"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 June 2009

Flag Day,Monday and week review

Op-Ed Columnist - Winds of Change? - NYTimes.com

The West fooled itself Iran would allow reform | Amir Taheri - Times Online

Obama's Spending Plans May Pose Political Risks

An Anti-Business President

Zakaria: A Capitalist Manifesto | Newsweek Business | Newsweek.com

New GM CEO's Chicago Links - Barrons.com

RealClearPolitics - Indulging Our Health Care Fantasies

Republicans Rethinking the Reagan Mystique - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Stakes for Obama This Fall

The big power grab: Failing feds, floundering states extend their tentacles

The American Debate: Obama needs just a bit of Truman's courage | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/14/2009

RealClearPolitics - More Judicial Activism Please

Leon Panetta and the C.I.A.: The Secret History

RealClearPolitics - Appeasing North Korea

The Architecture Issue - Data Center Overload - NYTimes.com

Too complex to exist - The Boston Globe


The Power Behind Ahmadinejad's Disputed Win: Ayatullah Khamenei - TIME

Ahmadinejad Or Obama: Who Will Have The Last Laugh? - Forbes.com

The Weekly Standard - Mr. President, Another Speech Please

RealClearWorld - World Record: Iran Edition

RealClearPolitics - Armed and Extreme, but Buried in Briefs

Op-Ed Columnist - The Obama Haters’ Silent Enablers - NYTimes.com

Just Make Stuff Up by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

Intact tail fin offers clue to Air France crash - Los Angeles Times

Naturalism Has Been Hijacked - WSJ.com

Ahmadinejad's 'victory' is a disaster for Iran and the world - Telegraph

Editorial: Relief is too slow | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/14/2009

A court battle California doesn't need - Los Angeles Times

Concern Over Obama's Spending Plans May Cloud 2010 Election Prospects - washingtonpost.com

CQ Politics | Pelosi Pushes Democrats To Vote For War Money

TheHill.com - Redistricting looms over 2010 landscape

At Talks, Geithner Says It Is Too Soon to Pull Back on Stimulus - NYTimes.com

An Absurd Outcome - The Daily Beast

Tehran's Streets Become a Battleground - TIME

Op-Ed Columnist - Winds of Change? - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld - Articles - Time to Bring Mahatma Gandhi Back

06-14-2009: Aztec temple promises to yield one of antiquity's great treasures

06-14-2009: In wake of mass protests, Iran cuts off cell phones, YouTube, Facebook

06-14-2009: Spooks Get Permission To Buy Off Taliban

06-14-2009: Crops under stress as temperatures fall

06-14-2009: North Korea Nuclear Crisis Was Engineered By Design

Diet Foods Encourage Overeating

06-14-2009: Queen Growing Vegetables In Buckingham Palace

06-14-2009: North Korea Warns Of Nuclear War Amid Rising Tensions

06-14-2009: CIA head says Cheney almost wishing US be attacked

06-13-2009: How The Global Warming Bill Will Affect Your Wallet

06-13-2009: American Al-Qaeda Talks About Jewish Ancestory

06-13-2009: Water Fluoridation To Go Forward Despite Public Disapproval

Privacy may be a victim in cyberdefense plan

06-12-2009: U.S. Nuclear Industry Tries To Hijack Obama's Climate Change Bill

06-12-2009: Is there a Life On Mars Conspiracy?

New 'Blackshirts' fear prompts inquiry into Italian National Guard

Are You Being Watched?

CIA rehired, then fired, contractors involved in torture

First Real Cyborg: A Robot Controlled By A Living Brain

21st century wars can wage out of control

GlobalSecurity.org - SITREP Situation Report | Lee-Obama Summit: Solidifying a Joint Approach toward Pyongyang

GlobalSecurity.org - SITREP Situation Report | Immigration, Globalization and Sustainability

How The Spooks Took Over the News

video - 1972 clip of David Suzuki comparing humans to maggots

Goodbye to Cheap Oil

Obama and the Military: Purely Tactical Disagreements

Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam

Who Will Pay for Health Care?

How long can the Dollar Last as the World’s Reserve Currency?

Bill Clinton: U.S. no longer dominated by Christians and Jews (OneNewsNow.com)

Marsha West -- A New Religion Masquerading As Christianity, Part 1

Jun 13, 2009 Property Rights Take a Hit Peter Schiff 321gold ...inc2 ...s

On Memory Transfer and Nephilim

Canadian Jewish Congress Organized Nazi Party

Round up ‘hate speech’ promoters?

