"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

31 March 2008

31 March

Newsblog | Haditha Marine's charges dropped
Newsmax.com - Jack Murtha & Time: So Far, So Wrong
Newsmax.com - Will Marine Show Trials End?
Con man used claims of being 9/11 responder to get close to celebrities
White House unveils Wall Street overhaul - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
Researchers At UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center Report Smoking Marijuana May Increase Risk Of Head And Neck Cancers
FOXNews.com - Child Genius at Oxford Becomes Prostitute - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Nearly 50 illegal immigrants working as security guards arrested | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
GREAT DEYN - New York Post
Halal food lands on menus | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Russian General Predicts April 6 Attack On Iran
War with Iran May Have Begun with Offensive in Iraq
Iran’s Wheat Fungus: Coincidence or Biological Warfare?
Hillary Clinton’s Iraq Lies
The sieges of Basra and Sadr City: another US war crime in Iraq
Torture Bracelet To Control Dissenting Americans?
Sony BMG caught pirating software
CIA Chief’s Personal Beliefs about Iran
John Cusack Movie Takes On War Profiteers
What is this ‘Iraq war’ charge on my bill?
Dems to Take Advantage of McCain’s 100 Years of War Comment
Global Gridlock: How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to Contain and Control the Earth and it’s Eco-System
Cops Arrest Man, 80, For Wearing Anti-war Shirt
Contractors Hired to Come Up with Air Force Strategy
Troops enter Shangri-la to quell China protest
Police Mutiny, Refuse to attack Sadrists
Bush: Rebate Checks Will Make Economy ‘Stronger Than Ever Before’
CIA Agents Killed Robert Kennedy
CIA and Google Team Up Again For More Spying
CIA Boss Says New Al-Qaeda Are White Westerners
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Sen. Gary Hart on New World Order Vision
South Carolina Gets Real ID Extension
Market Plunges, Fed Acts
U.S. Starts To Disown Basra Operation
HUD Secretary To Resign Amidst Scandal
Saudis To Build Modern Day Tower Of Babel
Google Steps Up Eco-Activism
Hackers Threaten To Publish Merkel's Fingerprints
Eurozone Struggles With Inflation
Analyst Predicts Corn Rationing In 2008
Court Agrees To Take Free Speech Case
Saudi Arabia Braces For Nuclear War
The Trillion Dollar Meltdown
Al-Qaeda Leader Charged With Africa Bombings
UN Could Lead New 9/11 Investigation
UN Could Lead New 9/11 Investigation
Treasury Sees Regulatory Changes This Year
Bush: More Wiretapping & Colombia Free Trade
Doctor: AIDS Created For Eugenics Experiments
TSA Allowing Visual Inspections Of Body Piercings
Hayden: White Boy Al-Qaeda On The Rise
Civilians Help With Minor Police Duties
Video: Kids Thumbscanning For Lunch
Paulson: Financial Oversight Overhaul Needed
Fed Bailout Of Bear Streans Looks Like Investment
The Clean Energy Scam
Colleges Want Watch List Of Troubled Students
New Supercollidor Could End The Universe
CIA Boss: Al-Qaeda Recruiting Western Fighters
Bush Booed Throwing Out First Pitch
Fed eyes Nordic-style nationalisation of US banks - Telegraph
Israel Authorizes National Emergency Drill
Toshiba Robot Does The Job Of Remote Control
Desperate Mugabe refusing to give in - World - smh.com.au
The Facebook tool which turns your mobile into a snoop - Times Online
'Preposterous' claims by Labour in favour of mass migration rubbished by experts | the Daily Mail
McCain's "Service to America" Speech
Sens. Graham & Reed on "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton on "Political Capital w/Al Hunt
Panel Reviews Calls for Clinton to Quit
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
Shields & Brooks Look at Iraq Violence
Sen. Casey on "Larry King Live"
President Bush & Prime Minister Rudd Press Conference
Obama on "Political Capital"
Rendell Says Fox the Most Fair
Obama Critical of Executive Bonuses
Clinton Tells Democrats to 'Chill Out'
McCain: "Character Forged by Family" Web Ad
Obama on Wage Disparity
McCain in Mississippi
Obama in Johnstown
Gore on "60 Minutes"
Richardson on "Face the Nation"
Obama Bowls Through Pennsylvania
Graham & Reed Battle Over Surge
Clinton Refuses to Quit
Bush Throws Out the First Pitch
Sen. Lieberman on "This Week"
Obama Says Clinton Shouldn't Feel Forced Out
Dem elite working for June solution - John F. Harris and Mike Allen and David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
Why Hillary Carries On | The New York Observer
The Tall Tale of Tuzla
Wright Questions
NATIONAL JOURNAL: Obama's Inner Circle (03/31/2008)
Lieberman Democrats
The Dilbert Strategy - New York Times
Mandates Are Not the Answer by David Gratzer, Paul Howard, City Journal 31 March 2008
