"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 June 2009

17 JUNE 09


Brazil, Russia, India and China form bloc to challenge US dominance - Times Online

North Korean heir-apparent secretly visits China - Telegraph

Number of people driven from homes by conflict at all-time high | World news | guardian.co.uk

China backs down over controversial censorship software | World news | guardian.co.uk

Japan plans underwater sponges to soak up uranium - Telegraph

Don't cut up your carrots: Boiling them whole increases their anti-cancer benefits | Mail Online

Generals go to war over Iraq inquiry - Home News, UK - The Independent

Barack Obama to extend benefits for gay federal workers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Video: Barack Obama swats fly during CNBC interview - Telegraph

US envoy to Iran removed amid divisions over policy - Telegraph

Racist e-mails reveal ugly side of Republicanism - Times Online

Man claims to be missing child who disappeared in New York 50 years ago | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Associated Press: AP Interview: Kids may get swine flu shots first

Evangelical Silence Empowers ADL 'Bullying'

Entertainer Louise Mandrell Joins Morgellons Research Foundation - Morgellons Research Foundation - pitchengine.com

False charges routine in US | INFORUM | Fargo, ND

Audio: "To Eliminate the Opiate" - On A7 Radio - Israel News - Israel National News

Inside North Korea's Gulag - WSJ.com

Retailers Head for Exits in Detroit - WSJ.com

Rural Mich. counties turn failing roads to gravel | roads, mich, counties - Top Stories - WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3

Truthdig - Reports - The American Empire Is Bankrupt

American Al Qaeda: Grandpa Was A Zionist - CBS News


Lawsuit: White House won't release visitor records - Yahoo! News

Eyewitness - One Guard Shot The Other At Holo Museum

Time to run for it, Auntie Em: The spectacular image of a tornado towering over the Kansas prairie | Mail Online

The Amazing Dust-Devils!

Cost Concerns as Obama Pushes Health Issue - NYTimes.com

Stalin's Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Global climate change impacts in the United States: Manhattan floods, Chicago heatwaves and withering Californian vines: how scientists see the US in 75 years | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Another first for a black American: the female rabbi breaking down barriers | World news | The Guardian

De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire


The "Bomb Iran" contingent's newfound concern for The Iranian People - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The Raw Story | US manufacturing must drive recovery, summit told

Obama to propose strict new regulation of financial industry - Los Angeles Times

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Newt Gingrich on Fox: Attack North Korea with electromagnetic pulse

NASA targets moon for a mighty crash - Space.com- msnbc.com

Cheney tied to cash theft and possible murder in Iraq

YouTube - WE LANDED ON THE MOON #2 Reflectors

Iran: Some Dots You May Want To Connect | Iran/Persia |Axisoflogic.com

Obama Blocks Visitor List Access, Echoing Bush

De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire

Raw Story » For chemo effects, Etheridge says marijuana ‘amazing’ medicine

Daily Kos: State of the Nation - The Wreck of the Patrick Fitzgerald

Carter wants Hamas off US terror list

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Discusses HR1207 and the $ on Gold Seek Radio (6/10/09)

Ted Kennedy Bill Could Send Your Gun Info Into A Massive Federal Database | Republic Broadcasting Network


CIA Urges White House to Keep Parts of Detainee Report Secret - washingtonpost.com

Update - HR 1207 - 232 co-sponsors | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

FDA: over-the-counter cold spray Zicam has caused loss of smell in more than 100 patients -- chicagotribune.com

YouTube - CIA, Iran and the Election Riots - June 14, 2009

The Re-writing of History is not a New Game « Time to Think

China sells US bonds to 'show concern'

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: The ADL Developes New Catch Phrase in order to Define Yours Truly

Effects of ill-advised CIA plot in Iran still haunts U.S.

