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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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04 April 2008



Clinton Campaign Backpedals on Richardson Comments - From The Road
Bear Stearns Rescue Backed Amid Concerns: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bear Stearns says traders' false rumours took bank to the brink - Times Online
Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism | ajc.com
Priest 'made £3m from fake exorcisms' - Telegraph
Straight or gay? U.S. court says Web site can't ask | Reuters
The Associated Press: Wis. Man in Standoff Over Unpaid Taxes
British Muslims 'planned to kill thousands by bombing SEVEN transatlantic airliners in one go' | the Daily Mail
'Terror plot' to blow up transatlantic flights out of London - Times Online
My Way News - Clinton Appears on "The Tonight Show"
Obama's fundraising outpaces Clinton's - Yahoo! News
Obama close to Bush record
The Swamp: Jane Fonda: 'Obama!'
Hanoi Jane Drops Barack Bomb - TMZ.com
Carter hints at supporting Obama
Ticket giveaway steals Bill Clinton's thunder | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
Why the Democratic race could end in North Carolina - USATODAY.com
States may free inmates to save millions - Yahoo! News
wcbstv.com - Pope To Visit NYC Synagogue For Passover
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Global temperatures 'to decrease'
Weak Economy Sours Public’s View of Future, New Poll Finds - New York Times
Hillary Clinton agrees to April 27 debate
John Edwards says would not accept VP nomination | Politics | Reuters
Air America Host Suspended for Clinton Remarks - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Clinton Aide Met on Trade Deal - WSJ.com
Naomi Campbell | Arrested at heathrow | Spitting in policeman's face | The Sun |HomePage|News
Google: What Goes Up...
Palm Beach Post - News from The Associated Press
Toddlers can no longer marry in Ark. - Weird news- msnbc.com
Chinese spying on the rise, U.S. says - Washington Post- msnbc.com
FOXNews.com - Michigan Fifth-Grader Finds 27-Year-Old Mistake at Smithsonian Science Museum - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
Kitty Genovese killer blames his wife-beating father for vicious murder
Thousands rally for biblical marriage
More water better health: Where's the proof? Scientists ask
Obama scoffs at deportations - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
cCain won't fight platform on abortion, gays - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Patsy's pizza owners point to Sinatra recommendation in brand-name case
Absolut Redraws USA - Mexico Border » Outside The Beltway | OTB
The Clinton Tax Returns: What Will They Reveal?
'Pig Book' tallies $17.2 billion in pork - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Two men face attempted murder in motel manager stomping
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa under fire from everywhere after 9/11 comments
Poll: Make gas guzzlers pay higher fees
Court Documents Reveal Disturbing Details Of Football Player's Rant - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
US to help Egypt prevent smuggling on Gaza border - Israel News, Ynetnews
Drone border patrols take off - Security- msnbc.com
Mexican mayor faces trafficking charges in N.Y. - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Al Qaeda No. 2: We don't kill innocents - CNN.com
Lawyers: Extend cuddle ban to non-Muslims - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com
ocal Company to Leave Berkeley Due to Protests
Calls renewed to fix Berkeley's citizen boards
Savage lawsuit vs. CAIR accuses group of being front for Hamas
The American Form of Government and the Paulson Plan by Michael S. Rozeff
Was It 'The Good War'? by Patrick J. Buchanan
Why Wal-Mart Should Have Taken Its Money From the Brain-Damaged Woman by J.H. Huebert
What Do We Stand For? by Paul Craig Roberts
Hands Off Internet Gambling by Ron Paul
American Grand Delusions by Tom Engelhardt
Remembering Bette Davis on centennial of her birth - International Herald Tribune
Why doesn't the 9/11 Commission know about Mukasey's 9/11 story? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
ow to fix the executive branch. - By Bruce Fein - Slate Magazine
BBC NEWS | Health | Daily caffeine 'protects brain'
Stephen Wiltshire, the human camera who drew London from memory - Telegraph
Gay Talese: The Scion, the Stitch, and the Wardrobe: Entertainment & Culture: vanityfair.com
My Journey to the Heart of Darkness – Indianapolis by Robert Higgs
Leave Russia Alone by Ron Paul
The Other Civil War by Keith Preston
Were You Taken In by the 'Ron Paul' Hoax? by Mark Sunwall
Will You Fire The Next Shot Heard ’Round the World? by Greg Perry
The Transcendent Challenge of Our Time by Bill Huff
There Stands Schweitzer Like a Stone Wall by Robert F. Hawes Jr.
The Myth of the Just Price - Laurence M. Vance - Mises Institute
Our Shrinking Zones of Privacy by Jack Kenny
Cleopatra's Suicide by Snake a Myth?
Why texting harms your IQ - Times Online
tate "Fusion Centers" And Pentagon-Run FBI Programs Spy On Americans
IMF Says U.S. In Worst Economic Crisis Since Great Depression
Al Gore's Buys His Own (Green) Private Army
Top Bush Administration officials pressured underlings to use torture tactics at Guantanamo
Under his father's shadow: The truth about disgraced Max Mosley, son of Nazi-sympathiser Oswald
How Alan Greenspan Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the State by Roderick T. Long
Bin Laden Took Part in 1986 Arms Deal, Book Says
The World According to Monsanto
The Alex Jones Show-3/31/08:Twila Brase" Harvested DNA" pt1
Toys Bear All-Seeing Eye Logo
Satire: Al Qaeda is offended by 9/11 conspiracy claims
Mukasey Admits Government Knew Of Call About 9/11, Before 9/11
Ron Paul calls Obama a fraud
CNN catches McCain making contradictory statements about Sadr.
