"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 June 2009

Monday, weekend and other articles:

29 June 09

Part 1

Sunday and week review:

The effect of animal fats on the human body | The Real Food Channel


Marv Visits A Fortune Teller - Vid


More Astonishing Crop Circles

Hitler And The New Age

Latest - Journalist Files BioTerrorism Charges Against WHO

For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

AIPAC Israel firster Dennis Ross to become de facto National Security Advisor – Wake Up America! Your Government is Hijacked by Zionism

BBC News | SCI/TECH | 'Oldest' prehistoric art unearthed

Obama administration seeks to quash suit by 9/11 families

Pet bites can put owners at risk for superbug MRSA

FT.com / UK - Rothschild and Freshfields founders linked to slavery

Provo,Utah Illuminati Page

On the Contrary: Michael Jackson: Whiteface Star of the Alchemical Minstrel Show

Obama Issues Signing Statement On War Spending BIll

Destabilization 2.0 - Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran

100 Secret Jackson Songs May Be Released

Deepak Chopra: Jackson doctors fed Oxy-contin, Demerol addiction

India turns to 'cloud seeding' to make rain - Telegraph

How the west was lost

High-fat diet can increase risk of deadly cancer - Telegraph

North Korea threatens to shoot down Japanese spy planes - Asia, World - The Independent

The last days of the court of King Silvio - Europe, World - The Independent

Prices are down, yet spectre of a food crisis hangs over us all - Scotsman.com News

Michael Jackson: personal doctor was paid by London concert promoter - Telegraph

British scientists make key breakthrough in superbug fight - Telegraph

MPs squirm as the spotlight turns on second jobs - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

The curious case of the Iranian Mujahideen | David Shariatmadari | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - John Boenher proves the climate bill is trash

Secret US-equipped 'Dirty Brigade' in Iraq - an elite American-trained [death squad] - Iraqis call it "the dirty brigade." Its real name is the Counter Terrorism Bureau - 12.160Mhz

Two weeks after: Iran rallies fade, elite split - Yahoo! News

YouTube - IRAN RIGGED ELECTIONS: Green balloons were used as a form of protest all over Iran 6/26/2009

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

YouTube - Masud: 9/11, Waterboarding, a Confession and the Iraq War

YouTube - DCI Palestinian Child Prisoners

Let's discuss TV pitchman Billy Mays found dead at Florida home

US states� budget crisis sets stage for new attack on the working class


To Gays Who Supported Him, Obama Hasn't Walked the Walk | CommonDreams.org

Prices are down, yet spectre of a food crisis hangs over us all - Scotsman.com News

Oh Bummer: The Obama Wars: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chic

Thought Crime Bills Threaten Talk Radio

After Iran, Twitter Conspiracy Hits Germany « Pak Alert Press

http://www.newshoggers.com/ - Faced with Nuclear Attack, Why Not Surrender and Live to Fight Another Day?

Refreshing News: Superatoms may lead to smaller, faster, powerful computers

The Climate Bill & ‘Carbon Trading’: Scam of The Century


Storming The Federal Reserve

Did toxic chemical in Iraq cause GIs' illnesses?

Raw Story » S. Korea boosts defense spending, warns of first-strike capability

Global warming alarmists out in cold | Herald Sun

*How Did Mossad Know the London Bombings Were Going to Happen?

*BBC Hit Piece On 7/7 “Conspiracy Theories” Coming Next Week

*BBC Hit Piece Edits Silverstein Comment In Dirty Tricks Scam

*BBC Discredited; Retractions on 9/11 Hit Piece Forthcoming?

*Producer Struggles to Defend Flaws & Bias of BBC Hit Piece

*BBC Hit Piece a Tissue of Lies, Bias and Emotional Manipulation

**London Bombings Data Page**

**Prison Planet - 9/11 Prior Knowledge Archive**

The 9/11 Trials: A Message To The Torture Accountability Crowd | 911Blogger.com

Video: Depleted Uranium Children Iraq

Official: US Won’t Forcibly Board North Korean Ship -- News from Antiwar.com

Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com

Obama, Maurice Strong, Al Gore key players cashing in on Chicago Climate Exchange « A War of Illusions

Somalis create world's largest refugee camp - Somalia- msnbc.com

Climate Bill Passes in House by Seven Votes - State Journal - STATEJOURNAL.com

What Jermaine Jackson REALLY Said About Michael at His Press Conference - Idol Chatter

Obama scoffs at Ahmadinejad's demand for apology - Yahoo! News



House Passes Climate Bill - WSJ.com

YouTube - Michele Bachmann and Joe Barton (R) Patriot from Minnesota and Texas

Final **Vote Results for Roll Call 477 - H R 2454**

House passes climate-change bill - Lisa Lerer and Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Raw Story » White House denies ‘indefinite’ detention report

WZTV FOX 17/Nashville

06-28-2009: CIA Crucified Prisoner In Abu Ghraib

06-28-2009: Harrisburg Chapter Of NAACP Urges Martial Law

06-28-2009: Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes

06-28-2009: Reuters Propaganda: Life After U.S. Pullout Brings Worries For Iraqis

06-28-2009: Army ousts Honduras president in vote dispute

06-27-2009: HHS extends liability shield to antivirals used for H1N1

06-27-2009: Google Thought Michael Jackson Searches Were An Attack

06-27-2009: Claims Ark Of The Covenant Has Been Found

06-27-2009: U.S. and Russia Differ on a Treaty for Cyberspace

06-27-2009: Talk Show Hosts May Be Accomplices Under Hate Bill

06-27-2009: Thought Crime Bills Threaten Talk Radio

Text of S.909 as Introduced in Senate: Matthew... OpenCongress

06-27-2009: Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him

06-27-2009: Africom to Continue Under Obama

USAID soliciting applications for $20 million in grants to destablize Iran

ID cards for India: 1.1billion citizens will go into second largest citizens' database

Video: Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed

Detained At 14, Tortured and Released At 21

"Even Guantánamo Bay Is Better Than This.”

Deadly Reasons to Oust Incumbents in 2010

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

Britain to advertise abortion to youngsters

Peruvian Government Shelves Investigation into Massive Forced Sterilizations of Indigenous Women

Beware surfers: cyberspace is filling up

Feds To Get Power To Target Websites Making "False Claims"


House Passes Nightmare "Cap And Tax" Bill

House Passes Nightmare 1,200-Page Carbon Tax Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read

Iran Falling to US PSYOPS?

Iran’s Presidential Elections, Islamic Populism and Liberation Theology

Ahmadinejad Won: The Real Source of Interference in the Iran Elections was the US

Bioweapons: Biological threats to Canadians and World Citizens

From Mossadegh to Ahmadinejad: The CIA and the Iranian experiment

US states’ budget crisis sets stage for new attack on the working class

America's "Bases of Empire"

video - Clouds of Secrecy


House Narrowly Passes Bill Designed to Influence Earth’s Climate by Restricting U.S. Industry and Imposing Costs on American Families

Obama Suggests Health Care Reform Will Mean Rationing for Some, But Admits He Would Pay Out-of-Pocket for His Own Family

Angry Docs Say Proposed Government-Run Health Care Plan Will Drive Physicians out of Medicine

Obama Joins Bipartisan Group from Congress to Begin Push for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Islamic Bloc Chief Urges Appointment of New US Envoy, But Is This It?

