | World news | The Guardian

Occult Symbols in Corporate Logos (pt. 1) | The Vigilant Citizen

Occult Symbols in Corporate Logos (pt.2): Saturn Worship | The Vigilant Citizen

Top 5 Most Sinister Corporate Logos | The Vigilant Citizen

Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye - Their Occult Meaning and Use in Corporate Logos | The Vigilant Citizen

Princess Diana's Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning | The Vigilant Citizen

*93 pgs. / pdf - Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy

Obama calls for cuts in Medicare and Medicaid

Graduates Recite The Lord’s Prayer Despite ACLU Ban

YouTube - Eric Holder, I Would Restrict The First Amendment On The Internet

YouTube - Holder Admits: No Equality Under Hate Bill - by Ted Pike [[HD]]

Westminster Abbey to be given a corona in first change for 250 years - Telegraph

Michael Jackson, prisoner of commerce | Michael Kinsley | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Michael Jackson 'emaciated and bald with only pills in his stomach' – leaked autopsy report - Telegraph

Daily Express | UK News :: WORLD EXCLUSIVE: NASA finds missing moon landing tapes

YouTube - First Moon Landing 1969

Energy bills 'too low' to combat climate change, Royal Society says | Environment | The Guardian

Why do the police need a spy drone for hippies? | Jeremy Clarkson - Times Online

RACIST REV ROW - The Sunday Mail

Red Man vs White Man: The Seventh Great Race War




Mainstream Media Can't Admit Its Part of the Problem

Ron Paul’s Bill Would Put Fed on the Hot Seat

Arrested Reporters Spying for U.S. CIA?

Scientists Confirm U.S. Has World’s Biggest Oil Reserves

IRS Moves to Ban Tax Returns Filed By All But ‘Experts’


Pro-Israel Mouthpiece Says Freedom of Speech Dangerous

Could Obama ‘Pull a JFK’ in Office? Kennedy-Obama Parallels Intriguing

Iran: "New Revelations" In Neda Shooting - World Watch - CBS News

DARPA seeking Genesis-style godware capability [printer-friendly] • The Register

Lewis and Clark in murder mystery 200 years after their final expedition - Telegraph


Prices are down, yet spectre of a food crisis hangs over us all - Scotsman.com News

***archive/site -Sherman Skolnick's Report

***Books / SalesProgressivePress.com - Books and DVD's Exposing 9/11 and the "NWO"

** Site - redmoonrising.com/ - Article links :Kabbalah, America and Mystery Babylon, Rapture, Maitreya

*** Site links : gowurs.com

06-30-2009: China Delays Mandatory Internet Filter Software

06-30-2009: Inquiry Called Into Suppressed Climate Change Report

06-29-2009: Could Your Post Office Shut Down?

06-29-2009: RFID Implants for Humans Hyped On Yahoo Tech

06-29-2009: White House Announces New Lighting Standards

06-29-2009: Chavez Threatens Military Action Over Honduras Coup

06-28-2009: Spies In the Classroom: The Government Is Running a Secretive Intelligence Recruitment Program in Schools

The Emperor’s Seven Signing Statements

One in Four Mortgage Defaults Are “Strategic”: People Who Could Make Their Payments Are Choosing to Default Instead

Debasing the Currency is Leading to Financial Collapse . . . Just As It Has for Thousands of Years

Bank for International Settlements Wants Certification And Regulation Program For Financial Products To Be Sold

Brookings Publication mentions possibility of ‘Horrific Provocation’ to Trigger Iran Invasion

Failed Entrepreneurs Flee Dubai, Fear Debtor Prison

“Within a few years, the Franken-insects could be airborne.”

Emergency Broadcast: New World Order Ahead

Breaking Down The Official Word From The Pirate Bay

Commentary from Pirate Bay users

The Pirate Bay Will Close Its Tracker and Remove Torrents

The Pirate Bay Sold To Software Company, Goes Legal

Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag, and Miley Cyrus Twitter about Infowars and the New World Order

Flashback of Anti-NWO activism

DoD Terrorism Test, Can you Pass?

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Pentagon Rebrands Protest as "Low-Level Terrorism"

DoD Training Manual: Protests are "Low-Level Terrorism"

The Fluoride Deception

Bankster Bailouts Of 2008/9 Exceed Over 200 Years Of Major Government Spending

Discovery Channel's Pitchmen Ep. 11: Inventor Pitches Water as Fuel Invention, Anthony Tells Billy If We Did This You Would End Up Dead

Can credit default swaps be abolished?

