"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 June 2009

16 June

Excellent Evidence Of Faked Apollo Photos

The Zionist Elephant In The Room

audio - Rense and Icke Interview

The Associated Press: Obama says nuclear-armed NKorea 'grave threat'

Obama blocks access to White House visitor list - White House- msnbc.com

Obama to propose strict new regulation of financial industry - Los Angeles Times

Obama must prosecute Bush-era torture enablers | csmonitor.com

Ruling on NightJack author Richard Horton kills blogger anonymity - Times Online

Syria: Netanyahu's policy has everything but peace - Haaretz - Israel News

20 killed at opposition rallies across Iran - Haaretz - Israel News

Obama says Iranians feel 'betrayed'

Mexican police fleeing cartels find U.S. reluctant to grant asylum - Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: Human Rights Watch: Mexican military abuses rising

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexican Cops Said Siding with Narcos against Army

Did the Japanese Try to Dump $135 BILLION in US Bonds on the Black Market? - Marli -- Seeking Alpha

14 Cuban migrants are sent back to Cuba - Americas - MiamiHerald.com

Turkey, Iraq sign military cooperation agreement_English_Xinhua

Army statement on plot poses more questions than answers

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Ex-Hague spokeswoman goes on trial

Medvedev says global crisis not yet over, but lessons learnt | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

The Associated Press: Report: NKorean leader's son secretly visits China

U.S. to Confront, Not Board, North Korean Ships - NYTimes.com

Mubarak Says Netanyahu’s Stance ‘Aborts’ Peace Bid

The White House to Use ABC News to Push Federal Health Care Propaganda | The Citizen Online

Ahmadinejad stresses need for a new world order

U.N. warns of catastrophe as hungry people top one billion

U.N. warns of catastrophe as hungry people top one billion - washingtonpost.com

Ex-US president Jimmy Carter to meet Hamas leadership during Gaza visit | World news | guardian.co.uk

Asian giants join the race for riches in Iraq's largely untapped Kurdish oilfields - Times Online

Spain warns of summer jellyfish invasion on Mediterranean beaches - Telegraph

China's one-child policy undermined by the rich - Telegraph

Dick Cheney almost wishing another attack on America, says CIA chief - Times Online

Time to run for it, Auntie Em: The spectacular image of a tornado towering over the Kansas prairie | Mail Online

Obama targets US public with call for climate action | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Another first for a black American: the female rabbi breaking down barriers | World news | The Guardian

Manhattan floods, Chicago heatwaves and withering Californian vines: how scientists see the US in 75 years

Fayed denied stake in oil millions below his own home - Home News, UK - The Independent

Britain to take over Turks and Caicos Islands following corruption allegations - Telegraph

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: So the Iraq War, which began in spin and lies, will end the same way. What an insult to democracy | Mail Online

Ahmadinejad is who Iranians want | Ken Ballen and Patrick Doherty | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Iran elections: Recount announced in disputed areas as uprising grows | World news | guardian.co.uk

Robert Fisk: Iran's day of destiny - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Hen in giant egg shocker

9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation

Farmed Fish May Pose Risk For Mad Cow Disease - KYPost.com

Lawmakers Reveal Health-Care Investments

Pre-election Iranian poll showed Ahmadinejad support

savethemales.ca - Zionist Lobby Holds "Human Rights" Hostage

The Failure of Socialism

AIG lawyer: Ex-top exec plundered retirement plan - Yahoo! News

BBC NEWS | Health | Men warned of greater cancer risk

King Kong terrorists « Thomas Paine’s Corner

AfricanCrisis - S.Africa: SAA -- white pilots, engineers flee abroad ahead of anti-white firing spree

Obama Blowing Chance For REAL Health Care Reform

Projection: It'll be years before jobs return to much of U.S. | McClatchy

Journalist Calls For Rounding Up 'Hate Promoters'

Pike Knew

New UN Report Denounces US Human Rights Record

About The Smuggled $134.5 Billion In US Bearer Bonds...

Should We Question Zionism?

Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world - Telegraph

Nicene Truth: E. Michael Jones Interview (4 Pts.)


