"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 June 2009

10 June 09

Fed lost $5.3B on Bear Stearns, AIG holdings in 1Q - Yahoo! Finance

Video: London's Metropolitan Police accused of waterboarding suspects - Times Online

Should 'alternative medicine' be taught in universities? | Education | guardian.co.uk

Tube strike causes disruption for millions in London - Telegraph

Was Horus Crucified? | Christ in Egypt

Supreme Court gives go-ahead to Chrysler sale - Times Online

Building new foundations from the ruins of old ones | World news | guardian.co.uk

Does Judaism discriminate against women? | Dan Rickman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Neo-Nazis take council seats in cities across Germany as march of the Far Right continues through Europe | Mail Online

Russia says North Korea to launch new ballistic missile - Telegraph

Car bomb kills 28 in Iraq - Telegraph

Pakistan hotel blast: death toll rises to 15 - Telegraph

Gasoline Is Toxic Waste - Literally

Washington's Blog - Federal Reserve to Hire Ex-Enron Lobbyist in PR Move to Counter Doubts about Fed's Growing Power Over U.S. Financial System

There's Life, And There's Just Stuff - Forget The Stuff

I, Thomas Paine, Two Hundred Years Hence* « Thomas Paine’s Corner

Michael Hoffman - Justice Scalia Cites The Talmud

'UFOs' spotted in the skies - Chichester Today

Jewish town in Galilee Demands “Loyalty Oath” New Bylaw Designed to Bar Arab Couple

Understanding The ‘Psychology’ Of Zionist Jews | Real Zionist News

t r u t h o u t | AIPAC Wall Beginning to Crack

News Analysis: Pessimism Hovers over Netanyahu's Upcoming Policy Speech

Defiant or in denial? Champions of EU progress stopped in their tracks | World news | The Guardian

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Ugly but interesting in Strasbourg

European elections 2009: Europe's centre-right declares war on Conservatives - Telegraph

Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war - Haaretz - Israel News

Inflatable tower could climb to the edge of space - space - 08 June 2009 - New Scientist

America a weapons supermarket for terrorists, inquiry finds | World news | guardian.co.uk

FBI boss defends use of mosque spies - Americas, World - The Independent

New York opens High Line park in the sky on elevated railway tracks - Telegraph

'Orwellian language' in schools turns pupils into 'customers', finds damning report

Gordon Brown’s legacy is a nation more divided than ever - Times Online

Iranian weapons getting through to Taliban - Telegraph

Iran's main nuclear plant expanding rapidly, says IAEA - Telegraph

Video: Gaza: The destitute and the forgotten | World news | guardian.co.uk

The liberal left's war lies | Conor Foley | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Sleeping on a problem really can solve it, claim scientists - Telegraph

Biomimicry: why the world is full of intelligent design - Telegraph

TV before bed causes chronic health problems, study claims - Telegraph

Is Your Newest Facebook Friend a Sleazeball Debt Collector? | | AlterNet

Paul Craig Roberts: Fear Rules

Shooting reported at Holocaust Museum in Washington - CNN.com

Russia May Swap Some U.S. Treasuries for IMF Debt

SPACE.com -- Lawmakers Slash $670 Million From NASA Budget Request

Raw Story » Pentagon won’t name 60 percent of detainees it says returned to terrorism

True or False: U.S. Economic Stats Lie (Page all of 2) at SmartMoney.com

Shulamit Aloni / Israel is controlled by religious fanaticism - Haaretz - Israel News


StalkDaily: A New Twitter Virus on the Loose?

