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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 March 2008

17th March

Weather Channel Founder Wants To Sue Al Gore For Global Warming Fraud
Larry Silverstein Dodges Questions About Building 7's Controlled Demolition
We Are Being Bernanke’d
Is the CIA’s “Mighty Wurlitzer” Playing Geraldo Rivera?
YouTube - Ron Paul On The Alex Jones Show March 14, 2008
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Weather Channel Founder Wants To Sue Al Gore For Global Warming Fraud
No Money
Who Is Responsible for the World Food Shortage?
A Presidet Barack Obama would force American taxpayers to compensate “victims of slavery”
Bush Defends NAFTA as a “Positive Development”
President weakens espionage oversight
Chavez says US can ’shove’ terror list
Stock Guru Granville: We’re in a Crash
Kosovo clashes force UN pullout
New Orleans’ homeless rate swells to 1 in 25
Louisiana City Wants to Require Surveillance Cameras
The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked
US Military committed War Crimes in Fallujah: Open Letter to the International Criminal Court of Justice
$175 for a Barrel of Oil?
Pulaski County Uses New License Plate Scanner
D.C. gun ban’s effectiveness questioned
Are You Prepared For A Hundred Years War On Terror?
McCain says al Qaeda might try to tip U.S. election
A Presidet Barack Obama would force American taxpayers to compensate “victims of slavery”
China Accuses Tibetan Protesters of Killing Innocent People
Globalist EU Leaders Approve Of Mediterranean Union
Welcome To The Second Great Depression
Mad Bomber McCain’s Three AM Call
A Full Range of New World Order Minions
Ron Paul warns of Worldwide Economic Collapse
Ed Koch Faults Giuliani for Destroying Evidence 9/11 Crime Scene
Clinton role in health program disputed - The Boston Globe
FOXNews.com - California Student Stops Out-of-Control School Bus; Gets Detention for Skipping Class - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Bush is genocidal terrorist, says Chavez | NEWS.com.au
Natural protein may provide cure for main causes of blindness - Times Online
FOXNews.com - Report: Planned Parenthood Apologizes for Encouraging Donation Aimed at Aborting Black Babies - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Not talking to al-Qaeda 'silly'
Conference eyes American-Indian sovereignty - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Health provider predicts big loss - The Boston Globe
Prominent rabbi to yeshiva heads: Don't hire Arabs - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Foreign investors veto Fed rescue - Telegraph
Fed Primed to Cut Key Interest Rate: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
4 FBI Agents Hurt in Islamabad Blast - washingtonpost.com
Lawyer in D.C. Gun Case Doesn't Own One
China Blocks News, Internet Searches - March 17, 2008 - The New York Sun
China warns of harsh reply to Tibet 'criminals' - Telegraph
D.C.'s Gun Ban Gets Day in Court - washingtonpost.com
Al-Qaeda 'wants $8.3m for hostages' | NEWS.com.au
Cancer chemical' in soy sauce | NEWS.com.au
U.S. boosts deportation of illegals - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
CBS Has Barack's Back: Wright's Words Compared to Those of Jesus | NewsBusters.org
HOLY TERROR - New York Post
FOXNews.com - Former N.J. Gov. McGreevey Confirms Reports of Three-Way Sex With Wife and Aide - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Bear Bailout: Employees’ Fortunes Vanish
Obama Talks about Unity in Indiana
Obama Praising Wright Last Year
Clinton Calls for Action Over Words
Cramer: Don't Sell Bear Stearns
Obama Watch
Sen. Ensign Talks About the NRSC
Obama Denounces Reverend Wright
Obama on Hannity and Colmes
Remembering McCain's Time as a POW
Obama Camp Fires Back on Iraq
Obama Praising Wright Last Year
McCain Interviewed in Iraq
Few Americans Satisfied with the Direction of the Country
Clinton Talks About Senate Discussion With Obama
Obama Denounces Reverend Wright
Senator Obama on Olbermann
ABC News: Obama in Cross Hairs for Pastor Remarks
rong on Wright: Which Obama is Lying?
