"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

27 June 2009

Saturday - 27 June

27 June 09

Thought Crime Bills Threaten Talk Radio

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed

The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

Rep. McCaul to vote against HR 2454 climate bill

Swine flu made in USA

Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes

Western Standard -- Obama's reform: Systemic danger once again

Bachmann: Reject climate change bill as ‘tyranny’

Saudis coerced bombing suspects to blame Iran, shield al Qaeda

Max Keiser: “Goldman Sachs’ crash of markets last year was a false flag operation”

BBC Hit Piece On 7/7 “Conspiracy Theories” Coming Next Week

What the Big Banks Have Won

FT.com / UK - Rothschild and Freshfields founders had links to slavery, papers reveal

How To Legally Say 'NO' To All Vaccines

The American Way Of War

Like Elvis, Michael Jackson Died Of Serotonergic Medications

Talk Show Hosts May Be Accomplices Under Hate Bill

Britain came close to dropping poisoned darts on German troops - Times Online

Scottish scientists raise hopes of new treatments for autism - Times Online

Where does the EU get its power from? - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - India plans ID cards for its 1.1bn citizens

New research says alcohol causes one in 10 European deaths | Society | The Guardian

'Bribes and bombs' scandal returns to haunt Sarkozy - Europe, World - The Independent

Zanu-PF and Zimbabwe military 'profiting from diamond massacre' - Telegraph

Russia's plans for Africa | Irina Filatova | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Sinister Sites - Israel Supreme Court | The Vigilant Citizen

'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled?


Obama's Incredible Record Of Betrayal

The Daily Star - Politics - Israeli Army amasses troops, military hardware along Lebanese border

Swine Flu Dominates in U.S. Where 98% Test Positive

Peter Brimelow - Latest Schultz Shock: a 'bank holiday'

savethemales.ca - We're all Anti-Semites Now

BBC anti-Israel bias is a myth | Sharif Nashashibi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Middle East - Netanyahu cancels meeting with US envoy

G8 considers condemning Iran - Telegraph

Arabs ponder implications of Iran's unrest | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama admits he still smokes - Telegraph

Obama must call off this folly before Afghanistan becomes his Vietnam | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Barack Obama pleads with Congress to pass historic climate change bill | Environment | The Guardian

China Decision to Buy $80 Billion of Gold, the Dragon's Hoard :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting? - CNN.com

SA Current - NEWS+FEATURES: The panopticon economy

Cliff Kincaid -- U.N. to Emerge as Global IRS

CIA's Panetta Says He Will Continue Renditions, Not Penalize Torturers

Andrew Cockburn: How the U.S. Has Secretly Backed Pakistan's Nuclear Program From Day One

*Text of H.R.45 as Introduced in House: Blair... OpenCongress

YouTube - Subprime Banking Mess

YouTube - BOB&TOM TV: "Obama Man" by Greg Morton

YouTube - Obama- Preventive and Indefinite Detention - SAY WHAT???? Constitution rEVOLlution coming your way.

YouTube - Obama Admits Cap & Trade Will Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket

YouTube - IRAN RIGGED ELECTIONS: Green balloons were used as a form of protest all over Iran 6/26/2009

YouTube - Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!!!!!

Monsanto & Dole Team Up to Force-Feed Consumers Genetically Engineered Fruits & Veggies

Gun Control: What is the Agenda? : Information Clearing House - ICH

Inhofe: Senate Will Not Pass Cap-and-Trade

Goon Squad: Occupation 101--U.S. Aid to Israel

Wary of dollar, China wants super-sovereign currency

Blackberry president vs. Twitter - Haaretz - Israel News

Mr. Obama Has His Reasons for Snubbing Disunited Old Europe: Financial Times Deutschland

*The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett the Latest Celebrity Victims of Big Pharma by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (S. 773) grants Obama power to shut down internet, ignore laws | bytestyle.tv

Pastor Invites Flock to Bring Their Guns to Church - NYTimes.com

White House Weighs Order on Detention

PC Pro: News: Microsoft charging "way too much" for Windows 7

Raw Story » Healthcare industry spending $1.4 million - a day - on lobbyists

German court upholds ban on words with Nazi link | Oddly Enough | Reuters

CARBONGATE – Global Warming Study Censored by EPA « Watts Up With That?

Bill of Attainder Project

9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public [Voltaire]

Who's A Low Level Terrorist? Are You?

Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes

More Power For the Fed? Seriously?

