"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

25 June 2009


- 25 June 09 -

*Site - BOXEE

Cops To Get ALPR - Even Worse Than Radar

pdf -Aspartame - The People Behind The Invention

*Site - What’s On My Food?

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 1

Playboy's Historical Hate Rape

savethemales.ca - Abortionist's Killer "Highly Intelligent, Sensitive" -- Roommate

Hate Bill Protest Overwhelms Senate!

Marrs Rebuts JFK Driver As Shooter Theory

YouTube - JFK - Shocking New Footage! Stabilized, filtered and in high definition: 05/12/2009

Mossad-Taliban whistleblower killed in Pakistan

The Associated Press: N. Korea threatens US; world anticipates missile

Lori's Latest: The New World Order Has Arrived

President Medvedev arrives in Egypt for tour to revive relations - Times Online

Europe refuses to get soil on its hands | David Cronin | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Sarkozy sidelines young black cabinet minister - Europe, World - The Independent

Welcome to China's millennium | Martin Jacques | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

China and the end of westernisation | John Gray | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US & Canada - US lodges WTO case against China

China accuses pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo of inciting a rebellion - Telegraph

9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public | Republic Broadcasting Network

Obama's Stealth Scheme For Global Monetary Control

Megalightning and The Demise of STS-107 Space Shuttle Columbia

Simple Answer To Health Care - Medicare For All

Fulford On Those $134.5B In US Bonds

Dissident Voice : How the Wall Street Bankers Bought Congress

06-25-2009: WSJ: Climate Bill Would Be Biggest Tax In History

06-24-2009: Federal Reserve Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged

06-24-2009: Fed engaged in "cover-up" of BofA-Merrill deal-lawmaker

06-24-2009: EPA study: 2.2M live in areas where air poses cancer risk

06-24-2009: Can Third Temple be built without destroying Dome of the Rock?

06-24-2009: Deep Underground Lab Researching Dark Matter

U.S. eugenics legacy: Ruling on Buck sterilization still stands

Food Inc: Michael Pollan and Friends Reveal the Food Industry's Darkest Secrets

Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's a Raytheon Spy Blimp!

Triple Cross or Inside Job?

Can DARPA Teach Machines to Read?

Saudi royals funded 9/11: Lawyers

Radio Host Hal Turner Accused of Working for FBI

Mark Sanford Confronted on Bilderberg Attendance and Media Blackout 12-9-08

D.C. Crash Kills General Who Scrambled Jets on 9/11

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Here's the Plan, Dan"

Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief

HR 2749: Totalitarian Control of the Food Supply

International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse

video - Clouds of Secrecy


Two Years Later, Sustained Dramatic Decline in Casualties in Iraq Demonstrates Surge Strategy Worked

Obama Not Telling Truth on Gov’t Health Care, Republicans Say

Obama’s Plan to Fund D.C. Abortions Shows He Is Not Seeking ‘Common Ground,’ Congresswomen Say

Electric Cars Will Not Decrease Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Says Federal Study

Obama Administration, Chavez Gov’t to Restore Expelled Envoys

Hoyer Slams Reagan Administration While Discussing D.C. Metro Accident

African-Americans Fear Climate Change Bill Will Hurt Economy, Households, Poll Shows

Democrats Agree to Concessions on Climate Bill

Homosexual, Youth Advocates Want Investigation into Teen’s ‘Exorcism’

Man Plays Porn Loudly to Keep Kids Away from Home

Man Arrested for Selling Marijuana on Craigslist

Obama's Weakness Issue

Who's Funding the Obamacare Campaign?

Harry Reid's Assault on American Workers

PBS Wages War on Pro-Lifers

Iran's Real Winners: The Revolutionary Guards

Treading Carefully on Iran

Is North Korea Playing a New Game?

Iranian Interior Minister: Western Intelligence Behind Riots And Unrest

Mexico’s Calderon Wants “Green Fund” Paid by U.S.

