"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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24 March 2008

24 th

U.S. Severe Weather Map : Weather Underground
YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.
If you think it’s bad here, don’t try Switzerland - Times Online
Satellite radio merger gets antitrust OK: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
The Columbus Dispatch : Food stamps double since '01
Excessive emails and text are a mental illness | NEWS.com.au
wcbstv.com - Rabbi Alleges Attack: Men Chanted 'Allah Akhbar'
Paramilitaries open fire on hundreds of monks and nuns at Tibet rally - Times Online
hina reproaches foreign media over Tibet coverage - International Herald Tribune
Protests At Olympic Torch-Lighting Ceremony: China Plans Strict Security For Route |Sky News|World News
London-Like 'Crime' Cams To Watch Orlando - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Top scientists warn against rush to biofuel | Environment | The Guardian
ink to Global Warming in Frogs’ Disappearance Is Challenged - New York Times
Paterson Admits Past Cocaine Use | The New York Observer
WWJ Newsradio 950 - Criminal Charges In Text Scandal
Kilpatrick and Beatty surrender
FT.com / Companies / Media & internet - Google in fresh WiFi access push
Five found dead at Iowa City home
Mayor Kilpatrick booked on charges of perjury, obstruction, misconduct
Craigslist hoax victim gets some belongings back | Local News | kgw.com | News for Oregon and SW Washington
Local News: Students turn a profit from candy sales | candy, profit, sales - Victorville Daily Press
Outrage at Miss Bimbo website - Times Online
Obama collapse in final contests may be Clinton's best hope - International Herald Tribune
Obama hits St. Thomas, meets with governor 'unofficially'
Mark Tomasik: Don’t discount Gore-led ticket : Columns : TCPalm
No Carville apology for Judas remark - Yahoo! News
Police: Clinton aide to plead guilty - Yahoo! News
Bush Given Iraq War Plan With a Steady Troop Level - New York Times
orld's Tallest Man Struggles to Fit In
Study finds 98% of child drug trials lack independent safety checks | Society | The Guardian
Broken homes creating 'toxic circle' for children - Telegraph
Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail
Natural protein may provide cure for main causes of blindness - Times Online
The Associated Press: Wine Taster's Nose Insured for Millions
Birth rate is halved and parenthood delayed in children of divorcees | the Daily Mail
Free Press Stifled at United Nations, Reporters Say -- 03/18/2008
CAIR Exposed: Part 1: As IAP Offshoot, CAIR Followed Pro-Hamas Agenda From the Start :: Articles by IPT :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Obama church published Hamas terror manifesto
Reporters barred from Tibet, but witnesses describe scenes of horror
The Safe Talk Express
SAN FRANCISCO / In black churches, fiery sermons are the norm, not exception
City Wins Tax Ruling Against Foreign Countries - March 19, 2008 - The New York Sun
Polls: Support for Chavez government falling - USATODAY.com
China hits back at Pelosi's Tibet criticism
Detroit Mayor Charged With Perjury
Is Barack Obama A Marxist Mole?
