"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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*Alex Jones Show
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 June 2009


"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

-- Johann W. Von Goethe

11 june

To Kill A Tree - Part 1

To Kill A Tree - Part Two

To Kill A Tree - Part 3

To Kill A Tree - Part 4

YouTube - Bernanke in Denial 2005-2007

Swine flu 'not stoppable,' World Health Organization says - CNN.com

2 Japanese carrying $134 bil. worth of U.S. bonds detained in Italy+

In Israel, Obama is accused of 'anti-Semitism'

FT.com / Iran - US senator opens Iran nuclear debate

Video: Gaza: No right to life | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / UK - Moment of truth looms over impasse

Where's the Anger as the Wheels Come Off Obama's and the Democrats' Recovery Program? | This Can't Be Happening!

Anti-gay marriage Carrie Prejean stripped of Miss California title for breaching her contract | Mail Online

Barack Obama invokes Jesus more than George W. Bush - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Life and death of democracy | John Keane | Comment is free | The Guardian

President Obama should lay off Google's plan to digitise books - Telegraph

Bernard Madoff fraud victim committed suicide to avoid bankruptcy shame - Telegraph

Fugitive Russian oligarch resurfaces at London ballet | World news | guardian.co.uk

Yvonne Singh: Why are we fingerprinting children? | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Gordon Brown promises to hand power back to parliament | Politics | The Guardian

Masterstroke: Man who couldn't even draw stickmen wakes from life-saving brain surgery... as an artist | Mail Online

Police 'waste taxpayers' cash' by stopping speeding cyclists at seaside and not punishing them | Mail Online

Metropolitan police officers flushed my head in toilet, says suspect | Politics | The Guardian

Bikes, buses and chaos as tube strike forces London to go overground | UK news | The Guardian

YouTube - In-Depth Discussion: In Israel's Interest - US Policy Influenced by Media and Neocon Agenda

Industrialized Farming Endangers World Food Supply

FDA approves cancer drug for dogs, too: Scientific American Blog

Terror link to Air France crash? | csmonitor.com

The EU Is Moving To The Right

The True Face Of The Dalai Lama

Obscene Drug Mark Ups

Illinois sues Crestwood over contaminated well -- chicagotribune.com

Fear Rules

Rev. Jeremiah Wright discusses President Obama and Jews -- dailypress.com

Democrats Try End Run With Pedophile Protecting Hate Bill

Ben Gurion On The Foundations Of The Jewish State

Neo-Nazis take council seats in cities across Germany as march of the Far Right continues through Europe | Mail Online

On the Contrary: Now Playing at the "Holocaust Museum" - The Lone Nut

UN's Marxist Plan for Global Government

Museum Gunman a Longtime Foe of Government - NYTimes.com

OpEdNews » Dying for Change


Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war - Haaretz - Israel News

A Tale Of Two Diverging Economic Worlds

Readying Americans For Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations

YID With LID: Generals Petraeus and Odierno Testify, Release of Pix Will Kill Americans

Holocaust and Holodomor (Origins of Anti Semitism) | Palestine Think Tank

Reflections in a Petri Dish: Glenn Beck, Shit Golem for Zombie Nation.

Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion - Jun. 11, 2009

Times Online - Science Central - WBLG: Is there a Life On Mars Conspiracy?

Lawmakers Invested in Bailed-Out Firms

Newsmax.com - Rabbi: Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews

Top French court rips heart out of Sarkozy internet law - Times Online

Benny Begin: Why Palestinian State is Unacceptable - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Obama moves aggressively against North Korea

2theadvocate.com | Legislature & Politics | Jefferson prosecutors won’t use key witness — Baton Rouge, LA

West coast oil discovery is first in 30 years - National News, Frontpage - Independent.ie

Iraq Pact Referendum Delayed Until 2010 Delay Renders Vote Virtually Meaningless

The CIA's secret history of psychological torture | Salon

Bush's Shocking Biblical Prophecy Emerges: God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East Enemies "Before a New Age Begins" | Politics | AlterNet

Investigators say Fed threatened bank CEO - Yahoo! News

Holocaust Museum shooting suspect had Idaho ties

Moves, Rhetoric Reveal Massive US Commitment to Afghanistan War -- News from Antiwar.com

LAPD Detective Charged in 1986 Love-Triangle Murder - ABC News

YouTube - Max Keiser- The greater fool Theory, worse to come.

Minn. court orders Coleman to pay $95K to Franken - Yahoo! News

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Freedom Watch with Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie & More 06/10/09

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente We’re heading into an Obamageddon

Refreshing News: Robot with predictive powers

Obama May Allow Even More Arms Exports Than Bush -- News from Antiwar.com

Karin Friedemann: Industrialized Farming Endangers World Food Supply

Fear is eroding American rights

Network-centric Warfare

The Financial Meltdown: "We will never know the true inside story of what really went on"

Russia May Swap Some U.S. Treasuries for IMF Debt

Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says - Markets * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Call to scrap control orders after terror suspects win appeal - Scotsman.com News

The Associated Press: Putin: Russia might abandon nukes if others do

White supremacist kills guard at Holocaust museum - Times Online

Iraqs Inconvenient Truth :: Iraq War News Updates » Blog Archive » Shariah Banking: The Islamification of Wales UK

Raw Story » ACLU seeks records on ’suspicionless’ laptop searches


Glen Beck says 9/11 Truthers want to "destroy the country" and they will work with anyone. There are also people like white supremacists or 9/11 truthers that would also like to destroy the country - 12.160Mhz

CTV.ca | Programming error may explain Mint's missing gold

Ron Paul 2012 - Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill Hits 207 Co-Sponsors

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show: “Audit The Fed”!!!

American Nazis

White supremacist suspected of killing Washington Holocaust museum guard

Government Demands Inventory of All VFW Weapons

James von Brunn - Artist Page@ askart.com/

Obama Orders “Total Takedown” Of US Federal Reserve Bank

Obama Issues Order For “Extermination” Of Amazon Indians

Obama Sells Top US Defense Contractor To Chinese Military For Pennies On The Dollar

‘Special Master’ Feinberg Takes on Bankers After 9/11, Vietnam - Bloomberg.com

Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified -- Signs of the Times News

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom - Bloomberg.com

AFP: Foreign gov'ts, firms paid for trips by Pentagon staff: report

US intelligence rivalry flares over British connection | Coffee House

Obama gives terrorists 'right to remain silent'

Some Israelis Insulted By Obama Picture | World Watch - CBS News

Lawmakers Order Fed to Relinquish Merrill Documents

Why plot to oust Gordon Brown failed | Politics | The Guardian

Gordon Brown forced into revealing report on Shahid Malik finances - Telegraph

Israeli Barak calls on Netanyahu to endorse two-state solution_English_Xinhua

Ahmadinejad's economic record may sway Iran vote - washingtonpost.com

The Associated Press: Iran's Islamic guardians warn reformist wave

AFP: Unrepentant Ahmadinejad in new tirade against rivals

Cuba's Fidel Castro calls OAS a "U.S. Trojan horse" _English_Xinhua

The Associated Press: Cuba accuses Human Rights Watch of being in US pay

Venezuela to expropriate seaport warehouses | Headlines | Jerusalem Post

Chavez to expand Venezuela oil nationalizations | Reuters

Turkey Approves Exxon Plan for Black Sea - WSJ.com

Two Air France Passenger Names Probed for Terror Links - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Russia ready for nuclear-free world, Putin says | International | Reuters

