"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 June 2009


11-year-old Reincarnated - WJW

Symptoms Of Swine Flu And What To Do


Senate Approves Tight Regulation Over Cigarettes - NYTimes.com

Network-centric Warfare

HATE Incorporated

AP Exclusive: No Carradine suicide, expert says - Yahoo! News

41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11 [Voltaire]

Immigration and overpopulation: you can eat too much and grow too fat

James von Brunn's Account Of His 1981 Fed Attack

Obama, The Second Coming of Moses, Exodus Preparations « heshamtillawi

20 Things The Illuminati Can Teach You

Human Skull Found in Sacrificial Rituals Room, Police Say - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

savethemales.ca - "Mommy, Why Do People Want to Kill Jews?"


What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon

EU security proposals are 'dangerously authoritarian' - Telegraph

Is PVC Plumbing Really Better Than Copper?

ALIPAC - Immigration Enforcement Group Defends Against Amnesty Push

The Conquest of Eurasia: NATO's War For The World's Heartland

06-12-2009: More Sickening Truths About Torture Soon To Be Revealed

06-12-2009: Climate Laws Add To Police Workload

06-11-2009: US House to debate Ron Paul's Audit The Fed Bill

06-11-2009: 'New world order' needs better economic grounding: Carney

06-11-2009: Departments to Toughen Standards for Mining

Auditing The Federal Reserve Will Not Result In Positive Monetary Reforms

*H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)

The European Union is stepping up efforts to build an enhanced pan-European system of security and surveillance which critics have described as “dangerously authoritarian”.

Lawmakers Invested in Bailed-Out Firms

'Robocop' gadget developed for police

Smile On The Face Of The Tiger

It's Time For A Second American Revolution

Beyond Golden Rice: The Rockefeller Foundation's long-term agenda behind Genetically Modified Food

From the Airbus to the Spaceplane: The Future of Commercial Aviation

U.S. War Privatization Results in Billions Lost in Fraud, Waste and Abuse--Report

Obama administration rejects limits on bankers’ pay

Network-centric Warfare

Oil and Islam. Will America Shift Away from Its Past Unilateralist Policies?

The Human Tracking Microchip

9/11 ‘special master’ appointed czar to oversee executive pay

Clearing up myths about the EFCA

video - The Age of Transitions

Obscure 1943 Book reveals German Plan for World Government

Police GPS surveillance raises legal questions

China extends detention of leading dissident

Government Implemented Thousands of New Regulations Costing $1.17 Trillion in 2008

Congressional Republicans Speak Out against Obama's Plan for Government-Owned Health Care

Judeo-Christian Heritage Bill Challenges Obama’s Claim That U.S. Is A Secular Nation

Tobacco Control Bill Makes Government More Powerful

Oliver North: Obama 'Deeply Seeks Affirmation from America's Enemies'

Obama Appeals Closure of U.S. Airbase in Central Asia, Drawing Mixed Signals From Kyrgyzstan

Palestinian Boy Accused of ‘Collaborating’ With Israel Killed by His Own Family

Obama Fires AmeriCorps Inspector-General; Republicans Wonder, Was It Political?

Obama Confronts Critics on Health Care Overhaul

David Letterman Still Joking About Sarah Palin Backlash

Will the FCC Press Hollywood?

Obama’s Fast Track to Socialized Medicine

Miranda, Terrorists and Lawyers

Miss Affirmative Action, 2009

Asia Times Online - Nuclear war is Kim Jong-il's game plan

North Korea, Iran joined on missile work: U.S. general | International | Reuters

Local military, civilian police training builds skills

U.S. Northern Command News - NORAD and USNORTHCOM exercise planned for mid-June

Aztec temple promises to yield one of antiquity’s great treasures - Times Online

Technology Review:Acoustic Black Hole Created in Bose-Einstein Condensate

MercatorNet. - The Singularity is near

Trinidad News - The 2012 apocalypse

Mutating Matter: Revolutionary New Technology Creates “Soft” Robots That Flow Like Mercury

The BRAD BLOG : The Terrorists Are Winning...