YouTube - Barack Obama - "Personal Jesus"
The Bear Stearns-JPMorgan Deal --Rhymes with Steal -- of a Lifetime
Internet Co. Suspends Web Site for Film Critical of Islam -- 03/24/2008
Winner Used to Take All by Doug French
The Media Must Take Dr. Paul’s Lead and Ask Specific Foreign Policy Questions by Michael Scheuer
Déjà vu, All Over Again by William L. Anderson
The Bungled War by Charley Reese
The Litvinenko Scam by Paul Craig Roberts
War Dream by Rick Fisk
Will Dictum and Sophistry Gut the Second Amendment? by Bill Huff
Possibilities for a Nuclear-Free World by Lawrence S. Wittner and Jayantha Dhanapala
How to Disintegrate a City by Tom Engelhardt and Michael Schwartz
Scientists show up Michelangelo's faults | Art & Architecture | guardian.co.uk Arts
YouTube clip wins Austrian monks record deal - Telegraph
The Wacky World of Civic Baseball - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Institute
Halting the Housing Crisis
Governors Richardson & Rendell on "Fox News Sunday"
Shields & Brooks on Race and the Campaign
Panel Looks at China and Tibet
Bill Bradley on "Hannity & Colmes"
Bill Richardson in "The Situation Room"
Barack Obama on "Larry King Live"
Panel Looks at McCain's Middle East Trip
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
President Bush Marks Five Years in Iraq
Alter: The Obama Dividend | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Newsweek.com
The Obama Crash and Burn
CHKMichael Tomasky: Democrats want clarity, and Clinton's time is running out | Comment is free | The Guardian
aiting for Obama's "pivot." - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine
NATIONAL JOURNAL: McCain's Defining Choice (03/24/2008)
Why Not Defeat?
An Ominous Milestone in Iraq - TIME
Perhaps The Climate Change Models Are Wrong
It's the end of Britain as we know it | csmonitor.com
Slouching Toward Denver
A Present for McCain as the Other Side Fights - New York Times
Democratic Nominee Will Have Edge in Fall Even If Economy Turns
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Deepening Democratic Dilemma
Electability in November?
Why Barack Obama's Speech on Race Won't Help Him Beat John McCain -- New York Magazine
Barack Obama's desperate desire to belong - Telegraph
Native Son: Comment: The New Yorker
Let’s Not, and Say We Did - New York Times
Iraq: No light at the end of the tunnel - 03/23/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Saddam, the terrorist's friend | The Australian
Gold Medal in Tyranny
Testing religious freedom in the West
Sebastian Mallaby - Demons On Wall Street - washingtonpost.com
Stop Those Checks - New York Times
After Putin - WSJ.com
Murdoch vs. the Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Governors Richardson & Rendell on "Fox News Sunday"
March 23: Maria Bartiromo, Erin Burnett, political roundtable - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com
This Week Roundtable
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Speak Out on Tibet - New York Times
Taiwan | The Nationalists are back in Taiwan | Economist.com
Nicolas Sarkozy’s State visit to the UK: Un Bon Ami -Times Online
Bush's reckless rhetoric undermines case vs. Iran :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary
Both Obama And Clinton Embellish Their Roles - washingtonpost.com
My Way News - Advisers to Both Fault Obama Camp
Indicted fundraiser Rezko also raised cash for senator's spiritual adviser, superdelegate
Priest also exhibits low tolerance for 2nd Amendment rights
Is this the year for 3rd party candidate?
Minister called U.S. mayors 'slave masters,' blacks who protect white men 'house n-ggers'
New minister at controversial church proclaims: 'No one should end their ministry with lynching'
Clinton characterizes episode as 'misstatement,' 'minor blip'
'I remember landing under sniper fire. There was no greeting ceremony'
Both Democrats overstate roles in key legislation
'Akin to what has happened to the subprime mortgage market'
Image of Bosnia ceremony contradicts story used to boost foreign policy cred
Vietnamese man pulled drowning airman from lake
Also avoids conversations about being Kerry's running mate in 2004
Says Supreme Court has robbed Americans of their rights
No skeletons in closet, no history to investigate
Spokeswoman responds to others' queries about candidates
'Christians shouldn't be punished for expressing their religious beliefs'
Catholic bishop urges Christian forgiveness for desecration of shrine
Caseloads almost double since 2001, highest number in state history
Faces 12 counts, including perjury, obstruction of justice
