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02 January 2009

2 Jan 09

Blagojevich Burris appointment to Obama seat on NBC
ABC News Teen Defends Evangelist Alamo in Leaked Web Video
Alamo lawyer Plaintiffs’ reports are irrelevant, prejudicial
Beyond a Team of Rivals - The Method to Obama's Saneness
CNN Burris profile
Eric Zorn Why Democrats deserve the Burris mess
Globalism - A Gigantic Ponzi Scheme
Heather Crawford Interviews Tony AlamoChannel 7 News
Nailing Tony Alamo (This Rock October 1990)
The Associated Press Alamo seeks removal of religious language in suit
The Real Tony Alamo
The Tony Alamo Story.
Time to knock some, give others a boost
Tony Alamo (1934–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
Tony Alamo Christian Ministries New Jerusalem

Dr. Welsing on Tony Brown - Pt. 2
Dr. Welsing on Tony Brown - Pt. 3
site - ATLAH - World Ministries Media
site - IQ Quiz
site - NewsBusters.org
site - the manning report
site page - TubeMogul.com
United Nations University
YouTube - Dr. Welsing on Tony Brown - Pt. 1

site - Google Watch
A History Timeline of Population Control
Big Brother CCTV (complete with CPS evidence kit) to spy on pupils aged four Mail Online
CNN Meteorologist Manmade Global Warming Theory ‘Arrogant’
Educators Seek Shift in U.S. Schooling to Stress Global Values, See Nationalism as Obsolete
Eugenics A plan has been unfolding for centuries to direct human breeding
Families Ask Bush to Seize Land Parcel for 9-11 Memorial - washingtonpost.com
Former ISI Chief Mumbai And 9-11 Both “Inside Jobs”
Homeland Security Respect civil rights
India's 9-11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks
Is the ‘New World Order’ Changing Yet Again
Israel Accused Of Massive War Crime Atrocities
Pakistan, India can't afford war analysts
Pros Say Employment Collapse is Coming - General Europe News Story - CNBC.com
Report Gonzales And Rice Appear To Have Lied To Congress About Vetting Bush’s Pre-War Uranium Claims
Rothschildistan Murdering Again
Sources Gaza death toll from Israeli offensive exceeds 375 - CNN.com
TERRORSTORM Special Edition
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
YouTube Places CIA Recruitment Ads on Alex Jones Search Results

A New Year's Wish For American Citizens
AFP Lashkar rejects 'confession' in Mumbai probe
Amira Hass - Did the IAF bomb a Gazan welding truck or a Hamas Grad transport - Haaretz - Israel News
Another brutal year for liberty Salon
CounterPunch Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Forces mass for Israeli ground invasion of Gaza Herald Sun
Gulf Cooperation Council to create new currency
Hamas calls for 'day of wrath' after senior official killed by Israel csmonitor.com
IDF unveils new tactics aimed at reducing Gaza casualties - Haaretz - Israel News
Mahatir's Counsel To Obama
Richard Falk Understanding the Gaza Catastrophe
Secondhand stores shine in weak retail market - Jan. 2, 2009
Study Diamonds link comet to mammal extinction - CNN.com
Suspected U.S. drone fires missiles in Pakistan Reuters
They call it food
Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye
Two-year-olds 'to be screened for speech problems' - Telegraph
Washington Times - THOMAS Gaza Nazis
Middle East Online - British public figures, artists condemn Israeli attacks on Gaza
Middle East Online - Gaza and the World; Will Things Ever Change
Middle East Online - Israel keeps ban on foreign journalists in Gaza
Middle East Online - Israel's Insane War
2008 Military Times poll Wary about Obama - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
A Happy New Year (and the Principles That Should Guide It) - HUMAN EVENTS
BBC NEWS Business Austria to run Madoff-hit bank
Caroline B. Glick Hamas' march to victory
Commission Urges 50 Percent Hike in Fuel Taxes to Fund Highway Construction - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
