"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

13 June 2009

Sat./13 June 09

Ahmadinejad leads Iran vote, challenger defiant

Britain Has A Bad Case Of Over Large Government

06-12-2009: U.S. Nuclear Industry Tries To Hijack Obama's Climate Change Bill

06-12-2009: The Singularity is near: The recent blockbuster, Terminator Salvation, has a few lessons for us about the future of humanity.

Man Arrested For Creating A Monster Out Of Construction Barrels

06-12-2009: Health Care Legislation Includes $600 Billion In Tax Increases

06-12-2009: U.S. Cities May Have To Be Bulldozed In Order To Survive

British Court Orders Singer To Get “Medical Implant” for Drug Addiction

China sub collides with array towed by US destroyer

China Warns Against Force in Carrying Out North Korea Sanctions

Emerging BRIC powers and the new world order

Future Warbot Powered by Xbox Controller

Connectivity Problem Temporarily Halts Trading on About 240 NYSE Companies

NORAD and USNORTHCOM exercise planned for mid-June

Foreclosure Reality Check: 1.6 Million Foreclosure Filings with 5 Months of Data. California Notice of Defaults and Foreclosures Skyrocketing.

Network-centric Warfare; Dominating entire societies Worldwide through ubiquitous surveillance

Spy vs. Spy (Washington bureaucratic knife-fight edition)

InfoWarrior Cultists Disapprove Of Alex Jones Money Bomb Criticism

“India is a Paper Tiger and Will be Trounced if it Uses Force Against China”, Experts Warn

'New world order' needs better economic grounding: Carney

Auditing The Federal Reserve Will Not Result In Positive Monetary Reforms

The Conquest of Eurasia: NATO's War For The World's Heartland

The European Union is stepping up efforts to build an enhanced pan-European system of security and surveillance which critics have described as “dangerously authoritarian”.

GlobalSecurity.org - SITREP Situation Report | Immigration, Globalization and Sustainability

2005 - National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza

Iranian State Media: Ahmadinejad Wins Re-Election

Anti-Taliban Islamic Scholar Among Those Killed in Pakistan Attacks

Russia will not make its soil available for U.S. missile defenses

AfricanCrisis - Poachers wiping out Zimbabwe's rhinos as demand surges


Times Online - Science Central - WBLG: Is there a Life On Mars Conspiracy?

The Exploitation Of The Holocaust Museum Shooting

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan, CIA says | World news | guardian.co.uk

US nuclear industry tries to hijack Obama's climate change bill | Environment | guardian.co.uk

US supreme court turns down Conrad Black's appeal to be released from prison | Business | guardian.co.uk

Fed Records Subpoenaed - WSJ.com

Britain will 'obviously' join euro says Mandelson - Telegraph

First the Tube chaos, now the POSTMEN are going on strike | Mail Online

Schoolboy survives direct hit by meteorite travelling at 30,000mph

Chipping U.S. Passports: Big Brother to Follow Wherever You Go (June 12, 2009)

Air France plane broke up over 'number of minutes' - Telegraph

Six Italians arrested for 'plotting to attack G8' - Telegraph

Chinese official hacked to death in tea pavilion dispute - Telegraph

Climate pact in jeopardy as China refuses to cut carbon emissions - Times Online

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Japan minister deals heavy blow to Aso

Senate Approves Tight Regulation Over Cigarettes - NYTimes.com

Network-centric Warfare

HATE Incorporated

41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11 [Voltaire]

Immigration and overpopulation: You can eat too much and grow too fat

‘Service’ Inspector General fired by Obama for investigating ‘Hood Corps’ mayor Kevin Johnson?