AFP: China demands Uighur detainees return from Guantanamo

N. Korea: U.S. Nuke Umbrella a Declaration of War - North Korea | Map | Government - FOXNews.com

Jailed in North Korea, Laura Ling and Euna Lee face 'hell on Earth' in camps

Mitchell: Peace includes Syria, Lebanon

Saudis gleeful at Lebanon vote, now look to Iran's | Reuters

Brazil joins Russia, China in eyeing IMF bonds - Forbes.com

The cloud with no name: Meteorologists campaign to classify unique 'Asperatus' clouds seen across the world | Mail Online

Near Washington, D.C., construction crews watch for mystery 'black' wire - Los Angeles Times

*European elections: Country by country - CNN.com

The privatization of ‘Obama’s War’

06-11-2009: CIA Says The Dead Guy Osama Bin Laden Is In Pakistan

06-11-2009: Fox host defends DHS report on right-wing extremists

06-11-2009: CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID "Death Chips." Coming Soon to a Product Near You!

06-11-2009: KBR Wasted Billions In Troop Support Work

06-11-2009: Video: Glenn Beck Says Holocaust Shooter Is Hero To 9/11 Researchers

06-11-2009: Boycott The Alex Jones Money Bomb

06-10-2009: Global warming could create 200 million refugees by 2050

06-10-2009: Auditing The Federal Reserve Will Not Result In Positive Monetary Reforms

**H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)

06-10-2009: Terror Controls Orders Breach Human Rights

06-10-2009: White Supremacist & Holocaust Denier Killed In Shootout At DC Holocaust Museum

06-10-2009: New GM Chair Says He Knows Nothing About Cars

Predictions of $250 a barrel on fears for oil reserves, hopes of economic recovery and hedging against weak dollar

North Korea would use nuclear weapons in a 'merciless offensive'

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (formerly known as the Top Officials exercise series or TOPOFF)

It's Time For A Second American Revolution

Beyond Golden Rice: The Rockefeller Foundation's long-term agenda behind Genetically Modified Food

Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More

Town halls hire citizen snoopers as young as SEVEN to spy on neighbours

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

Capping, Trading, and Stealing from our Children

Capping and trading our prosperity

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams “Conspiratorial View” Of History While Highlighting 50’s Iran Overthrow

New Uses For Electro-Shock Torture

The Great Water Heist

Opponents say SB 787 is federal ‘water grab’

Hannity - What is the Illuminati? (5/15/09)

Major 9/11 Truth Breakthrough! KBDI Denver Airs 9/11 Press for Truth

'Orwellian language' in schools turns pupils into 'customers', finds damning report

Carradine's death linked to secret societies?

Network-centric Warfare

The Conquest of Eurasia: NATO's War For The World's Heartland

Iran’s Presidential Elections

Oil and Islam. Will America Shift Away from Its Past Unilateralist Policies?

The Money System Triggered the Bankruptcy of General Motors

White House had long planned GM and Chrysler bankruptcies

Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankrupts: study

US Fed Chairman demands plan to cut social programs

Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From the Banks He's Bailing Out?

Beyond the soaring rhetoric of Obama’s Cairo speech, a toxic innocence at home

The current battle against the State Secrets Privilege

Obama’s doublespeak on Iran

North Korean missiles missing in Africa’s Horn

Elitist Confab in Montreal: Adapting to a New World Order – Day 1

video - The Age of Transitions

Four of Top Five U.S. Newspapers Buried Story on Obama’s Call for Government-Owned Health Insurance Company

Conyers Resurrects $2.5 Trillion Govt-Run Healthcare Bill in House

House Committee Approves Engraving 'In God We Trust' in Capitol Visitor Center

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Credits Bush’s Military Surge Strategy for Ongoing Progress

Oliver North: Tough Sanctions Will Stop Iran's Nuke Program

State Department Won’t Say Yes or No on Crucial Assurances to Israel

Bill Defines Homosexual Partners As Immediate Family for Immigration Purposes

U.S. Technology Being Used Against U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan Because of Lax Export Controls

DOE Releases Money for Vehicle Efficiency Research

Sotomayor Accepts Gun Rights Ruling, Senator Says

Oklahoma City Police Probe Actress’s Link to Vandalism

Obama Cracking Down on Mountaintop Mining

Administration Wants to Curtail Executive Pay Across Private Sector

Obama Takes Health Care Agenda on Road

Obama’s Former Pastor Says 'Jews' Are Keeping Him from Obama

Obama’s Fast Track to Socialized Medicine

Americans Love Government

The Liberal War on Science


The 2012 apocalypse

Mutating Matter: Revolutionary New Technology Creates “Soft” Robots That Flow Like Mercury

EXCLUSIVE: Voight calls Obama 'good actor' - Washington Times

Massive Black Hole

Nearby Star May Be Getting Ready to Explode - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

NASA Builds World's Largest Space Parachute for Martian Landing

First Twitter Experiment Probes Belief in the Paranormal

Video: Century-Old Taxidermy Yields Clues to Climate Future | Wired Science | Wired.com

Supervolcano may be brewing beneath Mount St Helens - environment - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist

WHO Declares 'Swine Flu' Officially a Pandemic

Joan Walsh Asks the Question on People's Minds: Does Wingnut Talk Lead to Murder?

Bill O'Reilly wonders why Dr. Tiller's supporters want to protect their anonymity

If 100 million people want to join the Public Option, what's the problem?

Warren: Banks Returning Money Are Still Part of A Troubled Industry

Glenn Beck and his fellow wingnuts proclaim Holocaust Museum shooter not a right-winger

**C&L's collection of right wingers denouncing the DHS report on extremist violence

Fake Anti-Waste Group, Wacky Jim DeMint Sound the Alarm: Congress is Spending the Stimulus Money!

Contessa Brewer cuts the mic! Why exactly does anyone put a jackass like John Ziegler on the air?

Shepard Smith says Holocaust Museum Shooting reminds him of the DHS report

Sen Landrieu flip flops and now is against the "public option. Why won't she give Americans a choice?

What motivated an 89-year-old to shoot up the Holocaust Museum? White-supremacist hate and fear

Can we fix the reporting done on financial-TV news programs?