Ron Paul and Glenn Beck, Friends and Foes
Gary Hart Attempts to Re-Brand the New World Order the "GDSO" With His New Book
Obama: I don't carry a Council on Foreign Relations card or know any 'special handshake'
81% Of Americans Think Nation On Wrong Track
Rhodes Suspended For Calling Clinton A Whore
Ventura Wrestles With What Happened On 9/11
PR: Ventura Says WTC A Controlled Demolition
Learn The Truth About Fluoride
Japan To Study Safety Of Cloned Food
Study Claims Sun Not Linked To Climate Change
Federal Reserve Staff Moves Into Monitor Banks
Senate Rejects Bill To Help Homeowners
Corn Hits $6 A Bushel
Report Claims Iraq Security Improving
ATF Raids Teen For Trying To Create Bio-Fuel
Tech Gear Disables Cars For Lack Of Payment
Corn Seed Sales Do Well For Monsanto
Boeing Flies Hydrogen Powered Plane
Al-CIAda Number Two Defends Attacks
Homeland Security Blinks On Real ID
Today's Freemasons of a More Modest Order
Breeding the Oil Bug | Popular Science
Another KBR Rape Case
Bill would require more than 60 Nebraska towns to add flouride to water
Obama and King - WSJ.com
Dick Polman's American Debate: Obama and the benefits of time
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Fabulist Vs. the Saint
A Debate on Jobs in Pennsylvania. Not - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's Biggest Mistake
The Peril of Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Unfinished Business of Liberalism
McCain's Next Front: The Economy | The New York Observer
Obama Throws Gutter Ball, Clinton Plays Pals: Margaret Carlson
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Superdelegate Math
RealClearPolitics - Articles - No Really. Hillary Has a Decent Shot
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democrats: The Fix Is On
EXCLUSIVE: "Torture Memo" Author John Yoo Interview - Iraq Torture - Abu Ghraib - Geneva Convention - Esquire
Health Care Policy
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Mogul Who Bet on Vegas
Labour pains | Economist.com
Clinton Telling Superdelegates "Obama Can't Win"
House GOP Highlights Pig Book
Clinton Denies Saying Obama Can't Win
Corzine Reserves Right to Change His Vote
Clinton: "NC Ask Me"
McCain: "Sacrifice" Web Ad
Heinz Kerry & Obama
McCain's Morning Media
Obama on "Hardball"
McCain: "Ready"
Obama Says He Wants Gore at the Table
Clinton: "Ringing"
Obama's Speech to the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Clinton Speaks about MLK Anniversary
Sen. Graham on MSNBC
Romney Comments on VP Speculation
Clinton: "Thank You" Web Ad
McCain: "Service" Web Ad
Stewart Mocks Those Who Want Clinton Out of the Race
McCain on "Late Show"
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - Hillary Clinton cannot let go of her dream
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton Fatigue Driving Pressure to Quit
The Patriotism Problem - TIME
Political Radar: Candidate Clinton to Richardson: 'Barack Obama Can't Win'
McCain and Clinton Ads Spar Over Mortgage Crisis - New York Times
DNC stance surprises campaigns - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
McCain credits lessons learned at Naval Academy -- Elections, Anne Arundel County, Robert L. Ehrlich -- baltimoresun.com
Editorials & Opinion | Democrats should come clean on trade | Seattle Times Newspaper
Uncle Subprime - WSJ.com
An economy on the edge - Opinion - USATODAY.com
General Petraeus's Return - April 3, 2008 - The New York Sun
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - King's Imprint
Edward W. Brooke - King and Kerner: An Unfinished Agenda - washingtonpost.com
Campus ‘activism’ redefined - BostonHerald.com
The Pakistan Paradox
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Heeding Labor's Demand?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Undue Haste on the Economy
Regulating the free-market free fall - The Boston Globe
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hearts and Minds, Again
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Want a Taste of the McCain Presidency? You've Already Had One
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Year That Wasn't
In Terms of Geography, Obama Appeals to Academics and Clinton Appeals to Jacksonians - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
Why the Democratic race could end in North Carolina - USATODAY.com
Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear
Federal Reserve staff move into offices of investment banks to monitor activities
Man survives 16 days without heart
Biologists can now create organisms from scratch
Federal Cops Continue Round-Up in Juarez, Mexico
Individual bankruptcy filings up 27%
US strikes missile deal with Czechs
Carlyle Group's Plan to Takeover the Banking System
Antidepressant Drugs Linked to School Shootings
Bush Administration Memo Says Fourth Amendment Does Not Apply
Ecuador Bans Foreign Military Bases
DHS: U.S. Cops Access To Sat-Surveillance Is Go
Globalist Agenda: U.S. Must Embrace Obligations of Global Citizenship
Neuromarketing could make mind reading the ad-man's ultimate tool
Brzezinski’s unconvincing antiwar posturing
Bernanke Warns of Possible Recession
GM Seeds Still Active in Soil 10 Years Later
U.S. VA documents 73,846 deaths from Iraq Wars
The Pentagon's battle bugs
The School Crotch Inspector
Cheney Opposed Chemical Weapons Convention
We have created human-animal embryos already, say British team
Pentagon: Colleges must hand over names
ACLU: Military skirting law to spy - Yahoo! News
Fusion Centers to Data-Mine Suspect Citizens
VIDEO: Ron Paul Berates Bernanke at Joint Economic Committee
VIDEO: Arlen Specter On Able Danger, the Anthrax Attacks and the Patriot Act
Bush Forest Service buys UAVs to spy on public
Obama: No conspiracy to create 'one continental government'
GAO Blasts Weapons Budget
Corruption Fueling Canada's Merge Into U.S.