The BRAD BLOG : Video Lament of the Moment: 'Mad Avenue Blues'

The BRAD BLOG : 'Project Expose MSM' Report #1

The BRAD BLOG : 'Project Expose MSM' Report #2

NOW Liz Cheney Thinks We Should Be Careful About Using Words Like Terrorism

Joan Walsh upsets poor BillO, so Ingraham counters: Dr. Tiller is just like Jeff Gannon!

Pastor Drake Prays For Obama's Death. I'm not kidding you

The NRO's Ed Whelan apologizes for outing blogger

New Michael Moore Movie Looks At The Financial Meltdown. It Opens Oct. 2nd, Don't Miss It

Carrie Prejean fired as Miss California by Trump

Rachel Maddow uncovers new threats on abortion clinics

Merkley Takes Aim at Opponents of Health Care Reform for Reading Frank Luntz's Talking Points

Sen. Kent Conrad says "screw you" to the health-care coalition, since we don't have a vote in Congress

Karl Rove calls Maureen Dowd 'a bitter, twisted, deranged columnist' because she pointed out George Bush liked his vacation days

Tom Coburn Misleads on VA, Repeats More of Frank Luntz's Talking Points on Health Care

Ahmadinejad & Obama - kindred spirits?

More Obama Thuggery

When does the Big O 'own' the economy?

NPR: Ahmadinejad supporters akin to Republican Evangelicals

Bibi should give his speech as the leader of the free world

Rev. Wright: 'Paranoid... madman... more dangerous' (than Holocaust Museum shooter)

'Hidden taxes' already biting

IAEA Straw Poll on new Director General

Axelrod: 'Who's blaming Bush?'

Oh - you mean 'them Jews'

News Corp's 'Diversity Council'

Michael Steele: The Faltering Leader of a Struggling Party

Still Open Season on Sarah Palin

Obama's Missed Opportunity

Time To Use the 'T Word'

Obama's Address to Muslims misses the Point

Fusion energy

Nationalizing Public Education Comes After Health Care

The Liberal Housing Crash

Obama's Moral Slide Rule

How to Really Create or Save Two Million Jobs

audio flashback / Ayatollah Redux - 1979 | Newstalgia

Olbermann Drags Dr Paul’s Name Into The von Brunn Picture

Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan, CIA says

Rand says US unlikely to contain Iran

Death worship & Illuminati symbols in Kohl’s department store

*AUDIO: Dr. Ron Paul discusses bill to audit Fed

Nobel Economist Stiglitz: Government’s Response is WORSE than Socialism

Freedom Watch with Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie & More 06/10/09

Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show: Their Time Has Come “Audit The FED!”

Bernanke in denial about looming crisis 2005-2007

Richard Haass again ignores Bilderberg questions from We Are Change Chicago

You did it! Bill to audit the Fed to go to house floor

DEMOCRATIC List of Shame - As of June 10, 2009 | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

REPUBLICAN List of Shame | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

S 604: Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009. Companion bill to HR1207. Complete with names and phone numbers. | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

*S.604: Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009 -... OpenCongress

United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs : Committee Information

Call Mockingbird Operative Glenn Beck’s Producer

Fraudsters eye huge stimulus pie, consultant says

archive - CNSNews.com - Treasury Secretary's Secret Talking Points Reveal That Banks Were Forced to Surrender Ownership Stakes to Government

Teachers urged to join MI5 - Telegraph

Obama Bows on Settling Detainees

SPACE.com -- Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified

Mandelson praises 'great success' of Euro saying it is aim of Britain to join | Mail Online

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 11th With Lew Rockwell

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 10th With Ron Paul

Fascialism: The New American System by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Frame of Mind of American Economic Policymakers by Marc Faber

James W. Von Brunn and the Poison of Racist Collectivism by Anthony Gregory

Confronting the CIA's Mind Maze by Tom Engelhardt and Alfred W. McCoy

Jim Rogers: Commodities, ETFs Are the Solution-06/08/2009

Bill To Audit Fed Sponsored By More Than Half Of House

World's Richest Women - Forbes.com

YouTube - The State Is Not God audio by Iswuz Wilby

Former US diplomat hopeful for change after Iran election - WashingtonTV تلویزیون واشنگتن