Local military, civilian police training builds skills

Air America brings in Richard Ben-Veniste to push back against 9/11 Truth

Nobel Economist Stiglitz: Government’s Response is WORSE than Socialism

The Realm of Gangster Government

U.S. Neocons Favor Ahmadinejad in Iranian Election

HR 1207: Battle To Audit The Fed Has Only Just Begun

Bernanke’s Next Parlor Trick

Government Is Out To Make You Poor

Latest results: Landside win for Ahmadinejad

Pentagon Cyber Command seen as threat to civil liberties

Media Portrays Suspected Holocaust Museum Shooter as "Antigovernment Extremist"

Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970s, too

The Obama Youth Corps and The Wave

The Third Wave: an experiment to demonstrate the appeal of fascism

Green & Lean: Austerity in the Age of Obama

Obama’s Pakistan Embassy Reveals South Asian Strategy

Obama Youth Brigades: “It’s about creating a One World”

EP-Founder in 1945: European Federation First Step towards a World Federation

UNESCO and the New World Order: In their Own Words

Cybersecurity: Obama’s Promise to Trash the Constitution

Brookings: Waxman-Markey a $9 trillion tax!

Fact Sheet “Consequences of Cap and Trade”

Consequences of Cap and Trade

Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says - Markets * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

EU security proposals are 'dangerously authoritarian' - Telegraph

New US Commander in Afghanistan Assembles Team of Assassins

Kerry Defends Tehran on Uranium

Carter in Lebanon

Carter: Mideast Peace Not Possible Without Hamas

1972 clip of David Suzuki comparing humans to maggots

Beyond Golden Rice: The Rockefeller Foundation's long-term agenda behind Genetically Modified Food

Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

Capping, Trading, and Stealing from our Children

Capping and trading our prosperity

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

New Uses For Electro-Shock Torture

The Great Water Heist

Opponents say SB 787 is federal ‘water grab’

Hannity - What is the Illuminati? (5/15/09)

'Orwellian language' in schools turns pupils into 'customers', finds damning report

US wants to paint the world white to save energy

U.N. environment chief urges global ban on plastic bags

Earth 2100: New World Order Agenda on Primetime Television

Review: 'New World Order' on Independent Film Channel - Los Angeles Times

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 12th With Daniel Sunjata

How long can the Dollar Last as the World’s Reserve Currency?

From the Airbus to the Spaceplane: The Future of Commercial Aviation

The Obama Enigma: Imperial Interventionism and Militarism

U.S. War Privatization Results in Billions Lost in Fraud, Waste and Abuse--Report

The Human Tracking Microchip

Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From the Banks He's Bailing Out?

Obama proposes budget cuts to pay for health care reform

Gadhafi welcomes 'new era' in relations with Italy

Gold could be a boon for your money

Obituary: Nobody mourns the dead president

Vatican Visits CERN's Big Bang Machine

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » A Regional Central Banker Blows the Whistle

Government Implemented Thousands of New Regulations Costing $1.17 Trillion in 2008

Congressional Republicans Speak Out against Obama's Plan for Government-Owned Health Care

Judeo-Christian Heritage Bill Challenges Obama’s Claim That U.S. Is A Secular Nation

Tobacco Control Bill Makes Government More Powerful

Oliver North: Obama 'Deeply Seeks Affirmation from America's Enemies'

Four of Top Five U.S. Newspapers Buried Story on Obama’s Call for Government-Owned Health Insurance Company

Commentary: New York’s GOP State Senators Lead Way to Defeat ‘Obamization’

Obama Appeals Closure of U.S. Airbase in Central Asia, Drawing Mixed Signals From Kyrgyzstan

Obama Fires AmeriCorps Inspector-General; Republicans Wonder, Was It Political?

Sotomayor Accepts Gun Rights Ruling, Senator Says

Republicans Gaining Traction on Ethics Issue, As Democrats Come Under Scrutiny

Obama Confronts Critics on Health Care Overhaul

Will the FCC Press Hollywood?

