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09 December 2008


Barack Obama unveils $1 trillion economic stimulus package - Telegraph (2)
Barack Obama unveils $1 trillion economic stimulus package - Telegraph
CNSNews.com - Hezbollah Meeting on the Agenda for Jimmy Carter
Coming to Capitol 'Festivus' display KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Local & Regional
Court No review of Obama's eligibility to serve - Yahoo! News
Ethics panel expands Rangel investigation - Yahoo! News
Feds Blagojevich 'has taken us to a truly new low' - Jonathan Martin and Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
FOXNews.com - Sept. 11 Defendants Want to Plead Guilty - Local News News Articles National News US News
FT.com - Columnists - Gideon Rachman - And now for a world government
Gay group organizes 'Pink Christmas' in Amsterdam
India Jewish community keen to rebuild Mumbai centre Lifestyle Reuters
IndyStar.com AP National The Indianapolis Star
Liberals voice concerns about Obama - Carol E. Lee and Nia-Malika Henderson - Politico.com
Men under threat from 'gender bending' chemicals - Telegraph
N.Y. Congressman Gets Five Days in Jail for DUI - washingtonpost.com
Obama Don't stock up on guns CHICAGO SUN-TIMES 44 Barack Obama
Pakistan We're ready for war with India - Telegraph
Pelosi car czar could be named this week, Volcker eyed Markets Bonds News Reuters
Prosecutor Blagojevich Engaged in 'Political Corruption Crime Spree' - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
S.F. faces $575.6 million budget deficit
SignOnSanDiego.com News Metro -- S.D. gay activists join call for nationwide boycott
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room » Rev. Wright Obama 'Still My Child'
Times Co. to borrow against building - International Herald Tribune
U.S. Could Take Stakes in Big 3 - WSJ.com
UN Survey Arabs Read Approximately 4 Pages Per Year - Defense-Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
Washington Times - BREITBART I believe Hillary's cardboard cutout
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE Obama's Web presence loses its luster
Words associated with Christianity and British history taken out of children's dictionary - Telegraph
Accused 9-11 plotters say they want to confess
Aide Ax 'misspoke' - Politico.com
Lebanese convicted in failed German train bombing
Nagging wife, sausage help man win $4.2M lottery
NY Rep. King interested in NY Senate seat
Petraeus; more troops from US for Afghan war
POLITICAL VIDEO - Bush Congratulates Kennedy Center Winners
POLITICAL VIDEO - Fannie and Freddie Ignored Warnings
POLITICAL VIDEO - Gen. Shinseki on Veterans Affairs Department
POLITICAL VIDEO - Gregory Named New Moderator of Meet the Press
POLITICAL VIDEO - Illinois Governor Blagojevich Arrested
POLITICAL VIDEO - Interview with Rep. Frank
POLITICAL VIDEO - Legislative Leaders Pledge to Help Automakers
POLITICAL VIDEO - Mayor Daley Responds to Blagojevich Arrest
POLITICAL VIDEO - McCain in Pakistan to Discuss India Crisis
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Public Works Program
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Shinseki for Veterans Affairs
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Responds to Blagojevich Arrest
POLITICAL VIDEO - President-Elect Obama on Meet the Press
POLITICAL VIDEO - Rice Regrets Errors, Says Iraq is a Strategic Achievement
POLITICAL VIDEO - Senators Levin and Shelby on Auto Aid
POLITICAL VIDEO - Sens. Dodd and Sessions Debate Auto Aid
POLITICAL VIDEO -Blagojevich ; Go Right Ahead Tape Me
POLITICAL VIDEO -Fitzgerald Announces Charges Against Blagojevich
Wanted ; NY senator with smarts, good upstate map
'All I Want Is An Honest Press'
'Change' Idea - Enforce Our Immigration Laws
'Letters to God' delivered to Western Wall
'Ministry Of Truth' Edits UK Kids Dictionary
'Mumbai Mastermind' Said Arrested In Pak
'Staggering' Corruption by Blagojevich
'Staggering', Even by Illinois Standards
10% US Homeowners In Arrears Or Foreclosure
20 killed in bus fire in India
2010 ;Can Democrats Defend Their Gains
21st Sinclair Interview
21st Sinclair InterviewFlaming The Classics
21st Sinclair InterviewObama's Blatant, Dangerous Narcissism
300 Chinese activists sign public call for rights
49 charged with trespass following airport protest
90% UK Pension Plans In Red Over $300B
A Conservative Investment;Infrastructure
A Leading Bear Turns Bullish, Sort of
A Message to Obama's Progressive Critics
A Modern-day Islamist Inquisition
A New Bubble Is Blowing On Wall Street
A Path Out of the Wilderness
A Series of Warnings at Fan & Fred
ADHD Drug Causes Psychosis, Hallucinations, Mania
Afghanistan Producing Record Heroin
Al Gore and the Bard
Al Gore waves off official role - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
All Over Again
Amateur Video Killed Dion's Star
Americans Behind Pogroms In Hebron
Americans Should Own Bailouts They Finance
Analysts see worrying trend in airport incursions
And Now For A World Government
Another corrupt Democratic Congressman the news media won't cover
Antiviral Mismatch In US
Arm Yourself and Learn To Shoot
Arming India Against Terrorism
Arresting MPs, Nationalizing Banks & Dictatorships
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping
attorney Blagojevich has no plans of resigning - Carol E. Lee - Politico.com
Auto bailout plan goes to the White House
Auto Rescue Takes Shape
Axe ripped Fitzgerald’s patronage purge - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Bagging Blagojevich or How the Right Learned to Love Patrick Fitzgerald