You’re on the Battlefield Right Now

The Realm of Gangster Government

Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act To Pass Without Signature : Post Politics: Political News and Views in Tennessee

Raw Story » Defiant Iran opposition stages rally amid world outcry

Why veins could replace fingerprints and retinas as most secure form of ID - Times Online

Network-centric Warfare

Hate Laws - Out To Get Pro-Lifers

Walter E. Williams : Dumbest Generation Getting Dumber - Townhall.com

Robert Reich's Blog: The Healthcare War is Now Official

Landslide win for Ahmadinejad

Crops under stress as temperatures fall - Telegraph

Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Hopes Iran Vote Shows 'Genuine Will, Desire' - wcbstv.com

The Zionist Elephant In The Room

YouTube - Obama gets lost reading his teleprompter- Teleprompter-in-Chief

YouTube - Obama Speech - Teleprompter Goes Out

Card fraud probe targets 300 detectives | Politics | The Observer

The unlikely friends of the Holocaust memorial killer | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer

Kurds lay claim to oil riches in Iraq as old hatreds flare | World news | The Observer

Dutch divided over Geert Wilders as radical MP eyes premiership - Telegraph

Oceans charge up new theory of magnetism - Times Online

Secret papers 'show how Shell targeted Nigeria oil protests' - Americas, World - The Independent

Iran sees second day of clashes as anger rises over elections | World news | guardian.co.uk

Peak Soil Investment: This Quiet Land Grab is Just Beginning

Toward A Theory Of Why We Get Nowhere

A.I.G. Balks at Claims From Jet Ditching in Hudson

Fed Up With Feds

California eyes digital textbooks - Washington Times

Zionism - Key To New World Order Elite Power Network

Asia Times Online - Nuclear war is Kim Jong-il's game plan

Recycled radioactive metal contaminates consumer products | ScrippsNews

The Coming Economic Collapse

An economic Tsunami bears down on America; China watches and waits

The past, present and future of commercial aviation

Bernanke’s next parlor trick

The Obama enigma: Imperial interventionism and militarism

Clouds of Secrecy

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

Abortion numbers for disabilities should be kept secret: Government lawyers

'Supermarkets set to refuse cash'

Gorbachev: It's time for a second American revolution in the spirit of perestroika

Get tough on home school to weed out abuse, says review

Britain leads world in police state survey

Little Brother is watching you: Children of ten are taught how to spot a terrorist in police DVD

Why do my son's books tell him all men are useless?

Beyond Golden Rice: The Rockefeller Foundation's long-term agenda behind Genetically Modified Food

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

Capping, Trading, and Stealing from our Children

Capping and trading our prosperity

The Iranian Vote: Citizen Journalism Round-up

Iran Protesters Defy Rally Ban

Poll Predicted Landslide Victory for Ahmadinejad

The Meaning of Ahmadinejad's Victory

Full text of Netanyahu's foreign policy speech at Bar Ilan

Corporate Media Cyberbullying Propaganda

Strange Changes in Iranian Transit

US Media Campaign to Discredit Iranian Election

A ‘Coup’ in Iran? We Don’t Know

CIA Fired Firms Aiding Questioning - washingtonpost.com

Strip Club Depression by Doug French

Confessions of a 'Public Servant' by Mr. X

Flight AND Fight by Lila Rajiva

Expert Urges U.S. Government to Change Policies of Taxing, Spending

November 6, 2012: A Reason Not To Lose Hope by Mark R. Crovelli

The Basic Flaw by Charley Reese

Sadism Is Sexual by Fred Reed

Panetta on Cheney's Attack Warnings: Wishful Thinking?

Despite Own Iran Follies, Romney Slams Obama

Fox News Panel Says Obama Can't Negotiate With Iran Because of Election Results. But They Said The Same Thing Last Year!

Joe Scarborough Blames Obama's Cairo Speech for Ayatollahs Rigging Iranian Election--But That's a Good Thing

Clemons: Will Political Opponents Depose Leaders in Iran Election Aftermath?

Biden questions Cheney's judgment on national security

Kathleen Sebelius nails the public option debate: 'Higher cost does not translate to higher quality'

Anti-choice movement gets duped in a Blogger Baby Hoax

Obama Spells Out Specifics for Funding Healthcare Reform

Obama administration and DOMA

SC GOP Activist Jokes: Escaped Gorilla Just One Of Michelle Obama's Ancestors

Senator Bernie Sanders on Health Care Reform

Ahmadinejad Defends His 'Completely Free' Election While Iranians Riot in the Streets

When the Minutemen 'go tactical' for dollars: Forde intended gang to rip off dealers, and may have struck in CA already

The sources of terrorism: My interview with CNN's Don Lemon

Weekly Address: Health Care Reform as the Key to Our Fiscal Future

A brief note of blatant self-promotion

Beck and Goldberg team up to claim that James von Brunn was a left-winger

North Korea: We Will Weaponize Nuclear Stockpiles

Reza Aslan Takes Chris Matthews to Task for Fear Mongering on Iran's Nuclear Program

Judge Rules Yoo Must Testify in Padilla Trial

Glenn Beck: Who? Me? Spread baseless FEMA concentration camp conspiracy theories?

