"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

05 December 2008

Friday - Music /News

joe strummer and johnny cash - redemption song
Redemption Song - Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
YouTube - 10cc - Dreadlock Holiday
YouTube - Bob Marley - Buffalo Soldier
YouTube - Johnny Cash & Merle Haggard - Sing Me Back Home
YouTube - Johnny Cash - Me And Bobby McGee (live)
YouTube - Johnny Cash Hurt
YouTube - Johnny Cash- Ring of Fire 1968
YouTube - Redemption Song - Bob Marley - Song of Freedom
YouTube - Santana - Samba Pa Ti
YouTube - The Radiators - Like Dreamers Do
YouTube - The Radiators - You Ain't Goin' Nowhere 2-21-91
YouTube - The Radiators on Nantucket_Ring of Fire
YouTube - War - Edwin Starr
YouTube - War - Slippin' Into Darkness
YouTube - War - So
YouTube - War-Low Rider

$500 Fine For Not Recycling
2008 Will Be Coolest Year Of Decade
50 Strange Buildings of the World Village of Joy
A Fateful Turn by Jacob Steelman
A New National Security Team featuring Christopher A. Preble (Cato Institute Daily Podcast)
Afraid To Debate by Walter Block
Ala. county sets 'Barack Obama Day' as new holiday
All shook up Cocktail expert Simon Difford reveals his yuletide recipes - Features, Food & Drink - The Independent
AmericanHeritage.com - Like Kissing Your Sister
Are We Keeping Gates’ Defense Budget (Cato @ Liberty)
Barnacles by Thomas Schmidt
BBC NEWS Africa Somalia nearing a 'total famine'
BBC NEWS Science-Nature Antarctic 'treasure trove' found
Bernanke's Playbook by Gary North
Big Three Ask for Money — Again
Bill Clinton eyes role, too - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Bill O'Reilly To End Syndicated Radio Show
Breitbart.tv » ‘Prop 8 The Musical’ All-Star Hollywood Cast Makes Video Mocking Gay Marriage Opponents
Bush Reported To Be Drinking Heavily
Bush's War on Civil Liberties by James Bovard
CAIR's attempt to extract fees from Michael Savage rejected
Calif. ex-Assembly speaker's son a murder suspect
Cato Institute Obama's National Security Policy A New Approach or More of the Same (Capitol Hill Briefing)
CFR-Brookings Report Reveals Obama Mid-East Plan
Clinton Ineligible For Secretary Of State
CNSNews.com - Byrd’s Office Explores Constitutionality of Sen. Clinton Serving as Secretary of State
Cost Of Bailout Hits $8.5 Trillion
Deal Journal - WSJ.com Mean Street Why GM Is Doomed
Death Elevator Shows Signs of Struggle
Electric shock as sales of green cars go into reverse - Times Online
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Every Feminist’s Nightmare by Thomas DiLorenzo
Forty years on, Laos reaps bitter harvest of the secret war World news The Guardian
FOXNews.com - Jihad Recruiting Effort May Explain Missing Somalis in Minneapolis Area - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Self-Embedding Disorder Teens Putting Nails, Paper Clips in Bodies, Study Finds - Health News Current Health News Medical News
G-Speak Minority Report Gesture UI Actually Made By Minority Report Designer
globeandmail.com Whisky kicks the crantini to the curb
Government in Violation of Antitrust Laws by Chris Brown
Gulf Oil CEO says gas could hit $1 next year - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger
Hutus vs. Tutsis by Murray N. Rothbard
Informed Comment Afghan article says US Bin-Ladin hunt phoney
Is Iran Policy Still Up for Grabs by Tom Engelhardt and Robert Dreyfuss
It took 90 minutes for Daily News to 'steal' the Empire State Building
It Was a Bad Week for Modern Medicine by Bill Sardi
Jewish mother killed in Mumbai attacks 'was pregnant'... and her son, 2, may have been beaten by militants Mail Online
Lawsuit Claims Citigroup Was Running Ponzi Scheme
Losing Interest in Economic Recovery by S.J. Masty
Lost city of 'cloud people' found in Peru - Telegraph
Lost City Of Cloud People Found In Peru
Making Sense of the Taliban by Tom Engelhardt and Anand Gopal
Milwaukee Neighborhoods Might Print Own Money
More Controversy Over Female-Male Pay Gap by Walter Block
Mumbai (Bombay) police had First World War weapons
NASA Delays Mars Mission To 2011
New indictment Bernard Kerik shoulda spilled in Dept. of Homeland Security interview
New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade
Newsmax.com – Kennedy Auction Hang Out With Bill O'Reilly
NY soldier acquitted of murder in officers' deaths
Obama Chooses to Stay the Course on Foreign Policy
Obama Pushes Carbon Tax Proposal That Would Inflict New Great Depression
Obama's New World Order
On The Road With the Appleseed Project Creating Liberty One Rifleman at a Time by William Buppert
Pakistan refuses to hand over suspects to India, bombay india - Telegraph
Pentagon Raises Status Of Irregular Warfare
Problems For Post 9-11 Security Program
Proposed Fee On Smelly Hogs And Animals
Questions linger about death of Israeli activist JTA - Jewish & Israel News
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
Recession When the money goes, so does the toxic wife - Telegraph
Regimens For the best pick-me-up, lie down - International Herald Tribune
Report Banks torpedoed rules that could have saved them - USATODAY.com
Reuters AlertNet - Moscow's mayor links gays to spread of AIDS
ReviewJournal.com - News - O.J. Simpson sentencing in Las Vegas
Say No to the Auto Bailout
School cancels Christmas nativity in favour of Muslim Eid celebrations - Telegraph
Sea animals navigate with magnetic maps - Times Online
SEC FOIA Response For WTC 7 Records Bibliography
Secret theme behind Narnia Chronicles is based upon the stars, says new research - Telegraph
Shall We Save the Economy … or the Government by Vin Suprynowicz
Shhhhhhhh! Dow Loses Nearly 2,300 When Bernanke Talks
Space Group Wants Focus On Asteroids
