"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 March 2008


cbs13.com - Top Al Qaeda Figure Who Aided Bin Laden Captured
Asian youths in 'faith hate' attack on priest -Times Online
Animal activists: Fire that chimp!
Obama's mother - an unconventional life / Anthropologist disliked ethnic barriers, sought to aid world's poor
We will never have a perfect model of risk
Wall Street waits for the next domino to fall
Fed Takes New Steps to Ease Crisis: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Dollar Doomsayers Draw Signs From Bernanke Rate Cuts
Asian stocks, dollar hit by global financial woes | Reuter
J.P. Morgan Rescues Bear Stearns - WSJ.com
My Way News - McCain, Delegation Visit Baghdad
Pope: Enough With Slaughters in Iraq
Iraq war fades out as TV story - 03/16/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Obama Decries Racial Rhetoric
Blogtalk: Pro-Clinton Bloggers Boycott Kos - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
SARS Memories Haunt Hong Kong as Flu Outbreak Closes Schools
Row over BBC drama which shows Jesus crucified in a foetal position | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Tibet Protests Spread to Other Provinces
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China sets Tibet protest deadline
My Way News - China Blocks YouTube Over Tibet Videos
IOC: Don't Boycott Olympics Over Tibet
Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho | News Updates | Idaho Statesman
My Way News - Obama, Clinton Teams Trade Barbs
For Democrats, Increased Fears of a Long Fight - New York Times
Delegate Battles Snarl Democrats in Two States - New York Times
My Way News - Polarities Persist in Democratic Race
Wal-Mart Tweaks Store for Arab-Americans: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
JPMorgan to Buy Bear for $2 a Share: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Obama, Clinton campaigns still at odds over Michigan redo
Ex-Governor Cuomo Says Close Democratic Race Could Be `Ruinous'
NRCC Says Ex-Treasurer Diverted Up to $1 Million - washingtonpost.com
Iran Schoolbooks Teach Jihad, Martyrdom, Study Shows -- 03/12/2008
Schools fear that forced marriages poster campaign will upset parents - Times Online
Clinton role in health program disputed - The Boston Globe
Wife burns husband alive for not washing feet - Unusual Tales - Specials
The Nonviolent Palm Sunday and the Nonviolent Holy Week of 33 AD by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
What the Price of Gold Is Telling Us by Ron Paul
Spitz Hits the Pits by Becky Akers
Rules of Citizenship by Charley Reese
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility by Greg Perry
Pure Fantasy: Colombia's Laptop Revelations- by Justin Raimondo
Inflation Is a Policy that Cannot Last - Thorsten Polleit - Mises Institute
True face of Mozart revealed - Times Online
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | 3.14 and the rest
Fury erupts after lawmaker calls gays threat to U.S.
Islamic summit to accuse Israel of 'war crimes' - Israel News, Ynetnews
The B Word - New York Times
White Male Vote Especially Critical - washingtonpost.com
Who is more electable? Clinton or Obama? | Salon
A Delegate Loophole? | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
Why We Went Into Iraq
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/16/2008 | GOP immigration strategy may hurt McCain
What can go wrong in the 're-do'? Only everything - 03/16/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
In the state, it's politics unusual for Clinton, Obama - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Republican fragments - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper.
