"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 June 2009

Friday - 26 June 09

-26 June 09-

Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran

Ignorance is Strength

Islamo-fascism, Judaeo-fascism, Bapto-fascism, and Why We Need More Bars

Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

Mark Sanford Confronted on Bilderberg Attendance and Media Blackout 12-9-08

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Here's the Plan, Dan"

Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief

The Economic Crime of Our Time

Beyond Politics: People for Sale in Hungry World

The Best President Money Could Buy

Top US commander warns of Iran influence in Latin America

Venezuela's Chavez sees CIA hand in Iran unrest

NSA’s cyber-security grab is a major expansion of web surveillance

Politicization of FBI continuing under Obama

Bernanke fearmongers that Fed audit would be ‘takeover’ by Congress, trigger economic collapse

video - Clouds of Secrecy

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

Reid Did Not Have a ‘Lot of Time’ to Read Stimulus Bill; Will Not Give Public a Week to Read Health Care Bill Before Voting on It

Obama Suggests Health Care Reform Will Mean Rationing for Some, But Admits He Would Pay Out-of-Pocket for His Own Family

Angry Docs Say Proposed Government-Run Health Care Plan Will Drive Physicians out of Medicine

Obama Joins Bipartisan Group from Congress to Begin Push for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Islamic Bloc Chief Urges Appointment of New US Envoy, But Is This It?

Reading Miranda Rights to Captured Terrorists 'Most Outrageous Notion I Have Ever Heard,' Says Republican Senator

Obama Not Telling Truth on Gov’t Health Care, Republicans Say

Pro-Life Group Calls for Investigation into Death Threats Against Pro-Life Activists

Fed Scales Back Emergency Lending Programs

Congressman Conyers’ Wife Pleads Guilty to Accepting Bribes

California, Here We Come!

The Legendary Rahm Emanuel

Obama's Weakness Issue

Who's Funding the Obamacare Campaign?

IntelliBriefs: INDIA: Intelligence Reforms

Did Bernanke and Paulson Commit Bank Fraud? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Negotiating with Terrorists by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

Obama-Odinga friendship affecting Iran?

Sunspots Revealed In Striking Detail By Supercomputers

'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled?

How cell phones will replace learning

A new world is being born, one without the US dollar greasing the wheels of commerce

Illegal e-waste dumped in Ghana includes unencrypted hard drives full of US security secrets

U.S. eugenics legacy: Ruling on Buck sterilization still stands

Food Inc: Michael Pollan and Friends Reveal the Food Industry's Darkest Secrets

Triple Cross or Inside Job?

Can DARPA Teach Machines to Read?

Saudi royals funded 9/11: Lawyers

Radio Host Hal Turner Accused of Working for FBI

06-25-2009: US Officials Leaked False Story Blaming Iran for Khobar Attack

06-25-2009: KKK targets black neighborhood with hate fliers

Brain Could Adapt Well To Cyborg Enhancements

Saddam Hussein Feared Iran More Than U.S. - Secret FBI Files Show

06-25-2009: Climate Bill Now Over 1200 Pages

China Decision to Buy $80 Billion of Gold, the Dragon's Hoard :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting? - CNN.com

Michael Jackson ‘Died of Drugs Overdose’ | Showbiz Spy - celebrity news, rumors & gossip

Report: Overdose of prescription drugs may have killed Michael Jackson - Kansas City Star

Iraq opens fields; Exxon, Shell seek foothold

RoadandTrack.com -- Feature - Honda's Hovering Concept Car (5/2009)

To Serve

SA Current - NEWS+FEATURES: The panopticon economy

Robbie Smith Research Paper - Morgellons

*Morgellon's Data

The Attack On The USS Liberty - A Review

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

Leahy's Hate Bill Hearing A Sham

ALIPAC - Obama's Immigration Plot To Create More Illegal Immigration & One Party

The genocide Britain hushed up: A new film tells the terrible story of Stalin's own Final Solution - and Churchill's shameful complicity | Mail Online

England supermarket is powered by shoppers’ kinetic energy | The Daily Inquirer

HR 45 - Criminalizing Gun Ownership

Destabilization 2.0 | The Corbett Report

Bilderberg 2009 Intel Already Proving Accurate | The Corbett Report

Farrah Fawcett, Actress and Iconic Beauty, Dies at 62 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