EU to appeal for Gaza peace in Middle East trip Jerusalem Post
FOXNews.com - Hamas Rockets Put Israel's Nuclear Facility in Battle Zone - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Israel Allows Hundreds of Foreign Citizens to Flee Gaza as it Prepares Possible Ground Invasion - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe
FOXNews.com - U.S. Readying Afghan Surge Against Taliban - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Grad rocket fired from Gaza strikes Ashkelon home - Haaretz - Israel News
IAF strikes 35 targets in Gaza Strip Jerusalem Post
Interfax Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Justice Switzerland is a wrong place for concealing or depositing illegal funds
Iraq plans to close Iranian dissidents' border camp World news The Guardian
King orders fundraising
Manufacturing Activity Falls to 28-Year Low - FOXBusiness.com
Obama to meet with congressional leaders on economy U.S. Reuters
Protests against Gaza op sweep Mideast Jerusalem Post
Swaggering on The Economist
Tamil Tigers lose rebel capital to Sri Lankan army - Telegraph
The CNN Wire Latest updates on top stories - Blogs from CNN.com
The Squeegee Men of the New World Order by Jonah Goldberg on National Review Online
Thousands of Indonesians stage anti-Israel rally Jerusalem Post
Time for a Choice — Not an Echo by Larry Kudlow on NRO Financial
Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye
Ukraine delegation to reassure EU on gas supplies World News Deutsche Welle 02.01.2009
Washington Times - Obama faces Mexican drug war
'Barack the Magic Negro'-gate
100 Calorie Packs Don't Help Much With Weight Loss -- Courant.com
ABC News Death of an AIDS Skeptic
ABC News Microsoft Says Zune Players Working Again
ABC News Santa Gunman Led 2 Lives to Plot Killings
An Empty Suit For an Empty Seat Is Roland Burris qualified for the U.S. Senate - Reason Magazine
Creative borrowing catches up with California cities - Los Angeles Times
Demand for TV converter coupons raises supply fears - Los Angeles Times
Diamonds show comet struck North America, scientists say - Los Angeles Times
Diving in Scapa Flow Exploring the Kaiser's Sunken World War I Fleet - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Man banned from carrying felt-tip pens - Telegraph
Meet the Farahness Doctrine
Opinion Minnesota Recount Folly - WSJ.com
Political Affairs Magazine - New Year's Resolutions for a Safer, Saner World
Poll shows rise in premarital sex in Iran - Israel Culture, Ynetnews
Sharks are wimps compared to lions and tigers, says new study Mail Online
Still more reasons to boot Rick Warren from the inauguration. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Take this, Mr. President, for Ramos and Compean
Too much thinking 'can make you fat' - Telegraph
Top 10 lefty quotes
Where's affirmative action in U.S. Senate
Would-be Aspen bomber kills self, police say - Los Angeles Times
YouTube - Uncle Jay Explains Year-end! 12-22-08
site - disclose.tv
'The Only Thing We Have to Fear…' by Becky Akers
2008's lists are endless
2009 – The year to take America back
60,000 Volunteer for Inauguration; Most Won't Make Cut - washingtonpost.com
9 Muslim passengers removed from jet - Washington Post- msnbc.com
A new international agenda - International Herald Tribune
Ann Coulter Liberals are hoodwinking you
Another brutal year for liberty Salon
AOL Growing majority worried over eligibility
Apologizing to the Armenians 'Eroding One of Turkey's Biggest Taboos' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Are Americans safe from U.S. mosques
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. - WSJ.com
Atheists No praying at inauguration!
BBC NEWS Health Grape extract kills cancer cells
BBC NEWS - Health - Grape extract kills cancer cells
Berg files new challenge to eligibility
Bloomberg.com U.S.
