"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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23 March 2008


Obama's promise of a new majority, and the question it prompts - International Herald Tribune
Pope Baptizes Prominent Italian Muslim
My Way News - China Blasts Dalai Lama, Pelosi on Tibet
My Way News - China Lashes Out at Crackdown Critics
Yahoo! denies posting web photos of Tibetan protesters
Dalai Lama and his allies are out to destroy Olympics, says China - Asia, World - Independent.co.uk
EU to consider Beijing Olympics boycott
Split Is Forming Over Regulation of Wall Street - New York Times
OPEC chief sees oil at $80-$110 for rest of 2008: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Pilot's gun discharges on US Airways flight 5:39 PM | Local News | News for Charlotte, North Carolina | WCNC.com | Top Stories
Richardson Throws Support to Obama - washingtonpost.com
First a Tense Talk With Clinton, Then Richardson Backs Obama - New York Times
Richardson: Clinton aides in the 'gutter' - UPI.com
Obama Has Financial Edge For Primary Endgame - WSJ.com
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sci-fi writer Clarke laid to rest
Hopes for Wireless Cities Fade as Internet Providers Pull Out - New York Times
The Man, The Brand, The Plan To Rule TV
Muslim baptized by pope says life in danger - Yahoo! News
Pope Easter message seeks peace in Tibet, Iraq, Darfur
My Way News - Obama Aide: Bill Clinton Like McCarthy
Boy, 15, nailed to a cross as Filipinos whip and crucify themselves in gory Good Friday ritual | the Daily Mail
Climate facts to warm to | The Australian
At island retreat, Branson and friends seek to save a world 'on fire' - International Herald Tribune
Beach man told FBI of alleged Spitzer sexscapades - 03/21/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Study finds 98% of child drug trials lack independent safety checks | Society | The Guardian
Broken homes creating 'toxic circle' for children - Telegraph
11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin - World - smh.com.au
Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail
Natural protein may provide cure for main causes of blindness - Times Online
The Associated Press: Wine Taster's Nose Insured for Millions
Birth rate is halved and parenthood delayed in children of divorcees | the Daily Mail
Free Press Stifled at United Nations, Reporters Say -- 03/18/2008
Head-on crash rooted in illegal immigration case : Local News : Knoxville News Sentinel
Mexican official says NAFTA includes superhighways
Reporters barred from Tibet, but witnesses describe scenes of horror
Michael Savage's lawyers target CAIR's paymasters
Michael Savage Battles CAIR in Court. Why Should I Care?
FBI expands subprime mortgage crisis probe - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Study: Iran Indoctrinating Children in Islamic Supremacism - March 19, 2008 - The New York Sun
Owning a cat 'cuts stroke risk by third' - Telegraph
New report: Zoo understaffed, unprepared day of fatal tiger attack
City Wins Tax Ruling Against Foreign Countries - March 19, 2008 - The New York Sun
Polls: Support for Chavez government falling - USATODAY.com
No Solution for Flood of African Refugees Into Israel -- 03/20/2008
Obama church published Hamas terror manifesto
FOXNews.com - Former Symbionese Liberation Army Member Back in Custody After Mistaken Parole - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
What the Price of Gold Is Telling Us by Ron Paul
Greenspan's Last Bubble Has Popped: Gold by Gary North
Out of Control: Recognizing Instability by Stephen Fairfax
The Ant, the Grasshopper, and the Subprime Securities by Bill Walker
Crisis and Liberty
Jehovah’s Bystanders by Jack Kenny
Victimizing Obama by Charley Reese
The Enemies of Privatization by Manuel Lora
Love makes us blind to the charms of others - Telegraph
Truthdig - Reports - Gore Vidal Speaks Seriously Ill of the Dead
Clueless Guys Can't Read Women - Yahoo! News
Pro Libertate: Iraq, Five Years In: They Really Don't Care (Updated, March 20)
Iraq and the Virtue of Selfishness- by Justin Raimondo
Americans paying rent for terrorists?