Washington Moves to Muzzle Wall Street

Mike Whitney: What the Big Banks Have Won

Madoff Homes to Be Sold, Wife Forfeits Most of Her Claims - Bloomberg.com

p m carpenter's commentary: For Limbaugh, it's the net

Beware of Cap and Trade Climate Bills

Red Dirt Report | RDR: Congress stomps on America, smiles and enjoys a cocktail

Madoff Should Spend Rest of His Life in Prison, Prosecutors Say - Bloomberg.com

Naharnet News Desk - Top U.S. Commander Warns of Iranian, Hizbullah Influence in Latin America

Memo confirms Bush and Blair knew claims Iraq had WMDs were lies

A Tale of Two Depressions



Russia’s FSB Reports Pop Icon Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA

South Carolina Governor Appeals For Russian Help To Secede From United States

Russian Scientists Warn Of Genetically Modified Fast Food Link To Pandemic Flu

video - 1:02:11 min - Michael Tsarion Architects of Control Interview with Sonia Barrett

The Caduceus Decoded: Secret Symbols Reveal Dark Agenda of Western Medicine by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Survivalism grows popular in Valley

Climate Bill Passes in House by Seven Votes - State Journal - STATEJOURNAL.com

Conyers pleads guilty to conspiracy | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Obama, Pope to meet after G8

Tony Blair to U.S. Catholic leaders: Go forward 'undaunted' - Faith & Reason

FACTBOX-U.S., European bank writedowns, credit losses | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

AFP: Clinton names Muslim envoy, staff fail to announce it

British intelligence agencies to step up security over cyber-attack threats | Politics | The Guardian

Thousands of haredim protest in Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

AFP: Israeli PM faces call for settlement moratorium

Ahmadinejad vows to toughen stance toward West - Haaretz - Israel News

Options Shrink for Opposition as Iran Tightens Grip

War Without Borders - Teenagers Recruited by Mexican Cartels to Be Killers - Series - NYTimes.com

Border killings roil Minuteman movement - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

U.S. to check Mexico-bound vehicles - UPI.com

Pakistan Says U.S. Drone Attacks Harm Anti-Terrorism Battle - Bloomberg.com

Cuba says economic crisis slows output, closes factories | Reuters

Latin American Herald Tribune - More than 500,000 Families in Puerto Rico Receive Food Stamps

Latin American Herald Tribune - Caracas bids for world murder capital title as cops come under question

VHeadline.com - Chavez warns of military or economic aggression against ALBA countries

Col. Çiçek to testify to Ergenekon prosecutors over plot

US, Russia to sign military pact | The Australian

AFP: China 'deeply committed' to North Korea sanctions: US official

Brazil calls off search for Air France crash victims - CNN.com

The Daily Star - Business Articles - UN official warns 'missing link' in global financial system growing more critical

Sad Picture of Michael Jackson Emerges

GOP's Shrinking List of 2012 Prospects

Michael Jackson death still unsolved after autopsy

Lisa Marie: Jackson Foresaw His End

Iranian Cleric Calls for 'Ruthless' Punishment of Protest Leaders

Post Reporter Kevin Sullivan Recalls a 1998 Meeting With Michael Jackson

Military: No Ban on Use of Mine-Resistant Vehicles in Iraq

Obama condemns Iran violence as 'outrageous'

N. Korea Threatens to Shoot Down Intruding Japanese Planes

Iran bans Mousavi ally from leaving the country

Iran: Sunday deadline for election complaints

China Asked To Drop Web Filter Demand

N. Ireland Paramilitary Group Disarms

Hard-line regimes censor Iran news

U.S. announces Afghan drug policy shift

5 plead no contest in 'Jena Six' case

Woman Pleads Guilty to Stabbing Stepson With Knife

Rebel Looks Back 40 Years After Stonewall Riots

Man falls from upper deck of Busch Stadium

Sanford affair renews questions about politicians and infidelity

Video: Mourning The King Of Pop

Video: Quincy Jones Candid On Jackson

Video: Jackson's Financial Woes

9 killed in Okla. turnpike traffic wreck

20 Fuel-Efficient Cars

Business Exchange: Climate Change

Cavuto: The Controversial 'Gloved One' Lives On

Obama: Health-care Status Quo 'unsustainable'