The American Ship They Just Couldn’t Sink A Photographic Essay of Israel’s Treachery The USS Liberty, June 8, 1967

Poland IraQ: Israeli teenagers are a nuisance in Poland

Put Wars and Banks on PAYGO | AfterDowningStreet.org

Supplements often hold harmful stuff | CourierPostOnline.com | Courier-Post

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Wall Street Unspun - Peter Schiff - June 09, 2009

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers: “The Worst is Not Over” 6/9/2009

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Five dream discoveries

Refreshing News: Speeding up brain networks 'may boost intelligence'

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Bankers Instigated World War One

TBO.com - Suspect tells AP he's unaware of new attacks

Royal Canadian Mint ordered to call in RCMP over missing gold

The Raw Story » House committee subpoenas Federal Reserve

Congressman Ron Paul - GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America - Texas Straight Talk

Was the TARP a Ruse? | The Big Picture

9/11: We Will Never Forget | 911Blogger.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jesse Ventura on TYT 06/08/2009

Fed Would Be Shutdown If Audited Says Expert

06-10-2009: New GM Chair Says He Knows Nothing About Cars

06-10-2009: Russia May Swap Some U.S. Treasuries for IMF Debt

06-09-2009: Obama seeks fiscal responsibility mantle (What A Joke)

06-09-2009: RI Senate approves marijuana stores

06-09-2009: Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American revolution

06-09-2009: House committee subpoenas Federal Reserve

06-09-2009: Foreigners Dead In Pakistan Hotel Bomb Blast

CIA Urges Judge To Keep Bush-Era Documents Sealed

06-09-2009: Federal Judge Dissolves Spying Limits for Chicago Police

06-09-2009: Broadcasters lose in court over low-power FM radio

06-09-2009: Obama Hails Bank Repayments To Treasury

06-09-2009: NY/NJ Port Authority To Screen All PATH Train Passengers For Bombs

06-09-2009: Germany Intelligence Believes Al-CIAda Is Planning Attacks Before September Election

Federal Reserve to Hire Ex-Enron Lobbyist in PR Move to Counter Doubts about Fed's Growing Power Over U.S. Financial System

North Korea would use nuclear weapons in a 'merciless offensive'

Military Contract Given For Growing GMO Blood

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (formerly known as the Top Officials exercise series or TOPOFF)

California contemplates ultimate reform - no welfare

Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash

What if Osama Calls Obama’s Bluff?

Afghan Taliban Responds To Obama`s Cairo Speech

Will there be Zimbabwe-type Hyperinflation in the U.S.A.?

Beyond Golden Rice: The Rockefeller Foundation's long-term agenda behind Genetically Modified Food

Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More

Town halls hire citizen snoopers as young as SEVEN to spy on neighbours

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

Capping, Trading, and Stealing from our Children

Capping and trading our prosperity

Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

New Uses For Electro-Shock Torture

The Great Water Heist

Opponents say SB 787 is federal ‘water grab’

Hannity - What is the Illuminati? (5/15/09)

Primary school children shown cartoon teaching them to report on anyone expressing "extremist views"

Pupils to be taught 'how to think' in GCSE-style course

Carradine's death linked to secret societies?

WTC emergency drill evokes memories of Sept. 11

US wants to paint the world white to save energy

Forced Drugging: 'Blood pressure pill action urged'

Earth 2100: New World Order Agenda on Primetime Television

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations

Oil and Islam. Will America Shift Away from Its Past Unilateralist Policies?

A Tale of Two Diverging Economic Worlds

War Fraud With a Mirror

Survivors and Saviors: Darfur, Politics, and the "War on Terror"

DNA databases prelude to return of eugenics?

12 Israeli Arabs indicted over Jewish gunman’s death

The Human Tracking Microchip

North Korean missiles missing in Africa’s Horn

Gutting the health care plan: The scorpion and the Congress

Can Obama change Netanyahu?

Keeping the public health care option alive

Elitist Confab in Montreal: Adapting to a New World Order – Day 1

video - The Age of Transitions

Police GPS surveillance raises legal questions

National Licence Plate Surveillance Grid Tracks Anti-War Protesters

Predictive powers: a robot that reads your intention?

