"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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15 March 2008

Ides of March

The NAFTA Superhighway and on..

Crane Collapses On Midtown Buildings: 4 Dead - News Story - WNBC | New York
wcbstv.com - Bloomberg Speaks Out On Tragic Crane Collapse
Crane Topples in Manhattan, Killing at Least 4 People - New York Times
My Way News - Storm Follows Atlanta Twister, Killing 1
Obama's Chicago Pastor No Longer Serving on Campaign
Obama on Pastor’s Controversial Statements: ‘If I Had Heard Them Repeated, I Would’ve Quit’ the Church
Blogtalk: Pro-Clinton Bloggers Boycott Kos - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
My Way News - McCain Links Campaign to Foreign Issues
Sky Talk: Woman files lawsuit against AMR because passenger next to her masturbated while she slept
Delegate Battles Snarl Democrats in Two States - New York Times
My Way News - Polarities Persist in Democratic Race
My Way News - Chinese Security Forces Swarm Tibet
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China sets Tibet protest deadline
My Way News - Exile Group Says 30 Killed in Tibet
IOC: Don't Boycott Olympics Over Tibet
Fears of another Tiananmen as Tibet explodes in hatred - Times Online
Avoid Overcorrecting Economy, Bush Warns: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Wal-Mart Tweaks Store for Arab-Americans: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Royal college warns abortions can lead to mental illness - Times Online
San Luis Obispo County’s website | 03/14/2008 | Gorda: Land of $5 gas
Ex-Governor Cuomo Says Close Democratic Race Could Be `Ruinous'
Democratic Rivals Agree to Play Nicer
My Way News - Clinton Backs Michigan Revote Plan
Toppling of the Luv Guv is ‘Wall Street revenge’ - Times Online
Google confident Android will beat iPhones - UPI.com
Microsoft and Yahoo met to discuss merger: sources: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
'Military Recruiters Are Under Attack,' Group Says -- 03/14/2008
cbs13.com - Top Al Qaeda Figure Who Aided Bin Laden Captured
FOXNews.com - Senate Rejects McCain-Backed Plan to Ban Earmarks for One Year - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
World Tribune — Pentagon official: China may already be at cyberwar with U.S.
Report Details Saddam's Terrorist Ties - March 14, 2008 - The New York Sun
Schoolboy found hanged in his bedroom after Ritalin prescription was increased | the Daily Mail
Islamic summit to accuse Israel of 'war crimes' - Israel News, Ynetnews
Fury erupts after lawmaker calls gays threat to U.S.
Obama's mother - an unconventional life / Anthropologist disliked ethnic barriers, sought to aid world's poor
Clinton role in health program disputed - The Boston Globe
Schools fear that forced marriages poster campaign will upset parents - Times Online
Iran Schoolbooks Teach Jihad, Martyrdom, Study Shows -- 03/12/2008
NRCC Says Ex-Treasurer Diverted Up to $1 Million - washingtonpost.com
On My Faith and My Church
Roundtable Discusses Reverend Wright
Obama Discusses Wright on CNN
President Bush Speaks to the Economic Club of New York
President Bush on "Kudlow & Company"
Shields & Brooks on the Economy
Obama Talks to FOX Reporter About Rev. Wright
Greg Craig Criticizes Clinton's Experience Claims
Obama Denounces Reverend Wright
Obama on Hannity and Colmes
Senator Obama on Olbermann
Looking at the Candidates' Experience
Remembering McCain's Time as a POW
Gov. Rendell Says Clinton "Better Fit"
NoJohn.com Web Ad
McCain Talks to Hannity
Obama Tells Pennsylvanians to Register to Vote
Moveon's Ad Contest
Increased Worry about the Economy
Controversial Comments by Obama's Pastor
Fed Races to Rescue Bear Stearns In Bid to Steady Financial System - WSJ.com
Minister leaves Obama campaign - Decision '08- msnbc.com
The story behind the story: Obama's pastor - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Race and the Democrats, Part IV
Why McCain Might Win | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh | Newsweek.com
The Conservative Case for McCain - WSJ.com
A Sea-Change Election?
