"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 March 2008


Story behind the story: The Clinton myth - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen - Politico.com
ABC News: Sneak Peek: Obama: Beach Bound?
First thoughts: A bad week for everyone - First Read - msnbc.com
My Way News - VP, Saudis to Talk About Oil Security
US Olympic tourists warned about monitoring in hotels
Dalai Lama: 'I am prepared to face China. I will go to Beijing' - Asia, World - Independent.co.uk
Political Radar: Pelosi Meets with Dalai Llama, Offers Support
My Way News - Chinese Troops Converge in Tibetan Areas
China orders video Web sites to close - Yahoo! News
Chertoff: ID must comply to fly - Yahoo! News
Woman sues Oprah's company over injuries at show taping
Vatican Security Worries Over bin Laden Tape - New York Times
Catholic leader attacks monstrous embryo research | Science | Reuters
German Jewish leader criticizes Pope over prayer | Reuters
Asylum's Renaming Insults Advocates
200 surveillance cameras at Van Dyke houses fail to stop rape suspect
On board the world's first 'gigayacht': The £100m luxury yacht with its own garden, pool and tennis court | the Daily Mail
Starbucks Ordered to Pay Back Tips: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Christian pilgrims mark Good Friday in Holy City
Photograph of Bill Clinton and Rev. Wright Surfaces - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Poll: Divisive Dem Contest Could Boost McCain -- 03/21/2008
Edwards unlikely to endorse - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
The Note: After Midnight
My Way News - NM Gov. Bill Richardson Endorses Obama
Passport breach being investigated - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Obama, Clinton Passport Files Breached
At island retreat, Branson and friends seek to save a world 'on fire' - International Herald Tribune
wcbstv.com - Subway Miracle: Hero Beats Long Odds To Make Save
Giant Marine Life Found in Antarctica
U.S. Defends Tough Tactics on Spitzer - New York Times
Unintended Consequences | Newsweek Politics | Newsweek.com
Spring Breakers Arrested After Dynamite Explodes On Hotel Sundeck - News Story - WFTV Orlando
AIDS research in crisis as 'miracle' vaccines actually INCREASE chance of catching virus | the Daily Mail
We Are Change Confronts Carl Cameron on Media’s 9/11 Truth Ignorance
2nd Amendment bars regulation of people’s ability to bear arms
Media Hacks Call Cheney A "Hero", Say They Love Him For Not Caring What Americans Think
The Hell-Disaster of Iraq
A War of Lies
Asked about two thirds of Americans' opposition to war, Cheney says, 'So?'
The video that China doesn't want the world to see
Do Nanoparticles in Food Pose a Health Risk?
Furor Over Recorded Planned Parenthood Calls Targeting Minority Abortions
Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho
Evils of Planned Parenthood
The Importance of Creeds in Shaping the Future
New Instruments of Surveillance and Social Control: Wireless Technologies which Target the Neuronal Functioning of the Brain
McCain modifies his al Qaeda in Iran claim
Campaign denies McCain’s Iran/al Qaeda gaffe.
Senator's Supporters Are Invited to Lunch With a Lord (Rothschild)
Ron Paul backers succeed in guerilla takeover of some GOP caucuses
Montana Won\'t Seek Real ID Extension
FBI Posts Fake Hyperlinks To Entrap Pedophiles
200 Surveillance Cams Fail To Stop Rape Suspect
Chertoff: Right ID To Fly
Banks Plot Public Bailout
The Video Surveillance Is About To Explode
Clarke: No Religious Symbols At Funeral
Teen Dies After Being Tasered In Store
Clinton Lies On NAFTA
NH House Backs Pot Decriminilization
NH At Odds With DHS Over Real ID
Russian FM: Iran Invasion Would Be Disastrous
This Is The War That Started With Lies
With Strain Of War Thoughts Of Suicide
Chinese Troops Converge On Tibet
The Fine Print Of The Patriot Act
Ron Paul On CNBC 3/20/08
Agreements Struck On Sovereign Wealth Principles
A New Great Depression? Its Different This Time
Profound American Ignorance
Hagel: U.S. May Need New Political Party
Iran Criticizes U.S. For Supporting Terror
NAFTA: Clinton Will Sell Us Out Again
2nd Amendment Designed To Prevent Despotism
Inflation Is Americans Top Concern
Silver Shortage: 19 dealers reported "Sold Out" - SilverSeek.com
RFID tech turned into spy chips for clandestine surveillance
Yuan sets new record against dollar
Philip Morris Tries to Engineer the Cancer Out of Tobacco | Wired Science from Wired.com
ABC News: Passport Security Breach on McCain, Clinton & Obama
Central banks float rescue ideas
The Army’s Telepathic Ray Gun
Philip Morris Tries To Genetically Modifiy the Cancer Out of Tobacco
California Backs Off Real ID - Update
The Video Surveillance Market Is About to Explode!