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Christian Nation? Think again

Revealed: Blackwater Still Working in Iraq for John McCain-linked 'Non-Profit' | PEEK | AlterNet

Abuse Photos Part of Agreement on Military Spending - NYTimes.com

Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists by Ron Paul

New farming minister appointed to champion ailing livestock industry is a vegetarian | Mail Online

Nation Digest: Sentence Reduced in Pentagon-AIPAC Case - washingtonpost.com

Fake military veteran hid under 'ocean of lies' - CNN.com

Barrie Zwicker interviews MI5 whistleblower Annie Machon at University of Waterloo | 911Blogger.com

John Bolton's Iranian Erection | Charting Stocks

American's Journey: Public Outcry in America: The Sound of ONE HAND clapping

Holocaust Museum Shooting, Other Recent Attacks Prove Domestic Extremism a Threat - US News and World Report

American's Journey: How Confident are You that finding Osama bin Laden is a U.S. goal?

Stunning HR 1207 Victory! New Target: S 604 | BREAK THE MATRIX

YouTube - Phoenix Program Vietnam (#42)

Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

CIA chief says bin Laden in Pakistan - Yahoo! News

Complete silence from the Anti-Defamation League on racist Obama hate video « Under The Radar Media

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Two Face Glenn Beck - “911 truthers want to Destroy the Country”

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Military Joining The American Resistance To Protect The Constitution

Napolitano on DHS partnering with ADL; admits shift in enforcement focus; trying to repeal REAL ID; "reform" is a "mission"

Times Online - Science Central - WBLG: Is there a Life On Mars Conspiracy?

Solar system's planets could spin out of control - space - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist

My Trash's Afterlife (Parts 1, 2, and 3) | Mother Jones

Earthfiles.com Environment | Update Podcast: Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Typhoons trigger slow earthquakes


Detainees freed from Guantanamo Bay prison will be neighbors of Mayor Bloomberg in Bermuda

Obama ousts AmeriCorps' IG who investigated friend - Yahoo! News

Jones On the Outs With Obama? Gates Defends National Security Adviser - Political News - FOXNews.com

Congresswoman's abandoned house angers neighbors - Los Angeles Times

Right-wing extremists face extra scrutiny - Washington Times

Computer 'raid' in Vernon leaves factory workers devastated - Los Angeles Times


Calif. towns challenge feds on military recruiting

The commandments of Capitol Hill - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Today Show:Palin: Letterman crossed the line

Iranians vote in droves, rival victory claims | Reuters

Obama ousts AmeriCorps' IG who investigated friend - Yahoo! News

What's behind Obama's sudden attempt to fire the AmeriCorps inspector general? | Washington Examiner

Trashing food scraps? This city will fine you - Environment- msnbc.com

My Way News - No smoking: Historic vote could bring new limits

My Way News - AP source: NKorea may be prepping new nuclear test

SKorea braces for possible 3rd nuke test by North - Yahoo! News

S.Korea sends more troops to N.Korea border

Binyamin Netanyahu may yield to two-state solution after pressure from Obama - Times Online

Israel PM told to keep silent on 'Palestinian state'

New Miss California: Marriage between man, woman

Japan Probes Report Two Seized With Undeclared Bonds (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

My Way News - Sarah Palin: Letterman owes women an apology

Sarah Palin Calls for Uprising Against Letterman for Joke About Daughters Bristol and Willow - ABC News

Boy Hit by Meteorite - Yahoo! News

Fast Action by Guards Saved Lives, Officials Say

My Way News - Obama taps more big donors for ambassadorships

Madonna Wins Adoption Battle - CBS News

No. 2 House Republican compares Obama to Putin

Chavez: Gov't may shutter critical TV channel - Yahoo! News

More porn HIV cases disclosed - Los Angeles Times

Rude roof on Google Earth | The Sun |News

White House Sends Signals on Deficit - WSJ.com

Obama's healthcare sales pitch | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearPolitics - New Bill Ends Government-Run Companies

