"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Lennon Marx

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01 January 2009


'Humanitarian aid flow in our interest' Jerusalem Post
'I didn't see any of my girls, just a pile of bricks' www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
2008's lists are endless
2009 – The year to take America back
Afghanistan - Race To The Finish
Ann Coulter Liberals are hoodwinking you
AOL Growing majority worried over eligibility

Ashdod building hit in Grad attack Jerusalem Post
At Midnight, U.S. Leaves Republican Palace, Green Zone to Iraqis - washingtonpost.com
Atheists No praying at inauguration!
BBC NEWS Americas Cuba marks 50 years of revolution
BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific China finds major dinosaur site
Berg files new challenge to eligibility
Blago pick Not seating me could look racist - TODAY People - MSNBC.com
Czech Republic Takes Over EU Chair Amid Crisis Europe Deutsche Welle 01.01.2009
Eligibility case finds 'standing'
End this discord Saud

FedEx President Bush!
FOXNews.com - General Motors Gets First Installment of Treasury Loan - FOX Car Report
FOXNews.com - Strike Kills Hamas Leader as Israel Demands Global Monitors for Truce - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FT.com - Markets - US stocks suffer worst year since Great Depression
George Washington's warnings and U.S. policy towards Israel - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Government aid could save U.S. newspapers, spark debate Special Coverage Reuters
Gunman wounds 2 Israelis in Denmark mall shooting
Hiyam Noir, 6th report The Quisling of Ramallah and Israeli Slaughter in Gaza www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
How atheism is being sold to America
IDF recommends major, but brief Gaza ground offensive - Haaretz - Israel News
In Dense Gaza, Civilians Suffer - NYTimes.com
Iraq takes control of Green Zone from U.S. - USATODAY.com
Israeli Military Declares Online Media ‘Another War Zone’ News From Antiwar.com
Lexus liberals
Livni to discuss cease-fire with Sarkozy Jerusalem Post
Livni We will not allow thugs to rule the Middle East - Haaretz - Israel News
New Year's traditions hail from the depths of antiquity
Obama inauguration to be 'crashed'
Planned Parenthood pressured to give answers
Revellers defy big chill to celebrate coldest New Year's Eve in a decade UK news The Guardian
Science-Technology Environmental Minister Says Man Made Climate Change Is A Fraud - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
Science-Technology Mystery Surrounds North Georgia Ruins - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM
Ski manager shot after professing Christianity

