"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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08 June 2009


sunday and week review

Sara Ziff talks to Louise France about the world of teen modelling | Life and style | The Observer

The tragedy of the Yemeni Jews | Lyn Julius | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Russia wheels out the evil weapon of history - Telegraph

The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’ - Times Online

Key Figures In Global Battle Against Illegal Arms Trade Lost In Air France Crash (from Sunday Herald)

David Carradine's family call in FBI over actor's death - Telegraph

Oprah defends her 'experts' accused of talking nonsense - Americas, World - The Independent

Flash Mobs To Help Pensioners Websites To Report Crime The Internet Gets A Social Conscience (from Sunday Herald)

The Sunday Herald - Scotland's award-winning independent newspaper

Hypnotise your patient, surgeons, surgeons told | Society | The Observer

It's time we created special schools for MMR dodgers | Catherine Bennett | Comment is free | The Observer

Boys to get credit card for condoms - Times Online

Wikipedia 'sentinel' quits after using alias to alter entries - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

'Powerful forces' stopped disclosure of MPs' expenses - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Three More Bodies Found in Atlantic Near Crash Site

Loss Of Second Amendment Closer Than You Think

Swine flu in forces

Tennessee Burger King Defends Its "Global Warming Is Baloney" Sign

Max Blumenthal - Feeling Jewish Hate

Unanswered Chemtrail Questions...As Evidence Mounts

Settlers say they are protecting the peace | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Air France plane crash: two bodies recovered from Atlantic, says Brazil's air force - Telegraph

Bellingham, Whatcom County Business | Bellingham Herald and Whatcom Business Magazine

No Shortage Of Holocaust Survivors

Mystery deepens over missing Air France jet - Yahoo! News

NASA Study Shows Sun Responsible for Planet Warming

Twenty UFOs Spotted Flying in Formation Over England - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Illuminati Symbolism In Movies (NEW VERSION - MUST SEE ALL OF VIDEO!) - High Definition

Twenty UFOs Spotted Flying in Formation Over England - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Capitalist Genocide

video / Penn and Teller Being Green

Wilders strikes first blow for European extremists - Europe, World - The Independent

The genius of George Orwell - Telegraph

Gold Panic Inside The Oval Office

savethemales.ca - England's Jewish Aristocracy

Niagara Gazette - NIAGARA COURTS RULING: Taser use to obtain DNA not unconstitutional

US Congress Approves Warrantless Wiretapping - 293 to 129

YouTube - MERCURY Found in Thousands of Foods & Soda's Containing High Fructose Corn Syrup!

New Radar Detects Huge Waves In Atmosphere: Discovery News


Oscar For Obama

Barack Obama visits Nazi concentration camp | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama condemns 'ignorant and hateful' Holocaust deniers - Telegraph

Anger as school tells children aged five about gay issues to the sound of Elton John | Mail Online

Photographs show 'naked' Czech ex-PM at Berlusconi's villa - Times Online

The D-Day shindig has been bad news for Sarkozy - Telegraph

Air France plane: doomed French jet sent out 24 system failure alerts before disappearing - Telegraph

YouTube - A Case for Treason (Edward Heath)

YouTube - It Wasn't Muslims

YouTube - Obama Warns not to challenge Official 9/11 Story

101 uses of a dead baby

Holocaust Denial And Uncomfortable Truths By Robin Davis

Alaska's Hubbard Glacier Advancing 7 Feet Per Day!

World Briefing - Middle East - Lebanon - 10 More Are Charged With Spying for Israel - NYTimes.com

CBS13: S.F. Police Department Holds Up Zodiac Case - cbs13.com

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

kenny's sideshow: The road from the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty led to 9/11 and beyond

Police Beating of Schizophrenic Caught on Tape - ABC News

*KryssTal : USA Backed Coups

Wikipedia 'sentinel' quits after using alias to alter entries - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Iran Signs Major Gas Deal With China; Is Europe Next? :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it

Iran Signs Major Gas Deal With China; Is Europe Next?

Obama Abandons Transparency

Spy bugs may be deployed for 2012 Olympics - Times Online

**The 9/11 WTC Collapses - An Audio-Video Analysis

The Real Meaning of Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalty Without Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters

The Real Meaning of Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalty Without Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters


Atheo News: Perverse 'Justice': Suicide By Guilty Plea

IAEA impotent: Israel

*site - Best Funny Animated Gifs Updated Daily - Gif Bin

Clinton Rejects Israeli Claims of Accord on Settlements

Jewish Tribune - Holocaust denial tackled by Yad Vashem speaker

Iraq's New Death Squad

U.S. Lawyers Agreed on Legality of Brutal Tactic - NYTimes.com

The Charm Offensive by Peter Schiff

Raw Story » Schwarzenegger “happy” illegal immigrants have access to health care, education

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Max Keiser : Audit The Fed Baby! - Alex Jones Show

Complete Remote Airliner Control Before 9-11

BBC NEWS | UK | UK 'must log' phone and web use

American's Journey: On Blogging

Russian ruble to go palladium - Pravda.Ru

The Raw Story | US to ramp up intel efforts in drug war

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bodies from missing plane found

American's Journey: A Trend Toward Tyranny

American's Journey: One in every 100 adults in the U.S. now lives behind bars!

Jacob M. Appel: Are We Ready for a Market in Fetal Organs?

Earth Losing Atmosphere Faster than Mars: Discovery News

Police File Restraining Order Against U.S. Marine 9/11 Truther | War On You: Breaking Alternative News

Iraq’s New Death Squad - NAM

Chabad(חב”ד) Rabbi Calls For Killing Of Arab Women & Children « Political Theatrics

The Rethinking Education Conference - What Is Unschooling?

ww3zionism: Jews Respond to Obama's Speaking to Muslims

Saudi FM to U.S.: Cut off aid if Israel doesn't end occupation - Haaretz - Israel News

Privatization of 'Obama's War'

Al Qassam brigades calls on fighters to treat Abbas� forces the same as Israeli troops

Schwarzenegger: Don't blame state budget deficit on illegal immigrants - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

N.Korea agrees to talks with S.Korea: officials - Yahoo! News UK

LobeLog.com » Blog Archive » Neocons for Ahmadinejad

Police seize deadly ricin at 'racist bomb factory' - mirror.co.uk

Boston Libertarian Examiner: The ever changing story: Anatomy of a typical US military propaganda campaign.

Iran says U.N. report shows its nuclear work peaceful | U.S. | Reuters

Exclusive Interview with Future Prediction Expert Gerald Celente - HUMAN EVENTS

Afghanistan to 'try criminal foreign troops'


THE 1967-WAR REVISITED (PART 1) « Desertpeace

Labyrinths of the world (photo) - Pravda.Ru

Mysterious Explosion 1,000 Times Greater than Hiroshima

American imperialism, Lenin, Marx, Capitalism and Socialism - Pravda.Ru

*site - Current Issues

America's decline into Marxism began long before Obama-nation - Pravda.Ru

Rethinking alliances in a changing world - Pravda.Ru

Obama’s Cairo speech: Time for some people to move on - Pravda.Ru

China forced to support dollar to make yuan become convertible currency - Pravda.Ru

Islam teaches good lesson to Western financial system - Pravda.Ru

Earth without people to retrieve its primeval appearance in several weeks - Pravda.Ru

Key to US lunar mission mystery lies under thick layer of lunar dust - Pravda.Ru

Arabs don't need Obama's lip-service - Pravda.Ru

06-05-2009: HR 1207 - Fed Audit Bill Now Has 190 Co-Sponsors

Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207

Anger as school tells children aged five about gay issues…to the sound of Elton John

UK Police target youths with no criminal record for arrest to increase DNA samples on database

India, China 'ready to rule world economy': US expert

China explores buying $50bn in IMF bonds

Feds Search for Man Allegedly on ‘Mission to Kill the President’

Obama Admits US Involvement in Iran Coup in 1953, But Doesn't Admit American Involvement in False Flags

Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From the Banks He’s Bailing Out?

Al Qaeda eyes bio attack from Mexico - And Assistance From White Supremacist Militia Groups

Vatican endorses genetically modified organisms for food security

The Next Big Thing: Neomedievalism

Earth 2100: New World Order Agenda on Primetime Television

DNA databases prelude to return of eugenics?

Hip Hop & Freemasonry: Culture Creation & The Shape of Things To Come

Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness.

Has the Chinese Economy Really Recovered? The Signs are Mixed.

Our Economy Is Going to Keep Tanking Until We Stop Shoveling Billions to Rich People

Media Disinformation and the "Iranian Threat"

Can Obama Work His Magic on Arabs?

US Fed Chairman demands plan to cut social programs

Sotomayor Failed to Disclose to Senate Memo in Which She Argued Death Penalty Is 'Racist'

DHS Nominee Drops Out Over Ties to CIA Tactics

The U.S. Department of Injustice

The New World Order Wants the New World Order to Fail: Order Out of Attacking the New World Order

Author Claims David Carradine’s Father was Ordo Templi Orientis Member

Was Actor Carradine Murdered for Investigating Secret Societies?

The great carbon credit con: the 'eco' companies causing pollution | Mail Online

*Obama’s Elite Agenda: Black Abortion for Profit

Obama Selling Military Secrets To China For Debt Forgiveness?

Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalties Without Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters Would Be the Ultimate Obstruction of Justice

Ron Paul: N. Korea Nuke Possible Due to Clinton Administration

NRA Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Chicago’s Gun Ban

CHP encourages residents to report out-of-state license plates | vehicle, chp, state, california, fees - News - OCRegister.com

Netanyahu Plans Major Policy Address on Road to Peace - Fox

'We'll have to accept 2-state solution' - Jerusalem Post

Obama postpones U.S. embassy move from T.A. to Jerusalem - Haaretz

Tel Aviv protest calls to end occupation - Ynet

Obama and Sarkozy agree on tough Iran diplomacy, West Bank settlements - Jerusalem Post

'Israel will have no option but to accept a two-state solution' - Jerusalem Post

Israel rejects Clinton claim of no settlement agreement - Jerusalem Post

With Israel in mind, Iran produces new anti-aircraft missile - Haaretz

UN nuclear agency: New traces of uranium found in Syria - Jerusalem Post

U.S. Security Contractors Arrested in Death of American in Green Zone - Fox

Philippine troops kill 30 Muslim rebels, seize camp - Khaleej Times

Pentagon Quietly Sending 1,000 Special Operators to Afghanistan in Strategy Revamp - Fox

Iran's Powerful Former President Attacks Ahmadinejad, Vows to Sue Hard-Line Leader - Fox

US military: insurgents using teens in attacks in Iraq - Jerusalem Post

Retired U.S. State Official, Wife Indicted on Charges of Spying for Cuba - Fox

Sarkozy backs Obama's demand to freeze settlement construction - Jerusalem Post

Report: Obama Considering Allowing Gitmo Detainees to Plead Guilty - Fox

Fighting the Pakistani Taliban - A necessary catastrophe - Economist

'Obama in the Historic Steps of His Family' - Volkhard Knigge

Obama's Arabian Dreams - Fall Short of Truth Caroline B. Glick

The Age of Middle East Atonement - Therapeutic efforts to disguise the truth never really work - Victor Davis Hanson

Netanyahu to lay out peace guidelines next week

Bernanke Speak: Translated

Confused About Gold and the Dollar? Understand Their Relationship Before You Invest

Who's minding the store at the Fed?

Tomorrow May Bring A Chilling Effect On Corporate Bonds

Steyn: 'Obama's Message of Weakness'

Victor Davis Hanson on a 'Reckoning" for Obama

Dems express 'growing concern' over dealer closings

Beware Liberals bearing energy legislation

Obama's dangerous Middle East delusions

What Obama taught us about Muslims

Sotomayor fails to disclose 'Death Penalty is Racist' Memo

The Obama Recession (updated)

Judge Sotomayor's racial hierarchy

ICCC Three Brings Climate Reality To Washington DC

A Wise Latina Spender?

Empathy and Justice

Betrayal of the Democratic Party

Obama criticizes NY Times coverage of his Israeli-Palestinian agenda

Unsettling: How Obama is using the settlement issue

Reopen the TWA Flight 800 Case

White House Video Features Muslim Proselytizers

Sotomayor and the Ugliness of Identity Politics

15 Hard Questions about the Cairo Speech

Obama's Arafat Amnesia

China since Tienanmen

Obama's speech to the Muslim world

Mutual Of Obama's Wild Kingdom

The Make Believe Sotomayor

A Dissent

RealClearWorld - Articles - Consequences of Hostility on the Korean Peninsula

Obama in Cairo: Not far enough - THE WEEK

The power of humility - Haaretz - Israel News

Op-Ed Columnist - After Cairo, It’s Clinton Time - NYTimes.com


Iran's Election: Rallies Reveal a Stark Contrast - TIME

Victory In Iraq

Op-Ed Contributors - The Economy Is Still at the Brink - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Desperation in Trying to Revive the U.S. Auto Industry

RealClearPolitics - Big Government's Big Comeback

Robert Kagan - Barack Obama as Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy Heir - washingtonpost.com

President Obama's Cairo speech proves he's experiencing a moral muddle

'A Wise Latina Woman'

Obama’s Team Works Congress From the Inside - NYTimes.com

Global warming and a tale of two planets - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Side Effects of 'Greenie' Alarmism

Clean energy: America can meet the challenge

Arlen Specter's charm offensive - Michael Falcone - POLITICO.com

On Language - Who is a 'Straw Man'? - NYTimes.com

The Settlement Rift - washingtonpost.com

Editorial - Paying for Universal Health Coverage - NYTimes.com

Pelosi takes one step forward, two back | Washington Examiner

Specter seeks to woo Pa. Democrats | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/07/2009

TheHill.com - Big states, big contests: 2010 Senate map gears toward pricey campaigns

Freezer Money Key in Case Against Louisiana Representative William J. Jefferson - washingtonpost.com

Fed Intends to Hire Lobbyist in Campaign to Buttress Its Image - Bloomberg.com

EP-Founder in 1945: European Federation First Step towards a World Federation

Obama Youth Brigades: “It’s about creating a One World”

National Service: David Gergen and the social change agenda

Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

U.S. News & World Report Piece Implies People Who Question 9/11 Mentally Ill

Pelosi: "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"

Right-wing military writer: We may have to kill war journalists

The Third Wave: an experiment to demonstrate the appeal of fascism

Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970s, too

The Obama Youth Corps and The Wave

Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation - Times Online

State recruits an army of private snoopers with police-style powers | Mail Online

State recruits an army of private snoopers with police-style powers | Mail Online

The Climate-Industrial Complex - WSJ.com

Spengler — A First Things Blog - An Afterthought on Torture


Debbie Schlussel - Obama's Apologist Speech to Muslims: The Statistics Are Telling

Debbie Schlussel - Obama Trip Irony: Yesterday v. Today

Debbie Schlussel - Muslim "Hero" Who Was Nice to Robber Not Such a Hero After All

Debbie Schlussel - The Obama Apologist Speech to Islam & Al-Azhar; CAIR and Faux-Conservative Ignoramus Loved the Speech

Debbie Schlussel - UK's Telegraph Cites Schlussel on Obama & Real U.S. Muslim Population

Debbie Schlussel - Obama White House Video Promotes Islam, Recognizes "Northern Palestine" in Video to Muslim World

Debbie Schlussel - Alhamdillullah [Praise allah]: Though Obama Bowed, Saudis Give Barack the Royal Islamic Diss

Debbie Schlussel - Guess the Religion: 12 Indicted in Multi-State US Slave Trafficking Ring

Debbie Schlussel - HOprah Watch: Finally MSM Takes a Page From Schlussel on Oprah, Dying Mag Disses Her; Calls of "Racism"

Debbie Schlussel - Hey, Obama, Does 0.6% of the Population Make America a "Muslim Nation"? UPDATE: Video Added

Debbie Schlussel - As I Predicted in 2006, Obama Now Owns Muslim Background: So, Where Are the Apologies to Me From the Left . . . and the Right?

Debbie Schlussel - ABC Tonight: The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling-- More Green/Global Warming BS

Debbie Schlussel - It's On: La Raza, Wash Post v. Schlussel on Red Sonia a/k/a Justice J-Lo

Debbie Schlussel - BHO's 3 "B"s for Islam: As Fatah/HAMAS Terror War Continues, What Obama Won't Say to the Muslim World

Europeans punish left-leaning parties in EU voting - Yahoo! News

Shootout kills 16 in Mexico's Acapulco resort

Bodies of two Air France passengers found - CNN.com

Missing Air France jet sent 24 error messages

BBC NEWS | Americas | Questions amid grief in Brazil

Netanyahu wants maximum understanding with U.S | International | Reuters

Saudi urges Obama to impose Mideast solution - paper | World | Reuters

Defiant settlers rebuild Maoz Esther outpost | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Pelosi Still Receives CIA Briefings, But Won't Say If They're Truthful - HUMAN EVENTS

Niagara Gazette - NIAGARA COURTS RULING: Taser use to obtain DNA not unconstitutional

My Way News - Alaskans concerned about North Korea's missiles

The Hindu News - ndia clones second buffalo in three months

West Bank teen arrested in rape and murder of 8-month-old - NOLA.com

Iraqis detain 5 Americans in Baghdad

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » EXCLUSIVE: GE/NBCU TRYING TO STIFLE OTHER MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF COMPANY: Immelt Orders Nielsen Media Iced Over GE-NBCU-Obama Story: NBCU’s Zucker Follows Orders And Freezes Out The Hollywood Reporter For Past 6 Weeks

Conan's 'Tonight' wins first week despite ratings slide--The Live Feed

Conan's 'Tonight' wins first week despite ratings slide--The Live Feed

My Way News - Kennedy bill would make employers provide care

NYT: Obama plans big health care push - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Chavez to expand Venezuela oil nationalizations | Reuters

The Associated Press: Main Ahmadinejad rival says supporters targeted

Obama hits back at Euro snub rumors

Really, I do like you, Obama tells French and Germans | Politics | Reuters

President Obama's French food tested by 'taster'


FBI Helps Iraqi Officials in Probe Into Contractor's Death

Terrorist Group May Have Killed Minnesota Recruit in Somalia

Clinton Grades ObamaOn '3 A.M.' Crisis Call

Health and climate change vie for boost in Congress

Parents rammed cars into burning day care

New mom found dead in crawl space; baby dies

Sectarian Politics at Play In Lebanon Elections

India Slashes Account Limits

Obama urges rivals, allies to cooperate

Deadly gun battle rocks Acapulco

American Tourist Survived Wild Ride on Side of Train

Korea Readies Plan to Counter N. Korea Missiles

Hezbollah choice at center of Lebanon vote

'History . Has Always Been Up to Us'

Son 'confirms N Korea succession'

Missing Michigan Girl's Mom Says She's Innocent

Oregon Woman Jailed in Pregnancy Hoax Murder

Accused Abortion Doctor Killer: More Violence Planned

Rangel seeks U.S. probe into N.Y. cop shootings

Hundreds attend memorial service for slain abortion doctor George Tiller

Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'

Some prisons in cash-strapped states cut meals to save

U.S. court rejects Klansman's conviction challenge

Training the Top Guns of drone aircraft

Man Sought For Threatening Obama Arrested

Suspect in doctor's death warns of violence

Ex-Rep. Jefferson faces bribery charges

Calif. contemplating rewrite of social contract

Senator on Twitter: Obama 'got nerve' to push lawmakers

Clinton: N. Korea being reconsidered for terror list

US Airways hero gets rousing hometown reception

Critics: Web images endanger national security

College Plans Virtual Graduation for Online Students

Suspense builds ahead of Apple extravaganza

How Do You Greet an Extraterrestrial?