The fiscally responsible candidate - The Boston Globe
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Fathers, Sons, and Baseball
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton Antics Will Make Bill and Hil the Next American Idles
Obama's indoctrination - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Clinton Firewall -- In These Times
Obama Meets Match in Mayor Running on `Hope': Albert R. Hunt
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Obama/Clinton Twins
Biography Isn’t Enough - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Crop of House Candidates Worth Taking a Look At
Steps that can safeguard America’s economy
Al Gore's New Campaign, Tells 60 Minutes That Doubting Global Warming Is Man-Made Is Akin To Believing Earth Is Flat - CBS News
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Age as an Asset: McCain's Appeal To Boomers
Reflections: Mine Is Longer than Yours: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Rhodes to Ruin - WSJ.com
Richard Holbrooke - The Longest War - washingtonpost.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Sens. Graham & Reed on "Fox News Sunday"
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Bush's Last Laugh
Great Depression lesson - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Regulation is the problem, not the answer - Examiner.com
Zimbabwe | By hook or by crook in Zimbabwe? | Economist.com
Courting superdelegates at Dems' state meeting
McCain Faces Test in Wooing Elite Donors - New York Times
Making Saints of Monsters by Thomas DiLorenzo
My Daughter, and Tibet, China and the Neocons by Walter Block
The Colorful History of the German Nation by Sabine Barnhart
Does It Matter Where You Start? by Wilton D. Alston
Ride Herd by Linda Schrock Taylor
Old Warrior by Charley Reese
Weaponizing the Pentagon's Cyborg Insects by Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse
Setting the Record Straight on Marijuana and Addiction by Paul Armentano
How Not To Write American History by Murray N. Rothbard
The Emperor and the Peasant by Joshua Snyder
A Neocon Attacks Ron Paul by Paul Gottfried
Beware of Fantasy by Charley Reese
Saving, Investing, and Hoarding by Dmitry Chernikov
The World of Words by Bill Trench
American Republilc or American Empire
Das Phony Capital by Bill Bonner
Bomber pilot to say sorry for role in Bath Blitz - Telegraph
10 Best Science Fiction Movies Ever – Most Prophetic Sci-Fi Films - Popular Mechanics
Bush and McCain's shared foreign policy approach - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Generation Squeeb : Rolling Stone
What's behind the boom in homeland-security and emergency-management majors? - By Jessica Portner - Slate Magazine
Beach dinosaur a horny vegetarian with frills - 26 Mar 2008 - NZ Herald: Science News from New Zealand and around the World
BBC NEWS | Technology | Oldest recorded voices sing again
Rice says deal possible before May | Jerusalem Post
Latest Medical Update and Prayer Request for Ami the Son of David and Leah Ortiz of Ariel
Paulson offers sweeping rule changes: Among Treasury chief's recommendations: Widening Fed's reach and creating a federal regulator for mortgage industry. - CNN
Jordan: Collapse of Israel- Palestinian talks 'threatens region' - Ynet
Gas prices strike all-time high: Average price of regular unleaded rises to record $3.287 a gallon - CNN
Shaky peace initiative - Syria summit shows rift of 'Arab' and 'Iranian' clubs - Haaretz
Netanyahu Tells Rice: He would not endorse a declaration of principles calling for a return to 1967 borders and the division of Jerusalem. - J'Post
Bibi: Concessions will strengthen Hamas, says Hamas and Iran will enter where IDF leaves - J'Post
Barak to bereaved families: Olmert should have resigned - Ynet
Israeli official: Rice wants draft declaration before Bush visit - Haaretz
Oil execs to take heat from US Congress Tuesday - Reuters
Tornadoes skip across Oklahoma - AP
Severe storms will produce heavy rain, hail and tornadoes from the southern US Plains to Mississippi Valley - Accuweather
New Pakistan leaders, al-Qaida ready to talk? - MSNBC
Iranians help reach Iraq cease-fire - USA Today
Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican - Reuters
Gates: Violence hasn't altered Iraq pullout plan - USA Today
Bush Housing Secretary Alphonso Jackson Resigns Amid Mortgage Crisis, Federal Probe - Fox
Russia's Putin seeks to mend fences with West - Reuters
Iraqi Government Welcomes Al-Sadr's Orders to Pull Fighters From Streets - Fox
Green Zone faces new attacks - USA Today
March heading out like a lion instead of a lamb in US - The Weather Channel
France will push U.S. on EU defense - Washington Times
Olympic Torch is Re-Lit at Beijing Ceremony Amid Tight Security - Fox