St. Louis Leader Says Police Ineffective
Still Unprepared Against Terror - HUMAN EVENTS
Study Illuminates Star Explosion From 16th Century
Suicide Blasts Kill 17 In Iraq
Teacher forces teens to question being 'straight'
Teen girls charged in nursing home abuse - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
The Associated Press Rastafarian can sue over Jiffy Lube hair policy
The Atlantic Online December 2008 What Girls Want Caitlin Flanagan
The Cost of Hegemony Is Beyond Reach by Paul Craig Roberts
The Dollar and the Tower Get in Bed by Joshua Powell
The Force Is With Us by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The Great Society A Libertarian Critique by Murray N. Rothbard
The Lew Rockwell Show - 77. Hayek, Nozick, Starkie
The Lew Rockwell Show - 78. 75 Years Ago Prohibition Was Repealed
The Lincoln Gambit by William Norman Grigg
The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve by Ron Paul
The Persecution of Plaxico Burress by Johnny Kramer
Their sitter made porn ... with their child - TwinCities.com
Torture, Preventive Detention and the Terror Trials at Guantánamo by Andy Worthington
Truthdig - Reports - Confronting the Terrorist Within
U.S. Troops May Be Deployed In Arizona
Video Star Trek gets ready to boldly go again -Times online
Wartime diet of regular fasting slashes prostate cancer risk Mail Online
Washington Arrogance Has Fomented a Muslim Revolution by Paul Craig Roberts
What Happened in Mumbai by William S. Lind
What's Good for GM featuring Daniel J. Ikenson (Cato Institute Daily Podcast)
Who Rules the Pentagon by Tom Engelhardt and Frida Berrigan
Why Should a Failing Automaker Receive a Bailout by Wilton D. Alston
Will Supreme Court Take Obama Citizenship Case
World's oldest living animal discovered after he is pictured in 1900 photograph - Telegraph (2)
World's oldest living animal discovered after he is pictured in 1900 photograph - Telegraph
World's oldest marijuana stash totally busted - Discovery.com- msnbc.com
A Bleak Outlook Nov. Job Loss, Economic Weakness
Alex Jones on Russia Today
Barack Obama’s kettle of hawks
Canadian Govt Poised to Fall After Less Than 2 Months
Chrysler exec failure could spark depression
CNN Censors Federal Reserve Rant
Corporate Debt Protection Costs Climb Amid Depression Concern
Court Allows Unlimited Police Power to Plant GPS on Vehicles
Financial crisis could trigger social unrest, warns UN chief
Hit TV Series To Feature 9-11 Conspiracy Plot
Huffington Post Democrat Hillary is the One
India raises spectre of war over Mumbai attacks
Jaish-e-Muhammad is Added to the List of Mumbai Suspects
More Political Censorship at YouTube
Mumbai Terror; Evidence being deliberately ignored
Mumbai Terrorists Were Aided By Indian Authorities
New Coalition Drawing Up Nationwide Broadband Access Strategy
New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade
Nobel Winning Economist Financial Crisis a Distraction
Obama and the New World Order
Obama says S.Asia is chief threat to U.S.
Russia touts itself as ‘anti-American’ world power
The Politics of Oil, War and Terrorism Towards a New Obama Policy
U.S. bailout monitor sees lack of a coherent plan
Yuan Devaluation May Spark Race to the Bottom
1 in 10 homeowners behind on mortgage payments, or in foreclosure...
100% Tamiflu Resistance In Austria
1930s beggar-thy-neighbour fears as China devalues
2008 Will Be The Coldest Year Of Decade
50 Ways To Beat Deflation
AFRICOM China and Congo Resource Wars
Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM Domestic Security Force
America's Second Great Depression Has Started
Ananova - Villagers flock to see 'stone flower'
Ancient City Found In Amazonian Rainforest
Anti-Terror Laws Used Against UK Paperboys
AP Exclusive.. Pentagon to recruit aliens on visas
AP's terror photographer honored in NYC
Atheist sign stolen from state holiday display
Audio - Mark Levin Show ... Dec 4, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show ... Dec 1, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show ... Dec 2, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show ... Dec 3, 2008
Auto Bailout - Whose Jobs Will Be Saved
Bad idea of the week...well, maybe the year
Bangkok's International Airport Officially Reopens
Bankrupt G7 Print Money To Reflate Economies
BBC NEWS UK England Hampshire New flying reptile species found
Berlusconi plans to use G8 presidency to 'regulate the internet'
Biden picks Bernstein as his economic adviser
Biden to supporters; Retire Clinton debt
Big 3 US Car Makers Plead For $34B More
BillO decides to drop the radio schtick
Biological terror attack likely by 2013, panel says - CNN.com
Blackwell throws hat in RNC ring
BoE Has Little Option But To Print
BoE Mulls Massive Cash Injection
Boy George Convicted For Restraining, Beating Norwegian Male Escort
Brain Fingerprinting Coming To Airports
Brussels to project 'soft power' in post-Soviet zone
Bush defends Middle East vision
Bush's environmental legacy on GMOs is irreversible
Bush's USDA Threatens Organic Farmers
California Eyes IOUs for Second Time Since Depression
California May Pay With IOUs for Second Time Since Depression
Canada Afghan death toll hits 100
Canada Paralysis As Talk Of Separation Grows
Canada's Conservative government faces challenge to its control
Canada's Harper Worse Than Bush
Canadian leader suspends Parliament to keep power
Canadian PM wins suspension of Parliament
Car bomb kills 20 in northwest Pakistan's Peshawar
Caroline Kennedy interested in NY Senate seat
Cecilia Munoz Advocates Illegal Immigration
CFR and Brookings reveal Obama’s Mideast marching orders
CFR-Brookings to Dominate Obama “Strategy”
Chicago Atty Say 'Natural Born' Requirement 'Stupid'!