Militants complain they don't have enough money to cover their bills
Tibetan woman covered in fake blood blocks path of torchbearer
Grim milestone reached when IED kills 4 U.S. soldiers in Baghdad
Network caught 'red-handed' by press watchdog
Police find bodies of woman, 4 children
Coast Guard searched through night for missing crew member
'Temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years'
California authorities say 'administrative error' responsible for early release – 1 more year to go
'Nothing we could do would please them'
Congressmen ask State Department to investigate
Uday reportedly ordered elite team to carry out murders, bombings in Britain
'I have to stop and think what I'm going to say in English'
'Abundantly clear since Day 1 about the intent and timeline for Operation Jump Start'
Fines, criminal prosecution for employers who don't dismiss no-match employees after 93 days
Man sent to El Salvador 6 years ago caught jumping fence near San Diego
Suspension over inappropriate behavior leads to claim of racism
Protests planned following advertisement for 'Res-erection'
'I get a real sense of the surroundings here, being where Jesus walked'
'These are the scourges of humanity, open and festering in every corner of the planet'
German bishops demand tolerance for Christians in Turkey in exchange for support of mosques
Egyptian-born journalist is outspoken critic of extremism, supporter of Israel
'I will confront my fate with my head high, with my back straight'
Exclusive: David Kupelian on what it actually means to 'take up your cross'
Shell president of U.S. operations questions predictions of peak theorists
Exclusive: Joel Barbee illustrates Arab fuelmeister's dismay at WND's shocking report
Satellite radio given antitrust clearance, Justice says consumers have alternatives
Officer actually promoted despite wild boozing night
$5,400 a month in public aid: 'It's my right to claim benefits'
Outrage over social workers' 'draconian' ultimatum to parents
Trio of male agents face firing for placing woman in headlock
Woman was celebrated as 1st female blaze battler in city's history
'It's not a really nice photo. He's not holding my baby gently'
'I informed them I was the owner, but they refused to give the stuff back'
Claims she can't pay because money in irrevocable trust in Cook Islands
'A lot of people are never tested for these infections'
Scientists offer to explain need to allow tests on part-human, part-animal embryos
'They can make whatever changes are necessary as we complete our investigation'
Eventually part of federal highway project to connect Canada, Mexico
'Businessmen selling everything from a pack of skittles to an energy drink'
District incorrectly registered its students by district rather than by campus
Better colleges do in high-profile sporting events, more applications they'll see
Cal Poly's agreement does not allow ladies in Saudi classroom
'It was a blessing for me that I knew exactly what my path was when I was 9 years old'
TV ads push song to No. 7 on Billboard's Hot 100 music chart
Claims colluson with Muslim militants to destabilize country before Olympics
'Human rights police like [Nancy] are habitually bad tempered and ungenerous'
Catholics label annual pageant blasphemous
'It didn't look like there was any foul play from what I saw'
'This is the 1st time I've heard of anything like this, involving a caricature'
'It's just wrong and then you have to go and explain this card to your children'
Magazine: She's already lost $1 million in race to cash in on notoriety
'I know that I deserve something for that, but I don't think I deserve what I got'
'Faced with the same situation, I would do what I have to all over again'
'Agencies all over the U.S. are going to bigger weapons'
'She was telling everyone, 'It's time to meet my Maker''
Religions put new emphasis on ecological sensitivity, awareness
45-year-old arrested as 4 students overheard in next room
Likens visitors in Bali to 'worms, snakes, maggots'
'I have to move all the time between mama and papa'
'Thanks to good people, I have shoes and clothes'
'Conversation plus zeitgeist plus critical mass equals viral takeoff'
'Risk of a total meltdown at beginning of last week'
JPMorgan raises offer for bank to equivalent of about $10 a share
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
'The credit crunch might have passed through its very worst phase'
'It would not require a single new government bureaucracy'
From soap operas to iPods: History suggests slumps spawn innovation
Will make it easier for non-U.S. banks, brokers, exchanges to operate in U.S.