YouTube - Weird Kid Starts Huge Dance Party at Sasquatch Festival

Devvy Kidd -- Who is the Real Newt Gingrich? Part 1

Devvy Kidd -- Who is the Real Newt Gingrich? Part 2

Ken Klukowski : Senior Democrat Says Obama's Czars Unconstitutional - Townhall.com

A 'time bomb' for world wheat crop - Los Angeles Times

New film exposes unsavoury side of US food industry - Telegraph

McCain: 'I hope that we will act' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

One Third of the Iranian People « Time to Think

'Hamas foiled plot to assassinate Carter in Gaza' - Haaretz - Israel News

Oh Bummer: The painful truth: torture has been part of the American way for decades

De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire

DPRK threatens to launch pre-emptive strike against U.S._English_Xinhua

Washington's Blog - Is the First World Being Turned into the Third World?

Consortiumnews.com - It’s fast congealing into conventional wisdom that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole re-election through fraud and that the so-called “green revolution” of Mir-Hossein Mousavi – which was based in the country’s intelligentsia and middle class – got robbed.

Woman wakes up in morgue after being declared dead by doctor - mirror.co.uk

Israel did 9/11 « Exposing the Learned Elders of Zion, its Jewish agents, and its criminal enterprise- Israel

Media Smears of Truth Movement Reaching Crescendo | The Corbett Report

Raw Story » Accused 9/11 mastermind: ‘I make up stories’

State Run News: ABC Turns Programming Over To Government

The Judeo-Christian oxymoron or the real clash of civilizations

McGovern: Reporter Made It Up, I'm Voting NO | AfterDowningStreet.org

CNN.com - Transcripts - Security Guard Shot at Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.; Obama Schedules Town Hall Meeting in Wisconsin

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Sam Labrier on The Alex Jones Show:What The Global Elitists Plans Are For Canada

Federal Reserve to gain power under plan - Washington Times

Truthdig - Reports - The AMA Does Not Represent Us

OpEdNews » Are you ready for war with demonized Iran?

Breitbart.tv » Iran Blocks Facebook and Bans News Crews From Using Video Cameras

American's Journey: U.S. Money: Will Pay to the Bearer on Demand ? Two Photos

Real Reason for Gun Ownership ‎(eOffshore)‎

American's Journey: Test Your Lie Detection Skills - Video

YouTube - HBO's Bill Maher Takes On President Obama

YouTube - Houston Tea Party Society Protests Nancy Pelosi

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Dr Ron Paul On Reforming Health Care



Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US - Mail & Guardian Online: The smart news source

Raw Story » Military accepting neo-Nazis, white supremacists, probe finds

06-16-2009: Medvedev urges SCO nations to use their national currencies

06-16-2009: Experts Claim Dome Over Entire City Of Houston Will Help Environment

06-16-2009: CIA Says It Misjudged Role Of High-Value Detainee Abu Zubaida

California State Gas Prices Passes $3 A Gallon

06-15-2009: Search for life on distant planet gets boost

06-15-2009: Italy revives Mussolini's 'Blackshirt' vigilantes as fears of Fascism sparks investigation

06-15-2009: Iran protest cancelled as leaked election results show Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came third

Fed To Get Bigger Mandate To Supervise Financial System

06-15-2009: The Navy's New 100 KiloWatt Laser Weapons

06-15-2009: New York drill for possible nuke war

06-15-2009: Administration Plans to Scale Back Real ID Law

Iraq unveils foreign oil contract shortlist

DoD Training Manual: Protests are "Low-Level Terrorism"

Raytheon Surveillance Blimps: “Local Authorities Could Install a Built-in LED Screen to Attract Sponsors”

Spooks get permission to buy off Taliban

21st century wars can wage out of control

The Rise of Private Armies -- Mercenaries, Murder and Corruption in Iraq and Afghanistan

New era of gene-based 'personalized medicine' dawning

Peak Soil Investment: This Quiet Land Grab is Just Beginning

The History of the Financial Crisis

Local military, civilian police training builds skills

De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire The Yekaterinburg Turning Point

Video Report : Shooting At Tehran Protest

The American Empire Is Bankrupt

Videos And Pictures From Protests in Tehran

The Meaning of Ahmadinejad's Victory

Clouds of Secrecy

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

Abortion numbers for disabilities should be kept secret: Government lawyers

Gorbachev: It's time for a second American revolution in the spirit of perestroika

Netanyahu's Speech

America's Human Rights Record

Obama and the Military: Purely Tactical Disagreements

Who Will Pay for Health Care?

How long can the Dollar Last as the World’s Reserve Currency?

