"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 April 2008


ChaCha. Good Answer.

VA Official Denies Cover Up Of Suicide Rates
The Plunge Protection Team
Judicial Watch Demands FEC Investigate McCain
Terror suspect who won court battle is named as a ‘top al-Qaeda agent’ - Times Online
Pentagon Suspends Briefings For Analysts
The Pentagon Is Everywhere
Which Govt Agency Should Be Your Firewall?
Anti-War Sheehan Takes On Pelosi
Student Duct Taped In Class
Chicago Police To Use M4 Carbines
Rising Euro Threatens American Dominance
Why Not Let The Market Set The Prices?
Cloned Dogs To Sniff For Drugs And Bombs
Many States Are In Recession
U.S. Prepping Military Options For Iran
Which Came First Memos Or Torture?
Video On NYPD Darthvader Subway Police
India Recalls Measles Vaccines After Deaths
Rockefeller Donates $100 Million To Harvard
9/11 Patsy Meets His Lawyer
World Bank Backs Anti-AIDS Experiment
Police Get Black Uniforms To Instill Fear
FBI Wants To Monitor Internet For Illegal Activity
BBC WTC-7 Anchor: 9/11 Conspiracy Possible
Dangerous Police State Pattern Emerging
McCain's Hurricane Katrina Hypocrisy
Wheat Crop Failures Could Be Total
First Cloned Dog Set To Produce Offspring
Why Microsoft Won't Extend Windows XP
AFP: Actor Snipes gets three years prison for not filing taxes
BBC Reporter Who Reported Early on WTC7 Collapse Agrees There May Be a Conspiracy
Neo-Cons Urge Violence Against Framed Activist
Outspoken Arizona Senator Questions 9/11 Official Version Of Events
Rush Limbaugh 'Dreaming' Of Riots In Denver - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
Administration renews claims of Syrian nuclear weapons program
Wall Street Warns Americans To Begin Stockpiling Food
Sheriff Candidate Believes Crime Is Terrorism
The President's Executioner: The High Crimes of John Yoo
The Spoof: Alex Jones Warns Public Over Ted Turner 'Human Cookbook'
EU wipes England off the map - as Gordon Brown flies the flag of St George over Downing Street | the Daily Mail
Functional Sovereignty and the Common Heritage of Mankind
Murdoch Moving to Buy Newsday for $580 Million - New York Times
NY Post Smears Activist For "Wheelchair Assault"
Al-CIAda Sock Puppet Zawahiri Claims Iran Behind 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Court Again Clears EPA in 9/11 Toxic Dust Ruling
Buffalo launches crime cam program with 43 cameras doing surveillance
Coppers trawling for leads on Facebook
Hillary Taking Tips From Neo-Cons In "Obliterate Iran" Rhetoric
House Dems, Ron Paul targeted over surveillance votes
‘We Will Attack Iran’: Hillary Would Retaliate If Nuclear Attack Launched Against Israel
McCain Presidency: Anger Management Candidate with His Finger on the Button
"Hero" John McCain as Phony and Collaborator: What Really Happened When He Was a POW?