Prosecutors ask judge to imprison Madoff for life

GE's Immelt says U.S. economy needs industrial renewal

Bank failure list tops 45

Facing off against IBM's 'Jeopardy!' computer

The King's merchandise could get a pop

Latest news, explainers and advice on coping with a recession

Michael Jackson's Music, Death Dominate Internet

Scientists Get First Image of Memory Being Made

Huge 'Megapiranha' Fossil Found in South America

Google CEO says worst of crisis is over

The Path From Hacker To Security Consultant

Researchers Discover That Sand Behaves Like Water

The Battle Between Google and Facebook

The Internet Helps Iran Silence Activists

Cosmic Log: Space in 3-D

Slide show: Month in Space: Blasts from beyond

Round-the-world solar plane debut

Michael Jackson's Most Memorable Performances

New Book Claims Jacqueline Kennedy Seduced Marlon Brando

Farrah Fawcett funeral set for Tuesday in L.A

Hello Goodbye: Jackson's Beatles rights at risk

20 hotshot movie robots

Michael Jackson's Animals: Where Are They Now?

Swine Flu Vaccine: The Race is On

New Clues on How Hypnosis Works

Fatty Diet Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

Oklahoma Boy, 7, Revived After Almost Drowning, Dies

Colorado Woman Hikes 1 Hour After Rattlesnake Bite

After six months, a six-pack emerges

Can money buy a patient a faster transplant?

Booze Linked To 1 In 25 Deaths Worldwide

Video: Details Of MJ's Cardiac Arrest

Heavy kids at higher risk for asthma

Crowd grabs goodies and foils airline stunt

It's lights out for debt collection agency run by felons

Big day in germ warfare: There's thin plastic for toilets

06-26-2009: Blogger Hal Turner Charged With Threatening Chicago-Area Judges

06-26-2009: World Bank predicts long recession for Russia

06-26-2009: Could Angelina Jolie be the first female US President?

06-26-2009: Iranian protesters avoid censorship with Navy technology

06-26-2009: Iranian Leaders Blaming CIA, Protestors, for Killing Neda

06-26-2009: House Democrats Win Key Test Vote On Climate Change Bill

At Least 19 States May Have to Shut Down Some Services

VIDEO: Ben Bernanke on Ron Paul’s Proposed Leglslation to Audit the Federal Reserve

How cell phones will replace learning

A new world is being born, one without the US dollar greasing the wheels of commerce

U.S. Dollars Support Iranian "Dissidents"

Deadly Reasons to Oust Incumbents in 2010

Congress Just Gave Itself Nearly 4 Billion For Expenses


House Passes Nightmare "Cap And Tax" Bill

House Passes Nightmare 1,200-Page Carbon Tax Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read

Iran Falling to US PSYOPS?

Iranian Unrest: Evidence Of Western Intelligence Meddling

Obama Claims CIA Involvement In Iran "Patently False"

Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of Beirut

America's "Bases of Empire"

Lessons from the Humbling of General Motors

Iran’s Coming Revolution: For Civil Rights Or Beyond?

Former US National Security Adviser: US Has Intelligence Agents Working In Iran

Obama administration seeks to quash suit by 9/11 families

EU to help China test carbon capture

NSA’s cyber-security grab is a major expansion of web surveillance

video - Clouds of Secrecy

House Narrowly Passes Bill Designed to Influence Earth’s Climate by Restricting U.S. Industry and Imposing Costs on American Families

This Is Your Nurse on Drugs

The Legendary Rahm Emanuel

eye-on-washington: The Coming Economic Cold War Will Be President Obama’s Challenge

Did Bernanke and Paulson Commit Bank Fraud? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Sunspots Revealed In Striking Detail By Supercomputers

Double Whammy by Peter Schiff

The Myth of the Kondratieff Wave by Gary North

Being Ignored Once Again by Paul Gottfried

Was the 'Good War' Unnecessary? by Anthony Gregory

We Are All Terrorists Now! by Gary D. Barnett

A Minority View by David Calderwood

Fareed Zakaria’s Manifesto by Matt Taibbi

Storming The Federal Reserve

Peanut butter 'wards off heart disease', say scientist | Mail Online

Unlike SC's Sanford, Most Governors Easy to Find

Former Mayor in Georgia Arrested for Nudity

Oklahoma Troubled by Long Line of Sheriff Scandals

Plane Lands Safely in Md. After Smoke Report

Post-Blagojevich, Conn. Gov Won't Fill Senate Jobs

Schwarzenegger Visits Victims of Mexico Fire

The U.S. Military is Going Green

Why Won't Lawmakers Give up Their F-22 Pipe Dreams? | PEEK | AlterNet

Obama Implores Senate To Pass Climate Bill

Greg Mitchell: Enough With the Jacko Media Coverage! Here's Why

Rob Warmowski: President Obama's Clear Abuse Of Power Cited By...Senator Obama

People's Weekly World - Obama: Climate change and clean energy

Policing the Debate on Health Reform | CommonDreams.org

Ahmadinejad Attacks Obama, Mocks The "Change" Mantra

Threats to the American empire, from an engineered bankruptcy? | Economy |Axisoflogic.com