Surging Unemployment in the US

Cheney tied to cash theft and possible murder in Iraq

2009 Euro elections: When politics and democracy go their separate ways, apathy and cynicism set in

How The Spooks Took Over the News

video - 1972 clip of David Suzuki comparing humans to maggots

Predictive powers: a robot that reads your intention?

White House Claim of 46 Million Uninsured 'Americans' Includes Almost 10 Million Foreigners

GOP Senator Offers Bill to Prohibit Health-Care Rationing Based on Obama's 'Comparative Effectiveness Research'

Sotomayor Task Force Found Racial and Gender Bias among Judges and Lawyers in Federal Courts

Some Democrats Consider Healthcare Co-Op Over Obama’s ‘Public Option’

AP Analysis: Doctors' Boos Show Obama Has Tough Road Ahead on Health Care Reform

Sebelius: Health Care for All Will Take Years

Vatican China Envoy to Get Tough with Beijing

North Korea Says Two Americans Admit to Illegal Entry

China’s Communist Party Newspaper Expanding Its Coverage

Outlasting the Ayatollahs

The Real Crisis Is Obamacare

Will the FCC Press Hollywood?

Miranda, Terrorists and Lawyers

ADHD Drugs: Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Higher?

Cash to become extinct as chips take off | News | News.com.au

America’s pandemic of corruption

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Commercial

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 14th

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 15th With David Icke

Moving Toward Tobacco Prohibition

Icon David Icke on Alex Jones TV

CHART : Guide To Where Your Tax Dollars Go

Where Your Federal Tax Dollars Go

Ron Paul on Corporatist and Socialist Medicine

Senior Democrat Says Obama’s Czars Unconstitutional

The CIA’s Iranian Plan?

Federal Reserve to gain power under plan - Washington Times

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Revolutionary Guards Arrested in Iran - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Pro-English measures revived across U.S. - Life- msnbc.com

AFP: Man convicted of terrorism free to sue over torture claims

Nebraska Mom Attempts to Sell Her 18-Month-Old on Craigslist - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

AFP: Bodies of foreign hostages found in Yemen: officials

Teenage girl dug up to be 'corpse bride' - Telegraph

Argentine glacier advances despite global warming

Giant Obama Bust spends the night in Madison parking lot - WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports

“Conservatives” Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Carter to Obama: Remove Hamas From Terror List - Political News - FOXNews.com

Welcome to the post-alternative medicine world

Durbin cashed out during big stock collapse :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News

Gerald Walpin speaks: The inside story of the AmeriCorps firing | Washington Examiner

The street protests mount | Salon

HR 1207: Battle To Audit The Fed Has Only Just Begun

Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970s, too

Green & Lean: Austerity in the Age of Obama

National Service: David Gergen and the social change agenda

Obama Youth Brigades: “It’s about creating a One World”

Cybersecurity: Obama’s Promise to Trash the Constitution

Pelosi: "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"

The Obama Youth Corps and The Wave

The Third Wave: an experiment to demonstrate the appeal of fascism

UNESCO and the New World Order: In their Own Words

Bill O'Reilly Selectively Edits Joan Walsh Interview

Minuteman 'tactical' leader/murder suspect Shawna Forde was part of the 'respectable' nativist Right too

Kathleen Sebelius Comes Out Fighting For Public Option

Another Day, Another Republican Parroting Frank Luntz

Eliminationist gear at Cafe Press: Scott Roeder is an American Hero and shoot Obama stuff for sale

Neo-Nazis working their way inside the military: Salon report has stunning details

Michael Moore asks audiences to donate so we can "Save Our CEOs"

A Sea of Green

Netanyahu: Maybe It's What He Didn't Say

Howard Dean Shoots Down Norah O'Donnell's Republican Talking Points on Health Care

Critical Mass

Panetta on Cheney's Attack Warnings: Wishful Thinking?

Despite Own Iran Follies, Romney Slams Obama

Fox News Panel Says Obama Can't Negotiate With Iran Because of Election Results. But They Said The Same Thing Last Year!

Joe Scarborough Blames Obama's Cairo Speech for Ayatollahs Rigging Iranian Election--But That's a Good Thing

Clemons: Will Political Opponents Depose Leaders in Iran Election Aftermath?

Swine Flu Vaccination Poses Serious Threat to Your Health » Euro-med

Cost Concerns as Obama Pushes Health Issue - NYTimes.com

Stalin's Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Editorial - A Bad Call on Gay Rights - NYTimes.com

Is There Any Cream in the GOP?