Gore Plans $300 Million Climate Program - NewsMax
Bush: Israeli-Palestinian accord possible by 2009: 'The first step must be the clear definition of the Palestinian state' - Ynet
Clinton says would consider limited talks with Hamas - Ynet
Peace Now: Settlement freeze is dead - J'lem Post
Genealogy Web site attempts to map out entire Jewish people - Haaretz
Kissinger: 'US public still committed to Israel' - Jerusalem Post
Facing Capitalism's Greatest Crisis - James Piereson
Evangelicals Like It Hot - Still skeptical of climate change - Mark D. Tooley
Planning for America's security - Elizabeth Dole
Shelve the Shelf Agreement - Israel Once Again Pressed by Rice and Giving in - David M. Weinberg
Scope for dollar selling, investors still overweight - Simon Falush
Bernanke's Creativity - Washington Times
The World Will Not Answer These Questions - Mort Zuckerman
The gospel according to Allam, Muslim turned Christian - Adi Schwartz
Forum: Democratic leaders: Where are the statesmen and stateswomen of the Democratic Party? - Emil A. Thomas
A Passport to Danger - Washington Times
Group seeking Liberty alternative actually targeting Ten Commandments, critics say
Repeatedly stabbed after White House 'turned into a great mosque'
'Vast, right-wing conspiracy' leader now holds 'very favorable' opinion
New Black Panther Party condemns 'white men,' 'Jews,' praises Barack
Stands on gun control, death penalty, abortion at odds with 'moderate' image
Democratic candidate's 'tutu' was female banking pioneer in Hawaii
Says first lady was 'drinking in every word of my poem' at airport
Campaign stops returning calls, e-mails seeking payment of outstanding invoices
'We're going to win ... if we just chill out and let everybody have their say'
'If it goes into the convention, don't be surprised if someone different is at the top'
Would give Fed more power to protect stability of system
Less than 24 hours after al-Sadr told fighters to stand down
Action star ponders question posed by martial arts fans
'The bigger question is why are we doing business with a communist-based country'
Michael Howe probes notion of premeditated merger at trucking show
Will be charged after treatment for self-inflicted cuts
Brain expert warns of huge rise in tumors, calls on industry to take immediate steps
After WND report of secret negotiations mediated by Turkey
Harps, anointing jars, spices of Temple sacrifice abound
Battle over teen's welfare pending before European Parliament
'This former U.S. Marine is guilty of loving the United States enough to tell the truth'
Focus working to meet demands of 'human rights laws'
North Korean society revolves around worship of dictator
Defiant response to American demands for action over nuclear decommissioning
'If I am caught, I will be sent to a prison camp for political criminals'
Vatican says Islam now biggest single religious denomination in world
Foreign chief meets with ambassadors from Islamic countries
Called film's focus on anti-Jewish preachings by Muslims 'counterproductive,' 'generalizing'
Sudanese president: Muslims must 'challenge those who insult' the prophet Muhammed
They want Washington to address rising fuel costs
Walks into stationhouse with lawyer after 5 days on lam
Woman, 26, allegedly had series of trysts with boy, 15
Charges against Marines followed verbal attack by Democrat Murtha
Britain considers plan for raising revenue if citizens have scenic vistas, good parking
KFC restaurant in Michigan responds to Muslim growth
'Very significant amount' lost due to 'very powerful' addiction
Group of protesters unfurl banner reading 'War Criminal'
'Few, if any, similar bursts of discovery in the history of medical research
'We hope (a drug) will be ready for humans in a few years'
Nomophobia coined for 'no mobile phobia'
Intelligence agencies help agents share information about their suspects
Departments under budget burdens hire outside help
'I don't understand how anybody could do something so stupid'
Mile-high building planned for new city near Red Sea port of Jeddah
'Once you think you've seen it all, something else comes around'
Bombarded emergency services with false reports of people in danger
'Old man, give me your wallet or I'll cut you'
Technicians who find material during repairs would be mandated to blow whistle
Rancher arrested for selling snake vodka
9.4% drop-off points to economic slowdown on top of secular challenges faced by industry
Part of official efforts to clean up city before competition
'Donors and their families cannot choose who they give an organ to'
30 followers, 4 kids barricaded selves into hillside to escape 'coming apocalypse'
'We just decided we wanted to share it with people'
Enduring riddle: When, why was prehistoric monument built?