Muted UN Response to Iran Crackdown

Some Border Residents Get New Chance for Passports

California, Here We Come!

The Legendary Rahm Emanuel

Obama's Weakness Issue

David Axelrod says President wants the Public Plan Option/Choice included in Health Care reform

Why Is Max Baucus Smiling? You'll Never Guess!

Violence Erupts in Baghdad as Deadline for U.S. Troops to Withdraw From Major Cities Nears

Buchanan: Climate Bill Will Lead to Transfer of Wealth and Power to World Government

Shawna Forde's killer Minutemen finally attracting some national attention

British Rum Maker Got a $2.7 Billion Payout from TARP

The Colbert Report: Commonsense Health Care Reform Infomercial

Rove, O'Reilly whine about those mean liberals who 'coarsen' politics by talking about sex affairs

Indefinite Detention, Anyone? White House is Drafting New Executive Order

Eliminationism on parade: Coulter, Joe the Plumber, and military chaplains' leader wish for deaths

John Boehner Throws Hour Long Hissy Fit on the House Floor

Taibbi: Guess Who's Getting Rich Off The Cap-and-Trade Bill? Our Good Friends at Goldman Sachs!

Eric Cantor Fails to Explain GOP Health Care Plan on Morning Joe

Beck, corporate shill proclaim climate bill a 'watermelon': Thin layer of green on the outside, 'Communist red' inside

It's time to televise the Supreme Court

audio flashback :The FDA and Thalidomide - August 1962.

Cap and Tr8tors Can Change Vote by July 2 Deadline!

FLASHBACK: Obama Intimately Tied To Carbon Trading Scam

The Climate Bill & ‘Carbon Trading’: Scam of The Century

Obama to fund anti-govt. elements in Iran: Report

Ron Paul: Storming the Fed

A Non-Assisted Building Collapse

Max Keiser: “Goldman Sachs’ crash of markets last year was a false flag operation”

US gives up on eradicating Afghanistan’s opium

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 25th With Webster Tarpley

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 26th With Bob Chapman

*Taibbi-Goldman-Sachs: The Great Bubble Machine

Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009

Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting? - CNN.com

Western Standard -- Obama's reform: Systemic danger once again

Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA

South Carolina Governor Appeals For Russian Help To Secede From United States

RealClearWorld - The Flaw in Obama's Israel Policy

What sort of president? - Washington Times

Sarah Sands: Will old goat be on the menu at Berlusconi's summit? - Sarah Sands, Commentators - The Independent

Which State Security Branch Rules Tehran's Streets? - TIME

George Jonas: Hillary Clinton rewrites the Middle East's past - Full Comment

RealClearWorld - Africa: The Lost Continent

Why the UAE should be the green capital of the world - The National Newspaper

The BBC's disclosures show the way on expenses | Editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

The US must leave Iraq, so must al Qa’eda - The National Newspaper

Pandemic Flu - washingtonpost.com

The Elusive Green Economy - The Atlantic (July/August 2009)

RealClearPolitics - Americans Will Regret Health Care 'Fix'

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- A Debt The Founders Wouldn't Believe

They say Obama is starting to stumble. The hell he is | Michael Crowley | Comment is free | The Observer

Worldview: What happens next in Iraq? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/28/2009

The new era in Iran - The Boston Globe

Green job fallacies - BostonHerald.com

The Debt Tsunami - washingtonpost.com

EDITORIAL: Media pussy cats - Washington Times

Most Americans Want Sotomayor on Supreme Court, Poll Indicates - washingtonpost.com

CQ Politics | Don’t Call It An Attack, Sotomayor Critics Say

TheHill.com - Schumer, Graham: Restrict electronics sales to Iran

Obama's curiously close labor friendship - Los Angeles Times

The Global Warmists refuse to hear evidence that is 'unhelpful'

The green scam and the Ivy League endowments

Steyn on Sunday: A government run by 'creeps and misfits'

$2.7 billion in TARP money went to British Rum maker

Is John Boehner growing a pair?

Your tax dollars at work; paying off goverment staffers' student loans

The Come Back To Haunt Us Kid

Aztecs and Ayatollahs

Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'

The Fed: Our economy's protector?

America's Socialist Past

Stoning of Soraya M actress spreads comforting falsehoods

Forgive Mousavi, But Never Forget His Name

Unjustly Imprisoned Sailor Denied Parole for At Least Five More Years

Socialized Healthcare is a Severe Threat to Individual Liberty

If the President doesn't stand for Freedom

North Korea's March to War

When did the lowbrows take over the culture?

Mullahs Cannot Stop the Persian Reawakening

California Assembly Speaker: Conservative Talkers Are Terrorists | NewsBusters.org

DEBKAfile - Ahmadinejad in fresh attack on Obama shuts door on multilateral nuclear diplomacy

Polar Bear Testimony Suppressed Due to 'Inconvenient' Truths | NewsBusters.org

Strassel: The Climate Change Climate Change - WSJ.com

Authoritarian Regimes Censor News From Iran

U.S.'s debtor status worsens dramatically - Washington Times

Iran arrests British embassy staff - Telegraph

Senate panel OKs funds for jailing illegal immigrants - Los Angeles Times

Dave is a 'coke snorting, staff-banging governor,' says Sen. Parker - who is facing assault charge


Poland Gets Openly Gay Rabbi

Utah sculptor's 9/11 statue embroiled in fraud allegations - Salt Lake Tribune

Honduran president calls arrest a 'kidnapping'

BBC NEWS | Americas | Honduran leader forced into exile

Honduras president calls military action 'brutal kidnapping' - CNN.com

Honduran military ousts president ahead of vote - Yahoo! News

Heavy sandstorm blankets Iraq, delays oil bidding - Yahoo! News

South Korea getting U.S. missiles to boost defences - Yonhap | World | Reuters

Unions’ Health Benefits May Avoid Tax Under Proposal

Mid-term elections seen weakening Argentine leader | International | Reuters

'I'm better off dead. I'm done': How Michael Jackson predicted his death six months ago | Mail Online

Grief turns to anger for Jackson fans

Nanny says Michael Jackson's stomach had to be pumped regularly; Jackson family orders 2nd autopsy

Sophisticated Weather Satellite Rockets Into Orbit - CBS News

U.S. and Russia Differ on a Treaty for Cyberspace - Series - NYTimes.com

AP NewsBreak: SC gov considered resigning, won't - Yahoo! News

McConnell Says Time Needed to Review New Sotomayor Material - Roll Call

Michael Jackson's death: Second autopsy completed at the request of Jackson's family | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

LAPD Questions Jackson Cardiologist

My Way News - Spokeswoman: doctor not suspect in Jackson death

Thousands march in Venezuela over anti-Chavez TV

Amazing HDTV footage of lunar probe's final moments before it crashes into moon | Mail Online

1,500-Year-Old Hidden Record Of Christ's Words - Forbes.com

Student hoax wins magazine's top prize - Europe, World - The Independent

Solved: riddle of Siberia's flattened forest - Science, News - The Independent

Former East Germans miss failed communist dictatorship - The Local

Vodka kills as many Russians as a war, says report in The Lancet - Times Online

'Creating' a healthy niche market

Pesky dolphins under siege from Florida fishermen - Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Great White Sharks Hunt Like Serial Killers : Discovery News

Cheeky: lottery pays for bottom casts - Times Online

World Net Daily Player - $71,000 energy tax coming for consumers

Business & Technology | China's required PC filter Green Dam a big risk for companies | Seattle Times Newspaper

SEC eyes rule for shareholders on TARP pay - MarketWatch

China Kills Buyout Of Hummer – 24/7 Wall Street

Porsche rejects latest merger offer by Volkswagen - MarketWatch

Employees' constitutional rights

‘Coal-eating’ bugs may solve energy crisis - Times Online

Microbes plan ahead, predict future events - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

UFO reports heating up in Kansas City area

America's Fortress: Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD live on | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

Sun leaves Earth wide open to cosmic rays - space - 27 June 2009 - New Scientist

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Screaming Kangaroos: Large Anomalous Marsupials in the USA?

