"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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18 June 2009


ABC Says No To GOP Ads During Obama Health Care Special

06-18-2009: White House & ABC To To Host Health Care Town Hall

06-18-2009: Web beats TV, radio as preferred news source

06-18-2009: Over 9,000 Vials Unaccounted For At Fort Dietrick Biolab

06-18-2009: Cash to become extinct as chips take off

06-18-2009: Supreme Court Ruled Convicts Have No Constitutional Right To Test DNA Evidence To Prove Their Innocence

06-18-2009: Proposed New Law Would Let Police Snoop On What You Do Online

06-18-2009: NASA To Launch New Lunar Scouts

06-18-2009: University Of Colorado Team Discovers Evidence Of Ancient Lake On Mars

06-18-2009: U.S. Confirms It Asked Twitter To Remain Open To Help Anti-Government Protesters In Iran

06-17-2009: School Children To Be Used As Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs

Clones of 9/11 hero dog unveiled in Los Angeles

Mass. Police Gets Grenade Launchers . Federal program donates surplus weapons

Neo-Nazi leader 'was MI6 agent'

US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

Russia Makes the First Call for the Monetization of Gold

HR 2749: Totalitarian Control of the Food Supply

Fed Buying Treasuries; China Selling Treasuries

Experts See No ‘Smoking Gun’ for Iran Election Fraud

Does U.S. Poll Rule Out Fraud in Iran?

'The Responsible Left': Funding Obama's Expanding Wars

Obama Whitewashes US Foreign Policy

Clouds of Secrecy

Insider account - clouds of secrecy

VIDEO: We are Destroying our Nation's Moral and Fiscal Integrity

Marx, the First Real Globalist

The Retreat of the Shadow Lenders, Why Deflation and not Inflation is the Order of the Day

The Eurasian Pipeline Calculus

Making Illegal Spying Legal

Towards a New Financial World Order

US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive

How The Spooks Took Over the News

Reality Mining: Browsing Reality with Sensor Networks

Reading Miranda Rights to Terrorists Is 'Crazy' and 'Stupid,' Say GOP Congressmen

White House Stands by Obama's Claim That Single-Payer Health Care Works In Other Countries--It's Just Not Sure Which Countries Obama Meant

Democrats Bury ‘Community Transformation’ Plans in Health Care Bill

Text of Most Controversial Element in Health-Care Bill is Missing from Publicly Released Draft

Obama Appoints Pro-Gay Activist Who Promotes Pro-Gay Clubs in Public Schools to be 'Safe Schools' Czar

Tens of Millions from Economic Stimulus Spent on Trivial Projects, GOP Report Claims

Explaining Rejection of Free-Market Ad for Obama Primetime Special, ABC Says It Has Rejected Advocacy Ads 'Forever'

Harry Reid Vows Action on ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill That Includes Amnesty

Democrats’ $1-Trillion Health Care Plan to Cost 23 Million Americans Their Private Insurance, CBO Says

FCC Chairman Nominee: ‘I Do Not Support’ Reinstating Fairness Doctrine

Major Papers Expunge Obama’s Comment: ‘I’ll Be Honest, There Are Countries Where a Single-Payer System Works Pretty Well’

On the Light Side: Fly-Swatting Obama ‘Not Perfect,’ PETA Says

Obama Reversing Reagan’s Push to Reduce Federal Regulation

Report Faults U.S. Efforts to Curb Gun Smuggling

Sotomayor Avoids Firm Answers on Key Issues

Senate Passes Apology for Slavery, Segregation

Democrats Plan to Move Quickly on New Financial Oversight Regulations

Obama: ‘There Are Countries Where a Single-Payer System Works Pretty Well’

Obama’s AmeriCrooks and Cronies Scandal

Live Free or Die

Government Motors: A Dead-End Deal

Asia Times Online - Obama lights North Korea's fuse

The Associated Press: Report: NKorea may fire missile toward Hawaii

Market Skeptics: USDA Deliberately Misleading Investors To Hide Looming Food Shortage

The End of Aging? Experts Point to Dangers

Extinct animals could be brought back to life thanks to advances in DNA technology - Telegraph

IRS Moves to Ban Tax Returns Filed By All But ‘Experts’

The BRAD BLOG : Head of CA GOP Voter Registration Firm Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud

Israel Lobby Sees Obama as Enemy of Zionist Agenda

Federal Reserve Under Attack From All Angles

‘Continental Congress’ Will Meet Again’


What Everyone Needs to Know About the Mideast

Schemes to Cripple Iranian Oil Industry Could Spur Record Gas Prices in U.S.