RealClearPolitics - Hovering on High: Obama Surveys the World

Op-Ed Columnist - The Big Hate - NYTimes.com

Christine M. Flowers: Abortion distortion | Philadelphia Daily News | 06/12/2009

Why Israelis Are Cool on the Obama Speech - WSJ.com

Decline and Fall: Donald Rumsfeld's Dramatic End - washingtonpost.com

Iran Votes -Times Online

Editorial: Too much meddling | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Editorials | PETA's fish-toss fit is so silly, there's got to be a catch | Seattle Times Newspaper

With few specifics, Obama tells Green Bay crowd health care should change - JSOnline

Consumer Watchdog Gains Key Supporter

TheHill.com - GOP mulls summer sequel protest on gas prices

Departments to Toughen Standards for Mining - NYTimes.com

Our view on paying for health reform: Soda tax falls flat - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Did David Letterman get a free pass? - Broadsheet - Salon.com

Wall Street’s Toxic Message

Thomas Kostigen's Ethics Monitor: Finally, SEC steps in to protect investors - MarketWatch

It's Official--The Era of Cheap Oil Is Over

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Neither Taxing Nor Rationing CO2 Survives Cost Vs. Benefit Analysis

Spending Stimulus Money Takes Money

Is safer flying worth the cost? - MSN Money - Extra

How Bad is the Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Scandal? - The Atlantic Business Channel

CrossingWallStreet.com: Barney Frank Runs Away from Tough Questioning

In G.M.’s Chairman, a Choice Beyond Politics - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Morgan Stanley - Coming to Terms with the Term Premium

High Gas Prices Could Slow Recovery

How Iran Could Save the Middle East - The Atlantic (July/August 2009)

Iran's democratic genie is out of the bottle | Martin Fletcher - Times Online

Jordan Times - The lessons of Lebanon’s elections

Daddy Dearest

Foreign Policy: China's De-Socialized Medicine

RealClearWorld - Articles - Is the Muslim World Moderating?

TYRRELL: Israeli settlements - Washington Times

Iran: carnival and caricature | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

EDITORIAL: The North Korean succession - Washington Times

Editorial - China’s Computer Folly - NYTimes.com

transcript - Obama's Health Care Townhall in Green Bay

transcript - Speaker Pelosi's Weekly Press Conference

transcript - Gene Sperling's Testimony on Compensation

transcript - Roundtable on the Compensation Czar

transcript - Liz Cheney and James Carville Debate

transcript - Interview with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice

transcript - White House Press Briefing Secretary Locke

transcript - Obama's Remarks on PAYGO

transcript - Panel on the First Gitmo Prisoner in the U.S.

transcript - Rep. Mark Kirk on China Losing Faith in the Dollar

transcript - Analysts Discuss Banks Paying Back TARP

transcript - Obama and Biden on Accelerating the Stimulus

transcript - Interview with Sarah Palin

transcript - Experts on Two Americans Being Held By North Korea

transcript - Secretary Clinton Receives Alice Award

Senators Lieberman and Graham on Torture Photos

President of Palau on Taking In The Uighurs

MSNBC's Matthews: Palin Needs To "Crack The Books"

Property: Private, Common and Collective.

Guards Who Shot Back at Von Brunn Identified

YouTube - Museum to Reopen After Tribute to Fallen Officer

Tobacco Bill Gives FDA New Power

Rockefeller poser found guilty of kidnapping

YouTube - Raw Video: 'Rockefeller' Convicted of Kidnapping

GM signs up over 95 percent of eligible dealers

Obama: 'Doing nothing' about health care not an option

YouTube - Obama Confronts Critics on Health Care Overhaul

Sen. Boxer Pushes EPA to Reveal 'High Hazard' Coal Ash Sites

Rep. Patrick Kennedy again receiving treatment

Biden: Michigan will get $2 billion for recovery

YouTube - Stimulus brings VP Joe Biden to K'zoo

Wright Says He Didn't Criticize All Jews

Putin sends 85th birthday wishes to Bush Sr.

