"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

07 December 2008

Sat. /Sun.

'I didn't want to steal anything from anyone ... I'm sorry, sorry'
'Morbidly obese' pooch survives because of 'layers of fat'
'The economy at that point worldwide would be in a serious, serious deterioration'
'We are the victim of baseless Indian propaganda ... we are just doing welfare work'
ABC News Are Students Coddled Schools Get Rid of 'F's
Actor gets waxed to help raise awareness of effect of deforestation on global warming
Ad losses send industry into a tailspin - The Denver Post (2)
Ad losses send industry into a tailspin - The Denver Post
Ad's taste-test challenge features impoverished villagersin remote parts of world comparing flavor to Big Macs
Amsterdam to close many brothels, marijuana cafes
Amy Goodman worries about company's connection to Obama national security adviser
Bailed-out AIG offers Islamic insurance to U.S.
Ben Johnson lists reasons Bill Richardson should not have been tapped for Cabinet
Ben Smith's Blog Donor Obama suggested Jakarta visit - Politico.com
Blackwell throws hat in RNC ring - Alexander Burns - Politico.com
Breaking Obama unveils 21st Century New Deal - Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
British missionary couple in Muslim African country face months in jail 'hell hole' after being charged with sedition Mail Online
California may be out of cash in February - Yahoo! News
Congressman paid nearly $80,000 to Internet company run for poorly designed websites
Cops use banned noise ordinance against street preacher
Couple is accused of sharing porn, pot with their teenage son KY3 Local
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Proposal for ban on new mosques sparks ire in Italy
Death Elevator Shows Signs of Struggle
Early Christmas Tree Sales Heavens, No. - washingtonpost.com
Economic advice on 1st-time buyer's program, 0% interest car deals
Eligibility dispute story spreads
Evangelical leader supports 'gay' civil unions
Exclusive... Ellis Washington compares Rice to Nero after Brahms recital before the queen
Exclusive... Greg Laurie ties holiday to Christ's atoning death on the cross
Exclusive... Joseph Farah highlights 'stark, raving lunacy' of wealth-transfer schemes
Exclusive... Patrice Lewis on community organizer's new job 'Gotta feel sorry for him'
Exclusive... Henry Lamb delineates between those who respect Constitution, those who don't
Exclusive... Melanie Morgan sees glimmer of hope in re-election of Saxby Chambliss
Exclusive... Pat Boone compares terroriststo homosexual 'jihadists' raging in America
Farmers target EPA report they say might tax cows - Yahoo! News
Former Sharks co-owner charged with fraud
FOXNews.com - Jihad Recruiting Effort May Explain Missing Somalis in Minneapolis Area - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - New York Teacher Binds Hands and Feet of Black Girls for Slavery Lesson - Local News News Articles National News US News
French Headscarf Ban Not Discrimination, Says European Court Europe Deutsche Welle 05.12.2008
From how to snare prospective lover to best way to secure promotion at work
Furniture giant accused of condoning animal cruelty for stocking exotic salami
Future first lady's great-great-grandfather born on South Carolina rice plantation in 1850
Get an insider's view of CAIR's banquet
GOP-killing juggernaut puts bull's-eye on states
Group seeks to have state's votes for Obama set aside - Mid-Columbia News Tri-City Herald Mid-Columbia news
How to derail the Obama Express
IBDeditorials.com Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The Cost Of Green
India Police Arrest Two New Suspects in Mumbai Attacks - washingtonpost.com
Indigenous peoples say carbon-offset monies paid to Brazil will never reach them
Jonathan Falwell hits media for targeting leaders who represent future of conservatism
judge; 'This is still a crime, even if you didn't intend to do it'
Liberals clinically mad, concludes top shrink
Lisa Fabrizio.. Government should stay out of our bedrooms, but not our living rooms
Local News Atheists' sign at Capitol stolen, found Seattle Times Newspaper
Local News UW newspaper column sparks campus controversy Seattle Times Newspaper
Man reports his fiancee from Philippines swept to sea by surprise wave
Map collection features cities renamed to reflect their etymological origins
My Way News - Death toll from Pakistan car bombing rises to 29
My Way News - New rule lifts ban on firearms in national parks
My Way News - Police Man arrested in Mumbai probe is cop
My Way News - Simpson could have taken plea deal for less time
Narco violence exploding, oil prices plunging 'We have more dead than you have in Iraq'
Nation would see 500,000 direct, indirect job losses if Detroit Three fail
Neuroscientists explore how people can be fooled into false perceptions
New indictment Bernard Kerik shoulda spilled in Dept. of Homeland Security interview
New position would guide restructuring talks with companies, disburse bailout funds
New rules hitting companies that are already down
Obama goes upscale in Hawaii for holiday
Obama's 3 Million Donors Asked to Pay Clinton Debt - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
One More Question... 44 washingtonpost.com
Pentagon expanding number of foreigners recruited - Yahoo! News
Pictures from U.N. conference published – says he didn't recognize Peres
Plan to tap profits made when crude sold at $80 a barrel – now under $50
Planned Parenthood counsels 'teen' to hide felony
Police baffled by recent numbers of similar cases brought to their attention
Questions linger about death of Israeli activist JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Rangel's son got campaign cash - Luke Rosiak and Glenn Thrush - Politico.com
Researchers Dismissing Abortion-Depression Link Funded by Planned Parenthood
Reuters AlertNet - Moscow's mayor links gays to spread of AIDS
ReviewJournal.com - News - O.J. Simpson sentencing in Las Vegas (2)