China Slowdown Could Drop Oil To $25
Chinese State Media Pushes For Press Freedom
Chris Matthews Inches Closer To Senate Run
Clinton Ineligible For Secretary Of State
Colbert Word;Barack-Handed Compliment
Coleman keeps edge as hand recount wraps up
Coming Soon; UN Racists to convene conference on racism
Coroner - 'Ignore' de Menezes Family Protest
Corporate Debt Protection Costs Climb Amid Depression Concern
Could this woman be Vladimir Putin's real mother
Court to hear appeal of only 'enemy combatant' held in US
Critics rap MSNBC, Matthews
Daily Show; President Bush's Painful Exit Interview
DARPA seeks Hitchhikers Deep Thought program
Data signal deep global downturn
Double life of Russia's patriarch
Dubai Speculators Quit - Desert Bubble Bursts
Dubai Speculators Quit as Lending Drought Bursts Desert Bubble
Dutch Cop Thwarted Holloway Investigation
El Rushbo takes on the Funkster and Gloria
Employers Cut 533K Jobs in November, Most in 34 Years
English Language On Bigfoot Audiotape
exclusive; Five Blackwater Guards To Face Massacre Charges Next Week
Expedition uncovers ancient citadel in Peruvian jungle
Exposure to Media Damages Children’s Long-Term Health
Fallacy Of American Justice
False pride and the liberal imagination
Family of NY man trampled by shoppers sue Wal-Mart
Fascist SWAT Team Food Raid On OH Family
Fed ;Economy Darkens Heading Into Holidays
Fed Monetizing Debt By Printing Money
Feds Ignored Clear Financial Meltdown Warnings
FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law
First lessons from the Mumbai Massacres
flashback U.S. Counterinsurgency Manual Leaked, Calls for False Flag Operations, Suspension of Human Rights
flashback - Helen Chenoweth on global warming
Flashback.. U.S. Counterinsurgency Manual Leaked, Calls for False Flag Operations, Suspension of Human Rights
Flashback; U.S. Counterinsurgency Manual Leaked, Calls for False Flag Operations, Suspension of Human Rights
Fortress, the Hedge Fund, Is Crumbling
Franken camp claims four-vote lead
GA Green Thuggery - $500 Fine For Not Recycling!
Genetically Modified Crops Reach 9 Percent of Global Primary Crop Production
GM Crops Now 9% Of World Production
Govt defends right to hold accused enemy combatant
Great Depression II - Are We Being Played
Gulf Oil CEO - Gas May Drop To $1 Gallon
Gun Sales Soar After Obama Victory
Gunmen in drag get millions in Paris diamond heist
H5N1 Panic In India
Hacker in final showdown to avoid extradition to US Technology
Harper Shuts Parliament To Avoid N-C Vote
Has an alien comet infiltrated the solar system
Has the New York Times got it right about New Yorkers
Hawks In Doves Clothing
High Inventory Killing Home Builders
Hillary Constitutionally Ineligible To Be SecState
Hillary's Disdain For Int Law - Pt I
Hillary's Disdain For Int Law - Pt II
Hitler Berghof Maid Breaks Vow Of Silence
Holloway Suspects To Be Charged After TV Intvw
Huckabee, Palin top list of 2012 GOP contenders, poll says
IDF in Hebron helps Palestinian woman in labor
IDF preparing options for Iran strike
Ignoring the politically incorrect victims
Illegal Hordes Making America Unrecognizable
India's 9-11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks
Indian Group - Al Qaeda Is CIA-Mossad Front
Insidious Myth Of The War On Terror
Interior Dept. Changes Rule to Remove Congress Veto
Iraqi guards open fire on rioting migrants being held by KBR subcontractor without pay in warehouse compounds
It's Time to Speak Out Against The 'Mormon Boycott'
James Hansen's carbon tax dreams
Jennifer Hudson Calls Her Four Grammy Nods 'Truly A Blessing'
Jewish Settlers Call Ethiopian Jews 'Niggers'
Jews Prepare Solo Iran Attack Options
Jingoistic India!!
Jobless At 26 Yr High - Factory Orders Fall
Judge Orders Bratz Dolls Off Shelves
Keynesian borrowing won't solve our economic problems
Kidd - Columnists Call For Taxpayer Revolt
Laughable 'Loans' To Prevent The Bust
Low temperatures don't chill warmist doomsayers
Major Delays Expected on Penn Line MARC Trains
Man sentenced in bizarre collar-bomb robbery plot - CNN.com
Many Fading US Newspapers For Sale - Few Buyers
Mayor scoffs at criticism on parking meter increases
Medvedev signs bill on convicts' DNA database
Millions Of Chinese Grads Go Jobless
Millions stolen at diamond store
More Net Journalists Than Print Now Jailed
More staffers named to new administration
Mumbai attacks; Indian operative 'helped Pakistani militants'
Mumbai gunmen must not derail peace - Pakistani PM
Mumbai weighs up economic price of terrorism
Muslims Gather in Mecca for Annual Hajj Pilgrimage
Myonism - Zionism
Naveed's Realm Green skinned women and other strangeness of the Hollow Earth
NBER's Anomalous Recession Calls
Neolithic Man Had First Aid Kits
New Cognitive Telerehabilitation Program Uses Virtual Reality
New Details Emerging on Tragedy in Mumbai
New population of endangered monkey found in northern Vietnam
New World Order Being Taught In Schools!
Newspaper industry crisis deepens - can bailout demands be far behind
New Federal Suit Seeks Obama Certificate
No Clintons, Cuomos, or Kennedys, Please.
No Signs Of Torture On Chabad House Bodies
Nobel Winning Economist; Financial Crisis a Distraction
Nov Jobs Losses Worst Since 1974
O.J. Simpson sentenced to lengthy prison term
Obama denies floating Caroline for Senate
Obama Eligibility At The National Press Club 12-8-8
Obama Names RACIST La Raza VP To Top Post
Obama raises $750 million for campaign - ends up getting job
Obama SCOTUS Case Finally In A Major Paper
Obama Too Important For Supreme Court
Obama's citizenship.. The wingnuts' desperation is showing
Obama's War Cabinet
Odetta left message of hope
OJ Simpson Sentenced to at Least 15 Years in Prison
One Sneeze Can Infect 150 People
Online journalists targeted
Oprah to Host Show in Washington During Inauguration Week
Pak Security Expert - Zionists Behind Mumbai Op
Pakistani organization accused of links to Mumbai attacks holds open house - csmonitor.com
Passengers evacuated from cruise liner aground in Antarctica
Passengers removed from cruise ship stranded off Antarctica
Pearl Harbor sites named to National Monument
Poles Demand UK Papers On Hero's Death
Police Mumbai suspect admits Pakistan link
Political Power Struggle Scaring Canadians
Ponzi Scheme At Citi - Suit Slams Robert Rubin
Printline Pakistan
Products that Nobody Wants
Profiles In Panic - Pity The Poor Rich
Project Bluebeam; TV Fakery, Holographic Projections & Audio Spotlights
Prop. 8 ..The Musical
Prosecutors Won't Seek Death Penalty Against Casey Anthony
Rachel Maddow Show; Isikoff With the Latest on the AG Firings
Rangel's son got campaign cash
Rasmussen; Some Surprising Results in a Potential Specter-Matthews ...