And Moses asked God: Is Mac better than Windows?

Twitter to roll out 'Verified Accounts' this summer

Cosmic Log: Apollo in sharper focus

Scientists eye glowing Kilauea crater

A nestful of amazing bird sightings

The Hottest '80s Video Vixens

The Great Bikini Debate Rages: Stripes, or Polka Dots?

Brooke Shields Settles With National Enquirer

New Spin on Why Women Are Pickier in Love

Ear Wax, Body Odor: Breast Cancer Link?

Offer anti-diarrhea vaccine for all children: WHO

5 Ways to Bigger Biceps

U.S. healthcare revamp to require medical coverage

Health and climate change vie for boost in Congress

How To Tell If You Smell

Psychiatric Drugs For Kids Scrutinized

8-Year-Old N.M. Boy Dies Of Bubonic Plague

Doctors eager to try 'mystical mumbo jumbo'

New CDC chief to target smoking

Wait, don't flush just yet!

Natural bleach 'key to healing'

Half a pig paid as part of $50 deal for crack in N.Y.

Teen who lit joint for essay says he knew all the risks

Public toilet cost $300,000 to create

NY Skydiver Survives After Failing to Slow Down

'Rockefeller' NY Kidnapping Trial Nearing an End

AP IMPACT: Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

Netanyahu Wants "Maximum Understanding" With U.S

Deaths in Mexico Day-Care Fire Rise to 38 Children

Teen Survivor of Genocide Awaits US Graduation

Militant Hamas Gets Into Matchmaking Business

Kidnappings Spike in Pakistan

Fidel Castro Calls U.S. Spy Case Ridiculous

Escaped Cons Nabbed After Standoff

Injected With HIV by Dad as Baby, Teen Inspires

Object Flying by Plane May Have Been Model Rocket

Slain Abortion Doctor Eulogized as Generous

The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’ - Times Online

Key Figures In Global Battle Against Illegal Arms Trade Lost In Air France Crash (from Sunday Herald)

Flash Mobs To Help Pensioners Websites To Report Crime The Internet Gets A Social Conscience (from Sunday Herald)

'We might need to see you without your bra, he told me. I was 14. I didn't even have breasts yet'

Health, climate change vie for boost in US Congress

Experts Urge One Test to Diagnose Diabetes

Kennedy Details Vision for Health Care

State Coverage Model No Help for Uneasy Insurance Industry

First Bird in Illinois Tests Positive for West Nile Virus

There might be a better way to screen for prostate cancer

HIV challenges African-American community

For China-US Talks on Climate, Issues Old and New

Penske 'a Good Home' for Saturn as GM Shrinks in Bankruptcy

Video: Expert: Penske Saturn purchase 'a steal'

Treasuries and Stocks, in a Role Reversal

Hummer heading to China, the new land of excess

Home buyers' tax credit can be turned into cash at closing

Halt Social Security While Working

Reports of Yahoo Getting Binged Appear to be Mistaken

Sony hooks up with Vevo

Yahoo Adds Apps to Mail, Homepage

Hulu headed for subscription service scheme?

Just a few on Twitter do all the tweeting: study

Human laughter likely evolved from apes

Lebanese Vote in Crucial Elections

Video: Crucial choice for Lebanese

More Bodies Recovered Near Site of Plane Crash

Video: Brazil: Bodies, Bag From Doomed Air France Jet

European Voting Tilts Center-Right, Exit Polls Say

Video: EU Elections: General Atmosphere at the European Parliament

Some militants respond positively to Obama speech

Video: People on Obamas speech in Cairo

Gordon Brown braced for European elections battering

Video: Lord Falconer calls for Labour leadership debate

Video: Raw Video: Obamas Play Tourists in Paris

'Pakistan has awakened': Locals fight back against Taliban

Parents rammed cars into burning day care

Video: Parents bury children who died in Mexico daycare centre fire

In Germany, Obama strikes an urgent note on Mideast peace

Video: President Barack Obama visits Germany

Iran political elite opposing Ahmadinejad

Can Obama Holocaust Comments Give Moderates Boost in Iran Election?

Peru looks for missing police, troops patrol jungle

S.Korea makes plans to counter North missile: report

Video: Spy planes on alert following Korea nuclear test reports

European Parliament Elections Seeing Low Turnout

5 Americans may stand trial in Iraq in fellow American's slaying

Castro Calls US Spy Case 'Ridiculous'

New nuclear report on Iran angers Israel

IAEA ineffective, charges Israel's Foreign Ministry

Experts Say Full Disclosure May Not Always Be Best Tactic in Diplomacy

Obama Says North Korea Has Been 'Extraordinarily Provocative'

Judge's Votes Show No Single Ideology

For Sotomayor and Thomas, Paths Diverge at Race

Man arrested in threat to kill Obama

France gets its Obama moment

Missing Michigan Girl's Mother Says She Is 'Completely Innocent' After Body Found - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Video: Search for a killer

Gingrich Opts To "Reframe" Racist Tweet

Newt backs away from 'racist' comment

Details of Calif.'s proposed social service cuts

US has first black female Jewish rabbi

Ground Games: Who Has the Edge?

Bernard Barker dies at 92; Watergate burglar was a CIA operative

Pelosi unbound

Speaker of the House Talks Education in Des Moines

Rangel seeks federal probe into NY friendly-fire police deaths

Louisiana teen held in infant's killing, police say

Obama wants agencies to lay out spending goals

The Rush to Spend Stimulus Dollars

Woman charged in death of pregnant woman

Nominee Pulls Out as Role at CIA Is Studied

Scandals cast shadow on state Democrats

Justice Calls for Release of Alaska Ex-Lawmakers

Boys with 'Warrior Gene' More Likely to Join Gangs | LiveScience

Free-floating black hole may solve space 'firefly' mystery - space - 05 June 2009 - New Scientist

Did a meteor bring down Air France 447? | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Bats 'recognise other’s voices'

Sci-Fi Space Drive May Get Private Rocket to Moon - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

The Top 10 Worst Hereditary Conditions | LiveScience

FOX's Liz Trotta, who joked about killing Obama, attacks NBC's coverage. Calls it "pet poodle in the Obama media kennel"

Clinton: Obama Has 'Absolutely' Passed the 3 A.M. Test

Fox's panel of Sunday talkers trash Sotomayor by again taking 'wise Latina' remark out of context

Bill Moyers on the "Single Payer" plan for health care on PBS

Campbell Brown: Michael Ware Debates Torture Apologist Marc Thiessen

It's Only Make-Believe: Bush Policy on Israeli Settlement Freeze Was An 'Understanding'

Krugman: How to Keep The Insurance Companies Honest

Rachel Maddow: American Life League Planning Protests for Day of Tiller's Funeral

WSJ: Immigrants Are Making 'The Great U-Turn'

Focus on La Familia: How Dobson's outfit inspires one of the deadliest Mexican drug cartels

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Bill O'Reilly for Lying About CNN's Coverage of Army Recruiter's Murder

For Many, Layoffs Are Their New Permanent Lifestyle


video - Obama Gives D-Day Speech On 65th Anniversary

video - White House Video Features Muslim Proselytizers

video - Gingrich: Clear What Sotomayor Said Was "Racist"

video - Clinton: If Israel Is Attacked There Would Be "Retaliation"

video - "This Week" Roundtable On Obama's Message To Muslims

video - Krauthammer: Obama Made "Disturbing Analogy" About Israel

video - Palin: Defense Cuts Are A Sign Of "Weakness"

video - Axelrod: Critics "Didn't Pay Attention" To Obama's Cairo Speech

video - Hillary: Obama Persuaded Me To Become Secretary Of State

video - Axelrod: Racist Criticism Was "Unfair" And "Unfortunate"

video - Clinton Considers Adding North Korea Back On Terror List

video - Obama's Trip: The Past And The Future

video - Bill Maher's "New Rules" On Obamas, Middle East

video - Ronald Reagan's Speech on 40th Anniversary of D-Day

video - Gordon Brown Booed By D-Day Veterans

video - Obama: US Willing To Have "Direct Negotiations" With Iran

video - President Obama Calls For Real Health Care Reform

video - D-Day Survivor: "The Longest Day of My Life"

video - Sessions: Impartiality Is Cornerstone Of America's Legal System

video - British PM Gordon Brown Calls Omaha Beach "Obama Beach"

video - Palin: Government "Stands In The Way"

video - Coulter Jokes She Is "Tired Of Rush Getting All The Attention"

video - Va. Gov. Candidate Brian Moran on "Hardball"