How to beat belly bloat -- chicagotribune.com

Obama hints at amnesty for illegal immigrants

A Way Forward on Immigration

Griego: A move to integrate — not to assimilate

Democrat talks tough on illegal immigration

"Conservative" opposition to Utah's new immigration law

Anti-Illegal Immigration Group says Obama plan Creates More Illegal Immigration

Curb population to end crises

Bill would allow Arizona schools to ask about immigration status

Hispanic Christian leaders organizing boycott of census

ICE: Eight gang members arrested in Salinas and Seaside

Anti- immigrant militia faces slay charges

New Border Fear: Militia Violence

Funds secured to house criminal illegal immigrants

Police Officer Murdered By Illegal In Sanctuary City Houston

Immigration's tough new face

Illegal Immigration : The Anti -Amnesty Perspective

Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media. » Rowley, Napolitano: Recent murders don’t vindicate DHS extremists report

Eric Cantor Fails to Explain GOP Health Care Plan on Morning Joe

Beck, corporate shill proclaim climate bill a 'watermelon': Thin layer of green on the outside, 'Communist red' inside

It's time to televise the Supreme Court

Gov. Sanford apologizes to staff and uses Bible references of "King David" to 'pick up the pieces'

Ring of Fire: The Corporate Takeover of America

If You Get The Sense That We're On the Outside Looking In, You're Probably Right.

Arrests in 2004 Arizona bombing: Are the feds finally taking domestic terrorism seriously again?

What does John Boehner have against DMV and Postal Workers?

Anti-Abortion Senators Apparently Fine With Bombing Abortion Clinics

Glenn Beck: All politicians are untrustworthy. Next up: Lyin' Michelle Bachmann!

Climate change and the politics of conviction

If we never get an investigation into Wall Street, how can we prevent another meltdown?

Demerol Shot Probable Cause of Death; Cops Want To Talk To Michael Jackson's Doctor

Michelle Bachmann: Census Data Was Used to Put Japanese in Internment Camps

PA's John Eichelberger says homosexual relationships are dysfunctional

Jackson seemed in good spirits before his death

Police Seek to Question Jackson's Personal Physician

Fans gather to remember Michael Jackson's life

Fawcett's Anal Cancer: Fighting the Stigma

Michael Jackson's Doc -- Closed for Business

Jackson's Kids: 'We Want to Stay with Grandma'

What Will Happen to Michael Jackson's Children, and His Fortune?

Michael Jackson Scene Cut From Brüno Shortly Before Premiere

Michael Jackson's Death May Set Off Rush for Concert Refunds

The Problematic Idol: Michael Jackson and the Black Experience

Jackson's Health a Subject of Confusion

Michael Jackson mourners vie for cds, memorabilia

Oscars make room for expanded best picture

Johnny Depp: An outlaw outlook

YouTube - Jackson's Body Moved to 'Undisclosed Location'