U.N. to Emerge as Global IRS

In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized

State Dept. Nominee Says “Guns Kill Civil Society”

Tribal Leader Who Revealed Taliban Israeli-U.S. Links Assassinated

Nixon Comments Disclosed on Abortion and Watergate - NYTimes.com

Gore to Talk Climate Change With House Democrats Thursday - Political News - FOXNews.com

Flashback: CIA Discovered Planning “Soft Revolution” in Early 2009

The Raw Story | Son of shah says protesters defeat could lead to nuclear war

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists - NYTimes.com

Pentagon Dismisses as ‘Silliness’ North Korea’s Threat to Wipe Out U.S. - Political News - FOXNews.com

Workers Turn in $40K Found at Fla. Car Dealership

Generation Y Makes Waves in Workplace

Red Hot Chillis to Be Used in Hand Grenades

Pa. Man Admits Peeping on Women Tenants for Decade

Trains of Thought: Philosophy Goes Underground

Man Viewing Porn in Heels Can't Skirt Drug Charges

NJ Blogger Accused of Threatening Chicago Judges

Climate Cops To Fine “Wasteful” Homeowners & Businesses

Declassified Documents Reveal Saddam Wanted Alliance With U.S.

Bilderberg 2009 Intel Already Proving Accurate

Toxic Skies - video

The propaganda war against Iran

Obama gets billions for ‘pandemic’ Swine Flu

A new world is being born, one without the US dollar greasing the wheels of commerce

CIA Discovered Planning “Soft Revolution” in Early 2009

Al Gore not coming to D.C. - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

CNN Political Ticker: House Democrats unsure of global warming bill's passage

My Way News - Obama, Merkel to meet under cloud of disagreement

Court says strip search of Ariz. teenager illegal

Paper reveals SC gov's romantic e-mail exchange - Yahoo! News

ABC ObamaCare Special Turns Into Presidential Filibuster

EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Defends Right to Choose Best Care

Farrah Fawcett's Last Rites, Barbara Walters EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

My Way News - Feds arrest head of anti-gang group in LA

My Way News - Obama not closing door on possible health care tax

Blogger Hal Turner Charged With Threatening Chicago-Area Judges - Courant.com

My Way News - China accuses Google of spreading pornography

Google Investigates Service Inaccessibility in China

Sharks threatened with extinction - Telegraph

Hunt for Life on Saturnian Moon Heats Up | Wired Science | Wired.com

Stone Age Flutes Found in Germany Offer Clues to Early Music - NYTimes.com

Sprawl! Is Earth Becoming a Planet of SuperCities?

Facedown Burials Widely Used to Humiliate the Dead

Secrets of Space Blobs Revealed | LiveScience

Bold Progressives' Great New Ad For Public Option - You Can Get Involved

See How Well That Healthcare Reform Worked Out? Mass. Health Plan Cuts Subsidies for Needy

Telecoms Helped Iran Spy On the Net; Same Technology Used Here

Roger Ebert slams Bill O'Reilly

Show Your Solidarity. We're All Uninsured Now

Beck gives credulous interview to Texas secessionist, who says Tea Parties are a great place to recruit

SHOCKING: Fox News Labels Disgraced Republican Mark Sanford -- A Democrat

Dana Rohrbacher Blames President Obama for Making the Unrest Worse in Iran

CNN interviews Iranian woman who gives horrific account of protest today

Sanford admits he has been "unfaithful" to his wife for a year; trip to Argentina was to see mistress

Reason to Smile: Natural Dental Health Strategies May Prevent Memory Loss

Survivalism grows popular in Valley

Surrendering to the State, Even While Fighting It by Charles H. Featherstone

Stay Out of Iran’s Evolutionary Process by Phil Giraldi

The Great Depression by Hans F. Sennholz

Election Advice From America by Joe Schembrie

Prescience by Tim Case

The Non-Orwellian View of American History by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Obama's Fix-It Plans by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Exclusive Conversation With Ron Paul: The Future Of The Federal Reserve - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)

Mish Shedlock on Gold, Inflation, and Deflation

Opium-eating wallabies get high, make crop circles

Smoking Mirrors: Bloodthirsty Demons in Human Form.