America's 'Bases Of Empire'

Beware Of The ADL’s Cyberbullying Law | Real Zionist News

*The Existentialist Cowboy: American Airlines Exposes Bush's Big Lie: Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!

william hamilton ayres - Watchdog Site: Opening Statements This Week

Iran's manufactured revolution | Lionel Beehner | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 1

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 2

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 3

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 4

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 5

Peru: A history lost in the ruins - Telegraph

Chemicals in shampoos and toys 'could lead to low birth weight' - Telegraph

Vladimir Putin wants to see Mikheil Saakashvili hanged 'by the balls' - Times Online

The Associated Press: Obama: Community service is a national duty

Drug cultivation plummets in Afghanistan as demand falls - Times Online

Kim Jong-il's youngest son Kim Jong-un 'made head of North Korea's spy agency' - Telegraph

Don't expect China to rule the world | Letters | World news | The Guardian

Roberts - 'Savior' Mousavi Ordered Murders Of US Troops

Most Americans stupid as a box of rocks as to overpopulation: On American Sustainability

A glass of wine with your picnic? It's against the law - Times Online

Al-Qaeda planning cyber war against Britain, warns Lord West - Telegraph

Up to 15,000 older cancer patients die prematurely each year, says study | Society | guardian.co.uk

Ministry of Defence blocks Wikileaks | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Top judge demands severe sentences for traitors - Crime, UK - The Independent

Iran's Real Winners: The Revolutionary Guards

Washington extends sanctions on N.Korea for further year

Russia, U.S. continue dialogue on strategic arms, missile defense

Mousavi backs away from Iran protests - Iran- msnbc.com

G8 Countries Condemn North Korea's Missile Tests - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Iran Says Vote Was the ‘Healthiest’ Since the Revolution - NYTimes.com

9/11 Terror Attacks - Yahoo! News Photos

Stanford back in Texas court for bail decision - Yahoo! News

North Korea A "Stumbling Block" To Peace - CBS News

U.S. Stocks Drop as Savings Rate Hits 15-Year High, Oil Falls - Bloomberg.com

Brazil's Lula says may seek presidency in 2014 | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Mounting Jobless Claims Force States To Borrow Funds - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Michael Jackson: secret library of 100 songs could be released - Times Online

Shelbyville Times-Gazette: Story: Arguing couple does no damage with Cheetos

Will Obama Make A Statement On Jackson? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Michael Jackson: Exclusive Last Photo

Michael Jackson's last moments - Call 911... he's not breathing

Michael Jackson is dead - Los Angeles Times

Video: Michael Jackson death 'linked to painkiller injection' -Times Online

House Democrats win key test vote on climate bill

U.S. House poised to pass climate change bill | Markets | Reuters

Strassel: The Climate Change Climate Change - WSJ.com

Unions’ Health Benefits May Avoid Tax Under Senate Proposal - Bloomberg.com

Cleric: some in Iran unrest 'worthy of execution'

Arkansas State Health Department: Mandatory Vaccines Are Constitutional

'If I didn't confess to 7/7 bombings MI5 officers would rape my wife,' claims torture victim | Mail Online

H1N1 'swine' flu has infected an estimated 1 million in U.S. - Los Angeles Times

KKK Out of Nowhere: Washed Up Racist Group Distributes Hate Fliers

Senate bill would ask student immigration status | pearce, law, illegal - News - YumaSun

NY1 | 24 Hour Local News | WTC Coverage | New York Senators Introduce 9/11 Health Act

PA's John Eichelberger says homosexual relationships are dysfunctional

NPR asks you to 'Name that lobbyist'

FBI Files: Saddam Hussein Faked Having WMDs

FBI's arrest of Hannity pal Hal Turner has been a long time coming

Supreme Court rules that strip searching a 13-year-old girl was unconstitutional

Michael Savage Vows to Put Pictures and Info of Media Matters Employees on His Web Site

Senate Report: Insurers Charged 'Billions' to Consumers They Were Supposed to Pay

Chris Matthews To Ken Blackwell: Are You Saying Your Party is Morally Superior to the Democratic Party

Obama: If the Private Sector's So Great, Why Worry About Public Option?