2nd minister called U.S. mayors 'slave masters,' blacks who protect white men 'house n-ggers'
New minister at controversial church proclaims: 'No one should end their ministry with lynching'
Says 'I certainly wasn't in church' when defense of terror appeared on 'Pastor's Page' of bulletin
Compares charter calling for murder of Jews to Declaration of Independence
Charges black minister's 'anti-America' rhetoric mild by comparison
'Hey, I'm sorry I haven't said more about Palestine right now'
Specter: 'It ought to be pursued very diligently, in a tough way'
John Brennan advises Democrat on foreign policy, intelligence issues
President endorsed opponent in first congressional race
Image of Bosnia ceremony contradicts story used to boost foreign policy cred
Blasted for backing U.S. Air Force decision to award huge contract to Europe's Airbus
'If it weren't for my husband ... he wouldn't be in the presidential race today'
'Appearance of wrongdoing ... can be potentially as injurious as actual wrongdoing'
California authorities say 'administrative error' responsible for early release – 1 more year to go
'Temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years'
'Nothing we could do would please them'
Congressmen ask State Department to investigate
Protests planned following advertisement for 'Res-erection'
'Islamic ideology has as its utmost goal the destruction of what is most dear to us'
'We learned that standup positions would be canceled. No explanation was given for the change'
Silver shekel found in 2,000-year-old drainage ditch played role in Jewish ritual
New research: 14-foot linen linked to Jesus' crucifixion might not be fake after all
'I get a real sense of the surroundings here, being where Jesus walked'
'These are the scourges of humanity, open and festering in every corner of the planet'
Uday reportedly ordered elite team to carry out murders, bombings in Britain
'Mid-20s life circumstances were poor and I really plummeted'
'Abundantly clear since Day 1 about the intent and timeline for Operation Jump Start'
Fines, criminal prosecution for employers who don't dismiss no-match employees after 93 days
Man sent to El Salvador 6 years ago caught jumping fence near San Diego
Suspension over inappropriate behavior leads to claim of racism
German bishops demand tolerance for Christians in Turkey in exchange for support of mosques
Egyptian-born journalist is outspoken critic of extremism, supporter of Israel
'I will confront my fate with my head high, with my back straight'
Exclusive: David Kupelian on what it actually means to 'take up your cross'
Centuries-old clash continues over disputed commandment
Shell president of U.S. operations questions predictions of peak theorists
Exclusive: Joel Barbee illustrates Arab fuelmeister's dismay at WND's shocking report
90 to 95 bullet casings found at motel where man, woman, were gunned down
Shootings, disappearances, 2 confirmed murders cause Mexico police chief to seek asylum
Lead vocalist died from more than 20 bullet wounds, other band members injured
13 brutal murders in last 18 months bear signs of underworld executions
River engulfed hundreds of homes, threatened to overwhelm major interstate
PA teaches its children twist on myth of matzah made from blood
Supervisor warned her not to call police over illegal activity
'You hear stories like this, and you think it could never happen to you'
Plan launched for network of facilities to process clean-burning synthetic fuel
Trio of male agents face firing for placing woman in headlock
$5,400 a month in public aid: 'It's my right to claim benefits'
Outrage over social workers' 'draconian' ultimatum to parents
Eventually part of federal highway project to connect Canada, Mexico
Better colleges do in high-profile sporting events, more applications they'll see
'It was a blessing for me that I knew exactly what my path was when I was 9 years old'
TV ads push song to No. 7 on Billboard's Hot 100 music chart
'Human rights police like [Nancy] are habitually bad tempered and ungenerous'
'They've successfully managed the messages ... There will be no nuances to Tibet coverage'
Flag-waving, leather-clad, pro-troops bikers show support for besieged recruiting center
Law says once 1 partner wants to destroy them, wish must be carried out
VP reiterates Bush's commitment to having independent state
Roadside bomb killed 3 American soldiers north of Baghdad today
'Agencies all over the U.S. are going to bigger weapons'
'I think he went on one vacation. He really didn't want to live high off the hog'
Religions put new emphasis on ecological sensitivity, awareness
45-year-old arrested as 4 students overheard in next room
Has admitted to gagging 1 girl to silence her screams
Man has been hypnotizing staff, getting them to hand over cash
