"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

09 June 2009

9 JUNE 09

06-09-2009: Germany Intelligence Believes Al-CIAda Is Planning Attacks Before September Election

06-09-2009: Bush's Dallas home becomes site of war protest

06-09-2009: Obama Tells American Business To Drop Dead

Orwellian Whitehall Speak Turning Pupils Into Customers

06-09-2009: Credit Card Delinquency Rates Rise

06-09-2009: Seattle Warned Of Imminent Nuke Attack

06-09-2009: US, Europe look to partnership on Mars exploration

IDF Developing Battlefield Robot Snake

06-09-2009: UN Environment Chief Urges Global Ban On Plastic Bags

06-09-2009: China Airs Fears On U.S. Debt, Dollar Says Lawmaker

06-09-2009: North Korea Would Use Nuclear Weapons In A Merciless Offensive

06-08-2009: America A Weapons Supermarket For Terrorists

06-08-2009: Ex-Gitmo prisoner: US tortured me with needles, IV tubes

06-08-2009: North Korea Sentences U.S. Reporters To 12 Years Hard Labor

06-08-2009: More Global Warming Fear - East Coast May Feel Rise In Sea Levels

06-08-2009: Downturn worse than 9/11 - airlines

U.S. Reports Al-Qaeda Recruiting Teens For Attacks

06-08-2009: Intolerable Rise in Soldier Suicides

06-08-2009: Mars orbiter enters safe mode after disturbance

06-08-2009: Global arms spending hits record in '08 -think tank

GPS shoes for Alzheimer's patients

06-08-2009: Spokane Valley activists pushing for disincorporation

06-08-2009: Pupils to be taught 'how to think' in GCSE-style course

06-08-2009: Google Founders Mentor Found Dead In Swimming Pool

06-08-2009: Chinese Government Moves To Censor Home Computers

06-08-2009: Clinton Threatens To Attack Iran Like We Did Iraq

06-08-2009: Alien And Human Skulls Found On Mars

06-08-2009: Anti-Drug Plan Set For Mexican Border

06-08-2009: Crashing Into The Moon For Science

06-08-2009: Looming Ahead: Orwell's Big Brother

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (formerly known as the Top Officials exercise series or TOPOFF)

California contemplates ultimate reform - no welfare

America a weapons supermarket for terrorists, inquiry finds

Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash

FDA Panel Chairman on Bisphenol-A Secretly Received $5 Million Payment

NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming

Top Chinese Banker Guo Shuqing Calls for U.S. Government to Start Issuing Bonds in Yuan, Rather than Dollars

Nightmares come true for the neediest

Spitzer: Green Shoots, Red Ink, Black Hole: Truly Terrifying Data About the Real State of the U.S. Economy

Global Military Spending Sets New Record

Obama Promises More than 600,000 Stimulus Jobs; “Including Hundreds of Maintenance Projects at Military Bases”

Obama's economic model versus reality

2 "School of Americas" Generals Charged In Crimes In Colombia

China's Hidden Bankruptcy

Pharma's new world order

Earth 2100: New World Order Agenda on Primetime Television

Methane Could Be Storage Solution for Solar and Wind Power

US dollar 'overvalued': study

White House had long planned GM and Chrysler bankruptcies

Obama's Speech to The Islamic World

DNA databases prelude to return of eugenics?

Wall Street on the Offensive

Obama and the Muslims: Which Truths Must Be Spoken?

Eradicate Capitalism and All Forms of Oppression

Obama's Outreach to Muslims: Empty Rhetoric, Same Old Policies

Cuba and Change We Can Believe In

Towards a Great German Oil Empire

Obama Electrifies the World: Can We Believe the Hype

Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness.

Has the Chinese Economy Really Recovered? The Signs are Mixed.

12 Israeli Arabs indicted over Jewish gunman’s death

The Human Tracking Microchip

Jewish town in Galilee demands ‘loyalty oath’

Police State Measures in the UK: Police 'arrest innocent youths for their DNA', officer claims

Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankrupts: study

US Fed Chairman demands plan to cut social programs

Keeping the public health care option alive

Israel rejects Obama’s call for freeze on settlements

The upcoming presidential elections in Iran

Securitization: The biggest rip-off ever

Why the Chinese laughed at Geithner

The privatization of ‘Obama’s War’

After Dr. Tiller’s murder, where to for abortion rights?

video - The Age of Transitions

Obscure 1943 Book reveals German Plan for World Government

Police GPS surveillance raises legal questions

Weaponized Education: Controlling Tomorrow With The Youth of Today

Cheney admits there was never any evidence tying Iraq, 9/11

Billionaire: Elite Want Two-Thirds Of The “Dumb People” Wiped Off The Planet

Supreme Court rules police can initiate suspect's questioning

Predictive powers: a robot that reads your intention?