John McCain - Profile of John McCain - Presidential Candidate - One of Us, Part 3
NATIONAL JOURNAL: Class Meeting? In the Phone Booth (03/14/2008)
The Rise of American Incompetence
Character Is Destiny
Dousing the fire | Economist.com
Bear Essentials - WSJ.com
Tibet: Fire on the Roof -Times Online
Leaving Musharraf Behind - New York Times
Obama Denounces Statements of His Pastor as ‘Inflammatory’ - New York Times
Iowa's delegate selection adds zing to the race | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Dems offer a do-over solution | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Clinton preaches to her choir - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Why Eliot Spitzer Went Down Quickly, While Bill Clinton Managed to Hang On -- New York Magazine
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Governor Bloomberg?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Importance of Fallon's Fall
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Keys to the Keystone State
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Infighting Risks Democrats Key Voting Blocs
Louisiana City Wants To Require Spy Cameras
Biometric Enslavement At Disney
Watching The Dollar Die
Senator's Supporters Are Invited to Lunch With a Lord - washingtonpost.com
Key Forecaster Says U.S. In Recession - Forbes.com
Are You Prepared For A Hundred Years War On Terror? | Thought Criminal
Globalist EU Leaders Approve Of Mediterranean Union
German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations
State Department: Anti-Zionism is the New Anti-Semitism
NSA Rebuilds Total Information Awareness
So What If No Lives are Saved? At Least Revenue is Increased!
William F. Buckley Jr.: the Establishment’s “House Conservative”
Senate Bill Proposes to Screen and Medicate Mothers
Liberal Mythology and the Founding Fathers
The Nonviolent Palm Sunday and the Nonviolent Holy Week of 33 AD by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
What the Price of Gold Is Telling Us by Ron Paul
Spitz Hits the Pits by Becky Akers
Rules of Citizenship by Charley Reese
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility by Greg Perry
Study suggests most Native Americans can trace some DNA back 20,000 years to just 6 women - International Herald Tribune
Tattoos: indelibly passé | csmonitor.com
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | 3.14 and the rest
rue face of Mozart revealed - Times Online
Inflation Is a Policy that Cannot Last - Thorsten Polleit - Mises Institute
Pure Fantasy: Colombia's Laptop Revelations- by Justin Raimondo
Preacher tells black-on-black criminals they're fighting wrong enemy in video
Democrat senator 'denounces' anti-American, racist rhetoric
'I look forward to continuing a relationship with a church that has done so much good'
Presidential candidate condemns words but not ministry of former pastor
Candidate's role model claims America made AIDS to wipe out blacks
Dashiki-wearing pastor has been lightning rod of controversy for decades
Indicted businessman raised $250,000 – much more than $70,000 campaign estimated
Anthropologist disliked ethnic barriers, sought to aid world's poor
Says candidates filling 'space with this stupidity about race and gender'
Influential fundraisers join fight – threaten to withold donations to party
Congress to be reimbursed for political portions of Armed Services Committee trip
Ohio televangelist, key ally, has called for eradicating Muslims' 'false religion'
Police found name on 'Denver Sugar' clients list
Instant celebrity status: 'We want this to happen as soon as possible'
Pleaded guilty this week to possession of heroin with intent to distribute
White photographer says he was terminated so job could go to black
Jonathan Falwell advises Christians on keeping away from 'perverse' temptations
'We're bracing for another round of whatever mother nature throws at us'
Bloomberg: 'This construction accident is one of the worst the city has had'
Academy's goal to 'appreciate traditions, histories of Asia, Middle East'
Muslim group bankrolled by Arab states tied to 9/11
Law firm says state statutes support parents teaching their own children
'Deal harshly with these criminals who are carrying out activities to split the nation'
Woman levitated, spoke other languages, showed paranormal powers
