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Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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24 April 2008


Petraeus and Odierno nomination reactions
His New Post Makes Him Responsible for Wars in Iraq and ...
Children From Sect Are Dispersed by State
437 Kids Have DNA Testing, Will Be Placed in Temporary Foster Homes
Officials wrap up DNA testing on polygamist sect kids
Hillary Clinton looks ahead to next contests after Pa. win
Pennsylvania: Tidal wave or big yawn in Democratic race
Phone number in Texas abuse report linked to Colo. woman
Ex-Bush Aide's Name Surfaces in Rezko Trial
Source: Rove, Kjellander tried to oust Fitzgerald
GOP heavyweights reportedly tried to oust Fitzgerald
Heart surgeon receives high honor
Congressional Gold Medal Awarded to Distinguished Doctor
Bush meets Jordan's king before Palestinian talks
King of Jordan tells Bush timetables needed for Mideast talks
Supreme Court rules that the police can seize evidence after an arrest
Supreme Court broadens police searches
Senate takes up pay disparity
Senate may consider unequal pay bill
Bear gave off no reasons for concern before trainer's death
Jury gets case of man charged in wife's death
Virginia's new restrictions for blue crabs harvest
Bush, NAFTA partners urge Colombia pact
Michigan Teen Gets 20-30 Years in 'Thrill Kill' Beheading
A 911 Operator Thought an Iguana, Not a Gator, Might Be in Sandra ...
Woman finds 8-foot alligator in her Florida kitchen
Los Angeles adopts conservation-minded building code
Central Florida commuter rail project heads for floor votes
Park closing to be protested
Ohio woman pleads guilty in fire that killed her children
Fraud costs military health program $100 million-plus
Carter says US Secretary Rice "not telling truth"
Carter: Rice isn't telling truth about warnings not to speak with ...
Officials release 1st result in Zimbabwe election recount
Analyst Questions Call for Zimbabwe National Unity Government
Violence mars Zimbabwe recount
Sources: Tigers feint kills 100 Sri Lanka troops
At least 90 reported killed in fierce battle on Sri Lanka
VOA News - S. Africa's Mbeki, Under Fire Over Zimbabwe, Endorsed By Regional Peers
Britain's PM calls for world arms embargo against Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe: Growing Pressure for Arms Embargo
IAEA Says Iran Agrees to Clarify Nuclear Activity
India Rejects US Comments on Iran
India dismisses US advice to pressure Iran to give up nuclear program
Israel Resumes Fuel Delivery to Gaza
Israel resumes Gaza fuel supplies
World Food Crisis Could Push Millions of People Into Poverty
Ship Carrying Arms for Zimbabwe, Plays 'Cat and Mouse' with Monitors
Georgian leader lashes out at Russia ahead of key UN Security ...
US video show North Koreans inside Syrian nuclear site: Report
Bush meets with Palestinian leader as Mideast talks falter
Bush due to hold talks with Abbas
How can Obama, Clinton not be tired?
Senate passes genetic discrimination bill
Rev. Wright Beyond the Bite; See His Context for Yourself
Rev. Wright says controversy over sermons `unfair'
UPDATE 1-US Justice Scalia defends Bush v. Gore ruling
Scalia On Bush v. Gore: Get Over It!
5 dead, 7 hurt after truck, van collide south of Pittsburgh
Petraeus Leaving Iraq; Odierno to Take Over
Odierno 'best' choice for top Iraq post
Reid, Pelosi, Dean May Push Uncommitted Superdelegates to Decide ...
Reid Prepared to Intervene With Democratic Superdelegates
Reid hints at pushing superdelegates to make a decision
Drunk passenger arrested for struggle on LA-bound jet
Fellow Flyers Duct-Tape Drunk to His Seat After He Allegedly ...
