"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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11 December 2008


'Christmas is the pathway to hell' Muslim lawyer's extraordinary rant at 'evil' celebration Mail Online
'Day without a gay' protest fizzles
'Iran wants to devour the Arab world' Middle East Jerusalem Post
'Underwear measurer' pleads guilty Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
. U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Page .
100 International Leaders Launch Global Zero Campaign to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
100% Reserves Now by Lucas M. Engelhardt
2 suspects indicted in East Texas dragging death
A Dickens Christmas at My House by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
A Dissenting Voice in Middle-East News Coverage Joshua Frank talks with Press TV correspondent Afshin Rattansi
A new reality for Las Vegas Muslims - Los Angeles Times
A top aide to Ill. Gov. Blagojevich resigns
ABC News Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Is 'Senate Candidate No. 5', Says He Did Nothing Wrong
Al-Qaeda terror plot fears at EU summit - Times Online
Ambulance attendants accused of molesting patients
Analysis Scandal has risk, opportunity for Obama
Asia Times Online China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.
Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey to Host European Union-United States Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Press Availability
Attorney US Rep. Jesse Jackson is 'Candidate 5'
Auto bailout prospects revived in Senate - Yahoo! Finance
Baby Boomers Must Work About 2 Extra Years to Recoup Market Losses - Planning to Retire (usnews.com)
Barney Frank On Auto Bailouts, Tells 60 Minutes A Bailout Would Help People, Not Companies - CBS News
Belgium 14 Al Qaeda Suspects Arrested, One Planned Imminent Suicide Attack World News Sky News
Ben Smith's Blog Blagojevich questions censored on Transition site - Politico.com
Blackout hits Venezuelan capital, stalls subway - Boston.com
Blagojevich's wife supported his pay-to-play Senate scheme, complaint alleges - Los Angeles Times
Bush prods U.N. on slow pace of Darfur action Politics Reuters
By Chicago standards, Blagojevich isn't crazy -- chicagotribune.com
California Approves Plan to Implement Climate Change Law, Sets Precedent for National, International Action
Camille Paglia on Obama choosing Hillary as Secretary of State, and more Salon
Cargo Cult Economics by David Calderwood
cbs2chicago.com - Gov. Rod Blagojevich's Mental Health Is In Question After Knowingly Making Incriminating Statements
cbs2chicago.com - Lawmakers Call On Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich To Resign
Celebrities, music stars hosting inaugural ball - Boston.com
Chicago Tribune withheld publishing at U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald's request -- chicagotribune.com
Child's Remains Removed From Area Near Anthony Home - News Story - WFTV Orlando
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Powell GOP ‘polarization’ backfired in election « - Blogs from CNN.com
Conservatives gleeful over governor's arrest Politics Reuters
Cops foil Brown 'bomb plot' The Sun News
Dangerous Sea Level Rise Imminent Without Large Reductions of Black Carbon and Implementation of Other Fast-Action Mitigation Strategies
Daschle given 2 health roles, 1 big assignment
Democrats urge Ill. gov not to make appointment
Detroit Mayor Cockrel cleared in perjury probe
Do We Still Need the Bill of Rights by Jacob G. Hornberger
Economic package to include health tech Politics Reuters
Evidence Suggests Somebody on Team Obama Knew What Blago Was Doing... - Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot on National Review Online
Exotic Stone Relics Shed Light on Pre-Hispanic Cuba
FDA advisers restrict some asthma drugs
Federal deficit on pace to reach record $1T
Feds subpoena Tribune in Blagojevich investigation
FOXNews.com - Top 10 Most Frequently Stolen Vehicles - FOX Car Report
FOXNews.com - Who Needs the Big 3 Atlanta Company Plans New Police Car - FOX Car Report
French embassy in Bejing 'under cyber-attack' after Nicolas Sarkozy meeting with Dalai Lama - Telegraph
FT.com Gideon Rachman’s Blog Covered in internet slime
FT.com - Columnists - John Gapper - Who will mourn local newspapers
GM board hired advisers to consider bankruptcy Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
GOP may seek Bill Clinton's testimony - Amie Parnes and Glenn Thrush - Politico.com
GOP Senator Warns of 'Riots' if Automakers Are Bailed Out
GOP Senators voice opposition to auto aid bill
Gov. Blagojevich free on bond after arrested by feds CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich (2)
Gov. Blagojevich free on bond after arrested by feds CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Governors appeal to Congress for economic aid Politics Reuters
Govt. posts environmental fugitive list - The Boston Globe
Greek protest spread with arrests across Europe - Telegraph
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff unwittingly paid undocumented workers - Los Angeles Times
Ill. contenders for Senate seat walking fine line
Illinois governor on the job despite calls to quit Politics Reuters
Influential Democrat asks Obama to keep spy chiefs Politics Reuters
Inventor builds his perfect woman - a robot who cleans and won't nag The Sun News
Junior senator takes the wheel in auto aid Politics Reuters
Kentucky Fried Chicken trio photographed turning sink into hot tub
Mario makes way for Shakespeare on Nintendo DS in HarperCollins deal - Times Online
My Way News - Analysis Ill. governor scandal could dog Obama
My Way News - Embattled Ill. gov. could still fill Senate seat

My Way News - Illinois leaders ponder what to do with governor
My Way News - Jackson Jr. denies wrongdoing in Ill. gov scandal
My Way News - Oversight panel questions Treasury on bailout plan
Mystery Pyramid Built by Newfound Ancient Culture
Nazi hunters fault Australia, Hungary for inaction - Boston.com
New Orleans Man Indicted for Murder of DEA Supervisory Special Agent Thomas J. Byrne
New unemployment claims surge unexpectedly - Yahoo! Finance
No Justice at Loyola by Walter Block
Not Tonight, Honey Bust - December 10, 2008