Obama’s Fast Track to Socialized Medicine

Miranda, Terrorists and Lawyers

Miss Affirmative Action, 2009

Clearing up myths about the EFCA

Beyond the soaring rhetoric of Obama’s Cairo speech, a toxic innocence at home

Fear is eroding American rights

The current battle against the State Secrets Privilege

video - The Age of Transitions

The BRAD BLOG : Kudos to Kleefeld...And 'Right is Left' as Mainstream Denialists Spiral Towards Madness

Six Flags Seeks Chapt. 11 Bankruptcy Protection - ABC News

Under Fire, President Obama's Pick for Army Job Bows Out - Political Punch

More Details Emerge In President Obama's Firing of Inspector General - Political Punch

Obama Justice Department Defends Defense Of Marriage Act – That Candidate Obama Opposed - Political Punch

Senators who opposed tobacco bill received top dollar from industry | McClatchy

Nextgov - Sensitive military technology easily bought and sent to foreign countries

Nextgov - Senate Rules Committee pondering Facebook use

Nextgov - IRS mismanaged funds for major computer application

Nextgov - Dems slam Bush administration for stalling EPA health-risk database

Nextgov - DHS launches second test of biometric exit processes

Nextgov - Cybersecurity tops priorities for DHS' research and development arm

Nextgov - Cell phones, other wireless devices next big cybersecurity targets

Bankers Are Scared. Are You? by Gary North

Property Rights Take a Hit by Peter Schiff

The Frame of Mind of American Economic Policymakers by Marc Faber

The Fed Might Have Painted Itself into a Corner by Frank Shostak

Salads Play Unhealthy Mind Games

Mountaintop Mining Opponents Say Obama's Scrutiny Promise Is Not Enough: 'You Can't Regulate An Abomination'

Nancy Pelosi says the House will not pass health care reform without a public option

'Talk about blood on your hands': Walsh smacks O'Reilly with Jim David Adkisson -- and shuts him up

Joe Scarborough attacks Paul Krugman over DHS report, but the murder of Dr. Tiller goes unmentioned. I wonder why?

Talking about lone wolves: My interview with Anderson Cooper

Report: The Employed Are Hurting, Too. Meanwhile, Heritage Foundation Blames Unemployment Checks for Unemployment.

How on-target was Homeland Security's right-wing extremism bulletin? Very

Republican Short Term Memory Loss - Remember The Jokes About Chelsea?

Change comes to Iran

Olympia Snowe seems to support a "good" public option. Downplays Sen.Conrad's co-ops

Please Bail Out California before the IMF

Fearmongers and Cowards Win As Obama Withdraws Plan to Bring Gitmo Detainees Here

Von Brunn as a 'Lone Wolf': Killers act alone, but these are not 'isolated incidents'

Barney Frank walks off the set of CNBC

NOW Liz Cheney Thinks We Should Be Careful About Using Words Like Terrorism

Joan Walsh upsets poor BillO, so Ingraham counters: Dr. Tiller is just like Jeff Gannon!

Pastor Drake Prays For Obama's Death. I'm not kidding you

The NRO's Ed Whelan apologizes for outing blogger

New Michael Moore Movie Looks At The Financial Meltdown. It Opens Oct. 2nd, Don't Miss It

audio flashback/Ayatollah Redux - 1979

Gods Come Cheap These Days

** Site - Chuck Baldwin Live**

Orange County - Rev. Wiley Drake Prays for Obama's Death - Navel Gazing - OC Weekly

YouTube - Produce the Dog Gone Birth Certificate

YouTube - Rev. Wright VS. Rev. Manning

YouTube - Don't Talk About My Mama


CIA Secrecy on Drone Attacks Data Hides Abuses by Gareth Porter -- Antiwar.com


U.S. drug czar calls for end to war on drugs | Reuters

The Raw Story | N.Korea to build more nuclear bombs after UN vote

Raw Story » Pentagon Cyber Command seen as threat to civil liberties

Judge: Ex-Bush lawyer can be sued over torture

Rifle used in museum shooting too old to trace, official says - CNN.com

Property Rights Take a Hit by Peter Schiff

China Warns Against Force in Carrying Out North Korea Sanctions - Bloomberg.com

Israel tacticians want Mahmoud Ahmadinejad win | The Australian

YouTube - Audit the Fed Update

kenny's sideshow: Glenn Beck's School of Debunking 9/11 Conspiracies

Freedom Rider: Phony Terror and Black America | Black Agenda Report

Freedom Rider Phony Terror and Black America (Part II) | Black Agenda Report

James Von Brunn Plays Right Into the Zionist’s Hands | War On You: Breaking Alternative News