ReviewJournal.com - News - O.J. Simpson sentencing in Las Vegas
Richardson's frequent-flier debt - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Rolls out new designs for packaging aimed at fortifying brand, addressing obesity concerns
Say writer of much of New Testamentused ruse to infiltrate Christian church
Says new roommate didn't like dogs – left no food or water
School buds 20 Harvard classmates advising Obama - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Scientists Rain stopped when Jews left Mideast
Shannen W. Coffin drubs columnist Kathleen Parker's latest piece on religion in politics
Singer handcuffed man to wall, beat him with metal chain after photographic session
Some fear bad grades may encourage dropouts, but not everyone is convinced
Star Parker reviews new Cabinet member's role in helping Anita Hill with her attack
study; 'Women saw themselves as about 4 years older than their male peers'
Suit alleges Minneapolis Hilton sex party, retaliation
Swiss teacher drove 'solar taxi' 32,000 miles in 17 months
Teen girls charged in nursing home abuse - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
The New Media Journal After Mumbai the Terror Attacks Will Be Worse by Dr. Whalid Phares
U.S. jobs data send futures down to below $41 a barrel, lowest in 4 years
UNC libraries to forgo Christmas trees - Local News CharlotteObserver.com
Unemployment likely to accelerate in December, into 2009 as economic outlook worsens
Used trademark expressive facial features caused by pituitary disease
Village council goes undercover to nab 8 youngsters working without permit
Weatherman terrorists Obama's centrism a 'smokescreen'
White instructor taped hands, feet of 2 black students, made them crawl under desk
World's largest maker of construction, mining equipment tries to lower costs
Video - Retracing the Mumbai Attacks
Video - $100 M Diamond Heist in Paris
Video - Mumbai ;Behind the Attacks
1000's Of Genocide Suspects Living In UK
A Bank, and a Banker, Flush With Honor
A Deal, With Conditions, Clears Big Hurdles
A Future for Brand Bush
A Growing Line of the Jobless
A Preview of the New Goldman & Morgan
A Symbol of War Against Terrorism
American Industry Is Doing Just Fine Outside Detroit
Americans Are Buying Spam Again
An Enduring Crisis for the Black Family
An Important Opening at the New York Fed
Another Sen. Kennedy
Another Suspected H5N1 Death In Indonesia
BAE Accused Of $200M Bribes In SA Arms Deal
BARACK OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE Suit contesting Obama's citizenship heads to Supreme Court -- chicagotribune.com
Beyond Iraq
Blackwater Thugs To Be Charged In Iraq Murders
Bridge Loan to Nowhere
Can Obama Balance Security and Liberty
Caroline Kennedy for Senate
Chambliss, Franken, and 60
Cheney, Gonzales Indictments Dropped (big surprise)
Chrysler's Plan for Viability (PDF)
Coming Home to America
Dangerous Illusion of Independent Terrorists
Deadline in Baghdad
Dodd, Frank Warn Paulson May Not Get TARP's Next $350b
DOJ - Pentagon Must Clean Contaminated Sites
Dooming Detroit Without Remorse
Eligibility dispute story spreads
English Language On Bigfoot Audiotape
Fake Inflation Numbers Masked The Crisis
Fallout from the Credit Implosion
Feds Ignored Clear Financial Meltdown Warnings
Getting Bang for Your Buck
Ghana Shows Africa the Way
GM's 'Restructuring Plan for Long-Term Viability' (PDF)
Guard Sgt Acquitted Of Murdering 2 Officers In Iraq
High Inventory Killing Home Builders
How Deep Was Pakistani Involvement in Mumbai
India Slashes Interest Rates
Infighting in the Making
Investors Being Cautious Is Understandable, But Mistaken
John Paulson Strikes Gold Again
Maybe It's Time To Buy That First House
Message From Georgia This Too Shall Pass
Miliband Backs African Calls For Mugabe End
Motorola Downgraded To Junk Status
Mr. Putin's Bluff
Mumbai and Nuclear Proliferation
Newt Hasn't Gotten the Memo
Obama Campaign Mulls Over $30 Million Surplus
Obama Gets Small Business Capital Gains Right
Obama to Air Interest-Group Talks
Obama's Approach to Governing
Obama's Protectionist Pick for Trade Rep
Obama's War Cabinet
Oil Staggers To Below $42
Pak Security Expert - Zionists Behind Mumbai Op
Pakistan Won't Cooperate with India
Pakistan's Jihad
Paulson Shoots The Economy In The Heart...Again
Piracy Is Terrorism
Playing Blame Game in Face of Terror
Ponzi Scheme At Citi - Suit Slams Robert Rubin
Recession's Silver Lining
Rescuing the Two-State Solution
Rollback on Torture Not So Easy for Obama
Season Of Giving Or Season Of Killing
SEIU's Stern; Let's Share The Wealth
Shall We Call It A Depression Now
Should We Privatize Airports
Simpson Gets At Least 9 Years
Soft Power Needs a Facelift
Somalia May Haunt US Again
Supreme Court Mum On Obama Birth Case
The Big Three's Real Union Problem
The Credit Crisis Will Change How U.S. Does Business
The Death of Outrage
The Fed Has the Printing Press In Overdrive
The Henry Paulson Saga
The Mossad's Infiltration Of America
The Note - Another Senator Kennedy
The Pakistan Connection
The Pentagon's Shopping List
The World of the Rich Collapses
This Year Don't Give Them What They Want
Three Questions for Clinton
Time to End the War on Drugs
Transcripts - Ben Stein and John Stossel Debate the Auto Bailout
Transcripts - Bill Clinton on Hillary Clinton's Nomination
Transcripts - Brooks and Marcus on the Week in Politics
Transcripts - Chrysler's Nardelli to the Senate Banking Committee
Transcripts - December 3 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts - December 4 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts - Ford's Alan Mulally to the Senate Banking Committee
Transcripts - Geraldine Ferraro on the Holder Nomination
Transcripts - Huckabee on the Chambliss Senate Victory
Transcripts - Interview with Commerce Secretary Gutierrez
Transcripts - Interview with Ford CEO Alan Mullaly
Transcripts - Interview with Former Prime Minister Tony Blair
Transcripts - Interview with GM CEO Rick Wagoner
Transcripts - Interview with Pakistan's Ambassador to the U.S.