Obama 'absolutely certain' his team had no improper dealings with Blagojevich - Los Angeles Times
Obama can sign U.N. climate pact before U.S. law Kerry Reuters
Obama expected to select Nobel physicist as Energy secretary - Los Angeles Times
Obama I'll reboot Muslims' US image International Jerusalem Post
Obama picks Daschle to spearhead healthcare Politics Reuters
Obama says confident staff clear in Ill. scandal
Obama says critical to stabilize economy Politics Reuters
Obama team faces an early test of its ability to weather a storm - International Herald Tribune
Obama to hold news conference on health care Politics Reuters
Obama wants Illinois governor to quit
Obama Was Mute on Illinois Corruption - WSJ.com
Obama's atomic umbrella U.S. nuclear strike if Iran nukes Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
ObamaWorks A 'Compelling' Investment by Chris Brown
Oldsmobile Nation by Gary North
Orlando Sentinel - NASA has become a transition problem for Obama
Pictured The sprawling tent city as 3million Muslims descend on Mecca for holy Islamic pilgrimage Mail Online
Rare artifacts uncovered in Roman baths dig Lifestyle Reuters
Reaganite Republican Resistance
Reid rapped for saying tourists smell - The Boston Globe
Report of smoke in cabin sends plane back to JFK
Rev. Jesse Jackson Defends His Son in Illinois Scandal - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker

Rezko Is Talking With Prosecutors, Blagojevich Complaint Confirms
Rice says renew push for free trade despite crisis Politics Reuters
Russia's Putin creates anti-crisis body - Yahoo! News
Saying No to War by Laurence M. Vance
Scientists develop software that can map dreams - Telegraph
Sheriff Found Remains 'Very Strong Lead In Solving' Caylee Case - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Single malt Scotch whiskey still reigns supreme - International Herald Tribune
Sobbing Jesse Jackson, Jr. Embraced Blagojevich at Surreal Hugfest Last August NewsBusters.org
Starbucks won't slug it out in ad wars
Statement from Senator Mark Leno and Assemblywoman Fiona Ma on Forced SEIU Healthcare Union Merger
Supreme Court urged to toss lawsuit that says Ashcroft, Mueller ordered arrest of Muslims - Los Angeles Times
Swearing in 'Barack Hussein Obama' - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Teachers 'beat and abuse' Muslim children in British Koran classes -Times Online
The 100 greatest singers of all time - Times Online
The Associated Press Questionable associations of Obama
The Beam in the State’s Eye by Johnny Kramer
The Crypt Jackson 'I am not a target of this investigation' - Politico.com
The Disaster Called the New Deal by David Gordon
The End of the US Piano Industry by Jeffrey A. Tucker
The Great Sphinx of Giza reborn as a lion in the desert Mail Online
The Lew Rockwell Show - 81. The Answer to the Economic Crisis
The Lew Rockwell Show - 82. Rogue State
The Road Goes On Forever and the Party Never Ends by Michael Gaddy
Thousands Negotiate New Climate Treaty LiveScience
Top House bank panel Republican may be out-aides Politics Reuters
U.S. aims for more troops in Afghanistan, Gates says Politics Reuters
U.S. planes likely to be packed during holidays ATA U.S. Reuters
Unique Transparency Program Uncovers Problems with Voting Software Threat Level from Wired.com
UPDATE Woman returns $100,000 found at Cracker Barrel www.dnj.com The Daily News Journal
Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Visa CEO loses his credit cards U.S. Reuters
Washington Times - Al Gore to host 'green' inaugural ball
Ways and Means Ranking Member To Join Capitol Counsel
wcbstv.com - NYC Firefighter Accused Of Calling In False Alarms
WTC survivor staircase moves again at ground zero
WTO talks need signal from Obama, Brazil says Politics Reuters

Blago - complaint - pdf
'Change'...From A City Drowning In Corruption
'Growth rates we had anticipated' not 'in line with where we were currently seeing the business'
'I think we'll continue to see very intense levels of competition'
'I think we've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world'
'I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him'
'It's a very, very delicate political issue that nobody deals with with eagerness'
'Only reasonable explanation' is he wasn't born in the U.S.
'She's supposed to be deporting aliens, not hiring them'
'The developing criminal investigation of your friends and allies demands you take action'
'The doctor will see all of you now'
'The vet said if it wasn't for his hard head he wouldn't be here'
'They want to emigrate. There are certainly countries who want to take them in'
'We can't kill the business climate,' says Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill
'We worked hunched over for hours, doing backbreaking work. He treated us like animals'
'We've already experienced a resurgence of tuberculosis from South America'
'You can't find any rays of hope' in the November payrolls report
'You really start to wonder why the people behind this want to be in Britain in the 1st place'
'Your mercy has not ended ... your kindnessis not over ... we have always hoped for you'
0% Int Rate Looms - Economy Shrinks Double Speed
1 believed to have been about to commit a suicide attack
10% Of Kids Use Alternative Treatments
10% US Homeowners In Arrears Or Foreclosure
14 al-Qaida suspects held as Europe's leaders gather in Brussels
2 inventors are manufacturing 2-person submarines for the masses
2 out of 3 survey respondents like his early appointments
2 sources who confirmed discussion now backing down
2,200 jobs cut in cost-saving move – 'a Band-Aid on a flesh wound'
2-hour marathon session included 'various Washington, D.C., based advisers'
2006 DNC video 'Not only would that be dishonest, it would be illegal'
30 Yr Fixed Mortgage Rates Drop Again
45 known terrorists granted amnesty
48 Die In Iraq Restaurant Bombing
6 Afghan Cops Die In Latest US 'Mistake'
650 to dissent at U.N. climate change conference
75-year-old grandma 'Satan will tempt you'
8 Really, REALLY Scary Predictions
A response to the musical against Prop 8
A viaduct timeline
Accord on North Korean nuclear program may elude Bush
Actress joins field headed by Caroline Kennedy, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo
Adding up dollars in unprecedented – and expensive – effort to rescue economy