Man Accused Of Shooting Museum Guard Vanishes From Internet

TaxProf Blog: WSJ: IRS Targets Employer-Provided Cell Phones

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Christian Nation? Think again

Pelosi Less Popular Than IRS « Are You An Obamulist?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones Tv: Obama’s Puppet Masters Have Been Busy

North Korea declares all-out push for nuclear weapons | World news | guardian.co.uk

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers - Today show 6/12/2009 - Teach Your Kids The Value Of Saving Money

How the spooks took over the news - Media, News - The Independent

kenny's sideshow: "Terrorist" Threat to Keep Toxic Coal Ash Sites Secret?

The coming collapse of the
American middle class

America's socialism for the rich | Joseph Stiglitz | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Cabinet papers to be exempt from Freedom of Information - Telegraph

The Bush/Cheney Nightmare, Redux - Paradise Post

White House Browbeats Dem Freshmen On War Money: "You'll Never Hear From Us Again"

Feds want secrecy over alleged torture flights

The Obama Enigma: Imperial Interventionism and Militarism

New York Lawmaker Calls on CBS to Fire Letterman for Palin Comments - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Al Qaeda's American traitor, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, blasts Israel - and own Jewish relatives - in video


Computer 'raid' in Vernon leaves factory workers devastated - Los Angeles Times

PRUDEN: When discontent stalks the land - Washington Times

Rep. Patrick Kennedy again receiving treatment - Yahoo! News

Report: Thai tabloid David Carradine photos show fishnets, wig, women's lingerie

Stephen Baldwin's home to be auctioned | lohud.com | The Journal News


Kids attend prom from 'sexual hell'

DEBKAfile - Tehran: Ahmadinejad wins second presidential term up to 2013

Leader of Iraq parliament's Sunni Arab bloc assassinated - Los Angeles Times

Detainees Freed in Bermuda Say China Worse Than Gitmo - Political News - FOXNews.com

Property: Private, Common and Collective.

International Debt Brings International Threat

Judge rules Padilla can sue former DOJ lawyer John Yoo

Deja vu all over again

The way the world works - Obama style

New GM Chief's ties to the Chicago Machine

Brit Paper Outs Obama's Shrinking City Plan

Obama Learned Power Politics From The Daleys

British left out of the loop on Gitmo transfer

Michelle Obama knows 'The Chicago Way' too

Desperately Seeking Scapegoats for Obama

California's expensive policy for increasing CO2 emissions

Wright is right

Talking Turkey: My Own Speech in a Muslim Country

Michael Steele: The Faltering Leader of a Struggling Party

Still Open Season on Sarah Palin

Obama's Address to Muslims misses the Point

Nationalizing Public Education Comes After Health Care

The Liberal Housing Crash

Rural Mich. counties turn failing roads to gravel | roads, mich, counties - Top Stories - WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3

TheHill.com - Obama’s issues crumbling

My Way News - Health care debate could derail over gov't plan

Man 'cooked' to death in Australian prison van

NYT: Privacy may be a victim in cyber plan - The New York Times- msnbc.com

My Way News - Sarah Palin: Letterman owes women an apology

My Way News - Obama taps more big donors for ambassadorships

Admiral Abramovich launches his £300million mega-yachtski: The world's biggest (and it even has its own submarine) | Mail Online