North American Union summit done in secrecy
Colombia FTA Based on Failed NAFTA Model
Do biofuels cause famine? EU President opens probe
The Associated Press: Al-Qaida No. 2 says 9/11 theory propogated by Iran
Ex-EPA Chief Is Ruled Not Liable for 9/11 Safety Claims - washingtonpost.com
Face scans for air passengers will start in the UK this summer | the Daily Mail
Nicked by PC Drone, robot spy in the sky - Times Online
Los Angeles 'is a Third World city' - Telegraph
Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” Harks Back to an Earlier Intel Operation
Neocon Org Targets Ron Paul, Democrats for Opposing Snoop Bill
AT&T Serves Notice: Internet Has Three Years Before It Faces Borg Assimilation
In Florida, Snooping Cops Disguise Cameras as Fire Hydrants
The Politics of Armageddon
Feds Prepare to Scour P2P Networks
Paul Joseph Watson Threatened Over AIDS Article
Global warming? Scotland sees its best snow in a decade
Feds Expand DNA Program
The Myth of al-Qaeda Now Recognized by Corporate Media
An Open Letter To An RCMP Terrorist Mole
Stress hooding noise nudity dogs
Child Kidnapping Services
FBI Abuse of “National Security Letters” — New Revelations
Gordon Brown’s Globalist Vision Invokes JFK
McCain, Iraq War and the Threat of ‘Al Qaeda’
Young voters shun third-party candidates
DHS transition planning goes ‘deeper than normal’
US and Britain make united stand on Iran
NATO Forces Supplied Food, Water and Arms to Taliban Forces in Southern Afghanistan
Hindu leader charged with groping underage girls
Cultural guides help workers care for polygamist children | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Governor joins list of those opposed to Prop. 98
Jihad Watch: Big surprise: Dutch Muslims reject debate with Wilders over Fitna
The Associated Press: 'Jihadist' booted from government lexicon
McCain says N.C. Republicans out of touch over ad | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
YouTube - Extreme
UC defends $2.1 million deal for police chief
Food Crisis Starts Eclipsing Climate Change Worries | The New York Sun
Random Strangers Hunted, Slashed With Razor Blades For Gang Initiations - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
'Red flag' over Obama blogger – webworker flies commie banner
FOXNews.com - Florida Education Official Lectures Parents on Wasting Money on Alcohol, Cigarettes - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
4 Investigates: Floodwalls stuffed with newspaper? | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | Local News | WWLTV.com | News for New Orleans, Louisiana
Justice Scalia defends Bush v. Gore ruling | U.S. | Reuters
Reform-minded Turkish scholars prepare to reinterpret Islam
FAA admits controllers wrongfully blamed pilots - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
7/7 jury see video of terror ringleader grooming his baby daughter to battle for Islam | the Daily Mail
Elderly man drives onto MIA runway - 04/25/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
GRAVE INSULT - New York Post
Nothing New by Charley Reese
What Women Want by Doug French
It Didn’t Start With Bush by Ira Katz
The 100 best films - drama and thriller/action - Telegraph
I left my son in San Francisco. - By Bonnie Goldstein - Slate Magazine
Buried Dogs Were Divine "Escorts" for Ancient Americans
World cooling – but scientists insist that warming is real - Scotsman.com News
Who Says You Need Eight Glasses a Day?
Nerds might live longer
Defending freedom | Comment is free
Campaign journalist's work appears in 'revolutionary Marxist' journal
Page for terrorist fundraiser suddenly disappears after drawing attention
Stopped using 'gay' video piece after Christian confronted him
'I'm confident we can come up with laws that work and that pass constitutional muster'
'The Democrat Party has members who have already said there will be trouble'
'You know what you call someone who digs up dirt on John McCain? An archeologist'
'Any campaign that relies heavily on younger voters is running a risk'
'It's understandable why they would not want me to be president of the United States'
WND first broke story terror group seeking to acquire pilotless aircraft
Daily News says it will correct story about 'Why We Left Islam'
Winners announced in 'The Sky's Not Falling' video-essay contest
Food crisis starts eclipsing climate change worries
After forecasting cannibalism from global warming, links 'global climate change' to 'an ever-increasing population'
'It's true – we're hypocrites over our huge carbon footprint,' confesses Sting's wife
Spraying sulfate particles into Earth's stratosphere could deplete ozone
'I said last year that I was going to take a break and then come back'
'Supreme Court says a library doesn't have to provide porn'
Says proposition 'would undermine California's ability to improve our infrastructure'
Woman may lose home after losing income during 45-day stint in slammer
Consumerism pushes factories, boosts pressure to limit children
'To put lien on worship facility over resale activity is ludicrous'
Biological, emotional states scrutinized by courts
Members said design controversial enough to drag down bill with others on it
Company's 'web guard' service calls news site 'adult' material
Plans to 'condemn the unfair treatment' Wright has received from media
'America doesn't understand the black experience, and certainly what is normative in black worship'
Fallout is evident, even when Wright's away
Annual toll in Bush years down despite 4,000 fatalities in Iraq
97 percent oppose North American Community without congressional approval
Iran triggering proliferation concerns in Middle East
'What kind of non-proliferation regime ... come to the IAEA months after it's been bombed?'