Aid for Afghan troops as £4bn aircraft carrier plan delayed
Ann Coulter; 'Why are guys named 'Al' always caught trying to steal elections'
AnnCoulter.com - Printer Friendly Article MINNESOTA BALLOTS LAND OF TEN THOUSAND FAKES
Another Chicago case tied to Obama
Apple iPhones Headed To WalMart
Argued trading political favors – including jobs – part of grease that makes government work
As smoke clears, mayhem ignited by Muslim attacks leaves 25,000 people displaced
AT&T Again Adding At-Home iPhone Activation
Axelrod - Obama Spoke To Il Gov About Replacement
Ayers doth protest too much
Barky Plans Major Speech In Islamic Capitol
Blago Latest In Long Line Of Corrupt Illinois Govs
Blagojevich Arrest Fits Tradition in Illinois, Land of the Plea
Blagojevich Cloud Over Obama - Will He Sing
Blagojevich's convicted fixer helped broker sweetheart real estate deal for Obama
Blasts today's culture of degenerating morals, overindulgence, lack of self control
Boeing Delays 787 Delivery For Fourth Time
Boom Years Over For Chinese Exports
Britain A Worse Credit Risk Than McDonalds
Brzezinski To Israel - Back Off On Iran
Budget gap racked up in 1st 2 months of fiscal year approaches level recorded for all '08
Bumper harvest expected to push production above that of France for 1st time in decade
Bush highlights record reducing drug use
Bush opens up on struggle with alcohol abuse
Bush revises protections for endangered species
But Friday, high court will consider another case in flood of eligibility challenges
CA Coastal Cities Get Tsunami Warning Signs
Calcutta Issues H5N1 Alert
California Budget Deficit Reaches Record $42 Billion
California Faces Bankruptcy - $15 Billion In Debt
Canada govt sees more cooperation with opposition
Cancer To Be World's Top Killer By 2010
Chicago PD - No Arrest In Donald Young Murder
Chicago, Atlanta Getting Boosted Comcast Cable
Child remains found near missing Fla. girl's home
Christmas carol service featured lyrics to seasonal favorites blasting Jewish state
Churches use security systems to protect Nativity displays
Claim 'material involvement in the deaths and torture of untold numbers of people
Closing Time
Coleman cuts pile of challenged ballots
Complaint Filed In Rezko Land Deal
Complaint Suggests Obama Might Have Caught Wind of Blagojevich Dealings
Congress oversteps its bounds … again
Congressman; Pilot followed procedure in deadly crash
Considering political culture, probably reasonable for Blagojevich to seek offers
Critical Report on Zoo Elephants Is Debated
D.C. lobbyist for 28 years apparently forced outafter telling NPR his position on issue changing
Dakota, 29, struck when she stepped off curb in front of moving vehicle
Daley sibling is Midwest chairman of JPMorgan – pledges $400,000 to benefit workers
Danger - 2 States From Constitutional Convention
Days of pounding rock tunes used by interrogators to break down terror suspects
Detroit workers stunned, angered as bailout stalls
Dramatic H5N1 Spread Into NE India
Eatery crowded with families celebrating end of 4-day Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha
Effort to be funny, blow off steam draws bid of $99,999,999
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak speaks out against Tehran
Eminent psychiatrist makes case that leftist thinking is a mental disorder
Enrollment boom.. Rising unemployment sends laid-off workers back to school for retraining
Entertainers hail Nobel laureate with concert
Exclusive ... Brian Russell notes 'F' grades are disappearing from schools and economy
Exclusive ... Craige McMillan foresees Obama taking 401Ks to pay for 'infrastructure'
Exclusive ... Erik Rush predicts divisive activists will gain more influence in Obama age
Exclusive ... Ernest Istook lists cities' projects for which they hope to raid federal piggy bank
Exclusive ... Jack Cashill sees Chicago terrorist's influence in Rev. Wright's sermons
Exclusive ... Jane Chastain takes writer to task for asserting same-sex marriage is biblical
Exclusive ... Janet Porter reveals newest questions about Democrat
Exclusive ... Joe Kovacs defends Scriptureagainst declarations from prez, magazine
Exclusive ... Joseph Farah makes prediction about Democrat's re-election bid in 2012
Exclusive ... Phil Elmore see Americans throwing privacy to the wind with networking sites
Exclusive ... Burt Prelutsky compares liberals and conservatives to sheep and goats
Exxon Valdez Spill Payments Reach Claimants
Fannie Faulted For 'Orgy' Of Subprime, Risky Loans
FCC free internet plan faces lawmaker opposition
Fed Going To Selective Default & Devaluation
Fed head still trying to establish how far he's willing to go to aid troubled companies
Financier allegedly tried to steer $100,000 to candidate via his wife's employer
Fireside chat clears up just how we're going to spend ourselves out of crisis
Five Suspected H5N1 Patients In Thailand
Fixing Windows Mobile
Forbes - Wall St Investment Houses 'Banksters'
Fox To Beam Day The Earth Stood Still Into Space
Frustration Fueling Greek Riots
Gates In Afghanistan To Escalate War
Gay Activists Show Fascist Tendencies
Gear featuring broad, horizontal black, white stripes to be auctioned for charity
German politician steps up row over Brown's policies
Global Demand For Oil To Plummet
GMAC Not Yet Qualified To Be Bank
Google Chrome Puts Security in a Sandbox
Google Earth Accused Of Aiding Terrorists
Google wants to make YouTube a safer place
Greece - Eurozone's Weakest Link Cracks
Greek Riot Police Uses Tear Gas Against Protesters in Athens
H1N1 Kills Healthy Child In Texas
H5N1 Confirmed On Hong Kong Farm
H5N1 Now In 9 Districts In Assam India
H5N1 Spreads In Bangladesh
H5N1 Spreads To West Bengal India
H5N1 Vaccine Failure In Hong Kong
Hamas political adviser says Obama administration will favor dialogue
Hard to find mention that Illinois governor is Democrat
Health Risks For Students Near Industrial Plants
Heroic Tuskegee Airmen Inivited To Inauguration
High Demand For Emergency Storage Food
High-profile eligibility lawsuit may succeed where others have failed
Historic commodity price boom has ended, World Bank says in new report
How Rahm Emanuel Bought His Way To Power
How to turn red states blue
Identifying effectiveness of bailout, though, is 'difficult challenge'
If The US Loses Ownership Of Ford, GM, Chrysler...