Daily Kos: The Clinton civil war
Falwell and Wright
Nancy Pelosi's Not-So-Secret Support for Obama | The New York Observer
ON DEADLINE: Obama walks arrogance line - Yahoo! News
Economic Chaos, Political Consequences
AEI - Short Publications - Beyond the Noise on Free Trade
Why US is the great democracy | The Australian
J.P. Morgan Buys Bear in Fire Sale, As Fed Widens Credit to Avert Crisis - WSJ.com
The B Word - New York Times
White Male Vote Especially Critical - washingtonpost.com
Gary Younge: Ranking race against gender is the first step towards fundamentalism | Comment is free | The Guardian
Peter Wehner on Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright on National Review Online
Trying Times for Trinity | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Generation Obama? Perhaps Not. - New York Times
Democrats risk losing a generation | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Bill sets the trap of a Clinton-Obama ticket
McCain's Free Ride
ABC News: Upward Spiral? Iraq's Improved Hopes
Zakaria: Stuck in the Iraq Loop | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek.com
Salvaging Our North Korea Policy - WSJ.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - We will never have a perfect model of risk
Facing up to debt contagion - Opinion - USATODAY.com
The Buck Stops Where? - WSJ.com
Tibet's nonviolent path | csmonitor.com
Losing the lead: American dominance of human spaceflight could soon become a thing of the past | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Church accuses media of 'crucifixion' - Lisa Lerer and Mike Allen - Politico.com
Obama Under Fire As Personal Ties Stir Controversy - WSJ.com
McCain Arrives in Iraq, Plans to Meet Maliki - washingtonpost.com
Iraqis See a Candidate’s Agenda in McCain’s Visit - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democracy in Retreat
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Time to Buy Hillary Clinton
Clinton's Iraq Speech at GWU
Barack Obama on "The NewsHour"
Secretary Paulson on "Fox News Sunday"
More murderous mayhem in Mexico
Centuries-old clash continues over disputed commandment
4th century church banned observing Saturday at risk of excommunication
Town votes to erect barrier to keep out criminals from neighboring district
More than 280,000 in 2007 compared to 186,000 in 2006
'In order for this wall not to be built on a foundation of illegality and lawlessness'
Removes radical 'Black Value System' from church 'About Us' page
Preacher tells black-on-black criminals they're fighting wrong enemy
Pressed to address issue amid controversy over pastor
DNC stripped state of its delegates because of early vote
Fallout continues over pastor's racist, inflammatory remarks
Democrat senator 'denounces' anti-American, racist rhetoric
Had 8 point advantage over Hillary Friday, now down to 3
'The divisions will make it more difficult for many of our candidates'
Weeklong trip also includes stops in Israel, Jordan, Britain, France
Exclusive: Rev. Wright lays 'hope' and 'change' to final rest
Ron Paul blames worthless currency, exhausted military for nation's fall
Spokesman: 'We will continue to balance the equilibrium of terror with the Zionists'
Official Fatah delegation eulogizes planner of bloody shooting attack
Benedict says war has 'provoked the breakup of their civil and social life'
Says millions in country have no access to drinking water, sanitation, health care
Exclusive: Chuck Norris backs 'neutrality challenge,' observing 5 years since invasion
Top choice gives ABCs of making a statement with your money
Former Beatle's ex-wife reportedly sought twice that amount
Rescuers search demolished townhouse, accident killed 4 workers
Planned Parenthood calls employee's remarks 'serious mistake'
Family films fare 438% better than R-rated in latest study
'Unfortunately, we were unable to come to terms on a new agreement'
BBC under fire for 'misleading' public in new drama of Christ's death
Academy's goal to 'appreciate traditions, histories of Asia, Middle East'
Patrick Henry College's goal is launching leaders for Christ
Global money woes hit, with inflation at 19%
Law firm says state statutes support parents teaching their own children
President seeks to calm financial markets, praises Federal Reserve actions
Bank's meltdown seen as sign that credit crunch worsening
NYC surgeon warning: 'It's not surprising that it has been found in cosmetic surgery'
Countries fail to keep up with rapid progress made in earlier years
Cheerleading: 'Charlie! Charlie! He's our man. If he can't do it, nobody can!'