The Associated Press: Torture Memo Released by Pentagon
Vodka advertisement depicts 'Absolut world' in which California, Arizona, others secede
'The county actions in firing Brenda Biesterfeld are inexcusable'
Contends nation's free-market doctrine ill-suited for today's global market
Contemporaries, records dispute campaign claim that he was never 'practicing Muslim'
Entered politics to advance true calling – building 'collective institutions'
'There's a historical precedent, and I really hope that doesn't happen again'
Disputes reports she dismissed rivals chances to Bill Richardson before his endorsement
Let no one doubt your opinion as 2008 race moves forward
'No average person has interest and funds in the Cayman Islands'
'We now are considered guinea pigs, instead of human beings with rights'
Binghamton, N.Y., grants permit for Milad-un-Nabi event
Says crops will have been destroyed by global warming
Randi Rhodes called Hillary a 'big f*****g whore,' Ferraro 'David Duke in drag'
Liquid bomb plan targeted jets for 'civilian death toll on an almost unprecedented scale'
WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
Diplomats say move meant to show no intention of suspending program despite demands by U.N.
Seized documents include blueprints for 'shaping' uranium metal into warheads
Mugabe 'is desperate to stay in power and the sting may be in the tail'
Easy way to avoid a heart or brain disaster
The Official Longevity® HGH-R formula from Germany
'He is a beloved man today, but a hated man when he was killed'
'There's no horizon yet that anybody can see. New events keep rolling out'
Spare me just 7 minutes to show you how to copy my plan
'Schmoozing with Terrorists' – $4.95 today only!
'I've worked all my life and paid taxes and then when I need help I can't get it'
Woman failed to appear at court: 'I didn't think I was notified'
'There's evidence that the model of the gang is rape, kill, control'
'You don't think the Republican 527s are going to leave this stuff alone do you?'
'I would not disclose who I am rooting for, but I leave you to make that guess'
'I fell off the wagon a couple times ... and then was able to get back on'
Texas oilman accused of illegally pumping, exporting 10 million barrels of Nigerian oil
DHS announces states compliant even though many reject national identity card
$2 million sought – wealthy businessman, 38, had heart condition
Statute passed last year mistakenly removed minimum age for marriage in state
Yale researchers find discrimination common against obese people
Angry mom: 'He doesn't know those things. He's only 6 years old'
'We do not know yet whether the architecture and design solutions ... will work as intended'
'I'm not heartless': Co-creator of make-believe heartthrob led to teen's suicide
Says he'll do 17 when 'there's some more space on my forehead'
14 years ago, Chris Clark shelled out 20 bucks to register domain name
Lost brakes: Called hero for causing car to flip before entering intersection
Supermodel suspected of assaulting police officer in London
Says he kept uterus intending to carry child
Raptor's nest removed from behind home plate after bird drew blood
Scientist: 'Murders occurred. Children were murdered. I will not make a show of it'
Highest level since mid-Sept. 2005 – continuing claims also spike
25% reduction is 1st significant job cuts in company's gilded history
Some of work done by 200 full-time salaried employees to be outsourced
Bernanke tells Congress Fed will get money back on Bear Stearns deal
Jobless claims, stocks, oil and gold up
SEC 'looking closely' at whether market participants illegally colluded to short shares
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses 3 major schools of economics with Dr. Frank Shostak
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'Premature accumulation' burns some managers – others aren't buying yet
But does it prevent foreclosures or bail out lenders?
Individual homeowners struggling with their mortgages might need to wait for help
Company could be on hook for oil-field contamination in Amazon rain forest
Chairman under investigation for relationship with judge lashes out at news cameraman
'Black Gold Stranglehold' explodes common myths
Company filed suit for health-care reimbursement after woman won award for accident
'Unique, state-of-the-art' – part roller coaster, part animal adventure
Faces maximum term of 20 years in prison, fine of up to $250,000
Fed head: 'I'm not ready to say whether or not the U.S. economy will face such a situation'
Company argues treaty with U.S. protects it from double taxation
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
'A historical technological success ... full of promises for a greener future'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
Religiously symbolic fence sought for East End -- Beach Vacations, New York, Long Island Power Authority -- Newsday.com
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer lauds federal government for taking up constitutional duty to protect border
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals which fence Washington is building with your tax dollars
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey sees Fed chairman's self-fulfilling recession helping Obama
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan eavesdrops on Barack's Cabinet discussing surrender
Phyllis Schlafly rips judges who compare participatory killing to reading the Bible
Bill Press asserts commander in chief operates as if he were above the law
Pat Buchanan argues 20th century conflict began demise of Western Civilization
Exclusive: Samuel Blumenfeld on authors battling education elites dumbing-down Brits
John Stossel explains why, contrary to California ruling, homeschooling is constitutional
Author shares harsh campus realities, urges parents to pull children
Vox Day takes on infamous atheist authors in his brand new book
Peter Dreier claims Alphonso Jackson corruption is par for the course
Exclusive: Readers grapple with issues of vaccines, Obama's faith, Hamas
Bruce Chapman offers latest products from the DNC Gift Shop


Political Radar: Candidate Clinton to Richardson: 'Barack Obama Can't Win'
Argentine president lays 'inalienable' claim to Falklands - Yahoo! News
Street-sweeper cameras eye illegal parking - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - McCain Compiles List of Running Mates
McCain working on list of VP candidates | Reuters
Now woman in YouTube 'rape' is arrested over underage sex allegations| News | This is London
Bill Clinton's tirade stunned some delegates
My Way News - Obama Trims Clinton's Lead in Pa.