Court to hear Texas sect mothers' pleas to see children
How DNA Could Reveal Relationships of Texas Sect
Navy to Re-Start Fourth Fleet to Cover Latin America, Caribbean
US Navy re-establishes fleet for Caribbean, Latin America
Seller of gun used in Va. Tech shootings due to visit campus
Virginia Tech Gun Dealer Offers Student Discount
NY plans major state job recruiting despite Paterson order
Brownback makes pitch for abstinence education
Pranksters Leave Zebra Named Barcode in Emory University Building
Panel: WVU improperly granted degree to governor's daughter
Group says wind energy an economic boon in Ohio
US Jews get a new voice in Washington
US envoy says Zimbabwe's Mugabe lost
Mugabe rival 'clear' winner - US
US shows evidence of alleged Syria-N. Korea nuke collaboration
With Syria 'reactor' video, US sends a warning
Hamas ready for phased truce if Israel ends blockade
Disrupted fuel supply causes UN aid cuts in Gaza
Taliban commander in Pakistan orders halt to attacks
US backs British call for Zimbabwe arms embargo
China halting arms shipment to Zimbabwe
Nepal's Maoists win lead role in new governing assembly
Nepal Maoists Win Assembly Election
Al-Sadr shift: away from politics and favoring fight
Iraq's Maliki says factions agree to rejoin government
Disputed claims on S Lanka clash
Sri Lanka strikes back with air attacks as losses mount
French leader looks for rebound in prime-time TV interview
Sarkozy defends presidency on TV
Sarkozy tries to woo back doubting French
US: China must talk to Dalai Lama
Italy's Saint Pio goes on display
Italian saint draws huge crowds
Isreali PM Sets Off Politicial Storm After Reportedly Offering ...
Former US ambassador calls for talks between Israel, Syria
A Golan peace
Thousands march in Hollywood in annual remembrance of Armenian ...
Armenia vows to boost efforts for 'genocide' recognition
Somali President Rejects UN Figures on Humanitarian Crisis
Everest Olympic torch diary
Sudan challenges UN Darfur death toll as unfounded
Sudan: Despite Obstacles, Successes on the Ground Tangible
High food prices aggravated by low reserves, UN says (Roundup)
Rising food prices to top UN agenda at Swiss meet
Thai Rice Prices Reach Record; UN Concerned About Asia Food Security
Rice at fresh peak on supply fear
Russia criticised over Abkhazia
Georgia says Russian peacekeepers must go
India rejects US advice on Iran
North Carolina Republicans pull anti-Obama ad
Democrats press McCain on North Carolina ad
McCain says US government failed New Orleans
Border states key as Clinton, Obama battle in Indiana
Thursday reading
Clinton's money: Can she compete?
Hillary's Convoluted Arithmetic
Rep. Wu comes out for Obama in Oregon
Exit poll madness
Both Obama and Clinton camps claim lead in popular votes
Those white working-class voters... - First Read - msnbc.com
McCain: 'Gvt. isn't always the answer'
Clinton, Obama each arguing that they are ahead in the popular vote
Trouble Ahead for Obama
Democrats intensify focus on Oregon
McCain Says Government Isn’t Poverty’s Sole Solution
Obama's "Bitter" Comment Comes Up During McCain Event in Kentucky - From The Road
Political Radar: Obama's 'Bitter Comments Resonate in Rural Kentucky
Debunking Obama's Ayers "Fact Sheet"
And Now, Indiana
Northern Mississippi congressional race heads to run-off
Miss. Special Election Heading To Runoff, By Josh Kraushaar - CBS News
Clinton says tide is turning
McCain Decries Protectionism 'Siren Song'
Democrats Cancel Raleigh Debate
Majority of Democrats cast ballots
For Obama, a Struggle to Win Over Key Blocs
McCain tours still-battered New Orleans neighborhood
The Sudden Emergence of Tom Paine by Murray N. Rothbard
How the Ron Paul Movement Looks to an American in Europe by Ben Novak
Sobran Column --- Lincoln and His Legacy
Who Cares About Your DNA? by Tricia Shore
TV Isn't Fun Anymore! by Bill Trench
What the Iraq War Is About by Paul Craig Roberts
Video: how to make a perfect cocktail - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Health | High-calorie diet linked to boys
Alexander the Great's "Crown," Shield Discovered?
Enoch Powell: the Great Lie survives - Telegraph
'Hoodies' were the scourge of Medieval London - Telegraph
» Archaeologists discover ancient Roman staircase - Thaindian News
Study: Oil Prices To Double By 2012
GMO With Organic Farms Best For Environment?
Science Fiction Inspires DARPA Weapon
Bum Busting Robot
FBI Warned Pentagon Against Torture
NYPD Sends Police State Message To Commoners
Colombia FTA Based On Failed NAFTA Model
Senate To Pass Genetic Discrimination Bill
NAU Summit Conducted In Secret
Cameras In More Public Places
Arnold Questioned About His Nazi Connections
Gates: Iranians Kill U.S. Soldiers
FDA To Expand Restrictions On Livestock Feed
Bush Reaffirms NAU Agenda
RFK Jr.: Quitting Carbon Like Abolishing Slavery
Syria Denies U.S. Nuke Accusations
Darthvader Police Unleashed In NYC Subways
China Becomes Largest Internet Population
CIA Has 7,000 Docs Relating To Torture Program
U.S. Says North Korea Aided Syria With Nukes
Murdoch Takes On The FCC
Sheriff Candidate Believes Crime Is Terrorism
Delta, Northwest Lose Combined $10.5B On Fuel
Sam's Club Limits Rice Purchases
Man Claims He Created Arizona UFOs
AP Article On Sound Torture Devices
NAU Business Group Sets & Gets Agenda
Border Agents Can Search Laptops W/Out Cause
$100 fill-ups arrive at gas pumps - CNN.com
Police May Search Even If Arrest Is Invalid
More Internet Content Blacklisted In Europe
EPA Scientists Faced Political Pressure
Biofuels Starving Our People
McCain: Commoners Must Accept Globalization
Scientists Aim To Alter Weather
Mass Mind Control Through Network TV
Pentagon Worried About Oil Spiking
Buffalo Crime Cam Program
Petraeus Named CENTCOM Commander
U.S. Prison Population Dwarfs Other Nations
Boeing quarterly profit up 38% on commerical aircraft - MarketWatch
Feds Scrap Arizona Virtual Fence
Americans Hoard Food
Al-Qaeda Rants On Global Warming
Scientists Warn Of Ice Age
U.S. No. 2 Hopes Al-Sadr Stops Attacks
Two Arrested For Asking Laura Bush A Question
Riad Hamad’s Body Contrary to Suicide
Video: Trojan Horse
Depleted uranium to remain in Hawaii
House GOP Candidate Spoke At Hitler Event
Rationing of rice hits Britain’s Chinese and curry restaurants
Drone Shoot-Down Sparks Worldwide Spat
We Are Change Activist Framed for Assaulting Handicapped Girl
Petraeus Promotion Frees Cheney to Threaten Iran
Mexican Official Nabbed White House Blackberries
CIA has 7,000 documents relating to rendition, detention, and torture programs
Machine-Gun-Toting Officers To Patrol NYC Subway
DARPA Wants Soldiers to Touch, From 300 Feet Away
Huge Derivative Losses Upcoming?
NAU: Business group sets and gets its agenda
France considering new rules for web 2.0
Cloak Of Protection For Cops & Bureaucrats
Hyperinflationary Depression
Wall Street Journal: “Maybe It’s Time for Americans to Start Stockpiling Food.”
New Regulations For No Child Left Behind
Engineer Accused Of Giving Secrets To Israel
From Mexico, Drug Violence Spills Into U.S. - washingtonpost.com
UN: Biodiversity Loss Hurts Medical Research
Texas judge OKs moving 437 polygamist sect kids into foster care
Whitman Not Liable for 9/11 Lies About Toxic Dust, Court Rules
Los Angeles 'is a Third World city' - Telegraph
FOXNews.com - Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Riot in L.A. Detention Center - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
ABC News: Virginia Tech Gun Dealer Offers Student Discount
N. Koreans taped at Syrian reactor? - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Woman Charged In Husband's Kinky Sex Death, She Covered Hubby's Mouth, Eyes With Duct Tape, Left Him Alone For 20 Hours, He Asphyxiated - CBS News
"Bum Bot" Targets Atlanta Vagrants, Homeless Advocates "Appalled" By Bar Owner's Electronic Vigilante Invention - CBS News
FOXNews.com - Student in Wheechair Faces Assault Charges for Running Over Classmate's Toe - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Sea lions escape execution — for now - Environment- msnbc.com
The Associated Press: Hollywood animal trainer distraught over fatal bear attack
Parents of slain boy drop lawsuit against NAMBLA - The Boston Globe
Hoaxer's Phone Linked To Sect Abuse Calls, Missing Colo. Woman Claimed Multiple Personalities; Charged With Making False Abuse Reports - CBS News
Texas tries to ease polygamist kids' culture shock - CNN.com
FOXNews.com - Mexican Embassy: Official Fired After Getting Caught With White House BlackBerries - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
FOXNews.com - 'Basic Instinct' Director Paul Verhoeven: Jesus Was Son of Mary and Roman Rapist - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
Parents Urged to Stage 'Day of Silence Walkout' -- 04/22/2008
The English market town where they speak 65 languages...and a quarter of the people are Eastern European migrants | the Daily Mail
FBI Claims a Confession in Israel Spy Case | The New York Sun
Bill bars gangs from 'safety zones' - The Boston Globe
Feinstein Won't Rule Out Supporting Popular Vote Loser -- 04/23/2008
Newsom's girlfriend stumbles into wrong party
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Muslim call to adopt Mecca time
ABC News: U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs; Second Amendment to Blame?
Daley: Parents have to know where their kids are :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
San Antonio gang wildly fires machine gun in car chase | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
McCain's Speech in Inez, Kentucky
Roundtable Reviews Pennsylvania Results
Terry McAuliffe on "Hannity & Colmes"
Carville & Richardson Square Off on "Larry King Live"
Analysts Discuss the Race Ahead
President Bush Discusses Small Business
Clinton's Pennsylvania Victory Speech
McCain Speaks in Youngstown
Panel Discusses the Pennsylvania Margin
Howard Wolfson in "The Situation Room"
Bush's Press Conf. w/Pres. Calderon & PM Harper
Clinton on "Larry King Live"
Frank Luntz's Last Minute Pa. Focus Group
Senators Durbin & Schumer on "Fox News Sunday"
Campagin Strategists Garin & Axelrod Face Off
Gov. Rendell & Sen. Casey on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Pope Benedict XVI at Ground Zero
A Pennsylvania Primary Follow-Up
Davis Pushes Clinton as Popular Vote Leader
Interview with DCCC Chairman
McCain in Inez, Kentucky
Jack Kemp Discusses McCain's Campaign on "Hannity & Colmes"
Controversial NC GOP Ad
Clinton's Morning Media
Obama's Pennsylvania Primary Night Speech
McCain in Youngstown
Progressive Media: "McCain's Fabulous Life"
Clinton: "Jobs" and "David"
Candidates on "Today"
Obama on "The Daily Show"
McCain in Alabama
Bill Clinton Revisits Jesse Jackson Comments
Clinton on "Countdown"
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama is Wounded, but Clinton Must Prove He Can't Win
Wonder Land - WSJ.com
Howard Kurtz - A Plague on Both Houses - washingtonpost.com
Looking past Pennsylvania - Joan Walsh - Salon.com
On Obama's Electability, Contra Judis
Obama’s Real Bill Ayers Problem by Sol Stern, City Journal 23 April 2008
As Democrats Fight, McCain Seeks the Middle - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Wooing independents - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Petraeus Wins - The Current
RealClearMarkets - Articles - The Food-Shortage Myth
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Deepening Democratic Dilemma
McCain and His Shadow - Campaign Stops - 2008 Elections - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Is Obama Ready for Prime Time? - WSJ.com
The Incredibly Shrinking Democrats - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Osama Crashes the Democratic Party
Hillary Clinton can't see that it's over - Telegraph
Pennsylvania Results Mean Clinton Could Win the Popular Vote and Obama the Pledged Delegate Count - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
RealClearPolitics - Articles - It's Time for Dems to Recruit Al Gore
The News Mausoleum
The psychology of the housing mess - Opinion - USATODAY.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A New Environmentalism
Better Roses Than Cocaine - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Chicago's Misfire on Gun Violence
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Education Lessons We Left Behind
Superdelegates' superdilemma | csmonitor.com
Chávez’s Takeover Spree - New York Times
Back To The '70s?
For Indiana Voters, Talk of Change May Fall Flat - New York Times
McCain stops in Inez, and he promises to return
With New Cash, Clinton Moves to A New Venue - washingtonpost.com
Clinton Gains on Obama's Tally - WSJ.com
Microsoft Earnings Decline 11%; Forecast Is Tempered
Is it time to give up the search for an Aids vaccine? - Science, News - The Independent
Man claims responsibility for Phoenix mystery lights
China becomes world's largest Internet population - Yahoo! News
CNN now sued for $1.3 billion - $1 per person in China | U.S. | Reuters
Florida lawmakers debate offering a Christian license plate
Anti-porn group seeks license plate
Stuntman gravely injured on James Bond set in Italy
Court broadens police power in searches - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Huckabee writing book on his failed presidential bid - Yahoo! News
Wright's defense
Wright offering fresh fodder to Obama critics :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet
Hill on Brinks radical: I didn't know! (Spin Cycle)
Why Hillary is still eating Obama's dust
FOXNews.com - Susan Estrich: Clinton or Obama on Top? - Opinion
Democrats Assess Rivals’ Strength in Swing States - New York Times
Yes it's politically incorrect but race matters | Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online
Obama Gets Encouragement and Warning From Wilder
McCain to New Orleans: Never again
Jenna Bush: I may not support McCain - Examiner.com
Wal-Mart unit limits rice purchases
Criminals target energy, financial markets, Mukasey says - CNN.com
wcbstv.com - N.Y. Orders Large Web Retailers To Charge Tax
Ford posts surprise 1Q profit, still expects full-year loss: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
New home sales plunge to lowest level in 16 1/2 years: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Phone number in polygamist case linked to Colo. woman : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
Brazil Oil Finds May End Reliance on Middle East, Zeihan Says
Justice Scalia defends Bush v. Gore ruling | U.S. | Reuters
Israel's Air Force Chief: Iran Threat Real, Tells 60 Minutes Israel's Air Force Is Ready For Any Threat, Especially A Nuclear Iran - CBS News
Fox zeroes in on 'Bad Dads'
'OMFG!': Cleavage kissing used to hype kids' show
Makers of intelligent design film respond to lawsuit over brief use of 1970s anthem
Screams: 'I'm a bigshot in Boston and I'll have your [expletive] jobs'
Congresswoman points out appointments were approved by convicted al-Qaida ally
6 men accused of seeking help from al-Qaida to blow up Sears Tower in Chicago
WND's 'Why We Left Islam' tops Amazon list
On Earth Day claimed Bible says ministering to creation is 'worship'
ACLU says restrictions would be unconstitutional
'We apologize to anyone who read column and found it inappropriate'
'It was like blinders came off my eyes after I read this'
'The persons who have heard the entire sermon understand the communication perfectly'
Pastor complains sermons deliberately taken out of context by media 'for a political purpose'
State-owned voice calls it 'social disease'
Congressman to join D.C. demonstration against targeting minority babies
After 7 months of secrecy, White House to make evidence public
Radio host believes 'Operation Chaos' wreaking havoc in Democratic process
What do you think of Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos asking Republicans to vote for Hillary?
Fatigue breeds unforced errors by candidates in past weeks
Democrat built campaign on being different, but in Pennsylvania image was coarsened
Head of Islamic charity shut down by U.S. government raises money for candidate
'More people have now voted for me than have voted for my opponent'
'To me it seems like an orchestrated effort on behalf of the Obama campaign'
Letter criticizing U.S. security plan also cites 'endorsement' from Job
'Did not fully meet user needs and the project's design will not be used'
Immigrants make up 1/2 its workforce – 60% don't speak English fluently
Tear gas used to diffuse brawl between detainees from rival gangs
Authorities: At least 7 commercial vehicles were converted to contain hidden compartments
Elite force billed as most professional Palestinian police ever assembled
Million-dollar campaign to warn against 'dangerous' Israeli land giveaways
Spokeswoman says Hamas' actions 'speak louder than words'
School releases accusations ranging from preaching to 'branding'
Principal earlier confiscated units, read text messages
97 suspensions last year for violence – including 9 involving weapon at child's campus
18-year-old allegedly puts gun in hand, coaxes obscenities for 'gangsta' video
Man, girlfriend, already facing prosecution for assaulting 3 girls
When child slid under water in bathtub, teen sat and watched for several minutes
Took wallet from 18-year-old who fell to ground outside Greyhound bus station
'This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record'
Cluster of brightly colored inflatables discovered floating miles out in ocean