Transcripts - Interview with Representative Sander Levin
Transcripts - Obama Announces Parts of His Economic Recovery Plan
Transcripts - Obama Nominates Richardson for Commerce
Transcripts - Panel on Dems and An Aggressive Obama
Transcripts - President Bush's Speech to the Saban Forum
Transcripts - Roundtable on Obama's Housing Aid
Transcripts - Roundtable on the Auto Bailout
Transcripts - UAW President Gettelfinger to the Senate Banking Committee
Transcripts - Wagoner's Testimony to the Senate Banking Committee
UK Anti-Terror Laws Used On Paperboys
Ultimate solution to Christmas shopping headaches!
Unretired .. Retirees Are Back, Looking for Work
US Tamiflu Resisatnce Now At 96%
Video - Mumbai Survivor Recounts Experience
Video - Obama Announces Clinton at State
video ... Bachus, Kanjorski Discuss Auto Aid
video ... Auto CEOs Arrive at Capitol
video ... Auto Executives Return to Congress
video ... Automakers Agree to Oversight; Plan to Drive Back to Detroit
video ... Bush on Jobs Data, Auto Companies
video ... Congress Working on Aid for Automakers
video ... Corker Questions Chrysler on Cerberus Cash
video ... Executives' Testimony to the Banking Committee
video ... House Members Discuss Aid for Automakers
video ... Interview with GM CEO Rick Wagoner
video ... Interview with Henry Kissinger
video ... Interview with Senator Menendez
video ... Interviews on the Bailout
video ... Moran, Bilbray Debate Auto Bailout
video ... More on Obama Health Care Policy
video ... Obama Announces Public Works Program
video ... Pros and Cons of Automaker Aid
video ... Rep. Garrett on Big Three's Prospects
video ... Senate Witness on the Auto Companies
video ... Shelby Still Opposes Automaker Aid
video ... UAW Ad Wants Help for the Auto Companies
video ... UAW President Makes His Case
video ... Wagoner's Testimony to the House Financial Services Committee
video ... WMD Panel Warns of Bioterror Attack
Video - Harper's Address to the Nation
Video - India Ignored Attack Warnings
video - Jew Settlers Shoot Two Palestinian Men
Video - Russian Orthodox Church Leader Dies
Video- Israeli Settlers Removed from Hebron
Was OJ Convicted for Prior Crimes
We Should Let the U.S. Car Industry Die
What Would J.M. Keynes Do
Who's Winning in Lebanon
Why Banks Get Bailouts & Detroit Gets Lectures
Why Jim Jones Will Make or Break Obama Abroad
Will Pakistan Inflict More Peril
Will Supremes review citizenship arguments
YouTube Is Dead
Zionist Sen Lautenberg Approves Of ADL Spying

'Natural-born' requirementcalled 'stupidest provision'
A Free-Market Monetary System by F. A. Hayek
A Loud Silence by Justin Raimondo
ABC News Are Students Coddled Schools Get Rid of 'F's
American Thinker Blog Attack in Pakistan destroys 160 NATO vehicles (2)
American Thinker Blog Attack in Pakistan destroys 160 NATO vehicles
American Thinker Blog For GOP senators, it's not a question of if but how to bail out automakers
American Thinker Blog Global warming debunkers to have conference in March
American Thinker Blog GOP picks up Dem seat in Congress (updated)
American Thinker Blog Huh What does Bill Richardson mean
American Thinker Blog Klaus Reminds Europe What Democracy Is
American Thinker Blog Obama at the faculty club
American Thinker Blog Public works ‘investment' hasn't worked so well in Japan
American Thinker Blog Susan Rice was roadblock to capturing Osama (2)
American Thinker Blog Susan Rice was roadblock to capturing Osama
American Thinker Blog The day that still lives in infamy 67 years later
American Thinker Blog The downside of progress
American Thinker Blog The end of 'blank checks for Israel'
American Thinker Bosnia and global jihad
American Thinker Celebrating a quiet victory of democracy
American Thinker False pride and the liberal imagination
American Thinker Murder on their minds
American Thinker Russia rubs raw nerves in Ukraine
American Thinker The 'Islamophobia' canard after Mumbai
American Thinker The Exquisite Difficulty of Preemption
American Thinker The U.N.'s 'Greatest Failure'
American Thinker What We Have to Fear (2)
American Thinker What We Have to Fear
American Thinker Will Obama Become the Statesman That America Needs
Amsterdam to close many brothels, marijuana cafes
Argentine automakers to sell at cost, protect jobs Industries Consumer Goods & Retail Reuters
Bloomberg.com Worldwide
British missionary couple in Muslim African country face months in jail 'hell hole' after being charged with sedition Mail Online
Climate protesters demand swifter U.N. action Environment Reuters
Couple is accused of sharing porn, pot with their teenage son KY3 Local
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Proposal for ban on new mosques sparks ire in Italy
Death Elevator Shows Signs of Struggle
First Russian warship uses Panama Canal since 1944
FOXNews.com - New York Teacher Binds Hands and Feet of Black Girls for Slavery Lesson - Local News News Articles National News US News
FOXNews.com - Panama Canal 'Open to All,' Including Russian Warships - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
French Headscarf Ban Not Discrimination, Says European Court Europe Deutsche Welle 05.12.2008
FT.com - China - Economy & Trade - Chinese property hunters to raid US
FT.com - MARKETS - Commodities - Oil on track for biggest weekly loss since 1991
Further Developments on the Issue of Social Justice in Baltimore by Walter Block
Ger Police Arrest More Than 40 At Neo-Nazi March - World - Javno
Get an insider's view of CAIR's banquet
Human tide of hajj pilgrims flood Mt Arafat
Iran tests new missile from warship reports International Reuters
It's official Men really are the weaker sex - Science, News - The Independent
Methane bursts from frozen tundra Nature News
MichaelSavage.com - Home of The Savage Nation
Millions of Muslims gather for hajj pilgrimage
More than 60,000 letters sent to U.S. Supreme Court