Luxury Yacht Company Offers Pirate-Hunting Cruises - Asylum.com

Twin Sisters Get the Same Exam Scores: Telepathy or Not?_English_Xinhua

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India plans hot chilli grenades

Toothy 3-foot Piranha Fossil Found | LiveScience

Sanford's sleazy, sordid affair

'Cap and trade' your freedom

How to be a useful idiot

Our Democratic Socialist Party

Iran has come to America

Obama's politburo of proctologists

American Thinker: Obama, the African Colonial

World Net Daily Player - Congressman: Cap-and-trade 'grab-bag' of giveaways

World Net Daily Player - $71,000 energy tax coming for consumers

World Net Daily Player - Editor at Human Events: Obama should be harder on Iran

World Net Daily Player - Rep. Wilson: We should have been encouraging change

Physician: Michael Jackson had 'almost no veins left'

'Proof' of Kenyan birth twice scrubbed by eBay

For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

*article links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution

Members of U.S. House Financial Services Committee snapped up or dumped bank stocks as bottom fell out of market - Metro - cleveland.com

Film exposes dark underbelly of Shariah law

Dawkins sets up kids’ camp to groom atheists -Times Online

Atheists stage festival for anti-religion films

Church 'out of touch' as public supports equal rights for homosexuals - Times Online

Italy to expel Palestinian hijacker of Achille Lauro cruise ship - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube spikes pro-life video

Pro-Life Group Wants Justice Department to Investigate Death Threats, Gets Refusal

Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill - Yahoo! News

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran militia raids 'target homes'

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regime plots purge after Iran election protests - Times Online

Mousavi rejects recount offer - Israel News, Ynetnews

Galloway Stirs Up A New Storm With Tv Defence Of Regime (from Sunday Herald)

How Mark Sanford's affair blew up - Local / Metro - The State

Hark! Where's the Bible Ark?

Huge Underground Chamber Found--Early Christian Refuge?

Jerusalem shaken by riots - Israel News, Ynetnews

6 Deemed as Threats Retained Aviation Licenses - NYTimes.com

Brookville Tea Party draws controversy

Senators get 705,000-plus letters opposing 'hate crimes'

The Associated Press: After spending, GOP asks: 'where are the jobs?'

EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

Dems put Congressional Black Caucus member in charge of Congressional Black Caucus investigation | Washington Examiner

Pro-Life Democrats Tell Nancy Pelosi: No Health Care Reform With Abortion

Palm Beach Post - TV pitchman Billy Mays found dead at Florida home

The Bubble Blowers: Goldman Sachs and Cap and Trade

Freeing the Limits of Incorporation: Final Solution.

And here goes the dominos: Iran election, what happened?

Delusional Health Care Reform

Inside Nature's Giants: A gory attempt to disprove 'intelligent design' theories - Telegraph

Hariri named Lebanon PM - Yahoo! News

RI closer to changing state name over slavery - Yahoo! News

Cops: Duke Official Offered Adopted Son For Sex

Vancouver Mayor's quick fix for homeless a long-term nuisance

Report: Gaddafi showered Condoleezza Rice with gifts - Israel News, Ynetnews

Russia won't participate in Jewish documents suit - Nation AP - MiamiHerald.com

Teacher sentenced to 20 months for sex with student

Reliable Sources: Dana Milbank Gets His Knickers In A Twist Over HuffPo's Upstart Nico Pitney

The David Icke Newsletter - TWO WRONGS

savethemales.ca - Sanford & Sons -- Service is a Higher Love

Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes

Junk food triggers our ‘bliss point’ - Times Online

Lewis and Clark in murder mystery 200 years after their final expedition - Telegraph

Miliband: Iranian harassment will be met by strong response - Jerusalem Post

Mofaz: Livni can't make tough decisions - Jerusalem Post

Report: Israel, Hamas reach compromise on Shalit deal - Ynet

Blair: Peace within reach if Israel compromises - Haaretz

Mousavi rejects partial Iran vote recount - Reuters

Iran bans Mousavi ally from leaving the country-IRNA - Asharq Alawsat

Haredi, secular J'lem residents to demonstrate at Carta lot - Jerusalem Post

Ahmadinejad: U.S. Has 'Made a Mistake' - Fox

US hopes to start Mideast talks soon - Ynet

Sophisticated Weather Satellite Rockets Into Orbit - Fox

Khaleej Times Online - Lebanon gets new PM, seeks national unity

Iraq ready to handle security without U.S. - Reuters

U.S. housing misery poised to enter new phase - Reuters

Tehran conference to explore cultural Iran and globalization - Tehran Times

International Oil Companies Poise for Return to Iraq - Fox

Thousands march for, against anti-Chavez station - Jerusalem Post

Lebanon gets new PM, seeks national unity - Khaleej Times

German foreign minister: Russia, NATO should set up joint body to promote security - Interfax

Karzai calls on Taliban, other militants to vote in election - Gulf News

North Korea alleges Japanese espionage; threatens to down Japanese jets - J'lem Post

Oil market should not depend on single economy - Medvedev - Novosti

Medvedev Says Russia's Allies Should Aid U.S. - Moscow Times

Carville: GOP Could Come Back Big in 2010 - NewsMax

Kadima MK: We must support PM on natural growth - Ynet

Death by Obamanomics? - The president's policies on energy, unions, and health care won't help an ailing economy - Irwin M. Stelzer

Reforming American health care - Heading for the emergency room - Economist

Barack Obama vs. International Law - Caroline B. Glick

There's No False Choice on Iran - The consequence of a weak president - Fred Barnes

Is White House Using Marxist Hegelian Dialectic To Foment Global Change? - Bill Wilson

Russia Remains the Same - It will be business as usual in Moscow whether Obama apologizes or not - Cathy Young

The Dollar's New Best Friend - Beijing warms up to the greenback--because it has to - Gordon G. Chang

Israel's rare opportunity - Why the Jewish State must assert itself in Iran's affairs - Caroline B. Glick

America is Sinking Fast: A Biblical Perspective - Heidi Swander

Where's The U.N. On Iran? - A thundering silence from the would-be defender of human rights - Claudia Rosett

Advancement of technology is a wake-up call for humanity - Rabbi Yonason Goldson

Why Perilous Times Are Now in Overdrive - Jan Markell

Obama's stunning offense to Israel and the Jewish people - Anne Bayefsky

Jihad Watch: Iran arrests local staff of British Embassy

Jihad Watch: CNN journalist asks: "'Punished mercilessly' – Is this Islam?"