Mark Sanford's Emails of Love: UPDATED

Kondracke, Coulter claim Republicans fire their immorality cases like Sanford. Riiiiiiiight

Neda: A Civil Rights Struggle

The Raw Story | US lawmakers pass Pentagon budget, ignore veto threat

Atheo News: Big Oil’s Answer to Carbon Law May Be Imports, Idle Refineries

The American Clean Energy and Security Act, H.R. 2454,

Al Jazeera English - Americas - US 'has agents working inside Iran'

Did Psychiatric Drugs Kill Michael Jackson? #michaeljackson | Charting Stocks

Ford: Playing Its Last Hand? -- Seeking Alpha

Oil syndicates union warns foreign companies against signing investment licenses : Aswat Al Iraq

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 6/25/2009 Peter Schiff On The Glenn Beck Show: National Energy Tax Bill Goes To Vote TODAY!!

I don’t believe in Facebook, Twitter, VOA, BBC,CNN « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff - Wall Street Unspun

“Is Freedom Necessary?” | sydwalker.info

“You really do believe?” | sydwalker.info

“What’s to say?” | sydwalker.info

Matt Taiibi: The Big Takeover – Rolling Stone Magazine « ::BROADCATCHING:: TULLYCAST

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | World drugs in graphics

video - msnbc.com:Fury turns to fear in face of Irans spin control

video - msnbc.com:Obama turns up heat on Iran

Obama running scared -- Times Union - Albany NY:2626:

Gun Control: What Is the Agenda? by Paul Craig Roberts

Billionaire Tax Felon Says UBS Lied in Pledge to Report to IRS - Bloomberg.com

Cyber Security Czar Front-Runner No Friend of Privacy | Threat Level | Wired.com

DailyTech - CEO of Microsoft's Indian Partner Complains American Grads Are "Unemployable"

UGA researchers achieve breakthrough in effort to develop tiny biological fuel cells

Why Taxes Enslave… Period. « Last Free Voice

Climate Cops To Fine “Wasteful” Homeowners & Businesses

Declassified Documents Reveal Saddam Wanted Alliance With U.S.

Angelina Jolie has sights set on the White House: report | Entertainment | News.com.au

Who killed Neda Agha-Soltan?

Smoking Mirrors: Bloodthirsty Demons in Human Form.

Hate Talkers United: Sean Hannity's Past Relationship with Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semite and Now Arrested Hal Turner | BuzzFlash.org

The Hidden Evil: Techniques to Discredit

Freedom Watch 20 is Posted - Ron Paul, Michael Shanklin, Gary Johnson, David Boaz, Lew Rockwell, Wayne Root | BREAK THE MATRIX

HIR | Why did Khomeini absorb the CIA's SAVAK?

The Raw Story | US needs to be able to search NKorea ships: Top lawmaker

‘Cap And Tax’ Bill Had 300 Pages Added Last Night!

Climate Bill Passes Key Procedural Hurdle in House - WSJ.com

The Cap and Tax Fiction - WSJ.com

Watch: Sanford’s alleged mistress reporting on 9/11

U.S. to spend $3.9 billion on smart power grid: Chu | Green Business | Reuters

Michael Jackson dies: News of tragic death brings Google and Wikipedia to a halt - mirror.co.uk

Michael Jackson death: conspiracy theories and unanswered questions - Telegraph

Jackson and Fawcett Deaths Overshadow NWO Moves On Liberty

Letters Link Son of Sam and Victims' Advocate

Huge Phallic Dutch Plant in Rare Stinking Bloom

Dallas Stop Yields 100 Pounds of Pot in Casket

Plane That Crashed in Ariz., Killing 4, Had Drugs

Henry VIII's Flagship Secures New Hi-Tech Home

Former Wash. Inmate Sues State for Labor Shackling

YouTube - UK 'Europe's cocaine capital'

The African Colonial

A Desperate Obama Tries to Sell Cap-And-Tax as a Jobs Bill

Cap-and-trade: The biggest scam of all

Lawyers Convicted in Immigration Asylum Fraud

Carbon Tax bill looks to squeak by in House vote

Hawaii activists demand US military out, Gitmo detainees in


Liberals to fight for public option in health care bill

Lieberman: West sending 'bad message'on Iran stance

When did the lowbrows take over the culture?

The 'Rape' of Israel

Mullahs Cannot Stop the Persian Reawakening

Looking for competition in all the wrong places

The Real UN Resolution 242

How much information can the government demand from us?