My Way News - Amsterdam to close many brothels, marijuana cafes
My Way News - Atlantic City casinos, boardwalk and now sex tape
My Way News - More than 160 US, NATO vehicles burned in Pakistan
My Way News - New rule lifts ban on firearms in national parks
My Way News - Nobel winner Internet might have stopped Hitler
My Way News - Obama Economy to get worse before it improves
My Way News - Obama pledges not to smoke in White House
My Way News - Obama suggests some auto execs should lose jobs
My Way News - Rioters rampage in 2 Greek cities after teen shot
My Way News - Rioters rampage through Greek cities
My Way News - Time short, Congress tries to seal auto deal
New England border protection chief charged with hiring illegal immigrants - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Nobel winner sees end to AIDS spread within years Lifestyle Reuters
Obama unveils 21st Century New Deal - Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Our Semi-Soviet Surveillance State by Fred Reed
Pakistani militants destroy Western army vehicles Reuters
Pentagon expanding number of foreigners recruited - Yahoo! News
Questions linger about death of Israeli activist JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Stopping the winter cold cycle - Times Online
Take Him Out! by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
The DIY saliva test that tells if you're catching a cold Mail Online
The Ghosts of 'Studio One' - WSJ.com
The New Media Journal After Mumbai the Terror Attacks Will Be Worse by Dr. Whalid Phares
The Quivering Upper Lip by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal Autumn 2008
The smell of fear is real, claim scientists - Telegraph
Treasury Angling For Rest of Funds
Trust In the GOP by Butler Shaffer
U.S. Collective Dictatorship Enlarges by Michael S. Rozeff
U.S. housing crisis also hitting the wealthy U.S. Reuters
U.S. says latest missile defense test a success Reuters
Wall St financiers party like there's no tomorrow -- literally
How Freddie Mac halted regulatory drive
$99 iPhone In The Near Future
'Beyond my wildest imagination' 'I did not actually anticipate that it would get as bad as it did'
'Beyond my wildest imagination'; 'I did not actually anticipate that it would get as bad as it did'
'Families in once agriculturally rich land living on diet of nuts, berries
'For days afterward there were all kinds of rumors They were coming back, they were sighted'
'Global warming may not be occurring in quite the manner one might have imagined'
'It's a sad ending to a sad tragedy that some people tried to turn into a crime'
'It's going to be a long, slow process ... to really restore our leadership in the world'
'Mr. Simpson wanted something just short of a public apology'
'Must now take their rightful place in The Hague and answer for their actions'
'Not necessarily to worship, but to sit quietly and let the music wash over them'
'On the day of the attacks, India was going to act very drastically in retaliation'
'The downside risks to growth have increased after the terror attacks'
'The moment I wake up I have to breathe a certain way, I have to savor every meal'
'The more you study, the more you find the traditions of men contradict the Bible'
'These are indictments that never should have been brought'
'They have had enough of men engagingin conflicts and bringing misery to them'
'This guy was talking about corn, pigs and horses and all of a sudden he said ...'
'This is clearly a big shift in policy and we are now on alert'
'Top priority ... to provide collision data for the experiments as soon as reasonably possible'
'We haven't really moved 1 inch toward addressing the issues'
'We put animals out of their misery– we can do it for human beings'
'Your autobiography, so to speak, was stopped, but your personality doesn't change'
1000's Of Genocide Suspects Living In UK
250 times faster than average PC – to be priced from $6,000 to $12,000
300 to 500 guests per day – U.S., Kenyan governments have taken over security for her
41 US States Face Bankruptcy In 2009
5 Former Secretaries of State Advise Hillary Clinton
533,000 jobs lost in November
A Bridge to Hispanic Voters
A Cautious Obama Picking His Fights Carefully
A New Strategy for Afghanistan
A New, Less Ideological Style of Politics
Abortion Politics Didn't Doom the GOP
Accused of incidents with boys, 17 and 18, on campus, in her car
Activists protest UN climate talks
Ad's taste-test challenge features poor villagers in remote parts of world comparing to Big Macs
Advice for Hillary Clinton
Almost Two-Thirds of Americans Meet Exercise Guidelines
Alyssa Milano Not Enjoying Charm of “Fan”
America's Healthiest And Unhealthiest States
American Thinker When elites eschew defense ;The case of India
Americans Are Buying Spam Again
Amnesia victim 'HM,' who shed light on brain, dies
Amy Goodman worries about company's connection to Obama national security adviser
Amy's Back!
analysis; Obama defense agenda resembles Gates'
Angry Laid-Off Workers Occupy Chicago Factory
As Minnesota Recount Ends, Senate Race Still Seeking Finish Line
As unemployment numbers reach levels not seen in 25 years, another crisis unfolds
AT&T wants a single smartphone platform on its network; I wanna fly
audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 5, 2008
audio - Mark Levin Show Dec 3, 2008
audio - Mark Levin Show Dec 4, 2008
Ballmer Wants Yahoo Search Engine Deal ‘Quickly,’ WSJ Says
Barky's 'Change' - More Like Groundhog Day
Barney Frank... Democrats Agree on an Auto Bailout Plan
Ben Johnson lists reasons Bill Richardson should not have been tapped for Cabinet
Berkeley City Council to vote whether to demand former Bush adviser be charged with war crimes
Bi-Partisan Talk Not Helping Democrats
Biden to Limit Role of Vice President
BillO decides to drop the radio schtick
Broken Britain Is a Media Invention
Bush to move into formerly Whites Only Neighborhood