Employers can reduce health insurance expenses for retired workers once they turn 65
Plan for national network of facilities to process clean-burning synthetic fuel
Company finds natural solution that turns plants into gasoline
'Every time you whack a mole in place, something else seems to pop up'
AP: 'The scariest part of all? No one can say for sure'
'Demand is very strong. Supply is constrained. It is as simple as that'
'The fuel is too high, and there’s no reason for it'
'Spring demand is awakening, putting pressure on price'
'Nowadays, operating efficiency trumps any passenger considerations'
Federal Reserve, European counterparts said to be discussing using public money
Financial giant scheduled to buy Countrywide in stock swap once valued at $4 billion
World crisis 'almost certainly' due to amoral forces pursuing wealth-creating agenda
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
N.Y. Fed's Geithner is steering Wall Street into uncharted waters
'There are few, if any, companies like that in the pipeline'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
'We not only consider ourselves pioneers. We also consider ourselves explorers'
'You don't have to put everything on'
Pitches plan to use unlicensed, unused airwaves to provide wireless Internet
'How many times do you want to read about people suggesting free Wi-Fi?'
Falling greenback is killing jobs, crimping profits on continent
Exclusive: Vox Day interviews Robert Prechter about the credit crunch
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Bailout, dollar strength mark key turn for markets
'Clearly we've got a crisis. You look around this auditorium and think this is America'
'Just a big surprise that someone would actually want to give me money'
Buyouts in retail, housing face severe pressure from investors
Money-losing mistakes so expensive New Coke didn't make list
'We don't feel that credit-monitoring services are worth it'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?
But Bible clearly says save money; also, how much house can you really afford?
Exclusive: Joseph Farah pegs Dem candidate as perfect illustration of country's race divide
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson dubs Obama 'just another crass, manipulative politician'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah wonders why Obama's so touchy about middle name
Exclusive: Readers tear into America haters, McCain, firing of librarian, WND
Exclusive: Chuck Norris declares America has lost connection with Founding Fathers
Exclusive: Judith Reisman defends book that has all of America talking
Exclusive: Vox Day excoriates Republican support for corporate welfare
Exclusive: Doug Powers rips into candidates for promoting tax hikes to heal economy
Exclusive: Michael Ackley denounces termination of librarian who busts child predator
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner claims food, not ideology, desperately needed in poor villages
Ruth Conniff: Frustration with economy, foreign policy ripens country for change
Richard Baehr: Solutions must be formulated or world will acquiesce to child murders
'No journalist can report honestly without risking his life'
David Ignatius: Like many foreign-policy goals, Bush administration is out of time
Nicholas D. Kristof: Is it really the best place to invest $411 million every day?
'American Mourning': 2 mothers lost their sons – 1 blamed terrorists, 1 blamed Bush
Stephen F. Hayes: Pentagon review of 600,000 Iraqi documents shows link to al-Qaida
Petraeus: Iran 'Behind Green Zone Attack'
We Are Change Confronts 'Official Story' Senators McCain and Graham
Ex-Communist Official Accuses China Of Staging Violent Tibet Riots
Four U.S. Soldiers Die in Iraq; War Toll Is at 4,000
Diplomat: U.S. ‘threatened’ countries that didn’t support Iraq war.
WFP plea for $500m to avoid food aid cut
Wolves in the Chicken Coop: Clinton Wants Greenspan to “Re-establish Confidence in Our Economy”
Asked about two thirds of Americans' opposition to war, Cheney says, 'So?'
Eugenics and the Survival of Mankind - The Next Million Years Part 4
McCain modifies his al Qaeda in Iran claim
Campaign denies McCain’s Iran/al Qaeda gaffe.
End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty
Dollar Gains on Speculation Fed's Actions Will Revive Growth
The Raw Story | 97 percent of US death toll came after 'Mission Accomplished'
Olympics: Holiday to Orwell’s 1984
Obama: “I would reach out to the first George Bush”
China & West in Midst of ‘Cyber War’
Will the Inspector General Protect Your Privacy?
Obama Aide: Bill Clinton Like McCarthy
Will the Feds Underwrite the Stock Market?