Bailed-Out Bank In Toll Road Buying Binge
Baked Tarantulas and Chocolate-Covered Ants
Banks Withdraw Business Overdrafts
Barky - Economy Will Get Worse (A Bright Fellow)
BC Mormon Missionaries Find Bigfoot Tracks
Ben Bernanke's Daring Experiment
Bernanke .. Don't count on Fed - David Rogers - Politico.com
Big Government Is Back
Bill Ayers Whitewashes History, Again
Bill Moyers ... Journal Russ Feingold On The Rule Of Law
BIS Warns Of Collapse Of Global Lending
Blackwater indictments
Blackwater Killed Iraqis Trying To Surrender
Blackwater Thugs Face Manslaughter Charges
Blago's greatest hits - Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns - Politico.com
Blagogate ... Obama's Burden
Blagojevich and Media Bias
Block to Fok
boehner Future of GOP is Cao - Josh Kraushaar and Andy Barr - Politico.com
Boost the Economy, Get America Working
Bosnia and global jihad
Brazil ;Possible serial killings target gays
British animator Oliver Postgate dies at 83
Brzezinski - Israel's Iran War Plans Hurt US Ties
Budweiser To Cut 1,400 US Jobs
Bush Looks Back
Bush to move into formerly Whites Only Neighborhood
Bush's exit strategy ... Do as much damage on the way out as possible
Bush-Cheney ... How Not to Spread Democracy
Bystanders To This Financial Crime Were Many
CA Coastal Cities Get Tsunami Warning Signs
Cameron Must Become a Great PM
Cao's Upset of Rep. Jefferson in Louisiana Gives Republicans a New Hero - washingtonpost.com
Capitalist Fools... Placing Blame for the Crisis
Carl Levin questions Richard Shelby's ethics on the Auto rescue plan
Chabad Lubavitch Dangerous Game
Chance to Change Course on Cuba
Chemicals On Crops Could Make You Fat
Children At Risk
China Complainers Drugged, Put In Psych Wards
Chinese paper; Gov't critics sent to mental wards
Choosing Our Economic Future Wisely
Chris Wallace ... Company Man. Just Ask Cheney
Christmas Is Time for Kindness
Clashes, looting rock Greek cities for 4th night
Columnists Call For Taxpayer Revolt
Company Failures Headed To Record High
Complaint Filed In Rezko Land Deal
Convoy Attacks In Afghanistan Increase
Corrupt Illinois governor busted trying to sell Obama's Senate seat
Countdown ... Worst Person Dec. 8, 2008
Criticism shows growing frustration with Mugabe
Cruise ship evacuated due to Somali pirate threat
Cuban president to visit Venezuela
Dealing with Europe's Muslims
Death of a Thousand Cuts
Death Of Print Media Accelerates
Debt Deflation Is Tightening Its Global Grip
Defaulting Countries Reach To IMF, Fixers
Deflation’s Arrival Will Mean Savings & Profits
Democrat Kilroy Wins Ohio Open Seat
Democrats Call for Federal Oversight of Automakers - washingtonpost.com
Democrats Must Break With Rangel
Democrats playing politics with Chicago plant closing
Democrats Unveil $15 Billion Emergency Loan for Big Three Automakers - washingtonpost.com
Democrats Unveil $15 Million Big 3 Loan
Dems fight for seat at redistricting table - Martin Frost - Politico.com
Destabilization Of The Mid East & Central Asia
Determining Who's Most Likely To Succeed
Deutsche Bank To Cut 900 Staff
Did Democrats peak too early - Jeanne Cummings - Politico.com
Disobedient Irish To Vote On EU Again
Don't Buy Into the Deflation Delusion
Donofrio Obama Case Denied By SCOTUS - pdf
Doubleplusgood Condi Rice ... We all agree that there was no groupthink taking place in the White House
Dow Chemical To Cut 5,000 Jobs, Close 20 Plants
Down The Memory Hole For Christianity
Durbin calls for Senate seat election - Manu Raju - Politico.com
Education... How Much Reform Does Obama Want
Election Of The Greatest Con-Man In Recent History
End of the Line for Islamabad
End, Don't Mend, the TSA
Enduring Star Power of Lech Walesa
Enough Happy Talk, Detroit
EU Leaders Pick Pointless Fight with China
Evidence Sphinx Built Long Before Pyramids
Ex-Harvard scholar to become Liberal leader
Ex-scholar to become Liberal leader in Canada
Facebook pages in National Archives - Eamon Javers - Politico.com
Fannie & Freddie Knew
Fascinated by Fanatics and Terrorists
FDR's New Deal Team vs. Obama's Braniacs
feds Blagojevich 'has taken us to a truly new low' - Jonathan Martin and Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Five Most Influential Wartime Speeches
Five Sparks for a Stock Market Comeback
Following Zakheim & Missing $3T To Israel & 9-11
Food Barcodes Do Not Reveal 'Made In China'
For first lady, free work but no free time - Andie Coller - Politico.com
Ford's Volvo To Eliminate 4,616 Jobs
Foreign Policy - The First Law of Petropolitics
Former Bear Stearns CEO Says Wall St Is 'No More'
Fun with Birth Certificates
Gay Activists Show Fascist Tendencies
Gaza Truce Draws to a Lethal End
Gen. Eric Shinseki To Be Named as Head of the VA
George W. Bush and those whites-only Texas suburbs
Getting Out of the Credit Mess
Giant UFOs In New Videos - (CGI)
Global Advertising To Fall $21B
Global Economic Crisis - Bad & Worsening
Good People on Both Sides of Marriage Debate
Google Earth Accused Of Aiding Terrorists
GOP gushes over Blagojevich arrest - Andy Barr - Politico.com
GOP Moderates Play Key Role in Fate of Auto Aid
GOP Must Do Its Share For Detroit 3
GOP ranks seeking leadership posts - Jen DiMascio - Politico.com
Government Disarray in Mumbai
Great Sound-Money Books Available Again
Greater fool theory
Greece - Student Riots Enter 3rd Day
H5N1 Alerts In Eastern India
Hajj pilgrims not hopeful of Obama
Has An Alien Comet Entered The Solar System
Havoc In Greece - Talk Of 'Social Revolution'
Hayek and Kristol
Hayek vs. Bernanke
Hearst News Bans Rense!