Analysis: Republicans may gain ethics issue

Sotomayor Praises Affirmative Action

Agriculture Offsets -- a Savior or a Boondoggle?

Drugmakers rush to produce a swine flu vaccine

YouTube - W.H.O. Calls Outbreak a Flu Pandemic - NYTimes.com/Video

Baucus, Grassley Seek to Salvage Health-Care Bill

New gout drug works, with risks, FDA says

LA Health Officials Confirm More Porn HIV Cases

Human Genome Sciences shares jump on test results

California Man Jailed for Medical Marijuana

US smoking curbs: Readers react

"Smoke your lettuce;" House debating tobacco regulation bill

Nanoparticle lung threat blocked

Lilly Sold Drug for Dementia Knowing It Didn't Help, Files Show

What John Travolta could have done to help autism, how about now?

Nursing Shortage Eases With Recession's Help

First Injectable Form of Ibuprofen Approved by FDA

US lawmakers tussle over generic biologic drugs

Pharmacy groups sue over Medicaid reimbursement

Madonna Wins Right to Adopt 'Mercy' From Malawi

The Digital Wheel of Fortune

YouTube - Switch to Digital Television Takes Place Friday

Palin attacks Letterman again: Joke was about 'statutory rape'

Chaz Bono Can Soon Tie Knot

Will Cher's Daughter Be New Face of Transgender Community?

Letterman has the stuff to conquer late night

YouTube - Conan O'Brien Loses Late-Night Lead - Bloomberg

Carrie Prejean Cries Foul over Treatment

Carradine's Family Speaks Out for First Time Since Death

Headed for Playboy

Summers Sees Economy Improving, Interventions Minimal

Treasury Makes $25B In Financing Available To States

Crude Oil Falls on Record Drop in European Industrial Output - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Global Demand For Crude Oil - Bloomberg

UN climate chief confident of global warming pact

Will Corporate Bonds Yield to Government Pressure?

Stocks follow oil prices lower

US gold falls 2 pct, below $940/oz as dollar jumps

Yahoo names GE veteran as CFO

Houston leads state with cheapest gasoline

Mortgage Insurers to the Rescue?

Obama's Homeowners' Bailout: Is It Working?

Global Payments buys HSBC Merchant Services

Why Mozilla could beat IE in a European ground war

Dude — Dell's Making Money Off Twitter!

Legality of China Web Filter Is Challenged

Astronauts set for big gathering

Scribd To Offer Simon & Schuster Books Online

AOL to acquire local startup Going Inc.

A users' guide to personalizing your Facebook URL

Microsoft Launches Search Engine for China — But Don't Call It Bing

Microsoft's Free Antivirus: Is This An Apology?

Iranians fired up over election

Leader of Iraq parliament's Sunni Arab bloc assassinated

Key excerpts from UN North Korea resolution

YouTube - In-Depth Look - All Eyes on North Korea - Bloomberg

Suicide bombers strike Pakistan mosque, seminary

YouTube - Pakistani Taliban carries out revenge attacks - 12 Jun 09

In Perspective: Obama is right, it's time for honesty

Air France searchers struggle in worsening weather

YouTube - Air France 447 Victim Search to End Next Week

NATO backs US shake-up in Afghan command

UN climate chief confident of global warming pact

Chadian released from Guantanamo

YouTube - Uighurs face new island home - 10 Jun 09

Q+A-What next in Pakistan's battle with militants?