Claims of student massacre in Tehran spread - Middle East, World - The Independent

America's socialism for the rich | Joseph Stiglitz | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Tests and Six-Party Talks: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Tehran Test

Remarks by President Obama and President Lee Myung-Bak, 6-16-09

Battle Against Pakistan's Top Taliban Leaders Demands Specialized Military Tactics

Leading IAEA Members Criticize N. Korean Nuclear Test

Quarter of men in South Africa admit rape, survey finds | World news | The Guardian

Georgia feels Russia's heavy hand | Svante Cornell | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Airbus computer bug is main suspect in crash of Flight 447 - Times Online

Berlusconi paid me to go to his party, woman says - Europe, World - The Independent

The problem of proliferation | John Gittings | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Iraqi Oil Minister accused of mother of all sell-outs - Middle East, World - The Independent

Rifat's Warning Of Amalek Mirrored By Netanyahu

Democrat Fumbling Gives Hope To Hate Bill Protest

It Comes Down to This!

Brazilian President Says It’s Time For New World Order « Infidels Paradise

Air France crash: autopsies suggest plane broke up in air - Telegraph

Hiding In Plain Sight: Israel’s Clean Break From America is in Progress « heshamtillawi

Proof: Israeli Effort to Destabilize Iran Via Twitter « Pak Alert Press

Iran protests interventionist U.S. statements | Reuters

The 800 Pound Gorilla - IT’S OFFICIAL: ‘Al-Qaeda’ spokesman Adam Gadahn (a.k.a. Pearlman) is scion of Jewish ADL

Lieberman to Clinton: Israel won't freeze settlements - Haaretz - Israel News

Technology Review: A Stem-Cell Therapy for Blindness

Baxter expects to deliver A/H1N1 vaccine to WHO by July - Biotechnology

New collaboration for GM-free wheat traits

Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix

Md. Mom Indicted for Killing, Freezing 2 Daughters - ABC News

Former HealthSouth Boss Found Liable for $2.9 Billion - ABC News

Obama Heads to Democratic Fundraiser - ABC News

No Benefits for LA Girl Born From Dead Man's Sperm - ABC News

Layoffs and Networking: To Tweet or Not to Tweet? - ABC News

Pilot Dies Mid-Flight; Plane Lands Safely in NJ - ABC News

French Woman Given 8-1/2 Years for Banker's Murder - ABC News

Prosecutors Seek Competency Hearing in Smart Case - ABC News

U.S. Treasury Warns on North Korea Cash Transactions - ABC News

Federal Gay Marriage Challenge Has Hollywood Style - ABC News

SC Job-Seekers Line up for Gig Cleaning Nuke Waste - ABC News

Philosopher and "Great European" Dahrendorf Dies - ABC News

Larry David Takes Acting Turn for Woody Allen - ABC News

Prep Deaths Prompt New Heat Policies - ABC News

Late Cardinal's Nephew Claims Abuse by Priest - ABC News

Miss. Civil Rights Slayings to Get Historic Marker - ABC News

Thousands Mourn Iranians Killed in Protests - ABC News

Dirt Cheap: Cemetery Sells 2 Graves for Price of 1 - ABC News

UN Rights Body Votes to Continue Sudan Scrutiny - ABC News

Detention of Journalists Puts Strain on Media Firm - ABC News

Young Iraqi Gays Find Safe Haven in Turkey - ABC News

Remember, You Read It Here First -- Centuries Ago - ABC News

Mich. Man Scoffs at Son's Suspicion He Was Taken - ABC News

Suicide Bomber Kills Somali Security Minister - ABC News

US Stock Futures Strengthen on Employment Data - ABC News

Fla. City to Workers: Wear Underwear, Deodorant - ABC News

Sam Seder Talks To Letterman Protesters

Pete's Tweet: Republican Pete Hoekstra Compares Iranian Protests To GOP In Exile

A little turnabout: Open Left's Adam Green ambushes Fox's Griff Jenkins and his ambush crew

New York Times: NSA Agent Was Reading Bill Clinton's Personal Emails

Republican Diane Black's "Strongly Worded Reprimand" To Racist Staffer Revealed

John Boehner's Turn: Another Republican Repeating Frank Luntz's Talking Points Unchallenged

Insurers Tell Congress: Hell Yes! If You're Sick, We're Pulling Your Insurance Coverage

Lou Dobbs Tonight: FRC's Tony Perkins Argues the GOP's Line on Health Care Reform

Obama to Strip Fed of Power to Regulate Mortgages, Credit Cards

Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for DUI manslaughter in FLORIDA!

How about a Walsh-friendly edit of that Bill O'Reilly confrontation?