The IG firing and FDR

Cuba Fishes for Spies in DC Academic Waters

Our Pathetic Media

Our Breathless President

1984 all over again

Rev Guard Auxillary opens fire on Tehran protest crowd

FutureGen back on the stim bill menu

Global cooling and crop harvests

Obama 'troubled' by Iran violence

The mullah's idea of a 'recount'

Bill Maher: That's not the Obama I knew

Iran Election: The Beginning of the End

Health reform is all downside for most Americans

Health Care Is Not That Complicated

Hell No, We Won't Go

Obama's Real Agenda: Israel's Dimona Nuclear Facility

Was the Times describing A-Jad, or Obama?

Sarah Palin, the 21st Century 'It' Girl

The Murder of Civil Life

Obama's Government Health Plan Will Look Like Public Schools

Obama to Jews: I'm Just Not That Into You

Netanyahu Lays Down His Markers

Life Is Destroying the Planet! by Butler Shaffer

George Herbert Walker Bush Comes Clean by Karen Kwiatkowski

Obama Siren Song to the Skeptical Muslim World by Eric Margolis

Kleptocracy in America by Bill Bonner

Dealers Say They Were Led Astray in Chrysler's Final Days

My Way News - Chief blames `knuckleheads' for Lakers disturbance

Obama lobbies U.S. doctors on healthcare reforms | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

New York drivers named most aggressive, angry in U.S. - Yahoo! News

Freak Beijing storm turns day into night - Yahoo!7 News

China city kills 36,000 dogs after rabies deaths | Reuters

World sleepwalking into disasters: U.N. aid chief | International | Reuters

CNN Political Ticker: - CIA: Panetta doesn’t believe Cheney rooting for terrorist attack

My Way News - Letterman apologizes again for 'bad' Palin joke

Scout's Dishonor - June 16, 2009

Infanticide Case Mesmerizes France

Report: NKorean leader's son secretly visits China - Yahoo! News

Pentagon: NKorea missiles could threaten US

Obama says nuclear-armed N. Korea 'grave threat'

6/15: Why there are huge walls built around a subdivision in Kennesaw | Radio & TV Talk

Fashion world honors new stars Rodarte — and Obama - Yahoo! News

Ruling on NightJack author Richard Horton kills blogger anonymity - Times Online

Queens baby dies after falling into mop bucket at day care center - police

British Airways asks staff to work for free - Times Online

History students are most promiscuous - Telegraph

Iran’s Election: None of America’s Business by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Mr. Obama, Tear Down This Empire

Dead Banks Walking - Doug French - Mises Institute

Beat the rising cost of health care - July 1, 2009

Obama takes RX to doctors

Anti-cancer cream fights wrinkles

ADHD Medication and Sudden Death: How to Avoid the Risk

Supplement may be statin alternative for some

Sinus Infections Can Cause Toxic Shock in Kids

VA officials grilled over botched colonoscopies

Panel Lists Ways to Rein in Medicare Costs

CDC releases Camp Guidelines For Swine Flu

Porn industry clinic takes anti-HIV steps

Psoriasis May Raise Cardiovascular Risks

World disaster toll faces new threat from global warning: Red Cross

Researchers Link Depression With Alzheimer's Disease

YouTube - Doctors Weigh in on Obama Health Plan

YouTube - AustinHealth: ADHD drugs

YouTube - VA Officials Grilled Over Botched Colonoscopies

YouTube - Local Boy Scout Camps React To Swine Flu Outbreak

Why we couldn't tune out the Sarah Palin-David Letterman feud

Hitler-Tolerant 'Bruno' Irks Austrians

Did Lindsay Lohan Swipe Bling From a Photo Shoot?

Miley Cyrus involved in another photo scandal: real or fake?

Alec Baldwin: I Was Suicidal After Voice-Mail Leak

Puppy survives after accidentally being flushed down toilet

FCC to send agents to resolve lingering DTV problems in Chicago

MySpace to cut 30% of workforce

Home-Builder Shrs Up; Housing Starts Top Street View

Treasury prices rebound

More auto industry bankruptcies loom

Airline passengers could get a 1-2-3 punch

NYMEX-Crude oil pares gains as economic worries persist

Boehner backed IMF funding in '98

Class action seeks fees related to Madoff money

Speculation Over Spain's Absence From Airbus Meeting

Wholesale price report shows inflation in check

YouTube - The Strong Dollar Has Big Influence On Oil Prices - Bloomberg

How secure is Opera Unite?