video - Rep. Schakowsky on Rep. Kline Revealing Confidential Information

Video - Brokaw Compares Concentration Camp To Treatment Of Palestinians

video - Obama At Buchenwald: "I Will Not Forget What I've Seen"

video - Britism PM Gordon Brown Vows To Stay

video - FOX News' Megyn Kelly Responds To Playboy's "Hate F**k" List

video - Gingrich Compares President Obama To Jimmy Carter

video - Historian Douglas Brinkley on Obama's Overseas Trip

video - Rush: "State-Run" Media Will Not Challenge Obama

video - Rep. Rangel To Obama: Stay Out Of NY Primaries

video - Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God"

video - WH Economic Adviser Can't Explain What "Great Lakes Czar" Does

video - O'Reilly On Obama And The War On Terror

video - Coulter On Obama's Speech In Egypt

video - Obama Recalls Story Of Great Uncle Liberating Concentration Camps

video - Limbaugh: Obama Is "Clearly Out Of Touch"

video - Goolsbee Discusses Possible "Economic Rebound"

video - Obama Has "No Patience" For Holocaust Deniers

video - Collins: Sotomayor "Assured" Me That She Will Leave "Personal Experiences" Behind

video - Clinton: Obama Gave A "Magnificent" Speech

video - Rush: Obama Has "Something Against Israel"

video - Part 5: Scarborough, Buchanan Debate Conservatism

Guests: Shelby, Goolsbee, Schmidt and Malek

Guests: David Axelrod and Newt Gingrich

Interview with Secretary Hillary Clinton

Obama's Speech on the 65th Anniversary of D-Day

Obama's Weekly Address: Goals for Health Care Reform

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network: Savage Archive***

06/05 The Mark Levin Show

06/04 The Mark Levin Show

06/03 The Mark Levin Show

06/02 The Mark Levin Show

06/01 The Mark Levin Show

week in video/other video/ flashbacks

YouTube - Man Robbing Store Caught - Asks To Be Converted To Islam

YouTube - Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World" - Rush Limbaugh

YouTube - President Obama Tours Pyramid & Sphinx In Egypt

YouTube - CNN Summarizes President Obama's Trip To Egypt

YouTube - CNN Summarizes President Obama's Trip To Egypt

President Obama Tours Egypt (Pryamids)

Obama in Egypt for crucial speech

Keith Olbermann: Rush Limbaugh Compares President To Al-Qaeda

Obama Egypt Apocalypse June 2009 Nostradamus - Obama surrenders in the war on terror

Lower Quality Version: President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt

YouTube - Al Gore Questioned by Marsha Blackburn on his financial gains in global warming

YouTube - U.S. Embassy Speaks About Carradine's Death

YouTube - Researchers Say Obama Has German Roots

YouTube - Murder Suspect Blames Wife's Death on Spray Tan

YouTube - Man Beaten Over Rape Released From Hospital

YouTube - FBI: Airline Worker Helped Man Get Gun on Plane

YouTube - Raw Video: Bold Smash, Grab Nets $330K

YouTube - Raw Video: Bus Fire in China Kills at Least 24

YouTube - Obama Visits WWII Concentration Camp

YouTube - Police: Found Body Likely Missing Girl

YouTube - Man Gets One Year for Wife's Honeymoon Death

YouTube - Debris Doesn't Match; Flight 447 Mystery Deepens

YouTube - Body Found in Van Covered With Parking Tickets

YouTube - Obama: 'Time to Deliver' on Health Care

YouTube - Hundreds Attend Funeral for Abortion Doctor

YouTube - Today in History for June 7th

YouTube - Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

YouTube - Shootout Kills 16 in Mexico's Acapulco Resort

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Returns From Overseas Trip

YouTube - The Science that proves 9/11 was an Inside Job

YouTube - Nano - thermite Demolishes 911 Conspiracy Debunkers

YouTube - Republicans Criticize President & First Lady's "NYC Date Night"

YouTube - 2 Murderers Break Out Of Arkansas Prison Using Guard Uniforms

YouTube - Homeless "Cave" Uncovered In Los Angeles

YouTube - ABC News Profiles Arianna Huffington Of Huffington Post

YouTube - Kansas Abortion Doctor Shot/Killed While Attending Church

YouTube - {UPDATE} Kansas Abortion Doctor Shot/Killed While Attending Church

YouTube - 'Muslim Convert' Shoots 2 Army Recruiters - Kills 1 In Little Rock, Arkansas

YouTube - Air France Jet Likely Crashed Over Atlantic Leaving Brazil

YouTube - Did Navy Seals Steal Pirates Money After Rescuing Captain?

YouTube - Glenn Beck 'Slams' Obama's Auto Task Force's Brian Deese

YouTube - President Signs Bill Honoring Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday With Nancy Reagan

YouTube - Rush Limbaugh: "I Could Support Sonia Sotomayor's Nomination To Supreme Court"

YouTube - Sonia Sotomayor Stopped From Answering Question On Capitol Hill

YouTube - Tom Tancredo's Aide Assaulted African-American Women Called Her The "N" Word

YouTube - David Frum: Obama's Egypt Speech "Worse Than My Worst Fears"

YouTube - Rachel Maddow's Analysis Of Barack 'Hussein' Obama In Egypt

YouTube - Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel After Touring Concentration Camp

YouTube - Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Wants To Buy & Control Radio And T.V."

YouTube - CNN: Actor David Carradine Died Of "Unusual Circumstances"

YouTube - Man Charged With Death Threat Against Obama In Utah On The Run

YouTube - Brian Williams Ask President Obama About Gay Marriage

YouTube - Rachel Maddow Takes On Liz Cheney And Her Father's Lies

YouTube - British Prime Minister Calls Omaha Beach - 'Obama Beach'

YouTube - Bodies Found By Brazilian Military From Air France Jet Crash

YouTube - President's Speech At D-Day's 65th Anniversary In France

YouTube - Richard Gage on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:You Can't Stop 9/11 Truth!!

YouTube - Richard Gage on Alex Jones Tv 2/3:You Can't Stop 9/11 Truth!!

YouTube - Richard Gage on Alex Jones Tv 3/3:You Can't Stop 9/11 Truth!!

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Architects Behind The Illuminati

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Architects Behind The Illuminati

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Architects Behind The Illuminati

YouTube - Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:Architects Behind The Illuminati

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Everybody Knows

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Everybody Knows

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Everybody Knows

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:Everybody Knows

YouTube - NASA's Masonic Secrets

YouTube - Muslims Want Deeds, Not Just Words From Obama

YouTube - Obama on Iraq, Iran and Israel in Cairo

YouTube - Man Charged in Abortion Doctor Death Wants Bail

YouTube - First Person: Muslims Watch, Reflect on Speech

YouTube - Raw Video: Hamas Gun Battle in West Bank

YouTube - Repression Marks Tiananmen's 20th Anniversary

YouTube - Obama: 'New Beginning' for U.S., Muslims

YouTube - North Korea Puts American Journalists on Trial

YouTube - Pelosi Expects Healthcare Bill by End of July

YouTube - When the dollar went up, the markets went down

YouTube - Crucial choice for Lebanese

YouTube - People on Obamas speech in Cairo

YouTube - The meaning of Tiananmen Square

YouTube - Pakistan could become #1 nuclear threat

YouTube - Can a tank really fly?

YouTube - Outlook on the Russian economy: John Lipsky

YouTube - Nuclear talks put on hold

YouTube - Iraq and Afghanistan are being left to mercenaries

YouTube - Medvedev's speech at St. Petersburg Forum

YouTube - ISS crew to take first spacewalk

YouTube - Moscow Out: Cathedrals

YouTube - EuroShock: Pirates storm Parliament

YouTube - Spotlight: St. Petersburg brainstorm

YouTube - Obama's speech impressed many

YouTube - US to rebuild bridges to Middle East

YouTube - Putin takes on desperation of crisis-hit town

YouTube - Speech in Cairo: new U.S. strategy

YouTube - Russians found dead in Panama

YouTube - Tiananmen Square protests

YouTube - US will never be at war with Islam

YouTube - China was not ready for democracy 20 years ago

YouTube - Gas flow to Europe might stop

YouTube - Blunder reveals US nuclear sites

YouTube - Anti-US forces will try to corner Obama

YouTube - Conference with Hamas impossible

YouTube - North Korea assembles long-range missile

YouTube - U.S. military takes over world....wide web

YouTube - Stripper teaches art to school kids

YouTube - New photos show rape of detainees by US soldiers

YouTube - N. Korea reveals heir apparent

YouTube - Police search for clues in triple murder

YouTube - Fire leaves 2 children dead, 2 injured

YouTube - Male victims named in triple homicide

YouTube - Gingrich: Sotomayor is a 'racialist,' not a racist.

YouTube - Shelby tries to blame Obama for bank bailouts that happened last fall.

YouTube - RNC Chairman Michael Steele: 'God help you if you're a white male coming before' Sotomayor

YouTube - Graham: Bush Acted 'Out Of Fear' To Approve Torture

YouTube - Limbaugh: 'I do want and still want Obama to fail.'

YouTube - Cheney: Bush passed the buck on GM

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck attack GE head Jeffrey Immelt

YouTube - Santorum gives Obama advice for date night.

YouTube - Coburn: Sotomayor is "not friendly to the Second Amendment."

YouTube - Dick Cheney: Gay couples should be free to enter into "unions"

YouTube - Cheney: Iraq war "saved lives."

YouTube - Buchanan On Ricci Case: GOP Must Stand Up For "White Working Class"

YouTube - John Podesta on Health Care Reform and CPR's Rick Scott

YouTube - Tancredo: 'I don't know' if the Obama administration 'hates white people.'