Crucifixion OK with Mideast politicos
Editorial - The Woman the Mullahs Fear - NYTimes.com
Egypt Hamas must halt attacks for truce Jerusalem Post
Eligibility case finds 'standing'
Fire At Bangkok Santika Nightclub Blaze Leaves 60 Dead In Thai Capital Home Sky News
FOXNews.com - Israel Allows Hundreds of Foreign Citizens to Flee Gaza as it Prepares Possible Ground Invasion - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Gallery - Most stunning images of 2008
Gaza facing 'critical emergency'
Gaza rockets put Israel’s nuclear plant in battle zone - Times Online
Grad rocket fired from Gaza strikes Ashkelon home - Haaretz - Israel News
Hamas rockets on Israel's nuclear plant
I Escaped Life in an Auto Plant by Karen De Coster
IAF strikes 35 targets in Gaza Strip Israel Jerusalem Post
IDF Strikes Second Hamas Leader - Defense-Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
Israel can't bomb its way to peace - Los Angeles Times
John R. Bolton Obama Promises Bush III on Iran - WSJ.com
Lesbians in fight with Christian church
Literary recluse Salinger turns 90 - Americas, World - The Independent
Living With Hamilton's Curse by David Gordon
Livni We will not allow thugs to rule the Middle East - Haaretz - Israel News
Meteorite Strikes, Setting Off a Tsunami - Did It Happen Here - NYTimes.com
Military Keynesianism to the Rescue by Robert Higgs
Most covered-up of 2008 Natural-born citizen
Muslim family booted off US airline after comments
NY Democratic Advisers Talk Up `Caretaker' Senator; Bill Clinton A Possibility - wcbstv.com
Obama radio critic finds talk show time slashed
Obama- inspired hope goes only so far in Kenya - Los Angeles Times
On Being an Israeli Arab by Charles H. Featherstone
On eve of his death, Hamas leader Nizar Rayan predicted victory Breaking News News.com.au
Only a military invasion can save Zimbabwe Martin Fletcher - Times Online
Op-Ed Contributor - The Next World Order - NYTimes.com
Planned Parenthood pressured to give answers
Private Roads Work by Bart Frazier
RealClearWorld - Articles - Defining Victory for Israel
Rice vows hard work on arranging Gaza cease-fire
Rising desperation as China's exports drop - International Herald Tribune
site - clipser - video sharing
Ski manager shot after professing Christianity
Source Hezbollah studying whether to join Hamas fight
Stalemate of '08 past, Ill. pols talk impeachment
Suicide Bombing Shatters Relative Calm in Iraq
Tariq Ramadan An alliance of values Comment is free The Guardian
Terrorists promise 'surprises' for Israel
The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Russia's economic downturn pushes Putinism into crisis
The Divine Comedy of Mumbai - TIME
The dramatic last moments of crew killed on Columbia space shuttle Mail Online
The Euro Decade and Its Lessons - WSJ.com
The Future of LRC by Burt Blumert
The Growing Earth Pt.1
The Growing Earth Pt.2
The Growing Earth Pt.3
The IDF Video Censored by YouTube - Defense-Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
Too much thinking 'can make you fat' - Telegraph
Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye
wcbstv.com - Senator Kennedy Sources Close To Gov. Believe So
Well...It’s Over by Bill Bonner
Why Government Should Be Voluntarily Chosen by Michael S. Rozeff
Wired Science's 13 Most Popular Stories of 2008 - Wired Science
World Politics Review World Citizen Who Will Broker the Israel-Hamas Ceasefire
Would-be Aspen bomber kills self, police say
10 things that won't survive the recession Computerworld News December 23, 2008 By Mike Elgan
2008 Military Times poll Wary about Obama - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
4 arrested in N. California gang rape of lesbian
50 years on, Castro warns of US threat to Cuban Revolution
9 Muslim Passengers Removed From Jet - washingtonpost.com
9 Muslim Passengers Removed From Jet
A new year's resolution Could we be a little more polite, please - Telegraph
A Trillion Dollar Recovery
AFP Huge dinosaur discovery in China state media
AFP US hands over Green Zone security to Iraq
An Obama inaugural ball will be only for military - USATODAY.com
Ancient Earth was a barren waterworld - environment - 30 December 2008 - New Scientist