Hedge Fund Roach Motels Might Be a Blessing
Here comes the Great Man complex
History and Amazement in House Race Outcome - NYTimes.com
Holder hearings set for early January - Andy Barr - Politico.com
House Democratic leaders unveil plan to aid Big Three automakers - Los Angeles Times
How BIG Is Wal-Mart
How Close Were Blagojevich and Obama
How Government Can Create A Depression
How Hitler Kept The People Happy
How Israel Defeated Terrorism in West Bank
How Rahm Emanuel Bought His Way To Power
How Sam Zell's Tribune Deal Went So Bad, So Fast
How To Do Public Works Right
How to Measure Countries' Entrepreneurs
How To Solve the Foreclosure Crisis
How To Unplug From The Grid
How Zionist Jews Control America
Human remains found in Argentine detention center
I Believe Hillary's Cardboard Cutout
IL Governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff arrested (updated)
Illinois Gov Tried To Sell Obama Senate Seat
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested
Import Cars Piling Up At Ports - No Demand
In Private Equity, the Limits of Apollo's Power
India gives info tying Mumbai gunmen to Pakistan
India Must Tread Carefully
India, China, and the Disciplinary Society
Information on gunmen killed in Mumbai attacks
Inhuman Israel Blocks Ship With Food, Medicine
Instead of Spending, Cut Taxes
Interest Rates Heading For Zero
Investing Moderately Is the Correct Path
Iran Crackdown On Western Clothes, Hairstyles
Iraq ... The Real Cause of GOP Rout
Iraqi police arrest 30 in fatal truck bombings
Irish won't halt beef sales despite dioxin scare
Is Afghanistan Obama's Quagmire
Is Senator Caroline Kennedy really a good idea
Israel To Help India Attack, Disarm Pakistan
Israeli Auto Kill Zone Towers Locked, Loaded
Israeli Occupation 'Reminiscent Of Apartheid'
It'll Hurt If Paul Volcker Has His Way
It's Official ... David Gregory is the new host of Meet The Press
James Chanos Is the 'Catastrophe Capitalist'
Japan Recession Much Worse Than Predicted
Jim Rogers on the Crash of '08
Joe Scarborough... You know what I wanna see George Bush making out with his mother.
Joe the Plumber McCain 'appalled me' - Andy Barr - Politico.com
John King to get 'Late Edition' job - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Jones May Be Star of Obama Foreign Policy Team
Kidd - Make This An American Christmas
Kidd - Patriots Make History...And Money
Kyoto Accord is Worthless
Lasky, Baehr Moran on the radio
Last Will And Testament Of A Farmer
Lebanese militant group says leader may be dead
Leftist Thought Controllers
Lessons from the Georgia Runoff
Liberals Don't Want Caroline Kennedy
Liberals Excited, Not Angry at Obama
Liberals Voice Concerns About Obama
Likes and Dislikes On Obama's Personnel Moves
Little hope for Chile's highway hero dog
London Girl with Plan to Save Syria
Looks like a Special election is coming for Blagojevich's pay to play Senate seat
Macroeconomics Is Complete Bunkum
Make Pakistan Pay the Price for Terrorism
Making Sense of Expanded Deterrence
Makow - Rockefeller Official Revealed NWO Plot In '69
Man sentenced in Madagascar animal smuggling case
Man sentenced in Madagascar animals smuggling case
McCain Warns Pakistan Of Indian Air Strikes
Merrill's John Thain Waives Bonus After Outcry
Mexico City police commander killed outside home
Mexico's Drug War
Milton Friedman and Auto Bailouts
More Barky Doubletalk About His Smoking
More Caroline senate rumors flying
Mortgages, Minorities and Fair Lending Laws
Mossad Fails In Top Anti-Iran Agenda
Mr. Cao Goes To Washington
Mt. Rainier Puts On A Cloud Show
Mumbai - The Case Against LeT And Pakistan Strengthens
Musicians protest use of songs by US jailers
NATO Drops Plan To Admit Georgia & Ukraine
Ned Barnett on Cavuto Show
New Deodorant Thwarts Underarm Hair
News Analysis - Washington Takes Risks With Its Auto Bailout Plans - NYTimes.com
No Change for Sale
No Chrysler Bailout until It Opens Up Its Books
Now Democrats, Too, Must Own the War
Now It's Jobs
NSA Rules Out Pearl Harbor Conspiracy (Right...)