Guantanamo Bay Detainee Arrives in NYC for Criminal Prosecution on Terror Charges

North Korea May Seek to Use Jailed Americans as Leverage

California Public School District Will Force All First Graders to Follow Curriculum That Normalizes Same-Sex Unions

Indiana Challenges Constitutionality of TARP Money for Auto Bailout

Treasury Secretary's Secret Talking Points Reveal That Banks Were Forced to Surrender Ownership Stakes to Government

Oliver North: ‘I’ve Been Waterboarded, I Used to Waterboard People’

Poll Finds Few Iranians View US Favorably, Despite Obama

House Democrats Consider Taxing Health Benefits

Minority Lawmakers to Highlight Health Disparities

Congress to Consider 'Cash for Clunkers' Plan

Teachers Should Be Judged on Student Performance

China Requires PCs to Come With Anti-Porn Software

Weather Malarkey

Texas Giant Human Skull

North Korea jails U.S. journalists, warns U.N. | U.S. | Reuters

America a weapons supermarket for terrorists, inquiry finds | World news | guardian.co.uk

charles hugh smith-Why the Present Depression Will Be Deeper than the Great Crash of 1929

The Hindu News Update Service - India, China 'ready to rule world economy': US expert


'Obama met Muslim Brotherhood members in U.S.' - Haaretz - Israel News

Suspect in Kan. doctor's death warns of violence - Yahoo! News

Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash

Artificial DNA: Will Controlling the Code of Life Trigger Unintended Consequences?

Our Electronic Future? A Machine That Can Tell What You're Thinking

Exclusive Interview with Future Prediction Expert Gerald Celente - HUMAN EVENTS

Loss Of Second Amendment Closer Than You Think

Radio-controlled bullets leave no place to hide - tech - 04 June 2009 - New Scientist

Video: Large Hadron Collider to run through the year in Higgs boson race - Times Online

Revolutionary Ultrasonic Nanotechnology May Allow Scientists To See Inside Patient’s Individual Cells

Microwave Missiles: High-Energy Weapons in the Air Force - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

US shells out $10M for unmanned aircraft that can perch like a bird | NetworkWorld.com Community

*links* / Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 | Project Censored

Comparative Study of Morgellons Fibers with The Colored Fibers

Cheerios: Drugs for breakfast?

Uruguay Declassified Files - ET Hypothesis Stands

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Bankers Instigated World War One

AP IMPACT: Alternative medicine goes mainstream - Yahoo! News

Despite Recent Violence, Gun Laws Are Softening | Parade.com

***Cooking Utensil Alert

Chrysler Fiat Sale Delayed by U.S. Justice Ginsburg

What's Good For General Motors Is Now Good for China

Spy bugs may be deployed for 2012 Olympics - Times Online

Recycled radioactive metal contaminates consumer products | ScrippsNews

Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress

Twilight Language: Carradine: Killed By "Kung Fu" Illuminatus?


StumbleUpon - The Child Prostitution Ring that Reached Bush Whitehouse

The End Of The Legends

After The War?

YouTube - California CHP Car Chase Redux

European elections 2009: Spain's ruling socialists defeated - Telegraph

'No flash in the pan': UKIP cashes in on Brown backlash and soars to second in Euro vote | Mail Online

Obama's Empty Outreach To Muslims

America's cybersecurity threat | Matthew Harwood | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Classroom Thugs - ADL's Anti-Bullying Laws

US police could get 'pain beam' weapons - tech - 24 December 2008 - New Scientist

Cheney backpedals on earlier claims | Capitol Hill Blue

First accredited Islamic college planned for US | World news | The Guardian

Guantánamo's suspected terrorists could plead guilty without full trial - Telegraph

United States Senator - Jim DeMint - Geithner to DeMint: Bailouts may never end, no exit plans

Just say no to the Trigger! Ben Nelson says he won't filibuster the Public Option

Former GITMO Detainee Speaks Out! YES! I WAS TORTURED!

Lobbyists 'Honor' Politicians' Pet Causes As A Way Around Gift Ban

Michael Lewis: I Think We're in for Another Day of Reckoning Down the Road

Obama to Push Harder On Health-Care Reform: Mr. President, Have Pity on the Working Man!

President Promises 600K New Jobs This Summer

As Tensions Between North Korea and U.S. Rise, Clinton Hints At Weapons Interdiction

All Pro-choice groups should boycott Bill O'Reilly's show

Dr. Tiller's killer says more violence is coming: Scott Roeder calls the AP to issue more threats

The NRO's Ed Whelan does the unthinkable: Exposes a blogger who wanted to remain anonymous

SCOTUS: Elected Judges Must Recuse Themselves in 'Extreme' Cases of Donor Bias

Stephen Colbert's Cameo at Commencement Speech From Iraq

CJR: The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed

American Journalists Sentenced In North Korea To 12 Years Labor Camp

Chris Wallace Opens Fox News Sunday by Asking if the U.S. is Headed Towards Socialism

Getting to the Truth About World War II by Eric Margolis

Gaddy College of Self-Defense by Karen De Coster

Military-Contracting Waste, Fraud, and Abuse – Just What the Government Wants by Robert Higgs

America's Fed Addiction: Scott Horton Interviews Ron Paul

Guantanamo al Qaeda suspect in New York for trial

Sotomayor rests ankle during Senate meetings

YouTube - Raw Video: Sotomayor in Cast, Airport Stumble

Palin Says 'We Told Ya So' on Government Growth and Spending

YouTube - Newt Gingrich at 2009 GOP Congressional Dinner

Obama to Discuss Need for 'Pay as You Go' Budget Rules

YouTube - Why Green Bay?