Bank of America, Wells close mergers as banking transforms Deals Mergers & Acquisitions Reuters
Benjamin Button Aging backwards is the ultimate fiction Scientific American Blog
Blaming The Victims - Zionist Media Vilifies Hamas
Blocking Blago Senate has Plan B for 90-day delay - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Boozy Britain's bloody New Year A 999 call every seven seconds in alcohol-induced mayhem Mail Online
Breakthroughs That Will Change Everything LiveScience

Burris selection likely legit -- so seat him CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Commentary
Business & Technology Steel industry hopes for big stimulus shot Seattle Times Newspaper
Camelot, The Puppet Show - The Daily Beast
China Honey Latest Food Safety Worry

Claiborne Pell dies Rhode Island news projo.com The Providence Journal
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Aides Democrats have plan if Burris shows up « - Blogs from CNN.com
Communist Cuba celebrates 50 years of Revolution
CounterPunch Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Crew fight off pirates with water jets off Somalia - Yahoo! News
Cynthia McKinney, Her Trip To Gaza And Boat Attack
Dailymotion - Chakras, a video from pincerpal. chakra, eteric, body, mind, true
Dailymotion - Kabbalah Pt. 1, a video from pincerpal. kabbalah, kabballah, qabbalah, magic, codec
Dailymotion - Kabbalah Pt. 2, a video from pincerpal. kabbalah, kabballah, qabbalah, secret, chakra
Dailymotion - Meditation Tree Of Life, a video from pincerpal. meditation, tree, of, life, secret
Dailymotion - Mind Over Matter, a video from pincerpal. mind, over, matter, quantum, peace
Dailymotion - Tree Of Knowledge, a video from pincerpal. tree, knowledge, life, qabalah, ufo
Dailymotion - Tree Of Life.Qabbalah, a video from pincerpal. meditation, tree, of, life, secret
Don't expect Obama to get tough with Israel Gerard Baker - Times Online
ECONOMY $6.9 Trillion Lost In 2008 Financial Crisis - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
ECONOMY Wall Street Closes Out Worst Year Since Great Depression - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
Fifteen percent of Israel's victims are children like Ismail Hamdan and his two sisters www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Firefighter Killed By Fire Truck In N.J. NBC New York
FOXNews.com - Banker Buys $37 Million Apartment After Getting $25 Million Buyout -- for Doing Virtually Nothing - Local News News Articles National News US News
FT.com - US - Paulson says crisis sown by imbalance
Gaza rockets put Israel’s nuclear plant in battle zone - Times Online
Gems show comet hit continent, scientists say
Government aid could save U.S. newspapers, spark debate Special Coverage Reuters
Hamas calls for revenge as Israel hits Gaza again Reuters
How we went from $42,000 to $6,500 and lived to tell about it! by L. Kevin & Donna Philippe-Johnson from the November-December, 2005 issue of Countryside & Small Stock Journal
IAF steps up Gaza Strip air strikes Israel Jerusalem Post
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Investigating Obama Final Update, This Article Obama's Kenyan Birth Evidence to be Revealed...
Iran grants scholarship to Iraqi shoe-throwing journalist_English_Xinhua
Is human placenta a wonder drug, or is it just another Japanese health fad - By Amanda Schaffer - Slate Magazine
Israel accused of downplaying food crisis - Telegraph
Israeli attack kills brothers as Hamas stages 'Day of Wrath'
Jewry’s Crushing Silence On Gaza Real Jew News
Jobless who get benefits most since '82; 4.5 million figure is expected to grow - LA Daily News
Karl Lagerfeld defends fur industry saying 'beasts' would kill us if we didn't kill them - Telegraph
Latest rockets manufactured in China Israel Jerusalem Post
Local News After 6 months, drivers ignoring cellphone ban Seattle Times Newspaper
McClatchy Washington Bureau 01-02-2009 Rejecting truce, Olmert vows 'iron fist' against Hamas
MIDDLE EAST Green Zone Security Handed Over To Iraq - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
MIDDLE EAST Israeli Tanks Await Barak Order To Move In - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