Obama & The Neocon Middle East War Agenda
Obama ... Close Gitmo and No Torture
Obama and the Natural Born Citizen Clause
Obama And The World Crisis
Obama Economy 'Going to Get Worse'
Obama needs to get his story straight
Obama Preserves Politcal Capital for Stimulus Plan
Obama says he is 'saddened and sobered' by Blagojevich, but he had no contact with him
Obama Stimulus Plan Lacks Creativity
Obama The Usurper May Destroy The Republic
Obama to Spend Big, but Eye Deficit
Obama vs. Osama
Obama warns of the rough economic road ahead
Obama's Dependence on China
Obama's End Run around Congress
Obama's Foreign Policy Trap
Obama's Hot Spots
Obama's New Old Deal
Obama's Relationship to Progressives
Obama's Team of Conformists
Obama's Way Out of Iraq
Obamonomics--1930s Style
Officials Give Up On Finding 133 Ballots
Oil Prices Up On Talk Of OPEC Cut
Oil slips as markets question impact of output cut
Omert 'Shamed' By Israeli Settlers Pogrom
On the GOP's Communication Chasm
One Thriving Sector - The Busines Of Death
OPEC Readies For Major Production Cut
Our own John Amato on NPR
Pakistan 'Ready For War With India'
Pakistan Offers Small Sop to India
Pakistan Takes On LeT, But Will It Stand
Pakistan Refuses To Extradite Mumbai Suspects
Party defies pundits to win state polls in India
Patriarch Alexy II of Russia
Paul Krugman's Depression Economics
People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants and Rivers
Pesticides Destroying Male Sexuality In All Species
PhD Economist, Prof - Gold Market Is Manipulated
Pirates, Terrorism and Failed States
Police clash with rioters in northern Greek city
Porco Rosso
Power to Those Challenging Industry Dinosaurs
PR governor seeks help for islanders held in China
Preparing the Pentagon for a New Age
President Bush... Welcome to my hanging
Questions Arise About the Obama-Blagojevich Relationship
Race On to Finalize Auto Deal
Raise Gas Taxes
Ray Kelly's Wiretap Alarm
Red Cross unites 15 families in eastern Congo
Remarks on Blagojevich Investigation
Remember College
Repairing Bush's legacy... Lotsa luck with that
Restore the Uptick Rule, Restore Confidence
Rewarding Those Who Got It Right
Richard Shelby Threatens Filibuster Over Auto Bailout
Rogue Regime
Royal Order Of Jesters Prostitution Update - pictures
Russia - US Missiles Will Be Aimed At it
Russians bid farewell to Orthodox church leader
Sarkozy Fritters Away French Democracy
Say goodbye to Freedom's Watch
Scientists try to mitigate climate change effects
Scores NATO Trucks Destroyed In Pak
SCOTUS rejects case questioning Obama's eligibility
SCOTUS Won't Hear Obama Birth Cert (Fix Totally In)
Secret Santas In 3 States Spread $100 Bills
Senator Clinton, 2001-2008
Sharon - A True Zionist
Slate Slums With Eliot Spitzer
Small Isn't Beautiful
Social Security ...Please 'Tax Me More'
Socialism & Capitalism ...Forsaken Routes to Utopia
Somalia Is Everyone's Problem
Some charges out against US pilots in Amazon crash
Some charges out against US pilots in Brazil crash
Songs forced on detainees by US jailers
Sony Cuts 16,000 Jobs, Shuts Plants
Spanish cardinal to head liturgy office
Spend, Obama, Spend! And Save Jobs
Strategic Motivations For The Mumbai Attack
Students Told To Question Their Heterosexuality
Suspected remains of US airmen repatriated
Taking Stock of Rupert Murdoch
Team Obama Must Hang Together
Terror from the Sea
Terrorist Death Wish
Terrorists Want to Destroy Pakistan, Too
Thailand's Coup in Disguise
The 'Charity' That Plotted Mumbai Attacks
The 'Charity' That Plotted the Mumbai Attacks
The Best of the Budget Bubblies
The Bill Clinton loopholes - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
The Blagojevich Criminal Complaint - pdf
The CIA and Its Reporter-Friends
The Claimed Irrelevance of Appointments
The Coming of Age of the Organization Kids
The Dangers of Obama's Public-Works Juggernaut
The Eurozone Depends on a Strong U.S. Recovery
The Exquisite Difficulty of Preemption
The fairy tale school of political analysis
The Faisalabad 16
The Famine Of 2009
The Fed's Exploding Balance Sheet
The Future of Journalism (And How to Start It)
The Great Credit Card Scandal
The Gutsiest Governor in America
The Harmful Nature of Inequality Myths
The Imperial Transition
The Lynching of Walter Block
The Meaning Of Mumbai
The Media's Failure to State the Obvious
The Mossad's Infiltration Of America
The New 'bin Ladin' Is Being Set Up
The Perfect Stimulus Package
The Politics of a Bailout
The Religious Case for Gay Marriage
The Return of Intellectualism in Politics
The Rev. Wright ad McCain refused to run
The Roots of Jihad in India
The Russian war on words
The Sovietization of the Economy
The Tinfoil-Hat Brigade vs. Obama
The VAT Subsidy
The World Would Miss America's Military
Time for a U.S., Russia Energy Alliance