CIA warns over terror documents

Release of interrogation files would endanger security, CIA tells judge - Los Angeles Times

Fisherman off Florida nets a big one: A guided missile

Jury selection starts for ex-congressman Jefferson

Cold Cash Case: Ex-Lawmaker's Trial Begins

Schwarzenegger's ebook plans are not a greener option

2010 Fla. governor's race a 'toss up'

'Rockefeller' jury asks for laptop

Jury resumes deliberations in 'Rockefeller' case

Charges filed in Hanover Park murder

Charges filed in fourth murder in Hanover Park in 2 weeks

Dennis Hastert's Son to Run for Father's Illinois Congressional Seat

Biden Mistakenly Claims New Hudson River Tunnel Project Will Accomodate Cars - Political News - FOXNews.com

Sheehan brings Bush protest to North Dallas

Air France Replacing Air Speed Sensors

YouTube - Brazil: Jet Vertical Stabilizer Found, Key Clue

Revamped Brown cabinet looks beyond turmoil

YouTube - Jane Kennedy hopes Gordon Brown steps aside

Families of American Journalists Ask North Korea for Compassion

YouTube - Inside secretive North Korea - 09 Jun 09

Obama Holds 'Constructive' Talks With Netanyahu

More political strife in Lebanon expected after victory of U.S.-backed coalition - Los Angeles Times

US relieved at Lebanon election result

YouTube - Inside Story - Lebanese elections - 08 June 09

Reformist cleric says won't stand down in Iran vote

In Iran Election, Tradition Competes With Web

Al Jazeera English - All up for grabs in Iran vote

Gabon to Begin Post-Bongo Transition

YouTube - Gabon: government denies reports of Omar Bongo's death

Sri Lanka sends 2000 war refugees home

Palestinians, Israelis rally against siege on Gaza border

Thai authorities hunt gunmen in mosque attack

Why center-right wins European Parliament elections?

YouTube - 2009 European Elections: EU Results Infographic

Pakistani villagers battle Taliban militants

India tells students not to hit back

Myanmar court upholds ban on two Suu Kyi witnesses

US climate envoy in China on emissions cuts

China vows to enhance co-op with US on climate change

Text of Obama's speech at Cairo University

The New Muslim-Catholic Coalition

Report: 60 Taliban killed in Afghanistan

YouTube - Raw Video: U.S. Surge Troops Patrol Afghanistan

Indian Prime Minister Open to Peace Talks with Pakistan

EU commission chief stands for second mandate

YouTube - Barroso Urges Ireland to Schedule Lisbon Treaty Vote

China defends screening software

NASA Shuttle Endeavour STS-127 Crew Prepares For Launch

Most firms unaware of Web domain changes: survey

T-Mobile hack data is genuine

Reformers, ISPs clash on national broadband plan

Is That Really The Dalai Lama? Twitter To Verify Tweeting Celebs

Twitter Prepping 'Verified Accounts', Slams Coach

Sixth-grader names Mars rover 'Curiosity'

Google's Brin Pays Homage to Mentor

Carradine's Ex -- David's Obsession Christ-like

Carradine's ex says he had a dark side

Black Eyed Peas--'The END'

Ten banks allowed to pay back TARP

High court puts Chrysler sale on hold

YouTube - USA: court puts Chrysler sale on hold

Captain Testifies at Flight 1549 Hearing

It's "Black Tuesday" for 14 Colorado Chrysler dealers

YouTube - Chrysler dealers set to close Tuesday

Crude Oil Rises for First Time in Three Days on Dollar Decline

FAA calls for review of pilot training

Fed's Fisher says US economy "out of the end zone"

Decision Makers Differ on How To Mend Broken Health System

YouTube - Health care messages for Obama

Computers Causing Injuries in the Home

Lack of Sleep Can Raise Blood Pressure Over Time

Doctors Say New Diabetes Drugs Hold Great Promise

Diabetes, Heart Disease: Drugs vs. Surgery

Former First Lady Laura Bush 'On the Record'