My Way News - NKorea says it will 'weaponize' its plutonium

The Associated Press: Israeli officials: Iran vote shows growing threat

Obama excited by Iran's robust election debate | Reuters

Sub collides with sonar array towed by U.S. Navy ship - CNN.com

Air France Probe Suggests Plane Broke Up in Air, Estado Says - Bloomberg.com

Missed AF flight, died in car crash - UK - World - The Times of India

Baby Born On NYC Mass Transit For 2nd Straight Day - wcbstv.com

Obama Issues “Immediate” Assassination Order For Mexican President Calderon

Obama Orders “Total Takedown” Of US Federal Reserve Bank


U.S. battlefield superiority for sale to America's enemies

My Way News - NKorea says it will 'weaponize' its plutonium

Appeal promised in eligibility lawsuit

Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Trifecta: 3rd media outfit bans Obama eligibility ads

You asked for it! Eligibility 'billboards' for your car, yard

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

**article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

Pushback sought against talk radio censorship

Teacher dismissed over Bible sues district

Kansas Teacher Claims Conservative Views Led to Loss of Job - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Iran's Controversial Election Results Raises Questions Over Its Relations to U.S. - Political News - FOXNews.com

Iran's election result staggers analysts- Hindustan Times

Poll: Few Iranians see US favorably, despite Obama - Yahoo! News

Bucknell University requires permit to hand out Bibles

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin calls foul on Letterman’s ‘weak’ excuse « - Blogs from CNN.com

NOW Bashes Limbaugh While Putting Letterman in Hall of Shame | NewsBusters.org

'Hate crimes' called a reason 'to rumble'

U.S. Sends to Saudi Arabia Gitmo Detainee Accused of Killing American - Political News - FOXNews.com

John McCain: Barack Obama 'strangely' mum on detainee photos - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Majority now cosponsors Ron Paul's Fed audit

Key health care senators have industry ties - Yahoo! News

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

New Miss California: Marriage between man, woman

Christian Man Raped, Murdered for Refusing to Convert to Islam, Family Says - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Darwin-loving museum shooter hates Bible, Christians


Alleged Museum Shooter's Son Slams Dad's 'Cowardice' - ABC News

Father of MIA American dies never knowing son's fate

U.S.-trained officer caught helping terrorists

Should Bibi Give in to Obama? Israelis Say 'No' - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Congressman: Consider science in energy tax debate

Key Obama aide defends bailouts

Soros slams 'instruments of destruction'

Protect yourself from a Treasury market collapse - Money Features


CNN - Palin defends massive pipeline project

Technology is morally neutral

El Pollo Loco has a beef with KFC's grilled chicken - Los Angeles Times

Q&A: Iranian Presidential Candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi - TIME


RealClearPolitics - Mike Murphy's Strange Math

Spike in Interest Rates Could Choke Recovery - washingtonpost.com

Russians Outfox U.S. in Latest Great Game - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Left's Game of Connect-the-Dots

Letterman, right's new public enemy? - Daniel Libit - POLITICO.com

Payback: Bill Clinton's loyalty tour - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 12, 2009 - Ousted AmeriCorps watchdog defends waste probe

Pay Day - washingtonpost.com

CQ Politics | Compromises Threaten Energy Bill’s Chances on Senate Floor

Meet the new boss: In Iran, he's the same as the old boss

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Dead To Rights

Letterman, Wright done in by own words :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell

Wealth Creation Under Attack

Samuel Thernstrom - Could We Engineer a Cooler Planet?

Donald Macintyre: Netanyahu's moment of decision - Donald Macintyre, Commentators - The Independent

The Case for Getting off Base - WSJ.com

The Typecast Party

National Journal Magazine - Firefighters Case: What Really Happened

Why the suddenly shy press corps? | Newt Gingrich | Washington Examiner

Wall Street’s Toxic Message

Has Government Crossed the Line? - BusinessWeek

Obama's Secret Moves On Health Care - CBS News

Dare to Defeat ObamaCare

The healthcare war has officially begun | Salon

Americans Get Poorer More Slowly - Barrons.com

Discounting the Coming Production Boom | Investing | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

Charles Lane - A Rescue That Overreached?