'Oh my God, I can't believe they killed my family': Victim of Minuteman gang, on 911 call, pleads for help amid gunfire

Obama To Hold Prime Time Health Care Town Hall Next Week

Even as Obama begins to cave on real health insurance reform Blue America will push back

audio - flashback :The Health Care Debate - February 23, 1961 | Newstalgia

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship

Kucinich: ‘Another $106 billion and all we get is a lousy war’

1968 Chicago riot cops set to ‘celebrate’ mass beatings

Senior Democrat Says Obama’s Czars Unconstitutional

Ron Paul on the Fed Power Grab

Ron Paul on Corporatist and Socialist Medicine

Gerald Celente: Washington is Wall St. and Wall St. is Washington

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship In United States

Police Still Believe They Can Order People To Delete Photographs

Feinstein denies NSA abuses; Holder refuses to call them ‘illegal’

Nation editor: Obama White House secrecy an ‘insidious tendency’

Ahmadinejad gov't: Riots orchestrated by enemies

Geithner Defends Plan to Give Fed Stepped-Up Powers

Court allows first juryless criminal trial | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Police carrying out searches just for statistics, warns terror watchdog | Mail Online

US feds subpoena names of anonymous web commenters • The Register

Lessons Learned From the Battlefield by Michael Gaddy

Modern Survivalism Tenet Number Four by Jack Spirko

The Unfortunate Adventures of Long-Term Investors by Richard Daughty

Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One - Peter Schiff - Mises Institute

Western states want reins on federal power - Los Angeles Times

In tough times, consumers tend to trade down on college choices too -- chicagotribune.com

Truthdig - Reports - The American Empire Is Bankrupt

Find out why JFK died and why it matters - Tom Shea - MassLive.com

Healthy Living: Sheer Balance - The Unconscious Mind and Romantic Attraction

Ease Excruciating Earaches Naturally

Surprising Products That Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup - DivineCaroline

Freedom From the Fed Fix - Barrons.com

Bush takes swipes at Obama policies - Washington Times

Barbara Boxer: Please Call Me 'Senator' -- Politics Daily

Breitbart.tv » Sen. Boxer Instructs Brigadier General Not to Call Her ‘Ma’am’

Brokaw interviews Obama - msnbc.com

The White House - President Obama Announces Appointments to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships

Steele to GOP: 'Fight' ABC - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Dems work to push banking overhaul quickly

My Way News - Lawmakers clash over cost of health care overhaul

University of Colorado team finds definitive evidence for ancient lake on Mars

First hard evidence found of a lake on Mars | Science | Reuters

L.A. County officials offer a novel idea to save millions - Los Angeles Times

Analysts: NKorea's chemical arms as grave as nukes

Obama fends off criticism from gay supporters

Senator questions firing of 3 inspectors general -- chicagotribune.com

NYC Transit Seat Hogs Could Face Jail Time - wcbstv.com

Thousands mourn Iranians killed in protests | U.S. | Reuters

In midst of auto crisis, Al Gore backs a new car company in Louisiana

Clinton says interdiction possible for NKorea - Kansas City Star

t r u t h o u t | Iran: Who's Diddling Democracy?

These Are Obama’s Wars Now by Joshua Frank -- Antiwar.com

Japan and China fight it out for right to mine lithium under Bond's battlefield - Times Online

Two Days Before 9/11, Military Exercise Simulated Suicide Hijack Targeting New York | 911Blogger.com

ZNet - World Can't Be Changed Without Fighting Western Propaganda

Health insurers refuse to limit rescission of coverage - Los Angeles Times

EFF and Public Knowledge Reluctantly Drop Lawsuit for Information About ACTA | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff on Gold Seek Radio - 06-17-09

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Blocked Technology Example

Robert Fisk: Secret letter 'proves Mousavi won poll' - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

The Ostroy Report: The Revolution Will Not Be Twitterized


*How Monsanto kills the news

Refreshing News: Falcon nest in Greenland is 2,500-years-old

Mystery Company To Assemble Cars in Louisiana - Auto Observer

Washington's Blog - Obama Says He Can't Deliver Change Because "We Don’t Want to Tilt at Windmills”

Bush political appointees serving in Obama administration appoint GOP cronies to senior civil service jobs

Strange Inconsistencies in the $134.5 Billion Bearer Bond Mystery -- Seeking Alpha

C-SPAN Video Player - Flynt Leverett, Penn State University & New America Foundation

U.S. Beats War Drum as Iran Dumps the Dollar | Political Lore .com

Peter Schiff begins to see attacks from the Washington press | Political Lore .com

AFP: China sells US bonds to 'show concern'


kenny's sideshow: The criminals overseeing the criminals

13 pg /pdf : 29 Structural & Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Explosive Demolition in Collapses of All 3 WTC High-Rises on 9/11

Raw Story » Feinstein denies NSA abuses; Holder refuses to call them ‘illegal’

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Adam Kokesh and Dr. Ron Paul “The Revolution is Alive and Well…Help is on the way.”

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Thomas Woods on Alex Jones Tv 2: Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse

CBS Editorial Urges Internet Providers Remove “Hate Speech”

YouTube - UW 9/11 Research Group gives Nobel Laureate, Dr. Y. Lee, WTC Thermite paper by Harrit et al

Chance Put Museum Guards in Place to Take Down Shooter

Nader: Obama’s Flip-Flop on Single Payer « Single Payer Action

Court backs LAPD immigration policy

Arizona's 'False Leadership' on Immigration Policy

Third year of fewer illegal immigrants caught

Report: US Not Doing Enough Against Gunrunning

Did Anti- Immigration "Extremists" Leave Long Trail Of Victims?