Senators Want To Grill Wireless Carriers, Manufacturers

Shuttle set for second launch attempt

Amazon Could Open Kindle To Other E-Book Formats

More Americans Go To Facebook Than MySpace

Microsoft Wants $750000 For 'Click-Fraud'

Report: Climate Change Already Affecting US

Here come the mobile payment wars

Google touts YouTube for political protests

Weird Al takes on Craigslist with The Doors

Analysts pore over 'ambiguous' Iran results

President Obama Reiterates Concern About Iran's Election

Text: News Conference with Obama and Lee

Russia, China, others urge diverse monetary system

Mousavi supporters rally support on Twitter

Israel ready to negotiate on core issues - envoy

AIR SHOW: Orders For Engines Overshadow Orders For Planes

UN's Ban urges Israel, Palestinians to renew talks

Carter visits Gaza, urging Hamas to denounce violence

Yemen sends troops to hunt for hostages

A new pattern of Yemeni violence?

Pakistan army readies for attack

Pakistan seeks word on wounded Central Asian jihadi

Gordon Brown is wrong about lawyers

Finally, a British Inquiry Into the Iraq War

World Agenda: why the Uighurs suit Bermuda

Gabon qualifier postponed after Bongo death

Campaign underway for Afghan presidential poll

McChrystal considers shift in Afghanistan

Waitress Deng Yujiao who stabbed to death Communist official walks free - Times Online

EU's Barroso Asks Leaders To Consider Options For Economy

Swedish PM urges Zimbabwe on reforms, no aid yet

Mugabe should be no barrier to aid: Zimbabwe PM

Georgia angry after Russia vetoes UN monitors

Sri Lanka rights abuse probe ends abruptly

Obama's Middle East Challenge – Part I

Parsing the President III: Connectivity, Place and Time

Before Muslims, Obama uses family background to urge US-Islam respect

Nigerian militant leader open to gov't amnesty

YouTube - Reaction: Post-election protests in Iran

YouTube - Obama and Lee Q&A Session - Bloomberg

YouTube - BRIC countries are part of world financial crisis solution

YouTube - Iranians use internet to overcome news curbs - 16 Jun 09

YouTube - France Air Show: Airbus Gets $1.9 Billion Order

YouTube - Foreigners in Gabon mourn Omar Bongo's death

YouTube - UN to wrap up mission in Caucasus

Obama to call for US financial product watchdog

White House Details Consumer Protection Plan

AMA offers its take on health-care reform

Judge Refuses to Reverse GOP Takeover of State Senate

Lawsuit: White House won't release visitor records

War-Funding Bill Comes Up for House Vote

US Rep Hoyer: House to eye financial reforms soon

CIA Mistaken on 'High-Value' Detainee, Document Shows

Detainee says he lied to CIA in harsh interrogations

Racist e-mail aimed at Obama raises hackles in Tennessee

Michigan stimulus projects make senator's list of the worst

Some projects raise question: Where's the stimulus?

History Shows Supreme Court Confirmation Process Often Unpredictable

Sotomayor answers GOP as Senate braces for debate

Will Sotomayor be another Thomas or another Marshall?

California Democrats Seek Tax Boost as Battle Looms

Deeds the front-runner in VA?

US expands human trafficking watchlist

Malaysia, six African states listed for human trafficking

Paramedic: Officer Was In "State Of Rage"

Judge: OK for Gitmo inmate to use military attys

Drago compares Nickels to Clinton -- and not in a good way

Covering Caylee Anthony – sensational and sad

Slain Tot's Kin: Missing Girl's Dad Wrong

Grandparents recall Caylee Anthony on anniversary

Former AmeriCorps Official Says Obama Removed Him for 'Doing My Job'

Sacramento Mayor Johnson has DC bloggers buzzing over Walpin's firing

DuBos: Twists and turns in Jefferson trial

Where's The Backlash Against Maher?

Anne Dunev: Thank You, Bill Maher, For Asking Where in the World is Barack Obama and What is He Going To Do About Healthcare?