Bush's House Attracts Traffic, Surge of Local Pride
Bush, Democrats seek to finalize auto bailout
Calls Prop. 8 backlash 'an outrage that must stop'
Can Iraq Survive Alone
Can the Rich Pardon Be Defended
Can we please put the media's O.J. obsession out to its final pasture
Caroline Kennedy interested in Hillary Clinton's Senate seat
Case of Qatari national, held without formal charges, tests executive power asserted by Bush
Cheap cold sore drugs could offer best treatment yet
Chinese Sphere .. Pondering Place in New World
Chomsky - Decimation Of Iraq Raises Terror Threat
Cites concerns over viability, government inconsistency– prefers 'clearer policies' of some developing countries
Citi Gets $300B - Car Makers Kicked In Teeth
City Foreclosure Filings Down
Claims Christians should 'give biblical point of view a different slant'
Clinton not only one relieved by her return to Washington's inner circle
Company claims federal approval for 9-mm handgun as 'medical device'
Company sells Shariah-compliant policies after massive taxpayer-funded cash grab
Company's founder says he knows nothing about dynamics of homosexual relationships
Country struggles with world's highest inflation rate of 231,000,000%
Couple's combined income disqualified her from full Medicaid coverage for treatment
Court delays action on suit – 'They apparently need the time to deliberate'
Court orders limit tossed, but officers say it doesn't apply to them
Crisis Unfolding in Congo
Critics blast praise of controversial businessman who paid his $200,000 speaking fee
Cryptic Next Metal Gear Image
Daily Show... Bailout City Madness
Danny Westneat Atheists hot... You better believe it
David Gregory fills 'Meet the Press' role
David Gregory wins Meet the Press moderator’s chair
Death Of Print Media Accelerates
Deceased vet's wife preserves memory 'You can't just let him become part of fading history'
Decoy fails to deploy, but missile test called 'success'
Deflation Moving Beyond 1930s Extremes
Democracy Now! - 400 Killed in Nigeria in Violent Clashes Over Disputed Election Results
Democracy Now! - Indiana Guardsmen Sue KBR Over Chemical Exposure in Iraq
Democracy Now! - Ralph Nader and Medea Benjamin on Obama's Cabinet and Grassroots Organizing Under the Next Administration
Democracy Now! - Attorney Scott Horton on Justice After Bush Prosecuting an Outlaw Administration
Democracy Now! - CEOs of Big Three Automakers Return to Capitol Hill to Plead for $34B Federal Bailout
Democracy Now! - Change or More of the Same Obama Introduces National Security Team
Democracy Now! - Chevron Cleared in 1998 Shooting Deaths of Protesters in Niger Delta
Democracy Now! - Gov't Study Concludes “Gulf War Syndrome” is Legitimate Condition, Affects 1 in 4 Vets
Democracy Now! - The Blogging Revolution A Look at the Repression of Online Journalism Around the World
Democracy Now! - US Interrogator in Iraq Says Torture Policy Has Led to Deaths of Thousands of American Soldiers
Democracy Now! - Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims Demand Accountability from US, Chemical Companies in Suit
Determined not to repeat Clinton mistake – critics said planning was 'too secretive'
Detroit's Restructuring Plans Don't Go Far Enough
DNA leads to registered sex offender – lawyer says another man wrongly convicted
Dodd Calls for Firing GM’s Wagoner, Chrysler Merger
Don't give up on Mumbai (because Mumbai isn't)
Don't Trade Recession for Depression
Downturn in Florida's real estate market has resulted in decreasing advertising for paper
Earth Needs An Asteroid Shield
Economists watch for China policy direction
Eminent psychiatrist makes case that leftist thinking is a mental disorder
End-of-week jump leaves indexes with weekly declines of about 2%
Eradication of Guinea worm disease is near
Exclusive... Andrea Shea King pinpoints Internet information resources
Exclusive... Craig R. Smith says markets need to less 'bureaucratic wisdom'
Exclusive... Ellis Washington compares Rice to Nero after Brahms recital before the queen
Exclusive... Henry Lamb delineates between those who respect Constitution, those who don't
Exclusive... Joseph Farah highlights 'stark, raving lunacy' of wealth-transfer schemes
Exclusive... Melanie Morgan sees glimmer of hope in re-election of Saxby Chambliss
Exclusive... Pat Boone compares terroriststo homosexual 'jihadists' raging in America
Exclusive...Patrice Lewis on community organizer's new job 'Gotta feel sorry for him'
Exclusive...Roger Simmermaker helps buys avoid imports for holiday
Facebook, Google Vie for Connect Services
Fairness Doctrine Fouls Out
Families add memories of USS Arizona sailors at website
Father Of Sci-Fi Forrest Ackerman Passes On
FBI report highlights growing threat against nation's infrastructure
Fear 1 Million Layoffs A Month In US
Financial Crisis and the Middle East
Findings confirm rabbi's reading of Bible prophecy
Firefox extension Linked Users to Same Product at The Pirate Bay
Five Blackwater Guards To Face manslaughter and assault charges Next Week
Fla. authorities find grandfather dead in freezer
Flu Shots Worthwhile for College Students
For 300 years pirate has stood accused of sinking own ship to swindle crew out of loot
Forecast a radical agenda that would impress Lenin coming
Foreclosures Soar 78% To Record 1.35 Million
Former adviser launches 'Bush legacy project' as administration prepares to depart
Forrest J Ackerman dead at 92
Four Harsh Truths About Climate Change
Friday Night Lights... Awesome
Gay Pride, Black Prejudice
Gen. Eric Shinseki To Be Named as Head of the VA
George Will Should Be Embarrassed
Google's Chrome Team Mulls Local File Restrictions
Grim Job Report Not Showing Full Picture
Guard Sgt Acquitted Of Murdering 2 Officers In Iraq
Harper's Coup d'Etat In Canada
Have been accused of spreading sedition in Muslim state
Hawks In Doves Clothing
Health Concerns Cause Total Irish Pork Recall