Appears Damascus is quietly helping Iranians with their nuclear weapons program
Principal says support for homosexuality approved, but 'condemnation' banned
'When you buy something, you're doing more than just making a purchase'
Government urged to display photos, 'guarantee artistic freedom'
Cause of extremism may not be linked to poverty
Man attacked as he was swimming about 150 yards offshore in water 20 to 30 feet deep
Blizzard of weak data sparks worries contagion may be spreading to Europe
'Violently chaotic situation. Then all bets are off – a lot of bad things can happen'
Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio accused of grandstanding, racial profiling
Allegedly shot man during argument over who would pay for beer
Police issue community warning after victims hunted, slashed
Faces 7 years in prison if convicted of trying to make purchase for $3.16
'He was angry and he had complaints, but he let that anger turn to violence'
Sean Bell, 23, killed in hail of bullets on night of his bachelor party
24-year-old British singer suspected of assault
'I never imagined in my life I would be imitating roles I played on screen'
Lawmaker: 'Rather elitist' people with academic degrees think they know better than parents
Nothing to LOL about: Study finds kids online slip shortcuts into formal writing
'We have an interest in the health of these institutions'
'How dare the district try to instill this unmoral behavior on its students'
'You're doing something to your child that you can't reverse and they don't have a say'
Contract with Sony allows them to break off from promotional duties to deal with parish work
'We look at failure and we're like, pass the salt'
Tensions have increased at Virginia apartment complex
'Acute problem': Farmers ask Allah for help
Museum exhibits inventor's contraption for 1st time in North America
Ancient Greek tomb once thought to have been conqueror's father is more recent than thought
Archaeologists plan to drain site so they can begin excavation in November
2,000-year-old find called 'finest Roman handiwork'
'To have to hold a permit to keep a very small dog, that is going too far'
If you don't mind staff dipping whiskers in tea, these places are respite from urban chaos
'All the mathematical components are just theory unless the behavior kicks in'
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
Star Parker: Senator's recent pabulum fails to establish limited-government credentials
Exclusive: Henry Lamb blasts government for interfering in energy supplies, markets
Exclusive: Ellis Washington lays out plan he says would give him 49-state re-election
Exclusive: Joseph Farah receives 'smarmy non-apology' from Muslim group's attorney
Exclusive: Pat Boone shares 'righteous tirade' of 72-year-old taking on Rep. Murtha
Exclusive: Stephen Baskerville cites recent data pegging cost of divorce at $1 trillion
Exclusive: Greg Laurie tackles question of why God allows evil acts to occur
Mark Morford ambushes military brass who've served as 'lackeys' for Bushies
All it would take is a little time travel and the elimination of 39 states
Exclusive: 19-year-old Alex and Brett Harris explain their on-fire new book
What favors would donors who gave millions receive in Hillary's administration?