Gunman walks into D.C.'s Holocaust Museum, opens fire, is wounded by guards UPDATED: Man has white-supremacist ties

Long Shot Deeds Wins Dem Nod in VA Race, Beats McAuliffe

Ed Schultz blasts Hugh Hewitt's boycott of GM because he calls it a Socialist company. What about the working families?

audio flashback/The Freedom Of Information Act - March 30, 1965 | Newstalgia

Vulgar Commentators Pounce On Shooting To Justify DHS Extremism Report

US military wasted taxpayer money in Iraq: report

Fired Because of Endgame

Fox host defends DHS report on right-wing extremists

Death worship & Illuminati symbols in Kohl’s department store

Freedom Watch with Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie & More 06/10/09

*Obama Deception: Extended Extras

***YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version***

***YouTube - `Obama Deception: Extended Extras` 1/3 HQ***

***YouTube - `Obama Deception: Extended Extras` 2/3 HQ***

***YouTube - `Obama Deception: Extended Extras` 3/3 HQ***

FBI Investigates “Anti-government” Gun Range

NRA Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Chicago’s Gun Ban

Handwritten Notes Show Fed Oversight Bill Neutered On Senate Floor

*FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)

*site - Federal Emergency Management Agency

**Internet Will Become “Paid System” Within “Five Years”

Media Portrays Suspected Holocaust Museum Shooter as “Antigovernment Extremist”

The Daily Kos Does it Again

Daily Kos: State of the Nation - NeoNazi Killer's Racist Rant in Ron Paul Yahoo Group

CNSNews.com - Treasury Secretary's Secret Talking Points Reveal That Banks Were Forced to Surrender Ownership Stakes to Government

CIA Urges Judge To Keep Bush-Era Documents Sealed - washingtonpost.com

Silence on North Korea Detainments Causes Concern Among Current TV Staff - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Six arrested in suspected plot to attack G8 - Yahoo! News UK

North Korea faces fresh sanctions - Yahoo! News UK

Climate laws add to police workload | Herald Sun

Home education crackdown over abuse fear - Telegraph

*Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/2:Their Time Has Come”Audit The FED!”

*(audio) - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 10th With Ron Paul

*Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says - Markets * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Two Ways to Deleverage an Economy by Bill Bonner

A Novel Response to LRC by J. L. Bryan

Preface to Mises's Memoirs by Jörg Guido Hülsmann

*Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists by Ron Paul

Museum Gunman Charged With Murder

YouTube - Reaction: Murder at U.S. Holocaust Museum

Obama presses healthcare overhaul in US heartland

YouTube - Obama pardons girl for missing school

Senate Votes for FDA to Regulate Tobacco

Bill Would Give FDA Broad Powers to Regulate Tobacco

McCain defends Palin against Letterman

Palin says Letterman a threat to 14-year old daughter Willow

Flu pandemic? US has been there for weeks

YouTube - WHO declares Swine Flu pandemic

Senators Call on Obama to Resolve Dispute With Pelosi Over ...

Senators Call on Obama to Resolve Dispute With Pelosi Over 'Torture Photos' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Mountaintop Mining To Get More Scrutiny

Police: We weren't chasing car before Philly crash

Can Google Change Election Outcomes?

Rev. Wright Blames "Them Jews" for Keeping President From Talking to Him - Political Punch

Searchers Reach Hiker in Police Helicopter Crash on Snowy New Mexico Mountain - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Wreckage of police helicopter located

Pelosi's partial AIG divestiture

Pelosi's Husband Lost as Much as $1 Million as AIG Stock Fell

The GOP Energy Plan: Nuclear Plants, Drilling, And Prizes

nuclear industry tries to hijack Obama's climate change bill

Senate passes pension reform bill; House vote expected

Chain menus could soon start counting calories

Republicans ask Sotomayor to supply more information

Judiciary Committee meltdown over Sonia Sotomayor schedule

GOP Asks For More Evidence Of Sotomayor's History

Coleman owes Franken legal fees

Cher's daughter Chastity Bono is changing gender from female to male

Trump winner in Miss USA pageant brouhaha

Online Exclusive: Meet Your New Miss California, Tami Farrell

Full text of Carradine statements

Carradine Body Photos Show Fishnet, Wig

Carradine Family Expert: David's Death Not a Suicide

Making the switch to digital TV easier

YouTube - Analog TV goes away Friday

The Many Faces of Phil Spector

Are viewers dropping ditching Conan O'Brien for David Letterman?

YouTube - Conan O'Brien Loses Late-Night Lead - Bloomberg

Eddie Murphy's 'Imagine That' a happy surprise for the whole family

'View' co-host Joy Behar to start cable talk show

Actor Johnny Palermo Dies In Car Crash

Obama: Health-care reform vital to economy

YouTube - Obama pardons girl for missing school

Lawmakers Criticize Fed, BofA On Merger Aid

YouTube - Lewis Testifies On Merrill Deal - Bloomberg

US Stocks Add To Gains After Treasury Auction

Homebuilder shares fall on foreclosure report

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Foreclosures Exceed 300,000 - Bloomberg

Exxon Joins $26 Billion Alaska Gas Pipeline Project

Vital Signs: Don't Fear the Rise in Treasury Yields

Fed regulatory head Cole to retire

Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion

World Bank sees steeper global economy contraction

WHO to work to ensure no H1N1 travel, trade bans

YouTube - WHO declares Swine Flu pandemic

Health Reform: Getting Doctors On Board

American Medical Association Comes Out Against Nationalized Health Care | KXNet.com North Dakota News

SoCal Porn Actress Tests HIV Positive

FDA Is Urged to Approve Drugs for Adolescent Use

Human Genome says lupus drug shows positive results

Pot dispensary owner sentenced to a year and a day in prison

Medical Marijuana Provider Charles Lynch Gets 1 Year in Prison

FTC: Generic Biologics Won't Erode Competition

Longer Hormone Treatment May Improve Prostate Cancer Outlook

What to Look for in a Sunscreen

Look Out! Computers Have Unseen Risks

GPS-fitted shoe helps track Alzheimer's patients

Medical group calls for reducing use of BPA

BPA exposure dangeous for human heart and reproduction | The Money Times

L.A. County launches new campaign against sexually transmitted diseases | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

AT&T Under Pressure To Cut Price Tag On iphone's Data Plan

Political Keywords Found in Chinese Web Blocker

Windows 7 Won't Include Explorer In EU

AOL Buys Two Companies Specializing in Local Online Media

Free AV from Microsoft: It's about time

Casio Digital Camera Extends Battery Life To 1000 Shots

Grand experiment: 13 people on space station

Google Defends Itself Against Antitrust Regulation

Could Karma Play Role In The Fate Of Microsoft Bing?