Shariah - Muslims - Islamic Law - Islam - Courts - New York Times
Jim Hoagland - Needed: Honesty on Iraq - washingtonpost.com
We made mistakes in Iraq, but war was just - Telegraph
The Divided Democrats - WSJ.com
Obama, Clinton brace for deadlock - Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen - Politico.com
The Deep Blue Divide | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Five Years On
Looking Back at Five Years in Iraq - New York Times
Patton and the 2008 vote - The Boston Globe
Obama opens up on Rezko, and it's almost believable -- chicagotribune.com
Politics: Elections & Campaigns: Dems might not need Florida this year
Republicans See Storm Clouds Gathering - washingtonpost.com
Opinion: Mark Steyn: Obama's pastor disaster - OCRegister.com
Comparing Democratic Campaign Strategists - New York Times
One Last Thing: In answer to the charge of Hillary hackism | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/16/2008
Wiretapping's true danger - Los Angeles Times
James Grant - A Bear Stearns Market - washingtonpost.com
Obama's Rezko narrative -- chicagotribune.com
Rules for Spying - washingtonpost.com
Going Foggy on Beijing - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Obama's church accuses media of character assassination - Lisa Lerer and Mike Allen - Politico.com
Obama Under Fire As Personal Ties Stir Controversy - WSJ.com
McCain Arrives in Iraq, Plans to Meet Maliki - washingtonpost.com
Secretary Paulson on "Fox News Sunday"
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Booster Socialism in the Desert
RealClearPolitics - Articles - In Fiscal War, AWOL Candidates
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Time to Buy Hillary Clinton
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democratic Racial Divide
Who Is Responsible for the World Food Shortage?
A Presidet Barack Obama would force American taxpayers to compensate “victims of slavery”
China Accuses Tibetan Protesters of Killing Innocent People
Bush Defends NAFTA as a “Positive Development”
President weakens espionage oversight
Chavez says US can ’shove’ terror list
Globalist EU Leaders Approve Of Mediterranean Union
The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked
US Military committed War Crimes in Fallujah: Open Letter to the International Criminal Court of Justice
$175 for a Barrel of Oil?
Pulaski County Uses New License Plate Scanner
D.C. gun ban’s effectiveness questioned
McCain says al Qaeda might try to tip U.S. election
A Full Range of New World Order Minions
Is the CIA’s “Mighty Wurlitzer” Playing Geraldo Rivera?
YouTube - Ron Paul On The Alex Jones Show March 14, 2008
Weather Channel Founder Wants To Sue Al Gore For Global Warming Fraud
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Secretary Paulson on "Fox News Sunday"
Friends Of Dems Rock Campaign
House Speaker Backs People's Choice
MI5 Wants Total Public Travel Records
Greenspan: Worst Crisis Since World War II
Asian Stocks Fall Sharply
Dollar Hit By Global Financial Woes
Fed Cuts Rates 25 Basis Points
Video: Tent Cities In California
A Time For Caution
More Testing For Drugs In Water Sought
JP Morgan Closes In On Bear Stearns Buyout
Treasury Chief Defends Fed Intervention
Blair: Poor Nations Must Cut Emissions
Rocket Lifts Off With GPS Satellite
Biometric Enslavement At Disney
Are You Prepared For A Hundred Years War On Terror? | Thought Criminal
Senator's Supporters Are Invited to Lunch With a Lord - washingtonpost.com
Louisiana City Wants To Require Spy Cameras
High Wheat Process Rise Grocery Prices
Poll: More See Government As Secretive
Woman To Record Company: Stop Spying
Military Accidently Drops Bomb On Apartment
Law Enforcement Builds Fusion Centers
More Rate Cuts From Fed Expected Tuesday
Ron Paul's Statement On Coinage Debasement
Globalization Power With 6,000 Leaders Seen
The Road Towards Hyper-Inflation
China Blocks YouTube Over Tibet Videos
Venezuela opts for oil contracts in euros: report - Yahoo! News UK
Royal college warns abortions can lead to mental illness - Times Online
D.C.'s Gun Ban Gets Day in Court
Do Americans Care About Big Brother?