Recent rains may mean increase in mosquitoes

UN Official Calls for Worldwide Ban on Plastic Bags

Being Treated for Cancer? Skip the Antioxidant Supplements

New Orleans Mayor Quarantined In China

YouTube - New Orleans Mayor Quarantined in China

Atkins Diet, Sans Meat, Shows Promise

Vegetarian Atkins diet lowers heart risks - study

YouTube - Gitmo Detainee to Appear in NY Federal Court

YouTube - Hong Kong Police Probe String of Acid Attacks

YouTube - Murders of Okla. Girls Unsolved One Year Later

YouTube - Murders of Okla. Girls Unsolved One Year Later

YouTube - Sullenberger Testifies About Bird Strikes

YouTube - Ground Broke on $8.7 Billion NY-NJ Tunnel

YouTube - Corruption Trial of Fmr. Congressman Starts Tues

YouTube - Marine Accused in N.C. Murder Pleads Not Guilty

YouTube - Apple Rolls Out New IPhone and Cheaper $99 Model

YouTube - Clinton: Charges 'Unfounded' Against Journalists

YouTube - Chrysler Dealer Faces End of the Line

YouTube - Newt Gingrich at 2009 GOP Congressional Dinner

YouTube - The Communicators: FCC's William Lake

YouTube - USA: court puts Chrysler sale on hold

YouTube - UK: Labour Party reels from electoral meltdown

How to Buy Your Dream Car--Cheap

School Gate - Times Online - WBLG: Do you need a better classical education? Take our quiz....

Unemployed men struggle in dating game | Antiwar Newswire

archive - Tenth Amendment Movement Aims to Give Power Back to the States - Political News - FOXNews.com

Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - ‘It’s time to enshrine Hank Paulson as national hero’ WTF? - True/Slant

Why I Won't Have Any College Debt - The Boston Globe

Federal Reserve Hiring Lobbyist for Political War

*Site - The Literature Network: Online classic literature, poems, and quotes. Essays & Summaries

No Victory for Hezbollah in Lebanon Elections

God Blessed America

The Upcoming Presidential Elections in Iran

Why the Taliban Won't Take Over Pakistan

Former President Carter plans Gaza visit

We Wanted a World Leader. We Saw Only a US President

YouTube - TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence)

Oh Bummer: FBI stands its ground on spying in mosques

Refreshing News: US physicists create thinnest superconducting metal

Putin publicly humiliates business tycoons solving social crisis in Russian town

Stay slim to save the planet | Reuters

The Localizer: Times Online: UK Population Must Fall to 30 Million, says Porritt

***The Information Underground • View topic - Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!

The shrinking map of Palestine | Palestine Think Tank

American's Journey: Glutathione Accelerator - Any Good?

Reserve currency: Replacing $$ has huge implications

Anatomy of Berluscoland · ELPAÍS.com

*site - Educators of Liberty!

GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America – Ron Paul « Dprogram.net

Raw Story » Judge denies ACLU request to reveal US role in torture of American citizen

How Much BS Can You Take? - The Market Ticker

Oh Bummer: Child military recruitment motions will be heard in court tomorrow

Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette » Blog Archive » Ray McGovern

Here Come the Neurobots | h+ Magazine

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter SChiff - “On the Road to Argentina” on CNBC 6-8-2009

Fighting Nineteen Eighty-Four | Henry Porter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

American's Journey: Trust NIST on 911 Truth? You Tell Me: School Supplies vs. Kalashnikov Round

Greenland ice could fuel severe U.S. sea level rise

Politik Ditto: Al Gore Leaves Imprisoned North Korea Journalists In The Cold

YouTube - The Secret Lives of Seahorses at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

YouTube - 5 Monkeys

Born identity - Kokua Line - Starbulletin.com

Scientists Eye Glowing Volcano Crater in Hawaii - ABC News

Middle East Online - Confronting the CIA's Mind Maze

Fed Inspector General claims to have no knowledge of where 9 trillion was loaned.. « Where Conspiracy and Reality Collide

HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS - The Right To Keep And Bear Arms The Relationship Between Gun Control And Genocides

Credit card delinquency rates up 11% from last year - report - Jun. 8, 2009

DailyTech - NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming

Newest tax scofflaws - The Boston Globe

Virtually everywhere you go ... They're watching | Delawareonline.com | The News Journal

Moneynews - 600,000 Seniors About To Lose Their Homes

The Biggest Victim of the Debt Crisis | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

YouTube - Max Keiser US$350,000,000,000 TARP missing!

T-Mobile net reportedly hit by hacker/extortion attack | NetworkWorld.com Community

OpEdNews » Is Comcast Manipulating the American Media?