YouTube - Mourning Michael Jackson on the Walk of Fame

Iran president slams Obama

Ahmadinejad warns Obama over interference

New Course for Antidrug Efforts in Afghanistan

Iraq secures cities for US exit

Brazil Ends Search for Air France Bodies

China 'deeply committed' to North Korea sanctions: US official

A very strange Taliban burial

Groups in Northern Ireland Say They've Disarmed

Obama, Brown speak on climate change, economy

The Nexus of Climate Change and Human Rights

Russia resumes efforts for influence on Africa

Wearing Faith on Your Sleeve

NSA to NSA: India is more than afpak

Karzai Issues a Plea to the Taliban Ahead of Afghan Election

Zimbabwe PM says Western tour a success

Report: Arab sources also say Shalit to be moved to Egypt soon

Nigerian Militants Reject Amnesty, Say Key Issues Not Addressed

YouTube - Air France plane: Brazil calls off search for bodies

YouTube - Fearful Pakistani Refuges Refuse to Go Back Home

YouTube - We Risk Catastrophic Climate Changes, Says Barroso

YouTube - Medvedev looking for diamonds in the rough in Angola

YouTube - Zimbabwe: signs of an economic revival

GOP attacks on Obama's health care plan have some merit

Obama Won't Procrastinate His Push for Change

Q+A: How painkillers could cause cardiac arrest

Apple, Palm: When Silence Isn't Golden

State Official Under Pataki Pleads Guilty

Fatty Diet Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

Nestlé Refused FDA Records Requests

Duke U. Official Caught in Alleged Child Sex Sting

Crackdown on Medicare fraud a priority for Obama administration

Leavitt: Health-care reform is defining issue

New York State Allows Payment for Egg Donations for Research

Beef Recalled Due to E. coli Risk

Corporately Owned Congress Blocking The Way For Meaningful Reform

Decision to place new medical school in S. Jersey assailed

YouTube - AustinHealth: Cardiac arrest warning signs

Apple Bans 'Hottest Girls' iphone App

ICANN Names Security Expert As CEO

Is China Trying to Prevent Another Iran?

Elgan: Why Google Voice is free

Invitees Answer The Call For Google Voice

Google mocks Bing and the stuff behind it

Terry and Clarence Low: Bing new competition for Google

Hunt for Life on Saturnian Moon Heats Up

Netflix Challenge May Finally Have a Winner

Facebook: Want To Keep That Update Private? Go Ahead

Texting Is More Dangerous Than Driving Drunk

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Google Disruptions - Bloomberg

Madoff reduced to nothing

GM picks Michigan for new small car plant

Hummer buyer to open talks with China regulators: report

Fed Documents Fuel Concerns About Expanding Central Bank's Role

Crude Oil, Gasoline Tumble as Savings Rate Gains, Stocks Drop

Lawmakers Attack Fed For Being Too Secretive

Stanford to Spend Weekend in Jail, Waits for June 29 Hearing

Consumer Spending Up Even as More Save

Computer Failures Are Probed in Jet Crash

YouTube - Bernanke Testifies About BofA's Purchase of Merrill Lynch - Bloomberg

Climate Change Bill to Heat Up Senate

For Republicans, a Narrowing List of Presidential Prospects

E-mails can jeopardize your job, the Mark Sanford scandal shows

White House Weighs Exec Order On Detention

In death, Michael Jackson gets politicians' (cautious) admiration

Pastor Welcomes Gun Owners to Bring Their Handguns to Church

Governor threatens to furlough workers 3rd day

Student Strip Search Illegal

Chief Justice Roberts says court only offers clarity, not policy, for school administrators - Los Angeles Times

Justices Rule Lab Analysts Must Testify on Results

Conyers guilty in bribery case

Pride Party Takes Over SF

Pride Fest kicks off Pride Weekend in Chicago

Will It Be 1972 Forever?

Can the Voting Rights Act Survive Another Challenge?

Five members of Louisiana's Jena Six avoid jail time in plea deal

Fletcher alum tapped for Muslim envoy position

President Obama Makes His Mark on FCC with Four Nominees:

New FCC Chairman Genachowski will put citizens before big media

The horrific murder of Jada Justice

Don't Call It An Attack, Sotomayor Critics Say

DC Metro Crash Highlights Underfunding of Public Transit Systems

9 killed in Okla. turnpike traffic wreck

Sarah Palin fights back — slams John Kerry

YouTube - Obama Praises Climate Bill's Passage

YouTube - White House: Jackson Pop Icon With Troubled Life

YouTube - Court: Strip Search of Ariz. Teenager Illegal

YouTube - Horse And Saddle Show In Hollister

YouTube - Deadly Wrecks Kill 14 in Oklahoma, Indiana

YouTube - Boehner: America Has the Right to Know the Consequences of Speaker Pelosi's Nat'l Energy Tax

Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill - Yahoo! News

» House Filibuster The Speakers Lobby « FOXNews.com

C-SPAN Video Player - House Hearing with Fed Chair Bernanke on Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Merger

C-SPAN Video Player - Pres. Obama & Members of Congress on Immigration Reform

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - Control, halt, delete

Brazil's Lula says may seek presidency in 2014 | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Mounting Jobless Claims Force States To Borrow Funds - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Jackson Remark Prompts Knife Threat - Miami News Story - WPLG Miami

Michael Jackson: secret library of 100 songs could be released - Times Online

My Way News - Police focus on medical treatment in Jackson death

Source: Investigators Surprised at Jackson's Health - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Homeless? Ruth Madoff to Lose Penthouse, Other Homes - ABC News

Unions’ Health Benefits May Avoid Tax Under Proposal

South to Boost Surgical Strike Capability Against North

Human rights disappear in French cabinet reshuffle

Margaret Thatcher’s operation successful in London - BostonHerald.com

Obama, Brown Speak On Climate Change, Economy - CBS News

Beatle news briefs: Report says Macca won't get chance to take back Beatles catalog

Tea tasting 101: characteristics of a good quality white tea.