The Fed is just an Extension of the Banking Establishment
The Coming Uncertain War against Iran
Republicans Plan Double-Whammy
Limbaugh Gets All Choked Up
Neocons Pitch Computer Hard Drives
Pentagon Rules Out Fallon Testimony
Pakistan’s New Leaders to Hold Talks With Militants
How To Destabalize Countries Legally
McCain’s Al Qaeda Scare
Ron Paul: Abolish the Fed
Ma Ying-jeou, Supporter of Closer Mainland Chinese Ties, Elected in Taiwan
Democracy and Liberty
"He is Risen"
Congress Raises the Debt Ceiling To Accomdate Bush’s Legacy
Obama backer criticizes Bill Clinton, makes reference to "blue dress"
Chinese-born engineer sentenced for helping export US military ...
Engineer Gets 24 1/2 Years in Prison
NY gov says he tried coke and pot in his youth
Indicted Iowa Bank Exec's Family Killed
Supreme Court Hears a Key Case on Detainee Rights
Conservative lawyer endorses Obama
Remains of 2 US Contractors Recovered
FACTBOX-US leaders mark 4000 American dead in Iraq
White House Hosts Annual Easter Egg Roll
"Dr Death" Kevorkian plans to run for Congress
Al Copeland, a Restaurateur Known for Spice and Speed, Dies at 64
Experts Analyze Impact Of Obama's Speech On Race
Five to plead guilty in whale killing, deal avoids jail time for ...
Arkansas Prepares for Worst Flooding in 25 Years
Three Face Charges Of Helping Convicted Tax Evaders
Settlement Proposed to Va. Tech Families
State probes early release of ex-SLA figure Sara Jane Olson
More Evacuated Near Ark. Meat Plant Fire
Bush Says War's Outcome 'Will Merit the Sacrifice'
Bush expresses sorrow over US deaths in Iraq
New Pakistan PM to take oath from Musharraf
A LIFE IN EXILE Young Tibetans Nurture the Notion of Returning Home
China reproaches foreign media over Tibet coverage
US congratulates Bhutan on vote
Fatah-Hamas agreement fizzles out
Fatah and Hamas dismiss Yemen agreement on Palestinian unity
Muslim Baptized by Pope Sought Dialogue
Pope baptizes prominent Muslim | Jerusalem Post
Cheney Says Hamas Torpedoing Peace Talks
Tibetans protest in Nepal, 250 detained
Scores arrested in Nepal after anti-China demonstration
Ecuadorian father denies son was rebel
Fuel supplies for US troops hit
Al Qaeda leaders call for new attacks
Al-Qaeda deputy calls for attacks
S.Lanka bombs Tiger rebels after navy boat sunk
Anjoaunese Welcome Invasion to Topple Rebel President Bacar
African Island Nation Comoros Prepares To Attack Rebels
Hopes fade for Ukrainian sailors in Hong Kong collision
World Food Program in $500m shortfall
Half of Arab League leaders plan to skip Damascus summit
Saudis lead boycott of Syrian summit
Explosion injures Russian peacekeeper in breakaway Georgian region
Taiwan markets rally as opposition wins presidency
Afghan peace hurt by West's failed aid pledges
Worried Dems wish for 'dream team ticket'
Obama Still Stumps on 2002 Anti-War Declaration
Puerto Rico Moves Up Primary
Obama adviser invokes 'blue dress'
Clinton proposes steps on US housing crisis
Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail
McCain faces risky topics in California trip
Bill: 'She can win;' Obama, well…
Big crowds turn out for historic Clinton visit in Rochester
Clinton Undecided on April 19 Debate
Two McCain Moments, Rarely Mentioned
Voter Registration Ends Today
Passport Case Raises Outsourcing Concern
Hillary Clinton tackles some weighty issues
Clinton's road to nomination gets steeper | csmonitor.com
It will take more than one great speech for Obama to reassure some ...
Obama, Clinton claim more credit than due?