Jihad Watch: Thug-In-Chief: "We are surprised at Mr. Obama. Didn't he say that he was after change? Why did he interfere?"

Debbie Schlussel - OxiGone: Billy Mays, Phenomenal Pitchman, RIP; He Made Americans' Lives Easier

Debbie Schlussel - Monica Conyers, Wife of Rep. John Conyers, Pleads Guilty/Gets Convicted of Conspiracy

Debbie Schlussel - HILARIOUS: Best Monologue on Michael Jackson Death; UPDATE: Best Tasteless Michael Jackson Joke

Debbie Schlussel - Summing Up ObamaCare: Best Cliff's Notes Version of Last Night

Debbie Schlussel - Did Taliban Allow Friendly New York Times Reporter to "Escape"? Looks Like It

Debbie Schlussel - "Soylent Green Revolution Syndrome": Mousavi Masterminded Hezbo Murder of U.S. Marines

Debbie Schlussel - California Appeals Court: We Might As Well Just Open the Borders

Debbie Schlussel - Will Congress Apply Obamacare to . . . Itself?

Debbie Schlussel - Another Fake Green: Most Eco-Friendly Claims Are a Crock

Debbie Schlussel - Echoes of Hillary: VIDEO - Guess Who's the New Spokespimp for ObamaCare?

American minute

American Minute for June 28th:William J Federer's American Minute


transcripts - Guests: David Axelrod; Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham

transcripts - Guests: Sec. Sebelius, Sen. McConnell, Gen. Odierno

transcripts - Guests: David Axelrod and Senator Grassley

transcripts - Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

transcripts - Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill

transcripts - Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill

transcripts - President Obama on the Cap-and-Trade Bill

transcripts - Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

transcripts - Minority Leader Boehner's Weekly Press Conference

transcripts - Bernanke's Testimony on the BoA/Merrill Deal

transcripts - Analysts Debate Cap-and-Trade

**transcripts - ABC News Health Care Special with President Obama

transcripts - Interview with Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

transcripts - Roundtable on Obama's Press Conference

transcripts - President Obama's Press Conference

transcripts - Maj. Ldr. Reid Takes Questions on Health Care

transcripts - Republican Leaders Take Questions on Health Care

transcripts - Sens. Kerry and Graham Debate U.S. Response on Iran

transcripts - Sen. Hutchison on Obama's Press Conference

transcripts - Interview with David Axelrod

transcripts - Bayh and Issa on Obama and Iran

transcripts - Senator McCain on Iran and North Korea

transcripts - Editor Bill Keller on Reporter's Escape from the Taliban


Axelrod: White House Didn't Coordinate With Reporter On Question : video

Gov. Barbour On Sanford, Stimulus, 2012 : video

Sen. McConnell On Health Care, Sotomayor, Sanford : video

Graham And Romney On Stimulus, Energy Bill, Sanford : video

Gov. Pawlenty To Obama: Stop Spending : video

Sebelius On Health Care: "Playing Field Has To Be Leveled" : video

Sen. Grassley On Health Care, Bipartisanship : video

David Axelrod Blasts Ahmadinejad's "Bloviations" : video

Gen. Odierno: Iraqis Are Ready : video

Fox News Sunday Panel On Health Care, Sanford : video

This Week Roundtable On Sanford, GOP In 2012 : video

Filipino Inmates Honor Michael Jackson By Dancing To Thriller Again : video

Flashback: Obama Says Cap And Trade Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket : video

AP Exclusive: Sanford's Wife Told Governor To Stop Affair : video

Weekly Address: Opening the Door to a Clean Energy Economy : video

Ahmadinejad: Obama "Made A Mistake" : video

John Boehner Gives Response On Destroying American Jobs : video

Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery : video

Watch Live: Obama and Chancellor Merkel Hold Presser : video

Karl Rove On Media Attacking Sanford : video

Krauthammer & Fox News Special Report Panel On Cap-And-Trade : video

House Holds "Moment Of Silence" For Michael Jackson : video

Bachmann: Cap-And-Trade Is Choice Of "Liberty And Tyranny" : video

Dem Congressman: Iran "Wants Exactly" What GOP Is Advocating : video

Sanford Apologizes To His Cabinet, South Carolina : video

White House: Michael Jackson Was A "Music Icon" : video

video Specter Open To Taxation To Fund Health Care Overhaul

video : Specter Open To Taxation To Fund Health Care Overhaul

video : Thompson To Sanford: "Don't Wallow"

video : House GOP Leader Boehner Filibusters Cap-And-Trade Bill

video : Obama Throws White House Luau

video : Palin Responds To Sen. Kerry Joke: "Why The Long Face?"

video : Experts: Clinton Wants To Raise Her "Low Profile"

video : Press Secretary Gibbs: Fox News Puts President To Sleep

video : Rep. Bachmann On Not Filling Out Census

video : Obama: Violence Against Iranians Is "Unacceptable"

video : Rep. Hoyer: Cap And Trade Bill Contains No Taxes

video : Report: Harry Reid Does Not Have Votes For Cap-And-Trade

video : Monitoring India's Monsoon Deficit

video : U.S. Fears Collapse of Somali Government

video : Defining the Global Fishing Crisis

video : Former Kosovo PM Released

video : Climate Change Bill to Create or Eliminate Jobs?

video : Sloan: Is Wall Street Suffering from Amnesia?

video : Japan's CPI Falls at Record Pace

video : Big Banks Too Big To Exist?

video : Albertson: Credit Problem in US Remains Unsolved

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

29 June 09

Part 2

Monday, week end and other articles

audio - Jeff Rense& David Icke

New Video - Holder Admits No Equality Under Hate Bill

'Gayby boom': Children of gay couples speak out - CNN.com

Obama calls for cuts in Medicare and Medicaid

What nanny who worked for Michael Jackson saw - Times Online

AfricanCrisis - Kenya: American Pastor Remanded On Porn Charges

War Criminals

California...Here We Come! - Buchanan


savethemales.ca - Sanford & Sons -- Service is a Higher Form of Love

Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes

Junk food triggers our ‘bliss point’ - Times Online

Lewis and Clark in murder mystery 200 years after their final expedition - Telegraph

Squatters take over empty home of 'Mr and Mrs Expenses' - Telegraph

Talk Show Hosts May Be Accomplices Under Hate Bill

Leahy's Hate Bill Hearing A Sham

US In Panic Over Chemtrail Planes


Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA

US Governor Appeals For Russian Help

Russian Scientists Issue Warning

Latest - Journalist Files BioTerrorism Charges Against WHO

Court rules for white firefighters over promotions - washingtonpost.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente speaks on Cap and Trade and other Handicaps to the US Economy

9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Pat Buchanan - “Climate Change Scam designed to Transfer Wealth and Power to World Government”

Ohio.com - Smoker decides to grow his own tobacco

Washington's Blog - “In a Society Governed Passively by Free Markets and Free Elections, Organized Greed Always Defeats Disorganized Democracy”

The Great Debate » Debate Archive » What will the climate change bill do to your job? | The Great Debate |

London Cops Waterboard Pot Suspects

Commentary » Blog Archive » Declaring War on the American Economy

Captain Morgan & Cap and Trade: What HAPPENED?!