MIDDLE EAST Israeli's Feel Empowered By Hamas Attacks - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Moderate Republicans may be in big demand in Senate - Los Angeles Times
Monitors in Gaza or no truce, Israel demands - World - smh.com.au
My Way News - Israel moves forward and sends more troops to Gaza
New ignition lock laws aim to foil drunk drivers - Yahoo! News
Gaza Crisis May Pose Early Test for Hillary Clinton - NYTimes.com
Obama And That Other Ponzi Scheme - December 31, 2008
Obama Moves To Counter China With NASA-Pentagon Link - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
Obama says aloha to Hawaii, heads back to snowy Chicago HonoluluAdvertiser.com The Honolulu Advertiser (2)
Obama says aloha to Hawaii, heads back to snowy Chicago HonoluluAdvertiser.com The Honolulu Advertiser
Obama's Big Gamble Odds Shifting
Obama, Pelosi to Discuss Scope of Economic Package - washingtonpost.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Bigger Than Bush - NYTimes.com

Operation High Risk Is Israel Repeating Mistakes of the Past - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Peter Berkowitz Peter Berkowitz Conservatives Can Unite Around the Constitution - WSJ.com
Press TV - Ahmadinejad Moses would punish Israel
Press TV - Gaza death toll reaches 417
Press TV - Hamas warns Israel against ground raid
Press TV - Israelis nab 15 Palestinians in West Bank
Processed Foods Linked to Lung Cancer

RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Real Cease-Fire Needed in Gaza
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Blago Raises the Stakes

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democrats Should Wait Out Blajojevich

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democrats' Year Less Change Than Chance
Rove Let's Be Worthy of Their Sacrifice - WSJ.com
Russia cuts off gas deliveries to Ukraine - International Herald Tribune
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Mystery Surrounds North Georgia Ruins - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Shameless Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich plays it sleazy in appointing successor to Obama
She’s never been all talk - BostonHerald.com
SPACE.com -- Stellar Meteor Shower Jan. 3
Steven Pearlstein - Universal Pay Cuts May Lighten Recession - washingtonpost.com

Tariq Ramadan An alliance of values Comment is free The Guardian
The Associated Press Hamas resilient despite Israeli onslaught
The Associated Press Israel moves forward and sends more troops to Gaza
The Crisis of Common Sense Is It So Difficult To Understand The Financial Crisis
The Crypt Nancy Pelosi, New Year's Eve party pooper - Politico.com
The Elephant in the Room 'Hardball' host may not be Specter's chief worry Philadelphia Inquirer 01-02-2009
The Euro Decade and Its Lessons - WSJ.com
The Hill’s Pundits Blog » Obama Seeks Bipartisanship; Republican National Committee Declares War
The Long Countdown - The Fight Over NASA’s Future - NYTimes.com
The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War
Thousands of Dutch brave cold for New Year's dip in the sea
Through the Fog of Economic Uncertainty
Two Advisers Reflect on Eight Years With Bush - washingtonpost.com
U.S. News Panel Wants Fuel Taxes To Be Used For Highways - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
UFOs & Hollywood - LiveVideo.com
VOA News - Taliban Kill 20 Afghan Bodyguards
wcbstv.com - Senator Kennedy Sources Close To Gov. Believe So
Is Sri Lanka's quarter-century war near its end
No Welcome Mat For Burris
site - Conspiracy Pen Pal
site - Free LunchProject - Dependence in Our Lifetime ,Total Dependence on the State in Our Lifetime
'15 years ago, if you was going to struggle, this was the town to struggle in'
'92 probe should have raised red flags when tips came in about suspected Ponzi scheme
'Angel' saved Briton in Thai fire
'Cut up the cards and pay cash for everything!'
'If they have to pay out, who takes the big hit Ultimately, the shareholders'
'It was beyond most people's comprehension that such a thing could happen'
'We would buy it again when prices come down'