Illinois first lady scrutinized before husband charged
Illinois Gov Tried To Sell Obama Senate Seat
Illinois officials ponder forcing him from office
Inauguration agenda runs 4 days
India Vows No Retaliation
India Keeps Pressure On Pakistan
Interest On US T-Bills Falls To Zero
Interest Rate On US T-Bills Goes Negative
Intolerant ignoramuses on the left
Iran To Send Relief Ship To Gaza
Irish to vote again if concessions agreed
Is Chicago Machine Thwarting Young's Murder Probe
Israel Allows Cash Into Gaza
Israel To Force Arab Citizens To Pledge Loyalty
Jakarta H5N1 Fatality Raises Pandemic Fears
Jefferson Would Enforce Presidential Birth Law
Jeffrey Lord Notion candidate would have no contact with Blago is fantasy
Jennifer Aniston poses naked for GQ, fires another round at Jolie
Jewish Holocaust Restitution Funds Went Where
Kennedy not best choice for senator
Kidd - Make This An American Christmas
Korean immigrant lost his wife, 2 children, mother-in-law
Larry Elder pits his father's wisdom against Obama's intelligence
Last Will And Testament Of A Farmer
Lead raids in gang neighborhood 'We believe that it could have been some type of reaction'
Leben is fastest-growing publication of its kind
Legislature's plan to legalize agency's action vetoed
Liberals Voice Growing Concern About Obama
Louisiana governor says he's not interested, will seek 2nd term in 2011
Macaulay Culkin's sister, Dakota, killed by car
Maersk - Shipping Industry Needs Lifejacket
Mainstream magazine draws fire for declaring Scripture affirms 'gay' right to wed
Massachusetts raid in 2006 still felt in Guatemala
Memo to congressional Republicans
Michael Jackson's Neverland gates, glove for sale
Might invoke rule to get Illinois Supreme Court to vote on ousting governor
Miliband Wants State Control Of UK Energy
Minnesota ballots ..Land of 10,000 fakes
Mom, dad no longer threatened by penalties including jail
Money wisdom about giving, profit-sharing plans, corporate abuse of employee
More aggressive 'nontraditional' policy means also in store
More Human H5N1 Cases In Indonesia
Mugabe should go, US ambassador says
Muslim plea to Obama;Return to 'Islamic roots'
NASA Chief Denies Rift With Transition Team
NBC's Leno move has biz talking
New ethical lows in high schools
New Hope For Alzheimer's Patients
Newsweek and Bush Both are Bible morons
No verdict yet for Ga. courthouse shooting jury
Noose tightens around Hafiz Saeed, LT and Jamaatud Daawa
North Texas trio charged with 1st-degree felony punishable by up to life in prison
Numbers exceed even gloomy expectations for economy stuck in recession
Obama - Never Talked About Senate Seat To Gov
Obama Energy Plan May Hinge on Scientist, Policymaker
Obama inaugural.. 'Special security event'
Obama Joins Gore's Warming Schtick After Talks
Obama Says He Had No Contact With Blagojevich on Senate Seat
Obama to address Islamic world
Obama works quickly to gain support in Congress
Obama's permanent campaign
Obama's socialist shock and awe
Obama’s message of ‘change’ may include gun rights
Ohio Sheriff Orders Deputies Not To Evict
Oil Nears $48 As Dollar Falls
Opposition from Senate Republicans shaves earlier gains
Outrage After Teacher Tells 7-Year-Olds Santa Is Not Real
Pakistan Moves On Mumbai Accused
Patriots Fight Con-Con Bill In OH - No Vote Yet
pdf - The Blagojevich Criminal Complaint
Phillip Giraldi & The Pretext For War On Iran
Plans major speech in Muslim capital to 'reboot' America's image
Pool of money to cover such claims hard hit,victims of new assaults financially exposed
Pound Hits Record Low Against Euro
President-elect has crossed paths with some notable figures who have drawn scorn, scrutiny
President-elect says he never spoke with Blagojevich about Senate seat
President-elect's supporters using web tool to remove all queries about scandal
Pro-aborts lose another round to Phill Kline
Prosecutor says none of those mentioned for seat accused of wrongdoing
Raises threat of heavy job losses that could fuel political unrest
Rebels kill '90 Sri Lanka troops'
report ..Bailed-out firms bankrolled conventions
report.. Recession has fiscal budgets in crisis mode
Republicans preparing strong fight against aid plan in Senate
Reverend says attack on House speaker is proof of relentless war on Christian holiday
Ring allegedly kidnapped girls from homes in Mexico, smuggled them into U.S.