YouTube - G. Gordon Liddy On Sotomayor: 'Let's Hope That The Key Conferences Aren't When She's Menstruating'

YouTube - Michael Steele claims Sonia Sotomayor is not "a bell ringer" and is "rather abrasive."

YouTube - Tancredo: La Raza is "a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses"

YouTube - Hannity: Cherry Picked Quotes About Sotomayor Make Her Look Bad

YouTube - Malkin disses O'Reilly

YouTube - Orrin Hatch disagrees with Newt Gingrich on whether Sotomayor is a "racist."

YouTube - Tancredo: Sotomayor "Appears To Be A Racist"

YouTube - Rove's big complaint: Sotomayor corrects her colleagues' grammar

YouTube - Israeli citizens reject military service - 06 Jun 09

YouTube - Hamas fighters clash with security forces - 5 Jun 09

YouTube - Obama speech isolates Indonesian Muslims - 5 Jun 09

YouTube - Secrecy surrounds EU's financial institutions - 5 Jun 09

YouTube - Legacy of Tiananmen 'tank man' lives on - 05 June 09

YouTube - Muslim immigrant claims US discrimination - 4 Jun 09

YouTube - Barred from Tiananmen Square - 04 Jun 09

YouTube - Liz Cheney Security-Obama-Gitmo

YouTube - The best Second Amendment lecture Part I. So good it can convince your liberal friends.(1/3)

YouTube - The best Second Amendment lecture Part II. So good it can convince your liberal friends. (2/3)

YouTube - The best Second Amendment lecture Part III. So good it can convince your liberal friends. (3/3)

YouTube - Rachel Maddow, Hypocrisy, Conserva-Dems & Corruption

YouTube - Megyn Kelly vs. ACORN on the Census and Vote Fraud

YouTube - Karl Rove on the Outed Vast Left Wing Conspiracy

YouTube - Chris Mathews vs. Ari Fleischer (Part 1 of 2)

YouTube - Chris Mathews vs. Ari Fleischer (Part 2 of 2)

YouTube - Jim Cramer: Obama is causing the greatest destruction of wealth I have ever seen by a president

YouTube - Why the First Amendment Matters

YouTube - Janeane Garofalo - Racial Attack Against Michael Steele

YouTube - BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Single Payer Health Insurance | PBS

YouTube - TAVIS SMILEY | Is Marriage a Civil Right? | PBS

YouTube - Soy: Dirty Little Secrets

YouTube - Vaccines: What the Government Research Says

YouTube - Boost Your Metabolism with Coconut Oil!

YouTube - Estrogen: A Man's Weight Loss Nightmare

YouTube - Got Lies? Pasteurized Milk Does NOT Build Strong Bones!

monday /weekend

Despite Recent Violence, Gun Laws Are Softening | Parade.com

Target: Freedom: FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

BBC NEWS | Health | Rogue protein 'spreads in brain'

Michigan Messenger » Radioactive cheese grater found in Flint illustrates lack of federal oversight

Obama's poor choice for faith leader | Salon

Privacy groups fear &squo;Medishare&squo; card scheme | The Courier-Mail

The Associated Press: Shootout kills 16 gunmen, 2 soldiers in Acapulco

On Gardening, Horse Manure & Government Control

Jay Weidner - Alchemical Kubrick update.

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » KISSING the Criminal Zionists

Tel Aviv gay pride being used to promote Israel abroad | Israel | Jerusalem Post

Canadian university challenges Israel's right to exist | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post

'WHACK'Y KUNG FU - New York Post

Middle East News | Israel set for blizzard of war crimes charges

Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’ | NewsBusters.org

Kevin McCullough : Why Obama's Elementary Queering Must Be Stopped - Townhall.com

Obamanomics: How Stupid Do They Think We Are? - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online

President Obama’s Unprecedented Debt » The Foundry

Op-Ed Contributors - The Economy Is Still at the Brink - NYTimes.com

President Obama's French food tested by 'taster'

The Man Who Cried Doom

Bank Profits From Accounting Rules Masking Looming Loan Losses - Bloomberg.com

Obama And Holocostianity

Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207 - BlackListed News

Schwarzenegger: Don't blame state budget deficit on illegal immigrants - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Israel: No policy change after Obama speech - World News | Tri-City Herald : Mid-Columbia news

YouTube - Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Bag Monsters

YouTube - Lost Generation

Tunnel fraud leaves Gazans on verge of financial ruin | World news | The Observer

Sara Ziff talks to Louise France about the world of teen modelling | Life and style | The Observer

The tragedy of the Yemeni Jews | Lyn Julius | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Russia wheels out the evil weapon of history - Telegraph

The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’ - Times Online

Nine more police killed in Amazon protests - Americas, World - The Independent

David Carradine's family call in FBI over actor's death - Telegraph

Oprah defends her 'experts' accused of talking nonsense - Americas, World - The Independent

Flash Mobs To Help Pensioners Websites To Report Crime The Internet Gets A Social Conscience (from Sunday Herald)

Hypnotise your patient, surgeons, surgeons told | Society | The Observer

Boys to get credit card for condoms - Times Online

Loss Of Second Amendment Closer Than You Think

Unanswered Chemtrail Questions...As Evidence Mounts

YouTube - Illuminati Symbolism In Movies (NEW VERSION - MUST SEE ALL OF VIDEO!) - High Definition

video - Dead In The Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty

Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress « Dprogram.net

Refreshing News: China 2nd biggest arms spender in world: SIPRI

Scientists discover unexpected cause of global warming: the price of a U.S. postage stamp

YouTube - NJ Man beaten and arrested for having an unzipped jacket

Pouring cold water on global warming - Environment, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » U.S. Secret Uranium Locations Published Over Internet ?

Clinton: If Iran strikes Israel, expect retaliation - Haaretz - Israel News

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » US Auto Dealers Screwed by Auto Manufactures and the Government - CSPAN

Conspiracy, Census and the Case for Secession by Gary D. Barnett

Brown accused of 'fear and smears' | News

Mockingbird agenda at Daily Kos | 911Blogger.com

123 Real Change: Dissecting the Mainstream Media

Vodkapundit » The Grand Unification Theory of Sucking

The Empire Strikes Back: Preparing for the Worst by William Buppert

Taking Aim At the Taliban - TIME

U.S. journalists sentenced to 12 years hard labor in North Korea - CNN.com

The Coming Storm - 1

The Coming Storm - 2

The Coming Storm - 3

The Coming Storm - 4

The Coming Storm - 5

The Coming Storm - 6

What Nuclear Secret Was Kerry Aide Looking for in Switzerland? : Federal Jack

The bug that can blast away cancer: Drug made from virus extends patients' lives | Mail Online



Inside the Military’s Secret Terror-Tagging Tech | Danger Room | Wired.com

Allegations against U.S. contractors false, son says - CNN.com

The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports - News - Charleston native recalls days as Green Beret 'horse soldier'

*The Text of Magna Carta


Galilee communities: We're not racist, we just don't want Arabs - Haaretz - Israel News

Study reveals 'hidden homeless' in rural America

Feds arrest Liberty Dollar founder and three associates | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

*national journal: The HOLOCAUST for Dummies

Telstra BigPond News and Weather

Holocaust Denial And Uncomfortable Truths By Robin Davis

World Briefing - Middle East - Lebanon - 10 More Are Charged With Spying for Israel - NYTimes.com

kenny's sideshow: The road from the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty led to 9/11 and beyond

High court: Judge should have dropped case involving donor

Campaign Money Can Disqualify Judges, Top Court Says

Obama Unveils New Projects to Speed Economic Recovery

Obama's summer jobs plan: work for 600000 people

GOP Senators: Public Health Plan Would Mean Govt 'Takeover'

Republicans Oppose Health 'Public Option' in Letter to Obama

High court rejects lawsuit over gays in military law

Carothers heads to court

Chicago Ald. Ike Carothers pleads 'not guilty'

Palin May Try to Upstage Gingrich at GOP Dinner

Former First Lady Laura Bush 'proud' of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor

Oklahoma Dad Waits for Answers 1 Year After Double Murder of Girls

Schakowsky to run again for House, not Senate

Pa. trooper killed in mountain highway shootout

YouTube - State Trooper Dies Following Pa. Shootout

Prosecutor: 'Rockefeller' was angry, not insane

Control vs. madness: Jury gets Rockefeller case

Grandfather Allegedly Kills Grandson, Injures Wife

Lynchburg Voters League criticizes mailing attacking McAuliffe

Congress Considers War Financing Bills

Two Juveniles Charged With Setting Pit Bull Ablaze

Vote on Senate budget bill previews looming battle

EU election sees swing to the right

YouTube - Years of work paid off Pirate Party

Answers elusive in Air France crash

Air France Union Demands A330 Upgrades Before Flights

US mulls choices for freeing journalists imprisoned in NKorea

YouTube - Journalists Get 12 Years in N. Korean Labor Camp

SCENARIOS: Will Britain's Prime Minister Brown survive?