Obama's Campaign on Health Care: Papering Over the Details - TIME

Cash From Lunkheads - WSJ.com

Editorial - What We Need to Know - NYTimes.com

So your bank account’s wiped out - Mark Steyn Opinion Top03 - Macleans.ca

Women emerge as major political force in Iran - The Globe and Mail

Pawns in a fatal game - World - Macleans.ca

A New Plan for Pyongyang - WSJ.com

Asia Times Online - North Korea resolution lacks teeth

A 10-year truce between Islam and the West | csmonitor.com

China And The Iron Maiden - Forbes.com

The deficits of democracy | The Japan Times Online

The World from Berlin: 'The Ayatollah Calls the Shots' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Lifting the Veil -Times Online

Father of MIA American dies never knowing son's fate

Jews working to halt division of Jerusalem

Congressman: Consider science in energy tax debate

Libby prosecutor threatens critic

Sebelius must share blame for Tiller murder

Ayers questioned about 'Dreams' collaboration

So when's the revolution?

Christians, here come the lions

Secularizing America

Work not finished at Buchenwald?

The thievery of our Constitution

Barack H. Obama: Administrator

Fast-tracking the nanny state

Top 10 reasons not to let Hamas arrange your marriage

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

School's out – for good

Heaven: The real thing

Where is Obama's Birth Certificate and where are the Denver Post's journalistic ethics?

The Big Hate | CommonDreams.org

Shepard Smith has got to go

Just Make Stuff Up by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

Evolution May Have Made Humans More Cancer Prone - Forbes.com

Israeli Magazine Insults Muslims “You see here a threat, we see here an opportunity”

ADL of B'nai B'rith "rebuked" by the UCSB Academic Senate

Dead fish found again - Washington Times

Incoming space rocks now classified | floridatoday.com | FLORIDA TODAY

Treasonous Senate Could Sneak-Pass Hate Bill Next WEEK

Lynch Sentenced To 1 year & 1 Day

Recycled homes, one box at a time - CNN.com


Nude, Mona Lisa-Like Painting Surfaces: Discovery News

Are You Being Watched? The blimp flying above your head may be watching your every move.

Time moves too slowly for hyperactive boys - health - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist

No Brainer Behavior / Science News

Right Wing Anti-Immigrant Group Leader Arrested For Murder, Burglary In AZ

Mountaintop Mining Opponents Say Obama's Scrutiny Promise Is Not Enough: 'You Can't Regulate An Abomination'

Nancy Pelosi says the House will not pass health care reform without a public option

'Talk about blood on your hands': Walsh smacks O'Reilly with Jim David Adkisson -- and shuts him up

Texas punishes employees at state schools | Front page | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Republican group wants Sanford to run - The Post and Courier

President Obama Fires Controversial Inspector General - Political Punch

Hundreds protest Obama's visit to Green Bay


No Longer for Men Only, Promise Keepers Seeks to Include Women

Schuller Daughter to Lead Crystal Cathedral

Criminal gang bought own music on iTunes and Amazon using stolen cards - Times Online

Suit Claims Ex-Teacher Had Sex With Boy - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Oded Golan: I never faked any antiquity

Mysterious Inscribed Slate Discovered at Jamestown

Alien Hunting: 'We Are Definitely not Alone in the Universe' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Obama to outline $313 billion in Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

HIV Found in 22 Actors in Sex Films Since 2004

Newborn Baby Boy Abandoned in Bushes in Illinois

Stress Turns Hair Gray, With Silver Lining That May Stop Cancer

Ten Sneaky Things Damaging Your Skin

Chain menus could soon start counting calories

Program begun to speed vaccines to poor countries

Human Genome Sciences shares jump on test results

Hydrogen Gas Leak Delays Shuttle Launch

US Firm Says China Stole Software for Web-Filter

Facebook username land grab: Yawn

Bing modified to enable porn filtering

Anyone care to publish some textbooks on Scribd?