Rumsfeld blamed in detainee abuse scandals
Russia - US Missiles Will Be Aimed At it
Russia - Iran Not Able To Build A Nuke
Russian Buy Jewelry, Hoard Dollars As Ruble Plunges
Sanctions on 4 top leaders a bid to decapitate LeT
Says consultant's claim last month of meeting didn't happen
Says, in these economic times, 'the Lord wanted to show his power'
Scientific Genius Builds Female Robot Companion
Scientists Claim Einstein's Black Holes Exist
Scores NATO Trucks Destroyed In Pak
Senate Republicans concerned about his international work
Sense of duty led Gates to re-up
Slowing growth of commercial-aviation fleet after losses of $611 million in 10 months
Sony To Launch Virtual Online World
Southern city's fluffy flakes tie 64-year-old record
State may run out of money as early as February unless lawmakers, governor find solution
Stepping Stones On The Pond Of Life
Suicide Bomber Hits Iraqi Restaurant, Kills 50
Supporters of same-sex marriage encouraged to stay home from work
Suspect only wanted to aggravate former renter by putting him on list for junk e-mails
Suspended after manager sees photos on MySpace 'I was in shock when I saw it'
Taleban tax ..allied supply convoys pay their enemies for safe passage
Targeting the Electoral College
Teachers reassigned 'They're responsible for maintaining a certain decorum'
The ABCs of a possible SAG strike
The ADL's December Dilemma
The bewildering mind of President Bush
The Bible discusses birth of Jesus, but holly, mistletoe absent from story
The Downside Of Using Plant Sterols
The government's cure worse than the disease
The Inaugural Speech Obama Should Give
The Persecution Of Syed Fahad Hashmi
The Slow Death Of Zionist America
Threatens to not seat anyone selected by Blagojevich
To improve results, new Internet engines rely on users instead of computers
Top evangelical resigns after backing gay unions
Total 2008 Bailouts Actually $8.5 Trillion
U.S. accused of meeting secretly with terrorists
U.S. Confirms Iran Bought SA-20 Missiles
U.S. importers push worker rights amid recession, demand lower prices
UAW Urges Senate OK On Auto Bailout
Uganda;Poverty is Human Rights Violation
UK prime minister says assisting someone to take their life is matter of conscience
UN adds Pakistani militants to terrorist watch list
UN To Israel - Free Palestinians, Lift Gaza Blockade
Unanswered questions alarm anti-corruption investigators
Unlikely Coalition Back To Control Ukraine
US 'willing to lead climate push'
US asks UN to allow pirate hunters into Somalia
US Economy In Accelerating Freefall
US gains in math and science ed…Really
US Gasoline Demand Rises As Prices Drop
US Jobless Rate At 26 Year High
US nuke umbrella for Israel
US Trade Gap Unexpectedly Widens
video - ET Looking Into Window
video - Live ET In Isolation Room
video - Sponsor An Executive
video -Goodspeed - We're Out Of Time
video -Symbols Of An Alien Sky
Vitamins Cure Alzheimers
Wanted; Comedians who will ridicule Obama
Was under investigation for child porn
Web App Promises iPhoners a Taste of Cut-and-Paste
What Did Obama Know & When Did He Know It
White Supremacist Leader Indicted on Federal Charges for Threats, Witness Intimidation
Will lead effort to overhaul of health care system, push through Congress
Will Obama be a torture president, too
World Econ May Shrink First Time Since 1945
Worst US Spending Slump Since 1942
YouTube launches 'safety center'
Zimbabwe - 'Dead People Are Better Off'

Abuses Persist As UN Rights Declaration Turns 60
Airforce Seeks City Stopper
And Now For World Government
At last, Treasury gets its bailout inspector - Lisa Lerer and Eamon Javers and Victoria McGrane - Politico.com
Babylon's History Swept Away In U.S. Army Sandbags
Bailout backers try to sway GOP - Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
Ben Smith's Blog Axelrod 'We were not involved' - Politico.com
Ben Smith's Blog Obama stands up for Land of Lincoln - Politico.com
Bible Probably Not True Says Bush
Biden — not Obama — gets new pooch - Carol E. Lee - Politico.com
Big risks for Obama in Blago scandal - Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Bloomberg.com Exclusive#
Boehner Future of GOP is Cao - Josh Kraushaar and Andy Barr - Politico.com
Canada Finalizes Open Skies Deal With EU
Central America Pushes For Unified Currency
CO2 Found On Distant Planet
Dems should be nervous about next four years - John Feehery - Politico.com
Dire Forecast For World Economy
Duncan slightly favored for RNC chair - Alexander Burns - Politico.com
Federal Deficit On Pace To Reach $1 Trillion
Federal deficit on pace to reach record $1T
GOP may seek Bill Clinton's testimony - Amie Parnes and Glenn Thrush - Politico.com
GOP résumés are piling up on Hill - Nancy Cook - Politico.com
Greek Violence Flares For Sixth Day
Grinch steals Washington Christmas - Anne Schroeder Mullins - Politico.com
House Probe FCC Chairman Abused Power
How Obama can win the confirmation game - Gary Andres and Patrick J. Griffin - Politico.com
ISPs Resisting Aussie Internet Censorship
Jackson denies Blagojevich role - Ryan Grim - Politico.com
Kennedy's wish list won't be left behind - Erika Lovley - Politico.com
Lawmakers Blast Former Fannie & Freddie Execs
Lesser-known appointments can have great impact - Derek M. LaVallee - Politico.com
Mother Jones Report On Government Waste
Obama could find uniting example in Philly mayor - Howard Altman - Politico.com
Obama picks his energy team - Erika Lovley - Politico.com
Obama Urged To Create Cyberspace Office
Obama’s chief tech duties - Micah L. Sifry and Andrew Rasiej - Politico.com
Patagonia Indian Tribe Faces Extinction
Pay Raise For Judges In Auto Bailout
Politicians chime in on Blago - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Rod Blagojevich, Illinois governor -- chicagotribune.com
Secretary Of State Salary Cut For Clinton
So Called Al-Qaeda Terrorists Arrested In Belgium
The Big Three For Wall Streets New World Order
Un Nearly 1 Billion Hungry
Video Report On Masonic CHIP Program
Who Will Mourn Local Newspapers
Workers Win A Big Round In Factory Sit-In
More Violence in Greece
Videos - obama responds to blago
'7 Blago questions for Obama'
'All I Want Is An Honest Press'
'Companies could be sued over climate change'
'New PA forces are most capable ever' - J'lem Post
14 Alleged Al Qaeda-Linked Extremists Detained in Belgium - Fox
6 Million Degrees of Diana Separation Anxiety
7 Blago Questions for Obama
A Modern-day Islamist Inquisition
A Plausible Plan to Rescue Automakers
A Political Ruckus ... in Canada!