CQ Politics | No Proof Detainee Photos Led to Military Deaths

Neo-Nazis are in the Army now | Salon News

Lesbian albatrosses and bisexual bonobos have last laugh on Darwin - Times Online

Ritalin ADHD Drug Linked to 500 Percent Increased Risk of Sudden Death in Children by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Russian Scientists Warn Of Genetically Modified Fast Food Link To Pandemic Flu

PBS to ban new religious shows - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Obama Says ‘Dialogue’ With Iran Will Continue After Election - Bloomberg.com

AFP: Supreme Court refuses to stop US-Mexico fence construction

Asteroid Probe Set to "Collide" With Earth

Pakistan soil will not be used for terrorism: Zardari - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

BBC NEWS | Americas | Cuban spies lose new US trial bid

Venezuelan bishops warn Chavez is jeopardizing democratic society

No French access to Brazil plane crash autopsies | International | Reuters

VOA News - Africa Union Launches New Campaign Against Human Trafficking

AFP: World sitting on 'powder keg': Amnesty

whatreallyhappened.com: LINCOLN, KENNEDY, AND OBAMA


From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

*Conscious Movie Network features King Corn

The White House to Use ABC News to Push Federal Health Care Propaganda | The Citizen Online

"The Worst Is Yet to Come" If You're Not Petrified You're Not Paying Attention: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

YouTube - Gerald Celente Predicts Economic Armageddon by 2012

06-17-2009: School Children To Be Used As Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs

06-17-2009: Police Departments With Heavy Artillery

06-17-2009: Gold Vending Machines To Be Introduced In Germany

06-17-2009: New US climate report dire, but offers hope

06-17-2009: Cost Estimates For Health Care Legislation Around $1.6 Trillion

06-17-2009: E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress

06-16-2009: The CIA's Iranian Plan?

06-16-2009: The Dawning of Internet Censorship in Germany

06-16-2009: UN: World Sleepwalking Into Disasters

Fed Buying Treasuries; China Selling Treasuries

Dollar drops on reserve currency doubts

N.S.A.'s Pinwale Examines Large Volumes of US E-mail Messages Without Court Warrants

Federal Reserve to gain power under plan

Obama Plans to Cut Bank Regulators, Allow Fed to Supervise Financial Holding Companies

Media Smearing of Truth Movement Reaching a Crescendo

State Department Says China to Get U.S. Aid under New Climate Deal

Are You Ready For War With Demonized Iran?

Global Warming Consensus Challenged: "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide''

Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix

Goodbye to Cheap Oil

Towards a New Financial World Order

Indigenous 'genocide' in battle for oilfields

Clouds of Secrecy

Reality Mining: Browsing Reality with Sensor Networks

How The Spooks Took Over the News

Ahmadinejad stresses need for a new world order

Emerging nations call for new world order at summits

Harry Reid Vows Action on ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill That Includes Amnesty

Democrats’ $1-Trillion Health Care Plan to Cost 23 Million Americans Their Private Insurance, CBO Says

Major Papers Expunge Obama’s Comment: ‘I’ll Be Honest, There Are Countries Where a Single-Payer System Works Pretty Well’

FCC Chairman Nominee: ‘I Do Not Support’ Reinstating Fairness Doctrine

Notre Dame ‘Betrayed’ Catholic Identity with Obama Speech, Says Vatican Leader

Obama to Establish New Financial Regulatory Agency with Broad Powers

Obama Extending Federal Benefits to Same-Sex Partners

Democrat Leader Is ‘Sure’ ABC News Will Cover GOP’s Comments on Obama’s Primetime Townhall

Obama, South Korean Leader, Demand North Korea Drop ‘Belligerent’ Behavior

Push for Local Control of Cell Phone Towers Gaining Traction, Tower Opponents Say

Hillary Clinton Consults Predecessors on Troubled World

Senator Says Attorney General Holder Is Soft on Terror

Hydrogen Gas Leak Delays Shuttle Launch Again

10 Large Banks to Repay $68 Billion in TARP Funds

Vatican China Envoy to Get Tough with Beijing

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Warns of Crackdown on Online Media

North Korea Says Two Americans Admit to Illegal Entry

China Unveils 1st Guidelines for Sex Change Surgery

U.S. Attorney General Seizes on Recent Murders to Press for New ‘Hate Crimes’ Law

Obama Administration Issues Dire – But Hopeful – Climate Status Report

Obama: ‘There Are Countries Where a Single-Payer System Works Pretty Well’

Obama’s AmeriCrooks and Cronies Scandal

Twittering While Iran Burns

Outlasting the Ayatollahs

Obama To Hold Prime Time Health Care Town Hall Next Week

Even as Obama begins to cave on real health insurance reform Blue America will push back

Rachel Maddow Show: New Torture Details Revealed

Sebelius: Not Only Is It Not Single Payer, We're Going To Make Sure It Never Is

Some 'neighborhood watch': Forde's Minuteman spinoff outfit was about 'starting a revolution against the government'

Senate Republicans Cry Real Tears Over the Fate of Insurance Companies; Little To Spare for the Uninsured

Glenn Beck: Who, me? Root for states to secede?