Police to arrest Chinese attendants if they attempt to take 'policing role'
U.S. forces 'seized' most-wanted 'King of Clubs' Douri
Targeting those who 'participated in the crusader campaign against the lands of Islam'
'European bureaucrats' accused of trying 'to create a European super-state via the back door'
Some want right to carry gun at school
17-year-old suspect in critical condition after being hit in neck
'Homosexuality ... is the sin of our time, and woe to us for having come to this'
2 other calls claiming sexual abuse revealed in court documents
Meant to park in El Paso, cross border for breakfast
Say 'prepared to engage progressive forces' but president 'author of the problems we have'
China says it may turn away ship full of weapons headed for nation's leader
'It's this screeching sound that you have to get away from, or it will drive you crazy'
Among women with highest calorie intake before pregnancy 56% had male children
'There's no shortage of good ideas out there. There are some wacky ones, too'
Saleswomen in Ukraine compare action figure to Barbie
13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic
Woman surprised to find 8-foot reptile broke into house
'That you may get sucked down the foamy hell into the pit makes you giddy with apprehension'
Kremlin's surrogates have turned Russian Orthodox Church into de facto official religion
Exchange has lost 1/2 its value since October in 1 of deepest bear markets in last 50 years
Former CBO director: 'I've never been more worried than now'
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
'At some point, we have to think about whether we have a price emergency on our hands'
Carmakers' fleets must hit average of 31.6 mpg by 2015
With crude approaching $120, experts look for hints of decline
Man working to convert all that grows into fuel surprised by 'inattention'
'When I lay down in bed at night I worry about how I'm going to pay the rent'
Tight supplies reflect population boom, neglect of farming
That's how many are expected to inhabit world by 2050 – experts worry over shortages
'When you buy something, you're doing more than just making a purchase'
Boeing releases better-than-expected profits, energy markets waver
130/30 investments try to profit from winners, losers alike
Shares tumble: 'The current economic environment is the weakest in our company's history'
Needed blockbuster 1st-quarter to strengthen hand in takeover battle with Microsoft
Companies say they consulted with antitrust regulators before announcement
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Largest publicly traded U.S. home and auto insurer blamed higher costs from storms
But weak guidance for full fiscal year pushed shares down $4.33, or 5.4%
'Dental gold' helps some get in on precious metal's historic price jumps
United has big quarterly loss – doesn't bode well for summer
Steep jet fuel prices cited for aggressive increases in recent months
'Credit continues to tighten, slamming the door shut on many worthy borrowers'
Worse than in Depression, Yale economist says
'But really our focus right now is on profitable, sustainable growth across the world'
Economists: It's de-industrializing America, leading nation toward 2nd-rate power status
Ad guru Jim Whelan on believing in yourself and taking risks
'I don't think that's very fair at all because there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing'
Government says rate is low, so why do food and energy cost so much?
Workers sorted donated clothes for resale at thrift stores
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Mom patents unique design, sues lingerie maker for theft
'All the mathematical components are just theory unless the behavior kicks in'
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
Ann Coulter blasts Obama for fraternizing with stupid, violent, 'incompetent terrorists'
Exclusive: WND editor speaks out against libelous allegation in New York Daily News
Ben Shapiro wants reasonable limits put on so-called performance art
Exclusive: Erik Rush investigates senator's tragic fall from 'black prince' to Steve Urkel
Exclusive: Jane Chastain calls Clinton a bad habit –like smoking, drugs, biting nails
Exclusive: Ernest Istook faults legislature for pain at the pump, higher cost of food
Exclusive: Craige A. McMillan faults Democrats for relentlessly expanding government
Exclusive: Rebecca Hagelin refuses to vanquish Gipper to the 'ash heap of history'
Exclusive: Ellis Washington explores line dividing savage wilderness from civilization
Larry Elder grills Dem candidates with humorous inquiry about insignificant issues
Exclusive: Jack Cashill proves film understates historically irrefutable connection
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses the implications of reported food rationing in the U.S.
Walter E. Williams lists ways 'progressive' policies hold back progress
David Sirota: Black voice is too small to offset an ethnically motivated white vote
Barbara Kay: Abuse of males by their women partners is an irrefutable fact of life