'We didn't have a body that was dead. We had a body that was talking'
Prosecutor admits high amount to hold suspect was 'silly'
'My wife and I had gotten very little sleep'
'Who hires a surrogate if they are perfectly capable of carrying their own child?'
'Young people today have a different understanding of what ... can be taken'
Most far-ranging rework of regulatory system since stock market crash of 1929, Depression
Latest reading on regional manufacturing better than expected
Clinton likens action to 'rearranging the deck chairs'
'We were determined not to get caught in the game we've seen with Bear Stearns'
Setting up joint group to develop plans to monitor, regulate banking
Pits those eager to revamp antiquated system vs. industry opposed to regulation
'We continue to hear this idea about we make these massive amounts of dollars'
Family restaurant puts executive on board of homosexual chamber
'There are a lot of different options for busy people'
'Some companies now face the need to reduce production'
Lenders would participate in exchange for financial backing from federal government
Say none of suggestions provide ways of dealing with economic roots of crisis
Unconstitutional cartel literally creates problems it was supposed to prevent
'What is going on is a power play. It may be unusual in today’s Europe, but it is here'
Currency traders bet interest rates will diverge
Bailout could forever alter central bank's role
Averaged $32.9 billion in daily borrowing over past week – up from $13.4 billion
Just 1 of series of unorthodox steps agency has taken to battle current credit crisis
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
Exclusive: Vox Day speaks with Peter Schiff about Federal Reserve's recent actions
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'We have a market imbalance at the moment and there’s more demand than supply'
'Market is still a little top-heavy and will remain vulnerable to bouts of profit-taking'
Points to 50% high school drop-out rate among certain groups
Emission levy on imports could boost inflation, reverse march toward offshoring
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
'People don't see doom and gloom in their own world yet. They see higher prices'
In cities with stabilizing markets, these might be good investment
Potential home buyers will find it easier to find loan, sellers to find buyers
'Threat to the system': Were false rumors planted to profit from drop in price?
Consistently release transparent accounting statements, follow conservative procedures
Consumer spending weak in February, but personal income rose
'Executives today are overlooking the fact they're in liquidation'
'The price of oil still is out of whack with normal supply and demand fundamentals'
Math geniuses who make killing at Vegas blackjack tables bump 'Horton'
Britain's biggest retailer halts Fresh & Easy, its chain of U.S. convenience stores
Some firms having problems obtaining loans, others being informed of reduced credit lines
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'Reflects mutual understanding that the organization should move on'
Impact of Internet continues to be felt in print industry
'Murdoch wants to see the paper take on added urgency and broaden its areas of coverage'
Wants to find ways to curb illegal music downloaders
'If the rest of Citigroup incurs a lot of losses, it gives them something to sell'
'We intend to develop the brand and if possible accelerate its strengths'
'I do not believe that the change in interest expense is a material change to the financials'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?