Iranian Reformer Claims Widespread Voter Fraud in Lopsided Results

Right Wing Anti-Immigrant Group Leader Arrested For Murder, Burglary In AZ

Mountaintop Mining Opponents Say Obama's Scrutiny Promise Is Not Enough: 'You Can't Regulate An Abomination'

'Talk about blood on your hands': Walsh smacks O'Reilly with Jim David Adkisson -- and shuts him up

Joe Scarborough attacks Paul Krugman over DHS report, but the murder of Dr. Tiller goes unmentioned. I wonder why?

Talking about lone wolves: My interview with Anderson Cooper

Report: The Employed Are Hurting, Too. Meanwhile, Heritage Foundation Blames Unemployment Checks for Unemployment.

How on-target was Homeland Security's right-wing extremism bulletin? Very

Republican Short Term Memory Loss - Remember The Jokes About Chelsea?

Olympia Snowe seems to support a "good" public option. Downplays Sen.Conrad's co-ops

Fearmongers and Cowards Win As Obama Withdraws Plan to Bring Gitmo Detainees Here

Friends Without Money ... How the recession is wrecking friendships. - By Emily Bazelon - Slate Magazine

Put your bare foot forward and exercise without trainers | Health & Beauty

Civil Liberties and the Winds of ‘Change’ by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Divided We Stand

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 14th

Don't call what happened in Iran last week an election. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

The Iranian People Speak

News Analysis - Iran's Leader Emerges With Stronger Hand - NYTimes.com

Decoding Netanyahu's Speech - The Plank

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - The world is moving beyond the Al-Qaeda moment

Tehran is running scared of the uncontrollable forces of freedom | Martin Fletcher - Times Online

Cycle of North Korean Crisis

Neither Free nor Fair ... Iran's Disputed Election Makes Clear the Discontent of Its People - washingtonpost.com

Consequences of Iran’s Presidential Election Results - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

*RealClearWorld - Articles - In Pursuit of Peace

A New Financial Foundation

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Washington cannot call all the shots


G8 signals the end of the financial crisis, but what caused it? - Times Online

Washington Obituaries Offer Short-Sale Tip Sheet: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Stay the Course - NYTimes.com

Printing money isn't the cure - MSN Money

Let's heed Ben Bernanke's warning on getting back to 'balance' - Los Angeles Times

TELLA: Politics and the Fed - Washington Times

Philip Morris Gets Its Tobacco Bill by Jonathan H. Adler on National Review Online

Oil Check: Financial Page: The New Yorker

The Flipside Of Failure - Forbes.com

Why Technologists Want Fewer Patents - WSJ.com

Paul Krugman's fear for lost decade | Business | The Observer

This Rally May Need a New Source of Fuel

Free At Last | Alhambra Investments

New Bull Markets - April 2009 - Ciovacco Capital Management - ATLANTA

Recalibrating U.S.-China | The New America Foundation

Carlyle Sets Its Sights on Battered Banks

Russia’s Kudrin Signals No Alternative to Dollar

China's car sales boom, reshaping a way of life - USATODAY.com

The Technical Take: Investor Sentiment: You Have To Believe

Some say Holocaust Memorial shooting signals a broader war | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/14/2009

Alleged Holocaust Museum Shooter: Perfect story for Zionist Media: Guilty before Trial: | Pakistan Daily

Moneynews - China Tells U.S.: You Broke the Dollar, Now Fix It

Guatemala 1953-1954

America's Human Rights Record New UN Report Denounces Washington

Iran's Election: The Odds of Fraud - The Numbers

*Salvador Allende

***site - The Mossadegh Project :: Mohammad Mossadegh.com

YouTube - Kucinich Grills Ken Lewis on Fed Emails

Iran: Some Dots You May Want To Connect | Iran/Persia |Axisoflogic.com

Refreshing News: Zero-emission car to hit roads soon

Western Islamophobia – the Left, the Neoliberals, the Neocons, the Christians, the Libertarians – All on the very same Page « Time to Think

Tomgram: The Ir-Af-Pak War

CIA Renewed Contract With Psychologists Who Endorsed Waterboarding Weeks After Obama Took Office...