Reporter's Notebook.. At Auto Hearing, Frank Runs a Tight Ship
Rhode Island Mulls Tax On Miles Driven
Richardson's frequent-flier debt
Rick Warren is the new Jerry Falwell.. 'The Bible says that God puts government on earth to punish evildoers.'
Romney’s in Third (for 2012)
Salvation Army Officer, Facing Dismissal Over Marriage Plans, Says Don't Stop Giving
Sarah Palin Snubs Oprah
Saxby's Win 08's Most Intellectually Pure Contest
SCOTUS to debate Obama citizenship
Season Of Giving Or Season Of Killing
Sen. Bob Casey.. Autoworkers and Unions being scapegoated
Sick babies denied treatment due to corp. patent on gene
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Banking Scion Instructs Commoners on Ethics
Six Questions About The Holocaust
SPACE.com -- Invisible Lights on Mars Mapped
Starwars style holographic 3DTV could be a reality by 2018, experts say
Strange Experiments Create Body-Swapping Experiences LiveScience
Supreme Court mum on Obama-birth case
Supreme Court today deliberates suit blocking Obama presidency
Taking liberty with Anonymous Sources to new heights
Talk Show Host To Clarify Comments About Sinclair
Thailand flight chaos.. still stranded
Thailand's revered king cancels speech to country awaiting guidance
The 'Islamophobia' canard after Mumbai
The 10 Most-Poisoned, Dirty Foods
The 5 best jobs Obama has yet to fill
The bell is tolling for IL Governor Blagojevich
The confused musings of Marty Peretz on Samantha Power
The Cost of Hegemony is Beyond Reach
The Depression Of Western Women
The Gralien Report » Blog Archive » Could “Space Junk” Account for some NASA UFOs
The Great Land Giveaway
The Neo-Alchemy Of The Federal Reserve
The Obama presidency begins to emerge
The U.N.'s 'Greatest Failure'
Toxic Paper by Bill Huff
Travelers leave behind a Thailand still in crisis
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Nobel Winning Economist Financial Crisis a Distraction
Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan to strengthen anti-terrorism co-op
UFO Hacker McKinnon Gets One More Chance
UK Police Hunt Govt Document Leaker
UK Big Brother State By Stealth
UK Interest Rates Forecast to Crash To 1%
UN climate official defends global emissions program
UN defends carbon scheme after US criticism
US Banks To Cut 30,000 More Jobs
US hits target with missile test
US says latest missile defense test a success
US Says Well Past Time for Zimbabwe's Mugabe to Step Down
US Employers Cut Most Jobs In 34 Yrs
video - Inside Job
video - Donofrio Blasts MSNBC's Pete Williams
video - Flaming The Classics
video - Jew Settlers Shoot Two Palestinian Men
video - Powerful Obama Vs Constitution TV Ad
Vietnam, India Report More H5N1 Outbreaks
WaPost - An Impostor In The White House
Was it the Grinch.. Atheists' holiday sign stolen
Washington Post 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed For “Domestic Security”
What Republicans don't tell you about a Big Three bankruptcy
What's Really Going On With Gold & Silver
When will the media expose Richard Shelby's ties to foreign car manufacturers in Alabama
Why Can't Lie Detectors Free Innocents
Why Credit Cards Matter So Much
Why Was Mark Ruffalo's Brother Shot
Will Obama Become the Statesman That America Needs
With WMD Attack Likely, Can the U.S. Cope
Yeah, Peggy Noonan, Bush sure kept us safe. Uh-huh.
Yet another Rangel scandal
Your Daily Digby; 'Progressivism needs progressive rhetoric!'