Clinton era official sees globalization of power by 6,000 leaders
Researchers investigate evolving 'swarm' robots
Who Is Rev. Moon? 'Returning Lord,' 'Messiah,' Publisher of the Washington Times
Law enforcement welds together intel networks
Bush To Meet With Plunge Protection Team
Obama's preacher sanitizes website
Centuries-old clash continues over disputed commandment
4th century church banned observing Saturday at risk of ex-communication
Organized crime executions reach 3,008 in last 15 months
Town votes to erect barrier to keep out criminals from neighboring district
More than 280,000 in 2007 compared to 186,000 in 2006
'In order for this wall not to be built on a foundation of illegality and lawlessness'
Spokesman: 'We will continue to balance the equilibrium of terror with the Zionists'
Official Fatah delegation eulogizes planner of bloody shooting attack
Group says using dressed-up primates in commercials give people wrong idea
'PETA Files' exposes web of violence, vandalism, viciousness
'We pray that those who were injured will recover'
Preacher tells black-on-black criminals they're fighting wrong enemy
Fallout continues over pastor's racist, inflammatory remarks
Democrat senator 'denounces' anti-American, racist rhetoric
Had 8 point advantage over Hillary Friday, now down to 3
Pastor disinvited to speak at candidacy announcement – 'You can get kind of rough'
'I look forward to continuing a relationship with a church that has done so much good'
Presidential candidate condemns words but not ministry of former pastor
Chicago congregation has 'non-negotiable commitment' to 'mother continent'
Candidate's role model claims America made AIDS to wipe out blacks
WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
Weeklong trip also includes stops in Israel, Jordan, Britain, France
Ohio-based religious leader has made critical statements about Islam
Top strategist: 'That's really for Sen. Obama to address'
Civil-rights establishment makes lucrative career out of keeping racial strife alive
Congressman joins commentary lineup with 'Texas Straight Talk' column
Exclusive: Ron Paul blames worthless currency, exhausted military for nation's fall
Benedict says war has 'provoked the breakup of their civil and social life'
Says millions in country have no access to drinking water, sanitation, health care
Exclusive: Chuck Norris backs 'neutrality challenge,' observing 5 years since invasion
'This should not be a church, this should be a mosque, you should not be here'
Planned Parenthood calls employee's remarks 'serious mistake'
Explosion at Soviet-era munitions dump at Albanian army base felt 12 miles away
Blasts have killed or injured more than 200, including NATO troops
Man with sniper rifle, Kalashnikov, found, detained overlooking Moscow concert site
Woman levitated, spoke other languages, showed paranormal powers
David Kupelian on school shooters, antidepressants and demon possession
Lawsuit calls campus 'an aggressive proponent of the homosexual lifestyle'
Accused of sexual harassment for recommending 'Marketing of Evil' as required reading
Family films fare 438% better than R-rated in latest study
'Unfortunately, we were unable to come to terms on a new agreement'
BBC under fire for 'misleading' public in new drama of Christ's death
Police found name on 'Denver Sugar' clients list
'It seemed like he didn't have a care in the world'
As attorney general Spitzer probed private lives of tycoons he prosecuted
Says revealing pictures thrust 22-year-old woman into 'public glare' without her consent
'Whatever has happened in her life, she's been able to turn into something positive'
Pleaded guilty this week to possession of heroin with intent to distribute
Jonathan Falwell advises Christians on keeping away from 'perverse' temptations
Academy's goal to 'appreciate traditions, histories of Asia, Middle East'
How radical Islam abuses women and children
Patrick Henry College's goal is launching leaders for Christ
Muslim group bankrolled by Arab states tied to 9/11
Law firm says state statutes support parents teaching their own children
The real story: He 'found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian'
DOT chief's admission to Senate panel contradicts administration's assurances
Says Bush administration will 'do what its takes' to stabilize chaotic markets
Company accused of funding terrorists who killed New Tribes members
Women claim therapist indecently touched them
'He does what they do, including showing a lot of leg'
Democrats exposed: 'She was there, she knew what was happening, she made the moves'
Story verified by teen's knowledge of flower, bug tattoos on woman
'I can't help but believe that she was where God wanted her to be'
Young men face offender status, jail, for relations with girlfriends
Hardliners celebrate election win by ending U.N. nuke talks
Olympics, just months away, will not stop Beijing cracking down on deadly riots