U.S. Technology Being Used Against U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan Because of Lax Export Controls

GOP Denounces Government-Run Health Care; Filibuster May Not Be Possible

Baucus, Orzsag Claim ‘Comparative-Effectiveness’ Research Will Not Lead to Health-Care Rationing

D.C. Abortion Funding Ban is in Danger of Being Side-Stepped

Pro-Second-Amendment Democrat Meeting With Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor on Wednesday

Least-Funded Democrat Tops Big-Money Terry McAuliffe in Virginia’s Democratic Primary

Iran Presidential Election Campaign Enters Home Stretch

Comparing Abortionist’s Murder to MLK's Assassination ‘Offensive Beyond Belief,’ Dr. King’s Niece Says

Kennedy Health Plan Includes Long-Term Care

Congress Subpoenas the Fed Over Bank of America-Merrill Lynch Deal

Key Nations Agree on North Korea Sanctions, Diplomats Say

Obama’s Fast Track to Socialized Medicine

The Liberal War on Science

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations

Alex Jones, A Catalyst For A New Breed of Activist Media

FBI Investigates “Anti-government” Gun Range

Ron Paul Talks Foreign Policy: New Face, Same Policy

White House had long planned GM and Chrysler bankruptcies

Dread Zeppelin: The Army's New Surveillance Blimp | Popular Science

Terror Names Linked To Doomed Flight AF 447: Two Passengers Shared Names Of Radical Muslims | World News | Sky News

CNSNews.com - Treasury Secretary's Secret Talking Points Reveal That Banks Were Forced to Surrender Ownership Stakes to Government

Get Ready for Inflation and Higher Interest Rates - WSJ.com

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 9th With Sam Labrier

FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

Newsweek: Obama is God and Great Teacher

Fear Rules: Who Spent All That Money For What?

Peter Schiff on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 6/9/09

Employer's gold, silver payroll standard may bring hard time - News - ReviewJournal.com

Let's Get It Straight, Hank Paulsen Is a Prick Who Took Down the Economy | | AlterNet

Massive Black Hole

*site / AE911Truth

'Lost city of the Incas' was not a true city - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Uruguay: Air Force Declassifies UFO Files, ET Hypothesis Not Dismissed

Vero Beach bone: Treasure Coast amateur fossil collector James Kennedy appears to have made an archaeological discovery that might help confirm a human presence here up to 13,000 years ago. - SFL

Let me sleep on it: Creative problem solving enhanced by REM sleep

binnall of america : audio

Thomas Friedman and the 'Grasshopper Generation'

American Thinker Blog: Oily Paradox

American Thinker Blog: PayGo Fiasco

American Thinker Blog: The Supremes Hear, See, and Speak No Evil in Chrysler Deal

American Thinker Blog: Obama-first mayors lead 14 of 15 most dangerous cities

American Thinker Blog: The rise of the independents

American Thinker Blog: Is Obama set to abandon US 'undivided Jerusalem' pledge?

American Thinker Blog: Obama to Bibi: 'We stand behind you'

American Thinker Blog: Arab ethnic cleansing

American Thinker Blog: Sit Rep for Lebanon after Hezb'allah defeat: Unchanged

American Thinker: Obama and the Settlements

American Thinker: The Ethical Case for Boycotting Chrysler and GM

American Thinker: Call It What It Is: Rationed Health Care

American Thinker: The 1% Myth and the Victimization of America

American Thinker: 62 Million Voiceless Americans

American Thinker: The best justice money can buy?

American Thinker: Obama Care: Robbing From Peter to Pay Paul

American Thinker: The Collapsing Global Left

Congress Mocks Representative Government! 'Cap and Trade' Shenanigans

Can we fix the reporting done on financial-TV news programs?

Gunman walks into D.C.'s Holocaust Museum, opens fire, is wounded by guards UPDATED: Man has white-supremacist ties

Long Shot Deeds Wins Dem Nod in VA Race, Beats McAuliffe

Ed Schultz blasts Hugh Hewitt's boycott of GM because he calls it a Socialist company. What about the working families?