Zionism-Humanism Gap Becoming Unbridgeable
Zionist NeoCons Still Preparing To Attack Iran
Zionists Have Muzzled The Non-Jewish Press
Zionists Rage Over Anti-Israel Christmas Carols

'Natural-born' requirementcalled 'stupidest provision'
Ad losses send industry into a tailspin - The Denver Post
Another in jail for cussing Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
Army cadets take trash-talking to new heights - wtop.com
Auto aid still uncertain, job losses feared - Yahoo! News
Bush Iraq war longer, more costly than expected Jerusalem Post
Bush Israel is America's closest ally in the Middle East Jerusalem Post
Bush US will not let Iran develop nuclear weapons Jerusalem Post
Car bomb kills 20 in northwest Pakistan International Reuters
Climate scientists say 2008 will be coolest year of the decade Environment guardian.co.uk
Cruise ship strikes ice, stranded on Antarctic coast - CNN.com
De-icer shortage threatens flights - USATODAY.com
Democrats want a more assertive Obama
Diamond's are a thief's best friend Armed robbers in drag steal £75m from Paris store Mail Online
DispatchPolitics Worker says 'Joe the Plumber' cover-up was forced upon her Columbus Dispatch Politics
Egypt FM We won't accept emirate on our border Jerusalem Post
Fidel Castro says Cuba could talk with Obama - Yahoo! News
FOXNews.com - Enemies of All Mankind Who Can Stop the Pirates - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Fire at Downtown Los Angeles Warehouse Extinguished - Local News News Articles National News US News
FOXNews.com - Jihad Recruiting Effort May Explain Missing Somalis in Minneapolis Area - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Oil to Plunge Below $25 Next Year, Merrill Lynch Says - Local News News Articles National News US News
FOXNews.com - Report Expected to Show Alarming Rise in Unemployment Rate - Local News News Articles National News US News
FOXNews.com - Rice 'Well Past Time' for Mugabe to Leave - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Solar-Powered Car Finishes Trip Around World - FOX Car Report
Frida Ghitis A surprise for Obama in the Middle East
FT.com - China - Economy & Trade - Chinese property hunters to raid US
GOP-killing juggernaut puts bull's-eye on states
Guilty Boy George warned by judge he faces jail for falsely imprisoning male escort Mail Online
Gulf Oil CEO says gas could hit $1 next year - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger
Gwinnett residents could face $500 fine for not recycling ajc.com
Happiness is contagious study - Yahoo! News
In tapes, LBJ accuses Nixon of treason
Inauguration must strike right tone - USATODAY.com
India, Russia ink nuclear deal Jerusalem Post
Job recovery could be slow and weak after recession ends - Dec. 4, 2008
Koobface virus turns up on Facebook Technology Internet Reuters
Moneynews - Bank of England Mulls 'Nuclear Option'
Mumbai attacks refocus U.S. cities - USATODAY.com
My Way News - Auto bailout could be tied to gov't-run overhaul
New England border protection chief charged with hiring illegal immigrants - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Obama raises $104 million in 5 weeks
One More Question... 44 washingtonpost.com
Report Caroline Kennedy Asked to Take Hillary Clinton's Senate Seat - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
ReviewJournal.com - News - O.J. Simpson sentencing in Las Vegas
Simpson sentenced to at least 9 years - USATODAY.com
Stocks surge as investors bet on consumer spending U.S. Reuters
Strangers may cheer you up, study says - International Herald Tribune
Town meetings start U.S. health reform effort U.S. Reuters
Treasury Seeks New Rescue Funds, Obama Team Joins in Talks
U.S. says latest missile defense test a success Reuters
UN ME envoy slams settler violence Jerusalem Post
UNC libraries to forgo Christmas trees - Local News CharlotteObserver.com
Wall St financiers party like there's no tomorrow -- literally
Washington Times - Palestinians reject partition, blame a misunderstanding
Washington Times - PRUDEN Impostor in the White House
wcbstv.com - Teacher Under Fire For Misguided Slavery Lesson
Yes, the terrorists are winning by Steven Emerson
Behind the Screwy Obama Birth Certificate Controversy
Horrifying Parasitic Illness Reaches All-Time Low
Method to Thomas Madness on Obama Birth Certificate
Who Is Barack Obama Citizenship, Birth Certificate, Bill Ayers, Related Stories - Blogger News Network
'At Least Bush Kept Us Safe'
'Constitution a living, breathing document and more justices have to understand that'
'Crowd craze'.. Say ads for deep discounts 'created an atmosphere of competition and anxiety'
'December has historically been 1 of the larger job-cut months of the year'
'Extremely encouraging' – 'Hope aggressive discounting has still left room for profits'
'I didn't want to steal anything from anyone ... I'm sorry, sorry'
'Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of'
'It belittles the pain the families of victims of terror have gone through'
'Lots of girls sleep around. I want to keep myself pure'
'Market is likely to get a little skittish today ahead of tomorrow's employment report'
'My place has lost about 75% of the business. ... They have gone to Maryland or another state'
'Oil continues to trade on lower expectations for petroleum consumption'
'Report whatever today's biggest computers spit out, even if ... results are not robust'
'Self-embedding disorder' now being tracked
'Taking America Back' blueprint for moral, social, political renewal
'The more you study, the more you find the traditions of men contradict the Bible'
'The Word of God against Sodomy' offered to newspaper to coincide with pride parade
'This is very disturbing to see something like this that is going on locally'
'We should have a compassionate side to the United States'
'When Jews fight Jews ... that is the biggest desecration of God's name'
19 outrageous Grammy snubs
21st Sinclair Interview
25 smartest people in TV
3 Million Muslims In Mecca For Pilgrimage
5 barber shops closed, 20 more warned for 'promoting Western hairstyles'
A Cheat Sheet To All the Browser Betas
A Mid East Sea Change in Washington
A Neo-Hooverite Consensus
A Unilateral Germany Threatens Europe
ABC News Lawyer Killed in Alleged S&M Triangle
Abortion Not Linked to Depression, Research Shows
Action Is Needed in Gaza
Al-Sadr movement seeks reinvention
Allergic and wheezing, but still keeping pets
Also 'discriminates, outdated, undemocratic and assumes birthplace a proxy for loyalty'
American Chronicle Seven Reasons Why Barack Obama Should make the Birth Certificate Controversy go Away
An 'Obama Effect' in France
An Important Opening at the New York Fed
An India-Pakistan Nuclear Risk
An Owl's Secret Past
Atheist sign stolen from Wash. capitol
Australian political leaders support move after series of embarrassing late-night incidents
Auto Aid Deal Dicey as Senators Grill Executives
Bandits in Drag Make Massive Heist at Harry Winston
Barack Obama's grass roots in search of new turf
Barak orders destruction of Jerusalem terrorists' homes
Becerra Pick Would Have Political Benefits for Obama
Beleagured Salvation Army Officer Says Don't Stop Giving
Beyond Iraq
Big 3 hit big wall of Washington skepticism
Bill Press blasts president for loosening environmental regulations as he leaves office
Biochemist gave away work, others got Nobel Prize
Blasts today's culture of degenerating morals, overindulgence, lack of self control
Bleak Jobs Report Suggests Bigger Layoffs Ahead
Bob Englehart illustrates promises automakers are offering to Congress
Brigands have extorted $100 million since U.S. helped oust their Islamic foes
Bush Revises His History
Bush, Pelosi Deadlocked Over Aid for Automakers
But His Trade Rep. Is a Protectionist
But physical proximity required to catch it
Camels found wandering in Mexican border city
Can You Trust Online Doctor Rankings
Car bomb kills 20 in northwest Pakistan's Peshawar
Car dealerships installing devices to track customers who can't pay
Card Check and Union Coercion
Catholic cleric brought Mormon church into campaign to ban 'gay' marriage
Cheers to the 21st Amendment!