Durbin cashed out during big stock collapse :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News

Why is Dennis Ross being ousted as Obama envoy to Iran? - Haaretz - Israel News

Profits Privatized and Losses Socialized - The International Forecaster

YouTube - HB 430: Constitutional Tender Act - Franklin Sanders

Administration Plans to Replace Controversial Real ID Initiative

Obama pressed to tax health benefits - Washington Post- msnbc.com

WSJ JournalNow - Key health care senators have industry ties

New, Hard Evidence of Continuing Debt Collapse! | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Ohio Election Justice Campaign (OEJC) calls on media to investigate collapse of Ohio's landmark 2004 election fraud lawsuit; deadline for prosecution for destruction of evidence expires soon. - 12.160Mhz

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show:The Great Bank Heist 2009

R.I.P. - The London Gold Pool, 1961-1968

DoD Training Manual: Protests are "Low-Level Terrorism" - Dennis Loo - Open Salon

Truthdig - Reports - The American Empire Is Bankrupt

Obama ‘Czars’ - A Zionist Shadow Government | Real Zionist News

News From Underground: Iran’s regime “re-elected”–by itself (just like Bush/Cheney)!

***The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers

Man finds counterfeit cash at the bank : South Brevard County : TCPalm

Watching the watch lists | Washington Examiner

Thermite and the WTC Collapses

Cannonfire - The mystery bonds: Enter the cult! (Now it gets ULTRA strange...)

YouTube - 134,5 Billion Japanes Reserves intercepted

YouTube - Funkmasterfive confronts Glenn Beck about Thermite at WTC

They outdid themselves

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff on the Commodities Watch Radio

The Shooter Von Brunn: Not Just a Jewish Problem | Nation | Jewish Journal

Fascialism: The New American System by Thomas DiLorenzo

YouTube - WTC7 -- This is an Orange

Washington's Blog - Propaganda: Not Limited to Fox News

FBI: Man Planned Assault On Girls - Detroit Local News Story - WDIV Detroit

No change: Obama ambassadorships still go to fundraisers, friends | McClatchy

National Briefing - Washington - Bush Lawyer Ordered to Testify - NYTimes.com

Gonzales Memo Advised Bush How to Avoid War Crimes Charges

What Christians Don’t Know About Israel « INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS…

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Alex Jones Calls Glenn Beck Out !!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » MAX KEISER JUNE 12, 2009 ON THE EDGE - US sale guns to Terrorists Inadvertedly, Anthony Mozilla made Money on 911 and more

The 18th Brumaire of Barack Obama - The Globe and Mail

Who Will Pay for Health Care?

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: I'm Beginning to Think that this Whole Thing Involving James von Brunn is another Hoax

Refreshing News: Get a Grip: Truth about Fingerprints Revealed

Refreshing News: July twin treat - eclipses of sun, moon

Washington's Blog - Psychologists Weigh In On 9/11 A

Probe V5N3: Sirhan and the RFK Assassination: The Grand Illusion

Probe V5N4: Sirhan and the RFK Assassination: Part II: Rubik's Cube

T-Mobile Hacked Security Intrusion Credit Card Identity Theft | ServerAdmins.NET

Google Is Top Tracker of Surfers in Study - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com

Anti-Abortion Blogger Admits Hoax - ABC News

site - Free Theaters - Watch free streaming new movies!

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)

Conservatism as Political Pragmatism

A disillusioned ex-Obama supporter

Daschle's connection to the Myers' Spy Case

Leon Panetta in the gutter

Fired for doing his job: Walpin speaks

Iran update: Opposition members arrested in droves, rally canceled

The scales fall from Roger Cohen's eyes on Iran - sort of

Iran envoy out already?

Bibi the Houdini?

WaPo headlines 'Zionist Perspective' in Bibi speech

Sarah Palin, the 21st Century 'It' Girl

The Murder of Civil Life

Obama's Government Health Plan Will Look Like Public Schools

Latinos Need Not Apply

Obama to Jews: I'm Just Not That Into You

Netanyahu Lays Down His Markers

Obama's Other Controversial Church

Liberals: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

A Real Free Market Health Care Solution

Desperately Seeking Scapegoats for Obama


Time to move on Libertarians

HR 1207 Must Become Law!

US Government to Buy empty Houses - FOR DEMOLITION!!

Mania! Gold, Nukes, and Plagues! - Part I

Mania! Gold, Nukes, and Plagues! - Part II

Mania! Gold, Nukes, and Plagues! - Part III

06-15-2009: Dream Deferred: Americans May Never Retire

06-15-2009: Montana Gun Law Challenges Federal Powers

Muted Response from Obama Administration to Iran’s Post-Election Ferment

Netanyahu Lays Out Conditions for Palestinian State, Offers Obama History Pointers

State Department Says China to Get U.S. Aid under New Climate Deal

Some Democrats Consider Healthcare Co-Op Over Obama’s ‘Public Option’

San Franciscans Must Now Separate Their Trash into 3 Bins or Face Fines

Obama Confronts Critics on Health Care Overhaul

House Republican Compares Obama to Putin

Republicans Gaining Traction on Ethics Issue, As Democrats Come Under Scrutiny

Lawmakers Want IRS to Suspend Tax Shelter Penalty

Commentary: New York’s GOP State Senators Lead Way to Defeat ‘Obamization’

Obama Fires AmeriCorps Inspector-General; Republicans Wonder, Was It Political?