'This is a foundation that needs to be planning for a longer term'
'Oh, wow': Burst said to be 7.5 billion light years away
Surgery may be a knee-jerk reaction or a result of peer pressure'
Known for sex tape with Paris Hilton, 9-month marriage to actress Shannen Doherty
Firearm goes off while kitchen appliance was being heated
'It's like turning back the clock to a time we don't want to go back to'
325-foot 'personal island' boasts pool, garden spaces, tenniscourts, helipads
'Risk of a total meltdown at beginning of last week'
'At $6, its shares constitute a 'reasonable speculative bet' that one will be forthcoming'
Plan for national network of facilities to process clean-burning synthetic fuel
Company finds natural solution that turns plants into gasoline
'Every time you whack a mole in place, something else seems to pop up'
AP: 'The scariest part of all? No one can say for sure'
'Spring demand is awakening, putting pressure on price'
'Nowadays, operating efficiency trumps any passenger considerations'
Federal Reserve, European counterparts said to be discussing using public money
Financial giant scheduled to buy Countrywide in stock swap once valued at $4 billion
World crisis 'almost certainly' due to amoral forces pursuing wealth-creating agenda
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
N.Y. Fed's Geithner is steering Wall Street into uncharted waters
'There are few, if any, companies like that in the pipeline'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'We not only consider ourselves pioneers. We also consider ourselves explorers'
'You don't have to put everything on'
Dr. Seuss tale fends off rush of new movies opening Easter weekend
Falling greenback is killing jobs, crimping profits on continent
Exclusive: Vox Day interviews Robert Prechter about the credit crunch
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Bailout, dollar strength mark key turn for markets
States, Congress demand same standards as those for debt sold by companies, countries
'Clearly we've got a crisis. You look around this auditorium and think this is America'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
Downturn forces some children to move home with parents – even in middle age
Workers who depend on tips find even regulars cutting back
'We passed the law over 40 years ago, but it still goes on'
Money-losing mistakes so expensive New Coke didn't make list
Billionaire financer Warren Buffett will be lured into a fictional insider-trading scandal
'We don't feel that credit-monitoring services are worth it'
'We're starting a collection of pop culture and Americana items'
Top retailer's poll of women customers gives figure-enhancing garment top spot
'This appears to us to be a garden-variety bootleg recording'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?
But Bible clearly says save money; also, how much house can you really afford?
Exclusive: Joseph Farah wonders why Obama's so touchy about middle name
Exclusive: Pat Boone hails black pastor whose rhetoric is actually fact-based
Star Parker urges conservatives to 'leave the Democrats to assassinate each other'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill urges Clinton to shed light on White House response to crisis
Exclusive: Henry Lamb wants nationwide review of how state has restricted us
Jonathan Falwell is outraged librarian was dumped for reporting porn viewer
Exclusive: Ellis Washington tells of his battle with 3 black feminists at Harvard
Exclusive: Greg Laurie offers hope for those who've wandered far from God
Exclusive: Mary Jo Anderson on Jesus Christ's burial coverings – both of them
Frances Moore Lappé cheers FDR's policies on their 75th birthday
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Pat Buchanan: Wright 'ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American'
Thomas F. Madden tells of 'archaeologist's' thoroughly debunked documentary
8 Questions That Will Shape Where the Race for the Democratic Presidential Nominaton Goes From Here - washingtonpost.com
Haunting Obama’s Dreams - New York Times
How Obama's minister turned the Dems' run for President into party's train wreck
When Barry Became Barack | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Opinion: Mark Steyn: So much for the 'post-racial' candidate - OCRegister.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Real Value of Obama's Speech
Iraq, $5,000 Per Second? - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Running on Empty
McCain and Romney: Mitt's moment - at last? - The Boston Globe
McCain Offers Soothing Tones in Trip Abroad - New York Times
Robert Kagan - Behind the 'Modern' China - washingtonpost.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Tibet Uprising is Dilemma for China