10 New Year's resolutions for pet owners
2 dead in fiery plane crash at Illinois airport
2008 ;'We will wish it never happened'
2008 sees 6 years of market gains slip away
2009 Top-Ten List for Boys Crying Wolf
250 foreign nationals leave Gaza Strip
5 Sexiest Scandals of 2008
A Conservative Narrative
A Proud and Joyous Night for a Tradition Born in Hope
A torch-wielding crowd forces Icelandic TV program featuring PM off air
AAA Site ; Global American Media by The American Illuminati
After the Collapse, Guarded Hope for '09
America's Fifth Column
Analysis; Republicans struggle with race issue
Another 50 years of struggle, says Cuban president RaĂşl Castro
Australia Considers US Request to Resettle Guantanamo Inmates
Auto insurance option now mandatory
Avalanche threat keeps Stevens Pass shut
Bernie Madoff Gets Schooled
Bigger frauds to fry than Rosenblat
Blago's Back Against the Wall
Blagojevich v. The Senate Going To The Mat
Blocking Blago; Senate has Plan B for 90-day delay
Blood donors to win airline tickets
Blood Sugar Control Linked to Memory Decline, Study Says
Boldface names from academe to movies among alleged Ponzi scheme victims
Boy hurt in DC fire that killed 5 clings to life
Burned Bangkok Nightclub Lacked Safety Measures, License To Operate
Burris is registered, not certified
Burris sought death for innocent man
Burris takes his fight to court
Burris Takes on Congress
Burris will 'fall on the Senate'
Bush & Co Still Don't Get It
California mulls paying bills with IOU's
Can the Senate Exclude Burris
CAP report; Where's the (coal) money
Caroline Kennedy vs. Roland Burris on US Senate qualifications
Catholic Prayers of New Year in Gaza
CDC To Hold A Meeting in Ashland Oregon Because of the High Number of Children Without Shots
Child Psychiatrist to Curtail Industry-Financed Activities
CHP Continuing Maximum Enforcement Through Weekend
Claiborne Pell, college-aid patron
Claiborne Pell, former US senator, dies at 90
Coast Guard searching for missing Carnival entertainer
Coast Guard searching waters off Florida for missing man
Confronting Hamas' Genocidal Jew-Hatred
Counties to Wrap Up Senate Absentee Sorting in Minnesota
Crist makes third high court appointment
Cuban Stalinism at 50--and the Media Lies Continue
Debating Burris
Dividends Key in a Bear Market
Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon Remembers Musical Icon Odetta (1930-2008)
Drug company to pay Montana $157000 in settlement
economy U.S. Treasury Opens Door To Aid Broad Array Of Firms - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
Egypt arrests 40 pro-Gaza demonstrators
Electrical Failure Sparks Fatal House Fire on New Year's Day
Ethiopia 'begins Somalia pullout'
EU force 'foils Somali pirates'
exclusive Phil Elmore cautions wireless users to be prepared for worst-case scenario
Experts say 2009 could mark end of even more well-known brands
Extension sought in Blagojevich case
FDA Needs More Time to Review Heart Drug Prasugrel
Feds approve construction of new NJ rail bridge
Fifty Years of Fidel
film - Underground Bill Ayres Doc
Financial crisis calls for new economic model, solidarity, pope says
Firefighters ordered into 'gay' parade back in court
Fireworks but long shadows as world rings in New Year
Fit for good ;Try Joy’s LIFE diet
Former Army Employee Pleads Guilty to Acting as Israeli Agent
Fox Allows Magic Negro Text Message to Be Broadcast on New Years Eve
French warship thwarts Somali pirate attack
Gaza offensive; Arab leaders urge Palestinian unity
Gaza round-up
Gazprom says deliveries to Europe continue in full
Ghana leader urges calm amid presidential revote
Giant Food to Offer Free Prescription Antibiotics
Golden Crookies Wingnut of the Year .. Sarah Palin in a runaway
Gov. Charlie Crist names Wellington judge to Florida Supreme Court
Government now decidingwho gets access to capital
Governor Says He’s Undecided on Senate Pick and Is Still Interviewing
Greece says pirate attack off Somalia thwarted
Grocer to Offer Free Antibiotics to Customers for 3 Months
Hamas rockets on Israel's nuclear plant
Hangover Helper ;What Works, What Doesn't
Happy New Year! It's the End of the World As We Know It!