Clinton, Obama campaigns snipe at each other
Plans In Place For KY Visit From Bill Clinton
97% Of Deaths Came After Mission Accomplished
Cloning Works In Mice With Parkinsons
UN Chief Urges Global Fight Against TB
Financial Destruction Of The Average Man
Think Tank Calls For U.S. Of Great Lakes
Will The Dollar Be Eliminated?
Iraq Militia Shows Force In Baghdad
Food Stamp Use Hits All-Time High
Two More States Stand Up Against The NAU
Watch Out You're Being Watched
Terror Watch List Claims Innocent Victims
Bush Plans To Monitor Internet Data
China To Shift Urban Growth To Supercities
Pay Day Loans Further Housing Crisis
Bush Remains Committed On Iraq
Into The Economic Abyss
CIA Releases Audio Tape From Al-Qaeda #2
Clinton Calls For Panel On Housing Mess
Brown Faces Rebllion On Hybrid Embryo Vote
Split Is Forming Over Wall Street Regulation
Over 70,000 deaths, and over 1 million disabilities among American soldiers attributed to Iraq Wars says U.S. government data
Iran 'behind Green Zone attack'
States urged to comply with ID rule - USATODAY.com
Of laptops and US border searches | The Register
D.C. Gun Crackdown Meets Community Resistance - News Story - WRC | Washington
More on Clinton's Bosnia Trip
Matthews Upset by Clinton "Sitcom"
Richardson on "Today"
Rendell & Richardson on "Fox News Sunday"
Summarizing the Weekend's Clinton/Obama Spat
McCain Finishes World Trip
Obama: "Opportunity" & "Carry"
Girl in 3 a.m. Ad Talks About Her Support for Obama
Bevan on Weekend Live
Bill Clinton Comments on Clinton/McCain General Election
Wallace Hits Fox Colleagues for Obama Bashing
Obama: "Toughest"
Bevan on The Live Desk
Richardson Endorses Obama
Obama on "Larry King Live"
Edwards on "The Tonight Show"
Obama: "Typical White Person"
New bin Laden Tape
A Discussion About Obama's Speech on Race
Obama's Speech on Iraq
Al Sharpton Discusses Imus & Wright
Clinton Counters Obama on Iraq
Mexican official says NAFTA includes superhighways
D.C. Police Ask Residents To Submit To Voluntary Gun Searches
Iran seeks permanent seat on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
97 percent of US death toll came after 'Mission Accomplished'
Video Shows S.C. Troopers Ramming Suspects
US Gov. Data: Iraq War Caused 70,000 Deaths, And Over 1 Million Disabilities
Fed May Buy Mortgages Next, Treasury Investors Bet
China urged to shift urban growth to supercities
US 'deploys nuclear sub to Persian Gulf'
Consumers' Right to Sue Drug Makers Weakening
Will the Militarized Police State Shock You Into Submission?
Inside the Cyber Defense Group
Congress Considers Wall Street “Regulation”
The Pentagon’s Pain Compliance and Mind Control Weapons
Feds Tout New Domestic Intelligence Fusion Centers
Water will be source of war unless world acts now, warns minister
Global Warming Alarmist: We Will Need Camps
U.S. gov't to appeal ruling on classified material in AIPAC trial
Central banks float rescue ideas
The Army’s Telepathic Ray Gun
Philip Morris Tries To Genetically Modifiy the Cancer Out of Tobacco
The Video Surveillance Market Is About to Explode!
VIDEO: McCain Spiritual Guide Accused Gov't Of Enabling 'Black Genocide'
Russia's NATO envoy: US military "arming ex-terrorists" in Kosovo
Blackwater 'Blood Money' Angers Iraqis
RFID DUST: RFID tech turned into spy chips
The Fine Print Of The Patriot Act
The Triple Failing of the Big Private Banks
Oil Wars: Russia arrests American BP staff accused of 'industrial espionage'
Death By Suicide Robot
NAFTA: Clinton Will Sell Us Down the River Again