The Family Values Crowd Strikes Again: Sen. John Ensign Admits To An Affair With Aide's Wife

Blue America's new Campaign For Health Care Choice: Targeting Blanche Lincoln on the Public Option

CNBC'S Cramer and Burnett tie Iranian election to Employee Free Choice Act

Drudge Screams 'Ethical Firestorm!' Over ABC News Broadcast from the White House

Sen. Landrieu To Get Nelson Treatment Over Health Care Reform

Lieberman is a big NO on the Public Option, now calls it 'universal access' for health care. I'm NOT kidding

Latest GOP Racial "Slip": TN Sen. Diane Black's Staffer E-mails Obama "Spook" Photo

Bill O'Reilly Selectively Edits Joan Walsh Interview

Minuteman 'tactical' leader/murder suspect Shawna Forde was part of the 'respectable' nativist Right too

Kathleen Sebelius Comes Out Fighting For Public Option

Another Day, Another Republican Parroting Frank Luntz

Obama firings gain no media criticism

Global-warming: Another religion of peace?

Get ready for betrayal by centrist Republicans on health care

Influential Ayatollah sides with reformers

President did not 'follow the law' in IG Firings - McCaskill

Obama's new financial regs - worse than we imagined

The Five Big Liberal Myths

Sotomayor's 'Fundamental' Flaws

Back to ACORN General Hospital

Medical Tort Reform

Government Health Care Won't Fly

It Has Always Been the Mullahs

Iran Election: The Beginning of the End

Health reform is all downside for most Americans

Health Care Is Not That Complicated

Obama's Real Agenda: Israel's Dimona Nuclear Facility

Stimulus program fraught with waste, report says - Los Angeles Times

Hinckley gets more time away from mental hospital

District Director for California State Senator Carol Liu (21st District) Served in... | Reuters

After lobbyist boasts, Feinstein cancels event - Washington Times

Former First Lady Laura Bush 'proud' of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor


Former Madoff Employees Sue His Sons - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com


ANALYSIS: Iran regime likely shaken for good - Washington Times

Beltway bloggers abuzz over Johnson, investigator's firing - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee


The Rasmussen Reports Poll: Loading The Roll Of The Dice

Put the Economy Back Where It Belongs

No More Murderous Rip-Offs by Ron Paul

Commonly-Used Drugs Can Wreck Your Genes by Bill Sardi

Oh Yes, Your Cash Has Got Us Very 'Stimulated,' Indeed by Vin Suprynowicz

The Ir-Af-Pak War by Tom Engelhardt

45 Famous Last Meals

Response to the "Market Failure" Drones - Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Mises Institute

Stock market investing | Rogers & Soros: Farmland “One of the Best Investments of Our Time” - Contrarian Stock Market Investing News - Featuring Bargain Stocks

Medical Problems Could Include Identity Theft

Believe It or Not, a Shortage of Oddities Bedevils Ripley's - WSJ.com

Debbie Schlussel - BREAKING: Muslims Lose, Mich Supreme Court Allows Judges To Require Removal of Face Veil

Debbie Schlussel - Another Urgent Priority of Congress

Debbie Schlussel - Feminism Run Amok: American Males Left Behind

Debbie Schlussel - The Story No-one's Talking About: Another Arab Muslim "Student" Tries to Bring a Knife on a Plane

Debbie Schlussel - Annoying Tranny Lawsuit of the Day

Debbie Schlussel - Expand the Racist Rooney Rule to the Playing Field

Debbie Schlussel - "The Work Americans Won't Do": Children of L.A. Illegal Aliens Cost $44 Milln Welfare Per Month