Obama Keeps Cash Lead Over Clinton - TIME
My Way News - Obama Endorsed by Lee Hamilton
Endorsement helps bolster Obama's foreign policy credentials - International Herald Tribune
Political Radar: The Trail Wears Thin
In Chicago, Youth Violence Prompts Clampdown
Md. Boy, 12, Kills Man Attacking Mother
Botox May Move From Face to Brain, Study in Rats Says
Dion's Beijing concert cancelled - Entertainment News, International News, Media - Variety
Cruel Craigslist Hoaxers Busted - April 1, 2008
Turner: Global Warming Will Cause Mass Cannibalism, Insurgents Are Patriots | NewsBusters.org
Obama... like Heinz Kerry's husbands? - First Read - msnbc.com
Safety First, Even for the Press Corps - On The Plane
ATO aide: No deal on Ukraine, Georgia - Yahoo! News
Intel unveils tiny chips tailored for mobile Internet gadgets
Intel unveils tiny chips tailored for mobile Internet gadgets
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Tina Brown to Partner with Barry Diller on News Aggregation Site
Bernanke Says Recession Possible: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bernanke: Recession possible, growth to rebound: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Fed Aided Bear Stearns as Firm Faced Chapter 11, Bernanke Says
Fans shed blood for 'Moonlight'
New York `Borat' Lawsuit Is Dismissed: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Yahoo adds voice commands to Web search on phones: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
ACLU: Military skirting law to spy - Yahoo! News
Centers Tap Into Personal Databases
My Way News - Memo Justified Warrantless Surveillance
Cow-human cross embryo lives three days | NEWS.com.au
FOXNews.com - Hollywood A-Listers Prove Ignorance in Supporting Hugo Chavez - Opinion
Watergate committee staff boss: Hillary was fired for lies, unethical behavior
Obama's church founded on radical creed - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
FOXNews.com - Judge Says Kicking White Lawyers Out of Court to Lecture Black Defendants a 'Mistake' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Mexico > Tijuana & The Border -- Mexicans deported from U.S. will get free ride home
KRQE - Albuquerque, New Mexico - News, Video, Weather Forecast, Sports, Community, Health, Homes | KBIM - KREZ | Flag ripper may appeal conviction
Ted Turner predicts 'mass cannibalism' by 2040
'He was quite religious in Islam,' among quotes from former friends
Entered politics to advance true calling – building 'collective institutions'
Both Clintons making same passionate argument directly to Democrat superdelegates
But does it prevent foreclosures or bail out lenders?
11,610 special-interest projects cost taxpayers $17.2 billion
See who circumvented established budgetary procedures for 11,610 earmarked projects
Christian evangelist was arrested, charged with hate crimes, faced decades in prison
Case cites approval of 'fags' slogan, ban on 'Romans 1:27'
Support state lawmaker who says homosexuality dangerous
Appeals panel remands million dollar adverse possession dispute
Woman accused of damages estimated at $2,875 while praying
'The difficulty is what are your options to address it if it doesn't occur?'
Decision made to enable schools to 'operate safely' after Muslim parents voiced concerns
Rice, fertilizer shortages, food costs, higher energy prices equal world crisis
Veterans allowed to accept recognition from community
'Anytime you’re involved in delivery, I suppose you’re an easy target'
Fatally slashed assailant – 'I kept saying, 'Stop! Stop! Stop!''
Responds to question why terror group is waging attacks on Muslims in Muslim lands
Threaten to take legal action against Jewish leaders planning public slaughter
Fed head: 'I'm not ready to say whether or not the U.S. economy will face such a situation'
Begins 30-day term for using alcohol, having unapproved tryst with parolee
Says former VP will 'play a central part' in solving global warming
Wife of 2004 nominee campaigning for Illinois senator in Pennsylvania
'You're too old. You can't see. And you're a woman'
'It was one of the worst political meetings I have ever attended'
As long as any agreement supported by both Obama, Hillary
Hopes to announce choice before convention in September
Pressure mounts to secure dignified exit after parliament falls to opposition
Must have served at least 50% of sentence, agree to be sent home
'How did Bush go from being an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world?'
'We feel that as Muslims we must do something'
Poster shows Hezbollah leader emerging genie-like from bong
Teen tried to dispose of child born in campus restroom
Mom was driving at high rate of speed when she hit another car carrying 4 people
Thomas Athans was program chief for Air America, co-founded TalkUSA
Would also require judge to evaluate whether minor is 'sufficiently mature'
'Experiments of Frankenstein proportion' may increase pressure for tougher regulations
Part of months-long Senate probe of government's ability to prevent attack
Also optimistic alliance will bolster combat forces in Afghanistan
Taking advantage of webpages that incorrectly use JavaScript
Tiny particles warm up atmosphere faster than scientist once believed
'To put someone out in that type of environment would violate' NASA requirements
Growing concern over operation seen as cheap, quick alternative to full sex-change
Researchers find link to tobacco dependency, inability to quit
Such medicines 'are wonderful and lifesaving, but they do have toxicity problems'
If 14,300-year-old date for ancient poop holds up, continent populated earlier than thought
'He's one of the valued volunteer coaches ... I like his Bronx spiciness!'