NASA's mission: Can we live on the moon?

Geithner Says 'Too Soon' for G-8 to Pull Back on Economic Aid

AP to publish investigative news from nonprofits

Summers Defends US Interventions

Employees May Be Taxed for Texting If IRS Updates Work Cellphone Rules

Riots erupt in Tehran over 'stolen' election

YouTube - First Person: Expats Vote in Iranian Election

N. Korea vows to proceed with its nuclear program

YouTube - UN Imposes Stiff Sanctions Against North Korea

Palestinian Affairs: Obama-hu akbar!

Did Air France Flight 447 break up midair?

YouTube - Air France 447 Victim Search to End Next Week

Gaddafi invites back Italians expelled from Libya

YouTube - Raw Video: Gadhafi Visits Italy for 1st Time

Obama pledges aid for Zimbabwe

YouTube - Frost over the World - Morgan Tsvangirai - 12 Jun 09

Backers mourn cleric; Taliban claim fatal attacks

YouTube - Double suicide bombing in Pakistan

Student on Trial in Italy Claims Police Pressure

YouTube - Amanda Knox claims she was threatened by Italian police

Suicide Bomber Kills 8 in Southern Afghanistan

Gains in Pakistan Fuel Pentagon Optimism for Pursuing Al-Qaeda

YouTube - Beating Video May Turn Tide Against Taliban

Myanmar high court sets date for Suu Kyi appeal

In Brooklyn, Four Plead Guilty to Conspiring to Support Tamil Tigers - NYTimes.com

Self-pity and a dread of things to come as MPs lick their wounds

Protesters Gird for Long Fight Over Opening Peru's Amazon

At Sunni Leader's Funeral, a Display of Iraqi Unity

Clinton Hopes Iranian Election Result Reflects Will of People

NATO to establish new command structure within ISAF

YouTube - Museum to Reopen After Tribute to Fallen Officer

Anchors away! Robin Meade skydives with Bush 41

YouTube - Raw Video: George H.W. Bush Takes a Flying Leap

'Rockefeller' saga ends with guilty

YouTube - Raw Video: 'Rockefeller' Convicted of Kidnapping

TIME magazine on gay rights and the Mormon church

Schwarzenegger: A bad time to sell state assets

Chrysler, GM take heat from lawmakers, dealers on closings

Republicans Slam Democrat Climate Change Bill

GOP Slams Climate Change Bill In Weekly Address

Obama administration attempts to block CIA suit

Sotomayor impresses in interviews, senators say

YouTube - NY Man Has Bad Memories of Sotomayor

Obama on healthcare reform: Mr. Flexible

YouTube - Skipping School? Just Ask Obama for a Note

YouTube - Rep. Kennedy Seeks Treatment

Political donations revealing

Firing of IG followed his probe of Obama friend

Clintonism Goes Down in Virginia

Digital TV hot line gets 700000 calls over switch

YouTube - Analog is out, digital is in

Letterman Sends No Regrets

Prejean: Pageant director asked me to make "inappropriate appearances"

Carrie Prejean -- I'm Not Paranoid .. I have Enemies

Chaz Bono Gives Voice To An Often 'Invisible' Community

Trash Collector "Rescues" American Flags

Cross-section of Chicago gives Koko Taylor a spirited sendoff

Debbie Schlussel - The Real Sexism: Muslims Make Teacher Take DNA Test to Prove She's a Chick

Debbie Schlussel - Nauseating: U.S. Won't Allow American Jews Born in Jerusalem to Have "Israel" on Documents

Debbie Schlussel - Clueless Lefties Completely Ignorant About Hitler's Ties to the Muslims

Debbie Schlussel - White Christian Murderer Story of the Day

Debbie Schlussel - The Left-Wing Screeching About My Piece on the Holocaust Shooter; Tuscaloosa News' "Fact-Checking"

