"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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04 April 2008


McCain's Remarks on MLK Jr. Anniversary
Obama's Remarks on MLK Jr. Anniversary
"Service to America: Jacksonville"
Giuliani & Ferraro on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel Looks at Campaigns' Fundraising
Kerry Discusses McCain, Obama, and National Security
Mitt Romney in "The Situation Room"
"Service to America: U.S. Naval Academy"
Obama's Remarks to the AFL-CIO
Chairman Bernanke's Prepared Testimony
RealClearPolitics: Transcripts & Speeches
Roundtable on Rep. Cleaver's Prediction
Haley Barbour on "Hannity & Colmes"
Secretary Paulson Discusses Housing
Sens. Dodd & Shelby on Housing Relief Bill
David Axelrod on "Charlie Rose"
McCain Sorry for Not Backing King Holiday
Clinton Remembers King
Obama Remembers King
Clinton on "The Tonight Show"
Gallup Polls on GOP VP Preferences
NRCC's Own 3am Ad
Kerry in "The Situation Room"
Ferraro on "Hannity & Colmes"
Giuliani Talks About VP
McCain Interview in Jacksonville
House GOP Highlights Pig Book
Clinton Denies Saying Obama Can't Win
Corzine Reserves Right to Change His Vote
Clinton: "NC Ask Me"
McCain: "Sacrifice" Web Ad
Heinz Kerry & Obama
McCain's Morning Media
Clinton Telling Superdelegates "Obama Can't Win"
Obama on "Hardball"
McCain: "Ready"
Dean Discusses Florida Delegation
Obama Says He Wants Gore at the Table
Clinton: "Ringing"
Obama's Speech to the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Clinton Speaks about MLK Anniversary
Sen. Graham on MSNBC
Romney Comments on VP Speculation
Clinton: "Thank You" Web Ad
McCain: "Service" Web Ad
Stewart Mocks Those Who Want Clinton Out of the Race
McCain on "Late Show"
Clinton Challenges Obama to Bowling Match
McCain Interview with CNN
McCain: "Heroes" Web Ad
Hagel on "Morning Joe"
Dean Reiterates July 1 Deadline
Barack Obama on "Today"
Pelosi Discusses the Campaign and Superdelegates
McCain Kicks Off Tour in Mississippi
Obama Discusses Debt and the Economy
Chelsea Gets Lewinsky Question Again
Hagel on "Countdown"
Knockout try could be risky for Obama - Jeanne Cummings - Politico.com
John Baer: Obama could actually win this thing (the Pa. primary) | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/04/2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's Biggest Mistake
ABC News: Clinton Backers Increasingly Nervous
Dr. King, Forgotten Radical | The American Prospect
The Press Botches Basra
Jonathan Steele: In backing the Basra assault, the US has only helped Sadr | Comment is free | The Guardian
Small Victories for Tort Reform - WSJ.com
Obama and King - WSJ.com
The View From Room 306 - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Fabulist Vs. the Saint
The Peril of Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Real Controversy Behind McCain's '100 Years'
The Union Agenda
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Unfinished Business of Liberalism
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dem Tussle is Right Up GOP's Alley
All Aboard the McCain Express
What I Mean, Not What I Say
ealClearPolitics - Articles - RNC Fights Over 2012
Haditha: The Collapse of a Liberal Fiction - HUMAN EVENTS
The American Pope - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Fighting Jihad
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Editorial: Equality | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/04/2008
Black America | A dream deferred? | Economist.com
Bear's Market - WSJ.com
Contractors gone wild - Opinion - USATODAY.com
My Way News - Clinton Denies Obama Electability Remark
Obama’s Support Softens in Poll, Suggesting a Peak Has Passed - New York Times
McCain Sees King Speech as Chance to Mend Ties - New York Times
Job losses mount, recession feared: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Huge Job Losses Set Off Recession Alarms: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
ABC News - McCain Gets Booed for MLK Vote
John Reed, Architect Of Citi Merger, Calls Deal Mistake - FT
Bear Stearns Rescue Backed Amid Concerns: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bear Stearns says traders' false rumours took bank to the brink - Times Online
Anti-China protest targets Olympic torch ceremony - International Herald Tribune
After China debacle, Yahoo boss champions cyber rights
Putin Rules Out New Cold War
Bush, Putin at Odds Near End of Terms
Priest 'made £3m from fake exorcisms' - Telegraph
Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher Seized In Massive Crime Ring Bust - News Story - WFTV Orlando
Couple Sues Google Over "Street View" - April 4, 2008
The Associated Press: Wis. Man in Standoff Over Unpaid Taxes
Scuffle at the Wilshire
hock Audio: Woman Dragged From Clinton Rally Screaming ‘Only Black Supporter’
Clinton Has Fun on 'The Tonight Show'
Would-be plane bombers made suicide videos: prosecutor
Rare turtle slaughtered in Gaza | Video | Reuters.com
Intel report shows security in Iraq improving - USATODAY.com
VOA News - Congressional Democrats Warn Petraeus, Crocker Not to Minimize Seriousness of Situation in Iraq
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Global temperatures 'to decrease'
Lloyd's warns of a lack of natural disasters | Business | The Guardian
Corn Hits $6 a Bushel on Tight Supplies: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Weak Economy Sours Public’s View of Future, New Poll Finds - New York Times
Italian Wine Under Investigation for Adulteration
Mafia blamed for 70 million litres of tainted Italian wine: report
Hillary Clinton agrees to April 27 debate
Air America Host Suspended for Clinton Remarks - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Clinton Aide Met on Trade Deal - WSJ.com
Amazing pictures of pregnant man as he tells Oprah 'people may try to kill my baby'| News | This is London
The American Form of Government and the Paulson Plan by Michael S. Rozeff
Was It 'The Good War'? by Patrick J. Buchanan
Why Wal-Mart Should Have Taken Its Money From the Brain-Damaged Woman by J.H. Huebert
What Do We Stand For? by Paul Craig Roberts
Hands Off Internet Gambling by Ron Paul
American Grand Delusions by Tom Engelhardt
Remembering Bette Davis on centennial of her birth - International Herald Tribune
How to fix the executive branch. - By Bruce Fein - Slate Magazine
BBC NEWS | Health | Daily caffeine 'protects brain'
Stephen Wiltshire, the human camera who drew London from memory - Telegraph
Gay Talese: The Scion, the Stitch, and the Wardrobe: Entertainment & Culture: vanityfair.com
Top Democrats demand Attorney General provide 9/11 memorandum
Rep. Issa Named ‘Worst Person’ After Refusing 9/11 Sick Aid
No Global Warming Since 1998 As Planet Cools Off
Fed officials play down rate cut expectations | U.S. | Reuters
arlyle Group's Plan to Takeover the Banking System
Lawmakers have $196M invested in defense industry | ajc.com
81 percent of Americans think country on wrong track | U.S. | Reuters
Constitutional lawyer: Bush 'ordered war crimes'
Experts: No link between hurricanes, warming - 04/04/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
BBC NEWS | Americas | Seeking answers on King's killer
The Inner Voice of the CrazyComposer
MLK Consipiracy Trial - Press Conference
William F. Pepper Talk on "An Act of State", San Francisco, 2/4/03
Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism | ajc.com
The World According to Monsanto
CIA Agents Killed Robert Kennedy
Twila Brase on DNA Warehouse and Ownership
The Alex Jones Show-3/31/08:Twila Brase" Harvested DNA" pt1
Toys Bear All-Seeing Eye Logo
Health Council Warns Of Goverment Plan To Claim Ownership Of Every Newborn's DNA
Despite denials, military still studying clandestine use of blogs
Why doesn't the 9/11 Commission know about Mukasey's 9/11 story?
Malkin’s Hot Air Targets Jesse Ventura
GOP Rep. opposes sick Sept. 11 worker fund
Gregory: Bush ‘didn’t jump to invade Iraq’ after 9/11.
Efforts to take care of sick Ground Zero workers hits a snag in Congress
Ron Paul calls Obama a fraud
CNN catches McCain making contradictory statements about Sadr.
Ron Paul and Glenn Beck, Friends and Foes
NAFTA Countries to Introduce Simultaneous Legislation to Stop SPP
Bush ‘abruptly’ leaves NATO meeting
Air Force Vet Convicted for Ripping Down Mexican Flag on College Campus
World Bank accused of climate change hijack | Environment | Reuters
Martin Luther King anniversary stokes black fears of Barack Obama assassination - Telegraph
Street-sweeper cameras eye illegal parking - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Underage Stripper Shocks Dallas | Newsweek National News | Newsweek.com
Lawyer: Baytown teen denies knowing of pregnancy, birth | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
FOXNews.com - Family Outraged After Colorado 3rd Grader Suspended for Sniffing Shirt With Marker on It - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Court order protects duck - CNN.com
FOXNews.com - Michigan Fifth-Grader Finds 27-Year-Old Mistake at Smithsonian Science Museum - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
More water better health: Where's the proof? Scientists ask
Calls renewed to fix Berkeley's citizen boards
Local Company to Leave Berkeley Due to Protests
Mexican mayor faces trafficking charges in N.Y. - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
British Muslims 'planned to kill thousands by bringing down SEVEN transatlantic airliners in one go with liquid bombs' | the Daily Mail
Hoover Planned on Arresting 12 Thousand “Traitors”
Clintons: $109.2 Million in 7 Years: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Convicted killer gives governor's mansion tours - News
Straight or gay? U.S. court says Web site can't ask | Reuters
The Swamp: Jane Fonda: 'Obama!'
Hanoi Jane Drops Barack Bomb - TMZ.com
Obama was 'quite religious in Islam'
ourt Documents Reveal Disturbing Details Of Football Player's Rant - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa under fire from everywhere after 9/11 comments
Cage wins case against Kathleen Turner - Celebrities- msnbc.com
Absolut Redraws USA - Mexico Border » Outside The Beltway | OTB
Ahmadinejad: Nations to establish independent new world order
NATO ‘direct threat’ to Russia, says Putin
Military Still Studying Clandestine Use Of Blogs
Pilotless Drones To Battle Pot Growers
Lawmakers Heavily Invested in Military Industrial Complex
Company 'gives away' Southwest to Mexico
Rush to restrict trade in basic foods
We spied on 36,000 customers using the internet, admits BT
Pandemic fear over resistant superbug
Food prices to rise for years, biofuel firms say
Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear
Federal Reserve staff move into offices of investment banks to monitor activities
Man survives 16 days without heart
Biologists can now create organisms from scratch
Individual bankruptcy filings up 27%
US strikes missile deal with Czechs
Antidepressant Drugs Linked to School Shootings
Bush Administration Memo Says Fourth Amendment Does Not Apply
Ecuador Bans Foreign Military Bases
DHS: U.S. Cops Access To Sat-Surveillance Is Go
Globalist Agenda: U.S. Must Embrace Obligations of Global Citizenship
Neuromarketing could make mind reading the ad-man's ultimate tool
Brzezinski’s unconvincing antiwar posturing
Hersh: children raped at Abu Ghraib, Pentagon has videos
Bernanke Warns of Possible Recession
GM Seeds Still Active in Soil 10 Years Later
U.S. VA documents 73,846 deaths from Iraq Wars
The Pentagon's battle bugs
The School Crotch Inspector
Robots Could Do Work Of 3.5M By 2025
UN: Markets Crucial To Climate Pact
Gates: U.S. To Send More Troops To Afghanistan
TSA Deploys Airport Behavior Screeners
Govt: Islamist Wanted To Strike Nuke Facility
Gas Prices Hit Record High On Supply Crunch
Foreign Journalists Surrounded In Zimbabwe
Congress Freaks Out Over Second Life Terrorism
UK Middle Classes Forced To Take 2nd Jobs
Google Mulls Moves On U.S. Wireless Networks
Bush Officials Oppose Media Shield Bill
NAFTA Countries To Legislation To Stop SPP
Russia: 20-30 Strategic Patrol Missions A Month
Lawmakers Heavily Invested In Defense Complex
Rectification: Russian Intel On U.S. Iran Build Up
GlobalResearch.ca - Centre for Research on Globalization
Darrell Issa Worst Person For Refusing 9/11 Aid
Local Minnesota TV Covers Ventura Revelations
Fed's interest rate games could destroy the dollar
Nations to establish independent new world order - Ahmadinejad - Irna
Lenders Swamped By Foreclosures Let Homeowners Stay
Job losses, unemployment both worse than forecast - Apr. 4, 2008
4/3/2008 - La-Z-Boy, Whirlpool Moving Hundreds Of Jobs To Mexico - Breaking News - Chattanoogan.com
Vista fiasco continues with retreat to XP | Storage Bits | ZDNet.com
Clintons report $109.2 million income since White House
Elementary lessons on 'gay' issues now tied to reading, social studies
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals which fence Washington is building with your tax dollars
4 crew members evacuated safely – plane went down in Qatar
'The county actions in firing Brenda Biesterfeld are inexcusable'
Vows more active role in guiding economy, using tax, regulatory policy
Tells DeGeneres she'll work to ensure same-sex couples treated fairly
'It is so great to be here, I was so worried I wasn't going to make it'
'I've been so privileged to represent our country in ... lots of war zones'
Senator fears it would interfere with his brand of intimate campaigning
Contemporaries, records dispute campaign claim that he was never 'practicing Muslim'
Entered politics to advance true calling – building 'collective institutions'
Up to 80,000 would stay through 2010 in 'sustainable over-watch posture'
'There's a historical precedent, and I really hope that doesn't happen again'
Disputes reports she dismissed rivals chances to Bill Richardson before his endorsement
'You don't think the Republican 527s are going to leave this stuff alone do you?'
One of these likely to be your next president: Ask now!
'There will be significant cooling very soon,' asserts solar scientist
Prompting some to question climate change theory
Allegedly trying to seize control of billions of dollars of aid
Putting pressure on insurance firms to reduce premiums this year
Rules against roommate-finder that requires disclosure of sexual orientation
'We now are considered guinea pigs, instead of human beings with rights'
Binghamton, N.Y., grants permit for Milad-un-Nabi event
Says crops will have been destroyed by global warming
Ex-ABC reporter couldn't deal with anti-America bias after losing anchor position
Randi Rhodes called Hillary a 'big f*****g whore,' Ferraro 'David Duke in drag'
86-year-old husband of queen treated for chest infection
Liquid bomb plan targeted jets for 'civilian death toll on an almost unprecedented scale'
Diplomats say move meant to show no intention of suspending program despite demands by U.N.
Seized documents include blueprints for 'shaping' uranium metal into warheads
Mugabe 'is desperate to stay in power and the sting may be in the tail'
'He is a beloved man today, but a hated man when he was killed'
Leaders, everyday citizens converge on Memphis to reflect on his legacy
'Instead of taking a gun or an argument to solve a problem, sit down and negotiate'
'I've worked all my life and paid taxes and then when I need help I can't get it'
Woman failed to appear at court: 'I didn't think I was notified'
'There's evidence that the model of the gang is rape, kill, control'
'I would not disclose who I am rooting for, but I leave you to make that guess'
'I fell off the wagon a couple times ... and then was able to get back on'
Texas oilman accused of illegally pumping, exporting 10 million barrels of Nigerian oil
DHS announces states compliant even though many reject national identity card
$2 million sought – wealthy businessman, 38, had heart condition
Statute passed last year mistakenly removed minimum age for marriage in state
FIA president under fire for allegedly participating in anti-Semitic themed sex party
Yale researchers find discrimination common against obese people
Angry mom: 'He doesn't know those things. He's only 6 years old'
Woman lured former fiance to his death 12 years ago for $1 million insurance policy
'We do not know yet whether the architecture and design solutions ... will work as intended'
'I'm not heartless': Co-creator of make-believe heartthrob led to teen's suicide
14 years ago, Chris Clark shelled out 20 bucks to register domain name
Says he'll do 17 when 'there's some more space on my forehead'
Draws blood with chomp to pit bull's nose, saves her Lab
Markers on telephone poles would define zone where orthodox can carry things on Sabbath
Lost brakes: Called hero for causing car to flip before entering intersection
Supermodel suspected of assaulting police officer in London
Says he kept uterus intending to carry child
Raptor's nest removed from behind home plate after bird drew blood
Scientist: 'Murders occurred. Children were murdered. I will not make a show of it'
From Nigeria to Indonesia, Sudanese law professor spreads ideas of secular state, human rights
'There's no horizon yet that anybody can see. New events keep rolling out'
Highest level since mid-Sept. 2005 – continuing claims also spike
25% reduction is 1st significant job cuts in company's gilded history
Some of work done by 200 full-time salaried employees to be outsourced
Latest data show employers slashed 80,000 payroll positions in March
Jobless claims, stocks, oil and gold up
SEC 'looking closely' at whether market participants illegally colluded to short shares
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses 3 major schools of economics with Dr. Frank Shostak
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'Premature accumulation' burns some managers – others aren't buying yet
But does it prevent foreclosures or bail out lenders?
Individual homeowners struggling with their mortgages might need to wait for help
Company could be on hook for oil-field contamination in Amazon rain forest
Chairman under investigation for relationship with judge lashes out at news cameraman
Company filed suit for health-care reimbursement after woman won award for accident
'Unique, state-of-the-art' – part roller coaster, part animal adventure
Family restaurant puts executive on board of homosexual chamber
Faces maximum term of 20 years in prison, fine of up to $250,000
Fed head: 'I'm not ready to say whether or not the U.S. economy will face such a situation'
Company argues treaty with U.S. protects it from double taxation
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
'A historical technological success ... full of promises for a greener future'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer lauds federal government for taking up constitutional duty to protect border
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals which fence Washington is building with your tax dollars
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey sees Fed chairman's self-fulfilling recession helping Obama
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan eavesdrops on Barack's Cabinet discussing surrender
Phyllis Schlafly rips judges who compare participatory killing to reading the Bible
Bill Press asserts commander in chief operates as if he were above the law
David Limbaugh shows press' relentless betrayal of former first couple
Pat Buchanan argues 20th century conflict began demise of Western Civilization
Exclusive: Samuel Blumenfeld on authors battling education elites dumbing-down Brits
John Stossel explains why, contrary to California ruling, homeschooling is constitutional
Exclusive: Reader takes on Rev. Falwell, disses fundamentalist Christianity
Vox Day takes on infamous atheist authors in his brand new book
Peter Dreier claims Alphonso Jackson corruption is par for the course
Exclusive: Readers grapple with issues of vaccines, Obama's faith, Hamas
Bruce Chapman offers latest products from the DNC Gift Shop
Larry Elder shares obscene notes from fellow blacks calling him every name in the book
Tom Wright argues against 'militant atheists' pushing destruction of the sick
Girls Removed From Jeffs-Built Compound
Clintons Made Nearly $109M Since 2000
Tornado Sweeps Through Little Rock, Ark.
Nassau community honors Dr. King
New Michigan Primary: It’s Really Most Sincerely Dead
Michigan Dems Say No Do-Over Primary
Chertoff Blasts UK Plot Press Coverage
Wall St trauma cuts their New York tax bills: Governor
12 Inmates Injured in California Prison Brawl
Administration Asserted a Terror Exception on Search and Seizure
Hillary Clinton Laughs At Herself On "The Tonight Show"
Oregon cave yields evidence of the earliest Americans yet
Marine Newlyweds Missing From SoCal Base
Woman Sentenced in Death of Mother-To-Be
US man arrested over 'gun threat'
Man Pleads Guilty to Phoenix Shootings
Despite Investigations, Blackwater to Keep Working in Iraq
Blackwater's Baghdad contract renewed for one year
AP: Combat tours to be shortened to 12 months
The Episcopal Property War
Foreign Journalists Held Amid Backlash By Zimbabwe Government ...
George Bush and Vladimir Putin unveil final double act
Keep away from our borders, Putin tells Nato
Tibet courts to conduct mass prosecution of anti-China protesters
Cowen declares himself candidate to succeed Ahern as Ireland's ...
Airline terror trial: 'Heathrow, Canary Wharf and nuclear plants ...
Iraq PM Reverses Course, Freezes Raids
Bill Richardson plans Venezuela trip on hostages
Chavez Says He Can't Help on Betancourt
UN Climate Talks Agree on Agenda
Second night in hospital for duke
Chinese Dissident's Wife Appeals for Help in Blog Posting
Keith Allen's Diana theory
Diana inquest jury begins deliberations
Cyprus minister urges patience in island talks
NATO, Afghanistan and the lessons of cricket
Israeli Minister's aide shot
North Korea switching to China for rice
Tibet protests suspended in Nepal
Former Kosovo prime minister acquitted of war crimes charges ...
Reuters Summit-US wants bold Cuban reforms before engagement
US bomber catches fire after landing at American base in the ...
Kenya: Who is Fooling Who?
McCain practices politics of honor
McCain Returns Donor Cash
Clinton Says She Raised Enough to Compete
Clinton Camp Feels Spent, and Outspent
Obama downplays race in speech honoring King
Some Superdelegates More Super Than Rest
McCain sees many problems facing next president
McCain has gone without Secret Service protection
Obama, Clinton tailor e-mails for Philly faithful
Romney’s Ex-Friends
Clinton Accepts CBS Debate; Obama Deciding
Former President Carter hints at support for Obama
Clinton or Obama? ‘Don’t Ask Fiddy’
Rev. Jeremiah And America's Blindspot
Obama, McCain & Clinton honor Rev. King
Bob Barr for president? Maybe
Ex-Congressman Weighs Presidential Bid
McCain's Potential Vice Presidential Candidates
McCain’s Veep? The clear favorite is … nobody
McCain: Loving His Misspent Youth
Lawmakers tout Obama's coattails
John Edwards says would not accept VP nomination
Running an Insurgency
GOP Lands Top-tier Recruit Against Lautenberg