A Ruble-Rousing Depreciation
A Ruinous Bias Against Helping Detroit
A Senate Seat Is Not A Kennedy Heirloom
A US-Iranian Conversation
A Wall Street Job Can't Match a Life Calling
A Worldwide Human Rights Agenda
Abbas; Israeli 'issues' preventing deal - Jerusalem Post
Air Force Seeks (Non Lethal) City Stopper
Amateur Video Killed Dion's Star
Apparently that TV reporter 'misspoke'
Arming India Against Terrorism
Asian trade in 'free fall' as exports to West dry up
audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 10, 2008
audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 11, 2008
audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 5, 2008
audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 8, 2008
audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 9, 2008
Australian ISPs Resist Government Filtering Scheme
Australian SAS Units Function as Death Squads in Afghanistan
Bagging Blagojevich or How the Right Learned to Love Patrick Fitzgerald
Bailout backers try to make a deal
Bailout Doesn't Fix Detroit’s Problem
Bailout Print Journalism!
Bank Of International Settlements Warns Of Global Lending Collapse
Bankruptcy Doesn't Equal Death
Bay Buchanan Uses Obama's Inauguration To Justify GOP Slurs Using His Middle Name
Be Wary of Following Japan's Path
Beijing Looks at Obama
Bernanke ‘War Powers’ Undermine Fed Bank Presidents
Better Late Than Never
Bill O'Reilly says that Secular Progressives will want to revoke Christmas as a federal holiday
Bipartisanship, Baby!
BlackListed News
Blago's approval rating at 7 percent
Blagojevich ... Irony Alert
Blagojevich and that 'culture of corruption'
Blagojevich Circus Lights Up the Web
Blagojevich's Behavior Is Common
Blagojevich's Corruption ..Warning for Democrats
Blame Bush, Obama -- Or Us
Blame me for job losses
Britain Leaves Iraq in Shame; Not US
Bush Shouldn't Waver on Detroit Bailout
Bush's exit strategy ... Do as much damage on the way out as possible
Bush's Legacy ..War in Iraq
Calling All Czars!
Can Ayn Rand Survive the Fiscal Crisis
Can Obama Escape the Taint of Blagojevich
Can Obama fix America - Caution Work projects ahead - Steve Hargreaves
Can Pakistan Stop Lashkar
Canada Backs Away from the Cliff
Central America and Dominican Republic agree to create single currency
Chance to Change Course on Cuba
Change Is Coming to the World of Finance
Charles Schwab ..It Will Get Better
Chicago Workers End Sit-In
China Plays Tibet Card to the Full
Chu To Be Energy Secretary - MSNBC
Climate Change Is Human Rights Issue
Clinton pick could face court challenge
Clothing with a brain ..'Smart fabrics' that monitor health
Clues to Identify Senate Candidates #1-6
Coincidentally, on the Day Without Gay PLEASE Stop Sending Me Videos of Gays Singing Channukah Songs
Corrupt Illinois governor busted trying to sell Obama's Senate seat
Countdown ... Keith Olbermann Looks At Bush's REAL Legacy
Countdown .Worst Person Dec. 8, 2008
Cracks seen in EU, U.S. over how to rescue economies - Reuters
Daschle will head up HHS
Daschle's wife avoids potential conflicts
Day Without Gay Also Means . . .
Deflation Says Buy Bonds; Supply Flood Says Sell
Defying the Democratic Party
Democratic Party Scandal How High Will It Go
Democrats' Turn to Cope with Scandals
Dems Meet the Culture of Corruption
Dems rake cash from business
Detroit Needs This Bridge
Detroit's Bailout Rides on Strong 'Car Czar'
Dion.. Too Tragic Even for Shakespeare
Do you think we could use the 9 Billion dollars that went missing in Iraq now
Don't Allow Terrorists to Win
Don't Expect Bailout from Asia
Dumbing down schools in the UK
Eight Really, Really Scary Predictions about '09 and Beyond
Emergency Readiness Not So Much
Enduring Star Power of Lech Walesa
Engaging Iran Not the Solution
EU carbon trading system brings windfalls for some, with little benefit to climate
Europe Is Needed, More Than Ever
Even A Kennedy Should Earn The Title
Everyone Will Be Insured, But It'll Be Costly
Everything you want to know about the bailout (but were afraid to ask)
Executive Compensation Was Working Just Fine
Finally, We Can Clean Up Illinois
Fitzgerald Held Off Blagojevich Bust to Protect Obama Election ....