Exclusive: Vox Day embraces X-treme suffrage, surrenders White House throne to Lady Clinton
Exclusive: Michael Ackley exposes senator casting fiendish spell on Bill Richardson
Exclusive: Gerard Valentino cheers conservative diva's refusal to compromise principles
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith suggests America hold its nose, vote for Juan McCain
Exclusive: Diana Lynne imparts lessons from brain-injured woman's untimely demise
Exclusive: Chuck Norris divulges untold facts about friendship with martial arts legend
Exclusive: Joseph Farah's prophecy of legislative trend in political correctness proves true
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson reveals why U.S. won't ban games in protest against China
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner dubs hungry, war-torn areas 'breeding grounds for terrorism'
Exclusive: Doug Powers pokes fun at inherent idiocy of transportation agency
Matthew Rothschild: 'For them, war is not a bloody tragedy, it's a golden opportunity'
Jonathan Falwell rebuts Obama's 'we're all children of God' remark
Dan Proft: It's about social networking and self-importance – not environmental policy
Father drowns 3 children in Baltimore hotel bathtub
HUD Secretary Jackson Resigns Amid Probe
Sens. for Obama break with women's group
Second Female Senator Endorses Obama
Posthumous Medal of Honor going to SEAL who fell on grenade
Pentagon Files Charges in 1998 US Embassy Bombing
Bush Intercontinental crew finds fetus in jet toilet
Miscarriage or Crime? Airplane Fetus Probed
Police Question Girl About Plane Fetus
Arms supplier in plot on Army base gets 20 months
Man Sentenced in Fort Dix Plot Case
In Transcripts, Tough Talk by Terror Suspects, and Informant
Al Gore's New Climate Campaign
Gore announces 3-year campaign against global warming, with online organizing, bipartisan ads - International Herald Tribune
Court Agrees to Take 2 Free Speech Cases
Cesar Chavez supporters march in Salinas, recall late rights leader
Clinton, Obama Appeal to Voters With Birthday Message Honoring Cesar Chavez - America’s Election HQ
Bush asks Congress act fast on Colombia trade deal
Bush pressures Congress to act on his priorities
Scandal-scarred Albany fights clock for on-time budget
Missing US soldier confirmed dead
SC Gets More Time to Comply With ID Law
DOJ: Jefferson Prosecution Will Proceed
Supreme Court Won't Intervene In Jefferson Raid Case
Freed Inmate Held in Fatal Home Invasion
Woman abducted in home invasion found dead - UPI.com
Witness: No Warning, Then 50 Shots Fired
A Cheesy Way To Pick A Justice
New Lead Paint Rule Issued
New Rule Seeks to Protect Kids From Lead Paint
Children's health can't be left to faith alone
Parents Indicted in Faith-Healing Death
Anger follows the fight with Sadr's militia
Truce Calms Iraq, Weakens Prime Minister
Anxious wait for Zimbabwe results
Nerves On Edge In Harare As Zimbabwe Election Count Stretches Out
Tibetans Protest in Delhi, but March Is Off
Young Tibetans question path of nonviolence
Bush in Kyiv to Encourage NATO Membership for Ukraine, Georgia
US ambassador: Bush visit will bolster Ukraine's case for NATO
Russia to offer NATO Afghan transit at summit
Diana death 'conspiracy' thrown out by coroner
Coroner Exonerates Prince Philip
Thanks Raul: Cubans Can Stay in Hotels
Rice and Olmert downplay chances of a deal by May
Pardoned French Charity Workers Convicted in Chad Kidnapping Freed ...
French aid staff freed from jail
Turkey Court Takes Politically Explosive Case
Turkey's Top Court to Hear Case to Ban Ruling Party
In Brief - Marines killed days before tour ends, Research fears ...
Delegates from more than 160 countries begin climate change talks ...
Climate talks seek Kyoto successor
Pakistan Cabinet sworn in
New Pakistan cabinet sworn in
Operation to recover crash bodies
Jet crash kills ex-motor racing champions
Analysis: Damascus summit stresses schism
Arab Summit Closes Amid Sharp Divisions
Obama v. McCain on the “Hundred Year War”
Obama at the Pump: Subprime Loans, Trucking Taxes, the War and Gas
Vatican says Muslims more numerous than Catholics
Macedonia name row goes to the brink of NATO summit
The view from Athens
Pentagon analyst admits espionage
Guilty Plea in China Spy Case
Seal hunt protest vessel, Canadian coast guard collide at sea
"Earth Hour" goes global
Obama takes aim at McCain on Iraq
McCain touts military legacy
Obama captures second round of Texas caucuses
Obama Senate colleague pledges to him
New plan offered to seat Michigan's delegates
Obama Wins Most Texas Delegates
Clinton Says She's in US Presidential Race to Stay
Obama swamps Clinton on Pennsylvania airwaves
Obama takes it slow in Pennsylvania
Obama's 'Realness' Excites Crowds in Pennsylvania
Gore’s Commitment Still to Environment
McCain On the Air With Spanish TV Ad
McCain Launches 'Service to America Tour
Chelsea Clinton Criticizes Bush in NC
Former president stumps for wife, tries to woo superdelegates
Obama, McCain Forged Fleeting Alliance
Obama-McCain past is acrimonious
Honesty Not Race, Expediency Not Courage
The Clintons: A Friend of Rev. Wright?