Will the FCC Press Hollywood?

Obama’s Fast Track to Socialized Medicine

Miranda, Terrorists and Lawyers

Miss Affirmative Action, 2009

Health-Care’s Fate May Be Shaped by Party Elders: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Naive, Hypocritical and Dishonest

Obama Under Pressure to Push Unpopular Tax on Health Benefits

Repeat the Question

SANFORD / ATLAS: Alternatives to government health takeover - Washington Times


O'Grady: Kirchner vs. The Press - WSJ.com

Is Obama Flubbing the Financial Fix? - BusinessWeek

RealClearPolitics - Left Cries 'Racist' in Crowded Country

What Hillary Can Teach Sarah Palin - The Daily Beast

Neither Free nor Fair

Confirming Sotomayor: Quell the rush - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

President Obama's pay-as-you-go plan guarantees higher taxes | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Obama Open to Reining in Medical Suits - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 15, 2009 - Biden says 'everyone guessed wrong' on jobs number

TheHill.com - Geithner to defend economic measures at hearings

Lawmaker Wants Expats Counted - WSJ.com

Why are young people leaving the church?

Is Iran nuking up as Obama fiddles?

Most Israelis could live with a nuclear Iran: poll | International | Reuters

'Huffington Post spreading anti-Semitic hate'

Guess who's supporting Sotomayor?

Obama fires watchdog who barked at his crony

Gerald Walpin speaks: The inside story of the AmeriCorps firing | Washington Examiner

Obama: Health care a 'ticking time-bomb' - White House- msnbc.com

Obama's Air Force One flight to Chicago and back Monday to cost $236,000 -- chicagotribune.com

Why Obama scares me, too

Hamas slams Netanyahu's major policy address

Iran erupts in protests as supreme leader orders election probe - Washington Times

U.S. Persian Gulf forces cautioned on Iran - CNN.com

Where's the birth certificate?

Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

U.S. battlefield superiority for sale to America's enemies

Argentine glacier advances despite global warming

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Orthodox Jews launch kosher search engine | Lifestyle | Reuters

Canada decries rising tide of U.S. protectionism | U.S. | Reuters

Summers defends U.S. market interventions - Jun. 12, 2009

Computer problem stops floor trading at NYSE - USATODAY.com

First look: Michael Moore goes after Wall Street in next film - USATODAY.com

Microsoft: No iPhone reimbursements for workers

Bing vs. Google rematch after Microsoft upgrades explicit filtering

What's a fair price for unlimited downloads?

NASA Bumps Moon Mission for Wednesday Shuttle Launch

Adobe Launches Acrobat.com Out Of Beta

Millions Grab Facebook User Names, Leaving Others In Their Dust

IBM Expands Cloud Computing Appliances, Services

Internet Giants Look For Edge In Real-Time Search

Google readying microblog search?

Debate rages over moon water

IMF Officials See No Near-Term Pressure For Rate Hikes

Dollar Rises as Russia Sees No Alternative to US Currency

Data Domain Board Votes to Reject EMC Takeover Bid

Ford nimble without government oversight: chairman

Gas prices rise for 48th day but oil sells off

NYMEX-Crude slides on dollar rise, economy worry

Wal-Mart: No Place to Go but Down

Fed's Evans Sees Funds Rate Hike When Growth Turns 'Robust'

Greenberg's Speeches to Be Heard, Judge Says as AIG Trial Opens

Irish company buys Ill. wind farms

News: Et Tu, New Publisher? - Inside Higher Ed

flashback - SEPT. 19, 2005 - New book promotes sex with children

Getting married or moving in with a partner will make you fat, new research shows. - Telegraph

Creation Museum's attendance exceeds expectations | courier-journal.com | The Courier-Journal

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Who goes to a creationist museum?

Is everyone looking for Noah's Ark in the wrong place?