A Bloodless Coup; The transition from democracy to a bank-run society By Mike Whitney : Information Clearing House - ICH

Refreshing News: Moon-lovers remember Apollo with radio chit-chat

Federal judge says Obama eligibility case "raises significant issues" [UPDATED 06/29] | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

NATO's War Plans For The High North

NewsDaily: Nominees emerge for U.S. panel on Wall Street meltdown

How a Loophole Benefits GE in Bank Rescue

Creating a 'Pollution Casino': Why the Energy Bill May End Up a Boon for Our Dirtiest Industries | Environment | AlterNet

Cap and Tr8tors Can Change Vote by July 2 Deadline! | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Iran's Press TV disputes story of Neda's death - CNN.com

Billionaire Madoff tied to intelligence agencies | Top Stories from 2009-06-16 | RT

I Swear I Wasn't There (But I Was) | h+ Magazine

ISS - Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.

U.S. supplied Afghan insurgents for ‘Al Qaeda’ in Iraq

Anarcheology - This anarchaeology information is from the anarchaeological studies of the Society of Anarchaeologists and borrowed from the work of the world-famous Anarchaeologist Dr. Rex Curry. Minarchy.

Obama's First Coup d'Etat: Honduran President has been Kidnapped: Updates 1-17 | venezuelanalysis.com

kenny's sideshow: Terrorists...High and Low

*kenny's sideshow: 9/11 archive

The Secret History

Madoff may not have benefited most in scam - Small business- msnbc.com

Nearly completed high-rise collapses in Shanghai | World | Reuters

Fraudonomics: Obama - Signing Statements - LIAR

Dr. in Neda video gave 2 completely different stories - soc.culture.british | Google Groups

How a young student became the face of Iran's struggle - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 24, 2009

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran doctor tells of Neda's death

YouTube - TD Ameritrade "Stock Heat Mapping and Pattern Matcher" 2009 TV Commercial

YouTube - Zbigniew Brzezinski is "Deeply Troubled"

Lebed.biz - video - Hyperinflation Nation

'Proof' of Kenyan birth twice scrubbed by eBay

video - The effect of animal fats on the human body | The Real Food Channel

***93 pgs. /pdf -Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy

06-28-2009: Central Banks Seek Rankings For Financial Products

06-28-2009: USAID soliciting applications for $20 million in grants to destablize Iran

06-28-2009: Spies In the Classroom: The Government Is Running a Secretive Intelligence Recruitment Program in Schools

06-28-2009: European Union's Lisbon Treaty fuels flames of dissent across continent

“Within a few years, the Franken-insects could be airborne.”

Home Schooling Goes Mainstream in America

DARPA seeking Genesis-style godware capability

6 Future Mods for Our Minds and Bodies

Teenage 'baby' may lack master ageing gene

Ranchers Attempt to Hold Off Army's Expansion in Colorado

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to Blame Over Iraq War, says Army Report

DoD Terrorism Test, Can you Pass?

H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force

Pentagon Rebrands Protest as "Low-Level Terrorism"

DoD Training Manual: Protests are "Low-Level Terrorism"

The Fluoride Deception

Bankster Bailouts Of 2008/9 Exceed Over 200 Years Of Major Government Spending

Experts Say Houston Dome May Help Environment

MSPs get power to fine over climate change

Discovery Channel's Pitchmen Ep. 11: Inventor Pitches Water as Fuel Invention, Anthony Tells Billy If We Did This You Would End Up Dead

New World Order Rams Through Sham Cap & Trade Bill

Britain to advertise abortion to youngsters

Beware surfers: cyberspace is filling up

Rothschild and Freshfields founders had links to slavery, papers reveal

Feds To Get Power To Target Websites Making "False Claims"

White House Is Drafting Executive Order to Allow Indefinite Detention of Terror Suspects

‘Insane’ file-sharing verdict could challenge law’s constitutionality


House Passes Nightmare "Cap And Tax" Bill

House Passes Nightmare 1,200-Page Carbon Tax Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read

Debt Deflation in America

Iran’s Presidential Elections, Islamic Populism and Liberation Theology

Bioweapons: Biological threats to Canadians and World Citizens

CIA seeks laid-off bankers in N.Y. recruitment drive

Chavez calls US a threat to Venezuela

$2.775 billion in US aid supports Israeli nuclear weapons program

Gun control: What is the agenda?

Beyond politics: People for sale in hungry world

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

video - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Pelosi Won't Give Public a Week to Review Text of Health-Care Bill Before House Votes on It

Supreme Court Overturns Sotomayor’s Ruling in Firefighters’ Reverse Discrimination Case

CBO Ignores Economic Impact of Democrats’ Climate Bill

Congressmen Say They Didn't Have Chance to Read Full 1,200-Page Climate Change Bill Before Vote

House Narrowly Passes Bill Designed to Influence Earth’s Climate by Restricting U.S. Industry and Imposing Costs on American Families

Obama Suggests Health Care Reform Will Mean Rationing for Some, But Admits He Would Pay Out-of-Pocket for His Own Family

Harry Reid Won't Commit to Giving Public a Week to Read Health-Care Bill Before Senate Votes on It

Angry Docs Say Proposed Government-Run Health Care Plan Will Drive Physicians out of Medicine

No Decision on Anti-Hillary Movie

Pro-Life Group Calls for Investigation into Death Threats Against Pro-Life Activists

California, Here We Come!

The Legendary Rahm Emanuel

Buchanan: Climate Bill Is Transfer Of Wealth To World Government

Venezuelan, Cuban, and Nicaraguan Ambassadors to Honduras Kidnapped

Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009

Western Standard -- Obama's reform: Systemic danger once again

Rule Number One: Always Blame China, then Russia

The U.S. Military is Going Green

Mitchell Kapor: Redefining Bias in the 21st Century

Dianne Feinstein: Criticism From Left On Health Care "Doesn't Move Me One Whit"

The Holes in Obama's Financial Regulation Plan

Israel to Construct New Housing Units in West Bank Settlemen

At sentencing, Madoff apologizes for fraud

Fraudster Madoff gets 150 years

Replacement Duel Ensues in Honduras After President Ousted

EXCLUSIVE: Fed seeks millions from ballplayers in Ponzi scheme

Some gays say Obama hasn't kept promises

'New' Pic of Kim Jong Il May Be Old

Downsized America: Homebuyers Look for Less

Air Force test fires missile from Calif. base

EXCLUSIVE: Cheney fears Iraq withdrawal will 'waste' U.S. sacrifices

Somalia Insurgents Vow To Seize US Weapons

John Rizzo: The most influential career lawyer in CIA history

Thousands still in FEMA trailers

Metro Crash May Exemplify Paradox of Human-Machine Interaction

Pullout of U.S. Troops From Iraqi Cities Viewed With Apprehension, Pride

High court won't hear claims vs Saudi Arabia

WATCH: Sanford's Mistress Revealed

King: Health care, climate change top talk agenda

Supreme Court Delays Decision on Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo

On Souter's Last Day, Court to Rule on Controversial Firefighter Case

Souter to Bid Goodbye to Supreme Court

Axelrod Defends Stimulus; GOP Bashes It

Obama Warns Against Trade Sanctions in Climate Bill

Obama Praises Climate Bill's Progress but Takes Aim at Tariffs

*Transcript of White House Interview on Climate-Change Bill

A Plan to Stem Foreclosures, Buried in a Paper Avalanche

Taxing Employee Benefits to Pay for Obama Health Care Plan Still an Option

Homeland Security, Pentagon Clash on Military's Role at Mexico Border

Most Americans Want Sotomayor on Supreme Court, Poll Indicates

White House Weighs Exec Order On Detention

47,000 Elderly Falls in US Tied to Canes, Walkers

Partial Poll Recount in Iran, Riot Police Deployed

Michael Jackson's Final Hours Puzzle Doctor, Family

Hordes of Hungry Grasshoppers Invade Utah

2 Dead, 1 Hospitalized in Wash. Small Plane Crash

Gas Prices Flat Across US Over Last 2 Weeks

*article links / Global Warming... Fact Or Fiction?