And here goes the dominos: Iran election, what happend?

Delusional Health Care Reform

A Budget Compromise that Could Drill California

Was the Neda Agha-Soltan video a Hoax?

Conyers abandons plan to probe ACORN - Washington Times

Veteran Latino-rights advocate charged with voter fraud | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

Newspapers developing 'individuated news' - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Bill gives billions to save trees in other nations - Washington Times

Paper reveals SC gov's romantic e-mail exchange - Yahoo! News

Flight 1549 passenger wants therapy compensation - CNN.com

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

President Obama Questioned about Health Care in ABC News Forum with Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer in special edition of Prime Time Prescription for America Questions for the President - ABC News


Swedish parents keep 2-year-old's gender secret - The Local

Arab activists wonder, ‘Why not us?’ - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Terror group: 'No shame in being poor'

Egypt denies Israeli soldier to be transferred

Should Israel attack distracted Iran now?

Is Obama losing his luster?

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

Navy censors Christian moms

'Folsom' sex-fest moves into NYC

Will Marine face more 'political persecution'?

Battle of the ages: Calvin vs. Darwin

Hearing set on default in Obama eligibility case

Conservatism for dummies

Obama to Iran: Let them eat ice cream

Sanford and the GOP: For whom tolls the bell?

Why socialism makes rights dispensable

A better-dressed Soviet-style communism

Diplomacy from our knees

We glorify Iran's Hitler and hate Michael Savage?

Liberal hate kills truth

West Hawaii Today - Local > Greenwell: Give us the Gitmo guys

US grandparents 'smarter' than UK counterparts - health - 25 June 2009 - New Scientist

Housewife finds £250,000 treasure with metal detector - Telegraph

A few extra pounds can add years to your life: study | U.S. | Reuters

Possible Plan for Tariffs on Imports From China Remains Alive in House Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

Bernanke rebuts criticism over Merrill Lynch buyout - Los Angeles Times

Jackson, Fawcett, McMahon were ad icons, too - USATODAY.com

Business & Technology | Jackson lived like king but died awash in debt | Seattle Times Newspaper

A Scholar-Activist Challenges U.S. Patent Law - BusinessWeek

Employees' constitutional rights

Obama advocates Immigration Reform at expense of crime victims

Minutemen protest immigration reform outside congressman's Redlands...

Emanuel Says Immigration Reform Bill Lacks Votes to Pass

Thoughts on Immigration , Prop. 8, and the US Financial Situation

California Is The Canary In America's Immigration Coal Mine

Bishops' meeting issues: Liturgy, immigration , marriage

Looking beyond the border

Employers embrace E-Verify

Government Gone Mad in a Total Surveillance Society

Who Are US Hispanics?

Pushing for immigration reform

Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media. » Rowley, Napolitano: Recent murders don’t vindicate DHS extremists report

YouTube - Obama turns to immigration reform - 25 Jun 09

Sanford and the GOP: For whom tolls the bell?

Please cry for me, Argentina!

Obama's politburo of proctologists

'Gays' in the military: Bad idea then, bad idea now

The intentional destruction of America

What a concept: Lawmakers supporting sovereignty

Jeremiah to today's Israel: No 2-state solution!

California, here we come!

Throw the bums out

I remember Farrah

Conservatism for dummies

Proposed Federal Law Would Be a Hate Crime Against America - HUMAN EVENTS

The Supreme Court nominee who can't write

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Wants to Let Those Pesky Geezers Die

Booze Linked To 1 In 25 Deaths Worldwide

What Caused Michael Jackson's Cardiac Arrest?

Jobs' liver transplant shows money can make a difference

Nestle refused FDA information, reports show

Governor dumps plan to build prison hospitals

Advertising wars escalate in health care fight

EPA: Pollution Cancer Risk Is Falling

Who's Afraid of a 'Public Plan,' and Why?

New Cancer Drug Shrinks Advanced Tumors, Offers Hope

Youthful Obesity Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

World Net Daily Player - 'Great big energy tax' - $71,000 – coming for consumers

archive - JUNE 13, 2005 - Michael Jackson
found not guilty

The king is dead

World Net Daily Player - Rep. Wilson: We should have been encouraging change

World Net Daily Player - 'North Korea able and willing to fire missiles'

'Is it permitted to eat the flesh of American soldiers?'