VIDEO: McCain Spiritual Guide Accused Gov't Of Enabling 'Black Genocide'
Russia's NATO envoy: US military "arming ex-terrorists" in Kosovo
Blackwater 'Blood Money' Angers Iraqis
RFID DUST: RFID tech turned into spy chips
The Triple Failing of the Big Private Banks
Oil Wars: Russia arrests American BP staff accused of 'industrial espionage'
Death By Suicide Robot
NAFTA: Clinton Will Sell Us Down the River Again
Video: China's Weather Control Brigade
Cheney Ex-Aide 'Scooter' Libby Disbarred
Paulson's Gift to His Bankster Buddies
Exxon Mobil spent $16.9M lobbying
Forbidden fields: Oil groups circle the prize of Iraq’s vast reserves
Plans for Canada anti-terror unit found in garbage
US commitment to Nato 'at risk'
Study finds 98% of child drug trials lack independent safety checks
Israel, U.S. commanders test 'extreme' scenarios in joint drill
CASH DASH: Firms Tap Fed for Billions...
Venezuela's state-run oil firm demands payment in euros
NH House OKs Bill Limiting RFID Tracking Devices
Here Comes Worldwide Currency Debasement
States Hand Over the DNA of Newborns to DHS
Pentagon's Cyborg Insects All Grown Up
Pentagon's Mind-Reading Computers Replicate
Potomac River Filled With Chemicals Affecting Animals' Hormone Systems
Comcast Cameras To Start Watching You?
Democracy Now! | Fed Bailout of Bear Stearns First of its Kind Since Great Depression
The intellect versus the visceral
Obama and His Minister
Obama, Ferraro, Wright: 'Postracial' Meets Racism
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Explanation Won't Fly in Long Run
Obama Versus the Gotcha Narrative | The New York Observer
Will Dean Cost the Dems Florida? - TIME
Thoroughly Modern Do-Gooders - New York Times
America needs a 21st Century GI Bill -- chicagotribune.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Iraq: The Real Story
Why the Bear Stearns Collapse Meant the Market Hit Bottom -- New York Magazine
Can Clinton win popular vote, superdelegates? - Ben Smith - Politico.com
Disenfranchising Democrats - WSJ.com
ABC News: Racial Politics Challenge Obama Campaign
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Speech: A Brilliant Fraud
Pastor's rhetoric is just as bitter as U.S. race history | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Another Angry Black Preacher
The masterpiece of a disaster - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Partying Like It’s 1929 - New York Times
Here's How to End the Panic - Forbes.com
POLITICAL CONNECTIONS: Biting The Hands (03/21/2008)
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - A Review of the Pennsylvania Primary
Southwest Passage | The American Prospect
State by State, Obama and Clinton Stack Up Differently Against McCain - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
Chainsaw Diplomacy - TIME
Democrats Are Still Weak on Security - WSJ.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Iraq a Minefield for Candidates
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Reasons For Good Friday
Wiretaps and Blue Dogs - WSJ.com
Democrats in Stalemate - washingtonpost.com
McCain moves toward public financing - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Obama Campaign Says Clinton Misrepresented Her Support for Nafta - New York Times
Ranks of Democrats in state surge - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"He is Risen"
Congress Raises the Debt Ceiling To Accomdate Bush’s Legacy
House of Representatives Meets in Rare Secret Session
Mainland Chinese Tensions Impact Taiwan Election
Police Urge Kids be Placed in DNA Database in Great Britain
Promised EU Referendum Won’t Be Allowed in Britain
Barack Obama on "Larry King Live"
Panel Looks at McCain's Middle East Trip
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
President Bush Marks Five Years in Iraq
"The World Beyond Iraq"
McCain Statement on Iraq
Panel Looks at Iraq Five Years In
Interview with General David Petraeus
Blackwell & Lawson Debate Obama and Race
Wallace Hits Fox Colleagues for Obama Bashing
Obama's New Ad
Bevan on The Live Desk
Richardson Endorses Obama
Obama on "Larry King Live"
Edwards on "The Tonight Show"
Obama: "Typical White Person"
New bin Laden Tape
A Discussion About Obama's Speech on Race
Obama's Speech on Iraq
McCain in London
Clinton Counters Obama on Iraq
Al Sharpton Discusses Imus & Wright
McCain Visits the Western Wall
Obama Encourages Crowd to Register
Retired Officers Explain Their Clinton Choice
Huckabee's Thoughts on Obama's Speech
Clinton's Reaction to Obama's Speech
McCain's Iran Moment
McCain in Iraq
Obama's Speech on Race
DNC Ties McCain to Bush
McCain's Record Favorability
O'Reilly, Gingrich Discuss Rev. Wright
Clinton Discusses Economy, Her Trip to Bosnia
The Fed is just an Extension of the Banking Establishment
New Orleans’ homeless rate swells to 1 in 25
Kosovo clashes force UN pullout
Stock Guru Granville: We’re in a Crash
Another Drug Raid Nightmare
No Money
Joseph Stiglitz calls financial crisis worst since 1930s
The Transition to a Totalitarian World Government