Table scraps that you shouldn’t feed your pet

Fungus threat hangs over world wheat production

In New Theory, Swine Flu Started in Asia, Not Mexico - NYTimes.com

Scientists find solution to fungal disease threatening soybean in Africa - modernghana.com/science/nature

The Daily Star - Business Articles - UAE counterfeit trade surges amid global crisis

Gulfnews: Dubai doctor warns against fried-rice contamination

Cuba's Fidel Castro calls U.S. spy case ridiculous

Gaddafi gave Rice $US212,225 in gifts on Libya visit | The Australian

Global warming isn't real: Steve Fielding | The Australian

US will not use force to inspect NKorean ship

Ex-Surgeon General Novello pleads guilty in NY - Nation AP - MiamiHerald.com

The Cap and Tax Fiction - WSJ.com

Strassel: The Climate Change Climate Change - WSJ.com

'Soviet' schools if mayor control is lost, says Mayor Bloomberg

Utah sculptor's 9/11 statue embroiled in fraud allegations - Salt Lake Tribune

Freeing the Limits of Incorporation: Final Solution.

Delusional Health Care Reform

Aztecs and Ayatollahs

How to create the progressive utopia

Obama signing statement on war funding bill: Left is curiously silent

UAW begs for tax relief - for their golf course

Below the radar: IG scandal developing some legs

Cap-And-Tax Passes House Despite Last Ditch 300 Page Switch (Updated)

North Korea's March to War

If the President doesn't stand for Freedom

Socialized Healthcare is a Severe Threat to Individual Liberty

Outing Gay Hypocrisy

When did the lowbrows take over the culture?

Mullahs Cannot Stop the Persian Reawakening


Obama, the Neocons and Iran - WSJ.com

Obama’s Conflicting Signals by Eric Cantor on National Review Online

What Does the Energy Bill Really Mean for CO2 Cuts? - TIME

Death by Obamanomics?

Ruth Marcus - Health-Care Reform's 'Public Option' Obsession - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - No Recovery in Sight - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - When There's a Will

Mr. President, Iran Has a Question,How Obama is using the media to destroy and improve the traditional press conference. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Bush Pioneered Use of Internet, Obama Mastering It

Iran's Lessons

Editorial: Arab hearts & minds | Editorials | Jerusalem Post

AARP threatens senators on health care reform - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Advertising wars escalate in health care fight - USATODAY.com

Woman charged with sex crimes against boys in Jefferson County | NBC13.com

Jeff Goldblum, Harrison Ford dead? Fake news stories make dire claims

Revealed: WWII’s Secret Sewing Needle Bomb | Danger Room | Wired.com

World Net Daily Player - Editor at Human Events: Obama should be harder on Iran

Leaves after he's shown on video footage shown around world on websites

World Net Daily Player - Rep. Wilson: We should have been encouraging change

Officer’s killer no stranger to police

flashback: SEPT. 28, 2006 - Cop murder spotlights crisis of killer aliens

Film exposes dark underbelly of Shariah law

Atheists stage festival for anti-religion films

For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

What's the difference?

Moscow 'red lines' Georgian regime

YouTube spikes pro-life video

Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill - Yahoo! News

Eyeblast.tv - Congressman Asks for Moment of Silence for Jobs Lost to Cap-and-Trade on House Floor

Sanford, in Cabinet Meeting, Apologizes to Agency Chiefs for Affair - Political News - FOXNews.com

Hark! Where's the Bible Ark?

Huge Underground Chamber Found--Early Christian Refuge?

EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

Witnesses: Waters shoves Obey on House floor - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Pro-Life Democrats Tell Nancy Pelosi: No Health Care Reform With Abortion

Senate panel OKs funds for jailing illegal immigrants - Los Angeles Times

Sanford's sleazy, sordid affair

YouTube - Foster Friess on Health Care Reform Dangers

'Cap and trade' your freedom

Mr. Obama, show us your birth certificate!

The end of Mark Sanford?

Heroes will let you down

How to be a useful idiot

Our Democratic Socialist Party

Is it a sin to send our kids to public school?