Top 10 Famous Quotes About Propaganda
Transcripts ... Ben Stein and John Stossel Debate the Auto Bailout
Transcripts ... Brooks and Marcus on the Week in Politics
Transcripts ... Interview with Commerce Secretary Gutierrez
Transcripts ... Interview with President-Elect Barack Obama
Transcripts ... Interview with Representative Sander Levin
Transcripts ... Obama Announces Parts of His Economic Recovery Plan
Transcripts ... Panel on Dems and An Aggressive Obama
Transcripts ... President Bush's Speech to the Saban Forum
Transcripts ...Guests - Secretary Rice, Tony Blair
Transcripts ...Guests - Secretary Rice; Senators Levin & Shelby
Transcripts ...Guests - Senators Dodd and Sessions (PDF)
Treasury Bills Trade at Negative Rates as Haven Demand Surges
Tribune 'News' Giant Going BK - LAT-ChiTrib
Tribune Files For Bankruptcy
Trouble in the Other Middle East
Trump Blames Crisis On Divine Intervention
Twilight of the Newspapers
Typing Without A Clue
UK Slowdown Worse Than Forecast
UK Women Embrace Inner Slut
Ultra-hawkish list of candidates for Likud
Un-President Barky's $1T Econ Stimulus Package
Unions Aren't the Problem
US Bailout Watchdog Appointed
US Cannot Kill Its Way To Victory, Says Gates
US criticized at UN session on terrorism
US extradites Austrian fugitive wanted for fraud
US Supreme Court - Deny, Deny, Deny
Use a Predator to Take Out Mugabe
video - ET Looking Into Window
video - Live ET In Isolation Room
video -Best Grey ET Video
video -Eerie Organ Transplant Memories
video -Fraud - Gore Sued By 30,000 Scientists
video -Miracle 5 Yr Old Blind Korean Piano Genius
video -New World Order Now In School Textbooks
video -Stronger Than Cement, Six Times Lighter
video -What YouTube Viewers Want
video -Zionist MO - Dodging Facts & Direct Questions
Wal-Mart's Waltons - The Beasts Of Bentonville
Walter Block vs. Anonymous
Want Real Stimulus ..Try Universal Healthcare
Warlords Toughen U.S. Task in Afghanistan
Warrantless UK Parliament Searches Soon
WH nears auto loan agreement - David Rogers - Politico.com
What About Limited Government
What Cuomo Wants from Wall St.
What Exactly Is the Federal Rescue Plan Achieving
What Is Tim Pawlenty Talking About
What Obama Has to Look Forward To
What We Have to Fear
What's a little corruption among friends
What’s wrong with Illinois - Eamon Javers and Fred Barbash - Politico.com
When elites eschew defense The case of India
Who Gets It, and Who Doesn't, on Wall Street
Who Was Behind the Mumbai Massacre
Why Terrorists Hate India
Why the Economy Is In a Tailspin
Why The Universe May Be Teeming With ETs
Why World Still Needs American Might
Wil Livni Risk It All for Peace
Will Ireland Vote Yes On Lisbon
William Jefferson loses re-election
Witnesses; Ethiopians troops pouring into Somalia
Workers Pay for Debacle at Tribune
World's Hungry Close To One Billion
Wrotnowski Vs Obama To Get Full SCOTUS Conf
XDR-TB - A Quick Killer Without Borders
Zionism-Humanism Gap Becoming Unbridgeable
Zionist Straw To 'Rebalance' Human Rights
Zombies Are U.S.

cbs2chicago.com - Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Arrested By Federal Agents
Gov. Blagojevich free on bond after being arrested by feds CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich and Operation Board Games (2)
Gov. Blagojevich free on bond after being arrested by feds CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich and Operation Board Games
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Is Charged With Trying to Sell President-Elect Obama's Senate Seat - WSJ.com
India Vows ‘All Actions’ to Prevent Further Terrorist Attacks
Obama Says He Had No Contact With Blagojevich on Senate Seat
Obama Senate Seat For Sale - December 9, 2008
Rod Blagojevich, Illinois governor -- chicagotribune.com
A History Timeline of Population Control
ABC News Even Santa's Job Isn't Safe
Ananova - Villagers flock to see 'stone flower'
Asia Times Online Japan News and Japanese Business and Economy
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Dig unearths Stone Age sculptures
BBC NEWS UK England Hampshire New flying reptile species found
Broadway hit by downturn - Telegraph
Cancer to pass heart disease as No. 1 killer Lifestyle Reuters
Cartoon Porn Kids Are People Says Judge
cbs2chicago.com - Day 5 Of Republic Sit-In Leaders Vow To Stay The Course; Talks Continue With Bank of America
Confessions Throw 9-11 Trial Into Confusion
Cost Of Bailout Hits $8.5 Trillion
Cryptomundo » Hoax Bigfoot Abandoned In Shed
Drones To Patrol U.S.-Canada Border
Eat camels to protect environment, Aussies told
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Expedition uncovers ancient citadel in Peruvian jungle
F-18 Crashes Into San Diego Neighborhood
Fed Authorizes Chinese Bank To Operate In U.S.