YouTube - UK - European elections: results up the pressure on Gordon Brown

Pro-Western bloc beats Hezbollah in Lebanon vote

YouTube - Lebanon Pro-West Coalition WIns - Bloomberg

Gaza militants used booby trapped horses

Gabon's leader Bongo dead at 73

YouTube - Gabon: government denies reports of Omar Bongo's death

US pushes for Israeli-Palestinian discussions

US seeks immediate Mid-East talks

Australia names Indian-origin man as next envoy to India

Pakistani Tribesmen Rise Up Against Taliban

Relative Unknown Leads Challenge in Iran

YouTube - World: Iranian Election Draws Out Supporters - nytimes.com

Mexico governor vows to clarify fatal day-care fire

Death Toll Reaches 41 in Fire at Day Care Center in Mexico

Omagh 'justice'

YouTube - Real IRA chief responsible for Omagh bombing

Berlusconi survives scandal; fails to win surge

FEATURE-Rock-loving Baron shakes up German election battle

German Govt Rejects Arcandor Loan Request - Sources

Stephen Colbert gets a crew cut in Iraq

OAS chief sees Cuba eventually rejoining group

Cuba says no thanks to rejoining OAS

Beshir brands ICC warrant 'infringement' on Sudan

Sarkozy entertains Michelle and the girls after Obama heads home

YouTube - Raw Video: Obamas Play Tourists in Paris

Chrysler fight goes to US Supreme Court: Journal

McDonald's Falls After May US Sales Trail Analysts' Estimates

OIL FUTURES: Crude Steady, Caught Between Dollar, Profit-Taking

BEFORE THE BELL: US Stock Futures Lower

Clear Channel Hires Time Warner's Partilla

Democrats stoke grassroots US healthcare campaign

China quarantines New Orleans Mayor Nagin over flu

YouTube - New Orleans Mayor Quarantined in China

Ailing Kennedy Key to Health Bill

Sweeping Health Plan Is Drafted by Kennedy

Diabetes diagnostic test recommended as standard

Alternative Herbs and Medicines Grow in Popularity

YouTube - Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

FDA Approves Cancer Treatment For Dogs

Bing Porn Draws Flak

Google Advisor Found Dead

Stanford computer prof. Rajeev Motwani found dead

Windows 7 not likely to jolt PC market

T-Mobile Investigating Data Breach Claims

Black Hat, Defcon Founder Named to DHS Panel

Hacker Joins Homeland Security Advisory Council

The 63rd Annual Tony Awards

Thai police: FBI can observe Carradine probe

Carradine's Ex -- He Spent Days Planning Bondage

Carradine's Attorney Believes He Was Murdered

Digital TV switchover coming June 12

YouTube - Only days until TV digital switch

Woman Reportedly Abducted by Ex-Boyfriend Found

Groundbreaking Set for New Jersey Transit Tunnel Under Hudson

Obama speech quoted jihad verse from Quran


'Jumbo pensions' spark state funding debate -- Newsday.com

Treasury Plans Wider Oversight on Compensation - NYTimes.com

Budget plan could doom CalWORKS aid to families, children - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Hamas gets into matchmaking biz - Israel News, Ynetnews

Mexican drug cartels 'hide in plain sight' in U.S. - Washington Times

Obama Cabinet dispatched to relieve auto angst - Washington Times

State's budget crisis opens rift between unions and Democrats - Los Angeles Times

English Town, Feeling Neglected, Asks Its French Twin for a Divorce - WSJ.com

5 Arizona Police Officers Placed on Paid Leave in Criminal Probe Involving Flushed Fetus - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Spengler — A First Things Blog/ An Afterthought on Torture

Ayers and Dohrn on C-SPAN

Misdirecting Health Care

The roots of Sotomayor's ethnic chauvinism

Now that Obama is in office, Newsweek declares 'Victory in Iraq'

NoKo's convict two American journalists

MSM: Sotomayor's experience good; Obama's inexperience good

More Stimulus nonsense from Obama

Don't you wish Obama would occasionally act as he wishes us to act?

More uranium found in Syria

Were CIA operatives compromised by Myers?

Too Audacious to Hope?

Fidel-ity: Three Decades of the Myers Spy Ring

More Cuban Spies?

Stunning Victory at the Polls for Democracy in Lebanon

Obama's Broken Feedback Loop

Puke Alert: Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Appear on C-SPAN

A Revised Government Economic Glossary

ICCC Three Brings Climate Reality To Washington DC

Empathy and Justice

Betrayal of the Democratic Party

Obama criticizes NY Times coverage of his Israeli-Palestinian agenda

Unsettling: How Obama is using the settlement issue

Reopen the TWA Flight 800 Case

White House Video Features Muslim Proselytizers

Sotomayor and the Ugliness of Identity Politics

15 Hard Questions about the Cairo Speech

Obama's Arafat Amnesia

House Republicans Must Be Joking

Bernanke Speak: Translated

Confused About Gold and the Dollar? Understand Their Relationship Before You Invest

06-08-2009: Roanoke man charged with making online threats

Calls For Wider Use Of Yuan

06-08-2009: Anti-Drug Plan Set For Mexican Border

06-08-2009: Crashing Into The Moon For Science

06-08-2009: Looming Ahead: Orwell's Big Brother

06-08-2009: U.S. May Permit 9/11 Guilty Pleas In Capital Cases

06-08-2009: California Contemplates Eliminating Welfare

Russian Minister: World Currency A Decade Away

06-08-2009: NYPD Looking At Futuristic Technology

06-08-2009: Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash

06-08-2009: 20 UFOs Spotted Flying In Formation Over Britain

06-07-2009: Australia: Privacy groups fear 'Medishare' card scheme

06-07-2009: Kennedy Bill Would Force Employers To Provide Health Care

06-07-2009: Big Government Spending Programs Making Economy Worse

06-07-2009: Military Backed Public Schools On The Rise

06-07-2009: Tax Considered On International Air Travel To Fight Climate Change

06-07-2009: Pentagon: Billions in U.S. terror aid to Pakistan diverted

06-07-2009: Spy Bugs May Be Deployed For 2012 London Olympics

06-07-2009: Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story

06-05-2009: HR 1207 - Fed Audit Bill Now Has 190 Co-Sponsors

06-05-2009: Russia Accuses Poland Not Germany Of Starting World War II

China's Hidden Bankruptcy

Pharma's new world order

Earth 2100: New World Order Agenda on Primetime Television

Methane Could Be Storage Solution for Solar and Wind Power

US dollar 'overvalued': study

Europeans punish left-leaning parties in EU voting

Big Banks Show Profits On Phony Accounting

Weaponized Education: Controlling Tomorrow With The Youth of Today

New Army Rifle Fires Laser-Guided Smart Bullets With Onboard Targeting Chips

Predictive powers: a robot that reads your intention?

CIA To Recruit Wall Street Pros, Says Report

The Real Meaning of Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalty Without Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters

Feds Charge Man with Attempt to “Undermine” Currency System with Liberty Dollars

Anger as school tells children aged five about gay issues…to the sound of Elton John

‘Soft Power’ and Personal Charm

We Wanted a World Leader. We Saw Only a US President

The Great, International, Demonic, Truly Frightening Iranian Threat

"We Have To Break That Siege"

Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation

DNA databases prelude to return of eugenics?

Hip Hop & Freemasonry: Culture Creation & The Shape of Things To Come

Saudi 'Killer Chip' Implant Would Track, Eliminate Undesirables

Technocrats Lust For Eternal Life Through 'Reengineering' of Humanity

Obama and the Muslims: Which Truths Must Be Spoken?

Eradicate Capitalism and All Forms of Oppression

Obama's Outreach to Muslims: Empty Rhetoric, Same Old Policies

Cuba and Change We Can Believe In

The genius of George Orwell

Obama Electrifies the World: Can We Believe the Hype

Capitalism Produces Rich Bankers, but Socialism Produces Happiness.

Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankrupts: study

US Fed Chairman demands plan to cut social programs

U.S. Releases Secret List of Nuclear Sites Accidentally

DOJ moves to reverse AIPAC espionage case guilty plea and jail time

Obama’s speech in Cairo

The privatization of ‘Obama’s War’

After Dr. Tiller’s murder, where to for abortion rights?

Bilderberger treason goes unpunished!

video - The Age of Transitions

Obscure 1943 Book reveals German Plan for World Government

Police GPS surveillance raises legal questions

National Licence Plate Surveillance Grid Tracks Anti-War Protesters

Weaponized Education: Controlling Tomorrow With The Youth of Today

Supreme Court rules police can initiate suspect's questioning

Top Obama Adviser: Congress Will Approve Government-Owned Health-Care This Summer

American Legion Critical of Obama for Apologizing to Muslim World for U.S. Actions in Aftermath of 9/11

Hezbollah, Allies Defeated in Lebanon Poll But Outlook Still Troubling

Obama Gets Reality Check From Complex Mideast

Fidel Castro Questions Timing of Arrest of Suspected Spies

DOD Report: One in Seven Released Gitmo Detainees Returns to Terrorism

Sotomayor Failed to Disclose to Senate Memo in Which She Argued Death Penalty Is 'Racist'

Suspect in Abortionist George Tiller’s Death Warns of More Violence

FDA Might Approve Psychiatric Drugs for Kids

China Requires PCs to Come With Anti-Porn Software

More Minority Teachers Needed at Theology Schools

Weather Malarkey

The U.S. Department of Injustice

*The Geography of Jobs

Exclusive Interview with Future Prediction Expert Gerald Celente - HUMAN EVENTS

Source: Arkansas Shooting Suspect Searched Targeted Sites on Google - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Microwave Missiles: High-Energy Weapons in the Air Force - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

**The Case Against the Fed by Murray N. Rothbard

Fool on a Fool’s Errand by Bill Bonner

And We, Like Sheep… by William Norman Grigg

Ludwig von Mises's Memoirs by Jeffrey A. Tucker

A Peccancy by Tim Case

Around With Ludwig by Chris Clancy

'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret by Eric Margolis

HealthNewsDigest.com - Birth Control Chemical in Drinking Water

CIA was responsible for the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy

CJR: The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed

American Journalists Sentenced In North Korea To 12 Years Labor Camp

Chris Wallace Opens Fox News Sunday by Asking if the U.S. is Headed Towards Socialism

Gingrich Now Calling Sotomayor "Racialist"

Gordon Brown's Labour Party crushed in election

Newt Gingrich . "We are living in a period where we are surrounded by paganism."