Hate Talkers United: Sean Hannity's Past Relationship with Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semite and Now Arrested Hal Turner | BuzzFlash.org

Colombian Police Seize Flavored Marijuana

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

The CIA-Backed Coup in Iran that Obama Failed to Mention: Frankfurter Rundschau of Germany

Marc Faber Predicts Inflation, Social Unrest, War - June 23, 2009

no third solution » Blog Archive » ObamaCare is National Socialism

Ellen Brown: The Bloodless Coup of the Global Financial Stability Board: From Guidelines to Rules

Sy Hersh: Congress Is Funding Major Escalation in Secret Operations Against Iran | World | AlterNet

Neo-Cons Are Cheerleading For A Terrorist Who Helped Kill Hundreds Of U.S. Marines

CIA Discovered Planning “Soft Revolution” in Early 2009

Destabilization 2.0 - Soros, the CIA, Mossad and the new media destabilization of Iran

Key senator sketches US immigration reform plans

DA's office sponsored job training program for illegal immigrants

Obama Set for First Step on Immigration Reform

Senate bill would ask student immigration status

Identity Theft, Document Fraud, and Illegal Employment

Lawmaker favors deporting illegal immigrant inmates

A Hate Crime Occurs Every Hour in US – Report

ICE melts stigma of immigrant arrests

Matheson Wants No More Delay for E-Verify


Health department issues suggestions to avoid swine flu

Apple Should Have Disclosed Jobs's Transplant, Buffett Says

Who's Afraid of a 'Public Plan,' and Why?

Health reform FAQ: Cutting through the noise

More than 50 doctors, health care executives indicted

Senator: Use of faulty insurance data 'pervasive'

How safe is our air?

Doctors Baffled: Girl, 16, Has Body of a Toddler, Still Can't Speak

When Will Steve Jobs Level With His Investors About His Health?

VA Medical System in Shambles, Veterans Groups Say

Artificial heart's use marks milestone

Rosie O'Donnell Heads Back to the Air – on Radio

Bernanke denies making threats to BofA

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Bernanke Testifies In BofA/Merrill Deal - Bloomberg

More on the Windows 7 upgrade program

Could Devices Like Hohm Increase Your Energy Bill?

Google's AdSense Goes Mobile, Developers Wanted

Microsoft Security Essentials: The First Test Results Are In

Facebook: Want To Keep That Update Private? Go Ahead

Iranian Opposition Calls For Rallies Online Despite Crackdown

Amanpour: Dented Khamenei faces battle of wills

Air France pilot body identified

YouTube - Air France crash pilot's body pulled from the Atlantic

Bomb Kills at Least 76 in Baghdad Market

YouTube - Violence hits Iraqi cities ahead of US pullout - 25 Jun 09

North Korea threatens nuclear 'fire shower' if attacked

Iran unrest to dominate G8 talks

US National Security Advisor Hails Pakistan's Anti-Terror Campaign

Russian Court Overturns Acquittals in Journalist Trial

YouTube - Politkovskaya murder case sent for retrial

US calls for release of prominent China dissident

Netanyahu, French officials discuss peace efforts

Sarkozy asks Netanyahu to freeze settlements

Iran Unrest Reveals Split In US on Its Role Abroad

Suicide Bombings Increase in Somalia

UN special envoy Gambari to visit Myanmar on Friday

At Air-Conditioned News Conference, Obama Feels the Heat

US troops will break Afghan stalemate: UK generals

YouTube - US Afghan commander forsees tough year - 24 Jun 09

Top US military commander to visit Russia on June 25-28

YouTube - US Congress wants to be `friends` with Russia

Kyrgyz lawmakers back deal to keep US base open

Newspaper calls for Gov. Sanford to resign

YouTube - SC Gov's Vanishing Act, Affair 'Disappointing'

Key senator says $1 trillion health bill possible

Poll: Specter's numbers sink with party switch

Judge denies bond for Billy Bob Thornton's daughter

House panel examines US attorneys oversight

See misuse of Oklahoma's $2.6B stimulus? Call FBI

Around the Clock Search for Missing Indiana Girl, 2

Utah Rep. Chaffetz suggests mail carriers conduct Census

Pedestrian hit by police cruiser in Falmouth

Divided NY Senate to Try Another Session Today

House split over new consumer agency

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Financial Consumer Protection Agency - Bloomberg

Political Sex Scandals Past and Present

Delusional Health Care Reform

Splinters: Self-interest and Polarization

Was the Neda Agha-Soltan video a Hoax?