Socialism Is Cruel by Bill Butler
Teaching Democrats new tricks
Terrorists promise 'surprises' for Israel
The Arrogant Self-Righteousness of Vichy Liberalism by L.K. Samuels
The Associated Press Jobless claims data paint bleak picture for 2009
The Collapse of Enron by Ron Paul
The Crisis in 10 Points by Robert Stewart
The Future of LRC by Burt Blumert
The Revolt Against the Masses by Richard Spencer
Traveling salesman pleads guilty to rape-murder of 90-year-old woman
US STOCKS-Wall St closes out worst year since Depression Deals Regulatory News Reuters
Video Ni’lin holds funeral for Arafat al Khawaja www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Washington may deport jailed illegal aliens - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
Why I love my jukebox - Times Online
YouTube - Her name is Ms. Ann
Transcripts - December 29 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts - Interview with the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S.
Transcripts - Israeli, Palestinian Officials Discuss Gaza Conflict
Transcripts - John Bolton on the Gaza Violence
Transcripts - Roundtable on the Gaza Violence
'Bailout,' 'Maverick' Tops Annual List of Banned Words
'Barack The Magic Negro' Will Offend SOME People! Bill O'Reilly
5 Sexiest Scandals of 2008
61-Second Minute Takes World into 2009
9 Possibilities Heading Into 2009
A Happy New Year (and the Principles That Should Guide It) - HUMAN EVENTS
A New Year's Day Polar Bear Plunge ..Take a hike
A new year's resolution Could we be a little more polite, please - Telegraph
AfricanCrisis --- Africa; Hundreds killed in Christmas massacre
An Empty Suit For an Empty Seat
Ashdod building hit in Grad attack
Bangladesh's Hasina works on cabinet choices
Blago's Senate pick; will it stick..Advantage Roland Burris
Blasts in India’s Guwahati Kill 5 People, Injure 31
Blocking Blago.. Senate has Plan B for 90-day delay
Britons hurt in Thai party fire
Bumbler of the Year ..The competition begins on the right
Buying Less Expensive Wine, and More of It
Cairo official; Gazans are getting killed while Hamas leaders hide
Chinese software pirates get prison sentences
Coast Guard searches sea for cruise ship worker
Czech PM says 2008 budget provides crisis cushion
Dane Cook relative is charged with thefts
Democrats Concerned Over Stimulus Plan Delays
DUIs must pass in-car breath test
Eight Years Later
Elmendorf to Head Congressional Budget Office
Europe Must Step Up If It Wants Gitmo Closed Down
FCC's Martin Drops Porn Filtering Idea
Federal judges lose bid for pay raises
Fireworks as world welcomes 2009
For Bush, Happy Trails to Crawford
Gaza offensive; Arab leaders urge Palestinian unity
Good Riddance to a Bad Year
Goodbye, 2008
Governor says state will toughen oversight on TVA facilities
Has Israel Learned Its Lesson
Health Care Costs Keep Growing & Growing
Helen Suzman, veteran anti-apartheid campaigner, dies at 91
How to Raise An Ivy Leaguer
I Don't Recall Remembering - The Alberto Gonzales Memoir
IAF steps up Gaza Strip air strikes Israel Jerusalem Post
In 2009, Economy Will Depend on Unlocking Credit
Iran adopts a bellicose posture on the Gaza conflict
Iranian Students Volunteer for Suicide Attacks Against Israel
Iranians volunteer to fight to death for Gaza
Israel Can't Bomb Its Way to Peace
LG Teams with YouTube, CinemaNow
Liev Schreiber, happily ever after
Lightweight Burris Just Part of the Spectacle
Mark Halperin Shows His Bush Love Derangement Syndrome
Markets Limp Into 2009 After a Bruising Year
Microsoft's Official Fix for Failing Zunes
Move to Increase Logging on Oregon Land
NASA report details last moments of Columbia crew
New 80-megawatt wind farm in NE Neb. nearly ready
New laws for drivers to ring in New Year
New Rules for the World in 2009
New Year's Day Fire Kills at Least 5 in Washington
New Year’s baby watch for Ben Affleck & Jen Garner
Newsmax.com - America Says Goodbye to a Very Tough Year
Novelties The Ten Best Post-Apocalyptic Survival Vehicles
NY Democratic advisers talk up 'caretaker' senator
NY Gov Commutes Sentences of Two Inmates
NY governor could choose big-name place holder for Senate seat
Obama Needs to Stand Up to Israel
Obama Plans to Campaign for Stimulus Package
Obama to Campaign for Stimulus Package
Obamas the early birds in Washington
Obama’s National Security Dilemma
Offshoring Is One Sure Thing
Olmert in Beersheba;We're not interested in extended war
One Microsoft Way's top 10 of 2008
Oprah Won’t Get Fooled Again
Pakistan, India Swap Lists of Nuclear Facilities
Palestinians;Gaza fatalities up to 400
Peering into the Horrible 2009
Piggy banks fly off shelves in freshly frugal U.S. - Yahoo! News
Police ;Man sought in bomb threats is found dead
Police called in as mob of 500 gatecrashers storm Facebook birthday party Mail Online
Political Punch
Poll ;Obama leadership rates high as Bush's after 9-11
Poorman's Wank of the Year award
Pope calls for solidarity as economic crisis bites
Pope seeks major changes to financial system
Rachel Maddow's Ms. Information; OSHA Literally Asleep at the Wheel and the RNC in Disarray
Rebels 'advancing towards CAR'
Rockets From Gaza Have Exhausted Israel's Patience
Sarah Palin ;Bristol & Levi 'Working Their Butts Off to Parent'
Sarkozy to visit Israel to promote truce
Schwarzenegger steps up release of budget plan
Sidelined Investors w- Cash Will Soon Jump Back In
Sri Lanka says poised to take rebel capital
Survivor tells how he left friends buried under avalanche
Suspect in Aspen bomb plot found dead
Taliban Kill 20 Afghan Bodyguards
Teach Our Children Shared Sacrifice
The Best House Campaigns of 2008
The Bloody Nonsense of Gaza War
The Crypt Nancy Pelosi, New Year's Eve party pooper - Politico.com
The Evil Behind the Smiles
The Gaza Rules
The Tao of Blag
The Woman Who Blew the Whistle on Blago
Time for a Choice — Not an Echo
Treasury Has Pledged More Funds Than Authorized
Trump Entertainment noteholders OK forbearance
UK call to help close Guantanamo
Ukraine Hit With Gas Cut-Off
Viacom and Time Warner reach deal to avoid blackout
VIDEO - Rare Nazi Film Surfaces - 'The Eternal Jew'
Voters in One Constituency Could Decide Ghana's Next President
What Yahoo Must Do to Survive
Why G.W. Bush should be frogmarched before the Hague
Will Banks & Markets Recover in '09
Windows 7 in 2009 I don’t think so… Education IT ZDNet.com
Windows 7 Leaked To The Internet
Year in Review 2008 Reuters
El Paso Times Report On Economic Crisis Requiring Military To Restore Order
Iran on full alert in wake of Israeli raids
Pakistan closes Nato's Khyber Pass supply route into Afghanistan
TruMedia's facial-recognition system lets advertisers watch you watching their ads—whether you want them to or not
World bids adieu to a rocky 2008; worries over '09
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Sound Waves For Brain Waves..Researchers use ultrasonic pulses to control the brain