'That they survived the drama at all is due to pure luck'
Camel owners across Arab world looking to celebrate their culture, win up to $10 million
Fed head: 'I'm not ready to say whether or not the U.S. economy will face such a situation'
Fed chief: Bear Stearns crisis not likely at similar institutions
'Would have been felt broadly ... through its effects on asset values and credit availability'
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses 3 major schools of economics with Dr. Frank Shostak
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
On some blocks, as many as 1/3 of residents have lost their homes
Thieves targeting foreclosed homes – stolen metal sent to China, India
'Dramatic shifts in market dynamics' prompts review of 'full spectrum of our risk appetite'
Wants laggard 401(k) account holders to beef up with diversified default investments
Proposed restrictions would affect oil, aerospace, media sectors
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Days of ultra-cheap labor, little regulation are gone
strength in oil and gas prices, prospects for continued growth in production volumes
Fuel execs pressed to explain soaring prices amid huge profits
Family restaurant puts executive on board of homosexual chamber
$780 million award if found complicit in deaths of 5 Americans by Marxist rebels
Challenge Interpreting something that Congress isn't sure what they mean
Says company touts capability even though iMac monitors can display only 262,144 true hues
To make sure components of cargo fire-suppression system operating effectively
Boutique industry springs up to use discarded equipment
'I come here [and] I am happy. I spend very good times here'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
Exclusive: Ernest Istook blasts efforts to cast those guilty of lying as victims
Ann Coulter: 'Jeremiah Wright is Booker T. Washington compared to this guy'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill urges probe into death of Clinton aide 12 years ago today
Exclusive: Erik Rush looks at latest revelations, quotes from candidate Obama
Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes senator's 1995 admission that he is, in fact, a socialist
Exclusive: Roger Hedgecock lays out realities of America's addiction to debt
Exclusive: Craige McMillan drubs education elite for assigning significance based on belief
Rebecca Hagelin reveals latest numbers showing Congress' appetite for our money
Exclusive: Ellis Washington shows what happens to a city when bad outweighs good
Larry Elder shares obscene notes from fellow blacks calling him every name in the book
Ted Rall: Bush's 'stealing' of 2000 election still matters
Exclusive: Reader pleads, 'Please, do not let your mind be governed by hate'
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore combats lawyer objecting to Bible reading in jury room
Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey tell of son who 'recovered' from autism

Truckers Protesting High Fuel Prices
Truckers Protest High Fuel Prices, Clog NJ Turnpike - News Story - WNBC | New York
My Way News - Congress Grills Oil Execs on High Prices
Murdochs Daughter Hosts Obama Fund-Raiser - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Business Owner's Toolkit: Small Business Guide Home
McCain seeks distance from Bush
Sen. John McCain - Yahoo! News Photos
Blumenthal Claims Inside Knowledge that McCain Flirted with Leaving GOP
Alice Walker: Obama is the change that America has tried to hide | Comment is free | The Guardian
The real harm Hillary Clinton inflicted on Bosnia. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Clinton antics will make Bill and Hil the next American Idles
50 Cent Flip-Flops: From Hillary To Obama To 'Don't Know' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News
Usmagazine.com | UPDATE: Jay Leno Apologizes Over Gay Remarks
Only 1 of 2 students graduate high school in US cities: study
British team makes mixed human animal embryos - Times Online
Clinton Likens Herself to 'Rocky'
YouTube - Stallone on McCain
Top Stories - Police Release Photos of Weapons in Waycross Plot
11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Pentagon staffer guilty of handing secrets to China agent
China Alleges Tibetan 'Suicide Squads'
British Airways Brings in FedEx to Reduce Bag Backlog
BA Terminal 5 bags sent to Milan for sorting - Times Online
Cruel Craigslist Hoaxers Busted - April 1, 2008
April Fool jokes a laughing matter for world's media
CBS Cuts At Local Stations And National News; Includes Online, - CBS News
Massive Job Cuts in Space Program Likely: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bank News, Economic Data Boosts Stocks: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
USA 2008: The Great Depression - Americas, World - The Independent
UBS Will Write Down $19 Billion: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Lehman raises $4 billion of capital to hush critics: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
ABC News: Stone's 'W': Daddy Issues and War Lust
Spectacular pictures of nature at its wildest, captured by the storm chasers who risk their lives to follow twisters | the Daily Mail
Cybercrime Law Enforcement Debated: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
NZealand teen convicted over global cyber-crime ring
Woman in YouTube 'rape' is arrested over underage sex| News | This is London
Google mistake over YouTube 'rape' video - Telegraph
Fed eyes Nordic-style nationalisation of US banks - Telegraph
Halal food lands on menus | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican | Top News | Reuters
Con man used claims of being 9/11 responder to get close to celebrities
FOXNews.com - Missing Ohio Soldier's Remains Found in Iraq After 4 Years - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Bay Area gay senior housing closer to reality
FOXNews.com - Child Genius at Oxford Becomes Prostitute - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Nearly 50 illegal immigrants working as security guards arrested | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Researchers At UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center Report Smoking Marijuana May Increase Risk Of Head And Neck Cancers
California senator wants to drop Cold War communist laws - San Jose Mercury News
Paulson unveils major overhaul of financial system
Pentagon balked on gay partner travel - Patrick O'Connor and David Rogers - Politico.com
Judge Orders Whites Out Of Atlanta Court - News Story - WSB Atlanta
Dutch lawmaker to edit anti-Quran film - Yahoo! News
'Peace partner' attempts to kidnap Jews
Oil execs: Gas prices hurt, but profits are in line | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
GREAT DEYN - New York Post
Obama's church founded on radical creed - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Feds to bypass laws to build border fence - USATODAY.com
Alien Sues, Saying NYPD Called in Feds - March 31, 2008 - The New York Sun
Newsmax.com - Will Marine Show Trials End?