Sandwich described as 'hot, sexy and you save $4,291.01'
'Most insane waste of taxpayer money that I have seen in my 8 years in Congress'
Women claim therapist indecently touched them
'He does what they do, including showing a lot of leg'
Democrats exposed: 'She was there, she knew what was happening, she made the moves'
'This happened in the past, and now we need to move on with our lives'
Story verified by teen's knowledge of flower, bug tattoos on woman
'I can't help but believe that she was where God wanted her to be'
Public defender calls charge by police 'beyond belief'
Man drinking made 'improper statement' to passenger of Mideast descent
Guatemalan national in America illicitly for at least 5 years
'The photos are genuine. The tales that go with them are Internet fantasy'
Havana inviting foreign companies to explore its probable reserves
'I never would have guessed it's so old'
Amid suspicion some spying for 'hostile' Western nations
Family built unique house because 'they liked to do unusual things'
Rages against Paul McCartney, judge, McCartney's lawyer in divorce case
'Will unwaveringly protect its national sovereignty and territorial integrity'
Adds to communist government's efforts to control what public sees
So Chinese can carry Olympic torch to summit without risking confrontation
Court accepts man's claim he'd been using device to ward off cold
23 clients have walked in front door, been carried out at back in box
'I called Wal-Mart and they very rude with me about it'
Liberal immigration laws transform people of Emerald Isle
Seeks to calm financial markets, praises Federal Reserve actions
Becomes lender of last resort for Wall Street investment houses
Bank's meltdown seen as sign that credit crunch worsening
'This is going to go down in very historic terms'
Tax rebates of $600 for most individuals, $1,200 for middle-income couples
'People are confused. They are in a reactive mode'
Precious metal source to $1,021.40 per ounce in Asian trading
Stoppages by miners ... and ongoing power cuts in South Africa have hampered supplies'
Offers to lend money to longer list of firms than ever before
'Will provide financial institutions with greater assurance of access to funds'
Volatility in currency rates 'obviously worries people'
Company accused of funding terrorists who killed New Tribes Mission members
Stunning collapse for one of world's largest, most storied investment banks
Questioning authority to approve because it involves non-bank institution
How serious is this development for the future of the banking system?
Daily Gallup: Only 6% of Americans are positive in their outlook
'People are saying, well, things are a lot worse than we thought'
Gulf Coast states had the cheapest regional price, Boston had lowest city price
'It is financial speculators, the weak dollar and funds driving the price'
Hannaford Bros. says problem led to 1,800 cases of fraud
Say state didn't have enough proof they cause psychological harm
Spokesman: 'There's a much larger potential market'
Novell says MS 'deliberately targeted and destroyed' its WordPerfect, QuattroPro
Think twice before you swipe that card, because everything is being tracked
Biggest opening of year with $45.1 million
By agreeing to support 2 people nominated by hedge fund as directors
'Kids come in saying their fathers and grandfathers came here'
Alcoholic beverage comes in bottle resembling vial of perfume
'They're strapped and a win for them on this one would be a huge upside'
Exclusive: William J. Federer reveals Irish missionary gave all credit to God
Congressman joins commentary lineup with 'Texas Straight Talk' column
Exclusive: Vox Day predicts long-expected recession is finally on America's doorstep
Exclusive: Joseph Farah slaps religious left for confusing good intentions, lofty rhetoric
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson warns Obama about 'hanging around with trouble kids'
Exclusive: Doug Powers shows 'even liberal Democrats have a radical Wright wing'
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith contends attending church shows Obama's poor judgment
Exclusive: Readers blast Catholics, Rev. Wright, WND 'gossip'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah believes Barack agrees with Wright's controversial views
Exclusive: Chuck Norris backs 'neutrality challenge,' observing 5 years since invasion
Robert Fisk: Executioners are part of frightening legacy of George Bush's Iraq invasion
Exclusive: Michael Ackley provides glimpse into Spitzer's thoughts during resignation
Mark Sanford: Presidential election offers real choice in how to address fiscal mess
Marsha West: Left thinks 'moralists' shouldn't stop young, 'gays' from spreading STDs
Paterson Becomes New York's First Black Governor
New York governor sworn in amid financial woes
Florida Democrats drop bid to stage primary re-run
How Wrong is Wright?