Apparently, A Soldier's Life is Cheap Now

Obama's EPA Makes a Mockery of Due Process

Dissident GM bondholder committee denied official status

Who is Mir-Hossein Mousavi?

Australia leads the way in rejecting climate change 'solutions'

'A Weak American President'

Obama, the African Colonial

The Real UN Resolution 242

How much information can the government demand from us?

The Dual Arts of Saving and Creating

After Global Warming

Obama Set for First Step on Immigration Reform - NYTimes.com

The adolescent angst of Barack Obama | Washington Examiner

D.A.: Illegal immigrants were playing by rules

Neda Soltan family 'forced out of home' by Iranian authorities | World news | guardian.co.uk

Muslims back away from CAIR

MySpace meeting ends with charges | Delawareonline.com | The News Journal

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Savage Blasts “Neo-Marxist Media” for Neo-Marxist President :: Boycott The New York Times

15 rare elephants poisoned, shot in Indonesia - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

Ahmadinejad Tells Obama Not to Interfere in Iran, Seeks Public Apology - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

Al Jazeera English - Americas - US and Venezuela to restore ties

Blanche Lincoln, here we come!

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 2

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 3

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 4

The Highest Treason Substantiated pt. 5

*Site - Adrian Salbuchi

The Failure of Socialism

Obama’s Unconstitutional ‘Czar Power Grab’ Must Be Stopped | Real Zionist News

Will digital dissent win in Iran and China? | csmonitor.com

RealClearWorld - More Weenie Diplomacy: Now with Venezuela and Syria

A Dissident Deflected

Nowhere Man,Why Ban Ki-moon is the world's most dangerous Korean - By Jacob Heilbrunn | Foreign Policy

Video: Why Iran is obsessed with the British wily fox - Times Online

Dancing with the dragon | The Japan Times Online

RealClearWorld - The War on Obama's Realism

An Iranian Revolution That's Not Over Yet - Forbes.com

A Recession in Dog Years | Print Article | Newsweek.com

Foreclosure Fiasco

Op-Ed Contributor - Our Crisis of Regulation - NYTimes.com

Don't change horses in midstream

RealClearMarkets - Without Excusing Geithner, This Is Bush's Inflation


Global warming bill still contains some smoke and mirrors - Los Angeles Times

RealClearMarkets - Socialized Medicine Through the Eyes of a Recipient

Zero Hedge: Goldman Sachs: "Engineering Every Major Market Manipulation Since The Great Depression"

Obama's Financial Overhaul: What You Need to Know - The Atlantic Business Channel

Fed tries to turn conversation away from deflation risk | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times

Higher Rates of Unemployment Correlate to Higher Rates of Inflation - DELTA Global Advisors

Bandwidth Boom: Measuring U.S. Communications Capacity from 2000 to 2008

G.O.P. to Paint Bernanke as Ally of Big Government - NYTimes.com

No Exit: FOMC Remains on Hold - Barrons.com

Iran Stepping Up Effort to Quell Election Protest - NYTimes.com

Talking to Ahmadinejad

Talking to Ahmadinejad, Part II

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: George F. Will Admits Public Option Will Cut Costs

David Westin: My Response To House Republicans' Criticism Of Our Upcoming Health Care Special

Government Health Plans Always Ration Care - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Prescription From Obama’s Own Doctor - NYTimes.com

Don't overdose on health care reform: Go for incremental changes, not a sweeping package

ObamaCare Isn't Inevitable - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Sickening Addiction That May Ruin Reform

Iran Crisis: Can Obama and U.S. Deal with a Divided Iran? - TIME

Op-Ed Contributor - Our Crisis of Regulation - NYTimes.com

Congress Must Pay for What It Spends - WSJ.com

Heartless,The strange, heartless glee at Sanford's downfall. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Sanford turns up, joins growing list of shamed politicians | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

U.S. House should pass energy bill - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