*pdf - 21 pgs./Global Warming and Ice Ages: I. Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change

*pdf- 44 pgs./Is Zionism of God?

The Fraud of Global Warming: **True C02 Record Buried Under Gore

*pdf - 88 pgs. /Teleportation Physics Study

Fox Nation Calls New Climate Bill "Treason"

David Gregory on the Pitney question: 'Imagine if Bush had done this'. Um, OK

Has There Been a Military Coup in Iran by the Revolutionary Guard in Iran?

Hell Freezes Over: David Brooks Sounds Like A *GASP* Liberal!

WaPo Turns Into Healthcare Insurance Industry Advocate By Skewing Coverage

Lindsey Graham is Godfather to Sanford's kids. He shouldn't have been on MTP. Romney wanks on

Jarrett Barrios on LGBT Rights and Meeting With President Obama on the 40th Anniversary of Stonewall

Odierno: Iraqis ready for handover

Reliable Sources: Dana Milbank Gets His Knickers In A Twist Over HuffPo's Upstart Nico Pitney

David Axelrod says President wants the Public Plan Option/Choice included in Health Care reform

Why Is Max Baucus Smiling? You'll Never Guess!

Violence Erupts in Baghdad as Deadline for U.S. Troops to Withdraw From Major Cities Nears

Buchanan: Climate Bill Will Lead to Transfer of Wealth and Power to World Government

Brookings Publication mentions possibility of ‘Horrific Provocation’ to Trigger Iran Invasion

US, Israel behind Iran vote-rigging rumors: Ejei

Global Warming Is a Fraud

“In a Society Governed Passively by Free Markets and Free Elections, Organized Greed Always Defeats Disorganized Democracy”

Top WH Advisor: Obama Won’t Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

DailyTech - Construction Begins on Deepest Underground Lab

The Uncompromising Rothbard by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Why I Own Guns? by Michael Gaddy

Liberty, Interrupted by Karen Kwiatkowski

Global Warming Is a Fraud by David Deming

More Dismal than Ever by Ira Katz

Surviving Hyperinflation: An Update by Eric Englund

Voluntary Serfdom Captured on C-Span Live by Floy Lilley

The Origins of the Second World War by Brandon Harnish

All the Collateral that’s Fit to Print by Richard Daughty

Declaration of Renunciation and Severance of U.S. Citizenship by Jeff Knaebel

The Great American Bubble Machine | Corrente

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 26th With Bob Chapman


Bye, Bye Bernie: Ponzi king Madoff sentenced to 150 years

NKorea criticizes US missile defense for Hawaii

South Korea getting U.S. missiles to boost defences - Yonhap | World | Reuters

Russia Holds Major War Games In Caucasus - CBS News

6 Shot Dead In City This Past Weekend; Several Others Shot Or Stabbed And Wounded - cbs2chicago.com

My Way News - Argentine power couple loses congressional vote

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Obama is choosing to be weak

Censorship of the web is futile, says Google CEO - Telegraph

Chavez threatens military action over Honduras coup | U.S. | Reuters

O'Grady: Honduras Defends Its Democracy - WSJ.com

McConnell Says Time Needed to Review New Sotomayor Material - Roll Call

Central banks seek rankings for financial products - Yahoo! Finance

No Mercy: Woman Caught Robbing Worshippers in Church | NBC New York

8st 1oz, no food just pills in his stomach, bald, bruised, his ribs broken by CPR, 4 needle wounds near his heart...

Lawyer for doctor: Jackson had pulse when found - Yahoo! News

Toyota technology has brain waves move wheelchair - Yahoo! Finance

Karzai: Afghan guards employed by US killed police

White House announces new lighting standards

Forgotten evolutionist lives in Darwin's shadow

Sophisticated weather satellite rockets into orbit

My Way News - Court takes on international child custody case

My Way News - Souter bids goodbye to Supreme Court colleagues

My Way News - Roberts: Supreme Court not setting school rules

Our view: Recession freezes immigration debate

Commentary: Immigration reform takes courage

Evangelical Latino Groups Advise Illegal Immigrants on Census


House restores funding to jail illegal immigrants

Don't Pity the Poor Immigrants Fight Alongside Them

Attacks on Judge Sonia Sotomayor

Obama Threaded the Moral Needle of Latino Evangelicals in '08

Obama advocates immigration reform at expense of crime victims

Where's the "Why" in Washington?

Lawyers Among Many Running Asylum Scams, Destroying Our Country

Dear Mr. Obama: Deport illegal aliens, defend the border…’healthcare crisis’ will end

Jamie Foxx does the Moonwalk at the BET Awards: Fitting tribute?

Family of late TV pitchman Billy Mays awaits autopsy results

Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe (Getty Image)

Jackson Family Considering Global Celebrations

Bloodsuckers positioning themselves to exploit Michael Jackson's tragic death

Lawyer: Jackson's Doctor Had Difficulty Summoning Help

Impressionist Fred Travalena Dies From Cancer at 66

Reported Jackson Autopsy -- A Fake

Michael Jackson News Takes a Darker Turn As Autopsy Results Are Released [Updated] -- Vulture -- Entertainment & Culture Blog -- New York Magazine

Farrah Fawcett Funeral Plans Finalized

Oscars toughen up best song rules

Johnny Depp: 'I Slum Around The World'

Michael Jackson Tribute

Michael Jackson's Legacy Includes Tangled Financial Web

YouTube - Pitchman Billy Mays Dead - Bloomberg

YouTube - Jacko's death: What next for his children?