Church of England attempts to broaden appeal with songs by U2 and prayers for Google - Telegraph

Fidel Castro's son tricked in Internet love sting - Cuba - MiamiHerald.com

Armenian genocide lawsuit rejected - The Boston Globe

Crash jet ‘split in two at high altitude’ - Times Online

Air France crash: 'bodies hold clues to what happened' - Telegraph

Founder of anti-drug program is held in drug sting - Los Angeles Times

Online postings led police to suspect in cat killings - South Florida - MiamiHerald.com

My Way News - Va. women's prison segregated lesbians, others

Prostitute Dies After Being Held in Scorching Outdoor Prison Cell - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Fullerton man hits lottery jackpot twice | sanders, lottery, zayid, mega, tickets - News - OCRegister.com

BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft to give away anti-virus

Nearby Star May Be Getting Ready to Explode - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Supervolcano may be brewing beneath Mount St Helens - environment - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist

Supporters hope for Mount St. Helens loop highway | KATU.com - Portland, Oregon | News

Scientists lock horns over moose classification

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Hummingbirds 'faster than jets'

Pictured: Giant blue whale floats belly-up after being killed in a tragic collision with a ship

Santa Clara woman says she has Joseph Smith photo | thespectrum.com | The Spectrum

Death of a village outside Luxor that lived off ancient tombs - Times Online

One Room Schoolhouse Closes Its Doors for Good

Cryptomundo » Modern Merbeings?

"Human"-Faced Missing Link Found in Spain?

The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Land of the Roamin’ Gnomes: Southern “Little People” and Gnomes Abroad

The Paranormal Pastor: Mystery Marks

All News Web - UFO disclosure: What went wrong in France?

Scientists Believe Mt. St. Helens Could Be a Supervolcano - Associated Content

BBC NEWS | Health | Fingerprint grip theory rejected

Apparitions Scare Staff at Refurbished Church

Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Faster Than Expected; Larger Contributor To Sea-level Rise Than Thought

Ananova - Burglar bit through steel bars

No Brainer Behavior / Science News


Nude, Mona Lisa-Like Painting Surfaces: Discovery News

Time moves too slowly for hyperactive boys - health - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist

The audacity of violence

Where's the birth certificate?

Why Obama scares me, too

The Obama Haters’ Silent Enablers | CommonDreams.org

Will Obama cap Bernanke?

An American nightmare

Obama expects us to believe …

Big Brother stole my TV

Idea doesn't ring no bell

Christians, here come the lions

'Huffington Post spreading anti-Semitic hate'

Hamas slams Netanyahu's major policy address

Pushback sought against talk radio censorship

Obama Tries to Woo Doctors on Health Care Reform Plan

Study links some ADHD meds to rare deaths

Report: Medicare Expansion Would Not Solve Problems

GE Offers No-Interest Financing for Health-Care Technology

US implements vaccine plans

AP NewsBreak: VA inspections show training flaws

Officials say mosquitoes are breeding faster

Court-Ordered Chemotherapy Paying Off as Minnesota Boy's Tumor Shrinks

Take precautions when in the sun

YouTube - Obama Urges Health Care System Overhaul

“Fire David Letterman” protest gains momentum

Captain America, thought dead, comes back to life

Hundreds Attend LA Funeral for David Carradine

YouTube - Stars gather for David Carradine's funeral

Four Illinois casinos sue former governor

5M Facebook Users Rushed for Vanities

NASA Return to Lunar Orbit Will Scout for Future Human Exploration

Mir Hossein Mousavi's supporters say the election has been rigged

Palestinians Object to Netanyahu's Suggestion They Demilitarize

In full: Leaders on Iraq inquiry

S. Korea Expected to Seek Reaffirmation of US Nuclear Protection

British hostage feared murdered by al-Qaeda in Yemen

Canada Liberals Prepared To Bring Down Govt

Pakistani Army Continues Northwest Offensive

Twitter spearheads Iranian elections coverage in US

Indian, Pakistani leaders expected to meet on Tuesday

Convicted 'Cuban Five' spies lose bid for new trial

Nigerian militants threaten international football tournament

Israel jails journalists for Gaza invasion report

McChrystal takes over in Afghanistan

Bermudan, U.S. Governments Take Hits for Moving Uighurs Out of Guantanamo - Political News - FOXNews.com

Lady Thatcher detained in hospital for several more days

Report: Zimbabwe minister complains of Obama bias

Gabon qualifier postponed after Bongo death

Lieberman Says Obama Off to 'Good Start,' Cites Cairo Speech

Before Muslims, Obama uses family background to urge US-Islam respect

EU agrees to take Guantanamo detainees

YouTube - Iran: dozens arrested in crackdown on protesters

YouTube - EU: Netanyahu Speech Does Not Answer All Questions

YouTube - North Korea Warns of Nuclear War

YouTube - US Gen McChrystal Takes Command in Afghanistan

YouTube - Gabon: thousands pay their respects to late president Bongo

Obama Lays Out Plans for National Health System

NY Governor Demands Action in Senate Leadership Dispute

Administration calls for financial system overhaul

Geithner Says US Goal Will Be 'More Boring' Financial System

Cheney: I Hope Panetta Was 'Misquoted' in Claiming My Wish for Attack

CIA Fired Firms Aiding Questioning

Sotomayor embracing affirmative action, then and now

Court Watch: Sotomayor's Dissents -- and Temperament

Son of suspect says museum shooting unforgivable

President's Half-Brother George the Latest Obama to Sign Book Deal

Child, 2 Adults Found Dead in Florida Home

GOP watch: Over the line?