Ten Banks Will Be Allowed to Repay TARP Funds

Tucker Carlson anoints Newt Gingrich as 'soul of the GOP'; Fox's MacCallum compares him to Reagan

Anti-Abortion Terrorism Chalks Up Another Success

Guantanamo Detainee Arrives in U.S. To Be Charged In Embassy Bombing

Jon Voight tells Republicans that Obama's 'a soft-spoken Julius Caesar'

Bill O'Reilly attacks liberals over Dr. Tiller yet again

CIA Asks Judge To Keep Bush-Era Documents Sealed

Don't let Third Way, the Ben Nelson's or Republicans be the next Harry and Louise

Glenn Beck: 'The progressive movement ... is the cancer' destroying the country

Sarah Palin goes to New York, tells Hannity: Socialism, here we come

Frank Schaeffer: Pro-Life? Prove it.

When Orrin Hatch talks about bipartisanship on health care, he really means "Just do it my way"

Just say no to the Trigger! Ben Nelson says he won't filibuster the Public Option

Former GITMO Detainee Speaks Out! YES! I WAS TORTURED!

flashback/audio:Medical Care - Circa 1968

flashback/audio:The Freedom Of Information Act - March 30, 1965

YouTube - Network - Money speech

YouTube - Bernanke is worried! HR 1207 to Audit the Federal Reserve is Gaining Momentum FAST!

YouTube - I'M BACK

YouTube - Dennis Kucinich: Who Are These People?

YouTube - Exposing Masonic agenda of Iranian Regime

YouTube - Obama Proposes New Law 'Prevention Detention' - For Future Crimes you might commit

A Regional Central Banker Blows the Whistle by Gary North

New Face, Same Policy: Kathleen Wells Interviews Ron Paul

America's Money Machine by Jeffrey A. Tucker

When Promises Are Lies by Vedran Vuk

BBC NEWS | Health | Problems are solved by sleeping

Decriminalize marijuana - Los Angeles Times

Leave China Alone by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

How to flirt successfully - ContraCostaTimes.com

Europe swings Right as depression deepens :: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

A Mogul’s Jungle Dream

Soft Despotism - David Gordon - Mises Institute

At Least 2 Shot Inside Holocaust Museum, Officials Say

YouTube - 2 Shot at D.C. Holocaust Museum

Fiat Forms Sixth-Largest Automaker as High Court Allows Chrysler ...

YouTube - USA: court clears way for Chrysler sale

Paterson Urges Senators to Compromise

YouTube - Political stalemate in Albany continues

FDA oversight of tobacco to benefit big brands-Fitch

Kennedy tobacco bill about to pass

Can Virginia Be Obamacized Again?

Why Deeds Won In Virginia: Five Theories

Republicans Should Follow Newt Gingrich's Agenda Worth Voting For

Limbaugh face of GOP

American Convicted on Terror Charges in Atlanta

US citizen convicted of support for terrorism

Obama to hold town-hall style meeting to push healthcare reform

7 Ways Health Reform Is Going to Affect You

GOP gives Sotomayor an 'incomplete'

YouTube - Common Ground: Supreme Court

Stabenow expects Senate vote on 'cash for clunkers' bill within the week | detnews.com | The Detroit News

YouTube - Cash for clunkers bill

Sarah Palin Delivers Special Needs Speech At IGHL Gala

Palin, Letterman

The deficit: Who to blame, how to fix it

Three dead in North Carolina ConAgra plant blast

Rev. Wright: 'Them Jews' keep me from Obama

Wright Says 'Them Jews' Won't Let Obama Talk to Him

Ex-Obama Pastor: "Them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me"

Snow, wind hamper search for downed NM helicopter

YouTube - Search continues for missing helicopter

NTSB probes jet design in Hudson landing

YouTube - Sullenberger Testifies About Bird Strikes

Is New Jersey More Vulnerable Than Virginia?