Strategy shift denied in raid | ajc.com

Immigration fix urged

US to Let Immigration Agents Make Drug Arrests

Democrats face crucial immigration test

Governor's straight talk on immigrants

More than 100 kids sue over parents' deportations


Sorting out illegal workers

911 Raw: The Sound Of Hate

La Raza leader surprised to be drawn into Sotomayor debate

Catholic bishops urge immigration reform

Immigrants ' dreams, cash vanish in fraud

Money to battle illegal immigration turned down

New program meant to help keep track of illegal immigrants in jail

U.S. Border Security: Realities and Challenges for the Obama Administration

Obama, Congress flirt with tackling immigration reform

Pilot Dies During Flight, But Jet Lands Safely In US

Supreme Court rejects right for criminals to DNA tests

Supreme Court rules DNA tests for prisoners not a constitutional right

PETA miffed at President Obama's fly "execution"

Senate approves resolution apologizing for slavery

Doctor: Clinton Elbow Injury Complicated, Recovery Could Take Weeks

'That Bronx Guy' Espada Accuses Fellow Dems Of Racism

Who do Americans trust on health care?

Fed's specter could steer GE Capital revamp

Obama Violates His Own Law

AmeriCorps IG Firing Still Facing Questions from Congress

From newsrooms to living rooms, kidnapping stunned all

Bush on Obama: Nothing personal, but . . . - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Bush breaks silence, says economy won't need Obama intervention

Boxer scolds Army General for not calling her “Senator”

Republican: Will Sotomayor represent 'all of us'?

Republicans Want More Sotomayor Records

What is John Edwards Thinking?

Post-Scandal, John Edwards Finds a Quieter Purpose

GOP Sen. John Ensign quits post after questions swirl about affairs

Court denies benefits for girl conceived from dead father's sperm

Cruise, Abrams accept 'Mission: Impossible IV'

Dad of 'Idol' Contestant David Archuleta Busted in Hooker Ring

Cher: 'Chaz Embarking on a Difficult Journey'

REPORT: Break-in Plot at Home of Sarah Jessica Parker's Surrogate

Palin v. Letterman: Who won?

Health Care Reform's Moment Arrives — Again

Tracking the National Health-Care Debate | More »

Health workers not protecting themselves from flu

Risk of Obesity Higher with Fast Food Nearby

Health officials inspect clinic that serves porn industry

Red Yeast Rice May Lower Cholesterol

Bill Boosting FDA Oversight Of Food Wins Panel Approval

Group threatens suit over vitamins' anti-cancer claims

Google Concern About Bing? The 'Yes' On Home Page

Google Still Tops in Search, Will Bing Change That?

Public Can 'Participate' In NASA's Lunar Mission

NASA aims for unmanned moon rocket launch Thursday

Home broadband Internet use on the rise

Techies Balk At New Intel Chip Names

NYC billboard monitors rising greenhouse gases

Wireless Competition Debate Hits Senate Committee Floor

Europe's Privacy Concerns May Hinder Facebook

NASA probes possibility of shuttle sabotage

Internet Fairness Act Would Skewer Cable ISPs

China Warns Google on Content

Google Book Search gets a facelift

Geithner defends reform plan

US Supreme Court Strengthens Businesses' Hand In Age Cases

Report of Abundant US Natural Gas Supplies Rattles Energy Debate

Mortgage rates fall back from 7-month high

US Economy: Leading Index, Factory Gauge Show Slump Easing

Masses mourn protesters in Iran

Somali Security Minister Killed in Suicide Attack

Suspected US missile strikes in Pakistan kill 8

Attacks continue on Romanians in Northern Ireland

Row over blacked out MP expenses

Iranians dodging government's Internet crackdown

Britain wants more Myanmar sanctions over Suu Kyi

Israeli state

'Black box' firm hopes to recover AF447 device

Obama-backed nuclear fuel bank plan stalls at IAEA

IAEA chief, Israel lock horns over Syria

India state begins to reclaim "liberated" Maoist zone

N Korea Insurance Scam Funds Weapons, Enriches Kim -Report

China denies reports of Beijing visit by Kim Jong Il's son

Parts of Iraq war inquiry may be opened up to public

African view: Big men do not die

Text: News Conference with Obama and Lee

US, South Korea united on North, but options are few

Georgian officer defects, appears on Moscow radio

Should Obama emulate Bush on Iran?