Levy on international air travel could fund climate change fight | Environment | The Guardian

Elitist Confab in Montreal: Adapting to a New World Order – Day 1

***30 pgs. / pdf - Adapting to a New World Order

Hey 'curriculum delivery person', leave our kids alone: How Orwellian Whitehall speak is turning pupils into 'customers' | Mail Online

Federal Judge Dissolves Spying Limits for Chicago Police

CIA wants interrogation papers kept secret

“87 Percent of [Chinese] Respondents Believe China’s Dollar-Assets are Unsafe”

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Torture Only Stopped When I Pretended I Was In Al Qaeda

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

WeAreChangeLA questions CFR President and Bush/Obama man Richard Haas on “Wars of Agenda,” Building 7 and the CFR’s ‘big ideas’

Margaret Sanger’s Case For Eugenics

Long-Term Economic Memory Loss

VOA News - Obama to Accelerate Economic Stimulus Plan

New Uses For Electro-Shock Torture

PATH stations to take part in security screening pilot with the TSA

Major 9/11 Truth Breakthrough! KBDI Denver Airs 9/11 Press for Truth

9/11 Trauma Defense - It’s a Lie…

GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America

Not to Worry: Charlotte Explosion Part of Military Exercise

FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)

Obama Selling Military Secrets To China For Debt Forgiveness?

Nepotism Rules at Bilderberg

CorpWatch : Carlyle Group May Buy Major CIA Contractor: Booz Allen Hamilton

Prince Constantijn becomes European communications adviser - Government.nl

About RAND | Our Staff | Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau

Union robber barons

Obama administration believes in a unitary executive when it comes to takeovers

Obama Demands Ethnic Cleansing as an Israeli Concession for Peace

Lessons for the GOP in EU elections

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

The moronic media and Obama's jobs numbers

AG Holder doesn't care about voter intimidation

A racist headline?

It's all about the next campaign

Iran Invited for Hot Dogs: U.S. to Eat Crow

The 1% Myth and the Victimization of America

62 Million Voiceless Americans

Who Has Lost Their Way?

The Collapsing Global Left

Obama Care: Robbing From Peter to Pay Paul

Obama administration may try to interdict North Korean sea and air shipments - San Jose Mercury News

TheStar.com | Canada | Royal Canadian Mint's 'lost' gold worth a mint

Fed Said to Retreat From Seeking Debt-Issuing Power

Terror drill on tube next month | Mail Online

'Robocop' gadget developed for police - Telegraph

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 8th With JT Coyote

YouTube - Rupert Murdoch: Unemployment Will Reach 10 Or 11 Percent

TheHill.com - Cantor complains Pelosi refuses to meet with him

Minneapolis man accidentally boarded in his house

Miliband signals end of Labour revolt as he names Johnson the leading contender to replace Brown

Bronstein at Large : Love or lust, Obama and the fawning press need to get a room

My Way News - Ore. investigators: Woman cut open, baby taken

North Korea would use nuclear weapons in a 'merciless offensive' - Asia, World - The Independent

Europe swings Right as depression deepens :: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

The Weekly Standard - Photo Fight: Lieberman and Graham Threaten Senate Shutdown

Gingrich at Fundraiser Says Obama’s ‘Already Failed’

My Way News - Obama repackages stimulus plans with old promises

U.S. war funding bill brims with unrelated extras | Reuters

BillingsGazette.com :: State firms cry foul over stimulus projects

McGurn: The Media Fall for Phony 'Jobs' Claims - WSJ.com

'Feel the hate' for Obama

BBC NEWS | Americas | Answers elusive in Air France crash

PATH Stations To Run Security Screening Tests - wcbstv.com

Meet Karina, the two-year-old who's as smart as Stephen Hawking | Mail Online

Iran elections 2009: Thousands rally for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as poll looms - Telegraph

CHAOS IN ALBANY: GOP Coup Upsets Balance In Senate

Sotomayor fractures ankle at New York airport

Sotomayor's confirmation hearings to begin July 13

California contemplates ultimate reform - no welfare | McClatchy

Slain Kansas abortion provider's clinic to close

BNP Breaks Though To European Platform | The Right Perspective

Barack Obama invokes Jesus more than George W. Bush - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

The American Spectator : Obama's Enemies List Grows

American Detained, Tortured in UAE at U.S. Govt's Behest, ACLU Says

PRUDEN: Every man had to be a hero - Washington Times

States say to feds: Get off our turf - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

The Associated Press: Judge: Immigrants' rights violated in Conn. raids

FBI Director Defends Use of Informants in Mosques - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Doctor likens Tiller's killing to MLK's - Washington Times

Carradine's Fourth Wife Recounts 'Roller Coaster' Marriage

'Jumbo pensions' spark state funding debate -- Newsday.com

From Florida's death row, double-murderer William Deparvine sues to stake claim to classic Chevy truck of the couple he killed - St. Petersburg Times

The "50 Laboratories" Model

Bernanke Speak: Translated

Confused About Gold and the Dollar? Understand Their Relationship Before You Invest

*audio- Savage on BBC Radio

PICTURES: New Cloud Type Discovered?