The Geopolitics of the US-North Korea Standoff

Debt Deflation in America

Democrats and Republicans Join Hands Over Immigration

Iran’s Presidential Elections, Islamic Populism and Liberation Theology

What China's Push for An Alternative World Reserve Currency Means

CIA seeks laid-off bankers in N.Y. recruitment drive

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

video - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

EPA Did Not Release Internal Report That Dissented from Conclusion That Carbon Emissions Cause Global Warming

Democrats and Media Inflate 46 Million Uninsured (Including Foreigners) to 'Almost 50 Million'

Pro-Life Democrats Urge Pelosi to Exclude Abortion Funding from Health Care Reform Bill

Supreme Court Reverses Sotomayor's Ruling Against New Haven Firefighters Who Claimed Reverse Discrimation

‘Not Bad for Six Months,’ Obama Says of His Presidency

Obama Reaffirms Support for Homosexual Agenda

Lost Wallet Returned to Owner 63 Years Later

Ten Others to Be Charged in Madoff Case

Congressman Conyers’ Wife Resigns from Detroit City Council

Obama Seeks to Change Energy Efficiency Standards for Lightbulbs, Lights

White House Announces New Lighting Standards

Actor Terrence Howard Touts Communist Cuba’s Health Care System

Eco-Friendly to the Grave: Japanese Manufacturer to Produce First Hybrid Hearse

Making a Monkey Out of Darwin

More Money, Less Knowledge

An Endangered America

Government Subsidy Devalues Marriage

Asia Times Online - Obama creates a deadly power vacuum

savethemales.ca - Sanford & Sons -- Service is a Higher Form of Love

Nathan Lewis: Where's The Gold?

Brain waves or beatific vision? Reporter puts mystical experiences under the microscope | Religion | Star-Telegram.com

*Site - Operation Mind Seed

Newsmax.com - Obama’s Handling of Honduras Coup Cripples U.S. Influence in Latin America

Sen. Bond: The Peace Corps is Smart Power

Newsmax.com - Dick Cheney: Troop Pullout May Waste U.S. Sacrifices in Iraq

Newsmax.com - U.S. to Provide More Police, Staff to U.N. Army

Newsmax.com - DHS Seeks Volunteer Guard for Border Drug War

Rule Number One: Always Blame China, then Russia

The U.S. Military is Going Green

American Airlines Plane Lands Safely After Bird Strike

Doctor: Alleged Museum Shooter in No Condition to Appear in Court - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

China Limits Use of Online Currency Used by Game Players - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Disaster hit in dead of night

Companies Balk at Iraq Oil Auction Terms - washingtonpost.com

Search of collapsed Atlanta parking deck resumes - USATODAY.com

Courts Challenged by Faith Healing Cases - CBS News

Madoff Faces Harsher Imprisonment Than Corporate Predecessors - Bloomberg.com

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » Obama is Running a “Gangster Government”

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » Zbigniew Brzezinski is ‘Deeply Troubled’

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » The Ubiquitous Matrix of Lies

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » Brand New World – Order Now!

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » Thought Crime Bills Threaten Talk Radio

Operation Mind Seed » Blog Archive » Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed!

The Truth Behind The Iraq “Sovereignty” Propaganda

Ron Paul: Democrats Who Opposed Climate Bill Voted For It Anyway

Cap and Trade Will Lead to Capital Flight

“Cap and trade” Tax Fight Expected in Senate

Beware the Dreaded Iranian Curse

Why Does Congress Ignore the Public’s Wishes? Because They Don’t Care

The “American Clean Energy and Security” Rip-Off

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

George W. Bush appointees buck Barack Obama on terror policies - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Chaos and arm-twisting gives Nancy Pelosi a major win - Patrick O'Connor and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Norm Coleman: the GOP's million-dollar man - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

When politicians attack - The Scorecard - POLITICO.com

Letter writing still gets the job done in Congress - Andie Coller - POLITICO.com

Energizing the Senate cap-and-trade bill - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

In politics, hypocrisy is bipartisan - Gary Bauer - POLITICO.com

Ted Kaufman to SEC: Do your job - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Supreme Court reconsiders McCain-Feingold - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Vulnerable House Democrats in GOP sights after energy vote - Jonathan Martin and Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Alex Jones: Obama Breaks Promise Not to Raise Taxes on Middle Class

Worldwide Depression: Review of Global Markets

Honduras leader says country ready to ‘go to war’ as riots flare

KBDI to repeat ‘9/11: Press for Truth’ and ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’ during July

YouTube - Gary Franchi Exposes Federal Reserve on PBS

** video - America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version**

The Emperor’s Seven Signing Statements

GOA Applauds Call to Action on Judge Sotomayor from NRA’s Past President

The 17th Amendment, and the Injury It Has Caused to Our Republican Form of Government

Cap and Trade Will Lead to Capital Flight

The cover charge at this club? An RFID implant : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