Female prisoner left in holding cell 4 days without food, water, bathroom access
'He seems to think he's still running a private company where he gets to set the rules'
But Crist doesn't want to relax state's drug laws
Girl suffering lupus removed from home in dispute over alternative treatment
'I never would have guessed [it] was so old'
Teen admits she left children with friend while she went out to sell drugs
Charged with child neglect for confining girl while they went drinking at bar
13-year-olds allegedly tried to get gun to kill students, then themselves
Amid suspicion some spying for 'hostile' Western nations
Struck by his own Jeep as it was being parked by mortuary valet
Battle plan created to defend religion from political cartoonists, bigots
'With Bush and Cheney gone, there is a real hope of things moving on'
Discovered in Antarctica has researchers struggling to determine space rocks' origins
UCLA scientist develops licorice root sweet that claims to combat tooth decay
Adds to communist government's efforts to control what public sees
So Chinese can carry Olympic torch to summit without risking confrontation
Court accepts man's claim he'd been using device to ward off cold
23 clients have walked in front door, been carried out at back in box
'I called Wal-Mart and they very rude with me about it'
Greek archaeologists: Hole in 3rd-century A.D. skull is rare evidence of failed operation
Precious metal source to $1,021.40 per ounce in Asian trading
Offers to lend money to longer list of firms than ever before
'Will provide financial institutions with greater assurance of access to funds'
Stays at 12-year low against yen in early Asian trading
Volatility in currency rates 'obviously worries people'
Stunning collapse for one of world's largest, most storied investment banks
Questioning authority to approve because it involves non-bank institution
'The question is: Did the economy enter a recession in February?'
'We can't have the Fed going around protecting everybody in sight'
Potential buyers reportedly circling troubled investment bank
How serious is this development for the future of the banking system?
'It is financial speculators, the weak dollar and funds driving the price'
Stoppages by miners ... and ongoing power cuts in South Africa have hampered supplies'
'You don't actually click and think, 'Oh, our rings will go up''
Economists push back forecasts for possible interest rate cuts as food, energy costs soar
'Some are able to handle it better, some are able to hide it better. Everyone is experiencing it'
'Agreements can be pretty frightening to people. There's a lot of tiny print'
Property values holding strong – good investment for parent, investor, transplant-to-be
Think twice before you swipe that card, because everything is being tracked
Dave Ramsey: Don't buy a toy – pay off debt or invest the money
Biggest opening of year with $45.1 million
'Racketeering': Claims anti-piracy campaign threatens, intimidates innocent people
'The court is right to take its time. There are serious consequences for both sides'
Projected to sell as many as 440 million shares, raise as much as $19 billion
'There's simply nothing else like the G-8 sport truck on the road today'
'Kids come in saying their fathers and grandfathers came here'
To be equipped with Rolls Royce engines, used on medium-, long-haul flights
Malady affects more than 200 million people in 70 countries
New patent law seeks to weed out the patently obvious
Exclusive: William J. Federer reveals Irish missionary gave all credit to God
Exclusive: Vox Day predicts long-expected recession is finally on America's doorstep
Exclusive: Joseph Farah slaps religious left for confusing good intentions, lofty rhetoric
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson warns Obama about 'hanging around with trouble kids'
Exclusive: Doug Powers shows 'even liberal Democrats have a radical Wright wing'
Exclusive: Rev. Wright lays 'hope' and 'change' to final rest
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith contends attending church shows Obama's poor judgment
Exclusive: Readers blast Catholics, Rev. Wright, WND 'gossip'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah believes Barack agrees with Wright's controversial views
'American Mourning': 2 mothers lost their sons – 1 blamed terrorists, 1 blamed Bush
Robert Fisk: Executioners are part of frightening legacy of George Bush's Iraq invasion
Exclusive: Michael Ackley provides glimpse into Spitzer's thoughts during resignation
Mark Sanford: Presidential election offers real choice in how to address fiscal mess
Marsha West: Left thinks 'moralists' shouldn't stop young, 'gays' from spreading STDs
Obama Watch
Sen. Ensign Talks About the NRSC
Clinton Talks About Senate Discussion With Obama
Obama Denounces Reverend Wright
Obama on Hannity and Colmes
Senator Obama on Olbermann
The Advocate