Rev. Wright appears in Chicago; Clinton vows to fight on
"Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Turns Five: Hurting Democrats ...
McCain camp lacking key GOP fundraisers
McCain Re-Embraces Supply-Side Theories That Are ‘Beyond The Reach ...
Oil execs to take heat from lawmakers Tuesday: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
UPDATE 2-U.S. retail gasoline price at record $3.29/gln-Govt | Markets | Reuters
USA 2008: The Great Depression - Americas, World - The Independent
Alice Walker: Obama is the change that America has tried to hide | Comment is free | The Guardian
50 Cent Flip-Flops: From Hillary To Obama To 'Don't Know' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News
My Way News - Chelsea Clinton Criticizes Bush in N.C.
New Backing for Obama As Party Seeks Unity - WSJ.com
Wolfson: ‘Our cash flow is good’
Democrats face summer of bitter infighting | Politics | Reuters
Obama had greater role on liberal survey - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Some Republicans Emerge To Endorse Obama | The New York Sun
Clinton didn't pay health insurance bills - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Clinton campaign head made $200,000 with subprime lender -- Newsday.com
Gore Launches Ambitious Advocacy Campaign on Climate
Earth Hour crashes to Earth | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Feed Article | Business |
Heathrow's New Terminal: More Disruption For BA Passengers At T5 |Sky News|Business
More flights cancelled as Heathrow bag mountain grows
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Over 100 Staffers Leave Newsweek
Wall St. Journal Makes Politics Its Business
CIA enlists Google's help for spy work - Times Online
The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
The Facebook tool which turns your mobile into a snoop - Times Online
Civilians handle minor duties for strapped police
Pentagon staffer guilty of handing secrets to China agent
Beijing to ban smoking ahead of Olympics: official media
German hackers threaten to publish Merkel's fingerprints
Death for hire - suicide machine lets you push final button - Times Online
Toshiba robot can do the job of the remote control
Revamp Proposed for Financial Regulators: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Paulson Plan Endorses Fed's Enhanced Market Authority
Brace for $1 Trillion Writedown of `Yertle the Turtle' Debt
Doctors support universal health care: survey | Health | Reuters
Amazing photographs show 'pregnant man' and wife posing as body-builders in bikinis | the Daily Mail
Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact - and it's the plague of our 24/7 age| News | This is London
Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking' - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - The Independent
Mile-high tower: Saudi prince promises £5bn desert spire TWICE as tall as nearest rival being built | the Daily Mail
Brace for Even Higher Prices
Pentagon Plans Expansion Of Special Forces
Pentagon agency confuses Iran with Iraq in official history
VIDEO: Brzezinski Mocks Questions Concerned with Bilderberg Secrecy
Laser plane could destroy tanks from 10 miles
Prepare for the Worst, Because Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly
VIDEO: Stealthy surveillance robots designed for police, military
Shady Pentagon contractor scrubs site after Raw Story probes
Federal Reserve Seeks Broad Authority to Oversee “Financial Market Stability”
The Mystery of American Foreign Policy
A 'hospital' that's run entirely by robots!
Russia and Japan form nuclear alliance
VIDEO: Gary Hart Confronted on ‘New World Order’ Vision
25 Environmental Threats of the Future
Israel's Defense Minister authorizes nationwide emergency drill
Fed Eyes Nationalization Of US Banks
Subprime crisis hits governments
Syria says ready in case of US military action
Chaos on Wall Street
VIDEO: Taser to Death
Light + Laser = New Weapon
Military Report: Secretly 'Recruit or Hire Bloggers'
Chase mortgage memo pushes 'Cheats & Tricks'