'Ark' revelation: Can they dig it?

Climate bill targets hot tubs and light bulbs - Washington Times

Tributes pour in for Jackson: World's 'King of Pop' | Mail Online

Michael Jackson's artistic legacy spans the decades - USATODAY.com

Angel gets her wings

I remember Farrah

Terror group: 'No shame in being poor'

Obama supporters shut down Atlanta tea party

Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'

Eligibility issue hits local news

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

What's the difference?

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

Inspector general fired to avoid embarrassing Obamas?

Sanford's steamy e-mail declares 'impossible love'

Emanuel: Republican votes not needed - Washington Times

Senators claim $1 trillion health bill in reach - Yahoo! News

Lawmakers debate health 'public option' - Washington Times

Staged questions for Obama alarm beat reporters

Gingrich to GOP: Recruit anti-tax Dems - Washington Times

Mitt Romney's favorability rating on the rise - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

Social conservatives fall from moral high ground - Washington Times

S.C. gov tells agency chiefs sorry, get to work - More politics- msnbc.com

Sanford's wife: 'His career is not a concern of mine' - CNN.com

Calls for Sanford to quit muted - Sanford - The State

Video From 2001 Shows Woman at Heart of Sanford Media Firestorm - Political News - FOXNews.com

Joe Biden reaches out to gay community - Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Gay Democrats close wallets to Obama - Washington Times

The Raw Story | US Senators vow help for Iran dissidents

Intellectual Conservative Politics and Philosophy - The Late Great State of Israel: How Enemies Without and Within Threaten the Jewish Nation's Survival

You're still Jewish – even if your mother isn't - Education News, Education - The Independent

Jehovah's Witness awaits top court ruling on medical care | CFTKTV

As Obama sets course for immigration reform, roadblock appears - Los Angeles Times

Newspapers developing 'individuated news' - Washington Times

Air France: Flight 447 pilot's body retrieved - Yahoo! News

Martina Navratilova sued for millions by 'wife of seven years who was dumped without warning' | Mail Online

YouTube Removes New Undercover Video Exposing Planned Parenthood on Abortion

Senate OKs Nomination of Pro-Abortion Harold Koh as Top State Dept Attorney

Al Gore not coming to D.C. - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

'Oldest musical instrument' found - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The Associated Press: Intact ancient tomb uncovered in Bethlehem

Ancient well, and body, found in Cyprus - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

Magazine Preview - G.M., Detroit and the Fall of the Black Middle Class - NYTimes.com

Shock and Grief Over Jackson's Death

What will happen to Michael Jackson's kids?

An Appraisal Farrah Fawcett, a Sex Symbol Who Aimed Higher

Farrah Fawcett: Photographer Bruce McBroom remembers her iconic poster shoot | Showbiz News and Scoop | Studio and Network Dish | EW.com

Diana Ross, Other Friends On Michael Jackson - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Michael Jackson leaves hefty debts, unrealized comeback

Jackson's Death Means Multi-Million Dollar Woes for Concert Promoter

Michael Jackson: The video game star

World reacts to Jackson death

Living in the “Thriller” Revolution

Michael Jackson fans flock to Apollo Theater to mourn loss of legend

Michael Jackson's death: Flowers placed on Hollywood star

'Bruno' Cuts Scene Mocking Jacksons Hours Before Premiere

Otis Williams Remembers Michael Jackson's Motown Years

Michael Jackson and Motown: the man behind the marketing

YouTube - The King Of Pop Dies - Bloomberg

YouTube - MJ fans celebrate the legend's life

Windows 7 Upgrade FAQ

Is China Trying to Prevent Another Iran?