Debbie Schlussel - So What if Holocaust Museum Shooter is White Christian: We Know Who Crescented, er . . . Created This Atmosphere; 9/11 Truther

Debbie Schlussel - Moderate, Educated Muslim U.S. Citizen Convicted of Terrorism

Debbie Schlussel - English Language EXCLUSIVE : Jimmy Carter Meets w/ Fadlallah, Hezbo Spiritual Leader Who Ordered Bombing of U.S. Marines; Hezbo Defeat Only Temporary

Debbie Schlussel - Janet Napolitano Announces She Won't Enforce Anti-Marriage Fraud Measure

Debbie Schlussel - Hypocrisy of the Day: Organization w/ "Zero Tolerance" for Gambling Now Sponsors Lotteries

Debbie Schlussel - Jews Saved Black Teen Inmate @ Buchenwald Death Camp; Obama Snubs Only Black Survivor of Nazi Camps

Debbie Schlussel - Numbskull Immigration Judge: ICE Arrests of Illegal Aliens is "Retaliation," Allows Them to Stay

Debbie Schlussel - You Stay Classy, Sarahmessiah Nuts: Draft Palin 2012 Leader Wishes I Get Cancer, Etc.


transcript - Interview with Governor Sarah Palin

transcript - Obama's Health Care Townhall in Green Bay

transcript - Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

transcript - Fmr. Mass. Governor Swift on the Palin/Letterman Feud

transcript - transcript - Panel on Moving Guantanamo's Uighurs

transcript - Gene Sperling's Testimony on Compensation


Rep. Kucinich Grills Ken Lewis For Lying To Shareholders

O'Reilly, Salon Editor Argue Over Tiller's Murder

George H.W. Bush Defends Sotomayor Nomination

"Glad To Do It Again": Bush 41 Skydives On 85th Birthday

Palin Says Not Definitely Running In 2010, 2012

Obama: Tobacco Bill Was "A Long Time Coming"

Palin: Letterman "Crossed The Line"

Dean Calls CNBC Host "Propagandist" For Challenging Public Health Care

House Republican On Tobacco Debate: "Smoke Your Lettuce"

O'Reilly, Beck Respond To Attacks From Krugman

Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care Reform As Key To Our Fiscal Future

ABC's 20/20 Profiles FOX's Glenn Beck

Clinton: We Hope Election Reflects "Genuine Will And Desire" Of Iranians

Rep. Pence On GOP Energy Plan

Iranians Riot Over Presidential Election Results

Matthews: Obama Inherited "Crap" From Bush

Education Secretary Arne Duncan On Nation's Schools

Rove: Blocking State-Run Health Care Is GOP's "Top Priority"

Bill Maher Calls Obama A "Celebrity"

Olbermann Describes Palin As A "Pit Bull"

O'Reilly On A "Defeat For The Far Left"

BlackRock Buys Barclays Unit for $13.5 Billion

Ken Lewis On the Hill

Callaway Gets a Hole-in-One

Landmark Tobacco Legislation Passes...

Stimulus Fraud Set to Soar

EU Outlook: "Really Gloomy"

WHO Declares Pandemic

North Korea Sanctions

Iran Goes To The Polls

Ahmadinejad Landslide Winner in Iran

talk radio

06/12 The Mark Levin Show

06/11 The Mark Levin Show

06/10 The Mark Levin Show

06/09 The Mark Levin Show

06/08 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

featured video

YouTube - Part 1: 06/10/2009 Freedom Watch 18 w/ Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie, more

YouTube - Part 2: 06/10/2009 Freedom Watch 18 w/ Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie, more

YouTube - Part 3: 06/10/2009 Freedom Watch 18 w/ Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie, more

YouTube - Part 4: 06/10/2009 Freedom Watch 18 w/ Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie, more

YouTube - Part 5: 06/10/2009 Freedom Watch 18 w/ Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie, more

YouTube - Part 6: 06/10/2009 Freedom Watch 18 w/ Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie, more