Why your brain just can't remember that word - life - 08 June 2009 - New Scientist

Jellyfish threaten to 'dominate' oceans - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Two boys and two past lives | Paranormal Review

site - The Trends Research Institute® - Forecasting, Tracking and Analyzing Global Trends

*Bruce Lipton Ph.D.: Podcasts

YouTube - Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton, Pt.1

video - Dr . Wayne Dyer & Dr . Bruce Lipton , Pt.1

video - Dr . Wayne Dyer & Dr . Bruce Lipton , Pt.2

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 1 of 7

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 2 of 7

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 3 of 7

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 4 of 7

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 5 of 7

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 6 of 7

YouTube - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception 7 of 7

Bruce Lipton Ph.D.: Mind, Growth & Matter


video - Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention'

RealClearWorld - Articles - North Korea Overplays Its Hand

RealClearWorld - Articles - Muslims Waiting for Obama's Action

Asia Times Online - US shackled by Pyongyang's ploy

Op-Ed Contributor - South Koreans Should Be Worried - NYTimes.com

Far Eastern Economic Review | China's Real Estate Riddle

Lebanon feels the Obama effect | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

www.moscowtimes.ru - History Under Lock and Key

The Self-Hating Parliament - WSJ.com

Editorial - North Korea’s Cruel Verdict - NYTimes.com

A Ballot in Beirut -Times Online

Europe's Left is eclipsed - Telegraph

New beginning for U.S., Muslims ties - The China Post

Iran's Presidential Election: What to Watch For - Brookings Institution

Arab Reactions to a Nuclear-Armed Iran

RAND | No Surprise in Failure To Deter N. Korea

Misery for social democrats as voters take a turn to the right | Politics | The Guardian

RYAN/NUNES: Let the debate begin - Washington Times

The White House needs to fight for healthcare | Salon

KeithHennessey.com » Understanding the Kennedy health care bill

The Trouble With Democrats

Al Gore Pushes Climate Change Bill in Congress; Former Vice President, Environmental Advocate - ABC News

Obama Supports Iranian Nuclear Power, Not Ours

The Reintroduction of Kirsten Gillibrand

RealClearPolitics - The Importance of Being Obama

RealClearPolitics - The Anti-Reagan

Why is the right doing so well in Europe? - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - It's Time to Change The Tone of Our 'Politics' Coverage

Life experience not at odds with judicial ability - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

RealClearPolitics - A Texas-Size Medical Lesson

Canada's ObamaCare Precedent - WSJ.com

The American Spectator : A Tale of Two Treasuries

GQ Blog on men.style.com - The Chairman Speaks

Yes I Can - Stanley Fish Blog - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Will Obama be Truman on Gay Rights?

Media gatekeepers decide what's news - Richard Benedetto - POLITICO.com

The Political and Economic Contradictions of the ‘New GM' - washingtonpost.com

The Supreme Court raises the bar for judges - Los Angeles Times

Obama Seeks Spending Rules Amid Public Concern About Deficit - washingtonpost.com

CQ Politics | Taxing Health Benefits Wouldn’t Cover Full Cost Of Insurance For All

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 09, 2009 - Congress to consider 'cash for clunkers' plan

Bribery trial set to begin for Louisiana's William Jefferson - USATODAY.com

The Panic Is Over - Forbes.com

Bull-Market Story Awaits Goldman Sachs Blessing: Matthew Lynn - Bloomberg.com

Irwin Kellner: The markets are the message - MarketWatch

Bernanke in a Box — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Fed’s Dollar Lie Called Out by Victorious Merkel: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Taking the Toxic Out of Assets - NYTimes.com

Naming the Enemy

Education and technology: Supply, demand, and income inequality | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - On the march

STEWART: Making trade work better for Americans - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Geithner Brings the Laughs In China

Geithner's Last Laugh

FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » The ‘part-timezation’ of America

Gas Prices Sudden Step Into The Limelight – 24/7 Wall Street

The Top 10 Housing Markets for the Next 10 Years - US News and World Report

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Context Matters - June 8, 2009

Merk Investments: Supreme Court Upholds Rule Of Law At Chrysler

High Gas Prices Could Slow Recovery

Supreme Court Delays Chrysler's Swift Sale - washingtonpost.com

Some owners who used homes to buoy finances are sinking - Los Angeles Times

Guests: Shelby, Goolsbee, Schmidt and Malek

Guests: David Axelrod and Newt Gingrich

Interview with Secretary Hillary Clinton

Obama's Weekly Address: Goals for Health Care Reform

Sotomayor's confirmation hearing to begin in July, Leahy says

YouTube - Raw Video: Sotomayor in Cast, Airport Stumble

Explosion, roof collapse trap workers at food plant

Democrats vow to take back now-shuttered NY Senate

Obama Seeks Rules to Restrain Spending

Signs of Low Turnout in Virginia Primary for Governor

Lawyer: Gitmo detainee in US wants military lawyer

Newt Gingrich says President Obama's economic plan has 'already failed'

YouTube - Newt Gingrich at 2009 GOP Congressional Dinner

CIA warns over terror documents

US Lawmakers Feud Over Legislation Banning Release of 'Torture' Photos

Gov. Mark Sanford on 'Glenn Beck'

Moderates in Congress feel health care push

Veteran LAPD detective faces 1986 murder charges

Dismay Over Obama's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Turnabout

Jefferson bribery trial begins in Va.

