"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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01 January 2009

Thursday - January 1 , 2009 - Video & News

'video - White' Gristle-Like Morgellons Items Move, Intelligent
440 Europe Retail Chains To Fail In First Q
aaa site - Shattered Paradigm
After Killing 2M, US Yields Green Zone Security
audio - 22nd Sinclair Interview
Euro's Bitter Sweet 10th Anniversary
Full Text Ahmadinejad's Christmas Message
Globalism - A Gigantic Ponzi Scheme
Grateful Dead - KGO TV News (SF) June 1985
Hamas Official Dies As Home Bombed
Hamas Says Palestinian Aides Spying For Israel
Hard Choices For Future Of Capitalism
How The Entire System Nearly Crashed
If Hamas Gone, More Radical Group Will Come
IMF Agrees To $2.5B For Belarus
Israel Demands Monitors In Gaza Or No Truce
Israel's Friends Must Say 'Stop'
Israelis Claim Latest Rockets Made In China
Israel High Court Orders Media Allowed In Gaza
Israel Mocks World, Readies Ground Invasion
IsraHell Gaza Slaughter - World Does Nothing
Mass Unemployment To Take Center Stage
Myron Fagan 8-Part Illuminati History - video -
NAFTA - Unhappy Anniversary
One Third Of The 'Holocaust' - 30 Parts- video -
Pastor Manning - Blacks Don't Understand The World
Pictures That Show How 8 Years Has Aged George W. Bush
Taliban Kill 20 Afghan Bodyguards
the 7 most dangerous lies your doctors telling you ...pt.1
the 7 most dangerous lies your doctors telling you ...pt.2
The Assassination Of General George Patton
The Daily Buzz - At One Point Wednesday Hamas Was Firing A Missile Into Israel Every Few Minutes
The Man Who Killed General Patton
Thecoldwar -- pdf
Toxic China Pet Jerky Still Making US Pets Sick
UK Personal Citizen Data Lust Only Grows
US Auto Bailout Skidding Downhill
video - A Nation Of Zombies
video - Ahmadinejad's Christmas Message UK TV
video - Amazing Cocaine Semi-Submarines
video - Burien - US Hides $60 Trillion Off Books
video - Creating A Nation Of Zombies
video - Development Of Bio-Active Fabrics
video - Happiness In Catching
video - Obama-Hitler Comparisons
video - Pastor James Manning - Powerful Truths
video - Pastor Mannings Wise Words To Blago
video - Ron Paul On Martial Law
video - Shah Of Iran Exposes Jewish Lobby
video - The Amazing History Of Hemp
video - The World According To Monsanto
video - UFO Compliation
video - US Economy - The Philopher's Stone
video - Why Can't Hollywood Do This Good
video - 'If I Were A Terrorist'
video - 10 Close Encounters Caught On Tape
video - 100s Of UFOs In NASA Video - Most Embarrassing
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 1
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 2
video - 9-11 False Flag - New German Video
video - 911 & The BBC By David Shayler-Adrian Connock
video - 911 Clues Everyone Missed
video - 911 Conspiracy Predicted In X-Files
video - 911 Justice - Charge The Guilty
video - 911 Justice
video - 911 Redux - Who Are 'Sheeple'
video - A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
video - A Jew Defends Hitler - Part 1
video - A Jew Defends Hitler - Part 2
video - A Jew Defends Hitler - Part 3
video - Absolute Evidence Of NASA Moon Walk HOAXES
video - Aerosol Attack
video - Ahmadinedjad A Mason Real Name Saborjhian
video - Algae Biodiesel - 1 Acre Makes 10,000 Gal A Year
video - America's Obsession With Fame
video - Ancient Craft Left On Moon - NASA Apollo Video!