Google Voice takes a step toward launch

The Latest On Bing

Bing -- Early Estimations in Local Search

Hunt for Life on Saturnian Moon Heats Up

The Salty Waters of Saturn's Moon Hint at Life

Aldrin made strong case to be first on moon

Moon Walker Buzz Aldrin: Time to Settle on Mars

Apollo on rewind

Facebook: Want To Keep That Update Private? Go Ahead

Microsoft's Hohm Hopes to Overpower Google's PowerMeter

Microsoft's free security beta fills up

Ken Lewis retains backing of key B of A exec

US Economy: Consumer Spending Rises, Stimulus Lifts Incomes

GM Denies China Will Block Deal to Sell Hummer

JP Morgan raises China GDP growth forecasts

Prosecutors appeal Stanford's release on bond

US Stock Futures Lower After Income Data

YouTube - Bernanke Testifies About BofA's Purchase of Merrill Lynch - Bloomberg

Iran's Arab allies relieved to see crisis easing

Iranian Cleric: Protesters at War With God

G8 Ministers Condemn Actions of Iran, North Korea

Iran: the death of Neda

North Koreans Condemn US and Sanctions at Huge Rally

As more flee Somalia, world's largest refugee camp feels the pressure

UN: Somalia Violence Kills 250 Since May

Wave of Bombings Continues in Iraq

Obama: Talks ongoing with Germany on closing Gitmo

Israel gives Palestinian forces more freedom of operation

Hamas rejects Israel peace vision

Nigeria 'to release key militant'

Amnesty for Nigeria militants to start August 6

Air France body is missing Scot

British PM urges 100-billion-dollar global green fund

WTO admits some trade limits may be necessary to stop climate change

Fate of whales depends on Obama - conservationists

Sri Lanka astrologer is arrested

African Voices: Morgan Tsvangirai

Rights group: Abuse in Zimbabwe diamond fields

Zimbabwe army 'runs diamond mine'

Iranian Bloggers Ask for New Election

Editor's Notes: The second Islamic Revolution

Record fall in Japan prices fuel deflation fears

Serbia charges Kosovo ex-rebels for war crimes

Bulgarian Court Frees Former Kosovo Leader

Ban the burqa? Or ban such bans?

Why the burka is part of Britain

YouTube - G8 finds compromise on Iran

YouTube - Violence Rises As U.S. Troop Withdrawal Nears

YouTube - Air France crash pilot's body pulled from the Atlantic

YouTube - Zimbabwe: signs of an economic revival

YouTube - Ceku released from custody

Council not sure if Conyers is still a member

House Democrats win key test vote on climate bill

IN FOCUS: The Sanford affair

Post Politics: Supreme Court, Sanford, More

Justices Rule Lab Analysts Must Testify on Results

Harvard Dorm Killing Leads to First Murder Indictment

Man Indicted In Harvard Dorm Death

Leaders Say Agreement Is Near to Unfreeze New York Senate

Obama brings taste of Hawaii to White House

Senate Confirms New FCC Head

Genachowski earns Senate nod to head FCC

Tauscher Stays On for Cap and Trade Vote

Body Found in Rural Indiana Believed to Be That of Missing 2-Year-Old

Sanford's Sins Are Shared by Many ceos

Sanford IS NOT LIKE Clinton

What's Sanford's Real Sin?

Impeached judge says he'll resign

Facing Impeachment, Imprisoned Federal Judge To Resign

NTSB investigating possible sensor failure on Northwest flight

Safety Board Cites Two New Reports of Problems With Airbus Sensors

White House Threatens to Veto Defense Bill

Bond set at $3 million in death of Kansas student and porn model

Man charged with capital murder in El Dorado teen's death

Ross's new job

Mideast envoy Ross gets key White House job

Mass. gov says intends to sign ethics reform bill

YouTube - Obama Speaks on Energy Bill - Bloomberg

YouTube - Raw Video: Gov. Sanford Passes Through Airport

Totalitarianism in One City: Shreveport’s Gun-Grabbing Mayor by William Norman Grigg

REAL ID by Any Other Name Stinks As Bad by Becky Akers

Celebrate Torture Day by Punishing Torturers by James Bovard

Depoliticize Now! by Brian Keeter

Ideas Have Consequences by Charles A. Burris

International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse by Ron Paul

Government Medicine by Bob Murphy

Iran's Embattled Supreme Leader: A Test for Ayatullah Khamenei - TIME

Hugh Hewitt : Bravo Jake Tapper: Pushing President Obama On His Absurd Assurances About “Keeping Your Plan” - Townhall.com

Ezra Klein - The Truth About the Insurance Industry

RealClearPolitics - Is Sarah Palin Running for President?