China Waiting for Dalai Lama to Die
Chinese Company Makes 'UFO'
Church leader says defectors 'are no longer Episcopalians'
Citi Needs to Confess Its Writedowns Now
Claims Christians should 'give biblical point of view a different slant'
Clinton's Confirmation May Spark Constitutional Battle
Coffee retailer warns profit may fall short of analysts' expectations
Company kills 'last gasp' of inspiration on mercury-free Edison bulb
Company sells Shariah-compliant policies after massive taxpayer-funded cash grab
Comparisons between Nazi leader, Obama draws strong reaction
Conservative radio hosts continue to promote discredited claim that Obama has yet to prove he was born in the U.S.
Constitutional lawyer discusses ramifications of birth-certificate controversy
Contractions only 3 minutes apart,but officer makes mom-to-be wait
Court of Human Rights says retention of innocent people's records by police is illegal
Craigslist Rant Might Land Colorado Man in Prison
David Hasselhoff Kicks Ex to the Curb
David Limbaugh notes prez-elect immune to accountability for numerous flip-flops
David Weigel ridicules WND, others for covering controversy over Obama eligibility
dcist Obama Birth Certificate Protest at SCOTUS
Death penalty not sought for Canadian charged with killing wife
Deed to property transferred using phony documents – clerks not required to verify info
Despite earlier furor, Palin shopping continued
Detroit Needs a Bailout NOW
Did 133 ballots go missing, or did election official accidentally count ballots twice
Dismal sales set somber tone for rest of holidays
Dog survives after freezing to sidewalk
Dollar Tree says murderer's motive was personal, not related to business
Downturn Is Heaven Spent for Obama
Economic advice on 1st-time buyer's program, 0% interest car deals
Eliot Spitzer, It's Way Too Soon
Eminent psychiatrist makes case that leftist thinking is a mental disorder
Engaging Iran's Next Generation
Enough Nonsense from the Automakers
Ex-FEMA Worker Gets 5 Years
Exclusive ... Alan Keyes calls on high court to do its duty to ensure Obama eligibility
Exclusive ... Andrea Shea King pinpoints Internet information resources
Exclusive ... Hal Lindsey lays out scenario in which Israeli nukes take out Syria's capital
Exclusive ... Ilana Mercer profiles 'Comrade Keynes,' sees even more of his impact via Obama
Exclusive ... Matt Sanchez can't find any victims in Mumbai who fought back
Exclusive ... Melanie Morgan sees glimmer of hope in re-election of Saxby Chambliss
Exclusive ... Joseph Farah says drive to makenoise over Obama eligibility far from over
Factory orders drop, workers let go as companies rush to cut costs in sinking economy
Fake Inflation Numbers Masked The Crisis
Famous name for jolly, old fat man among astonishing facts you've never been told
FDA sees asthma drug risks
Fed Takes a $3 Trillion Gamble to Spur Lending
Findings confirm rabbi's reading of Bible prophecy
First Superconducting Transistor Created
Forget the Cabinet Picks! Obama Chooses His Inaugural Tuxedo
Fund contributes about 35% of university's operating budget
Georgia Ministers Fired in Post-War Shake-up
Get ready, Detroit – small firm keeping up with Jetsons
Government trying to limit fallout from slowdown for fear unemployment may lead to unrest
Hand Sanitizer Cuts MRSA Risk
Heart attack patients get 'big chill' treatment
Hedge Funds Are Going Down with Dignity
Help Mississippi, Not Michigan
Here's your Web allowance. Don't use it on porn
Hillary's Eleanor Roosevelt Moment
Historic Progress in Iraq
Home - Headlines - Obama's Birth Certificate Is Alan Keyes a Sore Loser
How Deep Was Pakistani Involvement in Mumbai
How to Solve the Piracy Problem
How To Steer Clear Of Medical Traps Online
Hydrogen, sun and air power cars of the future
If its total abundance in universe was any different, all life on Earth might not exist
India admits 'lapses' in terror attacks
India's Middle Class Needs to Wake Up
India's Woeful Handling of the Attacks
Intelligent 'have better sperm'
Iraq Combat Missions Shift Under New Security Pact
Is America Center-Right
Is Bra-Free Jennifer Aniston Calendar Legal
Is the President-Elect blackmail-able over his birth certificate
Jerusalem - Jews stab Arab near Meah Shearim
Jobless numbers spell hard times for unemployed
Judge nixes 'brain invasion' lawsuit
Koobface virus turns up on Facebook
L.A. .. The Next Mumbai
Legionnaire's disease bacteria found at Galveston facility
Less sun, more depression for people with SAD
Litigation firm says university's defense reveals pro-'gay' agenda
Losing consumer retail lines at 10% per year due to wireless substitution, cable competition
Lost for 21 years, class ring turns up in fish's belly
Making best of bad situation – wakeboarding through Piazza San Marco
Man accused of stabbing himself to frame ex-friend (AP)
Man arrested after cops find crack in his vomit (AP)
Man comes home, finds drunk man asleep on floor (AP)
Man Dies After Living for Decades With Amnesia
Man doing 'doughnuts' on runway accused of DUI (AP)
Many Americans miss exercise goals
Mars Science Lab launch delayed two years
Mattel wins f4-year legal dispute over saucy, popular dolls
Medical Marijuana Legal in Mich., But Users Risk Arrest
MIA in Mumbai
Michelle Obama and the New Face of Feminism