Facebook to let users pick names for their URLs

Japan's moon probe makes crash landing

Iranian Candidates Tweet, Skirting State Media

YouTube - Iranian Presidential Election - Bloomberg

Air France Received Speed Sensors Days Before Crash

YouTube - AF 447 crash: French submarines join search for black boxes

Woman Who Avoided Air France Tragedy Killed in Car Wreck Days Later

A New Plan for Pyongyang

YouTube - New UN resolution on North Korea close

4 Uighur inmates at Guantanamo transferred to Bermuda

YouTube - Uighurs face new island home - 10 Jun 09

Of Nazis and watermelon

Pakistan Army Faces Test Beyond Swat

Gaddafi says will ask G8 for Africa resolution

Libya's Gadhafi Lashes Out at US

End to 'deplorable' Tube strike

Canada to find out soon if snap elections coming

Canada opposition Liberals to study budget update

Major post-war aid to Sri Lanka will take time-Japan

NATO Defense Ministers Approve Troop Cut in Kosovo

Fiat's Offer For GM's Opel Still On The Table - Italy PM

US supports dialogue between India and Pakistan

Obama renews invitation to Manmohan

Bongo's body returns to Gabon on board Spanish aircraft

Brown didn't trust me, says Flint

Iraq warns attacks will intensify before election

YouTube - Bomb kills dozens in southern Iraq - 10 Jun 09

To quell protests, Peru suspends Amazon investment laws

YouTube - Police clash with Indians in Peru - 9 Jun 09

ANALYSIS-Hezbollah still potent despite Lebanon vote

French President: Burma Blocks Call to Detained Opposition Leader

Zimbabwe Divisions Pose a Quandary for West

YouTube - Zimbabwe PM Urges US Support Despite Abuses

Spirits Rising - WSJ.com

How a hummingbird in love can move faster than a fighter jet - Science, News - The Independent

In hard times, businesses find freebies pay off - The Boston Globe

Reed College, in Need, Closes a Door to Needy Students - NYTimes.com

The Spectator - To an ancient Greek, nothing was more precious than honour (tîmê).

Beanz meanz microwaves? Heinz create gadget that can heat a snack in 60 seconds | Mail Online

Adding a Big Dash of ‘Health’ to Low-Carbohydrate Diets - NYTimes.com

Palin, Parker and Prejean -- Again

Property: Private, Common and Collective.

STATUS REPORT: Ron Paul's Audit the FED Act, HR 1207 and S 604

California's Rejection of "Mark of the Beast" I.D. Could Save Fifty Million per Year

Congress Mocks Representative Government! 'Cap and Trade' Shenanigans

Nationalizing Public Education Comes After Health Care

Honoring the Victims of Honor Killing

The Liberal Housing Crash

Armistice is Dangerous

Obama's Moral Slide Rule

How to Really Create or Save Two Million Jobs

Prominent Rabbi Blasts Obama

Influential liberal sees the light on Obama

Dem squabbling threatens climate change bill

'I don't know anything about cars:' New GM Chairman

Our solar system in the balance

Reverse Gender Gap in Unemployment

Holocaust Museum shooter no 'right wing Christian'

Winners in this recession; public employee unions

New National Intelligence Council Chairman named

Words of Hate from Obama's former Pastor (updated)

When Gas Hits $3 a Gallon Who Will Be Blamed?

California Coastal Commission flouts First Amendment

Obama and the Settlements

The Ethical Case for Boycotting Chrysler and GM

Call It What It Is: Rationed Health Care

The 1% Myth and the Victimization of America

62 Million Voiceless Americans

The Collapsing Global Left

Obama Care: Robbing From Peter to Pay Paul

The great deficit scare returns | Salon

Banks Trade TARP for Bonuses, Debauchery, Jets: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

Economic Freedom or Czarist Rule? at SmartMoney.com

FT.com / Columnists / John Gapper - Turf warriors head for Washington

The Best And Worst Cities For Recession Recovery - Forbes.com

Obama's health plan is no bargain: 4 reasons why - Jun. 11, 2009

Steven Pearlstein - Fixing Health Care Starts With the Doctors - washingtonpost.com


David Callaway: Ten reasons the worst of the crisis is over - MarketWatch

Editorial - Payback Time - NYTimes.com

Behind Oil's Surprising Surge - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - Articles - The President's Paygo Schtick

Is Eastern Europe On The Brink Of An Asia-Style Crisis? - Forbes.com

Five Questions We Should Ask About Financial Oversight | The American Prospect

Tracking the TARP « Donald Marron

What Else Rush Limbaugh Should Boycott - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Why Are Other Yields Falling as the Treasury Bond Yield Rises?

Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy :: Charles T. Carlstrom and Kyle Fee :: Economic Trends :: 06.09.09 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Cumberland Advisors - PAYGO, Deficits and the Fed

No Cookie-Cutter Oil Market - Brad's Desktop - Hard Assets Investor

High Gas Prices Could Slow Recovery

Some owners who used homes to buoy finances are sinking - Los Angeles Times

Why the U.S. Should Start Talking to Hamas - TIME

RealClearWorld - Articles - Lebanon Goes West

FEITH: Must-y Cairo rhetoric - Washington Times

Foreign Policy: Who's Winning Iran's Google War?

Gaddafi strips off diplomatic fig leaves | Tana de Zulueta | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

What If Israel Strikes Iran? - WSJ.com

The horrors of the gulags in N. Korea - The China Post

It's not the Dark Continent - The Globe and Mail

Op-Ed Columnist - Iran Awakens Yet Again - NYTimes.com

The Sound of Settling | The American Prospect

Kelly McParland: African despotry in sad state as ranks of tyrants thins - Full Comment

Op-ed: Influencing Iran: Beware the myth of the moderates | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post

FT.com / Columnists / David Pilling - The truth of the US’ Pakistan clinch

Shirin Ebadi - Iran Crackdowns Belie Fair Elections - washingtonpost.com

RealClearWorld - Articles - India's Path to Greatness

Leading article: Beyond the Islamic revolution - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Editorial - Lebanon’s Election - NYTimes.com

Iran's Presidential Election: What to Watch For - Brookings Institution

Arab Reactions to a Nuclear-Armed Iran

RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | No Surprise in Failure To Deter N. Korea

White Men Can't Judge?

RealClearPolitics - Baffled by the Economy

RealClearPolitics - Will Obama Insist on the Public Option?

The Deficit Blame Game - Megan McArdle

Newt Takes Palin in Smackdown on Party Night: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

How to Stop Socialized Health Care - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Why So Scared of a Public Plan?

RealClearPolitics - Medicare Drug Plan Ought to Be Model for Health Reform

RealClearPolitics - The Pivotal Politics of Health Care Reform, Part II

The GOP's Energy Alternative - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Common Sense in the Age of Obama

RealClearPolitics - Growth's Rapidly Diminishing Prospects

Is Sonia Sotomayor playing the race card? - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Baseless Bias and the New Second Sex — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

What If Obama's Out of His Mind?