Concord Monitor - Jury for Browns' trial to be selected

Gloomy U.S. consumers clip housing recovery hopes - Yahoo! Finance

Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009

Gerald Celente speaks on Cap and Trade and other handicaps to the US economy

Bernanke says Fed audit would be 'takeover' by Congress, trigger economic collapse

Obama's Fix-It Plans

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship In United States

29 Engineers: Only Explosives Can Explain 9/11 World Trade Center Destruction

13 pg / pdf - 29 Structural & Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Explosive Demolition in Collapses of All 3 WTC High-Rises on 9/11

The Obama Youth Corps and The Wave

The Third Wave: an experiment to demonstrate the appeal of fascism

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists - NYTimes.com

E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress - NYTimes.com

Secret Buildings You May Not Photograph, Part 643 - Raw Fisher

Raw Story » Military’s new cyber command now online

Star Wars and False Flag Terrorism

DoD, DHS square off over border troops - UPI.com

flashback : Maurice Strong Interview (BBC, 1972)

YouTube - Maurice Strong Interview (BBC, 1972)

Dissecting The New Age: Eco-economic Warfare and the Planned Collapse of Western Civilization

Dissecting The New Age: Freemasonry

Sen. Inhofe Calls for Inquiry Into 'Suppressed' Climate Change Report - Political News - FOXNews.com

The Raw Story | Cat-and-mouse at Wikipedia over NYTimes kidnapping

Fein: Obama ’shuts his eyes’ to ‘open confessions’ of Bush-era war crimes

The Case Against Involuntary Government by William H. Peterson

Beware the Dreaded Iranian Curse by Eric Margolis

Basic Premises by Charley Reese

Hyper-Deflation on the Streets of Paris by Bill Bonner

Mt. Rushmore Myth by Brion McClanahan

Whose Right Is It, Anyway?

CQ Politics | Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Gathers Steam

Obama contemplates Executive Order for detention without charges - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

China's banks are an accident waiting to happen to every one of us - Telegraph

Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic? - Science, News - The Independent

Oh Bummer: Memo to Hillary's science czar: organic ag isn't a 'myth'

Eva Golinger, "US Govt. Confirms It Knew Coup Was Coming"

Cynthia McKinney Reportedly Taken Captive By Israeli Navy

'Swatting' case shows need to ban caller-ID spoofing | NetworkWorld.com Community

The Ostroy Report: The Lesson to be Learned from Bernie Madoff

Higher Taxes for Business Mean We All Pay - washingtonpost.com

U.S. re-approves Israel loan guarantees program - Haaretz - Israel News

"Starve The Beast" - July 4th, 2009 - The Market Ticker


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Russia to hold military exercise before Obama arrival

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » A BURIED 60 Minutes INTERVIEW / INDICTMENT

Refreshing News: Barack Obama spotted in Eiffel Tower - in wax

Refreshing News: First step towards converting solar energy using artificial leaf

Refreshing News: Scientists find first conclusive signature for uranium on Moon

Refreshing News: Mississippi River Delta may drown by 2100

Scalia breaks ranks, slams Bush officials on bank regulation | McClatchy

newshoggers.com - Disappointment Doesn't Cover It

Establishment view of Obama's civil liberties record - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

YouTube - The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class

YouTube - Rep. Sensenbrenner on suppressed EPA report

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber on Buy Gold Before Hyperinflation will Eat Up Your Savings

E-mails indicate EPA suppressed report skeptical of global warming | Politics and Law - CNET News

'US forces attempt to hijack Iranian oil field'


Ruthie Madoff Breaks Her Silence

Billionaire Madoff tied to intelligence agencies | Top Stories from 2009-06-16 | RT

Krugman: Denial of Catastrophic Global Warming is Treason « LewRockwell.com Blog

Global Warming Is a Fraud by David Deming

Secret camera leads to arrest of 9 in British embassy in Iran

Smoking Mirrors: 9/11 and the Unpredictable Winds of Change.

Struggling cities cancel Fourth of July fireworks - Los Angeles Times

Top WH Advisor: Obama Won’t Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

Buchanan: Climate Bill Is Transfer Of Wealth To World Government

Op-Ed Columnist - Betraying the Planet - NYTimes.com

YouTube - JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown

E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress - NYTimes.com

Israel killed JFK: Vanunu: Rediff.com news

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente speaks on Cap and Trade and other Handicaps to the US Economy

**9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Pat Buchanan - “Climate Change Scam designed to Transfer Wealth and Power to World Government”

The Great Debate » Debate Archive » What will the climate change bill do to your job? | The Great Debate |

Outrage of the Week: Captain Morgan, Cap and Trade & Reading the Bills: HR 2454 / HR 2998 - the Waxman-Markey Climate Change Cap and Trade Bill Passes Without Being Read | bytestyle.tv

Why don't colleges cut costs? | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

The Anti–Red Bull: A Drink to Calm You Down - TIME

The Milk Myth: What a Body Really Needs | LiveScience

Socialism begets Authoritarianism

FED to Monetize Another $1.75 Trillion in 2009

The Bubble Blowers: Goldman Sachs and Cap and Trade

Freeing the Limits of Incorporation: Final Solution.