Microsoft tackles auction pirates
Millionaires, billionairesdonating to takeover plan
Missile-shield shootdown called success
Missiles 'can be fired in only 10 minutes, they are on the launchers'
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
Motorola's credit reduced to junk status
Nasa delays its next Mars mission
New Study Sheds Light on Working Nights
North American Union supporter under consideration for top Labor post
Obama & Biden React to Job Loss News
Obama & Europe's Foreign Policy
Obama and DNC refuse to address citizenship issue
Obama birth certificate forgery exposed!!! - iReport.com
Obama Birth Certificate World Net Daily, API and Kenya - Blogger News Network
Obama Campaign Raised Nearly $1 Billion
Obama eligible
Obama Gets Small Business Capital Gains Right
Obama Goes Progressive with Pick for Trade Rep
Obama Moves Neither Left or Right, but Forward
Obama Needs The Guy Who's Been Right All Along
Obama Spent Four Times as Much as McCain at Race End
Obama turns focus to other cabinet posts
Obama works behind scenes on auto crisis
Obama's Afghan Dilemma
Obama's Big, Difficult Decision on Education
Obama's choice of Xavier Becerra revives 2001 clemency case
Obama's Environmental Test
Obama's First 100 Days Begin Early
Obama's New World Order
Obama's War Cabinet
Obama, DNC elude citizenship lawsuit deadline
Officials say too difficult to have Christian, Islamic celebrations together
Oprah named entertainment's most powerful woman
Orders from new president to spark lawsuit every time
Other media outlets begin reporting concerns over president-elect's citizenship status
Pakistan Fallout Will Hit Obama's Afghan Plans
Palin 'not a genius' but has 'very good political instincts'
Parents warned on fake consoles
Parents' actions discovered while detectives investigating allegations boy molested 3 kids
Pat Buchanan looks at possible areas of conflict between Obama, Hillary
Patient's photo helps radiologists read scan
Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church dies
Piracy Is Terrorism
Plan to tap profits made when crudesold at $80 a barrel – now under $50
PM on Hebron riots - We'll protect Palestinians
Political Shift in Indonesia
Politicians may have to take breath test
Poor Mental Health, Asthma Risk Linked
Post Crash, Where Will Investment Bankers Go
Prehistoric Flying Reptile Was Bigger Than a Car
Prominent Chicago lawyer headed for White House
Protectionist Was a Bad Choice for Trade Post
Quin Hillyer cites 'manifold ethical lapses' in arguing against Clinton
Radley Balko celebrates Repeal Day by comparing 1920s to today's war on drugs
Reality Check for Detroit
Reform or Status Quo for Education Secty
Remote control submersible's camera captures eerie surprise 1 1-2 miles underwater
Rent your way out of the credit crunch online
report ..Ballmer says Yahoo search deal better sooner than later
report ..Bias Against U.S. Muslims On Rise
Rescuing the Two-State Solution
Says she was reminded by boss she was 'someone who can be fired without cause'
Seductive mom gets son's juror to 'fess up
Semimonthly piece to focus on financial crisis, regulation, government
Senator Sweet Caroline
Seven reasons why Barack Obama should make the birth certificate controversy go away
Short on cash, some sell own body products
Short on cash, some sell own body products
Should Chris Matthews Leave His Show
Should We Privatize Airports
Soldiers say they refused orders to 'take part in an operation that hurts Jews'
Some Frank Talk About the Need for Obama to Step Up
Speaker of Russian Parliament says 'imposter's' unhealthy Western influence not welcome
Squeeze Shouldn't Stop Long-Term Spending
Supreme Court Silent on Obama Birth Certificate Lawsuit
Supreme Court Takes Enemy Combatant Case
Supreme Court – Obama Birth Certificate -The verdict is in!
Suspected pirates turned over to Yemen
Team of Heavyweights
Teen Builds 'Green' Motocycle
Texas Sen. Hutchison exploring run for governor
The Big 3 Might Get It This Time
The Bushes Buy New Home in Dallas
The Fed Has the Printing Press In Overdrive
The GOP Needs Jeb in the Senate
The Henry Paulson Saga
The Left's Intellectual Infrastructure
The Republican Lockbox
The Unhappy Consensus for a Big Stimulus
The World of the Rich Collapses
They Won't Give Him Credit
This Is Pakistan's Problem
Thought it was radio station 'playing an incredible, elaborate, terrific prank on me'
Tips falling victim to financial crisis
Told donors in California early last year of his intent
Top Story.. Five Blackwater Guards To Face Massacre Charges Next Week
Transcripts .... Bill Clinton on Hillary Clinton's Nomination
Transcripts .... Chrysler's Nardelli to the Senate Banking Committee
Transcripts .... December 3 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts .... December 4 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts .... Ford's Alan Mulally to the Senate Banking Committee
Transcripts .... Geraldine Ferraro on the Holder Nomination
Transcripts .... Huckabee on the Chambliss Senate Victory
Transcripts .... Interview with Ford CEO Alan Mullaly
Transcripts .... Interview with Former Prime Minister Tony Blair
Transcripts .... Interview with GM CEO Rick Wagoner
Transcripts .... Interview with Pakistan's Ambassador to the U.S.