Iran has come to America

The evil of Obama's neutrality

How to mess up your life

Obama's quit-smoking plan

Obama's politburo of proctologists

American Thinker: Obama, the African Colonial

High and Low Finance - Derivatives Tug of War Takes Shape - NYTimes.com

Five Reasons Why Housing Market Still Hasn't Recovered - Real Estate * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

The Family Doctor: A Remedy for Health-Care Costs? - BusinessWeek

Op-Ed Columnist - Not Enough Audacity - NYTimes.com

Soros Goes Long as World Bank Shorts Recovery: William Pesek - Bloomberg.com


Bernanke Bites Back | The Big Money

After Madoff: Are We Safer? - BusinessWeek

Last-Minute Frenzy Before House Climate Vote - Environment and Energy

The Cap-and-Trade Giveaway — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

RealClearMarkets - The Cap-and-Trade Bill Is an Economic Disaster

Bucking the Banks

Deciphering the Fed's Cryptic Messages at SmartMoney.com

Is it time for underwater homeowners to be given a get-out-of-debt-free card? - Los Angeles Times

The Great Debate » Debate Archive » What will the climate change bill do to your job? | The Great Debate |

Steven Pearlstein - For the Farm Lobby, Too Much Is Never Enough - washingtonpost.com

Need Game Changers, Not ''New Norm'' - Forbes.com

The mullahs must go - Los Angeles Times

RealClearWorld - Iran's Revolution Needs a Leader

Asia Sentinel - Six-Party Failure on North Korea

Asia Times Online - Hezbollah keeps its eye on the ball

Silence Has Consequences for Iran - WSJ.com

Leaving Iraq,What will happen when U.S. combat troops withdraw from Iraq? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Karim Sadjadpour: The crowds have gone but Tehran has changed forever - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Why is it that the Arabs don't revolt?

Why the US and Pak Army want Baitullah Mehsud : Rediff.com news

Proximity, reality, strategy, destiny - The Globe and Mail

How Confucianism could curb global warming | csmonitor.com

Former East Germans miss failed communist dictatorship - The Local

Amazing HDTV footage of lunar probe's final moments before it crashes into moon | Mail Online

Too much time online strains Irish marriages: counsellors

Housewife finds £250,000 treasure with metal detector - Telegraph

Sharks threatened with extinction - Telegraph

Fisherman catches record-breaking shark off coast of Ireland - then lands himself an ethical 'throwback' storm | Mail Online

Pigeon 'black box' offers clues to navigation - life - 25 June 2009 - New Scientist

Terror group: 'No shame in being poor'

Is Obama losing his luster?

For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

Navy censors Christian moms

Will Marine face more 'political persecution'?

Conservatism for dummies

Obama-Odinga friendship affecting Iran?

Obama to Iran: Let them eat ice cream

World Net Daily Player - $71,000 energy tax coming for consumers

Exclusive: Phil Elmore argues against employers restricting liberty of workers

Video: Michael Jackson death 'linked to painkiller injection' -Times Online

Taibbi: Guess Who's Getting Rich Off The Cap-and-Trade Bill? Our Good Friends at Goldman Sachs!

Eric Cantor Fails to Explain GOP Health Care Plan on Morning Joe

Beck, corporate shill proclaim climate bill a 'watermelon': Thin layer of green on the outside, 'Communist red' inside

Thought Crime Bills Threaten Talk Radio

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed

The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

Rep. McCaul to vote against HR 2454 climate bill

Swine flu made in USA

Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes

Western Standard -- Obama's reform: Systemic danger once again

Bernanke says Fed audit would be 'takeover' by Congress, trigger economic collapse

Bilderberg 2009 Intel Already Proving Accurate

Alex Jones Jumps Onboard Camp FEMA Project

Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran

Local military, civilian police training builds skills

The Third Wave: an experiment to demonstrate the appeal of fascism

The Obama Youth Corps and The Wave

Zbigniew Brzezinski discusses “intelligent manipulation” in Iran

29 Engineers: Only Explosives Can Explain 9/11 World Trade Center Destruction

pdf - 13 pgs /29 Structural & Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Explosive Demolition in Collapses of All 3 WTC High-Rises on 9/11