Mike Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Shields & Brooks on the Pa. Primary
Rev. Jeremiah Wright Talks to Bill Moyers
McCain's Speech in New Orleans
Fred Thompson on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on North Korea & Syria Nuclear Ties
Speaker Pelosi on "Larry King Live"
April 24 White House Press Briefing
McCain in Arkansas
Candidates Battle Over Energy
Obama in Kokomo
Clinton: "Cost"
Wright Defends Comments
John McCain on "The Fox Report"
Inside Obama's Headquarters
Obama Speaks to Food Workers
Pelosi Again Says No To Idea of Dream Ticket
Clinton Proposes Two Oregon Debates
Ridge on "Hardball"
A Pennsylvania Primary Follow-Up
Davis Pushes Clinton as Popular Vote Leader
Interview with DCCC Chairman
McCain in Inez, Kentucky
Carville & Richardson Square Off on "Larry King Live"
Jack Kemp Discusses McCain's Campaign on "Hannity & Colmes"
RealClearPolitics - Video Log - McCain in Arkansas
Clinton's Morning Media
Clinton's Pennsylvania Victory Speech
Heading Toward the Danger Zone - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Popular Vote Gives Clinton an Edge
Three Reasons To Believe
To Tell the Truth
National Journal Magazine - McCain’s Economic Undertow
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain's Money Mess
Colbert I. King - Farrakhan's Pennsylvania Admirer - washingtonpost.com
Not Everything Is About Race
Why Obama Has to Embrace His Inner Partisan to Face McCain -- New York Magazine
Commentary: The Weekend Interview - WSJ.com
Time for a change | Comment is free
Undoing America's Ethanol Mistake
'Earmarks' by Another Name: Democracy
Delta Force — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
More mortal than some
How the South Won (This) Civil War
How We'll Know When We've Won
A Shameful, Ugly Ad - New York Times
Property Tax Revolt - WSJ.com
Editorial: Death Penalty | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/25/2008
Superdelegate Stalemate Shows No Sign of Easing - New York Times
Obama Seeks Private Funding - WSJ.com
Party Fears Racial Divide - washingtonpost.com
Obama talks up his street cred | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
Marilyn Monroe Sex Tape Sold
My Way News - Sharpton vows to 'close this city' after officer acquittals
Britons kidnapped in Iraq are ‘held by Iran’ - Times Online
My Way News - Chicago working to prevent repeat of deadly weekend
Beaches closed after fatal shark attack in North County
My Way News - San Diego beaches remain closed after fatal shark attack
Dutch Government Seeks To Ban Magic Mushrooms
My Way News - Reno urged to prepare for worse as earthquakes continue
Pilot's Missing Laptop Causes Airport Security Scare|ABC 7 News
Continental and United Said to Be Closer to a Merger - New York Times
American Airlines in talks with Continental, US Air - Yahoo! News
South Korea to use cloned dogs to sniff for drugs and explosives - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Clinton lobbies superdelegates after Pennsylvania win
Big HRC fundraiser defects to Obama - First Read - msnbc.com
Anti-war Cindy Sheehan files to take on Pelosi
My Way News - Clinton challenges Obama to Lincoln-Douglas style debate
Clinton proposes no-moderator debate with Obama
Seven-year-old takes grandma's SUV for bumpy ride
Professional Panhandler: Girl Pretends to be Homeless to Pocket Cash
My Way News - Fiancee says justice system let her down after NYPD shooting
U.S. Private-Jet Fuel Taxes Rise 65% in Senate Accord
My Way News - Sweep of polygamists' kids raises legal questions
Daily News Owner Matches Murdoch’s Offer for Newsday - New York Times
Saudi Arabia releases popular blogger - Yahoo! News
Obama Stumps in Indiana
Appetite for Votes: Candidates Count Calories on the Campaign Trail
Truck's deadly crash into Chicago train station investigated
Truck Rams Into Chicago Train Station, Killing 2
Paddleboarders venture out after fatal SoCal shark attack
Fire in Connecticut apartment complex leaves 150 homeless