Delusional Health Care Reform

Monopolizing media

GM pulls out from Toyota joint venture

No thanks from Maliki for US sacrifices

More details from Myers spy ring court papers

Obama's polling weakness

Obama's policy in Iran a 'shambles'

Krugman: Opponents of climate change bill are traitors to planet earth

More on the Honduran 'Military Impeachment'

Not so Fast, Mister President

Seventy-Five Years after the Night of the Long Knives

Saving Democracy in the Honduran 'Coup'

Dancing to a new tune in Latin America

The GM Bankruptcy and the Supreme Court

Obama's Attraction to Human Rights Violators

Real vs. an authentic world

The Case for Iran: Fighting for Freedom

The Mullahs and the Tiananmen Option

Obama's Middle East Strategy Meets Reality

Bush's Domino Effect

A Government Healthcare Plan? You Can't Be Serious

Painkiller Healthcare?

Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'

The Fed: Our economy's protector?

America's Socialist Past

The Associated Press: Hordes of hungry grasshoppers invade Utah

Disorderly genius: How chaos drives the brain - life - 29 June 2009 - New Scientist

*UFOMystic » Albert K. Bender Speech From 1967

Astronauts Photograph Mount Fuji | LiveScience

*The lost NASA tapes: Restoring lunar images after 40 years in the vault

Chavez Threatens to Invade as Honduran Army Stages Coup

Obama's Real Message to Latin America?

flashback - Friendly Dictators

The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free

Is the Fed Juicing the Stock Market

Does The West Really Understand What Goes On In Iran?

Car bomb kills at least 27 people in Iraqi city - Yahoo! News

Iraq regains control of cities as U.S. pulls back | Reuters

North Korea trying to enrich uranium, South says - Yahoo! News

In Annapolis, a miracle worthy of sainthood? - baltimoresun.com

Blood Samples Raise Questions of Privacy


AP source: Guard to seek volunteers for border - Yahoo! News

Smoking attack: A man was charged with domestic battery after he drenched his wife with a garden hose and attacked her, according to an affidavit released Monday. -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Reuters AlertNet - World Bank 'pauses' lending to Honduras - Zoellick

The Associated Press: US warns citizens to avoid travel to Honduras

Journalists briefly detained by troops in Honduras - Yahoo! News

UN backs ousted Honduran leader - Yahoo! News

WRAPUP 1-Zelaya seeks return to Honduras, gets foreign backing | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

New pictures show Michael Jackson hard at work rehearsing just two days before he died | Mail Online

AP Exclusive: Jackson wrapped video before death

Breitbart.tv - ‘Whose Duck Back There?’: Ringtone Interrupts Obama During LGBT Speech

Michael Jackson: the wildest conspiracy theories - Telegraph

Howard Hughes and the atomic bomb - Los Angeles Times

Doctor inhaled gas on ward to 'feel floaty' - Telegraph

'Peace partner' boasts of more terrorism than Hamas

World Net Daily Player - $71,000 energy tax coming for consumers

UPDATE 2-Hungary passes 2010 tax law, key test for govt | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

School bans pupils from wearing goggles - Telegraph

Models of Earliest (Camel-Pulled) Vehicles Found: Discovery News

Obama's FCC pick happens to be daughter of key House Democrat Clyburn | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Censorship of the web is futile, says Google CEO - Telegraph


Three family members shot to death in Henry County home; wounded son survives - Roanoke.com

Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network's Plan to Dominate the Internet

Communism: It's baaaack

Cap and trade Congress

The left's global warming denier deniers

Pastors: If not you, who?

Obama versus the founders

America's money-grubbing, racial extortionists

Making a monkey out of Darwin

Episcopal Church's gay-inspired financial crisis

See this film (or stop complaining about Hollywood)

'Alice in Medical Care'

Multi-level operations: Good or bad?