Key Iran Adviser Gains Obama's Ear

How India and Pakistan can resolve Kashmir now

Iran protests

Pro-Shah Iranians call for regime change


Obama to propose strict new regulation of financial industry - Los Angeles Times

John Conyers' wife offered plea deal - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

EDITORIAL: A witness to Walpin-gate - Washington Times

Mayor picks Arizona chief as S.F. top cop

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

Attorney general urges new hate crimes law - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

CNSNews.com - Democrats’ $1-Trillion Health Care Plan to Cost 23 Million Americans Their Private Insurance, CBO Says

'Hamas helping Iran crush dissent'



RealClearPolitics - Video - Gibbs Can't Name Countries Where Single-Payer System Works

Rural Democrats differ with Barack Obama - Lisa Lerer and Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Polls find rising concern with Obama on key issues - Yahoo! News

Ex-Major League Ballplayer Mel Hall Jr. Sentenced 45 Years for Raping Girl - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

We do Not Bow to Tyranny

Health Care Socio-Fascism

Conservatives & The Austrian School of Economics (Part 1)

Obama Engages in Rare Direct Confrontation With Domestic Terrorist

Walpin may be fired, but...

Not just Walpin! Three IGs fired

American people don't believe Obama has a clue on the economy

Civil Rights Commission smells a rat in voting rights case dismissal

Obama on Fox News

Senator Menendez on Israel

100 Stimulus projects guaranteed to make your blood boil

It wasn't the Gorelick Wall?

After Obama Fails

The Real Importance of the Sotomayor Fight

Brother, Can You Spare a Bulldozer

Witness to Liberals as They Really Are

Lies, Damned Lies and BBC Climate Reports

The National Debate about Late-Term Abortions

Sotomayor's 'Fundamental' Flaws

Back to ACORN General Hospital

Medical Tort Reform

Government Health Care Won't Fly

It Has Always Been the Mullahs

Health reform is all downside for most Americans

Health Care Is Not That Complicated

Obama's Real Agenda: Israel's Dimona Nuclear Facility

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

JUDITH MILLER: Unrest In Iran — Why Obama Is Proceeding With Caution « FOX Forum « FOXNews.com

The Next Tax Revolt | The American Prospect

Commentary » Blog Archive » Still Decoding Obama

The World's Sheriff Needs a New Weapon -- Politics Daily

Ryan Sager - Neuroworld - Being Barack means never having to say you’re sorry - True/Slant

media - No fix to financial reg troubles

*article links -Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

media - DeMint describes fight for free speech

Guess who fired Miss California

Last opportunity for 'hate crimes' letter campaign

FBI e-mail investigation fingers White House?

Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care - NYTimes.com

Public Wary of Deficit, Economic Intervention - WSJ.com

Posey: Eligibility document plan not personal

Shocker! Most Americans know of Obama eligibility questions

Support rising for eligibility verification demand

Sonoran News /WorldNetDaily raises over $75,000 to ask …

Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

What should be done about health care?

Keith Ellison's office hangs up on WND

'Mom, dad better than certified teachers'

U.N. protocol used to regulate homeschoolers

Obama Blasts Fox News: 'I've Got One Television Station that is Entirely Devoted to Attacking My Administration' | NewsBusters.org

PBS to ban new religious shows - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Americans believe Internet news most reliable

Independence Day tea party tally explodes

TheHill.com - Dem, GOP centrists meet in secret

Smuggled: $134 billion in U.S. bonds

Is it time for a new declaration of liberty?

Senator: States must vet presidential candidates

RealClearWorld - Obama Is Just Like Bush, the First

Obama, Russia, and the Reset Button

China and the Global Climate: 'The West Is Responsible' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Iran Has Had Enough of the Mullahs - WSJ.com

Why Obama Can’t Take a Light Touch on Iran | The New Ledger

The End Game in Iran: Four Ways the Crisis May Resolve - TIME

Nader Mousavizadeh - Engage Iran, Not Ahmadinejad

Is It Worth It? - Stephen Biddle - The American Interest Magazine

RealClearWorld - Ghosts of Appeasement Haunt Europe

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Hizbullah's political participation: necessity over ambition

Peace for Israel requires a strong Palestinian Authority | csmonitor.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - How Iran’s Big Lie betrays the pledge of its revolution

RAND | Monographs | The Long March: Building an Afghan National Army

RealClearWorld - Fantasizing About A New Middle East

Red Herrings: False Signs of an Economic Rebound at SmartMoney.com

Health Care Rationing Rhetoric Overlooks Reality

Who Would Win Under Obama’s Financial Reforms - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

How Self-Made Titans Launched Their Empires - Forbes.com

Fifty Best Tech Startups - BusinessWeek

Too Big to Fail, or Succeed - WSJ.com

Obama's Money Men Finally Get It

Don't Rush Regulatory Reform - Forbes.com

Wall Street isn't buying Obama's reform plan - Los Angeles Times

America’s regulatory reforms: Obama’s opening shot | The Economist

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - America should also look to its fiscal health

Healthcare, not bailouts, could break America | Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online

One man against inflation

RealClearMarkets - Articles - Is There An Oil Story Behind the Iranian Elections?