Top general "90 percent-plus" sure on US missile defense

Missile Defense Reviews to Focus on Current, Long-Term Challenges

YouTube - Doctors Weigh in on Obama Health Plan

YouTube - Capital Culture: Obama's Date Draws Usual Gripes

YouTube - Oklahoma Trooper, Paramedic Scuffle on Video

'Obama administration sent message to Hamas'

'U.S. told us don't take Netanyahu seriously'

'Huffington Post spreading anti-Semitic hate'

Is Iran nuking up as Obama fiddles?

Hamas slams Netanyahu's major policy address

Lawyer for censored Christians: Beware of 'hate crimes'

Gibbs gets 2nd shot at eligibility question

Sexy ads sell jeans, but what else?

Pushback sought against talk radio censorship

Why Obama wants to hide birth certificate

Shep Smith's diatribe against (alleged) 'crazies'

Farah Seems to be Out of New Ideas | Tips-Q

Stop the dictatorship now!

America's fatal attraction

The church: An accomplice to Marxism in our schools

Don't blame Letterman

Outlasting the ayatollahs

Dear Iranians: Don't count on America

Sotomayor: The payback judge

Hatred roils right-wing extremists - Los Angeles Times

Why Obama scares me, too

Mommas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Report on the Government’s Financial Reforms | The Beacon

School bans bananas over teacher allergy - Telegraph

Survey: Family time eroding as Internet use soars

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Who goes to a creationist museum?

Same-sex surprise: Joe Bruno, former NY Senate leader, now supports gay marriage

Parents should keep children in rear facing car seats 'until the age of four' - Telegraph

Restaurant gets money back, despite cabbie :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Chicago zeros in on special license plate number -- chicagotribune.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Carrots cause Swedish bomb scare

'One Month to Live' challenge becomes scary reality for church family -- chicagotribune.com

Killer hawks 'murderabilia' souvenirs while law languishes in Congress

One Room Schoolhouse Closes Its Doors for Good

Man had broken leg for 29 years - Telegraph

After four decades, is America over the moon?

'Cloak of Silence' Tech Could Hide Submarines : Discovery News

High-Altitude Wind Machines Could Power New York City | Wired Science | Wired.com

Most powerful 'sound laser' to shake up acoustics - tech - 15 June 2009 - New Scientist

Fox steals more than 100 shoes | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Introducing the Warpship : Discovery Space : Discovery Channel

Planet 'spotted' in Andromeda galaxy: Scientific American

Are you freer today than you were before Obama?

Independence Day tea party tally explodes

'Obama administration sent message to Hamas'

Gibbs gets 2nd shot at eligibility question

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Probe launched in suspicious firing of inspector general

Beltway bloggers abuzz over Johnson, investigator's firing - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Analysis: Doctors' boos show Obama's tough road

Americans believe Internet news most reliable

Guess who's supporting Sotomayor?

GOP activist DePass apologizes after joking on Facebook that gorilla is related to Michelle Obama

McAlester News-Capital, McAlester, OK - Molester’s sentence leads to cries of injustice

ANALYSIS: Iran regime likely shaken for good - Washington Times

Why are young people leaving the church?

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Federal Reserve To Get New Powers

Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world - Telegraph

Twitter News Network?

Ananova - Mirror image

16 june :William J Federer's American Minute

Iran's election process a 'sham' - John R. Bolton - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Wealth Creation vs. Spending

Sotto Voce

Gerald Walpin speaks: The inside story of the AmeriCorps firing | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Obama and the Politics of Short Memories

Dangerous Games by Peter Hoekstra on National Review Online

Mehdi Khalaji - Khamenei's Military Coup in Iran - washingtonpost.com

Was Ahmadinejad's Win Rigged? - Five Reasons to Suspect Iran's Election Results - TIME

RealClearWorld - Articles - Western Misconception Meets Iran Reality

Realism and Iran: Interesting Times: Online Only: The New Yorker


Op-Ed Columnist - You Be Obama - NYTimes.com

Obama and Yogi | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/16/2009

Op-Ed Columnist - Iran on a Razor’s Edge - NYTimes.com

PRUDEN: Obama feels the clenched fist - Washington Times

Disengagement With Iran,After its fraudulent election, Obama should harden his stance with Iran. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Op-Ed Contributor - Her Justice Is Blind - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - A plan to boost America’s fiscal health