Establishment media sings 'Beat It'

Americans walk away

Commentary » Blog Archive » Say a Prayer for Five Justices’ Continued Good Health

Intellectual Conservative : Politics and Philosophy - Death Knell for Mainstream Newspapers

World Net Daily Player - Congressman: Iraqis ready to take off training wheels

World Net Daily Player - Ethics chief: Firefighters' case highlights 'empathy' trouble

World Net Daily Player - 'President is showing a complete lack of understanding'

Ethiopian church speaks out on Ark of the Covenant

See how government 'fixed' hazards of infectious waste

Did Michael Jackson repent, accept Christ?

eBay warns buyers off $1 mil 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Obama secrecy could prevent recognition of birthplace

Lawyer notifying president of lawsuit

Hawaii paper turns down ad probing Obama's birth

The ad campaign that revived eligibility debate

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

What's the difference?

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

* article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'Peace partner' boasts of more terrorism than Hamas

Obama tells Jews to stop building homes – in Israel!

Axelrod claims Iran has nuclear weapons

Making a monkey out of Darwin

Is this the face of the apostle Paul?

Obama supports limiting presidents to 8 years

Obama addresses gay rights concerns from LGBT community. - ABC News

State House edits 'Jesus' from pastor's prayer - The York Daily Record

High Court allows Kent school to block Bible club | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional

Minneapolis/st. Paul - City Pages - The Blotter - Bible-distributing family arrested at Pride Festival

Sarah Palin trashed by members of John McCain's campaign team in Vanity Fair

North Texas congressman helping sponsor "birther bill" : Local : Times Record News

Jackson Left His Father Out of Most Recent Will - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Grieving Jackson Fans 'Commit Suicide' - Yahoo! News UK

EPA May Have Suppressed Report Skeptical Of Global Warming - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

O'Grady: Honduras Defends Its Democracy - WSJ.com

New Honduran Leadership Flouts Worldwide Censure - washingtonpost.com

TV pitchman Billy Mays had heart disease, coroner says - CNN.com

California Assembly Speaker: Conservative Talkers Are Terrorists | NewsBusters.org

Asia Times Online - Iraq celebrates a victory of sorts

The Troop Drawdown Could Be Costly for Iraq - WSJ.com

Washington Diarist

RealClearWorld - North Korea Just Wants the 'Damn Bomb'

Jawad Al Bolani - Iraq: Mission Not Yet Accomplished - washingtonpost.com

WPR Article | Iran: The Whole World is Watching

Exit Prague, enter Stockholm: The EU Presidency Is Too Big for Small Nations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Obama's Obsolete Iran Policy - WSJ.com

The lessons of Iraq - Telegraph

Iraq's next milestone: the Kurdish question | csmonitor.com

China’s Challenge to the International Monetary System: Incremental Steps and Long-Term Prospects for Internationalization of the Renminbi

Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran - Brookings Institution

RealClearWorld - Speech to George Washington University After Being Conferred Honorary Degree

RealClearWorld - Speech to Members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

RealClearWorld - Speech to the Permanent Representatives of the League of Arab States

RealClearWorld - Speech to U.S. CENTCOM Gulf States Chiefs of Defense

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson: Books: The New Yorker


Madoff Is "Evil," But Hardly Unique - Barrons.com

David Weidner's Writing on the Wall: Do Madoff victims expect too much? - MarketWatch

Republicans Should Blow Up Party, Not Marriages: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Volunteer Initiative Is Economically Bankrupt

We'll Need to Raise Taxes Soon - WSJ.com

History Says Scams Won’t End With Madoff at The Brian Sullivan Blog

An Obama Growth Industry: Financial Regulation - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

$70 Oil, but Where’s the Demand? - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Watch Niall Ferguson's "The Ascent Of Money"

Budget battles come down to the wire in other states, too | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times

Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum: Review and Preview

Last Call for Monetization? | FX Solutions

Cumberland Advisors - Global Recovery In Sight, China A Locomotive

Politics Articles | A Flower Grows in West Africa — Liberia | Miller-McCune Online Magazine

Investors Compete for a Piece of the Madoff Pie - NYTimes.com

Forbes.com: Digital Rules By Rich Karlgaard

Who's to blame for the housing crash? | Salon Books

Investing Discipline: Technical Analysis at SmartMoney.com

RealClearMarkets - Analog Television Dies With a Whimper


Largely Useless, Even Harmful - Forbes.com

The Supreme Court And New Haven's Firefighters - Forbes.com

The Supreme Court's Ricci decision - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Iran's Faux Revolution - HUMAN EVENTS

Debating the Public Option | The American Prospect

Keep the 'public option' - baltimoresun.com

The American Spectator : Does Obama Care?