HuffPost, the White House and the New Media -- Politics Daily

Michael Kinsley - Health Care Faces the 'R' Word

Op-Ed Columnist - Not Enough Audacity - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - How ObamaCare Threatens Your Health Plan

Making climate change history | Kate Sheppard | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Strassel: The Climate Change Climate Change - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama Rides High at Five Months, but Clouds Gather

RealClearPolitics - Robust Weakness

A Global Recovery for a Global Recession

To-Do List: A Sentence, Not 10 Paragraphs - WSJ.com

Obama's Health Future - WSJ.com

Editorial - The House and Global Warming - NYTimes.com

Conservatives must rediscover federalism | Washington Examiner

Republicans Focus on Guest Workers in Immigration Debate - NYTimes.com

Bernanke fights back, says he didn't bully BofA to buy Merrill - USATODAY.com

TheHill.com - GOP elevates Thune, Murkowski after Ensign scandal

CBO Calls Long-Term Revenue, Spending Outlook Dire - washingtonpost.com

Obama, the Neocons and Iran - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld - Democracy Promotion Is Not a Choice for America

RealClearWorld - China's New (and Welcome) Foreign Policy

Obama must call off this folly before Afghanistan becomes his Vietnam | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Op-Ed Contributor - Fixing the Odds - NYTimes.com

The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized,How the Internet helps Iran silence activists. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine

Fight poverty by protecting human rights - The Boston Globe

Leading article: Uncertainty in Iran upsets all calculations in the region - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Ban the burqa? Or ban such bans? | csmonitor.com

Slow Money to the Rescue

Six reasons why natural gas is better investment than oil | Vitaliy Katsenelson Contrarian Edge

Cumberland Advisors - Personal Savings Rate to Rise. Also, Ask Bob Parker

NFIB: The View From Small Business—Confidence Leads

The Ticker - Bernanke Emerges From Hearing Bloodied But Unbroken - Economy Watch

Volcker Gets Less Than He Wants in Curbing Excesses

The Work-Up - Obama and Congress Clash on How to Pay for Health Care - Series - NYTimes.com

Oil Markets Stay Calm Despite Political Unrest in Iran - washingtonpost.com

Forbes.com: Politics Is Hollywood For Ugly People

Will Larry Summers Replace Big Ben? - FOXBusiness.com

Why Congress Asks Bernanke Bogus Questions - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

For America’s workers, recession is not the only problem

The Perils of a Smaller Wall Street - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - The Cap-and-Trade Bill Is an Economic Disaster

The Cap-and-Trade Giveaway — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

The Dangers of Fannie Mae Health Care - WSJ.com

After Madoff: Are We Safer? - BusinessWeek

BofA CEO Lewis Not Off the Hook | Banks | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Bernanke Bites Back | The Big Money


FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Inflation – the real threat to sustained recovery

Why Isn't The Stimulus Stimulating? - Forbes.com

Like Elvis, Michael Jackson Died Of Serotonergic Medications

Sears Tower Is Going Green - NYTimes.com

Space Shuttle Science Shows How 1908 Tunguska Explosion Was Caused By A Comet

Invisibility cloak could hide buildings from quakes - tech - 26 June 2009 - New Scientist

Why apples, avocados and a glass of red wine could ease your arthritis | Mail Online

Marble head of Emperor Titus found - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

More Doom than Boom - MoneyShow.com

Jim Rogers says has no short positions, selling dollars | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

Tassie wallabies hopping high Weird News - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania

Is it a miracle that Colwich man survived? | Wichita News - Kansas News | Wichita Eagle

Michelle Bachmann: Census Data Was Used to Put Japanese in Internment Camps

PA's John Eichelberger says homosexual relationships are dysfunctional


transcripts - Bernanke's Testimony on the BoA/Merrill Deal

Governor Sanford Admits Affair at Press Conference

ABC News Health Care Special with President Obama

Panel on Gov. Sanford's Affair Admission

Interview with Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Roundtable on Obama's Press Conference

President Obama's Press Conference

Maj. Ldr. Reid Takes Questions on Health Care

Republican Leaders Take Questions on Health Care

Sens. Kerry and Graham Debate U.S. Response on Iran

Sen. Hutchison on Obama's Press Conference

Interview with David Axelrod

Obama Signs Tobacco Law

Bayh and Issa on Obama and Iran

Senator McCain on Iran and North Korea

Editor Bill Keller on Reporter's Escape from the Taliban

Interview with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Senators Dodd and Graham

Guests: Sen. Bayh, Reps. Hoekstra and Ryan

Guests: Sens. Casey, Feinstein, Grassley, and Lugar

Shields and Brooks on Iran

Climate Change Bill to Create or Eliminate Jobs?


video - Rep. Issa Questions Bernanke's Credibility on BofA

El-Erian: Fed Needs to Start Backing Off

Showdown in the House: Bernanke Vs. Issa

Economy Won't Recover Until Housing Stabilizes

Sloan: Is Wall Street Suffering from Amnesia?