Police Searching for Suspect After Fatal Double Shooting

2 Killed in Virginia Bus Station Shooting; Police Search for Suspect

Mayors say cities need direct economic help

Mayors consider whether to accept a White House invitation

Court turns down Texas counties over border fence

Supreme Court Rejects Case to Stop US-Mexico Border Fence

'Mediocre' Arts Skills for American Eighth-Graders

Boy Shot By 12-Year-Old Brother Dies

Think he's smoking something other than lettuce

Cigarette Advertising

Duncan says rigorous testing key to future

Union rejects Bell Helicopter's offer

YouTube - Obama Urges Health Care System Overhaul

*audio - Savage talks to BBC Radio

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Shots fired at Iran protest rally - Iran- msnbc.com

Al Qaeda's American traitor, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, blasts Israel - and own Jewish relatives - in video

My Way News - NKorea warns of nuclear war amid rising tensions

Sub collides with sonar array towed by U.S. Navy ship - CNN.com

Some projects raise question: Where's the stimulus? - Los Angeles Times


PRUDEN: When discontent stalks the land - Washington Times


Giant Obama Bust spends the night in Madison parking lot - WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports

Welcome to the post-alternative medicine world

Netanyahu defies Obama with harsh conditions for Palestinian 'entity' - Times Online

'Netanyahu is ruining peace chances'

My Way News - Hospitals oppose Obama's Medicare, Medicaid cuts

Obama hits 'fear-mongering' on health care changes

My Way News - Bill Clinton: United States growing more diverse

America's 'Bermuda solution' angers Britain - Americas, World - The Independent

David Miliband calls Hillary Clinton to voice anger over Guantánamo inmates' transfer to Bermuda - Telegraph

George H.W. Bush rejects Pelosi charges of CIA lies - Washington Times

Students are toff their heads

Ahmadinejad delays Russia visit after election | World | Reuters

“Conservatives” Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

French prosecutor seeks dissolution of Scientology | Entertainment | Reuters

Calvin Klein Stirs Up Controversy With Racy Soho Billboard - wcbstv.com

Survey: Family time eroding as Internet use soars

World's first face, hands transplant patient dies

Breitbart.tv » ‘This Interview is Over’: Barney Frank Walks Off Live CNBC Interview on Executive Pay

Videotaped remarks shed light on Sotomayor

CNSNews.com - Sotomayor Failed to Disclose to Senate Memo in Which She Argued Death Penalty Is 'Racist'

Right-wing extremists face extra scrutiny - Washington Times

Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world - Telegraph

Nicene Truth: E. Michael Jones Interview (4 Pts.)


YouTube - Weird Kid Starts Huge Dance Party at Sasquatch Festival

Devvy Kidd -- Who is the Real Newt Gingrich? Part 1

Devvy Kidd -- Who is the Real Newt Gingrich? Part 2

A 'time bomb' for world wheat crop - Los Angeles Times

Ken Klukowski : Senior Democrat Says Obama's Czars Unconstitutional - Townhall.com

New film exposes unsavoury side of US food industry - Telegraph

U.S. Homebuilder Confidence Unexpectedly Fell in June

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Medicare for all may be the best cure for the US

Alleged US massacre in Afghanistan 'provoked by false information' - Telegraph

Inheritance levy planned for long-term care of the elderly | Society | The Observer

Man takes knife through airport security but stopped for bottle of water - Telegraph

Campers treated to night-time display in the sky as 'UFO' lights move above them | Mail Online

Names of judges found guilty of misconduct to stay secret | UK news | The Guardian

Ahmadinejad says victory is blow to 'oppressive' world - Telegraph

Shots fired as more than 100,000 Iranians defy rally ban | World news | guardian.co.uk

North Korea claims US could provoke nuclear war - Telegraph

Benjamin Netanyahu supports creation of demilitarised Palestinian state - Telegraph

Palestinians reject Benjamin Netanyahu speech - Telegraph

Australia calls for aviation to be part of climate change treaty | Business | guardian.co.uk

Volcanic eruption creates giant cloud threatening planes - Telegraph

As Iraq runs dry, a plague of snakes is unleashed - Nature, Environment - The Independent

Italy revives 'Blackshirt' vigilantes as fears of Fascism sparks investigation | Mail Online

Japan and China fight it out for right to mine lithium under Bond's battlefield - Times Online

Koogle, a kosher Google, launches - Telegraph

FT.com / Brussels - EU plans tougher cybercrime laws

Pakistan orders manhunt for Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud | World news | guardian.co.uk

Senate Bill SB-2099 - Stealth Attack On Gun Ownership

Hate Laws - Out To Get Pro-Lifers

Obama ‘Czars’ - A Zionist Shadow Government | Real Zionist News

Howard Dean Shoots Down Norah O'Donnell's Republican Talking Points on Health Care

Critical Mass

Panetta on Cheney's Attack Warnings: Wishful Thinking?