Obama's Fix-It Plans

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship In United States

Cash to become extinct as chips take off | News | News.com.au

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists - NYTimes.com


transcripts - June 26 White House Press Briefing

Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill

President Obama on the Cap-and-Trade Bill

Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

Minority Leader Boehner's Weekly Press Conference

Bernanke's Testimony on the BoA/Merrill Deal

Analysts Debate Cap-and-Trade

Governor Sanford Admits Affair at Press Conference

ABC News Health Care Special with President Obama

Panel on Gov. Sanford's Affair Admission

Interview with Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Roundtable on Obama's Press Conference

President Obama's Press Conference

Maj. Ldr. Reid Takes Questions on Health Care

Republican Leaders Take Questions on Health Care

Sens. Kerry and Graham Debate U.S. Response on Iran

Sen. Hutchison on Obama's Press Conference

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama Signs Tobacco Law

Bayh and Issa on Obama and Iran

Senator McCain on Iran and North Korea

Editor Bill Keller on Reporter's Escape from the Taliban


video - Nuclear Facilities Vulnerable to Intentional Attack

Global Security Conference in Irkutsk

North Korea Condemns U.S.

Politkovskaya Case Sent for Retrial

Brent Scowcroft on Iran

Military Attacks Afghan Insurgents

U.S. Remarks on North Korea

U.S. Rethinks Airstrikes

Violence Hits Iraq Ahead of U.S. Pullout

Iran's Election: What Happened? What's Next?

Clashes Around Iran's Parliament

Former Kosovo PM Arrested

Russia Ready for Nuke Reduction

Somalia Fears Wider War

Al Qaeda Fleeing Pakistan

Monitoring India's Monsoon Deficit

U.S. Fears Collapse of Somali Government

Defining the Global Fishing Crisis

Former Kosovo PM Released

Climate Change Bill to Create or Eliminate Jobs?

Sloan: Is Wall Street Suffering from Amnesia?

Japan's CPI Falls at Record Pace

Big Banks Too Big To Exist?

Albertson: Credit Problem in US Remains Unsolved

Obama On Why Government Should Get Involved In Health Care

Brzezinski: "War Of Attrition" Coming In Iran

Gov. Sanford's Wife: "His Career Is Not A Concern Of Mine"

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Gets Dunked

Obama Wants "Best Care" For His Family

MoveOn Runs Ad Against Feinstein Over Health Care

Karl Rove On Sanford's Political Future

Eric Cantor On Sanford, Health Care

Ahmadinejad Demands Apology From Obama

Flashback: Sanford On Lying To Your Wife

Michael Jackson Dead At Age 50

Gay Fmr. Gov Of NJ Feels "Pain" For Sanford, Family

Bernanke: I Did Not Bully Bank Of America To Buy Merrill

Obama On Immigration Reform

Stein, Carville On Sanford Affair

Steele Disappointed By Sanford's "Failed Leadership"

Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery

Watch Live: Obama and Chancellor Merkel Hold Presser

Karl Rove On Media Attacking Sanford

Krauthammer & Fox News Special Report Panel On Cap-And-Trade

House Holds "Moment Of Silence" For Michael Jackson

Bachmann: Cap-And-Trade Is Choice Of "Liberty And Tyranny"

Dem Congressman: Iran "Wants Exactly" What GOP Is Advocating

Sanford Apologizes To His Cabinet, South Carolina

White House: Michael Jackson Was A "Music Icon"

Specter Open To Taxation To Fund Health Care Overhaul

Thompson To Sanford: "Don't Wallow"

House GOP Leader Boehner Filibusters Cap-And-Trade Bill

Obama Throws White House Luau

Palin Responds To Sen. Kerry Joke: "Why The Long Face?"

Experts: Clinton Wants To Raise Her "Low Profile"

Press Secretary Gibbs: Fox News Puts President To Sleep

Rep. Bachmann On Not Filling Out Census

Obama: Violence Against Iranians Is "Unacceptable"

Rep. Hoyer: Cap And Trade Bill Contains No Taxes

Report: Harry Reid Does Not Have Votes For Cap-And-Trade

Weekly Address: Opening the Door to a Clean Energy Economy

John Boehner Gives Response On Destroying American Jobs

AP Exclusive: Sanford's Wife Told Governor To Stop Affair

Ahmadinejad: Obama "Made A Mistake"

Flashback: Obama Says Cap And Trade Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket

American minute

American Minute for June 27th:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

06/26 The Mark Levin Show

06/25 The Mark Levin Show

06/24 The Mark Levin Show

06/23 The Mark Levin Show

06/22 The Mark Levin Show

06/19 The Mark Levin Show

06/18 The Mark Levin Show

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 26th With Bob Chapman

audio - Jeff Rense & David Icke