Debbie Schlussel - "Global Warming"?: Michigan Crops Delayed by Abnormal Cold

Debbie Schlussel - Much Ado About Nothing in Iran

Debbie Schlussel - The Dumbing Down of America: Biggest BS Job Ever

HR 2749: Totalitarian Control of the Food Supply

Senior Democrat Says Obama’s Czars Unconstitutional

Ron Paul on Corporatist and Socialist Medicine

Police departments with heavy artillery

New Protest Builds as Iran Expands Its Crackdown - NYTimes.com

Obama Campaign Activists Find Health Care Harder Sell

House Passes Bill With “Global Bailout” Provision

NSA Intercepts of the Private Telephone Calls and E-Mail Messages of Americans Are Broader Than Previously Acknowledged

Obama Says He Can’t Bring Change Because “We Don’t Want to Tilt at Windmills”

Weird Hexadecimal Code and Possible Warning in Telegraph’s Operation Blackjack Part 5

Former official: Obama’s CIA director ‘captured’ by ‘ideological drivers’ for torture

Ed Schultz: Dick Cheney ‘will do anything’ for power

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 16th With Thomas Woods & Greg Hoover

The Money Matrix - Prelude (PART 1/15)

The Money Matrix - What is a Dollar Bill Worth? (PART 2/15)

The Money Matrix - What Makes Money Money? (PART 3/15)

The Money Matrix - What is Honest Money? (PART 4/15)

The Money Matrix on the Grand Deception of Seigniorage (PART 5/15)

The Money Matrix - How the FED Works (PART 6/15)

The Money Matrix - Who Owns the FED (PART 7/15)

The Money Matrix on "Credetary" Inflation and Deflation (PART 9/15)

The Money Matrix - What the Heck Are Derivatives? (PART 10/15)

The Money Matrix - Bring Light to Dark Derivatives! (PART 11/15)

Unlocking the Money Matrix - The Real Interest Rate (PART 12/15)

MY PROPHECY - The Federal Reserve Will End! A Money Matrix Addendum

Attempted Iran media clampdown meets Internet age - Yahoo! News

China, Russia call for talks on Iran, North Korea | International | Reuters

Reuters AlertNet - Russia hopes "down-to-earth" Obama drops Star Wars

Time for 'new world order': Brazilian President

Iran seeking nuclear weapons technology: ElBaradei | U.S. | Reuters

Iranian Supporters of Mousavi Stage Rally in Tehran

Crowd masses for rally, Mousavi calls day of mourning | Reuters

Iran protests interventionist U.S. statements | International | Reuters

Iranian women reveal truth of repressive regime | ajc.com

Reuters AlertNet - Key Saudi prince gives backing to religious police

E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress - NYTimes.com

Fired IG Calls White House Explanation 'Baseless,' Says He's Being Targeted - Political News - FOXNews.com

Vegas paper gets subpoena to ID online commenters

Ruling on NightJack author Richard Horton kills blogger anonymity - Times Online

Cocaine seized in dead sharks | The Sun |News

Scientists claim fish 'learn like humans'

Man Poses as Dead Mom to Collect Benefits | NBC New York

Men-only train cars sought in groping fears | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Oregon woman obsessed with rabbits arrested again

Clinton consults predecessors on troubled world

Obama frets on debt, sees U.S. unemployment rising

Bloomberg.com: Obama Campaign Activists Find Health Care Harder Sel

Scientists Clone 9/11 Search And Rescue Dog German Shepherd Trakr - wcbstv.com

Romanian Gypsies attacked in NIreland

Nearly 60 Percent Won't Graduate At South Side Bradwell Elementary School; Are Parents To Blame? - cbs2chicago.com

Out of Washington, Edwards Finds Worries Remain

Store Clerk Murdered; Customers Keep Shopping

Study Refutes Depression Gene Finding - Yahoo! News

GPS Satellite Glitches Fuel Concern on Next Generation - WSJ.com

ABC promises Republicans health care coverage won't be Obama 'infomercial'

YouTube - Rachel Maddow: The Right Wing's Obama "Birther Movement"

U.N. protocol used to regulate homeschoolers

Shocker! Most Americans know of Obama eligibility questions

Support rising for eligibility verification demand

Why Obama wants to hide birth certificate

Gibbs gets 2nd shot at eligibility question

Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Post online comment? Feds want your name

E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress - NYTimes.com

ABC: Obama propaganda machine?