Climate change bill all pain, no gain | energy, bill, cap, carbon, trade - Opinion - OCRegister.com

A questionable question - The Denver Post

Senate Democrats Share Plans for Immigration Reform - washingtonpost.com

G.O.P. to Paint Bernanke as Ally of Big Government - NYTimes.com

TheHill.com - Seeking votes, Pelosi meets with GOPers, leans on Democrats

RealClearPolitics - Jun 24, 2009 - House passes $44B Homeland Security spending bill

Mark Sanford admits affair

World Net Daily Player - Pollster says philandering is 'political suicide'

World Net Daily Player - Crist opponent says Washington makes America worse

World Net Daily Player - Testimony: I'd have died under government health care

'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled?

EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

Inspector general fired to avoid embarrassing Obamas?

Does Congress have guts to investigate 'Walpingate'?

ACORN whistleblower faces $5 million lawsuit

Sanford's steamy e-mail declares 'impossible love'

Jenny Sanford: I asked husband to leave 2 weeks ago

My Way News - SC governor's career launched by wife he betrayed

Some Mark Sanford trips were taxpayer-paid - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Sen. Kerry jokes: ‘Too bad’ Gov. Sarah Palin didn’t go missing - BostonHerald.com

Should Israel attack distracted Iran now?

Battle of the ages: Calvin vs. Darwin

Scientists study foes' ways at Creation Museum - Nation & World - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington

American Jews fund anti-Israel organizations

D.C. magazine hawks 'Intifada Boy' pins

'Folsom' sex-fest moves into NYC

Ahmadinejad Tells Obama Not to Interfere in Iran, Seeks Public Apology - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

Obama-Odinga friendship affecting Iran?

U.S. Takes Back July 4 Invitations to Iranians - Political News - FOXNews.com

ABC: Obama's 'state-run television network'?

Staged questions for Obama alarm beat reporters

Will Marine face more 'political persecution'?

Witnesses named in Senate 'hate crimes' hearing

Obama's approach - 'Welfare-spending madness' (OneNewsNow.com)

Obama rewriting rules on transgender rights

Eligibility issue hits local news

Republicans drop niceties, go on attack on Sotomayor - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Virginians oppose 'terrorist' school expansion

Tax dollars to fund stimulus publicity signs

Obama's health site seeking 'nightmares'

EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Defends Right to Choose Best Care

What's the difference?

Billboard cartel says no to questioning Obama

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Make CBS, Lamar, Clear Channel pay

Obama to Iran: Let them eat ice cream

The Obama Doctrine: Apologize, bend over … oops!

A preposterous excuse for a president

Conservatism for dummies

Reparations for slavery: Follow the money

Employees' constitutional rights

The ACLU revisited

A bit more truth on health care

'Didn't God make sex?'

Juiced Up Jocks and 'Roid Rage: Do We Really Care If Grown Men Use Steroids? | | AlterNet

Who are we as Americans?

Ellen Brown: The Bloodless Coup of the Global Financial Stability Board: From Guidelines to Rules

Should Israel attack distracted Iran now?

Conservatism for dummies

Buffett Says Inflation a Concern, But Supports Obama Fiscal Policy - FOXBusiness.com

Texas Billionaire R. Allen Stanford Arraigned in Alleged $7B Ponzi Scheme - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

flashback - JUNE 11 - Bucknell University requires permit to hand out Bibles

Bucknell bake sale sparks First Amendment debate | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/23/2009

Air France flight recorders located in Atlantic- Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

In Nixon tapes, Billy Graham refers to 'synagogue of Satan' - USATODAY.com

Acne drug blamed in Gateway cheerleader slaying - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Giant prehistoric kangaroos wiped out by hungry Ice Age hunters - Times Online

The Government has a database for most everything. - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Ananova - Luxury yachts offer pirate hunting cruises

Mexico vows to keep looking for 'lost' island - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

Farrah Fawcett dies at 62; actress rose above 'Charlie's Angels'

No health reform without a public option, Lee vows

Obese Poor Shut Out From Weight-Loss Surgeries

Migraines May Carry Long-Term Baggage

2 Young Kids on Family Hiking Trip Reported Missing

New US Law Targets Tobacco Use by Kids

Sunscreen May Not Provide Protection You Expect

In the dock, Fed chief defends his honor

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Bernanke Testifies In BofA/Merrill Deal - Bloomberg

Fed Extends Crisis Programs, Swap Lines With Foreign Ctrl Bks

Report: Yahoo plans major rebranding

Treasurys Prices Hold Gains As Fed Tinkers With Programs

YouTube - 7-Year Treasury Auction Preview - Bloomberg

Porn Comes to the iPhone—So What?