Health-care topics to be explored
Hoaxed Call Put Pak On Highest Nuke Alert
Hormel goes to double shift at factory as demand climbs 10% in 3 months
How BIG Is Wal-Mart
Hudson murder suspect William Balfour endured troubled life
IBM Launches Microsoft-Free Linux PCs
IDF Thug Assaults Female Haaretz Photog
Impostor posed as Dehli official, threatened 'military action' over Mumbai attacks
India dismisses hoax call claim
India H5N1 Spread Raises Pandemic Fears
India - Killers Got Elite Training From Pak
Intel Hopes to Bring Free Energy to Mobile Devices
Investors see bottoming process in US stocks
Ironies Abound on Shinseki
Is he or isn't he The debate over Obama's eligibility
Israeli PM... Settlers' actions tantamount to 'pogrom'
Israeli Reporter Amira Hass Forced Out of Gaza by Hamas, Detained by Israeli Police For Entering Gaza Without Permit
Israelis' Violent, Vulgar Behavior Abroad
Israel Willing To Start Iran War Alone
It's official David Gregory takes over 'Meet the Press'
It's Official... David Gregory is the new host of Meet The Press
It's Time to Topple the Tyrant Mugabe
Jews Must Face 'Dark Side' Of Judaism
JFK Clan Urges Caroline To Seek Hillary Seat
Jolie 'best-paid' movie actress
Jonathan Falwell hits media for targeting leaders who represent future of conservatism
Joseph Cao and the 435 District Strategy
Judge declares armed robbery sentence not 'retribution or payback for anything else'
Judge disallows 6-hour police interview after arrest
Just How Bad Will The Economy Get
Justices to Decide Legality of Indefinite Detention
Karmic Justice Gen. Eric Shinseki
Karmic Justice; Gen. Eric Shinseki
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to face military tribunal at Gitmo
Latest Facebook Koobface Virus; Spawned by an earlier attack
Lawful Rebellion Conference In The UK
Lawsuit; Even with a valid birth certificate, 'he still wouldn't be eligible to be president'
Lawsuits targeting Obama likely to be denied again
Lessons From Depression Won't Help Now
Lisa Fabrizio.... Government should stay out of our bedrooms, but not our living rooms
Listen to FDR's call for declaration of war following Japan's 'dastardly' attack
Loses to Republican attorney who will be 1st Vietnamese-American in Congress
Makow - Rockefeller Official Revealed NWO Plot In '69
Makow - Rockefeller Official Revealed NWO Plot In 1969
Mandate for What
Mandelson Vs Bank Merger Challengers
Many Hurdles, Legal and Political, to Bridge Tolls
Many Indians Angry About Failure to Stop Terror Strikes
Medical Mutual CEO dies in plane crash
Melting Ice May Slow Climate Change
Merkel, Sarkozy want climate plan at EU summit
Merrill Lynch; 'We now expect an outright contraction in global oil demand in 2009'
Mike Huckabee ...The GOP Should Move Away From the Squishy Middle
Militants in Pakistan Destroy NATO Trucks, in Boldest Attack Yet
Millionaires, billionaires donating to takeover plan
Millions of Muslims prepare to stone devil at haj
Mobs target police with firebombs, stones for shooting teenager in Athens
Montana Judge Endorses Right to Assisted Suicide
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
Motorola Downgraded To Junk Status
Move intended to 'restore checks and balances' to system 'tilted heavily toward the White House'
Mumbai attack US wants Pak to act, India to exercise restraint
Mumbai Carnage Shakes India's Political Landscape
Mumbai Experts - Al Qaeda A Front For Mossad
Mumbai hoax call forced Pakistan onto red alert
Mumbai Killers From Pak - Villagers Confirm
Murdered in the Name of Islam
Muslim organisations hold peace march, deplore attacks
NASA delays Mars rover mission two years
Nate Silver vs. John Ziegler, Round 2
NATO Supply Depot In Pakistan Torched
New Jersey case contests eligibility to serve as president
Next Stimulus Plan Should Fuel Growth
Not All Of Us Are Keynesians Yet
NY Atty Charged Impersonating In Hedge Scheme
Obama announces his New Deal for the 21st Century
Obama Braces Country for Tough Times
Obama Gives a General His Due
Obama hopes to avoid Clinton health care missteps
Obama Offers First Look at Massive Jobs Plan
Obama Picks Shinseki to Lead Veterans Affairs
Obama says Big Three automakers must not fail
Obama Still Not Eligible Even WITH Birth Cert
Obama Stimulus Plan's a Good Start
Obama Wants Vast Public Works Projects
Obama Warns Economy Will Worsen Before Recovery
Obama's best pick yet Jones as national security adviser
Obama's Brand-Name Strategy
Obama's Cabinet Leaves Out Liberals
Obama's citizenship... The wingnuts' desperation is showing
Obama's Zune story crashes news site
Obama-Clinton battle was a good thing for Democrats
Officers to Be Indicted in Subway Assault
OJ Simpson prepares for prison
On Bravery & Heroism, Then & Now
One More Question... washingtonpost.com
Pakistan Must Choose
Pakistan Must Take Action With India on Mumbai Links, Rice Says
Pakistani forces take over militant camp - witness
Pakistani militants burn 160 vehicles destined for armed forces in Afghanistan
Paks Burn 160 US Vehicles Going To Afghanistan
Pearl Harbor Day
Pirates of the Amazon hits the rocks
Police chief ;If thief is apprehended 'there's liable to be a flogging'
Police hold SIM card suspects
Police shooting sparks riots in Greece
President Bush finally admits we're in a recession
Preston Hollow is buzzing about the Bushes
Promises 'largest investment in national infrastructure since creation of federal highway system'
Proof VP Chester Arthur Was Brit Subject At Birth
Pungent fungi known to connoisseurs as 'black diamonds' can fetch up to $575 a pound
Putting the Dalai Lama on Hold
RBS Secretly Charged 80% On Consumer Loan!
Rense Blocked In Dubai
Rep. Jefferson Ousted in Louisiana
Repairing Bush's legacy... Lotsa luck with that
Rescue Zimbabwe
Rick Warren is the new Jerry Falwell ...'The Bible says that God puts government on earth to punish evildoers.'