RealClearPolitics - "1984" 60 Years Later

Carroll: Stuck in an Afghan quagmire - The Denver Post

What If Israel Strikes Iran? - WSJ.com


Politics of debt: Seeing red | The Economist

GOP looks to slow-walk Sonia Sotomayor - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - Dem mutiny on climate bill grows, says Peterson

Right-wing extremists face extra scrutiny - Washington Times

Breitbart.tv » ‘This Interview is Over’: Barney Frank Walks Off Live CNBC Interview on Executive Pay

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » My Weekly Date with a Liberal – ‘American Heart’

Videotaped remarks shed light on Sotomayor

White House Refusal to Answer Question on Terrorist Prompts Senate Skirmish - Political Punch

CNSNews.com - Sotomayor Failed to Disclose to Senate Memo in Which She Argued Death Penalty Is 'Racist'

Russia snubs U.S. call to consider hosting radar | U.S. | Reuters

Calif. towns challenge feds on military recruiting

Egypt's Mubarak says Obama has new approach to Islam | Politics | Reuters


The commandments of Capitol Hill - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Feds Freeze Poker Champ's Winnings - ABC News

Business groups dare Obama to limit pay for union bosses - The Back Story - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Top Republican rips Democrats for Sotomayor 'rush'

Typhoons trigger earthquakes on Taiwan: scientists

My Way News - Va. women's prison segregated lesbians, others

Palin vs. Letterman - The Note

My Way News - Ahmadinejad lashes out at rival before Iran vote

Doctors’ Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan

Top French court rips heart out of Sarkozy internet law - Times Online

Forensics expert: Carradine didn't commit suicide

Pop Vox: Newsweek's Daily Arts and Culture Blog : Why Cougars Crave "Idol" Runner-Up Adam Lambert

Citi Sets Plan to Convert $58 Billion in Stock - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Big Hollywood Exclusive: Miss California Speaks Out After Pageant Firing

*audio -Savage talks to BBC Radio

Jews working to halt division of Jerusalem

Terrorists: Obama 'humiliating' Israel

Obama confronting Israel to appease Arab world?

Jumblatt: 'Bring Hezbollah into Lebanese army'

Congressman: Consider science in 'cap-and-trade' debate

Audit of Federal Reserve nearing critical mass

Campaign for investigation of torture expands

Obama move would eliminate 8 of 10 pocketknives

'Gay' family kids 7 times more likely to be homosexual

Audit of Federal Reserve nearing critical mass

Shep Smith attacks right-wing 'crazies'

You asked for it! Eligibility 'billboards' for your car, yard

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Rush Limbaugh pummels Obama on birth certificate

Businessman boots Lamar over eligibility issue

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

California beauty queen shocked by firing

Jews working to halt division of Jerusalem

Rev. Wright: I Meant to Say “Zionists” Are Keeping Me from Talking to President Obama -- Not Jews - Political Punch

Obama gives terrorists 'right to remain silent'

Ex-Tech student found guilty on terrorism charge | ajc.com

Carradine Body Photos Show Fishnet, Wig - ABC News

Holocaust Museum shooter suspect served time in prison - Washington Times

Yad Vashem condemns attack on US Holocaust Museum | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

Slain Holocaust museum guard remembered as hero

3 senators shred 'hate crimes' proposal

'Hate crimes' strategy? Slip through as amendment

Judge Moore gets support from all 50 states

Campaign for investigation of torture expands

Duo jailed eight weeks

Chinese bookstore owner gets 3 years in jail

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Brewer Spars With Ziegler About Palin, Shuts Off His Mike | NewsBusters.org

Palin: David Letterman 'pathetic' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Memorial cross finds 3 allies in Supreme Court fight

Judge snubs admin. on Gitmo files - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

VOA News - Palau Accepts Chinese Muslims Held at Guantanamo Bay

Door slammed on marriage equality question

Obama Seeks Powers for SEC on Executive Pay, No Caps (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Vulgar Commentators Pounce On Shooting To Justify DHS Extremism Report

US military wasted taxpayer money in Iraq: report

Fired Because of Endgame

Fox host defends DHS report on right-wing extremists

Death worship & Illuminati symbols in Kohl’s department store

Freedom Watch with Ron Paul, Dan Hannan, John Stossel, Nick Gillespie & More 06/10/09

*Obama Deception: Extended Extras

FBI Investigates “Anti-government” Gun Range

NRA Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Chicago’s Gun Ban

Handwritten Notes Show Fed Oversight Bill Neutered On Senate Floor

*FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)

*site - Federal Emergency Management Agency

**Internet Will Become “Paid System” Within “Five Years”

Media Portrays Suspected Holocaust Museum Shooter as “Antigovernment Extremist”

The Daily Kos Does it Again

Daily Kos: State of the Nation - NeoNazi Killer's Racist Rant in Ron Paul Yahoo Group

CNSNews.com - Treasury Secretary's Secret Talking Points Reveal That Banks Were Forced to Surrender Ownership Stakes to Government

CIA Urges Judge To Keep Bush-Era Documents Sealed - washingtonpost.com

Silence on North Korea Detainments Causes Concern Among Current TV Staff - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Six arrested in suspected plot to attack G8 - Yahoo! News UK

North Korea faces fresh sanctions - Yahoo! News UK

Climate laws add to police workload | Herald Sun

Home education crackdown over abuse fear - Telegraph

*Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/2:Their Time Has Come”Audit The FED!”

*(audio) - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 10th With Ron Paul

*Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says - Markets * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Two Ways to Deleverage an Economy by Bill Bonner

A Novel Response to LRC by J. L. Bryan

Preface to Mises's Memoirs by Jörg Guido Hülsmann

*Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists by Ron Paul

Museum Gunman Charged With Murder

YouTube - Reaction: Murder at U.S. Holocaust Museum

Obama presses healthcare overhaul in US heartland

YouTube - Obama pardons girl for missing school

Senate Votes for FDA to Regulate Tobacco

Bill Would Give FDA Broad Powers to Regulate Tobacco

McCain defends Palin against Letterman

Palin says Letterman a threat to 14-year old daughter Willow

Flu pandemic? US has been there for weeks

YouTube - WHO declares Swine Flu pandemic

Senators Call on Obama to Resolve Dispute With Pelosi Over 'Torture Photos' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Mountaintop Mining To Get More Scrutiny

Police: We weren't chasing car before Philly crash

Can Google Change Election Outcomes?

Rev. Wright Blames "Them Jews" for Keeping President From Talking to Him - Political Punch

Searchers Reach Hiker in Police Helicopter Crash on Snowy New Mexico Mountain - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Wreckage of police helicopter located

Pelosi's partial AIG divestiture

Pelosi's Husband Lost as Much as $1 Million as AIG Stock Fell

The GOP Energy Plan: Nuclear Plants, Drilling, And Prizes

nuclear industry tries to hijack Obama's climate change bill

Senate passes pension reform bill; House vote expected

Chain menus could soon start counting calories

Republicans ask Sotomayor to supply more information

Judiciary Committee meltdown over Sonia Sotomayor schedule

GOP Asks For More Evidence Of Sotomayor's History

Coleman owes Franken legal fees

Cher's daughter Chastity Bono is changing gender from female to male

Trump winner in Miss USA pageant brouhaha

Online Exclusive: Meet Your New Miss California, Tami Farrell

Full text of Carradine statements

Carradine Body Photos Show Fishnet, Wig

Carradine Family Expert: David's Death Not a Suicide

Making the switch to digital TV easier

YouTube - Analog TV goes away Friday

The Many Faces of Phil Spector

Are viewers dropping ditching Conan O'Brien for David Letterman?