We Are Being Bernanke’d
Welcome To The Second Great Depression
Mad Bomber McCain’s Three AM Call
A Full Range of New World Order Minions
Image of Bosnia ceremony contradicts story used to boost foreign policy cred
'When you add the superdelegates on top of it, I'll think she'll still be behind him'
Campaign promising 'new politics' assails rival as untrustworthy, duplicitous
Asserts schedules undermine claims of foreign policy experience
Compares charter calling for murder of Jews to Declaration of Independence
State Department says contract employee has been reprimanded
Clinton reportedly told assembled clerics he had 'repented' after Lewinsky scandal
Shows President Clinton, Rev. Wright shaking hands at White House
Ex-Clinton Cabinet member says Illinois senator 'once-in-a-lifetime leader'
Would be 'symbol of empowerment' for those who have been disenfranchised around world
Says 'black man's' history would give him an ability to deal with countries overseas
'Remain neutral and sort of try to play on that Al Gore status as party elder'
Exclusive: David Kupelian on what it actually means to 'take up your cross'
'It is government speech, and the rule seems perfectly reasonable'
Made 'simulated masturbatory gesture with his hand while making eye contact with the court'
Man held responsible for girlfriend staying in bathroom for 2 years
'Like all inmates in her circumstance, she earned time for her good behavior'
Supervisor warned her not to call police over illegal activity
'You hear stories like this, and you think it could never happen to you'
House speaker made comments during meeting with Dalai Lama
PA teaches its children twist on myth of matzah made from blood
Exploring whether he has 'addiction to sex'
Commenting on state of the economy
Top choice gives ABCs of making a statement with your money
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
If rate is so low, how come food and energy cost so much?
Special focus on economy, personal finance, coping during difficult times
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
Suspect grabs yarmulke, hit by car as he flees
Suction ripped out part of intestinal tract, leading to tougher regulations
'Cannot be retaken by negotiations and dialogue, but with fire and iron'
'And then we'll see how it goes from there'
Centuries-old clash continues over disputed commandment
Flew out of water, struck her in face: 'No warning. It just happened instantaneously'
Situation expected to worsen – Chicago area could see 9 inches of snow
Jet stream 'on steroids': 'Overall moisture is unprecedented for this time of year'
Critic: 'They have basically polluted the world with dollars'
Machine connected to .22 pistol – plans downloaded from Internet
2 families of victims killed by contracted guards refuse compensation from company
' A simple repair – just ground the building – and Ryan would be alive today'
Authorities say suspects were picked up before the body was found
'I didn't know how to deal with that. I turned cold'
'I wanted him to answer the question if Hillary is going to gut the military like he did'
Despite downturn, proposed tax increase, too risky for official to use public restrooms
Charged with lying about checking machinery
91-year-old man accused of forcible attempted sexual assault on nurse
Illness has sickened dozens in Colorado town, officials say
Running 2nd in polls 8 days ahead of election overshadowed by ballot rigging effort
Tibetan religious leader says he will 'go to Beijing' for face-toface talks
Group funds Gaza regime with cigarette taxes
Fresh allegations about murder of Tupac Shakur threaten to tarnish musician's image
Study: People who made gifts to others, charities report they're happier than those who don't
Philippino worshipers get health warnings over re-enactments
UK betting shops open on holy day for 1st time, prompting anger from religious groups
'Even in layman's terms it is completely counterintuitive, but somehow it works'
'Crime of the Cretaceous': Massive of lava, trapped gases released all at once
Orbiting garbage leftover from past missions can delay launches, smash into spacecraft
Frozen in time: Discovered on man's corpse 12 days after liner hit iceberg, sank
Couple promotes virtues of slow low-carbon travel
'Recession of choice': 'They just do not understand how the business cycle works'
Survey: Majority believe economy will be in good shape next year, but remain wary
Government lowers minimum price from $1,000 to boost sales among average investors
S&P: 'Our current expectation is that net revenue could decline'
Chairman, president still big shareholders of beleaguered investment bank
Exclusive: Vox Day interviews Robert Prechter about the credit crunch
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Other banks getting hundreds of million of dollars in much-needed boost to bottom lines
Company finds natural solution that turns plants into gasoline
Purchase will make Severstal 4th largest producer in U.S.