Russia .. Crisis Hits Real Estate Market
Russians pay last respects to Orthodox Patriarch
S.Arabia orders withdrawal of melamine-tainted food
Sarkozy denounced by China for meeting Dalai Lama
Saudi king recruits 18 leading architects – mosque capacity to be increased to 1.5 million
Say writer of much of New Testament used ruse to infiltrate Christian church
Scandal-plagued Louisiana Congressman ousted by little-known Republican - csmonitor.com
SCOTUS Decision On Obama Birth 'Next Week'
Season Of Giving Or Season Of Killing
See more Islamic leaders served with notice of lawsuit
Sen. Bob Casey... Autoworkers and Unions being scapegoated
Senate Committee Announcements On Tap
Senate seat for Caroline Kennedy would extend legacy
Shannen W. Coffin drubs columnist Kathleen Parker's latest piece on religion in politics
Sharon - A True Zionist
Shuttle's Piggy-Back Ride to Florida Could Happen Monday
Sick Society Needs Overhaul of Healthcare System
Skepticism on Climate Change
SNL ...A Message From Secretary of State Designate Hillary Clinton
South Asia's Deadly Dominoes
Spain Faces Full Recession
Special Immune Cells May Be Key to HIV Resistance
Staff complaints motivate decision not to 'celebrate one particular set of customs'
Star Parker reviews new Cabinet member's role in helping Anita Hill with her attack
Storm Fans Lash at Critics
Strangers May Cheer You Up, Study Says
Supreme Court Mum On Obama Birth Case
Tainted Irish pork may have reached 25 nations
Talks highlight frailty of global exchanges
Tennesseans urged to use Medicare prescription plan
Terminations of 'less than perfect' unborn babies are subject of row with UK government
Terrible to Even Worse in Somalia
Thailand flight chaos still stranded
Thaksin’s Allies Pick Leader as Thai Opposition Claims Support
The Abortion Wars Get Technical
The End of the End of the Cuban Revolution
The Good, Bad & Ugly of Card-Check
The GOP's Yes We Can
The Humanities Move Off Campus
The Life and Mysterious Death of Sunny von Bülow
The Mossad's Infiltration Of America
The Mystery of Arab Impotence
The Rachel Maddow Show... Are the Banks to Blame for the Auto Industry Crisis
The Search for a Missing Brooklyn Woman Continues in Orange County
The Silent Tsunami Of Hunger
The War In Afghanistan Has Lost Its Authority
Thin Role For Thain At BofA
Thousands of Wash. kids waiting for new eyeglasses
Three Years and Two Cheers for Cameron
Time to act tough on terror, says Shourie
To include Pearl Harbor site, California Japanese-American internment camp
To preserve 'image as a tolerant and crazy place, rather than a free zone for criminals'
Told donors in California early last year of his intent
Transcripts ... Interview with President-Elect Barack Obama
Transcripts ...Obama Announces Parts of His Economic Recovery Plan
Turning the iPod Touch into a phone
UK To Take Intimate Info On EVERY Child
Union seeks severance, vacation pay – 'We're doing something we haven't since the 1930s'
US Communities Consider Own Currency
US task.. Put jobless into jobs
US's Rice ... Mumbai militants used Pakistani soil
Veterans' long-term problems linked to traumatic brain injuries
VIDEO - Bachus, Kanjorski Discuss Auto Aid
video - Coke-Pepsi Used As Pesticides
VIDEO - Congress Working on Aid for Automakers
video - Eerie Organ Transplant Memories
VIDEO - Gregory Named New Moderator of Meet the Press
VIDEO - McCain in Pakistan to Discuss India Crisis
video - NBC Lies In Obama Birth Cert Story
VIDEO - Obama Announces Public Works Program
VIDEO - President-Elect Obama on Meet the Press
VIDEO - UAW President Makes His Case
Video reveals 'nurse' suggesting 'I don't want to know' about statutory rape
Virulent Barack Obama opponents won't go away
Vista SP2 Beta Available For Public Download
Warning Given on Use of 4 Popular Asthma Drugs, but Debate Remains
Washington ready for Barack Obama's inauguration
Website organizes trip for investors to California, Nevada to investigate market
Weekly Review Verizon BlackBerry Storm Updates - Which One Works Best
Welfare Mothers To Be Forced To Work
What the Terrorists Did to Bombay
What to Do When Your Gadget Is Sold Out
When will the media expose Richard Shelby's ties to foreign car manufacturers in Alabama
Where to Draw the Bailout Line
White House We Never Said We Weren’t In A Recession
Why Wait to Repeal Tax Cuts for the Rich
Will recession mean a toned-down inauguration
Worldwide Measles Deaths Drop Dramatically
Worst month since December 1974 brings total this year to 1.9 million
Yeah, Peggy Noonan, Bush sure kept us safe. Uh-huh.
Yes, the birth of Jesus is biblical. Here's what's not ...
YouTube Is Dead
zimbabwe West Exploits Cholera to Undermine Mugabe
Zionism-Humanism Gap Becoming Unbridgeable
Zionist Sen Lautenberg Approves Of ADL Spying
'ElBaradei's comments on Iran are irrelevant'
'Iran test-fires sea-to-sea missile' - Jerusalem Post
2008 will be coolest year ofthe decade - Guardian UK
5 Guards Face U.S. Charges in Iraq Deaths - NY Times
A Future for Brand Bush - Jeb Contemplates A Senate Run - Fred Barnes
Bank of England Mulls 'Nuclear Option' - Newsmax
Barak orders destruction of Jerusalem terrorists' homes - Ynet
Bush ; Iraq war on its way to being won - USA Today
Bush ; US will not let Iran develop nuclear weapons - Jerusalem Post
Bush prods Congress for Big Three bailout - Washington Times
Bush; Iraq war longer, more costly than expected - J'lem Post
Bush; Israel is America's closest ally in the Middle East - Jerusalem Post
Creative Conservatism - A path out of the wilderness - Matthew Continetti
Decision on Obama citizenship pending - Court delays action on suit - Washington Times
Falling rates renew old problem for U.S. banks - Reuters
IAF aircraft target Gaza Kassam crews as rocket attacks continue - J'lem Post
IDF soldier assaults Haaretz photographer in Hebron - Haaretz
Indian Police Say Man Arrested in Mumbai Probe Is Undercover Cop - Fox