Obama Blasts Fox News: 'I've Got One Television Station that is Entirely Devoted to Attacking My Administration' | NewsBusters.org

PBS to ban new religious shows - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Americans believe Internet news most reliable

Legislative aide served in CAIR lawsuit

Lawyer for censored Christians: Beware of 'hate crimes'

Last opportunity for 'hate crimes' letter campaign

Attorney general urges new hate crimes law - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Are you freer today than you were before Obama?

Who's Victor Davis Hanson and what does he know?

Independence Day tea party tally explodes

Company sued for WWJD motto

'Obama administration sent message to Hamas'

Chesler Chronicles » End The Illegal Occupation of Jerusalem

TheHill.com - Dem, GOP centrists meet in secret

Admission clouds Nevada Sen. John Ensign's future - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan and Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Tennessean - Bill supporting Gore statue fails in Tenn.

Summary Of Obama Financial Regulation Plan

Tarnished Republican drops leadership post

Obama Directive to Bar Bias Based on Sexual Orientation

Gay rights groups: Obama needs to do more

GOP's health-care alternative

House Republicans Outline Health Care Reform Plan

Man who says he's Steven Damman, kidnapped 54 years ago, speaks

Finding Steven Damman? Family Waiting for DNA Confirmation

New report predicts dire consequences for every U.S. region from global warming

Hatch challenges attorney general over artifact raid

AG Holder calls for stricter hate crime laws after recent violence

Energy bill advances in Senate

'Dragnut' Thomas Prusik-Parkin indicted after allegedly dressing up like dead mom to collect checks

Judge Says Miami Cat Killings Suspect Poses No Danger to Community

Obama Issues New Call to Service

President Uses Video To Push Public Service

Are Unaccompanied Minors on Airplanes Safe?

Texas law should reduce taxes for small businesses

Out of Washington, Edwards Finds Worries Remain

McCaskill questions Obama team over firing of IG

Former Miami priest in celibacy scandal marries

Mayor picks Arizona chief as SF top cop

YouTube - Obama's Plan For Financial Regulation - Bloomberg

YouTube - Nevada Senator Admits Affair With Ex-staffer

YouTube - Miami Priest in Photo Scandal Weds Girlfriend

Witnesses describe violence in Iran as protesters stand firm

SKorea leader says won't accept nuclear North

Leading IAEA Members Criticize N. Korean Nuclear Test

Summit set to back Barroso's bid for second term at EU helm

Hamas rejects Carter plea to recognize Israel

Voices: Gaza's two-year blockade

US, Israel seek clarity on settlement freeze

Pakistan sought time to act against militants - India

Autopsies suggest Air France jet broke up in sky

Recovery of Air France wreckage unlikely

Tamil protest ends after 73 days

UN chief pays tribute to late President of Gabon

Court grants appeal in Suu Kyi case

Police Chief Killed in Fighting in Somalia

Tribesmen kill 28 Taliban militants in NW Pakistan

Canada Liberals To Support Govt; Averts Election

Afghanistan's Karzai defends choice of vice-president

Rebel ties haunt Karzai

US Reportedly Asks Spain to Accept 4 Guantanamo Detainees

Iran 'would like nuclear option'

UN Nuclear Chief: Iran Wants Nuclear Weapons Technology

Vatican bans sect's ordinations

Vatican warns traditionalists not to ordain priests

Catholics in China told to defend faith even if it means martyrdom

Peru's prime minister to step down

VOA News - UN Appeals for Urgent Aid for Pakistanis Displaced by Army Offensive Against Taliban