Filibuster Al Qaeda Founder Robert Gates
Former ISI Chief 9-11 & Mumbai Inside Jobs
Former ISI Chief Mumbai And 9-11 Both “Inside Jobs”
FT.com - Companies - Media - NYT eyes asset sales
FT.com - Global Economy - World’s hungry ‘close to one billion’
Gas Hits Lowest Price In 5 Years
Google Earth accused of aiding terrorists - Times Online
Guns For Food In Los Angeles
Hacker in final showdown to avoid extradition to US Technology guardian.co.uk
Has an alien comet infiltrated the solar system - space - 02 December 2008 - New Scientist
India's 9-11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks
Informed Comment Afghan article says US Bin-Ladin hunt phoney
L.A. critics wired for 'Wall-E' - Entertainment News, Award Central News, Media - Variety
Man sentenced in bizarre collar-bomb robbery plot - CNN.com
Man's suicide death to be shown on TV The Sun News
My Way News - Calling in 'gay' to work is latest form of protest
My Way News - Clashes, looting rock Greek cities for 4th night
My Way News - Deal seems near, but talks on auto bailout drag on
My Way News - Obama works to distance himself from Ill. governor
Naveed's Realm Green skinned women and other strangeness of the Hollow Earth
New population of endangered monkey found in northern Vietnam - Nature, Environment - The Independent
New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade
New York Times to Borrow $225 Million Against Its Mid-Manhattan Headquarters Building
NSA Says There Was No Pearl Harbor Conspiracy
NWO Books on Tape World Government, Eugenics, Scientific Technique & Power
NY Times Mortgages Its Own Building
Obama Do Not Stock Up On Guns
Obama Pushes Carbon Tax Proposal That Would Inflict New Great Depression
Obama Urged To Create Cyberspace Office
Oprah Winfrey says she weighs 200 pounds
Pakistan We're ready for war with India - Telegraph
Pollution Feminizing Male Species
Press For Truth Canada Confronts Paul Martin on Bilderberg and the SPP
Rare 50 year Arctic Blast Sets Sights On Southern California. Conejo Valley Ventura County Star
Rice U.S. Will Act Against Alleged Mumbai Perpetrators if Pakistan Will Not
Ritalin A Brain Boosting Drug
Rod Blagojevich, Illinois governor -- chicagotribune.com
SEC FOIA Response For WTC 7 Records Bibliography
SPACE.com -- Invisible Lights on Mars Mapped
SPACE.com -- Planet Found Orbiting Puffed-Up Star
T-Bills Sell For Less Than Zero Percent
The 10 big energy myths Environment The Guardian
The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Could “Space Junk” Account for some NASA UFOs
The Panopticon Economy
The Paranormal Pastor Dead Ringers
The strange phenomenon of fungi that glow in Japan Corner Mystery
U.S. Could Take Stakes in Big 3 - WSJ.com
UK Bill To Allow Searches Without Warrant
Using Invisibility To Increase Visibility
Washington Times - D.C. 'nightmare' looms for inauguration
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE Obama's Web presence loses its luster
wcbstv.com - NYC Eatery Charges 3 Percent For Food You Waste
wcbstv.com - They're Coming 'Seat-less' NYC Subway Cars
Why I want my husband's death in a suicide clinic shown on TV... he wanted to get people thinking and talking about it Mail Online
Would eating heavy atoms lengthen our lives - health - 27 November 2008 - New Scientist
Court Won't Review Obama's Eligibility To Serve
Photography captures spirit of the spirit world
Rock painting reveals unknown bat
The Mysterious Ainu
'Americans would be shocked to know how much food is wasted'
'Because I created you and I love you, for goodness' sake - GOD'
'Certainly, there is enormous interest in Illinois in support of Barack'
'I am stunned ... 'saint,' 'buttercup,' 'heather' and 'sycamore' have all gone'
'I don't think the average person realizes what an important piece of technology [it] has been'
'I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware'
'I look at my thinner self and think, 'How did I let this happen again'
'I was really worried that this might have been a sick animal'
'It doesn't seem right to celebrate 1 particular set of customs'
'It was a job I loved. This is destroying me and my family'
'It's a film where almost every actor seems like they're born to the role'
'It's beautiful meat. It's a bit like beef. It's as lean as lean, it's an excellent health food'
'It's literally like you're driving a nice car and you run out of gas'
'It's novel but clever, better than just using beautiful models on the sign'
'Most imagine a God who is accessible, listening ... sometimes answers back'
'Now we are all facing a recession together'
'People are thinking twice before impulse purchases, including paying for sex'
'Smart' fabric glows in response to allergens
'Taking America Back' blueprint for moral, social, political renewal
'The biggest problem is you have a bunch of adults acting like juveniles'
'The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering'
'The other chose not to even walk out of a church where a pastor is spewing hatred'
'There is a multitude of bad decisions. They all just compound each other'
'There is even someone's initials scrawled on the base of Joseph'
'There really was a bright object appearing in the East at the right time'
'They have caused me tremendous emotional pain and suffering'
'They took me to a back room, inside of the school and started to beat me'
'We have no one to blame but ourselves for not standing true to our ideals'
'We're still, unfortunately, in the beginning stages of this'
'You learn how to be objective even with ones you're not so keen on'
'You see her hands. You see her head. You see everything'
25-year bar on concealed firearms to be eliminated just before Inauguration Day
45 known terrorists granted amnesty
553,000 unemployed last month ... Big 3 restructured by government
9-year-old says mother held him down, used crayon to scratch derogatory word
A Christmas letter from the front lines in Iraq
A cow and pig 'sin' tax
Advertised in Police magazine leg irons and neck collars ‘ideal for dictators’
Also refers to Elizabeth Hasselback of 'The View' as 'that dumb broad'
Ancient Peruvian city discovered in Amazon rainforest linked to legendary white-skinned, blond-haired “Cloud People”
Angry Laid-Off Workers Occupy Factory in Chicago
Animal's severed head recovered in chest freezer at suspect's apartment
Annual tradition 'It's fun, it's a great stress reliever'
Auto turmoil casts cloud over factory jobs - AP
Axelrod - Obama Spoke To Il Gov About Replacement
Bailout plan gives federal government warrants in exchange for loans
Band says similarities 'entirely coincidental, and just as surprising to us as'
Banking regulators say more than half already in default for 2nd time
Big pharma pushing Adderall and Ritalin as productivity boosters for humans.