Fitzgerald in a Difficult Spot
Flash Back - CIA holds young sons of captured al-Qa'eda chief Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
For Biotech, a Tax Break Spells Hope
GAO .. IRS hasn't evaluated data-sharing program
Gates; More brigades to Afghanistan by summer - USA Today
Gender-bending chemicals putting our future at risk
Getting Rid of Uncomfortable Questions
Global Zero
GM is doomed - unless Big Labor accepts cuts
GOP 5.0;What next for Lincoln's party
GOP hopes rise, Dems hit rough patch
GOP May Seek Bill Clinton's Testimony
GOP Senate grows a pair - nixes auto bailout
Governor Blagojevich, Resign
Greece Torn Apart by Riots
He's Not Crazy, he's stupid
He's the Clown, but Joke's on Us
Here comes the Great Man complex
Higher Ed Spending Another Phony Stimulus
Homicide Bomber Strikes Iraq Restaurant, Killing at Least 55 - Fox
House GOP Ousts Young From Committee Post
HOUSE voting on Federal Loans to Auto Makers Open Thread ... It Passes
Housing Goals We Can't Afford
How a Governor Self-Destructed
How Obama Fought Through the IL Swamp
How the GOP Should Prepare for a Comeback
How to Get Israeli Settlers Out
How to Kick Pirate Booty
How Will Obama Aproach China
Human Rights Aren't What They Used to Be
Human Rights vs. Islamic Rights
Ill. Gov. Blagojevich Ignores Calls to Quit - Fox
Illinois Has Long Been For Sale
India calls on Pakistan to hand over 40 fugitives - Jerusalem Post
India-Pakistan; Civil War Or Nuclear War
Iran to send relief ship to Gaza - Ynet
Iran's growing influence at the UN
Iranian VP calls for Israel's destruction - Ynet
Iraq ..Mission Unaccomplished
Is the Obama Cabinet Too Conservative
Is the Panic Over Jobs Justified
Islamic Modesty Muslim Darwin Award Winner Takes Western Lives in Sexual Jihad
Israeli experts help India prepare commando raids into Pakistan
Israelis advised to stay away from Goa in second half of December - Jerusalem Post
It's Time for Obama to Lead by Example
Jackson Needs to Answer Questions
Jesse Jackson Jr. vigorously tries to shake off the Curse of Blago
Jindal Bows Out
Joe the Plumber ... McCain appalled me
Jon Stewart smacks down Mike Huckabee on gay marriage
Kyoto Accord is Worthless
Leaving Iraq in Shame
Lehman's Last Days
London Girl with Plan to Save Syria
Looks like a Special election is coming for Blagojevich's pay to play Senate seat
Looming Bailout Is Death of the Big Three
Lust, Greed, 2008 Sinners Trounce all Winners
Mainstream Press in Freefall
Making Sense of Expanded Deterrence
Man says he was beaten for wearing Obama shirt
Matthews Plays Softball with Ayers
More Things We Missed. . .
Mr. Rangel’s Problems Roll On
Mubarak; 'Iran wants to swallow Arab world' - J'lem Post
Mumbai's Harsh Lesson on Gun Control
National Association of Evangelicals in Turmoil - USA Today
New Rochelle School District Censors Pages from 'Girl, Interrupted'
New unemployment claims hit 26-year high
New unemployment claims reach 26-year high - USA Today
New Wheels For GM And Chrysler - Or Not
No Evidence of 'Trouble' for Obama
No Moral Equivalence for Islamabad
North Korean prison life detailed - Defector reveals past horrors, difficulties of adjusting to 'outside world' - Blaine Harden
Obama ... Close Gitmo and No Torture
Obama and Iran's UN Power
Obama and the Natural Born Citizen Clause
Obama Expected to Name Chu as Energy Secretary
Obama eyes cuts in expensive weapons systems - Pentagon budget to shift to current war needs - Washington Times
Obama Meets the Press
Obama Must Be Forthcoming
Obama Needs a Black Agenda
Obama Needs to Tackle Agriculture Reform
Obama nominates Daschle to head HHS - MSNBC
Obama on Blago ... 'This Senate seat does not belong to any politician to trade'
Obama says he is 'saddened and sobered' by Blagojevich, but he had no contact with him
Obama Should Put Castros in Their Place
Obama Spinning and Ducking
Obama Team; not linked to deals over selling Senate seat - USATODAY.com
Obama to list staff contact with Blago - Craig Gordon and Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Obama V. the Machine
Obama wants to try 'rebooting US image' amongst Muslims - Jerusalem Post
Obama Was Mute on Illinois Corruption
Obama's atomic umbrella U.S. nuclear strike if Iran nukes Israel
Obama's Blago Problem
Obama's End Run around Congress
Obama's Human Rights Opportunity
Obama's Relationship With Emil Jones
Obama's Test on 'Combatant' Jailings
Obama's Way Out of Iraq
Obama, Israel and nukes
Obama.. Be Wary of Following Japan's Path
Oil Companies Sharing the Pain
On Supporting the Troops
Only Impeachment Will Stop Blagojevich
Ooops! William Always Wrong Kristol Tops List Of 10 Worst Predictions For 2008
Pakistan.. We're ready for war with India
Palestinian Presidential Follies
Paterson Says Kennedy Has Not Called About Niece
Peak Oil Enthusiasts Wrong Again
Pentagon I.G. Faults Pentagon On I.E.D. Preparedness
People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants and Rivers
Perils of Islamic Banking
POLITICAL VIDEO - Blagojevich Go Right Ahead Tape Me
POLITICAL VIDEO - Bush Congratulates Kennedy Center Winners
POLITICAL VIDEO - Fannie and Freddie Ignored Warnings
POLITICAL VIDEO - Fitzgerald Announces Charges Against Blagojevich
POLITICAL VIDEO - Frank Defends Aiding Companies
POLITICAL VIDEO - Garrett, Kucinich Debate Auto Bailout
POLITICAL VIDEO - Gen. Shinseki on Veterans Affairs Department
POLITICAL VIDEO - Gregory Named New Moderator of Meet the Press
POLITICAL VIDEO - House Debate on the Auto Aid Bill
POLITICAL VIDEO - Illinois Governor Blagojevich Arrested
POLITICAL VIDEO - Interview with Rep. Frank
POLITICAL VIDEO - Jesse Jackson Jr. Denies Wrongdoing
POLITICAL VIDEO - Legislative Leaders Pledge to Help Automakers