President Obama will use his bully pulpit in order to get health care reform done

Robert "Paul Revere" Reich Sounds The Alarm: The Healthcare Fix Is In - And It Ain't Good. Fight Back Now!

Reliable Sources: Forget Tiller, Bill O'Reilly Is The REAL Victim Of Media Rhetoric

FOX's Liz Trotta, who joked about killing Obama, attacks NBC's coverage. Calls it "pet poodle in the Obama media kennel"

Clinton: Obama Has 'Absolutely' Passed the 3 A.M. Test

Fox's panel of Sunday talkers trash Sotomayor by again taking 'wise Latina' remark out of context

Bill Moyers on the "Single Payer" plan for health care on PBS

Campbell Brown: Michael Ware Debates Torture Apologist Marc Thiessen

It's Only Make-Believe: Bush Policy on Israeli Settlement Freeze Was An 'Understanding'

Krugman: How to Keep The Insurance Companies Honest

WSJ: Immigrants Are Making 'The Great U-Turn'

Focus on La Familia: How Dobson's outfit inspires one of the deadliest Mexican drug cartels

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Bill O'Reilly for Lying About CNN's Coverage of Army Recruiter's Murder

For Many, Layoffs Are Their New Permanent Lifestyle

D-Day, Obama and Hitler

The New World Order Wants the New World Order to Fail: Order Out of Attacking the New World Order

Major 9/11 Truth Breakthrough! KBDI Denver Airs 9/11 Press for Truth

9/11 Trauma Defense - It’s a Lie…

Roanoke man charged with making online threats - Roanoke.com

Alex Jones Calls for Aid to Expand the Infowar Against the Global Elite

Pupils to be taught 'how to think' in GCSE-style course - Telegraph

Spy bugs may be deployed for 2012 Olympics - Times Online

U.S. May Permit 9/11 Guilty Pleas in Capital Cases - NYTimes.com

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

Obama's economic model versus reality | Gather

Gang culture may be due to 'warrior gene' - Telegraph

audio - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition - L I V E - June 7th

audio flashback - The Freedom Of Information Act - March 30, 1965

Obama promises summer speedup of economic effort

Democrats Weigh Health Mandate as Obama Urges Taxing Wealthy - Bloomberg.com

Conservatives score wins in EU parliament voting - Yahoo! News

Swedish Pirate Party enters EU parliament: partial results

video - msnbc.com:The presidential teleprompter

Canadians angered over Buy American rule | Reuters

The Associated Press: Canada passes "Buy Canada" type resolution

Gender test spurs abortion fears - National - NZ Herald News

Obama administration may try to interdict North Korean sea and air shipments - San Jose Mercury News

North Korea jails U.S. journalists, warns U.N. | U.S. | Reuters

Poll: Few Iranians see US favorably, despite Obama

My Way News - ALL BUSINESS: Bond-market rout lifts mortgage cost

Frog that changes colour worshipped in India as a god | The Sun |News

Think twice about 'green' transport, say scientists

GPS shoes for Alzheimer's patients | News | News.com.au

Obama to take a greater role on health care

The Associated Press: Main Ahmadinejad rival says supporters targeted

Chavez to expand Venezuela oil nationalizations | Reuters

In Egypt, a theologian in chief - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Fred Hiatt - One-Party Rule in Washington -- It's Not Gridlock, but . . . - washingtonpost.com

Sotomayor and the Politics of Race - WSJ.com

US conservatives are fighting for the rights of a minority – white men | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

A little empathy for the white males -- baltimoresun.com

RealClearWorld - Articles - Reining In Pyongyang

Iran's George W. Bush

Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

'CheneyMan' And 'SuperFrau' - Forbes.com

The Power and the Story| vanityfair.com

Obama's Health Cost Illusion - WSJ.com

European election results: Battered and bruised | The Economist

A vital election in Iran - Telegraph

Sen. Roland Burris (D-Blago)

U.S. Will Let Some Banks Repay Aid - washingtonpost.com

GOP seeks to trim stimulus, cut deficit - Washington Times

Democratic candidates adopt anti-Bush strategy - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 08, 2009 - US trading partners complain about protectionism

Foreign Policy: Is North Korea a Paper Tiger?

RealClearWorld - Articles - Hillary Clinton's Troubling Transformation on Israel

O'Grady: Latin America's Brave New World - WSJ.com

Ayatollah Khamenei's Obama dilemma | Meir Javedanfar | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Iran's nuclear program may impose hostile stability

www.moscowtimes.ru/ - Kim Jong Il's Dangerous Ploy

Maliki's Iran Years | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

The Taliban: if you’re not beating them, you’re losing - The National Newspaper

The Hindu : Obama’s world & Pakistan’s war on terror

Labour in crisis: European disaster | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

EDITORIAL: Obama's Muslim roots - Washington Times

The Daily Star - Editorial - A dynamite Baroud rose to Lebanon's election-day challenge

Editorial - Measuring Success in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld - Articles - A Message to the Muslim World

Arab Reactions to a Nuclear-Armed Iran

Triage: The Next Twelve Months in Afghanistan and Pakistan | Center for a New American Security

Europe After Five Months of the Obama Administration - Brookings Institution

RAND | Monographs | The Evolving Terrorist Threat to Southeast Asia: A Net Assessment

FT.com / Columnists / Wolfgang Munchau - Down and out for the long term in Germany

The Trouble With Democrats

VITTER/MCCLINTOCK: Capping pay, sapping incentives - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Only Moore's Law Can Save Big Pharma

Wanted: A Smarter Immigration Policy - WSJ.com

China and the Fed will tame Obama spending - Times Online

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Deflation or Inflation? Or Both?

Growth Does Not Cause Inflation - Forbes.com

Thank Bernanke

The Ferguson and Krugman Debate: Hubris of Small Differences

Merk Investments: Bernanke's Math - Does It Add Up?

President’s Economic Circle Keeps Tensions at a Simmer - NYTimes.com

Capital One Looks to Adapt to Credit Card Laws - washingtonpost.com

Blame Reagan for our financial mess? - MSN Money

Bernanke Conundrum Threatens Housing on Mortgage Rate

J.C. WATTS: Sonia Sotomayor and bootstraps - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Details Vision for Health-Care Reform - washingtonpost.com

Carroll: Carbon cutting pipe dreams - The Denver Post

Kausfiles : Detroit's New 'Green' Delusion

Op-Ed Columnist - Rising Above I.Q. - NYTimes.com

*WND, Radio America launch new video/audio venture

Obama's 'birth certificate' not acceptable in Hawaii?

Will Obama honor Farah?

Is questioning Obama 'offensive'?

Internet site takes its Obama challenge to local billboards | thetowntalk.com | The Town Talk

All topics open to discuss – except Obama eligibility

'Birthers' take eligibility battle to next level

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

3 amigos who fight for America

Napolitano adds adviser with ties to terror backers

Obama speech quoted jihad verse from Quran

8 illegal immigrants killed in rollover crash near Sonoita - KVOA News 4, Tucson, Arizona -

Kenyan governor for California?

Graduating students defy ACLU

Democrats Weigh Health Mandate as Obama Urges Taxing Wealthy - Bloomberg.com

SPIN METER: White House straddles health tax issue

GOP senator irked at Obama over heath care

Levy on international air travel could fund climate change fight | Environment | The Guardian

Clinton says NKorea reconsidered for terror list

On D-Day Google honors video game's anniversary

Russia: 'Nyet' to U.S. leaving Afghanistan

Bureaucrat scuffs dream of homeless shoe shiner

Investigators believe model rocket buzzed jet | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Bar hookup turns into beach robbery, stabbing; mother and son arrested : Crime : Naples Daily News

Lebanon Man Designs Magnet-Powered Motor -- Courant.com

73 years, 15 kids later, Eleanor is a high school grad :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education

Calif. contemplating rewrite of social contract

BBC NEWS | Europe | Gay outrage over penguin sex test

Catholic mother's fury after mental breakdown sees son fostered by gay couple | Mail Online

No ordinary cartoon

Carradine family takes action on probe, photos

An Elephant Never Forgets - Her Friend - CBS News

17th century urine-filled 'witch bottle' found - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

Exhibit reassesses lives of Civil War icons Lee, Grant | Life | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Archeologists find sunken Confederate gunship - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

A picture of Holocaust victim Anne Frank, aged 80 - Telegraph

The Galveston County Daily News - Man who cursed about cats acquitted

AP IMPACT: Alternative medicine goes mainstream

Sons of Confederate Veterans Raise Battle Flag | TriCities

VASSALBORO Coffee-shop owner plans topless staff under tent

TheGardenIsland.com Fish coughs up golden watch

Is questioning Obama 'offensive'?

Voxiversity III kicks off

Votes really do count!

Our 'student of history'

The president without a country

Obama is a lawyer, not a leader

American Thinker: A Wise Latina Spender?