The Fiscal Fed

15 Stocks with the Stamina to Survive This Crisis -- Seeking Alpha

Hyperinflation: The Story of 9 Failed Currencies | Mint.com Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice

In Europe, a Glimpse at Obstacles to Financial Reform - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Reviewing the Administration’s Financial Reform Proposals - Brookings Institution

Some Lawmakers Question Expanded Reach for the Fed - NYTimes.com

Obama aims to give regulators chance to rein in future crises - USATODAY.com

Expansive Energy Bill Advances In Congress - washingtonpost.com

media - Hamas: No different than Hitler

Roubini sees weeds amid green shoots | Industry Summits | Reuters

Schwarzenegger: Higher taxes will be vetoed

Continental says biofuel did well in flight test | Green Business | Reuters

The Surprise Is on Silicon Valley, Thanks to Obama - ABC News

The Associated Press: Obama cites decades of mistakes behind recession

Animal rights group wishes Obama hadn't swatted fly, sends him a catch-and-release device -- chicagotribune.com

Witches claim religious discrimination after church ban - Telegraph

Utah Seeks Settlement With Polygamous Sect - NYTimes.com

Tennessee GOP Senate Aide Reprimanded for Offensive Obama E-Mail - Political News - FOXNews.com

Same-sex marriages: Census issue: The Swamp

Should Schools Ditch Sweets for Kids? - ABC News

Janet Reno loses one-on-one with Mourning - NBA- nbcsports.msnbc.com

Cemetery crime: Thieves prey on mourners -- chicagotribune.com

Drivers Warning About Police At Issue in Montgomery Case

Rare biblical masterpiece now available in English

In Some Swimming Pools, a Nasty Intestinal Parasite - NYTimes.com

Black clouds turn Beijing day into night | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Man Poses as Dead Mom to Collect Benefits | NBC New York

Climate Change Already Having Impact On U.S., Expected To Worsen

University of Colorado team finds definitive evidence for ancient lake on Mars

Like a hole in the head: The return of trepanation - health - 17 June 2009 - New Scientist

Las Vegas Sun - Hollywood’s attention unwelcome

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | High-speed 'wedge' for re-entry

Believe It or Not, a Shortage of Oddities Bedevils Ripley's - WSJ.com

Physicists create 'black hole for sound' - space - 17 June 2009 - New Scientist

UFOMystic » Walk In Someone Else’s Shoes

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | New dinosaur gives bird wing clue

Backyard chickens on the rise - Los Angeles Times

Scientists claim fish 'learn like humans'

'Definitely' is most commonly misspelt word - Telegraph

Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world - Telegraph

The war of words over Israel

Alcohol goes to the head in six minutes, scientists say - Telegraph

Alcohol’s Good for You? Some Scientists Doubt It - NYTimes.com

**Great taste! Less fattening!**

American Minute for June 18th:William J Federer's American Minute

MichNews.com Obama Treason - Why Commander Fitzpatrick Is NOT Guilty of Mutiny!

Tony Blair 'knew of policy that allowed torture of Britons'

Russia seeks oligarch's extradition from UK - Telegraph

Social policy 'ruining childhood' - Telegraph

Parents banned from taking pictures of their own children at sports day - Telegraph

LITTLEJOHN: Plagues of rats. Little Hitlers terrorising old ladies. The Great Wheelie Bin Revolt is long overdue | Mail Online

Twitter counts more than armouries in this new politics of people power | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

Johann Hari: Will the looming war between Iran and Israel now be averted? - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

America accused of spying on millions of emails | Technology | guardian.co.uk

White House issues 'unequivocal' warning on climate change in the US - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Clinton clashes with Israelis over settlers

Congress Continues to Deny Reality: Single Payer is The Only Thing That Makes Economic Sense

Obama Oders Extermination Of Amazon Indians

U.S. Northern Command News - NORAD and USNORTHCOM exercise planned for mid-June

The Associated Press: Feds face criticism over arrests in artifacts case

Lawmakers Make Surprise Move to Keep Lockheed Fighter Alive - WSJ.com

Britain Releases Censored List of Expenses - NYTimes.com

Carter gets weepy in Gaza, blasts Netanyahu’s speech

U.S. to check Mexico-bound vehicles - UPI.com

AFP: Supreme Court refuses to stop US-Mexico fence construction

Asteroid Probe Set to "Collide" With Earth


'45 million Americans' – who are those guys?