YouTube - Conan O'Brien Loses Late-Night Lead - Bloomberg

Eddie Murphy's 'Imagine That' a happy surprise for the whole family

'View' co-host Joy Behar to start cable talk show

Actor Johnny Palermo Dies In Car Crash

Obama: Health-care reform vital to economy

YouTube - Obama pardons girl for missing school

Lawmakers Criticize Fed, BofA On Merger Aid

YouTube - Lewis Testifies On Merrill Deal - Bloomberg

US Stocks Add To Gains After Treasury Auction

Homebuilder shares fall on foreclosure report

YouTube - In-Depth Look - Foreclosures Exceed 300,000 - Bloomberg

Exxon Joins $26 Billion Alaska Gas Pipeline Project

Vital Signs: Don't Fear the Rise in Treasury Yields

Fed regulatory head Cole to retire

Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion

World Bank sees steeper global economy contraction

WHO to work to ensure no H1N1 travel, trade bans

YouTube - WHO declares Swine Flu pandemic

Health Reform: Getting Doctors On Board

American Medical Association Comes Out Against Nationalized Health Care | KXNet.com North Dakota News

SoCal Porn Actress Tests HIV Positive

FDA Is Urged to Approve Drugs for Adolescent Use

Human Genome says lupus drug shows positive results

Pot dispensary owner sentenced to a year and a day in prison

Medical Marijuana Provider Charles Lynch Gets 1 Year in Prison

FTC: Generic Biologics Won't Erode Competition

Longer Hormone Treatment May Improve Prostate Cancer Outlook

What to Look for in a Sunscreen

Look Out! Computers Have Unseen Risks

GPS-fitted shoe helps track Alzheimer's patients

Medical group calls for reducing use of BPA

BPA exposure dangeous for human heart and reproduction | The Money Times

L.A. County launches new campaign against sexually transmitted diseases | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

AT&T Under Pressure To Cut Price Tag On iphone's Data Plan

Political Keywords Found in Chinese Web Blocker

Windows 7 Won't Include Explorer In EU

AOL Buys Two Companies Specializing in Local Online Media

Free AV from Microsoft: It's about time

Casio Digital Camera Extends Battery Life To 1000 Shots

Grand experiment: 13 people on space station

Google Defends Itself Against Antitrust Regulation

Could Karma Play Role In The Fate Of Microsoft Bing?

Facebook to let users pick names for their URLs

Japan's moon probe makes crash landing

Iranian Candidates Tweet, Skirting State Media

YouTube - Iranian Presidential Election - Bloomberg

Air France Received Speed Sensors Days Before Crash

YouTube - AF 447 crash: French submarines join search for black boxes

Woman Who Avoided Air France Tragedy Killed in Car Wreck Days Later

A New Plan for Pyongyang

YouTube - New UN resolution on North Korea close

4 Uighur inmates at Guantanamo transferred to Bermuda

YouTube - Uighurs face new island home - 10 Jun 09

Of Nazis and watermelon

Pakistan Army Faces Test Beyond Swat

Gaddafi says will ask G8 for Africa resolution

Libya's Gadhafi Lashes Out at US

End to 'deplorable' Tube strike

Canada to find out soon if snap elections coming

Canada opposition Liberals to study budget update

Major post-war aid to Sri Lanka will take time-Japan

NATO Defense Ministers Approve Troop Cut in Kosovo

Fiat's Offer For GM's Opel Still On The Table - Italy PM

US supports dialogue between India and Pakistan

Obama renews invitation to Manmohan

Bongo's body returns to Gabon on board Spanish aircraft

Brown didn't trust me, says Flint

Iraq warns attacks will intensify before election

YouTube - Bomb kills dozens in southern Iraq - 10 Jun 09

To quell protests, Peru suspends Amazon investment laws

YouTube - Police clash with Indians in Peru - 9 Jun 09

ANALYSIS-Hezbollah still potent despite Lebanon vote

French President: Burma Blocks Call to Detained Opposition Leader

Zimbabwe Divisions Pose a Quandary for West

YouTube - Zimbabwe PM Urges US Support Despite Abuses

Spirits Rising - WSJ.com

How a hummingbird in love can move faster than a fighter jet - Science, News - The Independent

In hard times, businesses find freebies pay off - The Boston Globe

Reed College, in Need, Closes a Door to Needy Students - NYTimes.com

The Spectator - To an ancient Greek, nothing was more precious than honour (tîmê).

Beanz meanz microwaves? Heinz create gadget that can heat a snack in 60 seconds | Mail Online

Adding a Big Dash of ‘Health’ to Low-Carbohydrate Diets - NYTimes.com

Palin, Parker and Prejean -- Again

Property: Private, Common and Collective.

STATUS REPORT: Ron Paul's Audit the FED Act, HR 1207 and S 604

California's Rejection of "Mark of the Beast" I.D. Could Save Fifty Million per Year

Congress Mocks Representative Government! 'Cap and Trade' Shenanigans

Nationalizing Public Education Comes After Health Care

Honoring the Victims of Honor Killing

The Liberal Housing Crash

Armistice is Dangerous

Obama's Moral Slide Rule

How to Really Create or Save Two Million Jobs

Prominent Rabbi Blasts Obama

Influential liberal sees the light on Obama

Dem squabbling threatens climate change bill

'I don't know anything about cars:' New GM Chairman

Our solar system in the balance

Reverse Gender Gap in Unemployment

Holocaust Museum shooter no 'right wing Christian'

Winners in this recession; public employee unions

New National Intelligence Council Chairman named

Words of Hate from Obama's former Pastor (updated)

When Gas Hits $3 a Gallon Who Will Be Blamed?

California Coastal Commission flouts First Amendment

Obama and the Settlements

The Ethical Case for Boycotting Chrysler and GM

Call It What It Is: Rationed Health Care

The 1% Myth and the Victimization of America

62 Million Voiceless Americans

The Collapsing Global Left

Obama Care: Robbing From Peter to Pay Paul

The great deficit scare returns | Salon

Banks Trade TARP for Bonuses, Debauchery, Jets: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

Economic Freedom or Czarist Rule? at SmartMoney.com

FT.com / Columnists / John Gapper - Turf warriors head for Washington

The Best And Worst Cities For Recession Recovery - Forbes.com

Obama's health plan is no bargain: 4 reasons why - Jun. 11, 2009

Steven Pearlstein - Fixing Health Care Starts With the Doctors - washingtonpost.com


David Callaway: Ten reasons the worst of the crisis is over - MarketWatch

Editorial - Payback Time - NYTimes.com

Behind Oil's Surprising Surge - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - Articles - The President's Paygo Schtick

Is Eastern Europe On The Brink Of An Asia-Style Crisis? - Forbes.com

Five Questions We Should Ask About Financial Oversight | The American Prospect

Tracking the TARP « Donald Marron

What Else Rush Limbaugh Should Boycott - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Why Are Other Yields Falling as the Treasury Bond Yield Rises?

Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy :: Charles T. Carlstrom and Kyle Fee :: Economic Trends :: 06.09.09 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Cumberland Advisors - PAYGO, Deficits and the Fed

No Cookie-Cutter Oil Market - Brad's Desktop - Hard Assets Investor

High Gas Prices Could Slow Recovery

Some owners who used homes to buoy finances are sinking - Los Angeles Times

Why the U.S. Should Start Talking to Hamas - TIME

RealClearWorld - Articles - Lebanon Goes West

FEITH: Must-y Cairo rhetoric - Washington Times

Foreign Policy: Who's Winning Iran's Google War?

Gaddafi strips off diplomatic fig leaves | Tana de Zulueta | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

What If Israel Strikes Iran? - WSJ.com

The horrors of the gulags in N. Korea - The China Post

It's not the Dark Continent - The Globe and Mail

Op-Ed Columnist - Iran Awakens Yet Again - NYTimes.com

The Sound of Settling | The American Prospect

Kelly McParland: African despotry in sad state as ranks of tyrants thins - Full Comment

Op-ed: Influencing Iran: Beware the myth of the moderates | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post

FT.com / Columnists / David Pilling - The truth of the US’ Pakistan clinch

Shirin Ebadi - Iran Crackdowns Belie Fair Elections - washingtonpost.com

RealClearWorld - Articles - India's Path to Greatness

Leading article: Beyond the Islamic revolution - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Editorial - Lebanon’s Election - NYTimes.com

Iran's Presidential Election: What to Watch For - Brookings Institution

Arab Reactions to a Nuclear-Armed Iran

RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | No Surprise in Failure To Deter N. Korea

White Men Can't Judge?

RealClearPolitics - Baffled by the Economy

RealClearPolitics - Will Obama Insist on the Public Option?

The Deficit Blame Game - Megan McArdle

Newt Takes Palin in Smackdown on Party Night: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

How to Stop Socialized Health Care - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Why So Scared of a Public Plan?

RealClearPolitics - Medicare Drug Plan Ought to Be Model for Health Reform

RealClearPolitics - The Pivotal Politics of Health Care Reform, Part II

The GOP's Energy Alternative - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Common Sense in the Age of Obama

RealClearPolitics - Growth's Rapidly Diminishing Prospects

Is Sonia Sotomayor playing the race card? - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Baseless Bias and the New Second Sex — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

What If Obama's Out of His Mind?

RealClearPolitics - "1984" 60 Years Later

Carroll: Stuck in an Afghan quagmire - The Denver Post

What If Israel Strikes Iran? - WSJ.com


Politics of debt: Seeing red | The Economist

GOP looks to slow-walk Sonia Sotomayor - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - Dem mutiny on climate bill grows, says Peterson

Right-wing extremists face extra scrutiny - Washington Times

Breitbart.tv » ‘This Interview is Over’: Barney Frank Walks Off Live CNBC Interview on Executive Pay

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » My Weekly Date with a Liberal – ‘American Heart’

Videotaped remarks shed light on Sotomayor

White House Refusal to Answer Question on Terrorist Prompts Senate Skirmish - Political Punch

CNSNews.com - Sotomayor Failed to Disclose to Senate Memo in Which She Argued Death Penalty Is 'Racist'

Russia snubs U.S. call to consider hosting radar | U.S. | Reuters

Calif. towns challenge feds on military recruiting

Egypt's Mubarak says Obama has new approach to Islam | Politics | Reuters


The commandments of Capitol Hill - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Feds Freeze Poker Champ's Winnings - ABC News

Business groups dare Obama to limit pay for union bosses - The Back Story - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Top Republican rips Democrats for Sotomayor 'rush'

Typhoons trigger earthquakes on Taiwan: scientists

My Way News - Va. women's prison segregated lesbians, others

Palin vs. Letterman - The Note

My Way News - Ahmadinejad lashes out at rival before Iran vote

Doctors’ Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan

Top French court rips heart out of Sarkozy internet law - Times Online

Forensics expert: Carradine didn't commit suicide

Pop Vox: Newsweek's Daily Arts and Culture Blog : Why Cougars Crave "Idol" Runner-Up Adam Lambert

Citi Sets Plan to Convert $58 Billion in Stock - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Big Hollywood Exclusive: Miss California Speaks Out After Pageant Firing

*audio -Savage talks to BBC Radio

Jews working to halt division of Jerusalem

Terrorists: Obama 'humiliating' Israel

Obama confronting Israel to appease Arab world?

Jumblatt: 'Bring Hezbollah into Lebanese army'

Congressman: Consider science in 'cap-and-trade' debate

Audit of Federal Reserve nearing critical mass

Campaign for investigation of torture expands

Obama move would eliminate 8 of 10 pocketknives

'Gay' family kids 7 times more likely to be homosexual

Audit of Federal Reserve nearing critical mass

Shep Smith attacks right-wing 'crazies'

You asked for it! Eligibility 'billboards' for your car, yard

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Rush Limbaugh pummels Obama on birth certificate

Businessman boots Lamar over eligibility issue

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

California beauty queen shocked by firing

Jews working to halt division of Jerusalem

Rev. Wright: I Meant to Say “Zionists” Are Keeping Me from Talking to President Obama -- Not Jews - Political Punch

Obama gives terrorists 'right to remain silent'

Ex-Tech student found guilty on terrorism charge | ajc.com

Carradine Body Photos Show Fishnet, Wig - ABC News

Holocaust Museum shooter suspect served time in prison - Washington Times

Yad Vashem condemns attack on US Holocaust Museum | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

Slain Holocaust museum guard remembered as hero

3 senators shred 'hate crimes' proposal

'Hate crimes' strategy? Slip through as amendment

Judge Moore gets support from all 50 states

Campaign for investigation of torture expands

Duo jailed eight weeks

Chinese bookstore owner gets 3 years in jail

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Brewer Spars With Ziegler About Palin, Shuts Off His Mike | NewsBusters.org

Palin: David Letterman 'pathetic' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Memorial cross finds 3 allies in Supreme Court fight

Judge snubs admin. on Gitmo files - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

VOA News - Palau Accepts Chinese Muslims Held at Guantanamo Bay

Door slammed on marriage equality question

Obama Seeks Powers for SEC on Executive Pay, No Caps (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Why Americans love government


Technology is morally neutral

Libby prosecutor threatens critic

Obama, Muslim or Christian? Where’s the fruit?

Welcome back, Carter

Bronstein at Large : Love or lust, Obama and the fawning press need to get a room

Lying with impunity

Bush-Hitler missing in action?

Commander in thief

Where's the outrage over Obama's illegal acts?

**video :Jackie Mason :Obama's Mideast fakery .... and more!

Death penalty for capital punishment?

Schwarzenegger: End welfare now!