USA TODAY to offer electronic version of newspaper for fee

paidContent.org - USA Today Plans To Charge For E-Paper Version; Site To Remain Free - washingtonpost.com

Sen. Mitch McConnell on Health-Care Reform

Calif. mayors urge Schwarzenegger to spare cities

Prosecutor wants plea entered in Cantu murder case

Prosectors urge Huckaby slaying plea

California Prosecutors Want to Force Plea on Accused Sandra Cantu Killer - ABC News

US won't accept nuclear North Korea: nominee

Iran Presidential Election Marked by Spirited Campaign

YouTube - Election Fever Rises in Iran

US airlines replacing speed sensor on Airbus planes

YouTube - Air France Flight Data Recorders Still Missing

Submarine at air crash scene to hunt black boxes

UN relief operations halted as Peshwar hotel truck bomb kills 18

YouTube - Search for Clues in Pakistani Hotel Blast

Envoy Tells Palestinians US Committed to Palestinian Statehood

US envoy cites growing refugee crisis in Pakistan

Offensives Kill 45 Across Afghanistan

Palau may take Chinese Uighurs

Libya's Gadhafi welcomed in Rome

YouTube - Raw Video: Gadhafi Visits Italy for 1st Time

Tube strike: trains, boats but no buggies

YouTube - Travel chaos as Tube workers strike

Car bomb in Iraq kills about 30 people

Sri Lanka bars entry to Canadian lawmaker

US man accused of spying for Cuba allegedly admired British agents

US denies bail for Cuba 'spies'

Australian PM urges protesters to 'draw breath'

British Leader Orders Urgent Work on Political Expense Reform

Rogue MPs face being thrown out of Commons under new reform proposals

BNP bodyguard attacked me, says protester

YouTube - Condemnation over British far-right triumph in Europe elections

Gabon Interim President Inaugurated

UN climate chief: Rich nations short on CO2 goals

Japan Sets New Emission Targets

Tel Aviv search for mattress containing $1M life savings

Daughter throws away mattress stuffed with mother's $1m life savings

Bottom line for Palestinian entrepreneurs: Reinvent the economy

Israel warns Hamas over Gaza attack, keeps embargo

Fiat Buys Chrysler, Forms Sixth-Largest Carmaker (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - USA: court clears way for Chrysler sale

Fed Says Downturn May Be Moderating Amid Weakness

Obama Admin Calls For 'Say On Pay' Legislation

US to name bailout pay czar on Wednesday

Senator seeks answers on US stakes in GM, Chrysler

YouTube - Door Slams Shut on Ill. Dodge Dealership

Green Jobs Sector 'Poised for Explosive Growth,' Study Says

US Trade Deficit Widens as Oil Moves Higher

Treasury yields soar

Company Calls New Small Nuclear Reactor a 'Game Changer'

Mortgage applications sink

Facebook makes it personal, offers vanity URLs

Facebook and Twitter name names

China Faces Criticism Over New Software Censor

Bing Includes Anti-Porn Tools

Google CEO: Bing Ain't No Big Thing, Eyes Acquisitions

US asking about book deal, Google says

EU Asking Computer Cos For Opinion In Microsoft Case -Sources

Neighboring planet could hit Earth ... eventually

Solar system's future could be bumpy

Eye-Fi Rolls Out Pro Wireless Memory Cards

Nearby Star May Be Getting Ready to Explode

Famous Star Is Shrinking, Puzzling Astronomers

T-Mobile disputes controversial hacking claims

Microsoft will soon unveil free virus software

Countdown starts for Saturday space shuttle launch

FLO TV Goes Nationwide

Review: Google Apps Synch Is Blatant Threat To Exchange

You Wanna Supersize That? Amazon Ships New Kindle DX

Carrie Prejean -- Fired!

Exclusive: Miss California Carrie Prejean to Lose Her Crown

Mike Tyson

YouTube - Mike Tyson marries, two weeks after his daughter's death

Screen Actors Approve New Contract

Digital TV transition Q&A: Down to the count

YouTube - Getting DTV ready

Who's Loyal to Leno, O'Brien and Letterman?

Great-grandma dared cop to Tase her, so he did

Carradine Body Photos Show Fishnet, Wig

Thai police will know how Carradine died in one month

Oklahoma City Police Investigate Jessica Alba for Defacing Property

WHO gets ready declare a swine flu pandemic

Democrats face health care hang-ups within their own party

Look Out! Computer Injuries Spike

New Orleans Mayor Released From Swine Flu Quarantine

Emergent gets anthrax vaccine expiry date extension

FDA Warns of Bacteria in Clarcon Skin Products

Pregnant with girl or boy? At-home test may tell you

Lack of Sleep Can Raise Blood Pressure Over Time

YouTube - Does sleep affect your blood pressure?