Iran vows to retaliate after rebels kill 16 police - Ynet
Jimmy Carter to visit Syria, Lebanon next week
Livni attacks Barak, calls for reassessment of Gaza truce - Jerusalem Post
Magnitude 5.1 Quake Shakes Southern California - Fox
More Than 160 NATO Supply Trucks Torched in Pakistan - Fox
Obama Promises Agressive Growth Measures - Reuters
Obama's 'Palestinian friend' laments catastrophic U.S. policy in Mideast - Haaretz
OPEC head says markets should brace for 'surprise' announcement - J'lem Post
Pakistan's Jihad - In the war on terror, Islamabad is both with us and against us - Bill Roggio & Thomas Joscelyn
Palestinians reject partition, blame a misunderstanding - Washington Times
Panama Canal 'Open to All,' Including Russian Warships - Fox
Pentagon Downs Missile in Simulated Attack to Test Proposed Shield - Fox
report ; Egypt finds massive weapons cache in Sinai - Jerusalem Post
report; 'India Was Ready to Strike Pakistan' - Fox
Source; White House and Dems Reach Deal on Auto Bailout - Fox
Top German, US stock exchanges plan merger report - Reuters
UN Middle East envoy praises Israeli security forces eviction of settlers - Jerusalem Post
UN's obsession is grotesque and Orwellian - Jeff Jacoby

Grateful Dead Live at Augusta Civic Center on 1999-01-01
Grateful Dead Live at Bayfront Center on 1988-10-16
Grateful Dead Live at Bellarmine College on 1968-12-07
Grateful Dead Live at Des Moines Civic Center on 1981-12-07
Grateful Dead Live at Felt Forum, Madison Square Garden on 1971-12-07
Grateful Dead Live at Fillmore West on 1969-12-07
Grateful Dead Live at Indiana Convention Center on 1979-12-07
Grateful Dead Live at Laguna Seca Recreation Area on 1988-07-29
Grateful Dead Live at Madison Square Garden on 1993-09-21
Grateful Dead Live at Mammoth Gardens on 1970-04-24
Grateful Dead Live at Thelma Theater on 1969-12-11

AAA FEATURED SITE - Careful With That Blog, Eugene

Army Builds Fantasy Island In Second Life
Pak on track to being named terrorist state-USA-World-The Times of India
Pakistan Extends War Exercise
Pakistan Mulls Downing U.S. Drones
Rice Chance Of Terror Attack Is Top Threat
The Associated Press Gold prices, other commodities tumble
Washington Times - Decision on Obama citizenship pending
Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel
10 questions for Obama on MTP
A Latino inaugural ball
Abramoff-linked lobbyist fights over WH docs
Advertised in Police magazine; leg irons and neck collars ‘ideal for dictators’
Ancient Peruvian city discovered in Amazon rainforest linked to legendary white-skinned, blond-haired “Cloud People”
AP Exclusive; Pentagon to recruit aliens on visas
Biden to limit role of vice president
Blackwell throws hat in RNC ring
California GOP chair; Go local
Chertoff advice;Don't wish upon a czar
Chinese property hunters to raid US
Court ;British Government Must Delete Data of Innocent People from DNA Database
FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on Al Qaeda by White House officials
For Obama, moderates held key to election
Gates spells out his role in Cabinet
Grateful Dead Live at Folsom Field on 1980-06-07
Gregory ;'I'm honored'
Holy Cao; Republican unseats Jefferson
Interpol likely to join probe into Mumbai attacks
ISI hand in Mumbai attack; India has proof
Latinos unhappy with Obama picks
Matthews advised to quit MSNBC
Michael Steele ;down, not dead
New World Order Being Taught In Schools!
opec; Get set for oil shock and awe
Police ; Man arrested in Mumbai probe is cop
Poor Children's Brain Activity Resembles That Of Stroke Victims, EEG Shows
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
SC chair ;conservatism thrives
SEGA Interested In Microchip Implants For Games
Shelby warns of filibuster of auto bailout
Southern focus big issue in RNC race
SWAT Team Conducts Food Raid in Rural Ohio
Transcript from 'Meet the Press'
Urban assault teams to unleash packs of all-seeing, hopping robots armed with mini missiles
video.. Former drug officer launches 'KopBusters' TV show
What's next for the GOP
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World's First Nanoradio Could Lead to Subcellular Remote-Control Interfaces

Grateful Dead Live at Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Coliseum on 1995-04-05
Grateful Dead Live at Deer Creek Music Center on 1995-07-02
Grateful Dead Live at Franklin County Airport on 1995-06-15
Grateful Dead Live at Giants Stadium on 1995-06-18
Grateful Dead Live at Giants Stadium on 1995-06-19
Grateful Dead Live at Jefferson Civic Center Coliseum on 1995-04-04
Grateful Dead Live at Knickerbocker Arena on 1995-06-21
Grateful Dead Live at Knickerbocker Arena on 1995-06-22
Grateful Dead Live at Memorial Stadium on 1995-05-24
Grateful Dead Live at Memorial Stadium on 1995-05-25
Grateful Dead Live at Memorial Stadium on 1995-05-26
Grateful Dead Live at Portland Meadows on 1995-05-28
Grateful Dead Live at Portland Meadows on 1995-05-29
Grateful Dead Live at RFK Stadium on 1995-06-24
Grateful Dead Live at RFK Stadium on 1995-06-25
Grateful Dead Live at Riverport Amphitheater on 1995-07-05
Grateful Dead Live at Riverport Amphitheater on 1995-07-06
Grateful Dead Live at Sam Boyd Silver Bowl on 1995-05-19
Grateful Dead Live at Sam Boyd Silver Bowl on 1995-05-20
Grateful Dead Live at Sam Boyd Silver Bowl on 1995-05-21
Grateful Dead Live at Shoreline Amphitheatre on 1995-06-03
Grateful Dead Live at Shoreline Amphitheatre on 1995-06-04
Grateful Dead Live at Soldier Field on 1995-07-08
Grateful Dead Live at Soldier Field on 1995-07-09
Grateful Dead Live at Tampa Stadium on 1995-04-07
Grateful Dead Live at The Palace on 1995-06-27
Grateful Dead Live at The Palace on 1995-06-28
Grateful Dead Live at The Pyramid on 1995-04-01
Grateful Dead Live at The Pyramid on 1995-04-02
Grateful Dead Live at Three Rivers Stadium on 1995-06-30

John King to get 'Late Edition' job
Obama won't sneak smokes in WH