YouTube - BET Stars Talk Michael Jackson's Influence

YouTube - Jackson Has Slight Pulse - Doctor - Bloomberg

YouTube - Dancing Inmates' Tribute To Jackson - Bloomberg

YouTube - Michael Jackson's Beloved Neverland

Supreme Court Clears Way For Cablevision DVR Service

Porsche Rejects Volkswagen Offer To Buy Stake

Stanford awaits bond decision

Gas prices drop for second week

YouTube - Market Update 6/29/09: Madoff Sentencing Monday

Universal Cell Phone Charger Gets EU OK

Wikipedia held page hostage to protect captive NYT reporter

Toyota Research Achieves Brain Control of Wheelchair

Walkman vs. iPod

5 Reasons Skype Should Fear Google Voice

Google News, YouTube Invite News Groups to Share Video Content

Google Offers Linkup Between News, YouTube

Gmail Users: Thanks For The Memory

Google Ups File Attachment Capability Of Gmail

EarthTalk: Does the sun have more impact on climate change than humans? - Environment - MiamiHerald.com

Sunspots Revealed in Striking Detail by Supercomputers

Leftist leaders hold emergency meeting over Honduras coup

Iran begins recount of 10% of ballots

Brown demands embassy staff freed

Iraqis rejoice as US troops leave Baghdad

Historic moment in Iraq marked by little fanfare, mixed feelings

Iraqis Prepare Celebrations, Security as US Pulls Back

Iran Conducts Partial Recount of Votes

Experts Voice New Hope for Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Abbas: If Israel freezes settlement, talks can be resumed

Palestinians prefer Fatah than Hamas: poll

'Free Gaza' activists plan to defy Israeli naval blockade

MDC snubs Mugabe cabinet meeting

Western Pakistan Fighting Kills 50

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad call's Neda's death "suspicious"

President Ahmadinejad orders inquiry into 'suspicious' death of Neda

FOCUS: Oil Majors Line Up For Iraq's First Bid Round

Should renewable energy include nuclear?

Brown unveils policy 'for growth'

Pope signs new globalization encyclical

Healthy collaboration between church, government possible, says pope

Relatives burn tires after Lebanon sectarian clash

Oil jumps above $70 on Nigerian platform attack

Burma Court Rejects Aung San Suu Kyi Witness Appeal

Argentine Bonds Rally After Kirchner Loses in Midterm Election

Indian Police Seize Maoist-Held Region in West Bengal

Gazprom in Azerbaijan gas deal

Medvedev Seals 'Milestone' Gas Deal in Bid to Thwart EU Rivals

Coup Rocks Honduras - WSJ.com

YouTube - Zelaya may be returned soon

YouTube - Iran Frees 5 UK Embassy Staff - Bloomberg

YouTube - Zimbabwe: signs of an economic revival

YouTube - Two accords for Medvedev in Baku

Sheriff: Man Kills Family And House Was Set On Fire

Youngest Son Survives Virginia Murder-Suicide By Father

Looking Past an Affair to a Race for Governor in South Carolina - NYTimes.com

Court Asks for Better Arguments in Clinton Movie Case

Obama adviser: confident Senate to pass energy bill

US High Court:State Prosecutors Can Probe National Bank Lending

Banks face state fair-lending laws: Supreme Court

Some gays say Obama hasn't kept promises

The Obamas Find a Church Home — Away from Home

Obamas still don't have regular church to attend

Air Force tests Minuteman missile, fired from California coast to Pacific target - Los Angeles Times

Mass man held in girl's kidnapping, attempted rape

'Sexual Bondage Material' Found After Girl's Alleged Attack

Abu Ghraib scandal haunts W.Va. reservist

Animatronic Obama to make Disney debut

Connecticut Man, Wife Found Dead in Murder-Suicide After Frantic 911 Call - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

FBI Joins Search for Missing Washington State Girl

Pawlenty, Coleman and the election certificate mystery

Few see themselves as 'old,' no matter what their age

Study finds widening generation gap in US

YouTube - Market Update 6/29/09: Madoff Sentencing Monday

YouTube - SC Gov Says He Understands Calls for Resignation

YouTube - Uphill Senate Struggle - Climate Plan - Bloomberg

YouTube - Murder/Suicide investigated

Health care reform details begin to emerge

Bring On the Public Option!

On heath care -- President Obama's dirty little secret

Jobs Travel to Transplant Mecca Shows System Flaws

Fatty Diet Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

Recall of beef from Colorado company expanded

15 Percent of US Teens Think They'll Die Young

Advertising wars escalate in health care fight

US Congress Look At Energy, Health Legislation

RAIN Reports More People Seeking Help With HIV

How to Survive a Heart Attack

Fireworks Precautions to Keep Your Family Safe

Routine Prostate Cancer Screening Not Clearly Worthwhile

Low pay from Medicaid keeps doctors away from primary care

To Meddle, Or Not To Meddle

Creeping Sharia

'Blacks in survey say race relations no better with Obama'

EPA: The 'Environmental Political Agency'

Surprise! Obama won't 'rule out' Middle Class tax increase

Is Obama losing his political magic?

Obama fails to stand up for American interests in Honduras

Somalia religious courts idea of 'justice'

Betrayed by my Republican Congressman

The Case for Iran: Fighting for Freedom

The Mullahs and the Tiananmen Option

Obama's Middle East Strategy Meets Reality

Bush's Domino Effect

A Government Healthcare Plan? You Can't Be Serious

Painkiller Healthcare?

Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'

The Fed: Our economy's protector?

America's Socialist Past

Forgive Mousavi, But Never Forget His Name

Polar Bear Testimony Suppressed Due to 'Inconvenient' Truths | NewsBusters.org

Economic View - The Pitfalls of the Public Option in Health Care - NYTimes.com

One brief shining moment for clean energy | Salon

Mark R. Warner - A Risky Choice for an Economic Risk Regulator - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - 40 Years Later, Still Second-Class Americans - NYTimes.com

Guy Benson : Radicalism, Rewarded - Townhall.com

Transcripts : RealClearPolitics - David Axelrod and Chuck Grassley on "This Week"

Transcripts : RealClearPolitics - David Axelrod, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham on "Meet the Press"

Transcripts : RealClearPolitics - Sebelius, McConnell, and Odierno on "Fox News Sunday"

Is It Obama's Economy Yet? -- Politics Daily

Why We Need a Second Stimulus

Time to End False Bipartisanship

LOSING HIS MOJO? - New York Post

RealClearPolitics - Obama and the Stone Tablets

RealClearPolitics - Fair Review of Sotomayor's Record Will Take Time

Mitt Romney's team awaits 2012 - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Betraying the Planet - NYTimes.com

Power Line - Obama's EPA Quashes Climate Change Science

RealClearPolitics - Climate Bill Faces Long Odds in Senate

The Power of Iran's Iron Fist

RealClearWorld - Iran and Beyond: An Interview with Gen. Wesley Clark

An Embassy under Attack -Times Online

Independence Day -- chicagotribune.com

Washington's spending corruption is a bi-partisan rot | Washington Examiner

TheHill.com - Liberal activists fret over public option for healthcare

Acorn Role in Census Challenged - WSJ.com

Pawlenty Says Sanford, Ensign Affairs Hurt Republican ‘Brand’ - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 29, 2009 - Obama officials: talks with Iran still possible

RealClearWorld - 9 Questions with Gen. Wesley Clark - RCW Interviews General Wesley Clark

Honduras Coup: How Should Obama Respond? - TIME

Jackson Diehl - End the Spat With Israel

The value, tradition of revolution - The Boston Globe

False Alarms in the East

RealClearWorld - The Global Climate Imperative

China's Information Dam - washingtonpost.com

RealClearMarkets - 'Reforms' Won't Prevent Future Crises

Death by Obamanomics?