Universal health care: Evil in camouflage

Hate crimes not about punishment

The immorality of laws regulating technology

An open letter to Bill O'Reilly

Sotomayor squashed journalist's 1st Amendment rights

Democrat media opt for government control

From bias to adoration

NYT: Duke lacrosse players killed Meredith Kercher

Chesler Chronicles » End The Illegal Occupation of Jerusalem

President Obama betrays the gay community | Salon

Our president the math genius

RealClearPolitics - A Refreshing Spin on Cable TV

The End Game in Iran: Four Ways the Crisis May Resolve - TIME

Government grinds the gears - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - A Daschle-Dole Solution on Health Care

RealClearPolitics - The AMA's Unhealthy Obsession

The American Spectator : Freedom Can't Be Rationed

RealClearPolitics - Press' Powers Depend on Perception

Roger’s Rules » Announcing the Save Frank Rich Society

RealClearPolitics - Republicans Would Do Well To Consider Pawlenty

Britain’s unravelling - World - Macleans.ca

Senate Panel Approves Energy Bill - NYTimes.com

Democrats dodge ban on cash from lobbyists - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

TheHill.com - Baucus to ax $600B, GOP derides reform ‘joke’

Senate Slate Has Timing Up in the Air - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Burned By a Tobacco Bill

RealClearPolitics - Timid Obama Succumbs to Old Politics

Editorial - Iran’s Nonrepublic - NYTimes.com

America’s regulatory reforms: Obama’s opening shot | The Economist

EDITORIAL: Durbin's insider trading - Washington Times

Clerics in command | The Australian

Joe Klein: What I Saw at the Revolution

Man, It's Hard to Figure Out What's Going on in Iran ... - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online

Is Obama's Financial-Reform Plan Bold Enough? - TIME

IBDeditorials.com: Media's Mask Is Slipping As Deficits Surge

Wealth-Care Reform | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - Why Patch-And-Fill Won't Do

Henninger: 'Public Option' Is Son of Medicaid - WSJ.com

Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Iran Elections Make Nuclear Talks Harder

RealClearPolitics - The Bipartisanship of Fools

RealClearPolitics - Understanding the Age of Obama

Sickly talk about fixing healthcare | Salon

Op-Ed Contributor - With Iran, Think Before You Speak - NYTimes.com


Debbie Schlussel - Yes, You Can Buy Justice in America . . . If You're a Rich Pro Football Player

Debbie Schlussel - To the Iranian Election Greeniacs in America & the West

Debbie Schlussel - Top Mossad, Israeli Officials Echo Schlussel: Stop Siding With Mousavi (Who is Worse); Iranian Faux-Uprising is Stupid, Pointless

Debbie Schlussel - Doing "the Work Americans Won't Do" . . . After the Americans Were Fired; Who Cares About National Security & Airline Safety?

Debbie Schlussel - BREAKING: Muslims Lose, Mich Supreme Court Allows Judges To Require Removal of Face Veil

Debbie Schlussel - Another Urgent Priority of Congress

Debbie Schlussel - Feminism Run Amok: American Males Left Behind

Debbie Schlussel - The Story No-one's Talking About: Another Arab Muslim "Student" Tries to Bring a Knife on a Plane; UPDATE: Another 9/11?

Debbie Schlussel - "The Work Americans Won't Do": Children of L.A. Illegal Aliens Cost $44 Milln Welfare Per Month


transcript : 21st Century Financial Regulatory Reform

transcript : Bernanke's Speech to the Financial Literacy Summit

transcript : Presidents Obama and Lee Hold Joint Press Conference

transcript : Interview with House Minority Leader Boehner

transcript : Interview with President Obama

transcript : Analysis of the Iran Election Protests

transcript : Secretary Clinton Unveils Human Trafficking Report

transcript : President Obama's Speech to the AMA

transcript : Sen. John McCain on Panetta vs. Cheney

transcript : Analysts Discuss Iran's Presidential Election

transcript : Pres. Obama and PM Berlusconi Take Questions


5 Reasons to Reject Class-Warfare Tax Policy

Obama Unveils Financial Reform Plan

'The Most Sweeping Overhaul of Financial Regulation Since the 1930s'

Mortgage & Credit Delinquencies Climb

Welch to Obama: Let's Slow Down

Marc Gabelli: 'Great Opportunities' in the Market

Geithner Testifies on Regulation Revamp

A Lazy Summer Stock Market?

The Mortgage Guys!

Gunmen Open Fire on Prostesting Crowd

Labour MPs Shout Down Cameron

Worldwide Iran Protests Continue

Obama Warns North Korea to Disarm

Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula

Michael Lind and Peter Morici on China-US Trade Relations

Silent Protest Mourns Iran Dead

Flight Lands after Pilot's Death

Head of Iranian-American Council on the Election Protests

Obama Goofs On Which Podium Is His

CPR: Patients Could Lose Health Care Choices

Obama Asked If Too Many Agencies Apart Of Financial Problem

Carter Has To "Hold Back Tears" Watching Israeli Destruction In Gaza

Watch Live: Obama and South Korea President Hold Presser At WH

Matthews: Sarah Palin Often Pushes "The Idiot Button"