Ignored cholesterol blamed for heart attacks

LA closes loophole for medical marijuana dispensaries

Half of children avoid suncream in attempt to tan like celebrities

Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970s, too

Pelosi: "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"

EP-Founder in 1945: European Federation First Step towards a World Federation

Some Israelis Insulted By Obama Picture | World Watch - CBS News

Rev. Jeremiah Wright discusses President Obama and Jews -- dailypress.com

Gunman, guards exchange fire in Holocaust Museum

Video: White supremacist opens fire Holocaust museum - Times Online

Whitacre Vows to ‘Learn About Cars’ as Chairman of New GM Board - Bloomberg.com

Russia May Swap Some U.S. Treasuries for IMF Debt

Rove: Dowd 'twisted, deranged' - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

GOP Objects To Sotomayor Hearing Date | Political Hotsheet - CBS News

YouTube - Sessions On SCOTUS Hearing Date

Walmart opens Supermercado in Phoenix

Boom Town - WSJ.com

Fremont Teen Runs for City Council | NBC Bay Area

American Radio Host Michael 'Shock Jock' Savage Appeals To PM To Overturn Decision Banning Him From Entering UK - Sky News Video Player

Michael Savage's letter to Gordon Brown - Home News, UK - The Independent

FT.com / China - China seeks to exorcise ‘evil cult’ it invited in

Nagin Released From Chinese Quarantine - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans

Up to 50 vehicles pile up on foggy Calif. pass

Chaos Rules The Day In The Capital District - wcbstv.com

Indian colleges ban jeans to 'protect' girls

Russia May Swap Some U.S. Treasuries for IMF Debt

Ahmadinejad lashes out at rival just before vote

Man turns closet into living space |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

Dems double down on health care - Patrick O'Connor and Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Obama: It's OK to borrow to pay for health care - Yahoo! Finance

Obama seeks fiscal responsibility mantle

Terror Names Linked To Doomed Flight AF 447: Two Passengers Shared Names Of Radical Muslims | World News | Sky News

The Weekly Standard - Miranda Rights for Terrorists

Oil prices near $72, strike new high for 2009

U.S. Economy: Trade Gap Grows as Exports Decrease

APNewsBreak: News Corp. forms diversity council

Army repels Taliban in NW Pakistan after hotel blast | International | Reuters

My Way News - 20 cat deaths leave Fla. communities worried

Kan. man convicted of Craigslist rape found dead

BOLTON: Obama continues Bush's 2nd term -- badly - Washington Times

Obama's hit -- and big miss | Salon

'Feel the hate' for Obama

EXCLUSIVE: Voight calls Obama 'good actor' - Washington Times

Russia military says needs 1,500 warheads: report | International | Reuters

Putin: Russia might abandon nukes if others do

School Gunman Was Ex-Cop, Police Say

Phil Spector Unplugged - June 10, 2009

Take me off the blacklist, shock jock tells Brown - Home News, UK - The Independent

*audio -Savage talks to BBC Radio

US frees Iraqi accused in 5 soldier deaths


Suspect in soldier shooting says he was justified

Ex-Ga. Tech student convicted of video terror plot

Joe Biden pushes envelope with Sonia Sotomayor praise - Josh Gerstein and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Horse shooter: Florida man gets six years for shooting two horses -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Girl, 10, arrested after fight with older sister - 6/09/09 - Houston News - abc13.com

Gardening nudists claim landlord discrimination | AP | 06/08/2009

PRUDEN: Every man had to be a hero - Washington Times

Politics of debt: Seeing red | The Economist

The Fed's Mortgage Muddle - BusinessWeek

The Next Game-Changers - Morningstar - Specialists

The Closing of the American (Investor) Mind - Barrons.com

Economic Scene - How the U.S. Surplus Became a Deficit - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Why Inflation Is So Scary

Out From Under the TARP | The Big Money

Five of the firms paying back TARP aren't consumer banks - Jun. 9, 2009

Could the U.S. Be Drawn into a New Korean War? - TIME

RealClearWorld - Articles - Iran's Voting Manipulation Industry

RealClearWorld - Articles - What to Do About South Asia's Osama?

moscowtimes.ru/ - Praying for High Oil Prices

What motivated an 89-year-old to shoot up the Holocaust Museum? White-supremacist hate and fear

Can we fix the reporting done on financial-TV news programs?