The Obamas Find a Church Home — Away From Home - TIME

Op-Ed Contributor - The Court Changes the Game - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Left Dodges Moral Debate on Ricci Case

High court ignores the greater good :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson

National Journal Online - Justices Reject Sotomayor Position 9-0 -- But Bigger Battles Loom

Myths on health care - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Alice in Medical Care

RealClearPolitics - How Politicians Bankrupted California

Carbon Trading: What Europe Can Actually Teach Us - Environment and Energy

The Wall Isn’t Falling

RealClearPolitics - Obama, Like Carter, is No 'Realist'

Obama woos LGBT leaders | Salon News

Persistent Myths in Feminist Scholarship - ChronicleReview.com

It Came from Wasilla

Call off the coup in Honduras - Los Angeles Times

IBDeditorials.com: - Banana Democrats

A bad test for racial equity - The Boston Globe

Sotomayor vs. the court -- chicagotribune.com

Obama Is Optimistic About U.S., Colombia Free Trade Deal - WSJ.com

More Intelligence Oversight Advised

TheHill.com - Paulson to testify on Bank of America

CQ Politics | Pelosi Used Personal Touch To Win Climate Vote

Obama agenda: Talking energy - First Read - msnbc.com

RealClearPolitics - Climate Bill Faces Long Odds in Senate

Census 2010: Should Illegal Immigrants be counted?

Restaurant Chain Owner Pleads Guilty To Hiring Illegal Immigrants

Some illegal immigrants will be able to get in-state tuition

Obama promises immigration reform soon

House Restores Funding to Jail Illegal Immigrants

Enough Fence Already: Tough Questions on Immigration Reform

Racial profiling of minorities persists in US - ACLU

Ward: Supreme Court's wandering definition of fraud

FDA Panel Urges Cuts in Acetaminophen Dosage - ABC News

Spanish flu created a viral dynasty: study

Will Health-Care Reform Really Pay Off?

E. Coli Confirmed In Nestlé Samples

Wal-Mart backs health insurance mandate

Stimulus funds for health centers, job training

Walkers and Canes Pose Injury Risk for Elderly Americans

Teen Fatalism Linked to Risky Behavior

Dark side of the sun: Our skin, eyes and pets need protection from sun's rays - Health - MiamiHerald.com

Reports say Jackson is not father of children

More 'Medical Evidence' Confiscated From Michael Jackson Home

Photographer on Jackson rehearsals

Public Enemies

Redmond O'Neal Released From Rehab to Attend Farrah Fawcett's Funeral

Could Better CPR Have Saved Michael Jackson?

'Hulk' Lou Ferrigno was Michael Jackson's personal trainer? Seriously?

Michael Jackson public viewing set for Friday - CNN.com

Jackson's Body to Return to Neverland | TMZ.com

Inside Story: How Billy Mays Became a Star : People.com

Three Michael Jackson books you've got to read | PopWatch Blog | EW.com

Stocks slump after strong quarter

GM CEO Says US Looking for Quick Sale

Fliers like airlines less and less

Farmers Planted More Corn Than Expected in 2009

Corn, Soybeans, Wheat Plummet as US Farmers Boost Acreage

GE teams up with Geron for stem-cell research

'Goodbye and good riddance' AIG directors!

No victims in Centergy Parking Deck collapse

Test Comes Quickly for New Toyota Boss

Soros predicts "stop-go" economy, higher rates

George Soros: Obama Team Falls Short in Financial System Overhaul

Soros: Obama's Econ. Policy Too Much Like Bush

Mozilla Firefox 3.5: Life In The Fast Lane

China backs down from requirement for Web filter

Angst Rules After The Pirate Bay Announces Sale

What Happens To Cook Now That Jobs Is Back At Apple?

Handset Makers Agree to Standard Charger

Comcast offers wireless 4G to go

Microsoft to Allow For Mobile App Returns?

How Old Do You Feel? It Depends on Your Age

Old age begins at 68... unless you're there already: poll

Blind Phreaker's Wild Run Earns Him 11 Years in the Slammer

Cool Search Engines That Are Not Google

Google Says It Doesn't Dominate, Microsoft Begs To Differ

NASA manager pitches a cheaper return-to-moon plan

Deadly car bomb mutes Iraqi celebrations

At Least 26 Killed in Kirkuk As US Withdraws from Iraqi Cities

Airliner crashes off Comoros with 153 aboard

Honduras crisis: Your views

Zelaya expected to attend OAS meeting in Washington

Iran Declares Election Fight Over

Iraqi oil licensing round runs into trouble

Foreign firms snub Iraq oil industry

Israeli navy commandeers Gaza aid boat

Italian train inferno kills 16

Air Strikes in Afghanistan Kill 12 Militants

US targets North Korea missile proliferation network

US to Freeze Assets of Firms Tied to North Korea

Pakistan militants scrap deal

Pakistan army faces fight with end of Taliban deal

US travel advice upsets Sri Lanka

Tsvangirai: Zimbabwe Unity Government Intact

UN Chief Calls on Burma to Release Political Prisoners

UN chief urges Myanmar to release Suu Kyi

Along the Russian-Georgian border, war games or prelude to war?