China Expands Clampdown on Internet

Microsoft's Hohm Hopes to Overpower Google's PowerMeter

Who Knew? Buzz Aldrin, Hip Hop Legend

Boxee Alpha for Windows: Hands-On

Iran Government Increases Pressure on Opposition

YouTube - Witnesses: Clashes Around Iran's Parliament

Mousavi: Gov't misrepresented state of affairs

Iraq Struck by a Wave of Bombings

YouTube - Violence hits Iraqi cities ahead of US pullout - 25 Jun 09

On the White House How a Blogger's News Conference Query Came About

YouTube - Iran's Political Crisis - Bloomberg

Escort denies being paid to scandalize Berlusconi

YouTube - Italian PM Says He's Never Paid for Sex

Italy urges G8 firmness on Iran

Russian Court Overturns Acquittals in Journalist Trial

YouTube - Politkovskaya murder case sent for retrial

Key US aide hails Pakistan's war

France ponders a burqa ban

Kremlin chief sees possible deal in US arms talks

YouTube - US Congress wants to be `friends` with Russia

US to press for political reconciliation in Lanka

Afghan Issue Looms as Merkel Meets Obama

BBC NEWS | South Asia | A very strange Taliban burial

Sanford faces uncertain future

YouTube - SC Gov's Vanishing Act, Affair 'Disappointing'

Senator says healthcare bill cut to $1 trillion

Emanuel Says Immigration Reform Bill Lacks Votes to Pass

Al Gore not coming to DC

Gore skips on energy pep talk

Man jailed for killing dogs to avoid kennel

Financial Aid Form Gets a Little Easier

Sanford disappears, John Kerry makes Sarah Palin joke

Authorities search for missing boater in Merrimack River

'Creating' a healthy niche market

American Minute for June 25th:William J Federer's American Minute


transcripts -- Governor Sanford Admits Affair at Press Conference

transcripts -- Roundtable on Obama's Press Conference

transcripts -- President Obama's Press Conference

transcripts -- Maj. Ldr. Reid Takes Questions on Health Care

transcripts -- Republican Leaders Take Questions on Health Care

transcripts -- Sens. Kerry and Graham Debate U.S. Response on Iran

transcripts -- Sen. Hutchison on Obama's Press Conference

transcripts -- Interview with David Axelrod

transcripts -- Obama Signs Tobacco Law

transcripts -- Bayh and Issa on Obama and Iran

transcripts -- Senator McCain on Iran and North Korea

transcripts -- Editor Bill Keller on Reporter's Escape from the Taliban


Senator DeMint on Federal Reserve Transparency

Sen. Hutchison on Obama's Press Conference

South Carolina Lt. Gov. on Missing Sanford

Albright on Obama's Approach to Iran

McCotter Iran Floor Speech: "Her Name Was Neda"

Sen. McCain: Obama's Response Not "Enough"

Obama On Neda: "It's Heartbreaking"

WH Says Iranians Still Invited To 4th of July Cookout Out

Watch Live: Obama Holds Press Conference On Iran, Health Care

Michelle Obama On Health Care: "Government Can't Do It All"

Newt Gingrich On Obama's Iran Press Conference

David Axelrod Analyzes Obama's Presser

Glenn Beck On Obama's Iran News Conference

Michelle Obama Has Problem With Teleprompter Height

Obama Hammered By Networks On Iran

Obama Tells ABC: We Will Get Health Care Reform This Year

Obama Says He Is "95% Cured" Of Smoking

O'Reilly On Obama's Press Conference, Major Garrett's Question

RNC Web Ad Criticizes ABC For Obama Health Care Special

Huckabee Endorses Marco Rubio In FL Senate Primary

Scarborough Criticizes McCain, Graham For Response To Iran

FNC's Garrett Asks Obama What Took So Long To Be "Concerned"

ABC's Tapper Pushes Obama On Health Care Question

Obama Explains Benefits Of Government Run Health Care

White House Coordinates Question With Huffington Post?