Bleak economic data in Japan and Europe - Reuters
Bush talks of belief in God,views on creationism and science in ABC interview - AP
Call 5 counts for inappropriate touching prosecutorial overkill
Calling In 'Gay' to Work Is Latest Form of Protest - Fox
Camels being booted for donkeys, sheep as economy affecting Christmas choices
Campaign to contact Electoral College voters takes off
Carter to meet with officials in Beirut - Jerusalem Post
Central America and Dominican Republic agree to create single currency
Chicago PD - No Arrest In Donald Young Murder
Chinese property hunters to raid US
Cleric; Muslim anger will burn Israelis - J'lem Post
Clothing with a brain; 'Smart fabrics' that monitor health
Congress sends White House auto aid proposal
Convicted Obama fund-raiser Rezko closely tied to Blagojevich
Councillor; ‘I watched six UFOs over North Wales’
Cultural cancer
D.C. 'nightmare' looms for inauguration - Washington Times
David Limbaugh hits conservatives who 'lack the stomach for political warfare'
Democrat maintains lawful owners 'have nothing to fear'
Democrat married, 2 daughters, served in Congress
Dennis Prager calls Net show by 'Hairspray' composer 'inherently hateful'
Drone to Keep Watch on U.S.-Canada Border
Earth needs asteroid shield, UN told
Eligibility dispute, Part 2, scheduled by Supremes - WND
Eligibility dispute, Part 2, scheduled by Supremes
Eminent psychiatrist makes case that leftist thinking is a mental disorder
EU presidency to boost ties with Israel - J'lem Post
Ex-Chrysler boss; 'You don't change coaches in the middle of a game'
Exclusive ... Brad O'Leary points out even union members oppose government bailout
Exclusive ... Dave Welch spotlights lack of biblical worldview among young Christians
Exclusive ... Janet Porter reveals newest questions about Democrat
Exclusive ... Joseph Farah advises opposition to turn down every overture from Obama
Exclusive ... Les Kinsolving poses 6 questions to secretary of state designate
Exclusive ... Mychal Massie's skeptical Obama will focus on enemy like FDR did
Exclusive ... Peter Rosenberger asks, why do atheists allow gov't workers to be off Dec. 25
Exclusive ... Roger Simmermaker cites significance of auto industry
Exclusive ... Vox Day explains why society, tradition are not transitive
Exclusive ... Janet Porter puts pressure on Fox News for rejecting eligibility ad
Exclusive; Freedom's Watch to close - Washington Times
Execs blame recession, but this is about reinvention, too
Extraordinary experiences always recession-proof
Eye Spy Filmmaker Plans to Install Camera in His Eye Socket Gadget Lab
FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on Al Qaeda by White House officials
Fed approves Chinese bank CCB to open office in US
Find out what became of Ralphie, Flick, rest of cast from holiday classic
FLASHBACK - As traditions draw national controversy, believers, pagans grapple over Jesus' inclusion
Florida district expects to lose about $160 million next year
Found - UFO Debris
Four Big Lies about the Big Three Automakers - Dan Weil
Gets trooper's approval for cigarette, but item contained marijuana
Ghana's 'miracle' Logging underwater forests for exotic timber
Ghost Stories ;Visits from the Deceased
Ghosts, aliens and us - Los Angeles Times
Girlfriend's eardrum ruptured during excessively hot smooch
Governor yesterday called him 'a very strong candidate in a very strong position' for job
Governor, chief of staff arrested on charges related to 'sale' of Obama's Senate seat
Great Empires Declined as Climate Changed
Greg Sainer flays news source for 'constantly beating an increasingly dead horse'
Henpecked hubby sprints to get ticket to avoid hearing complaints from spouse
Hong Kong reports New Bird Flu Outbreak - AP
Humane society spokeswoman 'It was very, very traumatic for me'
If you think Christmas traditions originated in Holy Scripture, think again
Illinois Governor arrested on corruption charges for allegedlytrying to 'sell' Obama's vacantSenate seat - Fox
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Suspends State Business with Bank of America and Is Then Promptly Arrested by the FBI on Corruption Charges
In lean times, SoCal residents trade guns for food
In outcry over siege, two Indias emerge - Emily Wax
India, Russia sign 10 new energy agreements
Interpol likely to join probe into Mumbai attacks
Iran rejects Obama's 'carrot-and-stick'proposal of economic incentivesand tighter sanctions - AP
Iran says successfully tested new missile
Iran; We won't halt nuke work despite US - Ynet
Israel again bans internationalmedia from Gaza - AP
Israel math, science scores take a dive - J'lem Post
Israeli general; Forces ready for Iran attack
Items feature pictures of young boozers unconscious in puddles of vomit
Janet Levy highlights moves to enact 'Wild Law' – to the detriment of humans
Jewish mom thinks words 'Christmas,' 'Santa' inappropriate
Jews get killed, but Muslims feel vulnerable - Mark Steyn
Justices won’t give questions about qualifications full hearing
Kadima; Likud held captive by extremist Right - Ynet
Lawyer had argued evidence of soliciting sex at bathroom was lacking
Lebanon farmer grows super-sized spud - Yahoo! News UK
Likud veterans prevail in primaries
Livni ..I am ashamed to call situation with Gaza a ceasefire - J'lem Post
Majority whip 'shocked' at his Democrat governor's arrest
Manger scene to feature 2 Josephs, 2 Marys at homosexual festival
Many have assumed more Mexicans would give up on American dream
Mark Roth's Proof of Reincarnation - Scientist Bringing Back the Dead
Market's pullback not surprising considering previous steep gains
Minister in coma after suffering from skull fractures, internal bleeding
Money wisdom about giving, profit-sharing plans, corporate abuse of employee
More fireball sighting reports in Portland, High Desert
Mormon missionaries find sasquatch print
Mt. Rainier puts on a show!