YouTube - Anti-Government Protest In Iran - Bloomberg

YouTube - Obama: Nuclear-armed North Korea a Grave Threat

YouTube - Romanian families flee their homes in Belfast after attacks

YouTube - Netanyahu's speech: the Web decodes

YouTube - Gabon: succession questions after Bongo's death

Lindsay Lohan posts topless picture on Twitter

RIP: The Ventures' Bob Bogle

Ventures guitarist Bob Bogle dies at 75

Baldwin suicidal over voicemail to daughter

Calvin Klein Ad Taps Foursome Sex

Bing Helps Microsoft continue to gain steam in search market

NASA looks to launch shuttle Endeavour in July

Netbook For Kids Puts Disney Back In PC Business

Government report: climate change here, mitigation needed now

Study: US Broadband Adoption Leaps Despite Recession, Rising Prices

Google warns of issues with its Outlook sync tool for Apps

FCC Chief Nominee To Promote Wireless, Broadband

Woohoo! Homer Simpson Joins TomTom Voices

Facebook Tests Search on Steroids

Facebook Real Time Search Gets Tested

YouTube - NASA Cancels Endeavour Launch - Bloomberg

YouTube - FCC Nominee Julius Genachowski Opposes Fairness Doctrine

Summary Of Obama Financial Regulation Plan

JPMorgan, 3 Banks Repay $44.7 Billion in Treasury Rescue Funds

US Bank, Chase return TARP money

fedex Boxed In

Ford Seeks No-Strike Pledge UAW Gave to GM, Chrysler

Goldman Sachs repays government investment

News Corp.'s MySpace to Lay Off 400 Workers

Russia, China to Promote Ruble, Yuan Use in Trade

YouTube - Mega-deals and security to link China and Russia

YouTube - Ford CEO on Product Demand, Sales

YouTube - Obama's Plan For Financial Regulation - Bloomberg

Researchers Claim Whole Carrots Offer Extra Cancer Prevention

House Committee Approves Sweeping Food-Safety Bill

Report on Gene for Depression Is Now Faulted

Researchers Find No Link Between Defective Gene, Mood Disorder

Former New York City mayor Ed Koch tells News he's not afraid of death

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch Hospitalized

"Virtual colonoscopy" may be an option, study shows

VA Faces Questions Over Tainted Colonoscopies

Employers passing on larger share of insurance costs to workers

Health Officials Backtrack on Number of HIV Cases in Porn Industry

Skin Cancer Cream to Bust Wrinkles? 9 Double-Duty Drugs

US doctors' group waffles on "public option"

AMA approves policies on security breaches, EHRs

Sebelius preaches health reform to the choir

Study links some ADHD meds to rare deaths

YouTube - AustinHealth: ADHD drugs

YouTube - Veterans face risk of disease exposure

What did she expect? Incredible face revealed of the man who tattooed girl with 56 stars when she only asked for three | Mail Online

New Florida law requires police to collect DNA in felony cases - St. Petersburg Times

Janet Reno loses one-on-one with Mourning - NBA- nbcsports.msnbc.com

Jefferson 'cold cash' blamed on FBI sting - Washington Times

Elko Daily Free Press - Dog plays dead, owner tries to rob passer-by

Browns' Donte Stallworth pleads guilty to DUI manslaughter; gets 30 days in jail

Sprinter's talent spotted as he ran for a bus - now he's aiming for Olympics - mirror.co.uk

Hungary's Iron Curtain exhibition

Backyard chickens on the rise - Los Angeles Times

'Definitely' is most commonly misspelt word - Telegraph

Recreating the Past: The Berlin Wall Gets a Makeover - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Man had over 100 needles in his body | Metro.co.uk

William J Federer's American Minute:June 17th

How to force Obama's resignation

Obama claims to have a real birth certificate

Is Obama's 'prolonged detention' American?

Liberal hate kills truth

Our president the math genius

BHO: Looking for love in all the wrong places

Live free or die

Palestinians – they'd rather be burying Jews

Abortion vs. cat 'murders'

Why women are unhappy

The "O" in Socialism

Inside North Korea's Gulag - WSJ.com

EDITORIAL: Obama's Walpin-gate problem - Washington Times

Don't blame Letterman

'Mom, dad better than certified teachers'

Support rising for eligibility verification demand

'Obama administration sent message to Hamas'

Obama’s Regulatory Plan for ‘Businesses and Consumers’ - NYTimes.com

How Will We Pay For The Health Care Plan? - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Commentary » Blog Archive » Still Decoding Obama

The Next Tax Revolt | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - A Refreshing Spin on Cable TV

Obama Aspires to a 'Light Touch' - WSJ.com

The hurdles to expanded healthcare - The Boston Globe

Reform measures should not weaken our health care -- chicagotribune.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Virtual Mosque - NYTimes.com

Don't Assume Ahmadinejad Really Lost - TIME

Talking to Ahmadinejad

RealClearPolitics - Will Tiananmen Be Obama's Roadmap?