Debbie Schlussel - White Christian Murderer Story of the Day

Debbie Schlussel - The Left-Wing Screeching About My Piece on the Holocaust Shooter; Tuscaloosa News' "Fact-Checking"

Debbie Schlussel - Moderate, Educated Muslim U.S. Citizen Convicted of Terrorism

Debbie Schlussel - Aaron Klein Watch: WND/ Aaron Klein Rip Me Off #58,372

Debbie Schlussel - English Language EXCLUSIVE : Jimmy Carter Meets w/ Fadlallah, Hezbo Spiritual Leader Who Ordered Bombing of U.S. Marines; Hezbo Defeat Only Temporary

Debbie Schlussel - Janet Napolitano Announces She Won't Enforce Anti-Marriage Fraud Measure

Debbie Schlussel - Hypocrisy of the Day: Organization w/ "Zero Tolerance" for Gambling Now Sponsors Lotteries

Debbie Schlussel - Jews Saved Black Teen Inmate @ Buchenwald Death Camp; Obama Snubs Only Black Survivor of Nazi Camps

Debbie Schlussel - Numbskull Immigration Judge: ICE Arrests of Illegal Aliens is "Retaliation," Allows Them to Stay

Debbie Schlussel - You Stay Classy, Sarahmessiah Nuts: Draft Palin 2012 Leader Wishes I Get Cancer, Etc.

Debbie Schlussel - Janet Napolitano Appoints Jihadist to Homeland Security Advisory Committee: Logical Conclusion to ADC Outreach Bush & Chertoff Started

Debbie Schlussel - Obama's Apologist Speech to Muslims: The Statistics Are Telling

IDF Develops Spy Robot Snake with 'Suicide' Capability - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Aztec temple promises to yield one of antiquity’s great treasures - Times Online

FEC: President Obama funneled money to swing states - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Joe Biden pushes envelope with Sonia Sotomayor praise - Josh Gerstein and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Sonia Sotomayor scheduling infuriates Republicans - Alex Isenstadt and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Air France Aftermath: Safety Experts Call for Airborne 'Black Box' Data Stream - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

St. Lucie County School Board allows Portillo to keep tenure and contract | Video : St. Lucie County : TCPalm

11-Year-Old Georgia Girl Ordered to Leave U.S. for Poland Over Paperwork Error - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Evangelical editor picks a quarrel with his cohorts | CharlotteObserver.com



EU security proposals are 'dangerously authoritarian' - Telegraph

Is PVC Plumbing Really Better Than Copper?

ALIPAC - Immigration Enforcement Group Defends Against Amnesty Push

AfricanCrisis - South Africa’s Whale beachings – The possible link to lethal Military Sonar…

The Peninsula On-line: More cases of flu in Egypt and Lebanon

The Conquest of Eurasia: NATO's War For The World's Heartland

FT.com / Europe - French anti-piracy drive ruled illegal

FT.com / Americas / Politics & Policy - Peru to suspend land laws after violence

More photo trouble for Silvio Berlusconi as Muammar Gaddafi makes first visit to Italy | World news | guardian.co.uk

China backs plan to search North Korean ships and halt arms deals - Times Online

Sky 'rains tadpoles' over Japan - Telegraph

$2.5 billion spent, no alternative cures found - Alternative medicine- msnbc.com

Chemical Stops Breasts from Growing Bigger - thedailygreen.com

The 'Holocaust' For Dummies

Karl Rove calls Maureen Dowd 'a bitter, twisted, deranged columnist' because she pointed out George Bush liked his vacation days

Tom Coburn Misleads on VA, Repeats More of Frank Luntz's Talking Points on Health Care


transcripts - Obama's Remarks on PAYGO

transcripts - Panel on the First Gitmo Prisoner in the U.S.

transcripts - Rep. Mark Kirk on China Losing Faith in the Dollar

transcripts - Analysts Discuss Banks Paying Back TARP

transcripts - White House Press Briefing on PAYGO

transcripts - Obama and Biden on Accelerating the Stimulus

transcripts - Interview with Sarah Palin

transcripts - Experts on Two Americans Being Held By North Korea


Supreme Court Denies Chrysler Bondholder Appeal

Grant: Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited

Did Paulson's TARP Plan Work?

Rolling Back TARP...

Will Rising Oil Prices Derail Recovery?

Home Depot: Back to the Basics

Oil Heading to $40, Natural Gas a Better Bet

Letterman On "Slut" Remark: "I Kinda Like That Joke"

Pelosi: No Bill Out Of The House Without The Public Option

Rove Discusses Public Health Care Option

Rev. Wright: "Them Jews" Won't Let Obama Talk To Me

"Special Report" Panel On Miranda Rights For Terrorists

Gov. Sanford: Cheney "Probably Isn't" Good Speaker For GOP

Isikoff, Maddow Discuss Soon To Be Released Interrogation Docs

Bachmann: Obama Is Running A "Gangster" Government

O'Reilly: Pelosi Putting Troops In Danger

Gingrich On The Road Back for Conservatives

Flashback: Obama Says Detainees Don't "Deserve" Miranda Rights

Rove: Maureen Dowd Is "Bitter, Twisted, Deranged" Columnist

Gunman Shoots Security Guard At Holocaust Memorial Museum

Rep. Frank: "I Can Blame Republicans" For Financial Disaster

Chris Matthews: "A Troll, Walrus And Devil" Run The GOP

DCCC Chair on Stopping the GOP in 2010

Sen. McCaskill On Pay-As-You-Go, U.S. Deficit

NEW: Letterman Now Suggests Palin's Daughter Is A Prostitute

Steele On Fiscal Responsibility And Discipline

Jon Voight: Obama Bringing Us To "Chaos" And "Socialism"

Right-Wing Pastor Prays For Obama's Death

Deeds Wins VA Democratic Gubernatorial Primary

Ziegler Discusses Palin Response On MSNBC

Holocaust Museum Shooter KIlls Guard

Sen. McCain: Obama Is "Wrong" On Health Care

Obama Denounces Health Care Naysayers

Sebelius: Health Care Spending An Investment

Limbaugh: "Anti-Jew Rhetoric" From American Left

Rep. Frank Walks Off CNBC Over Exec Pay Questions

Malkin: Letterman Suffers From "Palin Derangement Syndrome"

Sotomayor: "I Am A Product Of Affirmative Action"

Mark Levin Criticizes Moderate Republicans, Talks New Book

Full Interview: Palin On Obama's Policies: "We Told Ya So"

Palin On Obama's Policies: "Told Ya So"

Limbaugh: Obama Is "Clearly Out Of Touch"

Limbaugh Appoints Powell New Leader of GOP

Rush Limbaugh: "I Still Want Obama To Fail"

Rush Hints He Would Support Sotomayor If She Was Pro-Life

Iran Gripped by Election Fever

RCW Iranian Elections Panel

N. Korea Court Convicts U.S. Journalists

Pakistan: Attack On Luxury Hotel

UK: Labour Party Reeling

Record Turnout Anticipated For Iran Election

06/10 The Mark Levin Show

06/09 The Mark Levin Show

06/08 The Mark Levin Show

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

feature video

***YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version***

***YouTube - `Obama Deception: Extended Extras` 1/3 HQ***

***YouTube - `Obama Deception: Extended Extras` 2/3 HQ***

***YouTube - `Obama Deception: Extended Extras` 3/3 HQ***

Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th President


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government