video - Animals Laugh
video - Another Nut In A Lawnchair With Balloons Soars High
video - Another Water Fueled Car Invention - 2 Yrs Ago
video - Apollo 11 Astronauts Appear As Bad Liars
video - Apple's Brilliant 1984 Macintosh Commercial
video - Astonishing David Copperfield Illusion
video - Astronauts Refuse To Swear They Landed On Moon
video - Astronauts Won't Swear To Trip
video - Auschwitz Director Of Archives Reveals Gas Chamber Hoax
video - Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 1
video - Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 2
video - Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 3
video - Bad Astronomy vs Good Science
video - Barky Obama - Lies, Gaffes & Backtracks
video - Bayer Knowingly Sold AIDS-Laced Drugs - 1,000s Died
video - Berg Interview - Issues In Berg Vs. Obama
video - Bernays And The Century Of The Self
video - Bernays Mind Manipulation - Century Of The Self
video - Berserk Virus - Tree Man Makes Prime Time
video - Best Bird Music Video
video - Best Ron Paul Video
video - Bible Mistranslations
video - Big Brother X-Ray Vans Now Patrol The Streets
video - Biggest Oil Find In US History
video - BioFuels - It's Not Easy Being Green
video - Blackwater - Bush's Shadow Army
video - Blackwater Mercenaries Deployed In US, Too
video - Booker Class Words HOAX
video - Can Robot Nanoworms Find Cancer
video - Cannibalism Thriving In West Africa
video - Carol Rosin - Von Braun's Space Weapons Warning
video - CFR Controls US Media
video - Chemtrail Compilation
video - Chemtrails From The Air
video - Cheney - The Unauthorised Biography
video - Citizen Knows Laws Better Than The Police
video - CO2 Rise Directly Related To Global Warming
video - Codex Alimentarius And The NWO
video - Comets In An Electric Universe
video - Cordyceps Fungus - Natures Scariest Secret
video - Corsi On Obama's Radical Influences
video - Criminalizing Peace
video - David Cole - Incredible Auschwitz Revelations
video - David Icke's Brilliant UK Campaign Speech
video - Did You Know - Amazing Facts
video - Do You Like Your Skies, Natural Or Manmade
video - Does Facebook Have Links To The CIA
video - Dr. Laibow - Codex & GM Foods Finals Reports
video - Dr. Laibow Reports From The Codex Meeting
video - Dr. Rima Laibow Codex Commission Report
video - Drum Solo By The Incomparable Buddy Rich
video - Economic Hitman Explains Money Motive For Globalization
video - Edmonds - 'I Assumed the Enemy Was Foreign'
video - Einstein African Parrot - Astounding Vocabulary & Sounds
video - End Of Nations - The Fascist EU Takeover
video - Engines That Run On Pure Compressed Air
video - Eustace Mullins Tells It Like It Is
video - Facts Are Facts - Jewish Dominance Of The Media
video - Farming For The Future - Small Gardens, Big Fulfillment
video - Farrakhan Calls Obama 'The Messiah'
video - Fascinating, Mysterious 'Music' Of High Voltage Lines
video - Fiat Empire - A Closer Look At The Federal Reserve
video - Fluoride Deception - Part 1
video - Fluoride Deception - Part 2
video - Fluoride Deception - Part 3
video - Foreclosing On The American Dream
video - Freedom Next Time - John Pilger In Chicago
video - Freemasonry Exposed
video - Full Original TV Coverage Of First Moonwalk
video - Fully-Animated Lifelike Female Robot
video - Gay Activist Video - How To Pervert Children
video - Giant Fossilized Mystery Creature Found
video - Global Dimming
video - GM Viruses Used To Build Electronics
video - Govt Covering Up Ike's Death Toll
video - Griffin - A World Without Cancer
video - Guaranteed To Make You Laugh!