Newsmax.com - Jack Murtha & Time: So Far, So Wrong
Bush pulls rank to finish fence
Navy prevents town from honoring vets
Hours after Israel removed anti-terror roadblocks as goodwill gesture
After WND report of secret negotiations mediated by Turkey
Repeatedly stabbed after White House 'turned into a great mosque'
WND Jerusalem chief discussing terror attack by U.S. 'peace partner'
Group seeking Liberty alternative actually targeting Ten Commandments, critics say
Staging scattered slowdowns across nation
Aims to ensure Putin, Bush bequeath stable relationship to successors
Swiss America CEO, WND columnist to discuss opportunity amid economic woes
'I never quit. I never give up. And neither do the American people'
Heather Podesta signs letter with B-word
Reacts to reports stating money crunch causing problems for Clinton
'Vast, right-wing conspiracy' leader now holds 'very favorable' opinion
Former Georgia congressman eyeing Libertarian Party ticket
Stands on gun control, death penalty, abortion at odds with 'moderate' image
Dennis Prager: Pastors in his mode are fools who distort biblical values
One of these likely to be your next president: Ask now!
Zimbabwe strongman reportedly told he's losing election
Alleges others in class allowed to draw 'demonic' images
Apparently because she scolded 1 student for standing on chair
Sponsoring student group hopes it's 'changing minds' on campus
Says record 28 million Americans relying on food stamps to survive
'Sanford's 5-page letter was Fort Sumter-quality'
'Her death was beginning of a new chapter in the movement'
Exclusive: Diana Lynne imparts lessons from brain-injured woman's untimely demise
'We are no better than those slave traders'
Battle over teen's welfare pending before European Parliament
Party members not sure whether to try to cut off money or take softer approach
Says they're 'never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet'
'I was just praying to Jesus. I said, if I'm going to die please drown me first before the alligators get me'
Britain considers plan for raising revenue if citizens have scenic vistas, good parking
Nomophobia coined for 'no mobile phobia'
Intelligence agencies help agents share information about their suspects
Departments under budget burdens hire outside help
'I don't understand how anybody could do something so stupid'
Mile-high building planned for new city near Red Sea port of Jeddah
'Once you think you've seen it all, something else comes around'
Bombarded emergency services with false reports of people in danger
Part of official efforts to clean up city before competition
'Donors and their families cannot choose who they give an organ to'
30 followers, 4 kids barricaded selves into hillside to escape 'coming apocalypse'
'We just decided we wanted to share it with people'
Enduring riddle: When, why was prehistoric monument built?
'We didn't have a body that was dead. We had a body that was talking'
Prosecutor admits high amount to hold suspect was 'silly'
'My wife and I had gotten very little sleep'
WorldNetDaily: Page 2
GM amazingly allowed copyright on brand name to expire in 2006
Fuel magnates pressed to explain soaring prices amid huge profit
'Gasoline is a relatively low margin part of what we do'
Many analysts say crude investors have taken price cues from gyrations in greenback
Demand for trucks, SUVs plummet amid high gas prices, slowdown in home construction
They want Washington to address rising fuel costs
Latest reading on regional manufacturing better than expected
Smart money buying tangible prices dips
Most far-ranging rework of regulatory system since stock market crash of 1929, Depression
Would give up its ability to regulate day-to-day affairs of banks
Clinton likens action to 'rearranging the deck chairs'
'We were determined not to get caught in the game we've seen with Bear Stearns'
Setting up joint group to develop plans to monitor, regulate banking
'Danger that the global financial markets will be disrupted by protectionism'
'Bear markets are terrible for the human psyche'
'We continue to hear this idea about we make these massive amounts of dollars'
'There are a lot of different options for busy people'
Family restaurant puts executive on board of homosexual chamber
Say none of suggestions provide ways of dealing with economic roots of crisis
'What is going on is a power play. It may be unusual in today’s Europe, but it is here'
Currency traders bet interest rates will diverge
Bailout could forever alter central bank's role
Averaged $32.9 billion in daily borrowing over past week – up from $13.4 billion
Just 1 of series of unorthodox steps agency has taken to battle current credit crisis
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
Exclusive: Vox Day speaks with Peter Schiff about Federal Reserve's recent actions
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'We have a market imbalance at the moment and there’s more demand than supply'
'Market is still a little top-heavy and will remain vulnerable to bouts of profit-taking'
Listen to Swiss America's daily financial audio report 'The Golden Minute'
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
'They should have done this a long time ago'
In cities with stabilizing markets, these might be good investment
Potential home buyers will find it easier to find loan, sellers to find buyers
'Threat to the system': Were false rumors planted to profit from drop in price?
Consistently release transparent accounting statements, follow conservative procedures
Some firms having problems obtaining loans, others being informed of reduced credit lines
Has chance to finally crack Microsoft's hold on computing's most visible domain
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
Division aims to require wireless operators to allow any device on networks
'If the rest of Citigroup incurs a lot of losses, it gives them something to sell'
'Murdoch wants to see the paper take on added urgency and broaden its areas of coverage'
Impact of Internet continues to be felt in print industry
Bush Plan May Forgive Some Mortgage Loans, Washington Post Says
Mukasey Admits Government Knew Of Call About 9/11, Before 9/11
Hayden Dismisses Waterboarding As ‘Uninteresting For The CIA,’ Calls Torture ‘A Legal Term’
Toys Bear All-Seeing Eye Logo
Oil extends yesterday's sharp decline on dollar strength, easing supply fears
Ron Paul and Glenn Beck, Friends and Foes
Obama: I don't carry a Council on Foreign Relations card or know any 'special handshake'
Promoting the North American Union
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Sen. Gary Hart on New World Order Vision
The Facebook tool which turns your mobile into a snoop - Times Online
Asking a Judge to Save the World, and Maybe a Whole Lot More - New York Times
Banks Face Biggest Crisis in 30 Years, Report Shows
Hillary Clinton’s Iraq Lies
The sieges of Basra and Sadr City: another US war crime in Iraq
John Cusack Movie Takes On War Profiteers
Global Gridlock: How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to Contain and Control the Earth and it’s Eco-System
Cops Arrest Man, 80, For Wearing Anti-war Shirt
Contractors Hired to Come Up with Air Force Strategy
Troops enter Shangri-la to quell China protest
Police Mutiny, Refuse to attack Sadrists
Sony BMG caught pirating software
CIA Chief’s Personal Beliefs about Iran
What is this ‘Iraq war’ charge on my bill?