Rep. Clyburn On Missing Governor, Health Care

Sen. Conrad On Abandoning Support For Co-Op Plan

Brit Hume On The Press And The President

FOX News Panel Reacts To Obama Presser On Iran

Obama Will Keep A "Path Open To Iran"

Gibbs Defends Obama's Stance On Iran

Sens. Durbin and Barrasso on Public Option for Health Care

Sen. McCain Discusses Iran On "Larry King"

SC Sen. Tom Davis Stands By Mark Sanford

Round 2: Bill O'Reilly Interviews Barney Frank

Warren Buffett: Economy In "Shambles"

O'Reilly On Afghanistan Mission That Killed 14

Ann Coulter On Mark Sanford's Infidelity

Watch Live: Sanford Addresses Press Over Unannounced Trip

Liz Cheney Reacts To Presser On Iran

Schultz On Mark Sanford Controversy

HuffPost Reporter: President Did Not Know Question Beforehand

Gibbs: WH Rescinds "Hot Dog" Party Invitations To Iranians

Sen. Kerry On GOP Reaction To Iran

Gov. Sanford Admits Affair With Woman From Argentina

Romney On Iran: Obama Finally Rose "To The Occasion"

O'Connor "Pleased" Obama Selected Sotomayor

GOP Congressman: Obama's Silence Responsible For Violence In Iran

Obama On Health Care Reform: "We're Gonna Get It Done"

Obama On Why Government Should Get Involved In Health Care

Stein, Carville On Sanford Affair

Obama Wants "Best Care" For His Family

Karl Rove On Sanford's Political Future

Gay Fmr. Gov Of NJ Feels "Pain" For Sanford, Family

Eric Cantor On Sanford, Health Care

Barack Obama Condemns Iran Supression

UK Expels Two Iranian Diplomats

Organizing the Iranian Dissent

Bercow Makes his Mark

Japan Export Slump Deepens

Italian PM Denies Sex Scandal

Medvedev Speak to League of Arab States

United States Files WTO Case Against China

Nuclear Facilities Vulnerable to Intentional Attack

Global Security Conference in Irkutsk

North Korea Condemns U.S.

Politkovskaya Case Sent for Retrial

Brent Scowcroft on Iran

Military Attacks Afghan Insurgents

U.S. Remarks on North Korea

U.S. Rethinks Airstrikes

Violence Hits Iraq Ahead of U.S. Pullout

Iran's Election: What Happened? What's Next?

Clashes Around Iran's Parliament

Former Kosovo PM Arrested

Russia Ready for Nuke Reduction

Somalia Fears Wider War

Al Qaeda Fleeing Pakistan

Shooting a Hole in the Bull Case for Gun Stocks

Buffett: U.S. Economy In 'Shambles' .. No Signs of Recovery Yet

One-on-One with Consumer Watchdog Elizabeth Warren

Economic Recovery? Not So Fast

Rep. Issa Questions Bernanke's Credibility on BofA

El-Erian: Fed Needs to Start Backing Off

Health care:special

The Note: The Diagnosis -- Is Health Care Push a Prescription for Paralysis? - The Note

(video news) - *Complete 'Prescription for America'... - ABC News*

TRANSCRIPT: 'Questions for the President: Prescription for America' - ABC News

Talk radio

06/24 The Mark Levin Show

06/23 The Mark Levin Show

06/22 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 24th With Mark Crutcher

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 23rd With Marc Faber

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 22nd With Senator John Whitmire

audio - Jeff Rense & David Icke

audio - 25th Interview: Larry Sinclair

Reading / Videos

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

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YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 6

YouTube - Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network - Part 1/3

YouTube - Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network - Part 2/3

YouTube - Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network - Part 3/3

*Site - Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis