"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 April 2008


U.S. Economy: Sentiment Weakens More Than Anticipated
Many states appear to be in recession as deficits grow
cbs2.com - Countrywide CEO Made $132M In 2007 Pay, Stock Sale
UN secretary-general calls food price rise a global crisis - Yahoo! News
Food Crisis Starts Eclipsing Climate Change Worries | The New York Sun
Amy Winehouse in tears as she is formally arrested over pub assault claims | the Daily Mail
Continental and United Said to Be Closer to a Merger - New York Times
American Airlines in talks with Continental, US Air - Yahoo! News
McCain says N.C. Republicans out of touch over ad | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
First cloned dog set to produce offspring: researchers
R.O.I. - WSJ.com
Bloomberg.com: News
My Way News - Clinton lobbies superdelegates after Pennsylvania win
Big HRC fundraiser defects to Obama - First Read - msnbc.com
Tales from the Trail » Blog Archive » Top House Democrat denounces Clinton campaign tactics | Blogs | Reuters.com
Top House Democrat denounces Clinton campaign tactics
Black Leader in House Denounces Bill Clintons Remarks - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Dems' suspense may be unnecessary - Elizabeth Drew - Politico.com
National Journal Magazine - Hillary’s Political Purgatory
Cloud Of Bees Swarming In 'Tornado Pattern' Chases Diners From Restaurant - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Professional Panhandler: Girl Pretends to be Homeless to Pocket Cash
My Way News - NYPD officers cleared in killing; rights leaders want probe
Bell Verdict: Not Guilty - News Story - WNBC | New York
Bloomberg's Statement After Sean Bell Verdict - News Story - WNBC | New York
Top U.S. military officer assails Iran's role in Iraq - International Herald Tribune
Ship hired by U.S. military fires warning shots in Gulf | Reuters
Oil prices up on word US ship fired on boats in Persian Gulf
THE 1992 CAMPAIGN: The Front-Runner; Like Voters, Superdelegates Have Doubts About Clinton - New York Times
Humans lived in tiny, separate bands for 100,000 years
Study says near extinction threatened people
FT.com / World - World Bank backs anti-Aids experiment
Petrol stations run dry ahead of Grangemouth refinery strike - Times Online
Oil prices to double by 2012: Canadian study
Greenpeace founder now backs nuclear power | News Updates | Idaho Statesman
My Way News - Sweep of polygamists' kids raises legal questions
Daily News Owner Matches Murdoch’s Offer for Newsday - New York Times
Why Microsoft Won't Extend Windows XP
State Moves To Ban Fake Testicles On Cars
Rockefeller Donates $100 Million To Harvard
9/11 Patsy Meets His Lawyer
American Airlines In Merger Talks
World Bank Backs Anti-AIDS Experiment
Police Get Black Uniforms To Instill Fear
NJ Judge Allows Examination Of Voting Machines
BBC WTC-7 Anchor: 9/11 Conspiracy Possible
Dangerous Police State Pattern Emerging
McCain's Hurricane Katrina Hypocrisy
Border Patrol May Use Paintball Guns
Wheat Crop Failures Could Be Total
U.S. Contracted Ship Fires Toward Iranian Boat
Global Ruling Class: Billion Dollar Baby
More U.S. troops battle foreclosure - USATODAY.com
Telecom Immunity To Be Tacked Into War Bill
Bush Says Rebate Checks Will Help Economy
3 NYPD Acquitted In 50-Shot Killing
Plan To Reverse Global Warming Could Backfire
Bottled Water Banned At School
Greenpeace Founder: Global Warming A Fraud
State To Take Sect Children To Foster Homes
Al-Sadr May Restart Fight Against U.S.
UN Chief To Announce Plan To Combat Malaria
DARE Officer Charged In Drug Case
DARE Officer Charged In Drug Case(video/quicktime Object)
Unmasking the Neighborhood Network Watch | Thought Criminal
Prison Nation by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Sobran Column -- The Man They Still Hate -- JESUS
The Tragedy of Ignorance by Tom Chartier
A Pentagon's Who's Who of Your Life by Tom Engelhardt
The Libertarian From Nazareth by Bill Butler
Brand names 'as old as civilisation itself' - Telegraph
Singing Catholic priests sign £1m recording deal with Sony - Times Online
T. Rex Closer to Gizzards Than Lizards
The 10 worst musicals of all time - Telegraph
Brothers in arms - TV & Radio - Entertainment - theage.com.au
Discovery News : Discovery Channel
Janet Kinosian: What Your Sleep Position Says About You - Living on The Huffington Post
National Journal Online - Q&A: David Plouffe
Geoff Garin - Fair Is Fair - washingtonpost.com
Dominic Lawson: If you want to see a display of pure political courage, then John McCain is your man - Dominic Lawson, Commentators - The Independent
ABC News: Wright Still Wrong for Obama
Self-Inflicted Confusion - New York Times
Thomas: Global Warming Not a Big Campaign Issue | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Green is the New Red, White & Blue?
Real reason Syrian base was wiped off the map - Telegraph
Obama and Clinton: two cynical losers | Gerard Baker - Times Online
Cheer Up, Democrats!
Charlotte Observer | 04/25/2008 | Is '08 a Democratic year?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Revealing 'Distractions'
How Obama Can Shed the 'Elitist' Label | Newsweek Voices - Howard Fineman | Newsweek.com
National Journal Magazine - Judgment and Character Are Paramount
Dems' suspense may be unnecessary - Elizabeth Drew - Politico.com
How to Manufacture a Popular-Vote Victory | The New York Observer
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Obama's Success in Central Pennsylvania
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Pennsylvania Fault Lines
National Journal Magazine - McCain's Turning Point
Behind the Run on Rice
The War on Terror Is Not a Crime - WSJ.com
Sixty years of determined survival - 04/25/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Why Israel can't survive | Macleans.ca - World - Global
The Sad End of Jimmy Carter - WSJ.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Future of American Power
North Korea Redux - New York Times
Iraq: back in Basra -Times Online
Editorial: Calderón can't expect unconditional aid | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Editorials
Easy as 1, 2, 3 -- Except for The Maybes - washingtonpost.com
Obama won't change game plan after loss - Ben Smith - Politico.com
McCain: Response to Katrina 'terrible' - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune - NOLA.com
Using New Math, Clinton Contends She’s Ahead - New York Times
Why is Farah enthused about next 4 years?
Consumerism pushes factories, boosts pressure to limit children
'To put lien on worship facility over resale activity is ludicrous'
Court case challenges plan to restrict 1st Amendment to fenced areas
Stopped using 'gay' video piece after Christian confronted him
'The Democrat Party has members who have already said there will be trouble'
Former rival has been mentioned as potential running mate
'It's understandable why they would not want me to be president of the United States'
Annual toll in Bush years down despite 4,000 fatalities in Iraq
Bush administration targets language in war on terrorism
Judge called current law 'an absurdity,' recommends 2 measures be quashed
97 percent oppose North American Community without congressional approval
'A few bursts' of warning shots used on small vessels believed to be Iranian
Sean Bell, 23, killed in hail of bullets on night of his bachelor party
24-year-old British singer suspected of assault
Centerpiece of government's $168 billion stimulus package
Iran triggering proliferation concerns in Middle East
Washington says it was built with North Korea's help
Lawmaker: Oklahoma no longer 'OK' for undocumented aliens
Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio accused of grandstanding, racial profiling
Secret Service nabbed press attach̩ who took 6 or 7 devices Рclaims diplomatic immunity
1st fatal attack in San Diego County since 1959
Congressman joins D.C. rally to urge stripping abortion providers of taxpayer money
Makers of intelligent design film respond to lawsuit over brief use of 1970s anthem
1st-ever mass firing of journalists in 156-year history
'Realistic portrait' also says Christ was not betrayed by Judas Iscariot
Screams: 'I'm a bigshot in Boston and I'll have your [expletive] jobs'
'The unfortunate events ... were unanticipated and Ms. Goldklank is deeply regretful'
Blatant sex, profanity used to lure girls ages 12-17
Congresswoman points out appointments were approved by convicted al-Qaida ally
Exclusive: WND editor speaks out against libelous allegation in New York Daily News
Principal says support for homosexuality approved, but 'condemnation' banned
'Christian students shouldn't be discriminated against for expressing their beliefs'
Principal suspended touch-and-run game after determining it was getting out of hand
'When you buy something, you're doing more than just making a purchase'
Yale investigators say probe puts womans' controversial claims in doubt
Animal welfare organizations have been unable to confirm whether pup survived ordeal or not
Newspapers published continental body's maps showing Britain without its name
Pair cut out floor supports of apartment when resident fought eviction in court
Microsoft's disappointing outlook weighs on technology sector
Prosecutors: Actor failed to pay $15 million owed – judge urged to make example of star
Denzel Washington, Woody Harrelson lobbied judge to grant probation for tax crimes
'Persons who have heard the entire sermon understand the communication perfectly'
Pastor complains sermons deliberately taken out of context by media 'for a political purpose'
Says campuses safer if people can protect themselves
Backs Jewish woman – rules building association discriminated in ordering removal
Witness in case of 10-year-old smothered, raped by 2 men ruled incompetent to testify
Supreme Court justice says nonsense to charge decision was politically motivated
Number of countries in southern Africa had refused to unload weapons
Weapon systems, flanked by 8,000 soldiers, rattled while jet fighters ripped through sky
Nearly quarter of Beijingers above age of 15 light up
Compares firebrand leftist leading siege of Mexico's congress to fuhrer, Pinochet
Allege remarks about 'thugs and goons' violated dignity, reputation of population
Dad tackles man caught stroking 10-year-old girl's hair as she slept
Pair entered classroom during class, began arguing, refused to leave
Accused of using Social Security numbers of mother-in-law, 2 others, to run up $14,000 debt
Cheek swabs of 437 children can uncover family ties, criminal behaviors
Crew capsule entered atmosphere with hatch rather than heat shield leading way
NASA releases 59 images of colliding star systems in deep space
Commissioner, committee say group shouldn't be able to offer a science master's
Latest evidence comes from ancient femur bone unearthed in 2003
Number of early humans may have shrunk to 2,000 before expanding again in early Stone Age
Recipients 6 times more likely to die in 1st month after heart surgery
Equivalent to reversing 12 years' worth of aging-related loss of fitness
After 25 years, billions of dollars, leading scientists now forced to ask question
'The network they enjoy now is in many important respects a collective hallucination'
Israeli officials close steep entry into waterway due to safety concerns
Dates back to 1937 – sent to her friend when she was 8 years old
'I had two choices – go away and tell nobody, or spend the rest of my life working here'
National parks clear growth from original battlefield 'sight lines' delighting, appalling, some
'It does suggest that liquidity strains could be easing'
Industry's major companies to make on-line information accessible via audio software
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
'It's not a great quarter by any means, and people were expecting a great quarter'
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses the implications of reported food rationing in the U.S.
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'All of the geopolitical flux that wracks that region regularly suddenly isn't our problem'
Supplies are shrinking and the world's fastest growing economy faces electricity shortages
Man working to convert all that grows into fuel surprised by 'inattention'
Exclusive: Ernest Istook faults legislature for pain at the pump, higher cost of food
Economic stimulus of up to $1,200 will start arriving next week
Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act full of surprises for some
Says syndicates attempting to penetrate energy sector, furnish weapons to terrorists
Ad guru Jim Whelan on believing in yourself and taking risks
Prices drop by largest amount in 38 years
'People here are going back over there (to Mexico) to buy products that they were raised with'
Write-downs follow big losses posted by other carriers
Exchange has lost 1/2 its value since October in 1 of deepest bear markets in last 50 years
Exclusive: The Richmans use Harley-Davidson troubles to argue for trade-war boldness
Female rates lower: 'There was some closing of that gap in the '70s and '80s'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Company says persistent hack before policy began points to pre-existing condition
Thomas family devastated: 'We just didn't think this would be the outcome'
Government says rate is low, so why do food and energy cost so much?
'There are possibly co-branding ideas, other ways to get our content out there'
If old-style Mickey hats don't say you , theme park offers option
Economists: It's de-industrializing America, leading nation toward 2nd-rate power status
'All the mathematical components are just theory unless the behavior kicks in'
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer asserts cult's children at more risk in foster care than on Texas ranch
Exclusive: Joseph Farah questions how Obama, Dems could embrace such 'vermin'
Pat Buchanan: Barack has painted himself into inescapable elitist corner
Bill Press: Founding Fathers were much nastier than Hillary, Obama
David Limbaugh: Party will be forced to go with flawed Obama or face racial charges
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan says when voters find out the truth, Barack will go down
Phyllis Schlafly rips UK leader for pushing 'Declaration of Interdependence' on U.S.
Exclusive: 19-year-old Alex and Brett Harris explain their on-fire new book
Ben Shapiro wants reasonable limits put on so-called performance art
Exclusive: ACLU staffer rebuts columnist's claims about legal organization
Stuart Shepard shows impact of court ruling prohibiting coach from bowing head
Bill Moyers interviews pastor who claims enemies are unjustly painting him as a 'fanatic'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill proves film understates historically irrefutable connection
Quin Hillyer urges Americans to demand government clamp down on smutty TV
John McCain's Speech in New Orleans
Fred Thompson on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on North Korea & Syria Nuclear Ties
Speaker Pelosi on "Larry King Live"
April 24 White House Press Briefing
McCain's Speech in Inez, Kentucky
Roundtable Reviews Pennsylvania Results
Terry McAuliffe on "Hannity & Colmes"
Carville & Richardson Square Off on "Larry King Live"
Analysts Discuss the Race Ahead
President Bush Discusses Small Business
Wright Defends Comments
John McCain on "The Fox Report"
Inside Obama's Headquarters
Obama Speaks to Food Workers
Pelosi Again Says No To Idea of Dream Ticket
Clinton Proposes Two Oregon Debates
Ridge on "Hardball"
A Pennsylvania Primary Follow-Up
Davis Pushes Clinton as Popular Vote Leader
Interview with DCCC Chairman
McCain in Inez, Kentucky
Carville & Richardson Square Off on "Larry King Live"
Jack Kemp Discusses McCain's Campaign on "Hannity & Colmes"
Controversial NC GOP Ad
RealClearPolitics - Video Log - Wright Defends Comments
Clinton's Morning Media
Clinton's Pennsylvania Victory Speech
Obama's Pennsylvania Primary Night Speech
McCain in Youngstown
No Moral Victory for Obama
Progressive Media: "McCain's Fabulous Life"
The Associated Press: 'Jihadist' booted from government lexicon
Random Strangers Hunted, Slashed With Razor Blades For Gang Initiations - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Man's arm almost severed by alleged gas thief
UC defends $2.1 million deal for police chief
GRAVE INSULT - New York Post
Elderly man drives onto MIA runway - 04/25/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Wounded teller's babies don't survive | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
YouTube - Extreme
7/7 jury see video of terror ringleader grooming his baby daughter to battle for Islam | the Daily Mail
Rev. Wright Says Media Treatment of Sermons Was ‘Unfair’ and ‘Devious’ - America’s Election HQ
Muslim leader to urge support of Wright | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Jihad Watch: Big surprise: Dutch Muslims reject debate with Wilders over Fitna
Feds: Houstonians in scheme to ship drugs on Mexican buses | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
CNN now sued for $1.3 billion - $1 per person in China | U.S. | Reuters
Trump: Atlantic City casinos should sue over smoking ban
Oakland: When school bullies get out of hand
ABC News: Virginia Tech Gun Dealer Offers Student Discount
Woman Charged In Husband's Kinky Sex Death, She Covered Hubby's Mouth, Eyes With Duct Tape, Left Him Alone For 20 Hours, He Asphyxiated - CBS News
FOXNews.com - Student in Wheechair Faces Assault Charges for Running Over Classmate's Toe - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Parents Urged to Stage 'Day of Silence Walkout' -- 04/22/2008
ABC News: U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs; Second Amendment to Blame?
Grateful Dead archives going to UC Santa Cruz
3 NYPD officers cleared in 50-shot killing of groom-to-be
2 dead, 21 hurt in Chicago when truck hits bus stop, train station - On Deadline - USATODAY.com
Authorities: Semi rams Chicago train station, killing 2
WRAPUP 2-Obama says he will fine-tune his campaign
Veteran triathlete killed by shark off Solana Beach
US official: Iran boosting support for Iraqi insurgents
McCain assails administration for 'disgraceful' response to Katrina
Did Texas Officials Botch the Polygamy Bust?
New jobs set for 2 US commanders with Iraq role
Chaos reigns in Texas courtroom
US blocks genetic discrimination
Senate passes genetic discrimination bill
Virginia Tech Slams Visit by Gun Dealer
US cites China, Russia for failing to protect intellectual property
Twins of shot teller die
Suspects in 2 NC killings captured in Va. after standoff
Couple sought for 2 NC deaths surrender after Norfolk standoff
So. Baptists Now a 'Declining Denomination' | Christianpost.com
Remains of WWII airmen identified
Beijing to hold talks with Dalai Lama's envoys - International Herald Tribune
VOA News - China Offers to Meet with Dalai Lama Representative
Zimbabwe police raid opposition, election offices
Resolution Elusive In Zimbabwe Post-Election Crisis - Analysts
Police raid headquarters of opposition in Zimbabwe
Syria ready to cooperate with IAEA: Syrian envoy
Many dead in Sri Lanka bus blast
Bus bomb kills 24 in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka bus bomb kills 24, military blame Tigers
Hamas Supporters Protest in Gaza Over Blockade
Former French PM: France wants to be China's best friend in Europe
Pakistan, Taliban continuing peace talks despite new attack
Pakistan said dealing with Bhutto suspect - UPI.com
The Associated Press: Al-Sadr shift: away from politics and favoring fight
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Final results declared in Nepal
VOA News - World Food Crisis Worsening
UN food agency needs hundreds of millions for hungry
Iran denies clash with US Navy
IAEA: IAF raid destroyed evidence of reported nuclear facility
UN chief launches drive to wipe out malaria in Africa
Africa: Malaria Campaigns Ramp Up Focus On Bed Nets
Polls close in Iranian run-off vote
Iranians Vote in Parliamentary Run-Off, Conservatives Favored
Russia sounds warning to Georgia over breakaway regions
Georgian leader lashes out at Russia ahead of key U.N. Security Council meeting - International Herald Tribune
Georgian leader lashes out at Russia ahead of key U.N. Security Council meeting
The Associated Press: Russia sounds warning to Georgia over breakaway regions
European Commission Head Rejects Calls for Boycott of Olympic Games
EU chief hopes for 'positive developments soon' on Tibet
Putin Signs Law to Restrict National Referendums
Putin begins forming prime ministerial team
Sudan challenges UN Darfur death toll as unfounded
UN: 300000 dead in Darfur since start of conflict; Sudan denies count
Israel's UN envoy calls Jimmy Carter 'bigot'
Rice heading to Middle East, Britain
Thousands march in Hollywood in annual remembrance of Armenian ...
Armenia's 'Christian holocaust'
Two killed, at least 21 injured after truck crashes into CTA Red ...
Pennsylvania Win Helps Clinton Raise Millions, Adds to Obama Question
Quoted saying African-Americans suspected attempt ‘to damage Obama’
Top US Officer Says Iran Increasing Support for Iraqi Shiite ...
Snow: McCain distancing himself from Bush
Bush assures Abbas statehood "high priority"
Mideast peace quest tests endurance
Mothers from polygamous sect separated from young children
McCain Rides His Campaign Bus With Huckabee
US Says China, Russia Too Lax on Piracy
NY Thruway Authority board approves toll hikes
Ethics panel criticizes Sen. Domenici for call
Prosecutor: Pregnant teller wounded in robbery loses twins
Campaign Notebook: Clinton Has Michigan, Florida on Her Mind
Obama presses on gas prices, Clinton highlights energy bill
Why Are There Three Democrats In The Race?
Obama, Clinton spend time in low-priority states
Clyburn Warns Democratic Party
Wright's Reemergence Compounds Questions for Obama in Key Stretch
Rep. Wu comes out for Obama in Oregon
Clinton presses Obama for NC debate
Delegate challenges to be heard
DNC Panel to Weigh Florida and Michigan Challenges
DNC to take on FL, MI issue again
Clinton's money: Can she compete?
Clinton lobbies superdelegates after Pennsylvania win
McCain teams with former rival Huckabee in Arkansas
McCain goes whole hog at Whole Hog Cafe
New poll shows a dead heat in state between Clinton, Barack Obama
Obama Agrees -- Finally -- to Go on Fox Sunday
Clinton's Hopes May Lie With NC
Clinton Not Too Sleep Deprived for a Debate
Clinton seeks to burnish military credentials in NC
Pelosi: Clinton, Obama sharing the ticket not a good idea
Pelosi: Clinton, Obama Sharing Presidential Ticket Not a Good Idea
How can Barack Obama win keys to the White House? Karl Rove offers ...
McCain: Born-again tax-cutter
Obama: The race factor
NY Times assails Clinton for negative campaign
Party leaders don't seem to care Clinton has taken the big states
Senators support McCain's eligibility for presidency
Democrats, Republicans agree McCain is a ‘natural’
Pennsylvania Hurt Obama’s Electability
Face scans for air passengers to begin in UK this summer
U.S. Spies Use Custom Videogames to Learn How to Think
"Mobsters without borders" are global threat: U.S
'Miracle' Wrinkle Cream's key ingredient: circumcised baby foreskin
Cheney camp 'behind Syrian reactor claim'
FBI wants widespread monitoring of 'illegal' Internet activity
BBC Anchor Who Reported on WTC7 Collapse: ‘Conspiracy’ a possibility
Neo-Cons Urge Violence Against Framed Activist
UN: Food Price Rise Global Crisis
One in 58 British children is autistic, some experts suspect it is Vaccine related
Greenpeace Founder: No Proof of Human Caused Global Warming
Unmasking the Neighborhood Network Watch
U.S. market sees three or four new nanotech products weekly
We Are Change Slandered By Neocon Media
Israelis Block UN Food Relief For Gaza
Senator: VA lying about number of veteran suicides
The Military's Plan to Regrow Body Parts
GMO With Organic Farms Best For Environment?
House GOP Candidate Spoke At Hitler Event
Science Fiction Inspires DARPA Weapon
Petraeus Promotion Frees Cheney to Threaten Iran
Mexican Official Nabbed White House Blackberries
VIDEO: Arnold Confronted on Nazi-Ties
CIA has 7,000 documents relating to rendition, detention, and torture programs
Sheriff Candidate Believes Crime Is Terrorism
DARPA Wants Soldiers to Touch, From 300 Feet Away
Huge Derivative Losses Upcoming?