YouTube - Beating Video May Turn Tide Against Taliban

European women forced to do men's jobs, Gaddafi says

YouTube - Raw Video: Gadhafi Visits Italy for 1st Time

US student at murder trial says police beat her

Australia tries to stem fallout from attacks on Indian students

India Proposes to Phase Troops Out of Towns in Kashmir

Court Postpones Trial of Aung San Suu Kyi

Thousands march over Peru clashes

YouTube - Peru's indigenous groups vow to fight for land - 12 Jun 09

Harper: Canadian Economy Starting To Recover

Call to release S Lanka displaced

Labour MPs threaten own manifesto

Chinese official hacked to death in tea pavilion dispute - Telegraph

Climate pact in jeopardy as China refuses to cut carbon emissions - Times Online

Two bomb blasts hit Pakistan | World news | guardian.co.uk

Palin, Parker and Prejean -- Again

Barney Frank walks off the set of CNBC

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Japan minister deals heavy blow to Aso


MORIAH CONQUERING WIND: If You Are Stressed Now, Just Wait

Metatron - Crystalinks

The New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon (incomplete)

YouTube - The One

video - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


Sen. McCain: Obama Is "Wrong" On Health Care

Senator Conrad on Health Care Reform

Sebelius: Health Care Spending An Investment

O'Reilly: Pelosi Putting Troops In Danger

Update: Wright Says He Meant "Zionists" Not "Jews"

Obama Denounces Health Care Naysayers

Limbaugh: "Anti-Jew Rhetoric" From American Left

Rep. Frank Walks Off CNBC Over Exec Pay Questions

Malkin: Letterman Suffers From "Palin Derangement Syndrome"

Sotomayor: "I Am A Product Of Affirmative Action"

Palin: Letterman "Crossed The Line"

Dean Calls CNBC Host "Propagandist" For Challenging Public Health Care

BlackRock Buys Barclays Unit for $13.5 Billion

Will Rising Oil Prices Derail Recovery?

Home Depot: Back to the Basics

Oil Heading to $40, Natural Gas a Better Bet

Ken Lewis On the Hill

Callaway Gets a Hole-in-One

Landmark Tobacco Legislation Passes...

Stimulus Fraud Set to Soar

EU Outlook: "Really Gloomy"

Iran Gripped by Election Fever

RCW Iranian Elections Panel

N. Korea Court Convicts U.S. Journalists

Pakistan: Attack On Luxury Hotel

UK: Labour Party Reeling

Record Turnout Anticipated For Iran Election

Mousavi Speaks to Al Jazeera


***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

06/11 The Mark Levin Show

06/10 The Mark Levin Show

06/09 The Mark Levin Show

06/08 The Mark Levin Show


Von Brunn as a 'Lone Wolf': Killers act alone, but these are not 'isolated incidents'

Election: Iran's decision to oust Ahmadinejad – or not

YouTube - Reaction: Could a new president change Iran?

UN Security Council imposes new sanctions on N. Korea

YouTube - In-Depth Look - All Eyes on North Korea - Bloomberg

Leader of Iraq parliament's Sunni Arab bloc assassinated

Climate Change Conference Ends Without Agreement

Taliban critic slain in Pakistan suicide bombing

YouTube - Pakistani Taliban carries out revenge attacks - 12 Jun 09

Airspeed sensors eyed in crash of Air France Flight 447

YouTube - Air France 447 Victim Search to End Next Week

Did Air France Flight 447 break up midair?

Israeli PM Faces Pressure Ahead of Major Policy Speech

Chadian released from Guantanamo

YouTube - Uighurs face new island home - 10 Jun 09

NATO backs US shake-up in Afghan command

Women give Gaddafi mixed response

Q+A-What next in Pakistan's battle with militants?

YouTube - Beating Video May Turn Tide Against Taliban

RPT-Zimbabwe prime minister to ask Obama for US help

Thousands march over Peru clashes

YouTube - Peru's indigenous groups vow to fight for land - 12 Jun 09

Amanda Knox 'had sex and smoked cannabis on night of Meredith ...