POLITICAL VIDEO - Mayor Daley Responds to Blagojevich Arrest
POLITICAL VIDEO - McConnell on the Auto Aid Plan
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Public Works Program
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Shinseki for Veterans Affairs
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama on Blagojevich, Autos, and Health Care
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Reacts to Blagojevich Arrest
POLITICAL VIDEO - Pence, Ackerman Debate Auto Plan
POLITICAL VIDEO - President-Elect Obama on Meet the Press
POLITICAL VIDEO - Republicans Object to Auto Aid Plan
POLITICAL VIDEO - Rice Regrets Errors, Says Iraq is a Strategic Achievement
POLITICAL VIDEO - Romney on Blagojevich, Auto Bailout
POLITICAL VIDEO - Secretary Gutierrez Discusses Auto Aid
POLITICAL VIDEO - Shelby Continues His Opposition
POLITICAL VIDEO - The House Passes Auto Aid Package
Pulitzer Prizes Go Cyber
Questions Arise About the Obama-Blago Relationship
Questions for Obama
Rahm Emanuel, family man
Rangel Investigation Expanded
Rangel Probe Widening
Raw Footage - Athens Protests
Real Problem ;People Don't Want Detroit's Cars
Regulation Could Be Recession's Silver Lining
report ...Bailed-out firms bankrolled conventions
report ...State should recognize Bedouin villages - Ynet
Rev Wright (Wrong Again) on American History
Riots Put Greece in Democratic Crisis
Roll Over, Abe Lincoln
Romney for Car Czar
Russia ;Iran could not build A-bomb
Russia Courts Muslim World
Sarkozy Fritters Away French Democracy
Saudi Plan ..100 Years of Dhimmitude
SCI-Fi to SCI-FACT; “MKV” — Precursor of SkyNet
Sean Hannity goes solo
Senate GOP Puts the Brakes on the Auto Bailout
Should You Jump Into the Stock Market Now
Skepticism on the Bailout
Slumdog Millionaire & the Mumbai Attacks
Socialism For the Rich Isn't the Answer
Steven Chu for Energy Secretary
Stimulus Is for Suckers
Stimulus road to nowhere - Donald Lambro
Stop 'Senator No' McConnell
Survey Reveals Voting Disparities on November 4
Swearing in ..Barack Hussein Obama - Politico
Symbols of Republican Delusion
Team Obama Must Hang Together
Terrorists Want to Destroy Pakistan, Too
Thailand's Coup in Disguise
Thailand's Remarkable King
The Aimless War in Afghanistan
The Bailout That Won't
The Blago Plot Thickens
The Blago Saga Begins
The Chicago Way, on Tape
The Classic Perils of Inflation & Deflation
The Curse Of Illinois
The Democrats' Phony Scandal
The EPA Charade
The Ethics Bill That Started it All
The GOP Must Take Out the Trash
The Great Wall Between Iran, US
The New Gender Gap You Know Who's Really Hardest Hit . . .
The panopticon economy.. The NSA’s new data-mining facility is one component of a growing local surveillance industry
The Petroleum and Poverty Paradox
The Predictable Hajj Hundreds Get Trampled, But Muslims Attack U.S. & Israel
The Purpose Behind The Financial Crisis
The Return Of The Old Left
The Spirit of Giving
The State of India's Economy
The State of Indian Politics
The Stimulus Cure May Make the Patient Worse
The Taint of 'the Chicago Way'
The Truth About $73-Hour Autoworker Pay
The Unity Center Mosque Hateful American Mosques Who Hack Members' E-mail & the Lawyers and Stupid Jewish Women Who Love Them
The Unreal Bill Ayers
Tibi; Livni must clarify her position on Israeli-Arabs - Jerusalem Post
Time to stop Peres - President Peres’ endorsement of dangerous Saudi peace initiative must be resisted - Ynet
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Tops Viral Video List for 2008
To Revive the GOP Corpse
To Spend On Infrastructure, Or Not
To Spend or Not to Spend
Transcripts...Guests - Secretary Rice, Tony Blair
Transcripts...Guests - Secretary Rice; Senators Levin & Shelby
Transcripts...Guests - Senators Dodd and Sessions (PDF)
Transcripts...Interview with President-Elect Barack Obama
Tread Softly in Pakistan
Turkey's Faltering Reform Drive
U.S. Requests U.N. Authorization to Hunt Somali Pirates on Land - Fox
UN Fails on Human Rights
Uniting Oogedy Boogedy's and Elitists
video - Police taser man in diabetic shock
video - Former ISI Chief ;Mumbai and 9-11 Were Both Inside Jobs
video - Jackson.. 'I am not a target'
Video of the Day Animal Abuse or . . . a Lesson in Who Shouldn't Be Your Guard Dog
Vote on Automaker Aid Nears
Walt is Turning Over in His Grave Disney Considers Porn Star for Tinkerbell Role
Was CIA Wrong about Iran
We Need a Bailout Exit Strategy
What Blagojevich Means for Obama Transition
What Do the Clintons Have on Obama
What's a Good Way To Make Money... YouTube Videos
Where's the Responsibility Now
Whitewashing Fannie Mae
Who Are the Unnamed Blago Players
Who Will Mourn Local Newspapers
Why Attempts at Mortgage Fixes Have Failed
Why Did FBI, U.S. Government Protect Candidate #5, Jesse Jackson, Jr. in Blagojevich Scandal
Why Did Fitzgerald Act Now
Why I Like the Auto Bailout
Why Infrastructure
Why Is Wealthy Cerberus Begging for a Bailout
Why Not Speak to the Governor
Why Terrorists Hate India
Why World Needs US Military Might
Why World Still Needs American Might
Will Google Buy The New York Times
Will Labor Get What it Wants From Obama
Will Obama Keep His Word and Reappoint Fitzgerald
Wiretap Nets Illinois Governor
Word of the Day ... Taint
World Bank’s ‘Wrong Advice’ Left Silos Empty in Poor Countries
Would Caroline Kennedy beat Rudy Guiliani for the Senate seat in NY
Would You Buy a Car from Congress
Yo Soy Judeo-Feliz Chanukah DNA Test--20% of Spanish Men Have Jewish Heritage
You Can Use A Chuckle, Right
Zell's Tribune ..The Canary In a Scary Mine
Zimbabwe's Blood and Diamonds
Zimbabweans Pay for World's Failure
“Father of the Amero” Herbert Grubel speaks about a common North American currency