Transcripts .... Obama Nominates Richardson for Commerce
Transcripts .... Roundtable on Obama's Housing Aid
Transcripts .... Roundtable on the Auto Bailout
Transcripts .... UAW President Gettelfinger to the Senate Banking Committee
Transcripts .... Wagoner's Testimony to the Senate Banking Committee
Trump Sees Act of God In Recession
Twenty Questions That I Ask Myself
U.S. Economy - Employers Cut Most Jobs Since 1974
U.S. lawmaker urges fresh face at FDA's helm
U.S. shoots down missile in simulated attack
U.S. Soldier Acquitted In Fragging Trial
U.S. Supreme Court Update Regarding The December 01, 2008 Deadline
U.S., India Becoming Best Of Friends
UN's obsession is grotesque and Orwellian
Until a few months ago, local real-estate market seemed immune from global credit crisis
Upper Jordan River delivering less than 1-2 of what it was a year ago
video - Auto CEOs Arrive at Capitol
video - Auto Executives Return to Congress
video - Automakers Agree to Oversight; Plan to Drive Back to Detroit
video - Bush on Jobs Data, Auto Companies
video - CNN - Obama Citizenship Challenged
video - Corker Questions Chrysler on Cerberus Cash
video - Executives' Testimony to the Banking Committee
video - House Members Discuss Aid for Automakers
video - Interview with GM CEO Rick Wagoner
video - Interview with Senator Menendez
video - Interviews on the Bailout
video - Moran, Bilbray Debate Auto Bailout
video - More on Obama Health Care Policy
video - Obama Nominates Richardson for Commerce
video - Pros and Cons of Automaker Aid
video - Rep. Garrett on Big Three's Prospects
video - Senate Witness on the Auto Companies
video - Shelby Still Opposes Automaker Aid
video - UAW Ad Wants Help for the Auto Companies
video - UAW President Makes His Case
video - US Homeless - This Is Not America
video - Wagoner's Testimony to the House Financial Services Committee
video - WMD Panel Warns of Bioterror Attack
Video reveals 'nurse' suggesting 'I don't want to know' about statutory rape
Warning over internet painkillers
Washington’s New Tack; Helping Home Buyers
We Should Let the U.S. Car Industry Die
Weatherman terrorists Obama's centrism a 'smokescreen'
Wesley Pruden.. Supreme Court is likely to say Obama's status A-OK
What Lies Beneath ..'When America Leaves'
What Would J.M. Keynes Do
What Would Keynes Do
WHO panel sets melamine limit for food
Who's in Charge in Thailand
Who's Winning in Lebanon
Why Jim Jones Will Make or Break Obama Abroad
Why the stories about Obama's birth certificate will never die
Will the New Congress Over-Regulate
Willful Blindness, from Minnesota to Mumbai
Wisdom offered about stock market swings, selling wedding ring to retire debt
Woman Divorces to Afford Life-Saving Surgery
Woman, 23, gets probation for relationship with boys, 15
Woman, 35, faces charges for relationship with 17-year-old boy
Work really may be bad for health, survey says
Worst month since December 1974 brings total this year to 1.9 million
Would-Be-Bride Swept to Sea During Proposal

Fire on the Mountain
Friend of the Devil
Into The Mystic
Samson And Delilah
U.S. Blues
Comes A Time
Cumberland Blues
friend of the devil
Jack Straw
Know You Rider
Samson And Delilah
Shakedown Street
She Belongs to Me
Ship Of Fools
So Many Roads
The Wheel
Till The Morning Comes
Victim or the Crime
When I Paint My Masterpiece
Absolutely Sweet Marie
All Along The Watchtower
Around And Around
Baba O'Riley - Tomorrow Never Knows
Beat It On Down The Line
Big Boss Man
Big River
Black Peter
Black Throated Wind
box of rain
Broken Arrow
Brown Eyed Women
Brown-Eyed Women
Can't Always Get What You Want
China Cat Sunflower
Cold Rain and Snow
Comes A Time
Comes Dawn
Cosmic Charlie
Crazy Fingers
Cumberland Blues
Dark Hollow
Days Between
Desolation Row
Dire Wolf
Eight Miles High
El Paso
Estimated Prophet
Eyes of The World
Feel Like A Stranger
Fire On The Mountain
Fountains of Wood
Franklin's Tower
Freight Train Boogie
Friend of the Devil
Gimme Shelter
Gimme Some Lovin'
Goin Down The Road Feelin Bad
Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
Golden Road To Unlimited Devotion
Good Lovin'
Grateful Dead Live at Avalon Ballroom on 1966-09-16
Grateful Dead Live at Avalon Ballroom on 1969-04-05
Grateful Dead Live at Barton Hall, Cornell University on 1977-05-08
Grateful Dead Live at Capital Centre on 1990-03-14
Grateful Dead Live at Cotterrell Gym, Colgate U on 1977-11-04
Grateful Dead Live at Fillmore East (Early and Late Shows) on 1970-01-02
Grateful Dead Live at Fillmore East (Late Show) on 1970-05-15
Grateful Dead Live at Freedom Hall on 1974-06-18
Grateful Dead Live at Golden Hall, Community Concourse on 1978-01-07
Grateful Dead Live at Legion Stadium on 1970-12-28
Grateful Dead Live at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on 1986-12-15
Grateful Dead Live at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on 1993-12-18
Grateful Dead Live at The Omni on 1991-04-05
Grateful DeadGrateful Dead Live at Campus Stadium, UC Santa Barbara on 1974-05-25
Greatest Story Ever Told
Half Step
Hard To Handle
Harder They Come
He's Gone
Hell in a Bucket
Help On The Way - Slipknot!
Helter Skelter
Here Comes Sunshine
Hey Pocky Way
I Know You Rider
I Need A Miracle
I Will Take You Home
Into The Mystic
It Makes No Difference
It's All Over Now Baby Blue
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Jack Straw
Johnny B. Goode
Knockin on Heaven's Door
Let It Grow
Long Way To Go Home
Looks Like Rain
Loose Lucy
Lost Sailor
Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
Maggies Farm
Mama Tried
Man Smart (Woman Smarter)
Memphis Blues
Mexicali Blues
Mickey Hart Band Live at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park on 2008-07-04
Midnight Hour
Mississippi Half Step
Mississippi Half-Step
Morning Dew
New Minglewood Blues
Not Fade Away
One More Saturday Night
Panama Red
Queen Jane Approximately
Rag Mama
Ramble On Rose
Rhapsody in Red
Rhythm Devils Live at gathering of the vibes on 2006-08-19
Rhythm Devils Live at House of Blues on 2006-10-22
Rocky Road Blues
Saint Of Circumstance
Samson and Delilah
Scarlet Begonias
Shakedown Street
She Belongs To Me
Ship of Fools
So Many Roads
Speedway Boogie
Spirit In The Sky
St. Stephen
Stagger Lee
Standing On The Moon
Stella Blue
Sugar Magnolia
Sweet Marie
Tennessee Jed
Terrapin Station
The Center
The Mighty Quinn (Quinnn The Eskimo)
The Music Never Stopped
The Other One
The Promised Land
The Same Thing
The Wedge
The Weight
The Wheel
They Love Each Other
Throwing Stones
Ticket To Nowhere
Till the Morning Comes
Tomorrow Is Forever
Touch Of Grey
Turn On Your Lovelight
U.S. Blues
Unbroken Chain
Uncle John's Band
Victim Or The Crime
Vince Welnick Live at Thai Joe's Bangkok Orchid on 2002-08-02
Vince WelnickVince Welnick Live at Planet 505 on 2002-12-06
Way To Go Home
West L.A. Fadeaway
When I Paint My Masterpiece
When Push Comes to Shove
Who Do You Think You Are