NATO Agrees to Restructuring of Military Command in Afghanistan

Holocaust survivor: Museum shooter akin to suicide bomber

Museum to Reopen After Tribute to Fallen Officer

Lawyers: 'Rockefeller" verdicts expected, surprising

YouTube - Raw Video: 'Rockefeller' Convicted of Kidnapping

At 85, ex-president Bush skydives over Maine coast

Back on Hill, Automakers Defend Dealer Closings

Obama: 'Doing nothing' about health care not an option

YouTube - Obama Confronts Critics on Health Care Overhaul

Obama's Secret Moves On Health Care

President Obama Fires Controversial Inspector General

Sen. Boxer Pushes EPA to Reveal 'High Hazard' Coal Ash Sites

Rev. Jeremiah Wright apologizes for statements in Daily Press

Fallen Pa. trooper remembered as hero, joker

SFO scores $15 million from stimulus

FOX News Poll: 46 Percent Would Vote To Confirm Sotomayor

YouTube - NY Man Has Bad Memories of Sotomayor

Hoboken's tight mayoral race apparently settled

Analysis: Republicans may gain ethics issue

Re-use of bath, kitchen water on gardens now legal

IRS: cell phone tax notice to save firms money

GM reportedly nears deal to sell Saab

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Swedish Auto Shake-Up - Bloomberg

Dell Does $3 Million In Sales Through Twitter

Why Mozilla could beat IE in a European ground war

Legality of China Web Filter Is Challenged

A users' guide to personalizing your Facebook URL

Microsoft's Free Antivirus: Is This An Apology?

Prison Term for a Seller of Medical Marijuana

Let's Expand the Duties of the New 'Pay Czar' - Neil Cavuto | Your World - FOXNews.com

Sotomayor Praises Affirmative Action - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Nancy Pelosi Putting American Troops in Even More Danger - Bill O'Reilly | The O'Reilly Factor - FOXNews.com

First Planet in Another Galaxy Possibly Found - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

U.S. Administration Pleased With Iranian Election Participation - Political News - FOXNews.com

Man Claims Restaurant's Undercooked Salmon Gave Him 9-Foot Tapeworm - Infectious Disease - FOXNews.com

RAW DATA: The Judicial Process in Federal Criminal Cases - Political News - FOXNews.com

Did Firefighters Stand a Chance Against Sotomayor? - Political News - FOXNews.com

Blogger Admits Story of Terminally Ill Baby Is a Lie - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

1,000 New Pages of Discovery Released in Casey Anthony Murder Case - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Palin: Letterman Owes Young Women an Apology - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

U.N. Security Council Approves Expanded North Korea Sanctions - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

FOX News Poll: 46 Percent Would Vote To Confirm Sotomayor - Political News - FOXNews.com

Space.com : Wild Ride Through the Galaxy

Space.com : Would You Drink It?

"Anti-Abortion Violence and Terrorism Has to Stop" - One of Last Doctors to Practice Later-Term Abortions Blasts Murder of His Friend George Tiller

Airplane went down in volatile equatorial zone - CNN.com

‘Top Line’: Does Palin Protest Too Much? - The Note

A Look Inside One of the Most Dangerous Places in the World - The World Newser

Moneynews - Laffer: Inflation, Higher Interest Rates Ahead

The 10 Dumbest Tech Products So Far - PC World

Obama nominates Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court - CNN.com

Anita Hill's thoughts on former classmate Sotomayor - CNN.com

How Did a New York Father Vanish From a Connecticut Highway? - ABC News

'The messianic radicalism of Bush sustained the messianic radicalism of Ahmadinejad' - The World Newser

Teen diagnoses her own disease in science class - CNN.com

Schwarzenegger's push for digital textbooks | csmonitor.com

Why it was so hard to prevent Von Brunn's attack | csmonitor.com

Newsmax.com - Chavez: Gov't May Shutter Critical TV Channel

Moneynews - Russia, China Buy Dollars, Despite Trash Talk

Life expectancy could be topic in health care debate - CNN.com

After 50 years, Honda faces new challenges - Autos- msnbc.com

Video - Mexico drug tunnel

Domestic Workers Fight for Bill of Rights

80th Anniversary of Anne Frank's Birth: How a 13-Year-Old Girl Became the Defining Voice of the Nazi Holocaust