3 batches of drug recalled last week after 80 dialysis patients sickened
Global money woes hit, with inflation at 19%
Review of about 600,000 captured documents show cooperation with al-Qaida affiliates
'I don't think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy'
Amazed firefighters asked if they could have photo to frame for firehouse
Grabs wheel, hits brakes, after driver falls from seat, strikes head
DOT chief's admission to Senate panel contradicts administration's assurances
'Marriage won't be worth less because more can take part in it'
Investigators probe possible death threats sent to Oklahoma lawmaker
Show of force on Colombia's border heightens concerns over Russian-arms purchases
Bikini-clad performers, deal on foreign exchange await customers at nightclub
Plows into rear of car, leaves scene – accident results in woman losing legs
Aliens under influence of alcohol turning U.S. citizens into roadkill
Victim's cousin sent back to Honduras after being convicted of drug charges
Alleged scheme: Used-car dealers sold identity documents – then autos – to illegals
Yuma goes back to basics as hostility to border fences grows
Group seeks citizens willing to watch for illegals using home computer
Banks tip off government to possible money laundering, fraud
Now faces prison after loaned rifle jams
Allegedly held knife in her hand – wanted her 'learn how to kill'
Man accused of biting baby's face, buttocks, genitals
Womans' lawyer criticizes showing 1 minute of 9-hour long tape
Said he was 'calling her bluff' by giving woman loaded gun to 'snap her out of it'
Neighbors' lawsuit seeks nearly $110,000 or foreclosure on luxury apartment
'A very rare disease and there was nothing that could have been done differently'
Charged with conspiring to pay state judge $40,000 in cash for favorable ruling
13-year-old female student alleges he told her in front of class she had "nice, perky t**s.
Believes legal case could settle global-warming debate once and for all
Helped bin Laden escape from Afghanistan in 2001
'2 or 3 feet over and it would have actually entered apartments'
'If you guys keep interfering with my business, I'm going to have you arrested'
Juarez plagued by violence amid crackdown on drug cartels
'I honestly feel we are citizens of the world, not just one country'
'What if I die tomorrow? Who's going to turn off the water in the winter?'
Top climber hopes to walk across Hell Roaring Canyon on rope with no tether
'Lack of hair can only mean the brain is busy with more important functions'
'This bank is being given access to public money, and we don't know what the terms are'
'We are now experiencing the first truly major crisis of financial globalization'
How serious is this development for the future of the banking system?
S&P: Financial companies near end of major asset write-downs
'The Bear [Stearns] news seems to be blowing this market up through $1,000'
'The last phase of a sell-off is always the most extreme'
Europe travel, business costs soar
As markets buckle under renewed credit fears, these funds could profit
'Totally insensitive and unsympathetic to average working people who are being displaced'
Outbreak reminiscent of SARS could curtail activities of home buyers, suppress market
'A logical and exciting new step in our environmental commitment'
Gulfstream said its new G650 will be capable of flying faster than Boeing 747
'We must be able to pass along these costs just like other businesses do'
'Our housing is high, our food is high, and the gas prices just make it worse'
Campaign says outgoing exec will travel country on presidential candidate's behalf
Court: No legal reason child put up for adoption should share in inheritance
Housekeeper who worked 14-hour days sues homeowners over labor violations
Kickback scheme involved bulk aluminum that cost automaker about $80 million
Ashley Dupre skyrockets to online music fame after brush with governor
Rule of thumb: 'If you look at what a lawyer makes, that's what an escort makes'
Exclusive: Ellis Washington skewers Dershowitz for his defense of 'No. 9'
Exclusive: Pat Boone chronicles America's abandonment of biblical values
Exclusive: Joseph Farah believes Barack agrees with Wright's controversial views