Japan's CPI Falls at Record Pace

Albertson: Credit Problem in US Remains Unsolved

Nuclear Facilities Vulnerable to Intentional Attack

Global Security Conference in Irkutsk

North Korea Condemns U.S.

Politkovskaya Case Sent for Retrial

Brent Scowcroft on Iran

Military Attacks Afghan Insurgents

U.S. Remarks on North Korea

U.S. Rethinks Airstrikes

Violence Hits Iraq Ahead of U.S. Pullout

Iran's Election: What Happened? What's Next?

Clashes Around Iran's Parliament

Former Kosovo PM Arrested

Russia Ready for Nuke Reduction

Somalia Fears Wider War

Al Qaeda Fleeing Pakistan

Monitoring India's Monsoon Deficit

U.S. Fears Collapse of Somali Government

Defining the Global Fishing Crisis

Former Kosovo PM Released

Sens. Durbin and Barrasso on Public Option for Health Care

Sen. McCain Discusses Iran On "Larry King"

Ann Coulter On Mark Sanford's Infidelity

Round 2: Bill O'Reilly Interviews Barney Frank

Watch Live: Sanford Addresses Press Over Unannounced Trip

SC Sen. Tom Davis Stands By Mark Sanford

O'Reilly On Afghanistan Mission That Killed 14

Gov. Sanford Admits Affair With Woman From Argentina

Warren Buffett: Economy In "Shambles"

Liz Cheney Reacts To Presser On Iran

HuffPost Reporter: President Did Not Know Question Beforehand

Schultz On Mark Sanford Controversy

Sen. Kerry On GOP Reaction To Iran

Gibbs: WH Rescinds "Hot Dog" Party Invitations To Iranians

Romney On Iran: Obama Finally Rose "To The Occasion"

O'Connor "Pleased" Obama Selected Sotomayor

GOP Congressman: Obama's Silence Responsible For Violence In Iran

Obama On Health Care Reform: "We're Gonna Get It Done"

Obama On Why Government Should Get Involved In Health Care

Brzezinski: "War Of Attrition" Coming In Iran

Gov. Sanford's Wife: "His Career Is Not A Concern Of Mine"

MoveOn Runs Ad Against Feinstein Over Health Care

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Gets Dunked

Karl Rove On Sanford's Political Future

Eric Cantor On Sanford, Health Care

Obama Wants "Best Care" For His Family

Ahmadinejad Demands Apology From Obama

Michael Jackson Dead At Age 50

Flashback: Sanford On Lying To Your Wife

Gay Fmr. Gov Of NJ Feels "Pain" For Sanford, Family

Bernanke: I Did Not Bully Bank Of America To Buy Merrill

Obama On Immigration Reform

Stein, Carville On Sanford Affair

Steele Disappointed By Sanford's "Failed Leadership"

Press Secretary Gibbs: Fox News Puts President To Sleep

Watch Live: Obama and Chancellor Merkel Hold Presser

Palin Responds To Sen. Kerry Joke: "Why The Long Face?"

Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery

Sanford Apologizes To His Cabinet, South Carolina

Rep. Hoyer: Cap And Trade Bill Contains No Taxes

House Holds "Moment Of Silence" For Michael Jackson

Obama: Violence Against Iranians Is "Unacceptable"

Obama Throws White House Luau

Thompson To Sanford: "Don't Wallow"

Experts: Clinton Wants To Raise Her "Low Profile"

Rep. Bachmann On Not Filling Out Census

American miute

American Minute for June 26th:William J Federer's American Minute

Talk radio

06/25 The Mark Levin Show

06/24 The Mark Levin Show

06/23 The Mark Levin Show

06/22 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 25th With Webster Tarpley

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 24th With Mark Crutcher

The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 23rd With Marc Faber

Feature video

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (1 of 3)

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (2 of 3)

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (3 of 3)