Russian General Predicts April 6 Attack On Iran
War with Iran May Have Begun with Offensive in Iraq
Iran’s Wheat Fungus: Coincidence or Biological Warfare?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Dems Can Go Nine Innings
Loyalty to My Country - washingtonpost.com
Best of the Web Today - WSJ.com
FOXNews.com - The 'Recession' Is a Media Myth - Opinion
Going for Broke: Financial Page: The New Yorker
Entitlement Mentality Is Wrecking Economy (Tradecraft) at SmartMoney.com
A Campaign Tour of Places From His Past - washingtonpost.com
McCain drums up Mississippi support | clarionledger.com | The Clarion-Ledger
Obama Is Moving to Down-to-Earth Oratory - New York Times
Tricky Votes Loom For 3 Candidates - washingtonpost.com
Editorial: Support Smith effort to boost H-IB visas
The ministers and Musharraf - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Don't go overboard | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Zimbabwe says no to Mugabe - The Boston Globe
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - There's No Excusing Obama on Wright
Hillary's Rev. Wright, Part 2. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
Opinion: Geert Wilders Is No Right-Wing Populist - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
McCain's Democratic Realism
The Lessons of Basra
Where U.S.-Mexico border fence is tall, border crossings fall | csmonitor.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Destroying Detroit
One-Track Mind
Henry Paulson well qualified to play Scrooge - Times Online
Keeping U.S. Financial Markets Competitive And Orderly - Forbes.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Casey Fly in the Clinton Ointment
Global View - WSJ.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Self-Destructive Democrats?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Trying to Shove Hillary Aside
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Damage to the Clinton Brand
Invidious Comparison
Dick Polman's American Debate: Gargling the neocon Kool-Aid
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - Private equity boom was nothing more than a clumsy trick
Cops: 3rd-Graders Aimed to Hurt Teacher
US government waives obstacles to border fence
AP NewsBreak: Federal agencies fighting over fence laws
Tests: Chemical in FEMA Trailers in Ark.
City High School Graduation Rates Among Worst In Country
Obama Casts Race Between Him, McCain
Pipe bomb parts found in Florida airport bag: paper
Man held for suspicious items at airport
McCain pledges 'respectful campaign'
Senate Foreclosure Relief Bill Advances
Senate Leaders Will Work Together to Solve Foreclosure Problem
Man who packed Cooper's parachutes dismisses find
Expert: Chute Wasn't From DB Cooper
Pentagon overspending, delays getting worse, auditors find
House minority leader wins $1 million plus in suit
McDermott To Pay More Than $1 Million In Boehner Legal Bills
Omnibus immigration bill gets first-round nod in Missouri Senate
Lawmakers Face Longer Session If Budget Agreement Not Reached
Beijing Denies Involvement in China Spy Case
Defense employee guilty of spying for China
Reiser says he tossed part of car's interior to get rid of smell
Murder trial: Judge asks Reiser's lawyer for respect
SEAL Killed in Iraq To Get Medal of Honor
Police: Pr. George's Boy Fatally Stabs Man
Missing soldier's remains identified
Politicians, Activists, Students Rally In Wake Of Violence
Pending Ballot Count, Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai Eyes 'Challenge of ...
Ukraine and Georgia face uphill battle on NATO bid
Tibetans are planning suicide attacks
US Lawmakers Form New Caucus on Tibet
A Kidnapped Maliki Aide Tells His Tale
Britain Delays Cutting Troops in Iraq
Brown rejects cap on immigration recommended
Lords say Immigration Brings 'Small Benefit' to UK
France to Send Several Hundred Troops to Afghanistan
France may send more troops to Afghanistan
Cubans rush to buy DVD players, electric bikes
Castro Reforms: DVDs, Farms for Cubans
North Korea Focuses Criticism on South Korean President
Colombia: France offers hostage medical mission
Sarkozy urges Betancourt be freed
E-mail claims new evidence on Diana death
Diana's butler 'obviously' lied
Coroner Rejects Conspiracy Theories in Diana’s Death
Britain Delays Iraq Troop Withdrawal
Israel Removes West Bank Checkpoint Following Rice Visit
Rice, PM downplay chance of deal by May
Poor Nations Demand Climate Money
Turkey Court Takes Politically Explosive Case
Turkey and democracy; The American model
Gazans Dying Because of Israeli Delays
2 UN contract workers seized in southern Somalia
Italian Court Keep US Student Jailed
Polish Parliament Approves EU Treaty
Fuel price plunge fuels Japan's tax crisis
Elizabeth Edwards Issues a Challenge to McCain on Health Care
Pelosi: Clinton-Obama race should 'run its course'
UPDATE 1-Obama courts Clinton supporters in Pennsylvania
McCain the 'Punk' Goes Back to School
McCain's education
Clinton, Obama take on big oil
Clinton: Obama camp wants to end race
On those North Carolina endorsements
Clinton and Credentials: "There Will Be Blood Part 2?"