Obama: Unemployment Will Reach 10%

O'Reilly On Oklahoma Child Rape Verdict

Sen. John Ensign Admits To Extramarital Affair

Schultz: "Ruthless" Cheney Wants Another Terrorist Attack

McCain "Sure" Iranian Elections Were "Rigged"

Rove On Iran And Letterman

Obama, South Korea Commit To Denuclearization Of Korean Peninsula

Rep. Pence Discusses Controversial Iranian Election

FOX News: Jimmy Carter Wants Hamas Off Terrorist List

Obama On Iran, Health Care And Media Scrutiny

McCain On Iran: U.S. "Must Speak Out Forcefully"

Obama Doesn't Want To Be Seen "Meddling" In Iranian Elections

Sen. Brown On Funding Health Care

Anita Hill: Sotomayor "Excellent" Choice For Supreme Court

Frist On Saving African Children, Health Care

President of the HRC on Obama & Federal Benefits

Bernstein and Rep. Garrett on Obama's Financial Overhaul

Kissinger On Ahmadinejad Vs. Mousavi

Senator Shelby On Obama's Financial Overhaul Plan

Raw Video: Obama Swats Fly Away During Interview

Fired IG Walpin Says He Is Victim Of "Most Incredible Smear" From Obama

Sanford on Being Forced to Take Stimulus Money

Watch Live: Obama Announces New Financial Regulations

Olbermann: Obama's "Small Change" For The Gay Community

Boxer Asks General To Call Her "Senator" And Not "Ma'am"

O'Reilly On Obama Attacking FOX News

Sotomayor: Professional Males Idea Of "Good Idea" Is A Male Image

Sen. Sessions Calls AG Holder "Too Soft" On Terror

Gibbs Can't Name Countries Where Single-Payer System Works

Rep. Bishop On Probing Pelosi-CIA Flap

Krauthammer, Easton, Hayes On Obama Media Bias

Rep. Boehner On Obama's Financial Overhaul

Obama Announces Financial Regulation Overhaul

Matthews: Howard Dean Is Obama's "John The Baptist"

Sen. Warner On Fixing Financial System

Carlson: Lawyers Forced Letterman To Apologize

WH's Goolsbee On Obama's Financial Fix

Dan Rather Now Praises New Media, Blogs & Twitter

White House Defends New Regulations

RNC Responds To ABC's Obama Health Care Special

McCain: Obama Not Properly Handling Iranian Crisis

Rep. Camp Gives GOP's Plan For Health Care Reform

Continental Airlines Flight Lands Safely After Pilot Dies

Sen. Graham: Rahm Emanuel, WH Doesn't Want Photos Released

Geithner Defends Plan To Step Up Oversight

White House "Not Convinced" Iranian Elections Were Fraudulent

Fox News Banned From Entering ACORN Awards Gala

White House Responds To Bush: "We Won"

Sen. Gregg Gives GOP Response To Health Care Reform

Pelosi: What You Call "Snags," We Call The "Legislative Process"

Dean Defends Obama's Stance On iran

Bush: "Government Does Not Create Wealth"

Napolitano: Gitmo "Contrary To American Values"

Levin On Liberty, Freedom And The Statist

Sen. Bayh On Big Bank Regulation

YouTube - Hundreds of Thousands Mourn Dead in Iran

YouTube - Pakistan: Swat Valley's humanitarian crisis

YouTube - Romanian families flee their homes in Belfast after attacks

YouTube - Twitter's role in Iran coverage

YouTube - Israel's controversial foreign minister in US - 17 Jun 09

YouTube - Bengal leaders on Lalgarh violence

YouTube - Gabon: succession questions after Bongo's death

YouTube - Obama: Nuclear-armed North Korea a Grave Threat

YouTube - Georgian officer has a good chance of getting asylum

YouTube - IUPUI study rejects weight gain myth

YouTube - Geithner Speaks on Regulatory Reform - Bloomberg

YouTube - Plane Lands Safely After Pilot Dies Mid-Flight

YouTube - Obama's Financial Overhaul

YouTube - Clinton Fractures Elbow Following Fall

YouTube - Selling The Regulation Overhaul

talk radio

06/17 The Mark Levin Show

06/16 The Mark Levin Show

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

*TalkZone Chicago Ed Schwartz: The Man of 1000 Voices*

audio - The Alex Jones - L I V E - June 15th With David Icke

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 16th With Thomas Woods & Greg Hoover

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 17th With William Lewis

***Talk Radio Network: Michael Savage Audio Archive***

audio - Rense and Icke


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

To Kill A Tree - Part 1

To Kill A Tree - Part Two

To Kill A Tree - Part 3

To Kill A Tree - Part Four Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars.

To Kill A Tree - Conclusion The War On Humankind

The Root Of All Evil

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap - Pt 2

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap - Pt 3

Lucifer Rising

The Global Coup d'Etat

hate speech

Kill the Best Gentiles, by James Von Brunn(404 pgs.)


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