Border Patrol: Driver tried to smuggle 73 into US

Journalists unlikely to see nasty NKorean prisons

YouTube - Inside secretive North Korea - 09 Jun 09

UK's Brown survives ouster, must win back voters

Lethal blast hits Pakistani hotel

Saudis gleeful at Lebanon vote, now look to Iran's

YouTube - Coalition wins elections in Lebanon

Rafsanjani calls for 'clean' election, in letter to Leader

Mitchell to Lieberman: US committed to Israel's security

YouTube - Palestinians urge action on Israeli 'land grab' - 09 Jun 09

Pakistani Military Supports Citizen Uprising Against Taliban

Gabon appoints interim president

Tamil campaigner Euro vote boost

Slain abortion doctor George Tiller's clinic to close

YouTube - Hundreds Attend Funeral for Abortion Doctor

Burma Court Allows Witness Testimony on Suu Kyi's Behalf

UN Gaza probe may not lead to prosecutions

Thai authorities hunt gunmen in mosque attack

Peruvian Protest Leader Takes Refuge in Nicaraguan Embassy

Picasso's Notebook Stolen From Museum, French Prosecutors Say

US Climate Envoy Talks with China on Emissions Cuts

Taliban commander, 2 comrades killed in N Afghanistan

YouTube - Raw Video: U.S. Surge Troops Patrol Afghanistan

Indian Prime Minister Open to Peace Talks with Pakistan

YouTube - Inside secretive North Korea - 09 Jun 09

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Deaths in Peshawar hotel blast

Frank Schaeffer: Pro-Life? Prove it.

When Orrin Hatch talks about bipartisanship on health care, he really means "Just do it my way"

Just say no to the Trigger! Ben Nelson says he won't filibuster the Public Option

Former GITMO Detainee Speaks Out! YES! I WAS TORTURED!

Lobbyists 'Honor' Politicians' Pet Causes As A Way Around Gift Ban

Michael Lewis: I Think We're in for Another Day of Reckoning Down the Road

Obama to Push Harder On Health-Care Reform: Mr. President, Have Pity on the Working Man!

President Promises 600K New Jobs This Summer

YouTube - Exposing Masonic agenda of Iranian Regime

Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war - Haaretz - Israel News

Inflatable tower could climb to the edge of space - space - 08 June 2009 - New Scientist

America a weapons supermarket for terrorists, inquiry finds | World news | guardian.co.uk

FBI boss defends use of mosque spies - Americas, World - The Independent

New York opens High Line park in the sky on elevated railway tracks - Telegraph

For 300 years Britain has outsourced mayhem. Finally it's coming home | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

'Orwellian language' in schools turns pupils into 'customers', finds damning report

Pupils to be taught 'how to think' in GCSE-style course - Telegraph

Gordon Brown’s legacy is a nation more divided than ever - Times Online

Iranian weapons getting through to Taliban - Telegraph

Iran's main nuclear plant expanding rapidly, says IAEA - Telegraph

Video: Gaza: The destitute and the forgotten | World news | guardian.co.uk

The liberal left's war lies | Conor Foley | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Global weapons spending hits record levels | World news | guardian.co.uk

Sleeping on a problem really can solve it, claim scientists - Telegraph

China accused of 'all-out attack' on lawyers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Sarkozy steps up to the podium: French President uses footstool to prove he's Brown and Obama's equal | Mail Online

Biomimicry: why the world is full of intelligent design - Telegraph

TV before bed causes chronic health problems, study claims - Telegraph

A new people's bank | Kate Hoey | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Pox Americana | Jeremy Lott | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US & Canada - From 9/11 heartache to bankers’ bonuses

Arnold Schwarzenegger to scrap school textbooks for ebooks | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US & Canada - California stops funds for recent contracts

YouTube - Cabala Rituals of Hollywood (Freeman Perspective)

YouTube - HAARPتکنولوژی ایجاد زلزله .......ا

YouTube - MSG SILENT KILLER قاتل خاموش


YouTube - Dancing With The New World Order

YouTube - The Scientific and Rationalist Case for Life After Death - 1

YouTube - The Scientific And Rationalist Case For Life After Death - 3

YouTube - The speech that got John F. Kennedy Killed

YouTube - Chomsky dispels 9/11 conspiracies with sheer logic

YouTube - Alien Speech? Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal

YouTube - Bill Cooper on 911

YouTube - Al Gore Addicted To Blood??!!! Adrenochrome (interlude) - XO

Food Labelling System Overhaul To Cut Waste - Sky News Video Player

Air France Crash: More Bodies Recovered - Sky News Video Player

Prime Minister Gordon Brown rebuts calls for resignation - Sky News Video Player

Sky News - Video: The latest global financial news, market news and company news - Sky News Video Player

YouTube - pt 1/6 Wall street unspun

YouTube - pt 2/6 Wall street unspun

YouTube - pt 3/6 Wall street unspun

YouTube - pt 4/6 Wall street unspun

YouTube - pt 5/6 Wall street unspun

YouTube - pt 6/6 Wall street unspun

YouTube - Young voters hold sway in Iranian presidential election

YouTube - Gingrich admits there is "no evidence" in Sotomayor's "court decisions" that she is a "racist"

YouTube - Conservative Misinformation University Salutes The Class Of 2009

YouTube - Sabotage behind Air France crash?