Some estate planning lawyers say failing to update document is pervasive problem
A few calculations can help you figure out what your house will be worth in coming years
Viewers built into devices would ID viewers, programming preferences
small-budget Cinderellas have little chance against deep-pocketed schools in March Madness
Former barista complained shift supervisors were sharing in employee gratuities
State says company has violated right of life-insurance policy holders to travel
Wall Street lore has Irish-Catholics saying 'We told you so' after market crash
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?
But Bible clearly says save money; also, how much house can you really afford?
Pat Buchanan: Rev. Wright 'ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah digs up 2006 speech showing significance of Chicago church
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer asserts Middle America isn't buying senator's latest rhetoric
Bill Press questions Obama over exposing his daughters to Wright's raving
David Limbaugh: 'His real gift is saying one thing while appearing to say the opposite'
Don Feder thumps senator for less than 'courageous' explanation of Wright relationship
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan pounds 'peace' protesters whose violence knows no end
Phyllis Schlafly: Successful satellite shootdown proves Gipper was right 25 years ago
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey highlights life of most extraordinary man to walk the earth
Exclusive: Tom Flannery presents myriad Scripture foreshadowing Jesus' passion
Barbara Ehrenreich tells of Clinton's part in 'the sinister heart' of 'the Family'
Exclusive: Readers take aim at WND chief, Obama, 'Red Letter' Christians
Exclusive: Ernest Istook tells of strange bedfellows urging high court to uphold gun rights
Andrea Peyser takes bite out of New York's latest 'Love Gov'
Thousands leave homes because of Midwest flooding
Obama wins Gov. Richardson backing
"Superdelegates, beware"; Bill Clinton is coming to San Jose
Obama Finds Pulpit in Center of Racial Divide
Obama’s awakening comes too late, and it slights America
The dead don't come back to life -- with one exception
Four cavers found alive
4 Tenn. Cavers Found Safe After Search
Kansas Governor Vetoes Bill to Allow Coal-Fired Plants
UPDATE 1-Democratic US senators urge ouster of housing chief
Democrats Want HUD Chief to Resign
No Red Flags in Spitzer Expense Reports
McCain praises Sarkozy over Iran sanctions
Retirement Dims Outlook For Republicans in House
Rep. Reynolds Will Not Seek Reelection
Oh, Those Hypocritical Conservative Justices.
Can a wiki change Congress?
Ill. Man Nabbed in Stolen Doughnut Van
Deputies nab doughnut-napper
Registered sex offender runs for mayor of small Texas town
Sex Offender Runs for Mayor of Suburb
Another Lawyer Pleads Guilty in Bribery Case
Lawyer Scruggs' Son Guilty in Miss.
Wisconsin Judgment Day, the Sequel
Pentagon: Georgia, Ukraine May Not Join NATO for Years
Gates Meets Top US Commanders to Prepare Iraq Report
Tibetans appeal for world's help, but they're resigned to getting ...
China Claims Wide Support for Tibetan Crackdown
Taiwan to vote for new president
Five years on, Bush again talks of Iraq victory
Pakistan Peoples Party Ready to Nominate Next Prime Minister
Bhutto's party to name Pakistan premier candidate on Saturday
France to Cut Nuclear Arsenal to Less Than 300 Warheads
Pope reflects on persecuted Catholics
Vatican PR ensures rebranded Pope Benedict XVI will triumph in US
Pope Presides at Good Friday Procession
Egyptians Celebrate Prophet Muhammad's Birthday
Purported bin Laden message: Iraq is 'perfect base'
Disgust may express itself in sales figures
Zimbabwe Civic Leaders Meet South African Election Observers
Zimbabwe: Mock Election to Be Held in the Diaspora
Russia may offer NATO logistical support
Greece passes contentious pension reform
Serbian FM says many countries under strong pressure to recognize ...
Serbia pulls envoys as neighbours recognise Kosovo
Euthanasia Advocate's Autopsy Uncertain
Tumour woman's death not natural
Palestinians to Get Armored Vehicles
Russia calls on Israel to lift Gaza blockade
Israel, Germany plan int'l summit to stop Iran nuke program
Tunnel collapses near Egypt-Gaza border, injuring five smugglers
Three Qassam rockets strike Israel amid signs of cease-fire with Hamas
Cyprus peace back on the agenda
Cyprus' two communities welcome outcome of leader meeting
Russia's Duma Votes on Georgia Regions
Russian MPs back recognition of Georgian separatists
A message from John McCain
US Presidential Candidate McCain says al-Qaida 'On The Run'
On Iraq, Listen to Cheney on Afghanistan