Muslim plea to Obama Return to 'Islamic roots' - 'Allah will reward you for all who convert in your footsteps' - WND
Muslim plea to Obama; Return to 'Islamic roots'
Nanotechnology 'Culture War' Possible, Says Yale Study
New York Gov. David Paterson says he wants to follow Obama as president
New York Times to Borrow $225 Million Against Its Mid-Manhattan Headquarters Building
Next Steps in the Indo-Pakistani Crisis - George Friedman
Nuclear weapons decision awaits Obama - USA Today
Obama economic adviser was socialist party member
Obama's cult factor in action
Obama's socialist shock and awe
Online news guy creates new blog on interplay of popular culture, politics
Over 160 U.S. & Nato Vehicles Burned In Pakistan
Owner of newspapers, Chicago Cubs trying to deal with $13 billion debt
Pakistan Arrests 20 Mumbai Suspects, Won't Extradite to India - Fox
Parent company will appeal ruling favoring rival Mattel
Pastor beaten and robbed whiledecorating church - KABC
Pastor; 'God really protected the boy'
Pat Buchanan hammers idea Americansshould continue reckless spending habit
Patrick Fitzgerald known for his prosecution of Plame case
Pilot ejected before jet crashed in San Diego neighborhood
Points gun at head of woman rooting for college football team
Police also spend hundreds of hours spying on Quakers, other peace groups
Police; 'The [environmentalist] campaigners are feeling pretty stupid'
Pollution Causing Feminisation of Males Across Multiple Species
Poor Children's Brain Activity Resembles That Of Stroke Victims, EEG Shows
Poverty report; 36% of Israelis live in hunger - Ynet
Powder Threat Letters Sent to at Least 6 Governors - Fox
Power Doesn't Corrupt, Study Suggests
President says in interview he believes creation compatible with evolution
Pro-life Christian group exposed chain's dangerous practices for more than 10 years
Rare 50 year Arctic Blast SetsSights On Southern California -Ventura County Star
Report - Iran rocket arsenal tripled in 2008
Rescue plan by Congress would create world's most powerful marketing exec
Riots Rock Greece - Reuters
Santa's cause
Scientists ask; Is technology rewiring our brains - Yahoo! News
Seeks to ease cash flow squeeze as company grapples with shrinking profits
SEGA Interested In Microchip Implants For Games
Served to death by 'public servants'
Shady cash transfers link kingdom charities to French accounts, Arafat's graft
Space elevator trips could be agonisingly slow
SPACE.com -- Secretive Space Vehicle Tested at Private Texas Site
Spokeswoman doesn't address newspaper bankruptcy, closure plans
Stocks decline after 2-day rally - USA Today
Strange Experiments Create Body-Swapping Experiences
Strategy apparently to force troop shipments to Kashmir fight
Taped saying unless he received 'something real good' he would appoint himself
Tells of guiding role Christianity played during presidency
The Great Sphinx of Giza reborn as a lion in the desert
The panopticon economy; The NSA’s new data-mining facility is one component of a growing local surveillance industry
Today's President Roosevelt – oh really
Treasury Bills Trade at Negative Rates as Haven Demand Surges
Trots past speeding cars to pull body of another away from traffic
Turning up heat on campaign, DNC to reimburse city of Chicago
Urban assault teams to unleash packs of all-seeing, hopping robots armed with mini missiles
US ; Blackwater used grenades on unarmed Iraqis and launched a grenade into a girls' school
US Economy In Accelerating Freefall
US supplies $3.84 billion to 35 banks from bailout pot - Jerusalem Post
Vatican Under Fire for Opposing U.N. Declaration on Sexual Rights - Fox
Victors called 'examples for us and for our children'
video - Former drug officer launches 'KopBusters' TV show
video - Former ISI Chief- Mumbai and 9-11 Were Both Inside Jobs
Viewership for Barack's weekly YouTube 'fireside chats' tanking
Watch as dog dodges traffic to drag away injured canine
Weatherman terrorists ;Obama's centrism a 'smokescreen'
What 'Yes' Means - The Arab Peace Initiative - Mati Steinberg
What's Old Is New 12 Living Fossils
When discussing getting something for vacant Senate seat
White House No long-term financing 'if they can't prove long-term viability'
Who speaks for evangelicals
wtc7 - NIST Finally Admits Freefall
Zbigniew Brzezinski ;Israel's push for Iran strike may hurt U.S. ties
‘Chanukah Bush’ flap and graciousness - How times have changed -Rabbi Avi Shafran