Gunman walks into D.C.'s Holocaust Museum, opens fire, is wounded by guards UPDATED: Man has white-supremacist ties

Long Shot Deeds Wins Dem Nod in VA Race, Beats McAuliffe

Ed Schultz blasts Hugh Hewitt's boycott of GM because he calls it a Socialist company. What about the working families?

'Hate crimes' strategy? Slip through as amendment

Two Shot at Holocaust Museum in D.C., Police Say - NYTimes.com

Little Ice Age II, The Sequel? | The Resilient Earth


Bloomberg.com: Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead: Kevin Hassett

Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war - Haaretz - Israel News

A Tale Of Two Diverging Economic Worlds

OpEdNews » Dying for Change

Labour’s Loss: Britain’s New Conservative Moment | The New Ledger

Eight Choices for Responding to North Korea | The New Ledger

Asia Times Online - Reform before revolt in today's China

Now Obama must include Iran in an axis of respect | Jonathan Steele | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearWorld - Articles - Toward a Nuclear-Free World

Op-Ed Contributor - Islam’s Diversity - NYTimes.com

Obama Discovers North Korea - WSJ.com

Reaching out to the Muslim world | The Japan Times Online

Iran's Presidential Election: What to Watch For - Brookings Institution

Arab Reactions to a Nuclear-Armed Iran

RAND - No Surprise in Failure To Deter N. Korea

Obama's Islam: Now he tells us

Jimmy Carter's moral turpitude

Saint George Tiller?

Missing from Tiller's eulogy: The A-word

Can the 1st Amendment protect Bill O'Reilly?

The lying non-entity

Judging by law or feelings?

Sotomayor is an anti-constitutionalist

Why Americans love government

Young conservatives an endangered species

Obama's hidden health care plan

The liberal war on science

The Anti-Reagan

Canada's ObamaCare Precedent - WSJ.com

Girl, two, with IQ of 160 praised for 'wonderful imagination' - Telegraph

Prominent Ashlander investigated for child porn | DailyTidings.com

Drug dealer refused to do community service in the rain - Telegraph

Daily Herald | One person's planter is another one's potty


AP IMPACT: Alternative medicine goes mainstream

Finger Food: Chimp Bites Off Berlin Zoo Director's Finger - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Northwest Montana Daily Inter Lake > Archives > News > Local Montana > Glacier jogger bitten by bear

David Blunkett breaks rib in cow stampede - Telegraph

Ananova - Lion escapes and swims to school

Guerrilla Drive-Ins Turn Nostalgia On Its Head - Entertainment News Story - WSB Atlanta

A healthcare reform bill will affect nearly everyone - Los Angeles Times

RealClearPolitics - Government 'Fixes' vs. Personal Responsibility

Congress Needs to Beware of Growing Populist Anger

End of the Clinton Era? - The Plank

Huffington Post: Liberal Politics, Sexist Entertainment - The Sexist - Washington City Paper

Our Friend Iran? - The Daily Beast


RealClearPolitics - For Sotomayor, a Fine Line in New Haven

The Beginning of the End of Private Health Insurance: How Obama's public health insurance option will quickly evolve into the only option - Reason Magazine

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Health Care Is a Right, Not a Privilege

RealClearPolitics - The Pivotal Politics of Health Care Reform, Part I

Divided We Fall

Opinion: European Voters Know What They Don't Want - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

CURL: Obama's call for restraint defies spending splurge - Washington Times

Editorial: Carmakers don't need Congress' involvement | detnews.com | The Detroit News

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Lies, Damned Lies And 'Saved' Jobs

Chamber defends free-market system - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Democrats Nearing Consensus on Health Plan - NYTimes.com

Obama ban would eliminate 8 of 10 pocketknives

Rush Limbaugh brings up Obama's birth certificate

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Door slams on Hawaiian hospital records

2nd major billboard company rejects eligibility campaign

All topics open to discuss – except Obama eligibility

'Birthers' take eligibility battle to next level

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

**article links -Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

School board breaking federal law with 'gay' day?