RealClearPolitics - Health Reform is All Downside for Most Americans

Meacham: The Micawbers and Mrs. Roosevelt | Newsweek Newsweek - Top of the Week by Jon Meacham | Newsweek.com

Stimulus program fraught with waste, report says - Los Angeles Times

What Bibi Told Me - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - When Detainees Get Rights They Don't Deserve

Ire in Iran: People power shows its might on the streets of Tehran

Hope and experience -- chicagotribune.com

Public Enemy

The White House Fires a Watchdog - WSJ.com

Discord grows over public health care plan - USATODAY.com

TheHill.com - CBO: Healthcare bill exceeds $1 trillion

Sotomayor Defends Ties to Association - NYTimes.com

Four More Years Of Ahmadinejad - Forbes.com

Words Have Consequences

Robert Fisk: Iran's day of destiny - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Iran, Iraq, North Korea: What Now? - The Atlantic (June 15, 2009)

Op-Ed Contributor - When Giants Meet - NYTimes.com

Obama's choice is not to choose on Iran - Los Angeles Times

Jailing U.S. journalists could prove costly | The Japan Times Online

Ahmadinejad Or Obama: Who Will Have The Last Laugh? - Forbes.com

Asia Times Online - Iran's enemies are circling

Seismic events in Iran and Israel have set a critical test of Obama's resolve | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearWorld - Articles - Who Needs a Peace Treaty?

FT.com / Markets - Insight: Survivor’s guide to navigation

Allan Sloan - Deals: Allan Sloan on Declining U.S. Treasury Securities - washingtonpost.com

Will Bad News Be Good for the Dollar Again? - Barrons.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Recession and Revolution - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Not Everyone Guessed Wrong About Stimulus

The 'Dependence on Foreign Oil' Canard

Digital technology and dollar signs - Los Angeles Times

Terence Corcoran: The models behind the financial crisis - Full Comment

Dear Critics ... - Forbes.com

How O learned to stop worrying and love the bailout

RealClearMarkets - Articles - World War II Did Not End the Great Depression

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » My quick take on the Obama financial reform plan | Blogs |

naked capitalism: Prospects for Employment Recovery: Less Than Cheery?

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » 10 Rules for Investing

The US Financial and Economic Crisis: Where Does It Stand and Where Do We Go From Here?

Empire State Survey Signals Tough Period for Manufacturing

Carlyle Sets Its Sights on Battered Banks

China's car sales boom, reshaping a way of life - USATODAY.com

Lieberman is a big NO on the Public Option, now calls it 'universal access' for health care. I'm NOT kidding

Latest GOP Racial "Slip": TN Sen. Diane Black's Staffer E-mails Obama "Spook" Photo

Bill O'Reilly Selectively Edits Joan Walsh Interview

Minuteman 'tactical' leader/murder suspect Shawna Forde was part of the 'respectable' nativist Right too

Kathleen Sebelius Comes Out Fighting For Public Option

06-16-2009: UN: World Sleepwalking Into Disasters


transcript- President Obama's Speech to the AMA

transcript - Sen. John McCain on Panetta vs. Cheney

transcript - Analysts Discuss Iran's Presidential Election

transcript - Pres. Obama and PM Berlusconi Take Questions

transcript - Interview with Vice President Biden

transcript - Guests: Senators McConnell and Durbin

transcript - Guests: Senators Grassley and Dodd

Interview with Governor Sarah Palin

transcript - Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care & Spending

transcript - Press Conference with Sec. Clinton and FM Cannon

transcript - Shields and Brooks on Health Care Reform & Gov. Palin

transcript - Obama's Health Care Townhall in Green Bay


Netanyahu Endorses Disarmed Palestine

Crackdown in Iran Protests

Somalia: Caught In Mogadishu War

Fareed Zakaria: What Now for Iran?

Obama Remarks on Iran Election

Russia Hosts BRIC Summit

BRIC Countries Can Help in Financial Crisis

India, Pakistan Leaders Meet

Wait to Buy Gold?

Goolsbee: The Financial Market Reform Plan

'New Financial Foundation' Plan to Be Released This Week

Is the Government Picking Winners & Losers?

The Barron's Roundtable: A Midyear Update

No Turnaround for GM?

Roubini: Risks of a 'W'-Shaped Recovery

Fed's Bullard: Economy Should Recover in Q3

Inflation Debate Brewing At Fed

Why Are Gas Prices Rising?