RealClearPolitics - Shoot the Watchdog

National Journal Online - For Dems In 2010, Tomorrow May Not Come

Guns and hate are on rise in America :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson

RealClearPolitics - Hysteria From the Right and Left

RealClearSports - 12 Questions With Senator Orrin Hatch - RCS Interviews Senator Orrin Hatch

The private health industry's time is up | csmonitor.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama Tries to Skip the Details

Obama and Yogi | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/16/2009

Clarence Darrow Meets Clarence Birdseye

Tehran Drama - washingtonpost.com

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Government Stimulus Consists Of Fraud and Abuse

Obama's gay rights gap - Los Angeles Times

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 17, 2009 - Congress advances $106 billion war-funding bill

Turning the Page on Stocks - Barrons.com

New Regulation Rules: Their Impact on You at SmartMoney.com

Obama vs. the oil bubble - Jun. 16, 2009

Obama's Masterful Health Care Maneuver - Forbes.com

Repeat the Question

The Fed Must Not Be Politicized | Market Features | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

The Madoff Chronicles, Part III: Did the Sons Know? | vanityfair.com

Old and in the Fray: The Coming Entrepreneurship Boom — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Obama Blueprint Deepens Federal Role in Markets - washingtonpost.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - The three steps to financial reform

How shareholders are fighting greed - MSN Money

Wall Street's Reckless Millionaires Get a Free Pass -The Daily Beast

The New Boom-Bust Cycle,The housing and finance sectors caused the economic mess. Here's why they can't fix it. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine


Stalking a Weaker Wall Street

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Trying to Cover the Unenthusiastic Uninsured

Economists React: Regulatory Overhaul, Sensible or Burdensome? - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Why Is Obama Ditching Obamaism? - The Stash

Cramer Calls A Housing Bottom (Yet Again) | The Big Picture

Snake Oil For Our Health Care Ills - Forbes.com

It Could Be the End of the Cell Phone as We Know It: And I don’t feel fine. | The Big Money

U.S. Dollar: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - The Merk Mutual Funds

Obama Sought a Range of Views on Finance Rules

Obama's Health Plan Needs Spending Controls, CBO Says - washingtonpost.com

For Boomers, recession is redefining retirement - USATODAY.com

Don't pin hopes on change in Tehran | The Australian

Guilt by Calculation

Hillary Rodham Clinton - Partnering Against Human Trafficking - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Iran’s Hidden Revolution - NYTimes.com

Iran's Protests: Why Twitter Is the Medium of the Movement - TIME

RealClearWorld - Central America's Failing States

Silvio Berlusconi's girls, gaffes and graft appeal to Italian voters - Telegraph

The Quiet American,Why Obama isn't showing more outrage about the Iranian election. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

The End of the Affair? | Foreign Affairs

Asia Times Online - Obama lights North Korea's fuse

RealClearWorld - Obama's Message to Iran

Obama and the Iran Crisis: Why Washington Is Playing it Safe - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Iran plays the blame game | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearWorld - Supreme Leader and Iran Election

Rewriting history in Russia | The Japan Times Online

Even Gitmo affects U.S.-China ties - The China Post

RealClearWorld - Abusing the "R" Word in Iran

A hollow democracy -Times Online

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Iranian clerics caught in a bind

transcript - 21st Century Financial Regulatory Reform

How about a Walsh-friendly edit of that Bill O'Reilly confrontation?

'Oh my God, I can't believe they killed my family': Victim of Minuteman gang, on 911 call, pleads for help amid gunfire

Obama To Hold Prime Time Health Care Town Hall Next Week

Even as Obama begins to cave on real health insurance reform Blue America will push back

Rachel Maddow Show: New Torture Details Revealed

Technology Review: A Stem-Cell Therapy for Blindness

Baxter expects to deliver A/H1N1 vaccine to WHO by July - Biotechnology

New collaboration for GM-free wheat traits

AP IMPACT: Funds to shut nuclear plants fall short - Yahoo! News

Ben Fulford On Baxter, Vaccines & The Pandemic

Nanotechnology: The new asbestos?