Political Diary
Gore calling on youth to save the planet
Would Hagel Back Obama?
Cash-Strapped Clinton Fails To Pay Bills
Clinton builds a bridge to bridge-building
Obama takes it slow in Pennsylvania
Clinton-Obama Race Spurs Party Switches
Race, Religion, and Political Economy: A New Compact?
Key Republican Gives Clinton an "Electability" Boost
Clinton, Obama to Speak at ND Convention
Obama to campaign in Muncie
New poll: Hillary has seven point lead over Obama
Hillary Clinton to visit Eugene on Saturday
Bill Clinton barnstorms rural America
Republican McCain tacks away from Bush
McCain Touts Military Heritage
Meet '08 contender John McCain ... again
McCain focuses on the familu
Forest Service Buys UAVs To Spy On Public
Senate Sets Urgent Push For Housing Compromise
Avatars At House Hearing On Virtual World
On Money Inflation & Government
CBS Cuts News Staff
Truckers Clog NJ Turnpike To Protest Gas Prices
IBM Suspended From Government Contracts
IOC To Beijing: Don't Censor Internet
KBR Electrocutes A Dozen Troops
AT&T Eyes Millions Of Navigation Users In 2 Years
France Eyes Bigger Afghan Deployment
Gore To Recruit 10M Strong Green Army
Gore Calls On Youth To Save Planet
Congress Questions Big Oil
Mukasey Knew Of Call About 9/11 Before 9/11
$81 Burger Offered In NYC
Retail Gasoline Price At Record $3.29 A Gallon
Obama: I Don't Carry A CFR Card
NYC Congestion Plan Clears Barrier
U.S. Russia To Sign Framework Document
Pilots Being Moved To Drone Duty
Paulson Unveils 218 Page Bank Regulation Plan
NAFTA Will Stand No Matter What
Europe Poised To Bolster Web Shield
Doctors Support Universal Health Care
Bin Laden Took Part In 1986 Arms Deal
Artificial Molecules Reverse Liver Cirrhosis In Rats
Military Report: Secretly 'Recruit or Hire Bloggers' | Danger Room from Wired.com
Some Truckers Plan Strike Over Diesel Costs - Money News Story - WSMV Nashville
Drugs 'kill 23,000 Alzheimer's victims a year' - Telegraph
We have created human-animal embryos already, say British team - Times Online
Arabs, Muslims battle US, Europeans over free speech at UN - International Herald Tribune
he Coolest Christian Movie Ever by Jeffrey A. Tucker
V.I. Bernanke by Doug French
Starting Over: The Rebuilding of Catholic Social Teaching on Economics by William R. Luckey
Later May Be Too Late by Tim Case
Will McCain Wield the Big Stick? by Eric Margolis
The Tyranny of Good Intentions by Joseph Potter
Another American War Crime in the Making by Paul Craig Roberts
Bad Times Coming by Charley Reese
On Money, Inflation and Government by Ron Paul
What the Libertarian Party Needs by Jim Stockdale
Weeds in the Wind by Jack Kenny
John Lilburne: The First English Libertarian - Peter Richards - Mises Institute
It’s Time for Congress to Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax! | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Latest Treasury Moves Give More Control to the Federal Reserve | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Mukasey: Internet Piracy Funding Terror | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
JBS Alert: Support House Discharge Petition 110-3 for H.R. 2905, The Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2007 | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Brace for Even Higher Prices | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Success of U.S. "surge" in Iraq could end | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Hayden: White Boy Al-Qaeda On The Rise
VIDEO: Arlen Specter On Able Danger, the Anthrax Attacks and the Patriot Act
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton’s NAFTA Story Exposed
Bush Forest Service buys UAVs to spy on public
IMF: U.S. Economy Will Go Into Recession In 2008
Obama: No conspiracy to create 'one continental government'
GAO Blasts Weapons Budget
TOWER OF BABEL: Saudi Prince plans mile-high skyscraper!
Europe poised to bolster Web shield
U.S. Ambassador: NAFTA, No Matter What
Pentagon Analyst Pleads Guilty In China Spy Case
Henry Paulson unveils bank regulation plan
Pilots Yanked Out of Planes for Drone Duty
Analyst Predicts Corn Rationing in 2008
Pentagon Plans Expansion Of Special Forces
Chase mortgage memo pushes 'Cheats & Tricks'
McCain's "Service to America" Speech
Secretary Paulson Lays Out Regulatory Reforms
Panel on How Clinton Stays in the Race
Karl Rove on the Calls for Clinton to Quit
Sens. Graham & Reed on "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton Challenges Obama to Bowling Match
Hagel on "Morning Joe"
McCain: "Heroes" Web Ad
Hagel on "Morning Joe"
Dean Reiterates July 1 Deadline
Barack Obama on "Today"
Pelosi Discusses the Campaign and Superdelegates
McCain Kicks Off Tour in Mississippi
Obama Discusses Debt and the Economy
Chelsea Gets Lewinsky Question Again
Hagel on "Countdown"
Rendell Says Fox the Most Fair
Obama Critical of Executive Bonuses
Clinton Tells Democrats to 'Chill Out'
McCain: "Character Forged by Family" Web Ad
Obama on Wage Disparity
McCain in Mississippi
Gore on "60 Minutes"
Gore on "60 Minutes"
Bush Throws Out the First Pitch