Harold Pinter (1930-2008) on “Art, Truth and Politics”
Heave Ho, Where Do Christmas Trees Go
Hollywood spends big on inauguration
Hope disgraced money manager's disclosure of holdings shows where money went
How Hypocrisy on 'Terrorism' Kills
How Intel Agencies Do Gang Stalking
Hundreds take Polar Bear plunge
Illinois AG Burris Sought Death Penalty For Innocent Man
Illinois' culture of reform inspired by Simon
Inauguration rentals still on the market
India questions Pakistan's militant crackdown
Indian PM condemns blasts that leave 5 dead
Inexplicata UFO Photograph Roundup For 2008
Infirm Man Is Left in Bus on Icy Night in Brooklyn
Iraq suicide bombing kills at least 11
Is Obama an American Citizen Michael Savage Show, Part 1
Is Obama an American Citizen Michael Savage Show, Part 2
Is the IDF going to lose again
Israel Allows Hundreds of Foreign Citizens to Flee Gaza as it Prepares Possible Ground Invasion
Israel Presses on With Military Offensive Against Hamas
Israel's Campaign Unlikely to be Conclusive
Israeli air strikes hurt Obama, help Ahmedinajad
Israeli attack kills brothers as Hamas stages 'Day of Wrath'
Israeli blitz has turned life for Gaza civilians into a living nightmare
Israeli Lawmaker and Conscientious Objector Nephew of Ex-PM Benjamin Netanyahu Denounce Israeli Attack on Gaza Strip
Israeli Tank Crews on Gaza Border Await Order to Move
It's a Small World After All (Siemens' Bribes)
John Bolton; Gaza Crisis Means We Should Attack Iran Now
Kathy Griffin Bleepin' Entertaining, but Dick Clark Still Rules New Year's Eve - E! Online
Kathy Griffin on CNN .. Knock the out of your Mouth
Kathy Griffin Says 'D-Word' on CNN's New Year's Eve Telecast
Kick the Habit
Kidneys Perfused Before Graft Have Improved Short-Term Outcomes
Krauthammer on the War with Hamas
Labor Pains Are Not Easily Shared
Laura Bush, Steel Magnolia
Let's Write the Rating Agencies Out of Our Law
Loyal Bushie O'Beirne Protests Obama Changes at the Pentagon
Marijuana decriminalization law goes into effect
Markets Limp Into 2009 After a Bruising Year
Matt Dillon Arrested Looking for Another 'Crash'
Michael Savage discusses Radical Islam - Part 1 of 2
Michael Savage discusses Radical Islam - Part 2 of 2
Millions out of work as Americans cut spending
Muslim family booted off US airline after comments
Mystery author Donald E. Westlake dies at 75
NASA's James Hansen to the Rescue!
National commission wants to impose driving fees to pay for highways
New Clayton sheriff fires 14 deputies
New marijuana law rolls into MA
No Legal Basis for Rejecting Burris
No miracle cure for woes, but experts say GM move will attract more buyers
Now it's the steel industry with its palms out
NY Governor May Be Leaning Toward Kennedy
Obama announces inauguration Commander in Chief's Ball for war heroes
Obama Moves to Counter China in Space With Pentagon-NASA Link
Obama plans military ball broadcast
Obama team seeks public input on health care
Obama To Meet With Dem, GOP Leaders
Obama to talk stimulus with Hill leaders
Obama Wraps Up His Hawaiian Vacation
Obama's Anti-Gay Pastor A Political Misstep, Think Again
Obama's paparazzi presidency
Olmert in Beersheba; We're not interested in extended war
Pain at pump eases – 'It ended very much like it began'
Pakistan partially reopens NATO supply route ;official
Palin ; Bristol and Levi aren't dropouts
Parents of China milk scandal victims detained
Passenger profiling, Nine Muslim fliers removed from DC flight
Penn's firm resigns Pakistan account
picture ; scale size - The Size Of Our World
Plane crash kills Madison businessman and wife
plitical video - Burris on Today
political video - Burris Defends His Senate Appointment
political video - Lawmakers' Priorites for 2009
political video - South Siders Support Burris
Poll ; 77% of Americans think the press has made the financial mess worse
Princess Caroline; In or out
Proposition 8; Speak Softly and Carry a Big Poll
Q&A ;The Blagojevich scandal
Quentin and Brad's Basterds Gets Release Date
R.I. Sen. Pell dead at 90
Recession reopens trade rifts – 'will do whatever they need to protect their interests'
Reid, Punk'd By Blago Over Burris, Rejects The Rule Of Law
Remembering Electric Football
report Burris Once Drew Criticism for Prosecuting Innocent Man
Republicans press Holder for documents
Republicans to flee D.C. for Inauguration
Rice; US wants 'sustainable' ceasefire
Roland Burris - Wikipedia
Roland Burris advocated ‘reparations' for slavery
Roland Burris and justice
Rules of Engagement from Baghdad to Gaza