Obama Pot Calls Iranian Kettle Black

Obama’s Unconstitutional ‘Czar Power Grab’ Must Be Stopped | Real Zionist News

Iran clamps down on Twitter in attempt to control images of election protests - Telegraph

Iran widens jamming of BBC as Revolutionary Guard cautions bloggers | Media | guardian.co.uk

Brazil, Russia, India and China form bloc to challenge US dominance - Times Online


transcript - Bernanke's Speech to the Financial Literacy Summit

transcript - Presidents Obama and Lee Hold Joint Press Conference

transcript - Interview with House Minority Leader Boehner

transcript - Interview with President Obama

transcript - Analysis of the Iran Election Protests

transcript - Secretary Clinton Unveils Human Trafficking Report

transcript - President Obama's Speech to the AMA

transcript - Sen. John McCain on Panetta vs. Cheney

transcript - Analysts Discuss Iran's Presidential Election


Head of Iranian-American Council on the Election Protests

Obama Goofs On Which Podium Is His

CPR: Patients Could Lose Health Care Choices

Obama Asked If Too Many Agencies Apart Of Financial Problem

Matthews: Sarah Palin Often Pushes "The Idiot Button"

Obama: Unemployment Will Reach 10%

Watch Live: Obama and South Korea President Hold Presser At WH

Carter Has To "Hold Back Tears" Watching Israeli Destruction In Gaza

O'Reilly On Oklahoma Child Rape Verdict

Sen. John Ensign Admits To Extramarital Affair

Schultz: "Ruthless" Cheney Wants Another Terrorist Attack

McCain "Sure" Iranian Elections Were "Rigged"

Rove On Iran And Letterman

Obama, South Korea Commit To Denuclearization Of Korean Peninsula

Rep. Pence Discusses Controversial Iranian Election

FOX News: Jimmy Carter Wants Hamas Off Terrorist List

Obama On Iran, Health Care And Media Scrutiny

McCain On Iran: U.S. "Must Speak Out Forcefully"

Obama Doesn't Want To Be Seen "Meddling" In Iranian Elections

Sen. Brown On Funding Health Care

Anita Hill: Sotomayor "Excellent" Choice For Supreme Court

Frist On Saving African Children, Health Care

Raw Video: Obama Swats Fly Away During Interview

Sen. Warner On Fixing Financial System

Gibbs Can't Name Countries Where Single-Payer System Works

Obama Announces Financial Regulation Overhaul

Watch Live: Obama Announces New Financial Regulations

Sen. Sessions Calls AG Holder "Too Soft" On Terror

RNC Responds To ABC's Obama Health Care Special

McCain: Obama Not Properly Handling Iranian Crisis

Rep. Boehner On Obama's Financial Overhaul

Carlson: Lawyers Forced Letterman To Apologize

White House Defends New Regulations

Rep. Camp Gives GOP's Plan For Health Care Reform

Rep. Bishop On Probing Pelosi-CIA Flap

No Turnaround for GM?

Is a Strong Dollar Bad for Stocks?

Inflation Debate Brewing At Fed

Roubini: Risks of a 'W'-Shaped Recovery

Fed's Bullard: Economy Should Recover in Q3

Why Are Gas Prices Rising?

'The Most Sweeping Overhaul of Financial Regulation Since the 1930s'

5 Reasons to Reject Class-Warfare Tax Policy

Obama Remarks on Iran Election

Russia Hosts BRIC Summit

BRIC Countries Can Help in Financial Crisis

India, Pakistan Leaders Meet

Gunmen Open Fire on Prostesting Crowd

Obama Warns North Korea to Disarm

Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula

talk radio

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

06/16 The Mark Levin Show

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

audio - Rense and Icke


To Kill A Tree - Part 1

To Kill A Tree - Part Two

To Kill A Tree - Part 3

To Kill A Tree - Part Four Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars.

To Kill A Tree - Conclusion The War On Humankind

The Root Of All Evil

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap - Pt 2

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap - Pt 3

Lucifer Rising

The Global Coup d'Etat

Kill the Best Gentiles, by James Von Brunn(404 pgs.)

special reading

The Law, by Frederic Bastiat

John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

The Declaration of Independence

The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

U.S. Constitution

The Articles of Confederation

The Letters of Thomas Jefferson

George Washington's Farewell Address

John Adams - Thoughts on Government

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 1

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 2

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 3

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 4

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 5

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 6

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 7

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 8

The Federalist Papers / The Federalist No. 9