UN monitors leave Georgia, OSCE mission shuts

Investors Put Faith in Argentina After Vote

What Argentina's Midterms Mean for Latin America

EU Treaty Ratification Temporarily Delayed by German High Court

Lisbon Treaty: Britain should not settle for less than Germany

UK wants united position on dealing with Iran

Hamas, Fatah intensify talks over political arrests

UN probe into Gaza conflict

From the Vatican: June 30, 2009

'Truth' and poverty: Pope to teach on an ethical economy

Time for the Queen to cut the Royal cloth

Queen will run out of money in Diamond Jubilee year without more funds

AP Source: 10 others to be charged in Madoff probe

NJ Madoff victims are far from satisfied

Sanford contradicts himself on meetings with mistress

EPA Allows California Vehicle-Emissions Rule to Proceed

Minnesota court rules Democrat Al Franken won Senate seat

Administration sends Congress consumer legislation

Obama admin. sets wide scope for consumer agency

Sen. Byrd released from hospital

New York City bar: Sotomayor 'highly qualified'

The Supreme Court's discrimination ruling: It's not black and white

Sarah Palin: the 'sexiest and riskiest' GOP brand

New USASpending.gov launched to track tech spending

Government Launches Web Site to Track IT Spending

Quinn threatens 'double overtime' if no income tax increase approved

President Obama & the First Lady Hold LGBT Pride Reception

Where is Lindsey Baum? Police, FBI Search for 10-Year-Old

Mother, girl drowned at Montara beach are ID'd

UPDATE 1-Michigan offers to house California prisoners | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Farmers to rally in Fresno over water - San Jose Mercury News

Some 9/11 hijackers would still get through - Telegraph

Judge: Holocaust museum shooting suspect not fit for court - CNN.com

LaGuardia Airport bound plane, American Airlines Flight 1256, struck by birds

EU threatens mass pullout of ambassadors from Tehran | World news | The Guardian

Stephen Hawking says 'disgraceful' EU tax ruling will hit the disabled - Telegraph

Email patterns can predict impending doom - tech - 22 June 2009 - New Scientist

Can a blast of light kill breast cancer? | Mail Online

Israel to build 50 West Bank homes for outpost evacuees - Haaretz - Israel News

Should Charities Repay Their Madoff Money? - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

O'Grady: Honduras Defends Its Democracy - WSJ.com

How a Loophole Benefits GE in Bank Rescue

UK news Feed Article | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Iran Officials Declare Ahmadinejad Victorious After Partial Recount - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

California Assembly Speaker: Conservative Talkers Are Terrorists | NewsBusters.org


RealClearPolitics - Video - Waxman: GOP "Rooting Against Country" Because Of Energy Bill Vote

There’ll be no tent for God at Camp Dawkins -Times Online

Our timid president

U.S.'s debtor status worsens dramatically - Washington Times

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Rev. Brad Braxton resigns Riverside Church post after pay scandal plagued tenure


Popcorn time: Beck calls out the dogs on GOP's "Cap and Traitors"

Peggy Noonan: The Luckiest Thing Long Term That Could Happen to Obama is He Gets a Republican Congress

Is Huckleberry the new GOP answer?

New 'Pecora Commission' being formed: Help Democratic Leaders 'Name the new panel'

Rush Limbaugh Makes Psycho Talk for Suggesting Obama May Be Catalyst for Sanford's Affair

Lobbyists Buying Votes?: Special Interests' Impact on Health Care Reform

MSNBC Brings on Rudy Giuliani to Discuss Mark Sanford's Affair

Damn. That is One Big Loophole GE Found!

Bill Kristol: The Serious, Realistic Policy in Iran Now is How to Help Accelerate Regime Change

Simon Says: We're Going to Need More Safeguards For Pricing Bank Shares Than 'Trust Us'

New Yorker Magazine Buries Major Abu Ghraib Abuse On Page 6 Of CIA Story

Supreme Court overturns Sotomayor's Ricci ruling on a 5-4 vote; Ginsburg issues stinging dissent

Peggy Noonan Thinks Republicans Just Need to Go to Confession a Lot

Today's Mailbox: 'They Are Selling My Mom's Home Today'

Back in 2005, Milbank didn't object to Jeff Gannon's questions -- just the lack of any legitimacy

Fox Nation Calls New Climate Bill "Treason"

David Gregory on the Pitney question: 'Imagine if Bush had done this'. Um, OK

Has There Been a Military Coup in Iran by the Revolutionary Guard in Iran?

Hell Freezes Over: David Brooks Sounds Like A *GASP* Liberal!