Newsmax.com - Radioactive Wasps Bug Out Nuclear Cleanup Workers

Newsmax.com - Cantor: Obama’s Nationalization of Industry, Healthcare Like ‘Putin’s Russia’

How the Unknown Digital TV Transition Could Screw You - PC World

Jailed journalists complicate Obama's approach to N. Korea | csmonitor.com

Summers on the Economy: "Free-Fall" is Over - The World Newser

President Obama Fires Controversial Inspector General - Political Punch

NKorean Leader's Son Is 'Brilliant Comrade' - ABC News

Iranians Flood to Polls in Pivotal Presidential Election

Holocaust Memorial shooting renews concern about military vets' ties to extremist violence | csmonitor.com

Will Cher's Daughter Be New Face of Transgender Community? - ABC News

Winners and losers in an all-digital TV world | csmonitor.com

Material stops 2,000-degree fires -- but not in California - CNN.com

Report: Health Insurers Hold Billions in Tobacco Stocks

Moneynews - Buffett Doubles Up On Muni Bonds

U.N. imposes tough sanctions on N. Korea - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

Sarah Palin Calls for Uprising Against Letterman for Joke About Her Daughter - The Note

Newsmax.com - Ex-British PM Margaret Thatcher Breaks Arm in Fall

A ‘celebration of democracy’ for the Islamic Republic - World Blog - msnbc.com

Newsmax.com - Mousavi's Cyber-Campaign Office Attacked

Newsmax.com - Chinese Muslims Trigger Public Backlash in Palau

Newsmax.com - Charged Man Left Screed Outside Holocaust Museum

Newsmax.com - Congressman: Soldiers 'Mirandizing' Enemy Combatants

Newsmax.com - Obama Taps 4 More Big Donors for Ambassadorships

AMA Opposition to Obama Public Health Plan Echoes Group's Decades-Long Resistance to Healthcare Reform

Newsmax.com - Bush Hails Troops on 'Colbert Report'

Newsmax.com - Iran Rivals Ahmadinejad, Mousavi Both Claim Victory

Newsmax.com - Obama's Bow to Saudis Escalates to Sellout

Longtime White Supremacist Opens Fire at DC Holocaust Museum, Killing Security Guard; Shooting is Third in as Many Months Linked to White Nationalist Groups

Newsmax.com - Suicide Bombers Strike Pakistan Mosque, Seminary

Newsmax.com - Kremlin Ready for Closer US Anti-Terror Ties

Newsmax.com - Obama Envoy Suggests Iran Attack in New Book

Newsmax.com - McCain to Obama: Classify Detainee Photos

Newsmax.com - Obama Firing AmeriCorps IG for Probe of Friend

archive - Who is Sonia Sotomayor? - CNN.com

Newsmax.com - DOD Official Indicted for Giving Secrets to China

Newsmax.com - Sens. McConnell, Cornyn, McCain to Raise Money for Charlie Crist


Haarp - Advanced Tesla Technology Video by Doctor Braino - MySpace Video

War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11)

YouTube - Ancient Structure On The Moon Filmed By Armstrong, 1969

YouTube - The Mystery of Molech

BibleGateway.com - Version information: 21st Century King James Version

Audio Bible Online

Online Bible Study Tools - Search Gateway to Resources

Online Bible Study Tools - Search Gateway to Resources

Numerology at Astrology-Numerology.com

Ex Soul | Name Numerology, Kabbalah, Astrology, World of Psyche ...

The Hebrew Letters (excerpts)

Qabbalah - Tree of Life - Crystalinks


Kabbalah on the Hebrew Alphabet - Kabbalah - Audio & Video

Byzant Kabbalah - The Tree of Life

Jacob's Ladder & the Higher Chakras

Kabbalah symbols

Theomatic Structure


Gematria Chart

Introduction to Gematria - Hebrew Numerology

Introduction to the Bible Wheel - The Geometric Structure of the Bible


Time Cube (for yuks!)

The Kabbalah Unveiled

Jewish Mysticism

The Kabbalah

The Cabala

Jewish Magic and Superstition