Transcript - Interview with Vice President Biden

Transcript - Guests: Senators McConnell and Durbin

Transcript - Guests: Senators Grassley and Dodd

Transcript - Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care & Spending

Transcript - Press Conference with Sec. Clinton and FM Cannon

Transcript - Interview with Governor Sarah Palin

Transcript - Shields and Brooks on Health Care Reform & Gov. Palin

Transcript - Obama's Health Care Townhall in Green Bay

Transcript - Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

Transcript - Fmr. Mass. Governor Swift on the Palin/Letterman Feud

Transcript - Panel on Moving Guantanamo's Uighurs

Transcript - Gene Sperling's Testimony on Compensation

Transcript - Roundtable on the Compensation Czar

Transcript - Liz Cheney and James Carville Debate

Transcript - Interview with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice

Transcript - White House Press Briefing Secretary Locke

Transcript - Obama's Remarks on PAYGO

Transcript - Panel on the First Gitmo Prisoner in the U.S.

Transcript - Rep. Mark Kirk on China Losing Faith in the Dollar

Transcript - Analysts Discuss Banks Paying Back TARP

Transcript - Obama and Biden on Accelerating the Stimulus

Transcript - Interview with Sarah Palin

Transcript - Experts on Two Americans Being Held By North Korea

Transcript - Secretary Clinton Receives Alice Award

Transcript - Guests: Shelby, Goolsbee, Schmidt and Malek

Transcript - Guests: David Axelrod and Newt Gingrich

Transcript - Interview with Secretary Hillary Clinton


O'Reilly, Beck Respond To Attacks From Krugman

ABC's 20/20 Profiles FOX's Glenn Beck

Clinton: We Hope Election Reflects "Genuine Will And Desire" Of Iranians

Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care Reform As Key To Our Fiscal Future

Iranians Riot Over Presidential Election Results

Rove: Blocking State-Run Health Care Is GOP's "Top Priority"

Rep. Pence On GOP Energy Plan

Olbermann Describes Palin As A "Pit Bull"

Bill Maher Calls Obama A "Celebrity"

Education Secretary Arne Duncan On Nation's Schools

O'Reilly On A "Defeat For The Far Left"

Matthews: Obama Inherited "Crap" From Bush

Netanyahu Agrees To Limited Palestinian State

Sebelius: Health Care Costs Are "Crushing Us"

Sen. Durbin On Health Care Tax, Sotomayor

Flashback: Obama Campaigned On Pro-Gay Agenda

Sen. McConnell On Health Care, Sotomayor

Biden "Doubts" Iranian Election Results Are Accurate

Sens. Dodd, Grassley Debate Health Care

Ahmadinejad: "A New Era Has Begun"

Romney: Health Care Doesn't Need Government Intervention

Biden Hesitant To Admit Taxes Will Pay For Programs

Rep. Pence: Obama Should Support Iranian Reformers

Biden Explains Program That Saves Jobs

Sen. Cardin On Sotomayor, Iranian Elections

FOX News Sunday Panel On North Korea

Ahmadinejad Spins Question About Legitimacy Of Election

Sen. McCain: Panetta Should "Retract" Cheney Comment

Iranian Crowd Cheers Mousavi's Car Rooftop Speech

Obama Pushes Health Reform Plan At AMA

Chamber Of Commerce's Tom Donohue On "FOX News Sunday"

LaHood: Flying Public Needs To Be Ensured They're Safe

Gov. Sanford On Economy, Unifying GOP

Iran Elections: Thousands Defy Rally Ban

Sen. Durbin Cashes Out On Stock After Meeting With Fed

Rep. Ron Paul On "Socialized Medicine"

Netanyahu: "We'll Find Common Ground"

Sen. Barrasso Questions Obama's Healthcare Reform

Daschle On Obama's Effort To Reform Health Care

Iran Challenger Cries Foul

Streets of Iran

Netanyahu Endorses Disarmed Palestine

Crackdown in Iran Protests

Somalia: Caught In Mogadishu War

Fareed Zakaria: What Now for Iran?

'New Financial Foundation' Plan to Be Released This Week

Wait to Buy Gold?

Goolsbee: The Financial Market Reform Plan

Is the Government Picking Winners & Losers?

The Barron's Roundtable: A Midyear Update

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

Bill Cunningham Sunday 6/14 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham Sunday 6/14 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham Sunday 6/14 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 3

feature video

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 6