WaPo Turns Into Healthcare Insurance Industry Advocate By Skewing Coverage

Lindsey Graham is Godfather to Sanford's kids. He shouldn't have been on MTP. Romney wanks on

flashback : History's Bitchslap - The U.S. Embassy in Tehran - November 1979

Government Site

*** Site - USAspending.gov***

Video news

YouTube - Search Expands for Missing Wash. Girl

YouTube - What's next for New Haven 20

YouTube - Governor gives Senate another ultimatum

YouTube - Parades, Praise Mark U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq

YouTube - Yemeni Airline Crashes With 153 on Board

YouTube - Honduras - Obama's maiden coup

YouTube - Iran Says Partial Recount Shows Election Valid

YouTube - Iran Frees 5 UK Embassy Staff - Bloomberg

YouTube - Apple CEO Steve Jobs Back at Work

YouTube - Verheugen Demonstrates 'Handy' Charger Chaos (Subtitled)

YouTube - Locals Scramble For Michael Jackson Music

YouTube - MJ Concert Tickets Holders to Get Refunds

YouTube - Heart Matters

YouTube - Custody Battle for Jackson's Kids Begins

YouTube - 10 More to Be Charged in Madoff Scheme

YouTube - First Person: Atlanta Parking Deck Collapses


Guests: David Axelrod; Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham

Guests: Sec. Sebelius, Sen. McConnell, Gen. Odierno

Guests: David Axelrod and Senator Grassley

Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill

Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill


Former Political Prisoner Discsses Iran

Tony Blair on Iran

New Pan-European Security Treaty

Dr. Walid Phares on Iran

Medvedev's Africa Video Blog

U.S. to Review Missle Defense

Benita Ferrero-Waldner on Iran

Cuba Condemns Military Coup in Honduras

Lawlessness in Guinea-Bissau

British Embassy Staff Arrested in Tehran

Honduran President Flees to Costa Rica

Rep. Buck McKeon on Iraq Pullout

Albanians Go to the Polls

IAEA Director Talks to Al Jazeera

Iranian State TV Airs Protester 'Confession'

Iranian Protests Reach Los Angeles Streets

Olbermann Discusses Events in Iran

Interim President Named in Honduras

Iraq Marks 'Sovereignty Day' as US Pulls Back

Iraqi Oil for Sale

Inside the Phillipines New People's Army

Cracking Down on Journalists in Moscow

Iranians in Tokyo Protest Iranian Election

Infomercial King Billy Mays Dead at 50

Madoff Gets 150 Years; Judge Calls Crime 'Extraordinarily Evil'

Madoff Victim: He Deserves Life

Wilbur Ross: No Recovery Until 'Well into 2010'

Roach: Asia Won't Be the New Engine of Growth

Ballmer: Economy Has Reset

Bear Case: Microsoft, Google, Amazon

Dow 10,000 Deja Vu?

China Can't Save The World

Rep. Polis on Obama and Gay Rights

Firemen on Winning Supreme Court Case

Charles Krauthammer On Honduras: Obama is Wrong

Waxman: GOP "Rooting Against Country" Because Of Energy Bill Vote

Sen. DeMint On Sanford, New Book, Obamanomics

McCain: "Unions Are Running A Lot Of This Administration"

Governor Sanford Refuses To Resign, Will Finish Term

Sen. Inhofe On Buried Global Warming Study

Energy Czar Hasn't Read Cap & Trade Bill

Energy Czar On Affordability Of Climate Change Bill

Obama: Honduras Coup "Not Legal"

Gibbs: You Can Begin To "Judge" Stimulus Now

Supreme Court Reverses Sotomayor Decision On Firefighters

Giuliani On Sanford Scandal, Madoff

Cheney: Iraq Withdrawal Will "Waste" U.S. Sacrifices

Gov. Sanford's Mistress Speaks Out, Explains Emails

Dana Milbank, HuffPost Reporter Spar Over Question At Presser

Obama Urges Senate To Pass Climate Bill

Gibbs On Obama's "Approach" To Honduras Over Iran

Limbaugh Warns Of Third Obama Term

Hume On Franken Being Declared Winner: It Was "Inevitable"

Democrat: Moment Of Silence For Jackson Made Me "Nauseated"

Steele: Sanford Scandal "A Problem Of Leadership"

Sandy Berger On US Withdrawal From Iraq

Ahmadinejad Flees From University Students Chanting "Death To The Dictator"

Obama Asks Gays To Be Patient, Promises More Rights

Olbermann, Rev. On GOP Hypocrisy Over Sanford Affair

American minute

American Minute for June 30th:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk Radio

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 26th With Bob Chapman

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 29th With Emily Apple

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

06/29 The Mark Levin Show


***DocumentaryWire.com:Watch Free Documentaries Online ***