RealClearMarkets - 2013: Cap 'N Trade Bill Clogs Congress

Looking ahead into the dark

Why stagflation is coming - Washington Times

China's banks are an accident waiting to happen to every one of us - Telegraph

Bernanke Break Means Reappointment Is Assured: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

Hard times? Depends on where you live - Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed Contributor - The Dirty War Against Clean Coal - NYTimes.com

Save The World From Peter Mandelson - Forbes.com

America The Unsustainable? at The Brian Sullivan Blog

The Greatest Currency Trade of the Millennium

John Rubino: Gold, Green And The Fate Of The Dollar - Features and Interviews - Hard Assets Investor

Why Did Bernie Choose to Go to Prison? - The Daily Beast

The Visible Hand: Central Banks at Work

Investors Compete for a Piece of the Madoff Pie - NYTimes.com

Is this the face of the apostle Paul?

World Net Daily Player - $71,000 energy tax coming for consumers

***Climate Change :Final Vote Results for Roll Call 477

Obama tells Jews to stop building homes – in Israel!

Obama tells Jews where they can live

Syrian group threatens 'force' against Israel

EXCLUSIVE: Cheney fears Iraq withdrawal will 'waste' U.S. sacrifices - Washington Times

Michael, McMahon, Farrah and you

TV pitchman Billy Mays had heart disease, coroner says - CNN.com

Obama speech inspires mass Quran distribution

California Assembly Speaker: Conservative Talkers Are Terrorists | NewsBusters.org

Oliver Stone: 'Reagan Was a Dumb Son of a Bitch' Who Spawned Bush | NewsBusters.org

Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill - Yahoo! News

Iran's crackdown quiets streets but not anger

Obama officials say talks with Iran still possible

Aide's tale of John Edwards sex tape

Senators get 705,000-plus letters opposing 'hate crimes'

Australian scientists kill cancer cells with trojan horse | Health | Reuters

Women 'happiest at 28' - Telegraph

90-year-old becomes 25-gallon giver - Bakersfield.com

Inside Nature's Giants: A gory attempt to disprove 'intelligent design' theories - Telegraph

Doctor in Dramatic South Pole Rescue Dies at 57 - ABC News

The Columbus Dispatch : Police find woman's head, arms in suspect's freezer

Quick fix for homeless a long-term nuisance - The Globe and Mail

video news - Double bliss for wedding twins | Video | Reuters.com

Apocalypse Not: Behind the Swine Flu Hysteria

The Mosquito, Revised

ET's Earth Appears More as Pale, Red Dot: Discovery News

I just had a ruff night! Pure-bred Miss Ellie wins title of World's Ugliest Pedigree Dog | Mail Online

Innovation: Physics brings realism to virtual reality - tech - 28 June 2009 - New Scientist

Sun leaves Earth wide open to cosmic rays - space - 27 June 2009 - New Scientist

America's Fortress: Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD live on | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

Microbes plan ahead, predict future events - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

Americans walk away

The nation's birth certificate

Show biz trifectas

Michael Jackson and Gov. Sanford

Drenched in blood of slavery, Part II

Crime(s) of the Century

'Cap and trade' your freedom

You can call me Ray …

Obama's flowery speech

They say Obama is starting to stumble. The hell he is | Michael Crowley | Comment is free | The Observer

EDITORIAL: Media pussy cats - Washington Times

On PG-13, parents are in land of lost - Washington Times

Howard Hughes and the atomic bomb - Los Angeles Times

1,500-Year-Old Hidden Record Of Christ's Words - Forbes.com

Solved: riddle of Siberia's flattened forest - Science, News - The Independent

Publisheraptor extinctus: Revival of the fittest

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

The nation's birth certificate

The ad campaign that revived eligibility debate

*article links /Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'Kenyan birth certificate' remains eBay mystery

Hawaii paper turns down ad probing Obama's birth

Back in 2006, Milbank didn't object to Jeff Gannon's questions -- just the lack of any legitimacy

Fox Nation Calls New Climate Bill "Treason"

David Gregory on the Pitney question: 'Imagine if Bush had done this'. Um, OK

Has There Been a Military Coup in Iran by the Revolutionary Guard in Iran?

Syrian group threatens 'force' against Israel

Obama tells Jews to stop building homes – in Israel!

Is Obama losing his luster?

For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'

American minute

American Minute for June 29th:William J Federer's American Minute


Transcripts : Guests: Ambassador Rice, and Governor Barbour

Transcripts :Obama's Weekly Address: A Historic Energy Bill

Transcripts :Shields and Brooks Debate Health Care, Climate Bill

Transcripts : President Obama on the Cap-and-Trade Bill

Transcripts : Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

Transcripts : Minority Leader Boehner's Weekly Press Conference

Transcripts : Bernanke's Testimony on the BoA/Merrill Deal

Transcripts : Analysts Debate Cap-and-Trade

***ABC News Health Care Special with President Obama***

Transcripts :Interview with Secretary Kathleen Sebelius


Sanford Says He Understands Calls For Resignation

Graham And Romney On Stimulus, Energy Bill, Sanford

Sen. McConnell On Health Care, Sotomayor, Sanford

David Axelrod Blasts Ahmadinejad's "Bloviations"

This Week Roundtable On Sanford, GOP In 2012

Sen. Grassley On Health Care, Bipartisanship

Axelrod: White House Didn't Coordinate With Reporter On Question

Fox News Sunday Panel On Health Care, Sanford

Gen. Odierno: Iraqis Are Ready

Gov. Barbour On Sanford, Stimulus, 2012

Sebelius On Health Care: "Playing Field Has To Be Leveled"

Gov. Pawlenty To Obama: Stop Spending

Giuliani On Sanford Scandal, Madoff

Sen. Inhofe On Buried Global Warming Study

Gov. Sanford's Mistress Speaks Out, Explains Emails

Cheney: Iraq Withdrawal Will "Waste" U.S. Sacrifices

Supreme Court Reverses Sotomayor Decision On Firefighters

Dana Milbank, HuffPost Reporter Spar Over Question At Presser

Energy Czar On Affordability Of Climate Change Bill

New Security Treaty at NATO/Russian Council

John Negroponte Interview

Lawlessness in Guinea-Bissau

IAEA Director Talks to Al Jazeera

Iranian State TV Airs Protester 'Confession'

Medvedev's Africa Video Blog

New Pan-European Security Treaty

Russia and NATO Restore Military Ties

Rep. Buck McKeon on Iraq Pullout

Tony Blair on Iran

Albanians Go to the Polls

Benita Ferrero-Waldner on Iran

President Zelaya on CNN

U.S. to Review Missle Defense

Cuba Condemns Military Coup in Honduras

Honduran President Flees to Costa Rica

Iranian Protests Reach Los Angeles Streets

British Embassy Staff Arrested in Tehran

Infomercial King Billy Mays Dead at 50

Madoff Gets 150 Years; Judge Calls Crime 'Extraordinarily Evil'

Madoff Victim: He Deserves Life

Wilbur Ross: No Recovery Until 'Well into 2010'

U.S. Week Ahead: Jobs, Cars & Confidence

Talk radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/28/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/21/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/21/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/21/09 Hour 3

Featured video

Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part One

YouTube - Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part 2

YouTube - Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part Three

YouTube - Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part 4

YouTube - Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part 5a

YouTube - Symbols of an Alien Sky, Part 5b

YouTube - Golden Age and Doomsday

YouTube - Mother Goddess & the Dragon

YouTube - When Saturn Ruled the World

YouTube - The Cosmic Warrior Mars

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.1

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.2

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.3

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.4

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.5

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.6

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.7

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.8

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.9

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.10

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.11

YouTube - Robert Bauval Pt.12