Dozens May Be Missing After Norwich Fire
Caretakers get hints on caring for children seized in Texas
Reno urged to prepare for worse as earthquakes continue
Op-Ed Columnist McCain’s Compassion Tour
Pa. House race mirrors maze of immigration issue
FBI: We Warned About Torture of Detainees
CIA Foresaw Interrogation Issues
US official: Iran boosting support for Iraqi insurgents
Ship hired by US military fires warning shots in Gulf
Naval Incident Raises US-Iran Tensions
McCain assails administration for 'disgraceful' response to Katrina
Fourth Fleet to be based at Mayport
Pentagon suspends controversial briefings
Florida Parents Offer Reward for Clues in Missing Son's Ranson Case
FBI investigates rare US abduction case
Talk of firing Chicago's US attorney cited at Rezko trial
Rove Accused In US Attorney Firing Plot
Police say Florida boy, 7, stole SUV and left path of damage
Florida Student Allegedly Tied to Chair, Duct-Taped in Class
Guantanamo Bay Detainee To Stand Trial
Lawyers: Detainees mental health a barrier
Babies seized by Robert Mugabe's forces as
Zimbabwe opposition appears set to retain parliament gains
Dalai Lama Cautiously Welcomes Offer of Chinese Talks
Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers bomb military in north
Flying Tigers stage fresh attack as Sri Lanka fighting escalates
Israel: Gaza cease-fire only if small factions join
Hamas says cease-fire is a 'tactic'
UN: Syria must explain reactor
Kim Jong-il builds ‘Thunderbirds’ runway for war in North Korea
Conservatives dominate in Iran parliament run-offs
Conservatives claim Iran election win
News Agency: Fire at Factory in Morocco Kills 55
Arms ship exposes Robert Mugabe’s link to Chinese firm
Chinese Ship with Arms for Zimbabwe Docks in Angola
Authorities Say Palestinian Teenager Killed in Israeli Raid on Gaza
INTERVIEW-Abbas doubts deal with Israel possible this year
US air strike kills two Shiite fighters in Baghdad bastion
Crew of Spanish boat hijacked by Somali pirates freed
Pirates free Spanish boat, crew
Maoists win more than a third of seats in Nepal polls: official
Nepal results affirm Maoist victory
Sarkozy defends first year in power
Peace or real estate
Turkey confirms meditation between Syria and Israel
Pakistan, Taliban continuing peace talks despite new attack
Georgia steps up its diplomatic push for NATO membership
Russia sounds warning to Georgia over breakaway regions
Strike closes British schools as teacher protest over pay and economy
Britain faces industrial unrest as unions threaten strikes
UN chief launches drive to wipe out malaria in Africa
Congo-Kinshasa: Fight Against Malaria Continues
Toronto Transit Workers Strike Suddenly, Stranding Thousands
Pakistan to buy anti-terror equipment from China: minister
Obama, Clinton clash over gas tax as Indiana looms
Clinton to Obama: Let's debate like Lincoln
Clyburn Rips Clintons for 'Demonizing' Obama
The Importance of Black Voters, and the Stupidity of Ignoring Them
Hillary Clinton risks rift in Democrats by ‘cheating’ black voters
Clinton Campaign Chair Threatened to Strip Michigan of Delegates ...
Obama, Clinton spend time in low-priority states
Obama presses on gas prices, Clinton highlights energy bill
Obama on McCain’s Latest Scheme
New poll shows a dead heat in state between Clinton, Barack Obama
Clinton’s battering of Obama is brutal, bloody – and fair
The State of the Democratic Race
Washington diary: Trench warfare
Democrats favored in electoral map
Pelosi: Clinton, Obama sharing the ticket not a good idea
Hagee retracts Katrina comment
Bill Clinton Says Portland Pundits Are Wrong About Rural Oregon
McCain teams with former rival Huckabee in Arkansas
McCain, Huckabee avoid VP questions
Obama picks up Oregon House member's endorsement
McCain retools his image on domestic issues
Obama Agrees -- Finally -- to Go on Fox Sunday
When McCain flips, then flops, then flips again
Poll: Half now say presidential campaign too negative
Tuscon & The Great Depression - This Is Not Your Normal Downturn