Sales of albums slide in the US
Search under way for cruise ship worker
Should We Fear a Trade Backlash
Some Thoughts on Blago and Burris
Sonoma responds to Obama health care call
Sound Waves For Brain Waves; Researchers use ultrasonic pulses to control the brain
source ..Hezbollah studyingwhether to join Hamas fight
Standoff ends, children are safe
Study Links Osteoporosis Drugs to Jaw Trouble
Study- Cell phones cause heart disease, kidney failure
Study; Smoke-free laws may cut heart attack hospitalizations
Sunny Skies for 120th Tournament of Roses Parade
Suspect in 3 killings turns gun on self
Tax on Hope Chills Next Generation of Investors
Tennessee Landowners File $165M Suit Over Massive Coal Ash Spill
The Blago Saga Chapter 2
The Bottom Is Clear & It's Up from Here
The Cost of Provocation
The Dems' Burris fiasco just gets better and better
The Donkey Who Scared the Israeli Army
The Next Generation of Bright, Young Economists
The Problem with All This Doom & Gloom
The Technocracy and the Genetic Engineering of Humanity
The top 10 weirdest moments of 2008
The Ugly Legal Optics Of Harry Reid's Burris Battle
The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism
The Year of Investing Dangerously
This Is Not About Rockets
Three dead in Pakistan missile strike; official
To understand Salazar, follow the money
Tom Cruise's Global Dilemma
Top viral videos of 2008
Tough tasks ahead as Czech Republic takes over EU presidency
Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye
Transcripts ... Interview with Roland Burris
Transcripts ... Blagojevich Announces Burris Senate Appointment
Transcripts ... Karl Rove on the Burris Appointment
Transcripts ... Law Professors on Obama and the Federal Courts
Transcripts ... Panel on Blagojevich's Senate Appointment
Transcripts ... Panel on the Year in Politics
Transcripts ... Rep. Bobby Rush on the Early Show
Transcripts ... Reps. Schakowsky & Rush on the Burris Appointment
Tutu wants official funeral for anti-apartheid heroine
Two more die in treacherous Canada snow ;police
Uranium Wars - A Suicidal, Genocidal Course
US readying south Afghan surge against Taliban
Viacom and Time Warner reach deal to avoid blackout
video - Rare Nazi Film Surfaces - 'The Eternal Jew'
Virginity pledges don't mean much, study says
Vitamins Fail to Prevent Cancer; Study
Way to Go, Blagojevich
What Constitution, Reid and Co. ignore it
What To Watch on the Charts in 2009
What's Hamas Most Lethal Weaponry
Whitaker tries to avoid Obama spotlight
Who Saw The Housing Bubble Coming
Why They Fight
Will Banks and Markets Recover in '09
Will Obama shift policy on Cuba
Would They Be Planning to Use Troops Against Americans If They WEREN’T Stealing Our Money
Yet Another End of the World As We Know It in Iraq's Green Zone
YouTube - INEXPLICATA 2008 UFO photomontage
YouTube - Is Obama an American Citizen Michael Savage Show, Part 3
YouTube - Michael Savage - The Barack Hussein Obama Mystery - Monday, November 10, 2008
YouTube - Michael Savage Gets Pissed Off About Jihadists and Terrorism
YouTube - More of Michael Savage on Bernard Madoff, Henry Hank Paulson, and a jewish element
YouTube - Phil Berg on Michael Savage Show October 23, 2008 Part I - Obama Sued over Citizenship
YouTube - Phil Berg on Michael Savage Show October 23, 2008 Part II - Obama Sued over Citizenship
10 Most Awesome iPhone Apps of 2008
2008 According To Google
Big Brother Google
Charles Barkley's Oral Statements - December 31, 2008
Did Google's Eric Schmidt Coin Cloud Computing
Goats and Spider Genetics
Google and Facebook 'top the Queen'
Google in push to gain e-mail market share
Google Launches Product Ideas Page
Google on the prowl, Web attacks increase, social networks unravel All part of bold 2009 prophesies - Network World
Google's Browser Security Handbook Released
Google's Top Ten Products (More Or Less)
Google’s iPhone app has a hidden menu
Libraries 'in the Age of Google'
Looking For The Key To Search Engine Optimization
Nazi Economics
Not your father's Web The year in RIAs - InfoWorld Analysis 2009-01-02 By Doug Dineley
Obama and the Graveyard of Empires
Obama's Crowdsourced Resolutions For 2009
Phishers Use Google Calendar To Scam Google Users
Quotes of note from 2008 - InfoWorld News 2009-01-01 By Nancy Weil, IDG News Service
Search Engines Keep Tabs on You
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Top Social Media Sites of 2008 (Facebook Still Rising)
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video - Pastor Manning Elaborates On Africa, Etc