Jim Hoagland - Desperation in Trying to Revive the U.S. Auto Industry - washingtonpost.com

Eating for the Planet | CommonDreams.org

Global warming and a tale of two planets - Telegraph

David Pryce-Jones on National Review Online: Europe's Backlash

Frog that changes colour worshipped in India as a god | The Sun |News

Universal ‘Rubik’s Cube’ Could Become Pentagon Shapeshifter | Danger Room | Wired.com

Dragonfly crop circle appears in Wiltshire - Telegraph

In a Russian Mountain Range, Unknown Forces Made Perfect “Quasicrystals” | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Sci-Fi Space Drive May Get Private Rocket to Moon - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Did a meteor bring down Air France 447? | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

Free-floating black hole may solve space 'firefly' mystery - space - 05 June 2009 - New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Bats 'recognise others' voices'

Boys with 'Warrior Gene' More Likely to Join Gangs - Yahoo! News

Debbie Schlussel - Janet Napolitano Appoints Jihadist to Homeland Security Advisory Committee: Logical Conclusion to ADC Outreach Bush & Chertoff Started

Debbie Schlussel - Obama's Apologist Speech to Muslims: The Statistics Are Telling

Despite Recent Violence, Gun Laws Are Softening | Parade.com

America's cybersecurity threat | Matthew Harwood | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Guantánamo's suspected terrorists could plead guilty without full trial - Telegraph

Google founders' mentor Rajeev Motwani found dead in swimming pool | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Palin lays groundwork for 2012 presidential bid - Americas, World - The Independent

Don’t discount Israel pre-emptive strike, Hillary Clinton warns Iran - Times Online

FT.com / Middle East / Politics & Society - S Arabia urges US to withhold Israel aid

Supermarkets may face action on Israeli labels, say lawyers | Business | The Guardian

Topless women shower together in latest Berlusconi images - Times Online

Levy on international air travel could fund climate change fight | Environment | The Guardian

China moves to censor home computers - Telegraph

Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash

Target: Freedom: FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

BBC NEWS | Health | Rogue protein 'spreads in brain'

First accredited Islamic college planned for US | World news | The Guardian

SCOTUS: Elected Judges Must Recuse Themselves in 'Extreme' Cases of Donor Bias

Stephen Colbert's Cameo at Commencement Speech From Iraq

CJR: The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed

American Journalists Sentenced In North Korea To 12 Years Labor Camp

Chris Wallace Opens Fox News Sunday by Asking if the U.S. is Headed Towards Socialism

Gingrich Now Calling Sotomayor "Racialist"

China cracks the electric car

06-08-2009: Clinton Threatens To Attack Iran Like We Did Iraq

06-08-2009: Alien And Human Skulls Found On Mars

Spitzer: Green Shoots, Red Ink, Black Hole: Truly Terrifying Data About the Real State of the U.S. Economy

Global Military Spending Sets New Record

2 "School of Americas" Generals Charged In Crimes In Colombia

Methane Could Be Storage Solution for Solar and Wind Power

Obama Touts Job Creation in Plan

Obama under pressure to create jobs

Supreme Court choice could reignite culture wars

Sotomayor Fractures Ankle at New York Airport

Justices Tell Elected Judges Not to Rule on Major Backers

Paterson has plans for 'new economy'

Court upholds US military gay ban

Palin still uncommitted for GOP fundraiser

Laura Bush Calls Sotomayor a 'Good Nominee'

Korena Elaine Roberts Allegedly Lured Her Victim Through Craigslist

Records indicate Easley involved in wife's hiring

Ex-Gitmo detainee 'sure' he was tortured

Oklahoma Dad Waits for Answers 1 Year After Double Murder of Girls

Indicted Chicago alderman pleads not guilty

Pa. trooper killed in mountain highway shootout

YouTube - State Trooper Dies Following Pa. Shootout

Conn. widow: foul play possible in cruise case

FBI Didn't Rule Out Foul Play in Cruise Death, Widow Says

DC receives nearly $43M for inaugural expenses

Pathologist: Cause of death difficult

Divers Recover Telling Debris From Air France Flight

Secret ballot of 350 Labour mps may determine Gordon Brown's future

YouTube - UK - European elections: results up the pressure on Gordon Brown

Pro-West parties win in Lebanon with help from Barack Obama

YouTube - Lebanon Pro-West Coalition WIns - Bloomberg

EU election sees swing to the right

YouTube - Years of work paid off Pirate Party

Obama Leaves Out Half the 'Muslim World'

INSTANT VIEW: Death of Gabon's President Bongo

YouTube - Gabon: government denies reports of Omar Bongo's death

Pakistani Tribesmen Rise Up Against Taliban

African ICC Members Mull Withdrawal Over Bashir Indictment

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mocked for UN 'halo'

YouTube - World: Iranian Election Draws Out Supporters - nytimes.com

Mexico governor vows to clarify fatal day-care fire

Italy PM Berlusconi Holds On Despite Recession

Acapulco Drug Battle 'Like Something Out of Rambo'

YouTube - Shootout Kills 16 in Mexico's Acapulco Resort

Greens' UN climate advice: slash CO2, pay $160 billion

Be Paid To Fight Climate Change?

Man who abused Indians stabbed in first retaliatory attack


RealClearPolitics - David Axelrod and Newt Gingrich on "Face the Nation"

RealClearPolitics - Secretary Clinton on "This Week"

RealClearPolitics - Shelby, Goolsbee, Schmidt and Malek on "Fox News Sunday"


video - "Today" Show Mocks Obama's Use Of Teleprompter

video - Colbert Takes His Act to Iraq

video - CPR: Gov't Health Care Would Crush Patient Choice

video - Richardson: "Hopeful Signs" NK Situation Can Be Handled

video - Former Detainee: I Was Tortured At Guantanamo

video - Sen. Hatch On Cost Of Universal Health Care

video - Obama's International Date Causes Stir In Paris

video - Laura Bush On Life After WH, Cheney, Sotomayor

video - Obama Gives D-Day Speech On 65th Anniversary

video - White House Video Features Muslim Proselytizers

video - "This Week" Roundtable On Obama's Message To Muslims

video - Gingrich: Clear What Sotomayor Said Was "Racist"

video - Clinton: If Israel Is Attacked There Would Be "Retaliation"

video - Clinton Considers Adding North Korea Back On Terror List

video - Palin: Defense Cuts Are A Sign Of "Weakness"

video - Krauthammer: Obama Made "Disturbing Analogy" About Israel

video - Axelrod: Racist Criticism Was "Unfair" And "Unfortunate"

video - Steyn On Obama Straining U.S. International Relations

video - Hillary: Obama Persuaded Me To Become Secretary Of State

video - Obama's Trip: The Past And The Future

video - Axelrod: Critics "Didn't Pay Attention" To Obama's Cairo Speech

video - Bill Maher's "New Rules" On Obamas, Middle East

video - Gartman: Oil Rally Over, Likely to Settle Around $60

video - Altucher: Sold My Stocks & Am Buying Natural Gas

video - Rumors Swirl Around Apple...

video - Last-Ditch Efffort To Block Chrysler Bankruptcy

video - Dick Bove: The Banks' Push to Pay Back TARP

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/7/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/31/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 5/24/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/24/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/24/09 Hour 3

YouTube - Search for Missing American Climber in China

YouTube - Tips for Saying I Do, for Less

YouTube - ShowBiz Minute: Carradine, Tonys, Box Office

YouTube - Raw Video: U.S. Surge Troops Patrol Afghanistan

YouTube - Oops: Spears' Alleged Topless Photos

YouTube - Washington Week in Photos: Obama Travels Abroad

YouTube - Obama Turns Attention Toward Domestic Agenda

YouTube - Journalists Get 12 Years in N. Korean Labor Camp

YouTube - State Trooper Dies Following Pa. Shootout

YouTube - Lebanon's Pro-Western Bloc Claims Election Win

YouTube - Raw Video: Shootout Kills One Penn. Trooper

YouTube - Hope in a Bottle? Alternative Medicine Risk

YouTube - Ten Killed in SUV Rollover Near Tucson

YouTube - New Orleans Mayor Quarantined in China

YouTube - Carradine Family Takes Action on Probe, Photos

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Returns From Overseas Trip

YouTube - Police: Mom Killed 1 Daughter, Injured Another

YouTube - Shootout Kills 16 in Mexico's Acapulco Resort

YouTube - Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

YouTube - Lebanon: ruling coalition wins elections

YouTube - Mine blast: more than 20 missing

YouTube - Corruption six feet under

YouTube - Egyptians sceptical on eve of Obama's visit

YouTube - Lebanon: pro-Western coalition routs Hezbollah in parliamentary election

YouTube - Tibetans torn between spiritual authority and political necessity

YouTube - N.Y./Region: Training Day: Detecting Friend or Foe - nytimes

YouTube - World: Lebanese-Americans Return Home to Vote - nytimes.com

YouTube - World: In Cairo, Obama Calls for New Start - nytimes.com

YouTube - Jane Kennedy hopes Gordon Brown steps aside

YouTube - Real IRA chief responsible for Omagh bombing

YouTube - Explosives used in China landslide rescue operation

YouTube - More bodies found from missing Air France plane

YouTube - Two US journalists jailed in North Korea

YouTube - David Cameron reacts to European election results

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Tough Retail Times - Bloomberg

YouTube - Spotlight - General Motors - Bloomberg

YouTube - Recap - Obama Speech - Bloomberg

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Apple Worldwide Developers Conference - Bloomberg

YouTube - Home Prices May Keep Falling - Shiller - Bloomberg

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Natural Gas Off 31 Percent In 2009 - Bloomberg