Hatred and Holiness: The Dalai Lama's Moment of Truth - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Ticking Clock on North Korea
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bargain Basement Judiciary
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Divides Obama Doesn't Bridge
'Meet the Press' transcript for March 23, 2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Ed Rendell, Bill Richardson, Lawrence Summers, Glenn Hubbard, Roundtable
ABC News This Week Roundtable
Easter - washingtonpost.com
Wall Street | Wall Street's crisis | Economist.com
Hopeful milestone in a troubled war | The Australian
Obama leaves Oregon after two days of stumping - Breaking News Updates from Portland and Oregon - The Oregonian - OregonLive.com
In Parts of Pa., Racial Divide Colors Election - washingtonpost.com
Shields & Brooks on Race and the Campaign
Panel Looks at China and Tibet
Bill Bradley on "Hannity & Colmes"
Bill Richardson in "The Situation Room"
Barack Obama on "Larry King Live"
Panel Looks at McCain's Middle East Trip
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
Bevan on Weekend Live
Bill Clinton Comments on Clinton/McCain General Election
Wallace Hits Fox Colleagues for Obama Bashing
Obama's New Ad
Bevan on The Live Desk
Richardson Endorses Obama
Obama on "Larry King Live"
Edwards on "The Tonight Show"
Obama: "Typical White Person"
New bin Laden Tape
A Discussion About Obama's Speech on Race
Obama's Speech on Iraq
Four dead in fishing vessel's sinking, others rescued
Free by Error, Ex-Radical Back in Prison
Roger Stone and the Spitzer Scandal
CHP officers shoot at driver who tried to run them down following
Blast at Ark. Meat Plant Causes Gas Leak
Texas temperatures expected to be in 60s, 70s
Iraq War Protesters Disrupt Chicago Mass
Council Probe Goes On Regardless
Probe Into Detroit Mayor Nearly Done
Lincoln Park High School coach charged in sex abuse case
Chicago Firefighter and Coach Charged for Attempted Sexual Abuse
Wing Breaks During Orlando-to-Philly Flight
NTSB: Flight School Plane Flew Too Slow
Doctor arrested in sex abuse case involving children
Cops Claim to Bust 'Weather Girl Bandit'
Motorcycle crash leads to Navy rescue
Midwesterners Fight Deadly Spring Floods
Couple Killed by Drunk Driver, Man Charged Out on Bond
NYPD To Reportedly Get Access To Top-Secret FBI Files
Report: FBI approves classified information vault for NYPD
51 die in Iraq violence
Dozens die in attacks across Iraq
China accuses Dalai Lama of being a terrorist
Dalai Lama must balance politics, spiritual role
Cheney Says Goal of Palestinian State 'Long Overdue'
Frankenstein’ attack smacks of ignorance
Johnson tries to defuse embryos bill crisis
Taiwan president-elect wants China ties
Pakistan People's Party opt for veteran over Benazir Bhutto's widower
Zimbabwe's whites fear vote will change little
It's an absolute liberty — Bhutan's King Jigme introduces democracy - Times Online
Bhutan will end century of royal rule
Middle East peace plans under threat as Hamas and Fatah talk of unity
Palestinian Factions Agree to Direct Talks in Yemen, Disagree on ...
'Goodwill gestures to PA an attempt to pry it from Hamas'
Recruitment drive as mentally ill teachers asked back to school
Teachers 'should run nurseries'
Kurdish man dies in clash with Turkish police
Kurds killed in Turkey protests
Soldiers die in Kashmir violence
Four Police, Rebel Leader Killed in Indian-Kashmir Clash
Egypt releases detained Hamas men
Israel denies it proposed a cease-fire
NATO, Afghan Troops Kill Dozens of Militants in Afghanistan
More Than 40 Dead in Afghan Violence
US-Afghan forces kill insurgents
Man arrested following mall stabbings
Five years of war: Philosophical failure of US and Britain in Iraq ...
McCain reaches out to US allies, but Iraq is an obstacle
Flooding hits S.Lanka, slows civil war pace
Sarkozy's ex-wife prepares to wed
Sarkozy's ex-wife set for Manhattan wedding
White Easter as Arctic chill sends blanket of snow across country
Obama's Church Addresses Controversy
Advisers to Both Fault Obama Camp
Hillary Clinton plots to win super delegates as Barack Obama breaks
Obama recaptures edge over Clinton
Democrat do-over drama in Michigan pleases GOP
Clinton's road to nomination gets steeper
It will take more than one great speech for Obama to reassure some ...
The Associated Press: Obama's Rough Patch Could've Been Worse
Richardson Scorns Clinton Aides
Obama diverted by pastor detour
Clinton and Obama rest up for long-haul race
Bill says Hil will be NC every week before primary
Oregon Democrats anguish over choice
McCain backers start isle effort
Telegraph dropped ball on Obama-Wright story
2008 GOP down ballots - The year of limited opportunities
EDITORIAL: Voter Intimidation: Investigation of Crossover Voters ...