'Please let an old black man have his anger in the privacy of his church'
Ed Lasky lays out case against senator on war, trade, Muslim regimes
Exclusive: Henry Lamb is resigned to fact next 4 years will see loss of sovereignty
Exclusive: Stephen Baskerville slams 'government behemoth' destroying families
Star Parker favors dose of reality over government 'solutions' to mortgage problems
Greg Palast decries $200 billion assistance for financial 'predators'
Exclusive: Michael Youssef urges believers not to be silent this Easter
Exclusive: Greg Laurie asserts, '1 word can set the course that our lives take'
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer asserts defending the West must include Jewish state
Obama Battles Through Bad Week
Pelosi's Delegate Stance Boosts Obama
Clinton, Obama Fight to Put Racial Controversies Behind Them
Clinton campaign: Yes on Rezko, no on Wright
Polarities Persist in Democratic Race
Negative Dem. Campaigns Turn Off Some Voters At U. Arizona
REFILE-Clinton, Obama clash despite plan to talk issues
Tale of the tape: Norman Hsu and Tony Rezko
In the Clinton-Obama Race, It’s the Pollster vs. the Ad Man
Another fight for Iowa - First Read - msnbc.com
The Associated Press: Obama, Clinton Court Iowa Activists
McCain on World Stage On Mideast, Europe Trip
For Democrats, Increased Fears of a Long Fight
Hillary's Superdelegate Explanation
Obama Decries Racial Rhetoric
McCain Links Campaign to Foreign Issues
How Iraq war reality will complicate plans of Bush's successor
Romney Is McCain's Best VP Option
McCain Veepstakes Watch
For Florida, Warnings of Complexity of Mail-In Voting
Mail Voting Wrong Answer for Florida, Michigan
Traps Ahead For Candidates On Capitol Hill, Politico: Votes On The Senate Designed For Political Impact With Three Presidential Candidates In Attendance - CBS News
Movie Stars Help With Obama Ad
Wright and Wrong
McCain: Congress 'disconnected' from Americans - CNN.com
Air Force: Pilot dead in Arizona F-16 crash
Obama in Plainfield for campaign stop
Examining the Footprints of a Governor-to-Be
The Associated Press: NY Governor-To-Be Boosts Black Pride
Alaska GOP Beset by Turmoil, Competition
Alaska Lieutenant Governor Announces Primary Run Against Young
Lawyer admits conspiracy to bribe judge
VOA News - US Reveals Capture of Another Senior al-Qaida Official
FBI questions hospitalized man at center of Las Vegas ricin case
The Associated Press: Man in Month-Old Vegas Ricin Case Wakes
Deal Reached to Keep Feral Cats
Six Signs the US Is Not Headed for War in Iran
Bush Vendetta
Assurances Offered on US Student Loans
Police: Couple Visits Bar & Leaves Child In Truck
Parents Face Child Neglect Charges After Locking Daughter in Car ...
Tibetans Clash With Chinese Police in 2nd City
'Mini Tibet' wears deserted look
Bomb In Islamabad Kills One, Injures Eleven Others
Blast Kills 1 at Restaurant in Pakistan
Iran’s hardliners surge ahead in poll
Rival wins seat, plays down row with Iran president
VOA News - Conservatives Take Early Lead in Iranian Parliamentary Elections
Albania Blast Kills 5, Injures 243
Back to reality at Heathrow's T1
Palestinians: IAF kills three in Gaza strike
Iraq Christians mourn kidnapped cleric's death
Pakistan: Bhutto party says PM candidate to be named next week
Legal Barriers Removed for Bhutto Widower to Hold Office in Pakistan
Last case against Zardari dropped
EDITORIAL:OIC, terrorism and Islamophobia
Muslims Nations: Defame Islam, Get Sued?
Senegal: Trade Preferential System to Be Put in Place in January 2009
Sudan-Chad Agreement Faces Challenges
Chad rebels dismiss peace accord
Bomb Attack in Afghanistan Kills Child
Suicide attack against coalition troops kills Afghan child
I was naive but I wasn’t negligent, says Fiona MacKeown
Goa police question mother of dead British teenager
Hu Jintao re-elected Chinese President
BBC NEWS | Africa | Chad rebels dismiss peace accord
VOA News - China's President Re-Elected to Second Term
Turkey's ruling party hits back at bid to ban it
'Sri Lanka sets an example by fighting terrorism'
Sri Lanka: US throws lifeline to Tamil Tigers
Tourist Ship Runs Aground in Greece
Blair calls for 'environment revolution'
Canada to extend Afghan mission -- maybe
EU Agrees On Climate Change Legislation
EU summit approves principle of Union for Mediterranean_English_Xinhua