'Gay' family kids 7 times more likely to be homosexual

Gunman, guard shot at Holocaust museum - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Door slammed on marriage equality question

Obama confronting Israel to appease Arab world?

Jumblatt: 'Bring Hezbollah into Lebanese army'

Memorial cross finds 3 allies in Supreme Court fight

RealClearPolitics - Video - Letterman: Palin Updated Her "Slutty Flight Attendant" Look In NY

Reagan the 'Moses of...Greedy White Men'; Beat Reagan Statue with Shoe Like Saddam's? | NewsBusters.org

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Border Patrol: Driver Tried to Smuggle 73 Into US - ABC News


Analysts Discuss Banks Paying Back TARP

Experts on Two Americans Being Held By North Korea

Guests: Shelby, Goolsbee, Schmidt and Malek

Guests: David Axelrod and Newt Gingrich

Interview with Secretary Hillary Clinton


Iran Gripped by Election Fever

RCW Iranian Elections Panel

N. Korea Court Convicts U.S. Journalists

Pakistan: Attack On Luxury Hotel

UK: Labour Party Reeling

Record Turnout Anticipated For Iran Election

Gunman Shoots Security Guard At Holocaust Memorial Museum

Rep. Frank: "I Can Blame Republicans" For Financial Disaster

Rove: Maureen Dowd Is "Bitter, Twisted, Deranged" Columnist

NEW: Letterman Now Suggests Palin's Daughter Is A Prostitute

Sen. McCaskill On Pay-As-You-Go, U.S. Deficit

Steele On Fiscal Responsibility And Discipline

Ziegler Discusses Palin Response On MSNBC

Deeds Wins VA Democratic Gubernatorial Primary

Jon Voight: Obama Bringing Us To "Chaos" And "Socialism"

Herbert on First Guantanamo Prisoner on Trial in the U.S.

Jon Voight Rips Obama As "False Prophet"

Letterman Attacks Palin's Daughter: She Was Knocked Up By A-Rod

Hannan: "Gordon Brown, Will You Please Go Now"

Jon Voight on "The O'Reilly Factor"

Sen. Gregg Proposes His Own Health Care Plan

Rep. Kirk on China's Worries About The Dollar

Savage Appeals For Entry: Britain Made A "Terrible Error"

Rep. Rangel On The Health Care Fight

Biden Gaffe: VP Says New Rail Tunnel Being Built For Cars

O'Reilly: What Happened To War On Terror?

Mark Levin Criticizes Moderate Republicans, Talks New Book

SC Gov. Sanford To Accept Stimulus Funds

BNP Leader Pelted With Eggs, Chased By Protestors

Palin Responds To Letterman Attack: "Pathethic"

Fleischer On Future Of The GOP

Sen. Martinez Agrees With Sotomayor's "Wise Latina" Remark

Biden On Sotomayor: "She Gets It" And "She Has Your Back"

Sen. Sanders: Baucus Not Open To Single-Payer Care System

Sen. Lieberman: No Value In Releasing Photos

Liz Cheney On What She Would Have Done Differently In Iraq

Obama Pitches "Pay-As-You-Go" Plan For Congressional Spending

talk radio

06/09 The Mark Levin Show

06/08 The Mark Levin Show

***The Lew Rockwell Show - Podcast Archive***

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***


Site - Sam Harris.Org

An Atheist Manifesto by Sam Harris

4 doctors: mobilize!

***Townhall.com - Stopping Obamacare's Government Option Via The Blue Dogs: The List and Contact Information***

***Doctors 4 Patient Care - docs4patientcare.org***