video - HAARP - Advanced Tesla Technology
video - HAARP - Nature Modification Weapon
video - HAARP - The NWO's Ultimate Weapon
video - HG Wells Portentious Film 'Things To Come'
video - History Channel - Anthrax Attacks Inside Job
video - Hoaxed US Moon Landing Video Rehearsal
video - Homemade Electric Powered 1975 VW Beetle
video - Homosexuality 101
video - How 60 Minutes Framed Iran
video - How Americans Are Israel's Tax Slaves
video - How Obama Used Technicalities To Eliminate Foes
video - How Television Works
video - How The Bush Family Supported The Nazis
video - How The Communist KGB De-Moralized America
video - How The Markets Really Work
video - How The Secret Service Set Up JFK
video - Hoxsey- How Healing Cancer Became A Crime
video - HR 8791 To Prep US For ET Attack, Bird Flu, Etc
video - Huge Squid Blind Victims With Bright Light Flashes
video - Ike's 'MilitaryIndustrial Complex' Speech
video - Instant Problem Solver
video - Inventor Of Water Powered Car Murdered
video - Iraq For Sale - Banned Video Excerpts
video - Is Obama 'The One
video - Is The Bible An Illuminati Blueprint
video - Is There Evidence For Jesus
video - Is This How Stonehenge Was Built
video - JFK On Zionist Threat Prior To His Death
video - JFK's Timeless Warning About Secret Societies
video - John Perkins - Economic Hitman
video - Kinsey's Pedophiles
video - Kite Flying Master's Marvelous Aerial Ballet
video - KTVU-TV Special Morgellons Report
video - Larry McDonald On World Government Conspiracy
video - Len Horowitz - In Lies We Trust
video - Levitation On YouTube
video - Mad As Hell
video - Magnificent Hemp - The Outlawed Master Plant
video - Man Draws All Of Rome After One Overflight
video - Man Duplicates Stonehenge Without Equipment
video - Mena & Clinton's Arkansas Version Of Dr. Mengele
video - Military Hiding Behind Fake UFO-ET 'Threat'
video - Military Version Of Flying Human Platform
video - Mind-Blowing Illusion...Or
video - Mindblowing Slow Motion Lightning Video
video - Money As Debt
video - Monsanto's GMO Terminator Seed Sex War
video - Moving Morgellons Fibers On Woman's Knuckle
video - NAFTA, CAFTA, Economy Bad Now
video - Nanobot Replacing Neurons!
video - Naomi Wolf - Fascism Is Falling Upon Us
video - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
video - Napolitano - A Nation Of Sheep
video - NASA UFOs - Photos And Video!
video - NASA Wants To Find Another Earth
video - New Documentary 'Indoctrinate U'
video - New Iran Documentary - A Must See
video - New Ron Paul Speech Says It All
video - New 911 Mysteries Doc Shatters The Coverup
video - Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit The World
video - North American Corporate Union Explained
video - Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 1
video - Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2
video - Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 3
video - Obama = Hitler
video - Obama Global Poverty Act = World Tax = Socialism
video - Obama To Create New 'Civ Military Force'
video - Official 911 Exposed Again - The PentaCon
video - One Secret To Solving Global Warming In The Soil
video - One Step Beyond - The Sacred Mushroom
video - One Third Of The 'Holocaust' - Entire Film
video - Onstar Will Shut Down Your Vehicle If Stolen
video - Orwell Rolls In His Grave
video - Our Moon Isn't 'Ours'
video - Over Your Head And Into Your Lungs
video - Overwhelming Evidence Of Ancient Giants
video - Oz Magnetic Motor Yields 5X Electricity Used
video - Pastor Manning Blasts Obama's Parents
video - Paul Warns Of Plans For Intl Central Bank
video - Paul's Brilliant Opening Statement To Bernanke
video - Pepe Escobar On Obama - Part 1
video - Pepe Escobar On Obama - Part 2
video - Perspective And The Blinding Speed Of Change
video - Peter Paul Vs Hillary Clinton - Part 1
video - Peter Paul Vs Hillary Clinton - Part 2
video - Piece Of Roswell Crash Debris
video - Pilger Powerhouse Doc On What Jews Do To Palestinians
video - Pot Better For Treating ADD Than Ritalin
video - Powerful Elite Group Subverts UK
video - Prof Randy Pausch - His Last Lecture
video - PsyOp Or Is Even MTV Warning US
video - Radio Frequency Energy And Mind Control
video - Rare Flt 93 Video - Debris 'Spread Over 3-4 Mile Radius'
video - Rare Nazi Film Surfaces - 'The Eternal Jew'
video - Real Cow Abduction Caught On Video
video - Rev Manning - Take Blacks Off Victim Pedestal
video - Rev Manning Rips 'Tarzan' Obama
video - RFK Jr - 'They Are Destroying The Constitution'
video - RFK Jr - How The News Media Fails Us
video - RFK Jr. Shreds Corporate Toady & Flat-Earther
video - Rockefeller Admitted Microchipped Population Goal
video - Ron Paul - Bernanke Deliberately Destroying Dollar
video - Ron Paul - Greatest Patriot Politician Of Our Age
video - Ron Paul Exposes Bernanke In Broad Daylight
video - Ron Paul Mops Floor With The 'War On Terror'
video - Ron Paul On Colbert Show
video - Ron Paul On Financial Crisis
video - Ron Paul On The 'Soft Fascism' In America
video - Ron Paul On The Coming Economic Collapse
video - Ron Paul Questions Bernanke 4-2-8
video - RV Homeless Ranks Growing
video - Salt Water Burns - Watch!