Popular Indiana senator passionately touts Clinton, sparking VP talk
Clinton finances are better for general election | U.S. | Reuters
Consumers' Right to Sue Drug Makers Weakening
Will the Militarized Police State Shock You Into Submission?
Inside the Cyber Defense Group
Congress Considers Wall Street “Regulation”
The Pentagon’s Pain Compliance and Mind Control Weapons
Israeli and US officers stage four-day training exercise
Feds Tout New Domestic Intelligence Fusion Centers
Water will be source of war unless world acts now, warns minister
The four ‘new sheriffs’ of Wall Street
Global Warming Alarmist: We Will Need Camps
U.S. gov't to appeal ruling on classified material in AIPAC trial
Central banks float rescue ideas
The Army’s Telepathic Ray Gun
Philip Morris Tries To Genetically Modifiy the Cancer Out of Tobacco
California Backs Off Real ID - Update
The Video Surveillance Market Is About to Explode!
VIDEO: McCain Spiritual Guide Accused Gov't Of Enabling 'Black Genocide'
Russia's NATO envoy: US military "arming ex-terrorists" in Kosovo
Blackwater 'Blood Money' Angers Iraqis
RFID DUST: RFID tech turned into spy chips
The Fine Print Of The Patriot Act
The Triple Failing of the Big Private Banks
Oil Wars: Russia arrests American BP staff accused of 'industrial espionage'
Death By Suicide Robot
NAFTA: Clinton Will Sell Us Down the River Again
Video: China's Weather Control Brigade
Cheney Ex-Aide 'Scooter' Libby Disbarred
Paulson's Gift to His Bankster Buddies
Exxon Mobil spent $16.9M lobbying
Forbidden fields: Oil groups circle the prize of Iraq’s vast reserves
2nd Amendment Designed To Prevent Despotism
US commitment to Nato 'at risk'
Israel, U.S. commanders test 'extreme' scenarios in joint drill
Strange Silver Price Gyrations and Shortage
Drinkers Face Drug Checks
Highschool Offers Homosexual Porn
France Appoints 24-Year Old Web Spy
Predator Drone Attacks Increase On Al-Qaeda
Satire: Are We Giving Robots To Much Power?
Obama: I Would Reach Out To Bush 41
Feds Tout New Intelligence Center
U.S. Govt To Appeal Material In AIPAC Trial
Talk Of Troop Surge For Afghanistan
US Deaths In Iraq Hit 4,000
FBI Posts Fake Hyperlinks To Entrap Pedophiles
Montana Won't Seek Real ID Extension
Chertoff: Right ID To Fly
BBC NEWS | UK | Heathrow fingerprint plan probed
Brave New World for Hollywood as Aldous Huxley feud ends - Times Online
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Shining a light on fluorescent bulbs - Environment- msnbc.com
FT.com / World - Steer clear of Iran central bank, says US
Report: World ignoring Iraqi refugee crisis - CNN.com
Lose weight or we'll take all six of your children away: Outrage over social workers' 'draconian' ultimatum to parents| News | This is London
Registered traveler debuts in Washington
"He is Risen"
Congress Raises the Debt Ceiling To Accomdate Bush’s Legacy
House of Representatives Meets in Rare Secret Session
Mainland Chinese Tensions Impact Taiwan Election
Police Urge Kids be Placed in DNA Database in Great Britain
Promised EU Referendum Won’t Be Allowed in Britain
WEALTH OF NATIONS: By Any Means Necessary (03/21/2008)
Luckiest Man in the Race
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain Must Figure Out What To Do Now
Obama seems inept at patriot games
Obama: American Enough? | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Will Wright Damage Obama's Millennial Support?
Far Wright
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Between Barack and a Hard Place
What Richardson's endorsement means for Obama. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain's Mistake
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Cost Benefit Analysis of Iraq
Where has all the rage gone?
China's genocide Games - The Boston Globe
A Beijing boycott won't work | Colin Moynihan - Times Online
Mr. Constitution
A message from John McCain -Times Online
Evil targets the Pope
Guns and Legal Ammo - WSJ.com
Obama makes pitch for Oregon's vote - Breaking News Updates from Portland and Oregon - The Oregonian - OregonLive.com
Rice Apologizes For Breach of Passport Data - washingtonpost.com
TheHill.com - Obama camp: Clinton has ‘history of misleading voters’
Edwards unlikely to endorse - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
Dems crushing McCain in money war - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com