Obama Booed At AMA Over Malpractice Remarks

Fired Inspector General on "Glenn Beck"

LaHood: Flying Public Needs To Be Ensured They're Safe

Bill Maher Confuses Dean Rhetoric With Olbermann

Gov. Sanford On Economy, Unifying GOP

Letterman Makes Official Apology To Palin Family

O'Reilly On Hate, Hypocrisy & The New York Times

Chamber Of Commerce's Tom Donohue On "FOX News Sunday"

WH Strategist Won't Confirm Or Deny Tax Hike For Obama's Health Plan

Obama Pushes Health Reform Plan At AMA

CNN Airs Gruesome Image Of Dead Iranian

Iranian Crowd Cheers Mousavi's Car Rooftop Speech

Iranian Paramilitaries Fire On Crowd, Kill 1

Sen. McCain on Panetta vs. Cheney

Howard Dean on Obama and Gay Rights

Obama: Health Care A "Ticking Time Bomb"

Jeri Thompson On Palin vs. Letterman

Secretary Sebelius on Health Care Reform

Rep. Ron Paul On "Socialized Medicine"

Sen. McCain: Panetta Should "Retract" Cheney Comment

Clinton Becomes Envoy To Haiti

Daschle On Obama's Effort To Reform Health Care

George H. W. Bush: "Something Weird" About Iranian Elections

Sen. Barrasso Questions Obama's Healthcare Reform

WH Advisor On Threat Of Rising Health Care Costs

Obama "Deeply Troubled" By Reaction To Iranian Elections

Iran Elections: Thousands Defy Rally Ban

Bolton On Obama's Response To North Korean Missile Crisis

Netanyahu: "We'll Find Common Ground"

Sen. Durbin Cashes Out On Stock After Meeting With Fed

Obama Goofs On Which Podium Is His

Obama Asked If Too Many Agencies Apart Of Financial Problem

Rep. Pence Discusses Controversial Iranian Election

Obama Doesn't Want To Be Seen "Meddling" In Iranian Elections

Obama, South Korea Commit To Denuclearization Of Korean Peninsula

McCain On Iran: U.S. "Must Speak Out Forcefully"

Watch Live: Obama and South Korea President Hold Presser At WH

McCain "Sure" Iranian Elections Were "Rigged"

Sen. Brown On Funding Health Care

Rove On Iran And Letterman

Schultz: "Ruthless" Cheney Wants Another Terrorist Attack

FOX News: Jimmy Carter Wants Hamas Off Terrorist List

Frist On Saving African Children, Health Care

Anita Hill: Sotomayor "Excellent" Choice For Supreme Court

June 14Netanyahu Agrees To Limited Palestinian State

June 14Flashback: Obama Campaigned On Pro-Gay Agenda

June 14Sebelius: Health Care Costs Are "Crushing Us"

June 14Sen. Durbin On Health Care Tax, Sotomayor

June 14Sen. McConnell On Health Care, Sotomayor

June 14Biden "Doubts" Iranian Election Results Are Accurate

June 14Sens. Dodd, Grassley Debate Health Care

June 14Ahmadinejad: "A New Era Has Begun"

June 14Romney: Health Care Doesn't Need Government Intervention

June 14Biden Hesitant To Admit Taxes Will Pay For Programs

June 14Biden Explains Program That Saves Jobs

June 14Rep. Pence: Obama Should Support Iranian Reformers

June 14Sen. Cardin On Sotomayor, Iranian Elections

June 14FOX News Sunday Panel On North Korea

June 14Ahmadinejad Spins Question About Legitimacy Of Election

June 13O'Reilly, Beck Respond To Attacks From Krugman

June 13ABC's 20/20 Profiles FOX's Glenn Beck

June 13Clinton: We Hope Election Reflects "Genuine Will And Desire" Of Iranians

June 13Obama's Weekly Address: Health Care Reform As Key To Our Fiscal Future

June 13Iranians Riot Over Presidential Election Results

June 13Rove: Blocking State-Run Health Care Is GOP's "Top Priority"

June 13Rep. Pence On GOP Energy Plan

June 13Olbermann Describes Palin As A "Pit Bull"

June 13Bill Maher Calls Obama A "Celebrity"

June 13Education Secretary Arne Duncan On Nation's Schools

June 13O'Reilly On A "Defeat For The Far Left"

June 13Matthews: Obama Inherited "Crap" From Bush

talk radio

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***