video - Science - No Evidence Treblinka Exterminations
video - Secret Mysteries of America's
video - See What's In The Flu Vaccine
video - Shocking - Zyklon B Test On Humans
video - Singing Tesla Coils
video - Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World
video - So, What Happened To The Flt 93 Boeing - Vid
video - Solar Powered Electric Car - It Works!
video - Stan's Water Powered Car
video - Standing,Talking Female Robot
video - Steven Jones Presents His X-ray Spectrometry Evidence
video - Stunning BigDog Robot Is Spooky
video - Subliminal Advertising - Incredible Control Of People
video - Suppression Of Free Energy
video - Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard
video - The All-Powerful Israeli Lobby's Chokehold On America
video - The Amero - North American Union Currency
video - The Bionic Hamburger - Watch, Disgusting
video - The Complete Idiot's Guide To The NWO
video - The Deadly Fluoride Deception
video - The Difference Between Jews And Zionists
video - The Electric Universe
video - The End Of America
video - The Energy Non-Crisis
video - The Four-Fingered Pianist
video - The Great Derangement
video - The Great Global Warming Swindle - UK Channel 4
video - The History Of Political Correctness
video - The Horrific Drugging Of (Destroying) Our Children
video - The Israel Lobby - Revealing Dutch Documentary
video - The Judaic Role In Black Slave Trade
video - The Kinsey Coverup
video - The Man Who Travelled Forward In Time
video - The Military-Medical Complex
video - The Money Masters - Part 1
video - The Money Masters - Part 2
video - The Mystery Of Molech...The Owl
video - The Pinky Show - Banked Into Submission
video - The Real European Union
video - The Science And Politics Of Cancer
video - The Scientific Proof Of Life After Death - Michael Roll
video - The Second American Revolution
video - The Secret Underground Lectures Of Commander X
video - The Shock Doctrine
video - The Talmud Comes To America
video - The Titanic Truth Movement!
video - The Truth Behind 911 - War & Globalization
video - The Voices Of America's Destruction
video - The World According To Monsanto Link 1
video - The World According To Monsanto Link 2
video - The World According To Monsanto
video - The Worldwide Battle For Water
video - The Zionists Have Stolen Our Name
video - There Is No Democracy
video - Thunderbolts Of The Gods
video - TOP Secret Govt Facility Holds Flt 93 Evidence
video - Total Myth - Gun Control Reduces Crime
video - Toxic Sludge is Good For You
video - Tractor With Rockets Outpaces Plane
video - TV Creates Reality For Many
video - Two More Stan Meyer Videos
video - UFO Battle Of LA 1942 News Film, Radio Report
video - UK X-Files
video - US Army General Says Flt 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon
video - US Fraud Out Of Control
video - Vanunu Speaks To Christian Zionists
video - Vatican Sex Crimes
video - Vertical Algae Biofuel Growing
video - Want to Know When You're Going To Die
video - Was Barack Obama Muslim
video - Watch And Hear Biden The Arch Zionist
video - Watch Enormous WTC Steel Beams Turn To DUST
video - Watch The BBC TV WTC 7 Video!
video - Watch How The Feds Monitor YOUR Email
video - Water-Fuel Car Unveiled In Japan
video - Water-Only Fueled Car Rolled Out In Japan
video - What You Should Know About Blackwater
video - When Cars Were CARS
video - While We Slept, America Has Gone Fascist
video - Who Really Killed JFJ Jr
video - Why The Fed Violates The US Constitution
video - Woman Pulled In Half - Illusion
video - World's Greatest Uke Player
video - Your ATM Card Info Can Be Stolen At The ATM
video - Your Milk On Drugs - Just Say 'No' - Pt 1
video - Your Milk On Drugs - Just Say 'No' - Pt 2
video - Zapruder JFK Film Clearly Doctored
video - Zeitgeist - The Addendum
video - Zelikow, Genius Myth-Maker, Headed 911 Comm Staff Pt 2
video - Zelikow, Genius Myth-Maker, Headed 911 Comm Staff
video - Zionist Control of America
video - Zionist Book Mogul Booed At Nader Launch
Will Humans Soon Try To Further Their Own Evolution
YouTube - Best of Jeremiah Wright Damn America, AIDS, Black Jesus
Zionist Owned UK-US Veto UN Gaza Motion