Fetus Stolen, Mom Murdered - CBS News Video

Restoring Fiscal Responsibility - CBS News Video

YouTube - Raw Video: Blast at Pakistan Luxury Hotel

YouTube - Family Closes Tiller's Abortion Clinic

YouTube - Hong Kong Police Probe String of Acid Attacks
YouTube - Murders of Okla. Girls Unsolved One Year Later

YouTube - Rachel Maddow Takes On Obama Over Gay Rights Lack Of Progress

YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Sarah Palin's Awkward Dinner Night

YouTube - Rachel Maddow & The GOP In Exile For 06/08/09

YouTube - Freed 'GITMO' Detainee Describes Torture He Endured

YouTube - 'Slim Jim' Meat Products Plant Explodes In N. Carolina

4 doctors: mobilize!

***Townhall.com - Stopping Obamacare's Government Option Via The Blue Dogs: The List and Contact Information***

***Doctors 4 Patient Care - docs4patientcare.org***

06/08 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 5/24/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/24/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/24/09 Hour 3

Fleischer On Future Of The GOP


Biden On Sotomayor: "She Gets It" And "She Has Your Back"

Letterman: Palin Updated Her "Slutty Flight Attendant" Look In NY

SC Gov. Sanford To Accept Stimulus Funds

Sen. Sanders: Baucus Not Open To Single-Payer Care System

Olbermann Discusses "Right-Wing" Domestic Terrorists

Sanford On Being Forced to Accept the Stimulus

Interview With Laura Bush

CPR: Gov't Health Care Would Crush Patient Choice

Rep. Holt Working on Repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Colbert Takes His Act to Iraq

Gingrich: Obama "Bowing To Saudi King Is Not An Energy Policy"

Gingrich: Obama Would Destroy The American Health Care System

Palin On Obama's Policies: "Told Ya So"

Former Detainee: I Was Tortured At Guantanamo

Obama: US In "Very Deep Recession"

Howard Dean On The Public/Private Health Care Reform

Secretary Salazar On Creating Jobs

Sotomayor Tells Press "She's Fine" After Fracturing Ankle

Full Interview: Palin On Obama's Policies: "We Told Ya So"

Obama's International Date Causes Stir In Paris

O'Reilly On "Liberal Hypocrisy"

Robert Reich on Obama, The Economy & Public Opinion

Mark Levin Rips Newt Gingrich As A "Phony" And "Has-Been"

Laura Bush On Life After WH, Cheney, Sotomayor

"Today" Show Mocks Obama's Use Of Teleprompter

Clinton: Charges "Unfounded" Against Journalists

Sotomayor Fractures Ankle At NY Airport

Krauthammer On Obama's NK Policy, Nuclear Japan

Sen. Hatch On Cost Of Universal Health Care

Richardson: "Hopeful Signs" NK Situation Can Be Handled

Obama Gives D-Day Speech On 65th Anniversary

White House Video Features Muslim Proselytizers

"This Week" Roundtable On Obama's Message To Muslims

Palin: Defense Cuts Are A Sign Of "Weakness"

Krauthammer: Obama Made "Disturbing Analogy" About Israel

Clinton: If Israel Is Attacked There Would Be "Retaliation"

Gingrich: Clear What Sotomayor Said Was "Racist"

Clinton Considers Adding North Korea Back On Terror List

Axelrod: Racist Criticism Was "Unfair" And "Unfortunate"

Hillary: Obama Persuaded Me To Become Secretary Of State

Steyn On Obama Straining U.S. International Relations

Axelrod: Critics "Didn't Pay Attention" To Obama's Cairo Speech

Obama's Trip: The Past And The Future

Bill Maher's "New Rules" On Obamas, Middle East

Gartman: Oil Rally Over, Likely to Settle Around $60

Altucher: Sold My Stocks & Am Buying Natural Gas

Rumors Swirl Around Apple...

Last-Ditch Efffort To Block Chrysler Bankruptcy

Dick Bove: The Banks' Push to Pay Back TARP

Elizabeth Warren: Redo Stress Tests 'Right Now'

Geithner: No Plans for a Single Systemic Risk Regulator

TARP Payback & Tim Geithner Testifies

First Impressions of Apple's Announcements

Another Chance for Chrysler?

Center-Right Dominates EU Elections

Terrorism Not Ruled Out for Air France Crash

Fareed Zakaria's Global Panel on Islam

Labour Leadership Debate

EU Official Explains Elections Procedure

Crucial Choice For Lebanese

Search For Passengers Continues

2009 Iran Presidential Debate