Obama to Give Speech on Race Tomorrow
Pilot charged in San Francisco Bay Bridge spill
Ship's Pilot Charged in SF Bay Oil Spill
High court to review DC handgun ban
Gun-control case divides administration - UPI.com
Historic case may decide U.S. gun rights | csmonitor.com
Seventh Body Recovered at Crane Site
Death toll in NY crane collapse up to seven
'State secrets' privilege fuels surveillance bill battle
Court found recantations didn't indicate Davis not guilty
Man in Wheelchair Carjacks Hotel Van Outside San Francisco Airport
Man gets out of wheelchair, takes hotel van on joyride at SFO
Judge Orders Return of Cars to Ex-Cop
Massachusettes Considers Games-As-Porn Bill
Man Shot in Standoff at Colo. Hospital
Reiser wanted custody of both kids
Body that washed ashore identified as missing Larkspur sailor
Rezko witness ties Blagojevich's father-in-law to kickback plan
Witness: Rezko codefendant dropped Ald. Mell's name
Man Says Ricin Belonged to His Brother
ABC News: Man in Month-Old Vegas Ricin Case Wakes
Marine One one expensive helicopter
Spitzer will leave Gonzaga presidency
Harvard student killed by tractor-trailer
Student who stopped careening bus in Seaside going on national TV
UN urges restraint, sees little role so far in Tibet
Kosovo Serb rioters clash with UN and NATO forces
Female Suicide Bomber Kills 43 in Iraq
McCain Visits Iraq, Clinton Promises to End War
Clinton warns of 100-year war as Iraq hits the hustings
Police charge girl abduction suspect
Man charged with Shannon kidnap
For Iran, Iraq is a two-edged sword
Stormy Parliament Ahead for Ahmadinejad
Top US officials say "impressed" by Russia's Medvedev
Russian, US officials see chance for better ties
French elections a blow for Sarkozy's conservatives
Sarkozy's team, weakened by electoral defeat, takes on economic ...
Pakistani Parliament opens with a power shift
VOA News - Pakistan's Parliament Convenes
Millions mark Saint Patrick's Day with parades, parties
Cheney Warns Against Large Cuts in Iraq
Albania Minister Quits Over Blast
Defence minister quits over Albania army base blast
Albanian defence minister resigns
Pakistan restaurant attack targets Westerners
Olmert Says Building Settlements to Continue in East Jerusalem
Israel Still Building in East Jerusalem
Glaciers suffer record shrinkage
Political Crisis in Turkey Deepens
Turkey wrestles with Islam's place
Australia finds WWII mystery ship
Discovery may solve mystery of how warship was sunk with all hands
Israeli, German Cabinets Meet Jointly
Colombia raid scuttled release of Betancourt: husband
Four dead in latest attacks in Afghanistan
Florida Democrats Won't Hold Re-Do Primary
Attorney: DNC violates Constitution - CNN.com
Clinton request to check names nixed
Clintons Prod Dems on Delegate Strength
Clinton struggles with loss of black support
Poll: Majority of Democrats prefer Obama
Obama, Clinton Brace For Deadlock
Bill Clinton Rejects Criticism Over Race
Ferraro's Barack Problem
Rwanda: What We Should Learn From the American Democratic Party ...
Clinton and Obama Court Western Pennsylvania Voters
Obama and the Wright-Wing Conspiracy
Clintons to trek across Indiana
Rapper DMX hasn't heard of Obama
Senator Barack Obama Arrives in Scranton
McCain adds Bay Area high-tech titan to team
eBay's Whitman to Co-Chair McCain Campaign
Obama Stumps In Plainfield
Obama says he still considers Rezko a friend
Obama haunted by friend's help securing dream house
Polarities Persist in Democratic Race
Heard the Joke About the Florida Mail-In Ballot?
'Voter Fraud' Phantom Returns to Haunt Policy Makers and Voters ...
Editorial: GOP should quit playing games with immigration
McCain Must Appease both Hispanics and Conservatives on Immigration
Books by candidates offer glimpses into personalities